A Sharper Focus

State of the Dead -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Dinzey


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000135A

00:19 Hello, and welcome to A Sharper Focus,
00:22 once again coming to you
00:24 from the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:26 on this Wednesday evening.
00:28 And we hope that you are prepared
00:30 to study the Word of God.
00:32 We have a message from the Word of God
00:34 to share with you.
00:35 And it's actually a continuation
00:37 from another study that was done,
00:40 this is part two, basically, on the state of the dead,
00:42 what happens when you die.
00:44 And Pastor Lomacang is not able to be with you,
00:46 and I have the privilege to be with you during this hour.
00:49 And we encourage you to grab your Bible
00:52 and you may want to grab something to write with
00:55 because you may want to continue this study.
00:58 And if you have an interest in continuing this study,
01:01 you need some handouts, some material, contact 3ABN.
01:04 And we'll be glad to find something
01:08 to help you further in your study.
01:11 So before we continue,
01:13 we'd like to invite you to remember to pray for 3ABN.
01:18 This ministry that is reaching the world
01:20 with the everlasting gospel,
01:22 the three angels' messages as mentioned in Revelation 14:6
01:28 and onward, verses 6-12.
01:30 And right now,
01:31 we want to encourage you to join us in prayer as well.
01:34 We are going to pray and ask for the Lord to bless us.
01:37 And so let us pray together.
01:40 Our loving Heavenly Father,
01:42 we thank You so much for the Holy Scriptures
01:47 that are able to make us wise unto salvation.
01:50 And we thank You, Lord,
01:52 that You have promised to guide us
01:54 into all truth through the Holy Spirit.
01:58 We pray, Lord, that You will indeed guide us
02:00 during this study, help us, teach us,
02:03 and make clear in our understanding
02:06 this important message.
02:08 We pray for a blessing upon everyone that is here,
02:11 and everyone that is joining us locally,
02:15 and around the world.
02:16 We thank You Lord for the opportunities
02:18 to study Your Holy Word together
02:20 with the freedom to reach the world
02:22 with the message of Jesus Christ.
02:24 And we thank You
02:26 for all that You have done for us
02:27 during this day.
02:29 We ask You for these things in Jesus' holy
02:31 and blessed name, amen.
02:33 Amen.
02:34 Well, we are going to do a brief, brief refresher
02:39 on what we talked about last time to catch up.
02:42 As a matter of fact it will be helpful
02:44 especially that there were perhaps several million
02:48 that were not with us last time
02:49 and they may have joined us this time.
02:51 So we want to ask you to join us in John 11.
02:55 John 11, Jesus says something
02:59 that has opened the eyes of many throughout history.
03:04 And this is in John 11,
03:05 we're going to look at verses 11-14.
03:09 John 11:11-14.
03:13 And this is what is written.
03:16 "These things said he:
03:18 and after that he said unto them,
03:21 Our friend Lazarus sleepeth,
03:24 but I go that I may awake him out of sleep.
03:28 Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well.
03:32 Howbeit Jesus spoke of his death:
03:37 but they thought that he had spoken
03:39 of taking a rest in sleep.
03:43 Then said Jesus unto them plainly,
03:46 Lazarus is dead."
03:50 So what we have here
03:51 is Jesus helping us to understand
03:54 what really happens when you die the first time.
03:57 And I say die the first time
03:58 because the Bible records a second death
04:01 that is registered in Revelation 20.
04:04 The first death is a result of many reasons,
04:08 could be some illness,
04:09 it could be some unfortunate accident,
04:12 or that someone does something to kill you.
04:17 But the Bible calls this a sleep.
04:20 As a matter of fact over 50 times
04:23 there is reference to death being a sleep.
04:26 And if you are sleeping, that means
04:29 you are not participating in anything
04:31 that is happening with those that are alive.
04:34 And so there are many scriptures
04:36 that help us to understand this.
04:37 We are just going to look at a few
04:39 because we have covered this,
04:41 I believe very clearly last time.
04:44 One of them that we're going to look at
04:46 is found in Ecclesiastes Chapter 9
04:49 and we're going to look at verses 5 and 6.
04:52 Ecclesiastes 9:5 and 6.
04:57 Let us read what the Bible says.
04:59 Ready?
05:01 "For the living know that they shall die:
05:05 but the dead know not anything,
05:09 neither have they any more a reward,
05:12 for the memory of them is forgotten.
05:15 And their love, and their hatred,
05:18 and their envy, is now perished,
05:21 neither have they any more a portion forever
05:25 in anything that is done under the sun."
05:29 So what does the Bible tell us about those that die,
05:32 that they know what?
05:34 Not anything.
05:36 So this right away helps us to understand
05:39 that all those games that are out there
05:43 that like Ouija, however you say it,
05:46 and there are others
05:48 that supposedly you must contact someone
05:52 that is dead to get information.
05:55 And many people do this to try to find out
05:58 what's going to happen in the future.
05:59 but the Bible clearly says that the dead know not anything.
06:04 And so if you have ever consulted
06:07 one of those games, played one of those games,
06:09 and receive some information,
06:11 please understand this is not reliable,
06:14 and it is Satan trying to mislead you,
06:17 trying to lead you down the wrong path
06:21 to make horrible decisions
06:23 that will surely bring bad results.
06:27 So the dead know not anything.
06:29 As a matter of fact,
06:30 there are people that supposedly
06:33 speak to the dead.
06:35 There are different things people do to speak to the dead.
06:38 And so, as well we read that their hatred, and their love,
06:43 and their envy is all gone
06:45 because they do not exist anymore,
06:48 nothing is operational, the body, the mind,
06:53 everything ceases to exist.
06:55 Along with this comes some other beliefs
06:58 that we will discuss a little further on.
07:00 Remember the dead know not anything.
07:03 So stay away from anything that
07:06 or anyone that tries to communicate with the dead.
07:09 And I understand that some psychics
07:12 and others supposedly call some people from the dead
07:14 to try to do this.
07:16 So it is a dangerous thing
07:18 because this is something that Satan uses
07:21 to try to confuse people.
07:22 As a matter of fact, this has been going on
07:24 since the Garden of Eden.
07:26 What did Satan tell Lucifer?
07:28 I mean tell Eve?
