A Sharper Focus

The Truth About Jesus -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000148A

00:22 Hello Friends, welcome to another Bible Study here at the
00:26 3ABN Worship Center.
00:27 It's Wednesday night, and this is A Shaper Focus,
00:30 and we welcome you with a hearty Amen.
00:32 Can we say Amen? Amen!
00:34 We have Bibles, our pens.
00:36 We've prayed. We're going to pray with you in just a moment.
00:38 But we thank you for taking the time to tune in.
00:40 We're beginning a new topic entitled The Truth About Jesus.
00:44 You know, you might think, what else is there
00:47 to know about Jesus?
00:49 Well, that's a big subject today, because the world is now
00:53 arguing over whether or not He's a good man, whether or not
00:57 He's a prophet, whether He is the Messiah,
01:00 whether the Messiah has yet to come.
01:02 There's so much confusion.
01:03 And what we would like to do is clear up that confusion,
01:07 as best we can, by going to the Word of God.
01:11 And we're going to do that tonight.
01:12 In just a moment I'll tell you where to
01:14 get a copy of the lesson.
01:15 But before we do anything, even before we sing our theme
01:18 song, let's bow our heads and invite the Lord's
01:21 presence to be with us.
01:22 Loving Father, our great God, You have told us tonight that
01:28 our only hope is in Jesus.
01:30 But there are some that don't know that.
01:33 There are many in the world that have put Jesus in the
01:38 category that is not in harmony with the written word,
01:42 nor the living Word.
01:44 And we pray that tonight our minds will be unconfused,
01:48 and that we will find in Jesus our Savior, our Lord,
01:52 our Redeemer, and our soon coming King.
01:54 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
01:58 Now we always sing our theme song, but before we do that,
02:01 go to this website to get a copy of Lesson #36.
02:06 What number did I say? 36.
02:09 Every one of us should have a copy of lesson #36.
02:12 36 is entitled, The Truth About Jesus. Download that from:
02:21 And at that website you can also find the prior lessons,
02:24 the prior videos, and anything that you have missed
02:28 is on that website.
02:30 And I think, right now I think we have about 148 videos.
02:34 That's a 148 hours.
02:36 That's 148 program. Amen?
02:39 So you can have a dynamic study.
02:42 We're going to be uploading some of the earlier ones,
02:44 but I know a few months back, and also the latest ones are
02:48 there at that website.
02:49 So download, The Truth About Jesus, Lesson #36.
02:52 And if you download the correct one, we will have 12 questions.
02:56 So tonight let's begin with our theme song.
02:59 Our theme song is, Victory In Jesus.
03:02 Let's sing this song together.
03:10 I heard an old, old story, how the Savior came from glory.
03:18 How He gave His life on Calvary to save a wretch like me.
03:25 I heard about His groaning, of His precious bloods atoning.
03:33 Then I repented of my sin, and won the victory.
03:40 Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever.
03:48 He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood.
03:55 He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him.
04:03 He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.
04:10 I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory.
04:18 And I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea.
04:26 About the angels singing, and the old redemption story.
04:33 And some sweet day I'll sing up there the song of victory.
04:39 Key change. Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever.
04:47 He sought me, and bought me with His redeeming blood.
04:55 He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him.
05:03 He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.
05:11 He plunged me to victory beneath the cleaning flood. Amen!
05:22 This topic tonight, I'd like you to say the topic with me today.
05:32 Now in the book of Acts; go with me to the book of Acts.
05:41 I want you to see a very familiar passage, Acts 4.
05:50 Years ago there was a program on television, and it was
05:54 called, The Password Is.
05:56 Now if you're young, you may not have ever heard about it,
06:00 but it was a program called, The Password Is,
06:04 and the password was the key word to the answer.
06:07 In other words, if you didn't know the password,
06:09 you couldn't get in.
06:11 If you knew the password, you can get in.
06:13 And there are some places that have that also.
06:16 Well, in order to get into your Facebook page,
06:18 what do you need to know?
06:20 Right. To get into your e-mail what do you need to know?
06:22 Not just your e-mail address, but the password.
06:26 Now, without the password can you get in?
06:31 You could put anything you want in that slot,
06:34 and you're not going to get in.
06:36 I remember once we had an issue with my iPad,
06:38 a number of years ago, and I called Apple, Apple Computers,
06:42 and they said, Okay, what's your e-mail?
06:44 Well, I knew that. And they said Well, what's your password?
06:48 And I, ah, I gave them one.
06:50 They said, That's not it.
06:53 They said, What's your password?
06:54 I went through like six different passwords.
06:57 They said, Well, they said, Sir, in order to know that you are
06:59 who you say you are, we need to know your password.
07:02 I said, Is there any other way that you can verify
07:05 that I am who I am?
07:06 They said, Sir, there is no other way.
07:08 I said, Ah, what if I give you my Social Security number?
07:12 They said, We don't have access to that.
07:15 What about if I sent a picture of my drivers
07:17 license; if I faxed that?
07:19 Sir, that's not acceptable.
07:20 If you don't know your password, there's no
07:22 way we could help you.
07:24 I started getting upset.
07:25 I said, This is my account!
07:27 I want to get in. There's a, there's something on my
07:30 webpage, I mean that I want to just get rid of it.
07:33 It just keeps... They said, Sir, we cannot delete anything from
07:37 your account unless you know the password.
07:39 I said, Is there somebody else I can talk to?
07:42 They said, Nobody else that you talk to is going to say
07:44 anything differently.
07:46 I said, Is there a manager?
07:47 You know how you get.
07:48 Is there a manager?
07:50 Sir, these are the guidelines that Apple has put in place,
07:53 and they are not going to change.
07:54 I didn't know how serious they were until a number of months
07:58 ago, when this terrorist attack happened in California.
08:01 Remember that? And the only thing that was left was the
08:05 terrorists cell phone.
08:07 And so the FBI, the State Department, all these security
08:12 agencies said, We need Apple to help us to
08:16 break into this device.
08:18 And you know what they asked?
08:19 Do you know the password?
