ASI Video Magazine

C M S - O F T

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AVMN

Program Code: AVMN000011

00:01 ASI is a Ministry that's networking all these
00:03 different Ministries together with the Church.
00:05 We involve with ASI, meeting other people.
00:08 It's like convention. It's an excellent opportunity,
00:10 just a great opportunity.
00:11 ASI is a particular fellowship.
00:14 ASI is really the stand as to glue and hold all
00:17 the Ministries together.
00:27 Welcome to ASI Video Magazine,
00:29 I am Dan Houghton. Involving many people
00:32 in service and Evangelism is what ASI is all about,
00:34 after all our motto is sharing Christ
00:38 in the market place. God has a specific plan
00:40 for each one of us and He is ready use us
00:44 for His glory if only we are willing.
00:47 Today, we're going to meet ASI members that
00:49 have chosen to follow God wherever He leads.
00:54 Centro Misionero de Salud or Missionary Health Center
00:58 is located into the city of Monterrey Mexico.
01:02 It began as a medical missionary training School
01:05 and has since gone into multi-faceted ministry.
01:09 Today, it includes a vegetarian restaurant,
01:12 health food store, lifestyle center,
01:14 onsite publishing department and more,
01:17 and they have some amazing stories to share
01:19 of lives transformed by God.
01:41 We prepare bread that we sell in town
01:45 and we make normally whole wheat bread
01:48 and also sweet bread because people loves it.
01:51 We export some of it through to United States
01:54 and also all the products we distribute here in Mexico
01:59 and those help us to be a statistical initiative.
02:18 CMS has started in 1995
02:22 through trained missionaries.
02:25 We have a medical missionary training program
02:28 that lasts six months and over 500 students have
02:35 gone by our program. We teach them on how to
02:38 they can start a bakery,
02:40 how they can do wholesome products,
02:43 and according to the market
02:45 they having their area where they might be.
02:48 There is a couple, they got a training here
02:51 and then they got a call to go
02:53 and work in Conference
02:55 here in the North Mexican Union
02:57 and they had a call to work in their
03:00 Global Mission Project and along with
03:03 other 29 Laypeople and so when they got,
03:08 they placed each one of them
03:10 in the area where they were going to be working.
03:13 For some reasons their Global Mission Funds
03:16 didn't came through, at that time
03:21 and all of them came back to their own places
03:25 and they again, they were not able to
03:28 continue working, but our students
03:32 they remained there even without having that
03:35 financial support from Global Mission
03:38 and they started a bakery,
03:40 they started doing a different products.
03:42 They were able to become self-supporting
03:45 and they started a Church there.
03:48 They got seven people Baptized and they started
03:51 and that Church is growing
03:52 and is growing up to this day.
03:55 They have food productions.
03:57 It help us to get some income in
04:00 as well as the Lifestyle program
04:02 and also we have our department of publications
04:05 where we make a literature available in the Spanish,
04:09 in the States, and also we made
04:11 some literature available here in Mexico.
04:14 Well, when we came here this was all vandalized.
04:20 They were just two or three houses
04:21 that were almost gone, you know.
04:25 It has no windows, the wires of electricity,
04:30 anything at all. All there was garbage everywhere
04:34 and donkeys and cows and so we came here
04:40 with the help of the Lord and saying well we will see.
04:43 The Lord will help us and we started
04:45 cleaning and repairing things so
04:48 to make it livable for us.
04:51 We've started training programs.
04:53 We had students from Central America
04:55 and from Mexico and that was our first generation
05:00 and then from there on, we haven't stopped
05:02 and now our program is six months length
05:06 and we help the students, you know,
05:08 they came from Spain, from Central America,
05:10 South America, from United States
05:12 and all over Mexico. So, we trained them
05:14 on Evangelism. We teach them
05:17 on how to hold Bible studies
05:19 and how to give Evangelist curing pain,
05:21 how to use different materials
05:24 to reach the people, to reach out,
05:27 and also we teach them on health
05:31 and we teach them how the laws of health,
05:34 how to call health experts, preventive medicine,
05:38 and how to also do simple treatments,
05:42 so they can help the people
05:44 through the natural remedies
05:47 as well as cooking classes,
05:49 that gives them many ways to also reach out,
05:53 but that first class we had about 13 to 14 students
05:59 and was interesting because
06:02 everything was in one building - the classrooms,
06:05 the kitchen, the dinning room,
06:07 the dorms, the office, the maintenance,
06:11 everything was in one building
06:14 and so that was the first program we had
06:19 and from there on God has been blessing,
06:22 so where we can be, put in every department
06:26 in their proper place and be able to
06:28 a better service, better living quarters
06:32 for the students, and it has been wonderful
06:36 experience to see it how God has been blessing,
06:39 after blessings, you know, and it's just a wonderful
06:43 experience to see God working through the people
06:46 and providing the needs and the services through
06:51 and continue providing these type of training.
