A Sharper Focus

The Truth About Jesus -part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000151A

00:23 Hello, friends, welcome to A Sharper Focus,
00:26 the Wednesday Night Bible Study here
00:27 coming from the 3ABN Worship Center
00:30 in Thompsonville, Illinois.
00:31 We like to welcome all of you
00:33 who are tuning in with a hearty amen.
00:34 Can we say amen? Amen.
00:36 And we are ready with our Bibles, and our pens,
00:38 and our lessons, and we have prayed,
00:40 but we're going to pray with you in just a few moments
00:42 before we get into the lesson.
00:44 As you know, we are continuing on the topic,
00:46 the truth about Jesus and,
00:49 you know, a lot of times people think,
00:50 "Well, what more can we learn about Jesus?"
00:52 Well, the more we learn about Him,
00:54 the more we recognize our need of Him.
00:57 So in just a moment I'll tell you
00:58 where you get a copy of the lesson
00:59 and we will sing our theme song in just a moment.
01:01 But before we go any further, let's go ahead, and bow,
01:04 and ask the Lord to continue with us.
01:08 Loving Father in heaven, we thank You for the blessing
01:09 and the opportunity tonight
01:12 to open Your Word as we open our hearts.
01:15 Father, in the world where Jesus is being rejected
01:17 in so many ways and misunderstood,
01:20 we pray that tonight we can solidify
01:22 our committed hearts to following You
01:26 as we learn more about our Savior.
01:29 So come and be in our presence, we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
01:34 Now the lesson number is lesson 36.
01:37 Does everybody have lesson 36? Yes.
01:40 Lesson 36, and go to this following website,
01:43 ASF.3ABN.org
01:46 and download lesson number 36, "The Truth About Jesus."
01:50 It should have 27 questions.
01:52 And tonight, we're going to begin on question number 14.
01:55 And we'll continue.
01:57 This is an amazing lesson and what it does
01:59 and it doesn't just talk about Jesus,
02:01 but one of the ways I could introduce this lesson,
02:05 matter of fact,
02:06 what I'll do is I'll do the song first
02:08 and then I'll use my opener
02:09 so I don't have to go back and forth to that.
02:11 Tonight our song
02:13 that we sing is Victory in Jesus.
02:14 Let's sing that theme song together.
02:17 Are you ready? Here we go.
02:25 I heard an old, old story
02:29 How the Savior came from glory
02:33 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:36 To save a wretch like me
02:40 I heard about His groaning
02:44 Of His precious blood's atoning
02:48 Then I repented of my sins
02:52 And won the victory
02:55 O victory in Jesus
02:59 My Savior, forever
03:03 He sought me and bought me
03:07 With His redeeming blood
03:11 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:14 And all my love is due Him
03:18 He plunged me to victory
03:22 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:26 I heard about a mansion
03:29 He has built for me in glory
03:33 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:37 Beyond the crystal sea
03:41 About the angels singing
03:45 And the old redemption story
03:48 And some sweet day
03:50 I'll sing up there The song of victory
03:55 Key change.
03:56 O victory in Jesus
04:00 My Savior, forever
04:03 He sought me and bought me
04:07 With His redeeming blood
04:11 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:15 And all my love is due Him
04:19 He plunged me to victory
04:22 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:26 He plunged me to victory
04:30 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:37 Amen.
04:39 The topic is entitled, let's say this together,
04:41 "The Truth About Jesus."
04:45 Now our overall theme is how to know the truth
04:48 about the truth, and we've been covering
04:49 quite a bit of topics from the Sabbath
04:51 to what happens when you die, to health,
04:55 to God's financial plan, number of other topics,
04:58 revelation, righteousness by faith,
05:00 but this is the key topic of them all
05:02 because to know the truth about the truth,
05:05 to know the truth, small t about the truth,
05:08 Jesus is really what all these topics are all about.
05:11 And so when you talk about the truth about Jesus,
05:13 the entire focus of our study from the beginning till now
05:17 has always been about Jesus.
05:19 Can you say amen to that?
05:21 But all the topics like what happens when you die,
05:23 the Sabbath, the state of dead,
05:25 you know, health, financial, the change of the Sabbath,
05:29 all these go back to the central theme
05:32 of what Jesus said and how man has changed it.
05:36 But we're talking about, tonight, more statistics.
05:39 Now, the reason why this topic is important
05:41 is when you think about what are the chances
05:44 of all these prophecies about Jesus coming to pass?
05:49 Now for that to be a 100% fulfillment would mean
05:55 that He would have to in a great degree manipulate
06:00 all these prophecies.
06:02 But to show that He could not manipulate these prophecies,
06:04 we studied earlier that when Jesus came,
06:07 did He come as God or did He come as man?
06:09 Man.
06:11 He came clothed in human flesh.
06:13 He came as a babe.
06:15 Not knowledgeable of anything that existed prior to that.
06:19 He came to learn the will of the Father.
06:22 He came, as the Bible says, in the fullness of time.
06:25 So He couldn't manipulate as a baby,
06:27 He couldn't manipulate anything
06:28 because He was then in human flesh, very divine,
06:32 but very much human.
06:34 And so when you look at the prophecies
06:36 that some date back from the very beginning to...
06:39 In Genesis, thousands of years ago,
06:43 some 700 years ago, there's not a single person
06:46 that we know in history before they were born,
06:49 that all these things were said about them
06:52 that came to pass with starling accuracy
06:55 and not one mishap.
06:58 So only Jesus is the one.
06:59 So when you think about that, the Bible inspired by God
07:05 led by the Holy Spirit,
07:09 the content of it, as John 5:39 says,
07:11 it teaches us about Jesus.
07:13 All these things happened the way
07:15 that God ordained them to occur
07:18 but He did not manipulate anything.
07:20 And He gave each of the prophets,
07:22 each of the apostles, Old Testament, major prophets,
07:25 minor prophets, He gave them all the information
07:27 that they needed so that when it came to pass,
07:31 one of the things that you'll notice in the Bible
07:34 or the gospels particularly, you have this phrase
07:38 so that it can be fulfilled or fulfilled as Jeremiah
07:42 and other prophets that have fulfilled,
07:43 as Isaiah said,
07:45 you find that all through the Bible.
07:46 So the fulfillment in fact
07:48 is taking place in the New Testament
07:50 and the prognostication of prophecy
07:52 is taking place in the Old Testament.
07:55 You know the saying, are you ready?
07:57 "The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed
08:01 and the Old Testament
08:02 is the New Testament concealed."
08:05 So the Old Testament conceals the new
08:07 and the new reveals the old.
08:09 So tonight we're going to begin with question number 14
08:12 and we're going to go through these prophecies in particular.