08:21 And they said, Sir, without the password Apple will not violate
08:24 that person's right.
08:25 But they said, But this is a suspected terrorist!
08:27 They said, It doesn't matter what they've done.
08:29 If you don't know the name you're not going to get in.
08:32 Well, the good news is I've found out my name,
08:34 and I was able to correct the problem that was there.
08:37 And so the issue is, If you don't know the name,
08:41 are you going to get in?
08:42 Let's go to Acts 4:12, Acts 4:12.
08:45 This is a text to lay the foundation about our topic,
08:47 because there's so much being said about Jesus
08:51 that is just not true.
08:53 But what Bible gives us very clear delineation about
08:56 how important it is to know Jesus.
08:59 Look at this: Acts 4:12.
09:02 It says, well, let me go back to verse 10, and then we'll
09:06 go down to verse 12 together.
09:07 Let it be known... This is Peter and John.
09:10 They're in custody there testifying about
09:13 their stand in Jesus.
09:14 Let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel,
09:20 that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
09:25 whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead,
09:29 By Him this man stands here before you whole.
09:33 You know, the problem was they we're saying, By what name
09:37 did you heal this man?
09:39 And they're answering the question.
09:41 Look at verse 11. This is the stone which was rejected by you
09:47 builders; not by your builders, but by you, builders,
09:51 which has become the chief cornerstone.
09:55 And then he makes the point very clear.
09:59 Nor is there salvation in any other... Together.
10:03 ...for there is no other name under heaven,
10:08 given among men by which we must be saved.
10:12 So what's the password?
10:14 Come on, tell me. Jesus!
10:16 There is no other name!
10:18 You could... I'm going to be very respectful,
10:20 but I have to be candid.
10:21 You could say Buddha, you could say Allah,
10:25 you could say Krishna, you could say Gandhi, and all the
10:30 other millions of god's.
10:32 In India there are millions of gods, and various movements
10:35 around the world, and countries that are in Asia,
10:38 and some in the Middle East.
10:40 There are all these names that people use to,
10:44 so to speak, come to God.
10:48 But Jesus made it clear; I'm the password.
10:51 Without knowing who I am, there is no access to the Father.
10:55 Go with me to another one: John 14.
10:58 Just laying some foundation.
10:59 Look at John 14, because if you ask people today,
11:03 most people will say, based on religions...
11:07 Matter of fact, even in non-Christian religions,
11:10 even in religions that are very cultic, they all believe
11:14 in some kind of god.
11:16 They all have a god in their system of beliefs.
11:19 They all have a god, whether it's a god of darkness,
11:23 the dark lord that they call god, or Satan is their god,
11:26 whomever; they all have a god.
11:28 But Jesus made it clear.
11:29 It's not just important to have a god.
11:32 It's not just as important...
11:33 You've got to know the password to the Father.
11:37 Look at... Huh? And, yes, not even Mary. Amen, somebody?
11:44 Not even Mary. John 14:1, Let not your heart be troubled.
11:51 You believe in who? God.
11:54 Believe also in who? Me.
11:57 A lot of people believe in God.
11:59 You know, people say, Oh, I thank God when the rock stars
12:02 get their awards, when the movie stars get their awards.
12:06 They say, I want to thank God.
12:08 Well, when you think of what they do, God Almighty, God,
12:12 righteous God is not into that.
12:14 So He's not empowering them to do that.
12:17 He's not blessing them in that vernacular.
12:20 But the question is, Who is God?
12:24 Who is Jesus? You have to know the password.
12:28 And once you know the password, you have access to the Father.
12:32 Okay? So we want to dive in our lesson tonight and look at some
12:35 of the very, very important questions that are
12:38 listed in the Bible.
12:39 And this is going to be a lesson that's going stem...
12:41 I would say right now we have twelve questions.
12:43 I would guarantee we're going to have about thirty questions
12:46 before this lesson is over.
12:47 Because we're also going to look at some prophecies in the Bible.
12:50 We're going to look at the Old Testament prophecies,
12:53 and the New Testament fulfillment so that we will
12:56 not just establish the fact that Jesus is who He says He is,
13:00 or the Word says He is.
13:02 But we're also going to see that even the world,
13:04 the non-religious world acknowledges Jesus.
13:07 What year is it, somebody tell me.
13:09 Now I'm dating the program.
13:11 It is 2016. Now if you're watching this program at another
13:15 time, this program was from 2016.
13:19 2016 what? We are in B.C. or A.D.?
13:23 Someone tell me. A.D. A.D., anno Domini, Latin,
13:27 meaning the year of our Lord.
13:30 Now whatever country we are on the earth, everybody goes by
13:34 the atomic clock of A.D., whether it's zero time in
13:39 Greenwich time right there in that round sundial on the ground
13:44 outside of the Parliament, whether it's the east coast,
13:46 whether it's the west coast, whether it's Saudi Arabia,
13:48 or whether it's Australia.
13:50 Wherever it is we are all in 2016, which means 2016 years
13:57 ago the Lord established a marker in time.
14:03 It's not data based on Buddha.
14:05 It's not data based on Allah.
14:07 It's not data based on Krishna, or any...
14:10 Not data based on Mary.
14:11 It's all data based on Jesus.
14:13 In the year of our Lord.
14:16 So we can establish right away that whether people look at Him
14:20 as the Savior, whether people say He is the One that we follow
14:24 as a disciple, that's not the issue.
14:26 The issue is it's a fact right off the bat that this is 2016,
14:31 anno Domini, the year of our? of our Lord. Undisputed fact.
14:37 Let's go to Question #1, and look at a very important
14:40 illustration of how this begins to unfold,
14:42 how this begins to unfold.
14:44 You know, whenever you know the password, you can share it
14:47 with somebody else.
14:49 Uh, and we know how much fun that is.
15:06 Let's go to Matthew 16 and look at that together.
15:09 What question did Jesus ask that relates to His legitimacy?
15:14 We're going to be in Matthew for a little bit.
15:16 So if you have your Bibles and you go there,
15:17 stay there in Matthew 16.
