
What Child Is This?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AU

Program Code: AU000091S

00:01 - This time of year, you'll see nativity scenes popping up
00:03 all over the plac,e from private homes to church yards
00:06 and other public displays.
00:08 For a brief moment, the world almost remembers that God
00:12 actually entered human history as one of us.
00:15 And today, we're gonna slow down
00:16 and ask ourselves, "Why would God do that?"
00:20 [bright upbeat music]
00:41 This is that special time of the year when a lot of people
00:43 who might not really care about Christianity
00:46 January through November, suddenly show
00:49 at least passing interest in the birth of Christ.
00:52 The TV networks and streaming services
00:54 are starting to show Christmas programming.
00:57 And if you can wade your way through
00:58 some of those terrible Hallmark movies,
01:01 you're still gonna find some content
01:03 relating to the incarnation of Christ,
01:06 that unbelievable moment when God, the Son,
01:09 entered our earthly existence as one of us,
01:12 a full fledged human being.
01:15 And so today, I'm gonna follow suit a little bit
01:18 and we're gonna turn our attention to the subject
01:20 of the incarnation
01:22 and ask ourselves why it's such an important concept.
01:26 Because, obviously, it's one of the biggest turning points
01:29 in the history of this world.
01:31 And I know there are skeptics who love to say
01:34 that Jesus wasn't real, that he's a figment
01:36 of our imagination, a convenient fiction invented
01:40 by the power brokers of this world
01:42 in order to keep the masses enslaved.
01:45 It's a very cynical tinfoil hat perspective,
01:48 to say the least.
01:50 And it's one I think we can tie at least a little bit
01:53 to the writings of Karl Marx, who brought the idea
01:56 of class struggle to the Western table.
01:59 He said, "You've got oppressors
02:01 "and you've got the oppressed."
02:03 And so, obviously, from his perspective,
02:05 the Christian Church is the oppressor
02:08 and the rest of humanity becomes the oppressed.
02:12 It was a worldview that when I was younger,
02:14 I thought was basically doomed by the fall
02:17 of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
02:19 For more than 70 years, the former Soviet Union
02:23 had tried to implement Marxism in the real world.
02:26 And it led to a massive humanitarian disaster.
02:30 Something like 100 million people were slaughtered
02:33 on the altar of Karl Marx
02:35 over the course of the 20th century.
02:37 And in the Soviet Union,
02:39 there was an awful lot of brutality,
02:41 including the willful starvation of millions by Stalin.
02:46 Instead of bringing about peace, harmony,
02:48 and equality, the Soviet Union just substituted
02:52 a new ruling class that considered average people
02:55 to be dispensable if it meant achieving
02:58 their ideological dreams.
03:00 And when they so obviously failed,
03:03 I thought that might be it.
03:05 I thought maybe we would've learned the lesson
03:08 that the politics of resentment
03:09 can only lead to moral disaster.
03:12 But alas, you're still gonna hear it today.
03:15 I'm actually alarmed that I now hear a lot
03:18 of younger people still talking about the supposed miracle
03:21 of communism as if we learn nothing from the past.
03:26 But now when you think it would be obvious
03:28 to all of us that Marx was wrong,
03:31 a disturbing number of people are still on the hunt
03:33 for oppressors, people they can blame for the pain
03:37 that comes from living in this broken world.
03:39 Now, I'm not claiming
03:41 that we've achieved perfection here in the West
03:43 because, obviously, we haven't.
03:45 We still have an awful lot of problems,
03:48 but we also don't have the state
03:50 telling us what we're allowed to believe
03:52 or threatening our lives if we've got the wrong opinion.
03:55 Although I do think there's a trend in that direction
03:59 and it's kind of disturbing.
04:00 Today, the labels are different.
04:02 It's not labor versus capital,
04:05 but it's still the language of the oppressor
04:07 and the oppressed.
04:08 And over the years, we've had people
04:10 take that idea to the church itself.
04:13 They insist that Jesus was a fictitious character
04:16 developed to keep the powerful people in charge.