08:15 There are many, many prophecies,
08:17 we're just going to cover some of the major ones
08:21 showing that in fact Jesus is who the Bible said He is.
08:25 Now if you downloaded the lesson, you might notice
08:27 Isaiah 7:4 but it's actually Isaiah 7:14,
08:30 which is correct on our slides in just a moment.
08:34 But let's begin with question number 14,
08:36 and here it is.
08:37 The Bible predicted the method of the birth of Jesus?
08:43 Let's go to Isaiah 7:14.
08:46 Now how many of you could predict
08:48 your method of birth?
08:52 None of us can.
08:54 We can't choose our mother, we can't choose our father,
08:58 we can't choose the hospital that we're born in
09:00 but amazingly enough, we'll see in a moment,
09:04 not just His method of birth, where He was born,
09:07 to whom He would be born,
09:09 the circumstances under which He was born,
09:11 all these things
09:13 were historical events unfolding,
09:14 non-manipulated by heaven.
09:17 But all because God knows,
09:19 well I'll show you the texts in a moment,
09:20 but let's just go ahead and answer question number 14.
09:24 Look at Isaiah 7:14,
09:26 here's what the Bible talks about
09:27 the prediction of the method of the birth of Jesus.
09:30 And it says, let's read the first one together,
09:33 "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a," what?
09:37 A sign. "A sign, behold, the," what?
09:39 "The virgin shall conceive and bear a Son,
09:44 and shall call His name," what?
09:45 Immanuel. "Immanuel."
09:47 Immanuel meaning interpreted what?
09:49 God with us.
09:52 So notice this.
09:55 One of the things that has pointed out
09:56 in biblical history,
09:58 some of the historians point this out,
09:59 Josephus, an historian, point this out
10:02 as he talked about, even in the Septuagint,
10:04 this is referred to.
10:06 The Septuagint is a book
10:07 that often referred to as the LXX,
10:10 LXX is the Septuagint.
10:12 It refers to the fact that one of the reasons
10:13 why male children was so valued
10:16 throughout Old Testament times
10:19 is because each of the mothers having a male child,
10:21 they thought that their child would be the deliverer,
10:26 the Messiah,
10:27 and this was forecast long before it occurred.
10:32 And so the attempt made
10:35 at the time of the birth of Jesus,
10:37 the attempt to kill children.
10:39 What category was the attempt to made on, male or female?
10:42 Male.
10:44 Male children, what age and under?
10:46 Two years. Two years old and under.
10:48 So even the evil leaders knew...
10:53 Wow, if we could find them anywhere,
10:56 we will find them among the male children.
10:59 The deliverer is the male child
11:01 and he at this time will be two years old and under,
11:04 which indicates from the time that his birth was forecast
11:09 to the time the wise men went and didn't come back,
11:14 a time period had to extend.
11:16 That was exact about two years
11:18 because they came looking for the born child,
11:20 the born Christ and didn't find Him.
11:23 And so the wise men were told
11:24 by the leaders of Rome, "Go find Him
11:26 and when you find out where He is,
11:28 come back and let me know so that I can do," what?
11:31 "So that I can worship Him."
11:33 And they didn't come back in...
11:35 He waited for a long time
11:36 because when the decree was given,
11:38 "Kill all the male children two years old and under."
11:41 But the Bible talked about this.
11:43 And so also showing the kind of birth He had,
11:47 His birth, and this is amazing,
11:49 His birth was not the result of a man planting the seed.
11:54 His birth was the result of who?
11:59 The Holy Spirit.
12:01 So from His birth,
12:02 the Holy Spirit was in charge of the process.
12:05 You remember there in the...
12:07 I think it's in the Book of Luke 2, go there with me.
12:10 We'll go ahead and let's do the prophecy,
12:11 let's do the fulfillment,
12:14 the second portion to this question.
12:17 Isaiah 7:14 was the prophecy.
12:19 Look at Matthew 1:22-23.
12:22 And then we'll go to Luke in a moment here.
12:24 But here's the second portion of it.
12:26 So the Bible says, "All this was done "
12:30 Matthew 1:22-23 appears on the screen,
12:33 "All this was done that it might be fulfilled
12:38 which was spoken by the Lord through the," what?
12:41 "Through the prophet, saying, 'Behold,
12:45 the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son,
12:51 and they shall call His name," 'what?
12:53 "Immanuel,' which is translated together, 'God with us."'
12:57 So notice, it even said
12:58 which was spoken of by the prophet.
13:01 So Matthew is recognizing the words of the prophet.
13:06 He said, the prophet said this,
13:08 and it's coming to pass exactly as the prophet said.
13:12 And when you go to Luke where doctor...
13:15 You know, what's amazing about the Book of Luke?
13:17 Dr. Luke gives details
13:21 that a doctor would give.
13:24 He gives details that a doctor would give.
13:26 He approaches the birth of Jesus
13:28 in the sense that a physician would.
13:33 Let's go ahead
13:34 and look at Luke chapter 2,
13:39 chapter 1 actually, chapter 1.
13:42 Okay.
13:47 All right.
13:50 And let's see, we talked about Elizabeth
13:54 and the six month,
13:56 okay, let's go to verse 26.
14:00 Okay.
14:02 Now in the six month, Luke 1:26,
14:05 "Now in the sixth month,
14:06 the Angel Gabriel was sent by," who?
14:09 "By God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth,
14:13 to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph,
14:16 of the House of David.
14:18 The Virgin's name was Mary."
14:20 Now I want to make a point right here.
14:22 Mary was the one chosen by God
14:24 but Jesus is the one to be worshiped.
14:29 Did you get that?
14:30 Mary was not chosen as an object of worship,
14:33 she was chosen simply as the vessel
14:35 through whom the one to be worshiped
14:37 was to be born into the world.
14:40 He chose her as a virgin
14:42 and today they have the phrase Virgin Mary,
14:44 which in fact is true according to the context.
14:48 But Mary was not the one to be venerated.
14:51 She was simply the vessel
14:53 through which Jesus came into the world.
14:55 So those who are worshiping Mary,
14:56 they missed the whole point.
14:58 You don't worship any human being
15:00 and that was the same case with John,
15:02 and I'll show you this in Revelation when the...
15:06 Well, I don't want to go ahead of myself,
15:08 but let's just finish this first.
15:09 So when you say Holy Mary, Mother of God,
15:13 that's not the...
15:14 She is not the mother of God, okay?
15:18 Let's just make this very clear.
15:20 Jesus is born through her.
15:21 If she's the mother of God, then she precedes God.
15:25 But the amazing thing about this story is
15:27 how can you be before Jesus
15:31 and after Jesus?
15:33 Because Jesus created in the beginning all humanity,
15:38 and the vessel through which He was delivered into the world
15:40 was the very humanity He created.
