ASI Video Magazine

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AVMN

Program Code: AVMN000014

00:01 ASI is a ministry that's networking all these
00:03 different ministries together with the church
00:05 and lay people. Being involved with ASI,
00:06 meeting other people. ASI convention is an
00:09 excellent opportunity, just a great opportunity.
00:12 In ASI, there is a particular fellow.
00:14 ASI is really the stamp, it's the glue
00:16 that holds all the ministries together.
00:31 Welcome to ASI Video Magazine.
00:33 I'm Conna Bond. As an ASI Member
00:36 Organization Outpost Centers International or
00:38 OCI has been sharing Christ in the
00:40 marketplace for a very long time.
00:43 Based in Apison, Tennessee OCI is actually
00:45 a family of lay ministries located all over
00:47 the world. Each ministry works with the local
00:50 Adventist church leadership to strengthen
00:52 the church and its mission. Today, we will
00:54 visit two of those ministries that
00:56 are sharing Christ in Africa.
01:01 Riverside Farm Institute was established
01:03 in the 1970s by Wildwood another ASI and OCI
01:07 member. Its large gardens and banana
01:09 plantations help to support the ministry located
01:12 on the edge of the Kafue River in Zambia, Africa.
01:21 Riverside Farm a tremendous ministry,
01:23 it's been in existence for close to
01:25 30 years and in a very diverse program
01:31 and then we have a tremendous means
01:32 of support a very active farm.
01:35 They grow maze, they have a mill,
01:38 which grinds maze into a flour which is one
01:41 of the staple foods in Zambia and
01:43 a fantastic banana plantation.
01:51 One of the great strength of Riverside
01:52 Farm Institute is division that the original
01:57 founder or start of this place had.
01:59 This was Dr. Foster, he was a doctor who
02:01 worked in Lusaka had a medical practice
02:03 and he liked farms and he bought this
02:05 place in the 1950s from a British farmer.
02:08 At that time of course it was a smaller
02:10 much smaller undertaking then it is
02:12 currently, but he saw the potential of the
02:15 place because it was immediately along the
02:17 river which is a huge asset to now that
02:20 we are using everyday almost and then
02:22 he saw that it was close to the town where
02:24 just about an hours drive from the capital,
02:27 so these strategic location is just perfect.
02:30 It's exactly what Ellen White says should be
02:32 the case for ozur lifestyle centers and
02:33 we are greatly benefiting from that today.
02:39 Our primary purpose really is four fold.
02:41 Number one, we are trying to be self
02:44 supporting meaning that our operational
02:46 expenses is generated through our
02:48 industries. Number two, we are trying to
02:50 be active in Evangelism and we are and
02:52 the Lord is blessing greatly. Number three,
02:54 we are trying to provide community services.
02:58 We do this through mobile clinics.
02:59 We do it through our static clinic,
03:02 vaccination programs, children under
03:04 five and to natal care, etc. We are also
03:07 doing it through our lifestyle centre,
03:08 where we reach upper and middle classes
03:10 and finally we are also very active and have
03:13 always been in education. So, we are offering
03:16 four adult education programs.
03:19 One in tailoring for women, who want to
03:21 learn how to make their cloth. Then we
03:23 have a scientific gardening seminar,
03:26 where people come either self sponsored
03:28 maybe the sugar industry sponsor
03:31 somebody, so that they learn more about
03:33 agriculture, horticulture and then go back
03:35 to work on their farm and we also have
03:38 an Evangelism program where we train
03:39 potentially lay Bible workers to go out
03:41 and work with Pastors, with lay
03:44 Evangelists and raise new congregations are
03:46 helping their churches and finally we also have
03:48 a Medical Missionary Program and we
03:50 train people to be medical missionaries
03:52 using natural remedies.
04:00 Our course goes for four months,
04:02 and now they have done just about one and
04:05 a half month. So they have gone so far.
04:12 After they are done, some they have
04:14 their own machines at home, some go
04:16 and buy their machines and they start
04:17 working yeah on their own when they leave
04:21 this place they are really tailors.
04:23 Because here they are making their suits,
04:25 so they continue making their own
04:27 clothes and some for selling.
04:37 We do devotion here. We share the Word of
04:41 God, not only sewing yeah. And when that
04:47 they go out there they have to make sure
04:48 the clothes they make it brings glory to God.
04:54 Our students when they come here,
04:55 they come to learn gardening most of
04:58 them only gardening, but when they
05:00 come here we share with them every week.
