Series Code: AVMN
Program Code: AVMN000005
00:01 ASI is a ministry that's networking all these
00:03 different ministries together with the church. 00:05 Being involved with ASI, meeting other people. 00:08 ASI convention is an excellent opportunity, 00:10 just a great opportunity. In ASI, there is a 00:12 particular fellow. ASI is really the stamp, 00:15 it's the glue that holds all the ministries together. 00:28 Welcome to ASI video magazine, I'm Dan Houghton, 00:31 as I attend the ASI convention each year. 00:34 I'm continually amazed with the stories shared 00:37 by ASI members. Stories of witnessing 00:40 and outreach of sharing Christ in the market place. 00:43 Today, we're going to meet two ASI members 00:46 sharing Christ in very different ways. 00:48 One through publishing in media and the other 00:51 through personal relationships in 00:52 the workplace. When Light Bearers Ministry 00:55 was founded in 1986 it was a small outfit doing 00:59 door to door outreach, Bible studies, 01:00 and weekend seminars. Today, they are a publishing 01:04 media, and teaching ministry. 01:06 Light Bearers prints 20 to 40 million pieces 01:09 of literature every year. They are involved 01:12 in projects around the world and produced 01:14 television programs targeted at reaching 01:17 secular society. Let's find out how God has used 01:20 Light Bearers to bless his work around the world. 01:25 This is our new publishing facility, 01:27 which we built about two years ago, 01:29 we're really happy to be in this building because 01:31 it is large enough to facilitate all of our needs. 01:34 First of all after the literature comes out 01:37 of the design department it goes on to our 01:40 six color Sanden web press and then it is brought 01:45 on cards to the folders, where the tracks are 01:47 folded and boxed up and then finally 01:50 they are palatalized and prepared to go onto 01:54 the trucks and out the door to the ocean liner 01:56 for wherever the destination maybe. 01:58 The Light Bearers Ministry began as a 02:02 teaching ministry, didn't have a publishing aspect 02:05 at first that developed later, shortly after our 02:09 conversion to Christianity and my partner James 02:12 and I began doing in home Bibles study, small 02:16 group studies with 10, 12, 15 people in a group. 02:19 Ty and I would both new converse came out 02:22 of the world, I'd a catholic background 02:25 and I don't think he had any kind of religious 02:27 background and we met in Spokane, Washington. 02:29 Ty had joined the Church a couple of years before 02:32 I had through evangelistic series, 02:35 I came through personal Bible study 02:37 and then went through some evangelistic series 02:40 on Daniel and when we met we just became friends, 02:43 we both had a zeal of burden and desire to just 02:45 share the things that we were learning, 02:47 they were so new to us and so clear 02:50 and so powerful and so life altering. 02:52 We were young and energetic, and just really 02:54 eager to share in any venue that might be 02:57 open to us and through that medium we began 03:00 to conduct seminars pretty much every weekend 03:04 in different places around the country 03:06 and other countries as well. 03:08 Sometimes people say wow you and Ty, 03:10 you know, you just kind interact really 03:12 well together, you guys rehearse that no, 03:15 no that was years of just hanging out together, 03:18 driving together, talking, interacting, 03:20 it just kind a follows out or it comes natural. 03:22 And then as we continued on in the teaching work 03:27 that we were doing, we saw the value or preparing 03:31 outlines and studies in written form to share 03:35 with the people, who were attending the seminars. 03:38 Up until about 87, we were printing some small 03:42 pieces of literature, copy machine, 03:44 nothing really, you know great. 03:46 But we really felt a desire to get a press. 03:48 We didn't know anything about publishing 03:50 and never laid eyes on a press before up 03:53 closing personally, it was just a device 03:56 we knew was out there in the technological world 03:59 and we could make use of it and we knew 04:01 it would have a major impact on the world. 04:04 So, we did a little bit of research, we picked 04:07 a small two color press called an AB Dick. 04:10 And it wasn't really a professional press. 04:12 It was an AB Dick, it was a duplicator something 04:14 that they using a copy shop. 04:15 But it was impressed us, you know, 04:17 you inked it up, you have rollers the whole bit. 04:19 And we purchase the thing, they delivered it, 04:22 they told us that the next day they would send 04:25 somebody to do some training on the press. 