Welcome back. 00:00:15.57\00:00:16.93 We need to continue our study now on the symbolism 00:00:17.74\00:00:22.30 that is used in the Bible. 00:00:22.33\00:00:23.36 How do we interpret symbols correctly? 00:00:23.39\00:00:25.64 And as we ended our last session, we were talking 00:00:26.17\00:00:29.32 about the fact that symbols are liquid, or symbols are fluid. 00:00:29.35\00:00:34.96 Which means that they take different shapes 00:00:35.32\00:00:37.59 depending on the context in which they appear. 00:00:37.62\00:00:40.90 And so, I want to give several examples here 00:00:41.40\00:00:44.45 that we have in our syllabus. 00:00:44.48\00:00:45.87 First of all, when we talk about a lion, a lion is a 00:00:46.27\00:00:49.10 symbolic animal that is used in Bible prophecy. 00:00:49.13\00:00:54.87 So what does a lion represent in Bible prophecy? 00:00:55.07\00:00:58.45 Can it represent Christ? 00:00:59.94\00:01:01.69 Yes, He's the lion of the tribe of Judah. 00:01:02.26\00:01:04.87 Can it represent the devil? 00:01:05.35\00:01:06.92 Yeah, he goes as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. 00:01:07.52\00:01:11.79 Can it represent Judah, the son of Jacob? 00:01:12.32\00:01:14.76 Yeah. 00:01:15.05\00:01:16.63 Can it represent Babylon? 00:01:16.66\00:01:18.76 Yeah, in Daniel chapter 7 it represents Babylon. 00:01:19.38\00:01:22.08 So when you find, "lion," in prophetic context, 00:01:22.11\00:01:26.98 don't just assume it always means the same thing. 00:01:27.08\00:01:29.24 It can mean different things in different context. 00:01:29.48\00:01:32.54 Let's take the symbol of wine. 00:01:33.71\00:01:37.23 Is wine a symbol that always means the same thing? 00:01:37.97\00:01:41.59 Of course not. 00:01:41.90\00:01:42.93 Wine can represent the blood of Christ. 00:01:43.13\00:01:45.86 Right? 00:01:46.15\00:01:47.20 Yeah, He says, "This is the blood of the new covenant 00:01:47.50\00:01:51.00 which is shed for you." 00:01:51.03\00:01:52.51 And He was talking about the grape juice. 00:01:52.54\00:01:55.02 Can wine also represent the blood of the wicked? 00:01:55.56\00:02:01.40 Yeah, of course. 00:02:02.50\00:02:04.06 Can wine also represent doctrine? 00:02:04.50\00:02:07.36 You don't put new wine in old lambskins. 00:02:08.16\00:02:11.93 Remember what Jesus said? 00:02:11.96\00:02:13.38 He's saying, "You don't put My fresh new teachings 00:02:13.41\00:02:16.19 in the old traditions of the scribes and Pharisees," 00:02:16.29\00:02:19.46 is what He was saying. 00:02:19.49\00:02:20.52 So wine... 00:02:20.96\00:02:22.36 And by the way, wine can also represent false doctrine 00:02:22.45\00:02:24.87 if it's fermented wine. 00:02:24.90\00:02:26.29 Because the harlot gives her wine to 00:02:26.86\00:02:28.51 the kings of the earth, right? 00:02:28.54\00:02:30.11 And so when you find wine, don't just assume that 00:02:30.45\00:02:33.95 wine always means the same thing. 00:02:33.98\00:02:35.60 Because symbols can be flexible. 00:02:35.63\00:02:37.75 They can mean different things in different context. 00:02:37.78\00:02:40.97 What does a star represent? 00:02:41.33\00:02:43.35 Can a star represent Christ? 00:02:44.76\00:02:46.69 Yes, He's the bright and morning star, 00:02:47.27\00:02:49.83 Revelation 22 verse 16. 00:02:49.94\00:02:51.59 Can a star represent Satan? 00:02:51.62\00:02:53.53 Yeah, he's Lucifer, the morning star. 00:02:54.21\00:02:57.40 Can it represent ministers? 00:02:57.66\00:02:59.81 Revelation 1 verse 20, the seven stars in the hand of Jesus 00:03:00.42\00:03:04.89 represent the ministers to the seven churches. 00:03:05.09\00:03:08.90 Can stars represent God's people? 00:03:09.67\00:03:12.29 Stars can represent God's people. 00:03:12.88\00:03:14.99 It says in Daniel chapter 12 that God's people will shine 00:03:15.02\00:03:18.11 as stars throughout eternity. 00:03:18.14\00:03:19.97 And so, when you find a star or stars in the Bible, 00:03:20.50\00:03:23.78 don't just assume that stars always mean the same thing. 00:03:23.81\00:03:26.90 It can mean different things in different context. 00:03:27.10\00:03:30.26 Now what does leaven represent? 00:03:30.60\00:03:33.21 You know, always when I ask that question, 00:03:35.36\00:03:37.13 the first answer that comes is that leaven represents sin. 00:03:37.16\00:03:40.63 And that's true, you have verses here in parentheses; 00:03:40.73\00:03:43.69 Exodus 12:15, Leviticus 2:11, 1 Corinthians 5:7-8. 00:03:43.72\00:03:49.33 There are many text that say that leaven represents sin. 00:03:49.36\00:03:52.39 But not always. 00:03:52.80\00:03:54.25 Because according to the parable that Jesus told 00:03:54.66\00:03:57.10 in Matthew 13 and verse 33, leaven can be a symbol 00:03:57.13\00:04:02.48 of the Holy Spirit. 00:04:02.51\00:04:03.68 You put leaven in the dough, and what happens with the dough? 00:04:05.03\00:04:07.99 It grows. 00:04:08.51\00:04:09.54 And the lump represents the church. 00:04:09.57\00:04:11.85 So the Holy Spirit is in the church, 00:04:12.12\00:04:13.78 and what happens with the church? 00:04:13.81\00:04:15.31 It grows. 00:04:15.52\00:04:16.65 So just because you find leaven, don't think that it 00:04:16.94\00:04:19.28 represents sin all the time. 00:04:19.31\00:04:21.24 It can be a flexible symbol, and you have to take 00:04:21.44\00:04:24.18 into account the context. 00:04:24.21\00:04:26.63 How about the king of the north? 00:04:27.12\00:04:28.37 Is God the king of the north? 00:04:28.47\00:04:30.33 Yes He is. Where is His throne? 00:04:30.92\00:04:32.96 In the sides of the north, according to Isaiah 14. 00:04:33.16\00:04:36.29 Let me ask you, can the king of the north also be a symbol 00:04:36.66\00:04:40.12 of a counterfeit king of the north? 00:04:40.39\00:04:42.52 Oh yeah, in Daniel chapter 11. 00:04:42.94\00:04:44.82 So don't just assume that because, "king of the north," 00:04:45.03\00:04:47.33 is used, it always refers to God. 00:04:47.36\00:04:49.32 It can also refer to someone who wants to occupy 00:04:49.35\00:04:52.64 the position of God. 00:04:52.67\00:04:53.95 And by the way, the devil also wanted to occupy 00:04:53.98\00:04:57.04 the place of God in the sides of the north. 00:04:57.07\00:04:59.77 What about a he goat? 00:05:00.23\00:05:01.83 Can a he goat represent Christ? 00:05:02.69\00:05:04.81 Yeah, how many goats were chosen on the Day of Atonement? 00:05:07.56\00:05:10.27 How many he goats? 00:05:10.58\00:05:11.81 Two. 00:05:12.01\00:05:13.09 One of them represented whom? 00:05:13.34\00:05:15.16 Christ. 00:05:15.47\00:05:16.50 And the other one represented Satan. 00:05:16.53\00:05:19.19 And incidentally, he goats can also represent prominent rulers 00:05:19.22\00:05:24.97 in other context, political rulers. 00:05:25.00\00:05:27.75 And so it can mean different things. 00:05:27.78\00:05:30.34 Let's take for example, sword. 00:05:31.98\00:05:33.94 What does the sword represent? 00:05:33.97\00:05:36.11 Whenever I ask what, "sword," represents, 00:05:36.43\00:05:38.58 they say, "Well, the sword represents the Word of God." 00:05:39.07\00:05:41.67 And that's true, Ephesians 6:17 says that the sword of the 00:05:41.77\00:05:44.70 Spirit is the Word of God. 00:05:44.73\00:05:46.08 However, there's another meaning to the sword. 00:05:46.76\00:05:48.97 Now go with me to Revelation 13. 00:05:49.00\00:05:51.14 I want to illustrate how important it is 00:05:51.17\00:05:54.18 for us to realize that symbols are flexible. 00:05:54.38\00:05:57.54 Revelation 13 and verses 9 and 10. 00:05:57.57\00:06:03.63 13, verses 9 and 10. 00:06:03.88\00:06:06.08 This is speaking about the deadly wound that is given 00:06:07.87\00:06:10.71 to the beast that rises from the sea. 00:06:10.74\00:06:13.58 This beast in Revelation 13 verse 1 says that 00:06:14.24\00:06:17.01 it rises from the sea. 00:06:17.04\00:06:18.48 And of course, we know that it's a symbol of 00:06:18.78\00:06:20.57 the Roman Catholic papacy. 00:06:20.60\00:06:22.26 Now verse 9 says, "If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 00:06:22.63\00:06:27.01 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; 00:06:27.94\00:06:34.42 he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword." 00:06:35.92\00:06:41.90 So who is that who killed with the sword? 00:06:42.93\00:06:45.32 Who had the sword and killed with the sword? 00:06:45.43\00:06:47.36 It was the papacy. 00:06:48.38\00:06:49.57 And you say, "How do you know that?" 00:06:50.32\00:06:51.63 Well, verse 14 says so. 00:06:51.66\00:06:53.62 Speaking about the beast that rises from the earth, it says, 00:06:54.52\00:06:56.93 "And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs 00:06:57.13\00:07:00.35 which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, 00:07:00.38\00:07:02.46 telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image 00:07:02.66\00:07:04.86 to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived." 00:07:04.89\00:07:08.38 So who was wounded by the sword? 