Series Code: AVMN
Program Code: AVMN000012
00:01 ASI is a Ministry that's networking all these
00:03 different ministries together with the church 00:05 and lay people. Being involved with ASI, 00:06 meeting other people. ASI convention is 00:08 an excellent opportunity, just a great opportunity. 00:11 In ASI, there is a particular fellow. 00:14 ASI is really the stamp, it's the glue that holds 00:16 all the ministries together. 00:27 Welcome to ASI Video Magazine, I am 00:29 Dan Houghton. I have been an ASI member 00:31 for many years now and I'm continually amazed 00:35 by the wide variety of affective ministries that 00:38 ASI members are involved in. No matter 00:41 where they are or what they do. ASI members 00:44 are committed to sharing Christ in the market place. 00:48 Today we are going to meet two ASI members 00:51 who exemplify that commitment. 00:54 Darry Campbell, who lives in Wisconsin and 00:56 is the plant manager for Roads International 00:59 a distributor of frozen bread products. 01:02 Darry is active in evangelism at home 01:04 right in Wisconsin. And he and his wife give 01:07 Bible studies to numerous individuals. 01:10 For a number of years now Darry and his wife 01:13 have also held evangelistic meetings in 01:15 Thailand resulting in more than 200 baptisms. 01:19 We'd like to welcome each of you here we 01:21 have, have a large group from Madison. 01:26 My old friend Gerard Collins has visited us a 01:30 couple times and he brought some friends 01:33 and I think they are going to be sharing 01:37 some things with us this afternoon not with the 01:41 Church but giving a testimony of some of 01:45 the work that's been happening in Madison. 01:47 How many of you heard about ASI? ASI stands 01:51 for Adventist-Layman's Services and Industries. 01:55 You know some of us are officially ASI 01:59 members, but in truth we are all ASI members. 02:04 The model of ASI is sharing God in the 02:07 market place. And the market place is 02:10 whatever we are and some of you might say 02:14 well not in business, I don't have but if you go 02:18 out to the store and buy groceries 02:20 that's your market place. 02:22 In 1986 three families from the Wisconsin 02:27 Academy church decided to come down 02:31 and plant a church here in Beaver Dam. 02:34 Of course we were flushed with money, we 02:37 had $35 in the bank as a congregation. 02:41 And, but we wrote an offer, we offered them 02:45 $35,000 for the building and amazingly they 02:50 accepted that and then the conference was 02:54 working with us but told us that we would 02:57 have to have two thirds of the money before we 03:01 could go ahead with the transaction. 03:03 So, we had a fundraising campaign and within 90 03:07 days we had raised $30000, had the building 03:11 almost paid for. And moved in and this 03:17 building has been serving this congregation 03:19 now for 21 years. Interestingly enough the 03:24 three families that started the church once 03:29 the church was well grounded, we all left 03:34 and went to other places and other people have 03:39 kept this church going over the past 20 years. 03:43 But, over a period of time people moved 03:46 away, some of the elderly members have 03:49 passed on and membership was down to 24 people, but 03:56 they had an attendance of somewhere around 03:59 10 to 15 people per week. But, they were fading. 04:05 And Jenny and I made the decision to move 04:09 back and shortly after we moved back, one of 04:13 the other original families also moved back with us. 04:18 And we've had some interesting experiences since then. 04:26 The membership on the day that we moved back was 24. 04:30 Now with some families that are transferring 04:34 in and joining our church our membership's up to 46. 04:39 A few years ago if you would have attended 04:42 you would have said this church is you know 04:44 on its way to locking its doors. And we were 04:47 really almost in need of a new church plant here. 04:51 I mean it got down to that, a few people and 04:56 they were you know not in the best of health and 05:00 getting up in age and yet they were starved 05:04 people that just kept the faith and kept hoping 05:10 and kept praying and God heard those prayers. 05:15 And I suppose that can be inspiring to 05:16 somebody out there who is in a church 05:18 somewhere in a smallest town and 05:20 things don't seem to be happening but man, 05:24 if you're steadfast I think, and hang in there 05:27 eventually something good is gonna happen. 05:30 We are currently holding a prophecy 05:32 seminar, our expectations are that we will baptize 05:37 10 to 12 people from the seminar and I have 05:42 commitments from several already. 