- You know, there are some pretty bold skeptics out there 00:00:01.30\00:00:03.70 who just assume that nobody's going to question 00:00:03.70\00:00:06.60 their assertions about God. 00:00:06.60\00:00:09.24 They like to think they have impossible questions 00:00:09.24\00:00:12.14 about faith that can't be answered, so today I'm gonna 00:00:12.14\00:00:16.68 take a stab at answering some of those. 00:00:16.68\00:00:20.02 [upbeat ambient music] 00:00:20.02\00:00:23.32 The other day I was kind of mindlessly flipping through 00:00:40.40\00:00:42.67 some online videos, you know the dumb ones, 00:00:42.67\00:00:45.74 kids flipping water bottles and making 'em land on a table 00:00:45.74\00:00:48.74 or just getting out in public and doing something dumb. 00:00:48.74\00:00:51.25 And I was about to give up, but I suddenly came across 00:00:51.25\00:00:53.45 something that really kind of held my attention. 00:00:53.45\00:00:56.35 It was a young mother posting a response to a sermon 00:00:57.72\00:01:00.26 she heard where the preacher asked the audience what they 00:01:00.26\00:01:02.76 planned to say about unbelief when they finally met God 00:01:02.76\00:01:06.49 in the judgment. 00:01:06.49\00:01:08.10 I only heard a single sentence from the sermon itself, 00:01:08.10\00:01:10.67 so I don't really know if it was one of those 00:01:10.67\00:01:13.20 run of the mill turn burn kind of messages, 00:01:13.20\00:01:15.84 but she did list a number of questions that she would ask 00:01:15.84\00:01:19.91 God if He proved to be real. 00:01:19.91\00:01:22.74 And as I was watching her, it suddenly occurred to me 00:01:22.74\00:01:25.58 that she was asking questions that most people ask 00:01:25.58\00:01:28.95 at some point in their lives, which made me wonder 00:01:28.95\00:01:32.22 if I shouldn't dedicate a series of shows to answering 00:01:32.22\00:01:35.02 those questions, so here we are with show number one. 00:01:35.02\00:01:38.83 Now to be perfectly clear, there's nothing easy 00:01:38.83\00:01:42.06 about her questions, and I can't possibly pretend 00:01:42.06\00:01:45.10 that I'll be able to answer them 00:01:45.10\00:01:46.74 to everybody's satisfaction, at least not here 00:01:46.74\00:01:49.24 in a half hour show. 00:01:49.24\00:01:51.34 But I still thought it might be important to try, 00:01:51.34\00:01:53.94 because sometimes people ask these kinds of questions 00:01:53.94\00:01:57.25 as if they are delivering some kind of death blow to faith, 00:01:57.25\00:02:01.45 and they aren't. 00:02:01.45\00:02:02.85 Sometimes unfortunately, they're asking their questions 00:02:04.15\00:02:06.82 based on things they've heard Christians say. 00:02:06.82\00:02:09.82 And some of those things are not based on what the 00:02:09.82\00:02:13.06 scriptures say, they're just part of a longstanding 00:02:13.06\00:02:16.20 regrettable Christian folklore. 00:02:16.20\00:02:18.70 I think part of the problem is that too many Christians 00:02:18.70\00:02:21.37 haven't actually read the Bible for themselves, 00:02:21.37\00:02:24.27 and they're accustomed to just repeating what someone else 00:02:24.27\00:02:27.18 has told them and that has led to a bit of 00:02:27.18\00:02:30.51 a theological mess here in the 21st century. 00:02:30.51\00:02:34.18 Sadly, I'm starting to think that the vast majority 00:02:34.18\00:02:37.12 of modern Western Christians might be 00:02:37.12\00:02:39.82 well biblically illiterate, it's a sad state of affairs. 00:02:39.82\00:02:44.89 So today I'm gonna kick the ball down the field 00:02:46.03\00:02:48.13 by looking at the first two questions this lady said 00:02:48.13\00:02:51.03 she would ask God if she got the chance, 00:02:51.03\00:02:54.27 and those questions were, why did you stay hidden 00:02:54.27\00:02:58.27 and why did you stay silent? 00:02:58.27\00:03:00.84 Now those are fair questions, but I'm not convinced 00:03:00.84\00:03:04.41 they're entirely honest questions, at least not 00:03:04.41\00:03:08.62 sometimes. Let me see if I can explain. 00:03:08.62\00:03:10.19 [upbeat ambient music] 00:03:11.32\00:03:13.39 I don't know if this has ever happened to you, 00:03:13.39\00:03:14.29 but every once in a blue moon, my wife asks me 00:03:15.39\00:03:16.62 to do something and then later she discovers 00:03:16.62\00:03:20.30 I didn't actually do it. 00:03:20.30\00:03:21.96 And sometimes if she asks me, "Why didn't you put the trash 00:03:21.96\00:03:26.03 to the curb like I asked you to." I reply by saying, 00:03:26.03\00:03:29.47 "Well, I had no idea you wanted me to do that." 00:03:29.47\00:03:32.37 to which she will reply, "But I clearly asked you 00:03:32.37\00:03:36.11 to do it yesterday." 00:03:36.11\00:03:38.38 So in other words, the real problem with our communication 00:03:38.38\00:03:41.48 at that point is that Jean had been speaking, 00:03:41.48\00:03:44.82 but I wasn't listening. 