A Sharper Focus

iChoose ...to be God's Ambassador

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000154A

00:21 Good evening and welcome to A Sharper Focus.
00:24 My name is Jill Morikone.
00:25 We're so glad that you have taken time
00:28 this Wednesday evening to spend with us.
00:31 Here at the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church,
00:33 A Sharper Focus in the study of the Word of God.
00:37 It's a privilege, isn't it, to be able to come together
00:40 as brothers and sisters in Jesus
00:42 and study the Word of God.
00:43 And we're so glad that you have taken time
00:46 from your schedule to join us.
00:47 We want to encourage you to go to our website,
00:50 www.ASF.3ABN.org.
00:55 That's ASF.3ABN.org
00:59 There you can find past videos from the Sharper Focus.
01:02 Normally, Pastor John Lomacang does the Sharper Focus,
01:05 they would be on there, as well as study guides
01:08 where you can follow along.
01:10 So we are so glad that you have joined us.
01:12 And let's go to a scripture first
01:14 before we open up in prayer here this evening.
01:19 So our opening scripture is 2 Corinthians.
01:22 If you have your Bibles, turn with me.
01:24 If you have your Bibles at home,
01:26 we want to encourage you to turn with us.
01:28 2 Corinthians 5,
01:31 we're going to look at verse 17, 18, and 20.
01:36 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
01:40 he is a new creation,"
01:43 or a new creature.
01:44 "Old things have passed away,
01:46 behold, all things have become new.
01:49 Now all things are of God,
01:51 who has reconciled us to Himself
01:54 through Jesus Christ,
01:56 and has given us the ministry of reconciliation."
02:00 Verse 20, "Now then, we," that's you and I,
02:04 each one of us," are ambassadors for Christ,
02:07 as though God were pleading through us.
02:10 We implore you on Christ's behalf,
02:13 be reconciled to God."
02:16 Let's pray.
02:17 Father, we come before You this evening.
02:19 We thank You for Your Word.
02:22 I just ask right now that You could get me
02:25 out of the way, that You could hide me,
02:27 that Your Word would come alive.
02:30 Thank You for the promise. Your Word never returns void.
02:34 And we ask tonight that You will,
02:36 by the power of Your Holy Spirit,
02:38 accomplish in each one of our hearts what You desire.
02:42 We thank You in the precious and the holy name in Jesus,
02:46 amen.
02:47 Greg and I were traveling on 57.
02:50 Now we all know 57 is fairly close here to 3ABN.
02:53 It's a north south road
02:55 that kind of cuts Illinois in half,
02:57 right, from east to west.
02:59 It goes from Chicago all the way down
03:00 to the tip of the state.
03:03 We were traveling south on 57
03:05 and we were getting ready to get off Exit 71.
03:10 That is the...
03:12 That's right, Abby, the Benton exit.
03:14 So we were in the right lane getting ready
03:17 to take a right to get off.
03:20 And all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye,
03:22 I saw a pickup truck passing us
03:25 on the left hand side of the road.
03:27 The pickup truck was a big, big pickup truck.
03:32 Now I call most pickup trucks big boy pickup trucks.
03:35 Greg my husband has a big boy pickup truck
03:37 just because, to me,
03:39 they just seem like a man's truck or something.
03:42 No offense to any of you, lady drivers,
03:44 who drive a pickup truck.
03:46 So this was the granddaddy of big boy pickup trucks.
03:50 It was not just a pickup truck, it had the double wheels,
03:54 whatever you call that, the two tires, you know.
03:57 It was jacked up really high, it had a duel exhaust,
04:00 and it was roaring.
04:02 And there was a man driving.
04:03 And as it passed,
04:04 we're taking the Exit 71 to Benton,
04:07 and I just looked in the back window of the cap.
04:11 And it had two words there,
04:14 it said, Hell, Bent.
04:18 Hell, Bent.
04:19 And I wish I could tell you
04:21 that the first thought in my mind was,
04:23 "Lord Jesus, I pray for that man whoever he is,
04:26 whatever he's dealing with, whatever he's going through,
04:29 I ask for his salvation,"
04:32 but that was not my first thought.
04:38 Confession is hard on the reputation, right?
04:41 For good for the character
04:42 and that was not my first thought.
04:45 My very first thought was,
04:47 "God, I thank You, I am heaven bound."
04:52 Where did that thought come from?
04:55 Am I complacent where I'm at spiritually?
04:59 Am I proud?
05:01 Do I have no compassion, no burden for hurting,
05:06 lost people?
05:09 Where did that thought come from?
05:11 I don't know if you feel that way tonight.
05:14 God, I just thank You, I'm heaven bound.
05:16 I'm not really concerned about anyone else.
05:19 Or maybe, you feel unworthy to witness.
05:24 Turn back just one chapter.
05:26 We're still inside Corinthians,
05:28 we're going back to 2 Corinthians 4,
05:31 2 Corinthians 4.
05:34 We're getting into our message tonight.
05:36 This is just laying groundwork.
05:38 2 Corinthians 4:6-7.
05:42 These are two of my favorite scriptures in the Bible.
05:45 "For God who commanded the light
05:49 to shine out of darkness,"
05:52 this world, we could say, is a dark place.
05:55 Isn't it, Yanick? It's dark. Yeah. Yeah.
05:58 Sin, sickness, disease, suffering, death,
06:03 it's a dark place.
06:05 Into the midst of this dark world,
06:07 the light has shone.
06:09 It says, God shone the light in our hearts,
06:12 sets you and me,
06:14 "In our hearts to give the light of the knowledge
06:17 of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."
06:22 God brought Himself.
06:25 Jesus, the light of the world,
06:28 into this dark place,
06:32 into this dark world, Jesus came.
06:35 And where does that light shine the brightest?
06:38 In our hearts. The next verse.
06:40 "We have this treasure," that's the gospel,
06:42 that's Jesus the light of the world,"
06:45 in earthen vessels,
06:47 that the excellence of the power
06:49 may be of God and not of us."
06:52 I have on the table here in front of Lorraine, a jar.
06:56 This is from Robby Dee.
06:59 Robby Dee, you know, works here at 3ABN
07:01 and does a wonderful job
07:02 with set design and all kinds of.
07:04 She's very creative.
07:05 So this is a clay pot.
07:08 Now that verse, verse 7
07:09 in the New Living Translation says,
07:11 we have this treasure, that's the gospel of Jesus,
07:13 that's the light of Jesus
07:15 in Jars of Clay.
