A Sharper Focus

The Truth About Jesus - part 6 of 6 / Dealing with Anger -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000153A

00:18 We thank you so much for tuning in tonight.
00:21 Welcome once again.
00:23 If you're joining us from here in the United States
00:24 or around the world, thank you for taking the time
00:27 to join us for our Bible study here at A Sharper Focus
00:30 at the 3ABN Worship Center,
00:32 also the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:36 Tonight, we're going to finalize,
00:37 I believe because we just have three questions remaining.
00:40 We're going to finalize our topic
00:42 The Truth about Jesus,
00:44 and then we're going to begin a practical series.
00:46 Because, you know, in some of the areas
00:48 of practical living,
00:50 we can sometimes find difficulty.
00:53 And we're going to begin tonight
00:54 with the topic entitled Dealing with Anger.
00:57 Dealing with Anger.
00:58 How do you deal with that?
01:00 You know, the Bible talks about anger
01:01 or being angry over 150 times,
01:05 and so therefore, it's a very important topic.
01:07 What happens when Christians get angry?
01:10 We're going to talk about that tonight.
01:11 But before we go any further,
01:13 and I'll tell you how to get a copy of the lesson,
01:14 let's begin with a word of prayer.
01:17 Loving Father in heaven,
01:18 thank You for the opportunity of opening Your Word.
01:22 Thank You for being with us and guiding us.
01:24 Strengthen our hearts as we study Your Word.
01:27 And also send Your Holy Spirit to connect our minds and hearts
01:31 over the airwaves.
01:33 And strengthen us, Lord, to walk in the path
01:35 that You reveal to us.
01:37 We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
01:41 Now everybody should have lesson 36 and 37
01:45 because we're going to begin with number 25 on lesson 36,
01:49 and we'll begin all fresh on number 37.
01:51 Here's the website to go to get a copy
01:53 of the lesson tonight.
01:55 Go to ASF.3ABN.org
01:59 and download lesson number 36 and 37.
02:02 If you already have 36,
02:03 we're just on the last three questions,
02:06 and then we're going to begin on lesson number 37.
02:10 That is ASF.3ABN.org.
02:13 Also, at that website,
02:14 you can get a copy of the prior lessons,
02:16 all the way from one to the present,
02:18 and then the past videos,
02:20 and the past Bible studies are also listed there.
02:23 If there's anything that we can do
02:25 to enhance your Bible study,
02:26 there's a link also where you can send questions
02:28 and also prayer requests.
02:30 Well, before we go any further, what do we do next?
02:34 We sing our theme song.
02:35 Let's sing our theme song tonight, Victory in Jesus.
02:46 I heard an old, old story
02:50 How the Savior came from glory
02:54 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:57 To save a wretch like me
03:01 I heard about His groaning
03:05 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:09 Then I repented of my sins
03:13 And won the victory
03:16 O victory in Jesus
03:20 My Savior, forever
03:24 He sought me and bought me
03:28 With His redeeming blood
03:32 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:35 And all my love is due Him
03:39 He plunged me to victory
03:43 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:47 I heard about a mansion
03:50 He has built for me in glory
03:54 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:58 Beyond the crystal sea
04:02 About the angels singing
04:06 And the old redemption story
04:09 And some sweet day
04:11 I'll sing up there
04:13 The song of victory
04:16 Key change.
04:17 O victory in Jesus
04:21 My Savior, forever
04:24 He sought me and bought me
04:28 With His redeeming blood
04:32 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:36 And all my love is due Him
04:40 He plunged me to victory
04:43 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:47 He plunged me to victory
04:51 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:57 Amen.
05:00 Tonight, our topic is, let's say that together,
05:02 The Truth about Jesus.
05:03 The Truth about Jesus.
05:05 We've been walking through some of the major prophecies
05:09 about the life, the ministry, the death, the resurrection,
05:15 and the work that Jesus is doing
05:16 in the heavenly sanctuary.
05:19 In the past, we did a topic on the sanctuary altogether
05:21 and His ministration there.
05:23 But we've been looking at these prophesies
05:26 for one major reason, to confirm His divinity.
05:30 Who is Christ?
05:31 Is He in fact the Christ?
05:33 You know, there are millions of people today among,
05:37 I would say, in the Jewish community
05:38 that have denied the very Messiahship of Christ.
05:43 And they say they're waiting for the Messiah.
05:46 There are those that have said Jesus has come
05:49 but because of their misunderstanding
05:50 of His ministry,
05:52 they're waiting for the sacrificial system
05:53 to begin all over again.
05:55 And there are many that believe that just before Jesus comes,
05:58 they have to go to Jerusalem.
05:59 Or in some case,
06:02 among those who are privy to the message of ISIS,
06:07 they believe they need to go to Syria,
06:09 that's why Syria is such a focal point
06:11 waiting for the Messiah to come.
06:13 But the truth about Jesus is important to understand
06:16 because when we understand what was prophesized
06:18 in the Old Testament
06:20 and we see what was fulfilled in the New Testament,
06:22 then we can know that the past and the present makes sense.
06:26 Amen?
06:27 So let's begin tonight, we'll dive right into our topic
06:30 on question number 25.
06:33 Question number 25.
06:35 And this is concerning the betrayal of Jesus.
06:39 Let's look at that together.
06:43 "Concerning the betrayal of Jesus, what was prophesied?"
06:48 Let's go to Psalm 91.
06:50 I'm using my new Bible, the Remnant Study Bible.
06:54 Psalm 41, sorry about that.
06:57 Psalm 41.
06:58 I looked right at it and said Psalm 91.
07:01 I was so in a hurry to say I'm using my new Remnant Bible.
07:06 I had a New King James Version
07:08 but it was an old New King James Version,
07:10 and some of the words were changed in that
07:12 to bring it up to date.
07:13 So now I'm up to date.
07:16 Psalm 41.
07:18 You know, very few books in the Bible,
07:20 like the Book of Psalms,
07:23 really talk about the life of Jesus.
07:25 You find Psalm 41, 42, 43, 44 bring out amazing prophecies
07:30 concerning the life of Jesus.
07:33 Now this one, Psalm 41:9,
07:36 talks about the betrayal of Jesus.
07:39 Now long before this betrayal was actually occurred,
07:42 the Bible talked about
07:43 how that betrayal will take place.
07:45 Here it is,
07:46 let's read the first one together
07:48 from the screen.
07:49 Are you ready?
07:50 Let's look at the screen together.
07:52 The Bible says, "Even my own..."
07:54 Come on, let's put some strength.
07:56 "Even my own familiar friend in whom I trusted,
08:01 who ate my bread, has lifted up his heel against me."
08:05 Now we're reading that, that's not the fulfillment,
08:08 that's the prophecy.