07:06 Well, it has been a blessing to know where,
07:08 you know, that we have the Elementary School,
07:12 not only for our children and also you know
07:14 for the children of around here in town because
07:18 there is many people and families
07:21 that are looking for something different,
07:22 you know. We are the first Private Bilingual School
07:27 or any private School there is in the area
07:30 in the South of this State of Nuevo Leon.
07:33 You know to give the license of a School
07:36 it tastes, a longtime, but the Lord you know
07:40 has been very faithful and sometimes
07:43 I tell, hi Jamie you are pushing too much,
07:48 because that involves me too.
07:51 But I know that when the Lord praise is mine,
07:53 he is faithful, he trust in the Lord,
07:56 and he just keep going to a number of temple to
07:59 the Lord to be able to be close to him,
08:03 and that really a trust in the Lord.
08:05 We have the Health Zone as to go straight to back,
08:08 to be the backbone of the Elementary School
08:11 unless and until it came to a point where
08:13 the Elementary School can stand on its own.
08:17 Okay, the Health Zone is a place where different
08:21 services are being provided related with
08:24 the health such as restaurant,
08:29 vegetarian restaurant, health food store
08:33 and also a Spa where the exercise and gym
08:39 sort of a services are provided
08:43 and some therapies and also some publications,
08:47 on literatures, on health, and motto and families,
08:52 and so forth. We see the people very much
08:55 with obesity and a lot of people with
08:58 high blood pressure, and cholesterol high,
09:02 and people are coming, they have been send to us
09:05 people from the hospital, they come here
09:07 and they say, well, they sent me from the hospital.
09:10 They've told me that I need to eat
09:11 what you guys have here and they also tell us
09:15 that the doctor have to tell them just to come here
09:18 and to ask us what is that they need to do,
09:22 so their cholesterol will help, that will help them
09:25 to get the cholesterol lower.
09:32 Basically, one of the most important things
09:35 we do here at the Missionary Health Center
09:37 in the Department Of Health For Living
09:39 is to teach a different lifestyle through diet,
09:41 which is very important and in specific cases
09:45 we can provide therapy, massages,
09:47 and natural remedies.
10:01 Also, we in a different circumstances, you know,
10:06 we see them improving on their health
10:08 and they go out so encouraged
10:11 to change their lifestyle, you know, they,
10:15 that we help giving them tools
10:17 so how they can implement,
10:20 so they have a different lifestyle
10:22 and so they go out and perhaps not fully in,
10:27 their, achieving their goals,
10:29 as we have people that come to lose weight.
10:31 We, thus, probably one of their main things
10:33 that we get people for. They came to lose weight
10:37 and some of them stay one week or two weeks,
10:40 one month, two months, and, but the main thing
10:44 we tell them is that it doesn't matter
10:47 how many pounds they are going to lose
10:48 when they are here, the main thing is that they
10:50 achieve a lifestyle that when they go,
10:54 they will continue gradually
10:56 getting to their way that they need to be
11:00 in and they will enjoy a lifestyle,
11:05 you know, that will give them health.
11:16 One of the most important things
11:18 about the Missionary Health Center
11:20 is that people don't just receive immediate attention,
11:23 but we try to give them the tools needed
11:26 for them to continue with the change of lifestyle
11:29 that will help them to improve their health.
11:31 We give them simple treatments
11:32 that they can continue to do in their own homes.
11:36 So, this will help them to maintain
11:37 and improve their health.
11:44 These Missionaries is a great inspiration for us
11:48 to be able to meet with other people there.
11:51 They have ministries. They are similar,
11:54 or they are, you know, just to see how God is
11:57 working in their businesses
11:59 and how God is blessing them as they share Christ
12:03 in the market place and that's very encouraging
12:07 to us. Also, there seminars has been
12:09 blessing to us and some financial support
12:14 once in a while that also has been a blessing
12:17 and I think that they are being able to
12:21 relate with other ministries.
12:24 They have the same goals that strength us
12:30 and help us to keep forward
12:33 and be able to provide a good education for children
12:37 and also to promote the health message
12:40 that both ultimate will have their
12:44 goal of sharing Christ and bringing people
12:48 to Christ through education
12:50 and through the health message.
