A Sharper Focus

Fruit of the Spirit -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000156A

00:22 Hello and welcome to A Sharper Focus.
00:24 My name is Jill Morikone.
00:25 We're so glad that you have joined us here this evening
00:28 and so glad our Thompsonville family,
00:30 Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church,
00:32 that you're here as well.
00:33 And you at home, you're a 3ABN family
00:35 and part of our family here,
00:37 and we're so glad that you're tuning in.
00:39 It's Wednesday night, it's Bible study time,
00:41 so I hope that you have your Bibles at home.
00:44 I want to encourage you to check out the website,
00:47 asf.3abn.org.
00:50 You can get the videos, you can look at past videos,
00:54 you have all of the study guides
00:55 on that as well.
00:56 So I want to encourage you to check that out.
00:58 And as we open up, we'll look at the scripture,
01:01 and then we'll go to the Lord in prayer.
01:03 So let's go to John 15,
01:07 we're talking tonight about the fruit of the Spirit.
01:12 John 15, now you might say,
01:14 "John 15 doesn't sound like the fruit of the Spirit.
01:16 We ought to be in Galatians 5."
01:19 But there's a method to this.
01:20 John 15, we're going to look at verse 5 through 8.
01:24 Jesus speaking... I love these chapters.
01:27 You think, Jesus...
01:29 John 13, He washed, remember,
01:31 the disciples feet and the upper room,
01:34 they had that upper room experience,
01:36 and then after that, He went out
01:38 toward the garden of Gethsemane.
01:39 Now John 14, 15, 16, and 17
01:44 is what I think of as His last will and testament
01:48 because John 18, He starts going to the cross.
01:51 So this is almost like His last time
01:54 with His disciples.
01:55 Now He did have another time after He was resurrected,
01:58 He had time to share with them,
01:59 but in the special way, before He went to the cross,
02:02 it's His last words with His disciples.
02:04 And you imagine, if you were a parent
02:06 and your child was going off to war,
02:08 what would you want your very last words to be,
02:10 Brother Louis?
02:12 What would you want to say to your daughter
02:14 before she goes back to college?
02:15 What would you want to say?
02:17 And so this is part of what Jesus wanted to say.
02:20 John 15, it talks about the vine and the branches.
02:24 We're in verse 5,
02:26 "I am the vine, you are the branches.
02:29 He who abides in Me, and I in Him,
02:33 bears much fruit..."
02:36 There is the word we're talking about tonight,
02:37 Gavin, fruit, fruit bearing.
02:40 "For without Me, you can do," a lot of things,
02:45 "nothing."
02:47 Without Me, you can do nothing.
02:49 "If anyone does not abide in Me,
02:51 he is cast out as a branch and is withered.
02:53 They gather them and throw them into the fire,
02:56 and they are burned.
02:58 If you abide in Me and My words abide in you,
03:03 you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
03:06 By this, My Father is glorified,
03:09 that you bear much fruit, so shall you be My disciples."
03:15 I have written in the margin of my Bible, abiding,
03:19 that's what we're talking about,
03:20 the vine being connected, the branches,
03:23 being connected to the vine, abiding.
03:25 Abiding precedes fruit bearing.
03:29 In order to bear fruit, we have to abide,
03:32 we have to be connected with the sap,
03:34 with Jesus Christ flowing through us.
03:36 Let's pray.
03:38 Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus.
03:40 We thank You for Your Word.
03:43 We thank You for our family here
03:45 and our 3ABN family at home.
03:48 And right now, Lord, You know I'm but a little child,
03:52 and I just pray that You would get me out of the way,
03:57 that You could empty me of myself and, oh, Father,
04:00 that Your Word would come alive,
04:03 and that You would speak and give us ears to hear.
04:06 In Jesus' name, amen.
04:10 I was probably 20 years old, young, college age,
04:15 and we did something that maybe you've done at home
04:17 called a tug of war.
04:19 Has anybody ever played tug of war?
04:22 So I asked for volunteers ahead of time.
04:24 We're going to have Abby and Josh come up.
04:27 They are Reston and Argie's kids here
04:30 at our Thompsonville Church School and church.
04:34 And I have a tow rope down here,
04:36 or maybe it's not even a tow rope.
04:38 I got it from Will Wharf today.
04:39 I said, "You have a big, thick rope for me?"
04:41 So here is Will's big, thick rope.
04:43 You want to grab one end?
04:44 Abby, you want to get on this end, sweetie?
04:47 So let's pretend pull.
04:51 Who's going to win?
04:52 Pull. Ooh, your sister's strong.
04:56 Okay, pull, Josh, come on, pull.
04:58 Okay, now we're going this way.
05:01 Pull, okay,
05:03 now I think Josh is being kind to you right now.
05:08 I think josh is... Thank you so much.
05:11 I think Josh was being kind to you.
05:12 So you saw they went back and then forth
05:16 and then back and forth.
05:17 That reminds me of something
05:19 we're going to read about in Galatians 5.
05:22 But before we read that, I want to tell you the story.
05:24 When I was 20, we had a tug of war,
05:26 similar to what you guys tried, but in this tug of war,
05:29 it was a very long rope.
05:30 We can't do that on camera.
05:31 It was like from this end of the room
05:33 all the way to the other end,
05:34 and there were many people tugging.
05:36 So I was on this side, and I had, you know,
05:38 how you put your feet and you plant them, you know,
05:40 and you try to put your weight, and you pull, okay?
05:43 And there was probably 12 of us on this side pulling.
05:47 Now I want to tell you what happened on this side.
05:49 It was not my side.
05:51 The other side, now I don't know if I can do this
05:53 because we bent...
05:55 We folded up this rope.
05:57 Let me see if I can find the end.
05:58 Do you guys see an end to this? Here it is.
06:01 So this guy, he was a big guy.
06:06 Now here at 3ABN, we would say
06:07 Dave Everett's a big guy, right?
06:09 Brother Louis Capote tall, broad, right?
06:13 Strong, barrel-chested. So he was a big guy.
06:17 He was young, 20, 25.
06:19 So he took the rope like this, and he went,
06:22 right, have you seen that?
06:23 And then he just leaned his weight into it.
06:27 So you know what happened?
06:29 All of us, puny people, on this side of the rope,
06:31 I'm pulling my hardest.
06:34 And you know what happened?
06:35 We were dragged, just like that,
06:36 across the line, over here, just like that.
06:41 I couldn't do anything about it.
06:43 And I felt like a little kid.
