A Sharper Focus

The Truth About the Christian Obligation -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000146A

00:19 Hello friends, and welcome to another Wednesday night
00:22 Bible Study here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:24 Welcome to A Shaper Focus.
00:26 We welcome you with a hearty Amen.
00:27 Can we say Amen tonight? Amen!
00:29 And we have gathered with our Bibles, our pens, our lessons,
00:33 and our friends, and we're going to walk together
00:35 through the Word of God.
00:37 In just a minute I'll tell you how to get a copy of the lesson.
00:39 But if you're joining us from wherever in the world,
00:42 I want to say a special hello tonight to Lorraine.
00:45 Lorraine Like is at home recovering from surgery,
00:48 and that kind of time stamps our program,
00:50 but that's okay, there are so many more. But just welcome.
00:53 We know that if she could be here she will be.
00:55 But tonight get your Bibles together.
00:59 We're going to ask for the Lord to be in our midst,
01:01 and bless us as we study His Word.
01:03 So before we go into all the specifics
01:05 of our program tonight, and our theme song,
01:07 let's begin with a word of prayer.
01:09 Loving Father in heaven, we thank You so much for the
01:14 goodness that we receive from our
01:18 relationship with You, Father.
01:20 We thank You for the beauty of Your Word, for the living Word,
01:24 to become the written Word.
01:26 And as it enters our minds and hearts, we pray that we could
01:29 find strength to live in harmony with it.
01:32 And so tonight, as we continue our topic,
01:34 The Christian Obligation, we do pray that you'll speak to those
01:38 who are watching this program, and that Your Spirit will have
01:42 His way in our lives.
01:44 We ask in Jesus' name, Amen.
01:48 Now to get a copy of the lesson...
01:50 Each of you has a copy of the lesson.
01:52 But for those of you that are watching the program,
01:54 go to this website to download a copy. It is
02:00 Download lesson 35, The Truth About the Christian Obligation.
02:05 At that same website you can find the prior lessons,
02:08 you can find, also, the videos that are there from the very
02:12 first day up until the present.
02:14 I think there's more than a hundred videos.
02:16 And if you want to find out how to coordinate the two,
02:18 go to the video first, and any video at the very beginning
02:22 will tell you what lesson that refers to.
02:24 Then you can download the lesson, and have a wonderful
02:26 study in your home, or even for that matter, in your church.
02:30 Now tonight we're going to sing our theme song together.
02:32 Our theme song is, Victory In Jesus.
02:35 Let's sing that theme song together.
02:37 You can join us if you'd like to.
02:47 I heard an old, old story how the Savior came from glory.
02:54 How He gave His life on Calvary, to save a wretch like me.
03:01 I heard about His groaning, of His precious blood's atoning,
03:09 then I repented of my sin, and won the victory.
03:17 Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever,
03:24 He sought me, and bought me with His redeeming blood.
03:32 He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him.
03:39 He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.
03:47 I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory,
03:54 and I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea,
04:02 about the angels singing, and the old redemption story,
04:09 and some sweet day I'll sing up there the song of victory.
04:16 Key change. Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever,
04:24 He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood.
04:32 He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him.
04:40 He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.
04:57 Amen! Let us repeat the topic tonight.
05:02 And it's on the screen.
05:08 Let me lay some foundation.
05:09 You know, when you think of obligation, paying a credit
05:13 card is an obligation.
05:14 Monthly paying your rent, or your mortgage is an obligation.
05:19 And when you think of obligation, you think of things
05:22 that are sometimes not delightful.
05:25 I have to go to work: an obligation.
05:28 I've got to take care of somebody's
05:31 children for the weekend: an obligation.
05:33 I've got to clean up my garage: an obligation.
05:38 You often think of things that are
05:39 obligations as not delightful.
05:41 But the reason why I use the word Christian is because
05:45 the Christian's obligation is based on love for God.
05:48 And there was an article that I read.
05:50 I actually perused through it.
05:51 It wasn't a very long article, and it had the title,
05:54 Are You Loving God Out of Obligation?
05:56 And if you're loving God out of obligation, sometimes you can
06:00 think, well, do I have to go to church?
06:03 Do I have to wear that?
06:05 Do I have to give up that?
06:08 Do I have to stop doing that?
06:10 And we often get into these obligations. and it sounds like
06:14 And it sounds like the Christian life becomes a burden,
06:17 and it becomes difficult, and it becomes hard,
06:21 and it's no longer a delight.
06:23 But serving the Lord is a delight.
06:25 Can you say amen to that?
06:27 It's a delight. It's a pleasure.
06:28 So let's look at a couple of Scriptures in the Bible
06:30 that shows you that serving God is not a sour obligation,
06:37 but it falls under this category.
06:40 Go with me to Psalm, Psalm 116.
06:43 Many Psalms, but let's look at the 116th Psalm,
06:47 and let's look at verse 12 together.
06:50 When you think about this verse, you would think of it in a
06:54 context of somebody whose son...
06:56 I heard this story many years ago, and many
07:00 evangelists use the story.
07:01 They talked about a son who used to dive, and they would
07:07 dive for, you know, lobsters, and oysters,
07:11 and things of that nature.
07:13 And the story is told of a young man.
07:15 He dived, and he went beyond the normal depth.
07:20 And on his way up, he had come up so quickly he got the bends,
07:25 and as a result he lost his life.
07:27 But he got an oyster, and in this oyster was a huge pearl.
07:34 And his father put the oyster pearl on display.
07:37 And people offered him so many different sums of money for this
07:40 oyster, and he said, No, no, I cannot.
07:43 My son lost his life for that oyster.
07:47 And then the connection was more than a task his son had done,
07:54 but the value of the son's life, and the benefit that came to him
07:58 as a result of his son losing his life.
08:00 So when you think about the Christian obligation,
08:02 I like the way that David the Psalmist writes it
08:04 here in Psalm 116:12.
08:08 Let's look at that together.
08:09 Look at how he asks the question.
08:11 What shall I render to the Lord for all His what?
08:17 benefits towards me?
08:19 Now when you think of...
