Participants: Jill Morikone
Series Code: ASHF
Program Code: ASHF000140A
00:19 Good evening, and welcome to "A Sharper Focus."
00:22 My name is Jill Morikone, and we are so glad 00:24 that you have joined us this evening. 00:27 And we're so glad for our church family, 00:28 who is out tonight. 00:30 It's such a privilege to open up the word of God. 00:33 I don't know what your week was like. 00:35 I don't know what your week was like at your home. 00:37 Maybe it was a great week and you feel like, 00:40 "Wow, I just got a promotion at work." 00:42 Don't we kind of wish that? 00:43 Maybe it was I just got married or I just had a grandbaby. 00:48 Maybe it was a tough week. 00:51 And you think, I just lost my job. 00:56 I just lay to rest someone that I love. 01:00 Maybe it's something like that. 01:01 Maybe it's a mediocre week. 01:03 One of those regular, busy weeks. 01:06 No matter what your week is like at home, 01:09 know that right now for the next hour, 01:11 we're gonna spend time in the word of God. 01:14 God's word never returns void. 01:17 And when we open it up, 01:19 He wants to come in to speak to our hearts and to our lives. 01:22 We want to remind you the website our Sharper Focus 01:25 is 01:30 That's 01:35 You can always find study guides on that, 01:37 you can find videos 01:40 and all kinds of wonderful Bible study materials 01:43 that would be help in your spiritual walk. 01:45 So we want to encourage you to go there as well. 01:48 Before we open up God's word, 01:49 let's go to the Lord in prayer this evening. 01:52 Father, we come before You right now in the name of Jesus 01:55 and we thank You... that You are God, 01:59 that You are on the throne 02:01 and that no matter what we're going through, 02:04 we can come to You. 02:05 And we can ask for Your anointing, 02:08 for Your forgiveness, for Your spirit, 02:11 for Your peace. 02:12 Right now we pray that 02:14 You would open up our minds and hearts 02:16 that we could hear 02:18 what You have for us in Your word. 02:22 And we thank You 02:23 in the precious and holy name of Jesus. 02:26 Amen. 02:28 As we start this evening, I want to encourage you 02:30 to open up your Bibles to the Book of Luke. 02:32 Luke Chapter 8, we're gonna look at several verses here. 02:36 Luke Chapter 8, we're gonna look at one of Jesus' parables. 02:41 I like the Jesus book in parables. 02:43 When he spoke, he used everyday ordinary experiences, 02:50 objects, illustrations that it's easy 02:53 for my mind to understand. 02:54 And he connected them with the spiritual insight. 02:58 We're in Luke Chapter 8, this is a parable of the sower. 03:02 Verse 4. 03:03 If you have your Bible at home, open up and read with us. 03:05 Luke 8:4, "And when a great multitude had gathered, 03:11 and they had come to Him from every city, 03:14 He spoke by a parable. 03:17 A sower went out to sow his seed. 03:20 And as he sowed, 03:21 some fell by the wayside and it was trampled down, 03:26 and the birds of the air devoured it. 03:30 Some fell on rock and as soon as it sprang up, 03:33 it withered away because it lacked moisture. 03:37 And some fell among thorns, 03:39 and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it. 03:43 Verse 8, "But others fell on good ground, 03:47 sprang up, and yielded a crop a hundredfold. 03:51 When He had said these things He cried, 03:54 He who has ears let him hear." 03:59 Jesus told a story, right? 04:01 About the sower who went out to sow. 04:03 Now, in today society, we have modern farming machinery. 04:07 And my husband Greg, kind of likes farming 04:09 and he always says, we have a little tractor at home, 04:12 but he says "I wish I had 04:14 one of those great big", you know, 04:16 John Deere things and we could do a combine and we could... 04:21 It's automated now, right? 04:23 When they do farming it's automated and they know, 04:26 putting this much fertilizer, do this and that, 04:29 they know all about that. 04:30 But back in Bible times, 04:32 it was pretty old fashioned, right? 04:34 They dug in, had a handful of seed, 04:37 I have some seed here. 04:39 This is corn. 04:42 Actually corn from the field behind our house. 04:45 One year is corn, the next year is soybeans. 04:48 In Southern Illinois, we just rotate two crops, 04:50 it seems like corn one year, soybeans the next. 04:54 This corn here is from an year from our, 04:59 the field out behind our house. 05:01 And I just imagine, he took the corn, 05:03 maybe he planted barley, we don't know. 05:07 Tossed it, the sower went out and he tossed that corn. 05:12 And then there are different types of ground. 05:14 Remember in the parable. 05:17 Different types of ground. 05:19 We're only looking at, 05:21 actually the first type of ground. 05:23 Tonight, we're gonna look at just the first type. 05:25 But I just want to jump over to verse 11. 05:28 Jump just a couple of verses down to verse 11, 05:30 the parable of the sower is explained. 05:33 It says, "Now the parable is this: 05:35 The seed is the word of God." 05:39 So you and I think, we're planting corn, right? 05:41 Or I'm planting green beans. 05:43 Now, if I plant this the corn, what's gonna come up? 05:47 Corn. 05:48 Am I gonna get raspberries? 05:50 No. 05:51 Am I gonna get green beans? 05:54 No, why's that? 05:58 That's not what it is, Marline has said 06:00 that's not what it is because the potential of the harvest 06:05 is wrapped right here in the seed. 06:10 The parable is this, the seed is the word of God, 06:12 so the potential of you and me is wrapped right in here, 06:17 the word of God. 06:19 God says, I want to plant My word, 06:22 deep inside your heart, Korbana. 06:25 I want to plant my word deep inside your heart. 06:29 I want to plant my word inside your heart at home 06:32 'cause as I want to plant it in. 06:34 Sometimes we resist the planting of God in our hearts. 06:39 That's the first hindrance. 06:40 Tonight, we're gonna look at, if you're taking notes, 06:43 three hindrances to God planting His word in our heart. 06:49 Three hindrances to Him planting His word in our heart. 06:53 And we find them all, right here at the beginning. 06:57 Verse 5, "A sower went out to sow his seed. 07:00 As he sowed, some fell by the wayside." 