15:42 How can you be before and after?
15:44 But it goes on in verse 28,
15:46 and the angel says, "And having come in,
15:48 the angel said to her, 'Rejoice highly favored one,"
15:51 highly favored, not holy one, "the Lord is with you.
15:55 Blessed are you among women."
15:57 In other words, when God chooses you,
15:59 it is a blessing.
16:00 That's simply what it means.
16:01 It doesn't mean that now
16:03 you are elevated above everyone else.
16:06 No, God chose you, you are blessed.
16:09 "But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying
16:12 and considered what manner of greeting this was."
16:16 And then verse 30, "Then the angel said to her,
16:19 'Do not be afraid, Mary,
16:21 for you have found favor with God.
16:24 And behold, you will conceive in your womb,
16:27 and bring forth a Son, and shall call his name Jesus.
16:31 He will be great and will be called the Son of the highest
16:36 and the Lord God will give Him
16:38 the throne of His father, David,
16:40 and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever
16:43 and of His kingdom, there will be no end."'
16:45 And to show you that
16:46 this was done by the Spirit of God,
16:48 it says in verse 34, "Mary said to the angel,
16:50 'How can this be since I do not know a man?'"
16:55 God doesn't need the aid of humanity
16:57 to accomplish a divine purpose.
16:59 That's simply what was being pointed out here.
17:01 And then notice in verse 35,
17:03 and we'll go on to the next question after verse 35,
17:05 "And the angel answered and said to her,
17:07 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
17:10 and the power of the highest will overshadow you.
17:14 Therefore also that holy one who is to be born
17:17 will be called the Son of," what?
17:19 "Son of God.'"
17:21 So this was a united effort by heaven, the Holy Spirit
17:25 and God will come upon you, and that which was born in her,
17:28 in fact, was not only predicted,
17:30 and Isaiah predicted this 700 years
17:33 before it occurred.
17:34 Let's go to the very next one.
17:36 So the prediction of the method of the birth of Christ was...
17:40 What's the key connecting points
17:42 in these two verses?
17:44 Somebody tell me.
17:45 What's the...?
17:46 Huh? Conceived by a virgin.
17:48 Conceived by a virgin is one and what's another one?
17:51 Some key connecting points in these verses.
17:53 His name Immanuel, that's right,
17:55 showing clearly that Isaiah and Matthew
17:57 are talking about the same individual,
17:59 God with us in both instances.
18:01 Now let's look at question number 15.
18:05 Here it is.
18:07 The Bible also predicted that a Star
18:09 what arise out of Judah?
18:12 A star would arise out of Judah,
18:16 and we find the prediction now in Numbers 24:17.
18:19 Now the reason why this topic is also important
18:22 is because there are lots of religions in the world
18:25 that cannot trace the elemental steps
18:27 of their development.
18:29 The Bible, although it's a book
18:33 that contains the history of humanity
18:35 from the very creation of the world to the present
18:38 the Bible is not that old a book.
18:40 It was written over the period of 1500 years.
18:43 So it's not that old a book.
18:44 So when you look at the Bible, you can trace the cities,
18:46 the names of the prophets, the dates, the locations.
18:49 All of these things are still traceable today
18:51 in modern archeology.
18:54 So when it talks about this in Numbers 24:17,
18:58 look at the prophecy, here it is,
19:02 "I see Him,
19:04 but not now," meaning He hasn't appeared yet,
19:07 "I behold Him," but what else?
19:09 "But not near,
19:11 a Star shall come out of Jacob,
19:15 a Scepter shall rise out of, " where?
19:17 "Israel, and batter the brow of Moab,
19:21 and destroy all the sons of tumult."
19:25 So he's saying in a beautiful way,
19:27 he says, "I see Him but not now,
19:30 I behold Him but not near."
19:31 So as Moses writes, he says,
19:37 "This is a distant prophecy.
19:39 It is to be fulfilled.
19:41 I see Him but not now, I behold Him but not near."
19:44 So write that down in Numbers 24:17.
19:47 What you'd like to put there, "The Bible predicted that
19:50 a star would arise out of Judah."
19:52 One of the things I would put there is
19:54 Moses was looking forward
19:56 because he said, "I see Him but not now,
19:58 I behold Him but not near."
20:00 And the other thing that you can be sure
20:02 about prophecy is this,
20:03 when a prophecy is given, it will come to pass.
20:08 So he says,
20:09 "I see it happening, but not now.
20:12 I behold Him but not near."
20:14 Meaning it's still yet ahead of the time of the prediction.
20:17 And Moses, as you know,
20:19 did not live to see this prediction.
20:21 However, Matthew did.
20:23 Look at Matthew 2:1-2, for the fulfillment.
20:29 Here it is.
20:32 "Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of," where?
20:37 "Of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold,"
20:41 what kind of men?
20:42 "Wise men from the east came to Jerusalem saying,"
20:47 what did they say?
20:49 "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?
20:53 For we have seen His," what?
20:56 "His star in the east and have come to worship Him."'
21:00 Now isn't it providential
21:02 that the star of the first birth of Jesus appeared where?
21:07 In what location?
21:08 In the east, and where would the appearance of Jesus,
21:11 His second coming be?
21:13 In the east.
21:14 So the east is a direction of godly activity,
21:18 the king of the east...
21:19 So when the Bible says that the way of the kings
21:21 of the east might be prepared,
21:23 it's referring to the divine appearance of Jesus,
21:26 it's referring to
21:28 when the River Euphrates dries up,
21:29 that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
21:32 It's referring when Babylon has lost all of its power,
21:36 that makes the entrance for the coming of our Lord,
21:40 the kings of east.
21:41 And by the way, these were wise men,
21:43 they were also called Magi.
21:45 Another word you can get from that
21:46 is the ancient application of magicians
21:49 but they were not sleight of hand magicians,
21:51 these were very educated men,
21:54 men educated in prophecy and understanding,
21:56 and they studied the prophecies
21:58 even though they weren't out of the lineage of God.
22:03 These were not men that were even Jewish.
22:05 These men were
22:07 from the same region as Solomon.
22:08 Solomon was the wisest man from the east.
22:12 And so these wise men studied the prophecies.
22:15 So when they saw the star...
22:18 Let me ask you the question, do you think
22:19 that that star was an astronomical appearance
22:23 or divine appearance?
22:24 Divine.
22:26 Divine appearance
22:27 because it showed up at the time
22:29 predicted by the prophet in Numbers.
22:32 And where it was seen was exactly as the Bible,
22:36 "A star shall come out of Jacob, out of Judah".
22:39 And so it showed itself at the timing
22:42 that the Bible predicted.
22:44 And by the way, they didn't just study one prophet,
22:47 they studied the prophets and they began to line it up.