04:27 But we just couldn't contain ourselves, 04:30 so we slap some ink on there 04:32 and the necessary chemicals, 04:33 and we got the thing up in running determent 04:37 to get ink to stick the paper by morning. 04:39 And we stayed up all night long and we just were, 04:44 we had a few, I can't remember what 04:45 they are called, but where the blows out 04:47 and the whole thing needs to be cleaned up 04:49 and you start from scratch and we did a few 04:51 of those and by the time the sun started 04:54 rising and the dawn started breaking upon us, 04:57 we were still awake, still working with this press 05:00 and we were so excited because we are 05:02 printing ink on paper and it was legible. 05:05 And then the trainer came, the guy 05:08 that was gonna teach us how to run the press 05:10 and he came to the ministry 05:11 and there we were you know just all story 05:14 we had and excited, and he came in 05:17 and he started going through with us. 05:19 And we just had one question after another. 05:21 And he just couldn't figure out why we had so many 05:23 questions and they were just all very 05:25 practical questions. And we told him about 05:27 our experience, we said we have been up all night 05:29 with this press and we run through and he said, 05:31 I now wonder you asking all these questions. 05:32 He said these questions are all based on the 05:34 experience you have had all night running 05:36 this press right, I said, we said yes 05:38 absolutely so it was awesome. 05:39 We were certain of two things at that point 05:41 and that is that it could be done. 05:43 And that we needed to keep going in the direction 05:45 of publishing and that we needed to hire 05:47 somebody else to actually run the press. 05:50 And that began to develop in 87 and by 1990 05:54 we had a full publishing house. And we started 05:57 to print containers of literature for overseas. 06:00 Light Bearers Ministry is all about filling 06:02 containers with truthful literature and then 06:06 shipping it to designated areas around the world, 06:08 where people are in desperate need 06:11 of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 06:12 Literature distribution is the most effective way 06:16 of communicating the Gospel for at least 06:18 three reasons. Number one cost effectiveness. 06:21 All of this literature that we print is produced 06:24 and shipped for less than four pennies 06:28 per publication. This press is the one that 06:32 we use to print material in mass. 06:35 We can fill the container with material 06:38 in about two weeks. Secondly, its effective 06:41 because of its impact, it's a tangible item that 06:44 people hold in their hands to take home other 06:46 family members can read it, so it has a, it has an 06:49 ongoing life cycle in a community, in a home. 06:52 And to this date, we probably printed about 06:54 four hundred and thirty million plus pieces 06:58 of literature in over thirty different languages. 07:01 So, the third reason is because the literature 07:04 that is placed in people hands has 07:07 a grounding effect. It's more effective to read 07:11 the truth and to go over it again and again 07:15 and to have it in your possession in a written 07:17 form then merely to hear somebody 07:19 speak the truth and then leave town. 07:21 And right now we're printing French, 07:23 Portuguese, we have got of course the English 07:27 and request for a number of other different 07:31 languages, we have developed the ministry 07:35 primarily to present literature for the needs 07:40 of third world countries. Countries that just 07:42 don't have the means to fund literature 07:45 and to do it in such a way that 07:47 we can make the cost low. 07:50 All over has gone out absolutely free of charge, 07:53 the gift to various entities around the world 07:56 that becomes distribution centers and so really 07:59 what Light Bearers Ministry is, 08:01 is it is a massive communication network, 08:05 just in this year this coming year alone. 08:08 We will put into circulation 50 to 60 million 08:11 publications. Sometimes you know, 08:14 you get so busy and you're out there doing 08:16 ministry and doing what you need to do 08:18 and you lose site or lose connection with some 08:21 of these other ministries and what they're up to 08:23 and no one really has time to connect. 08:25 So, you take a few days off every year about 08:27 August first week and you go to ASI convention 08:30 and you hick up with all these different ministries 08:32 and you connect with them all at one time. 08:33 You just get it all out of the way 08:35 and you don't have to be calling everyone 08:37 then you figure out what their schedules 08:40 are for different events and you try to hook 08:42 that in what you're doing and see if you can work 08:44 together and there is so much more 08:46 to get accomplished as you work 08:48 with these other ministries. 