04:20 [bright upbeat music]
04:21 You're gonna find these kinds of ideas circulating
04:23 on that amazing font of religious knowledge, the Internet.
04:27 But there are no serious historians
04:30 who believe that Jesus didn't exist.
04:32 The evidence is just far too overwhelming.
04:35 And the idea that the story of Jesus was invented
04:38 by powerful people to help oppress the poor
04:41 and keep them in line, well,
04:43 that's completely laughable if you take the time
04:46 to actually read the source documents.
04:48 I mean, yes, the church did behave reprehensivably
04:52 in the medieval period, and the modern church
04:55 isn't exactly blameless either.
04:57 And so I'm not denying that a lot of nominal Christians
05:00 have actually caused a lot of pain
05:02 and heartache, sometimes in the name of God.
05:06 But the horrible behavior
05:07 of Christians has always been a departure from the person
05:11 and teachings of Christ, who went out of His way
05:13 to help those who were actually being oppressed.
05:18 In the "Bible," we find this remarkable statement
05:21 in a sermon that Peter preached
05:23 after the earthly ministry of Jesus had come to an end,
05:27 Peter's speaking to a group of Gentiles
05:29 at the home of Cornelius,
05:31 a Roman centurion who was converting to Christianity
05:35 and here's what he says, "As for the word that he sent
05:39 "to Israel, preaching good news of peace
05:41 "through Jesus Christ, He is Lord of all,
05:44 "you, yourselves, know what happened throughout all Judea,
05:47 "beginning from Galilee after the baptism
05:50 "that John proclaimed: how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth
05:53 "with the Holy Spirit and with power.
05:56 "He went about doing good
05:59 "and healing all who were oppressed by the devil
06:02 "for God was with him."
06:05 So let's think about this carefully.
06:07 If the story of Jesus was invented to control you,
06:10 to keep you in your place, to make you compliant,
06:13 then that would make this book the worst piece
06:15 of propaganda ever written.
06:17 Because one of the key messages
06:19 of the first century church was liberty.
06:22 Jesus went about doing good
06:24 and setting people free from the oppression of sin.
06:28 And then Peter tells us, "This is why God sent His son."
06:31 It's the complete opposite
06:33 of what the cynics might be telling you.
06:36 I'm also reminded of a passage found in Luke's other book,
06:39 the "Gospel of Luke,"
06:40 where Jesus essentially launches his public ministry
06:43 by participating in a synagogue service.
06:46 Here's what it says in Luke 4, Verse 16.
06:49 "And he came to Nazareth where he'd been brought up."
06:52 So because we're dealing with the incarnation today,
06:55 let me just stop here for a moment
06:56 and point out something kind of profound.
06:59 Jesus had a normal childhood.
07:01 He had a normal, authentic human life.
07:04 The incarnation was a central feature to who He was
07:07 and why He came, but He was human, like us.
07:11 Let's keep reading.
07:13 "And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue
07:16 "on the Sabbath day and he stood up to read.
07:19 "And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him."
07:22 And of course, we always hear a lot from Isaiah
07:25 during the Christmas season
07:27 because he predicted the appearance of Messiah.
07:30 It continues, "He unrolled the scroll
07:33 "and found the place where it was written.
07:35 "'The spirit of the Lord is upon me,
07:37 "'because he has anointed me
07:38 "'to proclaim good news to the poor.
07:40 "'He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
07:43 "'and recovering of sight to the blind
07:45 "'to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
07:48 "'to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.'"
07:52 So again, if this book was written by evil people
07:55 trying to enslave us, you'd have to argue
07:57 that they're not very smart evil people.
08:00 And I know that I've pointed this out on other shows,
08:02 but let me say it again because it's just so important.
08:06 Back in the days of American
08:08 and Caribbean slavery, there were slave owners
08:11 who did not want their slaves to read the "Bible."
08:14 Why? Because it would give them the idea
08:16 that God prizes personal liberty.
08:19 So eventually, someone produced a heavily redacted "Bible"
08:23 with most of the content removed.
