ASI Video Magazine

Heritage - Bartholomew

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AVMN

Program Code: AVMN000008

00:01 ASI is a ministry that's networking all these
00:03 different ministries together with the
00:05 church and lay people. Being involved with
00:06 ASI, meeting other people. ASI convention is an
00:08 excellent opportunity, just a great opportunity.
00:11 In ASI, there is a particular fellow.
00:14 ASI is really the stamp, it's the glue that holds all
00:17 the ministries together.
00:28 Welcome to ASI Video Magazine,
00:30 I'm Dan Houghton. ASI members are people and
00:33 organizations committed to sharing Christ
00:36 in the market place. ASI members are people
00:39 known for their humble and loving service,
00:41 people who constantly look for ways to help others.
00:45 Today, we are going to meet two members of ASI.
00:47 That are involved in Christian service, both
00:50 at home and thousands of miles away.
00:53 Heritage Academy is an ASI member boarding
00:56 school in Monterey, Tennessee. The school has made
00:59 service a paramount part of its program.
01:03 Among their service activities Heritage
01:05 students work as call porters and participate
01:08 in the school's aviation ministry, an area of
01:11 particular emphasis is disaster relief and
01:15 Heritage students have been involved in a
01:16 variety of disaster relief projects across North America.
01:24 Alright, smile, pray, you bringing a hand and
01:27 pass those cards. God bless you, bye, bye.
01:33 This is funny he is sitting here for two hours,
01:35 he is driving with me from since, from Heritage.
01:40 This one is funny. He is canvassing with us today.
01:45 I work in a European Czech Republic as a
01:47 full-time call porter for ADRS and now five
01:51 years here in United States with students,
01:54 with those negative views. Let me show
01:56 you, this is Piece of the Storm, original version
02:00 to steps to Christ actually. We sold almost four thousand
02:05 pieces of the steps to Christ. The small version,
02:09 they're happiness digest. I can tell you, it was
02:12 such a book, the little book that I brought 17
02:16 years ago in my country and brought me to Christianity.
02:20 Then we've Desire of ages from Ellen G. White,
02:24 it's one of the best means I see for today's
02:27 Church, how to help us get out of our shell from
02:32 our Churches, you know, don't be hidden,
02:35 just a nice piece, the Church, but to really
02:38 work face-to-face. Okay good job Rachael.
02:43 Okay, keep going and you'll meet Derrick okay,
02:46 there's Derrick walking towards you. Do you
02:49 have those flyers? Alright Jibby, Jibby.
02:53 You know the kids, it's hard,
02:55 it's really front line ministry.
02:57 We work in every weather, everyday,
03:00 no matter the weather, no matter if it's dry or
03:03 hot or if it's raining or snowing or freezing.
03:09 The school is first and foremost focused on
03:12 preparing the students to go out and serve in
03:17 the mission field, wherever God calls them.
03:20 They see how what they do on a day
03:22 to day basis has lasting results.
03:25 It's really not a job, it is definitely a life.
03:30 When they have somebody at the door,
03:33 who is challenging their faith, you know, maybe
03:36 the person, who is an atheist or maybe they're
03:38 from a different religion. And they are questioning,
03:41 you know, what you as an Adventist believe.
03:45 That is so much different then a Bible class.
03:48 There are also students that come as a freshmen
03:51 to school and they don't want to be involved in
03:54 the canvassing work. They would rather cut
03:56 the woods or do something else.
03:59 But, when they're trying and they go with the
04:02 experienced ones, they see man it's something,
04:05 something really good you know.
04:09 It's doing good things for the people?
04:10 Nothing wrong is in appreciating the people.
04:15 And they started liking it. Oh! Well, what I like
04:17 mostly about this school is that, it has a very
04:20 spiritual environment. It's something very
04:24 helpful, if you wanna grow a strong
04:25 relationship with God to give you a lot of
04:26 opportunities, so you do, lot of call porting
04:29 and like definitely tried to give up Bible studies
04:31 and things like that. On Sabbaths, we can go out
04:33 to the nursing home, sing to the people their
04:36 and we do, we try to do a lot of ministries so,
04:38 we do on a disaster response with acts.