08:22 Let's go ahead and go back into the realm of paying our bills,
08:27 and the credit card, and all of that.
08:29 Now if you think of, Well, what's the benefit?
08:32 A lot of credit card companies nowadays are saying,
08:35 Well, if you pay your credit card on time,
08:37 you get a certain percentage back.
08:39 They call those incentives, or benefits.
08:41 And some companies say, Well, I remember there's a water
08:45 company out here, Corinth Water District.
08:46 They said, Well, if you pay your water bill six months in a row
08:50 on time, you get your deposit back.
08:53 That's a motivating benefit.
08:54 Okay, I sure do want my benefits.
08:57 So if I follow the obligations, there's a benefit toward that.
09:02 Well, you know, in the Christian life the benefit is God has done
09:06 so much for us already, has He not? that when you think of
09:11 the things that the Lord asks us to do, all you've got to do is
09:14 list, Well, what has God done for me?
09:16 And then you come to the conclusion, Wow!
09:20 Let's go to 1 John 4:19.
09:23 Let's look at the context of this text.
09:24 The context, I believe, and matter of fact, if I told you
09:33 the term, but I'll just read it myself.
09:35 In this same Psalm 116, if you look at the verse 1, David said,
09:41 I love the Lord because He has heard my voice,
09:44 and my supplications.
09:46 Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call
09:50 upon Him as long as I live.
09:54 So he said, I love the Lord, because He heard me
09:56 when I called on Him.
09:57 So, therefore, if the Lord heard you when you called on Him,
10:01 should we hear Him when He calls on us?
10:04 The answer is, Yes.
10:06 Let's look at the context of that; that kind of relationship.
10:09 What did I say? 1 John 4:19?
10:12 Look at this. It's very short.
10:14 Let's read this together.
10:16 We love Him because He what? first loved us.
10:22 When you think about that, a lot of times people will say,
10:26 Why should I love you?
10:28 Now we don't say to our husband, or our wife...
10:31 I don't say to my wife, You love me because I first loved you.
10:34 You know, that's a competition in that respect.
10:38 The context of this is long before we were even born,
10:43 God's love was extended to humanity.
10:45 I mean, what's the text we all know?
10:47 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
10:52 He loved us in that in that while we were yet sinners
10:55 Christ did what? died for us.
10:56 So He... All these benefits were in place, and He says,
11:00 If you simply do what I ask, all these benefits are yours.
11:06 So we're looking at it in that context today.
11:08 Because really, when you think about it, Christianity only
11:13 works when you are in love with Jesus.
11:17 Let me say that again: Christianity can only work
11:20 if you're in love with Jesus.
11:22 If you're not in love, it's an obligation.
11:26 Do I have to go to church on the Sabbath?
11:29 Can I go on the day I choose?
11:31 You know, do I have to give up pork? It tastes so good!
11:37 I mean, we go on these...
11:38 It's all about us in many cases.
11:40 But this lesson is really focusing us on, it's about God,
11:45 it's not about us. Amen.
11:47 So let's dive into that tonight about the obligations.
11:50 Because at the heart of the obligation is something today
11:53 that has been minimized in the Christian world,
11:55 and that is God's law.
11:57 You know why? We think of law...
11:59 Let's go put some foundation there.
12:02 The law is... And we think of the laws of the land as
12:07 obligations, because we don't know the
12:10 guys who wrote the laws.
12:12 We really could care less about the guys who wrote the laws,
12:14 or the committees that wrote the laws.
12:16 We find out ways to violate the laws for our own benefit.
12:19 But when you think about God, you don't really want to do that
12:23 because you love Him.
12:26 And the motivation to be in harmony with His will is really
12:30 because of a love relationship.
12:32 So let's look at something that makes a very significant impact
12:35 on how we respond to our obligation, which is out
12:38 of love for the Lord.
12:40 Let's go to question No. 8.
12:42 Let's look at that together.
12:54 The Apostle Paul, very, very interesting Bible personality.
13:01 When we think of character, we often think of a
13:04 guy playing a role, but Paul was doing
13:06 anything but playing a role.
13:08 He was a person just like us, in a different time,
13:11 and a different place, and God called him for
13:13 a particular purpose.
13:15 Romans 7:12 is where we go to find our answer.
13:18 What does the Apostle Paul, how does the Apostle Paul,
13:21 or in what way does he speak about God's law?
13:24 Let's look at this together.
13:25 Therefore the law is what? holy, and the command is what?
13:31 holy and what else? just, and what else? good.
13:35 Look at all the beauties of that: holy, just, good.
13:41 What if you had a puppy that was good, even if you had a puppy
13:49 that was bad... Let me put this terrible picture in your mind.
13:53 Are you ready for it?
13:54 Here this cute, six week old, white little poodle,
13:59 who's covered in fluffy hair...
14:02 Oh, just pick him up now and cuddle him, if you have one.
14:07 And he wets on the carpet.
14:11 Do you take him by his collar and just kick him out the house?
14:15 Get out of here! Don't you ever do that again!
14:18 Did you feel that? It's like, if you're not a puppy lover,
14:23 you might not really care.
14:25 But I like puppies.
14:27 I like pets. And there are some of you who might be in my camp.
14:33 If you don't like pets, well, I can't expect too
14:35 much pathos from you.
14:37 But anyone that is good, and just, and holy, you really
14:46 wouldn't find reason to get rid of anyone like that, would you?
14:49 Now you know why the law is holy, and just, and good?
14:52 Who can tell me? Because God is what?
14:57 holy, and just, and good.
15:00 It is the transcript of His character.
15:03 So it's not something hanging out there by itself like a speed
15:06 limit on a metal pole, but it really comes
15:10 from the heart of God.
15:11 It is the parameter of a beautifully
15:13 developing relationship.
15:15 So when you have that kind of connection with God...
15:17 Let's put the answer down.
15:18 In what way does the Apostle Paul speak about God's law?
15:21 Put those three words down.
15:22 It is holy, it is what else? just, and what else? it is good.
15:27 Wow! Nothing wrong with a good thing!
15:30 And why would anybody want to get rid of a good thing?