07:04 Now, New Testament's written in Greek 07:06 and the Greek word for wayside is hodos, 07:08 which means a road. 07:11 Some of the seed fell on the road. 07:13 Now, I don't know about you but most roads are fairly hard. 07:17 Would you say roads are hard? 07:19 You could have asphalt, you could have maybe gravel, 07:22 our road is gravel but that's still hard. 07:24 Stones are hard, you could even have dirt. 07:27 And what would happen with dirt? 07:29 It rains, it packs down, it dries out and what happens? 07:34 It's hard. 07:35 Most things are hard. 07:37 Most roads are hard. 07:39 So as the seed is planted, some fell by the wayside. 07:43 Some fell on the road. 07:46 And it didn't penetrate, right? 07:48 'Cause the road is hard. 07:51 Is your heart ever resistant to God planting His word in it? 07:57 Is your heart ever resistant to the work of the Holy Spirit? 08:02 When my husband Greg and I were first married, 08:05 this is probably our first year of marriage. 08:07 We had a fairly large disagreement. 08:10 And those you who are married 08:11 and those you who are married at home, 08:13 you know, if you're married any length of time, 08:15 you have some sort of, sometimes disagreements. 08:18 And as we had our disagreement, 08:19 I can't tell you to this day what it was about. 08:21 All I know is this, I was right. 08:26 I was right. 08:28 And the Lord needed to show him something. 08:31 And so I remember God impressing my heart 08:34 and saying Jill, 08:36 ask forgiveness of your husband. 08:39 And I said no, I'm not going to do that God 08:43 because it's not my fault. 08:47 I was right. 08:49 And so, God said, okay, and then my husband Greg said 08:54 "Jilly, let's pray." 08:56 And I said no, I don't want to pray 'cause if I pray, 09:02 God's going to say you must forgive. 09:06 And I didn't want to forgive. 09:09 What was my heart? 09:11 Resistant, it was hard, 09:13 it was resistant to the work of God in it. 09:17 I was hard to the seed. 09:21 But I knew that I should pray, right? 09:24 Sometimes you know you ought to do it 09:25 even if you don't feel like it. 09:28 And so I said, "Okay, we will pray." 09:32 But God, I hope he goes first. 09:34 'Cause I wanted him to be the first and he did. 09:36 Praise the Lord, we knelt down by our little couch 09:39 and we prayed, and I'll never forget. 09:43 It's been little probably 13 years since this happened. 09:46 I never forget what he said. 09:48 He said, "God, forgive me 09:53 for not being the husband to Jill that I should." 09:57 As soon as he said that... 10:00 God, what did He do? 10:03 He worked in my hard heart. 10:05 He worked in that resistant heart 10:08 and He began to soften it. 10:12 God wants to do that. 10:14 What if your heart is hard tonight? 10:16 God says, I can soften it. 10:18 Turn with me to Hosea. 10:20 Hosea Chapter 10, 10:24 we gonna look at verse 12. 10:27 Hosea, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea. 10:31 One of those minor prophets. 10:32 Hosea 10:12... 10:38 I like this verse. 10:40 Everybody found it? 10:42 Hosea 10, it's a hard book to find. 10:44 Hosea 10:12, 10:48 "Sow for yourselves righteousness, 10:52 reaped in mercy, break up your fallow ground, 10:56 it is time to seek the Lord, 10:59 till he comes and rain righteousness on you." 11:04 You know what that tells me? 11:05 God knows that your and my heart is hard sometimes. 11:09 He knows that that ground is hard 11:11 and He wants to break it up. 11:14 Now if you garden, how do you break up hard soil? 11:19 You till it, that's right you till it. 11:20 Anything else that breaks up hard soil. 11:25 Rain helps. 11:27 Now not a gullywasher, 11:29 we're not talking if the ground's really hard 11:30 and it pours the rain, what happens? 11:33 It runs off. 11:35 But if you get a gentle, soaking rain, 11:40 it starts to soften. 11:42 If you get your tiller out, 11:44 if you get your rototiller out at the right time, 11:48 and till up that hard soil what happens? 11:52 It becomes workable. 11:53 You could actually plant the seed in it. 11:56 It becomes workable. 11:58 Jump over with me to Ephesians. 12:01 Ephesians Chapter 5... 12:06 We're gonna look at verse 26. 12:11 Now this is in the middle of the section of Paul or God 12:15 through Paul talking to us about husbands and wives 12:17 and all of that stuff. 12:19 But I think it applies, if we're young, 12:21 if we're old, married, unmarried 12:24 whatever state we're in, it applies. 12:28 It says verse 26, He meaning God, 12:31 might sanctify and cleanse her 12:33 with the washing of water by the word. 12:37 You know, it's gonna start the rain. 12:40 The gentle rain falling down on our hearts, 12:43 on that hard soil in our lives, the word of God. 12:47 Get into the word of God. 12:49 If you feel when you wake up in the morning 12:52 and your heart feels hard, you feel unforgiveness, 12:54 you feel bitterness, you feel jealousies, 12:57 you feel all that type of stuff God says, 12:59 get in to the word 'cause you know what happens? 13:03 It's gonna soften. 13:04 It's gonna soften our hard heart. 13:07 He wants to break it up with his rototiller, you know, 13:10 and He wants to pour out His spirit, 13:14 open up His word to us so that our heart softens. 13:18 So the first hindrance to God planting 13:22 His word in our heart is the resistant heart. 13:25 The second hindrance is the trampled heart. 13:30 Jump back to Luke. 13:31 We just want to read that there 13:33 and then we go on Luke Chapter... 13:40 8, back to the parable where we were. 13:43 In fact, we could leave a marker there, 13:45 so you can easily jump back to Luke Chapter 8. 13:48 Luke 8:5 again. 13:51 "The sower sowed the seed, some fell by the wayside..." 13:54 That's the road, that's the resistant heart, 13:56 that's number one. 13:58 Here's number two, and it was... 14:00 What's that word? My Bible says tramped. 14:02 That's right Yannick. 14:04 Trampled, it was trampled down. 14:09 Have you ever felt trampled? 14:15 Saints pretty good at that. 14:17 Would you say that's true? 14:19 I think there's several ways that we could be trampled. 14:23 The first is by confusing the character of God. 14:28 On Monday night, several of my sisters 14:30 here at the Bible study go to the jail on Monday nights. 14:35 We go different Monday nights. 14:36 We have a rotating schedule 14:38 and we go once a month individually, 14:40 but every Monday night, one of the women from jail, 14:43 several of the women from jail... 14:47 I'm sorry several of the women from church go to jail. 14:50 Every Monday night, 14:52 several of the women from church here go to jail 14:54 and minister to the women there. 