07:19 The gospel is poured into you and I.
07:22 Simple jars of clay.
07:24 If I turn this pot toward the camera,
07:26 can you see that?
07:27 You see the crack right there.
07:30 You and I are flawed.
07:32 Could we say that, cracked, imperfect vessels,
07:37 but God says, I want to pour the gospel,
07:41 whether we feel worthy or not,
07:43 whether we feel capable or not,
07:47 He says, I can use you.
07:49 I can use you as my ambassador.
07:54 So tonight, our topic, the title is "iChoose."
07:58 If I had my phone here, now I don't have an iPhone,
08:00 I have an android phone.
08:02 But, you know, the iPhone has the little i
08:05 and the capital P.
08:06 You know, how they spell it? iPhone.
08:08 Tonight is little i, capital C,
08:13 iChoose to be God's ambassador.
08:17 We're going to look at three different ways
08:19 that as we make this choice, three different choices
08:22 we can make as God's ambassadors.
08:24 So those choices, I'll tell you
08:25 and then we'll unpackage each one.
08:27 I choose to walk in compassion, that's number one.
08:32 I choose to walk in compassion.
08:34 Number two, I choose to walk in surrender.
08:39 And number three, I choose to walk in fervent prayer.
08:45 The first one, I choose to walk in compassion.
08:47 Remember, the story of the Good Samaritan,
08:49 we find that in Luke 10,
08:52 Jesus was talking, teaching.
08:57 And a lawyer came up to Him and said,
08:59 "What can I do to inherit eternal life?"
09:02 And remember, Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God
09:04 with all your mind, soul, and strength,
09:06 and your neighbor as yourself."
09:08 But the Bible says,
09:09 the lawyer trying to justify himself,
09:13 said, "Who is my neighbor?
09:16 Who is my neighbor?" Right?
09:17 And so Jesus told the parable, we call it the Good Samaritan.
09:21 The Bible says a certain man went down
09:24 from Jerusalem to Jericho.
09:29 Now a couple years ago, Greg and I
09:30 had the privilege of going to Israel.
09:33 And when you go to Israel, it truly is down
09:37 from Jerusalem to Jericho.
09:40 You're traveling east.
09:42 If you think about a map here,
09:44 Jerusalem's here and Jericho would really be straight east.
09:48 But elevation wise, you're traveling down,
09:52 it's 3,000 feet elevation drop and probably 18 miles,
09:57 it takes to get from Jerusalem over to Jericho.
10:01 It's probably 3,000 feet.
10:03 You're heading down toward the Dead Sea.
10:05 Jericho is a little bit north of the Dead Sea,
10:07 but you're heading down toward the Dead Sea.
10:10 So this man went down toward Jericho.
10:14 And on the way he got attacked, we know this story,
10:16 and he was left for dead by the side of the road.
10:18 Now remember, a certain religious man
10:22 passed by.
10:24 Who was the first man who passed?
10:25 Does anybody remember?
10:28 The Levite, okay.
10:30 So the Levite passed
10:33 and the priest.
10:35 Both of them, remember?
10:36 Not at the same time, but the Bible says
10:38 the Levite passed and the priest.
10:40 Remember, the priest walked on the other side.
10:42 Okay, he's over here and he said,
10:45 "Oh, I'm going over here," right,
10:47 because there was some sort of ritualistic contaminate...
10:51 You could be contaminated if you were brought in contact
10:54 with a dead person so they had all this ritual.
10:56 "I'm not going to be contaminated.
10:59 I'm walking by on the other side."
11:00 Remember, the Levite, he paused to look.
11:03 "Oh,
11:05 he looks dead.
11:07 Oh, I don't want to get involved.
11:10 I'm going over here.
11:11 I'm going on this side.
11:13 I don't want to be involved."
11:15 I think there's hindrances, God calls us
11:17 to walk in compassion, I choose to walk in compassion,
11:21 there's hindrances to us walking in compassion.
11:27 In my own life, they're called indifference,
11:31 selfishness,
11:35 busyness.
11:37 I don't know if you can relate to any of that.
11:40 I have a busy day, God, I have a lot of things
11:43 going on right now.
11:44 I see something over here.
11:47 I don't have time to get involved.
11:49 I'm going to step and walk on the other side.
11:54 In contrast to that, we see the example of Jesus.
11:58 Turn with me to Matthew. Matthew 8.
12:02 There is at least 31 recorded healings
12:06 of Jesus in the New Testament, in the gospels.
12:11 Many miracles, remember, the Gospel of John
12:14 at the end says, many more miracles Jesus did,
12:16 but there's not even a room to put them in.
12:19 So there's many more but there's at least
12:22 31 recorded healings in the Bible.
12:24 We are in Matthew 8.
12:28 We're going to look at verses 1 through 3.
12:30 I think this is one of my favorite passages
12:35 of Jesus' healing.
12:38 This is right after, remember, Matthew 5, 6, 7
12:40 is the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus laid out the principles
12:44 of His kingdom.
12:46 And now verse 1, Matthew 8:1.
12:48 "When He had come down from the mountain..."
12:51 Jesus just comes down from that mount of blessing,
12:54 the mount of beatitudes.
12:55 "When He had come down from the mountain,
12:58 great multitudes followed Him.
13:01 And behold, a leper came and worshiped Him, saying,
13:04 'Lord, if You are willing,
13:07 You can make me clean.'
13:10 Then Jesus," my favorite part,"
13:13 put out His hand and touched him,
13:17 saying, 'I am willing, be cleansed.'"
13:20 And the Bible says,
13:22 "After a great while
13:24 his leprosy was cleansed."
13:26 No what does it say?
13:28 Immediately.
13:30 Immediately, his leprosy was cleansed.
13:34 As I look at the example of Jesus.
13:35 In contrast to the priest and the Levite
13:38 who went on the other side, as I look at His example,
13:41 four things stand out to me.
13:44 First, He saw a need.
13:48 Now in our lives, in our experience,
13:50 there's many obvious needs.
13:52 Now in this case, it was an obvious need.
13:54 Would you say that?
13:56 A leper in Jesus' time
13:58 was considered unclean.
14:01 And so when he came out, he had to cry what,
14:07 unclean, unclean.
14:09 So he could not come privately to Jesus
14:12 and like the woman try to touch the hem of the garment,
14:15 everybody knew that the leper is on his way.