05:02 They learn the Word of God. They learn
05:04 health lessons. And so it helps them to
05:08 change their lifestyle habits and also
05:11 grow spiritually. Almost every year we
05:15 baptize some of our students who are
05:17 non-SDAs, because you know,
05:19 the tailoring course and the gardening
05:21 course is open to people of all faiths and
05:24 those who don't profess any faith.
05:27 And so students learn more than what
05:31 they applied for. That is a big
05:33 blessing to the communities.
05:53 ASI has been supportive to both OCI
05:55 and his members in lots of ways primarily
05:58 there is that spiritual dynamic at an ASI
06:00 convention, where you hear reports in
06:03 your fellowship. OCI and its members get
06:06 that spiritual benefit as well ASI has
06:09 been a tremendous resource financially
06:12 to help a lot of projects. For example,
06:15 Riverside is able to take care of its own
06:18 operating costs. It supports its own
06:19 Evangelism, all its salaries through its
06:23 industries, but when Riverside had the
06:25 vision of starting a lifestyle centre we
06:27 needed some extra help, some capital
06:29 funding and ASI came through a very
06:32 strategic time for us to get us over an
06:34 important hump in order to
06:36 get the lifestyle centre going.
06:40 The centre officially opened in 2006,
06:44 the beginning of 2006, but it took a
06:47 period of about two years in the planning
06:49 and the construction and getting it
06:50 altogether before the actual opening.
06:57 The visitors coming here to our centre
06:59 are mostly from the city Lusaka.
07:02 We are aiming at the higher income groups,
07:04 so we have many government officials,
07:07 ministers from the government that are
07:11 coming here. I think one of the most
07:13 interesting high profile visitors we have had
07:15 at our centre is a visit by his Excellency
07:19 Dr. Kenneth Kaunda who is the first
07:21 President of Zambia. Now he has played
07:24 a very important role in the government,
07:27 in the history of Zambia and the people love
07:30 him and His Excellency retired and yet
07:34 he is still full of energy, but he felt a
07:37 need to come to the centre to
07:38 just get a little kick start again.
07:43 And I've been a vegetarian ever since,
07:46 and I've enjoyed it. When I came
07:48 here, stayed here, I've felt at home.
07:55 I think by the time guests come to the
07:57 centre when they have made the decision.
07:59 They are reasonably open, but they have
08:03 some uncertainty, some fears maybe.
08:06 When they start on the program and they
08:09 experience plant based foods, a two
08:12 meal a day plan. That is little bit
08:15 threatening to them. In the first two,
08:17 three days I think a lot of adaptation
08:19 takes place, but once they come through to
08:21 the fourth day, the fifth day. They start
08:24 flying and then you hear the positive
08:26 responses and then they get enthusiastic
08:28 and then the fears are gone.
08:31 I learned to have my breakfast and enjoy it,
08:36 to have my lunch and enjoy it,
08:40 but no supper. It just affected my
08:46 life very well indeed. And I'm grateful.
08:58 ASI has been a major impact on our
09:02 campus here. They have helped us with
09:07 the dormitory you see behind us here.
09:10 The Wellness Center that we have up on
09:12 the hill, there are major factor in helping
09:14 get that up and running for us.
09:16 Cafeteria is one of our projects that was
09:19 about ten years ago before that it was
09:22 just a little hole in the wall where they
09:25 squeezed in and some of them had to come
09:26 in and as some left others could fed into
09:29 their and it was a kind of a tight quarters,
09:31 but its been a real blessing the Cafeteria.
09:37 One of them are recent projects ASI has
09:39 contributed to us are, enlarging our banana
09:42 plantation. The bananas have been a
09:45 basis of our economic viability here
09:48 at Riverside for so many years.
09:51 As long as Riverside has been a farm,
09:53 before it was bought by Dr. Foster it
09:55 was already a banana place and its still
09:57 is. And with the help of ASI, we were able
09:59 to bridge a huge problem that we had
10:01 in 2005 when the whole banana plantation had
10:04 to be ploughed under and destroyed thousands
10:06 of trees are machetes their call had
10:08 to be destroyed because of the virus
10:10 disease and with the help of ASI we were
10:12 able to restart it and it is doing quite okay
10:15 now. We are still scouting vigilantly and
10:19 we are able to harvest 500 tons in one
10:22 year and we are on track to keep
10:24 going and growing even more.