07:30 "You will not surely die."
07:33 And somehow different nations, the Egyptians, the Greeks,
07:39 and others have brought on the idea
07:42 that the dead continue, and they do not,
07:45 they cease to exist until the Bible calls
07:50 what is called the resurrection.
07:52 And which happens
07:53 when Jesus Christ comes for who?
07:57 For the righteous.
07:59 And when Jesus comes the third time
08:02 for the unrighteous or the wicked.
08:04 There is a resurrection of the righteous
08:07 and there is a resurrection of the wicked,
08:09 two separate resurrections.
08:11 And this is clearly mentioned in the Bible,
08:15 and we will continue the study,
08:17 and you will understand this clearly,
08:19 it is our prayer.
08:21 So what about the countless stories
08:24 about people seeing dead people that are walking around,
08:29 or ghosts, or appearances of people that have,
08:33 I told a few stories last time, appearances of people
08:36 that have died.
08:38 I was told a story when I was younger,
08:40 very intriguing.
08:42 There's supposedly down certain road,
08:44 I forget I think it was Texas,
08:46 that you would be driving a car,
08:48 and suddenly a runner will start running beside you
08:52 while you are driving,
08:54 and you see somebody keeping up with you
08:57 while you're driving 65 miles an hour.
08:59 And of course this brings fear upon people
09:02 so they start driving faster,
09:03 supposedly this runner
09:04 continues to run at the same speed as the car,
09:07 and eventually runs off into the woods.
09:10 Is this a real person?
09:11 No, it's not.
09:13 We know that nobody can run that fast
09:16 for any extended period of time.
09:18 And so Satan tries in different ways
09:20 to mislead people.
09:21 Do not be fooled
09:23 because the dead will not know anything.
09:24 So then brings the question,
09:27 if it's not our dead loved ones,
09:30 who is it that appears?
09:33 Who is it that around us?
09:34 As a matter of fact, I heard there was a magazine,
09:38 some people were researching the idea of ghosts
09:40 because so many stories were coming out.
09:42 And they offered $5,000 to anyone
09:45 that can produce a ghost to anyone
09:46 that can provide information
09:50 that can be verified that ghosts exist,
09:53 And unfortunately
09:55 nobody has been able to claim the prize.
09:58 I think it went up to $10,000 at one point
10:00 because they do not exist.
10:03 So what is it that people are saying?
10:04 Please understand that Satan is a deceiver,
10:09 and he is a liar.
10:11 And since he is a deceiver and a liar,
10:13 he will take advantage of any misunderstanding
10:16 you may have to lead you down the wrong path.
10:18 So I would like to point you to a scripture
10:21 that helps us understand what Satan can do.
10:24 2 Corinthians 11:14.
10:29 2 Corinthians 11:14.
10:35 Let us read.
10:37 It is written in verse 14.
10:39 "And no marvel, for Satan himself
10:43 is transformed
10:46 into an angel of light."
10:50 So there you have it,
10:52 Satan was once a beautiful angel.
10:56 And he was in heaven,
10:59 he knows what angels looked like
11:01 because he was one.
11:03 Now he is an evil, wicked,
11:07 and he tries to take advantage of what he knows
11:12 to try to appear to people.
11:14 I've even heard stories that actually I think
11:17 it was Roger Morneau that wrote several stories
11:21 about appearances of demons
11:24 in masquerading as angels.
11:27 And since Satan is able to do this,
11:30 he can also
11:32 take on the appearances of people.
11:34 If he can transform himself into an angel of light,
11:38 he can take on the appearance of a person
11:40 and duplicate the voices and phrases
11:45 things they used to say that to you will say,
11:47 "That's right, my uncle used to say that.
11:49 My mother used to say those things."
11:52 And it will sound in the same way.
11:54 And be not surprised, I'm sure you have heard,
11:57 when I was younger,
11:58 we used to see some television program,
12:01 there was one comedian
12:02 there was able to imitate several presidents
12:05 and sounded just like them, and several movie stars.
12:08 So if people can do this,
12:10 as a matter of fact some animals
12:14 that are trained to speak, some birds...
12:17 What kind of birds are those? Anybody remember?
12:19 Parrots.
12:20 They usually sound like the voice
12:23 that has trained them.
12:25 And so if these simple animals can do this,
12:28 imagine what Satan can do?
12:29 Disguising his voice as your loved one
12:32 to tell you something and to mislead you.
12:35 The Bible says that the dead do not know anything,
12:39 keep away from anything that may deceive you
12:43 in that direction.
12:44 So let us now go to John 5
12:48 because we need to understand
12:51 what happens
12:52 when is it that the righteous
12:58 are going to be resurrected.
13:00 Because some people believe that when you die,
13:05 if you are righteous,
13:06 you go straight to heaven immediately.
13:09 And some people believe that when you die,
13:13 if you are wicked, you go immediately to hell
13:15 to burn, and you are burning, and burning
13:18 throughout eternity.
13:19 This is a misunderstanding and we will go more into this
13:23 in another study.
13:25 But we're just going to briefly mention this.
13:27 Imagine the misunderstanding that there is about this
13:32 that has caused many people a lot of harm.
13:36 As a matter of fact, John 5:28 and 29
13:40 is what we are going to read.
13:42 If you're ready say, amen.
13:44 Amen.
13:45 "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming..."
13:50 If it's coming, that means it's not arrived,
13:52 "in which all that are in the graves
13:55 shall hear his voice."
13:56 All that are in the grave shall hear his voice.
13:58 "And shall come forth, they that have done good,
14:02 unto the resurrection of life," that is eternal life,
14:06 "and they that have done evil,
14:07 unto the resurrection of damnation."
14:12 So the Bible tells us
14:14 what is going to happen to the righteous
14:17 and what is going to happen to the wicked.
14:19 Everyone knows this scripture,
14:21 we're not going to put it on the screen
14:22 because even as I start quoting it,
14:24 many people will recognize it, "For God so loved the world,
14:28 that He gave His only begotten Son,
14:30 that whosoever believeth in Him,
14:32 should not," what?
14:34 "Perish."
14:35 What does it mean to perish?
14:37 That means to die.
14:39 So those that believe in Him will not perish,
14:42 but what happen to those that do not believe in Him,
14:45 they will perish.