08:09 So David, the Psalmist, long before Jesus arrived,
08:14 hundreds of years before Jesus arrived,
08:18 it was prophesied
08:19 exactly how Jesus would be betrayed.
08:22 Now let's go to Luke 22.
08:24 Luke 22.
08:27 And we're going to look at verse 47 and verse 48.
08:31 You find a lot, the word fulfilled.
08:34 Matter of fact,
08:36 if you put the word fulfilled in the Bible,
08:38 you find 112 references to the word fulfilled.
08:41 And when you scroll down
08:42 and you go to the New Testament,
08:44 many of those words that were fulfilled
08:47 were fulfilled in the life of Christ.
08:50 So we're going now to...
08:52 What book did I say?
08:54 Luke 22:47-48.
08:59 Wow, this Bible is brand new.
09:02 I've got to mark it up like my old one,
09:05 got to transfer my notes.
09:07 That's going to be a fun thing to do.
09:09 Here it is.
09:11 And the pages are so close together,
09:14 which is not a bad thing.
09:16 Okay, here we are,
09:17 Luke 22:47-48.
09:23 All right, here it is.
09:25 And this is in fact entitled
09:26 The Betrayal and Arrest in Gethsemane.
09:30 Okay, let's look at verse 47.
09:32 It says,
09:33 "And while He was still speaking...
09:37 a multitude,
09:40 behold, a multitude, and he who was called Judas,
09:45 one of the twelve, went before them
09:48 and drew near to Jesus..."
09:50 And did what?
09:51 "To kiss Him."
09:53 And then the Bible says in verse 48.
09:54 But Jesus said to him,
09:56 "Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a..."
10:01 What?
10:02 "With a kiss."
10:04 Now what was the purpose of this meeting?
10:08 Instead of Judas saying,
10:10 "You're the One or He's the One",
10:12 he wanted to make it look like
10:14 he was meeting his master with affection
10:16 because the Bible says they greeted each other.
10:18 In the Middle East, it's not unusual
10:19 for men to kiss men.
10:21 And in some cases, you know, the Bible says,
10:24 "Greet your brethren with a holy kiss."
10:26 But they kissed on the lips in that generation.
10:30 And we wouldn't think about doing that in America.
10:32 Amen?
10:36 You guys are pretty quiet.
10:39 I wouldn't kiss another man on the lips, amen, Yanick?
10:42 Amen.
10:44 In South Africa, in unusual places,
10:48 they do that, it's cultural.
10:50 So when the Bible says,
10:52 "Greet the brethren with a holy kiss,"
10:53 that's exactly what they meant.
10:55 But I would just like to make it a record,
10:59 not me.
11:02 But Judas met Jesus and he drew near to kiss Him.
11:06 And then in that kiss, he marked Him.
11:10 He marked Him as the one that he was going to betray.
11:14 Now as you write the answers down,
11:17 let's go to Psalm...
11:20 We went to Psalm 41 and Luke 22,
11:22 so concerning the betrayal of Jesus, what was prophesied?
11:25 What two things can you put in the Psalms 41?
11:28 What can you put there?
11:32 A familiar friend. A familiar friend, exactly.
11:36 Not only a familiar friend, but what was Judas?
11:40 He was a disciple, he was the treasurer.
11:44 He was the treasurer.
11:46 And one of the reasons why Luke 22 happened,
11:50 Judas had witnessed Jesus on many occasions get away
11:53 when the mob came to arrest Him,
11:55 when they tried to corner Him,
11:57 when they tried to arrest Him in His early ministry.
12:01 There are instances in the Bible where it says,
12:03 "They sought to grab Him,
12:05 and Jesus just disappeared from their midst."
12:07 The Father, the Holy Spirit took Him away.
12:10 And there were other times that he sought to...
12:12 They sought to betray Him, but He said to them,
12:14 "My hour has not yet come."
12:16 So there was a determination
12:18 as to when these things were going to occur.
12:20 But here, you see clearly in Luke 22:47-48,
12:25 what would you put there?
12:26 He betrayed Him with a what?
12:29 He betrayed Him with a kiss.
12:31 Wow. Wow.
12:35 Hidden messages in that.
12:37 Okay, now let's look at another aspect.
12:41 You know, what amazes me when I looked at these,
12:43 and there are easily a number of amazing prophecies
12:48 as I look as a matter of fact.
12:51 As I look in Matthew 2,
12:55 you find all through Matthew,
12:59 you find, wow, so many times you find the word fulfill.
13:03 Let's look at one very quickly.
13:05 Go to Matthew 13. I want you to see this.
13:08 Matthew 13, just to show you that
13:11 this word fulfill was very much
13:14 a part of the New Testament.
13:17 What was talked about in the old
13:19 was fulfilled in the new.
13:22 Matthew 13, and let's start with...
13:26 I'll read from verse...
13:29 Let me go down to verse 14, so I'll start with verse 10.
13:34 Matthew 13:10.
13:37 It says, "And the disciples came
13:38 and said to Him,
13:40 'Why do You speak to them in..."
13:43 What?
13:44 "In parables?'
13:45 And He answered and said to them,
13:47 'Because it has been given to you
13:50 to know the mysteries,
13:51 or the secrets of the hidden truths
13:54 of the kingdom of heaven,
13:56 but to them, it has not been given.'"
13:58 Now why do you think that was wonderful?
14:01 Because...
14:02 Keep this in mind,
14:04 if the betrayers of Jesus
14:05 had known what He was going to do,
14:06 they would have been able to make plans.
14:09 So Jesus hid His mission in parables.
14:12 Parables and prophecies are similar in that sense.
14:16 Prophecies are symbolic, parables are hidden messages.
14:20 And a lot of times, the symbols and the parables are explained
14:24 like the Rich Man and Lazarus,
14:25 like the parable of the Wheat and the Tares,
14:27 the parable of the Sower.
14:29 They are all explained.
14:31 And look at verse 12.
14:32 It says, "For whosoever have, to him, more will be given,
14:37 and he will have abundance.
14:39 But whoever does not have,
14:41 even what he has will be taken away from him."
14:44 Now you might read that and think,
14:48 "Is Jesus talking about taking away
14:49 material possessions?"
14:51 Absolutely not.
14:52 He was talking about the knowledge
14:54 that the people of His day had.
14:55 And let me give you an example.
14:57 The Jews had a lot of knowledge.
14:58 They had knowledge of Jesus for over 1,000 years,
15:01 almost 2,000 years, they had knowledge.
15:03 But because they rejected the Messiah, this is powerful,
15:06 because they rejected the Messiah,
15:09 there would be no further revelation to them.
15:11 So what they had will start disappearing.
15:15 The understanding they had met a wall
15:17 when they rejected Jesus.
15:19 But for those who did not reject Jesus,
15:21 like the disciples accepted Him,
15:23 now all of a sudden,
15:24 what they had started increasing.