14:18 Unclean, he has to cry.
14:20 So in that case, it was an obvious need.
14:23 Jesus didn't have to try to look for the need,
14:26 He saw it, he heard it, it was obvious.
14:29 There's obvious needs we see.
14:32 Maybe someone is intoxicated, and you can tell that,
14:36 that's an obvious need.
14:38 Someone in the church is in the hospital and sick,
14:41 that's an obvious need.
14:43 But I think the needs that are hard to see
14:46 are the ones that are hidden.
14:48 You think about someone in a marriage struggling,
14:53 think about someone as a child being abused,
14:57 not telling anybody about it, that's a hidden need.
15:01 You think about someone dealing with anger,
15:04 lust, unforgiveness,
15:07 now they're going to come to church
15:09 if they go to church, and say,
15:12 "I'm doing well."
15:14 How are you supposed to see the need
15:16 in someone else's life?
15:18 I know Monday nights, for several years,
15:21 I had the privilege of going to jail with Ressa,
15:24 and some of my other sisters here in church.
15:28 And this particular Monday night,
15:30 we asked the girls,
15:33 "If you could use one word,
15:36 what one word would someone else use
15:39 to describe yourself?
15:42 So Lorraine here would say,
15:46 "Jill would describe me as whatever."
15:49 What one word would someone else use
15:52 to describe you?
15:54 And the girls kind of looked around.
15:55 We're in a small little cement room there.
15:57 And the girls kind of looked around.
16:00 And the one girl who was usually prone to talk,
16:03 she always talked, and she's got excited,
16:05 and she liked to talk.
16:07 She said, oh, she laughed, she said,
16:09 "My friends would call me mouthy."
16:13 And it was true.
16:14 She always had something to say and she liked to talk.
16:18 And so the girls seemed to, kind of, enjoy this
16:20 and we started around the circle.
16:23 Oh, I'm fun loving.
16:24 My friends would describe me as fun loving,
16:27 loud, quiet.
16:30 We're all different.
16:31 Pretty, and she was beautiful long dark hair,
16:35 just a beautiful girl,
16:37 boisterous,
16:38 sweet,
16:40 nice.
16:42 Then I said, the mood was happy,
16:44 they're bantering, they're having a good time.
16:47 Then I said, now let's change it up,
16:49 not how would Jill describe Lorraine,
16:52 but how would Lorraine describe herself.
16:56 What one word would you use
16:59 to the describe yourself?
17:03 Instantly, the atmosphere in the room changed.
17:06 They had been laughing
17:07 and kind of joking with each other,
17:09 having a good time and all of a sudden,
17:12 it got quiet.
17:14 And instead of looking at me, they kind of
17:16 looked at their feet and fidgeted.
17:19 And I said, "It's okay, be honest."
17:23 So I looked at the girl who had said,
17:25 "My friends would call me mouthy,"
17:26 the first one who talked.
17:28 And I looked at her and I said, "What word would you use
17:31 to describe yourself?"
17:34 And she looked up, and I was surprised
17:36 before she'd been laughing,
17:39 and now there was pain in her eyes.
17:41 And she said, depressed.
17:44 And then she just lowered her head to the floor
17:48 and I said, thank you for being honest.
17:49 Does anybody else want to share?
17:52 We're talking about...
17:53 The mask is gone, right?
17:55 How other people see, and these are the true needs
17:57 that are going on inside of their heart and life.
17:59 So we went around the room, confused,
18:03 lonely,
18:05 afraid,
18:07 angry,
18:09 and the last one,
18:11 she said, broken.
18:13 And then she began to cry.
18:16 Those are what I would call the hidden needs.
18:20 Now when we walk into jail, they didn't tell us that,
18:23 they were laughing, and boisterous,
18:25 and having a good time, and bantering back and forth,
18:30 and you could say, I don't see any hidden,
18:32 I don't see any need.
18:33 Obviously, they're in jail, okay, there is a need,
18:35 I'm not saying that.
18:37 But I don't see a need, you know,
18:38 we just come to church and we see people.
18:40 We walk down the street, we communicate with family,
18:43 and spouses, and kids, and neighbors,
18:46 and we might not see a need.
18:48 And so I think God calls us as
18:53 choosing to be His ambassador.
18:55 I choose to be His ambassador.
18:57 As we choose to walk in compassion,
19:00 God calls us to ask Him
19:03 to show us the needs around us.
19:06 Ask God, what are the needs of those in my family?
19:10 What are the needs of those in my church?
19:11 Or as I go today,
19:14 this morning, God, I pray that today
19:16 as I go throughout my day, You would reveal to me
19:20 the need in someone's life,
19:22 the hidden need that I'm not seeing.
19:25 The Holy Spirit knows what those needs are.
19:27 And then, this is for me,
19:30 I need to take time to see the needs,
19:33 take time to notice that.
19:35 So first, I see in this story of Jesus healing the leper,
19:37 He saw the need.
19:39 Second, He stopped and listened.
19:42 Remember, the lepers coming toward Him
19:44 and the leper could have come
19:46 and he's crying unclean, unclean,
19:48 and Jesus could have said, "I'm busy.
19:51 I got stuff going on, I've got to teach My disciples.
19:55 I need to go to the temple and worship."
19:57 He stopped and He listened to what the leper had to say.
20:03 I think God calls each one of us as His children
20:06 to take time, to stop, and to listen.
20:11 Third thing I see is that He took action.
20:16 He didn't just listen to the leper,
20:17 He listened to the problems
20:19 and the things he's going through.
20:20 And then said,
20:22 "Okay, I'm sorry you're having a bad day today,
20:27 go in peace," right?
20:29 He took action.
20:31 Now at 3ABN,
20:33 we receive many phone calls from many people,
20:36 but one that we receive on a continual basis,
20:39 I would say many different people,
20:41 they call in and they say,
20:43 "God has put this ministry on my heart.
20:47 God is...
20:48 I see there's a need in this certain place
20:51 whatever it is.
20:52 There's a need for a soup kitchen,
20:54 there's a need for a ministry for young people,
20:56 there's a need for a ministry for homeless, okay?
21:00 And then they say, and I always say, first of all,
21:03 I always say, wonderful, praise the Lord.
21:06 He's given you this ministry, this burden.
21:09 Let's pray together over that.
21:11 But you know what many times happens?