00:03:44.82\00:03:47.16 I might've been hiding behind that cone of silence 00:03:47.16\00:03:49.82 that a lot of older guys build over time, 00:03:49.82\00:03:52.09 like your grandfather remember, who pretended not to be 00:03:52.09\00:03:55.23 in the room by hiding behind a newspaper or it might be 00:03:55.23\00:03:59.00 the case that I was too preoccupied with what I was 00:03:59.00\00:04:03.20 doing to hear what Jean was asking. 00:04:03.20\00:04:04.94 So I mindlessly said, "Okay." without actually 00:04:04.94\00:04:08.21 paying attention or maybe I did hear it, at least at first, 00:04:08.21\00:04:12.91 but I didn't make it a priority and so by the next day 00:04:12.91\00:04:16.08 it was just gone. 00:04:16.08\00:04:18.52 There are 1,000,001 reasons that we might not notice 00:04:19.85\00:04:22.69 the voice of God when He tries to get our attention, 00:04:22.69\00:04:25.93 including the fact that we sometimes tune out the things 00:04:25.93\00:04:28.83 we don't actually want to hear, but I think 00:04:28.83\00:04:32.00 one of the biggest problems we have is the way we write 00:04:32.00\00:04:34.90 this personal mental script about who God is 00:04:34.90\00:04:38.94 and what He's supposed to be like. 00:04:38.94\00:04:40.54 And then we dismiss the possibility of His existence, 00:04:40.54\00:04:44.18 because the God revealed in the Bible 00:04:44.18\00:04:47.08 doesn't match the caricature that we created in our minds, 00:04:47.08\00:04:51.22 we invent these ideas about what God should be like 00:04:51.22\00:04:54.69 and then we're angry when He doesn't happen to be that way. 00:04:54.69\00:04:58.13 But you know, if the creator of this universe 00:04:58.13\00:05:01.20 really is a personal God, a real being with feelings 00:05:01.20\00:05:05.23 and conscious thought, why in the world should He behave 00:05:05.23\00:05:08.90 the way we think He should? 00:05:08.90\00:05:11.21 I've seen this happen in people's marriages. 00:05:11.21\00:05:13.44 A couple will get hitched and both parties have this mental 00:05:13.44\00:05:16.61 idea of what spouses are supposed to be like, 00:05:16.61\00:05:19.71 and then they're completely devastated when real life 00:05:19.71\00:05:22.92 which involves real people proves to be somewhat different. 00:05:22.92\00:05:27.29 Real people it turns out, are nothing like 00:05:27.29\00:05:29.46 the fictitious characters we see in books and movies 00:05:29.46\00:05:32.43 where every problem gets solved in two hours or less 00:05:32.43\00:05:35.16 and everybody lives happily ever after, 00:05:35.16\00:05:38.00 real life is not like that. 00:05:38.00\00:05:40.50 [upbeat ambient music] 00:05:41.30\00:05:43.07 So what we have with God is a situation where an omniscient 00:05:43.07\00:05:45.34 being is relating to us a bunch of incredibly flawed people. 00:05:45.34\00:05:50.08 And in the same way that real interpersonal relationships 00:05:50.08\00:05:53.05 can be wonderfully messy, we've got to expect 00:05:53.05\00:05:56.05 that our broken nature might just make our interaction 00:05:56.05\00:05:59.15 with God less than predictable, not because of Him, 00:05:59.15\00:06:02.32 but because of us. 00:06:02.32\00:06:03.79 There's a famous story in the Old Testament 00:06:04.89\00:06:07.56 where a notable prophet goes through a moment 00:06:07.56\00:06:09.63 of pure exhilaration. 00:06:09.63\00:06:11.73 He challenges a bunch of idle worshiping priests who a 00:06:11.73\00:06:14.90 showdown on Mount Carmel and he wins impressively, 00:06:14.90\00:06:19.04 because God Himself sent fire from the sky. 00:06:19.04\00:06:22.68 But of course, that leaves a lot of people wondering 00:06:22.68\00:06:25.41 if that story was true. 00:06:25.41\00:06:27.28 And I believe it was, why doesn't God still do that 00:06:27.28\00:06:30.85 kind of thing right now? 00:06:30.85\00:06:32.39 I mean, wouldn't it just be easier to peel back the sky 00:06:32.39\00:06:35.52 and show Himself to the world than to do things the hard 00:06:35.52\00:06:38.79 and the vague way? 00:06:38.79\00:06:40.63 Wouldn't that be better than just asking us to exercise 00:06:40.63\00:06:43.43 faith? 00:06:43.43\00:06:44.93 But you know what some people never seem to read 00:06:44.93\00:06:47.47 is the story that comes right after this 00:06:47.47\00:06:50.61 in 1 Kings 19. 00:06:50.61\00:06:52.67 In that chapter, the wicked Queen Jezebel 00:06:52.67\00:06:55.78 is absolutely furious over the prophet Elijah's victory 00:06:55.78\00:07:00.15 and so the story continues like this. 00:07:00.15\00:07:02.35 It says, "Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah saying, 00:07:02.35\00:07:06.89 'So may the Gods do to me and more also 00:07:06.89\00:07:10.26 if I do not make your life as the life of one of them 00:07:10.26\00:07:13.13 by this time tomorrow.' 