Sharper Focus, A

Pruned in Mercy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000142A

00:21 Good evening and welcome to A Sharper Focus.
00:25 My name is Jill Morikone.
00:26 We're so glad
00:27 that you have joined us this evening
00:29 and so glad that each one of you,
00:32 our 3ABN Family
00:33 and Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:35 are here this evening.
00:36 What a privilege it is to open up God's word
00:40 to spend time
00:41 in the midst of the busyness of the week
00:43 and spend time with our Lord Jesus.
00:45 So we are so glad that you have joined us today,
00:49 tonight for the special study of God's word.
00:52 Tonight's topic is "Pruned in Mercy"
00:56 and we want to encourage you to check out
00:58 A Sharper Focus website,
01:00 that's
01:06 That's
01:12 There's videos, there is study guides
01:14 and all kinds of wonderful things there,
01:16 but first before we get into God's word,
01:19 let's have a word of prayer.
01:21 Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus.
01:23 We thank You for this time
01:26 we have together to open up Your Word
01:31 and to see what You have for us.
01:32 Thank You that Your Word is anointed,
01:34 and right now I just ask
01:37 that You would hide me behind the cross,
01:40 that You could be seen and uplifted,
01:43 and You would open up our hearts
01:44 to what You have for us,
01:46 and we thank You
01:47 in the precious and holy name of Jesus, amen.
01:52 My husband Greg grew up in West Virginia,
01:55 the hills of West Virginia.
01:58 He grew up in the--
02:00 what we call it the hollers, that's what they call it,
02:03 but it's really the little hills,
02:04 go back in the little hills there in West Virginia.
02:08 He and his sister Janelle,
02:09 they were way back in the country.
02:15 It's wonderful growing up in the country.
02:17 Here at 3ABN
02:18 we live in the country, don't we?
02:20 We really do live in the country
02:21 and it's a blessing to be in the country.
02:26 They grew up in the country
02:27 and one of the things that they like to do,
02:29 they love to play outside, they would play in the stream.
02:32 They would work in the garden
02:34 and they had a rather large garden.
02:36 And they spent many hours pulling weeds, digging,
02:40 doing things in the garden.
02:42 They would go ginsenging in the hills,
02:46 digging for ginseng and you can sell that.
02:49 They did all kinds of things,
02:50 but one of the things that they did,
02:52 they did not have a rope swing.
02:53 But they decided they wanted to swing anyway.
02:57 So they went in the woods and there was a,
03:00 you know, the hills comes down like this,
03:02 there is the flat valley
03:03 and the hill goes up on the other side,
03:05 there is kind of narrow valleys there.
03:07 And so here with the hill coming down like this,
03:10 they found a grapevine.
03:13 The grapevine had grown up a long ways
03:17 and it was connected at the top.
03:18 You know what they did? They cut it off at the bottom.
03:23 They cut it off right down at the root
03:26 and then they said, we have a rope swing.
03:29 Now you probably imagine where the story is going.
03:31 What they did,
03:32 they would start on the side of the hill,
03:34 they would grab on to the grapevine.
03:36 They get a good running leap and jump into space
03:39 and what happens?
03:41 You swing out over the valley.
03:42 You come back and you had a great time.
03:45 And so Greg says,
03:46 he and his sister Janelle would do this.
03:48 They swing out and come back.
03:50 They swing out and come back and they loved it.
03:54 Well, one day they had company.
03:57 Some people came to visit his mom and dad.
04:01 They came to visit and--
04:05 they had kids, and so they said,
04:07 you have got to see what this is like,
04:10 we love our grapevine swing.
04:13 It's so much fun to swing on.
04:16 So Greg says,
04:17 they grab the swing, they showed them,
04:19 this is how you do it.
04:20 They swung out, they came back.
04:23 It was perfect.
04:24 They grabbed it again, swung out,
04:27 and then they said, you try it, it's your turn.
04:29 And guess what happened.
04:31 The kid grabbed it,
04:32 he swung out and you know what happened?
04:34 It broke, you're right, Laurie.
04:36 It broke
04:37 just when he was on the length of the swing
04:40 right out over that that valley,
04:42 it broke and they went smashed.
04:48 Knock you wind out for sure.
04:49 Praise the Lord, nothing broke,
04:51 that would be painful.
04:53 Turn with me to John 15.
04:55 This is our opening scripture,
04:56 we are talking about "Pruned in mercy" here tonight.
04:59 John 15,
05:03 can you find it, Cowen?
05:05 John 15
05:06 we're going to read verses 1 through 5.
05:12 John is one of my favorite books
05:13 of the Bible.
05:14 I love the Book of John.
05:16 I just like the way John expresses his thoughts
05:20 and especially John 13 we know it's the last supper.
05:25 That's when Jesus had the last supper
05:27 with the disciples in the upper room,
05:29 He washed their feet
05:31 and then after that, remember what happened?
05:35 He gave them counsel.
05:36 John 14, 15, 16 and 17
05:41 is kind of like
05:43 his last counsel to His disciples
05:46 before He went to the cross.
05:49 You know if you ever had a son or a daughter
05:51 that was going away to war.
05:53 You think what if I never see them again?
05:55 What would be the last words I would want to give to them?
06:00 What if someone you love is sick,
06:02 and you think, I don't know if they're gonna make it?
06:04 What would be the last words I want to say to them?
06:08 That is kind of how I think about John 14, 15, 16 and 17.
06:14 It's Jesus' last words to His disciples
06:18 before He went to the cross.
06:20 We are in John 15,
06:22 I am sorry John 15
06:24 we're gonna read the first five verses.
06:26 The Bible says, "I am the true vine,
06:29 and My Father is the vinedresser.
06:33 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit
06:37 He takes away
06:40 and every branch that bears fruit He prunes..."
06:43 That's our word,
06:44 tonight we're talking about "Pruned in mercy."
06:46 "Every branch that bears fruit he prunes
06:49 that it may bear more fruit.
06:53 You are already clean
06:55 because of the word which I have spoken to you."
06:58 Verse 4, "Abide in Me, and I in you.
07:02 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
07:05 unless it abides in the vine,
07:07 neither can you, unless you abide in Me."
07:11 What is Jesus saying?
07:13 We can't bear fruit
07:15 if we are disconnected from the vine.
07:18 Remember when Greg and his sister
07:20 cut the grapevine, what happened?
07:23 Eventually it died.
07:26 It rotten,
07:27 no life giving sap coming through,
07:30 eventually it died.
07:31 Jump with me to verse 16
07:35 Jesus is still speaking John 15:16,
07:38 "You did not choose Me, but I chose you."
07:42 This is one of my favorite verses
07:44 in all of the Bible,
07:45 Jesus chose us.
