Sharper Focus, A

The Truth About The Holy Spirit -part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000143A

00:23 Hello, friends, welcome to another Wednesday night
00:25 Bible study here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:28 As you know my name is John Lomacang.
00:30 Thank you so much for tuning into A Sharper Focus.
00:34 We want to welcome you with a hearty amen.
00:35 Can we say amen? Amen.
00:37 And we are going to open our Bibles tonight.
00:40 We thank you for taking the next 57 minutes
00:43 and just about 30 seconds.
00:45 It's not even an hour long program.
00:46 I think that everyone should tune in
00:48 because we always study very important topics.
00:51 And tonight, we hope to conclude
00:53 the topic on the truth about the Holy Spirit.
00:57 The truth about the Holy Spirit.
00:58 In just a moment, I'll tell you
01:00 how to get a copy of the lesson,
01:01 where to download it,
01:02 and how you can access the other videos and lessons
01:04 that you may have missed.
01:06 And if you've missed questions number 1 to 20,
01:09 then also the site
01:10 that I give you in a moment will be
01:12 where you can find the remainder of the lesson.
01:14 But before we go any further, we always begin with prayer.
01:17 Let's pray together.
01:19 Loving Father in heaven,
01:20 we thank You that
01:21 we can open our hearts tonight as You speak to us
01:23 through Your Holy Spirit,
01:25 we do pray that You'll strengthen us
01:27 that Your Word will be clear in our minds,
01:30 and that what You teach us,
01:31 Father will not only be comprehended,
01:34 but that You will give us a desire to know the truth
01:38 and to know Jesus as our Savior
01:39 we pray in Your precious name, amen.
01:44 Now go to this following website,
01:46 it is
01:52 and download lesson number 34.
01:54 What lesson did I say?
01:56 Thirty four, the truth about the Holy Spirit.
01:58 And you should have 30 questions
02:02 that should be three pages.
02:03 And tonight we're gonna begin on question number 21.
02:06 And on that same website is where you can find videos
02:10 of the prior broadcasts.
02:12 I am the standard host,
02:14 but sometimes we have other people hosting
02:15 that I really appreciate like
02:18 sometimes John Dinzey, and Shelley Quinn,
02:21 and once in a while Pastor C.A. Murray,
02:23 and also recently, more recently Jill Morikone,
02:27 and we surely do appreciate all of them.
02:29 Amen?
02:30 But tonight I'm excited about this lesson
02:32 because we're gonna hopefully finish it,
02:34 and I think we should be able to.
02:36 But before we do that,
02:37 we always sing our theme song which is in what?
02:40 Victory in Jesus. Let's sing the song together.
02:51 I heard an old, old story
02:54 How the Savior came from glory
02:58 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:02 To save a wretch like me
03:06 I heard about His groaning
03:09 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:13 Then I repented of my sins
03:17 And won the victory
03:20 Together.
03:21 O victory in Jesus
03:24 My Savior, forever
03:28 He sought me and bought me
03:32 With His redeeming blood
03:36 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:40 And all my love is due Him
03:43 He plunged me to victory
03:47 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:51 I heard about a mansion
03:55 He has built for me in glory
03:58 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:02 Beyond the crystal sea
04:06 About the angels singing
04:10 And the old redemption story
04:14 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:18 The song of victory
04:20 Key change.
04:21 O victory in Jesus
04:25 My Savior, forever
04:29 He sought me and bought me
04:32 With His redeeming blood
04:36 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:40 And all my love is due Him
04:44 He plunged me to victory
04:47 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:52 He plunged me to victory
04:55 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:02 Amen.
05:03 Now tonight our topic is, let's say it together,
05:06 "The truth about the Holy Spirit".
05:10 Now what we've done up to this point
05:14 is we have covered
05:15 some of the basics and when you talk about
05:17 the Holy Spirit there's really nothing basic,
05:20 but I would primarily say the basic understanding.
05:23 Now let me just broaden that
05:25 because there is a conception or a belief
05:28 that the Holy Spirit
05:30 was not available until after Jesus left.
05:33 But if that was the case
05:34 then everyone in the Old Testament
05:36 was in trouble.
05:37 But you go all the way back to Genesis 6
05:39 and you find this phrase,
05:41 "My spirit will not always strive with man."
05:45 So the spirit has been working on the hearts
05:47 and lives of men and women ever since the entrance of sin,
05:51 ever since the Garden of Eden.
05:53 And we find the references throughout the Bible.
05:55 Matter of fact,
05:56 the reason why the prophets were able to prophesy
05:59 is they had the Spirit of Prophecy.
06:02 They could not know anything about prophecy
06:04 except the spirit had revealed it to them.
06:07 That's why Elisha prayed for a double portion
06:10 of the spirit that Elijah had.
06:13 And so the Spirit of God has worked
06:15 all through the Old and New Testament.
06:18 What differed though, after the ascension of Jesus,
06:22 He chose,
06:24 and we're gonna go over this very quickly here in a moment,
06:26 but He chose to carry the gospel
06:30 to the rest of the world.
06:33 But He was beginning with men
06:35 that did not have that natural ability
06:37 to talk the language of the entire world.
06:40 And so He said,
06:41 "You can either do one of two things,
06:43 you can either go back to school
06:44 for the next 20 years
06:46 and learn all the languages of all the people
06:48 that we're gonna assemble at Jerusalem
06:50 or I could do it for you miraculously."
06:54 And so the Lord shows,
06:56 He said, "Now we don't have all the time
06:58 for you to go back to these
07:00 universities and centers of learning and education,
07:04 but I'm gonna do
07:05 through My Holy Spirit in a moment
07:07 what cannot be done adequately to cover all the languages
07:11 that met in Jerusalem."
07:14 Now let's go very quickly,
07:15 since we're not gonna look at that
07:17 under any of our questions here.
07:18 Matter of fact, we will see that briefly,
07:20 but let's go to Acts 2, I want you to see this.
07:24 Acts 2.
07:29 And this will fit wonderfully
07:32 in the context of the clarion call,
07:34 you know, Jesus when He rose,
07:36 He said, "All authority or all powers given
07:39 unto me in heaven and earth."
07:41 And He says, "Go therefore and make disciples,"
07:42 of how many nations?
07:44 "Of all nations."
07:45 So how do you do that except
07:47 you are able to communicate with those nations?
07:49 And in reality these disciples
07:51 that followed Him for three and half years,
07:54 some for a little shorter than that were all Galileans.
07:58 Another way to say that
07:59 they were all Southern Illinoisans
08:02 or they were all from Puerto Rico,
08:06 you know, they were all from, you know, Germany.
08:07 And then He says,
08:09 "Now take the gospel around the world."
08:11 And they probably thought, "Lord, I'm a fisherman,
08:15 I could barely speak this language properly,
08:18 how am I supposed to do that?"
08:19 And so the Lord did something
08:22 through them and for them
08:24 that they could not have done
08:25 in their own educational circles.