00:07:13.13\00:07:15.20 Then he was afraid and he arose and ran for his life 00:07:15.20\00:07:17.73 and came to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah 00:07:17.73\00:07:21.04 and left his servant there. But he himself went 00:07:21.04\00:07:23.61 a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down 00:07:23.61\00:07:26.68 under a broom tree. 00:07:26.68\00:07:28.14 He asked that he might die, saying, 'It is enough; now, 00:07:29.68\00:07:31.68 O LORD, take away my life for I am no better 00:07:31.68\00:07:34.98 than my father's.'" 00:07:34.98\00:07:36.58 Now if there was ever a time we might be tempted 00:07:37.72\00:07:40.69 to think that God owes somebody an answer, 00:07:40.69\00:07:43.79 well this would be it because Elijah's depressed 00:07:43.79\00:07:46.96 and he doesn't understand why his life has to be this hard 00:07:46.96\00:07:50.27 if he's one of God's prophets, and he wishes that God 00:07:50.27\00:07:53.54 would just let him die, because his stunning victory 00:07:53.54\00:07:57.11 on Carmel has been rewarded with a wanted poster, 00:07:57.11\00:08:00.48 a price on his head, so this is how God's gonna pay him back 00:08:00.48\00:08:04.71 for doing what he was told. 00:08:04.71\00:08:06.28 Then the story continues by telling us that God sent 00:08:07.62\00:08:09.58 an angel to help him get a little R&R, why? 00:08:09.58\00:08:13.15 So he could have the energy to disappear and go into hiding. 00:08:13.15\00:08:17.36 So instead of sending a thunderbolt to destroy 00:08:18.46\00:08:20.83 the wicked queen, which is what I would probably vote for, 00:08:20.83\00:08:24.57 God chooses instead to make His servant 00:08:24.57\00:08:26.84 live in the wilderness. 00:08:26.84\00:08:28.40 And the place God sends him, oddly enough is Mount Horeb, 00:08:28.40\00:08:31.51 which is Mount Sinai, the place where God revealed Himself 00:08:31.51\00:08:35.04 as a fiery presence that actually scorched 00:08:35.04\00:08:37.41 the top of the mountain. 00:08:37.41\00:08:38.91 So in other words, this is a place you might expect God 00:08:38.91\00:08:42.18 to do something spectacular, but then pay attention 00:08:42.18\00:08:45.19 to what happens next, starting in verse nine. 00:08:45.19\00:08:47.32 And I'm gonna read a fair bit of this because, 00:08:47.32\00:08:49.92 well, this is really important, "There he came to a cave 00:08:49.92\00:08:53.33 and lodged it. And behold, the word of the LORD came to him 00:08:53.33\00:08:56.30 and he said to him, 'What are you doing here, Elijah?' 00:08:56.30\00:08:59.67 He said, 'I have been very jealous for the LORD, 00:08:59.67\00:09:02.40 the God of hosts. For the people of Israel 00:09:02.40\00:09:03.87 have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars 00:09:03.87\00:09:06.41 and killed your prophets with the sword and I, 00:09:06.41\00:09:09.24 even I only am left and they seek my life to take it away.' 00:09:09.24\00:09:13.42 And he said, 'Go out and stand on the mountain 00:09:13.42\00:09:15.22 before the LORD.' And behold, the LORD passed by 00:09:15.22\00:09:18.55 and a great and strong wind tore the mountains 00:09:18.55\00:09:20.76 and broke in pieces, the rocks before the LORD, 00:09:20.76\00:09:23.29 but the Lord was not in the wind. 00:09:24.23\00:09:25.66 And after the wind an earthquake, 00:09:26.73\00:09:27.96 but the Lord was not in the earthquake 00:09:27.96\00:09:29.46 and after the earthquake, a fire, but the LORD was not 00:09:29.46\00:09:32.73 in the fire." 00:09:32.73\00:09:34.50 Okay, it's time for a quick break, 00:09:34.50\00:09:36.20 but as soon as I come back, I'll show you why I think 00:09:36.20\00:09:38.61 this incident is one of the keys that my young skeptic needs 00:09:38.61\00:09:42.21 in order to answer her own questions 00:09:42.21\00:09:44.88 about the supposed silence of God. 00:09:44.88\00:09:47.12 [upbeat ambient music] I'll be right back. 00:09:47.12\00:09:48.68 - [Narrator] Dragons, beasts, cryptic statues. 00:09:52.02\00:09:56.29 Bible prophecy can be incredibly vivid and confusing. 00:09:56.29\00:10:00.86 If you've ever read Daniel a revelation 00:10:00.86\00:10:03.03 and come away scratching your head, you are not alone. 00:10:03.03\00:10:06.10 Our free focus on prophecy guides are designed to help you 00:10:06.10\00:10:09.54 unlock the mysteries of the Bible 00:10:09.54\00:10:11.27 and deepen your understanding of God's plan for you 00:10:11.27\00:10:14.24 and our world, study online or request them by mail 00:10:14.24\00:10:17.75 and start bringing prophecy into focus today. 00:10:17.75\00:10:20.75 - You know, sometimes God really does reveal Himself 00:10:22.15\00:10:24.35 in a very dramatic way, but historically speaking, 00:10:24.35\00:10:27.86 that's been the exception to the rule. 00:10:27.86\00:10:30.53 Over the course of the last three decades, 00:10:30.53\00:10:33.23 I can count on one hand the number of times 00:10:33.23\00:10:35.56 that God rattled my cage to get my attention. 