14:48 Once again, "For God so loved the world
14:49 that He gave His only begotten Son,
14:51 that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish,
14:53 but have everlasting life."
14:55 Who gets everlasting life?
14:56 Those that believe in Him.
14:59 Praise the Lord for that.
15:00 How many people are looking forward to that?
15:02 Say amen. Amen.
15:03 Amen. Amen.
15:06 Well, at this point,
15:10 we would like to talk to you about what the scripture states
15:15 concerning speaking to the dead.
15:18 The Bible mentions this as something
15:20 that is expressively forbidden by God.
15:25 We are going to go to Deuteronomy Chapter 18.
15:28 And in Deuteronomy Chapter 18,
15:30 I like it when the Bible opens up right to the chapter
15:33 practically instantly.
15:35 Deuteronomy 18,
15:36 we're going to go through verses 10-12.
15:38 Deuteronomy 18:10-12.
15:41 This is what we have in the Bible.
15:44 "There shall not be found among you anyone
15:48 that make it his son or his daughter
15:52 to pass through the fire, or that uses divination,
15:56 or an observer of times, or an enchanter,
16:00 or a witch, or a charmer,
16:03 or a consulter with familiar spirits,
16:06 or a wizard, or a necromancer.
16:09 For all that do these things
16:11 are an abomination unto the Lord:
16:14 and because of these abominations
16:16 the Lord thy God drive them out from before thee."
16:22 So this is a declaration from the Lord
16:24 that the people of Israel
16:27 were going to occupy the land of other people
16:30 because they were doing wickedness,
16:32 such as trying to contact the dead,
16:34 they were doing things which is necromancers.
16:39 And we're going to tell you a few things,
16:40 some people here necromancer what in the world is that?
16:43 Literally it is a person, a consulter with the dead.
16:49 And there's very little difference
16:50 between a necromancer,
16:51 somebody that consults that end,
16:53 and a consulter with familiar spirits
16:56 which is practically the same thing.
16:58 Why does God forbid this?
17:02 Why does He forbid this?
17:04 Because He knows that Satan
17:06 is going to take advantage of the people
17:08 that do these things.
17:11 People for some reason have this great interest,
17:14 fascination to know
17:15 what is going to happen next week.
17:17 Or if I could only see the future,
17:19 what's going to be happen to my son, my daughter?
17:22 Or am I going to marry that person or that person?
17:24 And they want to know these things.
17:26 And unfortunately,
17:27 they make serious mistakes and even get themselves
17:29 into a lot of financial problems,
17:32 consulting people that do these type of things.
17:37 It says a charmer,
17:40 back in those days it was a person
17:41 that used to tie knots, and wearing of magic cords,
17:46 and trying to make spells.
17:48 I've been shocked to see what is going on in this world.
17:51 You can go to some popular bookstores,
17:53 I'm not going to mention them by name,
17:55 you've probably already guessed some of them.
17:58 Going through the bookstore, looking at different books,
18:00 and I was by the children's section.
18:03 And there by the children's section,
18:04 there were two or three books that surprised me.
18:08 And they were books
18:10 on how to make spells on people.
18:14 And they had spells to try to cast a spell
18:18 upon somebody to fall in love with you.
18:21 And there were spells for good luck,
18:23 and it was in the children's section.
18:24 And I said, "What a horrible thing
18:27 is going on in this world?"
18:29 It's going from bad to worse.
18:32 And we need to be aware of the danger of these things.
18:36 So having told you these things,
18:39 we now go into one of the stories
18:41 that people use
18:43 to try to justify the idea
18:49 that the dead that are righteous
18:51 go to heaven
18:53 or the dead that are evil go to hell.
18:55 One of them is the story of Saul
18:58 that consulted a witch,
19:01 and the Witch of Endor.
19:02 Saul chosen by God to be the first king of Israel,
19:07 after the people kept saying, "Lord, give us a king,
19:10 give us a king.
19:11 We want a king like the other nations."
19:14 And Samuel the prophet was very sad
19:17 that they were asking for a king
19:19 because they wanted to be like the other nations
19:21 when God was their king.
19:23 No, we want to be like the other nations.
19:26 As a matter of fact, the Lord told Saul,
19:29 tell them that the king is going to take your children,
19:33 so they can join his army,
19:35 they're going to take your children
19:36 so they can serve at his table,
19:37 they're going to take your horses,
19:39 they're going to take your cattle,
19:40 and the king is just going to misuse his authority.
19:44 And they say,
19:46 "Nay, but we will have a king over us."
19:49 And so the Lord said,
19:54 "You want a king. You'll have a king."
19:57 We have to be careful with what we asked the Lord.
19:59 It is better to commit our ways to the Lord
20:03 and He will direct our path,
20:05 instead of us demanding asking for things.
20:07 And this is why
20:09 we have to be careful with these things
20:11 because bad consequences come when we insist upon something
20:15 that is not good for us.
20:16 The Lord told Samuel, "Do not be sad,
20:20 they are not rejecting you, they are rejecting me."
20:24 And so the process went on to pick the king,
20:27 and the Lord selected Saul,
20:30 and Saul was a good person.
20:34 Unfortunately, he went astray.
20:37 And when he went astray,
20:39 he went from bad to worse,
20:43 to worse, and to worse in so much
20:46 that the Lord stopped talking to him.
20:50 So let us go to 1 Samuel Chapter 28
20:53 to pick up on this story.
20:56 1 Samuel 28,
20:58 you will notice in the Bible
20:59 that when the people of Israel
21:00 had a war with another nation
21:02 or another nation was attacking them.
21:04 It was the custom of the Lord, custom of the king,
21:07 custom of the people to ask the Lord,
21:09 "Lord, do we go and fight against them?
21:11 Will You be with us?
21:12 Will You fight our battle?"
21:15 And the Philistines were coming,
21:18 the Philistines were getting closer and closer,
21:21 and Saul was afraid, the people were afraid,
21:24 so they wanted to know, "Will the Lord be with us?
21:26 Will He help us
21:28 defeat the Philistines?"
21:30 And the Lord would not answer Saul.
21:34 So Saul did something that he knew was forbidden.