21:13 They say,
21:15 "Oh, I thought maybe 3ABN could take that on.
21:20 3ABN could start a homeless ministry.
21:24 And you know our answer is always
21:25 God gave us our mission.
21:27 Our mission is to proclaim
21:29 the undiluted three angels' messages
21:32 to a lost and dying world.
21:34 But if God put that burden on your heart,
21:37 then you're supposed to act on it, right?
21:39 God doesn't give me a burden
21:41 that Iris is supposed to take care of.
21:44 No.
21:46 If God wants Iris to do something,
21:47 He's going to put it on Iris's heart.
21:50 So I think as we choose to walk in compassion,
21:56 we see the need or ask God to show us the need.
21:59 We stop and listen,
22:01 and then we choose to take action.
22:03 Not say, so and so needs to take action
22:05 on this issue or this need I see here,
22:08 we choose ourselves to step out and to take action.
22:12 And number four is my favorite,
22:14 this is I choose to walk in compassion.
22:17 Jesus put out His hand and touched.
22:22 Now in their day,
22:25 no person would jeopardize his health
22:30 or his ritualistic purity by coming in contact
22:35 with a person with leprosy.
22:37 And yet,
22:40 He reached out and touched.
22:43 There's many untouchables in our life,
22:46 in our ministry as we travel, as we are God's ambassadors,
22:51 and God calls us not to turn away
22:55 in difference,
22:58 in busyness,
23:02 even in revulsion,
23:04 He calls us to reach out
23:07 and to touch,
23:08 reach out and minister.
23:10 So first, I choose to walk in compassion.
23:14 Second, I choose to walk in surrender.
23:17 Turn with me to Galatians 2.
23:22 Galatians 2.
23:25 I like the writings of Paul.
23:30 Almost all the books,
23:31 you know, that he wrote, I love those.
23:33 We're in Galatians 2:20.
23:38 "I have been crucified with Christ,
23:41 but it is no longer I who live,"
23:43 we're talking about surrender,"
23:45 but Christ who lives in me,
23:48 and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith,"
23:52 that's right,"
23:54 in the Son of God, who loved me
23:56 and gave Himself for me."
24:00 I am crucified with Christ.
24:03 Surrender is kind of a difficult term sometimes.
24:06 It seems confusing.
24:07 What in the world does surrender mean?
24:09 But I think surrender is simply saying, yes to Jesus,
24:13 every time He calls from my heart.
24:16 Every time I'm facing a decision
24:18 is just saying yes to Jesus.
24:20 I think as we choose to be His ambassador,
24:25 as we choose to step out in ministry,
24:27 many times God calls us to minister to someone
24:30 or maybe, I shouldn't even say that,
24:33 God can call me to minister to someone
24:37 that I don't want to minister to.
24:39 Anybody been there?
24:41 God...
24:43 Couldn't you have called Pastor Lomacang.
24:47 Oh, Cynthia, she is a godly woman.
24:49 Couldn't you have called Cynthia to minister?
24:53 Why did you call me?
24:55 You ever felt that?
24:57 I choose to walk in surrender.
25:00 What does God ask us to surrender?
25:03 He asks me personally to surrender
25:05 my unwillingness to witness.
25:09 Sometimes it's my pride,
25:12 and I think I'm too good to witness.
25:15 Let so and so do the witnessing.
25:18 Sometimes it's my selfishness
25:20 'cause I think I don't have time to witness.
25:24 And He says get out of yourself, Jill.
25:27 Surrender that and reach out for someone else.
25:31 Sometimes it is my bitterness or unforgiveness
25:35 toward someone else.
25:36 "Oh, Lord, you couldn't be asking me to witness to Lorrain
25:39 'cause I don't even like her."
25:41 Now that's not true, she is my friend,
25:44 so I can say that.
25:47 But sometimes God calls us to witness
25:52 to someone that maybe we're holding a grudge against
25:56 or we need to ask God's forgiveness for.
26:02 Hebrews 12, I love that scripture.
26:05 Hebrews 12:14-15,
26:08 "Follow peace with all men and holiness,
26:11 without which no one shall see God."
26:14 And then it continues,
26:15 "Looking diligently lest any root of bitterness
26:20 springing up trouble you,
26:22 and thereby many people be defiled."
26:25 If I hang on to unforgiveness, what's it going to do?
26:29 It's going to affect other people.
26:31 It's going to affect my ability to witness.
26:36 And sometimes God asks me
26:37 to surrender my irritation.
26:42 Father, do I have to witness?
26:44 Do I have to do that?
26:46 Ephesians 4, Ephesians 4:31, "Let all bitterness, and wrath,
26:50 and anger,"
26:52 King James says, "in clamor,
26:54 and evil speaking
26:56 be put away from you, with all malice."
26:59 And be kind one to another, tender hearted,
27:04 forgiving each other, even as God in Christ Jesus
27:08 forgave me, forgave you.
27:13 Sometime ago,
27:15 and I debated whether I should tell you this story or not.
27:20 But I think it shows
27:21 what God wants to do the work He wants to do in our lives.
27:26 Sometime ago, I was in the office
27:27 and someone called
27:29 and I felt irritated.
27:34 Have you ever felt irritated at somebody?
27:36 So I was on the phone and this precious woman,
27:42 she's a daughter of God.
27:44 I fell irritated.
27:50 And...
27:52 we talked, and talked some more,
27:56 and talked some more, and all I could think of is,
28:00 "God, I don't even want to witness to her."
28:03 Forgive me, I'm being honest.
28:05 I don't even want to deal with this.
28:08 And then I turned, I work in an office
28:12 with several women.
28:14 I turned and I went like,
28:17 you ever made that face?
28:20 And as soon as I did that, she said,
28:23 "Would you pray with me, Jill?"
28:27 And I thought how can I pray?
28:32 I have, she is God's daughter
28:36 and I have just made a face.
28:38 I have just let my irritation come through.
28:42 But I know we're supposed to pray,
28:44 God calls us to pray.
28:47 And so I began to pray and I felt like
28:49 the world's worst hypocrite
28:54 praying for someone when I had just made a face.
28:59 And as soon as I hung up the phone,
29:02 I turned to the ladies in the office and I said,
29:04 "I'm sorry, would you forgive me?"
29:06 She is God's daughter.
29:08 God calls each one of us to witness for Him.
29:14 And here I am in my own selfishness,
29:19 my own stuff unwilling
29:23 to reach out and witness.
