- If God were to actually speak to you, 00:00:01.00\00:00:02.50 how would you know for sure you're hearing from God? 00:00:02.50\00:00:05.00 I mean, how would you know that what you're sensing is real? 00:00:05.00\00:00:09.07 That's what we're gonna talk about 00:00:09.07\00:00:10.47 on today's edition of "Authentic." 00:00:10.47\00:00:13.21 [country-style music] 00:00:13.21\00:00:16.44 [country-style music continues] 00:00:23.25\00:00:27.32 You've probably heard people say 00:00:34.30\00:00:35.86 that Christianity is different from other world religions. 00:00:35.86\00:00:38.57 And after more than 30 years as a practicing Christian, 00:00:38.57\00:00:42.07 I'd have to agree with that. 00:00:42.07\00:00:44.54 Maybe you've heard some people say that most religions 00:00:44.54\00:00:47.28 have the human race trying to reach out to God. 00:00:47.28\00:00:49.61 But in Christianity, 00:00:49.61\00:00:51.11 the reaching actually goes in the opposite direction, 00:00:51.11\00:00:53.55 God's the one reaching out to us. 00:00:53.55\00:00:56.82 But there are some other key differences. 00:00:56.82\00:00:58.59 You've probably heard some people complain 00:00:58.59\00:01:00.49 that Christianity makes some rather exclusive claims, 00:01:00.49\00:01:03.83 because it rejects the popular idea that all spiritual paths 00:01:03.83\00:01:07.86 lead to the top of the very same mountain. 00:01:07.86\00:01:10.37 Now of course, on the one hand, 00:01:10.37\00:01:12.13 I'm actually sympathetic to that kind of thinking, 00:01:12.13\00:01:14.74 because a lot of damage has been done by religious tyrants 00:01:14.74\00:01:18.74 who want to impose cookie-cutter uniformity on everybody. 00:01:18.74\00:01:22.44 And I mean absolutely everybody. 00:01:22.44\00:01:24.98 And the Bible does not suggest 00:01:24.98\00:01:26.82 that you and I are required to stop being 00:01:26.82\00:01:29.12 our individual selves. 00:01:29.12\00:01:31.29 I mean, yeah, we are required to submit ourselves to God, 00:01:31.29\00:01:35.29 but there is nothing to suggest that we all get absorbed 00:01:35.29\00:01:38.09 into some kind of cosmic collective mind. 00:01:38.09\00:01:40.93 That's actually an Eastern concept. 00:01:40.93\00:01:44.10 Maybe you've noticed that in the Holy City 00:01:44.10\00:01:46.40 over in the Book of Revelation, there are 12 gates, 00:01:46.40\00:01:49.47 three on each side of the city, 00:01:49.47\00:01:51.37 and each of those gates is labeled with the name 00:01:51.37\00:01:53.88 of an individual tribe of Israel, 00:01:53.88\00:01:56.34 implying that there are as many as 12 different paths 00:01:56.34\00:01:59.55 in that particular scenario, that lead to the throne of God. 00:01:59.55\00:02:03.92 If you go back to the 49th chapter of Genesis 00:02:03.92\00:02:07.02 and compare it, you'll find Jacob or Israel 00:02:07.02\00:02:09.69 describing each of his 12 sons as very unique individuals. 00:02:09.69\00:02:14.00 And what you'll notice 00:02:14.00\00:02:15.33 is that they clearly have their own personalities, 00:02:15.33\00:02:17.63 their own strengths and their own flaws. 00:02:17.63\00:02:20.64 But none of them were required to be 00:02:21.64\00:02:23.97 exactly the same as their siblings. 00:02:23.97\00:02:25.74 Instead, they were provided with blessings 00:02:25.74\00:02:28.21 and warnings by their father 00:02:28.21\00:02:30.15 according to their own unique situation. 00:02:30.15\00:02:32.48 So when you find 12 different gates 00:02:32.48\00:02:34.95 that lead to the presence of God, 00:02:34.95\00:02:36.55 there is at least the implication 00:02:36.55\00:02:39.69 that each of us can approach God 00:02:39.69\00:02:41.82 from the perspective of who we are as ourselves, 00:02:41.82\00:02:45.83 and you don't have to give up 00:02:45.83\00:02:46.83 your sense of personal identity. 00:02:46.83\00:02:49.50 Your personality has to be sanctified by God 00:02:49.50\00:02:53.23 because you're a sinner, 00:02:53.23\00:02:55.07 but your personality doesn't have to disappear. 00:02:55.07\00:02:57.54 At the end of the day, you're allowed to be you. 00:02:57.54\00:03:01.04 So in that very narrow sense, 00:03:01.04\00:03:04.01 there really are different paths 00:03:04.01\00:03:05.61 that lead to the top of the sacred mountain, 00:03:05.61\00:03:08.45 but every single one of those paths has to go through Christ 00:03:08.45\00:03:12.99 because as Jesus Himself said, 00:03:12.99\00:03:15.29 "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. 00:03:15.29\00:03:19.19 No one comes to the Father except through me." 00:03:19.19\00:03:23.43 Now, that's the concept 00:03:23.43\00:03:25.63 that gets some people wound a little bit tightly, 00:03:25.63\00:03:28.24 because to a 21st century mindset, that sounds elitist. 00:03:28.24\00:03:33.31 "What do you mean only Jesus can get me to heaven? 00:03:34.61\00:03:36.18 What about the Buddhists, and the Taoists, and the Hindus, 00:03:36.18\00:03:39.11 and all those other world religions? 00:03:39.11\00:03:40.75 How are they supposed to reach God?" 00:03:40.75\00:03:43.82 And the biblical answer is, still through Christ. 