15:20 We're going to look at some very important questions
15:25 unfolding in this particular chapter.
15:27 Well, you know, in this chapter, there was a debate going
15:31 on as to these signs.
15:33 As a matter of fact, the Jews said, Give us a sign.
15:36 And Jesus said, The only sign you're going to get
15:38 is the sign of Jonah.
15:39 As Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days,
15:41 and three nights, so the Son of man will be in
15:43 the heart of the earth.
15:44 And so they kept debating over signs.
15:46 And Jesus had to withdraw from the contention of the signs.
15:50 And then He came down to verse 13, the revelation of who He is.
15:55 And look at Matthew 16:13, and here's the answer.
16:12 What are they saying?
16:14 Who are they telling you that I am?
16:17 So let's put the question there.
16:19 What question did Jesus ask that relates to His legitimacy?
16:22 Okay. Who am I? Who do men say that I am?
16:28 Write that down. What do they say?
16:30 Who are they saying I am?
16:32 You could abbreviate that in the way that you could
16:34 understand that best.
16:35 So if you ask people the question today...
16:38 We had a corner, by the way, when I was working downtown
16:41 Manhattan, and Wall Street, Wall Street and Broad Street.
16:44 And every lunch hour, every day of the week, we called it
16:48 religious debate corner.
16:50 On that corner at lunch time there were Jews arguing with
16:55 Christians, Christians arguing with Muslims,
16:59 and they were in...
17:00 Nothing happens in New York that doesn't have passion.
17:03 And you could hear them as you're approaching the circle.
17:06 Ahhhh, ahhhh, and sometimes they're waving their sign,
17:09 sometimes it's the guy with the little small speaker, Repent!
17:13 The world is coming to an end!
17:14 I mean right in that corner, always at that same spot,
17:18 it became known as the debate corner.
17:20 And so, because a lot of Jews work in the area, when somebody
17:24 will hold up the sign, Jesus is coming again, the Jews say,
17:27 He has not come at all.
17:30 And they would argue, and argue, and I would
17:33 I would periodically stand there.
17:34 But the one thing that I chose not to do is to get involved in
17:38 the argument, because the Bible says, Avoid foolish and
17:40 unlearned questions, knowing that they do gender what?
17:44 It becomes an argument of strife.
17:46 One striving after the other.
17:48 And, you know, as realistically as they got there,
17:53 it was almost like they said, Oh, enough arguing for the day.
17:56 See you tomorrow! Ha! And they walked away almost in peace,
17:59 which is what men can do.
18:00 I don't say that to spite women, but it's hard for women to argue
18:05 and say, See you tomorrow!
18:06 But these guys will get there every day and they had their
18:09 thick Bibles, they had their Koran, they had their Torah,
18:14 and boy the arguments were...
18:15 And really the question was, in many cases...
18:18 You'll see some of the Christians say,
18:20 I believe in Jesus! And the Jews said, the Messiah,
18:23 the Messiah has not come yet.
18:25 And they're saying, Yes, He has!
18:27 And He's soon to come, and whatever debate it was.
18:30 So the issue today in the world, and here's the key why this is
18:33 so vitally important: If you don't know who Jesus is,
18:36 and there is no other way to be saved except by His name,
18:40 are you going to be saved? Yes or No?
18:42 Talk to me, Yes or No?
18:43 No! You're not going to be saved.
18:45 If you don't know the password you're not getting in no matter
18:48 how we cry and get into our tantrums, without knowing the
18:53 name, we are not going to get in.
18:57 Let's look at the next part of this question, because there was
19:00 a response to it, and this is what's happening today.
19:03 Let's go to the next question.
19:15 We're going to look now at verse 14.
19:16 How did he reply? You know, the Lord asked for an answer,
19:21 Peter gave an answer.
19:22 What did he say? Let's look at that.
19:24 Since we're already there, let me go ahead and go
19:26 back to my question.
19:28 Since he's already there, look at what the Bible says.
19:29 Alright, and here it is.
19:45 Now, isn't that amazing?
19:47 Isn't that amazing?
19:48 Some say... Let's look at these answers.
19:50 Some say he is who? together... John the Baptist.
19:55 Some say he is who? Elijah.
19:58 You know why they said Elijah?
20:00 Because the Bible says, Behold, I will send Elijah before the
20:03 great and dreadful day of the Lord.
20:04 So they thought, Oh, Elijah was reincarnated.
20:06 This must be Elijah.
20:08 The problem with it being John is John baptized Jesus.
20:12 But evidently those who were responding are getting these
20:16 answers from the crowd that wasn't there when
20:18 Jesus was baptized.
20:19 So some said, Jesus says, Who do men say that
20:22 I, the Son of man am?
20:23 Well, some say You're John the Baptist.
20:25 Others say You're Elijah.
20:27 Others say You're Jeremiah.
20:28 Because Jeremiah was considered one of the great prophets.
20:31 Jeremiah and Isaiah were considered
20:33 great, great prophets.
20:35 And they're thinking, Wow, if anybody is worthy of this
20:38 kind of attention, it can't be a minor prophet.
20:40 It's got to be a major one.
20:42 And then others say... One of them said, Well,
20:44 You're one of the prophets.
20:45 They really don't know.
20:47 So today some people see Jesus as a prophet.
20:49 Now, let me make it very clear.
20:51 In some disciplines of religion, even in Islam,
20:55 Jesus is talked about, but He's the good prophet,
20:59 but He's not talked about as the way of salvation.
21:04 He's not talked about as the way of salvation.
21:07 Let me got to another level.
21:08 Wow, this is really amazing.
21:12 I'm going to try to be candid today.
21:14 Some religions think of Jesus as a lesser god.
21:20 And they consider themselves Christian.
21:21 I want to be kind. I'm not going to say it's Jehovah's Witnesses.
21:24 But it's Jehovah's Witnesses.
21:27 They think of Jesus as a lesser god.
21:30 I had a discussion with a young man in California,
21:33 and also in Brooklyn, when I was in New York.
21:35 That was how I almost said Brooklyn. It just came out.