14:55 This particular Monday night was my turn to go, 14:58 and I was there with some of my sisters from church. 15:01 We all, we start with prayer request. 15:04 And so we're going around the room 15:05 and as we went around the room, 15:07 I noticed a woman there that I had not seen before. 15:12 Now in jail, we have a lot of locks. 15:14 We have women that come in just for a couple of days 15:17 and they bond out and they get out. 15:19 We have women who come in for a little while, 15:22 they go to prison. 15:24 We have other women who are in for few months 15:27 and then maybe get out. 15:28 So there's always change when we go on Monday nights. 15:32 This particular Monday night, 15:33 there was a new girl and I didn't recognized her 15:35 and so I said to her, I said "Oh, 15:37 I haven't seen you before, so glad you're here tonight." 15:41 She said "Oh, my name Sara." Now, that's not her name. 15:44 And if that's your name at home, 15:46 we're not saying that this applies to you. 15:47 But she said "My name Sara." 15:52 I've never come before to the study. 15:54 I don't have any use for God." 15:56 And her vehements really startled me. 15:58 And I thought, wow, 16:02 how has Satan trampled on her heart 16:04 to cause that pain. 16:06 There was something in the past 16:09 that lead to that pain in the present. 16:13 Satan was doing some trampling, 16:15 but what was going on, I didn't know. 16:17 We stood for prayer and we always hold hands 16:21 in a circle and pray. 16:23 And Sara was right here on this side of me 16:25 and I held her hand 16:27 and my sister from church prayed. 16:29 So as she prayed, I said my own prayer, 16:31 God, I don't know what's going on with Sara, 16:34 please show us the key to her heart. 16:38 We said amen, we started the study, 16:40 it was on bitterness and jealousy 16:42 and unforgiveness and all of that stuff 16:44 and as the women were talking, I was going along, 16:48 Sara was very quiet and very hard in her heart. 16:53 All of a sudden, 16:54 one of the women raised her hand and she said, 16:56 you all know I have cancer. 16:59 She said, I believe I got cancer 17:00 because I held on to unforgiveness in my heart, 17:05 and instantly I thought, yes, 17:10 our emotions impact our physical life. 17:13 I mean that does happen, but at the same time 17:17 we live in a world of sin, 17:19 we live in a world of sickness and suffering 17:22 and many times we get sick through no fault of anyone, 17:27 just because of the world of sin we live in. 17:30 And I didn't want the girls 17:31 to get like a wrong picture of God, 17:33 and I was trying to think what do I say 17:35 and all of a sudden Sara spoke, and she said, 17:39 "What type of resentment does a kid have, 17:43 that will cause him to get cancer?" 17:46 And I was really surprised, 17:48 and I open my mouth to start to say something 17:50 and all of a sudden she lashed out again. 17:53 She said, "My eight year old son died of cancer." 17:59 Sure, he had normal childhood squabbles, 18:01 but you cannot tell me that it was his fault." 18:06 And I said, "Oh, Sara I'm so sorry he died." 18:09 Of course, it wasn't his fault, it wasn't his fault. 18:14 I said, "Tell me, do you believe, 18:16 God caused his cancer." 18:19 And she said, "No, 18:21 but I believe He could have stopped it and He didn't. 18:25 I don't have any use for God." 18:28 And so we started to talk about this thing 18:30 called the great controversy. 18:32 How God has to allow the outworking of sin. 18:38 He has to allow it to ripen and bear fruit 18:40 we could almost say in order for us to see the effect of sin 18:46 and what Satan really wants to do in this world. 18:50 I think if we truly understand God, 18:53 it alters how we look at life, it alters how we look at 18:57 pain and suffering and the things in this life. 19:01 If we truly understand who he is, it alters that. 19:07 And we find out who he is, in the word of God. 19:12 Satan tramples on us by confusing 19:14 the character of God. 19:16 Maybe you've heard one of these lies. 19:18 God causes the sin, misery and destruction in this world. 19:24 Instantly we could claim John 10:10, 19:27 Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. 19:30 Jesus says, "I have come that you would have life 19:35 and have it more abundantly." 19:39 Satan says, God can't love you, you've gone too far, 19:43 you've been too bad, you've done too much, 19:48 God can't love you. 19:51 If that's what he's telling you tonight, 19:52 I want you to turn with me to Romans. 19:54 Romans Chapter 5, 19:56 let's turn there to Romans Chapter 5. 20:04 Romans 5:8, 20:09 "God demonstrates His own love toward us 20:12 and that while we were still sinners, 20:15 God Christ died for us." 20:20 He loves us so much that when we were his enemies, 20:22 when we were against Him, when we spit in His face, 20:25 when we pushed Him away, what did He say? 20:29 I love you. 20:30 I want to give my Son, I love you. 20:34 John 16:27... 20:40 I like this one too especially 20:43 sometimes Satan confuses the character of God 20:46 by simply saying God is harsh and mean. 20:50 Jesus on the other hand is loving and good. 20:55 But God is harsh and mean. 20:58 But the God in the Old Testament 21:00 is the same as Jesus in the New Testament. 21:04 He says, "I'm same yesterday, today and forever." 21:07 John 16:27... 21:13 He says, "For the Father Himself loves you 21:18 because you have loved me, 21:19 and have believed that I came forth from God." 21:21 The Father Himself loves you. 21:23 So if Satan's telling you a lie tonight, 21:25 him saying God can't love you, He doesn't love you. 21:29 The word of God says the Father Himself loves you. 21:35 What about this one? 21:37 Satan says, God wants to keep you in bondage. 21:39 I think especially young people, 21:41 Satan gives that lie. 21:44 Well, if you follow the rules that mom and dad have, 21:48 if you follow the rules that the teacher wants at school, 21:51 if you follow the rules that you are supposed to do, 21:54 you gonna be in bondage, you know that? 21:56 You not gonna be very happy, 21:58 you gonna be in this little straight-laced jacket 22:01 and you're not gonna feel very good, right? 22:04 That's a lie from the Satan. 22:05 He says God wants to keep you in bondage. 22:08 We're still in John, 22:10 just jump back to John Chapter 8. 22:13 John 8:36... 