00:03:43.82\00:03:47.92 They might not actually know His name 00:03:47.92\00:03:49.79 and they might not have access to the scriptures, 00:03:49.79\00:03:52.86 but they are still reliant on Christ 00:03:52.86\00:03:55.66 to enter the presence of God, whether they know it or not. 00:03:55.66\00:03:59.17 The opening chapter of the Book of Romans 00:03:59.17\00:04:01.17 makes it abundantly clear 00:04:01.17\00:04:02.94 that God only holds people accountable 00:04:02.94\00:04:06.51 for the information they actually have access to. 00:04:06.51\00:04:09.94 And then it says the Gentiles, 00:04:09.94\00:04:11.78 some of them are living up to the light that they have. 00:04:11.78\00:04:14.58 But why? 00:04:15.48\00:04:16.85 Why does it all come down to the person of Christ? 00:04:16.85\00:04:20.06 Well, that's where the Bible comes in. 00:04:20.06\00:04:22.22 The Bible is the story of God 00:04:22.22\00:04:23.93 interacting with us all through history, 00:04:23.93\00:04:27.23 and the absolute peak of that interaction 00:04:27.23\00:04:29.76 happens with the incarnation, 00:04:29.76\00:04:31.77 the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ. 00:04:31.77\00:04:35.84 The Bible reveals Jesus as God in human flesh, 00:04:35.84\00:04:39.77 not part-human part-God, 00:04:39.77\00:04:41.81 but fully God and fully human at the very same time. 00:04:41.81\00:04:46.88 Virtually all of the world's religious beliefs 00:04:48.12\00:04:49.88 recognize that there's a problematic gap 00:04:49.88\00:04:52.12 between the human race and God. 00:04:52.12\00:04:54.39 We all seem to realize 00:04:54.39\00:04:56.06 that something has gone terribly wrong. 00:04:56.06\00:04:59.63 And most of the world's religions have us as humans, 00:04:59.63\00:05:02.56 trying to solve the problem ourselves, reaching out to God 00:05:02.56\00:05:06.13 and looking for yet another path up the mountain 00:05:06.13\00:05:08.87 every time the one we're presently on starts to fail. 00:05:08.87\00:05:12.67 But in the Bible, we discover God telling us 00:05:13.81\00:05:16.18 that you and I are ultimately powerless to fix the problem, 00:05:16.18\00:05:20.28 and so God takes charge of the situation Himself. 00:05:20.28\00:05:24.52 And how does He do that? 00:05:24.52\00:05:26.15 By becoming one of us and taking His place as the new head 00:05:26.15\00:05:31.06 of the human race. 00:05:31.06\00:05:32.83 Now we have a perfect human representative, 00:05:32.83\00:05:36.43 which means that Jesus' claim to be the only way back 00:05:36.43\00:05:39.90 makes really good sense. 00:05:39.90\00:05:41.84 I mean, where else among the world's beliefs 00:05:41.84\00:05:43.77 do you find God actually becoming one of us? 00:05:43.77\00:05:47.58 And by that, 00:05:47.58\00:05:48.91 I don't mean a God who looks like one of us, 00:05:48.91\00:05:51.85 because there are apparitions in other religious beliefs 00:05:51.85\00:05:56.02 that kind of look human, but they're not the real thing. 00:05:56.02\00:06:00.49 What we have in Christ is this all important bridge 00:06:00.49\00:06:03.32 between humanity and God. 00:06:03.32\00:06:06.43 We have one individual 00:06:06.43\00:06:08.23 who represents both sides of that equation. 00:06:08.23\00:06:11.37 And somehow that, along with His death on the cross 00:06:11.37\00:06:15.24 and His resurrection, becomes the key to redemption. 00:06:15.24\00:06:19.77 But, you know, there is a third way 00:06:21.08\00:06:23.14 that Christianity kind of stands alone, 00:06:23.14\00:06:25.88 and it's with regard to the nature of our scriptures. 00:06:25.88\00:06:29.62 As you know, other religious groups also have holy books. 00:06:29.62\00:06:32.95 But just like the case of Jesus Himself, 00:06:32.95\00:06:35.19 there's something very unique about this book. 00:06:35.19\00:06:38.63 Let me show you what the earliest Christians believed, 00:06:38.63\00:06:41.23 and you're gonna find this written 00:06:41.23\00:06:43.16 in the Bible's Book of Hebrews. 00:06:43.16\00:06:45.07 It's a powerful explanation of how Jesus 00:06:45.07\00:06:47.87 is the fulfillment of the Old Testament right and rituals 00:06:47.87\00:06:51.04 that took place in Israel. 00:06:51.04\00:06:53.11 One of the biggest themes in the Book of Hebrews 00:06:53.11\00:06:56.08 is the idea of better. 00:06:56.08\00:06:58.71 The priests in the temple were symbolic of Christ, 00:06:58.71\00:07:01.22 but Christ is better than the priests. 00:07:01.22\00:07:03.82 The sacrificial animals 00:07:03.82\00:07:05.12 pointed forward to the cross symbolically, 00:07:05.12\00:07:08.16 but the cross is better than those sacrifices. 00:07:08.16\00:07:11.66 And when the book of Hebrews opens, the author tells us 00:07:11.66\00:07:14.20 that God has been very busy trying to communicate His plans 00:07:14.20\00:07:17.17 to the human race for a very long time, 00:07:17.17\00:07:20.34 using a number of different methods. 00:07:20.34\00:07:23.00 Listen to what it says in Hebrews 1. 00:07:23.00\00:07:25.67 "Long ago, at many times and in many ways, 00:07:25.67\00:07:29.71 God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 00:07:29.71\00:07:32.35 but in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son, 00:07:32.35\00:07:35.62 whom He appointed the heir of all things, 00:07:35.62\00:07:37.69 through whom also He created the world." 