12:52 And it's wonderful to see people tell us
12:55 why don't you go to another place?
12:56 We had been offered to go to other countries,
12:59 beautiful lands, beautiful and everything,
13:02 and so, you know, there is no better place
13:05 to be where God's will have you being
13:09 and especially there are beautiful mountains,
13:11 and beautiful ice sand over here,
13:14 and we really love it, but mainly the main reason
13:17 we love it here is to see God is working here
13:20 through the people and through the Ministry.
13:24 And ASI is made up of members
13:26 like Centro Missionario de Salud
13:29 that are reaching people for Jesus everyday
13:31 all around the world. If you would like more
13:34 information ASI including how you can become
13:37 a member call 301-680-6450
13:42 or visit
13:47 ASI is committed to involving Laypeople
13:50 in active outreach. LIFE, The Lay Institute for
13:54 Evangelism, is an ASI entity in Orlando, Florida,
13:57 that provides effective witnessing
13:59 and outreach training. They do this through
14:02 onsite programs in Orlando and seminars or weekend
14:05 programs at various sites. LIFE also offers
14:09 Free Evangelism Training Videos
14:11 on their website
14:16 Before I came to ASI convention,
14:19 sharing Christ in the market place or sharing
14:21 Christ just meant going out on personal ministries
14:25 field day, handing tracks, knocking on doors
14:28 that was sharing Christ. After I attended my first
14:31 ASI convention I then learned that sharing
14:34 Christ is a lifestyle.
14:46 Daryl and Mary Jo Oft, live in Payson, Arizona.
14:50 Their company Diversified Solutions provides
14:53 occupational health and safety services to clients
14:57 both locally and across United States.
15:00 They use part of their income
15:01 to support Living Waters, an organization
15:04 they founded that provides pure drinking water
15:07 to people on Rusinga Island on Lake Victoria in Kenya,
15:12 but there is so much more to their story.
15:15 Well, this is our wall of the forgotten children
15:18 of Kaswanga and this picture right up here
15:20 is the original feeding area that we found
15:22 the children eating at, before we even conceive
15:27 that we would build a Feeding Center.
15:29 We went a little further with that and we expanded
15:32 to this our area of here where we fed 48 children
15:35 for almost two years while we
15:37 continue to work on the water.
15:39 These are 68 of our new children that are,
15:43 the orphans of Kaswanga are no longer orphans;
15:46 they have a mom and papa now.
15:49 Elder McKee asked us, he asked Daryl if he would go
15:53 to Kenya and preach for three weeks.
15:56 This is like pretty shocking like
15:58 the farthest thing from our minds.
16:00 We have been very involved in business
16:02 after this time. It was about growing our business,
16:05 how we can grow more business.
16:06 We had no intensions or ideas that we would
16:10 think about becoming Missionaries
16:11 or even going on a mission trip.
16:13 We just had all kinds of objections,
16:15 but we went home that afternoon
16:16 and we talked about it, we prayed about it,
16:20 and we decided you know, if God opens the door
16:23 and wants us to do this way we will do it
16:25 and he will take care of all the needs that we have.
16:28 Four weeks later we found ourselves in Kenya
16:31 in a very remote area on a little island
16:34 in Lake Victoria called Rusinga Island,
16:36 in the village of Kaswanga.
16:38 It was so out of our comfort zone
16:40 and I think the biggest thing that we learned in
16:43 this process of putting on these meetings every night
16:46 was living by faith because you never knew if
16:49 the equipment was gonna work.
16:51 All the equipment - the computers and projectors,
16:53 had to be run by generator, which wasn't reliable.
16:57 We are constantly praying at the end of our
17:00 three weeks there, we looked at each other and we said
17:03 we never want to go back home and be the same.
17:06 So, we got down on our knees and we just asked God
17:09 please let us go home and be different,
17:11 make our lives different, and help it count for you.
17:14 This was an opportunity that had so radically
17:19 turned our life upside down changed everything,
17:22 changed our focus about work,
17:24 now our work became a means to
17:27 support our ministry. We do occupational health
17:30 services in our business.
17:33 We started it right here in Payson about
17:34 nine years ago. Our clients are employers.
17:37 We have people that come in that are often
17:40 at the fringes of society. They are coming in for
17:43 court mandated drug screens and they have
17:47 pretty much lost all hope. They have regular contact
17:50 with us and in the process we're able to invite them
17:54 to programs here. We are able to
17:56 minister to their needs, give them literature
17:59 that we think would meet an answer
18:01 to a question that they are having.
