A Sharper Focus

Truth About the Change of the Sabbath Pt 6

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000137A

00:19 Hello friends,
00:20 welcome to Wednesday night Bible study here
00:22 at the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist church,
00:25 also known as the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:27 Thank you for taking the time to tune in tonight
00:30 as we open our hearts and open our Bibles together.
00:34 We'd like to welcome you wherever you're tuning in from,
00:36 whether in America or around the world,
00:38 but we know that wherever you are,
00:40 the Holy Spirit will lead out and guide your heart and mind
00:43 as we open the Word of God together.
00:46 In just a few moments,
00:47 I'll tell you how to get a copy of the lesson.
00:49 We're finishing up tonight
00:50 the Truth About the Change of the Sabbath.
00:53 This has been a doozy of a lesson study.
00:55 We've had lesson A, B, C, D, E, F, seven times
00:59 we've gone over this lesson.
01:01 And hopefully tonight, we'll be able to wind it up.
01:04 But before we go to the information
01:06 and our theme song,
01:08 let's begin with a word of prayer.
01:10 Loving Father in heaven, we thank You
01:12 that the opportunity presented to us
01:14 will only prove to be a blessing,
01:17 as we submit our lives
01:18 and commit them to You this evening.
01:20 Be the one that teaches us,
01:22 and may this information from Your Word
01:25 and from history find fertile soil
01:29 that those who receive it, those who hear it,
01:31 those who see it will have willing hearts
01:33 to follow the truth as it is in Jesus.
01:36 And we pray this in Your holy and precious name, amen.
01:41 Now each of you
01:43 has something different tonight.
01:45 Here's the website I like you to go
01:46 to get a copy of the lesson.
01:48 Go to this website ASF.3ABN.org.
01:52 You don't have to put WWW, just ASF.3ABN.org.
01:57 That's A Sharper Focus abbreviated.
01:59 And download, follow carefully, lesson 33.
02:04 And then we have two supplements tonight,
02:07 33A and 33B.
02:11 And you'll find out in a moment what those are.
02:13 But lesson 33, the title of it,
02:15 the Truth About the Change of the Sabbath.
02:17 And then supplement 33A and 33B,
02:22 both of those are about the Ten Commandments.
02:25 And you'll see in just a moment
02:27 how relevant they are to tonight's lesson.
02:29 Matter of fact, Yannick, give me one of those,
02:31 I forgot to get one for myself.
02:33 I made one for everyone except for me.
02:35 And I appreciate that very much, thank you.
02:38 And one more for the next one. Great.
02:41 Thank you very much.
02:43 Yes. It's okay.
02:45 It's on the other side, it's on the other side.
02:49 Okay, it's on the other side.
02:51 So it should be on two sides. Okay.
02:54 Thank you very much.
02:56 Now before we go into the lesson,
03:00 it's time for our theme song.
03:02 And our theme song is entitled, what, together,
03:05 "Victory in Jesus." Let's sing our song together.
03:17 I heard an old, old story
03:21 How the Savior came from glory
03:25 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:28 To save a wretch like me
03:32 I heard about His groaning
03:36 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:40 Then I repented of my sins
03:43 And won the victory
03:47 O victory in Jesus
03:51 My Savior, forever
03:55 He sought me and bought me
03:59 With His redeeming blood
04:02 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:06 And all my love is due Him
04:10 He plunged me to victory
04:14 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:17 I heard about a mansion
04:21 He has built for me in glory
04:25 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:29 Beyond the crystal sea
04:33 About the angels singing
04:36 And the old redemption story
04:40 And some sweet day,
04:42 I'll sing up there The song of victory
04:47 Key change.
04:48 O victory in Jesus
04:51 My Savior, forever
04:55 He sought me and bought me
04:59 With His redeeming blood
05:03 He loved me ere I knew Him
05:07 And all my love is due Him
05:10 He plunged me to victory
05:14 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:18 He plunged me to victory
05:22 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:28 Amen.
05:30 Tonight, we are going to dive into the topic,
05:35 the Truth About the Change of the Sabbath.
05:37 Let's say that together, the what,
05:39 the Truth About the Change of the Sabbath.
05:44 Now I have been laying some foundation
05:46 from program to program, and I want to use
05:49 the very same foundation that I used
05:52 in the introduction of this topic
05:54 every time I talked about it.
05:55 Now not too long ago, there was a law made in America
06:00 where what God ordained in the Garden of Eden
06:03 was changed in America and has now become a law,
06:07 God ordained two things in the Garden of Eden,
06:10 God ordained the Sabbath and He ordained, what else?
06:13 Marriage. Marriage.
06:14 Now recently there was a change made,
06:17 it's a law throughout America now
06:19 that people can legally marry
06:21 the same sex, man can marry man,
06:24 woman can marry woman.
06:26 Now a lot of Christians are upset about that
06:28 because they know that
06:29 that is not in harmony with God's law.
06:31 Amen.
06:33 That's not in harmony with God's plan,
06:34 that's not in harmony with God's will,
06:36 that's not in harmony with God's Word.
06:38 But this change was just made,
06:40 and people are very upset about it.
06:42 But now let's look at this,
06:44 if the world were to last 300 more years,
06:47 in 300 years from now,
06:49 same sex marriage would be a tradition.
06:52 People would say, "Everybody's doing it."
06:55 People would say,
06:57 "It's been happening for hundreds of years."
06:59 It would happen in the newer generations,
07:01 300 or 200 years from now or 150 years from now
07:04 or 100 years from now.
07:05 People will say, "What's the big deal?
07:07 It's a part of the law.
07:08 It's been the law for a long time."
07:11 But Christians who know that it's not
07:13 a part of God's Word
07:14 and know that God did not ordain
07:16 that in the Garden of Eden.
07:18 Now the world is about 6, 000 years old,
07:20 scripturally that's the date, 4004 BC to the present.
07:24 And so people don't say, Christians do not say,
07:28 "That was so long ago, what's the big deal," right?
07:33 We know that even though God ordained marriage
07:35 in the Garden of Eden during creation week,
07:37 it is still valid today.
07:39 What do you say?
07:40 So we don't say, "That was so long ago,
07:43 it doesn't really matter."
07:45 But on the same note,
07:46 there was something else ordained
07:47 in the Garden of Eden, and that was the Sabbath.
07:50 The last day of the week was blessed, sanctified,
07:54 and made holy by the Lord, and He rested on that day
07:57 before sin ever entered the world.
08:01 So if sin never entered the world,
08:02 there would be no reason to tamper with marriage,
08:06 there would be no reason to tamper with the Sabbath.
08:08 But as a result of sin,
08:10 Satan has tampered with the two things
08:12 that God put a stamp
08:14 of approval on and this blessing on.
08:17 And the world today has now violated both.
08:20 The Sabbath has been violated for thousands of years.
08:25 And today, it's a tradition to many people.
08:27 Today, many people believe
08:28 it's in the Bible, but it's not there.
08:31 Given time, if the Lord doesn't come,
08:33 and hundreds of years from now,
08:34 people will think that same sex marriage
08:36 is also in the Bible, and they'll do the same thing,
08:39 they'll try to find verses in Scripture to back it up.