08:29 Look at Acts 2 very quickly.
08:32 Matter of fact,
08:33 Acts 1:8
08:34 that's where I like to begin Acts 1:8.
08:39 Well, you know, that's part of our questions,
08:40 let me leave that one out.
08:42 I'll go to Acts 2, okay?
08:45 I look at my questions 21 and I don't want to go there.
08:48 Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-2.
08:52 Thank you, honey.
08:55 You guys listen very well, that's good.
08:57 Acts 2:1 and 2.
09:00 "This is now when the day of Pentecost had fully come."
09:05 That mean had arrived.
09:07 "They were all with one accord in one place."
09:10 Now the reason why it says
09:12 when the day of Pentecost had fully come,
09:14 I mean, they had already arrived there
09:15 before the ceremony began.
09:17 But when that day, for example,
09:19 if you had to travel from all the places
09:20 that we mentioned here,
09:22 you couldn't wait that day to go there.
09:24 So some came from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria
09:27 all different parts while they were in Jerusalem.
09:28 But they came from all the different countries
09:31 that we'll talk about in just a moment here.
09:33 So they arrive for the ceremony,
09:35 but when the day came
09:36 when it arrived, look what happened.
09:39 Verse 2,
09:40 "And suddenly there came a sound from," where?
09:44 "Heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind,
09:48 and it filled the whole house where they were," what?
09:51 "Where they were sitting."
09:53 Now I'm not gonna go to verse 3.
09:55 So you find right away what I want to show you here
09:57 is that miraculous incident that occurred,
10:01 that sound was heard as a rushing mighty wind.
10:05 And surely they probably said
10:08 "We never heard this before, what is that?"
10:10 And then you find the very next thing
10:11 that's talked about
10:13 and we'll talk about that in verse 3 in just a moment
10:16 as we get to question number 22.
10:18 But these are men that have natural abilities,
10:22 one is a converted tax collector...
10:25 I mean, all different types of talents and skills
10:28 that they all have naturally,
10:29 but what they did not possess
10:31 is how we're gonna carry the gospel around the world.
10:35 Now let me go ahead and show you the people
10:37 that were gathered there, look further down.
10:40 In Acts 1,
10:42 and we're gonna look down to verse 9.
10:45 These are the people
10:46 that they had to communicate to that day.
10:50 Look at verse 9.
10:52 "Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites,
10:56 those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judaea, Cappadocia, Pontus,
11:02 and Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, Egypt
11:07 and the parts of Libya, adjoining Cyrene,
11:11 visitors from Rome," both what?
11:14 "Jews and proselytes," as converts,
11:18 "Cretes and, " what else?
11:19 "Arabs."
11:21 So you find all these nationalities are now
11:23 all of a sudden at your front door,
11:25 they show up so to speak at church.
11:28 And I'm English I'm saying,
11:29 "Okay, Lord,
11:32 I know we have Louis to translate into Spanish,
11:34 but what about the rest?"
11:36 Because we do have translation in our church
11:39 for the Latinos or the Latinas for the Spanish.
11:43 They get a copy of my sermon
11:44 and they are hopefully able to keep up with me.
11:47 But in order to be able to communicate a message
11:49 that's in English to people
11:50 that are in a different language
11:52 you need to have a what?
11:53 Interpreter.
11:54 Now some people from other languages
11:56 or other countries are able to understand English.
11:59 So they have the gift of understanding,
12:01 we have Polish.
12:02 And so,
12:04 but this wasn't necessarily the case
12:06 when that gathering of the day at Pentecost had fully come.
12:09 Now before I go to slide number 21,
12:12 I want to show you because we have something
12:17 that exists in Christendom today.
12:20 And let me ask you the question very quickly,
12:22 and we'll see this here in a moment.
12:26 The tongues that were given
12:28 to the disciples on the day of Pentecost,
12:34 was it something they could learn, yes or no?
12:40 What was it? What is it called?
12:45 Say it? It was a gift.
12:48 Now when we look at that very quickly,
12:50 I want you to go with me to Romans 12.
12:52 It was a gift. What is a gift?
12:55 Do you buy the gift
12:56 or does somebody else buy the gift?
12:58 If I'm giving you a gift, do you buy it or do I buy it?
13:01 I should be the one buying if I'm giving it to you.
13:04 Now a lot of times children would say
13:07 and this is mostly in reference to Christmas
13:09 or maybe their birthday, they'll say,
13:10 "Mom, Dad, I wrote a whole list of things
13:14 that I like to have,
13:16 and I'll be happy with any one of them."
13:18 And so you pick one from the list
13:20 and you surprise them with it.
13:21 Now it's a surprise
13:23 because they don't know which one you pick.
13:24 But, in fact, it's still a gift because they didn't buy it,
13:27 you chose which one to give to them, right?
13:31 Look at Romans 12,
13:32 let's look at some of these gifts.
13:34 The reason why I'm showing you this is
13:35 because it's amazing to me that the one gift,
13:38 the one gift, the what gift?
13:42 One gift that has been used
13:45 as misinterpreted and misapplied.
13:49 The one gift, none of the others,
13:53 nobody is praying for any other gift.
13:56 I don't want the other gift, I just want one.
13:59 Let's look at this,
14:00 Romans 12:46, look at this.
14:06 Verse 46, "For as we have many members in one body,
14:10 but all the members do not have the same," what?
14:13 "Function."
14:14 They don't all have the same function,
14:16 each one of them has a different function.
14:18 Another way to say that
14:19 is each one of them has a different gift.
14:22 Now we know that's true in our congregation.
14:24 There are some people that say,
14:25 "Pastor, whatever you do,
14:27 don't ask me to preach a sermon."
14:29 Then there are others that say,
14:31 "When you ask me to preach again?
14:32 You know, when would you give me
14:34 another chance to preach?"
14:35 Some of them have that gift.
14:36 Some people say, "I sing on a hill far away."
14:40 Others say, "I will be glad to sing."
14:42 Because they have that gift.
14:43 Some people have the gift of teaching,
14:44 others say,
14:46 "Look, just give me something
14:47 that I'll be glad to just keep the church clean,
14:51 please don't put me up front."
14:53 Each person has a different gift.
14:55 And these gifts as the Lord has appointed them
14:57 these gifts were given as the Lord chose.
15:00 Look at these gifts, verse 5,
15:02 it says, "So we, being many, are one body in Christ,
15:08 and individually members of," what?
15:10 "One another."
15:12 In other words we all are together,
15:14 we all belong to one another.
15:16 But look at verse 6, "Having then gifts,"
15:20 what is the next word?
15:22 "Differing according to the grace
15:25 that is given to us,
15:27 let us use them if prophecy," what?
15:31 "Let us prophesy" in portion to our faith...
15:34 "in proportion to our faith or ministry,
15:37 let us use it in our ministering,
15:40 he who teaches," in what?
15:42 "Teaching, he who exhorts."