00:07:37.69\00:07:40.39 So what are these many ways of communication? 00:07:41.59\00:07:44.96 Well, for starters, we have a mention of prophets. 00:07:44.96\00:07:47.56 And when you study the historical record of the Bible, 00:07:47.56\00:07:50.23 you'll find a couple of different ways 00:07:50.23\00:07:51.93 that God used the prophets. 00:07:51.93\00:07:54.57 Some of them actually wrote entire books of the Bible. 00:07:54.57\00:07:57.24 And even though they were often addressing 00:07:57.24\00:07:59.17 a specific situation 00:07:59.17\00:08:00.68 that was actually unfolding at their time, 00:08:00.68\00:08:03.45 like say the impending invasion of Jerusalem, 00:08:03.45\00:08:06.82 the content of their message had an evergreen quality. 00:08:06.82\00:08:09.75 It still has something to say 00:08:09.75\00:08:11.42 to everybody who reads it today. 00:08:11.42\00:08:13.96 You and I might not be facing the armies of Nebuchadnezzar, 00:08:13.96\00:08:17.03 or we might not be desecrating a literal temple, 00:08:17.03\00:08:20.76 but that doesn't mean that a book like Jeremiah 00:08:20.76\00:08:23.06 doesn't apply to us. 00:08:23.06\00:08:24.57 2,600 years later, 00:08:24.57\00:08:26.23 we can still look at the moral failures of God's people 00:08:26.23\00:08:29.60 that led to the Babylonian conquest, 00:08:29.60\00:08:31.84 and we can learn something 00:08:31.84\00:08:33.51 about what it means to live an authentic human life, 00:08:33.51\00:08:36.38 a life in harmony with the will of God. 00:08:36.38\00:08:39.58 But then we have another kind of prophet 00:08:40.58\00:08:42.22 that appears in the Bible, 00:08:42.22\00:08:43.85 an individual who doesn't actually write 00:08:43.85\00:08:45.79 a book of the Bible, 00:08:45.79\00:08:47.32 but God still uses them to address a specific situation. 00:08:47.32\00:08:50.96 So for example, we've got Nathan, 00:08:50.96\00:08:53.46 the prophet who had to confront David. 00:08:53.46\00:08:56.26 The reason we know that story 00:08:56.26\00:08:58.07 is because it's recorded in the Bible. 00:08:58.07\00:08:59.77 So in that sense, some of Nathan's words are also 00:08:59.77\00:09:03.81 evergreen and apply to us today. 00:09:03.81\00:09:05.94 But Nathan didn't actually sit down 00:09:05.94\00:09:07.94 and write a part of the Bible. 00:09:07.94\00:09:10.71 I guess you could summarize it 00:09:10.71\00:09:11.95 by saying we have canonical prophets, 00:09:11.95\00:09:13.98 the ones who wrote some of the Bible, 00:09:13.98\00:09:16.15 and non-canonical prophets who did not. 00:09:16.15\00:09:18.85 And we have no record 00:09:18.85\00:09:20.46 of what some of those non-canonical prophets actually 00:09:20.46\00:09:24.16 said. But there's more, 00:09:24.16\00:09:25.39 and after I take a really quick break, 00:09:25.39\00:09:26.93 I'll come back and show you what I'm talking about. 00:09:26.93\00:09:29.46 [melodious music] 00:09:29.46\00:09:32.63 - [Announcer] Here at The Voice of Prophecy, 00:09:32.63\00:09:34.04 we're committed to creating top quality programming 00:09:34.04\00:09:36.57 for the whole family, 00:09:36.57\00:09:37.97 like our audio adventure series, Discovery Mountain. 00:09:37.97\00:09:41.21 Discovery Mountain is a Bible-based program 00:09:41.21\00:09:43.71 for kids of all ages and backgrounds. 00:09:43.71\00:09:46.05 Your family will enjoy the faith building stories 00:09:46.05\00:09:48.82 from this small mountain summer camp, Penn Town. 00:09:48.82\00:09:51.65 With 24 seasonal episodes every year, 00:09:51.65\00:09:54.19 and fresh content every week, 00:09:54.19\00:09:56.32 there's always a new adventure just on the horizon. 00:09:56.32\00:09:59.53 - At the very top of the Book of Romans, 00:10:02.23\00:10:04.27 there's this passage 00:10:04.27\00:10:05.80 that might just be one of Paul's most clever arguments. 00:10:05.80\00:10:08.97 It begins by pointing out the errors of the Gentiles, 00:10:08.97\00:10:12.21 and it's structured in such a way 00:10:12.21\00:10:13.58 that it's easy to imagine an eager Jewish audience 00:10:13.58\00:10:16.71 nodding its head in agreement and saying, 00:10:16.71\00:10:18.41 "That's right, that's what's wrong 00:10:18.41\00:10:20.08 with those filthy heathens." 00:10:20.08\00:10:22.25 And then when the trap is set, 00:10:22.25\00:10:24.85 Paul suddenly turns the tables, 00:10:24.85\00:10:26.89 and here's what he tells them. 00:10:26.89\00:10:28.62 "Therefore you have no excuse, O man, 00:10:28.62\00:10:31.33 every one of you who judges. 00:10:31.33\00:10:33.16 For in passing judgment on another, you condemn yourself 00:10:33.16\00:10:36.10 because you, the judge, practice the very same things." 00:10:36.10\00:10:41.04 What Paul's doing is baiting his audience 00:10:41.04\00:10:43.20 into agreeing with him. 00:10:43.20\00:10:44.61 He suddenly pulls out this full length mirror then, 00:10:44.61\00:10:47.28 so that the readers can see that they are doing 00:10:47.28\00:10:49.51 exactly what the Gentiles do. 00:10:49.51\00:10:52.08 It's a little like somebody complaining about your snoring, 00:10:52.08\00:10:55.15 so you secretly film them 00:10:55.15\00:10:56.58 to prove that their snoring is worse than yours. 