05:45 I think that a church does best in its 05:47 healthiest when its working for others, 05:50 you know to have a mission, because when 05:54 you don't have that you just start looking 05:56 inward and you know there is always inter 05:58 relational problems that can rise up and when 06:01 you press together to do something for God, you 06:04 put that stuff away and realize, you know its 06:06 just not important, we've got big mountains 06:09 to climb, you know we have got something 06:11 important to do. Originally I started out 06:13 because Shawn and I we're roommates and he 06:17 sort of; I noticed that he sort of had an interest in 06:20 the Bible and in God in general. 06:22 So, we conducted our own some sort of mini 06:24 Bible studies, but we both quickly realized 06:27 that we are both little, I guess amateurs analysis 06:33 to the Bible scriptures. So, instead of fumbling 06:37 through scriptures we ended up contacting 06:39 Gerard who we knew was more well versed 06:42 in the scriptures. Well, since I was a kid 06:44 I've been pretty interested in religions 06:46 and just meaning of life in general. So, I've been 06:49 reading different kind of books. My parents 06:51 brought back books of Buddhism, of books of 06:54 evolution from America. So, since I was a kid 06:58 I was; I have been pretty interested, but 06:59 over years my interest only grew more. 07:01 So, in college I started studying with Sabbath 07:04 because he was Adventist and I wasn't at the time. 07:08 So, well there were some question he 07:10 couldn't clearly answer me. So, eventually that's 07:12 why as he has mentioned we went to Jerry. 07:15 Darry Campbell who was a member and he 07:18 was the head elder at the church where I'm 07:21 now a member, in Madison, Wisconsin. 07:23 He came to Madison, Madison East Seventh 07:28 Day Adventist church and give a presentation 07:31 with reference to these Bible studies. 07:34 He is a member of ASI and he, myself and 07:39 several others went to this presentation that 07:42 elder Campbell give and after the presentation we 07:44 were each getting a free set of the new 07:46 beginnings DVD Bible studies. And we were encouraged 07:50 to begin our own Bible study group. 07:52 And shortly after that Sabbath who I knew 07:54 from campus before and from church. 07:58 He called me, contacted me and told me that a 08:01 friend of his Shawn, who was interest in 08:06 learning more about the Bible wanted to start a 08:07 Bible study and so, they began coming over to 08:12 my apartment on Friday evenings and we began 08:15 watching these DVDs. We were just looking 08:19 for DVD training and using the new beginning 08:25 series to give Bible studies to start a small 08:28 group but that small group has grown from 08:33 just two people taking Bible studies with 08:36 Gerard into campus ministry that is now a 08:43 certified ministry on campus. Recently, we got our 08:49 student organization registered on campus at 08:52 the University of Wisconsin, Madison. 08:54 The name is Campus Hope and the word 08:58 Hope is an acronym standing representing 09:01 Helping Others Prepare for Eternity. 09:04 That name we borrowed from the Campus Hope 09:07 Group on the University of Michigan. 09:09 With the involvement of other people, it has 09:13 now grown into what they call WYC 09:17 Wisconsin Youth Congress and they had 09:21 their first meeting this past summer in August 09:26 and I understand they had about 60 attendees 09:30 and they continue to have their group 09:33 meetings and continuing to play in other activates 09:37 and just sharing the gospel there on the 09:40 campus of the UW. It's funny because when 09:45 Darry does the DVD training, he always 09:49 asked that the individuals in his crew, 09:52 in the seminar to write down at least 10 names 09:55 to start praying for that they will have an 09:57 opportunity to reach out to and Darry and I both 10:01 make a need list for each seminar ourselves 10:05 to start praying about. We had also put our 10:07 daughter Karen on the list. We finished the training 10:12 that evening at 7'O clock came home, went 10:16 to bed. The next morning we received a 10:19 call from Karen and her first words were, Dad 10:24 when can we start Bible studies? 10:27 We've put down the drinking, the smokings, 10:31 a little struggle. And John's ask for the 10:35 Sabbaths off and took him a couple weeks, but 10:41 he finally got that taken care of and we have our 10:47 children every other weekend and we try to 10:49 be here every week. Bring the two boys to church. 10:56 And like Dad said we want to be baptized 10:59 and married on the same day. 11:02 We attended the National Convention in 11:05 Albuquerque, New Mexico several years ago, 11:10 on the way to the hotel, my son said, dad 11:16 how much does it cost to attend the ASI convention. 