15:34 But today in the Christian world, for some reason,
15:37 Christians are taught, in some churches, that God's law has
15:41 been nailed to the cross.
15:42 It's been done away with.
15:43 It's no longer our obligation.
15:45 The only thing we have to do is love everybody.
15:48 Is do what? Let's go to that.
15:51 Let's try that out.
15:52 Go with me, before we go to the next question.
15:54 Go with me to Romans, to the book of Romans.
15:56 Okay. And I'm going to go to Romans 13.
16:00 Let's go to Romans 13.
16:02 Ha! This is beautiful, this is beautiful.
16:07 You're going to see the context that the Bible puts love in.
16:13 Romans 13, and I want to start with verse 8.
16:17 Romans 13:8. Notice what it says.
16:21 Owe no one anything except to do what? love one another.
16:27 For he who loves another has done; fulfilled the law.
16:34 Now notice that. If you love someone else, the Bible says
16:38 you've fulfilled the law.
16:39 Now does fulfill mean get rid of?
16:42 What does it mean to be in harmony with it.
16:46 It means it is brought to fruition in your life.
16:49 It comes to completion in your life.
16:51 But now, just in case a person doesn't understand what that
16:54 means, notice how the Lord classically refers to two
16:59 commandments to make sure that you
17:01 understand what He's saying.
17:02 Look at verse 9. For the commandment, you shall not
17:05 commit what? adultery, verse 9.
17:07 You shall not murder.
17:10 He goes to another one.
17:11 You shall not steal.
17:12 Another one: You shall not bear false witness.
17:15 Another one: You shall not covet.
17:18 He's referring to the ten commandments.
17:19 And He says, And if there is any other commandment,
17:23 are all summed up in the saying namely together, You shall...
17:30 Come on, talk to me.
17:31 You shall what? love your neighbor as yourself.
17:35 Notice the... Notice what He says.
17:37 He makes that clear.
17:38 And then He says in verse 10, Love does no harm to a neighbor.
17:44 Therefore love is the what? fulfillment of the law.
17:48 So when you look at that, He says, Yes!
17:50 Now if somebody says, Your obligation is not to kill me.
17:59 You wouldn't have to tell me that if I love you, right?
18:03 Don't shoot me! You wouldn't have to tell
18:05 me that if I love you.
18:06 Don't steal from... Don't commit adultery.
18:09 Don't lie on me. Don't bear false...
18:11 You wouldn't have to tell me that if I have a love
18:14 relationship with you.
18:15 But if I don't, then those things are in danger,
18:18 because where there is no relationship,
18:20 there is no obligation. You get that?
18:23 Where there is a relationship there's an obligation.
18:27 Don't put the word obligation as a, You've got to do this!
18:31 But love fulfilled the obligation out of
18:37 love for one another.
18:39 Love over here, love over here, and the bridge is
18:43 built in all the ways. and that's why the Bible says,
18:45 And that's why the Bible says, Love the Lord your God,
18:48 with how much of your heart? all your heart,
18:50 all of your soul, all of your mind.
18:53 This is the first and the greatest commandment.
18:55 Love your neighbor as yourself.
18:57 So when you do these things you find that the love is the
19:00 whole circumference; it's the foundation, it's the roof,
19:03 it's the content, it's the middle.
19:04 Love makes all the difference in the world.
19:07 Let's go to the next one, No. 9.
19:09 This is interesting.
19:11 1 Kings 18:18. Let's first use the question.
19:15 Here's the question: What impact does disobedience to the
19:19 commandments reveal?
19:25 1 Kings 18:18. Okay, great!
19:32 And this is an amazing story because you'll find such
19:36 beautiful stories in 1st and 2nd Kings.
19:38 These are Elijah and Elisha books, and I'm sure you've read
19:44 this story before, but let's go ahead and look at it together.
19:47 Wow! Ha ha, what impact.
19:51 Okay, here it is. I'm going to read it.
19:53 It's on the screen.
20:10 Now what's the impact?
20:11 What is the impact?
20:15 What impact does it have?
20:23 Turning away from the Lord.
20:24 The impact, if you look at this, forsaken the
20:27 commandments of God.
20:29 The impact is on the house, on the house, the entire house.
20:34 The impact is on the entire family.
20:37 I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father's house.
20:42 The impact is on entire family.
20:45 When you look at the commandments of God in the
20:47 Old Testament; in Deuteronomy the Lord said, I want you to
20:52 bind these as frontlets between your eyes, on the doorposts
20:56 of your house, that it may be well with you and
20:58 your children forever.
21:00 He says, If you live by this, there will be no difficulty
21:03 in your father's house.
21:04 But the impact here, write that down, what impact does the
21:07 disobedience to the commandments reveal? the entire family.
21:11 The entire family structure falls apart.
21:14 You and your father's house.
21:15 What has happened? You have forsaken the
21:18 commandments of the Lord.
21:20 You see, the trouble that was coming to Elijah.
21:24 He was considered the one that was causing trouble,
21:28 but he was obedient.
21:31 Never consider obedience as a factor of trouble.
21:34 It might get you in trouble by other people, but I have a
21:37 saying that goes this way: I'd rather be persecuted by man
21:41 than prosecuted by God.
21:43 I'd rather be persecuted by man than prosecuted by God for
21:48 not doing what's right. Amen?
21:51 Let's got to the next one, No. 10.
21:59 Have you ever been caught by a speed trap?
22:02 Anybody in here? Come on!
22:03 Can I get an Amen if you have?
22:07 Okay, I'll say, Amen, since we're all not
22:10 one to confess today.
22:12 I was driving down the freeway the other day and my radar
22:18 detector went: laser, laser.
22:22 And do you know what that means?
22:23 That means there's somebody in a tree somewhere pointing a
22:28 laser straight at your car.
22:29 I remember going 57 once, and when I heard that go off,
22:34 I saw the highway patrolman on the overpass on the far left,
22:43 in the other side of the lane, hiding behind a pole,
22:46 and all I saw was just a part of his body, and his laser detector
22:52 aiming down their freeway, and the thing is going:
22:54 laser, laser, and I'm thinking, Man, no matter what you do,
23:00 you can't evade the speed traps.