06:45 Yeah, I did gather,
06:47 just like my feet are just sliding in the dirt,
06:50 and it was kind of muddy,
06:51 and I couldn't do anything about it.
06:53 That reminds me of the war of the flesh
06:58 and the war of the spirit.
06:59 We see that in Galatians 5. Let's go there.
07:03 Galatians 5, we're going to start with...
07:08 I think it's verse 16.
07:10 We talk about that battle.
07:12 Galatians 5:16,
07:18 "I say then, 'Walk in this spirit...'"
07:21 Continually think about Christ,
07:24 and "You shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.'"
07:28 Walking in the spirit, Arabella,
07:30 is like an antithesis to walking in the flesh.
07:33 They're two different things.
07:35 Now I imagine the guy
07:36 who was at the end of the rope who was tied
07:39 would be like me feeding myself, okay?
07:42 So walk in the spirit,
07:46 and we don't want to fulfill the flesh.
07:49 Now what happens when I feed myself,
07:51 when I indulge my self-pity, my pride,
07:58 my selfishness, my arrogance, what happens?
08:02 I start to grow taller, broader, bigger.
08:06 And in the battle between the spirit and the flesh,
08:11 the flesh starts to win.
08:15 We're in verse 17.
08:17 "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit..."
08:19 It's like a tug a war, we're talking about here.
08:22 "And the Spirit against the flesh,
08:24 these are contrary to one another
08:28 so that you do not do the things you wish
08:31 but if you are led by the Spirit,
08:33 you are not under the law
08:35 or not under the condemnation of the law."
08:38 You ever wake up in the morning, and you think,
08:40 'God, I'm going to serve You today,
08:42 and I'm so excited."
08:43 And all of a sudden,
08:45 maybe I've been feeding the flesh over here,
08:47 and He's grown to quite a big guy.
08:49 And I'm over here saying,
08:50 "I'm going to serve You, Jesus."
08:52 And He gives a tug on the rope, and what happens?
08:54 I'll go falling in the mud over here.
08:57 We're talking about the works of the flesh,
09:00 the fruit of the Spirit,
09:01 or you could call it self-centered living over here,
09:05 self-centered or flesh-filled living.
09:08 On this side would be spirit-filled living
09:12 or other-people centered living.
09:14 So on this side, the self-centered,
09:16 we would be controlled by passions.
09:20 It doesn't sound very pleasant, but I have been there.
09:23 On this side, we are controlled by what?
09:28 You got it, Cynthia,
09:29 the spirit, controlled by the spirit.
09:32 On this side, I am a slave to sin.
09:37 On this side, I died a sin, died a self.
09:44 On this side, it shows or reveals the fruits of sin.
09:50 On this side, it reveals,
09:53 you got to rest at the fruit of the Spirit.
09:58 On this side, I walk in lust.
10:03 This side, I walk in love,
10:08 self-sacrificing love.
10:12 On this side, I walk in idolatry to myself,
10:17 focused on myself.
10:19 On this side, I live for other people.
10:24 Really, it's living for Jesus, and when you live for Jesus,
10:28 you're going to automatically live for other people.
10:32 Let's look briefly at the works of the flesh,
10:34 and then we want to spend our time
10:35 on the fruit of the Spirit.
10:37 We don't want to give the devil too much credence here.
10:39 But the works of the flesh are verse 19 to 21.
10:43 I don't think it's exhaustive list.
10:46 It does not list every single sin there is,
10:49 but it's an illustrative list.
10:50 It gives us an illustration of some of the sins,
10:53 some of the works of the flesh on this side over here.
10:57 In my mind, they're divided into five different categories.
11:00 The first would be sensuality, sexuality.
11:04 We see that.
11:06 "Now the works of the flesh are evident,
11:08 which are adultery, fornication, uncleanness..."
11:14 Or that could just mean impurity.
11:17 My Bible says...
11:18 I have New King James, it says, "Lewdness."
11:21 Or unbridled lust.
11:24 That's not saying, "I'm going to have a thought once a day
11:27 or once a week."
11:29 Unbridled would mean...
11:31 What do you think, Tracy?
11:32 Pretty consistent, right?
11:34 Consistent, constant.
11:37 The next category, idolatry.
11:41 Anything between...
11:43 Anytime I feed,
11:45 something between God and me.
11:48 It could be myself.
11:50 You can make yourself an idol.
11:52 It could be something else. It could be your spouse.
11:54 It could be your children,
11:56 your money, anything, job,
12:00 position that we hold between us and God.
12:03 We hang onto that, idolatry.
12:07 That's the second category.
12:08 Third category, sorcery,
12:12 could be superstition, witchcraft.
12:17 Bible says, "Rebellion is as a sin of witchcraft."
12:21 Next to last category, sorry,
12:22 fourth category is really selfishness,
12:24 and there's nine things listed here.
12:28 "Hatred, contentions,
12:31 jealousies, outbursts of wrath,
12:34 selfish ambitions, dissensions,
12:39 heresies, envy, murder."
12:43 To me, a lot of those come under selfishness.
12:47 If I envy Yannick because of his very fancy bike,
12:51 now that's kind of a joke here because Yannick,
12:53 that's his mode of transportation, right?
12:56 Yannick rides the bike, and you ride your bike.
12:58 Yannick can bike for miles.
13:02 Three thousand miles a season.
13:03 That's incredible!
13:05 He's very in shape.
13:06 So if Yannick...
13:08 I were to envy his bike, his mode of transportation,
13:13 what would I be doing?
13:15 I am selfishly wanting something
13:18 that belongs to Yannick, right?
13:20 Hatred, if I have hate in my heart for someone else,
13:24 what does that do?
13:25 Thinking about myself really, that's selfishness.
13:28 The last category is really intemperance.
13:33 "Drunkenness and revelries."
13:37 So this whole list, "Adultery, fornication, uncleanness,
13:40 lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions,
13:44 jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambition, dissensions,
13:49 heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness,
13:51 revelries, and the like..."
13:52 So he means etcetera.
13:53 There's more than that, etcetera.
13:56 "Of which I tell you beforehand just as I told you in time past
14:00 that those who practice such things
14:04 will not inherit the kingdom of God."
14:07 If the Word of God stopped there, guess what?
14:10 I'd be discouraged.
14:11 Would you be discouraged?
14:14 I look at that list of God,
14:16 "I don't want to feed the man here
14:18 who was wrapped with a cord and who was growing,
14:20 and I don't want that, but I'm powerless.
14:24 I can't change my heart.