07:47 "I chose you and appointed you
07:49 that you should go and bear fruit,
07:51 and that your fruit should remain,
07:54 that whatever you ask the Father in My name
07:56 He may give you."
07:58 Tonight, we are talking about the process of pruning.
08:03 If you're taking notes,
08:04 we're gonna look first at the six reasons
08:08 for being pruned.
08:09 We're gonna look at the purpose first.
08:11 The purpose of pruning,
08:13 now just even the concept of pruning sounds painful,
08:16 does it to you?
08:17 To me, it sounds painful.
08:19 You see what I have here.
08:20 Anybody tell me what these are?
08:23 Yeah, that's right.
08:25 Ivor's pruning shears,
08:26 so if I open this, what happens?
08:28 You could go and you can cut something.
08:30 And Garland and Donna Blanton gave Greg and I a holly bush
08:34 and they are beautiful.
08:36 Nice green leaves, they have little red berries.
08:39 Guess what happened?
08:41 The first few years it rooted in and it did well,
08:43 but you know how it looks like now?
08:45 It needs to be pruned.
08:47 Greg and I drove in the driveway
08:48 and I said sweat heart, that bush over there,
08:52 we need to prune that bush.
08:54 You know why?
08:55 Now most of it is a nice shape
08:57 and there is two or three scraggly branches
09:00 sticking straight up.
09:02 It needs this pruning shears, it needs to be pruned.
09:08 Before we get in into the six reasons
09:10 for being pruned or the purpose for being pruned.
09:14 Then we're gonna look at the process of pruning
09:17 and what we're to do in the midst of those trials,
09:20 in the midst of the pain that we experience?
09:22 But before we do any of that,
09:24 I want to ask you a question, who prunes us?
09:29 Yannick said Jesus.
09:30 Anybody else prunes us.
09:33 Is it just Jesus who does the pruning?
09:36 Holy Spirit, I like that.
09:38 Anybody else prune us?
09:41 We're gonna look at just briefly as we get into it.
09:44 You're right, God's prunes us, the Holy Spirit prunes us.
09:47 We saw that in John 15, didn't we?
09:49 Verse 2 because Jesus says,"
09:51 Every branch that does not bear fruit,
09:52 He takes away,
09:54 and every branch that bears fruit,
09:56 He prunes."
09:58 Not something else Jesus,
10:00 God, is the one who does the pruning.
10:03 Turn with me to Hebrews 12.
10:06 This is right after the faith chapter Hebrews 11.
10:09 We're looking in the next chapter Hebrew 12.
10:14 We're going to look at a couple of verses here.
10:17 Verse 6,
10:18 this whole section is on the discipline of God,
10:21 that's what it says in my Bible.
10:22 Verse 6 says,
10:24 "For whom the Lord loves He chastens."
10:30 Does it feel good, Aniela,
10:32 if you have to get the spanking?
10:38 It doesn't feel so good, does it?
10:40 I can remember,
10:41 now I'm thinking it was very kind of my mom.
10:43 "For whom the Lord loves,
10:46 He chastens" or He prunes.
10:50 Going down a little bit, He talks about,
10:52 " fathers do that to their sons
10:54 or mothers do that to their sons
10:56 or daughters..."
10:57 Keep going down, verse 10.
10:59 We're in Hebrews 12:10
11:01 "For indeed they..."
11:03 Meaning the father, the parents, natural parents.
11:06 "They did it for a few days,
11:08 they chastened us as seemed best to them,
11:11 but He meaning God, He does it for our profit,
11:16 that we may be partakers of His holiness."
11:20 Then verse 11,
11:21 "Now no chastening, or we could say no pruning,
11:25 for the present is joyful,
11:27 but it's painful,
11:29 nevertheless, afterward
11:31 it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness
11:36 to those who are trained by it."
11:38 Now this, my Bible here is New King James Version
11:41 and the NIV Bible it says,
11:44 " No discipline seems pleasant at the time."
11:46 We could agree with that.
11:48 It's not, does not seems pleasant
11:49 but painful.
11:50 Later on, however,
11:52 it produces a harvest of righteousness
11:55 and peace for those who have been trained by it.
12:00 My friend always like to say,"
12:01 God uses the gentleness means necessary
12:07 to get our attention."
12:08 God uses the gentleness means necessary
12:12 in order to gain our attention.
12:14 And you know what? I think I'm pretty stubborn.
12:17 And I think I can be kind of hard headed,
12:21 because I can remember many experiences in my life.
12:25 One time in particular,
12:27 where God brought me through the same experience,
12:29 the same lesson He wanted me to learn not once,
12:34 not twice,
12:36 but three times.
12:38 Three times, you know why?
12:41 I am not learning the lesson that He wants to teach me.
12:44 So yes, God does prune us.
12:47 Another thing that prunes us is our own choices.
12:51 Have you ever experience that?
12:53 What if your mom says, don't touch the stove,
12:56 then I go over and touch the stove,
12:58 what's gonna happen?
13:00 You get burn, that's right Aniela,
13:01 you get burn.
13:04 Is that my mom's fault?
13:06 No,
13:07 she told me don't touch the stove.
13:10 It was my own choice.
13:13 Sometimes our own choices
13:15 do some pruning work in our lives.
13:18 On Monday nights we go to the jail,
13:20 visit with the girls there, do Bible study
13:23 with the women there in the jail.
13:25 And this particular girl,
13:27 she was there several, this was a few years ago,
13:30 we'll call her Sarah,
13:31 that's not her real name but we'll call her Sarah.
13:34 And every time when we go to jail,
13:36 we have prayer time and we say,
13:38 what prayer needs are on your heart?
13:40 And they share and then we stand in a circle
13:43 and we have prayer together,
13:45 so this particular time this girl we'll call her Sarah,
13:49 she said crying, crying,
13:53 pray for the Smith family.
13:56 Now I made up their last time. Pray for the Smith family.
13:59 You know why?
14:01 Sarah had been involved in a car accident,
14:06 she hit a car that Mrs. Smith was driving
14:10 and you know what happened?
14:11 Mrs. Smith died.
14:14 Now you would say that happens.
14:16 That happens in this world,
14:18 but in this case,
14:19 there were some sort of drugs involved as well,
14:20 and that's why she was in jail and later she went to prison.
14:25 Now for the Smith family,
14:29 they lost a mom.
14:31 You're right, Yannick, forever they lost a mom,
14:34 they lost a wife, they lost a daughter,
14:37 that was a consequence of Sarah's choice, right?
14:43 It was a consequence
14:44 but the beautiful thing
14:45 is God never looks at us and says,
14:47 okay, Jill, these are your consequences,
14:49 these are the choices you made.