22:50 So when they came to Jerusalem asking
22:51 where is He born King of the Jews,
22:53 they came to the people,
22:55 the people that God had called to embrace His message.
22:58 And they said to the people that should have known,
23:02 "Where is your king?"
23:03 And they referred to the chief priests
23:06 and they said,
23:09 "We heard the reason
23:12 why the star led them to Jerusalem first was,"
23:15 and this is a very sad commentary,
23:17 "was to show that the people that should have known
23:20 were not aware of the birth of the Lord."
23:23 And so you have Isaiah also saying,
23:25 "The donkey knows its master, the ox knows its maker
23:31 but my people do not know."
23:33 Isn't that amazing?
23:35 Dumb animals, really,
23:38 the people didn't know but the animals knew.
23:40 The animals were present at the birth of their maker
23:43 but the people were absent.
23:44 So let's look at this.
23:46 So did we get verse 1 and 2? Yes.
23:49 So the key elements in both of these verses
23:52 would be the star from the east.
23:56 Now let me just make a point about this.
23:59 This is one of the reasons why the star appoints,
24:02 the star belongs to Jesus.
24:05 Let's say that together, the star is who?
24:07 Jesus.
24:08 So when earthly men say,
24:11 "You're a star, a movie star, a music star,"
24:15 these are earthly attempts
24:16 to usurp a title that belongs only to Jesus.
24:21 We're not stars.
24:23 On the Hollywood walk of fame, you see stars.
24:26 That's not a star, Jesus is a star.
24:29 Can you say amen to that?
24:31 Let's go to the next one, number 16.
24:32 We're outlining all these prophecies
24:34 as it relates to the birth of Jesus.
24:37 The Bible also pointed out something very interesting,
24:41 His earthly family line.
24:43 Let's go to number 16.
24:44 "The earthly family line of Jesus was also revealed."
24:49 And we go to Genesis
24:50 49:8-10.
24:55 Genesis 49:8-10.
25:00 Let's look at this together.
25:04 Yes.
25:06 And by the way, in Genesis 49, one of the interesting studies
25:09 there is it points out the 12 tribes.
25:12 How many tribes? Twelve.
25:14 Okay, how many gates to the New Jerusalem?
25:16 Twelve. Twelve.
25:17 Each, you'll discover each of these tribes
25:20 in Genesis 49, a particular weakness
25:22 is mentioned in each of their lives.
25:24 And only those that overcame their weaknesses
25:28 were still mentioned in Revelation.
25:30 The one that wasn't mentioned is Dan.
25:33 Sorry, Dan.
25:35 Not Dan Peake but the tribe of Dan.
25:39 And this is not true about our Dan at all.
25:42 But Dan was...
25:44 The Bible talked about Dan in Genesis 49:7,
25:48 "Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes.
25:51 Dan shall be a serpent by the way,
25:53 a viper in the path, that bite the horses heels
25:55 so that the rider shall fall backward."
25:57 And Genesis 49, verse, not 7, but verse 17.
26:02 So Dan was the one in the Bible that focused
26:04 on everybody else's weakness except his own,
26:07 and he was therefore not mentioned.
26:08 But if you go verse 8 to 10...
26:10 Let's look at this together.
26:12 Verse 8 to 10, here it is on the screen.
26:14 "Judah, you are he whom your brothers shall," what?
26:19 "Praise, your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies,
26:24 your father's children shall bow before you.
26:29 Judah is a lion's whelp, from the prey,
26:34 my son, you have gone up.
26:37 He bows down, he lies down as a lion,
26:41 and as a lion, who shall rouse him?"
26:44 And then verse 10,
26:47 "The scepter shall not depart from," where?
26:50 "Judah, nor a lawgiver
26:53 from between his feet, until," who?
26:56 "Shiloh comes,
26:58 and to Him shall be the obedience of the people."
27:02 So Judah, and by the way,
27:05 when you look at the family line,
27:07 Jesus is called the lion of the tribe of Judah.
27:10 That family line, you find that
27:12 there were 10 tribes torn apart.
27:14 They went off into abject confusion
27:19 but Judah remained faithful,
27:22 and it was through Judah
27:23 that Jesus became the deliverer,
27:24 it was through Judah that Jesus came.
27:26 And when you look at Matthew 1,
27:29 we'll look at that in just a moment.
27:30 But let's look at the fulfillment.
27:32 Let's look at the fulfillment,
27:34 and we find this in Luke
27:35 1:30-32,
27:42 the scepter.
27:43 You know, by the way,
27:45 when the Bible talks about a scepter,
27:48 it's not the same as the staff of a shepherd.
27:52 A scepter is more of an object of a king,
27:57 an object of a ruler,
27:59 and you look at many of these kings,
28:01 their scepter is a very object that they...
28:03 Like if they said, "Yanick, come forth",
28:05 and they'll extend their scepter
28:06 and you'll touch their scepter.
28:08 You find that in the story of Esther,
28:09 the king extended his scepter.
28:11 That's an object of a royal king,
28:13 of a royal leader,
28:15 of one who is in fact the one upon whose shoulders
28:17 the laws of the people exist.
28:20 That's why Jesus is the one who has the scepter.
28:23 Let's look at Luke 1:30-32 for the fulfillment.
28:26 Here it is.
28:28 "Then the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary,
28:33 for you have found favor with God.
28:35 And behold, you will conceive in your womb
28:38 and bring forth a Son"' all right,
28:42 "and shall call His name," together, "Jesus.
28:46 He will be great, and will be called," what?
28:51 "The Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him
28:54 the throne of His father," what?
28:56 "David?"' Now what city is David?
29:01 Judah.
29:02 So you find clearly the connection,
29:05 the family lineage.
29:06 And by the way, let me show you something very quickly.
29:08 Go with me to Matthew 1. Matthew 1.
29:11 Let's look at this.
29:14 This is very interesting.
29:19 I believe that the reason
29:20 why this is located in Matthew 1
29:21 is because Matthew picks up as the first book
29:25 in the New Testament.
29:29 Matthew 1:17.
29:31 Matthew 1:17. Okay.
29:35 I want you to notice how the Bible and what's...
29:38 One of the books in the Bible that I wasn't really crazy
29:40 about reading was Chronicles, 1 Chronicles.
29:42 Anybody read 1 Chronicles before?
29:45 What's 1 Chronicles?
29:47 Names, genealogies,
29:50 you could really get to the point where you say,
29:53 "What is the importance of all these names?"
29:56 But now you know why. Let's look at this.
29:58 And we read through 1 Chronicles together
29:59 and then early portions of 2 Chronicles like,
30:02 "Oh, do we have to put two books together
30:04 with all these names?"
30:05 But there's a reason for that.