00:07:09.98\00:07:11.74 The beast. So who used the sword to kill? 00:07:12.20\00:07:14.83 The beast. 00:07:14.87\00:07:15.90 And the same sword that the beast used to kill 00:07:15.93\00:07:18.39 was the sword that gave him the deadly wound. 00:07:18.60\00:07:21.01 Now what does that sword represent? 00:07:22.78\00:07:24.88 See, it cannot represent the Bible. 00:07:25.77\00:07:28.27 Because really, the papacy did not use 00:07:29.63\00:07:33.37 the Bible to kill people. 00:07:33.40\00:07:34.82 So immediately you'll see there that the sword as the Bible 00:07:36.16\00:07:39.49 doesn't fit there. 00:07:39.52\00:07:40.60 You know, it's a different container, so to speak. 00:07:41.24\00:07:43.73 So you say, now if the sword there does not represent 00:07:44.29\00:07:48.71 the Word of God, because the papacy did not use the 00:07:48.74\00:07:51.15 Bible to kill God's people, then what could it mean? 00:07:51.18\00:07:56.77 Well, you look in other context to see if the symbol 00:07:56.80\00:07:59.98 can mean something different. 00:08:00.01\00:08:01.28 And let's go to Romans chapter 13, and you'll see 00:08:02.06\00:08:04.60 that there's another meaning to the sword. 00:08:04.63\00:08:06.75 Romans chapter 13 and we'll read verses 1 through 4. 00:08:07.15\00:08:12.67 13, verses 1 through 4. 00:08:12.70\00:08:14.66 It says there, "Let every soul be subject to the 00:08:15.65\00:08:19.12 governing authorities. 00:08:19.15\00:08:20.74 For there is no authority except from God, 00:08:20.77\00:08:23.28 and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 00:08:23.31\00:08:26.40 Therefore whoever resists the authority 00:08:26.75\00:08:29.36 resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist 00:08:29.71\00:08:33.21 will bring judgment on themselves." 00:08:33.24\00:08:35.31 Now notice verse 3. 00:08:35.81\00:08:37.10 "For rulers..." 00:08:37.30\00:08:38.92 Who are the rulers? The political leaders, right? 00:08:39.64\00:08:41.80 "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. 00:08:42.06\00:08:47.37 Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? 00:08:47.67\00:08:50.05 Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 00:08:50.25\00:08:53.44 For he," that is the civil ruler, "is God's minister 00:08:53.94\00:08:58.71 to you for good. 00:08:58.74\00:08:59.79 But if you do evil, be afraid; 00:08:59.82\00:09:01.85 for he does not bear the sword in vain." 00:09:01.88\00:09:05.08 Does the civil ruler have a sword? 00:09:08.68\00:09:10.90 Do you know what the sword of the civil ruler is? 00:09:11.60\00:09:14.09 It is used to punish violations of civil law. 00:09:14.53\00:09:19.44 Can the civil power punish violations of religious law? 00:09:21.28\00:09:24.93 For example, if people don't worship on Sunday 00:09:26.29\00:09:32.63 but they worship on the Sabbath, does the civil power 00:09:32.66\00:09:35.68 have the say, "Well, you've got to worship on Sunday. 00:09:35.71\00:09:37.61 You can't worship on Sabbath." 00:09:37.64\00:09:38.86 Of course not. 00:09:38.89\00:09:39.92 Because the sword of the civil power can only be used 00:09:40.30\00:09:44.43 to punish violations of civil law, not religious law. 00:09:44.46\00:09:49.60 It cannot legislate the first table of the law. 00:09:49.63\00:09:51.97 It can only legislate the second table which protects 00:09:52.00\00:09:54.87 relationships between human beings in society. 00:09:54.90\00:09:57.58 So the state has its sword, which is the right to punish 00:09:59.47\00:10:04.31 violations of civil law. 00:10:04.34\00:10:05.70 And the church has its sword, 00:10:06.48\00:10:08.18 which is the Word of God, the Bible. 00:10:08.21\00:10:09.75 Now how does the church use the sword? 00:10:09.78\00:10:11.68 By preaching. 00:10:13.29\00:10:14.39 You read Hebrews 4 verses 12 and 13, 00:10:16.13\00:10:18.13 it says that the Word of God is like a sword, 00:10:18.16\00:10:20.94 a double-edged sword, and it penetrates 00:10:21.14\00:10:24.04 into the inner most depths of the human heart. 00:10:24.47\00:10:27.49 And that happens when we preach. 00:10:28.40\00:10:30.15 The Word goes through the ears, and it goes all the way 00:10:30.25\00:10:32.61 and it pierces the heart. 00:10:32.64\00:10:34.11 So the church has its sword, which is the Word of God. 00:10:34.21\00:10:36.93 The civil power has also its sword, which it uses 00:10:37.13\00:10:40.96 to punish violations of civil law. 00:10:40.99\00:10:43.36 So when we find the word, "sword," 00:10:43.39\00:10:45.39 does it always represent the same thing? 00:10:46.23\00:10:48.33 No, it can take on a different shape depending on the context 00:10:48.62\00:10:53.12 in which it appears. 00:10:53.15\00:10:54.58 Yesterday I mentioned the expression, "sons of God." 00:10:55.41\00:10:58.15 You know, in Genesis chapter 6 it says that the sons of God 00:10:58.84\00:11:02.61 saw that the daughters of men were beautiful. 00:11:02.64\00:11:04.79 And so theologians, many, many theologians, 00:11:05.31\00:11:09.00 not Adventists, but non-Adventists ones, 00:11:09.22\00:11:11.54 they say that the sons of God in Genesis 6 were actually angels. 00:11:11.71\00:11:15.81 And the reason they say that is because in the book of Job, 00:11:15.91\00:11:18.82 it says that when God created this world 00:11:19.02\00:11:20.99 the sons of God shouted for joy and sang. 00:11:21.18\00:11:25.67 And obviously, human beings were not around at that time. 00:11:26.36\00:11:29.95 And so the sons of God who shouted and sang for joy 00:11:30.37\00:11:35.44 when God created this world obviously represents what? 00:11:35.86\00:11:40.23 Angels. 00:11:40.43\00:11:41.54 So what they do is they take Job, you know, where it says, 00:11:41.91\00:11:44.92 "The sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord," 00:11:44.95\00:11:47.39 and then chapter 38 verse 7 where it says that they 00:11:47.42\00:11:49.82 sang at creation, and they say, "See, 'sons of God,' here 00:11:49.85\00:11:53.29 means angels, so in Genesis 6 it means angels." 00:11:53.32\00:11:56.98 Big mistake. 00:11:57.91\00:11:58.94 Because symbols are flexible. 00:11:59.83\00:12:01.56 Symbols are liquid. 00:12:02.22\00:12:05.13 And they have to be taken within their context. 00:12:05.42\00:12:07.71 What is the context of, "sons of God," in Genesis 6? 00:12:07.74\00:12:10.82 The context is clear. 00:12:11.50\00:12:12.98 Right before it says, "The sons of God came into the 00:12:13.27\00:12:16.07 daughters of men," it gives the genealogy of Cain. 00:12:16.10\00:12:21.21 And there are three women in the genealogy of Cain. 00:12:22.16\00:12:24.31 Those are the daughters of men, by the way. 00:12:24.34\00:12:26.01 And then you have the genealogy of Seth. 00:12:26.53\00:12:29.30 Those are the righteous. 00:12:29.33\00:12:30.41 And then in 6:1, sons of God and daughters of men. 00:12:30.44\00:12:33.35 The context indicates that the sons of God 00:12:33.55\00:12:36.74 are those from the holy line. 00:12:36.85\00:12:38.47 From the holy line that would eventually lead to the Messiah. 00:12:38.99\00:12:41.87 Are you following me or not? 00:12:42.07\00:12:43.33 Furthermore, in Scripture God's people are called, 00:12:44.40\00:12:47.60 "sons of God." 00:12:47.63\00:12:48.66 "Behold what manner of love the Father has given us 00:12:49.04\00:12:51.50 that we should be called..." What? 00:12:51.53\00:12:53.02 "...the sons of God." 00:12:53.05\00:12:54.09 So converted people are sons of God as well. 00:12:54.12\00:12:57.26 So the holy line were people that were converted. 00:12:57.29\00:13:00.09 They were the righteous. 00:13:00.12\00:13:01.40 And they're called, "sons of God." 00:13:01.43\00:13:02.83 So my point is that whenever we find symbols, 00:13:03.13\00:13:06.28 let's not assume that the symbol means the same thing everywhere. 00:13:06.31\00:13:09.86 Because symbols are liquid, or symbols can take 00:13:10.06\00:13:14.48 different shapes depending on the context 00:13:14.51\00:13:17.05 in which they appear. 00:13:17.08\00:13:18.46 Now the next point is very important, 00:13:19.62\00:13:21.42 at the bottom of page 28. 00:13:21.45\00:13:23.49 It is important not to isolate a symbol from its context. 00:13:23.74\00:13:28.08 Do not lose sight of the forest for the trees. 00:13:28.71\00:13:32.13 Remember that each individual symbol is only one piece 00:13:33.62\00:13:38.30 of the puzzle, and not the puzzle in its entirety. 00:13:38.33\00:13:42.89 Once you have discovered the meaning of each 00:13:43.65\00:13:45.91 individual symbol, then you can put them together 00:13:45.94\00:13:49.40 to get a complete picture of what God wants to teach. 00:13:49.43\00:13:53.08 An illustration of this that we used at the very beginning 00:13:54.72\00:13:57.97 of this class was the rock episode. 00:13:58.00\00:14:01.37 We have three symbols in that story of the rock. 00:14:02.93\00:14:05.74 We have a rock, we have a rod, and we have water. 