15:44 You know there are some people
15:46 that have the gift of exhortation,
15:47 they can encourage you, they can exhort.
15:50 You know, we have...
15:51 I don't want to mention names,
15:52 but it says he who gives with what?
15:54 Liberality.
15:56 There are some people that love to give
15:59 when they hear that you could,
16:00 "Oh, I'll be glad to give time,
16:03 talent, testimony, and treasure."
16:05 Going on, where am I now?
16:07 In verse 8?
16:08 And it says, "He who leads, with," what?
16:12 "Diligence, he who shows mercy with," what?
16:16 "Cheerfulness."
16:17 And so you see these gifts that are listed there,
16:19 what amazes me is that one the gift of tongues
16:22 which we're gonna talk about specifically today,
16:24 you don't hear pastors saying,
16:27 "Pray for the gift of teaching."
16:32 That's the evidence of the Holy Spirit.
16:34 You don't hear people saying,
16:36 "Pray for the gift of exhortation."
16:38 That is necessary,
16:40 everyone should have the gift of exhortation.
16:42 You don't hear people saying, pastor saying,
16:44 "Pray for the gift of ministering,"
16:47 because if you don't have the gift of ministering,
16:49 you're not a Christian.
16:52 But the devil chooses
16:54 the one that he can twist that's what he always does,
16:57 he chooses the one that seems to be mysterious
17:01 in order for people to be deceived by it.
17:04 Now I'm gonna go to question number 21
17:06 in a moment.
17:07 But here's a slide I want you to see it.
17:08 Let's bring the slide up, it's about Glossolalia.
17:10 I want you to look at this very quickly here.
17:12 And then go ahead and bring that up
17:13 on the screen my graphic people I appreciate that very much.
17:16 Glossolalia, this book is entitled,
17:18 "How to speak in tongues."
17:21 Now the problem with the title of this book is you don't...
17:24 How to speak in tongues, you can't learn how?
17:27 It's a gift that the Spirit decides you need.
17:30 It says, "Louis, you need a gift of tongues.
17:32 Yannick, you need the gift of tongues.
17:33 Cynthia, you need the gift of tongues."
17:35 You know, there's no learning how?
17:38 It's not learning how to drive or learning how to sing?
17:40 In Glossolalia, put it back up again
17:42 one more time, thank you.
17:44 In Glossolalia
17:45 that's the pronunciation glos-uh-ley-lee-uh.
17:48 "It's incomprehensible speech
17:53 in an imaginary language,"
17:56 not an existing language,
17:57 "Sometimes occurring in a trance state,
18:00 an episode of religious ecstasy,
18:02 or," what?
18:03 "Schizophrenia."
18:05 Meaning, whenever it happens
18:06 you don't know what people are saying
18:09 because for one, Glossolalia,
18:11 this movement that really gripped America
18:13 in the early 1920s.
18:15 It didn't start in America until about the early 1920s.
18:19 And I'll mention the name of the person
18:20 who would come to me here in a moment
18:22 that these are serial...
18:26 Let's now meditate
18:28 and when you are really deep into meditation
18:29 then all of a sudden
18:31 this language will manifest itself,
18:32 and you'll know you have the Holy Spirit.
18:35 It began that way,
18:37 then it began to jump the fences
18:38 into different movements.
18:39 And one of the reasons
18:41 why it's often identified with Pentecostals,
18:43 and I say this out of respect,
18:44 if you're Pentecostal, one of the reasons
18:46 why it's often identified with Pentecostals or Pentecost
18:49 is because it's what happened on the day of Pentecost.
18:52 But what happened on the day of Pentecost was not confusion,
18:56 it only appeared to be confusing
18:58 because the people that was speaking the language
19:01 did not have that natural ability.
19:03 Let's go to question number 1, sorry, question number 21.
19:08 So when you find this thing that is incomprehensible,
19:14 imaginary, intelligible, or lack of intelligence,
19:18 something that has no earthly bearing at all,
19:22 that's not the evidence of the spirit,
19:25 that says the word Glossolalia.
19:27 So you cannot go to a course,
19:29 I remember, my wife and I being
19:30 with the Herald Singers
19:32 and we were doing a concert in Hawaii.
19:33 And I remember as we were getting ready
19:34 for the concert,
19:36 there was a class being held in the back
19:37 of this big church,
19:38 and, you know, I said, "What is that class?"
19:40 He said, "It was a Sunday Church."
19:41 They said, "What is that class?"
19:43 He said, "Oh, that's a class
19:44 where you learn to speak in tongues."
19:46 And I thought, "What?
19:48 You learn to speak in tongues?"
19:49 "Yeah, they teach you how to speak in tongues."
19:51 And I was intending to show a video tonight,
19:53 but we'll do it another time on the modern manifestation
19:58 and how it's really, really pushed.
20:00 You know, pray for the Spirit of God.
20:01 Okay, let's pray, really pray,
20:03 "Lord, give me the spirit of the tongues."
20:04 That's it's urged on you
20:06 like there's some kind of when you get it,
20:08 you have now transcended humanity
20:10 and you are up there.
20:12 But that's not the way the Bible teaches it.
20:14 Look at question number 21, here it is.
20:17 What territory did Jesus intend for the gospel to cover?
20:23 What territory did Jesus intend for the gospel to cover?
20:26 Acts 1:8, let's look at that together.
20:29 Acts 1:8 is where you already turned.
20:31 So I might as well bring it up on the screen,
20:33 "The Lord said,"
20:34 but look at this, "But you shall receive," what?
20:38 "Power," that's dunamis, like dynamite,
20:41 "When the Holy Spirit has come upon you,
20:45 and you shall be witnesses to Me in" where together,
20:48 "Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,
20:52 and to the end of the earth."
20:54 In other words, you will be able
20:55 to transcend your local community,
20:57 but you have to get the power to do it.
21:00 And the power enables you, like power enables anything.
21:04 You might have a wonderful device,
21:05 but without power is it gonna do anything?
21:08 Absolutely not.
21:09 So we all know that,
21:11 all these wonderfully designed devices.
21:13 So the Lord created man in His own image,
21:15 He gave him every ability,
21:17 but to transcend the natural abilities
21:19 He had to give them the power.
21:21 And the Holy Spirit was the one that was needed on that day
21:25 for this large gathering
21:26 of about 9 or 10 different nations,
21:29 people coming to Jerusalem for the day of Pentecost,
21:31 the most wonderful attended
21:33 event because it was the best weather of the year,
21:36 that was the highest attended ceremony,
21:41 the ceremony of Pentecost.
21:43 So people are coming there...
21:44 Now follow this carefully.
21:47 If you want to get the message to the rest of the world,
21:50 you have the message ready when the messengers show up.
21:55 If you want to get the message to the rest of the world,
21:57 you have the message ready
21:59 when the messengers
22:00 that gonna carry it back arrive.
22:02 And they all arrived on the day of Pentecost
22:04 which now takes us.
22:05 So question 21, the answer is,
22:07 how much of the world did the Lord intend to cover?