30:06 Look at this.
30:08 Look at Matthew 1:17.
30:10 "Now all the generations
30:11 from Abraham to David are," what?
30:13 Fourteen.
30:14 "Fourteen generations, from David until the captivity
30:18 in Babylon are," what?
30:19 "Fourteen generations,
30:21 and from the captivity in Babylon
30:22 until the Christ are," what?
30:24 "Fourteen generations."
30:26 And if you want to have fun, that's 42 generations,
30:30 if you want to have fun, go to Matthew 1:1
30:33 and let's just peek at this very quickly.
30:35 Let's peek at this very quickly,
30:37 and you'll look at how this unfolds,
30:39 and you start saying, "Oh,
30:40 now I understand who's related to whom,
30:45 now I see why such and such
30:47 happened in the way that it did."
30:49 Look at Matthew 1, it says,
30:51 "The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ,
30:54 the son of," who?
30:55 "David, and also the son of," who?
30:57 "Abraham."
30:58 In each category, these prophets,
31:01 these patriarchs are connected
31:03 in the family line of Jesus.
31:05 Now notice, "Abraham begot Isaac,
31:07 Isaac begot Jacob, Jacob begot," who?
31:10 "Judah."
31:12 What tribe did Jesus come through?
31:13 Judah.
31:15 And His brothers, "Judah begot Perez
31:18 and Zerah by Tamar, Perez begot Hezron,
31:21 Hezron begot Ram.
31:23 Ram begot," who?
31:25 "Amminadab, Amminadab begot Nahshon,
31:29 and Nahshon begot Salmon.
31:31 Salmon begot Boaz by," who?
31:35 By who? Rahab.
31:36 Who is Rahab?
31:41 Isn't that encouraging?
31:43 "Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, Obed begot Jesse.
31:47 Jesse begot," who?
31:49 "David.
31:50 David the king begot Solomon by her
31:53 whom had been the wife of Uriah."
31:56 Find some courage, come on amen, somebody.
31:58 Amen.
32:00 "Solomon begot Rehoboam, Rehoboam begot Abijah,
32:02 Abijah begot Asa.
32:04 Asa begot Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat begot Joram,
32:06 and Joram begot Uzziah."
32:08 Do I need to keep going?
32:09 Do you get the point yet?
32:11 It's a beautiful genealogy to see
32:12 that the Lord traces
32:14 the footsteps of divinity from the beginning
32:18 all the way to the birth of Jesus.
32:19 So now here's the point,
32:21 when archeologists, and historians,
32:22 and genealogists begin to put together
32:24 the line of Jesus, they say,
32:27 "All these other lines are true,
32:30 all these other genealogies can be traced.
32:32 These names are part of biblical history,
32:35 are part of archaeological history."
32:37 So if these names
32:39 and these family lines did exist,
32:41 it is higher in possibility
32:45 for the existence of Jesus to be real.
32:48 And today, the proof of the fact
32:50 that Jesus was born is the fact that it's 2016.
32:55 We were just in England
32:56 and we saw on one of the buildings there A.D.
32:59 and they put the year below that.
33:01 And then they had the Latin, Anno Domini,
33:04 in the year of our Lord.
33:06 So no matter what the country is on earth,
33:08 they all recognize that it is 2016,
33:11 even though they may have their own derivatives
33:13 or their versions of that.
33:14 For example, in the Chinese dynasty,
33:17 they'll say, well, this is the 4,000th year
33:20 or this is the 6000th year, but when they do business,
33:22 it's 2016 in China, it's 2016 in Russia,
33:26 it's 2016 in India, it's 2016 in America
33:29 because they all acknowledge the fact that Jesus was born.
33:32 What do you say?
33:34 And look at verse 16.
33:35 Thank you.
33:37 It says, "And Jacob begot Joseph,
33:39 the husband of Mary,
33:41 of whom was born Jesus who is called," who?
33:45 "Christ."
33:47 And so you find that genealogy is true.
33:49 Another thing we call genealogy,
33:51 what's a modern term for genealogy?
33:55 You all know it.
33:56 You got it in you. Family tree.
33:59 There you go, family tree.
34:00 It's a common thing.
34:02 And how many of are so excited when we trace our family tree?
34:06 Okay, I was expecting a response.
34:12 It works in some places and in some cases you end up...
34:17 I remember one of my good friends, he said,
34:19 he said he was so discouraged when he traced his family tree.
34:23 He said, "Man, I ended up in a shack
34:25 somewhere in the south during slavery
34:26 and I was so discouraged.
34:28 I couldn't get past this shack
34:30 down in the south at the time of slavery."
34:32 He said, "I got so discouraged."
34:34 He said, "But I read and I opened my Bible,"
34:36 he says, "who was the son of Adam?
34:38 Who was the son of God?"
34:39 And he said, "I traced my genealogy
34:41 all the way back to the beginning."
34:42 Amen?
34:43 So as the saying goes,
34:45 "If your relatives were not on the ark,
34:47 you're in trouble."
34:51 We all have our origin in Jesus Christ.
34:54 Praise the Lord for that.
34:56 Number 17.
34:58 Number 17.
35:01 What did the Bible teach concerning
35:03 the government of Jesus?
35:04 The government of Jesus.
35:07 Isaiah 9, let's go to Isaiah.
35:11 You know, this might seem like an act of futility
35:13 but what happens is you get to appreciate even more
35:16 when you begin to look
35:17 at all these different names in the Bible.
35:19 You begin to appreciate
35:20 with greater value and greater veracity
35:23 the fact that the Bible is not a book
35:24 that was just put together by men
35:26 but it has such a divine origin
35:28 and it's divine by an origin, it's like an arm broken string.
35:32 You know, like somebody once said...
35:34 We've been to a cave before.
35:36 We were down in a cave in Belize a number of years ago.
35:40 And the caves are dark, but what they did, they said,
35:44 "If you go deep into the cave, you can lose your way."
35:47 But what they did, is there, is along the wall in the cave,
35:51 ropes that no matter how far in you go,
35:54 if you could just find the rope,
35:56 you can find your way out.
35:59 Sometimes archeology seems dark,
36:01 but if you could hold on to the rope of genealogy
36:05 of the birth and the life
36:07 and the history of the birth of Jesus,
36:09 you can find your way out of darkness
36:12 into this marvelous light.
36:15 Question number 17, what did the Bible teach
36:17 concerning the government of Jesus?
36:19 Isaiah 9:6, let's look at that together.
36:22 Isaiah 9:7,
36:24 "Of the increase of His government and peace,
36:29 there will be no," what?
36:31 "No end." Isn't that wonderful to know?
36:32 One day there'll be no end to peace.
36:35 "Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
36:38 to order it and," what else?