21:38 And he was saying to me, Jesus cannot be God.
21:42 He is a lesser god. He was created.
21:46 Well, you know, the problem with that is if Jesus is created
21:50 He is not sufficient to save those that are created,
21:54 because He Himself was created. You see the point?
21:56 So He can't be Elijah, because Elijah was created.
22:00 John the Baptist was created.
22:03 Jeremiah: created. And all the other prophets were procreated
22:07 from their mom's and dad's.
22:09 Now, but somebody said, But didn't Jesus come from a woman?
22:15 Hold onto your horses.
22:16 We'll get there in just a moment.
22:18 So put the answer down.
22:20 How did Peter reply to the question that Jesus posed?
22:23 You've got to be somebody other than the one
22:26 that you think you are. Alright?
22:28 You can put any one of those answers down
22:30 and you will be correct.
22:31 Let's go to #3. Let's go to #3.
22:33 And we're still in Matthew.
22:35 We're still in Matthew. Alright?
22:37 And here's the question:
22:51 Okay? This is really interesting.
22:54 And this is Matthew 16:15, 16, is where we're going to find
23:00 the answer to this one. Alright?
23:03 Let's look at... Since we're already in the book.
23:05 I'm sure you didn't turn because I said stay there.
23:07 Let's look at the question.
23:09 Let's look at the answer now.
23:23 You know, that's how he personalizes it.
23:34 And, you know, Jesus went on and said, Well, flesh and blood
23:38 did not reveal that to... I mean flesh and blood did
23:40 not reveal that to you.
23:42 That's a spiritual revelation.
23:43 Spiritual things are spiritually what? discerned.
23:46 So who Jesus is... And Peter testified to the...
23:50 You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
23:55 Now notice, what's the personal responsibility?
23:58 Because that's what I want to pull out.
24:00 How did Jesus personalize our responsibility?
24:03 Write the answer down.
24:05 What is the answer?
24:06 Somebody tell me. But who do you say that I am?
24:12 Write that down. We're not looking necessarily for the
24:15 answer that Peter gave at the very end of verse 16,
24:17 but the personal responsibility is you have to have an answer
24:23 when somebody says to you, Who is Jesus?
24:26 Isn't that right? Because He is the only hope of humanity.
24:30 If we cannot describe who Jesus is; if we cannot put Him in the
24:35 proper light, then somebody can walk away with
24:37 a distorted view of Jesus.
24:39 Let's go to John 3. Let's look at something else here.
24:42 John 3. John 3 is a conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus.
24:53 But in that, in those passages is so much beautiful truth.
25:00 Alright? Ha ha, wow!
25:04 Ha ha, I'm going to give you a preview, a preview.
25:11 John 3, and let's look together, hum, I'll start with verse 14.
25:21 Verse 14 and 15. John 3:14, 15.
25:27 This is a reiteration of what we just read
25:30 a moment ago in Acts 4:12. Alright?
25:33 Well, let's go to verse 13, because that pulls
25:37 the context together.
25:38 Are you ready to go to 13?
25:40 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from where?
25:46 from heaven. Where did Jesus come? He came from heaven.
25:50 That is the Son of man who is where? in heaven.
25:55 He came from somewhere.
25:57 But look at verse 14 and 15.
25:59 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
26:04 even so must the Son of man be what? lifted up, that whoever
26:10 believes in Him should not perish,
26:12 but have what? eternal life.
26:14 We often read verse 16.
26:15 So who should be lifted up?
26:18 Who should be lifted up?
26:19 Jesus should be lifted up.
26:20 The Son of man should be lifted up; the One who
26:22 came down from heaven.
26:24 You know, the issue that came along even after this another
26:27 discussion ensued, because in John 8, when Jesus continued
26:31 talking to the Jews about who He is they said,
26:34 Abraham is our father.
26:36 And He said, Before Abraham was... What did He say? I Am.
26:40 Immediate, present tense, not I was, or I will be,
26:44 but Jesus is always who? I Am.
26:47 And be careful of that today because the world,
26:49 in the secular world, they have done their job.
26:52 Some of these music artists, some pop stars,
26:56 have taken the name I am.
26:58 Even some commercials on television; I am.
27:01 They've taken that name that belongs only to Jesus,
27:04 and have escribed it to humanity,
27:06 which He is the only I Am.
27:08 And they looked at Jesus and said, Wait a minute.
27:11 Uh, help us to understand this.
27:13 How old are you? How could you be before Abraham?
27:17 Even the woman at the well, in John 4 and Matthew 4...
27:21 Jesus is having a discussion with the woman at the well.
27:24 John 4. I said Matthew, didn't I?
27:26 John 4. And the woman said, Our father gave us this well.
27:32 Well, who is he? Our father gave it.
27:36 This is Abraham's well.
27:37 And He says to her, If you only knew who you're standing in
27:44 front of... Can you imagine standing in front...
27:48 Amen, somebody. Can you imagine having a conversation
27:51 with Jesus and He's saying, I'm thirsty?
27:55 And He is the water of life.
27:57 You know, there's got to be an ulterior motive there.
27:59 I'm thirsty. And then she says, You don't even, you don't even
28:03 have anything to get water with.
28:05 Jesus could have spoken to the water, and the water could have
28:10 easily come out of the well.
28:11 But that's not what He intended.
28:12 He wanted to communicate to her, I am your
28:15 only means of salvation.
28:17 Let me give you one other example.
28:19 Thank You, Lord, my mind is flowing.
28:21 John 5:39. Look at this.
28:23 I want to put this in the proper light, because we often use
28:26 this Scripture for the intended purpose of saying we
28:29 should study the Bible.
28:31 And we should. But I want you to see this in the proper light.
28:34 The proper light is amazing; how this verse is used.
28:37 Okay, ha ha. Jesus had a hard time breaking down the
28:47 preconceived ideas.
28:48 We're in John 5. And we're going to look at verse 39.
28:51 Now I want you to notice this very carefully.
28:53 And we'll go back to the screen in a moment.
28:56 He says, You search the what? Scriptures, for in them...