22:21 Jesus speaking, "If the Son makes you free..." 22:26 Let's read it together. 22:28 "You shall be free indeed." 22:32 You shall be free indeed, if Jesus sets us free, 22:36 we're free indeed. 22:40 Satan tramples on us... 22:43 Maybe it's here and he comes and tramples by confusing 22:46 the character of God. 22:48 Another of the ways that he tramples on us 22:50 is through abuse. 22:53 Pain, neglect... 22:58 I was scrubbing dishes, at our kitchen sink 23:01 there's a window above the sink, 23:03 and I can look out which is I love that, 23:06 and look out while I'm doing dishes. 23:08 And all of a sudden, 23:09 I heard a high pitched scream... 23:13 but we live in the county, so I though who's screaming. 23:16 I mean, our nearest neighbors are Pam and Dave Torre, 23:19 and they are little ways away. 23:21 So, who would be screaming and I... 23:23 you know, I never hear them scream, 23:25 so what's that noise, 23:26 but it sound a certain like a baby crying but I didn't know 23:29 what was going on and so I listen 23:32 and that scream came again 23:34 and so then all of a sudden I ran to the front door 23:36 and I throw it open and looked out. 23:40 And there was our cat. 23:42 Our darling kittling cat Pebbles, 23:45 was something brown and furry in her mouth. 23:49 Can anybody guess what it was? 23:52 It was bunny, you're right dear. 23:53 It was a bunny. 23:55 She had it right here 23:57 and she's going like this, right? 23:59 Shaking her head from side to side 24:01 and instantly I said "Pebbles, stop that!" 24:04 And I ran down the steps and she amazingly dropped it 24:09 'cause usually she doesn't obey anything else we tell her. 24:12 But this time she dropped it and so I went over, 24:17 she wandered off, she wasn't hungry, 24:19 we feed her everyday, 24:21 it was just the thrill of the chase, 24:22 you know for a cat. 24:24 So I went over to the bunny and it was lying on its side, 24:29 its little sides even and I though, 24:33 I'm so sorry you got hurt and so I went closer to it 24:38 but I scared it, right? 24:40 Because it didn't know that I wasn't gonna hurt it again. 24:43 And so it tried to run. 24:47 Its back legs didn't work. 24:51 They had been, I don't know 24:52 if they've been snapped in the shaking 24:54 or something happened to it. 24:56 And the back legs wouldn't work 24:58 and so it picked up its front and it dragged 25:03 its hind quarters to the shade of my lilies. 25:06 And I didn't follow it 25:07 'cause I thought I'm gonna traumatize it further. 25:10 And so I sat down and I don't know what to do. 25:15 And so I prayed, and I said, God, 25:18 I don't know what to do with this little bunny. 25:21 Tears falling on my jeans 25:23 just watching it still side even. 25:27 Pretty soon the front legs stopped kicking, 25:30 few more breaths, then I had another thought, 25:34 you could put it out of its misery 25:35 and I thought I could never do that. 25:38 So I just prayed some more and just a few seconds 25:41 I'm making his him like a long run, 25:42 it was really just a few seconds 25:45 and it stopped. 25:48 And so then as I sat there, 25:50 in the grass looking at the little bunny, 25:53 whom my cat had just killed. 25:56 Here comes my kitty cat, 25:58 up rubbing her face against my knee 26:02 and at first I wanted to be mad at her right? 26:05 Why did you hurt that bunny? 26:06 You got cat food in the garage. 26:08 Why do you think you have to hurt 26:10 one of God's creatures. 26:12 And it was a baby bunny at there, a little thing. 26:16 Why do you have to hurt it? 26:18 And then I thought it was instinctual, right? 26:22 It was part of her nature, 26:25 she had been trained to kill since kittenhood. 26:30 And so I petted her, 26:32 well, my heart hurt for that little bunny. 26:35 And all of a sudden God spoke to me 26:37 and He said that's exactly how I feel, 26:41 when my children hurt each other. 26:45 I love them both... 26:48 the gossiper and the one gossiped about. 26:52 I love the murderer and the one who's murdered. 26:58 This one's heavy. 26:59 I love the child molester 27:02 and the one who is molested. 27:06 And I just thought God how's that even possible? 27:10 But he wasn't done, 27:11 he said that's how I love you Jill. 27:14 Even when you disobey, 27:16 even when you turn and walk outside of my will. 27:23 Since I have forgiven you, do you think you could forgive 27:29 your brothers and sisters? 27:32 I don't know what hurt and pain is bottled up 27:35 in your heart right now. 27:37 Maybe someone lied about you or belittled you 27:40 or someone's actually hurt you or abused you. 27:43 Forgiveness does not mean 27:45 that what the person did to us was right, 27:48 it doesn't meant that at all. 27:50 It simply frees us, 27:52 you and I from constantly being damaged by that person. 27:59 When we hold on to pain and bitterness what happens? 28:01 It only punishes us. 28:04 Forgiveness allows God to open up our hearts again 28:08 to receive His love and His forgiveness 28:11 and His purity. 28:13 I wanted look at four keys to forgiveness, 28:17 four steps to forgiveness. 28:20 And as we do this, 28:21 let's go to Colossians Chapter 3, 28:25 as a springboard for these four steps of forgiveness. 28:29 Colossians Chapter 3. 28:31 We're going to verses 12 and 13. 28:39 Colossians 3:12-13, "Therefore, 28:44 as the elect of God, holy and beloved, 28:48 put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, 28:55 longsuffering." 28:56 And this is the verse we're really looking at 13. 28:59 "Bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, 29:04 if anyone has a complaint against another, 29:08 even as Christ forgave you, 29:11 so you also must do." 29:16 That's a command. Could you say that's a command? 29:18 It sounds something like okay, Jill, 29:20 when you wake up in the morning and you feel like forgiving, 29:23 okay then you forgive. 29:26 What's he say? 29:27 As Christ forgave us, boy, I got to love, 29:31 I know that Jesus forgave me up. 29:34 As Christ forgave us, 29:37 so we also must forgive our brothers and sisters. 29:42 When Jesus gives us a command, it is always a promise. 29:45 It's never given to say, okay, you have to do it now Jill, 29:48 just grit your teeth little harder, 29:51 what did they say, pull yourself up 29:52 by your bootstraps and try again. 