36:41 "Establish it with," two things, with what?
36:44 "Judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever,"
36:49 and I like this,
36:51 "the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."
36:55 Now when you read the end of that passage,
36:56 you know, what's wonderful about
36:58 the way Isaiah is saying this,
36:59 he describes the kingdom and its characteristics
37:02 and he said, "God is so driven
37:06 by the reality of His government
37:09 that His zeal will make sure that this stands."
37:12 So if somebody establishes government,
37:14 if they have no passion about their government,
37:16 it doesn't have any existence, it doesn't have any power,
37:18 it doesn't have any longevity.
37:20 But he is saying, "God, the zeal of the Lord of hosts
37:22 will perform this."
37:24 How long will His government last?
37:26 No end.
37:27 There'll be no end. Now let's go.
37:30 It'll be no end, write that down.
37:31 What does the Bible teach about the government of Jesus?
37:33 It'll be no end. Wow.
37:36 And I'll give you another text to add
37:38 to that in just a moment.
37:39 There'll be no end to His government.
37:41 Now let's look at Luke 1:32-33
37:45 for the fulfillment.
37:47 Luke 1: 32-33 for the fulfillment.
37:50 Beautiful in its context.
37:53 Okay, I'm on my way there. Wait for me.
37:58 For those who are joining by following the study,
38:01 I hope you are enjoying this as much as we are,
38:05 studying about Jesus.
38:06 Here it is, verse 32 and 33.
38:10 Okay, and the reason
38:13 I didn't go to these passages earlier
38:15 because I knew that it will come up early.
38:17 I stopped at 31
38:18 when I talked about Mary and the birth of Jesus.
38:21 Here it is.
38:24 "He will be," the angel said to Mary, "He will be," what?
38:28 "Great, and will be called the Son of the "Highest,
38:33 and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.
38:37 And He will reign over the house of," what?
38:40 "Jacob," together, "forever,
38:43 and of His kingdom there will be no," what?
38:45 "End."
38:47 Now when you put that in there, we write the same thing,
38:50 when you put that in there,
38:51 you'll discover something very interesting.
38:53 After you do that, go with me to Revelation 11.
38:55 Because somewhere between
38:57 the establishment of the kingdom of God
38:59 and the reestablishment of the kingdom of God,
39:03 there's been somewhat of an interruption,
39:05 earthly kingdoms, you had Babylon,
39:08 if you know this, Babylon,
39:10 Medo-Persia, Greece, and what else?
39:12 Rome.
39:13 Then you had interspersed in there,
39:15 then you had United States, which is not a kingdom,
39:17 it's a republic.
39:18 Then you have all these other monarchies
39:21 around the world, like Great Britain, and France,
39:25 and some of the empires that are around the world.
39:29 So between the establishment of the kingdom of God
39:34 and the reestablishment
39:35 of the permanent kingdom of God...
39:37 I like the way that Revelation 11 brings this in.
39:39 Let's look at this, Revelation 11.
39:43 Okay.
39:52 Exactly.
39:54 So you will see that
39:56 the sequence of the unfolding of prophecy,
39:59 the Lord has a timetable
40:01 when His kingdom shall be firmly
40:03 and permanently established again.
40:05 And all these earthly kingdoms that seemed to be in power,
40:08 oh, no, don't get distracted by that
40:11 because only His kingdom will be no end, right?
40:14 Look at verse 15.
40:15 The Bible says, "Then the seventh angel sounded
40:18 and there were loud voices," where?
40:21 "In heaven.
40:22 That's the zeal of God saying," let's read this together,
40:25 "The kingdoms of this world have," what?
40:28 "Become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ,
40:32 and He shall reign," how long?
40:34 "Forever and ever."
40:37 So you see, Nori, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome,
40:41 all the other kingdoms,
40:42 they have their place in history,
40:44 but don't get sidetracked,
40:45 as great as America is, it's on a timetable,
40:48 only God's kingdom will have no end.
40:50 The prophet said it, God's Word confirms it,
40:53 and the history beckons the very call
40:56 that heaven has established,
40:58 only God's kingdom will be permanent.
41:00 Oh, even the royal family.
41:02 We went and we were dazzled by the gold, and silver,
41:04 and the endless ubulance,
41:09 I don't even know if that's a word
41:11 but that sounds pretty good.
41:12 The opulence, the pomp,
41:15 the how many sets of dishes
41:20 do you need?
41:22 They said the queen has over
41:25 a thousand sets of dishes given,
41:28 gifted her from all these kingdoms and monarchs
41:31 from around the world
41:33 and some of them, the sets have a thousand pieces
41:36 and it's all gold, and marble, and silver, and china.
41:41 And I thought man.
41:44 And when they set the royal table,
41:46 it's set with everything on that table is measured.
41:49 They measure the distance between
41:50 the forks, and the knives,
41:51 and the spoons, and the napkins.
41:53 They measure the distance between
41:54 the end of the table and the chair
41:56 so that when people of other governments
41:58 walk into that room,
42:00 the queen has to approve the final setting.
42:03 If she's not pleased with it, they got to fix it.
42:06 The chair backs can't be out of line
42:08 like one here and one there, the other where,
42:10 now you see according to man's measurements.
42:13 Now that's why God said, "Let all things be done," how?
42:17 "Decently and," how? "In order."
42:21 God is not the author of confusion.
42:23 Can you imagine walking into the hall of the queen
42:26 and the napkins are everywhere
42:28 and she says to the dignitaries,
42:29 "Grab a fork when you get to your place."
42:32 "Grab a fork?
42:33 Go and sit wherever you want to sit."
42:35 No, I believe that God has outlined
42:37 a place for each of us to sit.
42:39 If they do that in earthly dynasties,
42:41 surely God's got to be more organized
42:44 than any earthly kingdom.
42:46 Praise the Lord for that.
42:48 What a day is going to be
42:49 because everything in heaven is an order.
42:51 Nothing is out of place.
42:53 Those constellations, Orion and the Horsehead Nebula,
42:58 all those things are in the same rotating belt
43:00 that they'd been in for
43:02 thousands and thousands of years
43:04 and who holds them in place?
43:06 The heavens declare the glory of God.
43:09 Wow.
43:10 John 18:36, question number 18, let's look at that.
43:13 Question number 18.
43:20 Let me go there,
43:23 and the question is how did Jesus confirm
43:26 the reality of His heavenly kingdom?
43:28 How did He confirm the reality of His heavenly kingdom?
43:34 I liked the way He said it.
43:36 That's why let me just make a point here.
43:37 That's why don't get
43:38 sidetracked too much by politics.
43:41 Amen.
43:42 Thank you for the two amens.
43:44 For those of you that are shouting
43:46 on the other side of the camera,
43:47 I could hear you.