00:14:05.77\00:14:11.19 So what do you do? 00:14:12.19\00:14:13.61 You want to look at the total picture. 00:14:13.92\00:14:15.76 But in order to get the total picture, 00:14:15.98\00:14:17.53 what do you have to do? 00:14:17.56\00:14:18.76 You have to interpret, well what does the rock mean? 00:14:19.26\00:14:21.65 And then you say, "Now wait a minute, what does the rod mean?" 00:14:22.67\00:14:25.34 And so you look at the meaning of the rod. 00:14:25.37\00:14:27.21 Then you say, "Well, what does the water represent?" 00:14:27.62\00:14:29.71 So you look at the water. 00:14:29.74\00:14:31.00 And then once you've interpreted each individual symbol, 00:14:31.03\00:14:34.03 you put them together to get the complete picture. 00:14:34.06\00:14:36.96 Are you understanding what I'm saying? 00:14:38.61\00:14:39.89 So in other words, it's no good just to interpret 00:14:40.53\00:14:42.82 individual symbols. 00:14:42.85\00:14:43.90 The purpose of interpreting different symbols 00:14:43.93\00:14:46.24 is then to put them together in a tapestry 00:14:46.27\00:14:49.28 so we see the whole picture. 00:14:49.31\00:14:50.83 Don't get all caught up in the trees, 00:14:51.14\00:14:52.91 in the individual tree. 00:14:52.94\00:14:54.33 You know, look at the forest. 00:14:54.61\00:14:56.01 Look at what God wants to teach through a combination 00:14:56.30\00:14:59.48 of all of the symbols and not only individual symbols. 00:14:59.51\00:15:02.82 And so, it's very important for us not to isolate 00:15:03.07\00:15:06.56 a symbol from its context. 00:15:06.59\00:15:08.14 The purpose of studying each individual symbol 00:15:08.17\00:15:10.99 is to then get the complete picture. 00:15:11.02\00:15:14.00 I like to consider symbols, like there's lots of symbolism 00:15:14.03\00:15:17.65 in Revelation chapter 11. 00:15:17.68\00:15:19.73 Tremendous symbolism there. 00:15:19.76\00:15:21.52 Now I like to compare that symbolism with the parts 00:15:21.87\00:15:26.89 of a painting, an oil painting. 00:15:27.00\00:15:30.52 See, an oil painting has individual parts, right? 00:15:31.17\00:15:36.02 But the genius of the painting is not all the individual parts. 00:15:36.84\00:15:41.20 It's taking all the individual parts and putting them there 00:15:41.55\00:15:45.29 so that you can see the whole picture. 00:15:45.32\00:15:47.00 See, the purpose of the parts is to see the picture. 00:15:47.52\00:15:50.47 And so the purpose of interpreting individual symbols 00:15:50.84\00:15:53.56 is to then be able to fit them together. 00:15:53.59\00:15:56.46 And don't try to force a piece of the puzzle into the puzzle. 00:15:56.49\00:16:00.12 Make sure that you interpret the symbol correctly. 00:16:00.90\00:16:03.85 And then every piece of the puzzle will fit together. 00:16:04.08\00:16:08.56 Now the next point at the top of page 29, 00:16:09.47\00:16:12.29 look for the main characteristics of the symbol. 00:16:12.87\00:16:16.06 And then apply it. 00:16:17.20\00:16:18.49 The symbol, and what is symbolized, are not identical 00:16:19.25\00:16:22.48 in all respects. 00:16:22.51\00:16:23.56 You know, some people take the symbol and they try 00:16:23.59\00:16:25.44 to apply every detail of the symbol to what it symbolizes. 00:16:25.47\00:16:28.96 For example, without the intention of being sacrilegious, 00:16:30.59\00:16:34.79 remember the fact that Jesus is described as a lamb. 00:16:35.47\00:16:38.47 That does not mean that He's wooly and He has four legs. 00:16:38.57\00:16:41.55 Don't try to interpret what each leg represents 00:16:42.43\00:16:45.85 when it comes to Christ. 00:16:45.88\00:16:46.91 No, no, no. 00:16:46.94\00:16:47.97 There's a certain characteristic of the symbol 00:16:48.15\00:16:51.29 that is to be applied. 00:16:51.32\00:16:52.36 Not every single detail of the symbol applies 00:16:52.51\00:16:55.79 to what it symbolizes. 00:16:55.82\00:16:57.30 Are you with me? 00:16:58.43\00:16:59.52 Very, very important. 00:16:59.55\00:17:00.80 Next point. 00:17:01.95\00:17:02.99 Do not give contemporary meanings to prophetic symbols. 00:17:03.28\00:17:07.43 Today, red is the color of Communism. 00:17:08.33\00:17:11.00 If you don't believe that, just look at Venezuela. 00:17:12.06\00:17:14.74 You know, whenever they have rallies, 00:17:15.67\00:17:17.73 it looks like there's blood in the streets. 00:17:17.94\00:17:19.99 Everybody has a red shirt and they have a red cap. 00:17:20.02\00:17:23.30 And surprising that they don't have red pants too. 00:17:23.33\00:17:26.37 Everything is red. 00:17:26.62\00:17:27.77 See, red, they say, is the color of Communism. 00:17:27.80\00:17:29.65 So when you find in prophecy, red, that means Communism. 00:17:29.68\00:17:32.60 No, you can't transpose contemporary meanings 00:17:32.63\00:17:35.10 back into the Bible. 00:17:35.13\00:17:36.37 A bear of Daniel 7. 00:17:38.08\00:17:40.76 You know, does that mean that the bear represents Russia, 00:17:41.44\00:17:45.04 because Russia has a bear on its flag? 00:17:45.92\00:17:48.82 Of course not. 00:17:49.19\00:17:50.42 A lion. A lion is the symbol of England. 00:17:50.84\00:17:53.77 So in Daniel 7, the lion is England, right? 00:17:54.45\00:17:57.10 Of course not. 00:17:57.61\00:17:58.78 You know, Babylon in Revelation. 00:17:59.58\00:18:02.07 Is that talking about the literal city of Babylon? 00:18:02.45\00:18:05.94 Of course not. 00:18:05.97\00:18:07.09 And so, what we cannot do is take contemporary meanings 00:18:07.59\00:18:11.83 of symbols and then apply them to Scripture and say 00:18:11.86\00:18:16.99 that's what they mean in the Bible. 00:18:17.02\00:18:18.43 We have to allow the Bible to interpret its own symbols 00:18:18.57\00:18:21.83 and tell us what those symbols mean. 00:18:21.86\00:18:24.30 Now for the next few minutes I want us to take a look 00:18:25.25\00:18:29.83 at several categories of symbols. 00:18:30.21\00:18:34.69 The first category is that persons are symbolic. 00:18:35.27\00:18:38.57 I've made a long list here of different types of symbols 00:18:38.60\00:18:43.38 to kind of help us along in interpreting these symbols. 00:18:43.75\00:18:47.49 First of all, in prophecy, persons are symbolic. 00:18:47.68\00:18:50.95 For example, a woman. 00:18:52.53\00:18:53.74 We've studied what a woman represents. 00:18:53.77\00:18:55.70 A woman represents the church. 00:18:55.73\00:18:58.74 A pure woman represents a pure church. 00:18:59.01\00:19:02.61 And you have several text there. 00:19:02.64\00:19:04.32 A harlot woman still represents a church. 00:19:05.00\00:19:09.04 But it is an apostate church. 00:19:09.32\00:19:12.04 It is a church that has gone astray from the Lord. 00:19:12.07\00:19:14.93 Balaam. 00:19:16.21\00:19:17.32 You know, you'll find in the book of Revelation, Balaam, 00:19:18.23\00:19:21.92 Revelation 2 and verse 14, 00:19:21.95\00:19:23.67 in relationship to the church of Pergamum. 00:19:24.15\00:19:26.73 Interesting. 00:19:27.18\00:19:28.21 What stage of church history is represented by Pergamum? 00:19:28.24\00:19:32.06 Well, Ephesus is the Apostolic church, right? 00:19:33.36\00:19:35.93 Then you have Smyrna. 00:19:37.22\00:19:38.54 That's the church that is persecuted 00:19:38.74\00:19:40.52 by the Roman Emperors. 00:19:40.55\00:19:41.99 Nothing bad is said about Smyrna. 00:19:42.47\00:19:44.53 You know, God has some things against every church 00:19:44.56\00:19:47.35 except for Smyrna and Philadelphia. 00:19:47.96\00:19:50.22 He says nothing bad about Smyrna. 00:19:50.25\00:19:52.16 Smyrna is the persecuted church by the Roman Emperors. 00:19:52.58\00:19:55.45 But then you have Pergamum. 00:19:55.95\00:19:57.34 Pergamum is the church where apostasy enters the church 00:19:57.91\00:20:01.91 in the days of Constantine. 00:20:01.94\00:20:03.74 In other words, the devil is saying, 00:20:05.04\00:20:06.12 "If I can't kill them..." 00:20:06.15\00:20:08.30 That's what he does under the previous church, Smyrna. 00:20:09.19\00:20:12.04 He says, "If I can't slay all the martyrs through the 00:20:12.14\00:20:16.32 Roman Emperors, then I've got to use a different method." 00:20:16.35\00:20:18.95 He says, "What I'll do is I'll infiltrate them." 00:20:18.98\00:20:21.45 So you have the same method he used back in Genesis. 00:20:22.73\00:20:24.96 "If I can't kill the seed, let me just mix the two seeds." 00:20:25.07\00:20:28.58 And you find that constantly throughout Scripture. 00:20:28.86\00:20:31.25 And so Balaam is mentioned in the context of that church. 00:20:32.05\00:20:35.55 So why is Balaam mentioned there in the context 00:20:35.58\00:20:38.47 of the church of Pergamum? 00:20:38.50\00:20:40.08 That's where Satan's throne is, by the way. 00:20:40.50\00:20:42.73 It's mentioned there in Revelation. 00:20:42.76\00:20:44.88 The reason is very simple. 00:20:44.91\00:20:46.25 Did Balaam attempt to curse Israel from outside? 