14:28 God, I don't know what to do."
14:30 It doesn't stop there.
14:32 The Bible says, "But the fruit of the Spirit..."
14:33 And we're going to get to the fruit of the Spirit.
14:35 Before we do that,
14:37 Jeremiah 13:23, what does the Bible say?
14:41 Can the Ethiopian change his spots?
14:44 The leopard change his spots?
14:45 Or the Ethiopian change his skin?
14:47 Uh-uh.
14:49 Then may we also do good
14:50 who are accustomed to doing evil.
14:52 The Bible is saying, "God knows,
14:55 you can't change your heart.
14:56 God knows I can't change my heart."
14:59 It takes His divine, supernatural work.
15:03 I'm going to look at just a couple of verses,
15:05 and then we'll go to the fruit of the Spirit.
15:06 Let's turn to Ezekiel.
15:10 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel 36.
15:19 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Ezekiel 36.
15:24 I think this is one of my favorite passages
15:27 in all of the Bible.
15:28 Ezekiel 36:25,
15:33 "Then," God's speaking,
15:36 "I will sprinkle clean water on you,
15:40 and you shall be clean.
15:44 I will cleanse you from all your filthiness
15:46 and from all your idols."
15:49 Sometimes I feel like I'm down in the mud,
15:52 you know, this tug of war battle
15:54 and I'm dirty and in the mud,
15:56 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins,
16:01 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
16:05 and to cleanse us from all,"
16:08 that's right, "all unrighteousness."
16:12 God wants to cleanse us.
16:13 He says, "I will sprinkle clean water on you,
16:16 and you shall be clean."
16:18 That's a promise.
16:19 You shall be clean.
16:21 Verse 26, "I will give you a new heart
16:25 and put a new spirit within you.
16:28 I would take the heart of stone
16:31 out of your flesh
16:33 and give you a heart a flesh."
16:36 Sometimes I don't even want to follow God.
16:39 Have you been there?
16:40 You say, "God, I'm not even sure
16:43 I want to ask forgiveness
16:44 because you know I was right."
16:47 "I'm not even sure I want to do that."
16:50 And God says, "I know that.
16:52 I can take out the heart of stone.
16:54 I can take out, that's right,
16:56 I can take out the desires that are against Me,
17:00 and I can put in your heart a heart of flesh."
17:04 Verse 27, "I will put my spirit within you
17:08 and cause you to walk in My statutes,"
17:11 or in the fruit of the Spirit, we could say,
17:13 "And you will keep My judgments and do them.
17:17 Then you would dwell in the land
17:18 that I gave to your fathers,
17:20 and you shall be My people,
17:22 and I will be your God."
17:24 That verse gives me courage.
17:27 That verse gives me hope.
17:28 God wants to change us.
17:31 And He's the one who does it.
17:32 He's the one who reaches into your heart
17:34 if you give Him permission.
17:36 "Take out the heart of stone," and says,
17:38 "I will give you a heart of flesh."
17:41 I want to look at one more verse
17:42 before we go to the fruit of the Spirit.
17:45 Turn with me to Romans 13.
17:48 Romans 13...
17:55 I am in 1 Corinthians.
17:58 Romans 13:14 says,
18:04 "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ
18:08 and make no provision
18:11 for the flesh to fulfill its lust."
18:15 In other words, I'm not going to feed the guy
18:17 at the end of the rope over here.
18:18 I'm not going to make any provision.
18:21 Sometimes it's a difficult decision
18:25 that could change the music you listen to,
18:27 the TV you watch, the movies you see,
18:31 the people that you surround yourself with
18:33 as your friends in school,
18:35 changes all that
18:36 because everything that we look at,
18:39 put in our minds, listened to, changes it,
18:42 either feeds the flash and grows that in our life
18:47 or it feeds the spirit.
18:51 So let's look at those fruit of the Spirit.
18:52 And it's interesting,
18:54 we're going back to the Galatians 5.
18:55 It's interesting to me,
18:57 the Bible called them works of the flesh.
18:58 Did you notice that plural, works with an S?
19:02 There's many, but when it talks about the fruit of the Spirit,
19:05 it's a singular.
19:07 The fruit of the Spirit
19:11 because all these fruit...
19:13 There's nine of them,
19:14 all of them come naturally as a result
19:18 of God's work in our heart,
19:20 nothing to do with me trying harder.
19:24 It's everything to do with allowing God
19:27 to come into my heart, allowing God to change you,
19:32 letting Him put in the heart of flesh,
19:34 choosing to feed the spirit and not feed the flesh,
19:40 choosing to let Him work, remaining connected.
19:42 We started with John 15,
19:43 remaining connected to the vine,
19:46 letting His sap flow through us
19:48 and then the fruit automatically comes.
19:51 So we are in Galatians 5.
19:58 Thank you.
19:59 That's right, 22,
20:02 "But the fruit of the Spirit..."
20:04 We'll read them, and then we'll go back.
20:05 "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace..."
20:09 Don't they even sound different,
20:11 the way the words sound
20:12 compared to the works of the flesh?
20:14 "Love, joy, peace, longsuffering,"
20:18 or you could say patience,
20:20 "kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
20:23 gentleness, self-control,
20:27 against such, there is no law.'
20:32 Let's look at the fruit of the Spirit of love.
20:34 The word here, the fruit of the Spirit is love is...
20:39 Anybody know what the word is?
20:42 Agape.
20:43 Agape in the Greek. You got it.
20:47 You know, in the Bible, there's different types
20:49 of Greek words for a love, right?
20:51 You have eros which would be a romantic love.
20:54 "I think he's kind of cute," right?
20:56 Okay, romantic love, then you have phileo,
20:59 which would be friendship.
21:02 You are my friend.
21:04 Then we have agape.
21:06 Now agape love seeks
21:09 the highest good of the other person.
21:11 It's not concerned with how I feel.
21:12 It's not concerned with
21:14 if loving you is easy for me or not.
21:18 Many times agape love costs the person.
21:22 It can be painful and difficult for the person
21:25 who has agape love for the other person.
21:28 It's God's type of love.
21:30 The fruit of the Spirit is love.
21:33 How do we love our brothers and sisters?
21:37 How do we love those who God puts in our life?
21:42 That's right.
21:43 There's three ways, at least in my own experience.
21:46 And they all start with the letter A.
21:47 So if you're taking notes,
21:49 how do I love like God wants me to love?
21:52 First is, ask.
21:55 Ask God for His love.
21:57 We can't conjure up His type of love.