43:48 Don't get sidetracked by politics.
43:52 Because of this statement that Jesus made,
43:55 the Roman Government tried so much
43:58 to distract the mission of the disciples of Jesus.
44:02 They kept saying, "You are under our rule."
44:05 Even the Jews that rejected Jesus
44:07 acknowledged the rule of Rome.
44:09 They appeal to Rome to accomplish their design.
44:13 But I like what Jesus said, and this is something that
44:15 we must never forget as those
44:18 who are connected to a divine kingdom.
44:20 Here's what the Bible says.
44:22 How did Jesus confirmed
44:23 the reality of His heavenly kingdom?
44:25 Here it is.
44:26 "Jesus answered," let's read this together,
44:27 "My kingdom is not of this world.
44:31 If My kingdom were of this world," this is huge,
44:34 "My servants would fight,
44:37 so that I should not be delivered to the Jews,
44:40 but now My kingdom is not from here."'
44:45 The point I want to pull out of that
44:46 is there should be no political strife among Christians.
44:55 Amen. Amen.
44:56 Just want to hear, I know I didn't hear it
44:58 but I was just making sure.
45:00 Christians should not be infighting about politics
45:04 because our kingdom is not of this world.
45:09 And you know what happens, every four years,
45:12 whoever comes to be in the next seat,
45:14 fight over who's going to be the next president,
45:16 who's going to be in the White House,
45:19 it doesn't matter.
45:20 Because what matters is
45:22 our kingdom is not of this world.
45:25 Matter of fact, Paul the Apostle says,
45:26 "Our citizenship is in heaven
45:30 from whence we look for our savior.
45:33 Our citizenship is in heaven."
45:36 Now we may be citizens of the United States
45:38 and some of you as citizens of other countries,
45:40 but don't forget, Abraham said it well,
45:44 "I'm looking for a city who has foundations,
45:48 whose builder and maker is," what?
45:49 "God."
45:50 That's why he said, "I'm a pilgrim.
45:53 I'm going to keep on traveling until I find that city."
45:57 So don't get locked down with all this jargon
46:00 because I'll be very honest with you.
46:02 No matter what promise any politician makes,
46:05 he or she ain't going to keep it.
46:09 Only God's promises are sure, right?
46:12 He honors His word above His name.
46:14 But people tell you things
46:15 and then they argue with who said what,
46:17 and who said it to whom, and what was said on what date,
46:20 and who said it again, and it doesn't matter.
46:23 Let your life be focused on the Lord
46:25 whose kingdom is not of this world.
46:30 Wow.
46:32 I hope everybody heard that.
46:36 I should have been on CNN to say that,
46:38 or Fox News, or MSNBC, or whatever, HLN, whatever.
46:42 Let's go to number 19, moving right along, number 19.
46:46 So what did you put down for number 18?
46:48 What did Jesus say?
46:50 "My kingdom is not of this world."
46:52 So when you get all bent out of shape,
46:55 you know, the only election
46:56 the Bible talks about is making your calling
46:58 and your election for salvation, sure,
47:01 all the other elections don't matter.
47:05 Matters to some degree
47:06 because you're citizens of the government,
47:07 you want to make sure that things are in place,
47:09 but don't get bent out of shape
47:10 because when you make an election
47:11 on the side of Jesus, He will take care of you.
47:16 He sets them up, brings them down.
47:18 Number 19, here we go.
47:19 How does the Bible describe the preparation
47:23 for the ministry of Jesus?
47:25 How does the Bible describe, question 19,
47:28 the preparation for the ministry of Jesus?
47:31 How does it describe that?
47:34 Let's start with Malachi 3,
47:36 the last book of the Old Testament,
47:37 Malachi 3:1.
47:41 Okay.
47:43 It's the great silence between the voice of God,
47:46 and the Old Testament,
47:48 and the appearing of Christ in the new,
47:51 Malachi 3:1, here's what the Bible says,
47:55 "Behold, I send My messenger,
47:59 and He will," do what?
48:01 "Prepare the way before Me.
48:03 And the Lord, whom you seek,"
48:05 I like this, "will," what?
48:07 "Suddenly come to His temple,
48:11 even the Messenger of the covenant,
48:15 in whom you delight.
48:18 Behold, He is coming,' says the Lord of hosts.'"
48:22 Now I want you to notice something very significant
48:23 about this prophecy.
48:26 You find the word "messenger" in small caps
48:29 and then messenger in large caps.
48:31 Did you notice that?
48:33 The first one refers to who? John the Baptist.
48:37 The next one refers to who? Jesus.
48:40 So when you see those changes...
48:42 Right here on the screen it says,
48:44 "Even the Messenger of the covenant,"
48:46 Jesus is the Messenger of the covenant,
48:48 but the messenger that prepares the way is John the Baptist.
48:51 And by the way, this is strange,
48:53 John the Baptist is the cousin of Jesus
48:55 who is older than the one who is before him.
48:59 Put that together.
49:01 See, John, six months older than Jesus,
49:04 who in fact has no beginning, has no end,
49:06 that will really mess your mind up.
49:09 So the answer, how does the Bible describe
49:10 the preparation for the ministry of Jesus?
49:12 John the Baptist, the messenger, the messenger,
49:16 he sends forth the messenger.
49:19 Now let's look at the fulfillment in Luke 7.
49:25 Here it is.
49:28 "When the messengers of John had departed,"
49:33 Luke 7:24, "had departed.
49:36 He began to speak
49:37 to the multitudes concerning John,"
49:40 and this is beautiful,
49:43 "What did you go out into the wilderness to see?
49:46 A reed shaken by the wind?"
49:51 And the answer was, no.
49:52 "This is he of whom it is written,
49:55 'Behold, I send My," what?
49:57 "My what?
49:59 "Messenger, behold, I send My messenger,"
50:03 verse 27, "before Your face,
50:05 who will prepare Your way before You."'
50:10 So when the preaching of John,
50:12 which was a fire and brimstone preacher,
50:16 he was a man of such conviction.
50:18 His purpose was to prepare the way for Jesus.
50:22 That's why when John was placed in prison,
50:25 Jesus didn't go to see him.
50:28 Now a lot of people have said,
50:30 I'm going to make a contemporary now,
50:33 a lot of people say,
50:35 "You know, you know who is in prison?
50:36 Pastor never went to see him."
50:42 Can you imagine they said that about Jesus?
50:45 They said, "Didn't he work for Him?
50:50 And He never went to see him." Now why didn't He?
50:54 This doesn't apply to me, this applies...
50:55 Why did He not go?
51:01 He said...
51:04 Okay, come on.
51:05 I must, He must...
51:09 Exactly.
51:10 John had to decrease so that Jesus could what?