15:27 So to him who had much,
15:29 more will be given because they accepted Him,
15:32 He was the open door.
15:33 The Jews shut the door on themselves.
15:35 He said, "I came to my own, and My own did not..."
15:37 What?
15:39 Did not what? "Didn't receive Me."
15:40 So the knowledge they had, He shut it off.
15:43 So they had a lot, and all of a sudden,
15:45 their knowledge just began to dissipate.
15:47 And they thought, "Wait a minute."
15:48 So when they rejected the Messiah,
15:50 everything that He would have revealed to them,
15:52 started being revealed to the disciples.
15:54 That's what it talked about.
15:55 So look at that again.
15:58 "For whoever has, to him, more will be given,
16:02 and he will have abundance.
16:04 But whoever does not have,
16:06 even what he has will be taken away from him."
16:09 And look at verse 13, it says,
16:11 "Therefore, I speak to them in..."
16:13 What?
16:15 "Parables because seeing they do not see,
16:21 and hearing they do not..."
16:22 What?
16:24 "Hear, nor do they understand."
16:26 And this is the part that's significant
16:28 about the word fulfilled.
16:31 In verse 14, "And in them,
16:33 the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says..."
16:38 Speaking of His own people.
16:39 "Hearing, you will hear and shall not understand,
16:43 and seeing, you will see and not perceive."
16:47 Why?
16:48 "For the hearts of His people have grown..."
16:50 What? "Dull."
16:51 He's talking about His own people.
16:53 "Their ears are hard of hearing."
16:56 And look at this.
16:58 "And their eyes, they have closed."
17:01 He didn't close their eyes.
17:03 The Messiah was standing right there,
17:05 and they refused to accept Him.
17:06 He said to them, "You spend a lot of time
17:08 searching the Bible,"
17:09 but the Bible points to me, John 5:39.
17:12 Finishing the text, it says,
17:14 "Lest they should see with their eyes,
17:16 and hear with their ears,
17:19 lest they should understand with their heart
17:23 and turn so that I should heal them."
17:27 So you find over and over,
17:28 there are so many other instances
17:30 in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
17:31 that the word fulfilled is used
17:33 because the Bible talks about...
17:34 These things were mentioned in the Old Testament.
17:36 You know what amazes me as we read that passage,
17:39 Isaiah the prophet, prophesied
17:42 that the people of Jesus would reject Him when He came.
17:49 That's amazing to me.
17:51 Now if you have on...
17:52 Let's put on our theology hats.
17:53 You ready?
17:55 Get your hats on.
17:56 Get your hat on, Norick, put your theology hat on,
17:58 Caperna.
18:00 There was a particular prophecy
18:01 in the Bible called the 70 weeks.
18:04 How many years was that?
18:07 Four hundred and ninety years.
18:09 Now the reason why
18:11 Jesus was still speaking to the large,
18:15 to the multitudes at large
18:16 is because He was still giving them time
18:19 to reverse their blindness.
18:21 He spoke to the Jews in John 8, and He said to them,
18:26 "Are you a slave?"
18:27 He said, "We've never been a slave."
18:29 He said, "If you're a sinner, you are a slave."
18:32 Then He said...
18:34 They talked about the bread that Moses gave them
18:37 in the wilderness.
18:38 And here is Jesus, He said,
18:40 "I am the bread that came down from heaven."
18:42 They're looking right at them,
18:43 "Seeing, they will see and not perceive,
18:47 hearing, they will hear
18:48 and they won't even understand."
18:50 So He gave them a message over, and over, and over again.
18:52 And even after He finished His ministry
18:54 and went to heaven, He said to the disciples,
18:57 "Go first to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
19:01 Go to them, get...
19:02 They have a little bit more time left.
19:04 They got three and a half years left out of 490.
19:09 They've got this much time left.
19:10 "Go to them first."
19:11 He didn't want to reject them.
19:14 They rejected Him.
19:16 And what happened as a result of the rejection,
19:18 the gospel went on to the gentiles.
19:20 And who are we?
19:22 The gentiles.
19:24 I said this on a program once and somebody wrote me a letter
19:26 and said, "You are not Israel."
19:29 I am not Israel.
19:30 We are spiritual Israel.
19:32 Say that together, we are what?
19:33 Spiritual Israel.
19:35 Because one of the dangers they had was they thought
19:37 because they were born in as a Jew
19:41 that they were automatically saved.
19:42 They kept boasting,
19:44 that's why the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
19:46 was given to these rich men.
19:48 Why were they rich?
19:49 They had rich food, that is the Word of God,
19:52 they had the understanding, but they rejected that.
19:54 They boasted of their diet, their feast days,
19:58 all the Sabbath stuff they kept,
19:59 all the knowledge they had that God had given them
20:02 throughout the centuries, but they wouldn't share it,
20:05 and the door closed on them.
20:07 Seeing they didn't see,
20:09 hearing they did not understand.
20:11 Wow.
20:13 Let's look at question number 26.
20:16 Wow.
20:18 Question number 26.
20:22 Here it is.
20:24 "The Bible predicted the price of the betrayal of Jesus?
20:28 The Bible predicted the price of the betrayal of Jesus?"
20:33 All right, let's look at that together.
20:35 Matthew, matter of fact, let's go to Zachariah first.
20:39 Let's go to Zachariah first.
20:41 I don't believe I gave this slide to the guys
20:43 that are at the graphics, but let's go to Zachariah.
20:46 Zachariah 11, okay?
20:50 Let our Bibles speak for us.
20:52 Here we are.
20:53 Okay. Okay.
20:57 Zachariah 11:12.
21:06 Wow. Okay.
21:12 And it reads thus far, "Then I said to them,
21:17 'If it is agreeable to you,
21:20 give me my wages, and if not, refrain.'
21:25 So they weighed out for my wages..."
21:28 Let's say those together.
21:29 "Thirty pieces of silver."
21:33 Thirty pieces of silver, they weighed it out.
21:38 Wow. So let's write that down.
21:44 What did Zachariah referred to these wages as?
21:50 I gave you the answer.
21:54 My question should have been,
21:55 "What did Zachariah call these thirty pieces of silver?"
21:58 He called them what?
21:59 Wages. Wages.
22:01 Let's say it together, wages.
22:04 The wages of sin is what?
22:06 Death. Wow.
22:07 So let's put that down.
22:09 Zechariah 11:12, "Wages", wages.
22:13 Now let's go to Matthew 26 to see the fulfillment.
22:20 Zachariah was long dead and gone
22:23 by the time this was fulfilled.
22:26 Okay. Okay.
22:29 Matthew 26.
22:32 Wow, this Bible has a really nice feel to it.
22:35 I'm going to make this my new Bible.
22:38 Well, it is my new Bible.