29:02 What are the next two words? you think you have eternal life.
29:06 And these are they which do what? testify of Me.
29:11 But look at what He says in verse 40, verse 40.
29:14 But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.
29:18 You know what he was in essence saying?
29:19 He was saying to them...
29:20 Look at this. Let me make the illustration clear.
29:22 Jesus is tapping me on my shoulder and saying, Ah, John,
29:28 could I have a conversation with you?
29:30 And I'm saying, Wait!
29:31 I'm studying my Bible.
29:33 I'm studying about Jesus.
29:34 Would you stop bugging me?
29:35 He says, John, I'm right here.
29:38 I'm almost done with my Bible study.
29:41 If you could just wait; because I'm studying about
29:43 Jesus; a very important person.
29:44 Would you just hold on?
29:45 He said, So John, so here's the issue: You're searching the
29:49 Scriptures, and you think you have eternal life in them?
29:51 Hey, they are pointing you to Me.
29:53 Pay attention to Me! And He says in verse 40
29:56 but you are not willing to come to Me.
29:58 There are many people that read their Bible
30:01 that don't know Jesus.
30:02 Some atheists read their Bible to argue with Christians,
30:05 but they don't know Jesus.
30:08 They don't know the Man.
30:10 They may know the doctrine, but it is not knowing the
30:13 doctrine alone, it is knowing the Man, Christ Jesus.
30:19 Right? So we see clearly when Peter said, You are the Christ,
30:24 the Son of the living God.
30:25 Jesus said, boy that is spiritual, flesh and blood
30:29 couldn't have told you that because I'm in,
30:31 I am with my own people, they're denying who I am
30:34 the religious leaders are denying who I am.
30:37 So the popular opinion is on John the Baptist, on Elisha,
30:41 on Jeremiah or some other prophet
30:43 so you could not have had that revelation from anybody in this
30:46 crowd, that's in essence what he's saying.
30:48 The spirit revealed that to you.
30:51 And Peter in an unconverted manner, the spirit spoke to that
30:54 young man as he was still filing Peter down
30:58 to get him ready for ministry.
30:59 Let's go to number 4.
31:01 See so it's important to know that this man Jesus...
31:04 and Jesus is, this whole passage...
31:09 um, matter of fact, are you still in John 4?
31:14 Are you still in John 5?
31:16 Just go very quickly because a portion of it that
31:19 I want you to see.
31:21 Ok. Huh. Whew. Wow.
31:30 Verse 46, I mean this is the whole contention verse 39-47
31:34 is the contention about Jesus.
31:36 Look at verse 46. For if you believed Moses,
31:41 you would have believed Me for he wrote about Me.
31:45 See, we're not going to... For he wrote about...
31:48 but if you do not believe His writings,
31:50 how will you believe my words?
31:53 See you are not even... You know who he is talking to?
31:55 He's talking to His own people cause they had the writings
31:59 of Moses. He's talking to the Jews to whom He gave the message
32:03 for two thousand years.
32:05 And He's saying, you wouldn't listen to Moses
32:07 so if you ain't going to listen to him.
32:09 you are not going to listen to me.
32:11 Because in John 3, remember we read John3
32:13 As Moses lifted up the serpent,
32:15 so must the Son of man be lifted up.
32:17 They remember Moses lifting the serpent
32:20 but they would not lift up Jesus.
32:22 Wow!
32:23 Now question number 4.
32:24 Sorry about that with our guys with the graphics,
32:26 I appreciate it very much.
32:27 Question # 4.
32:38 Let's go to a very difficult book to find.
32:41 Genesis 1:1.
32:46 We're not going to dive into a beautiful pa...
32:49 Do you need to look it up?
32:50 But let's look it up anyway.
32:52 Huh. Say that again.
32:55 That's right, when the first man landed on the moon
33:00 they said this...I'm going to turn to the passage first.
33:02 You know one small step for humanity...
33:06 and then he read, In the beginning God
33:09 created the heavens and the earth.
33:11 You young people don't remember that...
33:12 It's on You Tube by the way.
33:14 But that was a moment in history.
33:18 When we heard those words from the moon and we saw
33:22 the earth in the yonder, as they would say here
33:25 in the Midwest, way yonder.
33:26 When we saw the earth from a long distance...
33:28 You know there are some people still today
33:30 that don't ever believe that man has gone to the moon,
33:34 but that's their prerogative.
33:35 Let's look at Genesis 1:1 and I want us all to read this
33:39 together.
33:40 Let's put some energy behind this. Together!
33:47 Isn't that wonderful?
33:49 Beautiful passage.
33:50 I should of remembered at this point,
33:52 you know I was thinking about it but my
33:54 electricity went off and I had to revert to plan B.
33:57 I was going to show a picture of the earth
33:59 how small and insignificant and dot, little dot, it's out...
34:03 We're, we're just out there some...we are one golf ball,
34:07 we are one golf ball floating on the floor of an
34:11 ocean somewhere.
34:13 You know it's like saying would you go find that
34:15 golf ball that fell off of the Titanic
34:18 some 70 years ago?
34:20 It's somewhere in the ocean.
34:21 Can you imagine the search for a golf ball that emits no signals?
34:26 We're like that...we're just like a golf ball.
34:29 Let me even go further than that.
34:31 Earth is like a grain of sand in God's universe
34:38 and if somebody said, if Sister Zita said,
34:42 I dropped a blue grain of sand 70 years ago in the
34:47 ocean, would somebody please find it for me,
34:50 it's valuable to my family?
34:52 You know somebody would say Sister Zita
34:54 are you feeling well? Are you feeling well?
34:56 No one would be able to find it.
34:59 Do you realize what you are asking us to do?
35:02 If you spend time on astronomy, not astrology
35:06 you will see how insignificant, the further away you
35:08 pull away from the earth... Even within our own planetary
35:12 community...you go... My very educated mother
35:15 just served us nine pickles. You remember that?
35:17 Those are all the planets, Mars, Venus, Earth, what was the
35:21 other one? No, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
35:29 Neptune, Pluto alright, if I missed one, Uranus, exactly.