51:14 Increase, and what many people don't know is
51:17 that when Jesus began His ministry,
51:20 there was a lot of confusion among the religious leaders.
51:23 They said, "Who is baptizing?
51:26 What baptism are you of? John's baptism.
51:29 What baptism are you of? Jesus' baptism."
51:34 That's why later on,
51:35 there were those who were baptized
51:37 who never even heard of the Holy Spirit.
51:39 That's why in the Book of Acts 19,
51:41 he said, "Of what baptism are you from?
51:44 John's baptism? Have you heard of that?
51:46 We haven't even heard of the Holy Spirit."
51:49 They were baptized by water.
51:51 But John said, "There's one that's coming after me
51:53 that would baptize you with," what?
51:55 "Fire.
51:57 Whose shoes,
51:58 I'm not even worthy to loose the latchet on His shoes."
52:02 So John had to...
52:03 His ministry was just the lead up
52:05 to the coming of the Messiah.
52:06 His ministry was to come to an end,
52:09 and to be fulfilled,
52:11 and to lead right into the Messiah,
52:12 "the Messenger of the covenant,"
52:15 the messenger preparing the way
52:17 was to lead to the Messenger of the covenant,
52:20 who is in fact Jesus.
52:21 Wow.
52:22 So John was the fore...
52:27 John was the forerunner.
52:29 That's right.
52:31 Forerunner, he prepared the way.
52:34 So you want to write that down.
52:35 How does the Bible describe
52:37 the preparation of the ministry of Jesus?
52:38 John was the messenger.
52:42 John was the forerunner,
52:44 Jesus is the Messenger of the covenant.
52:46 Wow.
52:52 Now, also the Bible talks about the way
52:55 that Jesus communicates.
52:57 Let's look at question number 20.
52:59 Number 20.
53:02 What does the Bible teach concerning the method
53:04 of Jesus' communication?
53:06 How does Jesus communicate?
53:09 We're going to start with Psalm 78:2-4.
53:11 Now this by the way, this passage,
53:14 we're going to look at in just a moment here,
53:16 talks about a method of communication
53:18 that really wasn't put into strong impact
53:21 or if put into strong exercise until the ministry Jesus.
53:25 That's what makes it so significant.
53:27 When you look at the word parable,
53:29 you find the Old Testament prophets talk about the way
53:31 that Jesus is going to communicate.
53:33 And then when Jesus comes,
53:34 He begins to communicate this way.
53:36 Let's look at Psalms 78:2-4. Here it is.
53:42 The Bible says,
53:43 "I will open my mouth in a," what?
53:45 Parable. "A parable.
53:47 I will utter dark sayings of old,
53:50 which we have heard and known,
53:53 and our fathers have told us.
53:56 We will not hide them from their children,
54:00 telling to the generation to come
54:02 the praises of the Lord,
54:04 and His strength and His wonderful works
54:08 that He has done."
54:09 But He hid them, He hid them in...
54:12 Parables. Thank you.
54:14 He hid them in parables.
54:16 You know, for example,
54:18 we use symbolic language today.
54:22 You know, one of the ones we might use,
54:24 you may have heard this growing up,
54:26 a stitch in time saves nine.
54:29 What does that mean?
54:31 If you would fix your button when it starts to fall off,
54:35 you wouldn't have to use many more stitches
54:37 to put it back on.
54:38 What's another one you can think of?
54:40 That's parabolic.
54:41 You may have heard among your parents.
54:46 You guys know, don't count your chickens
54:49 before they hatch.
54:51 And how many of you had chickens to count?
54:53 Well, I did.
54:55 When I lived in Brooklyn,
54:56 we had like 23 chickens in our hallway...
55:00 in Brooklyn.
55:02 But what does that mean?
55:03 What does, don't count your chickens before...?
55:05 What does that mean?
55:09 Yeah, wait till you get it and then count it.
55:13 And a wise man keeps the thing until it comes to pass
55:16 but a foolish man utters his mind.
55:18 What does that mean?
55:20 Don't blab until it really happens
55:21 'cause some people say,
55:23 "I'm going to get this two days."
55:25 And all of a sudden it falls through,
55:26 "Whatever happened to that thing
55:28 you were talking about?"
55:29 "Well, it didn't work out."
55:30 Wait until it happens, then talk about it.
55:33 And there's so many wise sayings
55:35 in the Book of proverbs.
55:37 But sometimes,
55:40 the message needs to be hidden.
55:41 And that's what a parable is.
55:43 A parable is not just a saying,
55:44 but a parable is a hidden message.
55:46 Let's look at this.
55:48 Let's go to...
55:49 This is...
55:51 We just saw...
55:52 Okay, let me go back here.
55:55 Now Matthew...
55:56 I'm going to apologize for our graphic, guys.
55:58 I didn't give them this slide but we can look at it.
56:01 Matthew 13.
56:03 So would not appear on the screen,
56:04 but we can look at it together.
56:06 Let's go to Matthew 13.
56:11 And let's look at verse 34 and 35.
56:14 Matthew 13:34-35.
56:19 All right.
56:21 And the Bible says,
56:22 "All these things Jesus spoke to the multitude in," what?
56:26 "In parables.
56:28 And without a parable, He did not speak to them,
56:32 that it might be together fulfilled,
56:35 which was spoken by the prophet saying,"
56:38 here we are now quoting the very verse,
56:40 "I will open my mouth in parables.
56:42 I will utter things which have been kept secret
56:46 from the foundation of the world."
56:49 What's amazing about that whole prophecy
56:51 is the reason why Jesus spoke in parables to the multitude.
56:56 I'll just tell you very quickly in the interest of time,
56:59 if the people that were against Him
57:01 knew His plan,
57:03 they would have done everything to interrupt it.
57:05 So we spoke to the multitudes in parables.
57:08 But one of the things you'll find in Matthew 24,
57:09 and we're not going to turn there,
57:11 it says, "After He sent the multitudes away,
57:14 after He sent the multitudes away,
57:16 He revealed to His disciples,
57:18 the things that He spoke in parables to the multitudes."
57:22 So today, another way that God communicates
57:25 is not just in parables
57:27 but He also communicates in prophecy.
57:30 Prophecy has symbols unfolded by scripture.
57:33 Parables are given so that those
57:35 who may intend to do harm
57:37 to the one carrying out the work, like Jesus was,
57:40 the message is hidden to them.
57:42 So they did not understand it.
57:44 He did that so His sayings would be dark to those
57:47 who had ill intent
57:48 but He always made it known to those
57:51 who are part of the movement of light.
57:53 And so, friends,
57:55 as you continue studying this passage, remember,
57:57 if it doesn't make sense, continue studying
57:59 because one day we know
58:00 it will come into a sharper focus.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2018-08-20