10:31 The growing of bananas like that helps
10:37 ordinary people come and learn how to
10:40 do that. What is in many ways more
10:44 important is the spiritual side of teaching
10:50 here. It is extremely important.
10:55 It's practical. They help many other young
10:57 people to learn how to look after themselves
11:02 physically, to look after themselves
11:04 spiritually. It's the center of great
11:08 importance in my humble opinion.
11:11 The main goals have been to, you know,
11:14 to hasten the coming of Jesus; to reach
11:16 people, many Zambians who don't know
11:21 about God and about the preparation for
11:25 the life to come. That our life is not just
11:28 this life, but there is a life to come.
11:31 So that has been our main interest in the
11:35 people. It is to help people with the
11:38 Gospel and with better living.
11:40 Well, I'll say to everybody who wants to
11:42 start a project like this. It's only possible
11:45 with plenty of self sacrifice. If we are,
11:48 where we are now and we are truly a
11:49 lighthouse to many people. There are
11:51 thousands of people that have come to
11:53 Riverside as either a staff, but many many
11:55 come as visitors also. We send our workers
11:58 out sometimes to conduct to go to churches
12:00 to share what churches do, seminars in
12:02 churches and all of that is only possible
12:04 because before us many people have been
12:06 willing to sacrifice to come here and
12:09 selflessly serve for very little money under
12:11 difficult circumstances. Its blood, sweat and
12:14 tears, but they have come back and gone
12:16 back blessed and they have not regretted it.
12:22 There are so many people who are
12:24 looking for opportunities to go and
12:27 God has opened doors for them whether
12:30 it's coming on a mission trip to Zambia,
12:33 I welcome. Whether it's helping
12:36 financially in the projects that ASI is
12:39 supporting and we are doing here at
12:41 Riverside Farm. Those are great blessings
12:46 as God opens that opportunity to be
12:48 able to make a difference both in your
12:49 lives and the people's life that you can touch.
12:54 Riverside Farm is a Tranquil Paradise
12:56 where Zambians can learn about health
12:58 and healing and about the God who loves
13:00 them and will soon return to take them
13:01 home. Riverside Farm is just one example
13:04 of ASI members working together and
13:06 responding to a unique calling on their
13:08 lives. For more information about Riverside
13:11 Farm Institute visit the Out Post
13:14 Centers International website
13:15 at www.
13:20 Youth for Jesus is really great experience.
13:22 Hearing all the difference speakers.
13:24 You learn how stand up for your faith.
13:26 You learn how to share with others,
13:28 you make friends that will last your
13:29 lifetime. It's indescribable. If you
13:32 want an experience with God, if you want
13:34 your life to be changed. You have to come
13:36 to the Youth for Jesus program.
13:38 You will wanna comeback every year.
13:50 There is a passion that is infectious at ASI.
13:54 Everybody is so passionate about Jesus.
13:58 It's a blessing every time just to rub
14:00 shoulders with people that are excited.
14:02 If you have a passion for Jesus.
14:04 You are gonna find no place that I know
14:06 of where you will find more passion
14:08 by more people than being at ASI.
14:21 Kibidula Farm in Tanzania, Africa is a
14:23 place where seeds are sown and crops
14:25 are grown, but it's so much more than
14:27 that. As a member of OCI's family
14:30 of ministries, it takes ASI's model of
14:33 sharing Christ in the marketplace to new
14:35 heights. Kibidula was established on a
14:37 4776 acre farm in 1989 by a team from
14:42 Riverside Farm Institute. It has a
14:45 dental clinic, an aviation center,
14:47 an agricultural school and a primary
14:49 school, but Kibidula's main focus is
14:52 publishing books in Swahili language and
14:54 training lay missionaries to support
14:55 the work of the Tanzania union
14:57 of Seventh-Day Adventist.
15:10 Kibidula is in the Southern Highlands of
15:12 Tanzania, which is somewhere over 6000
15:15 feet in elevation here. Which makes for
15:18 a fairly cool climate considering, where in
15:21 Africa and on our campus we have a lot
15:24 of nature, we have the Acacia trees which
15:27 is that typical flat top African tree
15:31 that you picture in a African savanna
15:35 with the giraffe in the background.
15:37 Kibidula borders a large marsh land that's
15:41 canoeing that can we done on the marsh
15:42 land. It's a beautiful place to live.