08:49 The ASI convention is an excellent opportunity, 08:52 just a great opportunity to meet people, 08:54 to lay plans, to cast vision and also along 08:59 the way as you attend the meetings at ASI, 09:02 you just receiving a lot of motivation 09:04 and education that goes a long way for shaping 09:08 what it is that we're going to do to 09:10 make an impact in the world field. 09:11 And so ASI really facilitates that, 09:13 it's a wonderful place. 09:15 One of the most incredible things that we have 09:17 witnessed and experienced as a ministry is that 09:21 we've received reports of churches 09:25 that have spontaneously come into existence. 09:28 Because literature was distributed in the area, 09:31 so we've had missionaries who have gone 09:35 to villages and towns and way out of the way places 09:39 and they start holding meetings and Bible studies 09:42 and so on. And they discovering 09:43 the process that, hey these people already know 09:46 the certain truths and they began to inquire, 09:49 how do you know these Bible truths? 09:52 How did you encountered these things that 09:53 another evangelist or missionary come to visit 09:56 and they produce Light Bearers literature, 10:00 literature is that sometime earlier, months ago, 10:04 years ago someone came through the village 10:07 with the bag pack full of literature because 10:09 we send a container and people ride on bicycles 10:12 into remote places if they go out on hikes into 10:15 remote villages and they just hand the 10:17 literature out free and then they leave. 10:19 One of the most exciting experiences 10:21 I had was on my first trip to Africa. 10:23 You know, we've been printing literature 10:24 for Africa for over 20 years. 10:26 But I never actually gone there until 2006. 10:29 And the country I went to the first time 10:31 was Zimbabwe, which is in a very difficult 10:34 economic situation with high, high inflation. 10:38 And we went to, I went to the University of Solusi, 10:42 which is an Adventist University. 10:43 University status just recently. But it's also the 10:46 oldest mission in Africa, 10:48 the oldest Seventh-Day Adventist mission in Africa. 10:50 It was founded in 1895 with the grant of land 10:53 from the government. They have over two thousand 10:55 students in row, 60 to 80 percent of them are 10:57 not Seventh-Day Adventist, it's a 10:59 catholic country, so lot of them are Catholics. 11:01 And I was there doing weekend prayer 11:02 on three angles message, Revelation 14 11:06 and it was really fun, but it was also intense 11:09 and the reason why it was so intense is because 11:11 you've a lot of kids there, who do not have 11:13 an Adventist background and actually have 11:16 a catholic background. But they don't 11:18 necessarily have Bibles, they don't necessarily 11:19 have literature, and so when I am preaching 11:21 they are hearing things for the first time 11:23 and the scene slides, power point presentation 11:26 slides with all this documentation on it. 11:29 But because they don't have it hand, 11:30 they can't necessarily go to the web, 11:32 they have a lot of questions. 11:33 And they are not sure if they believe 11:35 or they can accept what I'm teaching. 11:37 And so what we did, I did a question answer 11:39 time that helped a little bit. 11:40 And I was able to share from the Bible, 11:42 but they don't have Bibles in lot of them. 11:43 I have four students, four catholic girls 11:46 for example, that were intense about 11:48 what day was the Sabbath and asking me about, 11:51 that, but only one of them had a Bible 11:52 between the four. So, got back to 11:54 Light Bearers and we organized and got together 11:57 a container of literature filled with lessons, 12:02 Bible lessons. Bibles, thousands of Bibles 12:05 and we sent five thousand Bibles there. 12:06 We have sent enough Bibles there for 12:07 each student and just a couple months later 12:09 a 165 young people were Baptized 12:12 and became Seventh-Day Adventist. 12:14 And it was really exciting because I know 12:15 that part of the reason for that was not 12:17 just the weekend prayer, but also the follow-up 12:20 with the literature that help to stabilize 12:23 the message that we had share in their hearts 12:26 and help them to be able to go back to a Bible, 12:28 which they didn't have. Back to Bible studies, 12:30 which they didn't have and back to literature, 12:32 which they didn't have and we affirm everything 12:35 that we have taught. And now our plan 12:37 is to just keep sending a container of literature 12:39 to Solusi University every year. 12:41 They get it through Blue Whale in Zimbabwe 12:44 and they were just soaking about I mean. 12:46 We could send two or three containers 12:48 every year. But what happens as you send 12:50 a container of literature to Solusi. 