23:04 Now follow me carefully, this is, this is,
23:07 I'm going somewhere with this.
23:09 Except you have a radar detector.
23:13 Now, is there any good for the radar detector?
23:17 It lets you know when you are in trouble.
23:21 Come on, am I telling the truth?
23:22 It lets you know that you are about, you're about to get
23:27 in trouble if you don't adjust what you're doing right now.
23:30 Now I don't know if you've ever heard it this way.
23:34 Maybe you might want to send me an e-mail and correct my
23:36 application, but the Holy Spirit is a radar detector;
23:40 lets you know when you're about to get in trouble.
23:44 And he says, Remember, remember, don't go there!
23:50 Slow it down; you're about to cross the line,
23:54 and you're going to get stopped.
23:56 The Holy Spirit is bringing that conviction.
23:58 And you know when you hear the, when you hear the thing
24:00 goes off, laser! When you hear, beep, beep, beep!
24:02 You... Does it do something to you?
24:04 Oh, it brings a feeling that you shouldn't have,
24:08 because you know you're almost to get in trouble.
24:10 Now I don't want you to raise your hand, but I'm sure that if
24:12 you're watching the program you may...
24:13 My head elder in California once, at a few churches back,
24:17 he had not had a, he had never had a ticket in his whole life.
24:23 And he was driving over one of the overpasses in California,
24:27 coming down the back way to go to Antioch, California,
24:31 and not Brother Hutchinson, because he was one of my head
24:34 Elders in California.
24:35 And he came over the overpass, and there was a Highway
24:41 Patrolman; pulled him over, and he said, You were speeding.
24:44 He said, Officer, officer, I've never had a
24:50 speeding ticket in my life!
24:52 Please don't give me a speeding ticket!
24:57 The officer said, Well, I see it a different way.
25:01 It's my privilege to be the first one to give you a
25:05 speeding ticket, so let's not make this too painful.
25:08 And when he came to church on Sabbath he went like this:
25:10 I got my first speeding ticket!
25:13 After driving all... And he was like 67 at the time.
25:18 I never had... I said, It's not that bad.
25:20 He said, Oh, I almost had a perfect record!
25:24 The Lord sometimes catches us.
25:26 And he said, So we see it differently.
25:28 He said, Please don't mess up my record.
25:30 The highway patrolman said, It's my privilege to be the
25:33 first one to give... And, you know what I'm talking about!
25:37 Okay. But anyway, so why is it impossible to obey the
25:40 commandments of God?
25:42 Let's look at this together.
25:43 Hebrews 10:16. Why is it impossible?
25:46 Look at what the Lord did.
25:48 Hebrews 10:16. There are things you... You know the thing...
25:52 The reason why this lesson is so important to me is because
25:55 to try to get away from what you can't get
25:59 away from is insanity.
26:01 To try to get away from what you can't get
26:05 away from is insanity.
26:06 Look at Hebrews 10:16. Here it is.
26:24 So can you get away from God's law?
26:28 Can you run faster than your mind?
26:30 Can you run faster than your heart? No!
26:34 You know what happens when you try to? guilt.
26:37 You know what happens when you try to violate the law
26:41 of your mind? guilt.
26:43 Go to Romans. Look at this.
26:45 Write that down. What makes the commandments of God
26:48 impossible to evade?
26:49 They're in our minds and in our hearts.
26:52 If you can run faster than your heart and your mind,
26:54 then you're an exception to the rule.
26:56 But let me show you what happened to a person that
26:58 cannot run faster than his mind.
27:01 Romans 7. Let's look what happens.
27:04 Let's look at the experience of a man who could
27:07 not outrun his mind. Alright?
27:10 Here, look at what happens.
27:12 Romans 7, and let's start with verse 14.
27:21 Ah, well, that's a long way, but let's go to verse 22.
27:28 I don't want to take too much time.
27:30 Verse 22, he says in verse 22, Paul says, For I delight in the
27:35 what? law of God according to the inward... I delight,
27:40 according to that, but, verse 23, I see another law in my
27:45 members warring against the law of my what? my mind,
27:50 and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin,
27:53 which is in my members.
27:55 And then he confesses, verse 24, Oh, wretched man that I am,
27:59 who will deliver me from the body of this death?
28:02 or from this body of death?
28:04 He says, I love God's law!
28:07 But in my mind there's something else going on.
28:13 There's another war going on against the law of my mind,
28:18 the law that's in my mind.
28:20 We saw how it got there.
28:21 God put it in his mind.
28:23 But Paul had sinful character traits, like we all do, fighting
28:30 against what God put in his mind.
28:33 And you know what? the Lord does that so that we could
28:35 remember that there's no place we can run,
28:37 that we can outrun God's law.
28:39 So what is the answer?
28:41 What makes the commandments of God impossible to evade?
28:43 They are where? in our hearts, and in our minds.
28:46 Stay in Romans. We're going to to go to the very next question,
28:48 Question 11. They're in our hearts, and they are
28:52 surely in our minds.
29:07 We're going to go to Romans 8, and we're going to look
29:11 at verse 3 and 4. Romans 8:3, 4.
29:16 Now, it's wonderful that we just looked at Romans 7,
29:20 because in Romans 7 Paul is at this impossible impasse,
29:24 and he's saying, I'm wretched.
29:25 I'm miserable. Who is going to deliver me?
29:29 And then Romans 8 begins with this wonderful declaration,
29:32 with this wonderful declaration, There is therefore now no
29:38 condemnation, Romans 8:1, to those who are in Christ Jesus,
29:42 who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to
29:45 the what? the Spirit.
29:46 So how you walk determines the kind of emotional state
29:51 you're going to be in; the kind of Spiritual state you're
29:54 going to be in; how you walk.
29:55 You can decide, as the Bible says, there are two
29:57 roads: life and blessings to the right,
30:00 death and cursing's to the left.
30:02 If you walk on a road of death and cursing's
30:04 you're going to be wretched, but if you walk on the road of
30:07 life and blessings, you're going to find joy.
30:09 No condemnation at all.
30:11 You have to make this decision.