11:21 And I said well typically with a flight for both of us, 11:24 renting a car, the cost of the hotel, the cost of 11:30 registration it's probably about $2000 to attended 11:35 the meeting. And he said why on earth 11:38 would you spend $2000 just to come and sit in 11:42 meetings. And I said, well come and attended 11:46 the meetings, then afterwards ask me that 11:48 question again. On Friday evening, the next 11:52 evening the Youth for Jesus young people 11:58 were sharing their experiences and there 12:02 was a young girl I believe she was a sophomore 12:05 and a candidate, and 15 years old and she related how 12:11 she had come to Youth for Jesus just because 12:15 some of her friends were coming, she had 12:19 no idea that she would end being the speaker at 12:22 her venue and she shared her experiences 12:26 and the number of people that had been 12:28 baptized and what an amazing experience it 12:35 had been in her life. And when she was done 12:36 the moderator asked her what do you have to say 12:40 to our group of ASI members and she 12:43 looked out at the audience and she said 12:46 I'm just a little girl, just 15 years old, this is 12:49 what I've done, what have you been doing? 12:53 And I looked over at my son and the tears 12:57 were running down his cheeks. I asked him do you 13:03 wanna ask me that question now. 13:06 And he said, no but I do have another question 13:11 for you. Where was ASI when I was a teenager? 13:16 Would you know about it then? 13:21 Whatever our strengths and weakness, God is 13:24 able to use us to reach others for him, if only 13:27 we are willing. And when we do get out of 13:29 our comfort zones God is able to do 13:32 tremendous things. Our five loaves and two 13:35 fishes are a limitless supply to God. 13:38 ASI is made up of members like Darry Campbell 13:41 who are willing to step out in faith and tell the 13:44 world about Jesus. The happiness books have 13:48 been an ongoing ASI projects for more than 13:50 20 years. Through this project ASI sponsors 13:54 the printing of spirit of prophecy books which 13:57 are then sold at minimum cost. 14:00 They provide individuals with an inexpensive 14:02 and attractive way to witness to friends and 14:05 neighbors. Today more than five million 14:08 happiness books have been distributed. 14:11 For ordering information contact your local 14:14 Adventist book center. Sharing Christ in the 14:17 market place is not just for the adults, but it's 14:18 for the young people too. ASI gives them an 14:20 opportunity to come to the forefront and use 14:22 their talents and ability that God has given. 14:24 They learned that God can use them. 14:26 They are not too young. You see God using you 14:29 to impact other people's lives. 14:31 I find it difficult to find something more 14:33 effective then what the Youth for Jesus is doing today. 14:46 Seeing the immense poverty and need in Haiti, 14:50 Reg King was profoundly touched. 14:53 So, in 1992 he started the mission in that 14:56 country. Today Haiti mission outreach has a 15:00 clinic, a dental office and some schools in Haiti. 15:04 They've also drilled wells, set up solar panels and 15:07 distributed humanitarian supplies. Let's find 15:11 out more about Reg and the Haiti mission outreach. 15:15 Out in the village of Arno our clinic is this is 15:19 a typical local housing. It goes from this to worse. 15:25 A lot of cardboard and sheet metal enclosures 15:30 very, very primitive but, look at the smiles on 15:36 these kids. I mean, these kids are, they 15:39 have nothing and they're happy, so we 15:43 have a lot to learn; learn from these people. 15:47 We were on a windsurfing trip my family in to 15:50 Dominican Republic having a great time and 15:53 they were going out to the village there it's a 15:56 poor area also. And we said you know we 15:58 should build a clinic in one of these villages. 16:00 Because you know there's a lot of medical 16:02 in the Adventist circles there is a lot of medical 16:05 people that are very talented that would like 16:08 to help in these areas if you just have a program 16:11 that you can define for them they'll get involved in it. 16:14 And that's part of the engineering side too 16:16 that we connect people together, people and 16:19 resources in terms of projects. So, it was a 16:21 natural fit when we started getting involved 16:24 and we said as a family lets do something like 16:27 this not just be ministered to in the 16:31 church every week, let's get got some we can put 16:33 some of the talents and the things we know to work. 16:37 Then I got a call from a man named Max Church 16:40 who had an orphanage in Haiti. He is actually 16:43 on one of these pictures here, right here, 16:48 Max Church, he started an orphanage in Haiti 16:50 years ago, was fluent in French. But, I went to 16:55 visit him in the country. He invited me down 16:58 there. And I was so taken by the poverty, 17:05 I mean Dominican Republic is a poor country, 17:08 but Haiti is the extreme of poverty. 17:14 80% unemployment, 60% literacy, one meal a day. 17:19 This isn't because that's, they are eating this big meal, 17:22 it's a one meal a day country. 