22:10 To the end of the earth, the whole earth.
22:13 Let's go to number 22.
22:18 What ability would the disciples need
22:21 in order to minister to the world?
22:24 Acts 2:3, we were in Acts a moment ago,
22:28 let's visit it again.
22:29 What would they need?
22:31 I just gave you the answer, but let's go and look at that.
22:35 Acts 2:3.
22:36 What amazes me is you can walk through this methodically,
22:39 you can say, okay,
22:42 those who believe in speaking in tongues,
22:45 you have to start where it began
22:47 on the day of Pentecost,
22:49 you can read through this entire story
22:51 and how can you come away with some mysterious
22:54 unbelievably unable to understand language.
23:01 You cannot come away with that.
23:03 Let's look at verse 3. What would they need?
23:06 Bible says, "Then there appeared
23:12 to them divided tongues,"
23:14 or cloven tongues as the King James says,
23:16 "As of fire, and one sat upon," what?
23:21 "Each of them and they were all," what?
23:24 "Filled with the Holy Spirit and began to do," what?
23:28 "Speak with," what?
23:29 "Other tongues, as the Spirit gave them," what?
23:33 "Utterance."
23:34 Now follow this,
23:35 they began to speak with together,
23:37 other tongues.
23:38 So were they speaking in tongues already?
23:41 Yes.
23:42 Yes, they were speaking in a tongue already,
23:44 but now they are speaking in other tongue.
23:47 They were already speaking in a tongue,
23:49 understood by the Galileans.
23:51 But now they need another one,
23:54 they now need another one because the one they have
23:56 so they were already speaking in a tongue.
24:00 But now the Lord says,
24:01 "You need some more 'cause you don't have enough."
24:04 So He's now gonna give them,
24:06 He's gonna install in them the power of the Spirit of God
24:08 to begin to speak in other tongues.
24:11 Let's follow the story down before we go to 23.
24:14 Let's look at verse 4.
24:18 "And they were all filled with," the what?
24:22 "Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost
24:24 and began to speak with other tongues
24:27 as the Spirit gave them utterance."
24:30 And verse 5.
24:31 "Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews,
24:37 devout men out of," together,
24:40 "Every nation under heaven."
24:43 So the Lord says, "Okay."
24:46 Now I want you to notice something,
24:47 this is really, this is a spiritual insight.
24:50 One of the nations that are not listed here,
24:53 the Lord caught up with them later on
24:55 through the work of the Apostles.
24:58 Philip which means in the Greek,
25:00 one who loves horses, caught up with the Ethiopian.
25:05 Later when the Ethiopian
25:07 was on his way back to Ethiopia,
25:09 the Lord says,
25:10 "Ah, we didn't get the gospel to Ethiopian yet.
25:12 Go get him Philip."
25:14 And the Lord led him
25:16 by the Spirit into the wilderness
25:17 and he had that one-on-one evangelistic series
25:20 with the Ethiopian unit
25:22 who took the message back to Ethiopia,
25:24 and whether you know it or not outside of Jerusalem,
25:27 Ethiopia has been the second place on earth
25:29 where the Sabbath has been kept the longest.
25:32 Amen?
25:33 So the Lord said, "Oh, we didn't get Ethiopia,
25:35 they were not there on the day of Pentecost.
25:39 So let's get them now, Philip,
25:41 and you carry the gospel back to them."
25:43 And whoever wasn't there,
25:44 the Lord, you go to the Book of Acts
25:45 and you'll discover one by one
25:47 those who dwelled in the family of Cornelius,
25:50 they were not there.
25:51 But they wanted to do God's work,
25:53 and Peter was sent to the house of Cornelius.
25:56 And they began to speak with tongues
25:57 and they were included
25:59 in carrying the gospel to the rest of the world.
26:01 So you begin to see that whoever God wanted
26:04 to include in proliferating this message,
26:07 He gave them the power to speak in another language
26:10 that they did not naturally have.
26:13 And so I don't want to go away from that,
26:15 but let's look at the very next verse
26:17 because you may have missed the last lesson, verse 6,
26:21 it says, "And when this sound occurred
26:24 or was noised abroad,"
26:25 as the King James Version says,
26:28 "The multitude came together, and were," what?
26:31 "Confused or confounded," depending on the translation,
26:34 "Because everyone heard them speak together
26:38 in his own language."
26:42 So get this now, this is the day of Pentecost,
26:44 this was identified with the Pentecostal movement,
26:47 this is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
26:49 this is the manifestation of other languages
26:51 or other tongues,
26:53 but what other tongues were they?
26:54 According to verse 6,
26:56 "Those who were dwelling there heard these Galileans
27:00 speaking in their language."
27:03 So it was not an earthly language,
27:05 it was unknown to the disciples.
27:08 So when the Bible says unknown
27:10 as it does in the King James Version,
27:11 unknown to the user,
27:13 not to those who are receiving it.
27:15 Okay, let's go on further.
27:17 And it says in verse 7,
27:19 "They were all amazed and marveled,
27:22 saying to one another,
27:23 'Look, are all these who speak not from Southern Illinois?'
27:32 'Are not all these who speak,' what?
27:34 'Galileans?'"
27:35 And verse 8,
27:37 "And how is it
27:38 that we hear each in our own language
27:41 in which we were together born?"
27:44 So wherever they were born on that day
27:47 they hear their language,
27:49 these Galileans are speaking their language.
27:51 You ever said that to people,
27:53 now you're speaking my language.
27:54 We say that in a very lighthearted way
27:56 what we mean is,
27:58 "Hey, now I could understand what you're saying."
28:01 When I did the series on clean spirits,
28:02 you got to speak the language of the young people
28:05 which is almost like an unknown tongues.
28:08 You got to speak the language
28:09 to be able to connect with them.
28:11 Am I telling the truth? It's still used today.
28:14 You know how to reach them
28:15 'cause you could speak their language.
28:16 That's the same terminology,
28:18 in order to reach somebody
28:19 you have to learn how to speak their language.
28:22 I wouldn't send Louis to Germany,
28:24 but I'll be glad to send him to South America,
28:26 Central America obviously with his wife.
28:27 And they could hold
28:29 an evangelistic series very easily
28:30 because they what?
28:32 They speak the language, that's the key.
28:34 The Lord said, "You need to speak the language
28:36 to reach the people I want to reach."
28:38 And they heard those men so they said,
28:41 "How is it that we hear them speaking in our own language?"
28:43 And let's finish, look at verse 11,
28:46 Acts 2:11.
28:51 Let's start with the words we hear them.
28:53 "We hear them speaking in our," what?
28:56 "Own tongues, the wonderful works of God."
29:02 And I like verse 12, they said, "So they were all amazed,
29:04 and perplexing to one another,
29:08 'Whatever could this mean?'
29:11 'What could this be?' 'What's going on here?
29:14 'How could they be doing that?'"
29:17 This is the fulfillment of Joel 2.