30:13 Every morning you wake up you have to decide, how are you
30:15 going to walk today?
30:16 That's the Christian obligation.
30:18 How am I going to walk today?
30:20 The Bible says that we are to walk as Jesus walked.
30:23 So often we think of the Christian life as
30:26 our weekend activity.
30:27 That's the doctrine of the Nicolaitans.
30:31 The doctrine of the Nicolaitans in Revelation, the Bible says,
30:34 the Lord says, I hate the doctrine of the Nicolaitans.
30:37 Do you know what they meant?
30:38 They believed that they, they believed that their secular life
30:41 and their spiritual life was separate.
30:43 And no matter what they did, the two will
30:46 never impact each other.
30:48 So they lived sensuality on one side, and they tried
30:51 Spirituality on the other.
30:52 And the Lord said, I hate the doctrine of the Nicolaitans,
30:55 because both are blended together. Amen somebody?
30:58 You can't evade the two.
30:59 You can't say, Okay, Monday through Friday,
31:02 Monday, Sunday through Friday, road left, Saturday road right.
31:08 Ha ha! You can't do it!
31:11 In the river or on the banks.
31:13 You can't do it. You're going to get caught on one of those roads
31:15 at the wrong time, and you don't want to go down that path.
31:18 So let's look at what happens now.
31:20 How do we... Through what method are we able to live in
31:23 harmony with God's law?
31:24 Romans 8:3. Let's start there.
31:26 Let's start there. And, by the way,
31:29 I'll explain after we read it. It says,
31:39 That means the law wasn't weak, but the flesh was weak.
31:41 The law couldn't really do much because humanity was weak.
31:44 Notice what the Lord did.
32:10 This is a beautiful passage.
32:12 First of all it says, You put a perfect law in an imperfect
32:17 body, what are you going to get? wretchedness.
32:20 You put a perfect, holy, just law in a wretched, sinful flesh;
32:26 what are you going to get? wretchedness, misery.
32:32 But the Lord sent His Son, in the likeness of the same flesh,
32:37 and He condemned sin through the same flesh, so that now that
32:44 we walk in the Spirit, the flesh won't have dominance,
32:48 and create the same conflict that it once did when it was
32:52 out of harmony with God's law.
32:54 Jesus came in the same human flesh, faced sin the way we
33:00 would have to face it.
33:02 He was victorious over it, and then by the indwelling Spirit,
33:07 who now abides in us, who do not walk according to the flesh,
33:11 but according to the Spirit.
33:13 That simple word walk makes all... It empowers.
33:19 When you decide where you're going to walk, when you decide
33:23 where you're going to walk, the Spirit now is
33:25 in complete control.
33:27 And, by the way,... Let's go to Philippians.
33:32 Let me show you that it's not just when you decide.
33:35 Philippians, because you know, you can make this a human thing.
33:40 I want to show you it's not just when you decide,
33:43 but when you put the Lord in complete control.
33:46 It's not when you decide.
33:48 Now here we are. Oh, okay.
33:54 Okay, here we are. Hum, it's not just when you decide,
34:01 but when you allow Jesus to come in.
34:03 Let's look at this, alright?
34:05 Philippians 2:13, Philippians 2:13.
34:12 Now Philippians 2, there are two elements there,
34:15 two verses in there that really pulls this whole thing together,
34:18 that empowers you to live in harmony with the
34:20 Christian obligation.
34:21 Philippians 2:13. Notice what it says.
34:25 For it is God who works where? in you, both to will,
34:33 and then what else? to do of His good pleasure.
34:37 That's huge! It is not us who wills, but who does the willing?
34:42 God, when the Lord comes in.
34:45 And how does He do it?
34:46 This is powerful because what I want to show you here,
34:49 is first of all, let's put the pieces together.
34:51 Hebrews 10:16, God put the law in our heart,
34:55 and where else? in our what? mind.
34:57 And Paul says, I delight, according to the law of God,
35:01 the law of God, but there's another law warring against
35:05 the law that is in my mind.
35:08 Now notice what happens.
35:09 When the Lord comes in and changes us, what happens?
35:14 Look at verse 5. Look at verse 5.
35:17 What's the first word in verse 5?
35:20 Philippians 2:5. What's the first word together?
35:25 One more time! let.
35:28 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
35:35 And now, now wait a minute!
35:38 Let? Do you let the sun shine every day?
35:41 Who lets the sun shine?
35:42 Who decides whether the sun's going to shine or not?
35:45 Do you let your blood flow?
35:47 Who decides whether your bloods going to flow or not?
35:49 Do you let your nose breathe?
35:51 Come on let's go! Do you let your eyes bat?
35:55 Can you think your eyes into stop?
35:57 Let's try it. It's not going to work.
36:00 But God puts in place certain cadences that will happen
36:05 if you just what? let them.
36:07 When the Spirit of God comes into your life it is not,
36:11 Oh, do I have to let God lead today?
36:14 Because your mind has been so transformed that the mind
36:18 of Christ is in you.
36:19 It is no longer a battle. You simply let.
36:22 What's another letter in the Bible that we have?
36:24 Let your light so what? shine.
36:27 Do you have to stoke a fire to get it to shine?
36:33 Do you have to really shake the candle for its wick to shine?
36:36 No, you just ignite it.
36:38 When the Spirit of God comes into our lives,
36:40 these things that we look at as obligations, are no longer
36:43 fights any longer, because the mind has been transformed
36:47 by the indwelling Christ.
36:49 The Spirit is there to power us, and then we realize God is the
36:54 One who wills it, and then He does it.
36:59 But you need another text.
37:01 I can see it on your faces.
37:03 You need another text.
37:04 Go to Galatians 2:20 now, Galatians, let's see this.
37:08 I've got to make sure that you guys are clear.
37:11 Galatians, Galatians... See, the reason why this passage,
37:16 this chapter is so important... I'm giving you extra stuff
37:19 that's no in the lesson.
37:20 We'll go to the ones that are here.
37:22 But the reason I'm giving you this is because the Christian
37:25 life is often seen as things we do, and things we don't do;
37:29 places we go, and places we don't go.
37:31 It's so work oriented.
