Sharper Focus, A

Truth About the Change of the Sabbath Pt 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000133A

00:17 Hello, friends, and welcome
00:18 to another Wednesday night Bible study here
00:21 at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:23 We thank you for taking the time
00:24 to join us in our continued study on the truth
00:27 about the change of the Sabbath.
00:31 It's a good time to invite your friends and family members
00:33 to get together with you
00:34 as we unfold the Word of God together
00:36 on this very important and detailed prophecy
00:41 found in the Book of Daniel 7.
00:44 In just a moment,
00:46 I'll tell you how to get a copy of the lesson,
00:48 and how to follow along, and how to catch up.
00:51 If you've missed any of the prior broadcasts,
00:54 but first thing we do is we're gonna ask for the Lord
00:56 to lead us as we bow our heads to have a word of prayer.
00:59 Let's bow our heads together.
01:03 Loving Father in heaven, thank You
01:05 for the opportunity to open Your Word tonight
01:08 and to continue our study.
01:11 Father, it's not just knowledge that we are seeking
01:13 but we want to know You personally.
01:17 So that this knowledge is planted not only in our heads,
01:21 but there is a door in our hearts
01:22 that open to invite the Savior in.
01:25 And so, Lord, speak to us tonight as we study,
01:28 strengthen our hearts to receive the courage
01:31 to stand for what is truth, and then empower us,
01:34 Lord, that our lives may shine
01:37 that others may come to know You as their Savior,
01:39 in Jesus name, amen.
01:43 If you like a copy of the lesson,
01:45 go to this following website.
01:47 That is
01:51 And that's Download lesson number 33.
01:56 You may have done so
01:58 but I've added a few more questions to that,
02:00 and if your lesson does not go up to question number 39,
02:04 then you are missing the remainder of the questions.
02:09 Now I don't think we're going to cover 23 questions tonight,
02:12 but we'll make a valiant attempt.
02:14 And let's welcome our audience with a hearty amen.
02:17 Can we give them hearty amen? Amen.
02:20 And so also on this website
02:22 if there are any lessons you've missed or any broadcast
02:24 which, there is a chance you have.
02:26 You can click on the lesson tab and also the video tabs,
02:31 which will actually tell you what lesson to choose,
02:34 and then you could follow along and have a study in your home
02:36 or in your church.
02:38 But now it's time for our theme song
02:40 and our theme song is what?
02:43 "Victory in Jesus" let's sing this theme song together.
02:54 I heard an old, old story
02:57 How the Savior came from glory
03:01 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:05 To save a wretch like me
03:09 I heard about His groaning
03:12 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:16 Then I repented of my sins
03:20 And won the victory
03:24 O victory in Jesus
03:27 My Savior, forever
03:31 He sought me and bought me
03:35 With His redeeming blood
03:39 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:43 And all my love is due Him
03:46 He plunged me to victory
03:50 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:54 I heard about a mansion
03:58 He has built for me in glory
04:01 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:05 Beyond the crystal sea
04:09 About the angels singing
04:13 And the old redemption story
04:17 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:20 The song of victory Key change
04:24 O victory in Jesus
04:28 My Savior, forever
04:32 He sought me and bought me
04:36 With His redeeming blood
04:39 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:43 And all my love is due Him
04:47 He plunged me to victory
04:50 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:54 He plunged me to victory
04:58 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:05 Amen. Amen.
05:07 Plunges us to victory beneath the cleansing flood,
05:10 and that is the blood of Jesus.
05:13 Now we've been covering a topic
05:15 that is not for the faint of heart.
05:18 We've been talking about the fourth beast of Daniel 7.
05:22 Which beast did I say? The which one?
05:24 The fourth beast of Daniel 7.
05:27 And just a quick overview,
05:28 if you're tuning in for the first time.
05:30 We talked about the four beasts
05:31 or the four major world empires.
05:34 Let me see if you could catch and follow along with me.
05:37 The first one is Babylon.
05:40 Second one is Medo-Persia.
05:42 The third one is Greece.
05:44 Fourth one is Rome.
05:47 Now Rome is the fourth and final earthly power
05:52 that the Bible predicted will reign until Jesus comes.
05:57 You might be in the United States and says,
05:58 what does United States have to do with that?
06:01 Well, the Bible also speaks about the United States,
06:05 because when during the Dark Ages,
06:09 the Christian church was going through persecution,
06:11 and by the way, if you read the New Testament,
06:13 you'll discover that the entire New Testament
06:15 was written under the reign of Rome,
06:19 from the birth of Jesus.