29:55 When He asks us to do something, 30:00 He gives us strength with wish to do it. 30:03 So the four keys, these are four steps 30:05 actually that God has lead me on 30:07 in my own forgiveness journey. 30:10 Number one, if you're taking notes is simply to ask. 30:15 Ask for his forgiveness. 30:18 1 John 1:9, I don't think we even need to turn there, 30:22 we can quote it together. 30:23 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, 30:28 he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, 30:33 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 30:37 That's right. 30:39 We ask forgiveness for ourselves. 30:43 I don't think we can extend forgiveness 30:45 to someone else unless 30:48 we've experience God's forgiveness. 30:51 Have you experience that in your life? 30:53 If we're still struggling under the load 30:54 of guilt and shame and condemnation, 30:57 we cannot reach how and extend 30:59 any of God's forgiveness to someone else. 31:02 So, God says if you're feeling that, 31:04 if you're feeling that guilt and shame and condemnation, 31:07 and all of that stuff, claim the word of God, 31:11 they're promise. 31:12 If we confess, the promise is sure, 31:14 it's not depended on if I feel I get. 31:18 Okay, if I confess, 31:20 you're faithful and just to forgive me 31:21 if I feel different, no, the promise is sure. 31:25 So go to God, 31:26 asks for His forgiveness for our self, 31:29 then we ask God to give us His forgiveness for others. 31:32 This is still under number one, 31:33 ask for his forgiveness for our self 31:36 and for other people. 31:38 Remember Jesus on the cross... 31:41 laid down, extended His arms 31:45 and as they're driving those nails in, 31:47 what did He say? 31:49 Father forgive them, 31:51 for they don't know what they do. 31:54 That right, Jennifer, Father forgive them, 31:57 for they don't know what they're doing. 32:00 That's Luke 23:34, 32:03 if you want to look that up, Luke 23:34. 32:06 That's the ultimate example. 32:07 I can't even imagine, you know, 32:09 if someone's doing that to me and me saying okay, 32:13 all we can do is ask. 32:15 Ask God for His forgiveness. 32:17 Number two, pray for the person. 32:21 I was... 32:23 this happened several years ago. 32:24 I was walking into a room, it was a large room 32:28 and as I came through the doorway, 32:30 at the other side of the room was a woman. 32:33 She had her back to me. 32:35 We'll call her Jenny, that's not her name, 32:37 we just call her that. 32:39 She had her back to me and I knew who she was, 32:41 not well, but I knew who she was. 32:44 So she's turned around like over there across the room 32:46 with her back to me. 32:48 And I walked in and I thought, 32:49 oh, I'll go over and say hi 32:51 but there was a large crowd of people she was talking to. 32:54 And you know what she was talking about? 32:57 Me... 32:59 And it was not very nice. 33:04 And I just was like brooded, you ever experience that? 33:07 Like oh, she's saying that 33:10 right now about me. 33:14 Oh, how dare she? 33:18 Right? Natural human response. 33:21 I turned around, I ran, 33:23 I remember I was crying, crying. 33:26 Turned around and ran. 33:28 Got in the car, praying. 33:30 Lord Jesus, she just said all that stuff, 33:32 I don't even really know her, 33:33 I don't know where that came from, 33:34 I just, I don't know what to do with this, 33:37 but I will be a good Christian. 33:39 And I'm not going to gossip about her. 33:42 So I was kind of proud of my very good Christianity. 33:45 And I said, I will not gossip about her, 33:47 so I didn't. 33:48 I didn't tell other people what she had said. 33:51 I didn't say, you know, what Nory, 33:53 you know what so and so just said about me, 33:56 I cant believe they would lie like... 33:57 No, I didn't say that, right? 33:59 I told my husband and that was it 34:01 and we just took it to God. 34:03 Several months went by and this is just being honest. 34:07 I actually thought I had forgiven her. 34:10 It was buried. 34:11 My resentment, my pain was buried so deeply, 34:17 I couldn't sense it. 34:19 I didn't know it was there. 34:22 So I went along... 34:24 don't you love God? 34:26 He shows us our heart at just the right time, 34:29 when we need to be changed, he knew it was there. 34:33 He knew that bitterness and unforgiveness against Jenny 34:36 was there, but he also knew when my heart was ripe. 34:40 When it would be ready to receive it. 34:44 I was scrubbing dishes again. 34:46 You think all I do is dishes, 34:47 but however this story happened, 34:49 I was scrubbing dishes too. 34:50 I was scrubbing dishes, and when I wash dishes, 34:52 I like to memorize scripture. 34:55 So this particular scripture was Hebrews 12:14-15. 35:00 I memorized it in King James. 35:04 But it's just as good in any translation. 35:06 Hebrews 12:14-15, it starts out 35:09 "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, 35:12 without which no one shall see God." 35:15 And I was kind of excited because I thought, 35:16 oh, thank you Jesus, 35:18 I'm walking in peace with my brothers and sisters. 35:22 That tells you how deep that bitterness was buried 35:26 because I actually thought I was in peace. 35:29 Then the next verse jolted me 35:31 out of my spiritual complacency. 35:33 It says, "Looking diligently lest any man fail 35:36 of the grace of Christ, 35:38 lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, 35:43 and thereby many people be defiled." 35:46 And as soon as I read that, 35:47 I was like God spoke to my heart and he said, Jill, 35:51 if you hang on to this bitterness against Jenny, 35:55 it's gonna affect your life, your marriage, your ministry. 36:00 Do you want that? 36:02 And I said absolutely not. 36:03 But God, I don't know how to get rid of it. 36:05 Remember we're on number two, 36:06 for how to forgive others that is 36:09 pray for that person, that's right. 36:12 Pray for that person, 36:13 so God led me on a journey to pray for Jenny. 36:17 Now this is not a prayer that I felt like to pray. 36:20 My prayer would have been, God bring down some judgment. 36:24 God, you know, she could get in a car wreck. 36:27 Not to really hurt, 36:28 but just to kind of shake her up. 36:30 God, you know you could do x, y, and z, 36:32 but instead I prayed what felt fake inside 36:36 but it's biblical. 36:38 So I prayed it anyway. 36:39 I said God, 36:41 I prayed blessings over Jenny's life. 36:43 I asked that You'd bless her marriage 36:46 and her family. 