21:39 As a matter of fact,
21:40 he had made a declaration and passed a law,
21:42 "Anyone found consulting the dead,
21:45 consulting a medium,
21:48 will be," what,
21:50 "killed, cast out."
21:52 Be thrown out of the city.
21:55 Anyway and put to death.
21:58 1 Samuel 20,
21:59 we're going to start in verse 6.
22:01 We're going to go and first read verse 6 and 7.
22:02 1 Samuel 28:6 and 7.
22:05 "And when Saul enquired of the Lord,
22:08 the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams,
22:11 nor by Urim, nor by prophets.
22:15 Then said Saul unto his servants,
22:17 Seek me a woman that have a familiar spirit,
22:20 that I may go to her, and enquire of her.
22:22 And his servant said to him, Behold,
22:25 there is a woman
22:26 that hath a familiar spirit at Endor."
22:30 And so right away they found somebody
22:35 for Saul to talk to concerning his request.
22:39 And notice that the Bible mentions
22:41 the different ways that
22:43 in the past God was talking to Saul.
22:47 And that is by dreams, by the Urim, or by the prophet.
22:52 And prophets were consulted
22:53 to know what the Lord was asking for His people
22:57 or what the Lord wanted to do.
23:00 And so the Urim, you may remember
23:02 there was the Urim and Thummim
23:05 in the High Priest garment,
23:07 and if the Lord enter yes,
23:11 that was one of the jewels lit up,
23:13 if He answered no, the other one would light up.
23:16 And Urim positively would be a positive answer.
23:22 And so let's go now to verse 8 to find out what happened.
23:25 1 Samuel 28:8,
23:27 "And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment,
23:32 and he went, and two men with him."
23:35 He didn't want to be discovered,
23:36 "and they came to the woman by night: and he said,
23:39 I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit,
23:43 and bring him up, whom I showed a name unto thee.
23:47 And the woman said unto him,
23:48 behold thou knowest what Saul hath done,
23:51 how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits,
23:54 and the wizards, out of the land:
23:57 wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life,
24:01 to cause me to die?"
24:05 Saul knew it was wrong.
24:07 So he disguised himself
24:08 so that people would not know it is him.
24:10 And he knew he was doing something
24:12 that he even said not to be done.
24:15 And so he goes to this woman
24:19 to try to get an answer.
24:22 Now, let us go to verse 10.
24:25 1 Samuel 28:10-12.
24:28 We will read now.
24:29 "And Saul sware to her by the Lord,
24:32 saying, As the Lord liveth,
24:35 there shall no punishment happen to thee for this thing.
24:39 He declared by the Lord.
24:41 Then said the woman,
24:42 Whom shall I bring up unto thee?
24:44 And he said, Bring me up Samuel.
24:47 And when the woman saw Samuel, she cried with a loud voice,
24:50 and the woman spake to Saul, saying,
24:52 Why hast thou deceived me?
24:56 for thou art Saul."
24:59 The woman discovered who the man in disguise was.
25:03 And she was afraid for her life.
25:05 But Saul had made an oath,
25:10 swearing in the name of the Lord.
25:12 So this is a wicked thing to do
25:15 even from the standpoint of he knew
25:18 he was not supposed to be consulting,
25:21 this woman was trying to contact the dead
25:24 which know not anything,
25:26 it was a communication with the devil
25:29 that he was really seeking for.
25:33 And so the woman was in great danger.
25:36 Imagine people how wicked it is
25:39 that when they want to make you believe something,
25:42 they swear in the name of the Lord of things
25:44 and that adds on to their guilt and the danger that they are.
25:53 And so let us now go to the next verses
25:58 that lead us in this study.
26:04 We will now move to verse 13.
26:06 1 Samuel 28:13 and 14.
26:11 "And the king said unto her,
26:13 Be not afraid: for what sawest thou?
26:16 And the woman said unto Saul,
26:18 I saw gods ascending out of the earth.
26:23 And he said unto her, What form is he of?
26:26 And she said, An old man cometh up,
26:29 and he is covered with a mantle.
26:31 And Saul perceived that it was Samuel,
26:34 and he stooped with his face to the ground,
26:37 and bowed himself."
26:40 Notice the different things that took place.
26:42 It says that Paul, Saul, perceived that it was Samuel.
26:48 That was his conclusion.
26:51 The woman simply said I saw an old man with a mantle.
26:54 And he is, "Oh, he must be Samuel,"
26:56 he thought.
26:58 And then, of course,
27:01 Satan takes advantage of these things,
27:03 he tries to use familiar things
27:06 that the people that you're trying to call
27:07 from the dead to mislead you on the wrong path.
27:09 Remember that Samuel is mentioned
27:14 in the list of heroes in Hebrews 11.
27:18 So where should according to the popular belief
27:22 that when the righteous die, where is Samuel supposed to be?
27:25 In heaven.
27:26 According to the popular belief which the Bible does not say
27:29 that when you die, you go to heaven.
27:31 The Bible simply says, "You're asleep,
27:33 you're in the grave waiting for the resurrection."
27:36 So if that idea is true,
27:38 why is this man that supposedly
27:42 is coming from the dead ascending from the ground?
27:46 Ascending up,
27:48 instead of coming down from heaven.
27:50 So right away
27:52 even though people use this passage
27:54 to say that you can talk to the dead
27:57 or that they're still alive somehow.
28:03 It right away does away with what they're thinking is
28:06 because Samuel is said to be ascending from the earth.
28:12 And now one of the things I would like to point out
28:14 about this story is, what does Saul do
28:19 when he thinks it's Samuel?
28:21 It says, he bows himself
28:23 to the ground thinking he's Samuel.
28:27 But who is it?
28:29 Remember Satan masquerades
28:32 as an angel of light to deceive.
28:36 So Satan is taking advantage of the opportunity,
28:38 when he's really bowing down he's bowing down to the devil.
28:43 And that is horrendous.
28:46 But Saul thinks he's talking to Samuel.
28:48 And the story continues,
28:50 let's go into verse 15 and 16
28:53 to see what takes place.
28:56 "And Samuel said to Saul, Why has thou disquieted me,
29:02 to bring me up?
29:04 And Saul answered, I am sore distressed,
29:07 for the Philistines make war against me,
29:10 and God is departed from me, and answered me no more,
29:14 neither by prophets, nor by dreams:
29:16 therefore I have called thee,
29:18 that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do.