29:19 This is a fulfillment of Joel 2.
29:22 Look at verse 17.
29:26 "And it shall come to pass in the," what?
29:29 "Last days, says God,
29:30 'I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh,
29:35 your sons, and your daughters shall prophesy,
29:40 your young men shall see," what?
29:42 "Visions," your old men shall," what?
29:45 "Dream dreams.
29:46 And all my men servants, and all my maid servants
29:51 I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
29:54 and they shall," what?
29:56 "Prophesy." This is huge.
29:58 What did He say they'll do
30:00 when the Spirit gets poured out, they will do what?
30:02 He didn't say they'll speak unintelligible languages,
30:05 He didn't say they'll speak in languages
30:06 that nobody understands, He said they will prophesy.
30:10 And when Paul once again visited the church
30:13 even at Corinth, he said,
30:14 "Brethren, you can pray for all those other gifts,
30:18 but I rather that you may prophesy
30:20 that we might understand something."
30:22 And he says,
30:23 "But if the Lord speaks to us through another tongue,
30:28 please make sure somebody
30:29 is available to interpret that."
30:31 How could you interpret something
30:33 if it does not have any understanding?"
30:35 All right.
30:37 Let's go on now to question number 23.
30:41 And we'll finish, we'll move right along.
30:43 Question number 23, here it is.
30:45 Is speaking in tongues a mandatory gift
30:49 from the Holy Spirit?
30:51 Let's look at 1 Corinthians 12:29 and 30.
30:56 All right, 1 Corinthians 12:29 and 30.
30:59 The simple reality of the whole exercise
31:02 of tongues is the Lord says,
31:04 "We've got to get this message out."
31:06 And today one of the beautiful things
31:08 is the gospel is going to all the world,
31:11 the Adventist Churches on every continent,
31:13 you know, it's a wonderful but every Sabbath
31:15 we're speaking the same message but in a different language.
31:21 That's the cute, that's the beauty.
31:22 Same message, but in a different language.
31:26 Sabbath School Lesson,
31:28 you know, we have people that interpret it
31:29 from English into Lithuanian
31:32 and all these different languages,
31:34 speaking a different language, but the same message.
31:40 1 Corinthians 12, look at verse 29.
31:44 Paul asked a very simple question.
31:45 And he's asking this in Corinth
31:47 where the languages were multiple,
31:48 it was an international port and international church.
31:51 Look at the end.
31:53 He says, "Are all apostles?" Answer with me, what?
31:57 No.
31:58 "Are all prophets?" Answer together.
31:59 No.
32:01 "Are all teachers?" No.
32:02 "Are all workers of miracles?
32:04 Do all have the gifts of healing?"
32:06 No.
32:08 "Do all speak with tongues?" Answer?
32:10 No.
32:11 So put the answer down,
32:13 is speaking in tongues a mandatory gift
32:17 of the Holy Spirit?
32:18 Today that's how it's pushed, that's how it's pushed.
32:22 If you don't speak with tongues,
32:23 you don't have the Holy Spirit.
32:26 Have fun with yourself, go to YouTube,
32:29 type in speaking in tongues,
32:30 and you will see an array of pastors...
32:35 I looked up some myself I was gonna show a video today.
32:38 One pastor says,
32:39 "Speaking in tongues is a gift
32:40 that Christian must have in order to be effective.
32:43 If you don't have that,
32:44 you cannot be an effective witness for Jesus."
32:48 And another one was given a course,
32:49 okay, now brother, he said, now really, okay,
32:51 "You got to really pray this prayer, really hard."
32:54 Say, "Okay, Lord, I want to be really happy.
32:57 Come on, pray that I'll really be happy."
32:59 Okay, now say, "I want to be really joyful."
33:01 If you don't really mean it, you won't really be joyful.
33:03 You've got to be happy and joyful
33:04 before tongues comes next.
33:06 And by no means am I belittling this,
33:08 but what I'm saying is you're trying to make
33:10 a teaching out of something
33:12 that is not taught in the scriptures.
33:14 It's a sad reality.
33:16 Look at the next question.
33:17 These are questions
33:18 that you may have answered already
33:20 if you've done our prior lesson,
33:21 but let's go ahead and illustrate
33:22 the point very effectively.
33:24 It says answer
33:26 the following six questions in number 24.
33:28 All right, the following...
33:32 Is it six or seven? Seven. Okay, I can count.
33:36 Okay, answer the following.
33:37 Okay, here's the first question on the screen.
33:39 All right, question A, let's bring that up.
33:43 Does an Italian need to speak
33:47 in another tongue to witness to an Italian?
33:50 Check which one you say? And tell me what's the answer.
33:53 No. So check no.
33:55 Let's go to the next one, B.
33:56 Does a German need to speak
33:58 in another tongue to witness to a German?
34:00 Answer what? No. Put the check mark there.
34:03 Okay, let's go to the next one, C.
34:05 Does a Nigerian need to speak in another tongue
34:08 to witness to a Nigerian?
34:10 Answer what? No.
34:12 Okay, we're doing right along. Now let's go to D.
34:14 You're doing very well on the course.
34:16 Does an Italian need to speak
34:19 in another tongue to witness to a Nigerian?
34:21 Yes or no?
34:22 What tongue should he speak in?
34:24 Nigerian or the Nigerian receives
34:27 the gift of interpretation to understand in Italian.
34:30 Okay, let's go to E.
34:33 Does a Nigerian need to speak
34:35 in another tongue to witness to a German?
34:37 Yes or no? Yes. What does he need to speak?
34:41 German. Right. Let's go to F now.
34:45 Does a German need to speak in another tongue
34:47 to witness to an Italian?
34:49 Yes or no? Yes, he does.
34:52 What does he need to speak? Italian.
34:54 Now here is the real kicker, G.
34:58 Do English speaking people need another tongue
35:03 for English speaking people? Together.
35:06 No. Together. No. No.
35:11 A thousand times no.
35:14 So if you are in an English fellowship
35:18 and you are taught
35:19 that you need to speak in tongues
35:21 to communicate the gospel,
35:25 our address is 3777...
35:30 No, really, you're not in a Bible based church.
35:35 If you are told that you need to speak in English
35:38 in an English fellowship
35:39 that you need to speak in another tongue,
35:40 sorry, in an English fellowship to have the Spirit of God.
35:44 The Lord will not give you that gift
35:46 because you're all ready amongst your own people.
35:48 Evidence of that,
35:50 the Galileans were ministering together
35:52 some for three and half years, some for three years.
35:54 They didn't need to speak in other languages
35:56 because they were among their own native people.
35:58 They were in their own communities.
36:01 They were in their own neighborhood.
36:03 They did not need something other than they already had
36:06 to be able to communicate when I already understood.
36:09 I could go to any state in the United States
36:13 and preach, set up a tent and preach,
36:17 with the exception of parts of Miami
36:21 and other places
36:23 where the Latino language is very...