00:10:35.56\00:10:38.37 For the most part, He hasn't really spoken 00:10:38.37\00:10:41.10 through earthquakes or storms, it's always been 00:10:41.10\00:10:44.07 well something else. 00:10:44.07\00:10:45.77 And immediately after God revealed Himself dramatically 00:10:45.77\00:10:48.71 on Mount Carmel, Elijah probably expected more of the same, 00:10:48.71\00:10:52.98 but it's not what happened. 00:10:52.98\00:10:54.65 The biblical record tells us that God was not in the wind, 00:10:54.65\00:10:57.62 He was not in the earthquake and He wasn't in the fire. 00:10:57.62\00:11:01.06 Instead, the Bible tells us in 1 Kings 19:12, 00:11:01.06\00:11:05.39 "And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. 00:11:05.39\00:11:08.46 And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak 00:11:08.46\00:11:11.13 and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. 00:11:11.13\00:11:13.74 And behold, there came a voice to him and said, 00:11:13.74\00:11:16.34 'What are you doing here, Elijah?'" 00:11:16.34\00:11:19.17 It wasn't at all what Elijah expected, 00:11:19.17\00:11:22.01 and you and I also have false expectations. 00:11:22.01\00:11:25.85 We try to conjure up these pictures of what we think God 00:11:25.85\00:11:28.58 should be like and what He should do, 00:11:28.58\00:11:31.69 but then He doesn't answer to those expectations. 00:11:31.69\00:11:34.42 And I suspect that what's going on with a lot of skeptics 00:11:34.42\00:11:37.76 as they're busy demanding that God reveal Himself, 00:11:37.76\00:11:41.16 the reality is that God has already done it, 00:11:41.16\00:11:44.10 but He didn't do it the way they demanded, 00:11:44.10\00:11:46.50 I guess you could think about it as trying to recreate God 00:11:46.50\00:11:50.01 in their own image. 00:11:50.01\00:11:51.71 But let's just think about this logically. 00:11:52.91\00:11:54.84 God really did reveal Himself at the top of Carmel, 00:11:54.84\00:11:57.88 and He did it in a spectacular fashion, 00:11:57.88\00:12:00.22 but that did nothing to stop the prophet from going through 00:12:00.22\00:12:03.22 severe depression and wishing he could die, 00:12:03.22\00:12:06.29 a big miracle did nothing to prevent that. 00:12:06.29\00:12:09.26 So apparently, and we've talked about this 00:12:09.26\00:12:10.99 on other programs, apparently miracles are not 00:12:10.99\00:12:13.86 a great foundation for long-term faith. 00:12:13.86\00:12:16.77 God's trying to tell us something really important 00:12:16.77\00:12:19.23 in this story. 00:12:19.23\00:12:20.77 Maybe just maybe when you and I complain that God is silent, 00:12:20.77\00:12:24.47 maybe He's not, and maybe we're doing exactly 00:12:24.47\00:12:27.54 [upbeat ambient music] what Elijah you was doing, 00:12:27.54\00:12:28.78 expecting God in all the wrong ways 00:12:28.78\00:12:30.51 and in all the wrong places. 00:12:30.51\00:12:32.81 At the end of the day, a personal God, 00:12:32.81\00:12:34.72 a real God is not just some miracle worker, 00:12:34.72\00:12:37.45 some kind of cosmic stage magician 00:12:37.45\00:12:39.89 who puts His power on display to vanquish His enemies. 00:12:39.89\00:12:43.06 He's not one of the pagan gods from Mount Olympus, 00:12:43.06\00:12:46.13 He's something more than that, He's a deeply personal God. 00:12:46.13\00:12:50.50 Just like your parents were personal parents, real people. 00:12:50.50\00:12:54.27 I mean, occasionally they worked miracles to save you 00:12:54.27\00:12:57.31 when you were in some kind of trouble, but for the 00:12:57.31\00:12:59.41 most part they were just your parents, 00:12:59.41\00:13:01.61 people with whom you had an actual relationship. 00:13:01.61\00:13:04.41 So maybe God wants the same thing, 00:13:05.51\00:13:07.32 maybe He just doesn't want to be some kind of 00:13:07.32\00:13:09.42 cosmic vending machine that dispenses miracles 00:13:09.42\00:13:11.92 and favors whenever you demand it, 00:13:11.92\00:13:14.52 what He wants is a meaningful two-way relationship. 00:13:14.52\00:13:17.43 And so He doesn't always speak through fires 00:13:17.43\00:13:19.79 and earthquakes, but through whispers, 00:13:19.79\00:13:22.10 through an actual conversation of the heart. 00:13:22.10\00:13:25.23 And maybe that's at least part of the problem 00:13:25.23\00:13:27.50 when skeptics suggest that God is somehow silent, 00:13:27.50\00:13:31.21 they're simply refusing to notice the ways He does 00:13:31.21\00:13:33.88 communicate ways that are clearly explained 00:13:33.88\00:13:36.81 in the scriptures. 00:13:36.81\00:13:38.35 Instead, they're demanding something else 00:13:38.35\00:13:40.95 and really there's one inescapable fact, 00:13:40.95\00:13:43.42 God has not been silent. 00:13:43.42\00:13:45.69 I mean, here's a book that purports to be 1500 years 00:13:45.69\00:13:49.99 worth of eyewitness testimony from people who say 00:13:49.99\00:13:52.73 that God has spoken to this world. 