29:23 Then said Samuel,
29:24 Wherefore then does thou ask of me,
29:27 seeing the Lord is departed from thee,
29:29 and is become thine enemy?"
29:32 Wow.
29:34 This is something amazing that has taken place here.
29:36 This demon and that's what it is
29:40 talking to Saul is letting him know
29:44 that what he has done,
29:48 what Saul has done
29:50 caused the Lord to depart from him.
29:53 For this reason,
29:54 I would like to point out
29:55 that when we seek the Lord,
29:58 and we are living according to His ways,
30:02 we can trust that the Lord hears our prayer.
30:04 We should wait and trust in the Lord
30:07 to answer our prayer according to His will.
30:10 But when people seek the Lord, when they are practicing evil,
30:14 they should not expect that the Lord will answer.
30:17 Let's go to Psalm 66 for a moment
30:20 and see what the Bible says
30:23 concerning those that are living a wicked life
30:28 and expecting the Lord to bless them
30:33 even though they are living in wickedness.
30:36 In Psalm 66:18.
30:41 Pages are stuck together.
30:44 Psalm 66:18, the Bible says,
30:47 "If I regard iniquity in my heart,
30:51 the Lord will not hear me."
30:55 If I regard iniquity in my heart,
30:58 the Lord will not hear me.
30:59 So Paul is practicing evil.
31:02 Did I say Paul?
31:03 I mean Saul was practicing evil.
31:06 But now he's expecting the Lord to answer him,
31:09 when he's not giving up his evil ways.
31:12 Compare for a moment Saul to David,
31:15 when it was revealed to David
31:18 that he had committed a great evil.
31:20 What did David do?
31:22 In Psalm 51,
31:23 you have a psalm of repentance,
31:26 where David is saying, my iniquities before you,
31:32 cleanse me, forgive me,
31:34 don't take your Holy Spirit from me.
31:36 And he's asking the Lord to purge him
31:38 and cleanse him from his evil,
31:41 the evil thing that he has done.
31:43 He repented.
31:44 Saul was not doing any such thing.
31:46 There is no record of him after Samuel says to him,
31:49 "You're doing wrong, you shouldn't be doing this,"
31:51 that he repents, he continues to do evil.
31:54 And therefore the Lord departed from him.
31:56 There is another scripture
31:58 that I would like to point out to you.
31:59 Let's go quickly to Acts 5:32.
32:03 Acts 5:32.
32:08 This is another scripture that reveals to us
32:10 what happened to Saul and what could happen to anyone
32:16 that does not walk according to God's ways,
32:18 that person is in danger.
32:20 In Acts 5:32, the Bible says,
32:24 "And we are his witnesses of these things,
32:27 and so also is the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit,
32:30 whom God hath given to them that obey him."
32:34 Who does God give the Holy Spirit to?
32:37 To those that obey Him.
32:40 Saul was not obeying the Lord,
32:42 therefore he could not receive the Holy Spirit,
32:45 and that's why
32:48 he was not receiving the answers
32:50 he was looking for.
32:51 Instead of repenting, and going to the Lord,
32:54 and asking the Lord for forgiveness,
32:56 he continued in his rebellion,
32:58 and went to seek for a woman
33:03 to try to talk to the dead.
33:05 And so let's go back to our scripture,
33:09 back in Samuel.
33:11 1 Samuel 28.
33:13 1 Samuel 28
33:16 and go to now verses 17-19.
33:19 1 Samuel 28:17-19.
33:23 All right, here we go.
33:25 "And the Lord hath done to him,"
33:28 the voice continues to talk to Saul,
33:31 "and the Lord hath done to him, as he spake by me:
33:34 for the Lord hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand,
33:39 and given it thy neighbor, even to David:
33:45 Because thou obeyedst not the voice of the Lord,
33:50 nor executedst his fierce wrath upon Amalek,
33:53 therefore hath Lord done this thing
33:55 unto thee this day.
33:57 Moreover the Lord
33:59 will also deliver Israel with thee
34:00 into the hands of the Philistines:
34:03 and tomorrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me:
34:07 the Lord also shall deliver the host of Israel
34:09 into the hand of the Philistines."
34:13 So what do we have?
34:14 Even the devil knew
34:17 why the Lord was not answering Saul.
34:18 So he tells him because you did not obey his voice,
34:21 and because you did not do as the Lord told you
34:23 with the people of Amalek, and that's why
34:26 you're not receiving these answers
34:28 that you're seeking for from the Lord.
34:30 And because of this, because of his disobedience,
34:33 because of him rejecting the Lord, and not repenting,
34:36 the kingdom was given to David.
34:40 So when we see in the story that the Bible
34:44 talks about Samuel saying this, and Samuel saying that,
34:46 remember that the devil can transform himself
34:50 into an angel of light.
34:51 Saul is hearing
34:54 what the demon is saying to him
34:57 and of course he becomes afraid.
35:00 Now, notice that verse 19 says,
35:05 "Tomorrow shall thou
35:06 and thy sons be with me."
35:11 Interesting development where the Samuel,
35:16 the voice tells Samuel, Saul,
35:20 that him and his son were going to be with him.
35:24 Now, if the popular belief is correct,
35:28 which is not that when the righteous die,
35:30 they go to heaven.
35:33 Saul that was wicked and his sons that were wicked
35:36 were not supposed to be with Samuel
35:38 according to the popular belief,
35:39 they're supposed to go where?
35:41 To hell.
35:43 So what is this voice telling Samuel or Saul?
35:47 You're going to be together.
35:49 So these very passages,
35:52 story that people used to try to justify that the righteous,
35:58 you can still communicate with them
36:00 does not really help the case
36:03 because in this story they're saying
36:06 you and your sons are going to be with me tomorrow.
36:09 So I say to you once again
36:11 that there is a resurrection of the righteous
36:14 and a resurrection of the wicked.
36:16 What is happening
36:17 until the resurrection of the righteous
36:19 and the resurrection of the wicked?
36:20 They are all in the grave,
36:23 sleeping as Jesus said about Lazarus,
36:26 they're sleeping until the resurrection.
36:29 So therefore, we cannot use this story
36:32 to justify the idea that when you die,
36:37 you go to heaven if you're righteous,
36:38 or when you're wicked you go to hell,
36:40 when you're evil.