04:41 Right after the hurricane came through,
04:44 they were going door to door talking to people
04:49 at their homes and doing damage assessment for FEMA.
04:53 We, our first respond to any natural disaster, so
04:56 if there is any disaster. We just recently went
04:59 to Florida and Texas so, because of the
05:02 hurricanes and the topical storms.
05:04 And entering in data and these little cell phone
05:07 like devices that uploaded to the database.
05:10 Umm! Umm! That FEMA has in Washington,
05:13 other students got to work in one of the mobile kitchens.
05:17 Distribution line. Right and then, there was
05:20 a phone center there as well. That's true. That's true.
05:23 That the students were working at.
05:24 And we walked away from that saying, you know,
05:26 we need to be better trained and so all of our
05:29 students, by design are trained in first aid and
05:33 CPR through the American Red Cross
05:36 and all of them are trained through what's
05:39 called CERT one hundred, which is
05:41 Community Emergency Response Teams and
05:44 they all have a hard hat and a vest that's
05:47 recognized by any government or FEMA
05:50 organization anywhere in the country.
05:53 So, because we're a boarding school, these
05:55 kids go home and who knows what might
05:57 happen in their neighborhood. But they're trained and
06:00 by the training that they've had and the way
06:03 that they can help, they can hit the ground
06:05 running in any kind of disaster and be a leader.
06:09 We refocused the school on Ellen White's
06:15 principles that she spoke of in the book Education.
06:18 That it's an equal balance between academics,
06:21 spiritual and vocational. Our students spend their
06:25 school day, part of their day they're in class, part
06:30 of their day, they're in the vocational area.
06:33 Part of the day, we are having worship, they're
06:37 having personal devotions and so we are
06:42 intentionally educating in all of those areas to
06:46 develop the whole person. All the students here on
06:49 campus work, there is a lot of different vocational
06:51 areas like that we have kitchen.
06:53 We have grounds; we have office works,
06:57 school cleaning, dorm cleaning, call portering,
07:00 and video productions. We've greenhouses,
07:04 where our freshmen have a class in agriculture,
07:07 so they get their own little plot of land and
07:09 they get to pick what they grow and they
07:11 weed it, and they care for it and then they
07:14 harvest it and we all get to eat in the cafeteria
07:17 and they get excited because that's what they made.
07:19 These are where all our meals are prepared.
07:21 We've our cook here Ms. Linda, she is doing
07:24 of course, prepares our delicious
07:25 meals at this school. I always get the opinion
07:28 of the kids called third opinion is
07:29 very important to me. In fact if they make
07:33 something better, I'm sure they can do it.
07:34 You know, I like to see my food eat, not thrown away.
07:39 Well, I think that we've really been blessed that
07:42 we've 1200 beautiful acres in Tennessee.
07:45 And 600 Adventist Woodlands and 600
07:49 Adventist total acreage, we've beautiful overlooks.
07:54 Lot's of really neat terrain to take kids.
07:57 We involve them in outdoor activities, in biology.
08:01 This is our outdoor classroom. This is where some teachers
08:05 come out and do their classroom, their classes
08:07 sometimes, like there is like lot of chairs and
08:09 tables down there, so you can actually sit
08:11 down or if you want to come up for devotionals
08:14 or anything, you can come on, just sit out
08:16 under the tress of the shade on all those tables
08:19 with your friends, if you would like. This here is
08:21 our school building and office building, this is
08:23 where we take most, all the classes, we have a
08:27 lab here, where we do our chemistry and
08:29 physics lab reports and things like that, we also
08:32 have our own computer lab with the new
08:35 computers, that we just got also.