06:20 From the Book of Matthew,
06:21 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the list goes on and on.
06:24 The New Testament church, the apostles,
06:25 even John the Revelator was banished
06:29 to the Island of Patmos under the rule of Rome.
06:33 So the entire New Testament existed under the rule of Rome.
06:37 And Rome reigned supremely as a pagan nation,
06:41 as a pagan leadership from 168 BC.
06:47 That's huge. That's 168 years when?
06:50 Before Christ.
06:53 476 AD,
06:56 476 years after Christ as a pagan power.
07:01 We learned this already, I'm just reviewing.
07:04 And then between 476 AD and 538 there was a battle.
07:08 Rome was battling for the remainder
07:11 of the control over Europe.
07:14 And there were three powers
07:15 that were fighting against its supremacy,
07:18 the Vandals, the Heruli, and the Ostrogoths,
07:21 and these Arian powers fought against
07:23 the supreme rise of Rome.
07:26 And during the transition from 476 AD to 538 AD,
07:31 there was a transition between pagan Rome and papal Rome.
07:36 In the middle of that,
07:38 there was a Roman Emperor by the name of Constantine.
07:43 What was his name? Constantine.
07:45 Now Constantine was in the picture
07:48 just before 476 AD.
07:52 A few maybe about a hundred years
07:54 or so earlier around 321 AD.
07:57 Actually, Roman Emperor Constantine
07:58 started reigning before 321,
08:01 but he was the emperor known by the Christians
08:04 as one that appeared to be on their side.
08:08 And so since the Christians had gone,
08:10 had endured the persecution of another Roman emperor
08:13 before him by the name of Roman emperor, Diocletian.
08:16 What's his name? Diocletian.
08:19 From 303 AD to 313 AD, Roman emperor Diocletian
08:24 tried to wipeout the Christian church.
08:26 And by the way, under one of the seven churches,
08:28 you hear these words of Jesus.
08:30 He said, "You shall have tribulation ten days..."
08:33 Matter of fact, go with me to Revelation,
08:34 I want you to see that.
08:36 Let me see if I can put my hand on that very quickly.
08:39 He said to the Christian church,
08:41 "You shall have tribulation 10 days."
08:44 And in prophecy, how a day is what?
08:48 A year.
08:49 And I'm almost in Revelation, here I am.
08:53 My Bible is so old.
08:55 Okay. Let me see if I can get the church here.
08:57 If you find it before me which this is a interactive.
09:02 Chapter 2?
09:04 2:10. 2:10. There it is.
09:06 Here it is. Look at Revelation 2:10.
09:10 We read these words.
09:13 "Do not fear..." This is the church of Smyrna.
09:17 "Do not fear any of those things
09:19 which you are about to suffer.
09:22 Indeed, the devil
09:24 is about to throw some of you into..."
09:26 What? "Into Prison.
09:28 And you may be tested,
09:30 and you will have tribulation," how long?
09:33 "Ten days.
09:34 Be faithful until death,
09:36 and I will give you the crown of life."
09:38 This was fulfilled under Roman Emperor Diocletian.
09:42 From 303 AD to 313 AD,
09:45 they tried to wipeout the Christian church,
09:47 but the Christian church grew.
09:49 And then the next Roman emperor was Roman Emperor Constantine.
09:54 And Constantine said, "Wait a minute,
09:56 Christians don't seem to have much say
09:58 in the government at all.
10:01 So let me do something that may give the Christians
10:05 a less of a difficult time with the Roman government."
10:08 So what he did was Roman Emperor Constantine
10:11 and according to historians,
10:13 Roman Emperor Constantine was just a baptized pagan.
10:17 He really didn't become a Christian
10:19 but he did that and get this,
10:21 he did that in order to gain access to the Christians.
10:25 So he said, if they see me as their friend,
10:28 I could have influence among them.
10:31 But since the church continued to grow
10:34 under Roman Emperor Diocletian's persecution,
10:37 you know what they say, if you can't beat them, what?
10:39 Join them.
10:40 So he couldn't wipeout the church,
10:42 churches continue to grow.
10:43 So if something is going to continue to grow
10:45 by you persecuting it,
10:46 stop persecuting it and try another method.
10:50 And what he could not destroy, he decided to taint,
10:54 and so he became a "Christian" so to speak.
10:58 And in that particular time to show his favor,
11:03 since he really wasn't a Christian,
11:05 he brought paganistic practices into the brand of Christianity
11:09 that Rome had adopted,
11:11 and then he passed a day called the venerable day of the sun.
11:17 Go with me to the Book of Malachi.