15:47 This originally was a farm belonging
15:50 to a colonial farmer in South Africa and
15:54 when the country gained its independence
15:56 in the 1960s. He decided to return to
16:00 South Africa, so he left the whole farm
16:03 to the Adventist Church. The church
16:06 really was not able to do too much with
16:08 the place. They didn't have the money to
16:10 invest the resources, so it was with a
16:12 caretaker for most of the years from the
16:14 1960s to the late 80s when they asked
16:19 Riverside Farm if they might be able to
16:21 do something with the place. Riverside came
16:25 and looked at the place, made an agreement
16:27 with the church here and formed the team
16:31 and they moved to this place
16:33 and started really from scratch.
16:40 The main focus is Evangelism and important
16:47 part that has become more and more
16:49 important to us is the part of education.
16:56 Education is not available to every
16:58 person in Tanzania. Many people have never
17:02 even finished a secondary school and a
17:04 high school and to get any kind of
17:08 training here, you know it's almost a
17:10 pre-records that you have to have high
17:11 school. We offer our training in Evangelism.
17:16 It's the only possibility many people ever
17:19 have to get any schooling along those
17:22 lines, we don't require secondary school
17:25 you know we take everyone as they come.
17:28 After they finish our school and have
17:30 worked as a lay missionary out in the
17:32 village several of our successful lay missionaries
17:36 have been hired by the Church as pastors,
17:39 so its like a stepping stone that
17:43 no where else could define that.
17:46 I think the Evangelism around here is
17:50 the Evangelism that they secured
17:53 towards people at the lower socioeconomic
18:00 level and one of the main needs is are
18:05 the basic, basic needs of life and that's
18:07 where agriculture also comes
18:10 in and plays, plays the role.
18:12 My name is Jean- Luc Waber. I come
18:16 from Switzerland, I was born in Africa
18:20 and come around and yeah I got the
18:24 virus for Africa, so I came back eight
18:27 years ago. First, I came here to be a
18:31 farm manager of this big farm and then
18:35 we had the opportunity to start this
18:37 training program and that's what we
18:39 really think is important is to train the young
18:42 people. So, they learned small scale
18:50 agriculture by hand and then working with
18:55 animals. In the second year, they have
18:58 tailoring class especially the girls and
19:01 we wanted to, for the boys to have the
19:05 carpentry class and building experience,
19:09 but the idea is that they learn by doing,
19:11 by working in the fields and
19:13 getting experience and not
19:15 just theoretical knowledge.
19:18 We do a week study program.
19:20 In the morning, we do the classes and
19:22 afternoon we do some other work around
19:25 here. You know how to do the cleaning,
19:27 maybe get firewood, maybe getting to the
19:29 gardening, different kind of activities and
19:31 then it was the end of the session we
19:34 normally go out of way two to three weeks
19:35 of Evangelistic meeting. Now, we give them
19:39 the opportunity to put into practice
19:41 those things that we have
19:42 been learning in a class.
19:51 The primary school was launched when
19:54 we decided to start the
19:57 program for our workers children.
20:03 Some of the challenges of getting the
20:04 school going was the registration.
20:10 We, it took us like three years to become
20:12 registered and so for the longest time
20:15 we didn't have that many students
20:17 because people were afraid that
20:19 maybe we will be close down,
20:21 but at the end of 2007, we got registered
20:28 and after that its just exploded. And we are
20:30 not even taking a thought of the
20:33 people that would actually like to come.
20:35 So there is a big potential.
20:37 Just starting next month, we planned
20:39 to begin construction on new classrooms
20:44 for the primary school. The idea is to use the
20:47 One Day Church structure and put up about
20:51 three new classrooms and a teacher's office.
20:59 Kibidula Farms has a very strong aviation
21:02 program, where the Bible workers are
21:07 supported through the aviation program
21:09 where they go out and they will bring
21:11 supplies and own ministry to the Bible
21:13 workers and that aviation program
21:15 got its initial jump start through ASI.
21:19 What we have been doing in the last
21:22 two years is supporting lay missionaries.
21:26 The hard of what this thing should be
21:27 doing is medical, but we don't have a
21:30 doctor right now, so we have been
21:32 taking the missionary support.
21:35 We have 32 lay Bible workers.
21:38 We have runways accessing above half
21:43 of them and others are not in this areas
21:46 are too far away, completely out of range,
21:49 so we haven't been able to reach them at all.
21:51 It is a big interest of ours.