00:10:56.58\00:10:59.62 But now let's back up just a little bit 00:11:00.79\00:11:02.16 and look at Paul's description of the Gentiles, 00:11:02.16\00:11:04.43 because it has an important idea 00:11:04.43\00:11:06.76 about the way that God actually communicates with us. 00:11:06.76\00:11:09.53 Here's what it says in chapter 1, verse 19. 00:11:09.53\00:11:12.70 "For what can be known about God is plain to them, 00:11:12.70\00:11:15.34 because God has shown it to them." 00:11:15.34\00:11:17.74 Well, how exactly did God do that, when the Gentile nations 00:11:17.74\00:11:21.41 didn't exactly have a copy of the scriptures? 00:11:21.41\00:11:23.88 I mean, I'm assuming some of them did, 00:11:23.88\00:11:25.51 because the wise men who came to visit Mary 00:11:25.51\00:11:28.12 had obviously been reading the Torah. 00:11:28.12\00:11:30.05 And of course, you'd have to think 00:11:30.05\00:11:31.89 that influential Jews like Daniel 00:11:31.89\00:11:34.32 would've left some kind of informational footprint 00:11:34.32\00:11:36.83 on the Babylonian and Persian empires. 00:11:36.83\00:11:39.73 And of course, by this point in history, the Septuagint, 00:11:39.73\00:11:43.43 that famous translation of the Hebrew scriptures into Greek, 00:11:43.43\00:11:46.80 well, that was already in circulation. 00:11:46.80\00:11:48.80 But still, the vast majority of Gentile kingdoms 00:11:48.80\00:11:52.37 didn't have access to the written word of God, 00:11:52.37\00:11:55.18 so how could they be held morally responsible? 00:11:55.18\00:11:58.85 Well, here's what it says. 00:11:58.85\00:12:00.52 "For His..." that's God. 00:12:00.52\00:12:02.05 "For His invisible attributes, 00:12:02.05\00:12:03.89 namely His eternal power and divine nature, 00:12:03.89\00:12:06.22 have been clearly perceived, 00:12:06.22\00:12:08.02 ever since the creation of the world, 00:12:08.02\00:12:10.06 in the things that have been made. 00:12:10.06\00:12:11.86 So they are without excuse." 00:12:11.86\00:12:14.93 Now, according to this, you can learn a lot about God 00:12:14.93\00:12:18.07 just by studying the creation. 00:12:18.07\00:12:20.77 So now we have God communicating verbally 00:12:20.77\00:12:24.04 through the prophets, 00:12:24.04\00:12:25.71 we have Him communicating through writing in the 00:12:25.71\00:12:28.31 scriptures, and we also have a revelation of God 00:12:28.31\00:12:30.68 right outdoors in the natural world. 00:12:30.68\00:12:33.08 But then, if you remember that statement 00:12:34.08\00:12:35.92 from the book of Hebrews, we have a fourth way, 00:12:35.92\00:12:38.59 a method of communication that is found 00:12:38.59\00:12:40.52 in the incarnation of Christ. 00:12:40.52\00:12:42.66 Again, here's what that said: 00:12:42.66\00:12:44.69 "Long ago, at many times and in many ways, 00:12:44.69\00:12:47.76 God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 00:12:47.76\00:12:50.47 but in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son." 00:12:50.47\00:12:53.64 What we have in Christ is God in human flesh, 00:12:54.94\00:12:57.84 fully God and fully man. 00:12:57.84\00:13:00.31 And of course, the pagans told stories of people 00:13:00.31\00:13:02.58 who were part-God and part-human, 00:13:02.58\00:13:05.71 but the Jesus of the New Testament is fully both 00:13:05.71\00:13:08.52 at the same time, which means that we can study 00:13:08.52\00:13:11.32 the life and teachings of Christ 00:13:11.32\00:13:13.39 in order to better understand the character of God. 00:13:13.39\00:13:16.93 According to Ephesians 1:9, 00:13:16.93\00:13:19.36 God has revealed what the Bible calls 00:13:19.36\00:13:21.73 the mystery of his will in the person of Christ. 00:13:21.73\00:13:26.00 So now we can see the written principles of scripture 00:13:26.00\00:13:29.44 lived out perfectly in an authentic human lifetime. 00:13:29.44\00:13:34.18 Now, of course, 00:13:34.18\00:13:35.44 you and I are living two millennia after Christ, 00:13:35.44\00:13:37.91 and so we have to study the life and teachings of Christ 00:13:37.91\00:13:40.55 through the pages of the Bible, 00:13:40.55\00:13:42.05 which, again, is the written work of inspired prophets. 00:13:42.05\00:13:46.02 And so, really, the scriptures are the very core 00:13:46.02\00:13:49.52 of how God talks to us. 00:13:49.52\00:13:52.33 Now, I wanna talk about one more way 00:13:53.40\00:13:54.93 that God sometimes communicates, 00:13:54.93\00:13:56.73 and that's through direct contact with an individual, 00:13:56.73\00:14:00.34 either through circumstances, or a dream, 00:14:00.34\00:14:03.00 or maybe just an impression. 00:14:03.00\00:14:05.07 You might remember from the Book of Daniel, 00:14:06.21\00:14:07.71 that God sent word to the Babylonian King 00:14:07.71\00:14:10.58 through a highly symbolic dream. 00:14:10.58\00:14:13.72 But there's a problem with that kind of communication. 00:14:13.72\00:14:16.28 I mean, how do you know you're actually hearing from God? 00:14:16.28\00:14:21.36 I've had all kinds of people reach out to me over the years, 00:14:22.76\00:14:24.49 hoping I can help them understand some vivid dream they 00:14:24.49\00:14:27.96 had, and I can't help them. 00:14:27.96\00:14:30.20 I mean, you may have noticed 00:14:30.20\00:14:31.50 that the bulk of dream interpretation books 00:14:31.50\00:14:33.30 are not sold in the Christian section of the bookstore. 