22:40 I got so many Bibles.
22:43 Okay, Matthew 26,
22:45 we're going to look at verses 14 and 15.
22:50 I got to come up with a new marking plan
22:52 so that my colors can mean something.
22:55 Have you ever taken your pen and just underlined stuff in
22:57 any color, didn't really matter?
22:59 I got to put a good one together
23:00 for my new Bible.
23:02 Here it is. Matthew 26:14-15.
23:05 Here it is.
23:07 "Then one of the twelve called Judas Iscariot,
23:12 went to the chief priests and said,
23:16 'What are you willing to give me
23:18 if I deliver Him to you?'"
23:20 Very quickly, how did he deliver Him to him?
23:23 With a kiss.
23:25 "And they counted out to him..."
23:26 What?
23:28 Together, "Thirty pieces of silver."
23:32 That's the fulfillment, and that's the prophecy.
23:35 So put that together...
23:37 Put that together, and you'll clearly see
23:40 what Zachariah prophesied.
23:42 Now you've got to really...
23:45 For that to happen, for the exact amount to happen,
23:48 somebody might say $29.95, $35, $40, the generalization,
23:53 but see how accurate prophecy is.
23:55 Zachariah was inspired by the Holy Spirit
23:58 who told them what would happen at the time.
24:00 And when you think about it,
24:01 one of the disciples betrayed His own Lord.
24:05 So it's possible that those who followed the Lord
24:08 are not necessarily walking with the Lord.
24:12 That's exactly what the case was when it came to Judas.
24:15 Judas was there for financial reasons.
24:17 And he betrayed the Lord.
24:20 I don't know if I had said this,
24:21 but Judas had seen the Lord
24:24 free Himself from so many prior examples,
24:26 of prior attempts to arrest Him that he thought,
24:31 "This is a great opportunity to make some money."
24:33 He's going to get away anyway, and if He gets away,
24:35 I'll have 30 pieces of silver.
24:38 And what happened is this time, He did not get away.
24:43 This time it ended up being his betrayal.
24:46 And you know what happened afterward?
24:47 What did Judas do with that money?
24:49 Do you remember?
24:53 He threw it away, he dumped it.
24:55 In an attempt to say,
24:58 "It wasn't supposed to go this way.
25:00 I was supposed to get my money,
25:02 but He was supposed to get away."
25:04 See, so here's the point, you can play with the Lord
25:06 so often until one day it's irreversible.
25:10 Wow, wow, that's scary.
25:14 The wages that he...
25:16 He was going after money,
25:20 and he betrayed the Lord for 30 pieces of silver.
25:24 You know, even if it was gold,
25:26 there was no price that we should even try
25:29 to sell the Lord for.
25:32 Yeah, you can't...
25:33 Because the wages of sin is what?
25:34 Death.
25:36 And what did Judas eventually do?
25:38 He hung himself.
25:40 The shame of betraying his Lord, boy, I tell you,
25:46 Bible says, "Woe to the man by whom the Lord has betrayed,
25:50 it was better that he had not been born."
25:53 Wow, and Judas knew that.
25:56 He knew that, but he didn't think
25:57 he would be the one.
25:59 But, you know, there was a point
26:00 at which he could have repented it not going forth
26:03 when they were having the last supper.
26:07 And he said, "The one who dips his hand with Me,
26:09 he's the one who's going to betray Me."
26:12 And the question started to come in, "Is it I?
26:14 Is it I?"
26:15 They start looking around the room, and Judas was like,
26:19 "I'm not going to ask that question."
26:21 Because he knew it was him.
26:22 And then He set His eyes on him, He said,
26:25 "What thou doest..."
26:26 What? "Do quickly."
26:28 And Judas got up and left.
26:30 That was that pivotal moment where Judas could have said,
26:33 "I'm not going to do it."
26:35 Wow.
26:37 The point of no return.
26:39 Wow! That's amazing.
26:41 That is amazing.
26:42 Let's go to 27. So write these down.
26:45 Zachariah, the wages, and then Matthew 26:14-15,
26:49 thirty pieces of silver,
26:52 betrayed for the price
26:57 and a life.
26:59 And now number 27, number 27.
27:03 Okay, "How does the Bible
27:06 confirm the Lamb-like nature of Jesus?"
27:11 How does the Bible confirm the Lamb-like nature of Jesus?
27:17 And I say Lamb-like, He's the lamb, right?
27:21 But being called the Lamb as the Bible prefigured Him
27:26 in the sacrifices of the temple services...
27:31 To be called a lamb and not have a lamb-like nature
27:36 wouldn't really identify you as a lamb.
27:38 So to be called a Christian and not have a Christian nature
27:42 is to not identify you as a Christian.
27:43 So not only is he called the Messiah or called the lamb,
27:47 but he should have a lamb-like character, right?
27:51 Would a lamb bite you?
27:55 I've never heard of it.
27:57 Would a lamb growl?
28:00 Would a lamb chase you?
28:03 I don't know too much about lambs,
28:04 so I won't answer that one.
28:07 But I know a goat would.
28:10 Would a lamb butt you or a goat?
28:14 A goat will butt you and knock you out.
28:16 I have a story that goes along with that.
28:18 Good friend of ours in California,
28:21 they had a tall goat.
28:22 I've seen goats in different sizes.
28:25 And this was a tall goat.
28:27 And they tied him in the center of their yard.
28:29 He was their natural lawnmower.
28:33 He ate the lawn
28:35 wherever his rope could carry him.
28:37 And when I went to visit them, they had a perfect circle
28:42 because the goat was...
28:43 They put the pole in the center of the lawn,
28:47 and they put the chain on the goat,
28:48 and he could cut...
28:50 I saw him eating,
28:51 and he was stretching his head to get to the end of that.
28:54 There was more grass beyond that,
28:55 but he couldn't get any further.
28:57 So they had this perfect circle.
29:00 Well, the owner went out there one day,
29:03 and he made a mistake,
29:06 and bent over to pick up something on the grass.
29:09 And the goat thought, "Oh, you want to play?"
29:13 And he knocked his owner out.
29:16 He rammed him with his horns, knocked him out.
29:19 He thought he was playing.
29:21 He woke up to the goat licking him on his face like,
29:24 "Did I hurt you?"
29:26 So a goat would do that but not a lamb.
29:30 The nature of Jesus is not fierce,
29:34 not combative, not vicious,
29:39 but in every way, just like a lamb.
29:42 Look at the prophecy of that, Isaiah 53.
29:45 Isaiah 53. That's why it's amazing.
29:50 When Jesus comes back, you find Him in Revelation 6.
29:55 The people that are not His are saints,
29:59 they're going to be running from Him,
30:01 and they're going to...
30:02 Well, I won't tell you, let's read this first.
30:04 Okay, here I am.