08:42 But thank the Lord,
08:43 we still stand on the Word of God.
08:46 So tonight before we dive into the topic,
08:48 I just want to say, I got a phone call today.
08:51 You know, this program goes
08:52 into the hearts and homes of people
08:54 that are Sabbath keepers, Sunday keepers,
08:55 Adventists, non-Adventists, Christians, non-Christians.
08:58 And I thought, Luis,
09:00 that I knew all the reasons why people couldn't find
09:06 the Bible change of the Sabbath in scripture.
09:09 I thought I've come up with all,
09:11 you know, I know all the arguments
09:13 but I heard a new one today.
09:14 And I thought there's nothing new
09:16 under the sun
09:17 but there's something new under the sun.
09:19 Gentleman called me,
09:20 I called him back, and he said,
09:22 "Well," I don't want to give his name,
09:23 I'm going to be kind about it.
09:24 But he says,
09:26 "A few weeks ago, you said,
09:27 'Well, I'm going to offer $10,000 to anyone
09:29 who can call and give me scripture
09:32 to prove the Sabbath has been changed.'"
09:35 And I said, "Okay."
09:36 He gave me Hebrews 4,
09:37 you know, where the Bible says, "If Jesus had given and...
09:41 If Jesus had changed His Sabbath,
09:42 He would, afterward, had spoken of it another day.
09:44 I said, "That one says,
09:46 'There remains therefore a Sabbath rest
09:47 to the people of God.'"
09:48 He said yes. I said, "So what's problem?"
09:50 He says, "There remains a Sabbath of rest."
09:52 Well, let's go to Hebrew 6," he said.
09:54 Go to Hebrew 6 with me in your Bibles.
09:57 And this is the scripture he gave me.
10:00 And for the life of me, I must be a spaghetti
10:04 because I don't have enough intellect
10:06 to figure out how this scripture
10:09 could possibly be supportive of the change of the Sabbath.
10:13 But let's look at this.
10:16 And I'm going to go to the key verse
10:18 that he brought out, Hebrews 6:20.
10:21 All right, listen to this.
10:24 "Where the forerunner," speaking of the holy place,
10:29 "Where the forerunner has entered for us
10:33 even Jesus having become," what?
10:36 High priest.
10:38 "High Priest for ever
10:40 according to the order of Melchizedek."
10:44 And I said, "Okay, and how does
10:47 that relate to the change of the Sabbath?"
10:49 He said, "Well, we are no longer under God's law,
10:53 we're under Melchizedek's law."
10:57 Let's all lean, if you hear a dog whistle.
11:00 And I thought...
11:03 I was looking for a cloud to descend.
11:06 And I said, "Can I explain that text?
11:08 All that text is saying is Melchizedek
11:12 was not a priest
11:13 according to the Irenic priesthood,
11:15 so he had no beginning and no end.
11:17 His priesthood ended when he died.
11:20 But Jesus, since He will never die,
11:22 is a priest forever,
11:25 meaning He was not appointed by any system,
11:28 He is our eternal High Priest."
11:29 Can you say amen to that?
11:31 I say that's all that's saying,
11:32 it's not talking about a new Melchizedek law.
11:36 Melchizedek didn't have a law
11:38 that now abrogates or violates
11:40 or delineates or deletes the Sabbath.
11:44 And I said, "Can I explain the scripture?"
11:45 And he said, "No."
11:47 I said, "Can I tell you what it meant?"
11:49 "No, you want to argue with me."
11:51 I said, "Sir, you just called me,
11:53 I just want to let you know what this...
11:54 "No, you're a preacher, you're going to argue with me."
11:57 After about 3 minutes or so,
11:59 I felt I had other things to do.
12:01 So the call ended abruptly.
12:05 But tonight, what we're going to do
12:07 is we're going to look at the Bible and history
12:11 to see clearly where the change came from.
12:13 Amazingly enough,
12:17 this is only contended in Christianity
12:20 because Christians that honor
12:22 the first day of the week are trying endlessly
12:25 and without success to find support in the Bible,
12:28 when those who did change it
12:30 are saying it's not in the Bible.
12:32 So we're going to look at those quotations tonight.
12:33 Let's go quickly
12:35 because I want to end this lesson tonight.
12:36 We're going to go to question number 28
12:38 and begin.
12:40 And we're going to also begin with a quotation
12:41 because the authority
12:43 behind the change of the Sabbath
12:46 clearly says to Christians that honor the first day,
12:51 "You won't find it in the Bible
12:54 because we did it."
12:58 Those, the one who changed and rubber stamped
13:03 the observance of the first day of the week
13:06 is saying to all Christians
13:07 that are trying to find support in the Bible
13:09 that it's not in the Bible.
13:11 They're saying, "If you want the authority,
13:13 we are the ones."
13:15 And so tonight, you're going to see.
13:16 If you've just tuned in on the website
13:18 I gave, you can go there and look at the prior videos
13:20 and the prior lessons,
13:22 and go from question 1 all the way to 27,
13:24 and then you can catch up.
13:26 And I've covered the Sabbath, commandments,
13:27 the change of the Sabbath is what we're covering now
13:29 but look at this.
13:31 Let's go ahead and begin with the first quotation.
13:33 Here's the question, question number 28.
13:35 "What authority does the Vatican site
13:39 for changing God's law?"
13:41 Let's look at this,
13:42 and the reference will be on the screen also.
13:44 Here it is.
13:45 Question, "How prove you that the church hath power
13:51 to command feasts and holy days?"
13:54 There's a reference
13:55 at the very bottom of the screen,
13:56 and here is how the Catholic Church
13:58 and their hierarchy answers.
14:00 Here's the answer. The next question, here it is.
14:03 "By the very act of changing,
14:06 of changing the Sabbath into Sunday,
14:10 which Protestants allow of,"
14:13 a Protestant is a person claiming
14:15 to follow only the Bible.
14:17 "Which Protestants allow of, and therefore they fondly,"
14:21 what's the next word?
14:23 "Contradict themselves, by keeping Sunday strictly,
14:28 and breaking most other feasts commanded
14:30 by the same Church."
14:33 So let's pause for a moment.
14:35 So the Catholic Church is saying,
14:36 "Hey, we changed it."
14:38 If you are a Protestant,
14:40 then you should find support for that in the Bible.
14:43 But by the very act, we did the change,
14:45 and you claim to be a Protestant.
14:46 Now if you know anything
14:48 about the Protestant Reformation,
14:49 the Protestant Reformation, was a push back to the Bible
14:52 which meant Protestants,
14:53 their Clarion theme is sola scriptura
14:58 which means, what, the Bible and the Bible only.
15:03 So the Vatican,
15:05 the Catholic Church, and by the way,
15:06 the references I'm going to show you tonight
15:08 when I get down to the Ten Commandments
15:10 are in the most recent catechism,
15:13 the Catholic catechism of converts.
15:16 The 1995 edition edited
15:20 during Pope John Paul the II's reign.