37:34 Things we eat and things we don't eat.
37:36 Songs we sing and songs we don't sing.
37:38 It's such a do and don't environment.
37:40 But what you have to keep in mind is have you ever gone to a
37:44 funeral, and the person who had been laid to
37:49 rest follows you home?
37:51 Think about that. Have they ever? No.
37:57 It's never, ever happened.
37:59 But now have you read in the Bible where people have been
38:04 resurrected? Yes or no?
38:06 Did Jesus ever resurrect somebody?
38:09 Who did the resurrecting? Jesus did.
38:12 Do they come forth in their own power, or in His power?
38:16 Okay. I just want to get you to think that way.
38:19 Because now when you decide to become a Christian,
38:22 something happens that we often overlook.
38:26 We think of church membership rather than thinking of entering
38:30 the Christian life as we just died.
38:32 You've got to die to enter the Christian life.
38:35 And if you die, have you seen a dead person do anything
38:38 before, Pastor Dinzey? No!
38:40 Have you, Terry? Have you seen dead...
38:42 Anybody seen a dead person do anything?
38:45 No they... Dead people can't do anything.
38:47 Now let's look at this now.
38:49 If you really died to who you were, let's look and see who's
38:52 in charge of your life.
38:54 Galatians 2:20. Look at this.
38:55 Look at this. Romans 6 backs it up.
38:59 Galatians 2:20. I have been crucified with...
39:04 together... Christ.
39:05 It is no longer I who what? live,
39:10 but Christ lives where? in me.
39:13 So now if He's living in you, now you can see it is God who
39:17 works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
39:20 He's living in you. You're dead.
39:22 Janeck died when he got baptized;
39:24 came forth in a newness of life, Romans 6.
39:26 But Christ lives in me.
39:28 And now get this: this is the road now.
39:31 This is where the road comes in.
39:33 And the life which I what? now live in the what? flesh,
39:38 I live by faith in the Son of God who did what? loved me,
39:45 and gave Himself for me.
39:48 So now He loved you.
39:49 And then we go back to 1 John 4:17,
39:51 We love Him because He first loved us.
39:54 See, that's all based on a love relationship.
39:56 When you love the Lord, it's no longer obligations.
39:59 Somebody... When people ask me, What do I have to give up
40:01 to become a member of your church?
40:03 You know what I used to say to them?
40:04 You need to die. Huh?
40:08 You've got to give up your life!
40:10 What do I have to do to become a member?
40:14 You have to die! We want your whole life!
40:17 I am not joining that church! Not me!
40:22 Now think about it, that's what the Lord is saying.
40:24 To make it to the kingdom, if anyone will deny himself,
40:28 let him take up his what? cross.
40:31 It's the cross of denial, nailing yourself to the cross.
40:35 How often did Paul say he had to die? how often?
40:38 Every day! Do you notice that?
40:40 What happens on the days that you choose not to die?
40:43 Oh wretched man that I am! Right?
40:47 See, this is not just about obligation.
40:49 I want you to get the whole idea here that the Christian life
40:51 is not this humdrum list of do's and don'ts:
40:55 28 fundamentals in this denomination;
40:57 72 in that denomination; how many times I pray every day;
41:01 how many times I do the Torah.
41:03 Oh, when Jesus is not in it, and when you're still alive,
41:06 it's an obligation.
41:07 But when you die, God is the One working in you to
41:10 accomplish His will. Amen.
41:12 So the righteous requirements that we just read about here
41:15 in question No. 11, Through what method are we able to live in
41:21 harmony with God's law? through what method?
41:24 Walking according to the Spirit.
41:32 That's the answer. Walking how? according to the Spirit.
41:36 When you don't walk according to the Spirit,
41:38 you abide in death.
41:40 When you abide in death nothing that you know you are obliged
41:46 to do becomes a delight any longer.
41:48 It becomes like, Ah, man, do I have to do that?
41:53 No you don't have to do it.
41:55 Because the Bible says in Romans,
41:58 to be spiritually minded is life.
42:00 To be carnally minded is what? death. That's the battle.
42:05 You just decide. What kind of a mind do you want to have?
42:07 the left mind or the right mind?
42:09 Okay, let's go to No. 12.
42:22 We're going now to Romans 6.
42:26 Romans... What freedom do we find when we rely on Jesus
42:32 to honor His law? Romans 6.
42:39 And we're going to look at Verse 14, and Verse 15.
42:47 Okay, okay, great! What freedom do we find when we rely on Jesus
42:53 to honor His law? Romans 6:14, 15.
42:56 Okay. Here it is:
43:20 Let's just break that text down for a brief moment.
43:23 This is often the text that's used to say to Christians,
43:26 You don't have to keep God's law,
43:29 because you're not under law.
43:31 Misunderstanding the Greek here is saying, you are not under the
43:36 condemnation of the law.
43:37 What are you under? What are you under?
43:40 What are you under?
43:42 Look at the text. What are you under?
43:44 You are not under the law, but under what? Okay, okay.
43:49 Let's get this now. If you're not under the law,
43:52 but you're under grace; let's go back to the police scenario.
43:55 My good friend who got the first ticket, the police officer he
44:00 was hoping would say, Okay, I'm going to extend to you
44:03 grace to keep your record spotless. Right?
44:07 Now if the law, if the officer extended grace, does that make
44:13 him innocent of speeding? Yes or no? No!
44:18 We don't need grace if we are innocent.
44:23 We need grace because we are what? guilty.
44:26 When we are guilty we need grace.
44:29 A person that's guilty never asks for justice.
44:33 They ask for mercy, and for grace.
44:36 If you are guilty, you don't say to the judge, I demand justice!
44:40 He said, okay, you're going to get hanged.
44:43 You do the crime? You want justice?
44:45 We're going to hang you, or you're going to prison for life.
44:48 But if you're standing before the judge, and you know you're
44:51 guilty, you don't say, I want justice!
44:53 You'd say, Please, I need grace!
44:55 So now, get this, "Well, have mercy!"
44:57 Exactly! Have, please...
44:59 You know what this phrase in the judicial system?