00:14:33.30\00:14:37.61 Now, that doesn't mean 00:14:37.61\00:14:39.14 that God won't try to tell you something through a dream, 00:14:39.14\00:14:41.34 but it does mean 00:14:41.34\00:14:43.08 that you're gonna have to step very carefully 00:14:43.08\00:14:46.21 when you're trying to figure that out. 00:14:46.21\00:14:48.55 I mean, let's just think about this logically. 00:14:48.55\00:14:51.49 I've never actually met someone 00:14:51.49\00:14:53.02 who thinks that every single dream they had 00:14:53.02\00:14:55.56 is always a message from God. 00:14:55.56\00:14:57.73 There's just no basis to believe that. 00:14:57.73\00:14:59.93 And you and I both know that the vast majority of dreams 00:14:59.93\00:15:03.63 can hardly be described as the inspired word of God. 00:15:03.63\00:15:08.27 So now what you're going to have to do, 00:15:08.27\00:15:10.61 if you think that God 00:15:10.61\00:15:11.94 really might be trying to tell you something, 00:15:11.94\00:15:14.11 you're going to have to find a reliable external source 00:15:14.11\00:15:17.28 to confirm it, which means that it still comes down 00:15:17.28\00:15:21.12 to the written word of God. 00:15:21.12\00:15:22.82 Impressions come and go, 00:15:22.82\00:15:24.52 but the teachings of the Bible do not. 00:15:24.52\00:15:27.02 I really like the way the prophet Isaiah describes this, 00:15:27.02\00:15:30.36 "The grass withers," he writes, "the flower fades, 00:15:30.36\00:15:33.63 but the word of our God will stand forever." 00:15:33.63\00:15:36.46 Maybe we should take a look at something Jesus said 00:15:37.73\00:15:39.97 about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, 00:15:39.97\00:15:43.10 which is a massive part 00:15:43.10\00:15:44.61 of how God continues to communicate with us. 00:15:44.61\00:15:48.34 This passage is found in John 16, 00:15:48.34\00:15:51.51 and we're gonna read quite a bit of this because, 00:15:51.51\00:15:53.72 well, it's that important. 00:15:53.72\00:15:55.02 It says, "And when he comes," the spirit, 00:15:55.02\00:15:58.35 "he will convict the world concerning sin, 00:15:58.35\00:16:00.72 and righteousness, and judgment: 00:16:00.72\00:16:02.62 concerning sin, because they do not believe in me; 00:16:02.62\00:16:06.16 concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father 00:16:06.16\00:16:08.70 and you will see me no longer; 00:16:08.70\00:16:10.87 concerning judgment, 00:16:10.87\00:16:12.37 because the ruler of this world is judged. 00:16:12.37\00:16:15.17 I still have many things to say to you, 00:16:15.17\00:16:16.97 but you cannot bear them now. 00:16:16.97\00:16:19.04 When the Spirit of truth comes, 00:16:19.04\00:16:20.88 he will guide you into all the truth, 00:16:20.88\00:16:23.65 for he will not speak on his own authority. 00:16:23.65\00:16:26.25 But whatever he hears, he will speak, 00:16:26.25\00:16:28.02 and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 00:16:28.02\00:16:31.15 He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine 00:16:31.15\00:16:34.89 and declare it to you. 00:16:34.89\00:16:36.42 All that the Father has is mine; 00:16:36.42\00:16:38.39 therefore, I said that he will take what is mine 00:16:38.39\00:16:41.20 and declare it to you." 00:16:41.20\00:16:43.90 So here's what it says in a nutshell: 00:16:43.90\00:16:46.84 After Jesus' earthly ministry came to an end, 00:16:46.84\00:16:49.50 He continued to guide the church 00:16:49.50\00:16:51.81 through the work of the Holy Spirit, 00:16:51.81\00:16:53.34 who is the third person of the Godhead. 00:16:53.34\00:16:56.85 The spirit's primary role is to lead people to Christ, 00:16:56.85\00:17:00.55 and he does that by revealing the truth to us. 00:17:00.55\00:17:04.49 So it's entirely possible 00:17:04.49\00:17:06.19 when you get a very strong impression 00:17:06.19\00:17:08.19 or you have a very powerful dream, 00:17:08.19\00:17:10.66 that God really is trying to tell you something. 00:17:10.66\00:17:13.73 But again, how in the world 00:17:13.73\00:17:15.83 are you gonna know that for sure? 00:17:15.83\00:17:17.60 What you have to do is compare your impressions 00:17:18.77\00:17:20.90 to something you know is reliable, 00:17:20.90\00:17:23.30 something else authored by that same Holy Spirit, 00:17:23.30\00:17:27.08 which, again, is the scriptures. 00:17:27.08\00:17:29.94 Never forget what it tells us in Peter's second letter. 00:17:29.94\00:17:32.98 "For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, 00:17:32.98\00:17:36.28 but men spoke from God as they were carried along 00:17:36.28\00:17:38.99 by the Holy Spirit." 