15:23 So when we're not going back 400 years,
15:25 we're not using documents that you might say,
15:27 "It's out of date,
15:28 it's irrelevant, it doesn't matter."
15:30 We're using the most recent.
15:32 And you know what amazes me, if I could continue this topic,
15:36 matter of fact, I may be should do
15:38 one a bridged version, so I could show you
15:39 that it's not just the Catholic Church that says
15:41 it's not in the Bible
15:43 but the Baptists teachers say it's not in the Bible.
15:45 And there's so many other churches say
15:47 it's not in the Bible, it's based on tradition.
15:49 But let's look at the next question,
15:51 question number 29.
15:52 Question number 29,
15:54 "Does the Vatican understand the difference between
15:59 Saturday and Sunday?"
16:01 Okay, let's look at what...
16:03 Let's look at the question put to James Cardinal Gibbons,
16:06 the Archbishop of Baltimore.
16:08 And let's look at the slide. Here is the answer.
16:11 "Is Saturday the seventh day
16:14 according to the Bible and the Ten Commandments?
16:17 Together, I answer, what, yes.
16:20 That's James Cardinal Gibbon,
16:21 a cardinal that was Archbishop of Baltimore.
16:24 And that's the date of his life.
16:28 Now let's look at the answer,
16:29 he continues,
16:31 "Is Sunday the first day of the week
16:34 and did the Church change
16:38 the seventh day Saturday, for Sunday, the first day?"
16:43 I answer, what, yes.
16:46 "Did Christ change the day?"
16:49 I answer, what, no.
16:52 Can it get any clearer? It cannot get any clearer.
16:54 Now if you downloaded the supplements
16:57 that I just talked about,
16:58 I'm going to bring up a slide
16:59 in which I'd like you to look at those supplements.
17:01 Bring up the next slides for me.
17:02 Now you can't read this, but you have a copy,
17:05 you should have a copy in your hand.
17:06 On the left is the Ten Commandments.
17:11 I put the commandments,
17:12 the Ten Commandments as outlined and edited
17:17 by the Roman Catholic Church.
17:19 That is the version in the most recent
17:21 convert catechism of Catholic doctrine,
17:24 1995 edition.
17:25 On the right side is the Ten Commandments
17:27 according to the Bible.
17:29 So in your hand, each of you should have a copy.
17:32 Let's go ahead and look
17:33 at that very briefly, very quickly.
17:35 Now I'm on the Ten Commandments side
17:37 that's based in the Bible, let's look at that.
17:39 It says Exodus 20:1 to 17, you all see where I am?
17:43 That is the one on the right side.
17:45 And by the way,
17:46 if you look at the screen very carefully,
17:47 the one on the right side has a green glow around it.
17:50 That means go.
17:52 The one on the left has a red glow around,
17:54 that means stop.
17:56 That's why I put that there.
17:57 Green means yes, red means no,
18:01 'cause the one on the left is edited by man,
18:04 the one on the right is what God's Word reveals.
18:07 What do you say? Now let's...
18:08 You could take the slide down
18:10 because I'm going to go ahead and walk our audience
18:12 through very carefully.
18:14 I want you to notice,
18:15 and I'm going to make some quick comparisons.
18:17 I want you to notice where the changes are.
18:20 Now if you can do this,
18:21 this has to be like a little skill,
18:24 we're going to look at some of these commandments.
18:26 Now I'm going to make a comparison.
18:28 In the Ten Commandments on the left,
18:30 you find them listed as, look at the...
18:32 It says, Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5,
18:35 that's the subtitle on the paper
18:37 that you're looking at, that's the edited one.
18:39 Edited in converts catechism
18:41 of Catholic doctrine second edition promulgated
18:44 by Pope John Paul II.
18:46 And here is where you'll find it in the book.
18:48 Part three, section two, articles one to ten,
18:52 that's the actual reference
18:54 that you'll find today in the converts catechism.
18:56 And by the way,
18:58 you can download a PDF copy of the Vatican
19:01 of the catechism free.
19:03 Just put that in the internet,
19:04 converts catechism of Catholic doctrines
19:06 in 1995 edition, you can download it free.
19:09 You could even go to their website
19:10 and download it from there.
19:12 But I want you to notice what happens.
19:13 I'm looking at both.
19:15 The First Commandment is in the Bible,
19:18 "Thou shall have no other gods,"
19:19 what, "Before Me."
19:21 Now that is included in article one.
19:24 But it brings the whole picture.
19:27 And God spake these words saying,
19:28 "I am the Lord the God
19:29 which brought me out of land of Egypt,
19:31 out of the house of bondage,
19:32 thou shall have no other gods before Me."
19:34 But now look at the commandments of God.
19:36 Commandment number two,
19:38 it says, "Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image."
19:42 Now what they did in the catechism
19:44 is they put that up to one.
19:46 They moved that up to one.
19:49 The second commandment is included in the first
19:51 in their catechism.
19:53 Now let's go to the third commandment.
19:57 Okay.
19:58 The third commandment in the Bible is
20:01 "You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God," what?
20:05 In vain. "In vain."
20:07 But look at their third commandment,
20:09 and you flipping the pages back and forth,
20:11 look at their third commandment,
20:12 what does it say?
20:14 Remember the Sabbath day to do, what, keep it holy.
20:17 They took the fourth commandment
20:19 and pushed it up to spot number three.
20:23 And all the others are still in line
20:25 where they are supposed to be.
20:26 Honor your father and your mother.
20:28 Now but they're all out of line now.
20:30 Honor your father and your mother
20:32 is the fourth commandment in their book
20:35 but it's what commandment in God's, fifth.
20:38 So they all pushed up one.
20:41 And then let's go all the way to the very end,
20:44 I'm not going to spend a lot of time
20:45 'cause this is in your possession,
20:46 you could look at it in detail.
20:48 Let's go to the tenth commandment.
20:50 All right, the tenth commandment.
20:53 "Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house
20:56 thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife
20:57 nor his manservant nor his maidservant, his ox,
20:59 nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's."
21:01 And it goes on further, it's not printed on the page,
21:03 it's on the other side of the page.
21:05 But the tenth commandment,
21:08 look at their tenth commandment and their ninth commandment.
21:12 What they did was they took
21:14 the tenth commandment in the Bible
21:15 and broke it into two.
21:17 And so they took the tenth commandment
21:19 and made it nine and ten.
21:21 They took the fourth commandment
21:23 and made it the third commandment.
21:25 And what's been taken out?
21:27 It's this is the edited version by the Catholic Church.
21:32 The other one is as it reads in the Word of God.
21:35 Now let me ask you the question
21:37 just not to spend a ton of time on this.
21:39 Which one are we supposed to honor?
21:43 The one written by man or the one written by God?
21:45 The one written by God.
21:47 He says, "If you love me,"
21:50 do what, "Keep My commandments."
21:53 Now what I'm going to do for the benefit of those of you
21:56 who downloaded,
21:57 I'm going to upload the rest of this.
21:59 So because on the bottom of the page,
22:01 you got a little cropped a little bit,
22:02 so you can get all of the ten command,
22:04 all of the Ten Commandments as it is in the Bible.