36:26 You know, I was down in Miami, Louis,
36:27 I keep referring to Louis, he's in the front row,
36:29 and his wife Xenia.
36:31 Alex, I'll say Alex, since Alex is also Latino.
36:33 I was down in Miami,
36:35 and I saw a store with the sign on it,
36:38 we speak English.
36:41 And I thought, "Is this America?"
36:44 There portion, my wife and I were in LA
36:46 a number of years ago,
36:47 and we didn't know where we were,
36:49 and I said, "Let me ask somebody."
36:50 She said,
36:51 "They don't speak English in this neighborhood."
36:53 I said, "This is America."
36:55 I pull up at the bus stop.
36:57 I'm telling you, English, Senior.
37:04 She said, "I told you,
37:05 we're not in the right neighborhood."
37:08 The point is well taken,
37:10 you've got to be able to speak in the language of the people
37:13 you want to get answers from
37:15 or I have to be able to understand
37:17 their language which at that moment...
37:18 If I was on an island,
37:20 the Lord may have given me
37:21 the gift of interpretation, or gift of understanding.
37:24 See.
37:28 I was invited to Australia to be the speaker
37:30 for a Polish Festival.
37:32 I thought
37:34 "You want me to be the speaker for a Polish Festival?"
37:38 I had four sermons,
37:39 well, they gave me an interpreter
37:41 for every sermon.
37:42 Now the first guy was a little slower
37:43 than he could have been so they gave me another guy,
37:45 and finally they gave me a guy
37:47 that he mimicked everything I did,
37:49 when I did this he did that, when I was like this,
37:51 he was like that, he was right there with me.
37:54 And they said, "Wow, what a powerful sermon."
37:56 I said, "No, what a powerful interpreter,"
37:58 because they didn't understand a word I said,
38:01 you know, with the exception of a few.
38:03 And so I thought "Man..."
38:04 And I was down in Chile, and I spoke in Chile,
38:08 and they gave me an interpreter and a Spanish interpreter
38:10 and he said, "Powerful message, Pastor."
38:12 I said, "Thank the interpreter for the message,"
38:14 because if you don't have an interpreter...
38:18 Paul says, "I rather speak five words
38:22 in my understanding
38:25 than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue."
38:29 But what's happening today
38:31 is you have this cut loose exercise in churches,
38:33 "Oh, you have a Spirit fell in that person,
38:35 Spirit fell... Oh, Spirit is over there."
38:36 And nobody is interpreting, and it's unintelligible,
38:39 and nobody knows what it is.
38:41 And you know what they say, "That's God did that."
38:44 God is seen as involved in something
38:46 He did not authorize.
38:48 Let's go to question number 25. Let's go to question number 25.
38:53 Now this is something people always often miss,
38:56 question 25.
38:58 Did the Apostle Paul have the ability
39:01 to speak with tongues?
39:03 Let's go to 1 Corinthians 14:18.
39:08 1 Corinthians 14:18.
39:10 Just to show you
39:11 this is a very powerful scripture
39:13 to show you that Paul was not talking about strange,
39:16 unable to understand languages
39:19 because Paul was highly educated.
39:22 He was a Pharisee of the Pharisees,
39:23 he is a Jew, he was very intelligent.
39:26 And he had that ability.
39:28 Look what he says in
39:30 1 Corinthians 14:18, here it is.
39:33 He says,
39:35 "I thank my God I speak with," what?
39:38 "Tongues more than all of you."
39:44 That means, "I speak in more languages
39:46 than you guys here in Corinth, I could do that.
39:50 I thank God that I could do that.
39:52 I could speak with more tongues than all of you."
39:56 And look at the next verse 19. I just said it.
40:00 "Yet in the church I would rather," what?
40:03 "Speak," what?
40:04 "Five words in my understanding,
40:07 that I may teach others also than 10,000 words in a tongue."
40:11 And the King James Version
40:12 puts the word unknown in there, have you noticed that?
40:15 Because that's the actual Greek,
40:16 it meant unknown to the listener.
40:19 It meant unknown to the listener.
40:21 In the New King James Version they simply put in a tongue
40:24 because in the original Greek it wasn't included,
40:26 but in the context of a language
40:28 it meant unknown.
40:29 Why are you talking to me
40:31 in a language I don't understand,
40:32 to me it's unknown.
40:33 That's why Paul says,
40:35 "I'd rather say five words that you understand
40:38 than 10,000 words you don't understand."
40:40 Oh, it makes sense.
40:41 And I say this again
40:43 if you missed the earlier comment.
40:44 The Church of Corinth
40:45 was an international body of believers.
40:48 So they had that ability to speak
40:51 in very many languages.
40:53 But the Lord said, "You don't need that,
40:56 you really don't need that."
40:57 Now let's go to number 26.
41:01 So the answer is, did Paul speak with,
41:03 have the ability to speak with tongues?
41:04 The answer is what?
41:06 Yes, he was highly educated.
41:08 He was highly educated, very well traveled, all right?
41:13 Now let's go to 26, here is the question.
41:16 What further description
41:18 does the Bible give to the tongues?
41:22 What further description
41:24 does the Bible give to the tongues?
41:27 Okay, we are in 1 Corinthians 14.
41:32 And we are going to look together
41:35 at verse 10 and 11.
41:39 All right, let's go and look at that together,
41:41 verse 10 and 11.
41:43 Wow, this is very interesting.
41:45 Paul says, "There are, it may be, so many," what?
41:52 "Kinds of languages in the world,
41:56 and none of them is without," what?
41:59 "Significance." He goes on verse 11.
42:02 "Therefore, I do not know the meaning of the language,
42:07 if I do not know the meaning of the," what?
42:10 "Language, I shall be a foreigner to him
42:15 who speaks and he who speaks will be a," what?
42:18 "Foreigner to me."
42:20 You know why he said foreigner? What's a foreigner?
42:22 Come on, tell me? What's a foreigner?
42:26 You are a foreigner, Yannick.
42:28 Yannick is a foreigner, he's not from America,
42:30 he's from Poland, right?
42:31 He's a foreigner.
42:33 So he comes to America the first time,
42:34 he speaks to me in Polish, I speak to him in American,
42:36 and we're like two guys that are ignorant.
42:39 We have no way of communicating,
42:41 so we do sign language.
42:45 What?
42:50 That's why I'm so thankful for these smartphones nowadays.
42:54 My smartphone I could choose a language although
42:56 it just chops up the language,
42:59 I could choose, I'm gonna speak in English,
43:01 but I want to interpret it in Russian,
43:03 or Tagalog, or Chinese.
43:07 And it says it in that language
43:09 to the person that I'm speaking to,
43:11 I try that though, I try that with Fieta.
43:14 And she says,
43:15 "Oh, it's a horrible translation of Russian."
43:18 Because it's Americans
43:20 trying to do this interpretation in Russian.
43:23 The point of the matter is unless these languages,
43:26 unless you know the meaning of the language,
43:28 get that clearly, unless you know the, what?