14:50 These are your consequences,
14:52 therefore you're stuck for life.
14:54 He never does that.
14:55 Romans 8:28, what does he say?
14:58 All things,
14:59 not some things, not a few.
15:02 All things can work together for good
15:05 to those who love God,
15:07 to those who are called according to His purpose.
15:12 Turn with me to Joel, Joel 2:25.
15:18 Old Testament book,
15:19 minor prophet,
15:21 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel.
15:27 Joel 2,
15:30 we are looking at verse 25.
15:33 Joel 2:25,
15:36 God speaking, He says,
15:37 "I will restore to you the years
15:40 that the locust has eaten."
15:42 Now New King James lists a lot of locust,
15:46 the swarming locust,
15:48 the crawling locust,
15:50 the consuming locust,
15:52 the chewing locust.
15:54 Now to me, that covers all the locusts
15:56 I have ever heard of.
15:57 It covers them all, He says,
15:59 "I will restore to you those mistakes in the past,
16:03 those, those things that you have done
16:06 in the past if you turn to me.
16:09 God can work even the pain out for good.
16:14 The third thing that prunes us,
16:15 God prunes, our choices pruned,
16:18 or consequences of our choices pruned.
16:20 The third thing is the results of sin.
16:24 We live in a sin sick world.
16:26 Many times people get sick,
16:29 people suffer through no choice of their own,
16:31 and not even a choice from some one else,
16:34 it's simply the result of sin
16:37 and even in this sin sick world we live in, God says,
16:40 I can even work that out for good
16:44 to those who love me,
16:46 to those who are called according to God's purpose.
16:50 Remember Joseph,
16:52 he was sold
16:53 through really no fault of his own,
16:55 maybe he was a little spoilt,
16:57 but really through no fault of his own,
16:58 he was sold as a slave into Egypt.
17:01 Remember, what did he do there in Egypt?
17:03 He worked in Potiphar's house.
17:05 He did his very best job,
17:08 and what happened?
17:09 Ten years later, he went to jail.
17:12 You got it. He went to jail.
17:14 He was falsely accused
17:17 and he went to prison for something he did not do.
17:21 Now, he could have gotten bitter,
17:22 he could have hated his brothers
17:24 but he didn't.
17:26 He chose to forgive,
17:27 and at the very, toward the end,
17:30 not that very end but toward the end of his life,
17:31 remember,
17:33 his father and brothers came to Egypt
17:35 after his father died,
17:36 the brothers got scared and they said,
17:38 now you're gonna revenge
17:39 what we did to you all those years before.
17:43 And he said in Genesis 50:20,
17:50 "What Satan intended for evil,
17:53 God worked out for good."
17:56 So even in this sin sick world that we live in,
17:58 what Satan intends for evil, God can turn for good.
18:03 Now that we have that foundation out of the way,
18:06 we're going to look at the purpose of pruning.
18:09 These is six reasons for being pruned.
18:14 Number one is to remove the bad.
18:19 First purpose of being pruned is to remove the bad.
18:24 Pruning, if you're pruning a tree,
18:26 say you were pruning a fruit tree
18:28 or something in your orchid,
18:30 something in your yard in ornamental tree.
18:33 If you were pruning,
18:34 you would cut, what would you cut?
18:36 Anything dead.
18:38 Anything diseased.
18:41 Even maybe something that's broken,
18:44 you would cut that.
18:46 Now, the purpose of it would be to remove what's bad,
18:49 what's dead, what's diseased in the tree.
18:53 You know,
18:54 God wants to do the same thing in my life
18:57 and in your life and in your life at home.
19:02 You know I think God comes to us.
19:04 I know He comes to me and He says," Jill,
19:07 you got some anger going on there
19:09 or maybe frustration,
19:11 maybe someone cuts me off in traffic
19:13 or the light turns green and what happens?
19:16 Hurry up, why don't you go?
19:18 The person in front right, I am in a hurry,
19:20 God says,
19:22 I want to take that frustration out of your life.
19:24 God says,
19:26 I want to remove your fear of other people,
19:29 your fear of the future
19:31 or relationships over the unknown.
19:35 I want to remove that fear.
19:36 God says,
19:38 I want to remove your guilt and your shame.
19:40 1 John 1:9
19:41 "If we confess our sins,
19:43 he is faithful
19:44 and just to forgive us of our sins
19:46 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
19:50 God wants to remove that condemnation
19:52 that Satan heaps on our head.
19:54 That comes from Satan, he wants to remove that.
19:57 He wants to remove my pride
19:59 and create in me a humble spirit,
20:03 a heart like Jesus.
20:05 He wants to remove my bitterness
20:06 or inability to forgive Yannick,
20:09 which I don't need to do
20:10 because Yannick hasn't done anything,
20:12 but my inability to say to forgive someone.
20:15 God wants to remove that from my life.
20:18 He wants to make me pure.
20:21 He wants to take out that shame.
20:23 He wants to remove this sadness and give me His joy.
20:28 I don't know tonight
20:29 what's diseased in your life,
20:31 what's feels broken in your life?
20:34 What feels dead in your life?
20:37 God says allow me, let me get out the shears.
20:41 Let me do some pruning work to remove that from your life.
20:45 Number one, God prunes.
20:47 The purpose of the pruning process
20:50 is to remove the bad.
20:51 Number two
20:52 is to open the tree up for light.
20:56 If you prune,
20:57 it opens the tree canopy up for life penetration.
21:02 You think if you go in a thick forest,
21:04 what happens to everything on the bottom,
21:08 you don't have a lot of undergrowth, do you?
21:09 If it's thick
21:11 and the tree canopy is really thick,
21:12 you can't get a lot of light coming down.
21:15 At the very bottom
21:16 you don't have a lot of undergrowth.
21:19 But if your forest is open and you can get the light down,
21:22 there is a lot of undergrowth.
21:23 It opens up in the tree, it opens it up for more light.
21:27 Light is essential for flower, bud development.
21:30 It's essential for optimal fruit flavor
21:33 and quality.
21:34 Who is the light in your life and mine?
21:38 God, Jesus, that's right.
21:40 He says, "I am the light of the world."
21:43 Pruning opens our heart up to receive more of Jesus.
21:47 It opens our heart up to receive more of who he is.
21:51 Now we know 2 Corinthians 4 says,
21:53 God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness
21:56 has shined in our life"
21:57 so he wants to pour His light.
21:59 He wants to pour Himself into our lives.
22:02 But in addition to that,
22:04 there is another purpose for the light
22:05 not just that Jesus wants to fill us,
22:07 but there is another purpose.
22:09 Turn with me to 1 John,
22:11 1 John...
22:16 We're going to Chapter 1.