00:13:52.73\00:13:55.66 We have hundreds upon hundreds of pages of biblical history 00:13:55.66\00:13:59.20 where people insist that God actually intervened 00:13:59.20\00:14:02.70 in our human affairs. 00:14:02.70\00:14:04.21 I'm suddenly reminded of the opening words 00:14:04.21\00:14:06.17 to the book of Hebrews, which go like this, 00:14:06.17\00:14:09.88 "Long ago at many times, and in many ways God spoke to 00:14:09.88\00:14:13.42 our fathers by the prophets. 00:14:13.42\00:14:15.52 But in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, 00:14:15.52\00:14:18.62 whom he appointed the heir of all things, 00:14:18.62\00:14:21.19 through whom also He created the world." 00:14:21.19\00:14:23.39 If if there's one thing the Bible has made clear, 00:14:24.76\00:14:26.63 it's that God has been expending considerable energy 00:14:26.63\00:14:29.26 to make himself known to us. 00:14:29.26\00:14:31.13 Now, you might not believe that the people in this book were 00:14:31.13\00:14:33.80 telling the truth, but to say that God is somehow kept 00:14:33.80\00:14:37.34 to Himself is not at all what the Bible teaches. 00:14:37.34\00:14:40.81 Not only has He kept in regular contact, 00:14:40.81\00:14:43.51 but then He actually became one of us 00:14:43.51\00:14:45.35 in order to make himself even more understandable. 00:14:45.35\00:14:48.52 Jesus of Nazareth, the Bible teaches was God in human flesh. 00:14:48.52\00:14:53.59 So to suggest that God has been silent or that He has 00:14:54.99\00:14:56.93 kept Himself hidden it's ludicrous. 00:14:56.93\00:14:59.66 And when some people say that He is silent, 00:14:59.66\00:15:01.86 it might be the case that they've actually seen what God 00:15:01.86\00:15:04.63 has revealed of Himself and they don't like it, 00:15:04.63\00:15:07.74 because having a real God means that He would have 00:15:07.74\00:15:10.61 a claim on your life. 00:15:10.61\00:15:12.24 And here's what I find really interesting 00:15:12.24\00:15:14.28 about this young skeptic's complaints about God 00:15:14.28\00:15:17.58 immediately after telling us that God has been silent, 00:15:17.58\00:15:20.05 she goes on to list a bunch of stuff from the Bible 00:15:20.05\00:15:23.18 that she doesn't like. 00:15:23.18\00:15:24.72 So apparently she believes that some of what you find 00:15:24.72\00:15:27.19 in the Bible means God is a moral monster. 00:15:27.19\00:15:30.53 But let's be honest, you can't have it both ways. 00:15:30.53\00:15:32.86 You can't say that God is invisible and silent 00:15:32.86\00:15:35.90 and then complain about the stuff He does and says, 00:15:35.90\00:15:38.87 I mean, yes you, you might think this book is fiction, 00:15:38.87\00:15:41.40 but then you'd have to admit that this supposed fiction 00:15:41.40\00:15:43.91 doesn't exactly describe a silent God. 00:15:43.91\00:15:47.74 A little later on in the book of Hebrews, 00:15:47.74\00:15:49.31 we find this famous description of what the word of God 00:15:49.31\00:15:52.71 can do to our pride and I think this might be 00:15:52.71\00:15:55.42 a little of what's going on. 00:15:55.42\00:15:57.05 Here's what it says, "For the word of God is living 00:15:57.05\00:16:00.62 and active, sharper than any two edged sword, 00:16:00.62\00:16:03.49 piercing to the division of soul and spirit of joints 00:16:03.49\00:16:06.56 and marrow and discerning the thoughts and intentions 00:16:06.56\00:16:09.80 of the heart." 00:16:09.80\00:16:10.93 The the truth is the Bible is not a hallmark greeting card, 00:16:12.33\00:16:15.87 it's not a comfortable book. 00:16:15.87\00:16:17.91 It drags the truth about our broken human condition 00:16:17.91\00:16:20.44 out into the sunlight, it cuts through the careful facade 00:16:20.44\00:16:23.75 that most of us build and reveals us 00:16:23.75\00:16:25.68 for what we actually are. 00:16:25.68\00:16:27.22 And so when some people read this book, 00:16:27.22\00:16:29.45 it really hurts their pride and it makes them 00:16:29.45\00:16:32.02 want to push it away, it makes them wanna pretend 00:16:32.02\00:16:34.99 that God has not spoken when it's quite obvious that He has. 00:16:34.99\00:16:39.83 To say that God is silent, is simply untrue. 00:16:39.83\00:16:42.80 What's really going on is that you wanna reject what God has 00:16:42.80\00:16:46.10 already said, but then accuse Him of being silent 00:16:46.10\00:16:49.10 because he doesn't change about the stuff he has said. 00:16:49.10\00:16:52.74 [upbeat ambient music] 00:16:52.74\00:16:54.01 And then of course, we sometimes get mad 00:16:54.01\00:16:55.54 and accuse God of being some kind of tyrant who hates us 00:16:55.54\00:16:57.31 like a 13 year old telling his parents he hates them, 00:16:57.31\00:17:00.72 when he doesn't get his way. 00:17:00.72\00:17:02.75 But if God really hates us, why would He bother 00:17:02.75\00:17:05.62 with all these hundreds of pages, pages that beg us 00:17:05.62\00:17:08.66 to come back to Him? 00:17:08.66\00:17:10.39 I think the truth of the matter is we don't like the fact 00:17:10.39\00:17:12.93 that we have to admit that we're broken 00:17:12.93\00:17:14.93 in order to reconnect with God in a meaningful way, 00:17:14.93\00:17:17.97 and our pride is standing in the way. 00:17:17.97\00:17:20.97 It's a little like a cancer patient who refuses to accept 00:17:20.97\00:17:24.11 his diagnosis and there's nothing the doctor can do, 00:17:24.11\00:17:27.21 until he admits that he needs the kind of help 00:17:27.21\00:17:29.38 that the doctor can give, it's not pleasant. 