22:00 I can't grit my teeth and say,
22:02 "I'm going to be kind to Arabella."
22:04 Now she is precious,
22:06 so you could not be anything but kind.
22:08 But I couldn't grit my teeth and say that, right?
22:11 Only God can give us His type of love.
22:15 Turn with me to 1 John 4.
22:18 1 John 4, I love 1 and 2 John.
22:22 1 John 4,
22:24 really the whole book of 1 John talks about God's love for us
22:27 and the love He wants us to exhibit,
22:29 exemplify toward our brothers and sisters.
22:33 1 John 4:19,
22:37 "We love Him because He first loved us."
22:41 We can't love...
22:43 We can't have God's agape love for anybody
22:46 unless God put it into us.
22:49 So I think we ask God for His love.
22:51 That's number one.
22:52 Number two, we accept His love by faith.
22:57 Love is a principle.
23:01 We don't love by feeling,
23:02 whether I feel love or not, what happens?
23:05 I can choose with my mind to react out of love,
23:10 and God is going to bring the feelings along.
23:12 They come eventually, maybe not in the beginning,
23:15 but they come.
23:16 You think about 1 Corinthians 13,
23:18 the love chapter,
23:19 the principles in that, they're really choices.
23:23 Did you notice that?
23:25 1 Corinthians 13 isn't a lot about how that makes me feel.
23:29 It's about love is kind.
23:31 Kindness is a choice.
23:32 Love is patient.
23:35 Patience is a choice.
23:36 Love does not envy.
23:39 That's a choice.
23:40 Making the choices of love,
23:42 our feelings always follow our thoughts.
23:45 And if we choose to bring our thoughts into line
23:47 with what God's Word says, what happens?
23:50 He would change our feelings.
23:53 He would change them.
23:55 Number three, we actively reach out in loving ways.
23:58 So first, we just ask God, "God, give me Your love."
24:01 Number two, we accept His love by faith,
24:05 and number three, we actively reach out in loving ways.
24:09 I remember, I was...
24:11 I walked into a room, this was several years ago,
24:15 and a woman had her back to me
24:17 over on the other side of the room.
24:20 And there was a whole group of people.
24:22 And she was talking to them,
24:23 and I was just coming through the door jamb,
24:25 you know, just coming into the room.
24:26 And I thought,
24:28 "Oh, that's nice. I'll go join her."
24:29 And just as I came through the door,
24:32 I figured out she was talking about me,
24:36 and it was not real kind.
24:40 Cutting, belittling,
24:44 and I just stopped like,
24:47 "She really is saying that to all these people."
24:51 And I know these people, and I don't think it's true,
24:55 at least, God, I hope it's not true.
24:58 And so I turned around, and I ran out to the car,
25:00 and I just stood there, and I cried.
25:05 And then I said,
25:07 "God, I don't know how to deal with this.
25:09 I thought she was my friend.
25:12 I don't know how to love her.
25:15 I can't."
25:17 And so I did what I thought was the Christian thing to do.
25:23 I did not gossip about her to other people.
25:27 That is a Christian thing to do.
25:28 I didn't say, "You know, Gary, so and so said this about me.
25:32 And can you believe that she said that?"
25:34 I didn't do that, okay?
25:36 But my heart was not right.
25:40 You know how you can have the outward trappings
25:42 of what you're supposed to do as a Christian
25:44 and how you're supposed to act,
25:46 but internally you're not right with God?
25:51 But what happened in that experience was
25:54 I did not even know I wasn't right with God.
25:57 Isn't that weird?
25:59 How we can be so self-deceived,
26:02 the works of the flesh were growing?
26:04 I was pulling on this side of the tug of war
26:07 instead of the fruit of the Spirit of love,
26:09 and I didn't even know it.
26:12 I thought, "I'm doing okay.
26:14 I'm not gossiping about her."
26:16 As if that's the only thing in life.
26:19 And one day, I was working on memorizing the scripture text.
26:22 I love to memorize scripture
26:24 because the Word of God is powerful.
26:26 It would change you.
26:28 Claiming the promises of the Word of God changes you.
26:31 And I was working on Hebrews 12.
26:33 It says, "Follow peace with all men and holiness
26:37 without which no one shall see the Lord."
26:39 And I'm scrubbing plates, right,
26:41 doing dishes at the sink.
26:42 And above the sink is the window,
26:44 you know, you look out.
26:45 And there was...
26:47 My scripture was taped up there so I could read the scripture,
26:49 I could practice memorizing as I'm, you know, doing dishes.
26:53 So I'm scrubbing plates,
26:55 follow peace with all men in holiness
26:57 without which nobody shall see God.
26:58 "Oh, thank You, God,
27:00 I'm walking in peace with my brothers and sisters."
27:02 I didn't even know I had hard feelings really.
27:05 They're so pushed down.
27:07 Then the next verse jolted me out of my complacency,
27:12 "Looking diligently lest anyone fail of the grace of Christ,
27:17 lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you,
27:22 and thereby many people be defiled."
27:24 And the Holy Spirit at that moment not an audible voice
27:27 but spoke to my heart and mind internally and said,
27:30 "Jill, what you're holding against your sister,
27:35 sister in Jesus, is going to ruin your walk with Me.
27:41 It's going to ruin your marriage.
27:43 It's going to ruin your ministry.
27:46 Do you want that?"
27:47 And I said, "God, I don't.
27:50 But I can't love her.
27:52 I don't know how to love her."
27:55 So God led me, I asked, remember,
27:57 we talked about ask God for His love.
27:59 I asked God for His love.
28:00 We'll call her Janie. That's not her name.
28:02 I asked for God's love for Janie.
28:05 I accepted His love by faith, but to be honest,
28:07 I didn't feel any different.
28:09 I actively... Number three,
28:12 actively reach out in loving ways.
28:14 And underneath that, to me, is praying for the person.
28:17 And so I began to pray.
28:19 I prayed the first morning,
28:20 "God, I ask that You'll bless Janie
28:21 and give her a good day-to-day.
28:23 And I just ask that
28:24 You would bless her marriage and her ministry
28:27 and give her financial blessings,
28:29 give her good health."
28:30 And, you know, as I prayed that,
28:32 guess what happened?
28:33 I felt fake, like I wanted,
28:35 "Oh, God, couldn't You curse her just a little bit,
28:38 you know, maybe she could have a car accident
28:40 and break a leg or something," right?
28:42 And so God says, "No, I want you to pray blessings."
28:45 "Well, I don't want to."