22:08 However if you look at these two,
22:09 you clearly see, one is edited by man,
22:14 one is in its entirety by God.
22:17 And so here's the key.
22:21 Here's the key, the Roman Catholic Church
22:23 doesn't make any qualms about the change.
22:26 They don't have...
22:28 They don't say,
22:29 "Well, you know, it's a problem
22:33 because they believe
22:34 that it is their authority to make the change."
22:38 Now I said I'm going to try to end this tonight.
22:41 Didn't I say that?
22:42 Let's go to question number 30,
22:45 question number 30.
22:49 Okay, question number 30. Here it is.
22:55 "What reason do modern religionists
22:58 give for observing Sunday as a holy day?"
23:02 "What reason do modern religionists give
23:06 for observing Sunday as a holy day?"
23:09 There's got to be some reason. Let's look at the reason.
23:11 Here's the answer.
23:13 And it's under an article entitled
23:15 To Tell the Truth.
23:16 And this was written in 1947, October 3rd,
23:20 the reference to Catholic Virginian page 9,
23:23 and that's the article where you find it.
23:25 Here's the answer.
23:26 "For example, nowhere in the Bible
23:31 do we find that Christ or the Apostles ordered
23:38 that the Sabbath be changed
23:40 from Saturday to," what, "Sunday.
23:44 We have the commandment of God
23:48 given to Moses to keep holy the Sabbath day,"
23:53 continuing,
23:54 "That is the seventh day of the week, Saturday.
23:58 Today, most Christians keep Sunday
24:02 because it has been revealed to us
24:06 by the Roman Catholic Church
24:11 outside the Bible."
24:14 Is it in the Bible, yes or no? No.
24:16 Is it outside the Bible, yes or no?
24:17 Yes.
24:19 And this is clearly, the Catholic...
24:20 What I'm bringing out tonight is the Roman Catholic Church
24:22 is saying to Christians,
24:25 "Don't look in the Bible, you won't find it."
24:29 And so here's the simple thinking.
24:30 As we go on tonight,
24:31 you're going to see some more quotations
24:33 that are going to make it so clear, Cynthia,
24:35 that they're going to say,
24:36 "If you really want to follow the Bible,
24:38 here's what I suggest you do."
24:40 And I don't want to unpeel the orange before we get to it.
24:44 But the bottom line is, thus far,
24:46 we're seeing that the very authority
24:49 that made the change is saying,
24:53 "It's in our book, it's not in His book.
24:57 You won't find it anywhere,
24:59 but you will find it in our writings."
25:02 Now one of the reasons why it is not seen today
25:05 as such a big deal in Christianity is because...
25:09 And this is the amazing thing.
25:11 Sunday is not really a holy day,
25:14 you can't make anything holy that God has not made holy,
25:17 Can we?
25:19 How many days of the week are blessed?
25:21 Let me give you...
25:22 How many days of the week are blessed?
25:24 One more time, how many? One.
25:26 Only one.
25:27 So you could say, "Sunday is my holy day."
25:34 That may be your interpretation.
25:36 And that you may be right, but it's not God's holy day.
25:40 So if I say Sunday is my...
25:42 I had a pastor once write me a letter,
25:43 he said, "I have the scriptures
25:45 to back up my day,
25:47 you have scriptures to back up your day."
25:49 And I said, "Pastor, stop, I don't have a day."
25:53 Amen.
25:55 I only simply back up what God's Word says.
25:57 So I don't have a day,
25:58 and I don't recommend that anybody else has a day.
26:00 If we're all God's creation,
26:02 then He's already selected the day,
26:04 hasn't He not?
26:06 Let's go to the next question.
26:07 Now we're going to look at some scriptures here.
26:08 All right, a couple more quotations
26:10 and we'll look at the scriptures.
26:11 Here we go. Question number 31.
26:15 "What does the Vatican say about Christians
26:19 that say Sunday worship is in the Bible?"
26:23 What do they say about Christians
26:24 that say that Sunday worship is in the Bible?
26:26 We didn't get to this one, let's look at what they say.
26:29 Okay.
26:30 I'm trying to be careful but I want to be very factual.
26:33 All right,
26:34 here's what the Roman Catholic Church says
26:36 about Christians that honor Sunday.
26:39 "That Protestants, who accept the Bible
26:41 as the only rule of faith and religion,
26:46 should by all means," listen carefully,
26:49 "Go back to the observance of the Sabbath.
26:54 The fact that they do not, but on the contrary,
27:00 observe the Sunday,
27:02 stultifies them in the eyes of every thinking man."
27:07 So let's see what that means.
27:08 So if somebody says
27:11 two and two is four, is two and two four?
27:13 Yes. Okay.
27:15 But I come along and say two and two is five.
27:18 And no matter what you tell me, I can't change my mind.
27:22 And then I'm going to enter into a research project
27:25 to prove my point.
27:26 I'm going to go through all the math books
27:28 ever written to prove that two and two is five
27:31 but I can't find that in any math book
27:34 because let's do this,
27:36 two plus two is what, four.
27:39 So what, in essence, is being said,
27:41 the word stultifies there is another better word,
27:44 a more modern word is,
27:47 people are bewildered, they're saying,
27:49 "Where do you get your reasoning from?
27:51 If you say the Bible is your only point of reference
27:54 where do you get your reasoning from?"
27:57 And so people are standing there,
27:59 Dan, and saying, "Huh!"
28:03 pretty much, "I don't see it,"
28:05 but Christians are in fact.
28:07 And you know what?
28:08 Let's go on to the next question.
28:09 And you know what's amazing about that whole idea is,
28:12 it's so simple,
28:13 if we simply recognize the reason
28:17 why the Lord has said
28:19 that we should honor the Sabbath,
28:20 then it really would not be confusing.
28:23 It really could not get confusing.
28:24 And we'll point the reason out in just a moment here,
28:26 but look at this.
28:28 A few more quotations,
28:29 and I'm putting this on the screen
28:31 so it could be recorded.
28:32 So later on, you can take your friends back
28:34 to the videos on our website,
28:36 you can look at the references, you can say,
28:37 "Well, I remember what he said,"
28:39 and but if you don't remember,
28:40 you can go to our website,
28:42 ASF.3ABN.org and the information is there.
28:45 Look at the next question, look at the next question,
28:48 and this is powerful.
28:50 "What reason does the Vatican give
28:54 to justify their observance of Sunday?"
28:57 What reason do they give?
28:59 This is powerful. This is huge. Here it is.
29:04 Peter R Kraemer,
29:06 Catholic Church, Extension Society,
29:08 1975, Chicago, Illinois.
29:11 Look at the reference, here it is,
29:12 here's what they give.
29:14 "We Catholics do not accept the Bible
29:19 as the only rule of faith."
29:22 That's not 1775 or 1675, that's 1975.
29:26 "Besides the Bible we have," what, "The living Church,
29:32 the authority of the Church, as a rule to guide us.
29:37 We say, this Church, instituted by Christ
29:42 to teach and guide man through life,
29:44 has the right to change," get this,
29:49 "The ceremonial laws of the Old Testament
29:53 and hence, we accept her change
29:57 of the Sabbath to," what,
29:59 "To Sunday.