00:17:29.38\00:17:32.05 Some of the treatments can be brutal, 00:17:32.05\00:17:34.92 but if he's going to live, one of the first things 00:17:34.92\00:17:37.32 he needs to do is admit there's a problem. 00:17:37.32\00:17:40.12 Yet instead, a lot of us just want to tell God He's wrong. 00:17:40.12\00:17:43.22 There is no illness, there is no moral tumor devouring 00:17:43.22\00:17:46.49 the human race, stripping away the vibrant life 00:17:46.49\00:17:49.10 God originally wanted us to have. 00:17:49.10\00:17:51.70 And then when God proves to be right, 00:17:51.70\00:17:53.60 we shake our fist at heaven and demand to know, 00:17:53.60\00:17:56.37 "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" 00:17:56.37\00:17:58.61 [upbeat ambient music] I'll be right back after this. 00:17:58.61\00:18:01.34 [upbeat ambient music] 00:18:05.01\00:18:07.02 - [Narrator] Are you searching for answers to life's 00:18:07.02\00:18:09.18 toughest questions like, where is God when we suffer? 00:18:09.18\00:18:11.35 Can I find real happiness? 00:18:11.35\00:18:13.15 Or is there any hope for our chaotic world? 00:18:13.15\00:18:16.36 The Discover Bible Guides will help you find the answers 00:18:16.36\00:18:19.53 you are looking for. 00:18:19.53\00:18:20.93 Visit us at BibleStudies.com or give us a call at 00:18:20.93\00:18:24.50 [888] 456-7933 00:18:24.50\00:18:28.10 for your free Discover Bible Guides, 00:18:28.10\00:18:30.51 study online on our secure website or have the free guides 00:18:30.51\00:18:34.71 mailed right to your home, there is never a cost 00:18:34.71\00:18:37.51 or obligation, the Discover Bible Guides 00:18:37.51\00:18:40.05 are our free gift to you. 00:18:40.05\00:18:41.95 Find answers and guides like, does my life really matter 00:18:41.95\00:18:45.12 to God? 00:18:45.12\00:18:46.59 And a second chance at life, you'll find answers 00:18:46.59\00:18:48.52 to the things that matter most to you in each 00:18:48.52\00:18:50.53 of the 26 Discover Bible guides, visit BibleStudies.com 00:18:50.53\00:18:54.96 and begin your journey today to discover answers 00:18:54.96\00:18:58.20 to life's deepest questions. 00:18:58.20\00:19:00.80 - Right before the break, we were talking about this TikTok 00:19:04.34\00:19:06.81 video I saw where a woman claimed that God 00:19:06.81\00:19:09.04 has hidden Himself and that He's silent 00:19:09.04\00:19:11.28 and we discovered the Bible says that's not true. 00:19:12.58\00:19:14.88 I think the problem that a lot of us have is we want God 00:19:14.88\00:19:18.49 to communicate with us on our terms the way we want, 00:19:18.49\00:19:21.99 we want Him to say what we want 'em to say. 00:19:21.99\00:19:24.93 But if there really is an omniscient God, a supreme being, 00:19:24.93\00:19:28.10 then why would we expect Him to do things our way? 00:19:28.10\00:19:31.00 I mean, what if there are circumstances 00:19:31.00\00:19:33.20 and situations where you and I are simply too myopic 00:19:33.20\00:19:36.40 to see that God knows better than we do? 00:19:36.40\00:19:39.44 [upbeat ambient music] 00:19:39.44\00:19:40.84 Let's consider the case of a crying baby. 00:19:40.84\00:19:42.51 Those of you who are parents will know that sometimes 00:19:42.51\00:19:44.68 when you put your baby to bed, they will cry 00:19:44.68\00:19:46.75 because they're hungry or because their diaper is dirty. 00:19:46.75\00:19:50.42 But then it doesn't usually take too long for most children 00:19:50.42\00:19:53.19 to realize that every time they cry, 00:19:53.19\00:19:55.02 somebody comes to get them, they get help, 00:19:55.02\00:19:57.49 they get some soothing baby talk 00:19:57.49\00:19:59.39 and an awful lot of attention. 00:19:59.39\00:20:01.76 So then comes the day when they're crying 00:20:01.76\00:20:03.73 just for attention, not because they have any 00:20:03.73\00:20:06.00 real physical need and nobody comes, why? 00:20:06.00\00:20:09.44 Because mom and dad have figured out that if they keep 00:20:09.44\00:20:11.94 jumping to the demands of the baby, he or she 00:20:11.94\00:20:14.64 is never going to learn to be self-sufficient 00:20:14.64\00:20:17.01 and sleep through the night, so they quit answering 00:20:17.01\00:20:19.98 the demand for the baby's own good. 00:20:19.98\00:20:23.45 So what's really happening is that mom and dad are preparing 00:20:23.45\00:20:26.19 their baby for the real world, for the reality 00:20:26.19\00:20:28.89 that generally speaking, the world does not jump 00:20:28.89\00:20:31.59 to answer your demands. 