36:41 So in some ways we are saying that we have good news
36:44 for those mothers and fathers that saw their children
36:48 that were wicked,
36:50 die a death in their wickedness,
36:52 and they may be tormented by the idea,
36:55 they're in hell burning right now.
36:57 They're not in hell burning right now, they're sleeping,
37:00 waiting to be judged, waiting for the resurrection.
37:04 And if they were wicked,
37:05 unfortunately the time will come,
37:07 when it will be revealed their punishment.
37:11 And the Bible says, Romans 6:23,
37:14 "For the wages of sin is death,
37:18 it is not burning forever and ever.
37:19 The Bible says, "The wages of sin is death.
37:22 We'll talk about that more in another program.
37:25 So I would like to point to you
37:26 once again Ecclesiastes Chapter 9.
37:30 Ecclesiastes Chapter 9,
37:32 there may be somebody
37:33 that has just joined us in the program,
37:34 didn't catch the beginning,
37:36 and we want to point out
37:37 that Saul was not talking to Samuel.
37:41 Ecclesiastics 9:5 and 6 again,
37:45 "For the living know that they shall die:
37:48 but the dead know not anything,
37:50 neither have they any more a reward,
37:53 for the memory of them is forgotten.
37:54 And their love, and their hatred,
37:56 and their envy, is now perished,
37:57 neither have they any more a portion
37:59 for ever in anything that is done under the sun."
38:04 So who was Saul talking to?
38:07 He was not talking to Samuel.
38:09 He was talking to the devil.
38:12 I would like to point to you once again as I mentioned,
38:14 Hebrews 11:32.
38:17 Hebrews 11:32.
38:20 We mentioned that, in Hebrews 11,
38:22 you find a list of Bible heroes.
38:26 And people that exhibited faith and trust in the Lord.
38:30 And I would like to mention that Samuel,
38:32 I mean Samuel, confusing those two names.
38:36 Samuel is mentioned among those that have faith in the Lord.
38:40 Hebrews 11:32,
38:42 "And what more, and what shall I more say?
38:45 for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon,
38:49 and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae,
38:53 and of David, and Samuel,
38:56 and of the prophets."
39:00 So we have once again
39:02 Samuel, the prophet, a righteous man, a holy man,
39:08 when it is all said and done,
39:10 it's not going to be in the same place as Saul.
39:14 Unfortunately, Saul lived the wicked life,
39:16 and he will have his portion with the wicked.
39:19 Samuel will have his portion with the righteous.
39:22 Until then,
39:23 the wicked and the righteous are waiting
39:26 for the resurrection in the judgment.
39:27 The Bible clearly says,
39:29 "It has appointed for men once to die
39:32 and then the judgment."
39:34 It doesn't say, "Is appointed for men to die,
39:36 and then go to heaven or to hell, and then..."
39:38 No, is appointed for man once to die,
39:40 and then the judgment,
39:41 and then you will receive the reward.
39:45 And remember that Satan can transform himself
39:49 into an angel of light.
39:50 Therefore, stay away from anything
39:53 that has to do with talking to the dead.
39:56 Now another scripture that people appeal to
40:01 is the rich man and Lazarus.
40:03 The rich man and Lazarus is a very interesting parable.
40:07 And it is a parable.
40:09 And the rich man and Lazarus perhaps has some details
40:12 that confuses people into thinking,
40:14 "Oh, look this good man went to heaven.
40:16 And look this wicked man went to hell.
40:20 Aha, there it is."
40:22 But unfortunately,
40:26 you would have to look at this passage
40:28 and compared to the multitude of other passages
40:31 that talk about
40:32 that when you die, you're sleeping.
40:35 Remember I said over 50 times the Bible says
40:38 that when you're dead, you're sleeping.
40:40 And even the very words of Jesus
40:42 that we're going to look in the moment
40:44 he says, is the resurrection is at the last day.
40:48 So therefore, when we look at the parable
40:50 of the rich man and Lazarus,
40:52 we have to keep some things in mind.
40:53 First of all, you cannot develop a doctrine
40:58 or support a doctrine with the details of a parable.
41:02 It is not done a parable, the intention of a parable
41:06 is to bring out a moral teaching,
41:11 not a doctrine, a moral teaching.
41:14 And so let's look at the parable
41:16 and compare it to what the Bible says.
41:21 First of all, remember that this parable,
41:27 in this parable,
41:30 it's like the fifth, there is about six parables,
41:34 or the fifth parables that are,
41:35 have been told in a series of parables in John 11.
41:40 Before we go to the rich man and Lazarus,
41:43 I would like to
41:48 point out the words of Jesus in John Chapter 6.
41:51 Before we go to John,
41:53 let's go to John Chapter 6 first,
41:55 to have that as a basis for what happens when you die.
42:00 John Chapter 6, we mentioned this
42:01 in the previous program
42:03 that we talked about the state of the dead.
42:05 If you are ready, we're going to read John 6:39
42:10 and 40, first.
42:13 "And this is the Father's will which hath sent me,
42:16 that of all which he hath given me,
42:18 I should lose nothing,"
42:20 for He's the Lord,
42:21 "but should raise it up again at the last day."
42:25 When? "At the last day." Notice the next verse.
42:28 "And this is the will of him that sent me,
42:30 that everyone which seeth the Son,
42:33 and believeth on him,
42:34 may have everlasting life:
42:36 and I will raise him up at the last day."
42:40 So once again two times
42:42 Jesus tells us in John Chapter 6
42:44 that he's going to raise the righteous up
42:46 at the last day.
42:48 But not only two times, it's actually four times.
42:50 So let's go to verse 44, John 6:44.
42:55 "No man can come to me,
42:57 except the Father which hath sent me draw him:
43:01 and I will raise him up at the last day."
43:05 Amen. Who's going to raise him up?
43:08 Jesus Christ.
43:09 Praise the Lord.
43:12 So that's the third time Jesus tells us in one chapter.
43:14 Let's go to verse 54.
43:16 John 6:54, Jesus says,
43:19 "Who so eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood,
43:23 hath eternal life,
43:26 and I will raise him up at the last day."
43:30 Praise the Lord.