00:20:46.77\00:20:50.54 Yes he did. Was he successful? 00:20:51.41\00:20:53.31 No. So what did he do? 00:20:53.54\00:20:55.65 He introduced apostasy into Israel 00:20:56.05\00:20:58.86 by getting them to commit fornication and adultery. 00:20:59.63\00:21:02.72 And then they fell. 00:21:02.75\00:21:03.91 See, so the whole story of Balaam illustrates 00:21:05.44\00:21:09.47 what happened during the church of Pergamum. 00:21:09.50\00:21:11.38 That's why Balaam is mentioned. 00:21:12.49\00:21:14.27 You know, we can also mention Jezebel. 00:21:15.13\00:21:17.64 Jezebel is mentioned in the context of the 00:21:18.43\00:21:20.77 church of Thyatira. 00:21:20.80\00:21:22.04 And you have a whole handout on the church 00:21:22.07\00:21:24.67 that existed in the Middle Ages. 00:21:25.32\00:21:26.85 It is the Elijah, the ecclesiastical Elijah, 00:21:26.88\00:21:30.47 is what I call it. 00:21:30.50\00:21:31.81 Because you have all kinds of Elijah symbolism 00:21:32.05\00:21:35.05 connected with the fourth church of Revelation, 00:21:35.08\00:21:38.71 beginning with the fact that Jezebel is mentioned. 00:21:39.17\00:21:42.00 And then if you go to Revelation 11, it says 00:21:43.37\00:21:45.55 that the two witnesses, during the time that they're 00:21:45.58\00:21:47.97 prophesying, which is the Bible, it says that there is no rain. 00:21:48.00\00:21:51.46 And there is no rain for three and a half years. 00:21:53.02\00:21:55.56 Does that start ringing a bell when it comes to Elijah? 00:21:55.59\00:21:58.21 And so what is Revelation saying when it uses 00:21:58.52\00:22:01.76 Jezebel in the fourth church? 00:22:01.79\00:22:02.85 It's saying, "Hey, folks, you need to go back 00:22:02.88\00:22:05.00 and you need to study the whole story." 00:22:05.03\00:22:07.05 Because that whole story in the Old Testament 00:22:08.01\00:22:10.05 is a symbol of what happened during that stage of the church. 00:22:10.32\00:22:15.88 Does that make any sense? 00:22:17.10\00:22:18.29 And so, persons in the Bible are symbolic. 00:22:18.83\00:22:21.49 Is Elijah symbolic? 00:22:21.59\00:22:23.50 Of course Elijah is symbolic. 00:22:23.88\00:22:25.55 There are four Elijah's. 00:22:25.65\00:22:27.24 Actually, there's three. 00:22:27.35\00:22:28.56 But the last Elijah has two stages. 00:22:28.76\00:22:30.92 Let me explain. 00:22:31.27\00:22:32.30 The first Elijah is the historical Elijah. 00:22:32.90\00:22:35.56 If you want to understand the succeeding Elijah's, 00:22:36.61\00:22:40.03 you have to thoroughly know the story of the first Elijah, 00:22:40.13\00:22:43.15 because that is the historical root. 00:22:43.18\00:22:45.28 In other words, the basis or foundation 00:22:46.96\00:22:49.50 for your interpretation of the Elijahs that come afterwards 00:22:49.53\00:22:53.65 are based on understanding the historical Elijah. 00:22:53.85\00:22:57.18 Because that is your foundational prophecy. 00:22:57.56\00:23:00.84 And then when you know that story, you're able to discern 00:23:01.60\00:23:04.88 the fulfillment of that in succeeding 00:23:04.91\00:23:08.91 passages of Scripture. 00:23:08.94\00:23:10.51 And so you study the story of Old Testament Elijah. 00:23:10.87\00:23:14.68 And basically you have, first of all, a king. 00:23:15.04\00:23:20.81 What kind of a king is he? 00:23:21.30\00:23:22.70 A wimp. 00:23:23.55\00:23:24.76 The Bible says that Jezebel just manipulated him 00:23:26.68\00:23:29.54 and did whatever she wanted with him. 00:23:29.57\00:23:31.38 A wimpish king. 00:23:32.22\00:23:33.68 You have a harlot woman. 00:23:36.05\00:23:37.78 Jezebel. 00:23:38.62\00:23:39.73 She was also a witch. 00:23:40.37\00:23:41.88 Yeah, it says in 2 Kings 9 verse 22 00:23:43.46\00:23:46.75 that she practiced the occult. 00:23:47.09\00:23:48.78 Interesting. 00:23:50.15\00:23:51.36 Because Revelation says that the harlot also, 00:23:51.39\00:23:54.14 the harlot called Babylon, also is involved in witchcraft. 00:23:54.81\00:23:57.75 Or sorcery is the word that is used there. 00:23:57.78\00:24:00.10 And so you have a harlot woman. 00:24:00.28\00:24:01.95 And then you have the prophets of Baal 00:24:02.52\00:24:04.88 who are the instruments of the woman. 00:24:04.91\00:24:07.03 Because they eat at Jezebel's table. 00:24:07.48\00:24:09.34 And you don't bite the hand that feeds you, 00:24:09.37\00:24:12.05 as they say. 00:24:13.17\00:24:14.24 And so who is manipulating this whole story? 00:24:14.73\00:24:18.08 Who is the dangerous figure in this whole story? 00:24:18.11\00:24:20.41 Jezebel is the dangerous figure. 00:24:21.09\00:24:22.59 She pulls all the strings. 00:24:22.62\00:24:24.36 You see, she wants to kill Elijah. 00:24:25.03\00:24:26.70 So she manipulates the king and she manipulates 00:24:26.73\00:24:29.65 the prophets of Baal. 00:24:29.68\00:24:30.71 And by the way, she wants everyone to worship Baal, 00:24:30.74\00:24:33.20 the sun god. 00:24:33.23\00:24:34.35 But there's this fly in the ointment, who is Elijah. 00:24:35.63\00:24:38.25 By the way, the Old Testament Elijah is a person. 00:24:39.73\00:24:42.29 The New Testament Elijah, or what I call, 00:24:43.79\00:24:45.80 the prophetic Elijah, is a person. 00:24:45.83\00:24:47.77 But after Jesus dies on the cross, Elijah becomes 00:24:48.57\00:24:53.25 a movement. 00:24:53.28\00:24:54.96 There you have our principle. 00:24:55.72\00:24:57.09 See, things are literal until the Jewish nation passes 00:24:57.60\00:25:00.68 as God's literal people. 00:25:00.71\00:25:02.05 Then you have during the Middle Ages, it's not one person. 00:25:02.08\00:25:05.63 It is like the Waldenses and the Albigenses. 00:25:05.88\00:25:09.93 Elijah becomes not one person, 00:25:10.68\00:25:12.91 but it becomes a movement of people. 00:25:12.94\00:25:14.55 And at the end of time, Elijah will be a worldwide movement. 00:25:14.58\00:25:17.98 Not one individual. 00:25:18.79\00:25:20.48 Are you understanding me? 00:25:20.51\00:25:21.60 And so you look at the story in the Old Testament 00:25:22.04\00:25:24.30 and you find the protagonist. 00:25:24.55\00:25:26.11 You know, when Elijah has to flee, 00:25:26.24\00:25:27.72 he's blamed for the calamities. 00:25:27.75\00:25:29.53 And you look at the end of Jezebel and you look at the 00:25:29.56\00:25:31.82 end of Ahab, and all of this becomes typological 00:25:31.85\00:25:35.25 of the Elijahs that come afterwards. 00:25:35.28\00:25:37.32 And so then you come to the New Testament Elijah. 00:25:37.50\00:25:39.76 In three text Jesus says that the New Testament Elijah 00:25:40.19\00:25:42.94 is John the Baptist. 00:25:43.04\00:25:44.71 And so you say, "Now wait a minute. 00:25:45.46\00:25:46.60 John the Baptist is Elijah." 00:25:46.63\00:25:48.35 Now does Elijah ever appear by himself? 00:25:48.69\00:25:52.09 No. 00:25:52.80\00:25:53.83 If Elijah appears, his enemies appear with him. 00:25:54.36\00:25:58.48 And so John the Baptist has to have three enemies, 00:25:59.58\00:26:03.09 and the story has to develop in a similar way 00:26:03.19\00:26:05.82 to the historical Elijah. 00:26:05.85\00:26:07.37 And in Mark 6 you have the fulfillment of the story 00:26:08.23\00:26:10.95 with New Testament Elijah. 00:26:10.98\00:26:12.55 Is there a wimpish king? 00:26:14.20\00:26:15.92 Herod, he's a wimpy king. Isn't he? 00:26:17.07\00:26:19.79 Easily manipulated. 00:26:19.82\00:26:22.13 He has no backbone. 00:26:22.16\00:26:23.55 Then you have an adulterous woman. 00:26:24.50\00:26:27.11 Herodias. 00:26:27.87\00:26:29.09 And Herodias has an instrument that she uses, 00:26:30.05\00:26:32.71 just like in the Old Testament is was the prophets of Baal. 00:26:32.74\00:26:35.57 In the New Testament, it's the daughter Salome. 00:26:36.33\00:26:39.34 Now who's pulling all the strings here? 00:26:39.67\00:26:41.82 Herodias the harlot. 00:26:42.72\00:26:44.11 See the repetition of the story? 00:26:44.31\00:26:46.10 And so she wants the death of John the Baptist, 00:26:47.47\00:26:50.29 but she has no power over the king. 00:26:50.58\00:26:54.12 Does the papacy have any power over the kings right now? 00:26:56.38\00:26:59.03 No, because she has a deadly wound. 00:26:59.49\00:27:01.10 So what needs to happen for the harlot to be able to 00:27:01.79\00:27:06.04 kill John the Baptist? 00:27:06.07\00:27:07.62 She has to use her daughter. 00:27:07.95\00:27:09.94 She has to use her daughter to get at the kings. 00:27:12.13\00:27:14.90 Is that true of the end time? 00:27:16.20\00:27:17.86 Yes, see the papacy has a deadly wound. 00:27:18.44\00:27:21.83 The relationship between the harlot and the kings of the 00:27:22.81\00:27:26.13 earth has been severed. 00:27:26.16\00:27:27.47 But the harlot will use her daughters 00:27:28.46\00:27:31.74 to influence the kings to eliminate God's people. 