00:20:31.59\00:20:33.66 You've got to wonder if God doesn't do the same thing 00:20:33.66\00:20:35.76 with us, sometimes we demand that God needs to answer 00:20:35.76\00:20:39.70 our call and communicate with us the way we think is best 00:20:39.70\00:20:42.44 right now on our terms. 00:20:42.44\00:20:44.67 But what if that same God is just standing outside 00:20:46.14\00:20:48.04 the nursery door listening, helping us learn what's best 00:20:48.04\00:20:51.28 for us in the long run? 00:20:51.28\00:20:53.05 I mean, what if he's more interested in growing us 00:20:53.05\00:20:56.15 than coddling us? 00:20:56.15\00:20:57.65 Just think about some of the kids you've met who were always 00:20:57.65\00:21:00.42 the center of attention in their homes, 00:21:00.42\00:21:02.52 the kids whose parents jumped whenever they made 00:21:02.52\00:21:04.76 a demand and who seldom, if ever heard the word no. 00:21:04.76\00:21:09.80 They might've been cute when they were two, 00:21:10.87\00:21:12.37 but at eight or nine or 15, they become spoiled brats, 00:21:12.37\00:21:16.47 people who will struggle for the rest of their lives 00:21:16.47\00:21:18.71 to find meaningful relationships. 00:21:18.71\00:21:21.58 The God of the Bible is the ultimate parent. 00:21:21.58\00:21:25.45 I mean, He calls Himself Father, and He's far more 00:21:25.45\00:21:27.85 interested in watching you grow into something good 00:21:27.85\00:21:30.69 than He is at giving you whatever it is you think you 00:21:30.69\00:21:33.69 need. That's why it's often said that love is not a feeling, 00:21:33.69\00:21:37.29 it's actually a decision. 00:21:37.29\00:21:38.99 Listen to what it says over in the epistle of James because, 00:21:38.99\00:21:42.23 well, I think this makes a lot of good sense. 00:21:42.23\00:21:45.00 "Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. 00:21:46.23\00:21:49.07 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, 00:21:49.07\00:21:52.14 coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is 00:21:52.14\00:21:55.21 no variation or shadow due to change of His own will 00:21:55.21\00:21:59.75 He brought us forth by the word of truth, 00:21:59.75\00:22:02.05 that we should be a kind of first fruits of His creatures." 00:22:02.05\00:22:05.92 What it's telling us is that when it comes to you, 00:22:05.92\00:22:08.59 God has a definite idea of what you should be, 00:22:08.59\00:22:11.96 and that might not be the destination you have in mind. 00:22:11.96\00:22:15.56 All along the path of life, God is gonna be 00:22:15.56\00:22:17.60 perfectly consistent about the things that He does 00:22:17.60\00:22:19.83 with you and for you. 00:22:19.83\00:22:22.10 You know when I was seven, I wanted to be an astronaut 00:22:22.10\00:22:24.57 and I'm pretty sure all the kids in my class wanted 00:22:24.57\00:22:26.64 to be astronauts because, well, we were living out 00:22:26.64\00:22:29.41 our elementary school years in the wake of the 00:22:29.41\00:22:31.81 Apollo moon landings. 00:22:31.81\00:22:33.62 And when I was seven, there was no way I could picture this 00:22:33.62\00:22:36.48 a career in radio and television or a career in ministry. 00:22:36.48\00:22:39.79 Nobody's more surprised than me, why? 00:22:39.79\00:22:43.02 Because at seven I had a limited knowledge of the world 00:22:43.02\00:22:46.66 and a limited knowledge of what it took to be an astronaut. 00:22:46.66\00:22:50.83 I had no idea there could be something more meaningful, 00:22:50.83\00:22:53.74 more satisfying that I could do with my life. 00:22:53.74\00:22:57.31 Now, I wanna be careful that I'm not suggesting 00:22:57.31\00:22:59.87 that whatever mess you find yourself in at the present 00:22:59.87\00:23:02.48 was God's idea. 00:23:02.48\00:23:04.21 He may have chosen your current path, but then again, 00:23:04.21\00:23:07.02 that might all be you because well, God doesn't force people 00:23:07.02\00:23:10.39 to listen. 00:23:10.39\00:23:11.85 What I'm saying is that God knows the end from the beginning 00:23:11.85\00:23:15.62 and He knows his plans for your character 00:23:15.62\00:23:17.69 if you're willing to follow his lead. 00:23:17.69\00:23:20.03 The reason He might not give you what you're demanding 00:23:20.03\00:23:22.26 at the moment is that he loves you too much 00:23:22.26\00:23:25.23 to give you what you're asking for. 00:23:25.23\00:23:27.17 I mean, of course, a five-year-old boy can't 00:23:28.67\00:23:31.24 understand why he shouldn't own a shotgun and keep it 00:23:31.24\00:23:33.27 in his bedroom closet. 