30:07 Isaiah 53, there I am.
30:13 And I'm going turn to that, going to loosen up these pages.
30:16 Isaiah 53:7, here it is.
30:21 The Bible says, "He was..."
30:22 What?
30:23 "Oppressed, and He was afflicted.
30:25 Yet He..."
30:26 Did what?
30:28 "Opened not His mouth,
30:30 He was led as a lamb to the slaughter
30:34 and as a sheep before its shearers is silent.
30:39 So He opened not His mouth."
30:43 You know, I heard looking into a little bit about a lamb,
30:47 one of the reasons why it's easy to shear a lamb,
30:49 you know what a shearing is?
30:50 Take that scissors, and they just...
30:52 Can you imagine trying to shear a goat?
30:59 You better be really good to shear a goat.
31:02 Try to cut your dogs hair?
31:04 It's a difficult thing.
31:06 Lest, of course, you have a great relationship.
31:09 But a lamb, there's something about a lamb
31:12 when he's laid on his back
31:14 that he just completely surrenders.
31:18 So all they do is they lay the lamb on his back,
31:21 and he lays there like, "This is it."
31:25 And they just shave his hair off.
31:28 They do it...
31:29 I mean, you should...
31:30 I'm not telling you to do this, but on YouTube
31:32 they show how easy it is.
31:33 They just take a nice shaver...
31:34 And today, I mean, back in the day,
31:36 it was a shearer.
31:38 It wasn't a shaver, electricity.
31:40 So they would take that, they cut close,
31:42 and it would be like they just peel this wool off.
31:45 And then he'd run out and go eat more grass
31:47 and go eat whatever until it grows back again.
31:49 But when they laid him on his back,
31:51 he just kind of gave in.
31:54 And it says, they don't start yelling
31:56 and trying to scratch you.
31:58 It says, "He did..."
32:00 What about His mouth?
32:01 "Didn't even open His mouth."
32:02 Didn't say,
32:04 "This is not supposed to be this way."
32:05 If lambs fought really hard,
32:08 we really wouldn't have as much wool today
32:11 as we do have.
32:12 We were in New Zealand, and we were there...
32:15 We went a few times, but the first time we went
32:17 to New Zealand, they had 3 million people
32:22 and 90 million sheep.
32:27 Can you imagine that?
32:28 So we went to a sheep farm,
32:31 I guess that's what they call it,
32:32 a sheep farm.
32:35 Man, it was...
32:38 If those were wolves, we'd be in trouble.
32:41 But you could just walk right in the middle of them,
32:43 and they just.
32:45 So you could touch them, you could feed them,
32:49 they're just so peaceful.
32:50 That's how Jesus is, peaceful, not combative.
32:54 He came to show the nature of the Father.
32:57 There was a song years ago.
33:01 They used to call it "Jesus, Meek and Mild".
33:03 I forgot the earlier lyrics to that.
33:05 But gentle, gentle Jesus meek and mild,
33:09 little poem about Jesus.
33:10 Yes, He is, praise the Lord for that.
33:12 So the Bible, Isaiah 53,
33:14 what are the two things that identify
33:16 with the lamb-like nature of Jesus?
33:18 Write those down.
33:20 What are the two things that this text brings out?
33:25 He opened not His mouth,
33:27 and He was silent before His shearers.
33:32 Wow!
33:33 This is interesting.
33:34 Now let's go to Matthew 15.
33:40 Mark 15:4-5,
33:45 the nature of Jesus.
33:49 Mark 15:4-5, for the fulfillment.
34:08 Okay, here we are.
34:15 This is Jesus in the presence of Pilate.
34:21 "Then Pilate asked Him again..."
34:25 Matter of fact, I want to read verse 1,
34:28 and when I get to verse 4, bring it up on the screen.
34:31 I got to go and just...
34:32 I want to put the context together.
34:34 Mark 15:1, "Immediately in the morning,
34:38 the chief priests held a consultation
34:40 with the elders and scribes and the whole council.
34:44 And they found, and they bound Jesus,
34:48 led Him away and delivered Him to Pilate."
34:51 Now if Jesus didn't want to be bound,
34:54 could He have stopped them?
34:57 He could have stopped them with the thought.
34:59 The ropes could have gotten off of Him and bound them,
35:02 but He didn't use any of His divinity.
35:05 He was led as a lamb...
35:06 Notice, this is the leading as a lamb to the slaughter.
35:09 They led Him, He let them bind Him.
35:13 Then verse 2, "Then Pilate and ask him,"
35:17 in verse 2,
35:19 "'Are you the king of the Jews?'
35:21 He answered and said to him, 'It is as you say.'
35:25 And the chief priest accused Him of many things,
35:30 but He answered nothing.'"
35:32 You know how hard that is?
35:35 You know how hard that is to be accused
35:37 and say nothing?
35:40 Lord, help me to get there.
35:42 Amen? Amen.
35:44 That's some growth we still have to do.
35:47 Now verse 4 and 5, bring this up.
35:50 "Then Pilate asked Him again saying,
35:54 'Do you answer nothing?
35:57 See how many things they testify against You!'
36:01 But Jesus..."
36:02 What?
36:04 "Still answered nothing, so that Pilate marveled."
36:09 He said, "Wow, who's this guy?"
36:12 And, you know, when Pilate...
36:15 What did Pilate eventually try to do?
36:21 He tried to wash His hands
36:23 when he had the power to release Jesus.
36:25 He looked at Him,
36:27 he was hoping that they would...
36:28 That Jesus would give him some indication
36:30 that he was either innocent of these things
36:33 or guilty of these things,
36:34 but He was so peaceful in the midst of this tribunal.
36:38 He was so peaceful in the midst of those
36:39 that were persecuting Him,
36:41 accusing Him of all kinds of things,
36:43 and just human nature alone would have been,
36:46 you know, some of us would have said nothing
36:47 but would have been visibly shaken.
36:49 But I could guarantee you, Jesus wasn't visibly angry.
36:52 He didn't stand there with His anger seething.
36:55 He didn't have an angry face, He was as a lamb.
36:58 He had to have that kind of disposition
37:00 in order for Him to be Jesus
37:04 meek and mild, lowly Jesus.
37:07 So the answer is there.
37:08 So as we look at this,
37:10 we're going to wind up on this particular point.
37:11 We looked through a number of prophecies.
37:14 To be particular,
37:16 we looked at about maybe 20 of them or 15 of them.
37:18 If you missed the earlier parts of lesson number 36,
37:22 I recommend that you get that and look at the prior videos
37:26 about this particular topic on the truth about Jesus.
37:30 We covered many things,
37:31 not just the prophecies of Jesus,
37:33 but His work, His ministry, His life,
37:36 all those that identified the truth about Jesus.
37:40 I hope you really enjoy that.