00:27:31.77\00:27:35.32 Are you with me? 00:27:35.83\00:27:36.95 And so the historical Elijah becomes the foundation 00:27:37.30\00:27:41.01 to understand the New Testament Elijah, 00:27:41.38\00:27:43.59 to understand the ecclesiastical Elijah, 00:27:43.83\00:27:46.72 and to understand the broadest fulfillment of the prophecy; 00:27:46.75\00:27:50.96 the end time global worldwide Elijah. 00:27:50.99\00:27:54.13 Does the end time Elijah also have three enemies? 00:27:54.93\00:27:57.28 The dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 00:27:58.31\00:28:02.56 And do you know what's interesting? 00:28:03.59\00:28:05.00 It doesn't say, "a false prophet," 00:28:05.10\00:28:06.96 it says, "the false prophet." 00:28:06.99\00:28:09.27 And he makes fire come down from heaven in the sight of men. 00:28:09.30\00:28:12.35 He is a counterfeit Elijah. 00:28:12.38\00:28:14.69 Which means that if the devil feels that he has to 00:28:16.02\00:28:18.97 bring in a counterfeit Elijah, it is because there is a 00:28:19.00\00:28:22.35 genuine Elijah. 00:28:22.38\00:28:24.09 Are you with me? 00:28:25.98\00:28:27.11 And so when you find Elijah and you find Jezebel 00:28:27.69\00:28:31.92 in the fourth church, don't just say, "Oh well, 00:28:31.95\00:28:34.17 that was a nasty woman in that church. 00:28:34.20\00:28:36.40 No, you have to go back and you have to study 00:28:37.17\00:28:40.56 the full Old Testament story. 00:28:40.59\00:28:43.27 And then you have to look for fulfillment 00:28:43.64\00:28:45.07 in the New Testament. 00:28:45.10\00:28:46.16 You have to look for a fulfillment there in the 00:28:46.19\00:28:48.28 ecclesiastical period. 00:28:48.31\00:28:49.64 You have to look for the fulfillment in the end time. 00:28:49.67\00:28:52.20 Because Jesus said that He's going to send Elijah 00:28:52.23\00:28:54.79 before the great and terrible Day of the Lord. 00:28:54.82\00:28:56.60 So Jesus Himself, through Malachi, says, "Listen, 00:28:56.63\00:29:00.84 there is going to be an Elijah that is going to prepare 00:29:00.87\00:29:03.45 My way for the second coming." 00:29:03.48\00:29:05.45 So, when we find a name of a person, 00:29:06.89\00:29:11.92 we need to pay attention. 00:29:12.43\00:29:15.18 Because those persons are symbolic, 00:29:15.21\00:29:18.44 those persons are typological. 00:29:18.47\00:29:20.76 Now in prophecy, names are also symbolic. 00:29:21.65\00:29:25.65 When you find a name, pay attention to the name. 00:29:26.44\00:29:30.02 Because the name has symbolic value. 00:29:30.05\00:29:32.30 You see, today we use names because we say, for example, 00:29:32.78\00:29:36.73 when we called our daughter, Jennifer, that's a name that 00:29:36.76\00:29:39.32 that I've always liked. 00:29:39.35\00:29:40.52 So we named our daughter, Jennifer. 00:29:40.79\00:29:43.51 Probably not a very good reason to give her that name. 00:29:46.24\00:29:48.91 You know. 00:29:49.57\00:29:50.60 My wife named my son, so I figured I had the 00:29:51.12\00:29:53.65 right to name my daughter. 00:29:53.68\00:29:54.94 And my wife named my son, Stephen Paul, just like me. 00:29:56.09\00:30:00.44 Have mercy. Two of them. 00:30:00.47\00:30:02.18 But names are symbolic in the Bible, they're important. 00:30:04.41\00:30:07.54 It's not like today that we give a name just to distinguish 00:30:07.64\00:30:09.92 one person from another. 00:30:09.95\00:30:10.98 No, no, no, no. 00:30:11.01\00:30:12.04 In the Bible, names help us interpret the meaning 00:30:12.07\00:30:15.17 of a passage that we're studying. 00:30:15.20\00:30:16.65 Let me read you two statements, first of all, 00:30:17.25\00:30:19.26 from, The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, 00:30:19.36\00:30:23.05 on the importance of names. 00:30:23.08\00:30:24.78 This is volume 3, pages 500 and 501. 00:30:25.66\00:30:28.96 "In biblical thought, a name is not a mere 00:30:29.57\00:30:34.09 label of identification. 00:30:34.12\00:30:35.96 It is an expression of the essential nature of its bearer. 00:30:36.57\00:30:40.75 A man's name reveals his character." 00:30:42.63\00:30:44.98 This is in biblical times. 00:30:45.01\00:30:46.74 "Adam was able to give names to the beasts and birds, 00:30:47.40\00:30:51.17 because as Milton says, he understood their nature." 00:30:51.52\00:30:55.74 In the next statement, which is found in volume 3, page 502, 00:30:57.07\00:31:02.96 it says, "To speak or act in someone's name 00:31:03.81\00:31:07.35 is to act as the representative of that person, 00:31:07.38\00:31:10.69 and hence to participate in his authority." 00:31:10.72\00:31:13.62 Which means that if you do something in the name of Jesus, 00:31:15.43\00:31:18.27 you are participating in His authority 00:31:18.30\00:31:20.85 because you are using His name. 00:31:20.88\00:31:22.77 "Similarly, to be called by a person's name 00:31:25.84\00:31:29.80 implies ownership by the person. 00:31:30.27\00:31:32.83 Whatever is so called comes under the authority 00:31:33.56\00:31:36.55 and the protection of the one whose name is called upon it. 00:31:36.58\00:31:39.97 That which is called by Yahweh's name," 00:31:40.60\00:31:42.79 that is Jehovah, "is His possession, and therefore 00:31:42.82\00:31:46.11 comes under both His authority and His protection." 00:31:46.14\00:31:51.11 Now let's take a look at some biblical names. 00:31:51.68\00:31:53.34 This is only a short list of examples 00:31:53.37\00:31:55.94 about the importance of a name. 00:31:56.14\00:31:57.90 How about the names of the seven churches in Revelation? 00:31:59.86\00:32:02.46 Are they symbolic? 00:32:02.49\00:32:03.84 Yes they are. 00:32:04.64\00:32:05.83 Do you know what Ephesus means? 00:32:06.28\00:32:07.94 Desirable. 00:32:08.27\00:32:09.58 Desirable. 00:32:11.32\00:32:12.39 Would anybody desire to belong to the apostolic church? 00:32:12.62\00:32:15.81 Absolutely. 00:32:16.30\00:32:17.47 What does Smyrna mean? 00:32:18.41\00:32:19.83 It means bittersweet myrrh. 00:32:20.17\00:32:22.45 Do you know what myrrh was used for? 00:32:23.07\00:32:25.23 To embalm the dead. 00:32:25.26\00:32:26.66 In the church of Smyrna, if you read the message, 00:32:27.26\00:32:29.11 it has all kinds of death language. 00:32:29.21\00:32:30.86 Because this is the period when the church is being slaughtered 00:32:31.07\00:32:33.53 by the Roman Emperors. 00:32:33.56\00:32:34.92 Pergamum means acropolis or height. 00:32:36.70\00:32:39.37 And of course, the church at this time was 00:32:40.08\00:32:41.77 favored by the empire. 00:32:41.80\00:32:42.98 And after the valley of persecution, 00:32:43.01\00:32:44.83 it was at the heights. 00:32:44.86\00:32:46.71 Laodicea means, judging the people. 00:32:48.18\00:32:51.15 Philadelphia means brotherly love. 00:32:52.88\00:32:54.54 Is that true of the Millerites? 00:32:54.57\00:32:56.09 Brotherly love. Yeah. 00:32:56.35\00:32:57.38 So the names of the churches help us understand the 00:32:57.41\00:33:00.60 nature of the church during that period. 00:33:00.63\00:33:02.99 The name Nimrod. 00:33:04.90\00:33:07.04 Ever heard of Nimrod? 00:33:07.45\00:33:08.76 Who was he? 00:33:09.15\00:33:10.18 He was the builder of Babylon, in Genesis 11. 00:33:10.74\00:33:14.60 Do you know what his name means? 00:33:14.63\00:33:15.91 Rebellion. 00:33:15.94\00:33:17.21 Did he fit the name? 00:33:18.97\00:33:20.32 Oh, you better believe it. 00:33:20.69\00:33:21.96 What does Babylon mean? 00:33:22.50\00:33:23.99 Confusion. 00:33:24.68\00:33:25.95 What does Eve mean? 00:33:27.45\00:33:28.91 Mother of all the living. 00:33:29.57\00:33:31.90 Does that name fit her? 00:33:32.60\00:33:33.88 Is that a descriptive name? 00:33:33.91\00:33:35.39 Adam didn't just say, "Oh let's see, what name? 00:33:36.09\00:33:38.08 Oh, Eve. That's so pretty." 00:33:38.11\00:33:39.58 No. 00:33:39.61\00:33:40.64 There's a purpose in giving the name. 00:33:40.89\00:33:42.74 What does Lucifer mean? 00:33:43.58\00:33:45.05 Light bearer. 00:33:45.54\00:33:46.57 That means that his light was not his own. 00:33:46.60\00:33:48.66 His light was reflected light. 00:33:50.13\00:33:51.88 Sarai means what? Laughter. 00:33:53.61\00:33:56.69 Why would she be called laughter? 00:33:56.72\00:33:58.73 Because when God said that she was going to have a child, 00:33:59.60\00:34:01.76 she laughed. 00:34:01.79\00:34:02.85 She had a sense of humor. 00:34:03.94\00:34:06.02 Daniel means, God is my judge. 00:34:08.44\00:34:10.64 Does that fit the book of Daniel very well? 00:34:11.78\00:34:14.16 Oh yes. 00:34:14.71\00:34:15.74 A lot of talk about the judgment. 00:34:15.77\00:34:17.29 Esau means red. 00:34:17.32\00:34:19.08 Interesting. 00:34:21.61\00:34:22.70 When he was born he was all red. 00:34:23.45\00:34:25.37 That's why, you know, he had red hair. 00:34:26.76\00:34:29.04 So he was called, red. 00:34:29.55\00:34:30.72 And he sold his birthright for a bunch of red lentils. 00:34:31.49\00:34:34.46 And there's many more other examples of red things 00:34:36.36\00:34:38.88 that are associated with Esau. 00:34:38.91\00:34:40.66 Michael. 