36:47 I pray that you would enlarge her ministry, 36:51 I pray that today you would bless her 36:53 with the sense of Your presence 36:55 and that You would bless her 36:56 when she goes out and when she comes in 36:57 and when she's lying down and when she's rising up 37:00 and as she goes throughout her day. 37:02 I pray that you would give her a good day 37:05 and that You would pour Your spirit upon her, 37:08 that You would use her in ministry. 37:10 I pray for financial blessings 37:12 and spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus, 37:15 all of that stuff I prayed for Jenny. 37:18 Day one... 37:20 I felt the same. 37:22 Day two, no change. 37:25 Day three, nothing. 37:28 Day four, hate. 37:31 Along about day, I don't even know. 37:35 Maybe five, six. 37:38 God did something, he changed my heart. 37:41 It's a beautiful thing, 37:43 and all of a sudden as I prayed the same prayer 37:45 that had felt fake before, 37:48 God released that pain, that anger, that bitterness 37:52 and replaced it with freedom, healing, love. 37:58 Only the Lord Jesus Christ can do that. 38:01 First we ask for His forgiveness for ourselves 38:03 and for other people. 38:04 Second, we pray for the person. 38:06 Third, we surrender the desire for revenge. 38:10 Surrender that desire for revenge. 38:13 Romans 8:28, 38:15 let's turn over to there. 38:17 This is probably one of my favorite all time Bible verses, 38:21 Romans 8:28. 38:24 You like it, Lori, too. Lori is nodding. 38:26 In Romans 8:28, 38:28 "We know that all things work together for good 38:32 to those who love God, 38:34 to those who are called according to his purpose." 38:40 It doesn't mean all things are good, of course not. 38:43 It just means that God can turn any situation, 38:47 any difficulty around for good, 38:50 but there's a condition, if... 38:55 if we love him to those who are called, 38:57 if we forgive, if we love, if we choose, absolutely. 39:01 Remember the story of Joseph. 39:03 His brothers sold him when he was young. 39:06 About 17 years old maybe as a slave into Egypt. 39:11 He had been the cherished, chosen special son 39:15 and all of a sudden he goes to work drudgery, slavery. 39:19 He spent 10 years 39:20 in Potiphar's house, he grew up, 39:22 he was given a lot of privileges for slave. 39:26 He had a great deal of privilege. 39:27 He was in charge with the house 39:30 and then his master's wife accused him wrongly. 39:33 He was put in jail through no fault of his own. 39:38 Now that would lead to bitterness. 39:39 Would you think so? 39:40 I would think that would lead 39:42 to pain and bitterness and unforgiveness. 39:45 And yet years later, when the famine hit Egypt, 39:49 and his brothers came for food 39:51 for themselves and for dad and whoever back at home. 39:56 Their families back at home. 39:58 He said, what you intended for evil, God turned... 40:05 That's right, God turned for good. 40:10 It's the Romans 8:28 principle. 40:12 Whatever Satan intends in our lives for evil, 40:15 if we surrender, if we submit to the Lord Jesus Christ, 40:19 He can turn it around for good. 40:23 One more scripture in Romans, Romans 12, 40:25 just jump over a couple chapters. 40:28 Romans 12:19, 40:34 Romans 12:19, 40:35 "Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, 40:37 but rather give place to wrath..." 40:39 Here's the part. 40:40 "For it is written, Vengeance is mine." 40:45 Who repays? 40:47 God, God will repay. 40:50 Vengeance is God's, He's the one who's gonna repay. 40:55 So not only do we trust him 40:56 that what Satan intends for evil, 40:58 he can workout for good. 41:01 But in the midst to that he says, 41:03 I'm gonna even the scores, 41:05 I'm keeping track of all that stuff. 41:08 I'm gonna even those scores. 41:10 Surrender is not always an easy thing. 41:12 Have you experienced that? 41:14 Sometimes in theory it's very easy. 41:18 God, I give you my will. 41:20 God, I ask you to take me at my heart. 41:22 God, I ask you to take these desires for revenge 41:25 or these feelings that I'm dealing with. 41:26 God, I ask you to take it. 41:28 In practice, it can be a trifle difficult. 41:32 My sister lives in North Carolina, 41:34 and she has four boys at present, 41:36 but when this story happened she had three. 41:38 And they had a tornado warning. 41:42 You know the weather scanner, it went off 41:45 and in our area what would it say, 41:46 the national weather service in Paducah, Kentucky 41:49 has issued a rain something like that. 41:51 But in her area it says, 41:53 her local county has issued a tornado warning. 41:56 Now her husband is a nurse and works nights. 42:00 It was night time. 42:02 She's home alone... 42:04 What are they gonna do? 42:05 Tornado warning, what does that mean? 42:07 Funnel cloud activity, right? 42:09 Tornado has been spotted, it's not a watch, 42:12 potentially something could happen, 42:13 it's a warning, it's on its way. 42:15 So she grabbed, she had three boys at this time, 42:18 she grabbed the first son, 42:21 picked him up, he's sleeping, night time. 42:24 Ran with him... 42:26 underneath they have a crawl space, 42:28 trying to get more to safety, 42:29 it would be safer in the crawl space 42:31 if something happened to the house. 42:32 Tuck him underneath the house, grabs the next son, 42:36 runs, puts him underneath the house. 42:40 Grabs the third son, runs, puts him underneath the house. 42:43 Now you know what's amazing about that story? 42:46 They didn't wake up. 42:48 None of the boys woke up. 42:51 They didn't hear the scanner going off or the sirens. 42:55 They weren't disturbed 42:56 when their mom yanked them from bed 42:59 and carried them underneath the house. 43:02 They slept, 43:04 now they sleep heavy and that's obvious, 43:05 you could only sleep heavy if that happened. 43:08 But I think it illustrates a spiritual principle. 43:12 If I am truly surrender, I trust my heavenly Father, 43:19 I say, I know, you know, what's best for me. 43:22 You know what's going on in my life. 43:25 You know what so and so just did to me. 43:27 I trust all that with You and I will sleep in Your arms. 43:34 I will sleep in Your will. 43:36 I choose to fully and completely trust you. 43:42 First we pray for... 43:44 ask for God's forgiveness. 43:45 Second, we pray for the person. 43:47 Third, we surrender the desire for revenge 43:49 and number four, we choose. 43:53 Choose to process steps two and three 43:55 until God changes our hearts. 