37:42 We serve the Lamb.
37:44 Matter of fact, I want to end with this text.
37:45 Go to Revelation 6,
37:47 since we're talking about the lamb, okay?
37:53 Let's go to Revelation.
37:54 And when I say end, the program is not done yet,
37:56 so don't rush, don't get off your couch,
37:58 don't close your Bible.
38:00 Okay.
38:05 Revelation 6, and we're going to look at verse 16.
38:08 Actually,
38:10 since this is the second coming,
38:12 let's look at verse 14 down to 16.
38:20 The Bible says in verse 14,
38:22 "Then the sky receded or split apart
38:26 as a scroll when it is rolled up,
38:29 and every mountain and island was..."
38:30 What? "Moved out of its place.
38:34 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men,
38:38 the commanders, the mighty men,
38:41 every slave and every free man,
38:45 hid themselves in the caves
38:47 and in the rocks of the mountains."
38:49 Just to pause on the phrase "slave".
38:51 You know, we're living in 2016, these are modern times.
38:54 But I was surprised at the news,
38:57 I was watching maybe last week or the week before, they said,
38:59 "Do you know that there are more slaves today?"
39:02 There are more slaves today.
39:05 In various areas,
39:06 there are people that are held as slaves
39:08 to produce garments in some foreign countries,
39:11 slaves in factories,
39:12 there are people sold into the sex trade.
39:15 There are people that are...
39:17 That's why I believe it's India.
39:20 They're making it almost impossible
39:21 to adopt a child
39:23 because many of the children that were adopted in India,
39:25 and many of these foreign countries,
39:27 they were taken with the intention...
39:29 The people said, "Well, we're going to give them
39:30 a new home or wonderful life.
39:34 When they traced it, it was a sad story.
39:37 It was quite a dark place that these children ended up.
39:40 There are more slaves today than in the time of slavery,
39:44 you know, 70, 80 years ago.
39:46 And I'll tell you, it's global.
39:49 It's global.
39:50 So when you see the text, it says,
39:51 "Every slave and every free man."
39:53 When Jesus comes back,
39:54 they're going to be slaves of all kind,
39:57 all nationalities,
39:58 but look at the verse that we're going to point at.
40:01 And it says in verse 15,
40:02 "And they hid themselves in the caves
40:04 and in the rocks of the mountains."
40:06 And notice this.
40:07 "And said to the mountains and the rocks, 'Fall on us,
40:11 hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne
40:14 and from the wrath of the Lamb!
40:17 For the great day of His wrath has come
40:21 and who is able to stand?'"
40:23 So the Lamb
40:25 slain from the foundation of the world,
40:27 Revelation 13,
40:29 the Lamb who was led to His persecution
40:34 and to His death, and didn't open His mouth,
40:36 didn't fight to free Himself.
40:38 The Lamb will come back one day.
40:40 Let me encourage you not to just learn
40:42 about the prophecies of the Lamb
40:44 but to accept the Lamb as your Savior.
40:46 Amen?
40:47 So that when He comes, we will be in the right group.
40:50 We'll be coming...
40:51 If we're in the mountains, we'll be coming out,
40:53 we're not running in.
40:54 Praise God for that.
40:56 Let's go to the next slide. This is very interesting slide.
40:58 I want to emphasize this point.
40:59 Our next topic we're dealing with
41:01 is lesson number 37 and notice this.
41:03 Let's bring the slide up.
41:05 We're talking about dealing with what?
41:07 Dealing with anger.
41:09 Now what prompted me to cover this topic is...
41:12 That's a pretty interesting picture there.
41:15 Man, I'll tell you,
41:16 there's amazing stories about things that happen
41:18 when people get angry.
41:20 I remember the story about the guy
41:21 who woke up in the morning and some
41:22 unusual incident happened in his home,
41:24 kicked the dog, and it just went downhill from there.
41:28 And so many programs on television talk about anger.
41:32 What do they suggest
41:33 when you can't control your anger?
41:35 What do they call it?
41:36 Anger management.
41:39 There are many people that don't know
41:40 what to do with their anger.
41:41 And as I mentioned to you just a moment ago,
41:44 when the Bible talks about anger or being angry,
41:46 it mentions that over 130 times
41:49 about anger in the Old Testament.
41:51 As a matter of fact, trivia, are you ready?
41:55 Who was the first one in the Bible
41:58 that allowed his anger to lead him to murder?
42:02 Cain! Cain.
42:04 And the Lord looked at him, He says, "Why are you angry?"
42:10 Just a brother.
42:11 He just had a brother,
42:12 a mother, and a father, he said,
42:14 "Why is your countenance downcast?
42:17 What's your...
42:18 What's wrong with you?"
42:20 And then we read about...
42:21 The Bible says,
42:23 "The blood of your brother crieth to me
42:25 from the ground."
42:27 Did the Lord know what happened?
42:29 And also, you read the story of Jonah,
42:31 we're going to just bring out a couple of examples.
42:33 Jonah, we call him the reluctant evangelist.
42:37 The Lord said go to Tarshish, go to Nineveh,
42:41 he went to Tarshish instead.
42:43 Nineveh was in one direction, Tarshish, try to say that,
42:47 was in a completely different direction.
42:49 He went down to the sea coast,
42:53 went down to the port and paid,
42:56 for the fear went down into the ship.
42:58 What happens when you're running from Jesus?
43:00 Your life goes down, down, down.
43:03 And then a great storm hit the boat,
43:06 and they were wondering,
43:07 "What's the storm was all about?"
43:09 These mariners, these fishermen, these sailors,
43:12 these mariners,
43:14 they had thought we've never been in a storm this way,
43:16 and finally Jonah said, "I'm the reason."
43:18 They throw him overboard, he gets swallowed by a fish,
43:21 ends up at Nineveh, preaches a sermon,
43:25 and the city repents, 120,000 people.
43:28 And he sits there says,
43:31 if I had 120, 000 converts with one sermon,
43:34 would you be happy?
43:36 He hated Nineveh so much,
43:37 he wanted to see Nineveh destroyed.
43:39 And the Lord...
43:40 So he sat under a tree, and the sun rose up,
43:44 and the tree dried up.
43:46 And there was Jonah sitting in the hot sun
43:48 angry at the tree.
43:50 And the Lord says, "Jonah, what's your problem?"
43:53 He's angry at the tree.
43:56 He's angry at the people that repented.
43:59 And the story of Jonah,
44:02 only four verses, only four chapters, sorry,
44:04 only four chapters deal with the story of Jonah.
44:07 But Jonah's major downfall was disobedience and anger.
44:11 Didn't want to do God's will, reluctantly did it,
44:14 God converted that city.
44:18 And the last thing we hear about Jonah was he was angry.
44:21 Story kind of ends after Jonah's anger.