00:23:33.27\00:23:34.94 In fact, it makes perfect sense to him, 00:23:34.94\00:23:37.08 it seems like a lot of fun and how dare you suggest 00:23:37.08\00:23:40.08 that he's not yet a man? 00:23:40.08\00:23:41.85 He just doesn't know what he doesn't know 00:23:41.85\00:23:44.39 and the same thing holds true for you and me. 00:23:44.39\00:23:47.06 [upbeat ambient music] 00:23:47.06\00:23:48.26 We don't know what we don't know, 00:23:48.26\00:23:50.23 I'll be right back after this. 00:23:50.23\00:23:52.43 [upbeat ambient music] 00:23:56.40\00:23:59.70 - [Narrator] There is a place so still, 00:23:59.70\00:24:02.94 you can almost hear your imagination. 00:24:05.77\00:24:08.38 So free. 00:24:16.35\00:24:17.75 Your spirits can soar. 00:24:20.09\00:24:22.19 So vast, it needs to be explored. 00:24:25.86\00:24:30.90 So high, you can touch the clouds. 00:24:39.94\00:24:45.01 A place called Discovery Mountain. 00:24:47.92\00:24:52.99 - After the accusation that God is silent, 00:25:05.23\00:25:07.57 the skeptic I found online wanted to know why God 00:25:07.57\00:25:10.54 wants us to exercise faith instead of 00:25:10.54\00:25:13.27 providing hard evidence for his existence. 00:25:13.27\00:25:16.08 And I should probably tackle that on another show, 00:25:16.08\00:25:18.28 because I think there's plenty of evidence 00:25:18.28\00:25:21.02 for God's existence out there, not the least of which 00:25:21.02\00:25:24.25 is the eyewitness testimony of multiple people 00:25:24.25\00:25:26.76 spanning 1500 years, but to suggest there's no evidence. 00:25:26.76\00:25:31.83 That's a bit of a stretch, because that's just not true. 00:25:33.16\00:25:35.70 What a lot of people say they want 00:25:35.70\00:25:37.83 is the kind of irrefutable proof that comes from the lab, 00:25:37.83\00:25:41.27 they want a God who can be measured. 00:25:41.27\00:25:43.61 But then you've got to ask yourself, 00:25:43.61\00:25:44.94 why don't we demand that kind of proof 00:25:44.94\00:25:47.04 for all our other relationships? 00:25:47.04\00:25:49.51 [upbeat ambient music] 00:25:49.51\00:25:50.98 I mean, how much would you enjoy life if the people you love 00:25:50.98\00:25:53.92 demanded hard proof that you love them? 00:25:53.92\00:25:56.92 What if they demanded a specific quantity, 00:25:56.92\00:25:58.89 a certain number of love ounces or a certain number 00:25:58.89\00:26:01.86 of cubic feet of dedication? 00:26:01.86\00:26:04.13 Most of us would find that ridiculous, 00:26:04.13\00:26:05.89 because that's not how you measure love. 00:26:05.89\00:26:09.10 So what if an infinite God who is self existent 00:26:09.10\00:26:11.73 and does not depend on the space time He created 00:26:11.73\00:26:14.60 in order to sustain His own existence? 00:26:14.60\00:26:17.51 What if there's no such thing as scientific proof? 00:26:17.51\00:26:21.11 I mean, what if science is just the wrong category? 00:26:21.11\00:26:24.11 I know that some of you will find that answer evasive 00:26:25.45\00:26:27.52 as if I'm dodging the question with a divine mystery, 00:26:27.52\00:26:31.09 but what if it's true and to suggest that God has provided 00:26:31.09\00:26:34.29 nothing in the way of evidence? 00:26:34.29\00:26:36.06 Well, that's not exactly true either, 00:26:36.06\00:26:38.49 "For what can be known about God as plain to them." 00:26:38.49\00:26:42.30 Paul wrote, "Because God has shown it to them 00:26:42.30\00:26:44.33 for His invisible attributes, namely his eternal power 00:26:44.33\00:26:47.54 and divine nature have been clearly perceived, 00:26:48.64\00:26:51.17 ever since the creation of the world, 00:26:51.17\00:26:52.84 in the things that have been made." 00:26:52.84\00:26:54.74 It might just be that some people know there's evidence, 00:26:56.08\00:26:58.51 but if they admit it, it has implications for how 00:26:58.51\00:27:01.08 they're going to live. 00:27:01.08\00:27:02.62 To say there's no evidence that's not entirely honest 00:27:02.62\00:27:05.69 and even the more honest skeptics are going to say, 00:27:05.69\00:27:08.52 "It certainly looks like the appearance of life 00:27:08.52\00:27:11.49 in this universe was planned." so why does God 00:27:11.49\00:27:16.10 ask for faith? 00:27:16.10\00:27:17.63 It's really not that hard to figure out. 00:27:17.63\00:27:19.80 I've been married for three decades, 00:27:19.80\00:27:21.97 and I've got to tell you, it means a lot more to me 00:27:21.97\00:27:23.61 that my wife trusts me and believes in me 00:27:23.61\00:27:26.24 than it does to know that she thinks I exist 00:27:26.24\00:27:28.34 based on the fact that my cowboy boots are standing 00:27:28.34\00:27:30.98 by the front door, why? 00:27:31.78\00:27:33.42 Because that is a relationship and a relationship 00:27:33.42\00:27:38.39 is what a personal God is looking for. 00:27:38.39\00:27:41.86 Thanks for joining me again this week. 00:27:41.86\00:27:43.59 I'm Shawn Boonstra, and you've been watching Authentic. 00:27:43.59\00:27:47.86 [upbeat ambient music] 00:27:47.86\00:27:51.17