43:31 So when we as using this as a basis
43:34 there are many other scriptures that we can turn to.
43:37 But using this as a basis, you must understand
43:39 that when you read the parable of the rich man and Lazarus,
43:42 it cannot be that Lazarus went to heaven
43:45 because when is that supposed to happen?
43:47 At the last day.
43:49 So what is this parable trying to teach us?
43:51 Usually you find the teaching at the end of the parable.
43:54 So let's look at the parable in a moment,
43:58 I would like to point out one more parable
44:00 before we go there.
44:01 And this is a very interesting parable.
44:03 Again, the reason we're looking into this,
44:05 we're going to look at this quickly in Judges Chapter 9.
44:09 Judges Chapter 9, I'm trying to point out
44:11 that you cannot use the details of a parable
44:13 to form a doctrine.
44:15 Otherwise you will have to accept
44:19 by the words of the parable
44:21 that we're about to read, that trees can talk.
44:25 Now I know there are people that try to talk to trees,
44:27 but they're not talking to trees,
44:29 the trees are not answering back.
44:30 But in Judges Chapter 9,
44:32 you find an interesting parable,
44:35 a story, a parable that is told.
44:38 Judges Chapter 9,
44:39 we're going to go through verses 7-11.
44:42 Judges 9:7-11.
44:44 Are you ready?
44:46 Let's do it.
44:47 "And when they told it to Jotham,
44:49 he went and stood in the top of mount Gerizim or Gerizim,
44:53 and I lifted up his voice, and cried, and said unto them,
44:57 Hearken unto me, ye men of Shechem,
45:01 that God may hearken unto you.
45:03 The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them,
45:09 and they said unto the olive tree,
45:11 Reign thou over us.
45:14 But the olive tree said unto them,
45:16 Should I leave my fatness,
45:18 wherewith by me they honor God and man,
45:21 and go to be promoted over the trees?"
45:24 So the olive tree didn't want to be king.
45:26 So let's go to verse 10.
45:27 "And the trees said to the fig tree,
45:30 Come thou and reign over us.
45:33 But the fig tree said unto them,
45:35 Should I forsake my sweetness, and my good fruit,
45:38 and go to be promoted over the trees."
45:42 We will stop there, but there are more talking
45:46 the trees do,
45:47 and the parable eventually ends in Judges Chapter 9.
45:50 I encourage you to read it.
45:51 So you see here there are trees talking.
45:53 Can trees talk?
45:54 No, they cannot.
45:56 But it is a story,
45:57 a parable to bring out a teaching.
45:59 So when we look at the rich man and Lazarus,
46:01 you have to understand that the details of a parable
46:03 you cannot use to form a doctrine.
46:05 Otherwise we would have to have as a doctrine
46:07 that trees can talk and select kings over them.
46:11 So, let's go to Luke Chapter 16,
46:17 where we find the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
46:22 Luke Chapter 16,
46:25 we are going to first read verses 19-21.
46:27 Ready?
46:30 "There was a certain rich man,
46:32 which was clothed in purple and fine linen,
46:35 and fared sumptuously every day:
46:38 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus,
46:41 which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
46:44 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs
46:47 which fell from the rich man's table:
46:49 moreover the dogs came and licked his sores."
46:53 I love the Bible how it is in short words
46:55 describes this horrendous scene.
46:58 And apparently, as you see the rich man
47:00 every day dress really good, and feasted,
47:03 and there is this poor man,
47:05 just hoping for crumbs, and he would not feed him.
47:10 And was very sick apparently because he had sores.
47:16 So we have here a powerful thing
47:21 that we see how the rich man lived
47:24 and how the poor man lived.
47:27 Let's go to verses 22 and 23.
47:32 "And it came to pass, that the beggar died,
47:35 and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom:
47:39 the rich man also died, and was buried,
47:41 And he and in hell it says he lifted up his eyes,
47:44 being in torments and seeth Abraham afar off,
47:48 and Lazarus in his bosom.
47:52 So we'll stop right there for now.
47:54 And so we look at what we just read.
47:57 It says that the angels carried the poor man,
48:01 the beggar apparently to heaven,
48:05 and it says to Abraham's bosom.
48:09 And so if we take the details of this,
48:12 it seems to imply that when you die,
48:15 the righteous die, they go,
48:18 they are carried by angels.
48:20 And apparently, they go to Abraham's bosom.
48:24 And many righteous good people die.
48:26 It will get crowded pretty soon,
48:29 the idea of all these righteous people
48:32 that just died today, they all go
48:33 and they are over there in Abraham's bosom.
48:36 It just does not fit to believe that the details of a parable
48:41 you can form a doctrine by them.
48:44 Let's go now to verses 24.
48:46 Luke 16:24.
48:50 And the rich man is talking.
48:53 "And he cried and said, Father Abraham,
48:56 have mercy on me,
48:58 and send Lazarus,
49:00 that he may dip the tip of his finger in water,
49:03 and cool my tongue
49:05 for I am tormented in this flame."
49:12 So this scripture as you see here in Luke Chapter 16,
49:17 it says who died first according to what we read.
49:22 Who?
49:24 The beggar died first.
49:27 And then who dies?
49:29 The rich man.
49:30 Question: How does the rich man that is supposed to be in hell
49:34 know that the beggar is in heaven?
49:38 How?
49:39 How does he know that the beggar is in heaven?
49:42 It apparently paints a picture as if he can see there,
49:46 "Hey, I see Lazarus over there.
49:48 That guy that was outside of my gates
49:50 and he's over there.
49:52 I know him."
49:53 And so he cries asking for mercy
49:57 and then Lazarus may dip the tip of his finger in water
50:03 and cool his tongue because he's tormented.
50:06 Wouldn't that be further torment to ask somebody,
50:09 "I'm tormented in these flames?
50:11 Dip your finger in water in one little drop."
50:14 How much can you really get on a finger,
50:16 it's just maybe one or two drops.
50:18 So really this brief relief that he was seeking for
50:23 would be by torment still.
50:26 And so perhaps you may say, well,
50:29 perhaps he's trying to help us understand
50:31 how hot it is and how horrible it is
50:34 that even the blessing of a drop of water
50:37 would be something helpful.
50:39 Unfortunately,
50:42 notice that the rich man is asking for mercy.