29:25 In contrast to that just a few weeks ago,
29:28 I got a letter in the office from a woman
29:32 who is a viewer of 3ABN and she's a precious lady.
29:35 And I called her on the phone and asked her
29:38 if I could share this story and she said,
29:39 "I could as long as I didn't mention her name."
29:43 She sent me this story.
29:44 She's a great writer, I won't read you the story,
29:47 but she's a great writer.
29:48 And it's about, she's an older woman,
29:50 and it's about years ago, when she and her husband
29:54 went deep sea fishing off the coast of Delaware.
29:59 And she said, they would go three or four times each summer
30:02 and they would go fishing
30:04 and something her husband enjoyed,
30:05 something they could do together.
30:07 So she wrote the story in first-person.
30:09 So I'll share with you in first-person,
30:10 but it didn't happen to me,
30:12 it happened to this viewer of 3ABN.
30:14 She's a precious lady.
30:15 So she said, my husband and I would go deep sea fishing off
30:18 the coast of Delaware.
30:20 And there was a girl there who her name was Carla.
30:24 They called her a boat girl or a captain's mate.
30:28 So she had more energy than anybody that I had met.
30:33 And any time someone would yell,
30:36 fish or trouble with a line or something,
30:38 she was there working to untangle the line,
30:40 working to help and she was a great worker.
30:44 Not an exceptionally beautiful woman
30:47 but she was attractive.
30:48 She was smiling, she was friendly,
30:51 she was helpful.
30:53 Carla was probably 16 years old.
30:58 We usually went down three or four times each summer.
31:03 Carla seemed more tired, more and more tired.
31:08 But I thought well, she's working hard.
31:10 It's 'cause she's working so hard,
31:12 that's why Carla is getting tired.
31:15 When she got off work, got off the boat,
31:19 she would walk up to beach, there would be kind of a trail
31:22 of boys of young men following her.
31:25 And one night,
31:28 I saw her entering
31:30 a back alley door with a blue light overhead.
31:35 And I kind of knew what that meant.
31:38 And I got her address then I tried to go to her house
31:41 where she lived with her mother
31:42 and it was just a ramshackle house on stilts.
31:46 Then the next summer, my husband and I came down,
31:48 and she was no longer working on the boat.
31:53 They had transitioned her to selling tickets.
31:57 And the captain said, she's no longer real steady
31:59 on her feet.
32:01 That's why we had to put her on the shore.
32:04 And then a few times later,
32:07 I don't remember if it was years
32:08 or just a few times,
32:10 then Carla was working with the food.
32:14 And then the next time Carla was picking up the litter,
32:18 the trash, that was on the beach.
32:21 Then the next year
32:23 when my husband and I came to go deep sea fishing
32:26 off the coast to Delaware,
32:29 we didn't see Carla.
32:31 And we asked and nobody seemed to even really care
32:34 where she was.
32:37 And so we went fishing several times,
32:40 and on the very last day, we came off the boat.
32:45 Now at the corner of my eyes, I saw someone sitting
32:47 in a wheelchair on the beach.
32:51 I need to back up my story before I get to the wheelchair,
32:54 I should have told you this very vital piece in the story,
32:58 which I hadn't seen Carla, I hadn't seen Carla.
33:01 I decided to send her a letter.
33:06 I didn't have her address,
33:08 I didn't even really know her name,
33:10 but I poured all the love in my heart for her
33:14 and all the love that Jesus had for her.
33:19 I sent it, never heard anything back.
33:23 Now we're to the point.
33:24 I get off the boat,
33:26 someone's in a wheelchair there.
33:28 Oh!
33:29 As I got closer,
33:31 she had eyes as blue as summer sea
33:35 but they were kind of faded.
33:36 And I realized it was Carla.
33:41 And so I went to her and hugged her
33:43 and I said, "Oh, Carla."
33:45 She said, "No, no, don't you know,
33:47 I have AIDS.
33:49 I have...
33:51 just a short time to live."
33:55 And I said, "Oh, Carla, I didn't know you had AIDS.
33:59 I sent you a letter."
34:01 She said, "I got it.
34:04 I got your letter.
34:06 And I'll see you up there."
34:13 That to me is an example of a heart
34:17 that walks in compassion,
34:20 and a heart that walks in surrender.
34:24 You know, when God impressed her
34:26 to write that letter, she could have said,
34:30 "Why am I writing the letter?
34:31 I don't know Carla that well.
34:33 I just knew her little bit from the boat
34:34 and I know her health, she seemed little tired,
34:36 but I don't know what's wrong with her.
34:38 I don't have an address. God, I'm off the hook.
34:41 I don't need to write anything."
34:43 But instead she walked in surrender.
34:47 God says, "Write the letter."
34:49 She wrote the letter.
34:52 What an impact it had on that young woman's life
34:55 and Carla will be in heaven because this precious woman,
35:01 who sent me this story,
35:04 made a choice to walk in compassion
35:07 towards someone else,
35:09 made a choice to walk in surrender
35:12 to what God asked her to do.
35:16 Many times when God asks us...
35:18 You think of the stories in the Bible,
35:20 remember, Jeremiah, he said,
35:23 "I'm a child.
35:24 I can't do it."
35:26 And God said,
35:27 "Do not be afraid of their faces,
35:29 for I will be with you."
35:31 Remember, Moses said, "I can't talk."
35:34 And God said,
35:36 "Has not, did not I make man's mouth."
35:40 Now therefore go and I'll be with your mouth
35:43 and I'll teach you what you need to say.
35:47 Paul could have said, "I killed people."
35:49 Surely, God, you don't want to use me,
35:53 use somebody else,
35:55 but instead he surrendered and he said,
35:58 "I'm willing."
36:01 The third.
36:02 First, I choose to walk in compassion.
36:05 Second, I choose to walk in surrender.
36:08 Third, I choose to walk in fervent prayer.
36:13 It was one of those nights
36:14 when I did not want to do ministry.
36:18 You know one of those nights, it was a busy day at work
36:20 and I was just ready to go home,
36:23 but instead it was our time for ministry at the jail.
36:26 And I wasn't even feeling very good.
36:28 I was feeling kind of dizzy or light-headed
36:32 or something like that.
36:33 And so I drove in, Ressa and I went in.
36:37 And then we got to the jail, we always pray before we go in.