08:25 Today, we call it the "Slave Bible"
08:28 and it only included the passages
08:30 that didn't reveal how God feels about oppressing people.
08:35 So again, if this book is really propaganda
08:38 written by powerful church people
08:40 who intend to subjugate me,
08:42 let me tell you this, they did a bad job of it.
08:45 I mean, just ask yourself,
08:47 "Why does the Chinese government
08:48 "bulldoze Christian home churches
08:50 "and persecute the followers of Christ?"
08:53 It's not because the story of Jesus is useful
08:55 for keeping peasants in line.
08:58 Snd speaking about my place,
09:00 it's time for a really quick break,
09:02 but I'll be right back after this.
09:04 [bright upbeat music]
09:07 - [Narrataor] Here at The Voice of Prophecy,
09:09 we're committed to creating top quality programming
09:11 for the whole family,
09:13 like our audio adventure series, "Discovery Mountain."
09:16 "Discovery Mountain" is a "Bible"-based program
09:18 for kids of all ages and backgrounds.
09:21 Your family will enjoy the faith building stories
09:23 from this small mountain summer camp town.
09:26 With 24 seasonal episodes every year
09:29 and fresh content every week,
09:31 there's always a new adventure just on the horizon.
09:37 - In the earliest years of the Christian movement,
09:39 the subject of the incarnation of Christ
09:42 proved to be, well, a little tricky for some people.
09:45 On the one hand, you had people with a Greek bit
09:48 who thought the idea that God would become a physical human
09:51 utterly ludicrous,
09:53 and it's the word physical that they had a problem with.
09:56 From the Greek perspective, the created material universe
09:59 is flawed and you can only find true perfection
10:02 somewhere out there in the non-physical realm.
10:05 So the idea that a perfect holy God
10:07 could adopt a physical human presence
10:09 seemed, well, ridiculous.
10:11 A good example of this would be an early heretic
10:14 from the second century named Marcion,
10:16 and that's Marcion with a C
10:17 as opposed to someone from the planet Mars.
10:21 Marcion believed that the world had been created
10:23 by an inferior deity they called the demiurge
10:27 and he said, "Jesus came to fix the demiurge's mistakes."
10:31 It was agnostic approach to Christianity,
10:33 and, of course, it was roundly condemned
10:35 by most of the church.
10:37 And among the ideas that Marcion insisted on
10:39 was the notion that Jesus' body only seemed to be human.
10:43 "It was an illusion because a perfect God," he said,
10:46 "would never condescend to our level."
10:49 So from that perspective, he said that Jesus was only divine
10:54 and not divine and human.
10:57 If you want a word for his idea,
10:59 it's Docetism from a Greek word that means illusion.
11:03 So to these people, the Marcionites,
11:05 the incarnation was nothing, but an illusion.
11:09 But then on the other hand, we also had people
11:11 who pushed the needle in the opposite direction,
11:13 insisting that Jesus was only human.
11:15 He may have been special, he may have been called God's son,
11:19 but at the end of the day, he was just a human being.
11:22 A good example of that kind
11:24 of thinking was a guy named Cerinthus
11:26 who was contemporary to the Apostle John.
11:29 In fact, there's quite a bit of evidence suggesting
11:32 that John may have actually written his gospel,
11:34 at least, in part, as a response to this guy.
11:38 Cerinthus denied the virgin birth, the Christmas story
11:42 and said that Jesus was just a regular guy
11:44 with two normal parents
11:46 and that he was possessed
11:47 by the Spirit of Messiah at his baptism.
11:50 And then he lost his special status
11:53 the moment he was crucified.
11:55 "He may have had a divine mission," Cerinthus said,
11:58 "But he was really just human."
12:01 Now, both of these approaches
12:02 are kind of understandable when you examine the person
12:05 of Christ from a strictly logical position
12:08 the way that a Greek philosopher might do it.
12:11 Our logic tells us that you can't have two natures
12:14 at the same time.