17:23 They have half the food that they need and so 17:26 I'm seeing this as I'm their and I come back 17:29 from Haiti and I'm thinking wow! We're 17:32 gonna do something in Haiti. Originally we went and 17:34 drilled some wells out in these remote villages 17:38 and put solar pumps on them. We had one well running 17:42 in one village area for 10 years, it's pumped 17:46 millions of gallons water. Pumps always when the 17:48 sun is out. People under with buckets, 17:50 five gallon buckets under that spigot all day 17:52 long, of course at nights you don't have to worry 17:55 about a storage tank, just let it pump in the 17:57 day time. We followed that with a clinic in that 17:59 area. The people were asking us could you 18:04 help us with medical clinic, there was no 18:06 medical care whatsoever nothing, expect the 18:08 Voodoo doctor. And so you are in an area I've 18:12 taken doctors that have been in parts of Africa 18:15 and other places and they just said Reg, 18:16 we have no idea how bad it is in these outline 18:20 villagers. This is really early stages of clinic, 18:22 but it sits on a dirt road that people pass by so 18:29 it's well known, you know, well known location 18:31 there where everybody sees it. 18:34 Some of the things that have really been exacting 18:36 about that clinic. We have a Haitian 18:39 administrative nurse named Annie Prevel. 18:43 She is so amazing, she follows and goes after 18:48 every program she can connect with. 18:50 She gets a doctor from the government, if they 18:54 have a doctor, an intern doctor to come out for a year. 18:56 But, the other things that she has done that's 18:58 really amazing, I didn't think would be possible 19:00 in this remote area. She went and took TB training, 19:05 how to evaluate a patient and cure the patient. 19:09 The first time she screened these village, 19:11 the village that our clinic is in, in Arno, 19:14 she had like 14 patients that had TB in that one village. 19:19 Now you gotta realize how TB spread and 19:22 these people have it in their little hut and they 19:23 don't know, so it's going through the whole family. 19:26 Well, she is curing those people, I've had pictures 19:30 of them and I tell them you know you're 19:32 Lazarus, you've been raised from the dead. 19:34 This was a death sentence until Annie got the training. 19:37 This man not a very picture but this man 19:40 right here is Pastor Victor, amazing man. 19:46 We worked out there for number of years and 19:47 didn't know there was an Adventist out there 19:50 and then we saw a little sign up by a dirt floor 19:52 church and it said Temple Adventist. 19:56 He and his wife had gone picked that area to 19:59 start a little church. His salary was $11 a month. 20:04 And he had a little church going and a 20:07 school with 60 students in it. Dirt floor and that's 20:11 how we got involved in schools out there, when 20:13 we realized this man at $11 a month was dedicated 20:19 to stay out there with his wife and do something. 20:22 The students are so poor there they couldn't 20:24 pay tuition. The tuition rate in the schools we 20:26 have out there is a $1.50 US for the year. 20:33 And one third of the people can pay it. 20:35 So, he was running this little school on nothing. 20:38 Here is his little church and school, dirt floor 20:42 you can see it here, very, very simple. 20:45 And we took that over and rebuilt that building 20:49 and made it a school and church with 20:51 concrete floor and new walls, well here is a 20:55 picture of it, after we had worked on making 20:58 concrete, so we put a program around him, 21:03 he now has a school with 300 students in it. 21:06 The first time we stopped with some 21:10 support for his school year we said Pastor Victor, 21:14 we went back and told your story at our church 21:17 and there people want to help you prove your 21:20 program, stabilize your teachers by having a 21:23 salary that you can depend on. He danced 21:27 around my little pick up truck with his hands in 21:29 the air and just danced around praising God 21:31 going around the pick up, he was so excited 21:33 that somebody would help him, he never 21:35 asked for help. He never has asked for help ever. 21:39 He is just one of those bright stories of people 21:42 that you run into who are dedicated, who are 21:44 making a difference and I will show our ready 21:47 mix concrete crew. We are building a school 21:50 here and like I said with the unemployment like 21:54 it is I can hire 50 men, 25 whatever they come 21:58 bare foot, mixed concrete on ground and 22:00 they will bucket to the forums, 12 yards a day 22:04 we'll mix on the ground and carry to the forums 22:07 in these five gallon buckets. Now move these picture 22:10 and show you these are the forums that we're 22:14 pouring concrete in, the vertical columns and 22:20 then the lintels that connect the columns, 22:23 we have rebar in it. But, we only go one story 22:26 and we'll build a school like this. This school 22:29 building here is 20 feet wide, and plus 60 feet 22:37 long, it will have a 150 students in it and that 22:44 building will cost us about $10000 US to build. 