43:57 It doesn't happen overnight. 43:59 Sometimes it does 44:00 and God gives immediate deliverance 44:02 and praise His name, and sometimes He says, 44:05 I'm asking you to pray. 44:07 I'm asking you to surrender again. 44:10 We choose to pray and to surrender. 44:13 Sometimes you surrender and 30 seconds later 44:15 guess what happens? 44:17 You surrender again. 44:18 And a minute later, you surrender again. 44:22 Satan brings it back, you surrender again. 44:25 Every time we do that, 44:28 I'm here to tell you it gets easier. 44:30 Every time we do that, 44:33 there's less and less time 44:34 before Satan brings it back 44:36 and then pretty soon, it's quiet. 44:39 You know, Corrie ten Boom, 44:41 and the story is told... 44:42 Now she has a wonderful forgiveness stories. 44:45 She was in the concentration camp 44:50 for hiding Jewish people during World War II, 44:52 and the Nazis took her 44:54 and her sister Betsie died in there. 44:58 Horrible experiences, 45:00 she came out learning experiencing forgiveness. 45:03 But one of the story she writes about is years later 45:07 when she thought she had mastered forgiveness, 45:10 she had forgiven the guards, 45:12 the people who had hurt her sister 45:14 and her dad and her family so terribly 45:17 and she thought she was free. 45:20 Years later when she thought she was free, 45:25 some friends, supposed friends betrayed her. 45:30 And she went to God and said, God I ask you to release me. 45:34 I'm doing the surrender and this forgiveness 45:37 and this all of this stuff I ask for that. 45:40 But she said the feelings didn't go away 45:41 and she was asking for God's forgiveness 45:43 and they didn't go away, 45:45 and finally she went to see a pastor. 45:47 And she said, you know, I'm really struggling here. 45:50 I'm really struggling. 45:52 I can't get freedom. 45:53 And he said, well, have you asked for God's forgiveness? 45:55 Yes, I have. 45:57 And went through the steps, have you done this? 45:59 Yes, I have. Yes, I'm praying. Yes, I've asked. 46:02 Yes, I've surrendered all of that, but I'm not free. 46:06 And he reminded her of a bell. 46:08 This is a bell Greg brought for me, from Pikes Peak. 46:12 A large bell like a church bell, 46:15 with one of those ropes. 46:18 You jump, you pull what happens? 46:21 Back and forth, now what happens 46:22 when your let go off the rope? 46:26 There's a little bit more, right? 46:28 Another ding, another dong, another ding 46:31 until the bell stops swinging. 46:35 If you pull it pretty vigorously, 46:37 it's gonna go like this for a while, right? 46:39 And if you let go off the rope, it swings, swings less, less 46:44 until the bell is quiet. 46:46 And I think this same thing with forgiveness. 46:49 We release, we ask God for that, 46:51 sometimes it swings a bit. 46:54 But then pretty soon it swings less and less and less 46:57 and then God says, you're free. 47:00 I've released you. 47:03 Back to the seed, the word of God. 47:09 Sometimes God wants to plant His word 47:13 in your heart and in mind. 47:16 And we're resistant. 47:17 We talked about the road being hard, 47:20 we're resistant to the work. 47:21 Sometimes, Satan tramples our heart, 47:25 maybe it's by confusing God's character. 47:27 Maybe he tramples us by that pain 47:30 and we struggle with forgiveness. 47:32 Someone else tramples on us 47:34 and we struggle with forgiveness. 47:36 The third way, 47:38 the third hindrance to God planting His word in our heart. 47:41 We're jumping back to our parable, that's in Luke. 47:44 Luke 8:5 again. 47:48 Luke 8:5, 47:51 some fell by the wayside, that's the resistant heart. 47:55 And if you're resistant tonight, just go to God, 47:58 He wants to soften your heart 48:00 with the washing of the water of His word. 48:02 He who wants to pour His Holy Spirit in 48:05 and plow up that ground. 48:08 May be you're the trampled. 48:10 Some fell by the wayside and it was trampled down. 48:13 Maybe you are trampled tonight and you are hurting. 48:16 God says I can bring you deliverance. 48:19 I can set you free. 48:22 Free from the pain, free from the bitterness, 48:26 free from the jealousy, whatever it is. 48:28 God wants to set you free. 48:30 And number three, 48:32 "The birds of the air devoured it." 48:35 Some fell by the wayside and it was trampled down 48:38 and the birds of the air devoured it. 48:41 I call that stolen. 48:44 The seed is stolen. 48:47 God wants to plant His word, maybe you hear a sermon, 48:51 and what happens? 48:52 Satan in church, and all of a sudden, 48:55 Satan snatches the word you just heard from the preacher 48:59 right out of your heart, it's stolen. 49:03 How can the seed be stolen from us? 49:08 It could be stolen by busyness. 49:10 Being too busy to get into the word of God. 49:12 It can be stolen by carelessness, 49:14 but I think one of the main reasons, 49:16 the main ways that the seed can be stolen 49:20 is through misunderstanding of the value of it. 49:25 It's taken away because we don't understand its value. 49:28 We don't even know what its worth. 49:33 I want to close tonight with one more Jill story. 49:37 It was a Monday night 49:38 and we were doing our Bible study. 49:42 And all of a sudden, 49:43 I heard a women scream down the hall. 49:46 And that's not real common, when you go in, 49:49 it's not real common to hear someone scream and I thought, 49:51 oh, what was that? 49:53 And I looked around the circle 49:54 and all the women were really focused 49:57 on the Bible study. 49:59 And I thought Jill, shame on you. 50:01 If they can focus on the Bible study 50:04 and block out someone screaming 50:05 and all those extra noises, surely you can do. 50:09 And so I tried to discipline my mind 50:11 and focus on the Bible study. 50:15 The scream came again. 50:17 And my friend from church 50:19 who is leading the study, she said, 50:20 how many of you have heard the story 50:21 of Daniel in the lions' den? 50:24 Now, if I were to ask you that here, 50:26 probably every hand, right? 50:28 We all know the story of Daniel in the lions' den. 50:30 Now one hand went up, 50:32 so she just launched in to the story 50:35 of Daniel in the lions' den 50:36 and the scream had happened a third time. 50:39 And then a fourth, 50:41 and I could not concentrate on Daniel in the lions' den 50:43 and I just said excuse me, 50:44 I'm so sorry to interrupt the study-- 50:46 what's wrong? 