18:03 Parents have come in and said you have no idea
18:06 how you have changed the life of my adult child
18:10 who is coming for these drug screens and
18:12 how your staff has prayed with him
18:14 when they have asked him, how their life has
18:16 change around and stories like that,
18:18 that we know that we're doing exactly
18:20 what the God wants us to be doing.
18:22 The Meeting Place is probably the first thing
18:25 that happened to us and with us when we got back
18:29 from Kenya, the first trip we made over there.
18:31 This was a thing that we felt and led to do
18:34 with our pastor and with the Church
18:37 to have a place for outreach,
18:39 so people would feel like it was a neutral place
18:41 that they can come to, we could meet them
18:44 after programs, health programs,
18:46 and Evangelistic programs.
18:48 The Meeting Place is virtually a store
18:50 outreach center. It is 1200 square feet
18:53 and every month we do a community potluck,
18:57 vegetarian potluck and it's free for the community
19:00 to come into and that has been around for
19:03 three years now and we are at capacity every time
19:07 we have people that keep coming back,
19:09 the same people are the ones that were able to,
19:11 also invite to come into the Lifestyle
19:16 Educational Seminars that Mary Jo does so many of.
19:19 God has put this in front of us an opportunity
19:22 of how we cannot only share,
19:25 share the love of Jesus far in Kenya,
19:27 but near being right here at home in Payson.
19:30 The first thing that really got our eye
19:32 and that we were led to do something about
19:35 was the condition of the water there.
19:38 As we were doing our meetings,
19:39 we were looking around and we were so touched
19:42 with the incredible need, that the first Sabbath
19:45 we were there, the program lasted for like 13 hours
19:48 and we were out in the blazing sun,
19:50 there was no shade except for little shade
19:53 that have been provided for us over where we stoke
19:56 and we have bottled water, but we started looking
19:59 and nobody else was drinking any water
20:01 and they were out in the sun for 13 hours.
20:03 They have water all around them because
20:05 they live in Lake Victoria; however the water is highly
20:08 polluted with parasites and bacteria,
20:11 a clear glass of water that they are used to
20:13 drinking, can and will actually kill them.
20:15 There was an old windmill that used to pump
20:18 water up through the village that was about
20:20 two miles and it will draw water out of the well
20:23 and that's how they used to get their water.
20:25 But, because of a five-year drought
20:27 the water table had dropped so much,
20:28 the windmill was no longer functional
20:31 because all of the technicians have died
20:33 from AIDS five years before.
20:36 I thought why no one, I was raised on a farm;
20:39 I can fix the windmill. Well, in fact it took two
20:42 and half years to get that done in five trips
20:45 and about $50,000 before the water system
20:48 was complete. But when it was complete,
20:50 we had completely refurbished the windmill.
20:53 We had built the water intake system
20:55 that builds 150 feet out into the lake,
20:58 which is now 500 feet from the windmill
21:00 that draws water through a 4 inch pipe
21:03 up to the windmill. The windmill then
21:06 pushes the water two miles up through
21:08 the village where we have six major
21:10 water distributions spots, where they never had
21:13 water before. Now, they have running water.
21:15 We have changed very bearable land
21:19 into a garden that people have heard about
21:22 island's 25 miles away.
21:32 The shocking thing to me was to learn
21:35 that the children, who are left orphan,
21:37 didn't live in orphanages because
21:40 there are no orphanages. There are a group children
21:42 live alone together in these little huts
21:45 where they used to live with their families,
21:48 their mothers and fathers who have died from AIDS,
21:50 now they are alone and there are fending
21:52 for themselves, they could be from
21:54 5 to 15 children living in this home,
21:56 the oldest one however old that is could be 10 to 15,
22:00 is responsible for all the younger children.
22:02 We started getting the water system completed.
22:06 God just let us from one thing into the other and
22:09 we says we need to build a Feeding Center,
22:11 a community type center where the children
22:14 can come and be fed and be assured of a meal
22:17 at least one meal a day. We started talking about
22:19 a Feeding Center and the first Church
22:21 that we went to and we presented the idea
22:24 to that Church came up with a donation that was
22:28 equal to the "we had got to build the Feeding Center,"
22:33 and one of the major contributor said go build
22:37 your Feeding Center tomorrow.
22:38 So, within a week I was on the plane going back
22:41 to Kenya and that particular year I went
22:43 to back to Kenya four times in the Calendar year
22:46 to get this Feeding Center, which finally was built.
22:49 We started to wondering how we actually gonna be
22:51 able to cook the food for all of these kids.
22:54 We got this great building that is coming together.
22:56 Now, remember we have no electricity
22:59 out where we were at.