22:47 And we will build those one visit, we will pour a 22:50 slab, we will pour the columns and put the 22:53 metal roof on, the windows and everything, we will do 22:55 that with one trip with a group of 15 to 20 people. 23:00 This business that I'm retiring from is what I 23:03 rely on in the work that we're doing in third 23:06 world countries. I come back with a project like 23:08 a water treatment plant or a generator plant for 23:12 a hospital, or school buildings, or clinic, 23:16 I come here and my son very graciously lets me 23:20 tap into the engineering pool that I need for the 23:23 design of that building which is to be build for 23:26 that facility out of much local materials as possible. 23:29 So, it's been a tremendous marriage in terms of our 23:32 work in Haiti and Dominican Republic, 23:34 Belize and I remember I had a engineer walk-in, 23:40 who has walked into the meeting late and 23:41 someone outside I think it was one of the ASI 23:46 officers said where were you from? 23:47 I'm from King Engineering. And well what you do? 23:50 Well you know we work in Haiti and do that and that. 23:53 Well that particular person, he was talking 23:56 to had a need for an engineering design at a 23:58 water treatment plant in Dominican Republic, 24:00 had an orphanage. So, that connected the 24:04 money from the donor to the engineering side 24:06 which they needed the design and the project 24:10 management to build it. I love going to the 24:12 different booths and seeing what people are 24:14 doing because you learn from that. You learn 24:18 some times it will raise your goals and say you 24:22 know I could be doing that, an example of that 24:25 would be in; when we started in Haiti we had 24:30 never, we didn't really think we could ever get 24:33 into the medical really an effective medical 24:37 program and I talked to a number of ASI 24:41 programs that we are involved with medical. 24:44 As you know in any of these programs when 24:47 you find a key person, that's in the country and 24:53 that's what we've done we worked with in 24:54 country talent because when you can't get to 24:57 the country the program still continues on if you 25:00 have those in country talent. Finding those 25:02 key people is; has been really, really critical 25:06 and so I came away from ASI realizing you 25:11 know we could expand into the medical program 25:14 in the countries. It's again a matter of 25:17 resourcing people, talented people and 25:20 materials and then having traveling groups 25:23 that come with you that have doctors or dentists 25:26 and I have heard that from many people they 25:27 go there not really know what to expect 25:30 and really coming away saying well I can do that. 25:33 Last year we said I had a interviewed a young 25:38 Haitian dentist. No chance of a job in the 25:41 country. Bright man, he had no tools, he had no 25:44 money to buy tools. So, again I said to our 25:47 co-director I said here is the, here is the talent we 25:49 need in the country he's been recommended to 25:52 us by one of our Haitian coordinators in the 25:56 country that we have a great deal of respect for. 25:59 And so we said you know lets put him to work. 26:00 And he is out there and people come from 15 or 26:03 20 villages walk to him, out of the clinic. 26:06 And he does extractions, amalgam fillings and 26:11 composite work and cleaning. So, you know 26:17 you're not doing you know braces or any, 26:19 these people who had no dental care now have 26:24 a dentist who does excellent work and 26:27 we're now making; taking affordable unit in 26:29 March that the military uses that will, we have 26:33 a truck in the country, that we gonna set up 26:35 toward, we are going to villages, other villages 26:38 that can't get to ours, our dentist, we're going 26:42 to go out to those villages, drive in, drop 26:44 the curtains on the truck and have an armored 26:46 truck mobile dental program. Really exciting, I mean 26:50 the dentist from here to go in this program, 26:52 they will always stay connected to our 26:53 program because there is doing things that they 26:56 know are critical. It's not an augment over 27:01 how are they gonna get paid. 27:02 They are not going to get paid. 27:03 These people have no alternative, it's they are 27:07 so thankful for the service that it connects 27:10 the dentist and people that go with our 27:12 program forever. ASI is committed 27:16 to getting lay people involved in missions 27:18 and service. Just like Reg King. The Lord can 27:22 do amazing things through professionals 27:24 who are willing to give him their time and talents. 27:28 I encourage you to look for ways to get active 27:31 and sharing Christ in the market place. 27:34 To learn more about ASI visit 27:41 I am Dan Houghton. You have been watching 27:43 ASI Video Magazine. See you next time, for 27:47 more stories of ASI Members sharing Christ 27:50 in the Market Place. May God be with you. |
Revised 2014-12-17