12:52 You have these theology students there, 12:55 there are some of them are graduating, 12:56 new ones are coming in, you have new 12:57 students coming in that come from different 13:00 denominations, different backgrounds, 13:02 and so it's a brand new field of ministry 13:05 every year. You don't have to unnecessarily 13:08 go off campus. It's a mission campus right there, 13:10 so you are sending literature to a place, 13:12 where the mission field is right there at 13:15 Adventist institution, it's really 13:18 exciting to see that happening. 13:21 It's wonderful to see how God can use us 13:23 for his glory to spread the good news 13:26 of his love to the entire world. 13:28 And I'm thankful for Light Bearers 13:30 and the other ministries that are members of ASI. 13:33 Together, we're telling the world about 13:35 Christ's love and soon return. 13:38 To learn more about Light Bearers call 13:40 area code 541-988-3333 or visit 13:51 ASI has eight regional chapters across 13:53 North America; these chapters host there own 13:56 local conventions each spring along with 13:59 occasional rallies and meetings throughout 14:01 the year. Your local chapter is an excellent 14:04 way to get involved with ASI. 14:06 It's an opportunity to connect with like-minded 14:09 Adventist professionals from your area. 14:12 Visit to find the more 14:17 information about your local ASI chapter. 14:20 ASI convention is just an inspiring time; 14:24 I've heard it at this five day camp meeting 14:26 on steroids. I get encourage when I come 14:28 to the ASI conference. The speakers, the fellowship 14:32 that you have, it is so charging and recharging. 14:35 I'm top lifted, once I went, 14:37 I didn't wanna miss. You need to 14:38 come to ASI. There is nothing like it. 14:51 Jesus is rightly called the master physician. 14:54 Well here on this earth he performed 14:56 many miraculous acts of healing. 14:59 One of the best ways we as Christians 15:01 can witness for Christ is to help others 15:03 with their physical ailments. 15:05 Dr. Carlos Japas is a physician 15:08 and ASI member from Burleson, Texas. 15:11 Let's find out how he's used 15:13 his practice to witness to others. 15:18 I was prepared my own funeral 15:21 and my wife was writing that these are 15:23 only one for my funeral. I wanted to be different. 15:26 I don't wanted people just crying 15:28 because you know. We still remaining 15:31 in this world, we will die anyway. 15:35 But I wanted to be different, I wanted to do 15:37 a sermon for my friends that they only think 15:42 that most of them they only think that, 15:44 they worry about life is getting a 15:46 professional degree, making money. And they don't 15:50 worry about, who is your good neighbor. 15:53 Victor is a great guy; he, he's actually young, 15:56 dynamic. And he is a quite intelligent man; 16:00 he is an engineer in electronics. 16:04 Working with a Groberman in a private company, 16:08 I was flying every 15 days to different countries. 16:13 I don't know in what country that I buried 16:18 that virus disease, but the first thing 16:25 I notice is my feet. When I look at my feet 16:29 because it was starting little pink when 16:31 I was walking and I notice that lose 16:35 therefore multiply in my feet 16:36 because it look like elephant feet. 16:38 And one day he came in to see me 16:41 and says doctor, I need your help, 16:44 I have been seeing so many doctors, 16:46 but I just want the opinion of a Christian doctor. 16:51 Before I was going to Dr. Japas, 16:54 I had a feel, the feeling, strong feeling that. 16:58 I won't be dying in seven days. 17:01 I examined him, I went through all the areas 17:04 that I could see, that I could help me 17:06 make a diagnoses. I even look at the reports 17:12 that he brought to me from other doctors. 17:14 And I said Victor I really don't know 17:16 what you have, but I know one thing. 17:18 We gonna trust in God, we gonna do the best we can. 17:21 We gonna pray, if you don't mind I am gonna 17:23 pray with you and God would give us the answer. 17:26 An every single visit that I got with Dr. Japas, 17:32 we pray before and what he find out later 17:37 I have a sarcoidosis, which is a disease that, 17:41 is worse than TBC. 17:43 He was swollen on the feet I thought at beginning, 17:46 but he had some congestive heart failure. 