00:34:42.26\00:34:43.39 Who is like God? 00:34:43.87\00:34:46.56 It is a challenge. 00:34:47.78\00:34:49.64 And that's why most of the time when Jesus is called, Michael, 00:34:50.24\00:34:53.16 in the Bible, He's in a struggle with the devil. 00:34:53.19\00:34:56.17 So when Michael comes, it's a challenge 00:34:57.59\00:35:00.40 where Jesus says, "Who is like God," 00:35:00.43\00:35:03.62 every time that He faces the devil. 00:35:04.25\00:35:05.96 His name is significant. 00:35:05.99\00:35:07.90 Methuselah. 00:35:08.44\00:35:09.91 It comes from two Hebrew words; muth and shalach. 00:35:10.50\00:35:15.11 And when you combine those two words, it means, 00:35:15.61\00:35:17.74 when he dies, it will be sent. 00:35:17.87\00:35:20.24 What a strange name to call a son; 00:35:21.67\00:35:23.35 when he dies, it will be sent. 00:35:23.38\00:35:24.87 Why would he have this name? 00:35:25.96\00:35:28.79 It's very simple. 00:35:28.82\00:35:30.00 Methuselah died the year of the flood. 00:35:30.77\00:35:33.24 And I'm not going to take the time now to prove that. 00:35:35.74\00:35:38.10 Do you know that Jewish tradition says that Methuselah 00:35:38.41\00:35:40.78 died ten days before the flood? 00:35:40.81\00:35:42.76 We can't prove biblically that it was ten days 00:35:43.63\00:35:45.73 before the flood, but we can prove that he 00:35:45.76\00:35:48.02 died the year of the flood. 00:35:48.05\00:35:49.43 So his name, the name that was given to him 00:35:49.46\00:35:52.54 by Enoch, was a prophetic name. 00:35:52.57\00:35:54.62 It was an announcement of when the flood was going to come. 00:35:56.13\00:35:58.61 When he dies, it will be sent. 00:35:58.77\00:36:00.59 So are name important? 00:36:01.35\00:36:03.04 Yes. 00:36:03.29\00:36:04.32 What does the word Satan mean? 00:36:04.35\00:36:07.19 Accuser. 00:36:08.05\00:36:09.25 Does that fit him well? 00:36:09.35\00:36:10.57 Oh yes. 00:36:10.88\00:36:11.91 What does the word devil mean? 00:36:12.08\00:36:13.67 Diabolos. 00:36:13.70\00:36:14.97 It means slanderer. 00:36:15.18\00:36:17.75 Was he a slanderer? Oh yeah. 00:36:20.02\00:36:22.57 Is he a slanderer? Yes. 00:36:22.60\00:36:24.32 Elijah means, my God is Yahweh. 00:36:24.49\00:36:27.62 My God is the Lord. 00:36:29.67\00:36:31.36 Not Baal. Yahweh. 00:36:32.55\00:36:35.19 Enoch means dedicated. 00:36:35.89\00:36:37.65 Was Enoch dedicated to the Lord? 00:36:37.68\00:36:39.65 He most certainly was. 00:36:39.91\00:36:40.94 Ezra means help. 00:36:41.01\00:36:42.34 This is interesting. Ezra means help. 00:36:42.37\00:36:44.39 What does Ezra help to do? 00:36:45.93\00:36:47.83 Ezra and Nehemiah both help to rebuild Jerusalem. 00:36:50.88\00:36:54.04 Lazarus... Oh, excuse me. 00:36:55.75\00:36:57.83 Nabal means fool. 00:36:58.04\00:36:59.89 If fact, his wife said that, you know, he's rightly named. 00:37:02.38\00:37:05.37 Fool. 00:37:06.04\00:37:07.07 What does Lazarus mean? 00:37:08.42\00:37:09.90 It means, may God help. 00:37:11.29\00:37:12.67 Why is that significant? 00:37:12.70\00:37:13.98 Because he certainly was not helped by the rich man. 00:37:14.01\00:37:16.22 "So may God help me," in other words is what it means. 00:37:18.97\00:37:22.41 Israel means prince of God. 00:37:22.44\00:37:24.51 And of course, you know that, "Jacob," before that 00:37:25.31\00:37:27.29 means supplanter. 00:37:27.32\00:37:28.69 So he was changed from a supplanter to a prince of God. 00:37:30.00\00:37:33.23 And his name was changed, of course, when he had 00:37:34.36\00:37:37.16 his struggle with the angel. 00:37:37.19\00:37:38.69 And he said, "I will not let you go until you bless me." 00:37:39.82\00:37:42.68 Solomon means peace giver. 00:37:43.28\00:37:46.77 Here, we have a New Testament; Boanerges. 00:37:48.82\00:37:51.46 Sons of thunder. 00:37:51.78\00:37:53.50 And expressed well, they had a hot temper; 00:37:54.80\00:37:57.35 James and John. 00:37:57.74\00:37:58.97 Moses means, one drawn out. 00:37:59.61\00:38:01.94 Why would he be called, one drawn out? 00:38:03.01\00:38:05.25 Because he was drawn out of the waters. 00:38:05.81\00:38:07.63 Now here's an interesting combination, 00:38:09.64\00:38:12.10 Bethlehem means house of bread. 00:38:12.13\00:38:14.63 Where was Jesus born? 00:38:18.68\00:38:20.10 In the house of bread. 00:38:20.80\00:38:21.95 Where did He grow up? 00:38:22.35\00:38:23.71 And that means, to sprout or to shoot up. 00:38:25.18\00:38:27.50 And He suffered in Gethsemane; which means, the olive press. 00:38:31.93\00:38:36.91 And He was crucified at Golgotha, 00:38:40.84\00:38:42.81 the place of the skull. 00:38:42.84\00:38:44.38 Interesting. 00:38:45.91\00:38:46.94 Those names help us to understand the 00:38:48.16\00:38:49.89 character of those places. 00:38:49.92\00:38:51.61 Jordon means descender. 00:38:52.51\00:38:54.61 You say, "Why would the river Jordon be called 00:38:55.26\00:38:57.46 Jordon, descender?" 00:38:57.49\00:38:58.89 Because the Jordon river originates at Mount Hermon. 00:38:59.11\00:39:02.11 You know, near the Golan Heights. 00:39:03.51\00:39:05.36 And when the Jordon river begins, torrents of water 00:39:06.34\00:39:10.43 come down Mount Hermon and then they come to the 00:39:10.64\00:39:14.97 valley, and then the river flows down the valley 00:39:15.00\00:39:17.72 into the Sea of Galilee, and then out to the dead sea. 00:39:17.75\00:39:21.92 And so it's very appropriately named, descender. 00:39:22.37\00:39:25.46 And then you have Isaiah, salvation of the Lord. 00:39:28.33\00:39:32.30 Doesn't he describe the salvation through the Messiah? 00:39:32.33\00:39:35.01 Of course. 00:39:35.04\00:39:36.14 And then you have Yahweh-Yireh. 00:39:36.38\00:39:38.50 That's the name that we find when Abraham 00:39:39.57\00:39:43.96 takes his son to offer him on Mount Moriah. 00:39:44.36\00:39:47.19 He called the mount, Yahweh-Yireh. 00:39:47.98\00:39:51.61 That is, the Lord will provide. 00:39:51.91\00:39:54.24 Why was it called, the Lord will provide? 00:39:54.66\00:39:56.69 Because God did provide a ram in place of his son. 00:39:57.74\00:40:01.99 And you know what's interesting? 00:40:02.02\00:40:03.05 Isaac is a two-fold symbol. 00:40:03.08\00:40:06.32 Before he's placed on the altar, he represents Christ. 00:40:08.50\00:40:13.75 But only up till that point. 00:40:16.02\00:40:17.54 And he also represents Christ in the fact that the third day... 00:40:17.57\00:40:21.21 By the way, this is happening the third day, 00:40:21.24\00:40:22.80 if you read the story. 00:40:22.83\00:40:24.07 ...Abraham receives him back alive. 00:40:24.73\00:40:26.70 And Hebrews says that it was like he resurrected 00:40:26.73\00:40:29.57 from the dead. 00:40:29.60\00:40:30.76 However, Isaac was not killed. 00:40:31.39\00:40:35.36 So he could not be a symbol of the death of Christ. 00:40:35.39\00:40:37.82 He's a symbol of the submission of Christ to the Father. 00:40:38.92\00:40:41.77 He's a symbol of Christ in the sense that the third day 00:40:42.85\00:40:45.57 Abraham received him alive after he considered him 00:40:45.60\00:40:48.70 as good as dead. 00:40:48.73\00:40:49.78 But Isaac was not sacrificed. 00:40:49.88\00:40:51.65 That's why you needed another symbol, which was the ram. 00:40:51.68\00:40:54.69 Are you following me? 00:40:56.30\00:40:57.33 Now, Delilah; the consumer. 00:40:59.20\00:41:03.56 Does that fit her character very well? 00:41:05.58\00:41:08.07 Oh, her love consumed poor ole Sampson. 00:41:08.40\00:41:11.57 Emmanuel means what? 00:41:12.33\00:41:14.21 God with us. 00:41:14.64\00:41:16.18 Jesus means Yahweh saves, or Jehovah saves. 00:41:17.06\00:41:21.74 Christ, Christós, means anointed. 00:41:22.69\00:41:26.17 Jacob, supplanter. 00:41:26.85\00:41:28.22 We already had Israel, prince of God. 00:41:28.79\00:41:30.64 Armageddon means mount of the congregation. 00:41:31.87\00:41:34.81 I use to believe that it meant mount of slaughter. 00:41:36.23\00:41:38.80 But really it means mount of congregation. 00:41:38.83\00:41:40.83 Because the devil is going to come to the place 00:41:40.86\00:41:42.84 where God's people are congregated. 00:41:42.87\00:41:44.84 In Isaiah 14 it's, harmo'ed. 00:41:47.90\00:41:51.44 And of course, Abaddon or Apollyon 00:41:53.58\00:41:58.27 means destroyer. 00:41:58.30\00:42:01.01 So let me ask you, is it important to understand 00:42:02.15\00:42:04.53 the meaning of biblical names in order to catch the 00:42:04.56\00:42:06.98 picture of what God is trying to teach? 00:42:07.01\00:42:08.86 Names are symbols. 00:42:09.71\00:42:11.73 As well as people being symbols. 00:42:13.05\00:42:15.34 Now numbers are also symbolic. 00:42:16.13\00:42:18.52 Number 4; it represents universality. 00:42:21.43\00:42:26.95 How many points of the compass? 00:42:27.45\00:42:29.04 Four rivers watered the whole earth. 00:42:30.35\00:42:33.07 Four winds hold the world. 