45:02 Throw yourself on the mercy of the court.
45:06 That's why it amazes me when these criminals have their last
45:09 statement before they get sentenced, the ones that are
45:12 cocky and never apologize. What do they do?
45:16 They throw the book at em!
45:17 You're going to get 27 life sentences.
45:21 And if you come back on a 28th you're going back to jail.
45:23 Can you imagine that?
45:25 I don't know how they do that.
45:26 But when you don't ask for mercy, you don't get it.
45:30 When you don't acknowledge your crime,
45:31 You'll never get the mercy of God.
45:33 Now, here's the key: grace.
45:34 Do we need grace, yes or no?
45:36 For the fact that we need grace, for the fact that the guy that
45:39 was speeding asks for grace, means the speed limit
45:42 has not been cancelled.
45:43 For the fact that we live under God's grace
45:46 means the law is still there.
45:47 What it meant in this text is when you are in Jesus,
45:51 the condemnation has been removed.
45:53 Didn't we just read that?
45:55 There is therefore now no what? condemnation.
45:58 That's been removed.
46:00 The condemnation has been removed, not the law.
46:03 Would you want to live in a...
46:04 Would you want to live on an earth where there's no law?
46:07 where there is nothing that is against the law to do?
46:10 Can you imagine, Brother Hutchinson?
46:12 If all of a sudden we got a notice on the CNN tonight:
46:15 There is no law against murder, theft, stealing, adultery,
46:20 killing, suicide bombers.
46:23 If you want to do it, our new law in America is,
46:26 Do what thou wilt. Only the strong survive.
46:29 Can you imagine the pandemonia that would
46:31 ensue in this country?
46:37 That's not what this text is saying.
46:39 It's not saying that God got rid of His law.
46:41 It's saying He got rid of the condemnation
46:45 that we were once under.
46:47 And by His grace we are no longer condemned.
46:50 Praise God for that, Amen?
46:51 So let's put the answer.
46:53 What freedom do we find when we rely on
46:55 Jesus to honor His law?
46:57 What do we find? Come on, it's very powerful.
47:00 It's in there twice.
47:02 What do we find? grace!
47:05 Write it down; we find grace.
47:07 That's right. That's why the Lord says, Come boldly before
47:12 the throne of mercy, that you may find grace
47:17 to help in time of need.
47:19 He says, When you're messing up, run, run, run here.
47:23 Don't crawl here. Don't walk here.
47:25 Run to Me, and you'll get the grace and mercy that you need.
47:28 What a loving God! What a loving God!
47:31 That's why when I present this topic, and I think about the
47:34 commandments of God, I'm trying to...
47:36 I'm putting the commandments of God in the proper light.
47:39 I'm not putting the commandments of God in the first four
47:42 obligations, last six obligations.
47:45 I'm putting the commandments of God in a love relationship.
47:48 When you love God, you won't take His name in vain.
47:51 You won't make idols before Him.
47:53 You won't, you know, worship other gods.
47:56 You won't violate the Sabbath.
47:59 You wouldn't do any of that.
48:01 And then in the same way, you'll honor your
48:02 father and your mother.
48:04 You won't kill, steal, lie, cheat, commit adultery,
48:05 bear false witness.
48:07 You won't do... covet.
48:08 You won't do any of that, if you love.
48:09 But if you don't love you say, Do I have to?
48:14 And that's the unfortunate part.
48:17 So much of Christianity today is in the, Do you have to?
48:20 So we've got these denominations that say, You don't have to.
48:23 You can be saved. You don't have to.
48:26 You don't have to do that.
48:28 See, we are a, we are a... Ah, what's the word here?
48:34 We are... It will come to me in a moment.
48:37 We are a grace fellowship.
48:40 That means you don't have to keep anything.
48:43 It's grace to everybody.
48:45 Here's the other ones that say, Free, we are freewill.
48:49 It's whatever you will. It's free!
48:52 In all these denominations; we kind of separate down God's
48:56 requirements to find one that will fit your size shoe.
49:00 And then that one will get you there.
49:03 No! There's only one way, and that's through Jesus, Amen?
49:06 Let's look at No. 13.
49:08 Look at No. 13. Is it really possible to keep
49:15 the commandments of God?
49:17 Is it really possible to keep the commandments of God?
49:21 For those of you that are theologians, you know the text.
49:24 Philippians 4:13. I won't hold it out too long,
49:28 because you might start repeating it.
49:29 Okay. Here it is. I can do what? all things.
49:36 I can do what? all things. Bring a text up.
49:46 Or strengtheneth me, if you have the King James Version.
49:48 Where does the strength come from? from Christ.
49:52 You see, a Christ centered message is a message of hope.
49:54 It's taken the obligation off of you.
49:56 If it's God who first... If you're no longer alive,
50:00 and Jesus lives in you, and He wills, and then does,
50:06 and then strengthens.
50:09 Well, on who is the obligation?
50:12 It's on Him, not on us, because He's the One in charge.
50:17 When you live your Christian life, and you're you charge,
50:21 Ah, what do I have to do today to remain saved?
50:26 But if you get up in the morning and you say, I've got to die
50:29 today so that I can continue in this saving relationship,
50:32 then the Lord takes over, and you have a successful day.
50:35 Isn't that right? But now let's look at a couple of other things
50:38 here, because these are the... I'm using some of the texts,
50:41 I'm approaching this also from the perspective of some of the
50:45 statements that have been made.
50:47 For example, some of you may have heard that, some of you
50:50 may have been taught that, Well, the reason why you don't
50:53 have to keep the commandments is because they
50:55 were just for the Jews.
50:57 And since you're not Jewish...
51:00 Let's look at No. 14.
51:14 1 Corinthians 7:19. Now you all know the answer is what?
51:17 Say it to me. What's the answer?
51:19 No. The answer is no.
51:20 But let's look at what the Bible says.
51:22 Now the reason why this is such a weak...
51:24 And do you know why?
51:25 Do you know why they often get that statement?
51:27 Do you know why pastors tell their members that the
51:29 commandments are just for the Jews?
51:31 Because they lock it down to the Sabbath.
51:33 They say, Ah, there's one commandment in there.