12:15 You can't be God and human, but it's the wrong conclusion
12:19 because it's not what God says about the subject.
12:23 The truth of the matter, as often happens with the "Bible,"
12:26 actually lies in the tension
12:27 between those two different things.
12:29 On one end of the heresy spectrum, we have people who say
12:33 that Jesus was nothing but human.
12:35 And then on the other end,
12:36 we have those who insist that he was only divine.
12:39 But the way the "Bible" talks about it, Jesus was both,
12:43 fully God and fully human at the very same time.
12:48 In other words, what we see in Jesus
12:50 is what God would look like if He was a human being.
12:54 And that's where the Christmas season
12:56 gives us a lot of cause to really think
12:59 about human existence.
13:01 And I suppose, we could get bogged down
13:02 in a lot of theological hair splitting
13:04 because nobody has completely wrapped his
13:08 or her mind around how the incarnation works.
13:11 I actually had to tell somebody that
13:12 in a letter the other day, I don't know how it works,
13:16 but I will say this, when Christians say that Jesus
13:19 is fully God and fully human,
13:22 it doesn't mean that he's 50% of each.
13:25 He's both, 100% at the very same time.
13:29 And it also doesn't mean that he switches modes,
13:32 sometimes flipping on the human switch
13:34 and other times flipping on the God switch.
13:37 Although, you will see moments when his divinity
13:40 absolutely flashes through his humanity,
13:43 these moments where Jesus suddenly reveals his divine power,
13:47 like the time he told Nathaniel that he already knew
13:50 who he was because he had seen him sitting under a tree
13:53 before they ever met.
13:56 So why is the birth of Christ such an important development
13:59 in the story of the "Bible"?
14:01 Today, a lot of Christians focus on his death
14:03 and resurrection because we understand,
14:06 we can't be saved without those things.
14:08 It was at the cross, after all, that Jesus took the penalty
14:11 for my sins on Himself.
14:15 But, you know, it's not just the death
14:16 and resurrection of Christ that saves us
14:18 because, well, in that case,
14:20 He could have just manifested himself as a fully grown adult
14:23 and gone straight to the cross
14:25 without having to spend about three decades
14:28 living a very difficult life.
14:31 But that life, that authentic human life, also matters.
14:37 It means that God, the Son, is one of us.
14:39 And the "Bible" reveals that He stays that way forever.
14:43 I mean, don't forget, when Jesus rose from the dead
14:46 and His disciples were trying to wrap their heads
14:48 around the fact that He'd come back from the grave,
14:51 He invited them to touch Him to make sure
14:54 that He was still a real person
14:55 and not some kind of apparition.
14:58 In fact, Jesus also ate something to prove the point
15:01 and the piece of fish He ate didn't fall
15:04 through His ghostly presence and land on the floor
15:06 because He was real.
15:10 And then in Acts, Chapter 1,
15:11 the disciples were told that this same Jesus
15:14 would come back someday.
15:16 In other words, that same physical person.
15:19 So what that means is that the incarnation
15:22 of Christ was not temporary.
15:24 That baby in the manger, that's a permanent deal.
15:28 In fact, you'll notice,
15:29 when you're reading the New Testament,
15:31 that Jesus gets several titles, Rabbi, Son of David,
15:35 Son of God, and, of course, Son of Man.
15:38 And it's that last one, the Son of Man,
15:40 that Jesus uses the most.
15:43 He could have chosen to emphasize His divinity,
15:45 which is what we would probably do
15:47 because how do you not underline something like that
15:50 when you're dealing with people
15:51 who are clearly inferior to you?
15:54 But no, Jesus seemed to underline his human identity
15:57 calling himself the Son of Man, but why?
16:04 Why is it so important that Jesus
16:05 started in that manger in Bethlehem?
16:07 Well, biblically speaking, we can find all kinds of reasons.
16:10 Back in Genesis 3, immediately after the compromise,
16:13 the fall of the human race, God promised that the seed
16:17 of the woman was gonna come and fix things.
16:20 Messiah, in other words, would come from the human race.