35:37 It's all the way out, that's right, all the way out.
35:39 So you find that in this little solar system.
35:43 If you defer the way... you go to, you go to
35:45 Jupiter, you go to Saturn, it's like somebody help me
35:49 find the earth, it's out there somewhere.
35:52 Yet when you read passages like "God so loved the world."
35:59 Amen!
36:01 He didn't think about us as insignificant.
36:03 We are a dot of sand on a beach of time,
36:08 and we are dots on a dot.
36:11 Our little dots only last for the lifetime of a vapor
36:16 and then we are gone.
36:17 People are passing off into eternity as we sit here,
36:20 others are coming in.
36:21 These dots are blipping on the screen of life in such
36:24 an insignificant short span of time and then all of a sudden
36:27 it's gone.
36:29 It's like a digital dot, we're here and we are gone,
36:31 and God loves us so much.
36:33 Isn't that wonderful?
36:35 So when the Bible says "In the beginning God
36:37 created the heavens and the earth"...
36:38 Oh the heavens, the Bible says, declare the glory of God
36:42 and the earth shows His handiwork.
36:44 And the Bible, when the Bible speaks about the skies
36:47 as night after night, the stars pour forth speech.
36:52 There is no place where their language is not heard.
36:56 If the stars and the planets can uplift Jesus
37:00 why can't we?
37:01 See, there's no issue about who Jesus is to the earth,
37:05 to the planets, to the things He created,
37:08 so we want to unconfuse the issue about who Jesus is
37:14 to humanity on earth.
37:15 So write the answer down.
37:17 What truth is accepted by all Bible believers?
37:20 What's the truth?
37:22 The creation story, the creation story is accepted.
37:28 God created. That's right. Praise the Lord for that.
37:31 Now we are going to look at another aspect of that
37:33 because we're going to expand on the word God.
37:35 We're going to expand on the word God.
37:37 There are some people that have an issue when you mention
37:40 Jesus and God in the very same breath
37:42 because they forget that Jesus was pre-existing.
37:45 Matter of fact you don't find the name Jesus
37:49 anywhere in the Old Testament, just in the New.
37:54 Is it then therefore conclusive to say that Jesus did not exist
38:01 until the New Testament?
38:03 Oh I beg to differ. We're going to see tonight
38:06 that the name Jesus, the name Jesus
38:11 is what He was given for His earthly sojourn,
38:14 He still has that name today.
38:17 Even after He ascended to heaven, the apostles were
38:20 preaching in the name of Jesus.
38:22 It was foreign, you know why it was so difficult for them?
38:25 Because it wasn't a name that was heard but for such a
38:28 short period of time.
38:30 Jesus was just in His 30's when He ascended
38:32 back to heaven.
38:33 That is in His earthly life but in fact,
38:37 He was from everlasting to everlasting.
38:40 He had no beginning, He had no end.
38:44 So to say the name Jesus... can you imagine if they
38:48 just 30 years ago started saying Jesus
38:50 and people say, who is this guy?
38:53 I've only heard His name for the last 30 years.
38:56 So what's the big deal about Him?
38:59 how long have we been talking about Abraham?
39:01 Oh, for a couple thousand years.
39:04 What about Isaiah?
39:05 What about Jeremiah? What about Moses?
39:07 Long time, oh, maybe longer than that.
39:11 So who is Jesus?
39:13 Can you see the difficulty?
39:15 You know, huh. Yeah, oh yeah.
39:19 Oh a beautiful story I heard.
39:21 A very famous man, he's passed now,
39:25 he was Ike and Tina Turner, remember that name?
39:28 If you had been around long enough,
39:29 you may have heard that name.
39:30 You may have heard that song Rolling on the River,
39:33 it was an old song.
39:34 When I was in the secular world, I remember that.
39:36 But we know of a person, I am going to be very vague about him
39:41 had given Ike Turner a book about Jesus
39:45 and Ike Turner's response to him was.
39:47 I never knew that Jesus died for me.
39:51 I never knew that He loved me so.
39:54 I never knew that He came to forgive my sins.
39:57 I never knew that with tears in his voice, I never knew that.
40:00 That truth can transform a life from hopelessness
40:04 to hopefulness.
40:06 As one person says, life without Jesus is the hopeless end,
40:14 But life with Jesus is an endless hope.
40:17 Amen to that. Beautiful!
40:20 So we look now at the creation of the world,
40:22 the heavens and the earth.
40:24 Let's look at John the apostle how he added to this.
40:27 There are in fact, I refer to it as three Genesis' in the Bible.
40:31 Genesis is the first one, John is the next one
40:35 and Hebrew is the third one.
40:36 Let's look at the second Genesis as it is.
40:39 Question number 5.
40:53 Now if we went to Genesis 1.
40:55 Where should we go in the book of John?
40:57 John 1. In the beginning.
41:01 Ok. Let's go to John 1.
41:03 We're going to John 1:1-2.
41:10 Alright. Beautiful passage.
41:14 Ok, here it is.
41:30 So how does the apostle John record the account of creation?
41:35 What title does he give to Jesus?
41:38 What description does he give to Jesus?
41:41 The Word!
41:42 This could be confusing if you think of it
41:47 in terms of humanity.
41:49 Come here Janeck, hurry, quickly, you're athletic,
41:52 come over here. Hurry up.
41:55 That's not Russian.
41:56 This is Janeck.
41:58 Yaneck is from Russia, no Poland.
42:01 Ok, sorry.
42:03 I'm giving him a wrong point of origin.
42:05 Now, in the beginning was Janeck,
42:09 wow, this is going to be hard.
42:13 I said it was going to be hard, right?
42:15 Ok, In the beginning was the word, okay, the word was
42:22 both of us and the word was with both of us.
42:28 Is that hard to do?
42:31 It is, because I have to you and you have to be me.
42:35 So you are with me but you are me but we are together.
42:40 Is that difficult to do in the human sense?
42:42 Ok you may be seated, we're already confused.
42:45 That's my point. That's my point.
42:49 Some people say wait a minute, wait a minute.