11:19 Let me see if I can find it.
11:21 These are texts come into my mind.
11:24 Okay.
11:26 Bring it up here.
11:27 It's amazing.
11:29 I wanna show you his favorite verse in the Bible.
11:36 Want you to see this here with me very quickly.
11:39 The favorite verse of...
11:40 Here it is. Malachi 4:2.
11:45 This was Roman Emperor Constantine's favorite verse.
11:50 And let me tell you why?
11:51 Look at it and maybe you will guess.
11:54 "But to you who fear My name the..."
11:57 What?
11:58 "Sun of righteousness
12:00 shall arise with healing in His wings.
12:03 And you shall go out
12:04 and grow fat like stall-fed calves."
12:06 I mean, you'll be healthy.
12:07 Why do you think this was his favorite verse?
12:09 Somebody tell me. I don't often ask for feedback.
12:14 Thank you. Say it again. Sun.
12:15 Because the word sun.
12:17 They already worshipped the sun.
12:20 So since the sun had already been
12:22 an object of pagan worship,
12:24 he decided we have an identifying plane
12:28 with the Christians.
12:29 So he established the venerable day of the sun.
12:35 May 321 AD.
12:37 And so as the Christians began to go
12:40 that continued as a main practice
12:43 from 321 AD all the way up to 538 AD.
12:46 And then Rome rose to complete prominence
12:50 as the pagan leaders were replaced by the papal leaders.
12:55 Now let's go to Daniel 7 and then we're going to dive
12:57 into a question here in a moment.
12:58 I'm establishing the foundation.
13:00 So to reiterate the pagans already worshiped Sunday,
13:06 the day of the sun.
13:07 It was a venerable day of honor among the pagan gods
13:11 and the sun was considered the most powerful of the bodies
13:14 of heaven, the brightest, the warmest.
13:18 So to find favor with Christians,
13:20 they established this day and exalted it,
13:23 and it became an honored day.
13:24 Now I want to make this point.
13:26 Before it became a law under papal Rome
13:31 because this was pagan Rome,
13:33 but before it became a law under papal Rome,
13:37 there was some transitions that had to take place.
13:39 And let me also add this.
13:41 And the reason why I'm sharing this with you,
13:42 as I was reading history, I like to read about history.
13:45 And I was reading about the transitions
13:47 how Christians were affected.
13:49 You see the Christian church,
13:51 and this is something we have to be very, very careful of,
13:53 and I'm going to go to question 16 in a moment.
13:56 But the Christian church began to conquer paganism.
14:02 The more that they stuck to God's Word,
14:05 the more that they lived out their creeds,
14:07 they began to impact paganism,
14:09 and paganism was starting to lose its grip.
14:12 But here was the danger,
14:14 as they began to conquer paganism,
14:16 paganism also began to conquer them.
14:20 You've got to be very careful,
14:22 this what happened in the Old Testament.
14:24 There was some nations Israel went up against
14:26 that they conquered,
14:28 but then all of a sudden these practices of that nation
14:30 that they conquered began to be practiced by the Israelites.
14:33 So the pagans that were being conquered
14:35 started to affect the Christian church
14:37 that was conquering paganism.
14:39 And before, and what made it easy for this day
14:42 to be established in 321 AD by Roman Emperor Constantine,
14:45 is Christians were starting to embrace practices
14:48 that were not in the scripture,
14:50 were not practiced by the apostles,
14:52 and one of those was honoring the first day of the week.
14:57 So they had the Sabbath,
14:58 then they had the first day of the week.
15:00 And they made the first day of the week a happy day,
15:05 because they were told on the Sabbath,
15:07 "Thou shall not do any work."
15:11 So you have to rest from your labors,
15:13 the only ones that were allowed to work
15:15 under that regime that Constantine
15:17 established were farmers
15:19 and agriculturalists and those who took care of cattle.
15:23 And so they made Sabbath seem like a burden.
15:26 So they established a venerable day of the sun,
15:29 which began as a feast day, a merrymaking day,
15:31 everybody had a lot of fun,
15:32 so they gave it a favorable light.
15:34 And here is, I'm gonna show you this now in an illustration.
15:37 The more paganism grew, the greater the impact,
15:42 Sunday began here.
15:45 But by 476 AD
15:47 it was on par with the Sabbath, by 538 AD,
15:52 rose above the Sabbath.
15:55 When Roman, when Rome established
15:58 its supreme power and the popes now gained access.
16:02 The new religion of Rome was Roman Catholicism,
16:07 and they exalted tradition above the Bible.