16:23 And, of course, God essentially makes the same promise
16:26 to Abraham over in Genesis, Chapter 12 where he says this,
16:32 "And I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you
16:35 "and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.
16:38 "I will bless those who bless you
16:40 "and him who dishonors you, I will curse.
16:42 "And in you, all the families of the Earth
16:45 "shall be blessed."
16:47 Now, that promise doesn't specifically mention Messiah,
16:51 but as you read through the rest of the narrative,
16:52 right through to the end of the book,
16:54 you quickly discover that Christ was the real blessing
16:58 that came from Abraham.
16:59 Here's the way that Paul describes it in his letter
17:02 to the church in Galatia, he says,
17:05 "Now, the promises were made to Abraham
17:07 "and to his offspring.
17:08 "It does not say, 'And to offsprings,' referring to many,
17:12 "but referring to one, 'And to your offspring,'
17:15 "who is Christ."
17:17 And then he goes on to explain that you
17:19 and I can be adopted into the family of Abraham.
17:23 We consider ourselves to be Abraham's descendants
17:26 through Christ.
17:27 So right out of the gate, we know that the birth
17:29 of Christ in Bethlehem was really, really important
17:33 if for no other reason than God was keeping his promise.
17:37 But, of course, that's not really the complete answer
17:39 we're looking for because it makes it look like
17:42 this is just a matter of heavenly bookkeeping,
17:45 just a matter of checking off prophetic boxes
17:47 on God's to-do list.
17:49 And it still doesn't tell us why.
17:52 And this is where it proves very important to sit down
17:57 and read the whole "Bible."
17:58 I know I'm a bit of a broken record.
18:00 I say that every single week, read the whole book
18:03 because there are a lot more answers
18:05 in here than most people think.
18:07 And those answers make really good sense.
18:10 I mean, let's face it, it's the Christmas season.
18:13 And so a lot of people are cracking open "Bibles"
18:15 for one evening to read that famous passage from the gospel
18:19 of Luke, the one with the nativity scene.
18:22 But maybe this year, let me challenge you
18:24 to read your "Bible" again the next day
18:26 and the day after that and the day after that.
18:29 And I promise you, by the time you get to next Christmas,
18:33 you're gonna have a radically different perspective
18:35 on the whole world.
18:36 And now, it's time for another quick break.
18:39 But don't you touch that dial and don't you click that mouse
18:43 because I'll be right back after this.
18:45 [bright upbeat music]
18:49 - [Voiceover] Dragons, beasts, cryptic statues,
18:53 "Bible" prophecy can be incredibly vivid and confusing.
18:58 If you've ever read "Daniel, a Revelation"
19:00 and come away scratching your head, you are not alone.
19:03 Our free focus on prophecy guides are designed
19:06 to help you unlock the mysteries of the "Bible"
19:08 and deepen your understanding of God's plan
19:11 for you and our world.
19:12 Study online or request them by mail
19:15 and start bringing prophecy into focus Today.
19:19 - Today, in the spirit of the season,
19:20 we've been asking why it's so important for God
19:23 to come as a real flesh and blood authentic human being.
19:27 And, of course, there's no way we can answer
19:30 that in a half-hour to everybody's satisfaction.
19:33 All I can really hope to do is start you on the path
19:36 to discovery, so you can begin to discover
19:38 for you self why this matters.
19:41 But maybe, let me just cruise through
19:43 a few more "Bible" verses,
19:44 so that you've got a good starting point.
19:47 And if you feel like you might want a little more help
19:49 getting started studying, maybe go over to
19:56 and take a look at our free "Discover Bible" course.
19:57 Just think of it as a Christmas gift from the good people
20:01 at the Voice of Prophecy.
20:03 But for right now, let's go over to the book of Hebrews,
20:06 which underlines one very important reason
20:09 that Christ became a real human being.
20:11 Listen to what it says in Hebrews, Chapter 4.