44:23 So let's talk about dealing with anger,
44:25 this topic of anger
44:27 because Christians do get angry.
44:29 Do we get angry?
44:31 Okay, we get angry.
44:33 Sometimes we get angry during the week,
44:36 very few Christians get angry on Sabbath morning.
44:40 Exactly.
44:44 Do we get angry with our relatives?
44:47 With our friends?
44:50 Our spouses?
44:54 Yes.
44:55 Anger is a natural reaction.
44:59 Let me tell you why it's natural.
45:01 If the Lord didn't want us to get angry,
45:02 He wouldn't even create
45:04 the ability to get angry, right?
45:07 So we have that ability to get angry.
45:09 Let's look at some of these things.
45:11 Question number one,
45:13 question number one, and here it is.
45:17 "What does the Bible reveal about God's anger?"
45:22 Ooh, God's anger?
45:25 Let's go to Psalm 103,
45:27 and we're going to look at verse 8 and 9.
45:31 God's anger,
45:33 Psalm 103:8 and 9.
45:39 Hmm, this is a beautiful passage by the way.
45:44 Okay, let's look at verse 8 and 9.
45:46 Here it is.
45:50 Verse 8 reads as follows.
45:53 It says, "The Lord is..."
45:56 What?
45:57 "Merciful and..."
45:59 What else?
46:00 "Gracious." What's the next word?
46:02 "Slow to anger and abounding in..."
46:06 What? "In mercy.
46:09 He will not always strive with us
46:12 nor will He keep His anger..."
46:14 For how long? "Forever."
46:16 So does He get angry? Yeah.
46:19 How many people keep their anger
46:21 for a long time?
46:24 What's your...
46:25 You still...
46:27 "Yanick, you still upset about that?
46:28 When did it happen?"
46:30 I've had some people say, "I'm angry."
46:32 And they tell me their story, and I say,
46:34 "When did that happen?"
46:35 And they mentioned it to me, and I said, "Are you serious?
46:39 How many years was that?"
46:41 There were some people, we met a few days ago,
46:42 we were down in Tennessee,
46:44 and we met a security guard at one of the plants there.
46:50 I want to be very general about it.
46:52 And it was...
46:55 We identified ourselves, I left my business card,
46:57 they said, "Who are you?"
46:59 And I said "Well, I'm a pastor.
47:00 Here's my card."
47:01 "Oh, you're an Adventist pastor."
47:03 He said, "I used to go to the Adventist church."
47:06 "Used to?"
47:08 "Yeah, I used to, but I had a bad experience.
47:10 Made me really angry. I don't go anymore."
47:14 "How long has it been?"
47:15 "Oh, it's been about..."
47:20 And he tried to come up with it.
47:22 But I was so glad when I said, "Are you serious?
47:24 You haven't been that long."
47:25 He said, "No, no, really,
47:26 I don't go to that one anymore, but I do go."
47:28 I said, "Ah!
47:30 I feel better."
47:31 You know, he said,
47:33 "I don't go to that one anymore,
47:34 but I still go."
47:35 I said, "Okay" 'Cause I said now...
47:37 I said, "Who we're looking for may not be here today,
47:39 but we may have come
47:40 just to tell you need get back in church."
47:43 And he was kind of sheepish about it.
47:46 And we've traveled, and we've heard people.
47:47 We were in South Dakota many years ago,
47:50 is that where the four heads of the presidents are?
47:51 South Dakota.
47:53 We were there for their 50th inauguration...
47:55 For the inauguration that never happened after 50 years,
47:57 and I was invited to sing,
47:59 and President Daddy Bush was there,
48:01 and we went there and didn't know why.
48:04 It was an interdenominational group,
48:05 and I was singing a song "God Bless USA".
48:08 And they said, "When you sing, just look forward,
48:10 don't look up, the jets are going to fly over,
48:13 the Red Baron's going to fly over,
48:14 the F-18s and the B-1 bomber.
48:17 And I want to look so badly,
48:18 but he said, "Don't look up
48:20 because the president's going to be watching you,
48:21 all the color guards are there.
48:23 But the days before in practice,
48:25 we met four Adventists that had left the church.
48:30 And we said, "Now we know why we're here."
48:33 And when we heard their reasons.
48:35 One left because the pastor got him upset,
48:36 and she played the organ.
48:38 She hadn't been back for nine years.
48:40 And since he's...
48:41 Oh, these are serious things.
48:43 And since she's married, her husband didn't go back.
48:46 And then the other one was a Sabbath school teacher
48:47 at the same church.
48:49 And she got offended by something that was said
48:50 to somebody else about her, she left.
48:53 And I thought...
48:54 And so we visited them at their house
48:56 and got to know them better, and they told us their story.
48:59 And as they were telling the story,
49:04 you could almost see their faces
49:06 kind of like saying, "Really?
49:08 Is that it?"
49:10 And they had that look, and I said,
49:11 "Honestly, it's been a long time.
49:14 It's time for you to go back."
49:15 And I still have the letters in my file to this very day.
49:19 All three of them, it was a number of months later
49:21 they wrote us back.
49:22 And they said, "We're back in the church."
49:24 And the one that was playing the organ, she said,
49:25 "I'm playing the organ again."
49:27 But they dealt with their anger.
49:29 See anger is a self-destroying attitude.
49:35 Anger destroys the person
49:37 who is angry more than the person we're angry with.
49:41 That's why I look at this slide.
49:42 I've of kind of done something little different,
49:44 look at the slide.
49:45 So you might write this down.
49:47 Write this down under point number one.
49:49 Here it is, bring it up, bring the slide up.
49:51 Be slow, bring up my slide for me.
49:54 Be slow to anger.
49:57 Be what?
49:59 Slow to anger.
50:01 Be slow because that's what Jesus is, slow to anger.
50:07 And don't keep your anger forever.
50:09 That's why that picture was significant.
50:11 He has a piece of tape over his mouth
50:12 because you know what,
50:14 people that are angry
50:15 shouldn't speak when they're angry
50:17 because the worst words come out when you're angry,
50:21 because the worst thoughts...
50:22 Or like, the thoughts are like the engine
50:24 that's revving in the background
50:26 and if you just release the brake
50:29 and put that thought in gear,
50:31 you'd run somebody over emotionally.
50:34 And emotionally, sometimes people say...
50:37 Have you heard that phrase years ago,
50:38 "Sticks and stones may break my bones..."
50:40 What?
50:42 "Words will never harm me."
50:44 That's not true.
50:45 Words are so damaging, today,
50:46 they have an anti-bullying law which...
50:50 When I was growing up, when we were growing up,
50:52 kids were ruthless,
50:53 but we didn't have an anti-bullying law.
50:56 So let's exemplify the character.
50:58 So what does the Bible reveal about God's anger?
51:00 What did you write down?