22:20 We're not gonna look at verse 9
22:21 which is one of my favorite verses,
22:23 but we're gonna look at 1 John 1.
22:25 We're gonna look verse 5-7,
22:28 1 John 1:5-7
22:32 " This is the message which we have heard from Him,
22:34 Him meaning God,
22:36 Jesus,
22:37 and declared to you, that God is light."
22:40 There is our word, God is light.
22:43 "And in Him is no darkness at all.
22:45 If we say
22:46 that we have fellowship with Him,
22:48 and walk in darkness,
22:50 we lie and do not practice the truth."
22:54 Verse 7 is the one I want to really focus on.
22:57 "But if we walk in the light, that's in Jesus,
23:01 as He is in the light,
23:04 we have fellowship with one another,
23:07 and the blood of Jesus Christ
23:09 His Son cleanses us from all sin."
23:14 Pruning enables us to walk in fellowship
23:18 with each other.
23:19 I think my sister Zida here
23:21 is one of the most perfect examples of that.
23:24 She grew up in a country that was communistic,
23:28 and they served God under persecution.
23:33 And she can tell you story after story of the closeness,
23:37 The unity,
23:38 that they formed as brothers and sisters in Jesus
23:42 because of the pruning process,
23:44 because of the pain that took place.
23:46 It opened up their hearts,
23:48 their tree canopy you could say,
23:50 their hearts to receive more Jesus.
23:52 And if we have more Jesus, if we walk in the light,
23:55 we automatically come into fellowship
23:57 with each other.
23:59 We automatically have unity.
24:01 There is one more purpose for the light
24:02 and that's found in Isaiah 60.
24:04 Turn back to Isaiah 60.
24:08 We're gonna look at the first three verses of that.
24:12 Isaiah 60:1-3.
24:17 The Bible says, "Arise, shine, for your light has come."
24:21 There is our word light, Jesus.
24:23 "And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
24:26 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth,
24:29 and deep darkness the people."
24:31 We're in a dark world, would you say that's accurate.
24:35 Oh, it's dark.
24:37 People lost and alone dying
24:41 without Jesus, without hope,
24:44 without knowledge of the gospel.
24:46 We're in a dark world, but it doesn't stop there.
24:50 It says, "But the Lord will arise over you,
24:54 and His glory will be seen upon you.
24:58 The Gentiles shall come to your light,
25:01 and kings to the brightness of your rising."
25:03 Did you catch that.
25:05 Gentiles, those people who don't know Jesus,
25:08 who don't walk with Jesus.
25:11 What's gonna happen?
25:12 They're gonna come to the light,
25:14 that's Jesus, not us, that's Jesus.
25:17 Pruning enables us to witness more effectively for Jesus.
25:23 So number one, we said,
25:25 pruning removes the bad, the diseased, the dead,
25:28 the broken places in our lives.
25:30 Number two,
25:32 pruning opens us up for light for more of Jesus.
25:35 Number three, pruning opens us up for air.
25:39 It opens the tree up for air.
25:41 It allows more air movement through the tree
25:45 which promotes more rapid drying,
25:47 there is more disease resistance,
25:49 all of that stuff, it opens the tree up for air.
25:51 Now who do you think the air is represented by?
25:56 Yes, that's right, Brother Richard,
25:58 the Holy Spirit.
26:00 Turn with me to John 3, John 3.
26:04 Many times when Jesus met with people,
26:08 He met with a leper, He met with women,
26:12 He met with gentiles, demoniacs, outcasts of society,
26:18 but in this case in John 3,
26:20 Jesus met
26:22 with a pretty upstanding member of society,
26:24 he was a Pharisee.
26:26 Verse 1,
26:27 "There was a man of the Pharisees
26:29 named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews."
26:32 He met with Nicodemus
26:33 and we won't read the whole thing
26:35 but remember Nicodemus came to Jesus with questions
26:38 and Jesus said, "Unless you're born again..."
26:41 In the Greek it means from above.
26:43 "Unless you're born from above,
26:45 you cannot see the kingdom of God.
26:47 And Nicodemus said, "I don't understand that.
26:49 How can you be born again?
26:51 How can you enter into your mother's womb
26:53 a second time
26:54 when you are old, when you're fully grown?"
26:57 Verse 5,
26:59 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you,
27:01 unless one is born of water and the spirit,
27:05 he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
27:07 That which is born of the flesh is flesh,
27:09 and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.
27:12 Do not marvel that I said to you,
27:14 'You must be born again.'
27:16 The wind blows where it wishes,
27:20 and you hear the sound,
27:22 but you cannot tell where it's coming from
27:24 or where it's going.
27:25 So is everyone who is born of the Spirit."
27:30 You can't see the Holy Spirit,
27:33 but we can see his work,
27:36 we can see his effect.
27:40 The pruning process opens up our heart
27:45 to allow the Holy Spirit free your access.
27:47 Allow the Holy Spirit to work more in our lives.
27:50 Number four,
27:52 now if you're into organic food,
27:54 I hope this doesn't offend you.
27:55 The pruning process opens the tree up
27:58 for more pesticides spray to reach all those leaves.
28:01 Now I understand it's important to try to eat healthy,
28:05 we're not talking about that,
28:06 this is just for the purpose of illustration,
28:08 but it opens the tree up for more of that,
28:10 enables it to permeate all the leaves.
28:13 What represents water?
28:16 The Word of God.
28:17 Ephesians 5:26 what does it say?
28:21 He cleanse us.
28:22 It's talking about...
28:24 that's a passage about husbands and wives,
28:26 it's a passage about Christ and the church
28:29 and he says, he cleanses them
28:30 with the washing of the water of the word,
28:34 in order that he can present it
28:35 through himself a glorious church,
28:37 not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing,
28:40 so pruning opens us up to receive more of the washing,
28:46 more of the word of God,
28:48 gives the word more access into your heart.
28:51 Have you ever read something in the Bible
28:53 and you didn't really want to hear that?
28:56 Anybody want to be honest? Has that ever happened?
29:00 Okay, one or two.
29:01 I know for me it has.
29:02 Sometime I'll read something and God says,
29:05 oh, you've to forgive, but I don't want to.
29:09 I want you to go over here and love,
29:11 but I want to hold on to self pity.
29:13 I want you to give up that TV program,
29:19 movie, that book.
29:21 No, but I like it.
29:23 It feels good.
29:26 Sometimes when we read the Word of God,
29:29 it cuts.
29:30 The Bible says it does.
29:32 Hebrews 4:12,
29:33 "The Word of God is a life living,
29:35 and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,
29:38 a sword can be painful.