20:14 "Since, therefore, the children share in flesh
20:17 "and blood, he, himself, likewise,
20:19 "partook of the same things, that through death
20:22 "he might destroy the one who has the power of death,
20:25 "that is, the devil, and deliver all those
20:27 "who, through fear of death,
20:29 "were subject to lifelong slavery."
20:32 So again, you'll notice, that's the opposite of oppression.
20:36 It continues in Verse 16.
20:39 "For surely it is not angels that he helps,
20:41 "but he helps the offspring of Abraham.
20:43 "Therefore, he had to be made like his brothers
20:46 "in every respect, so that he might become a merciful
20:49 "and faithful high priest in the service of God,
20:52 "to make propitiation for the sins of the people,
20:55 "for because he, himself, has suffered when tempted,
20:58 "he is able to help those who are being tempted."
21:02 Now, there's an awful lot of material there,
21:05 but here are a few little takeaways.
21:07 First, we know that the wages of sin is death
21:10 because it compromises our intimate tie to the only source
21:14 of life in this universe.
21:16 When you push away your life source,
21:18 you can just guess what happens next.
21:20 So when order to save us, Jesus came and died in our place.
21:24 He conquered the grave, He died on my behalf,
21:29 and He had to be a human being to do that.
21:32 Secondly, and this is a big one,
21:34 He also demonstrated very powerfully that He understands us,
21:39 the God that Christians pray to, He's been here,
21:42 He knows exactly how weak and compromised we are.
21:46 He's been hungry and tired
21:48 and rejected, subjecting Himself to an honest to goodness,
21:52 real, authentic human experience.
21:55 And for that reason, you can approach the throne
21:58 of God boldly.
21:59 The Bible says you can go to the throne knowing
22:02 that, A, God knows exactly who and what you are,
22:05 and B, He loves you in spite of that.
22:09 So the incarnation of Christ underlines the fact
22:11 that God has entered the arena with us as one of us.
22:16 In spite of what we've done,
22:18 God didn't cut our mooring rope and push us away.
22:22 In fact, He got even closer
22:25 because God is driven by unselfish love.
22:29 But then we also have the matter of living the perfect life.
22:33 When we were originally created,
22:35 our human existence was supposed
22:36 to highlight the love of the Creator.
22:39 We were made in God's image and in our original state,
22:42 we were a vivid expression of who God is.
22:45 But then after the fall,
22:47 our lives essentially became a lie
22:49 about the one who made us.
22:51 Someone could point to our senseless cruelty
22:54 and our selfishness and they could defame God by saying,
22:57 "Would you look at that?
22:58 "Is that the work of a loving God?"
23:01 And you know that's what people do.
23:04 I mean, if if there was a court case deciding whether
23:06 or not God could be trusted, you wouldn't want my life
23:10 to be exhibit A, but you would want the life of Christ
23:13 because He's the only human being
23:14 whoever exhibited the character of God perfectly.
23:18 And what He does, unbelievably, is offer
23:22 to pull your paperwork out of heaven's filing cabinet
23:25 and replace it with His own.
23:27 So now, when somebody asks the question,
23:29 "Did Shawn's life reflect the glory of God?"
23:32 Well, under the terms of the covenant that God has made
23:35 with us, when they go to pull my file,
23:37 they're gonna find the perfect life of Christ instead.
23:41 He offers His righteousness as a gift.
23:45 You and I are now Abraham's offspring.
23:47 Paul describes it like this, "For as many of you
23:51 "as we're baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
23:54 "There is neither Jew nor Greek,
23:56 "there is neither slave nor free,
23:58 "there is no male and female,
23:59 "for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
24:02 "And if you are Christ's,
24:03 "then you are Abraham's offspring,
24:05 "heirs according to the promise."
24:08 So in other words, because of the incarnation,
24:11 Jesus can be our substitute.
24:14 In 1st Corinthians 15,
24:15 Paul explains that all of us fell when Adam did.
24:19 We were born with a tendency to sin,
24:21 hardwired for selfishness.
24:23 The decision to turn against God's will
24:25 had permanent consequences for all of us.