28:48 But I can make a choice.
28:49 Remember, we talked about, love is a principle,
28:52 love is not a feeling.
28:53 "God, I make a choice.
28:54 I prayed these blessings over her life."
28:57 And I felt fake, but I did it anyway
29:00 because that's what God's Word asks us to do.
29:03 Day one, nothing happened.
29:04 I did it the second day, nothing happened.
29:06 I did it the third day, nothing happened.
29:09 Fourth, and I don't remember, it's been so long.
29:12 How many days into it?
29:14 And all of a sudden, I was praying the same prayer.
29:16 "God, bless her and give her spiritual blessings
29:19 and financial and health and..."
29:22 And God took the pain off.
29:26 It was like a knot pulled off from my back,
29:30 and I felt free.
29:34 And I left her, not just in principle,
29:38 not just because God had said,
29:39 "You're supposed to love Janie."
29:42 But I loved her inside.
29:44 And you know what? She's my friend today.
29:48 That's what God can do,
29:49 actively reach out in loving ways,
29:52 pray for the person, ask God for a specific way
29:55 you can reach out in love.
29:59 Maybe there's unlovable people in your life tonight,
30:01 make a list.
30:02 God knows who they are, but make a list,
30:04 and then actively reach out in love,
30:08 ask God for His love,
30:09 accept His love by faith,
30:11 and actively reach out in love for that person.
30:14 And you know, sometimes
30:16 the unlovable person is ourself, right?
30:19 Sometimes the hardest person to forgive
30:22 or to accept or to love is yourself.
30:25 You can be kind to everybody else,
30:26 but how could God love me?
30:29 I'm such a mess.
30:30 And yet God says, "I love you."
30:33 Due to same principle.
30:34 So fruit of the Spirit is love.
30:37 The next fruit is joy.
30:40 In the Greek, the word for joy
30:42 is C-H-A-R-A or chara.
30:47 I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly.
30:49 Chara, and it means simply joy, gladness, delight.
30:55 You know, there's a difference between happiness and joy.
30:59 Happiness is dependent on outward circumstances.
31:02 So if I wake up in the morning,
31:04 and I feel like the days going well
31:06 and the sun shining...
31:07 I always feel better when the sun shines.
31:09 So I was just being honest.
31:10 So if the sun is shining,
31:12 and if, you know, someone says,
31:14 "Hi," to you at work and treats you well
31:16 and whatever, then, "Oh, it's a good day."
31:19 That's happiness.
31:21 That's dependent on what goes on around us.
31:23 But joy, true joy that comes from Jesus is divine.
31:28 It's not dependent on whether the sun shines.
31:31 It's not dependent on whether
31:32 your spouse says a nice word to you that morning.
31:34 It's not dependent on whether your boss is happy with you
31:37 or upset with you.
31:38 It's not dependent on any of that.
31:40 True joy is not the absence of trouble.
31:45 It's the presence of Jesus Christ.
31:48 Psalm 16:11 says that.
31:50 If you want to turn with me,
31:51 we'll come back to our Galatians 5 in a minute.
31:54 Psalm 16:11,
31:57 "True joy is not the absence of trouble.
32:01 It is the presence of Christ.
32:05 Psalm 16:11,
32:06 "You will show me the path of life.
32:09 In Your presence is fullness of joy.
32:13 At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
32:16 Did you notice?
32:17 Where do we have fullness of joy?
32:19 In the presence of Jesus, in Your presence,
32:24 His fullness of joy.
32:26 I have a friend.
32:28 We'll call him Billy.
32:29 That's not his real name.
32:31 And Billy hurt himself.
32:35 And he had to go to the hospital for a surgery.
32:37 So Greg and I went to go see Billy in the hospital.
32:39 And, you know, when you go to see someone in the hospital,
32:41 what's your objective?
32:45 Yeah, you got it, Louis, make them feel better, right?
32:47 That's your objective.
32:48 You want to encourage, bring some sort of cheer.
32:51 That's the point of going to see someone in the hospital.
32:53 So we went to go see Billy and pray with him.
32:56 And so we walked in, and he said,
32:58 "Oh, how are you doing?"
33:00 We said, "No, no, no.
33:01 How are you doing?" Right?
33:03 "We came to see you.
33:04 How are you doing?"
33:05 "Oh, it's just wonderful.
33:07 I'm just praising the Lord."
33:09 And I thought, "Wait a minute, you're in pain.
33:12 You're having surgery."
33:13 "Oh, but the Lord gave me opportunity to witness.
33:17 I witness to the nurses and the doctors.
33:20 And I'm able to share Jesus and..."
33:23 And that encouraged me,
33:25 and I came out of the hospital thinking
33:26 I went to bring courage to him, Brother Dan,
33:29 but I was encouraged myself.
33:32 And then a couple days later, another friend talked to me.
33:35 And she said, "Oh, did you go see Billy."
33:37 And we said, "Yeah, well,
33:39 I went to go see her in the hospital."
33:41 She said, "Oh, was he happy?"
33:43 And I said, "Absolutely.
33:45 It blessed me so much."
33:47 And she said, "Oh, some people are just like that.
33:51 Some people are naturally happy.
33:53 Some people are born that way."
33:55 And you know what? I do not believe that.
33:59 Joy, just like love, is a choice.
34:03 It's the presence of Christ.
34:05 It doesn't mean your life is going good.
34:07 It doesn't mean you don't have trials.
34:10 What's it tell us in James?
34:11 Count it all joy
34:13 when you fall into various troubles,
34:14 count it joy.
34:17 Nehemiah 8:10, "The joy of the Lord is my strength."
34:22 Do you need strength?
34:23 Choose God's joy.
34:25 So how do we cultivate joy?
34:26 We talk about cultivating love.
34:28 How do we cultivate joy?
34:29 In my experience, there's been three steps to cultivating joy.
34:34 First is to surrender.
34:37 Surrender my thoughts, surrender my sadness,
34:41 surrender my dreams,
34:44 surrender my control
34:46 over this situation to God.
34:51 Greg and I walked through
34:54 a painful valley
34:58 maybe 10 years ago.
35:01 And I remember when the doctor called
35:06 and with the news.
35:08 We've been going through all these tests
35:09 trying to find out stuff.
35:12 And the doctor called with the news.
35:15 And I remember...
35:17 It's been a long time ago, so now it's like,
35:19 "Oh, wow, was that painful?"
35:20 You know, how God works in your heart,
35:22 and it just totally takes it out.
35:24 But at the time, it was very devastating.