00:17:38.99\00:17:41.02 All right, on that note, it's time for another quick break, 00:17:41.02\00:17:43.76 but don't go away because I'm about to show you 00:17:43.76\00:17:46.29 a rock solid guide for discovering God's will for your 00:17:46.29\00:17:50.97 life. I'll be right back after this. 00:17:50.97\00:17:53.87 [melodious music] 00:17:53.87\00:17:57.51 - [Announcer] Life can throw a lot at us, 00:17:57.51\00:17:59.91 sometimes we don't have all the answers, 00:17:59.91\00:18:03.24 but that's where the Bible comes in. 00:18:03.24\00:18:05.68 It's our guide to a more fulfilling life. 00:18:05.68\00:18:08.05 Here at The Voice of Prophecy, 00:18:08.88\00:18:10.35 we've created the "Discover" Bible guides 00:18:10.35\00:18:12.52 to be your guide to the Bible. 00:18:12.52\00:18:14.09 They're designed to be simple, easy to use, 00:18:14.09\00:18:16.59 and provide answers to many of life's toughest questions, 00:18:16.59\00:18:19.59 and they're absolutely free. 00:18:19.59\00:18:21.63 So jump online now, or give us a call 00:18:21.63\00:18:23.93 and start your journey of discovery. 00:18:23.93\00:18:26.77 - All right, just before the break, 00:18:26.77\00:18:28.54 we read that statement from Peter 00:18:28.54\00:18:30.67 that describes the process of inspiration 00:18:30.67\00:18:33.04 that created the various books of the Bible. 00:18:33.04\00:18:36.88 He told us that "...men spoke from God 00:18:36.88\00:18:39.38 as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." 00:18:39.38\00:18:41.58 So in other words, 00:18:41.58\00:18:43.28 the scriptures really are the work of the Spirit. 00:18:43.28\00:18:47.06 If you wanna be sure that your impressions are from God, 00:18:47.06\00:18:50.36 you have an infallible standard you can check them against, 00:18:50.36\00:18:53.53 because if they are from God, 00:18:53.53\00:18:55.60 they cannot disagree with what God has already said. 00:18:55.60\00:18:59.87 You know, I remember years ago 00:18:59.87\00:19:01.50 when a really strange movement suddenly began to take root, 00:19:01.50\00:19:04.87 the Holy Laughter Movement back in the early nineties. 00:19:04.87\00:19:08.28 It was led by the likes of Rodney Howard Brown. 00:19:08.28\00:19:11.31 The city of Toronto was one of the key centers 00:19:11.31\00:19:13.85 where this phenomenon showed up. 00:19:13.85\00:19:15.88 In fact, some people actually started to call it 00:19:15.88\00:19:18.22 the Toronto Blessing. 00:19:18.22\00:19:20.29 And I remember a woman who approached me 00:19:20.29\00:19:22.16 to talk about her experience with that movement, 00:19:22.16\00:19:24.69 and she was pretty excited. 00:19:24.69\00:19:27.00 "Listen," she said, "God has been speaking directly to me 00:19:27.00\00:19:31.27 and through me." 00:19:31.27\00:19:32.97 And then she started to tell me 00:19:32.97\00:19:34.17 what God was supposedly saying. 00:19:34.17\00:19:36.44 Now, I'm really not the sharpest knife in the drawer, 00:19:36.44\00:19:39.17 but some of what she said 00:19:39.17\00:19:42.04 was obviously a direct contradiction 00:19:42.04\00:19:44.71 to the clear teachings of the Bible. 00:19:44.71\00:19:46.65 And so when she was finished describing it, 00:19:46.65\00:19:49.78 I said, "Well, that sounds pretty exciting, 00:19:49.78\00:19:52.45 but do you mind if I ask some questions 00:19:52.45\00:19:54.39 so I can understand this just a little bit better?" 00:19:54.39\00:19:58.03 She said, "Yeah, go ahead." 00:19:58.03\00:20:00.30 So as gently as I know how, 00:20:00.30\00:20:02.33 and I'm not always all that gentle, 00:20:02.33\00:20:04.70 but gently, I started to read some clear biblical passages 00:20:04.70\00:20:08.20 that said the opposite of what she told me, 00:20:08.20\00:20:11.61 and I did it without any commentary. 00:20:11.61\00:20:13.11 I just let the Bible speak for itself, 00:20:13.11\00:20:15.71 and it made her angry. 00:20:15.71\00:20:17.05 "You can't tell me this isn't real," she said, 00:20:17.05\00:20:19.08 "because it means the world to me." 00:20:19.08\00:20:21.78 She wanted it to be true. 00:20:21.78\00:20:24.42 And obviously, she had some kind of a real experience. 00:20:24.42\00:20:27.12 There really was something going on. 00:20:27.12\00:20:29.69 But the big question will always be 00:20:29.69\00:20:31.83 whether or not an experience 00:20:31.83\00:20:34.40 is actually a communication from God. 00:20:34.40\00:20:37.30 In this case, it failed the biblical sniff test, 00:20:37.30\00:20:41.07 and I knew it wasn't from God. 00:20:41.07\00:20:42.87 You know, that can be one of the hardest challenges we face, 00:20:44.37\00:20:47.64 learning to examine our experiences, 00:20:47.64\00:20:50.21 our passions, and our emotions, 00:20:50.21\00:20:52.58 to figure out whether or not they're objectively true. 00:20:52.58\00:20:56.12 You could think of it as an optical illusion, 00:20:56.12\00:20:59.09 like one of those gravity or magnetic hills 00:20:59.09\00:21:01.72 where your car appears to roll uphill against all odds. 00:21:01.72\00:21:06.23 When I was back in college, 00:21:06.23\00:21:07.73 we actually had one of those near the construction site 00:21:07.73\00:21:10.30 where I was working for the summer, 00:21:10.30\00:21:11.97 and it really did look like things would roll uphill 00:21:11.97\00:21:15.54 when you put them on the road. 00:21:15.54\00:21:17.24 It was such a convincing illusion, 00:21:17.24\00:21:19.61 that the locals started telling ghost stories. 