29:40 piercing even to the dividing a sunder of soul and spirit,
29:44 and of the joints and marrow,
29:45 and is a discerner of the thoughts
29:47 and intents of the heart.
29:49 "You know, I heard a pastor say once the word
29:52 that you study that hurts,
29:55 that's the word you need to study more.
29:58 Don't shy away from it.
29:59 When you open up God's word and something hurts,
30:01 don't say, uh,
30:02 throw that book across the room,
30:04 I don't want to read that.
30:06 Let God's word cut,
30:10 that's his purpose.
30:11 Let it cut but at the same time it heals.
30:14 It's not cutting for destruction.
30:16 It's not cutting for pain.
30:21 Its purpose is to cut to heal, cut to heal.
30:25 First cut,
30:26 the purpose of pruning is to remove the bad.
30:28 Second to open us up for the light
30:30 which is Jesus, the light of the world.
30:32 Third to open us up for air
30:34 which is the work
30:35 of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
30:38 Number four,
30:39 for the pesticides spray or even water
30:40 that would be the Word of God,
30:43 the work of the Word of God in our life.
30:45 Number five, it grows more fruit faster.
30:51 Remember that was in John 15,
30:54 John 15:2 he says,
30:57 " Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit
31:01 He takes away
31:03 and every branch that bears fruit
31:04 He prunes," why?
31:06 "That it may bear more fruit."
31:09 That's right, Cynthia, more fruit.
31:12 It may bear more fruit.
31:14 God wants His fruit.
31:16 Man, he wants it to develop in our lives.
31:19 Fruit of the spirit, Galatians 5:22,
31:23 "Love, joy, peace, longsuffering
31:28 or if we can say patience, kindness, goodness,
31:32 faithfulness, gentleness, self control.
31:37 J. Hudson Taylor went in as a missionary
31:39 to the China Inland Mission.
31:41 I am sorry,
31:42 he went as a missionary to China for over 50 years,
31:44 he founded the China Inland Mission,
31:47 and he wrote a statement that I love.
31:50 It says, "Fruit bearing involves cross bearing."
31:55 Fruit bearing involves cross bearing.
31:59 Number six,
32:01 purpose of pruning,
32:03 it makes a beautiful shaped tree, right?
32:07 This is esthetically beautiful.
32:09 We few have like our holly bush up front
32:11 is not esthetically beautiful at the moment,
32:13 it has two or three branches that just stick out,
32:16 but if it was pruned, it would be a nice shape.
32:18 Pruning enables us to reflect Jesus,
32:21 to look like Jesus,
32:23 to have the beautiful character of God
32:27 revealed in our hearts and lives.
32:30 And the balance of time we have here this evening,
32:32 we want to look at five steps in the process of pruning.
32:36 We talked about the purpose of pruning.
32:39 Now we're gonna look at the process.
32:42 The process of pruning, five steps in the process.
32:45 Number one is to surrender.
32:49 Now I know Pastor Mitch works in our pastoral department
32:53 and he says,"
32:55 Surrender is a little hard concept
32:56 to grasp some times."
32:58 I don't know if may be women understand things,
33:02 obviously we know that,
33:03 women understand things different than men,
33:05 but sometime surrender is a hard concept to grasp,
33:08 but I believe
33:09 that surrender is simply saying yes to Jesus
33:14 every time I am faced with the choice.
33:17 Surrender is just saying yes to Jesus,
33:21 every time I'm faced with the choice.
33:23 So I get up in the morning and all of a sudden God says,
33:27 "Go over there and pray with so and so."
33:30 Now I can say yes to Jesus.
33:33 I want to pray with my sister Renice,
33:35 or I can say I don't have time for that.
33:37 I want to do my own thing.
33:39 I don't want to pray.
33:40 God can say, "Go apologize to so and so."
33:43 And I can say yes to Jesus,
33:46 I'm gonna apologize or I can say no,
33:48 I don't want to apologize.
33:50 I was right and they were wrong,
33:51 I don't want to apologize.
33:53 I remember when I was probably nine years old,
33:56 when I grew up I was...
33:58 My parents were not very wealthy.
34:01 In fact I was ten years old
34:03 before I had my first store bought outfit.
34:07 We always wore hand-me-downs.
34:09 My cousins,
34:10 two female cousins were older than my sister and I,
34:13 we always wore their clothes.
34:15 Occasionally my grandma who like to sew,
34:18 she would sew something for us
34:21 and we would get then something new
34:22 because she had made it for us.
34:24 So when I was nine years old my parents went,
34:27 and I don't know where they got it, I don't,
34:28 it was not new but I don't remember
34:30 where they got it,
34:31 but they got the cutest pair of white shoes.
34:35 Now they were heals
34:36 and for a little girl that was exciting
34:38 'cause I never had heals before.
34:40 And so they were heals
34:42 and I still remember to this day,
34:43 they had a little strap around the ankle,
34:45 one of those fancy like Easter shoes
34:47 or you'd wear in the summer.
34:48 They were white
34:50 and they had a little black mark on them.
34:53 My dad had taken something
34:54 and I don't know what he put on but something white,
34:57 so that you couldn't see the black mark
34:59 and they looked like brand new shoes.
35:02 Now I was proud of my shoes and I put them on, I was nine.
35:06 We went into church, it was the first Sabbath,
35:09 I got to wear my brand new shoes,
35:11 and I was so excited.
35:13 And I remember walking in the aisle
35:15 and I thought
35:16 everybody is looking at my new shoes.
35:18 Now off course probably nobody even noticed them,
35:20 but in my little girl's heart, it was exciting.
35:23 And so I had my little shoes and I was so proud of them,
35:26 I sat in the pew.
35:28 You know what the sermon was on that week?
35:31 Cynthia says pride.
35:33 No, it was on,
35:34 is there anything in your heart in life
35:37 between you and Jesus?
35:39 Is there anything that you love more than Jesus?
35:44 And I sat in there pew, I couldn't touch the floor,
35:48 my beautiful white shoes swinging,
35:52 and I thought, but I like my shoes,
35:54 but it's the first time I wore them,
35:57 but they are not expensive, but they are new.
36:00 And the minister said,
36:01 "Is there anything in your life between you and Jesus."
36:06 And we went home,
36:08 and I remember I took off my beautiful white shoes
36:11 with a little strap around the ankle,
36:13 and I gave them to my mom and I said,
36:17 "Why don't you take these shoes to goodwill."
36:23 A parent
36:24 who was may be a lesser parent than my mom
36:27 would have said,
36:29 "No, you should keep those shoes.
36:31 After all you love those shoes.
36:33 Those were shoes you wanted, you should keep them,
36:36 but my mom had a lot of wisdom and she knew that...