30:01 We frankly say, yes, the church made this change."
30:05 How clear can that get?
30:07 "We say, yes, the church made this change."
30:10 And not only that, "Made this a law,
30:13 as she made many other laws, for instance,
30:17 the Friday abstinence, the unmarried priesthood,"
30:21 it keep goes on, "The laws concerning,"
30:24 what, "Mixed marriages,"
30:26 which by the way has been changing.
30:29 "The regulation of Catholic marriages
30:32 and a thousand other laws.
30:35 It is always somewhat laughable, to see,"
30:38 and this is powerful.
30:39 "To see the Protestant churches,
30:42 in pulpit and legislation,
30:44 demand the observance of Sunday,
30:47 of which," together,
30:48 "There is nothing in their Bible."
30:58 I just want that to say, I don't even want to comment
31:02 because this is such a serious topic that
31:03 I don't want people to think
31:05 that we're using this as a hammer,
31:07 but in fact, this is being used as a light.
31:09 Amen to that? Amen.
31:11 There are many people that are saying,
31:13 "Did I hear that right?"
31:15 You may have heard it for the first time,
31:17 that's why we say,
31:19 we put this information on our website
31:20 so you can go back tomorrow
31:22 and look at the video all the way through
31:24 and then follow up the references.
31:27 And as a matter of fact,
31:28 one of the reasons why we call the program,
31:30 thank you, Hun, A Sharper Focus
31:32 because it's blurry to so many people,
31:34 but if you study more and more,
31:36 it'll come into a sharper focus.
31:38 These are things that so many...
31:40 And, you know, I say this carefully
31:41 because I know so much of my family is Catholic,
31:45 majority of my family is Catholic,
31:48 they don't know this stuff,
31:50 they don't read the catechism, barely the Bible.
31:55 And so these things might come as a complete shock.
31:58 But if you want to follow what is in God's word,
32:02 then it's really clear,
32:03 just consult God's word and there will be no mystery,
32:07 there will be nothing to confuse us
32:10 but only to enlighten us.
32:12 Look at what David, the Psalmist says.
32:13 Let's go to question number 33,
32:15 we're going to write some answers in here.
32:18 And I think we're on task to complete this tonight.
32:21 Wow.
32:22 Not in the Bible, nothing,
32:24 there is nothing in their Bible.
32:27 And the reason why they use a phrase of their Bible
32:29 is because when the Protestant Reformation began,
32:32 one of the most notable ones of the Protestant Reformation
32:35 is Martin Luther
32:36 but you have Jerome, Wycliffe, Hus, Zwingli, Calvin,
32:39 the list goes on and on, Melanchthon,
32:41 the list goes on and on of people that
32:43 started the movement back to the Bible
32:45 which Rome tried its best to stamp out
32:47 with the counter-Reformation.
32:49 There was the Protestant Reformation,
32:51 the push back to the Bible
32:53 then there was the counter-reformation,
32:55 culture, and music, and art, and science,
32:58 they tried to counteract it with education.
33:00 And by the way, this is a crazy thing.
33:02 But in some cases,
33:04 people that are intellectual in their own definition think
33:07 that it's oversimplification to simply do what God says.
33:11 They said that's just not
33:12 what an intellectual person does.
33:14 However let's look at what God's Word says.
33:17 Here's question number 33.
33:20 "Why should Bible-believing Christians reject
33:25 Sunday observance?"
33:27 Why should they reject Sunday observance?
33:31 Look at what the Bible says. Okay.
33:35 And this is an amazing scripture.
33:37 But let's go to Psalms 119:133.
33:41 Some of you are already there, I appreciate that.
33:43 Look at what David, the Psalmist says.
33:46 Here it is.
33:47 He says, "Direct my steps,"
33:50 together, "By your word.
33:54 And let not iniquity have dominion over me."
33:57 So what directs our steps, together, the Word of God.
34:03 So if it is in the Word of God, do we follow it?
34:06 If it's not in the Word of God, do we follow it?
34:08 No.
34:09 So let me use a classic example today, a comparison.
34:13 We'll say, for example, many people use GPSs nowadays.
34:17 At least, we have them on our phones, iPhone,
34:20 Android phone,
34:22 we have them on our iPads or Kindles,
34:24 we have them on our tablets, we have them on our watches.
34:28 We want to get to where we want to go.
34:30 So today, what we do is we just say,
34:34 we say, speaking like my GPS,
34:36 the portable one has to speak an address.
34:39 And I'll put the address in, it says, okay.
34:42 Follow directions, and left, right, right, left.
34:44 Now if I go the opposite way,
34:46 you know what it says, recalculating.
34:50 In other words, you're going in the wrong direction,
34:52 I've got to find a way to get you
34:53 where you're headed.
34:55 So this topic could be
34:56 best described as recalculating.
34:58 Amen.
35:00 We want to simply get you to the right destination.
35:02 We're saying you've been following
35:04 the wrong directions.
35:06 Let's say that together, recalculating.
35:07 Recalculating.
35:09 That's all we're doing.
35:11 We're not judging, we're not condemning.
35:13 We're simply saying,
35:14 "Oh, you should've made a right turn,
35:16 you made a left."
35:17 And if we follow the GPS...
35:19 Now I once had an argument with my GPS.
35:22 Now they're a lot better than they were 10 years ago
35:25 'cause we've had people, when the GPSs first came out,
35:28 it will guide people right into a lake
35:31 because they were not as accurate as they are today.
35:33 And so I remember just a few years ago
35:36 when I was coming home from the church,
35:38 coming to New Lake Road,
35:40 it says make a left if possible
35:43 because it wasn't confirmed out here in Southern Illinois,
35:47 even the road I lived on wasn't confirmed.
35:49 Now it doesn't say if possible, it says make a left turn
35:51 on New Lake Road, it's confirmed.
35:54 Even on 3ABN's property,
35:55 we knew it was Angel Lane but it was not official.
35:58 Now it actually says make a left on Angel Lane
36:02 because we're on the map.
36:03 Amen somebody. Amen.
36:05 But the Word of God is not like the GPS navigation system,
36:11 it has been accurate for centuries.
36:14 Amen. It hasn't changed.
36:15 So we don't say,
36:16 "Well, it used to be there but it's not now.
36:19 Well, we don't have the right version."
36:21 And I tell you, you got to be very careful
36:22 with the Bible versions today.
36:24 Make sure that it is an authorized
36:26 from the translated Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic
36:30 because many of these, what they call...
36:32 What's the phrase, Brother Dinzey?
36:35 Paraphrased.
36:36 Many of these paraphrased Bibles
36:38 just so watered down with God's Word says
36:40 that you can't really find the forest
36:42 because of the trees.
36:44 The key is God's word directs our steps.
36:46 Amen.
36:47 Let's go to question number 34, question number 34.
36:51 "Why is it dangerous to our salvation
36:56 to observe what is not in God's Word?"
36:59 Why is it dangerous?
37:01 Why is it dangerous to our salvation
37:03 to observe what is not in God's Word?