50:49 This paints a horrible picture.
50:53 And really, apparently it shows a picture
50:58 that there's a discussion going on,
51:00 a conversation from hell to heaven,
51:03 that's taking place, are they really,
51:06 would they really be that close,
51:07 would there be communication back and forth,
51:10 are you able to see?
51:11 Oh look, there are some righteous people over there,
51:14 look how they're enjoying themselves.
51:16 And the righteous can look over there and say,
51:18 "Look at all those wicked people,
51:20 how they're suffering.
51:21 I'm glad I'm over here."
51:23 Would you as a father, as a mother,
51:27 or a brother, or sister
51:29 enjoy heaven when you could go
51:31 and see the wicked tormented in flames,
51:34 burning forever and ever?
51:36 How can you really enjoy heaven?
51:39 You can't.
51:40 So there's really no such thing.
51:41 And this is a parable
51:43 trying to bring out a moral teaching
51:46 at the end, not a doctrine.
51:48 Therefore, we have to put these details aside
51:51 and see what is Jesus trying to tell us.
51:54 What is Jesus trying to tell us?
51:57 And so we understand as I said before Romans 6:23,
52:03 "The wages of sin is death,
52:05 but the gift of God is eternal life."
52:08 So eventually the wicked will die
52:11 those that will eventually go to hell.
52:15 And right now we have the good news
52:16 that nobody is burning in hell right now.
52:18 Praise the Lord.
52:20 So let us now move on to verse 25 and 26
52:25 and before you read them according to the idea
52:29 that you go to heaven if you're righteous,
52:32 the idea that is mentioned,
52:34 that is taught is that
52:36 it's your soul that goes to heaven,
52:37 or your spirit that goes to heaven,
52:39 the body remains in the ground.
52:41 And if that is soul,
52:42 why does the soul or the spirit that goes to heaven
52:46 have eyes, and tongues, and fingers, there are...
52:50 See the details of a parable
52:51 cannot be used to form a doctrine.
52:54 And so remember that on the last study
52:56 we said that God breathed
52:59 into man's nostrils the breath of life
53:03 and man became a living soul.
53:05 You are a soul.
53:08 You don't have a soul, you are a soul.
53:10 And so what goes back to God
53:14 is the breath of life that was put in man.
53:16 We're going to look at that on another study coming up.
53:22 So let's go to Luke 16:25 and 26.
53:26 I will have to drink
53:27 a little bit of water over here.
53:33 Luke 16:25.
53:38 Where are we?
53:40 Verse 25. Okay.
53:42 Thank you very much.
53:44 So verse 25 and 26.
53:46 "But Abraham said, Son,
53:48 remember that thou in thy lifetime
53:50 receivedst thy good things,
53:52 and likewise Lazarus evil things:
53:54 but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
53:58 And beside all this, between us and you
54:01 there is a great gulf fixed:
54:03 so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot,
54:09 neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence."
54:15 Wow.
54:17 Do you understand?
54:18 Can you see this,
54:19 is even further torment for the righteous,
54:22 it will be torment to say, "Look, there is your mother,
54:25 there is your father burning in hell.
54:27 But you can't go there."
54:30 It does not fit.
54:32 It is not helpful to believe in this idea.
54:39 There is a great gulf
54:41 fixed according to what we see here.
54:43 So they cannot pass one to another.
54:44 So what he was requesting could not happen
54:48 according to the parable.
54:49 Now let us see what Jesus is trying to teach us.
54:52 We go to the last verses, Luke 16:27-29.
54:56 Let's move quickly over there.
55:00 Oh, boy, let's see, hopefully we have enough time here.
55:03 "Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father,
55:06 that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
55:09 For I have five brethren, that he may testify unto them,
55:12 lest they also come into this place of torment.
55:15 Abraham saith unto him,
55:16 They have Moses and the prophets,
55:19 let them hear them."
55:22 So there you have it.
55:24 Right now you are beginning to see the teachings,
55:26 the moral thing that Jesus is trying to teach them,
55:32 they have what?
55:33 Moses and the prophets, let them hear them.
55:36 In other words, they have enough information
55:38 in the scriptures,
55:40 let them hear them.
55:42 Notice how this ends.
55:44 Luke 16:30 and onward.
55:47 Let us read quickly.
55:50 "And he said, Nay, father Abraham:
55:52 but if one went unto them from the dead,
55:55 they will repent.
55:57 And he said unto him, if they hear not Moses
56:02 and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded,
56:05 though one rose from the dead."
56:10 What do we have here?
56:11 This is the teaching that Jesus was trying to tell them.
56:14 They did not believe in Jesus.
56:17 They kept asking Jesus for a sign.
56:19 Show us a sign if You are the Messiah.
56:21 What can You do?
56:22 Do some great miracle so that we can believe in You.
56:25 And Jesus is trying to tell them,
56:27 you have Moses and the prophets
56:28 that should be enough for you to believe.
56:31 And Jesus said, "Believe Me for the very works' sake."
56:34 He would tell the leadership this,
56:36 and they kept rejecting Jesus.
56:39 So what is Jesus trying to tell us?
56:41 This is not the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
56:44 He's not trying to tell us what happens when you die.
56:47 He's trying to let us know
56:49 that the scriptures tell us enough information
56:55 so that we know.
56:57 And we have enough information to make our decision
56:59 for eternal life or eternal death.
57:04 And very soon afterwards,
57:07 Jesus was going to do a great miracle
57:10 and resurrect the real Lazarus, His friend.
57:14 And even though He did this great miracle
57:17 of resurrecting the real Lazarus,
57:20 did the people believe?
57:21 They did not believe?
57:23 They were making plans to kill Lazarus again.
57:28 And wouldn't it be torment
57:33 to raise Lazarus from the dead
57:35 if he was really in heaven.
57:38 It will be torment for us, "Oh, I have to go back,
57:40 I'm enjoying heaven now."
57:42 So, friends, understand that
57:44 when you die,
57:46 you are sleeping, awaiting the resurrection.
57:49 And if you believe in Jesus, you can trust what he said,
57:52 that if you believe in Him you will not perish,
57:54 but have everlasting life.
57:56 And that begins right now and forever when Jesus comes.


Revised 2018-12-17