36:42 And I said, "Oh, Ressa, do you mind praying for me,
36:45 I'm just not feeling well?"
36:47 And she said, I thought someone seemed a little different,
36:49 and she prayed for me.
36:51 And I thought "Okay, thank You, God,
36:53 You're going to give me what I needed."
36:54 I walked out of the...
36:56 Stepped out of the car and I had to like hold onto it
36:58 because I still felt like I was going to fall down.
37:00 And we walked into the jail and I still felt weak and dizzy
37:03 and I don't know, God, I just, why am I here.
37:07 And we stepped in and we did prayer requests.
37:11 And...
37:13 one of the girls raised her hand and she said,
37:17 the normal prayer requests would be my boyfriend,
37:22 my husband, who's in jail,
37:24 my ex, my kids,
37:28 my upcoming court date, those are the normal
37:31 what four, three, four requests.
37:33 She said, "I want to be a preacher when I get out."
37:38 Wow!
37:39 You want to be a preacher.
37:41 I don't think I'd ever heard someone in jail say that.
37:43 I want to be a preacher when I get out.
37:46 So I said, "Oh, praise the Lord.
37:48 That's wonderful.
37:49 Keep studying God's Word, keep walking in obedience
37:53 to what He's called you to do."
37:54 Then we stood for prayer and we always say,
37:56 "Does someone want to pray?"
37:58 And usually,
38:00 they either say, no,
38:02 and we pray or one or two would offer a short prayer.
38:08 But this night, we'll call her Patty,
38:10 this night Patty began to pray.
38:14 I have never in my life heard an inmate pray
38:20 like Patty prayed.
38:22 And just being honest,
38:23 I'm not sure I've heard many preachers or Christians
38:29 pray like Patty prayed that night.
38:32 She prayed by name for each person in the circle.
38:37 The needs they had,
38:38 the addictions they were struggling with,
38:40 the stuff, the junk in their lives,
38:42 she lifted each one up by name
38:44 and then she began to rebuke the drug culture
38:47 here in southern Illinois.
38:49 And I thought how long had I been going to jail.
38:54 I don't think ever once that I prayed,
38:56 that God would rebuke the entire drug culture
39:00 in a certain area.
39:02 And it rebuked to my heart because Patty knew how to pray.
39:08 God calls us to walk in fervent prayer.
39:11 Watchman Nee
39:14 was born in China, 1903.
39:17 And he lived till 1972.
39:19 He was a Christian church leader, and author,
39:23 a teacher.
39:24 He was in prison the last 20 years of his life
39:28 for his faith.
39:30 But before he became a Christian,
39:32 when he was in college,
39:33 is when he first heard about Jesus
39:36 and he decided to dedicate his life to Jesus.
39:40 He made a covenant that he would pray
39:43 for his friends.
39:45 Now he came from a secular background,
39:47 so his friends are all secular, they're not Christians.
39:51 And he began to pray for his friends.
39:55 Now he made a list.
39:56 Now if I were to come up
39:57 with a list of friends, what would you have?
39:59 Ten? Twenty? Thirty? Forty?
40:02 He said, he had 40 friends.
40:04 That's a lot of friends, right?
40:05 Fifty friends, that's a lot of friends?
40:07 Seventy.
40:09 He made a list of 70 people.
40:12 Seventy of his friends
40:14 that he wanted to intercede for.
40:20 He prayed not just wrote them on a list,
40:25 and okay, Father, I just ask you
40:26 to bless John, and Sally,
40:28 and Mary, and Moses, and Henry,
40:31 he prayed passionately, fervently,
40:36 expectantly for each one.
40:39 He took them one by one, sometimes
40:41 You can read the story.
40:42 Sometimes he spent all night
40:46 in prayer
40:47 for one of his friends.
40:50 And one by one,
40:53 they came to accept Jesus.
40:56 Five, ten, fifteen, twenty,
41:00 thirty, forty, fifty, sixty,
41:05 sixty-eight.
41:07 Sixty eight of his seventy friends
41:10 that he covenanted with God, he was going to pray for,
41:16 they accepted Jesus.
41:18 Now you can't tell me prayer doesn't work.
41:20 Prayer doesn't change people's hearts and lives.
41:24 Psalm 2:8, turn with me there.
41:29 We can quote it but I love this chapter and verse.
41:32 Psalm 2:8.
41:37 King James says,
41:38 "Ask of Me,
41:41 and I will give You the heathen for Your inheritance,
41:46 and the uttermost parts of the world
41:49 for your possession."
41:51 Ask
41:54 You mean it's that simple?
41:56 Ask.
41:57 Ask for the conversion of your children,
42:01 ask for the conversion of your spouse,
42:05 ask for the conversion of those in your church,
42:10 those in your family, those in your neighborhood,
42:13 those who are your enemies,
42:17 ask.
42:18 John 16:24, Jesus speaking,
42:21 "Hither to or before you asked
42:24 nothing in my name.
42:27 Ask, and you shall receive,
42:31 that your joy may be full."
42:34 God calls us to ask for souls,
42:38 God calls us to ask for a boldness
42:42 to speak for Him.
42:45 It was a cold rainy day
42:48 and I had forgotten my umbrella.
42:51 So I was coming from the car
42:53 to Walmart there in Benton, I was going grocery shopping.
42:56 And so I'm dashing through
42:58 because I'm trying to get out of the rain
43:00 and I get into Walmart, and I grab a cart
43:03 and I start to go down the aisle.
43:07 I went to the cosmetic section first
43:11 and so I needed toothpaste and shampoo
43:15 and it was in the middle of that shampoo aisle,
43:18 that I saw her, gray hair, kind of like
43:22 pulled up away from her face,
43:24 kind looking face, real pleasant.
43:28 And I didn't think anything about it, I just smiled,
43:30 "Hi."
43:31 I went on with my cart, I'm looking for shampoo.
43:34 And all of a sudden,
43:35 a Walmart employee stopped to ask her,
43:39 "Excuse me, ma'am, what's wrong with your hand?"
43:43 I didn't notice there was anything
43:45 wrong with her hand.
43:46 So I turned around and I looked
43:50 and it was wrapped with a bandage,
43:53 kind of, loose wrapped around the hand.
43:57 And I thought, oh.
43:59 I wonder what's wrong and instantly
44:02 I felt the impression of the Holy Spirit,
44:04 not an audible voice
44:05 but, you know, when God speaks to you
44:07 in your heart and in your mind,
44:08 okay, I'm speaking to you right now.