35:27 And I remember, Greg was at work,
35:28 I couldn't call him,
35:30 I was actually kneading bread dough,
35:31 so my hands are all goofy with the bread,
35:33 and you're trying to hold the phone like this,
35:35 and the doctor's...
35:37 Wow, and so I remember,
35:39 I just put the phone down,
35:40 and I just blindly ran out of the house.
35:44 And it was springtime, April, I think,
35:48 the leaves are just unfurling their green,
35:51 you know, the sky was blue, and the birds were singing.
35:55 And I couldn't see that.
35:57 I couldn't hear that.
35:58 I couldn't sense that, all I felt was like pain.
36:03 "God, this is the devastation of everything I ever wanted."
36:07 And He said, "Jill, my daughter,
36:09 count your blessings."
36:12 And I thought, "Boy, you're asking a lot, God.
36:15 I want some pity, give me some pity.
36:19 I'm hurting, just a little pity,
36:22 you know."
36:23 And He said, "Count your blessings."
36:26 And I said, "Okay, God.
36:30 First of all, I will surrender my dream to You.
36:35 What I thought I wanted in life,
36:37 I'll give it back to You.
36:40 Then I'm thankful I have a godly husband.
36:42 I'm thankful I have friends.
36:43 I'm thankful I have a church family.
36:46 I'm thankful for ministry.
36:47 I'm thankful for Jesus."
36:51 Pretty soon, you know what happened?
36:54 My heart began to change.
36:56 The pain...
36:57 Now I'm not saying there wasn't still pain,
36:59 but the sharpness of the pain began to pull out.
37:03 And I could hear the birds,
37:04 and I could see the green leaves,
37:06 and I could breathe the springtime air.
37:11 So I think
37:13 what God wants us to do
37:15 when we cultivate joy is to surrender.
37:18 First of all, I just surrender,
37:21 identify the source of my pain and sadness.
37:23 "God, I wish I could be married."
37:26 Maybe some people want to be married.
37:28 "And, God, you're not bringing me a spouse."
37:32 "God, I want kids, and I can't have kids."
37:35 "God, I wish my spouse would love me again."
37:38 "God, I wish I wasn't going through a divorce."
37:41 I mean, this is real stuff.
37:43 God, I wish I wasn't losing my house."
37:47 "I wish I could pay my bills."
37:50 You know, when we minister with the women in jail,
37:52 "God, I wish I wasn't going to jail."
37:54 Okay, you can't control any of that, right?
37:56 That's all beyond our control.
37:58 So identify the source, acknowledge,
38:00 "But I can't do it.
38:03 I can't control the situation.
38:06 I'm surrendering it to You,
38:07 and I will trust You
38:09 whether I get what I want or not."
38:12 It's choosing to trust Jesus with our life, we surrender.
38:16 We practice His presence.
38:18 That's number two.
38:20 Practice His presence.
38:21 We already read that verse in Psalm 16:11,
38:23 "And Your presence is fullness of joy."
38:26 Practicing the presence of Jesus is a choice.
38:31 Practice makes permanent.
38:34 You know, I taught piano, you know, for 10 years,
38:37 and I used to tell my kids,
38:39 "Practice does not make perfect."
38:41 You know, how they say that, practice makes perfect?
38:44 But it really doesn't.
38:45 It just makes permanent.
38:46 If you always play the wrong note, well,
38:48 then you're going to practice the note wrong.
38:50 And you're going to learn the note wrong,
38:51 and it will be permanently ingrained in your brain wrong.
38:54 So practice makes permanent.
38:56 So if I choose to bring my heart,
38:58 my mind in line with what God's Word says,
39:02 what happens?
39:04 It changes the structure of the brain.
39:07 Greg and I were in a zoo...
39:09 Not in the zoo.
39:10 We were visiting at the zoo.
39:12 Clarification,
39:13 we were at the zoo
39:15 visiting the animals in the zoo.
39:17 And so we were walking by,
39:18 and I like the big cats, you know.
39:21 So there's the tigers and the leopards and the lions,
39:24 and for some reason I just like that animal.
39:27 And so there was a leopard, I forget his name.
39:29 He was a certain type of leopard.
39:30 And when we were standing there,
39:32 he's in his cage, and he had a big cage.
39:35 Now I don't like any animal in a cage.
39:37 It's just...
39:38 I want Jesus to come,
39:40 you know, there'd be no more the lion
39:41 and the leopard and all be together.
39:44 But he was in his cage, it's fairly large cage,
39:47 but you know what happened?
39:49 He walked up the side of the cage,
39:50 and he turned around, and he came back,
39:53 and then he turned around, and he came back.
39:55 And you know what had happened?
39:57 The grass was worn through,
40:00 then there was a brown strip,
40:03 you know, right against the edge of his cage,
40:06 then there was a rut like this.
40:11 And that was because... What had he done?
40:14 Over and over, back and forth, back and forth.
40:18 So what I choose to think about...
40:21 I can wake up and say,
40:22 "God, so and so didn't treat me well,
40:24 and it's a cloudy day,
40:25 and I'm going to have a bad attitude."
40:28 Right? I can choose that.
40:30 And if I think that today,
40:32 and then I think that tomorrow,
40:34 and I think that the next day, what happens?
40:37 The rut in my brain, the grass disappears,
40:41 I get a brown path,
40:42 and then I get a rut thinking that way.
40:45 Now I can choose to change,
40:47 "God, I thank You for the gift of Jesus."
40:50 "Wow! I'm stepping out of the rut."
40:52 "God, I thank You for the work You're doing in my life."
40:55 That's another step out of the rut."
40:57 "God, I think You that You can give me Your joy."
41:01 That's another step out of the rut.
41:03 And as we choose to think differently,
41:05 what happens?
41:07 The grass grows over the old way of thinking,
41:10 and pretty soon, a new rut begins to emerge.
41:13 But it's a rut
41:15 based on the fruit of the Spirit,
41:16 instead of reacting in the work of the flesh.
41:21 So first, for cultivating joy, we surrender.
41:23 Second, we practice His presence,
41:25 and third, we give thanks.
41:28 I already talked about that a little bit
41:29 with the story me walking down the road
41:31 and God said, "Count your blessings."
41:33 But turn with me to 1 Thessalonians 5.
41:40 1 Thessalonians 5...
41:46 we're going to read verse 16, 17, and 18,
41:50 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing.
41:57 In everything, give thanks
42:00 for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
42:05 Now that does not mean
42:07 that we're thankful for everything
42:08 that happens to us.