51:02 He's slow to anger, He's merciful,
51:04 He will not keep His anger forever.
51:07 Let me encourage you,
51:08 if you're angry about something,
51:09 learn how to deal with that anger.
51:11 If you're a person that tends to lose your temper,
51:15 pray for God to get that temper under control
51:18 because we fly off our handle.
51:20 You know, sometimes I'm talking to people...
51:24 Let me not talk about other people,
51:26 let me just say myself.
51:30 Confession is good for the soul,
51:32 heart and the repute.
51:33 I've been in positions before where I was so internally upset
51:36 that while the person is speaking,
51:38 my kettle is boiling.
51:41 Have we been there? Oh, yes.
51:43 And you can't wait till they take a breath
51:45 so you can insert
51:47 into that quarter of a second space
51:50 exactly what you want to say.
51:52 You're waiting for that breath.
51:54 And that's why some people when they're angry,
51:56 they don't take a breath because they know that
51:58 when you insert into there, it's going to go on.
52:01 Have you ever been so angry that you go home
52:02 and you think about what you didn't say?
52:05 If I see them again...
52:07 And you have another fight.
52:09 These are afflictions that even Christians deal with.
52:12 You got to be like Jesus.
52:13 You've got to be like who? Jesus.
52:15 Anger could destroy congregations.
52:20 Oh, man, anger.
52:23 And the Bible says in the last days,
52:25 "One of the signs of the last days,
52:26 the nations are angry."
52:29 Is our world angry?
52:31 Are the nations angry?
52:34 Is America angry?
52:36 Let me leave it there.
52:39 I choose not to date this program.
52:43 Okay, let's go to the next one.
52:46 Pray for God to help you deal with your anger
52:49 because it could destroy families terribly.
52:52 People slam doors and break stuff
52:53 that they can't put back together,
52:56 you know, throwing stuff out the window,
52:58 smashed the television,
52:59 kick their foot through the door.
53:01 I made my comment, do I keep going?
53:03 Rip up stuff that they can't put back together.
53:05 Anger, I'm thinking of all these instances,
53:07 wow, anger is terrible.
53:10 Let's go to the next one, number two, number two.
53:14 "What kind of emotional disposition
53:17 should we have towards anger?"
53:20 What kind of emotional disposition
53:22 should we have towards anger?
53:26 Psalm 145:8.
53:29 Since we're in Psalm, let's look at that.
53:33 Psalm 145:8.
53:40 Okay, here it is.
53:43 This is kind of reiteration, but we're going to cover
53:45 a couple of other things in this area.
53:47 The Bible says, "The Lord is..."
53:49 What?
53:51 "Gracious and full of compassion."
53:54 Next three words, "Slow to anger..."
53:57 And what else?
53:58 "Great in..."
53:59 What? "Mercy."
54:01 Now let me point out something,
54:02 you don't really know why people get angry.
54:05 I've had people get angry with me
54:06 in a position as a pastor.
54:08 I always say, and I've learned...
54:10 I mean, I've grown,
54:12 I have come to the place where I have said,
54:14 and in many cases, I've been right,
54:16 but in some cases,
54:18 in some cases and very rare cases,
54:20 it's been like, "Really?
54:22 Did you get angry over that?
54:24 You must have missed what I said before that."
54:26 Sometimes people will hear a sermon,
54:28 I'd say something in the sermon,
54:29 and that's all they will hear,
54:32 and they won't come back to church.
54:33 And they'll come up with this crazy concept
54:37 that I don't like a certain kind of vehicle
54:39 because I mentioned it in my sermon.
54:40 My whole point was, "You can't drive to heaven no matter
54:42 what kind of vehicle you have."
54:44 But slow to anger, gracious, full of compassion,
54:48 so let's write that down.
54:49 What kind of disposition should we have towards anger?
54:53 We put down slow but be full of compassion,
54:56 be great in mercy
54:58 because angry people hurt people.
55:04 Hurting people hurt people.
55:07 Angry people sometimes build their own jail,
55:10 and they lock themselves in, and they refuse to get out.
55:14 And I think sometimes it is
55:16 because pride keeps some people angry
55:20 until they feel justified.
55:25 You know, angry people sometimes
55:26 want to be vindicated.
55:28 They want somebody to say, "You're angry for good reason."
55:31 Not always the case.
55:33 You don't always have the right reason to be angry.
55:35 Sometimes you could be angry for the wrong reason.
55:37 But because you came up with the idea to be angry,
55:39 then all of a sudden, you want people to vindicate,
55:41 "Yes, Yanick, you are good at being angry."
55:43 No, be full of compassion, be gracious,
55:46 put yourself in the other person's position and realize.
55:49 So here's my point, look at the next slide.
55:52 Don't let anger become your first reaction.
55:57 Look at that slide.
55:58 Don't let anger become your first reaction.
56:02 Can you bring my slide up for me there?
56:05 Don't let anger become your first reaction.
56:08 Because when anger is your first reaction...
56:11 Don't let anger become your first reaction.
56:14 When anger is your first reaction,
56:16 sometimes, to some people, that's your last reaction.
56:20 Because I tell you sometimes we could blow up on people,
56:23 and while we're exploding,
56:27 they just turn around and just walk away,
56:30 don't want to talk to us anymore.
56:32 And I also found this out, as a pastor,
56:36 I was talking about this
56:37 at Southern University just a few days ago.
56:40 And I said to one of the students.
56:43 We were talking about...
56:44 I forgot what the topic was, but we're saying.
56:47 You know, I said, "As student, you guys could lose your temper
56:51 in this cafeteria and get into a yelling match,
56:55 and you could apologize tomorrow,
56:56 and people will forgive you.
56:58 But if I got angry
57:00 and blew my temper in your cafeteria,
57:03 you know, they'll say, 'Isn't that guy from 3ABN?
57:06 Isn't that Pastor Lomacang?
57:08 Oh, I'm not watching
57:10 that network ever again.'"
57:14 You know, certain people can't afford to get angry.
57:17 So, you know, what happens when we're angry,
57:19 we go home and say, "Lord, I'm angry, help me with it."
57:22 Because we all, at one point or another,
57:24 get angry, isn't that right?
57:26 But don't let anger become your first reaction.
57:29 Analyze the situation,
57:32 find out where that anger is coming from,
57:33 find out what the purpose of your anger is,
57:36 and don't let it become the master over you.
57:39 So write that third point down
57:40 under number two or second point.
57:43 Don't let anger become your first reaction.
57:46 Friends, we're going to continue
57:47 in this very practical topic,
57:49 invite your friends to be a part of it
57:50 because we know
57:52 that if it doesn't make sense right now,
57:53 just keep studying God's Word,
57:54 one day, it will come into A Sharper Focus.
57:58 God bless you.


Revised 2018-08-29