50:47 Is somebody in trouble? 50:49 Does somebody need help? 50:52 And they kind of rolled their eyes and said, 50:54 that's Amber. 50:56 That's not her real name. 50:58 That's Amber. 51:01 She's been in and out of jail before, 51:03 she has ruined her mind. 51:06 She's crazy. 51:07 Amber, Amber, I kept thinking, I should know that name. 51:12 I should know that-- 51:13 what if I had seen her, 51:15 and then all of a sudden I remembered, 51:16 she had been in our Bible study. 51:18 I remembered her being there. 51:21 Why would-- but I thought she got released. 51:23 So what was she doing back in jail, 51:26 I didn't know. 51:28 We worked on the study in-- 51:30 She kept screaming 51:32 and I didn't know what to do with that, 51:33 and finally the study ended, 51:35 and we say goodbye to our sister 51:37 and they walked out down the hall and I went up. 51:40 When we come out of our little room, 51:42 there's a little desk right out there. 51:45 And I went up to the desk in to the guard and I said, 51:47 excuse me, 51:49 would you mind is there any chance 51:51 you would let me go, 51:52 pray with Amber, I really want to go see her. 51:55 He looked kind of tired. 51:56 He said, oh, Amber, he said, yes, 51:58 she's been in and out. 51:59 She's taking bath salts 52:02 and it had kind of messed with her mind. 52:04 He said she's probably been in and out 20 times. 52:07 She gets out, she gets picked up, 52:08 she gets out, she gets picked up, she gets out. 52:12 And I said, please I would like to pray with her. 52:15 And he said okay. 52:16 And so I went down, 52:18 it was down the hall in solitary. 52:20 And he followed behind me. 52:23 I went down the hall and she saw me coming, 52:27 there's a little glass window, 52:28 she saw me coming before I even got there. 52:30 "Hey, lady come over here, I want to talk to you." 52:34 And I said, 52:35 "Hi Amber, my name is Jill, I came to talk to you, 52:39 if that's okay." 52:41 So we kind of made small talk and then I got to the point. 52:45 Because I knew the guard's 52:47 then and there and you got to hurry. 52:48 You can't waste time. 52:49 And I said "Do you mind Amber, 52:51 I actually came to pray with you?" 52:53 She began to get agitated. 52:56 "No, no, I don't want prayer, I don't need prayer." 53:00 Then she stepped right up to the glass 53:03 and she looked at me through the glass. 53:06 "Oh, lady, you have pretty teeth, 53:10 I'd like teeth like that." 53:13 Her teeth, I don't even remember what they look like 53:16 but, you know, sometimes when you do some stuff, 53:18 it messes with your teeth, right? 53:21 But I don't even remember if she had good teeth or not. 53:23 She said, "I want your teeth." 53:25 And I said, "Amber, I'm so sorry, 53:27 I can't give you my teeth." 53:28 Right? 53:30 "I can't give them to you, 53:31 but I would love to pray with you." 53:37 Oh, she said, "I don't want a prayer, 53:39 I don't need prayer, 53:41 over your teeth, look at your teeth. 53:43 Lady, I want teeth like that." 53:46 I said, "Amber, we can talk-- 53:52 with the God of the universe, 53:54 the God who can do anything." 53:58 "Look at those teeth." 54:01 And so I turned away. 54:03 Nothing more I could say. 54:07 Walked down the hall, 54:10 we got in our cars and we drove home. 54:14 And as I drove, 54:16 I thought about the tremendous gift 54:19 that she has cast aside. 54:21 That was not purposeful. 54:23 She didn't purposely caste aside. 54:26 She simply had no idea of the value of our King. 54:32 She didn't know 54:34 what talking to the creator God of the universe could do. 54:38 She didn't know what a difference God 54:40 could make in her life. 54:42 She had never experienced 54:45 His life transforming grace 54:49 in her life before. 54:52 And so what does she say? 54:54 I see something physical, just give me teeth. 54:58 Settling for second best, 55:00 when God wanted to give her everything, 55:03 and then as I thought of that, 55:07 God reminded me, 55:09 in the recesses of my heart and life, 55:12 that I too have been like Amber. 55:17 I have prayed for teeth. 55:19 Not literally, 55:20 but how many times have I settled for second best. 55:27 I come to God and say, give me a job. 55:31 I want a husband, I already have a husband, 55:33 I'm just making up, right? 55:36 Help me get that dress in the window, 55:39 I want a new car-- 55:41 really? 55:42 That's all second best. 55:45 Material, everyday, ordinary things 55:50 and God says come, come, you can talk to me. 55:56 I am the creator God of the universe, 55:58 I can give you peace, 55:59 I can flood your soul with love and joy, 56:03 longsuffering and those fruits of the spirit, 56:06 I can give you peace in your relationships 56:08 with other people. 56:09 I can fill the void in your heart 56:12 and I just say God give me teeth. 56:16 Misunderstanding, other seeds value. 56:21 Satan can come in and can steal it. 56:24 If I don't know the value of the word of God. 56:26 Sure, you can have the word of God 56:28 and people are dying, 56:30 giving their lives, persecuted for owning a Bible. 56:36 And I say, I let it collect dust in the shelf. 56:40 I think God wants to do something radical 56:42 in our hearts and lives. 56:44 He says I want to plant my word, my seed, 56:49 deep into your heart. 56:51 He says I want to change you, I want to make us-- 56:54 He wants to make us into the image of Jesus. 56:57 So tonight, we talked about the parable of the sower. 57:01 How-- 57:04 Sometimes we're hard to the work of the Holy Spirit, 57:06 and if that's the case with you tonight, 57:08 open up your heart to the Lord Jesus. 57:09 Let Him come in and soften you. 57:13 Sometimes, we're trampled on through no fault of our own 57:17 and if that's your case tonight, 57:19 let Jesus give you His forgiveness, 57:22 let Him pour His love and grace and mercy into your life, 57:27 so that you can extend 57:29 His forgiveness to someone else. 57:32 Maybe-- 57:34 you've lost sight of the value of the word of God 57:37 and you're busy, 57:39 you're achieving whatever dream you think you had 57:43 and you misunderstand the value in this word, go to God. 57:47 Say, I'm not gonna settle for second best. 57:50 I want the best thing that You have for me. 57:53 Know that we love you here at 3ABN, 57:56 that we pray God's blessings and anointing over your life, 58:00 and we will see you next week. |
Revised 2016-06-02