17:49 But that was not so. 17:51 I told the Lord, I quit my job if you still need 17:55 me in ministry. I'm going to quit my job 18:00 and I do in one month, but if you cure me 18:02 in seven days, I told the Lord you have to cure 18:04 them in seven days I have the strong 18:06 sensation instead, instead of dying in seven days. 18:10 I will be alive, but if I alive after seven days 18:12 is mean that he will open the door for me at least. 18:16 I said victor we need to take an x-ray, 18:17 when I saw that x-ray it was just full of white 18:24 ground glass appearance typical of 18:27 what could be tuberculosis. 18:30 You know, when I said to Dr. Japas that I will, 18:33 I was about, I had a strong sensation that 18:36 I will be dying in seven days. 18:38 He looked at me and he says unless God have 18:43 another plans you won't die. 18:46 We will do all that you can, I don't know 18:50 who you are he says to me, he was sincere, 18:54 but he would lead me with prayer, 18:56 we will find out and that was a comfort 18:59 in my heart. Because I knew, 19:01 I was in where I with the rippers. 19:04 As he says I'm alive because you are my doctor 19:07 and I was shocked, I said, hey Victor 19:09 I haven't done anything for you. 19:11 He said no, no doctor you're the answer 19:13 to my prayers. I thought I was gonna die 19:15 and I thought that was the end of my life. 19:18 And I wanted to have an opinion from 19:20 a Christian doctor, but you pray for me. 19:22 And from that moment I knew that God 19:25 has healed me. As a matter of fact, 19:27 I went back to my doctors that were, 19:29 they have seen me. They have checked my lungs 19:33 and when they took another x-ray 19:34 they couldn't see anything on them 19:36 and it was quite miracle. I didn't know that 19:39 happens then I was shocked, but I praise God 19:42 because he is the only one that could 19:44 have healed Victor. I become very well 19:46 acquainted with Dr. Japas as a patient treating 19:49 all my different ailments and he always takes time, 19:53 always very careful and curious in kind. 19:58 And when I walk into his waiting room 20:02 that is always full and I know those people 20:05 are there because he treats them in the same way. 20:09 Each patient is a unique case and I enjoyed 20:12 each one of them sometimes I have to be 20:14 reminded by my nurses that I am spending 20:16 too much time with them 20:17 and that's one of my faults. 20:20 I was chairing the Huguley Hospital board 20:23 and the nurses nearby were talking about 20:29 Dr. Japas, Dr. Japas a new doctor. 20:32 And they were so excited about him that 20:35 they voted him to be the Doctor of the year. 20:39 At a hospital like ours, there is about 20:41 350 doctors and probably only 20 or 25 of those 20:47 doctors are Seventh-Day Adventists 20:49 and Dr. Japas is a Seventh-Day Adventist 20:53 obviously, but more importantly lives his life 20:56 in such a way that his colleagues elect him 20:58 as a president of the medical staff, they, 21:00 they've confidence in him and appointed him 21:02 into that position and so an Adventist Hospital 21:05 with Adventist physician serving in that role. 21:07 I think the way it should be. 21:09 The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Cleburne, 21:11 Texas has organized a free clinic. 21:16 And I'm sure that Dr. Japas spends quite 21:19 a bit of time there, I know he is involved there 21:22 and donating his time to the helping of indigenous 21:26 and I believe last year that clinic 21:30 so over two thousand people. 21:32 I'm not the only one doing these things 21:33 there are many physicians in our institution 21:36 Huguley Medical Center, which offer their service 21:40 totally free for this type of patients and indigenous. 21:44 And the Huguley Hospital under his inspirational 21:47 leadership has started venturing to 21:51 Latin American Countries and to I believe Africa. 21:54 I see patients here on these states indigenous, 21:57 but also do it twice or three times a year 22:00 a mission project. 22:01 Last, in the last couple of years, we have taken 22:04 mission trips to Honduras and Dr. Japas went 22:08 there with us a couple times and he has gonna 22:11 down there and served and because 22:13 he is bilingual that has been a big blessing 22:16 additionally to being a physician going out 22:18 and ministering the health needs of the people. 22:20 He can talk to them and make summaries in that way. 22:23 And when we comeback, it's amazing to see 22:27 those people rejoicing, they wanna do it 22:29 it immediately again. They are just signing their 22:32 names again and they wanna know when 22:34 we're gonna be going out again into this place 22:37 because they really love what they do 22:39 and they really become enthusiastic about it 22:43 and they appreciate actually what they have at home. 22:46 And it just helps the whole spiritual atmosphere 22:49 of the Church and this kind of thing has been 22:52 generated largely through Dr. Mrs. Japas. 