23:00 There is very little firewood.
23:02 The other option is charcoal,
23:03 which is way too expensive. It's very unhealthy
23:06 for people to use and then there is some propane gas
23:10 that you can have trucked in, but that is completely
23:12 unrealistic and so we started doing a little
23:15 research in the solar ovens.
23:16 Within six weeks we had the entire amount
23:19 of money raised including the shipping to make it
23:23 over to Kenya and so we ordered the oven.
23:26 We had it shipped. This oven is so big it will cook
23:28 1200 meals a day. That will cook 270 loaves
23:32 of bread a day. There is nothing that wears out
23:35 and the average life expectancy is 25 years.
23:40 It's very simple to use and now we have a system
23:43 that will cook as many meals as we need to cook
23:46 for these children and it costs absolutely nothing
23:49 to maintain. Well, the connection with
23:52 the ASI really, I don't that we could
23:55 want to take how much they have done for our program.
23:59 I think our first exposure to the National Convention
24:03 we were just really highly impressed
24:05 that here is a whole organization of people
24:09 that was on fire that had a passion
24:11 for what they were doing. When we joined ASI,
24:14 it gave us a whole new view of our business
24:17 and the potential that we had in our business
24:20 of Sharing Christ with tha people come
24:22 come through the doors. When we saw what was
24:24 going in the local state chapter,
24:27 you know, wow this is pretty good.
24:28 We like what we see. Everybody here is really,
24:31 really, actively involved and wanting share,
24:34 share Christ in the Market Place and we liked that.
24:37 It seemed like a perfect fit for
24:39 what we wanted to be doing with our business.
24:42 We have learned from other ministries,
24:44 we've been exposed to new ideas on
24:46 how they do things in other places that have really
24:49 benefited us and we feel that God has allowed us
24:53 to be part of ASI, because a lot of the ASI family
24:57 is seeing what God has done in us and taken a look
25:02 at the programs that we offer and those have
25:04 become many of our faithful supporters that
25:07 the year have provided the finances to make
25:12 such an impact on this little village
25:14 of Kaswanga and Rusinga, Kenya.
25:17 It was really awesome to see the children
25:20 coming in that first Monday and to know
25:24 that the Feeding Center was actually operating
25:26 and the kids were coming for a meal.
25:29 One of the things that was hard though was because
25:31 we really got to know the kids then,
25:33 because we got see them everyday
25:36 and when we get to know them
25:37 and see them everyday we see it their other needs,
25:41 very first day that the children came and we had
25:43 68 come to the Feeding Center.
25:46 We went back that evening and we wept
25:48 because we didn't see how we could possibly
25:51 take care of what God has put before us
25:54 and we prayed about it and we just,
25:56 we were overwhelmed. Before we had left
25:59 five days later, we realized that we had
26:03 overnight become parents to 68 children
26:06 because now they were all calling us Papa Daryl,
26:09 and Mama Mary Jo, and we realized it's not
26:12 just about feeding it's about all of the needs
26:15 that the children have that are now.
26:17 We just had to remember that God had
26:20 gotten us this far. He had provided everything that
26:23 it took to get that Feeding Center built
26:26 and operational, so he would certainly not let us
26:29 down now. He will certainly provide
26:31 what we need to take care of the other needs
26:34 of the children. I will tell you that we are now
26:36 feeding half of the children;
26:38 the orphan children in Kaswanga
26:40 were up to 100 today, feeding five days
26:43 a week one meal. Our Goal is to get
26:45 so that we can feed them two meals a day,
26:47 seven days a week. We have been able to put
26:51 in place medical care for the children,
26:54 basic medical care as well as providing each of them
26:57 with a new uniform every year so that they have some
27:00 new clothes to be able to go to school.
27:02 We have found that as we trust in God
27:05 we don't have to see the end.
27:07 All we have to do is understand
27:10 that He is leading us to take the next step
27:12 and He is not let us down in three and half years.
27:16 It's exciting to see how God has used
27:18 Daryl and Mary Jo, to benefit his children.
27:21 There are so many ASI members like
27:23 Daryl and Mary Jo, who are using whatever
27:27 God has given them to bless others both
27:29 in their local communities and around the world.
27:33 To hear their inspiring testimonies,
27:35 I encourage you to come to the next ASI Convention.
27:39 Find out more at
27:45 You've been watching ASI Video Magazine,
27:48 I am Dan Houghton. Join me next time
27:50 for more stories of ASI Members Sharing Christ
27:53 in the Market Place. God be with you.


Revised 2014-12-17