42:52 How can the word be with God and the word be God?
42:58 I don't know about that.
43:01 Let me get this again. In the beginning was the word,
43:07 the word was with God and the word was God.
43:14 I don't know. So who was first?
43:19 That was the big question.
43:21 People are still struggling today to find out who was first.
43:26 So let's go ahead, we are going to walk through this
43:28 tulip garden slowly, we're going to tip toe through the
43:31 scriptures to make this point clear, so write it down...
43:34 How does the Apostle John record the account of creation?
43:37 Word was God, Word was with God.
43:40 You can even highlight that and refer to the first verse.
43:44 Word was with God, word was God.
43:47 Wow!
43:48 Then it says in verse two.
43:51 He was in the what?
43:53 Beginning with God.
43:57 Wait a minute.
43:59 Ok, I am really confused now, He was in the beginning with God
44:02 and He is God?
44:03 Which one is it?
44:05 Exactly.
44:06 Did you follow me?
44:08 He is with God and He is God and He was in the beginning
44:15 with God so which one is God?
44:17 Exactly.
44:18 The word is God and the word is with God. Exactly.
44:21 In the sense of humanity, somebody once described it
44:26 this way and we are going to get deeper into this
44:28 in just a moment.
44:30 I want you to go now to questions...as you are going...
44:32 Well you are already in John, just wait, we are going to
44:34 walk through this a little bit but let me just make this point.
44:36 Somebody says okay, if you have an egg,
44:41 anybody know what an egg is?
44:42 Have you ever seen an egg before Nori?
44:46 It's got a funny thing.
44:47 Pastor what are you asking me?
44:50 How many components does an egg have?
44:53 Let's start.
44:55 What's the first thing you see about an egg?
44:56 The shell. Ok.
44:59 So if we saw shells on the ground, what do we call that?
45:03 Egg shells.
45:05 Now if we boiled it, have you ever had a boiled egg before?
45:11 and you crack the shell, now what do you have next?
45:16 Huh! The white, the egg white. Do we still have an egg?
45:21 Yes.
45:23 Now if you go past the egg white, what do you have?
45:26 The yolk. Do we still have an egg?
45:28 So if you separate them all, egg shell, egg white, egg yolk,
45:35 are they still described as an egg?
45:36 Yes.
45:38 But wait a minute, the shells are there,
45:40 the egg white is there, the yolk is there.
45:42 What are they all together? Egg.
45:44 What are they separately? Egg. Egg.
45:47 The name is egg as in all three of them, egg shell,
45:50 egg white, egg yolk, egg, egg, egg.
45:53 Three yet one.
45:59 I know you know where I am headed but we're going to
46:02 drag it out and pull you with us.
46:04 Let's go to the next question.
46:06 Question number six.
46:08 We want to remove any fleeting doubt.
46:12 Alright.
46:13 What function does John the Apostle give?
46:23 What function does he give to the word of God?
46:26 John 1:3. Wow!
46:31 And both translations are beautiful on this.
46:36 The King James says...
46:37 Well let's read the New King James then I'm going to
46:41 keep King James in my head,
46:42 I was raised with the King James Version.
46:43 Let's look at the answer here.
46:45 John 1:3. It says... What's the first word?
46:49 What is the first two words?
46:54 What's the King James Version say?
46:55 By Him.
46:58 What else
47:03 So let's pause and ask the question now.
47:05 Was anything made that wasn't made by Jesus? yes or no?
47:10 So therefore, now this is a quandary
47:13 This could really confuse you.
47:15 If nothing was made that wasn't made by Jesus,
47:20 what was made by Jesus?
47:22 Hey...You got... Praise the Lord.
47:27 Say it together. What was made by Jesus?
47:29 Everything. Say it again. Everything.
47:33 Everything was made by Jesus.
47:35 How many things are made by Jesus?
47:37 Everything.
47:38 So, my wife cooks, if you're expecting dinner
47:42 and you come to my house, nothing will be made by me.
47:45 How many did I say?
47:48 Nothing. I made... I can't even make the napkins
47:50 and the knives and the forks. Nothing will be made by me.
47:53 So...but if you come to my house and there is dinner
47:57 on the table, I can say to you all things were made by Angie
48:01 and without her was not anything made
48:03 You get my point.
48:05 From the vegie scallops to the mashed potatoes
48:09 to the, oh, I'm getting hungry, just cut it out.
48:12 Everything was made by her right?
48:15 So let's look at this again.
48:16 Question number six.
48:18 All things...together say that with me.
48:20 All things were made through or by Him
48:23 and without Him, nothing was made that was made.
48:28 So right away... Let's put this answer down in number six.
48:30 On your page question number six and John 1:3.
48:35 So how does the Bible confirm that the Word is the creator?
48:39 Sorry. What function does John the Apostle give to the Word?
48:44 What function does he give?
48:45 Creator!
48:47 All things. All things.
48:49 This is important because some people will in the, in the
48:53 theological world, there's a phrase used called
48:55 exegesis which means you exegy the text.
48:58 Simply you describe or you read from the text,
49:01 you take from the text what it says.
49:02 There's another phrase called isojesus which means
49:05 you added to the text what is not there.
49:07 You know what is not there?
49:09 It doesn't say everything was made by Jesus
49:12 after He was made.
49:13 You follow me?
49:16 Because that's what some people say.
49:17 Some people say yeah, yeah, everything was made by Jesus
49:19 but after He was made.
49:21 No, that's not what it says.
49:22 How many things were made by Jesus Bro Hutchison?
49:24 All things. How many Janeck?
49:27 Jane. All things.
49:29 Everybody, how many things?
49:30 All. That means without Him, what was made?
49:34 Zero!
49:36 So you look at this big limitless place called space
49:39 and what do you find out there that wasn't made by Him?
49:41 Nothing!
49:42 Everything was made by Jesus.
49:45 So let's go on the verse ten.
49:47 Let's go on to verse 10 now. Verse 10. Okay.
49:54 Did I put verse 10 in there?
49:55 Okay, let me see.
49:57 I must have missed it.