21:54 A major focus that we spread the Gospel
21:58 in areas that no one else is reaching
22:01 so far and these are tend to be the most
22:05 remote areas. That hardest to get to places.
22:08 If there is a big vast area with no
22:10 Adventists, it really takes a long time for
22:13 that area to get covered and so we are
22:15 trying to start in the middle of those
22:16 areas and branch out from there.
22:24 [Foreign Lanaguage]
22:39 Well, Swahili is a major language in this
22:41 world. There is not a lot of available
22:45 resources in Swahili. You don't get
22:49 spirit prophecy books are very many of
22:52 them that have been translated into Swahili.
22:55 You know in our school of agriculture
22:56 we teach basics in agriculture,
22:58 but if someone wants to advance,
23:00 usually you find books in the area in the
23:03 line that you want to go into and so
23:07 without being able to use English you are
23:09 very limited in how you can study,
23:11 how you can go on or communicate
23:13 with anyone from the outside.
23:15 We felt the need for a long time
23:18 to so publish the books in Swahili.
23:21 The publishing work of Kibidula has grown
23:23 over the last, I would say seven or
23:26 eight years as far as I remember.
23:29 They have now reached a level where
23:30 we operate 22 book stores all over
23:32 the Tanzania. We are also creating new books.
23:36 Yeah, that's an important part now that
23:38 we are translating books either from
23:40 English or from German we have
23:42 been doing that into Swahili.
23:46 I see myself as we are calling
23:48 ourselves a supporting ministry.
23:50 I don't see myself so much being upfront
23:53 and doing the Evangelism effort for
23:55 example myself preaching myself, but I
23:57 would rather try to empower the local
24:00 people give them the tools in the hands
24:02 that they need to do the work. We have
24:04 just received now two containers from
24:06 Livebearers to extract in Swahili language.
24:10 So, we encourage church members and our
24:12 own lay missionaries to go out
24:13 and do Bible studies with the people
24:16 in their local language.
24:18 Every program has an Evangelistic aspect;
24:21 our main focus is on true education
24:25 which is basically the work of redemption.
24:31 Our goal is not mainly just to give them
24:35 some theoretical knowledge or just few
24:39 techniques to improve their lives,
24:42 but our main goal is to build character.
24:46 And we see with the young people if
24:49 they learn to grow their character to be
24:52 faithful, to be trustworthy, to be religion
24:56 tends to take upon responsibility for their
24:59 lives. If they grasp this and learn this they
25:04 have learned the most important thing
25:06 and then naturally to know Jesus.
25:16 In the morning all three groups meet
25:19 in the second farm unit, which is in the
25:21 middle and they have worshiped together.
25:24 They sing nice songs. It is nice to hear
25:28 them the quire when they sing in
25:31 church or when we are at this place.
25:43 There are several projects that ASI
25:45 funds have contributed to.
25:48 There is the first thing that comes to
25:52 my mind is the roof over Africa program
25:57 that we run in the past, where Kibidula was
26:01 involved being helping the Adventist churches
26:05 to be roofed in the territory of Tanzania.
26:09 A part of these school buildings and
26:12 also of the agricultural farm units
26:16 out there they were sponsored by ASI.
26:19 Then another program is the lay missionary
26:23 school which has profited also from
26:28 contributions toward the agricultural school.
26:32 Another part is a vehicle for the lay
26:36 missionary school that has
26:38 been funded partially by ASI.
26:43 The main sponsor for the agricultural
26:45 school was with Switzerland, but major
26:49 big part was also ASI. So, we are glad
26:52 that these two organizations enabled
26:56 us to do this, this program here.
27:00 Many ASI members have never have
27:01 the opportunity to visit Africa,
27:03 but their presence is felt here through
27:05 prayer and sacrificial giving. At each
27:08 ASI convention a special projects offering
27:10 is gathered to support missions like
27:12 Riverside Farm Institute and Kibidula Farm.
27:15 We love to have you join us at the next ASI
27:17 Convention. It will change your life and
27:20 best of all it will give you a vision for
27:22 how you can share Christ in your
27:23 marketplace. Visit
27:28 for more information about ASI or
27:30 the next ASI Convention. I'm Conna Bond
27:34 and you have been watching a special
27:35 edition of ASI Video Magazine brought
27:37 to you from right here in
27:38 the heart of Southern Africa.
27:40 Join us next time for more stories of
27:42 how ASI members are sharing Christ
27:44 in the marketplace. God be with you.


Revised 2014-12-17