08:37 And we take the students a lot of places,
08:40 where they have, hands on learning experience,
08:43 for example last week, we had our junior class
08:46 up in Battle Creek, Michigan. At the historic Adventist
08:51 village and so they're having hands on
08:54 experiences with the Heritage of the
09:00 Adventist movement and that's something
09:03 that we feel is really important
09:04 in education is that. That education be
09:08 connected to life and it makes the things, that
09:11 students study that are much more meaningful.
09:13 The girls, one of their vocational training
09:17 programs is cooking. For the guys, one of
09:20 their vocational programs is in my
09:22 wife's class learning construction, where
09:24 they actually go out on the campus and they
09:26 build things like decks, ponds, sidewalks and
09:32 it's exciting because now they're taking the
09:35 tape measure that they learned how to read
09:37 their freshmen year, they're learning these
09:40 formulas in their freshmen year and
09:42 they're using them in a practical situation in
09:44 their sophomore year. We don't have regular
09:46 desks, we've tables in our classroom.
09:50 And that's because we use a variety of
09:53 education techniques to teach students to work
09:57 as a group, to think as a group and work together.
10:02 Then by the time they graduate, they have
10:05 skills to offer right out at high school to earn
10:09 money towards college or to go straight
10:11 to the mission field.
10:14 Well, ASI has been such a blessing in so
10:18 many ways. We've been able to take some of our
10:22 students down to help in the children's divisions,
10:27 to be able to lead out to care for them and
10:30 because a lot of ASI members bring their
10:31 children and there needs to be a ministry for
10:34 them as well. They also have the
10:36 chance when the meetings are over to
10:38 walk into this huge exhibit hall and see that
10:41 they're a part of a worldwide church.
10:43 Now just a little part of a Church right here in
10:46 the middle Tennessee or in their own little home town,
10:48 but a worldwide Church, where the Holy Spirit
10:51 is moving and living and breathing.
10:53 ASI has a lot to do with why we've a flight program.
10:56 Don Sterling sent us an email that somebody
10:58 had made a donation for us to have a plane and
11:03 you know the Lord brought to us a couple
11:05 years before that a pilot, who wanted to teach history.
11:11 And then the Aeroplane was delivered this past
11:13 June and the program started this fall.
11:16 I've setup a course, that if a student wants to go
11:20 at age 18. They graduate from Heritage,
11:23 go straight to the mission field with their
11:25 commercial pilot's license. We've a program
11:28 structured for that. They start flying as a
11:30 sophomore, they receive their private
11:34 pilot license when they turn 17. They receive
11:37 their commercial license when they turn 18 at
11:40 which point they can go straight
11:41 to the mission field. The idea and it probably
11:44 sounds crazy the way I express it, but the idea
11:47 is to put together a school that's really
11:50 being led by the students and we do it in
11:53 a number of ways, our year book editor is a student.
11:57 We've a student, who is leading out in our video
12:01 production group. We've the members of
12:04 the SA regularly, I put them in charge of things
12:07 and tell them you know, to go do things,
12:10 organize recreation or activities and you know
12:17 that way, that way they're making the
12:19 decisions, they're thinking and that's
12:22 really the goal. Last year, there was a
12:26 student, who is sharing with me and she was a
12:29 senior and she said when I came to the school.
12:32 I looked at the juniors and seniors, and I said
12:36 to myself there are so big and they're so smart
12:39 and they are such great leaders and just you know,
12:43 she had trouble ever imagining herself going
12:46 up into that role. Umm! And then you know at
12:51 graduation, she spoke about that in her senior speech.
12:55 But, now she had become all of these things over
12:58 the course of her time here. And that's you know
13:01 that's a big things that, you know, you're
13:04 developing a Christian character, you're
13:07 developing leadership. You are developing
13:11 decision making cooperative, cooperative abilities to be
13:18 able to work with other people.