49:58 That's okay, that's the human side of me.
50:01 I think that's when the power went off right there.
50:03 But let's go ahead, they are not going to put it
50:06 on the screen, but let's read it in our Bible's.
50:07 Thank the Lord for the written Word. Amen somebody.
50:09 Let's look at verse 10 and this is in our Bible's.
50:13 It says:
50:14 "He was in the world, and the world was made how,
50:20 through Him and the world did not what, know Him."
50:24 So was the world made through Jesus?
50:29 Was the world made by Jesus?
50:31 He made His own place to live.
50:36 He made His own planet. He made His own constellation.
50:41 He made His own solar system and we'll find out
50:44 in just a moment some beautiful things about this whole
50:47 creation aspect.
50:48 So write it down under John 1:10.
50:51 He was in the world and the the world was made how?
50:56 By Him.
50:58 So put John 1:10, Jesus is the creator of the world.
51:01 Jesus is the creator of the world. John 1:10
51:03 Okay.
51:10 Okay, now let's look at the next question.
51:12 Question number 7. Question number 7.
51:23 You know where we are going next?
51:25 We're going to Hebrews chapter one.
51:27 Now this is the third Genesis.
51:31 Genesis chapter one is the first Genesis.
51:34 John chapter one is the second Genesis.
51:37 And by the way are you ready to get blown away?
51:40 Are you ready to get blown away?
51:42 John one goes further back than Genesis one.
51:49 Did you know that?
51:51 Now we're going to go further back than Genesis one again.
51:56 Because the Bible says "In the beginning God created
51:58 the heavens and the earth right?
52:01 If the world is dated to be about 6,000 years old,
52:05 then 6,000 years ago God created the what?
52:10 Heavens and the what? Earth.
52:12 But when we read John. When we read John,
52:15 we know that this is not...
52:18 We know that this is not the only world, is it?
52:23 According to astronomy there are millions and they suggest
52:28 billions of galaxies which each one suggested
52:33 since we haven't gone to any of them.
52:34 It is suggested that each galaxy, life is possibly there.
52:38 Well, if there is life in our galaxy,
52:41 can we conclude that there's life in other galaxies?
52:44 Well let's not even speculate, let's let the Bible speak.
52:48 Alright. Let's go question number seven.
52:55 Hebrew's chapter one, let's go to Hebrew's chapter one.
52:58 Okay.
53:00 Hebrews chapter one. There we are.
53:03 Okay
53:04 Somebody once said ahh, what could we possibly learn
53:09 about Jesus? Are you learning anything?
53:11 Praise the Lord.
53:13 Okay, look at this.
53:15 Wow-man. This is beautiful.
53:19 I'm actually giving you verse eight and ten,
53:21 but I want to go ahead and read verse one and two
53:23 before I ask those, our generator guys to bring
53:27 the slides up on the screen. Let's look at verse one and two
53:29 first of all.
53:30 Hebrews one verse one and two says:
53:32 "God who at various times and in different ways,
53:37 spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets,"
53:40 has in these last days spoken to us by His what?
53:45 "His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things through whom
53:50 also He made the what? Worlds."
53:56 Is that more than one?
53:57 Yes, more than one.
54:01 But now let's go right to the answer.
54:02 How does the Bible confirm that the Word is the Creator?
54:05 Look at Hebrews 1:8, it's on the screen.
54:07 But to the Son He says: Look at this.
54:30 He calls the Son. What does He call the Son?
54:36 What does the Father call the Son?
54:40 God! Right there. To the Son He says:
54:46 "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever;
54:50 A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
54:53 He calls the Son God. God calls the Son God.
55:00 Now who called the Son God? God did.
55:04 Does God make mistakes? NO!
55:07 If anybody wouldn't make a mistake,
55:10 the Father wouldn't make a mistake about
55:12 the title of the Son.
55:13 Somebody said Ah ha, got you now.
55:16 If He's the Father and He's the Son
55:20 is it possible that the Father created the Son?
55:26 We're going to answer that. We're going to answer that
55:28 in just a moment, so write the answer down.
55:30 How does the Bible confirm that the Word is the Creator?
55:33 Hebrews 1 verse 8 calls Jesus... What does he call Him?
55:37 God. G- O-D.
55:41 That's right and by the way he doesn't say A god,
55:47 he says God.
55:49 Let's look at now verse 10, Hebrews 1:10.
55:54 Wow! And here it is:
56:14 Jesus, the Father saying to the Son,
56:16 You laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens
56:21 are the work of Your hands. Is there any in heaven about
56:24 who did it? None at all.
56:26 The Father saying you did that and you did that.
56:30 He's the Creator, only the Creator can be the Redeemer.
56:36 Isn't that wonderful?
56:38 Matter of fact...They have this thing called parental rights,
56:41 not grandparents rights but parental rights.
56:46 You know they have this...and it's called a...um,
56:50 let me use the right word... I might be, I might be incorrect
56:54 in my order of terminology I'm using.
56:57 But it's something that if the father...if somebody dies
57:03 and the property left goes to the who?
57:07 To the who? To the next of kin.
57:11 It might be a son or daughter. To the next of kin.
57:14 If that next of kin...let's just say there's a father
57:20 and there's son and the son already died,
57:23 but the son had children. So if the son doesn't get it,
57:26 who gets it next?
57:28 The grandchildren.
57:29 There's this continual line of heredity,
57:33 in other words, the inheritor's of.
57:35 We have been called sons and daughters of God,
57:37 Jesus died, He rose again and He's made us inheritor's of
57:43 what belongs to Him.
57:44 Now you might be frustrated that our topic is coming to an
57:48 end and so am I, but I want you to stay tuned for the next
57:51 round of the truth about Jesus. He's...You see, in the world
57:55 there is so much said about Him...He's not Elijah,
57:57 He's not John the Baptist, He's not Mohammad,
57:59 He's not Buddha, He's not Christian, He is the Christ.
58:02 Keep studying and one day it will come into a Sharper Focus.
58:05 God Bless you!


Revised 2018-06-27