16:10 It started here as just a pagan practice,
16:13 the more they practiced it,
16:15 it started rising in prominence,
16:17 and it became a very comfortable day.
16:19 Like today, many people go to church on Sunday
16:21 because it's an easy thing to do.
16:22 Go for few hours and go to a baseball game,
16:24 go to the mall, go shopping, go boating.
16:27 You see my point.
16:28 But if you really honor the Sabbath,
16:29 the way the Bible says that it should be honored,
16:31 it's a full day that belongs to the Lord.
16:33 Amen.
16:34 And this is not a burden,
16:36 it's a sign between our relationship with Him.
16:38 So now just to lay the foundation,
16:41 as 538 came into existence in the papacy,
16:44 now has supreme Rome rule of all of Europe,
16:48 all rules lead to Rome.
16:50 Given time Christianity now entered back
16:53 into another phase of persecution,
16:56 because where Rome was tolerant,
16:58 she was helpless.
17:00 But when she gained power and supremacy,
17:02 she was no longer helpless
17:04 and it was her way or the highway.
17:07 In other words, do it our way or you die.
17:10 And then by 1565,
17:14 Pope Reggio officially declared
17:17 that tradition is above the Bible
17:20 and from then on they did not need the scriptures
17:23 to support the observance of Sunday.
17:24 But here's why I want you to go to Daniel 7.
17:27 Look at Daniel 7 and then we're gonna go to question 16.
17:30 By the way, does anything happen
17:32 that the Lord does not know ahead of time.
17:34 Yes or no? No. No.
17:36 He sees what's unfolding before us
17:39 and He gives us as Jesus says,
17:42 I've told you these things beforehand,
17:44 so that when they come to pass, you will believe.
17:48 Look at Daniel 7:25,
17:51 speaking of the power of papal Rome.
17:55 That's the Vatican, that's the Catholic leaders.
17:58 The Bible says in verse 25, "He shall speak great words,
18:02 pompous words against the Most High,
18:05 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
18:08 shall intend to change..."
18:10 What? "Times and laws."
18:12 That's why we see, that's what happened.
18:14 The law that was changed was the Sabbath.
18:16 The time that was changed went from Saturday to Sunday,
18:19 changed times and laws.
18:22 And then look at the saints.
18:24 "Then the saints shall be given into his hand
18:27 for a time and times and half a time."
18:30 That's 1260 years,
18:33 that's how long Rome reigned supreme
18:36 and how long Christians endured persecution,
18:39 almost for the entire time.
18:41 But what was wonderful about the Lord, he said,
18:44 "For the elect's sake those days will be cut short."
18:46 And thank the Lord,
18:48 the Lord did not allow Rome
18:49 to continue persecuting Christians
18:51 all the way up to the very end.
18:54 Let's go to question number 16 with that foundation.
18:57 We have to find out why would Rome do such things
19:02 if it claims to be a Christian power?
19:06 Why would Rome do such things
19:09 if it claims to be a Christian power?
19:13 Let's go to question 16 and here it is.
19:16 What was prophesied about the reign of papal Rome?
19:20 Revelation 13,
19:22 what was prophesied about the reign of papal Rome?
19:26 All right.
19:27 Question 16 in Revelation 13:3.
19:35 Okay, here I am.
19:39 It's on the screen but I want to have my Bible open
19:41 because I want to show you another verse.
19:42 Okay. Here is what the Bible says.
19:44 Let's read this first text together.
19:46 It's on the screen.
19:48 Are you ready?
19:49 "And I saw one of his heads as if it had been..."
19:52 What?
19:53 "Mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was..."
19:56 What? "Healed." And how much of the world?
19:59 "All the world marveled and" what else?
20:04 "Followed the beast."
20:06 That's very significant.
20:08 When Rome received a deadly wound,
20:12 and this happened in 1798.
20:14 When the pope was taken captive and died in exile in France.
20:22 It appeared as though Rome had lost all of its power,
20:25 but the Bible said that his wound would be healed
20:29 and when it's healed,
20:31 the world will be amazed that word marvelous is "Amazed"
20:35 and how, and then what will they do
20:37 after they're amazed?
20:38 What would they do? They will fall.
20:40 So write that down.
20:41 What was prophesied about the reign of papal Rome?
20:44 It would receive a wound, it would be healed,
20:49 people will be amazed by it and they will follow it.
20:54 And by the way, today, we live in an environment where...
21:00 I don't want to date this program,
21:01 but one of the concerns that some of the leaders in America
21:07 have is that the pope is too political,
21:12 that he is becoming more and more involved
21:14 in the politics of America.