13:21 ASI like heritage academy firmly believes in involving
13:25 youth in service and outreach. There is no better time
13:29 to be nourishing a love of Jesus and our
13:31 fellowman in our young people through acts of
13:34 humble service. For more information about
13:37 Heritage Academy call 931-839-6675 or visit
13:44, ASI has committed to
13:50 affective evangelism, to that end we are
13:53 sponsoring a train them now. A program that trains
13:57 lay people to conduct evangelistic meetings in
13:59 their homes, using the new beginning's DVDs,
14:04 around the world more then twenty thousand
14:06 people have been trained so far and they
14:09 in turn have held over one hundred thousand
14:12 evangelistic meetings resulting in tens of
14:15 thousands of Baptisms. When you come to ASI,
14:19 you've an opportunity to network with other
14:20 individuals of like mindedness.
14:22 ASI has helped me meet many, many others professionals.
14:27 Rubbing shoulders and hanging out with people
14:29 that are committed to the Lord soon coming.
14:32 You need to come to ASI, just network and hear
14:36 the testimonies because it will change
14:37 your life, it really works.
14:49 You and I couldn't go very long without
14:51 water; quite simply we need water to live.
14:55 In the same way, we need the living water of Jesus Christ.
14:59 To truly have life Jesus is the only answer,
15:03 Garry Bartholomew owns a water well
15:05 service business in Spokane, Washington.
15:08 On a daily basis, he is able to share this
15:11 analogy with customers and tell them about Jesus.
15:18 There's 15,000 people everyday that die worldwide
15:23 because of bad water or the lack of water.
15:26 Any faucet that we go to, you know, it may have
15:29 a little chlorine in it. We don't like the taste,
15:32 but it isn't gonna kill us or give us amoeba or
15:36 hepatitis or any of these nasty diseases.
15:39 Another way of saying that is that 80 percent of
15:42 the hospital beds in the world are filled with people
15:45 from waterborne diseases or from the lack of water.
15:49 We've one village that had just kind of a little
15:52 pond type thing that they got their water from.
15:58 You wouldn't let your animals
16:00 drink out of this water. I mean it is just absolutely
16:04 gross and people were dying because of it.
16:07 So, I am able to share that in my business and
16:09 it brings some very rewarding conversations.
16:13 It take those people's minds off their poor
16:15 troubles that Oh! Boy, I don't have water this
16:18 morning and it allows me to share this
16:24 dynamic ministry and sometimes a lot of
16:30 books or literature. Our ministry is water for life
16:34 international and it got started basically from
16:38 my wife and I going to Guatemala for the last
16:40 12 years, four years ago we started drilling
16:44 wells in Guatemala. It's a beauty from ashes story.
16:49 We hired a contractor in Guatemala to drill a
16:51 well for international children's care
16:53 orphanage there. We spend seven
16:55 months, went about 200 ft, told us we had 300
16:59 gallons in a minute, we'd never use all that
17:02 water and when we got down there and put a
17:05 pump in it, we had nothing, we had less
17:08 then three gallons a minute and it was
17:10 contaminated water. We decided well we come
17:13 from a drilling family, drilling background.
17:16 Let's try out ourselves. So, we started drilling
17:19 four years ago, what we began with was providing
17:24 safe water for the orphanage and school there.
17:29 And just miracle after miracle from there on
17:32 has brought us to where we are today with two
17:35 drill rigs, a pump truck and what other
17:41 equipment down there. We've a shop down
17:43 there now and this pick up is actually going
17:46 down this winter, is gonna be driven down
17:49 towing a trailer to the project.
17:51 Now, we are drilling in surrounding villages,
17:54 clinics. This year, we hope to do another
17:57 orphanage in El Salvador and a hospital
18:03 in Belize and more, more wells right around
18:08 the orphanage and school there.