42:10 Of course, there's painful experiences in life,
42:12 but we can be thankful in the midst of everything.
42:18 J. Hudson Taylor, missionary,
42:20 founder of the China Inland Mission,
42:22 he did some tough stuff in his life.
42:24 And remember, when he went to China,
42:27 he'd been there a while.
42:28 It seems like he went back to England,
42:30 and then he came back to China, he had his wife, Mary.
42:34 Their five-year-old son, Samuel died
42:37 January of the year.
42:40 That'd be painful.
42:41 They say to lose the spouse is horrible,
42:44 and I've not gone through that.
42:48 But to lose a child,
42:50 it's supposed to be the worst of all.
42:53 Buried his five-year-old son Samuel there in China.
42:57 Then in July,
42:59 his wife gave birth to a brand new baby,
43:03 and he died.
43:05 And just after the baby died, his wife died.
43:09 She was 33.
43:12 So at 38, he's facing now...
43:15 If anyone had a right to feel pain, sorrow,
43:20 okay, you'd say, "He earned a pity party."
43:23 Not earned it,
43:24 but he could deserve one, right?
43:26 And you know what he wrote in his journal?
43:28 "I'm so thankful
43:30 that I get to serve Jesus
43:34 one more day."
43:38 "I'm so thankful
43:39 I get to serve Jesus one more day."
43:42 I want to look at Habakkuk 3.
43:45 We're not going to make it through all the fruit,
43:46 but we'll just get as far as we get.
43:48 Habakkuk 3,
43:51 that's one of those little minor prophets,
43:53 a little difficult to find.
43:55 Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk,
43:58 Habakkuk 3:17, 18, and 19.
44:05 "And though the fig tree may not blossom
44:08 nor fruit be on the vines,
44:11 though the labor of the olive may fail,
44:15 and the fields yield no food,
44:19 though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
44:22 and there be no herd in the stalls."
44:25 Now their livelihood was agriculture
44:27 and agrarian as in stocks.
44:30 So not stock in bonds as an animal stocks.
44:34 So everything in their society had crumbled.
44:40 Now we look at it and say, "Okay, the fig tree, well,
44:42 I can live without a fig tree," right?
44:43 But for them, this was their livelihood.
44:47 Though all that's gone, no way out,
44:51 "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord.
44:55 I will joy in the God of my salvation.
44:59 The Lord God is my strength.
45:02 He will make my feet like deer's feet,
45:04 and He will make me walk on my high hills."
45:08 I wrote in the margin of my Bible,
45:10 "I want to still praise Him
45:13 when everything seemingly goes wrong."
45:19 Yes.
45:20 Yes, that's right.
45:22 So that's what God wants to do, give thanks, praise Him.
45:26 The fruit of the Spirit is love,
45:27 the fruit of the Spirit is joy,
45:30 the fruit of the Spirit is peace.
45:35 The Greek word is eiríni.
45:38 And it means peace between individuals, harmony,
45:43 concord, living in harmony and peace with others.
45:48 Turn with me to John 14.
45:50 John 14:27.
45:57 John 14:27,
45:59 this is part of that Jesus' last will and testament
46:02 where He gave there, we talked about it
46:04 at the beginning to the disciples
46:06 before He went to the cross, "Peace I leave with you,
46:09 My piece I give to you, not as the world gives,
46:14 give I unto you.
46:16 Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
46:22 There's something different about God's peace
46:26 than the peace that we naturally have in the world.
46:30 I think it's similar to the difference between...
46:34 We talked about happiness and joy.
46:36 One is based on earthly circumstances,
46:38 the other one's divine from Jesus.
46:40 And I think the same thing about God's type of peace.
46:43 It comes from Him, from above.
46:46 How do we get that peace?
46:50 Romans 5, Romans5:1.
46:54 There's many scriptures we can turn to,
46:56 but I like this one especially.
47:01 Romans 5:1,
47:05 "Therefore having been justified by faith,
47:09 we have peace..."
47:10 There's our word,
47:12 "We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
47:18 Peace comes when I'm reconciled to my Heavenly Father.
47:22 I think that's why God's peace is so different
47:27 from the peace that the world gives
47:29 because it comes from God.
47:32 It comes once I am reconciled with Him.
47:34 And I think with each other, maybe I got mad at Josh,
47:37 which I'm not mad at Josh, but say, I got mad at Josh.
47:42 In order to have peace between he and I,
47:46 we would have to be reconciled, right?
47:49 We would have to come back into a relationship
47:52 where I apologize for what I did to him
47:55 or I said, "I'm sorry for whatever,"
47:57 and we were brought back into that right standing
47:59 or that right relationship.
48:02 It's one more verse about peace, I want to look at.
48:05 Of course, there's Isaiah 26:3.
48:07 We won't turn there, but what the Bible say?
48:09 You will keep Him in perfect peace
48:12 whose mind has stayed on you
48:14 because He trusts in you.
48:16 Peace comes from choosing
48:18 to keep my mind stayed upon God.
48:21 You notice that in all the fruits of the Spirit?
48:23 God is the one who does the work in us and through us,
48:27 but you notice, it all takes a choice.
48:29 It's making a choice, "I want to walk God's way."
48:32 "I want to do things His way."
48:34 You know, recently,
48:35 I had one of those hard days at work.
48:38 You ever have a hard day?
48:41 And oh, you know,
48:45 everything that could go wrong did.
48:49 You know that?
48:51 And Satan just came in with like,
48:56 "You're doing a horrible job.
48:59 Why are you even trying?
49:03 What type a person are you?
49:05 Why are you even..."
49:07 You know, how Satan comes, all this junk.
49:11 And I said, "God, I want peace.
49:14 I need peace."
49:16 And so I prayed, "Father, give me Your peace."
49:21 And you know what happened?
49:25 I wish I could tell you.
49:26 In some way, it got better, but I don't feel any different.
49:29 That's the honest truth.
49:31 I didn't feel any different.
49:33 And so you're going, "Okay, God..."
49:35 That's where we make a choice,
49:37 "And we bring our mind, You have promised peace."
49:41 Isaiah 26:3, I will focus my mind on You.
49:44 And every time Satan comes and says,
49:47 "You're just..."
49:48 And he says one of those bad words about you,
49:51 "God, I'm choosing not to think about that.
49:53 Thank You that I'm Your daughter.
49:55 Thank You that You have forgiven me.
49:56 Thank You that You have accepted me.