24:29 But now, Christ becomes the last Adam,
24:32 and he succeeds where the first Adam failed.
24:35 In fact, he succeeds where all of us fail.
24:38 And now, you can be moved from column A,
24:40 descendants of the fallen Adam
24:42 to column B, a part of the family of Christ.
24:46 I'll be right back after this.
24:48 [bright upbeat music]
24:52 - [Announcer] Life can throw a lot at us.
24:54 Sometimes we don't have all the answers,
24:58 but that's where the "Bible" comes in.
25:00 It's our guide to a more fulfilling life.
25:03 Here, at the Voice of Prophecy,
25:05 we've created the "Discover Bible" guides
25:07 to be your guide to the "Bible."
25:08 They're designed to be simple, easy to use,
25:11 and provide answers to many of life's toughest questions.
25:14 And they're absolutely free.
25:16 So jump online now or give us a call
25:18 and start your journey of discovery.
25:21 - Let's wrap up today by reading
25:23 what some Christians call the "Magnificat,"
25:25 the prayer that Mary uttered when she found out
25:27 she was carrying the Christ child.
25:29 Here's what she said in Luke, Chapter 1,
25:32 "And Mary said, 'My soul magnifies the Lord
25:34 "'and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior,
25:37 "for he has looked on the humblest state of his servant.
25:40 "'For behold, from now on,
25:42 "'all generations will call me blessed,
25:44 "'for he who is mighty, has done great things for me
25:47 "'and holy is his name.
25:49 "'And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation
25:52 "'to generation.
25:53 "'He has shown strength with his arm.
25:56 "'He has scattered the proud
25:57 "'in the thoughts of their hearts.
25:59 "'He has brought down the mighty from their thrones
26:01 "'and exalted those of humble estate.
26:03 "'He has filled the hungry with good things
26:05 "'and the rich, he has sent away empty.
26:08 "'He has helped his servant Israel
26:09 "'in remembrance of his mercy
26:11 "'as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham
26:14 "'and to his offspring forever.'"
26:17 So again, if the story of Christ's birth, the idea of God
26:20 and human flesh was invented by a church to subjugate us,
26:25 they picked the wrong book
26:26 because the incarnation of Christ was an act of God
26:29 designed to set you free.
26:32 And I've got to tell you, that baby in Bethlehem,
26:35 the idea that God cared enough to actually join us
26:38 as one of us, that's the most liberating idea in the world.
26:42 Because if God cared for us that much,
26:45 if He was willing to pay that much to save you,
26:48 well, you know He values you.
26:50 I know that some of you grew up thinking
26:51 God's trying to get rid of you.
26:53 So sometimes I like to say,
26:54 I don't think God's an unwise investor.
26:57 What are the chances,
26:59 after going to those lengths to save you,
27:01 that He's gonna try and find a reason to reject you?
27:06 If you struggle with the idea that God actually loves you,
27:08 ask yourself this.
27:10 "Given the amount of pain that you've suffered,
27:13 "would you choose living in this place
27:14 "knowing what you know?"
27:16 Probably not, and yet, that's what God did.
27:19 He chose this place knowing full well what kind
27:22 of life He could expect.
27:24 The prophet Isaiah predicted that Jesus would be,
27:26 "A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief,"
27:30 who would be, "Despised and rejected,"
27:32 and He came here anyway.
27:35 That little baby in Bethlehem
27:37 is God's guarantee that He cares.
27:39 What Christians celebrate this time
27:41 of year is not just a birthday.
27:43 They're celebrating that God became one of us,
27:46 so that you could know that He can save you
27:49 and you can know that He understands you.
27:52 Jesus lived a perfect life because He knows you can't,
27:55 and He's eager to see you fully restored.
27:58 He knows that you are weak and frail, a spiritual infant.
28:02 So He joined us.
28:04 This was God stepping into our story to clean it up.
28:10 Thanks for watching, Merry Christmas.
28:12 I'm Shawn Boonstra, and this has been "Authentic."
28:15 [gentle upbeat music]


Revised 2023-12-18