22:56 It's so good to share, you know, 23:00 the voice of all the people that does they have 23:03 the opportunity we have to know Jesus 23:06 to tell them about Jesus, through especially 23:10 I like to work with leader around the children 23:12 with occasion in school or with medical group 23:17 that go and help them to teach a better way to live. 23:21 So, Gracie when I was about to marry her, 23:25 I said Gracie at one condition I'm gonna 23:27 marry you, I said if you promise to me 23:30 that you're gonna give me 12 children. 23:33 He dreams with a big family and I was 23:38 earlier afraid to have a big family. 23:41 And she says thought for a while, 23:44 she swallow little bit, and says yes I promise. 23:48 After we've our second child, 23:50 which still having in our home foreign students. 23:55 So, the children's came, came with first, 23:58 the second, the third. I already forget about that, 24:02 I had enough with three. 24:03 But she had not forgotten about that. 24:06 And leader by leader I find out that my house 24:09 will fix all this young students they came 24:13 and we adopt them as our children. 24:17 They follow the rules of the home 24:19 and we enjoyed them as daughters and son. 24:23 And I was quite of, not very happy about that 24:30 and say I wanna my privacy, I wanted to be 24:32 in my home, I wanted to be rule it of the house 24:34 and now this stranger comes in. 24:36 I don't know what the outcome, 24:38 what's gonna be, I said well 24:40 I promise you 12 children, so here is another one. 24:43 And so over the year she has been filing up 24:46 and not only she has given me 12, 24:48 she has given me close to 28 and one time 24:51 she even brought me a couple, 24:53 which was a single mother with a child. 24:57 I said enough Gracie that's not right, 24:59 what are you doing with me and she said 25:02 well this poor lady had no place to go. 25:05 But she wants to follow our faith, no, 25:07 do you know her, no I don't know her. 25:09 I just met her in the street. 25:10 I said how do you dare to do that 25:12 and she said well that she needs to have help. 25:16 And as a consequence of being in our house 25:20 the child became a student. 25:23 She went to our academy, she lived with 25:26 our children's like if she was one of us. 25:28 She graduated from college and she is working 25:31 as a pastor right now. She became a converted 25:34 Christian and her mother became baptized too 25:38 and they both came to be part of the family of God 25:42 as a consequence of living in our house, 25:44 so I praise the Lord again because of 25:46 Gracie decision to bring them into our house. 25:50 And being a member of ASI, 25:53 I think it was the touch of our life for my 25:57 family for, especially for my husband 26:00 and I do have a purpose in our, 26:05 you know, world place. 26:07 From that moment on, we went on projects 26:10 that we wanna do something for God. 26:12 We wanna do something different 26:13 to be in their office and seeing the patient 26:16 is not enough. We want to go and do outreach 26:19 and we got our kids involved with this. 26:22 We're seeing a renaissance of Adventism 26:25 through ASI, they're bringing back the old spirit 26:31 and they're witnessing for Christ 26:33 in the market place. And I believe that 26:36 Dr, Japas and his health care practice, 26:40 his medical practice is doing that in a part 26:44 excellent matter. There are people that 26:48 invite him to conduct their funerals 26:51 non-Adventist families because of his 26:53 spiritual leadership, because they know he is 26:56 a Godly man and his wife Gracie 27:00 and his sister Norma they have a powerful 27:05 influence upon the patients in an uplifting 27:08 spirit building way, it's just an inspiration 27:12 to watch them. I go into the clinic quite 27:14 frequently with my own needs or to draw 27:17 some air in. And to see them all at work 27:20 with the other staff members is 27:22 like walking into a Church activity. 27:27 There are so many ways God can use us, 27:29 to touch the lives of others. 27:30 If we're just willing to let him lead. 27:33 ASI is made up a people just like Dr. Japas, 27:37 who have given their lives in businesses 27:39 for God to use according to his purpose. 27:43 For more information about ASI 27:45 and how to become a member, 27:47 call area code 301-680-6450 27:52 or visit 27:56 you've been watching ASI video magazine. 27:59 I'm, Dan Houghton, join me next time for more 28:03 stories of ASI member sharing Christ 28:06 in the market place. God be with you. |
Revised 2014-12-17