49:58 Thank You that You have a purpose and a plan,
50:00 and that You are still working in my life
50:03 in the midst of this.
50:04 Thank You for what You are doing."
50:06 And you know what?
50:09 God brought His peace.
50:11 Philippians 4:6 and 7.
50:21 Philippians 4:6 and 7, "Be anxious for nothing,
50:28 but in everything by prayer and supplication
50:32 with thanksgiving,
50:34 let your requests be made known to God."
50:38 Verse 7, "And the peace of God which passes all understanding,
50:43 will keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."
50:47 There's a poem I love.
50:48 I've loved it ever since I was a kid.
50:50 And when Greg and I got married,
50:53 I said, "Do you mind if I had it like typed up?"
50:56 I said, "Do you mind if I framed this
50:57 and put this by the bed?"
50:59 It's just mean so much to me, this poem.
51:01 And he said, "Yeah, Jill,
51:03 that's fine if that's what you'd like."
51:04 So I have it, you know, you have your bedside table
51:06 right by the bed,
51:08 and I have it right above there, the frame.
51:11 And it's called Acceptance with Joy.
51:15 And it says, "In acceptance lieth peace,
51:18 o my heart be still.
51:21 Let thy restless worries cease and accept His will.
51:28 Though this test is not my choice.
51:31 It is His. Therefore, rejoice.
51:36 In His plan, there cannot be anything
51:39 to make you sad.
51:41 If this is His choice for me,
51:46 I will take it and be glad,
51:49 make from it some lovely thing to the glory of my King.
51:55 Cease from sighs and murmuring, sing His loving grace.
52:02 This trial means my furthering to a wealthy place,
52:09 from my fears, He'll give release.
52:13 In acceptance lies peace."
52:17 And that's what God wants to do,
52:19 take out anything in our lives and hearts
52:23 that destroys that peace,
52:24 and it comes from acceptance, surrender, choosing His way
52:30 and letting Him fill us with His peace.
52:32 We don't have a lot of time,
52:34 but I want to see if we can get to patience.
52:36 So the fruit of the Spirit is, we said love, joy, peace,
52:41 longsuffering or patience.
52:45 In Greek, the word for patience is, this is a long one,
52:50 makrothumia.
52:54 That's a long word,
52:55 but literally, it means long-tempered.
52:58 You see, someone who is short-tempered,
53:00 someone who has a short fuse and easily gets irritated.
53:04 This word means long-tempered.
53:09 It's self-restraint
53:12 in the face of provocation.
53:16 It doesn't retaliate when Tracy makes me upset
53:20 which she hasn't.
53:22 It doesn't retaliate. It doesn't punish.
53:26 Patience is accepting God's will and timing
53:31 in my life in those circumstances.
53:34 Patience is endurance under trial.
53:39 Patience is flexibility,
53:44 contentment.
53:47 Patience is even love.
53:48 1 Corinthians 13, the fruit of the Spirit is...
53:52 Sorry, 1 Corinthians 13, Love is patient, kind.
53:59 Patience, how do we develop patience?
54:04 One of the best ways is through trial.
54:07 In the midst of trial, patience is born,
54:12 patience is developed.
54:13 Turn with me quickly to James.
54:20 James 1.
54:28 James 1:2, "My brethren," or you could say sisters,
54:34 "count it all joy..."
54:36 In the Greek, the word for joy is pure,
54:39 unmixed joy.
54:40 We're not talking about count it...
54:42 It's just kind of happier, kind of joy.
54:45 This is pure, unmixed joy.
54:47 "When you fall into various trials
54:54 knowing that the testing of your faith
54:57 produces patience.
55:01 But let patience have its perfect work,
55:03 that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
55:06 So in the midst of the pain and the midst of the trial,
55:10 when I want to say, "Get me out, God, pull me out."
55:14 He says, "I'm working, Jill.
55:17 I'm working in your life right now to develop patience."
55:24 And that patience is developed in the midst of trial,
55:26 but it's really accepting trial God's way.
55:31 It's not running through trial my own way
55:34 or with my own thoughts or trying to jump out.
55:39 It's accepting trial in the midst of it God's way.
55:47 God wants...
55:48 We started this evening talking about the tug of war
55:51 that we experience between the work of the flesh
55:55 and the work of the Spirit.
55:57 And I don't know what tug of war
55:59 you feel like you have in your life tonight,
56:01 but God says, "I came to set you free.
56:05 I want to bring healing. I want to bring deliverance.
56:10 I can make the big, strong, tough guy
56:12 who was wrapped up with a rope and who kept growing,
56:16 I can make him disappear and diminish
56:19 into a little child and easily pull you this way
56:23 toward the fruit of the Spirit."
56:24 God wants to work in your life His love,
56:27 maybe you don't even feel like, "How could He love me?
56:30 I've messed up so many times. I've done so much."
56:34 And God said, "I can forgive you.
56:37 I can cleanse you. I can make you new.
56:42 I want to cover you with my righteous right,
56:45 white robe.
56:47 I want to put My spirit within you
56:49 and cause you to walk in My statutes,
56:51 cause you to walk in the fruit of the Spirit."
56:55 The fruit of the Spirit is love.
56:58 Choose to accept His love, ask for His love,
57:01 accept His love by faith,
57:03 walk out, actively seek for ways
57:06 to walk out that love toward other people.
57:08 The fruit of the Spirit is joy.
57:11 Choose to surrender whatever you're dealing with,
57:14 choose to accept it, choose to walk in God's way,
57:20 choose to give thanks.
57:23 The fruit of the Spirit is peace.
57:26 Ask Him to make you in right standing with Him
57:29 and to give you His peace,
57:30 which is so different from what the world gives.
57:34 And choose...
57:36 The fruit of the Spirit is patience,
57:38 choose to accept the trial, the difficulty,
57:40 what you're going through right now with His grace,
57:45 with His joy,
57:47 and you will experience His patience.
57:49 Know that our Thompsonville Church here,
57:52 our 3ABN family that we love you at home,
57:54 that we are praying for you, and may God work His fruit,
57:58 the grace of His spirit
58:00 into your life and into your heart.
58:02 Let's pray.
58:03 Father, we thank You,
58:05 thank You for the fruit of the Spirit.
58:06 Thank You for the work You do in our hearts and in our lives,
58:12 how You want to change us into the image of Jesus.
58:16 We give You permission just now to take out all those things
58:21 that are unlovely and unlike You,
58:24 and to fill us with Jesus.
58:26 We thank You and give You praise and glory.


Revised 2018-09-24