36:39 We laugh now, it's just a little story,
36:42 it's just a little shoe
36:44 but she knew then principle of not having anything
36:48 between us and Jesus.
36:50 She knew that some day the decisions will get harder.
36:53 They would get bigger as I grew up
36:56 and it was so important
36:58 that when I was faced with the decision
37:00 to always say yes to Jesus, even if it hurt.
37:05 So I don't know
37:06 what God is asking you to surrender right now tonight.
37:11 Maybe it's your will and way.
37:14 Maybe it's pride.
37:15 Maybe it's bitterness, anger,
37:17 gossip, strife, selfishness, lust.
37:24 Maybe it's entertainment and the movies you watch
37:27 or the TV you look at.
37:28 Maybe it's the books on your bookshelf.
37:30 Maybe it's the friends
37:32 that you are choosing to hang around with,
37:33 or the person you're looking at marrying
37:36 who is not a Christian.
37:39 Maybe it's a choice of where you work
37:40 or where you live.
37:42 Following Jesus is not fluff.
37:47 You know what I'm saying.
37:48 Following Jesus is not...
37:50 Okay, God is love and I'm just gonna be happy.
37:53 Yes, there is joy.
37:54 Yes, there is peace.
37:56 Yes, there is God's presence,
37:58 but at the same time
37:59 following Jesus requires a choice.
38:03 It requires a choice.
38:04 It requires saying, am I gonna say yes to Jesus
38:08 when He asks for something I don't want to give up,
38:10 and every time we say yes to Jesus,
38:13 He pours in more joy, more peace,
38:18 more blessings that I say, why didn't I say yes sooner?
38:23 Why didn't I surrender sooner?
38:25 Sometimes you might not know
38:27 what is God trying to prune in my life.
38:29 I know sometimes that would stress me.
38:31 God, I don't know what's wrong in my life
38:33 and how do I know you're gonna take care of it
38:35 as if I can do anything about it.
38:38 It's all God's work, He is on the throne.
38:40 Remember Philippians 1:6 says,
38:42 "Being confident of this very thing,
38:44 that He who has begun a good work in us
38:47 will carry it forward to completion."
38:50 So trust God to finish the work He has begun in your life.
38:56 My sister has four boys.
38:59 Now when this story happened, it was three years ago,
39:01 and her boys at this time were six, four, two
39:06 and the baby was just born.
39:07 Every time she has a new baby,
39:09 I always fly out to North Carolina for a week,
39:12 spent time with her because a new mom needs help,
39:15 and a mom with three boys and a new baby
39:17 definitely needs help.
39:20 So I was there
39:21 and she was with a baby in the bedroom
39:24 and I was playing hide and seek with the three older boys.
39:27 Now, they love hide and seek.
39:29 The two older boys were old enough to know
39:31 that the purpose of hide and seek is what?
39:34 To remain hidden.
39:36 Now the two year old hadn't grasp that concept yet,
39:40 so I was in the kitchen, closed my eyes,
39:43 starting to count, one, two, three,
39:46 I could hear
39:48 the boyish chatter recede and the stocking feet
39:50 as they scampered away.
39:52 Four, five, six, the baby cried,
39:56 I could hear my sister in the bedroom
39:58 as she tried to sooth him
40:00 seven, eight, nine, ten ready or not, here I come.
40:04 And just as I said that, I heard a little voice.
40:07 Caleb here,
40:10 I smiled that would be Caleb.
40:12 Remember he is two,
40:14 so I went into the living room
40:15 and I looked the front hall closet.
40:17 Maybe Caleb's in the front hall closet.
40:20 Caleb here.
40:22 I heard coming from down the hall.
40:24 I went into the bathroom
40:25 and through open the shower curtain,
40:27 you know to peer in the tub.
40:29 Maybe Caleb's in the tub.
40:31 Caleb here.
40:34 I went into the laundry, opened up,
40:36 maybe Caleb's hiding by the washing machine.
40:40 Caleb here.
40:42 He was beginning to sound insistent.
40:45 I went in the bedroom and there he lay,
40:48 head tucked underneath the bed,
40:52 arms,
40:54 trunk,
40:55 legs,
40:57 you guess it's sprawled out in plain view.
40:59 His eyes were really tightly screwed,
41:01 screwed shut.
41:03 Well, I pretend not to see him and I went over,
41:05 I said may be Caleb's hiding behind the chair over here,
41:09 so I peek behind the chair
41:12 and I heard giggles from underneath the bed.
41:14 You know why?
41:15 He was proud of his hiding place
41:17 and the fact Aunty Jill couldn't find him.
41:19 I went into the closet.
41:21 Maybe Caleb's in the closet, more giggles.
41:25 Finally I couldn't think of any other place
41:27 to look in the bedroom.
41:28 So I said there is Caleb.
41:31 He is hiding right underneath the bed.
41:34 And so he came out,
41:36 he was so proud of himself and I gave him a hug,
41:39 but you know two years olds, he is on the move,
41:42 so he got up
41:43 and he started toweling off to hide again.
41:46 And all of a sudden as I sat there in his bedroom,
41:50 God spoke to my heart
41:51 and He said, " Jill, that's what I think of you.
41:56 I thought of all the times I had surrendered,
42:00 made a choice to say yes to Jesus.
42:03 I had surrendered
42:04 what I thought was my all to Jesus,
42:06 little realizing
42:07 that the bigger part of my life,
42:09 arms, trunk,
42:11 legs sprawled out in plain view.
42:14 There was a lot of junk,
42:16 a lot of sins
42:18 I did not know existed left stuck in my heart,
42:22 but yet God had never scolded me,
42:24 not once, not ever.
42:27 He never said, you know,
42:28 there is a whole mess
42:29 that you're lining out here in plain view.
42:31 Couldn't you grow up, Jill.
42:33 Instead he showed me my heart
42:36 day by day, week by week,
42:39 month by month,
42:41 there is some pride here.
42:43 Oh, wow,
42:44 and I began to dig until I realized,
42:47 it's receding itself,
42:50 it's receding itself, it's multiplying.
42:53 God, I can't remove it, will you take it?
42:56 And He said, "I was waiting for you to ask."
42:58 Then all of a sudden He said,
43:00 "There is some bitterness here that's buried so deeply,
43:02 you didn't know about it."
43:04 And I said, "Oh, I got this God.
43:05 I know, I couldn't get the pride thing,
43:07 but I got the bitterness.
43:08 Yank, yank what happened?
43:11 Nothing.
43:12 He said I got this too if you let me.
43:15 Okay, God,
43:16 I want to say yes to Jesus, I choose to give it to you.
43:22 That's the beautiful thing about God.
43:24 He knows
43:26 there is nothing ourselves we can do,
43:28 but we can make a choice, that's key.