00:21:19.61\00:21:22.18 They said, "There's a terrible bus accident on this road, 00:21:22.18\00:21:24.65 and it's the spirits of dead children 00:21:24.65\00:21:26.95 pushing your car up the hill. 00:21:26.95\00:21:28.45 Make sure you go to the back and look for hand prints." 00:21:28.45\00:21:31.75 But then my boss decided to test that road 00:21:31.75\00:21:34.36 by using his transit level. 00:21:34.36\00:21:36.76 He actually did a land survey. 00:21:36.76\00:21:38.53 And wouldn't you know it, 00:21:38.53\00:21:40.03 it was nothing but an optical illusion. 00:21:40.03\00:21:42.20 The math was undeniable. 00:21:42.20\00:21:44.60 The stuff that looked like it was rolling uphill, 00:21:44.60\00:21:47.54 was actually rolling downhill. 00:21:47.54\00:21:49.84 So maybe think of the Bible as a transit level, 00:21:51.21\00:21:54.38 a way to objectively check the validity of your impressions. 00:21:54.38\00:21:58.51 I mean, never forget, there really are people in this world 00:21:58.51\00:22:01.48 who do awful things and then insist, 00:22:01.48\00:22:04.09 in a court of law, under oath, 00:22:04.09\00:22:06.45 that they've done nothing wrong. 00:22:06.45\00:22:08.49 They can't see it. Their moral compass is broken. 00:22:08.49\00:22:11.86 I mean, we've even had serial killers 00:22:11.86\00:22:14.46 who insist that God told them to do it. 00:22:14.46\00:22:17.97 So now let's look at something that Paul said, 00:22:17.97\00:22:21.44 found in 2 Timothy, Chapter 3. 00:22:21.44\00:22:24.47 "All scripture," he tells us, "is breathed out by God 00:22:24.47\00:22:28.21 and profitable for teaching, 00:22:28.21\00:22:30.18 for reproof, for correction, 00:22:30.18\00:22:32.01 and for training in righteousness, 00:22:32.01\00:22:33.65 that the man of God may be complete, 00:22:33.65\00:22:35.88 equipped for every good work." 00:22:35.88\00:22:38.79 For the Christian, the written word of God 00:22:39.95\00:22:42.49 becomes a critical reference point 00:22:42.49\00:22:44.33 for just about everything. 00:22:44.33\00:22:45.93 Your philosophical assumptions, your moral assumptions, 00:22:45.93\00:22:49.53 your spiritual assumptions, even your emotional assumptions. 00:22:49.53\00:22:54.07 I mean, emotions are often valid, but not always. 00:22:54.07\00:22:58.17 If you want to know for sure 00:22:58.17\00:22:59.74 if God has been trying to communicate with you, 00:22:59.74\00:23:01.71 you've got to check your impressions 00:23:01.71\00:23:04.51 against what He's already said. 00:23:04.51\00:23:06.55 Now, I know that some of you don't actually believe 00:23:07.78\00:23:10.09 that the Bible was inspired by God, 00:23:10.09\00:23:12.52 but here's the challenge I want to give you. 00:23:12.52\00:23:15.26 Maybe try reading it again, 00:23:15.26\00:23:17.29 and ask yourself why some of the content in this book 00:23:17.29\00:23:20.06 makes you squirm. 00:23:20.06\00:23:21.90 Why is it that we feel so offended 00:23:21.90\00:23:24.20 when we find something in the Bible 00:23:24.20\00:23:25.83 that cuts across our personal belief system, 00:23:25.83\00:23:28.34 or contradicts the validity 00:23:28.34\00:23:30.27 of the choices we've made in life? 00:23:30.27\00:23:33.04 Why does that bother us? 00:23:33.04\00:23:34.81 I mean, I can get any other book 00:23:34.81\00:23:37.25 from somebody I disagree with, 00:23:37.25\00:23:38.75 and I'll shake my head in disbelief as I read it, 00:23:38.75\00:23:42.22 but I don't feel threatened 00:23:42.22\00:23:44.32 because it's just another human opinion. 00:23:44.32\00:23:47.39 But when the Bible seems to interfere with my life choices, 00:23:47.39\00:23:50.46 that produces an entirely different set of emotions. 00:23:50.46\00:23:53.80 It makes me angry, or defensive, or heartbroken, 00:23:53.80\00:23:57.53 but it seldom leaves me feeling apathetic, 00:23:57.53\00:24:00.84 because somehow, I know that it matters. 00:24:00.84\00:24:04.41 Now, I wanna be careful because again, 00:24:04.41\00:24:06.64 you can't let your emotions always become 00:24:06.64\00:24:08.38 the judge of what's true or false, 00:24:08.38\00:24:10.25 because as you know, sometimes emotions can be irrational. 00:24:10.25\00:24:14.25 I'm reminded of the day when two young missionaries 00:24:14.25\00:24:16.35 from a well-known sect came to my house 00:24:16.35\00:24:18.62 and gave me a little presentation 00:24:18.62\00:24:20.02 using a tabletop flip chart. 00:24:20.02\00:24:22.42 A lot of what they said was biblically false, and I knew it. 00:24:22.42\00:24:26.26 But you know what I found really interesting? 00:24:26.26\00:24:29.00 You're gonna have to wait until after the break to find out. 00:24:29.00\00:24:32.53 [melodious music] 00:24:32.53\00:24:36.24 - [Announcer] Dragons, beasts, cryptic statues, 00:24:36.24\00:24:40.51 Bible prophecy can be incredibly vivid and confusing. 00:24:40.51\00:24:45.11 If you've ever read "Daniel: A Revelation" 00:24:45.11\00:24:47.32 and come away scratching your head, you are not alone. 00:24:47.32\00:24:50.35 Our free "Focus on Prophecy" guides 00:24:50.35\00:24:52.72 are designed to help you unlock the mysteries of the Bible 00:24:52.72\00:24:55.52 and deepen your understanding of God's plan 00:24:55.52\00:24:57.96 for you and our world. 