37:07 Let's go to Matthew 4:10.
37:11 Matthew 4:10.
37:14 Why is it dangerous to observe what is not in the Bible?
37:20 Matter of fact, everything today we buy,
37:22 everything today has instructions, does it not?
37:26 Even a toothbrush has instructions.
37:28 I mean, think about that.
37:30 Everything we buy today has instructions,
37:32 follow the instructions
37:33 and you'll know how the item works,
37:35 whether it is good,
37:36 whether we're using it properly
37:37 because sometimes we are so aware,
37:40 we buy things and we say,
37:42 "Okay, I know how to use that."
37:43 And then we've been using it for so long
37:45 that all of a sudden
37:47 there are so many other features, Luis,
37:48 that we forgot they even can do.
37:50 And so my wife always says to me,
37:52 "Read the instructions."
37:54 And I said, "I got it."
37:55 She said, "Read the instructions."
37:57 Okay, I got it.
37:58 And I discover by reading the instructions
38:00 that the device that I just purchased
38:02 can do a whole lot more than I think it can do.
38:05 And...
38:07 She said, "Exactly," I hope you didn't hear that.
38:10 But read the instructions, let's say this together,
38:12 what, read the instructions.
38:16 Here's what it is.
38:17 Why is it dangerous for to,
38:18 our salvation to observe what is not in God's word?
38:20 Matthew 4:10, look at what the Lord said.
38:22 This is what Jesus said. And this is...
38:25 And Jesus is in great hour of temptation,
38:27 "Then Jesus said to him, 'Away with you, Satan!'"
38:31 Look at these next four words,
38:33 together, "For it is written."
38:39 "For it is written," together, "Written.
38:44 You shall worship the Lord your God,
38:46 and Him only you shall serve."
38:49 A lot of people don't think
38:50 that the Sabbath has to do with worship.
38:52 Let's go to Revelation 14, turn your Bibles there.
38:55 Lot of people don't think
38:57 the Sabbath has to do with worship.
39:00 When you find in the Bible, in the last book of the Bible,
39:03 it is amazing how there's so many mirrors.
39:07 And when I say mirrors,
39:09 if you compare what's in Genesis
39:11 to what is in Revelation,
39:13 you'll find Revelation is this urgent book of a call,
39:16 kind of calling people back
39:18 to what they have forgotten to do.
39:20 It's the book that is a book of reminder.
39:22 It is the period after the end
39:24 of a long sentence of human history,
39:26 and it's saying, "Okay, we're almost at the end."
39:28 If I can use it another way, some people use other examples,
39:33 the show is ending,
39:34 the book is ending, the game is ending.
39:36 Very few people want to see a football game
39:39 and shut it off if it's tied and two minutes left.
39:41 Right, Luis?
39:42 I don't if you play football or not.
39:43 But, you know, it's a dangerous thing
39:45 to turn a football game off
39:47 with two minutes left unless it's blowout.
39:51 Basketball, anything, people want to know
39:54 the end of the story, the end of the story.
39:56 Look at Revelation 14, and look at the call of God.
40:01 We're going to go to Revelation 14,
40:02 and let's look together at verse 6 and 7.
40:06 And I want to point out a few things here
40:08 because the terminology used here indicates
40:10 that there is something that has always been existing,
40:13 it's always been around.
40:15 Revelation 14:6.
40:16 Look, "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of," what,
40:21 "Heaven having the everlasting gospel."
40:27 That means good news that never ended.
40:29 That means it's been good from the Garden of Eden,
40:32 it's going to be good till Jesus comes,
40:34 the everlasting gospel.
40:36 And the central focus
40:37 of the everlasting gospel is Jesus,
40:39 the everlasting gospel, He's the good news.
40:43 "To preach to those who dwell on the earth."
40:45 How many people need to hear this message?
40:47 "To every nation, every tribe, every tongue, every people,
40:52 saying with a..." whisper.
40:55 What kind of voice? Loud.
40:57 "Loud voice."
40:59 Together, "Fear God and give glory to Him
41:03 for the hour of His judgment has come."
41:07 And here's the key. And what else?
41:10 "Worship Him who made heaven and earth,
41:15 the sea, and the springs of water."
41:19 The first of the three most important messages
41:21 that humanity can ever hear today
41:23 is the first one, "Wait a minute,
41:25 we're living in the judgment hour,
41:27 honor God, worship Him,
41:29 fear Him, give him the glory."
41:32 And, you know, when you think about giving God the glory,
41:34 it just says man wants to rob from God the glory
41:36 that belongs to Him alone.
41:38 The devil said, "I will be like God."
41:40 So what he did in the process now,
41:42 follow me carefully and understand
41:44 what I'm not saying, I'm not saying people,
41:47 Satan decided everything that God had as the truth,
41:50 he decided to create a counterfeit.
41:53 Marriage, man and woman only.
41:55 Satan said, "I want to counterfeit,
41:57 man and man."
41:59 Sabbath, the last day of the week
42:03 was the one that God blessed.
42:04 Satan, first day of the week.
42:08 And by the way, whether you know this and not,
42:10 do your homework.
42:11 And one of the reasons why people are in darkness,
42:13 the Bible says in Hosea 4:6,
42:15 "My people are destroyed for a lack of,"
42:16 what, "Knowledge."
42:19 Destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
42:21 In this information age,
42:22 it doesn't make sense to stay ignorant, does it?
42:25 When the information is available,
42:27 it doesn't make sense to be in the dark
42:28 because there's no reason,
42:30 you can Google, you can Wikipedia,
42:31 you can Britannica, you can go Encyclopedia,
42:34 you can go Encarta.
42:36 I mean, all this information is just oozing,
42:38 you could not ever say, "I can't find it,"
42:41 except you don't know how to use a computer.
42:43 And for that reason, go to a library,
42:45 the librarian would help you.
42:46 This is not the age of ignorance,
42:48 but God is calling people back to worship.
42:50 Now let's see what He means by worship,
42:51 what kind of worship.
42:53 Go to John chapter 4 quickly. John chapter 4.
42:56 And I'm timing myself
42:58 because we're going to wind this topic up tonight.
43:01 John chapter 4.
43:04 What kind of worship?
43:07 John 4:23 and 24, right?
43:12 Because it says worship Him. Well, how?
43:15 Look at verse 23 and 24.
43:19 Remember, remember this now,
43:21 "The hour of His judgment has come,
43:24 and worship Him," you get that?
43:26 "The hour of His judgment has come, and worship Him."
43:30 You're going to see the same, almost same terminology here.
43:33 Look at verse 23.
43:34 "But the hour is coming and, what, "Now is when the,"
43:40 what else, "True worshipper will worship the Father
43:46 in two things, one spirit it
43:48 and," in what, "Truth," why,
43:50 "For the Father is seeking such to worship Him."
43:56 What kind of worship is the God looking for?
43:58 Those who want to worship Him
43:59 in what, Spirit and, in what, truth.
44:02 That is their lives reveal the fruits of the Spirit.
44:05 And they also live in harmony with the truth of God's Word.