44:11 So the impression was this,
44:13 "Jill, go talk to her."
44:17 Okay, "God, I can do that."
44:20 So I went over to her and I said,
44:22 "Hey, my name's Jill.
44:25 How are you?"
44:27 And she said, "Oh, my name's Jane."
44:29 That's not her name.
44:30 I don't remember her name actually.
44:32 My name's Jane.
44:35 And so I said, "I couldn't help but notice your hand,
44:37 it's all wrapped up in this bandage.
44:41 You mind telling me what's going on
44:42 with your hand?"
44:44 "Oh, no!" She was real open.
44:46 And she talked about the difficulty
44:48 she'd had with her hand and how she had been
44:50 to many doctors here in southern Illinois,
44:54 had gone farther away for more medical care,
44:58 still hadn't gotten the help that she needed.
45:01 She had gone all the way to Mayo Clinic
45:03 trying to get help for her hand.
45:06 She said, even the doctors at Mayo don't know
45:10 what's wrong with my hand.
45:13 And for the second time, I felt that impression,
45:16 the still small voice of the Holy Spirit,
45:19 "Pray with her, Jill."
45:21 And I thought...
45:23 We're in Walmart.
45:26 "God, did you notice that we're in Walmart?
45:30 There's a lot of people here."
45:33 I don't think I'll pray for her.
45:36 I think I'll do the Christian thing
45:38 and I'll say, "I'll pray for you later."
45:42 So I said, "My husband and I keep a prayer journal
45:46 and we'd really like to pray for you."
45:49 What a capo?
45:51 Oh, she said, but she didn't know
45:52 what the Holy Spirit was telling me, right?
45:54 She didn't know the wrestling I was having with my own mind
45:57 about this.
45:58 So she said, "Oh, honey, that's real nice."
46:02 So I got out my little pad and paper
46:04 and I wrote her name down, Jane.
46:07 "Pray for her hand" and the Holy Spirit said.
46:09 I said, "Pray for her now."
46:12 And I said, no.
46:16 You ever said no to the voice of the Holy Spirit?
46:21 So I turned and walked away,
46:24 I didn't feel very good inside.
46:28 And I thought well, it's too late,
46:31 I can't go back now.
46:32 I can't fix it. We'll just go on.
46:37 All of a sudden, I walked past the candles
46:43 and there she was looking at candles.
46:46 And the Holy Spirit spoke for the second time
46:49 or maybe it's the third by now, the third time,
46:52 "Jill, pray with her."
46:55 And thought oh, God,
46:57 I know I should have prayed before
46:59 and I know I was not obedient
47:01 to what You called me to do but I certainly cannot pray now
47:06 because how weird does that look.
47:07 I should have prayed when she first told me
47:09 about her hand and you first impressed me
47:11 to pray for her.
47:12 If I pray for her now,
47:17 I'm going to look weird.
47:19 Oh, I should have prayed for you before
47:21 but now I want to pray for you.
47:22 No, God, I'm not going to do it.
47:24 So for the third time, I said no.
47:29 We walk down, get to the back of the store, the groceries,
47:33 I'm starting to head to the grocery aisle
47:36 and I looked out of the corner of my eye,
47:39 she's there at the back of the store
47:41 where the butter and eggs are.
47:43 And the Holy Spirit spoke for the fourth time,
47:48 "Jill, go pray with her."
47:52 And I said, no.
47:56 God, you asked me here and I agree,
47:58 I should have done it but I didn't.
48:00 And so since I didn't do it then,
48:02 I'm not going to do it with the candles
48:04 and now it's been like 20 minutes or half an hour,
48:06 what am I going to say?
48:08 Excuse me, can I pray with you?
48:10 No, God.
48:11 And so I started going up and down the aisles
48:14 in the food feeling horrible.
48:18 You know what it's like when the Holy Spirit
48:20 convicts you in your heart, you need to do something.
48:24 And I knew I was walking in direct disobedience
48:27 to what He had called me to do.
48:29 So I was in the middle of the baking aisle,
48:32 you know, the flour, and the oil, and the spices.
48:36 And the Holy Spirit broke through
48:39 all my rationalizations,
48:43 all my defenses, all my stubbornness,
48:47 and pride, and selfishness
48:50 and said, "How many times
48:53 do I have to call for your heart
48:56 until you're going to walk in obedience."
48:59 And I said, "God, forgive me, I'm sorry.
49:03 I know that You wanted me to walk in prayer
49:07 and it's a simple thing, just praying with somebody.
49:12 But, God, I don't know if I'm going to see her again."
49:16 And, first of all, He said, of course, I forgive you.
49:19 I love you.
49:21 I made you.
49:24 I forgive you.
49:25 And I said, "God, thank You for forgiving me
49:28 but I want to make it right.
49:30 How am I going to find Jane again.
49:32 The Walmart's big, I don't know where she is."
49:35 And He said, trust me.
49:37 And so I walked to the end of the aisle and I looked,
49:41 this is all the way back to the butter and eggs
49:42 where I'd seen her before but it's been a while
49:44 since I saw her.
49:46 There she is.
49:47 I stood back and I said, "Oh, thank You, Jesus,
49:51 for allowing me not to redeem myself
49:54 but to walk in obedience, to walk in surrender,
49:58 to walk in prayer like You had asked me
50:00 to do the first time.
50:02 And so I hurry with my cart to the back of the store
50:04 and there was an older couple talking to her.
50:07 And all of a sudden they moved off
50:10 just as I came up and she said,
50:12 "Oh, hi, Jill."
50:13 This couple's from my church.
50:16 And I just told them about the nice girl I met
50:18 in Walmart who said she prayed for me.
50:21 Isn't God good?
50:23 He made it so easy for me to come back and pray.
50:26 It could have been like, who are you,
50:28 and I don't remember you,
50:29 and it could have been a difficult thing,
50:31 but He made it easy for me to obey.
50:34 And it was just the opening that I needed.
50:36 And I said, actually, Jane, that's why
50:39 I came back now to see if you would let me pray
50:44 for you right now.
50:46 And she said, "Oh, honey, I'd love that."
50:49 And she held her good hand out to me, the non-bandaged hand.
50:52 She held her good hand out to me and we held hands
50:55 in the middle of Walmart.