43:31 Meaning of the language.
43:33 Then I speak to you...
43:34 I'm a foreigner to you, you're a foreigner to me.
43:36 Now when we go to Europe, or when we go to Australia.
43:41 I've been to Australia before and I said,
43:43 "Wow, your language, you have a weird accent."
43:46 He said, "No, you have a weird accent."
43:48 Because you go around the world and what happens?
43:50 Your tongue is different. Go to South Africa.
43:55 In America there are places,
43:56 the people in Mississippi
43:58 don't sound like the people from Boston, right?
44:02 Or New York, or California
44:05 where everybody sort of speak beautiful and proper.
44:10 It changes from one community to the other.
44:13 And the key is knowing the meaning.
44:16 So write this down.
44:17 What further description does the Bible give to tongues?
44:22 What is it?
44:24 Meaning, know the meaning,
44:28 know the meaning.
44:32 Know what it means.
44:33 If you don't know the meaning, it's a waste of time.
44:36 I'm not making any headway,
44:38 you're not making any headway
44:40 because I don't know what you're saying,
44:42 you don't know what I'm saying.
44:44 One of the stories I remember very well,
44:45 my good friend Pastor Doug Batchelor.
44:49 Years ago I don't know he does this still,
44:51 maybe, maybe not, but I can't speak to the issue.
44:54 But years ago
44:57 he picked up a guy hitchhiking,
44:58 he was on his way back to Covelo,
45:00 Northern California.
45:02 And he picked up a guy hitchhiking,
45:05 and they talked all the way,
45:08 gave the guy some money to buy food.
45:12 He said, "I need a job."
45:13 He said, "Okay, I have some property
45:15 you could help in my garden."
45:16 The guy was there for a couple of days
45:19 and he has a friend
45:21 that lives not too far from him.
45:22 I won't mention the person's name on air.
45:24 But his friend came over and said,
45:27 "Hey, you have a guy working for him."
45:28 And then he said, "Come here, Doug."
45:30 He said,
45:32 "I don't know you spoke Spanish."
45:34 He said, "What do you mean? I don't speak Spanish."
45:36 "You've been talking in Spanish with that guy all the time."
45:40 He didn't even know he was.
45:41 And then what happens this guy, he picked up a Spanish,
45:45 he communicated with him all the way,
45:47 and his friend who was English said,
45:48 "I never knew you spoke Spanish."
45:50 He said, "I don't speak Spanish."
45:51 The Lord at that moment gave him the gift of tongues
45:55 to communicate to this man
45:56 who eventually accepted the gospel.
45:59 And you know this man disclosed,
46:00 he said, "When you picked me up,
46:01 my intention was to rob you.
46:04 But when you spoke my language,
46:07 and you spoke to me about the Lord,
46:09 it changed my heart.
46:10 And I couldn't rob you, you took such good care of me."
46:13 Those are the moments that God sees opportunities
46:16 to win people to Jesus, and He gives you the gift,
46:18 he said, "Doug, you're going to need help
46:21 because if you don't speak this man's language,
46:23 you're going to be held up."
46:25 So I'm going to...
46:26 I'm stepping in, and you know what?
46:27 You don't ask for that, the Spirit gives as He wills.
46:31 As He what?
46:33 As He...
46:34 1 Corinthians 12:11, look at this.
46:36 He gives as he designs, He gives as He determines,
46:40 we don't say,
46:41 "Hey, I need this, I need that."
46:44 All right?
46:45 1 Corinthians 12:11, look at this.
46:50 And speaks of all the guests but then it says in verse 11,
46:53 "But one and the same Spirit works
46:55 all these things,
46:58 distributing to each one of us individually,"
47:02 the next three words.
47:03 "As He wills."
47:06 He decides, you don't take courses,
47:09 you don't buy books,
47:10 you don't get audiotapes on how to speak in tongues,
47:13 it's a spiritual gift.
47:15 It is a what, together, spiritual gift.
47:17 Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
47:20 You don't give somebody the gift of love
47:23 or the gift of happiness, thus the fruits,
47:27 you get the fruits and the gifts
47:29 are for the growth of the entire church,
47:31 for the function of the body,
47:33 for the spreading of the gospel.
47:35 Let's go to number, what?
47:36 Now, number 27.
47:38 Go to number 27, moving right along.
47:40 It says, look at this.
47:42 What is necessary...
47:45 I think we answered the question already.
47:46 But what is necessary
47:49 when a person begins to speak in another language?
47:54 What is necessary?
47:55 Let's go and answer that.
47:57 What is necessary?
48:00 They need an interpreter, all right?
48:02 Let's look at the text,
48:03 I don't believe I had that on the screen
48:05 but let's look at the text very quickly.
48:07 1 Corinthians 14:19.
48:09 Let's look at 1 Corinthians 14:19.
48:11 All right.
48:14 And I gave you the answer a moment ago.
48:16 I rather speak five words
48:17 in my understanding than 10, 000 words
48:19 in an unknown tongue.
48:21 So what is necessary when a person begins to speak
48:24 in another language, what do you need?
48:27 You need an interpreter.
48:28 If you don't have an interpreter
48:30 you are a foreigner to him and he's a foreigner to you.
48:37 Let's go to number 28.
48:39 Let's go to number 28, all right?
48:41 Number 28, here it is.
48:44 Did I do 28? Let's go to 28.
48:48 Okay. Okay.
48:51 And we did the answer.
48:53 Well, let's go to 29.
48:55 You guys are pushing me right along,
48:57 but I'm with it.
48:59 Okay, the answer to number 28.
49:01 What is the prescribed method
49:03 when speaking in another language?
49:06 Understanding. Understanding.
49:09 It's better to have understanding.
49:11 Understanding is the key.
49:14 If I don't understand...
49:19 then you are not fruitful, I am not fruitful.
49:22 We are like standing at a wall
49:25 and nobody has the key to open the door.
49:27 Matter of fact to say that wonderfully,
49:29 thank you Lord for making that very clear in my own mind,
49:32 the Spirit of God gave the disciples
49:34 and the apostles the key.
49:37 Here is the key.
49:38 You go through this gift,
49:40 it will give you access to the entire world.
49:43 And when Paul, and Silas, and Barnabas
49:46 and these apostles traveled,
49:48 they went to so many countries in Asia.
49:53 And the gospel continued to proliferate
49:55 from one to the other, to the other.
49:57 And according to history
49:59 Josephus the historian indicated that
50:01 in just short as 34 years
50:02 the gospel got to the entire world
50:05 because they were able to speak their language.
50:09 Simple but very profound.
50:11 Now let's go to number 29. Let's go to number 29.
50:15 Okay, we jumped over a few
50:16 because we already gave the answers.
50:18 Let's go to number 29.
50:20 How should the use of tongues
50:23 be practiced in a congregation?
50:27 How should the use of tongues be practiced in a congregation?
50:31 We're going to go to 1 Corinthians 14.