18:10 It's a third world country that doesn't
18:12 have much for water system, so typically it's
18:15 come out of the river and that's where it still
18:17 comes from. Of course all the villages upstream
18:20 from the source, you know, use the river for
18:23 their waste also and so the further the river
18:26 goes, more contaminated it is and you now,
18:29 it looks like water. But, it's, it's water and a lot
18:33 of parasites, lot of problems. We started out with a
18:37 differential item in '89 Lincoln town car,
18:42 because it had about the right gear ratio and then
18:47 modified the opinions, so that we could get an
18:50 eccentric vertical lift. Now they have a hand
18:56 pump, they have no electricity, so they can't
18:58 run an electrical pump. But, they have actually a
19:00 merry go round pump is what we put on their
19:02 well and when they play on the merry go
19:05 round, it pumps them water. In the beginning it was,
19:08 you know, it was noble and it was new and
19:11 there were a lot of kids just playing on it.
19:14 Also we don't just provide safe water, we
19:17 provide the water of life, we do a lot of
19:20 sharing of the Gospel and we've seen scores
19:24 of Baptisms, very rewarding. I work with the drilling
19:27 part of things to a degree, but I've been
19:30 consumed more in the last few years with the evangelistic
19:35 side of things. That's how we open the
19:38 door though is to give them clean water, show
19:40 the people that we're there to help them.
19:43 Show them that we care about them and then
19:47 they're willing to listen to really truly what
19:49 we're down there for and that is tell them
19:52 and give them the true water of life.
19:55 I was in India doing some drilling 25 years ago.
20:00 And I start up the drill rig in the morning and
20:03 within a few moments, I would have three or
20:06 four hundred people standing around that
20:07 drill rig and I had the impression that,
20:12 Oh! If only I could have a picture roll. I wanted
20:16 anything to tell these poor people how it was
20:21 that they could get the scabs out of their hair or
20:24 they could get the flies off their face and
20:28 whatever else and I vowed right there in my
20:30 own heart that I would never work overseas
20:34 again, if I couldn't tell the people about Jesus.
20:38 A 12 year old boy from our Church does a
20:41 series of meetings each year. He has done it two years,
20:43 he will be going again this year.
20:45 I went and I preached the first meeting and
20:47 afterwards a young woman came up to me
20:49 and she looked about 6 months pregnant and
20:52 through the translator I learned that she had
20:53 been in a cab and bus wreck and it has
20:57 squeezed her abdomen and she had few fluids
21:00 leaking inside of her, so we got down there in
21:03 my building and we prayed for her.
21:04 And she says, I'm leaving tomorrow to go
21:06 to Guatemala City. The doctors are insisting
21:09 comedown for my second surgery.
21:11 They're gonna take out part of my colon,
21:13 part of my pancreas, part of my, there is lot
21:16 of her abdomen stuff, so it wouldn't leak and she
21:18 said there is a 50 percent chance that I'm
21:20 going to die or if I live. She came back in just a
21:24 few days, she says. I didn't have to have surgery.
21:27 And about the next night, she was there.
21:29 There she was, flat stomach and all, and I was amazed.
21:32 And she came back to say thank you to that 12-year-old boy
21:36 and to the Lord. She was healed.
21:38 To watch those people respond to Christ.
21:42 When presented with people from, a few
21:49 years old to 80 years old, it doesn't seem to matter.
21:54 I haven't seen a failure yet. It's what the Lord taught
21:57 us to do, it's what he came here and did,
22:00 was took care of people's physical needs
22:04 and then, they were able to talk spiritual things
22:07 and that, that's extremely satisfying.
22:10 Their health has improved, the medical
22:12 bills went down 60 percent in the first year
22:15 at the orphanage, just by having safe water
22:17 and we see a lot of parasite problems, a lot
22:20 of deaths from that and with safe water, which
22:24 just makes a difference between night and day.
22:28 ASI has shown me and I'm a person
22:32 that learns by example. I see something and I learn
22:37 that and they have shown me, they have modeled
22:39 to me sharing Christ. It is just more fun then
22:45 a barrel of monkeys to come and be able to see
22:49 people that are witnessing in their marketplace.
22:53 That are sharing Christ in their marketplace.
22:55 The networking that we experience at ASI
23:00 is something we can't get anywhere else.