51:37 If we can tie that one to a nation, then you don't have to
51:40 keep it, because you're not a part of that nation.
51:42 Well, in the same way that the other nine commandments are not
51:45 for any particular nation, neither is that one.
51:47 And let me tell you why the fourth commandment about the
51:49 Sabbath is not just for a nation, because it says,
51:52 in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea,
51:55 and all that in them is.
51:57 That means man and woman.
51:59 If you were not made during the six days of creation,
52:02 then you don't have to keep the commandments.
52:04 Isn't that easy? If you were not a part of creation,
52:09 you don't have to keep the commandments.
52:10 Let's just see the...
52:12 Anyone who is not a part of creation send me an e-mail.
52:15 If you were not a part of God's creation,
52:17 send me an e-mail. I won't even look for it.
52:20 Because each one of us is a product of God's
52:23 creative ability. Amen?
52:24 He made male, and He made female.
52:28 So the only way that you can be isolated from honoring
52:33 the commandments of God is if you were not a part of creation.
52:35 Let's look at the answer the Apostle Paul puts here.
52:38 Here it is: He says on this very issue. Together:
52:46 That was a Jewish rite.
52:55 What do you say? He said, It doesn't matter whether you're
52:58 a Jew or a Gentile.
53:00 It doesn't matter whether you are a Greek or Jew.
53:02 It doesn't matter whether you are a Corinthian or Roman.
53:06 That's not the issue here.
53:07 You're not locked onto a ceremony.
53:09 Circumcision of the heart, that sinful heart, that's what the
53:13 Lord wanted to get rid of, not circumcision of the flesh.
53:16 In the ceremonial system it was required of males to participate
53:21 in circumcision, but not when it comes to commandments of God.
53:25 Not necessary. The ten commandments of God is in a
53:30 relationship between Jesus and His saints, between those who
53:35 accept Christ, and those who decide to follow Christ.
53:38 So circumcision had nothing to do with that.
53:40 The obligation was here...
53:42 Keeping the commandments of God is what matters.
53:46 So write that down. What matters?
53:48 Aren't the ten commandments for the Jews?
53:50 What's the answer? Put it down very quickly; two letters: No.
53:54 No, not at all. Absolutely not.
53:57 Let's go to No. 15., No. 15.
54:00 Here's another reason why the commandments of God have
54:02 often been referred to as unnecessary, unnecessary.
54:06 Question 15 is:
54:22 Well, hum, and the reason I bring this one up is because
54:26 of Romans, obviously.
54:29 Romans 5:8, 9, 10. It says: For by grace you have been saved
54:34 through faith, and that not of yourselves.
54:36 It is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast.
54:39 Lest anyone should do what? boast.
54:42 So are we saved by grace? Yes or no?
54:45 Was saved by grace through faith.
54:48 Now does this faith relationship, since we're saved
54:50 by grace through faith, does it say, Now since you're saved by
54:53 grace through faith, that all the obligations of obedience
54:56 are now put out the window?
54:57 It actually doesn't.
54:59 Look at Romans 3:31.
55:01 Here is the question.
55:02 There is the question, and here is the answer. It says:
55:10 What's the answer?
55:12 Or God forbid, right?
55:14 I like the King James Version, God forbid!
55:23 Have you heard of a law abiding citizen?
55:25 That's what this means.
55:27 A neighbor that you don't have to worry about.
55:29 You might say to your neighbor, I'll be out
55:31 of town for two weeks.
55:32 He's not going to break into your house.
55:34 He's a law abiding citizen.
55:36 He's not going to steal your chickens.
55:38 He's not going to steal the feed out of your barn.
55:42 I'm speaking in country language, as you can tell.
55:44 We're in the country.
55:45 He's not going to break into your house.
55:47 He's not going to steal your television,
55:49 if you're in the city.
55:50 He's not going to do anything that...
55:51 You could say, My neighbor is trustworthy, because he,
55:56 through his life, lives in harmony with
55:58 the laws of the land.
56:00 The law is established in his life.
56:01 That's why people like gated communities.
56:05 That's why people like applications to move
56:08 into this community.
56:09 Have you ever been a felon?
56:11 Yes? Well, we don't rent to former felons or present felons.
56:16 That's what's happening in America.
56:18 There's no grace. See, have you been a sinner? come on!
56:22 Answer. Have you been a sinner?
56:24 Yes. Okay, God brings us into relationship with Him,
56:29 even when we were sinful, living that life. Amen?
56:32 He brings us out of it, removes the condemnation from it,
56:36 and says, You can move into My neighborhood.
56:38 Now you understand why the angels sometimes get nervous?
56:41 They looked down here on this earth and said, Ah, are they
56:45 moving up here anytime soon?
56:46 Yeah, but I'm not done yet.
56:48 The beauty of the relationship with Jesus is, He who has begun
56:53 a good work in us will do what? He's going to complete it.
56:56 So when the angels look at the people that
56:58 they are assigned to...
57:01 I don't want to ask you how tough your life is.
57:03 How much does your angel get paid to keep up with you?
57:06 I mean when you think about the life that each of us lives,
57:10 we have to remember that this faith based relationship is not
57:13 a relationship that removes from us the obligation
57:16 of obedience to the Lord.
57:18 When you think of the obedience being removed,
57:20 then it's no longer a faith relationship;
57:23 it's a relationship based on, Do I have to?
57:26 Well I remember growing up, my mother never asked me,
57:28 Do you want to go to church?
57:30 I never even thought about it.
57:31 She used to say to me, As long as you're breathing,
57:34 and you're not deathly ill, you will be in church this Sabbath.
57:39 Get your clothes ready.
57:41 Iron them before sunset, cause there'll be no ironing on...
57:45 She'd really pull me together.
57:46 But you will be in church.
57:48 So friends, here's the point: if you have a faith based
57:51 relationship with Jesus, don't think of the things of God's
57:55 Word as an obligation that brings burdens.
57:58 Keep loving the Lord, and one day whatever doesn't make sense,
58:01 will surely come into a sharper focus.
58:04 God bless you!


Revised 2018-05-15