44:08 And then look at verse 24.
44:10 For God, God is Spirit
44:11 and those who worship Him should worship.
44:15 Must.
44:17 Was it must? I don't get any choices?
44:19 No. Well, let's try that again.
44:22 God is Spirit and those who worship Him might...
44:25 Must.
44:27 Must, is that what it says? Yes.
44:30 Must, together, "Must worship Him,"
44:34 in what, "Spirit" and, what else, "Truth."
44:38 Today, you don't hear the truth.
44:43 Religion nowadays has become nothing more
44:46 than one hour counseling session.
44:48 Listen to the sermons on television.
44:53 One hour counseling session,
44:55 they don't want to say anything that's politically incorrect
44:57 or the church is not called to be politically correct,
44:59 the church is called
45:00 to be scripturally correct, am I right?
45:02 So when we talk about these topics
45:04 and share these topics,
45:06 it's not to offend or to make anybody upset,
45:08 it's to simply get us back to the thing
45:11 that God always wanted us to support.
45:13 And one more thing,
45:14 go to Isaiah now, Isaiah 58.
45:19 Isaiah 58.
45:20 God is simply saying, "Come back.
45:23 You could go so far away."
45:26 You know, if you ever go on a cruise,
45:28 you could be so far in the ocean,
45:29 you don't see land.
45:31 And some people are that way today,
45:33 they're so far in darkness, they can't see the light.
45:36 They have, as I would say, floated away from the shore.
45:41 And they just look around and,
45:43 "Well, it doesn't really matter what direction we go in,"
45:46 because they don't have any point of reference.
45:48 The Word of God is our point of reference.
45:49 Praise the Lord for that.
45:51 Isaiah 58.
45:53 Look at this, verse 13.
45:55 Okay, actually verse 12.
45:57 And I'm going to read it in the King James Version.
45:59 Actually I almost know it by heart.
46:02 You have the King James version, right?
46:03 "They that shall be of Thee
46:05 shall build up the old waste places.
46:09 Thou shall raise up
46:11 the foundations of many generations.
46:14 Thou shall be called the repairers of the breach,
46:16 the restorers of paths to dwell in."
46:19 Notice, "They that shall be of Thee shall build up
46:24 the old waste places.
46:27 They shall raise up the foundation of,"
46:31 what, "Many generations."
46:33 What is the foundation of many generations?
46:35 Jesus.
46:36 No other foundation can anyone lay than
46:38 that which is laid which is Christ Jesus.
46:40 Raise up the foundation of many generations,
46:43 they shall be called the repairers,
46:46 they're fixing it of the, what, breach.
46:47 You know what a breach is?
46:49 If you ever seen a dam leaking, you know, a big Hoover dam.
46:52 You don't want to be
46:53 on the Hoover dam while it's leaking.
46:56 You want that thing to be repaired, am I right?
46:58 Because a leak becomes a spring...
47:00 It keeps eroding until it just all falls apart.
47:03 What's happened in Christianity is they ignored the leak.
47:07 And now the water of darkness
47:09 and the water of error just pouring through,
47:12 and nobody is even thinking about stopping it,
47:14 they've ignored the leak.
47:16 See, repairers of the breach, and what else,
47:19 restorers of paths, to what, dwelling.
47:22 That's why in the book of Hebrews, it says,
47:23 "Make straight path for your feet,"
47:25 so if anybody is following you, they won't...
47:27 the lame won't stumble.
47:29 So the Lord is saying, and notice what He does,
47:33 notice all the points of reference
47:34 brings us down to what is in essence saying.
47:37 Look at the very next verse, verse 13,
47:40 "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath,
47:44 from doing your pleasure on My holy day..."
47:50 He defines His holy day.
47:55 And called the Sabbath day, what, delight.
47:58 A what? Delight.
47:59 Say the word one more time. Delight.
48:01 Now the reason I say that because people say,
48:03 "If you keep the Sabbath, you're burdening yourself,
48:06 you're under the old law, you're in bondage."
48:10 No, you're not in bondage.
48:11 You're not trying to be saved by works
48:13 because the Sabbath is a delight.
48:15 Amen? Amen.
48:18 Who does not want 24 hours without working?
48:21 Who wants... Don't we all need rest?
48:24 Isn't it nice to just shut off the world for 24 hours
48:27 and spend it with Jesus uninterrupted?
48:29 Now you spend every day with Jesus
48:31 but there's only this sanctified time
48:33 like an anniversary, like your birthday,
48:34 you don't want to share that with anybody else.
48:36 Jesus has set aside a time that belongs to Him only
48:38 where the world is shut off.
48:40 And He says, when you do that...
48:41 Ezekiel 20:12, 20.
48:43 He says, "That's a sign that you know
48:46 that I'm the Lord that sanctifies you."
48:49 When you step into that time of relationship,
48:51 you say, you know
48:52 that I'm the Lord that sanctifies you.
48:55 The Sabbath is a sign, not just a day, all right?
48:59 So He says, "Call the Sabbath as delight,
49:02 the holy day of the Lord honorable,
49:06 and you shall honor Him not doing your own ways,
49:09 not finding your own pleasures, not speaking your own words."
49:13 Shut down the conversation about computers
49:15 and about what happened in politics
49:17 and about what happens in the world,
49:19 shut the television off, stop reading the newspaper,
49:21 don't even read the mail, shut the world O-F-F,
49:25 what's that spell?
49:26 Off.
49:28 Can you imagine taking the newspaper,
49:30 you're out with your husband celebrating his birthday
49:33 and you're reading a newspaper?
49:35 "Cynthia, it's my birthday."
49:37 "It's okay, I'm just checking out
49:38 what Donald Trump did recently."
49:40 And after that, "Well, let me check the weather."
49:41 "Oh, wait a minute, it's my birthday."
49:43 And I know Cynthia wouldn't do that,
49:44 that's why I'm making this reference.
49:46 But the point of the matter is the Lord is saying,
49:48 "This is My day, it's a delight, it's honorable.
49:51 Remember, it's my holy day, let's spend time together."
49:54 But so many people have gone in different directions.
49:57 And then verse 14,
49:58 "Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord,
50:00 and I will cause you to ride on the high places
50:03 or hills of the earth,
50:05 and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father
50:07 for the mouth of the Lord has," what, "Spoken."
50:10 God is saying that's a tremendous blessing there
50:12 if we will simply honor what God has established.
50:15 Last four questions, number 35, number 35.
50:18 "What choice did the Apostles make about
50:21 man's word verses God's Word?"
50:26 What choice did the Apostles make
50:29 about man's word versus God's Word?
50:32 Look at Acts 5:29, Acts 5:29. It says Matthew 14.
50:38 Write in, mistake, typo,
50:41 write in Acts 5:29.
50:45 Yeah, I made a typo there
50:47 that shows I'm still under construction.
50:52 Write in Acts 5:29 on your syllabus.
50:54 And I'll go online and make that change
50:56 so nobody else will be misdirected by that.
50:58 Thank you.
50:59 All right, look at what they said,
51:02 here on the screen.