00:24:57.96\00:24:59.63 Study online or request them by mail 00:24:59.63\00:25:02.00 and start bringing prophecy into focus today. 00:25:02.00\00:25:05.47 - So these missionaries were sitting in my home 00:25:05.47\00:25:07.47 turning the pages on their flip chart, 00:25:07.47\00:25:09.80 and a lot of what they were saying 00:25:09.80\00:25:11.67 just wasn't biblically true. 00:25:11.67\00:25:14.04 But then, what they did at the end of the presentation 00:25:14.04\00:25:16.34 was kind of fascinating. 00:25:16.34\00:25:17.61 They turned to a picture of Jesus and they said, 00:25:17.61\00:25:19.98 "How does Jesus make you feel?" 00:25:19.98\00:25:22.22 Well, by that point, I was already a Christian, 00:25:22.22\00:25:24.25 so I had nothing but positive feelings about Christ 00:25:24.25\00:25:26.89 and I told them so, "He makes me feel pretty good." 00:25:26.89\00:25:29.96 And that's when they said, "Look, that positive feeling? 00:25:29.96\00:25:33.29 That's God telling you, we're telling you the truth." 00:25:33.29\00:25:36.53 And they described it as a burning in your bosom. 00:25:36.53\00:25:40.14 But that's not how it works. 00:25:40.14\00:25:41.50 I mean, yeah, the Bible talks about 00:25:41.50\00:25:43.07 a figurative burning in your heart 00:25:43.07\00:25:44.44 when it comes to the work of the Spirit, 00:25:44.44\00:25:46.47 like you find in the story of the disciples 00:25:46.47\00:25:48.58 on the road to Emmaus. 00:25:48.58\00:25:50.28 You'll remember after Jesus talked to them, they said, 00:25:50.28\00:25:52.91 "Did not our hearts burn within us?" 00:25:52.91\00:25:56.35 But is that undeniable proof? It's not. 00:25:56.35\00:25:59.79 Which becomes really obvious when you read the whole story. 00:25:59.79\00:26:02.72 Here's what it actually says, starting in verse 31. 00:26:02.72\00:26:05.66 "And their eyes were open and they recognized Him. 00:26:05.66\00:26:08.30 And He vanished from their sight. 00:26:08.30\00:26:10.23 They said to each other, 'Did not our hearts burn within us 00:26:10.23\00:26:12.67 while He talked to us on the road, 00:26:12.67\00:26:14.40 while He opened to us the scriptures?'" 00:26:14.40\00:26:18.04 You see, they didn't recognize Jesus, 00:26:18.04\00:26:19.91 and He had just finished giving them a Bible study, 00:26:19.91\00:26:22.38 showing them the messianic promises of the Old Testament. 00:26:22.38\00:26:26.25 And while He was doing that, 00:26:26.25\00:26:27.72 the cognitive lights were turning on for these guys, 00:26:27.72\00:26:30.22 and they eventually recognized Him. 00:26:30.22\00:26:32.95 It was the scriptures that caused their hearts to burn. 00:26:32.95\00:26:36.02 I mean, think about it, 00:26:36.02\00:26:37.43 Jesus could have just wowed them with a miracle, 00:26:37.43\00:26:39.83 but He didn't. 00:26:39.83\00:26:41.16 Instead, He dispensed with the spectacular 00:26:41.16\00:26:43.70 and anchored those guys in the Bible. 00:26:43.70\00:26:47.00 Their emotions were valid, 00:26:47.00\00:26:48.40 but only because they could be biblically confirmed. 00:26:48.40\00:26:52.14 And that's really the pattern 00:26:52.14\00:26:53.61 you find all the way through the New Testament. 00:26:53.61\00:26:55.78 Over and over and over, 00:26:55.78\00:26:57.51 you find the apostles confirming their inspired thoughts 00:26:57.51\00:27:00.38 by appealing to the Old Testament. 00:27:00.38\00:27:03.15 Today, God intends for you and I to do the same. 00:27:03.15\00:27:05.89 Our God-given capacity for logic is impressive. 00:27:05.89\00:27:09.09 Our emotional intelligence 00:27:09.09\00:27:10.63 allows us to function in beautiful ways. 00:27:10.63\00:27:13.23 But if you want to figure out 00:27:13.23\00:27:14.56 the authenticity of your reason and your feelings, 00:27:14.56\00:27:17.53 you still have to go back to the revealed word of God, 00:27:17.53\00:27:20.07 and not just a few cherry-picked verses 00:27:20.07\00:27:22.40 that seem to prove what you want to believe. 00:27:22.40\00:27:24.97 I'm talking about the whole book. 00:27:24.97\00:27:27.38 Jesus himself used the scriptures to prove His 00:27:27.38\00:27:30.51 identity, and I'm convinced He did that to set an example. 00:27:30.51\00:27:33.52 And again, I get it, 00:27:33.52\00:27:34.98 some of you don't believe that the Bible is inspired 00:27:34.98\00:27:37.12 or even trustworthy, 00:27:37.12\00:27:38.72 but then do yourself a favor, actually read it for yourself 00:27:38.72\00:27:42.22 and make sure you know what you're talking about. 00:27:42.22\00:27:45.09 I think you might be surprised at what's in here. 00:27:45.09\00:27:48.10 And if you want a little help getting started, 00:27:48.10\00:27:49.80 go on over to BibleStudies.com, 00:27:49.80\00:27:52.30 where you'll find some amazing free resources 00:27:52.30\00:27:54.47 brought to you by the good people at the Voice of Prophecy. 00:27:54.47\00:27:58.14 Thanks for joining me. 00:27:58.14\00:27:59.47 I'm Shawn Boonstra, 00:27:59.47\00:28:00.91 and this has been another episode of "Authentic." 00:28:00.91\00:28:04.98 [country-style music] 00:28:04.98\00:28:08.22 [country-style music continues] 00:28:15.46\00:28:19.53 [country-style music continues] 00:28:23.37\00:28:27.44