23:03 Because we see other people that, that may
23:06 have a ministry and maybe they're just
23:07 across the border in another country, but we
23:10 see people that would love to go learn how to
23:13 drill a well or we see people that would like
23:16 to go help built a church or do some sharing of
23:20 the Gospel in an evangelistic series and
23:23 we see people that print literature, Spanish
23:26 books or literature, that we take down.
23:30 We took 14, we took 9000 pounds of
23:32 literature last year in our container when we
23:35 shipped them. So, this year we are taking
23:37 Bible, Spanish Bibles and literature and the
23:41 message books and so, all of these things we
23:44 find at ASI conventions and I don't know of any
23:47 other place we could find that.
23:49 A dozen years ago, I started being more
23:53 active in the drilling associations in the
23:55 different states, I could never really understand
23:59 and I asked myself what in the world am I going
24:01 to play golf with or we want to camp out with a
24:05 bunch of well drillers because industry looks
24:09 at me, at some of those people who are dirty all
24:12 the time and some of them have language
24:16 similar and this kind of thing and we put people
24:20 in a box. I have found a willingness among the
24:24 drillers, among the manufactures.
24:28 Some of these people I have called them up
24:31 from Guatemala and said this is our problem
24:34 and he says do I understand you are doing
24:36 mission work down there, I said yes.
24:39 He says I'm prepared to donate this if you do
24:42 the freight on it. There's pump suppliers
24:45 that supply pump and pipe and wire.
24:47 There's electrical suppliers that supply
24:49 electrical things, there's well drill suppliers that
24:52 supply tools and bits, things that are
24:55 expandable and those people are just, they're
25:00 happy to help, they want to help and that
25:02 encourages me. And I've seen people
25:08 that I thought were in a box and the Lord has
25:11 showed me I was wrong. You know, I do water
25:15 well pump systems and so I'm involved with
25:18 water in my everyday work. Now, I'm finding it harder
25:22 and harder to separate my ministry and my
25:26 everyday work to me they're one, it allows
25:30 me to share this dynamic ministry and
25:35 sometimes a lot of books or literature.
25:39 One of my favorite books is Child of the
25:42 Crossfire, because it's about a boy in
25:44 Guatemala, that actually ended up at that
25:47 orphanage and his dad was part of the guerrilla
25:51 forces and so the government captured him,
25:55 kill his dad and then wanted to get
25:57 information out of him and then the, when the
26:05 General Lucas was flying over this
26:07 devastated village taking this boy to the
26:09 orphanage. He looked down, he saw a little girl
26:12 in the garbage dump at the edge of the village.
26:16 The only form of life left that he could see.
26:19 He landed right there picked her up and took
26:22 her with him to the orphanage and we
26:24 adopted that girl in 1985 and that's our daughter,
26:29 and so that book talks about that and so I've
26:33 shared a lot of those books with people
26:35 because it also has the wonderful Sabbath message,
26:38 because the Sabbath is part of the program at
26:42 the international children's care orphanage and has just
26:46 lots, lots of good promises and a good message.
26:49 Our focus is on reaching out to others and
26:53 in my mind, that's made a healthy difference
26:56 in our Church. Its working like the Lord
27:00 said it would. It's more blessed to give then to
27:03 receive and I can see it. When I first started
27:07 going down of that while a couple weeks,
27:09 that's quite a bit of time to take and last year
27:12 I took two months and it's feeling better all the time.
27:19 What a wonderful example of sharing
27:21 Christ in the marketplace, stories like Gerry's
27:24 inspire me to get out of my comfort zone and
27:27 witness to those around me. If you would like to here
27:30 more testimonies like Gerry's, I encourage
27:33 you to come to the ASI convention, it's filled
27:37 with stories of people being used by God to
27:40 reach others both at home and around the world.
27:44 Find out more at
27:50 You've been watching ASI Video Magazine,
27:53 I'm Dan Houghton, join me next time for more
27:57 stories of ASI members sharing Christ in the
28:00 marketplace. May God be with you.


Revised 2014-12-17