51:04 "But Peter and the other apostles answered and said,"
51:06 let's read this together,
51:08 "We ought to obey God rather than,"
51:11 what, "Than men."
51:13 So when you look at the convert catechism,
51:15 and look at all the new teachings
51:16 in Christianity today,
51:18 when they say, "Well, this day is enough.
51:19 That's enough, let's do this, that's not politically correct,
51:23 let's go ahead and accept same sex marriage,
51:24 let's choose a different day of worship."
51:27 The apostle says,
51:29 "No, no, no, we ought to obey God rather than men."
51:34 That's the only safe choice to make.
51:37 Going right to the very next one, number 36.
51:39 So write that down.
51:41 What choice did the Apostles make?
51:43 They chose God over man.
51:45 We've got to make that choice
51:46 because when the mark of the beast comes which is...
51:49 That's going to be a doozy.
51:51 If you don't make a choice now,
51:52 there's no way that you going to stand for truth
51:53 when your life is on the line,
51:55 unless you become accustomed to making wise choices
51:58 and truthful choices now.
52:00 Number 36, here it is.
52:02 "What statement do we make by observing
52:05 the Sabbath of God's creation?"
52:07 Let's go to Ezekiel 20:20.
52:10 I made reference to that just a moment ago,
52:11 but go ahead and let's look at that together.
52:13 What statement do we make by observing
52:15 the Sabbath of God's creation?
52:18 Here's the statement we make, Ezekiel 20:20.
52:20 Let's look at that together.
52:22 Ezekiel 20:20,
52:24 "Hallow My Sabbaths,"
52:27 notice M is capitalized,
52:29 the Lord is saying, "My Sabbath."
52:30 "And they will be a,"
52:32 what, "Sign between Me and you,
52:37 that you may know that I am,"
52:39 what, "The Lord your God."
52:43 So when you think about the Sabbath,
52:45 Exodus 20:8 to 11 is the Sabbath.
52:49 And let me just go ahead and give you...
52:50 The Bible says in Exodus 20,
52:52 "The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord
52:56 your God," your God.
53:00 My car has this feature,
53:04 when I walk up to it, it lights up.
53:08 Now I can walk up to every other car in a lot
53:10 and it's not going to that.
53:12 I could take my key and put it into the door
53:14 of every other car, it's not going to open any car.
53:17 I could click the thing
53:18 and no other car door will open but mine.
53:22 Here's the key.
53:23 The Lord has given us...
53:25 The Lord has given us a connecting sign,
53:28 a connecting relationship, a spiritual connection.
53:32 He says, "When you click the Sabbath,
53:38 the Lord your God lights up."
53:40 When you step into that holy time,
53:42 it's an indication that you have a connection
53:44 to the God of creation, to the God of redemption,
53:48 to the soon coming King.
53:49 Can somebody say amen somewhere?
53:51 So it's a sign, it's a relationship sign.
53:54 And so in this age of relationships,
53:56 the Lord is saying,
53:57 "Hey, I need to have a relationship also.
54:00 And as long as the sign
54:02 of our relationship remains intact,
54:04 then I won't have difficulty finding My people when I come."
54:08 But even more important than that,
54:09 we need to know who we're looking for.
54:11 If you're following what man is telling you to follow
54:13 and all of a sudden the Lord shows up,
54:15 and what you see is completely opposite
54:18 to what God has been saying, then the confusion exists.
54:22 And, you know, the sad reality
54:24 is not only other people of God destroyed
54:26 for lack of knowledge
54:28 but because they reject what God has said,
54:30 He said, "I would reject you."
54:32 They reject His law,
54:33 "I reject those who reject My law,"
54:36 that's a sign of relationship.
54:37 Let's go to number 37. Number 37.
54:40 "For whom was the Sabbath made at the end of Creation Week?"
54:44 Let's look at this.
54:45 In the New Testament, Mark 2:27.
54:47 For whom was the Sabbath made at the end of creation week?
54:50 Here it is. Mark 2:27, the Bible says.
54:53 "And he said to them, 'The Sabbath was made for man,
54:57 and not man for the Sabbath."'
54:59 What that means is He didn't say made for Jew,
55:02 it says M-A-N because in the Garden of Eden,
55:04 there was man and woman,
55:06 the Jews were 1,500 years in the future.
55:09 So many people connect the Sabbath to the Jews,
55:11 when God connects it to man.
55:14 And those are the words of Jesus
55:16 showing that He affirmed
55:18 what He did in the Garden of Eden.
55:20 The Sabbath was made for man, in other words,
55:21 the Sabbath is a blessing to us.
55:24 We are blessed by honoring the day
55:26 that God has established as a connection
55:28 between Him and us.
55:29 Number 38, number 38. Okay, here it is.
55:34 Number 38.
55:35 "When man changes God's Sabbath,
55:38 how is the Christian affected?"
55:42 When man changes God's Sabbath, how is the Christian affected?
55:47 Ezekiel 20:12.
55:49 Let's look at this.
55:51 Ezekiel 20:12.
55:54 There is an effect, something happens,
55:56 something happens.
55:57 All right, here it is.
55:58 "Moreover I also gave them My," what, "Sabbaths, to be a,"
56:04 what, "Sign between Me and them,
56:07 that they might know
56:09 that I am the Lord who," does what, "Sanctifies them."
56:14 How are they affected? The sign is lost.
56:17 How would you like to drive in America
56:19 if we get rid of all the signs?
56:22 Get rid of all the exit signs, all the stop signs,
56:25 all the yield signs.
56:27 Let's get rid of those white lines
56:28 and the yellow lines.
56:30 Let's get rid of those double white lines.
56:33 Let's just be free, let's be free Christians,
56:37 free of any regulations, free of any commandments,
56:41 let's just be free, free gospel fellowship, free.
56:46 That's what they want to be. Free.
56:49 You cannot proclaim liberty, and really be in bondage.
56:54 To be free means to live in harmony with God's will.
56:59 Somebody once said to me
57:01 the red light is not a stop light, it's a go light
57:03 because if it stops working nobody is going anywhere.
57:07 Last question, last question.
57:09 "What does observing the true Sabbath
57:11 reveal about our relationship?"
57:13 Are you ready? Here it is, last one. Together.
57:15 "Sanctify them by Your," what, "Truth."
57:19 Your, what? "Your word is truth."
57:22 If you want to have a relationship with Jesus
57:27 that will not be shaken, that will not be eroded,
57:30 that's based on eternal principles,
57:32 let the Word of God be the very guide of your life.
57:35 Now I know, tonight,
57:36 we unloaded some very powerful quotations,
57:38 and to just tell you
57:40 that's the tip of the iceberg, people might say,
57:42 "Huh? You mean there's more?" Oh, there's a lot more.
57:45 But we chose the ones
57:46 that we felt could be an entering wedge.
57:48 And here's the key, friends.
57:49 We believe in telling the truth as it is in God's Word.
57:51 And you know what?
57:53 Keep studying
57:54 because it doesn't make sense right now.
57:56 And we guarantee you
57:57 if you keep on studying God's word,
57:59 one day, it'll come into A Sharper Focus.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2018-05-09