00:42:34.00\00:42:37.27 Four beasts; four nations. 00:42:37.30\00:42:41.49 Four banners in Israel represents 00:42:41.52\00:42:43.28 all of the encampment. 00:42:43.31\00:42:44.83 So in Revelation chapter 17, when this beast has ten horns... 00:42:45.66\00:42:50.67 And you have in Revelation 17 also the number 4. 00:42:54.82\00:42:58.78 We'll come back to that a little bit later on. 00:42:58.81\00:43:01.29 Are we to pay attention to the importance of the number? 00:43:01.95\00:43:05.23 Absolutely. 00:43:05.90\00:43:07.01 So the number 4 represents universality. 00:43:07.04\00:43:09.67 The number 7, what does the number 7 represent? 00:43:09.70\00:43:12.10 The number 7 represents fullness, totality, 00:43:13.25\00:43:19.08 Perfection, we say. 00:43:20.89\00:43:22.42 For example, how long did it take to create the world? 00:43:24.06\00:43:26.79 Seven days, including the Sabbath of course. 00:43:28.99\00:43:31.80 How many times did Israel march around Jericho 00:43:32.46\00:43:35.85 for it to be totally destroyed? 00:43:35.91\00:43:37.72 Seven days. 00:43:38.58\00:43:39.97 How many times did Naaman dip himself in the Jordon 00:43:40.58\00:43:43.91 to be totally clean? 00:43:43.94\00:43:45.30 How many times was the fiery furnace heated? 00:43:47.31\00:43:50.41 Seven times. 00:43:51.30\00:43:52.66 How many times was the blood sprinkled on the mercy seat? 00:43:52.69\00:43:57.94 Seven times. 00:43:58.68\00:43:59.87 How many churches represent all of the history 00:43:59.90\00:44:02.72 of the Christian church? 00:44:02.75\00:44:03.95 Seven churches. 00:44:03.98\00:44:05.01 How many plagues, the totality of God's wrath? 00:44:05.04\00:44:09.83 Seven plagues. 00:44:10.23\00:44:11.70 Jesus has seven horns. 00:44:12.19\00:44:13.82 Horns represent power, all power. 00:44:13.85\00:44:15.17 He has seven eyes. 00:44:15.20\00:44:16.75 All wisdom. 00:44:17.18\00:44:18.56 So is the number 7 symbolic? 00:44:19.55\00:44:21.51 Yes it is. 00:44:22.15\00:44:23.30 How about the number 3? 00:44:23.79\00:44:25.21 The number 3 represents the Godhead. 00:44:26.02\00:44:28.36 How many persons in the Godhead? 00:44:29.73\00:44:31.49 Three. 00:44:32.06\00:44:33.09 There are a lot of people that feel uncomfortable 00:44:33.29\00:44:34.94 with that these days. 00:44:34.97\00:44:36.46 You know, there's a lot of people attacking the doctrine 00:44:37.58\00:44:39.85 of the Godhead. 00:44:39.88\00:44:40.91 They're saying, you know, "The only one who is 00:44:42.02\00:44:44.20 God is the Father. 00:44:44.23\00:44:45.66 Jesus is created by God. 00:44:46.74\00:44:52.59 And the Holy Spirit isn't even a person. 00:44:53.24\00:44:55.12 The Holy Spirit is a force. 00:44:55.15\00:44:58.40 Or the Holy Spirit is an influence." 00:44:59.74\00:45:01.82 I don't believe that for a minute. 00:45:02.74\00:45:04.11 I believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit 00:45:05.53\00:45:07.51 are all three persons. 00:45:07.54\00:45:09.05 Individual distinct persons. 00:45:09.50\00:45:11.72 Each one with their own individuality. 00:45:13.10\00:45:15.28 They have different functions. 00:45:16.98\00:45:18.72 The Son is under the authority of the Father. 00:45:19.30\00:45:22.12 And the Holy Spirit is under the authority of the Son. 00:45:22.91\00:45:25.76 Even in a perfect universe. 00:45:26.32\00:45:27.99 You know, the reason I emphasize that is because 00:45:29.53\00:45:31.55 there's this argument by those who are discussing this issue of 00:45:31.58\00:45:35.77 the roles of men and women in the home and in the church, 00:45:35.87\00:45:38.63 they say, "Listen, if you believe that the wife is 00:45:38.66\00:45:40.72 suppose to be subject to the husband, 00:45:40.75\00:45:42.42 then you're saying that the wife is inferior to the husband." 00:45:42.45\00:45:45.58 False argument. 00:45:47.15\00:45:48.37 Because if you argue that way, then you're going to have to 00:45:50.43\00:45:52.38 say that Jesus is inferior to His Father 00:45:52.41\00:45:54.21 because He subjects Himself to His Father. 00:45:54.24\00:45:56.21 Is Jesus inferior to His Father? 00:45:58.74\00:46:00.57 Whose will does the Holy Spirit do? 00:46:02.56\00:46:04.54 Christ's. 00:46:06.22\00:46:07.42 Is the Holy Spirit subject to the authority of Jesus? 00:46:07.72\00:46:10.28 Yes He is. 00:46:10.39\00:46:11.50 So the Holy Spirit is inferior to Jesus because He's 00:46:12.02\00:46:14.43 subject to Jesus. 00:46:14.46\00:46:15.68 No. 00:46:16.20\00:46:17.32 You see, subjection does not mean inferiority. 00:46:18.35\00:46:21.99 Two equals can have one subject to the other 00:46:22.98\00:46:27.13 and still be equal. 00:46:27.67\00:46:29.02 But somehow, people don't understand that. 00:46:30.48\00:46:32.47 They find it difficult to understand that. 00:46:33.30\00:46:35.34 But it's very clear in Scripture that even before sin 00:46:36.69\00:46:41.77 the Son was subject to the Father. 00:46:41.97\00:46:43.67 There's nothing bad in that, folks. 00:46:44.91\00:46:46.77 Subjection is divine. 00:46:47.85\00:46:49.57 Wanting to ascend is diabolical. 00:46:50.81\00:46:53.03 Jesus said, "The greatest is the least. 00:46:55.08\00:46:58.68 He who becomes a servant is the greatest." 00:47:00.41\00:47:03.02 So all this fight, "I want this position, 00:47:03.57\00:47:06.12 and I want this and I want that," 00:47:06.15\00:47:08.65 that is not of God. 00:47:09.46\00:47:10.66 Anyway, how did I get off on that subject? 00:47:13.05\00:47:15.50 The number 6 represents man in apostasy against God. 00:47:20.88\00:47:27.12 Particularly the number 666. 00:47:30.21\00:47:31.76 Do you know the first time in the Bible where 666 appears? 00:47:31.79\00:47:35.20 Solomon's yearly income was 666 talents of gold. 00:47:37.21\00:47:42.31 And you know what's interesting? 00:47:43.71\00:47:44.81 Immediately after the Bible says that was his income, 00:47:44.84\00:47:48.97 in the very next chapter it speaks about 00:47:49.45\00:47:52.59 the apostasy of Solomon. 00:47:52.62\00:47:54.54 And it gives two reasons. 00:47:56.10\00:47:57.27 Number one, his riches. 00:47:57.38\00:47:59.45 And number two, fornicating with women from foreign nations. 00:47:59.48\00:48:03.19 So let me ask you, in Revelation, must the 00:48:04.41\00:48:06.36 number 666 have to do with a system that is very rich 00:48:06.39\00:48:09.89 and a system that commits fornication 00:48:09.92\00:48:12.07 and leads God's people astray? 00:48:12.10\00:48:14.46 See how important the context is? 00:48:15.58\00:48:17.38 It's vitally important. 00:48:17.64\00:48:19.04 The number 10 means whole. 00:48:19.96\00:48:23.07 So you have the ten in Revelation chapter 17. 00:48:26.17\00:48:29.38 We'll get into that later. 00:48:29.41\00:48:30.81 The number 40 represents tribulation and trial. 00:48:31.15\00:48:34.14 How many days did Jesus spend being tempted in the wilderness? 00:48:35.70\00:48:39.49 Forty days. 00:48:39.77\00:48:40.80 How many days did Goliath challenge Israel? 00:48:40.83\00:48:46.42 Forty days. 00:48:47.36\00:48:48.87 How long did Israel last in the desert? 00:48:49.51\00:48:52.85 Forty years. 00:48:53.30\00:48:54.76 So 40 in the Bible represents tribulation and trial 00:48:55.85\00:48:59.64 when you find it. 00:49:00.15\00:49:01.25 And I only put these as a sampling of numbers. 00:49:01.58\00:49:04.23 There are other numbers in Scripture 00:49:04.49\00:49:06.94 that are very, very important. 00:49:07.04\00:49:08.73 But you know, all you have to do is go where? 00:49:08.76\00:49:11.55 To a concordance. Hello. 00:49:12.48\00:49:14.26 And look up the word. 00:49:15.65\00:49:17.07 And look at all of the references to that number. 00:49:17.94\00:49:21.29 And then, you know, find a common denominator. 00:49:21.88\00:49:25.02 And look and see if that interpretation fits the context 00:49:25.05\00:49:28.91 of the passage that you are studying. 00:49:28.94\00:49:31.05 Beasts are also symbolic. 00:49:31.98\00:49:34.08 They are symbolic of what? 00:49:34.89\00:49:36.42 Of nations, kingdoms, or empires. 00:49:37.09\00:49:40.08 For example, the four beasts of Daniel 7 represent 00:49:41.48\00:49:44.86 four kingdoms, right? 00:49:44.89\00:49:46.32 How do you know that? 00:49:47.22\00:49:48.35 You don't even have to go any other place 00:49:50.05\00:49:51.68 because Daniel 7 tells you so. 00:49:51.71\00:49:53.71 The symbol is interpreted in Daniel 7. 00:49:54.16\00:49:56.75 The lion represents Babylon. 00:49:59.23\00:50:01.21 The beast from the earth represents the United States. 00:50:03.06\00:50:06.88 A dove represents the Holy Spirit who rules over 00:50:09.26\00:50:12.06 the kingdom of grace. 00:50:12.09\00:50:13.37 Now let me mention just a couple of things as we 00:50:17.11\00:50:19.03 close here this section. 00:50:19.06\00:50:21.48 And by the way, the next section I want to finish this. 00:50:22.37\00:50:25.29 Is this interesting? 00:50:25.92\00:50:27.11 Does it help you in knowing how to interpret symbols? 