43:31 The first step
43:33 in the process of pruning is just to surrender to Jesus.
43:37 To make a choice to say yes to Jesus.
43:39 The second step is to behold Jesus.
43:43 Turn with me to 2 Corinthians 3...
43:50 2 Corinthians 3,
43:53 we're going to look at verse 18.
43:56 2 Corinthian 3:18,
43:59 The Bible says, "We all, with unveiled face,
44:03 beholding as in a mirror for glory of the Lord,
44:07 are being transformed into the same image
44:12 from glory to glory,
44:14 just as by the Spirit of the Lord."
44:18 We're changed,
44:19 we're transformed in the midst of that pruning
44:22 and in the midst of the trial, in the midst of pain,
44:25 we are changed by beholding Jesus.
44:29 Now I don't think
44:30 God is talking about our momentary glances.
44:33 Something where, huh, I'm almost late for work,
44:36 let me open my Bible, God loves the world.
44:39 Oh thank you, God.
44:40 And we go off to work,
44:41 that's not what he is talking about?
44:45 Beholding Jesus is a constant
44:48 beholding not just in the morning
44:51 not just at noon, or at night
44:54 but all throughout the day
44:58 is looking into the face of Jesus.
45:00 Now I know we're not called to be hermits,
45:02 we're called to live
45:05 amongst our brothers and sisters,
45:07 we're called, we were busy,
45:08 but in the midst of that busyness
45:11 bring our mind,
45:13 our mind flow back to the Lord Jesus Christ.
45:18 My husband Greg is probably...
45:21 This is a biased opinion so forgive this.
45:23 Probably one of the best drivers I know
45:26 and then you're gonna say,
45:27 I know many good driver and I am sure that's true,
45:30 but he is my husband
45:31 so I guess I think he is a good driver.
45:33 He does not,
45:34 you know, some drivers start and stop in a hurry
45:37 like
45:38 and then they stop and I get car sick
45:40 and that's just not very pleasant.
45:42 Other drivers may be are aggressive
45:45 but Greg is very defensive when he drives.
45:47 He is always looking at his surroundings,
45:49 always making sure,
45:50 you know, we're okay
45:52 and he is very steady and I just feel safe,
45:55 when he drives I feel safe.
45:57 Now he's told the story
45:58 so I can share it with you at home.
46:01 He was driving one time by himself in the car
46:05 on a highway.
46:07 Now here in Southern Illinois, we're very flat,
46:11 not a lot of change, right, so the roads are flat.
46:14 When we drive in Southern Illinois,
46:16 there is a sameness to the road.
46:18 Would you agree like the dotted white line zips fast
46:21 and there is not a whole lot of traffic,
46:23 there is not a lot of things to occupy the mind,
46:25 they're just monotonous, maybe that's the word.
46:29 And so, Greg said,
46:30 he was driving along and all of a sudden
46:32 right in front of him was a pot hole,
46:35 and he thought, I can't hit this pot hole,
46:38 he turned the wheel relax probably
46:40 and avoided the pot hole.
46:42 Now the story would have ended differently
46:44 if it had ended there but it didn't.
46:47 He thought I want to see how the driver behind me
46:52 is got to fare.
46:54 Are they going to avoid the pot hole
46:56 as well as I avoided that pot hole?
47:00 You know what happened?
47:01 He looked in the rear view mirror
47:03 to look behind him
47:05 to see how the driver was gonna do.
47:09 And just when he looked in the rear view mirror,
47:11 you know what happened?
47:13 He hit an even bigger pot hole.
47:16 There were two pot holes in the road.
47:17 The one he avoided,
47:19 the second he hit dead on
47:21 because he was looking behind him.
47:24 When God calls us to behold Jesus,
47:27 we're not called to look behind.
47:29 Look behind at our past mistakes,
47:32 at our past sins.
47:34 We're not even called
47:35 to look behind at the past victories.
47:38 We're not called to look behind
47:40 that our brother and sister is insane.
47:42 I'm so glad
47:44 that I am further along than so and so.
47:47 We're not called to look behind,
47:49 neither are we called to look to the side.
47:52 I wonder if Hanna, she is behind the camera there.
47:54 I wonder if Hanna is keeping pace with me.
47:57 Maybe I am a little head of Hanna.
47:59 Maybe I am fallen behind, I have to run faster.
48:02 No, none of that matters.
48:04 We're called just to look to Jesus.
48:09 Look to Jesus.
48:11 Number three in the process of pruning,
48:14 first we surrender,
48:16 we just simply say yes to Jesus.
48:18 Number two, we behold Jesus.
48:21 Number three,
48:23 we accept the pruning,
48:25 the pruning process with joy,
48:29 that's the hard one.
48:31 We accept the pruning process with joy
48:35 and I'm just being honest with you here tonight,
48:37 there's times I've kicked,
48:39 times I've cried,
48:42 times I've not accepted it
48:45 as God would have me accept it.
48:46 But every time
48:49 I have made a choice to accept it with joy
48:53 God wants me to that has changed my heart.
48:56 as It has changed my experience with God.
49:00 Turn with me to James,
49:02 James 1,
49:06 we're gonna look at verses 2-4.
49:08 Now here in James it actually says,
49:10 " Count it all joy when you fall into trials."
49:14 Anything that we're being pruned out,
49:16 you can call it a trial 'cause pruning is not painless.
49:19 Pruning is painful,
49:21 so we could replace that with the pruning process.
49:23 James 1:2-4,
49:27 "My brethren, or my sisters, count it all joy."
49:32 Now in the Greek
49:34 the word for joy means pure unmixed joy,
49:39 so we're not talking about count it joy as in okay,
49:42 count it,
49:44 huh, it's okay that I'm being pruned,
49:47 that I have now joy,
49:48 pure unmixed joy that's a lot of joy.
49:52 Count it all joy
49:55 when you fall into various trials,
49:57 or afflictions,
49:58 or trouble or tests
50:02 when you get pruned, count it joy.
50:04 Knowing that the testing of your faith
50:07 produces patience.
50:10 But let patience have its perfect work,
50:14 that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
50:20 When God looks at us he say,
50:23 "You're princess, you're prince,
50:25 I want to create my character in you
50:30 and you know one of the ways he does that,
50:32 through the pruning process.
50:34 When we chose,
50:35 when something is painful or difficult
50:38 we want to fight it, that's the natural human heart.
50:40 We want to fight, we want to soak,
50:42 we want to throw a kitty party,
50:44 we want to go against it, we want rebellion,
50:47 I've been in all of those places.
50:49 God says accept it with joy,
50:54 count it as joy.
50:55 Andrew Murray,
50:57 I like the writings of Andrew Murray.