50:34 1 Corinthians 14
50:36 and we're going to look together
50:37 verse 27 and verse 28.
50:40 1 Corinthians 14:27-28.
50:44 And some of you already there,
50:45 I like that my people are already there,
50:48 they're already there.
50:49 Here we are, let's look at that together,
50:53 "If anyone speaks in a tongue,
50:58 let there be," together,
51:00 "Two or at the most," what?
51:03 "Three, each in turn, and let one do" what?
51:08 "Interpret."
51:10 Let one interpret.
51:12 Going on,
51:14 "But if there is no interpreter,
51:19 let him do" what?
51:21 "Keep silent in church, and let him do" what?
51:25 "Speak to himself and to" who else?
51:27 "To God."
51:28 Is there any language that God does not understand?
51:33 He's God.
51:35 If I just start saying,
51:39 okay, my young lady
51:40 that understands French is behind one of the cameras.
51:44 If I start speaking in French,
51:46 I remember what I said
51:47 when I was in the third grade in French,
51:50 if I mess this up do not send me a letter,
51:54 but I'm gonna try
51:55 and you guys won't even understand...
52:01 I learned in that third grade.
52:04 Don't ask me what I said because what do I need?
52:09 What do I need? An interpreter.
52:13 I need an interpreter.
52:16 Now I did say something about Canada
52:19 and I did say something about my name is
52:22 but if Hannah was here,
52:25 she'll be able to tell me exactly what I said.
52:29 Now if I continue speaking,
52:30 you guys would have looked at me like,
52:35 "Pastor John, this is the English network."
52:38 See, right? Right? Okay.
52:42 Great example, I'm gonna just get
52:44 the last two questions here and let's try this.
52:46 So let's answer question number nine.
52:48 How should the use of tongues be practiced in a congregation?
52:51 No more than two or three.
52:54 And what do you have to have? An interpreter.
52:58 Matter of fact,
52:59 when these evangelists that teach
53:02 this whole idea that you have to have
53:03 a gift of tongues,
53:04 what really gets me
53:06 is when they travel around the world
53:07 to preach in other countries they have an interpreter.
53:10 How ironic is that?
53:13 I remember years ago, the very famous Benny Hinn,
53:15 they showed a big crusade
53:17 he was doing country in Africa, and he had an interpreter.
53:22 A couple of interpreters because you go to Africa
53:24 do not think that in that audience
53:25 is one dialect or one language but many.
53:28 Maybe one language, many dialects
53:30 you have Tagalog and what else you have?
53:32 What's the other one?
53:33 Tagalog and what else? Visayan.
53:35 So don't say because you're in Philippines,
53:36 you're gonna speak Pilipino language,
53:37 what is that?
53:39 It depends on what dialect see?
53:41 So that's all so you got to understand these things,
53:44 or else you could be speaking in one language
53:45 and the other doesn't understand.
53:47 And I was in, we were in Africa,
53:50 we were in Kenya.
53:51 We went to visit a particular tribe,
53:54 Africans took us to visit an African tribe way
53:57 in the bush where there was no water.
53:59 I spoke in English
54:01 and somebody did it in Kenyan,
54:05 and then the Kenyans interpret it into Swahili.
54:09 So there was English, then he said it in,
54:12 the person said it in Kenyan, and then in Swahili.
54:16 And I was speaking to a small group of people.
54:18 And you know what somebody probably thought,
54:19 but aren't they all African?
54:21 Different languages, different dialects.
54:24 We had another to speak about Jesus
54:26 to these people in Swahili,
54:28 the Kenyan, interpreted in Swahili from Kenya.
54:32 So you get the point?
54:33 English, Kenyan, Swahili,
54:34 so, and even in Kenya there are many dialects.
54:36 So you never know
54:38 but there must be an interpreter.
54:39 Let's get to the last question, number 30.
54:44 Why is the popular teaching of tongues
54:47 out of harmony with Scripture?
54:50 Why is the popular teaching of tongues
54:52 out of harmony with Scripture?
54:56 Let's go to 1 Corinthians 14, we're already there.
54:59 We're already there,
55:01 we're going to look at verse 33.
55:03 And then we're going to look together
55:06 at verse 40, all right.
55:09 All right, let's look at this.
55:12 Verse 33 reads as follows.
55:15 "For God is" what?
55:17 "Not the author of confusion but of peace,
55:23 as in all the churches of the saints."
55:27 Wherever you go there should be no confusion.
55:31 No confusion but what happened at the Tower of Babel?
55:35 What did the Lord do at the Tower of Babel?
55:38 He did what? He confused the what?
55:41 Languages, the tongues. See that's what happened.
55:44 When you go in a place
55:45 with all these different languages,
55:46 give me a break, they got straw,
55:48 give me a wood, they got a shovel,
55:49 give me a shovel they got dirt.
55:51 That's what happens
55:52 when the languages are confused and then the Lord indictment is
55:56 God is identified with confusion,
55:59 and the Holy Spirit is blamed for that kind of confusion.
56:02 That's not scriptural.
56:03 Amen?
56:04 Last part, verse 40.
56:09 Let's read this one together, "Let" how many things?
56:12 "All things be done," how?
56:15 "Decently and in order."
56:19 So when Paul talked about this,
56:21 he said, "Let it be by two or at the most by three
56:24 and let one interpret but if there is no interpreter,
56:27 let that person keep what?
56:29 Silent in church.
56:30 Now we have about a minute and a half,
56:32 Yannick, would you come on up.
56:33 Brother Louis,
56:35 I've been messing with you all night,
56:36 people need to know who I have been messing with.
56:38 And Celestina come on up,
56:42 getting all our languages, do we have any more languages?
56:46 French?
56:48 Dan, come on up. Hurry up.
56:51 Come on, we're going to speak.
56:53 Come on, Dan, Giger, come on.
56:55 Okay, well, I would say Iris, but Iris is behind the camera.
56:59 I don't know if Iris...
57:02 Oh yeah.
57:03 Oh man, he is...
57:05 Okay. I stand corrected.
57:09 Now we're going to say,
57:11 I want you to say what you want to, Yannick,
57:16 whatever you want a Christian term.
57:17 And I want you to say what you want to Louis.
57:19 And then I want you to say what you want to...
57:21 Okay, say something in your language to Yannick.
57:26 What did she say? You don't know.
57:29 Okay, now you talk to Louis in your language, quickly.
57:34 What did he say? I have no idea.
57:36 Okay, now you try to speak to her
57:37 in your language very quickly.
57:39 No.
57:41 Okay, now you speak to him in your language very quickly.
57:44 Now you speak to him in his language.
57:46 Okay, what did she say? Now let's all do this together.
57:50 Let's all say happy Sabbath to the camera.
57:52 Happy Sabbath.
57:54 Did you all understand us
57:55 because we all spoke in the same language.
57:57 I tell you, friends,
57:58 if it doesn't make sense keep studying God's Word,
58:01 one day it will come into a sharper focus.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2017-11-26