00:50:27.58\00:50:29.93 I certainly hope so. 00:50:30.13\00:50:31.24 It's good to give examples. 00:50:31.27\00:50:33.05 Because when we apply the examples, it becomes 00:50:33.81\00:50:36.20 much more practical. 00:50:36.23\00:50:37.77 Let's talk just for a few moments here about 00:50:39.35\00:50:41.80 this beast that rises from the earth and has 00:50:42.04\00:50:44.22 two horns like a lamb. 00:50:44.25\00:50:45.92 You know, traditionally we have said that horns 00:50:48.05\00:50:52.43 represent kingdoms or divisions of kingdoms. 00:50:53.05\00:50:58.32 Right? 00:50:58.35\00:50:59.38 For example, we have the ten horns on the head 00:51:00.52\00:51:03.60 of the dragon beast. 00:51:03.63\00:51:04.68 They represent the ten kingdoms into which 00:51:04.71\00:51:07.09 the Roman Empire was divided. 00:51:07.12\00:51:08.49 We say they're kingdoms, right? 00:51:08.59\00:51:10.04 We have the four horns on the head of the he goat 00:51:10.80\00:51:14.20 in Daniel 8. 00:51:14.23\00:51:15.58 They represent the four kingdoms that sprang from 00:51:16.11\00:51:19.07 Alexander the Great's kingdom. 00:51:19.10\00:51:20.95 So we say horns are kingdoms. 00:51:21.45\00:51:23.85 But when we come to Revelation 13, 00:51:26.10\00:51:28.31 we say that these two horns are principles. 00:51:29.19\00:51:31.85 The two horns like a lamb 00:51:33.84\00:51:35.80 of this beast that ends up speaking like a dragon. 00:51:36.44\00:51:38.12 We say, "Those two horns represent two principles." 00:51:38.15\00:51:40.86 Now on what basis can we say that horns represent kingdoms; 00:51:42.04\00:51:48.04 and then we have a beast here that has two horns 00:51:48.80\00:51:51.15 like a lamb, and we say that these horns 00:51:51.18\00:51:55.80 represent principles. 00:51:55.83\00:51:56.90 You know, the closest parallel to what we find to this beast 00:51:56.93\00:51:59.84 in Revelation 13 is found in Daniel 8. 00:51:59.87\00:52:02.63 There is a ram that has two horns. 00:52:03.68\00:52:07.08 And one is taller than the other. 00:52:08.02\00:52:09.71 See, a ram is a male sheep. 00:52:11.31\00:52:13.27 Right? 00:52:13.82\00:52:14.85 That's the closest parallel to this beast that rises 00:52:15.42\00:52:17.78 from the earth, is Daniel 8; the ram. 00:52:17.81\00:52:20.23 It has two horns, and one of them is higher than the other. 00:52:21.01\00:52:24.72 And the highest one came out last, because the Persians, 00:52:24.75\00:52:27.82 you know, became predominant later on. 00:52:28.78\00:52:31.10 The Medes were only there at the very beginning, 00:52:31.13\00:52:33.88 then they disappeared. 00:52:33.91\00:52:34.94 And all the rulers after that were Persians. 00:52:34.97\00:52:37.23 So this prophecy in Daniel 8 can be proved historically 00:52:37.86\00:52:42.44 that it's true that this kingdom was composed 00:52:42.73\00:52:47.59 of two kingdoms, right? 00:52:47.62\00:52:49.09 What do the two horns represent? 00:52:49.26\00:52:50.77 There was only one nation, but that one nation was 00:52:50.80\00:52:55.91 composed of two what? 00:52:55.94\00:52:57.29 Of two kingdoms. 00:52:58.09\00:52:59.31 The Medes and the Persians. 00:52:59.83\00:53:02.12 So if you go to Revelation 13, we ask the question: 00:53:02.59\00:53:06.33 Would these two horns represent two kingdoms? 00:53:07.21\00:53:10.22 The answer is yes. 00:53:11.00\00:53:12.50 But from the idea of two kingdoms, if you read the book, 00:53:13.22\00:53:16.52 Jekyll and Hyde, from the idea of two kingdoms 00:53:17.36\00:53:21.76 springs the idea of two principles. 00:53:22.66\00:53:26.74 Now what do I mean? 00:53:29.00\00:53:30.03 What are the two kingdoms that are recognized 00:53:31.31\00:53:33.57 by the United States Constitution? 00:53:34.26\00:53:36.52 The church and the state. 00:53:39.32\00:53:40.91 The first amendment protects religion. 00:53:42.10\00:53:45.18 It says that congress cannot make laws establishing religion 00:53:46.68\00:53:49.96 or forbidding the free exercise of religion. 00:53:49.99\00:53:51.91 So does the Constitution recognize the right of religion? 00:53:51.94\00:53:57.00 Is that one kingdom? 00:53:57.75\00:53:58.94 Is the church a kingdom? 00:53:59.14\00:54:00.61 Yes. 00:54:01.09\00:54:02.12 Jesus says, "Upon this rock I will build My church 00:54:02.46\00:54:05.14 and I will give you the keys to the kingdom." 00:54:05.17\00:54:07.08 So church is a kingdom. 00:54:07.75\00:54:09.12 Is the state a kingdom? 00:54:10.35\00:54:12.05 So what do we have in the United States? 00:54:12.90\00:54:14.57 We have one nation that recognizes the same 00:54:14.60\00:54:17.55 two kingdoms that Jesus recognized. 00:54:17.58\00:54:19.94 "Render therefore to Caesar that which is Caesar's, 00:54:21.36\00:54:24.75 and to God that which is God's." 00:54:24.78\00:54:26.92 Are you following me? 00:54:28.33\00:54:29.50 In that way, we are consistent in our interpretation. 00:54:29.92\00:54:33.38 Because I've had people ask me, "Why do you say they're 00:54:33.91\00:54:35.91 principle here and they're kingdoms elsewhere?" 00:54:35.94\00:54:39.22 And I answer, "They are kingdoms." 00:54:40.67\00:54:43.01 But from the idea of kingdoms springs the idea 00:54:43.48\00:54:46.65 of two principles, which is separation of the two kingdoms; 00:54:46.85\00:54:50.63 church and state. 00:54:50.97\00:54:52.00 What Ellen White calls, republicanism and Protestantism. 00:54:52.03\00:54:55.74 Republicanism has nothing to do with the republican party. 00:54:55.77\00:54:58.82 It is a republic. 00:55:01.30\00:55:02.93 And that means that it is a representative 00:55:04.05\00:55:06.27 style of government. 00:55:06.30\00:55:07.98 That's what a republic is. 00:55:09.06\00:55:10.55 A republic is not a democracy. 00:55:11.18\00:55:13.44 It is a representative style of government. 00:55:14.07\00:55:16.38 And so in the United States, the founding fathers said, 00:55:17.31\00:55:20.49 "We recognize that there are two legitimate kingdoms 00:55:20.69\00:55:25.77 in this country. 00:55:25.80\00:55:27.19 One is the church, and we're going to protect the right 00:55:28.11\00:55:30.83 of people to worship according to the 00:55:30.86\00:55:32.50 dictates of their conscience. 00:55:32.53\00:55:33.88 And the other is the state." 00:55:33.91\00:55:35.66 By the way, of how many kingdoms are you citizens? 00:55:36.89\00:55:41.80 We're in one nation, but we are citizens of two kingdoms. 00:55:45.17\00:55:49.73 I'm a citizen of the United States. 00:55:52.00\00:55:54.60 But living in the United States, I'm also a citizen of heaven. 00:55:55.23\00:55:59.26 Because I'm a member of the church. 00:56:00.14\00:56:01.91 So I have two nationalities within the same nation. 00:56:02.85\00:56:07.60 And I have two passports. 00:56:09.38\00:56:10.76 My U.S. passport and the blood of the Lamb. 00:56:10.86\00:56:13.56 Do we have responsibilities to our church? Yes. 00:56:16.75\00:56:19.50 Do we have responsibilities for the state? 00:56:19.53\00:56:21.45 Yes. 00:56:21.48\00:56:22.52 What is our financial responsibility to the state? 00:56:23.27\00:56:26.05 Taxes. 00:56:26.75\00:56:27.78 And what are our financial responsibilities to the church? 00:56:27.81\00:56:30.39 Tithe. 00:56:30.42\00:56:31.58 But it would be illegitimate to take God's tithe 00:56:33.01\00:56:35.10 and give it to the state, or take Caesar's money and 00:56:35.13\00:56:37.46 give it to the church. 00:56:37.49\00:56:38.68 And we've crossed that line in the Adventist church. 00:56:39.26\00:56:41.74 And it's going to come back to bite us; 00:56:43.29\00:56:45.05 taking money from Caesar for the church. 00:56:46.25\00:56:48.55 Because Caesar never gives without expecting in return. 00:56:49.63\00:56:53.00 And Caesar is going to say, "Well, you took my money, 00:56:54.31\00:56:56.93 so why don't you want to do what I say?" 00:56:57.28\00:56:59.45 That's why there needs to be a strict separation 00:57:01.35\00:57:04.10 between church and state. 00:57:04.13\00:57:05.70 According to prophecy, the union of church and state 00:57:06.28\00:57:09.03 is going to lead to the persecution of God's people. 00:57:09.06\00:57:12.08 Now that doesn't mean that we shouldn't vote 00:57:13.31\00:57:14.85 and we shouldn't support the state. 00:57:14.88\00:57:16.13 Of course we should. 00:57:16.16\00:57:17.52 As good citizens. 00:57:17.55\00:57:19.05 And we should be good church members. 00:57:19.35\00:57:21.26 But we should not mix or mingle the things of the church 00:57:22.00\00:57:24.80 and things of the state. 00:57:24.83\00:57:26.34 They should remain absolutely separate, one from the other. 00:57:26.37\00:57:30.94 And if we don't separate those two, the results will be dire. 00:57:31.62\00:57:36.82 And we know that this is going to happen 00:57:36.99\00:57:38.55 very, very soon in these United States of America, 00:57:38.58\00:57:42.27 and in the whole world. 00:57:42.40\00:57:43.87