50:57 And petition the throne of grace asking for grace,
51:02 and mercy, and healing, and help, and forgiveness,
51:06 and I know that God heard and that He answered.
51:10 And that's not the end of the story.
51:14 A few months,
51:15 maybe it was six months, maybe it was a year,
51:18 I don't remember, it's been several years
51:19 since that happened.
51:21 Maybe it was six months, I don't remember,
51:22 I saw her again in Walmart.
51:25 And I said, "Oh, Jane, how are you?"
51:29 And we talked.
51:31 She remembered me and I remembered her instantly.
51:34 And we talked a bit.
51:36 And then she said, "Honey, what church you go to?"
51:39 And I said, "Oh,
51:40 I go to the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church."
51:44 And she said,
51:45 "I listen to your pastor on the radio, John Lomacang."
51:49 And I said, "That's right.
51:51 That's right."
51:52 You know sharing Jesus and witnessing to others,
51:56 we're talking about I choose to walk
51:58 as God's ambassador tonight.
52:01 Sharing Jesus witnessing to others
52:04 doesn't always come from a Bible study.
52:06 Yes, sometimes it does and God calls us
52:09 to give Bible studies,
52:11 but it doesn't always come from a Bible study.
52:14 It doesn't always come from someone
52:15 speaking in the pulpit
52:18 or from knocking on a stranger's door.
52:23 Sharing Jesus,
52:24 I believe is simply walking with Jesus.
52:28 Being obedient to His voice when He chooses
52:31 to speak to our heart, it's saying, here am, I Lord,
52:37 I choose to be an ambassador, I choose to walk in compassion,
52:41 I choose to walk in surrender,
52:45 I choose to walk in fervent prayer,
52:47 please send me.
52:50 The size of the job doesn't matter neither does it,
52:52 it's importance through the publicity
52:54 that it brings
52:56 or the pain that it causes my own heart and life,
53:00 all that matters is our willingness
53:03 to hear the voice of Jesus
53:05 and to say here am I, send me.
53:08 We have just a couple moments left.
53:09 I want to turn to that, Isaiah 6.
53:13 Isaiah was a young man.
53:15 We know when the prophetic call came to him.
53:20 And he wasn't really sure and God gave him this vision.
53:25 Isaiah 6:1,
53:30 he says, "In the year that King Uzziah died,
53:32 I saw the Lord sitting on a throne,
53:33 high and lifted up,"
53:34 so God gave him a vision of the temple.
53:38 "The train of His robe filled the temple,
53:40 and then there were the seraphim
53:41 with the six wings,
53:43 and they covered their face, and their feet,
53:44 and they flew and they said,
53:46 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts,
53:49 the whole earth is filled with His glory!'
53:53 And the posts of the door were shaken
53:55 by the voice of him who cried out,
53:57 and the house was filled with smoke."
54:01 He's seen a revelation of the glory of God.
54:04 And when he saw that, what happened?
54:07 Verse 5, he realized who he was
54:10 in relationship to God.
54:14 "Then I said, 'Woe is me, I am undone.'"
54:16 He sensed his own unworthiness,
54:19 I am undone.
54:20 "I am a man of unclean lips, and dwell
54:22 in the midst of a people of unclean lips,
54:24 mine eyes have seen the king, the Lord of hosts.'
54:28 Then one of the seraphim, the angels flew to him,
54:31 having in his hand a live coal
54:34 which he had taken with tongs from the altar."
54:38 He sensed his unworthiness, woe is me who am I
54:41 in the presence of God Almighty.
54:44 Then he said, I am unclean,
54:46 he repented and confessed of his sin.
54:50 Then he was cleansed, the hot coal
54:53 from off the altar touching his lips.
54:56 And the angel said,
54:58 "Behold, this has touched your lips,
54:59 your iniquity is taken away, and your sin is purged.
55:04 And then he heard the voice of the Lord, calling,
55:08 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?'
55:13 Then I said, "Here am I, send me."
55:18 I think God calls us to be His ambassadors.
55:21 We started out with 2 Corinthians 5,
55:24 now then we are ambassadors for Christ
55:26 as though God were pleading through us,
55:29 we implore you on Christ's behalf,
55:31 be reconciled to God.
55:33 And as He calls us to be His ambassador,
55:37 our job is to come before Him,
55:40 recognize who He is,
55:42 allow Him to touch us, to cleanse us,
55:46 to fill us with His Spirit, and then go forth willing.
55:51 Here am I, send me willing, obedient,
55:55 ready to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.
55:58 So tonight, I just want to appeal to you at home,
56:00 I don't know where you are in your walk with God.
56:04 Maybe you feel like the cracked clay pot
56:06 we held up at the beginning and you say,
56:09 I'm a mess, I got a lot of cracks.
56:11 God says, I can mend you, I can fill you,
56:16 I can pour the light of My gospel of Jesus
56:21 through you,
56:22 and even through those cracks, I can reveal Myself,
56:27 I can reveal Jesus through you.
56:31 Allow Him access to your heart.
56:34 Make a choice, I choose to be His ambassador,
56:39 make a choice to walk in compassion.
56:41 Ask God to show you the needs of the people
56:44 around you.
56:46 Take time, stop,
56:48 see those needs, listen to them,
56:50 and then whatever God puts on your heart and life,
56:54 step out in obedience,
56:58 reach out and touch,
56:59 walk in compassion, make a choice,
57:02 I choose to walk and surrender.
57:05 Whatever God calls you to surrender right now,
57:08 make a choice to surrender to Him.
57:09 And finally, I choose to walk in fervent prayer,
57:14 spend time every day, passionately, persistently,
57:18 fervently, praying for those in need.
57:22 We want to thank you for joining with us tonight
57:25 for A Sharper Focus.
57:27 Know that at 3ABN,
57:28 we love you and we pray for you.
57:30 Just pray that God would stand you up and equip you
57:33 to be all He has called you to be.
57:35 Let's as we could go out this evening,
57:37 let's go to the Lord in prayer.
57:39 Father, we thank You that You have called each one of us
57:43 to be Your ambassador.
57:46 Lord Jesus, we make a choice tonight to walk in compassion
57:50 toward our brothers and sisters,
57:52 who You who want to walk and surrender,
57:55 to whatever You have called us to do,
57:58 and we choose to walk in prayer.
58:00 Thank You for working in us and through us,
58:03 in the precious and holy name of Jesus, amen.
58:07 God bless.


Revised 2018-09-10