50:59 He has a book called Humanity and Absolute Surrender.
51:04 There is a quote in this book.
51:06 I want to read to you.
51:07 It says, "Accept with gratitude..."
51:09 That's joy we're just talking about that.
51:11 "Accept with gratitude everything that God allows."
51:17 We're not talking one thing or if it's something I want,
51:20 something I like.
51:21 Accept with gratitude every thing that God allows
51:26 from within
51:28 or from without
51:29 and I know I've had trials from within
51:31 my own junk coming up.
51:34 Sometimes it's from without,
51:35 from someone else who said something to you
51:37 or did something to you,
51:38 or hurt even some fashion through no fault of our own.
51:42 Accept with gratitude,
51:44 everything God allows
51:47 from within or without
51:49 from friend or enemy
51:53 in nature on in grace
51:56 to remind you of your need for humbling
52:01 and to help you to it.
52:03 What's he saying?
52:04 Everything that comes to us,
52:06 the pruning process
52:07 whether God is the one who is pruning,
52:09 whether it's my own consequences
52:12 of my choices that's pruning,
52:13 whether it's just simply the result of sin
52:16 that's causing the pruning.
52:18 Accept it with gratitude
52:20 knowing that God is working
52:23 in our lives to change us,
52:26 to make us more like Jesus.
52:29 Number four,
52:31 spent time in prayer.
52:35 In the midst of the trial,
52:36 in the midst of the pruning process,
52:39 spent time in prayer.
52:42 Be honest with God.
52:43 He already knows how we feel.
52:46 He knows that.
52:48 One of the things
52:49 that has revolutionized my prayer life
52:51 more than anything
52:52 is actually praying the Word of God
52:54 back to Him.
52:56 Praying the scripture back to Him.
52:59 It opens up,
53:01 there is power in the Word of God.
53:02 But beyond that,
53:04 it just opens up our thought and mind
53:06 I think to receive more of Jesus,
53:08 so if you were to pray this passage we just read,
53:11 we're in James 1:2-4
53:14 and it's not complicated.
53:15 You don't have to say,
53:17 I don't know how to pray the scripture back.
53:18 I don't think I can do that.
53:20 It's quite simple.
53:22 All we do is take it and thank Jesus.
53:25 My brethren and if we are praying
53:27 we could say," Father,
53:29 thank You that you called me as Your brethren.
53:31 Thank you for that.
53:33 Right now I am going through a hard time,
53:36 but I want to count it as joy.
53:38 Please work your joy in my life.
53:42 Right now I'm going through this trial
53:44 but I am believing and claiming by faith
53:47 that the testing of my faith is going to produce patience.
53:51 I'm believing and claiming that my faith.
53:54 Father I want to let patience
53:56 have its perfect life in my heart
53:58 and right now I know I am running.
54:00 Right now I know I am stressed or I am struggling,
54:03 I want to allow your patience, this patience,
54:06 you trying to work in my heart,
54:08 I want to allow it to have its perfect work.
54:11 God allow me to be still
54:13 and allow this to have its perfect work.
54:16 Thank You
54:17 that You are making me perfect and complete.
54:19 Thank You there is nothing I do of myself.
54:21 Thank You that you are the one working in me.
54:24 Thank You that in You I lack nothing.
54:29 It's just taking the words in the Bible
54:32 and changing it into a prayer.
54:34 Changing it into thanking God.
54:37 Number one, we just simply surrender.
54:39 Two, we behold Jesus.
54:41 Three, we accept the trial
54:44 or the pruning process with joy.
54:47 Four, we spent time in prayer
54:49 and number five, the last one,
54:51 we claim his word over our lives.
54:56 J.D. Quinn works in the pastoral parliament
54:58 he likes three-by-five cards
55:00 writing out Bible promises on a three-by-five card.
55:04 You know,
55:05 I am not always as organized I should be for that
55:07 and sometime I just take a posted note
55:10 or I take the back of my bulletin
55:12 when I am in church
55:13 and God shows me a certain promise
55:15 or my notes or something I take something.
55:19 I used to put the posted notes in the car
55:21 until Greg said,
55:22 "Jilly, that's not very safe when you driving,
55:24 you're trying to memorize scripture,
55:25 so maybe you should think about doing some notes.
55:27 So I kind of have posted notes by the bed
55:30 when you go to sleep at night
55:32 the last thought in our mind is the Word of God.
55:37 For me when I'm doing dishes,
55:38 I like to think about something
55:40 when I'm washing dishes or on my computer at work.
55:43 Whatever it is,
55:45 find promises in the Word of God
55:47 and claim his word,
55:50 claim those promises over our lives.
55:54 Tonight we talked about pruning.
55:56 Pruning is not always, I shouldn't say that.
56:00 I don't think pruning is ever painless.
56:03 I haven't found that to be so.
56:06 But the result
56:07 that God wants to bring in our hearts and lives.
56:09 What He wants to do is amazing.
56:12 Number one,
56:14 we looked at the six purposes of pruning.
56:17 It removes the diseased and the dead places
56:20 from our hearts and lives.
56:22 It opens our hearts up to receive more of Jesus,
56:25 the light of the world.
56:27 It opens us up for more air,
56:31 the work of the Holy Spirit,
56:33 for the water,
56:35 the washing of the water of the word.
56:36 It produces more fruit in our hearts and lives,
56:40 sweeter fruit,
56:42 more the fruits of the spirit.
56:44 It produces a character that's esthetically beautiful,
56:47 that looks like Jesus.
56:49 So tonight if you're going through a pruning process
56:53 and I think everybody goes through pruning.
56:55 If you're going through a pruning process,
56:58 if you're hurt,
56:59 if you say God I don't even understand
57:01 what's going on?
57:02 Number one, surrender
57:05 whatever you're dealing with right now
57:07 chose to say yes to Jesus.
57:11 Give that pain, give that hurt,
57:13 give all of that to the Lord Jesus Christ.
57:16 Number two, behold Jesus
57:19 when you wake up as you goes throughout the day,
57:21 when you're driving in the car, when you're at work,
57:24 when you're talking with your friends,
57:25 behold Jesus.
57:28 Number three, accept the pain.
57:31 Accept the trial with joy.
57:34 Only God can do that.
57:35 Allow him to give you his joy.
57:39 Number four, spent time in prayer
57:42 and spent time in the Word of God.
57:46 Know that we here at 3ABN
57:48 and each one of our Thompsonville family here,
57:50 we love you at home.
57:52 We are praying God's blessing and anointing of your life.
57:56 Don't get discouraged.
57:58 Don't give up, God loves you
58:00 and He wants to produce His fruit in your life.


Revised 2016-07-28