21:16 And there's a reason behind that.
21:18 I'll talk about that in just a moment.
21:20 There's a reason because...
21:22 And let me look at my questions here to see
21:24 if I could just dive into that for a brief moment.
21:26 I'll wait till I go on
21:28 because we have to go ahead and make it very, very clear.
21:31 So the answer is,
21:32 he would receive a mortal wound,
21:33 it will be healed, the world will be amazed
21:36 by the rising power after it was healed
21:40 and then the world will follow it.
21:42 And today is there any place on the earth,
21:44 I want a yes or no, a resounding yes or no.
21:47 Is there any place on the earth
21:48 where Rome does not have influence?
21:50 No. No.
21:52 Even in Islam, it has influence
21:57 in every government of the earth.
22:00 On a greater level or a lesser level,
22:03 it has influence.
22:04 It said to itself, as the leader said so.
22:07 And it doesn't really matter,
22:08 what the name of the pontiff or the pope is,
22:11 the power itself has reign and influence worldwide.
22:15 But let's go to question,
22:17 then very next question, number 17,
22:19 number 17.
22:21 Here it is on the screen.
22:23 "What does the Bible tell us
22:24 about the power behind papal Rome?"
22:28 Let's go to Revelation 13:2.
22:32 What does the Bible tell us
22:33 about the power behind papal Rome?
22:36 Here it is.
22:37 Are you ready?
22:41 Since we had verse 3,
22:42 you don't have to turn to verse 2,
22:43 you're already there.
22:45 Now the Bible says, "Now the beast which I saw..."
22:49 Verse 2.
22:50 "Was like a..." What?
22:51 "Leopard, his feet like the feet of a..."
22:54 What?
22:56 "Bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a..."
22:58 What? "Lion."
23:01 And what else? "The dragon gave him his..."
23:04 What? "Power," his what?
23:07 "Throne," and what else?
23:08 "Great authority."
23:10 Now you already know the answer.
23:12 Let's look at...
23:13 Before I define a dragon
23:14 because that's the very next question.
23:16 So what does the Bible tell us
23:17 about the power behind papal Rome?
23:20 First of all, write this answer down.
23:23 The dragon gave him his power,
23:27 his throne, and his great authority.
23:31 His power, his throne, and his great authority.
23:36 Now this is a point
23:38 that is just I have to contain myself right now
23:41 because it reminds me
23:44 and I'll tell you this in a moment
23:45 after the very next question.
23:47 "The dragon gave him his power,
23:48 his throne, and his great authority."
23:52 All right, just write that down.
23:54 I'm just gonna avoid going off...
23:56 I'm just gonna hold myself in.
23:58 All right, here we go.
24:00 Question number 18, question number 18.
24:03 "What power does Revelation define as the dragon?"
24:10 Let's go to Revelation 12:9,
24:13 Revelation 12:9.
24:17 Since the passages are so close together,
24:20 it's very, almost unnecessary to turn the pages, right?
24:25 Here it is.
24:26 Revelation 12:9,
24:29 and we read in the scriptures.
24:31 "So the great dragon was cast out,"
24:35 who was cast out?
24:37 The dragon. The dragon was cast out.
24:39 "That serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan,
24:44 who deceives the..."
24:46 What? "Whole world.
24:48 He was cast to the earth, and his angels were..." What?
24:52 "Cast out with him." Now write the answer.
24:55 What power does the Bible describe as the dragon,
24:57 put down there, the Devil, Satan.
25:00 And what is Satan into?
25:02 What did he do to the whole world?
25:05 He deceives,
25:06 he deceives the whole world and now get this.
25:10 How much of the world wandered after the beast?
25:14 How much of the world has Satan deceived?
25:18 The whole world.
25:19 How does he do it?
25:20 By establishing a power that has worldwide influence.
25:25 The whole world, he established Rome
25:28 as a power that is amazed by the whole world,
25:33 and a power that the world,
25:34 the Bible says, "And they followed the beast."
25:38 But in fact,
25:40 if the dragon gave the power to papal Rome,
25:46 by following the dictates of papal Rome,
25:49 who in essence are men following?
25:52 Satan. Can I say it? Satan.
25:55 He established a worldwide power to deceive,
26:01 and by the way, let me just pause here and say,
26:03 we're not talking about the people,
26:05 we're talking about the system.
26:07 I'll say that again.
26:08 We're talking about the what?
26:10 The system.
26:12 You might buy a car at a dealership that's corrupt.
26:15 I'm not talking about the corrupt customers,
26:16 we're talking about the dealership, okay.
26:19 So the point of the matter,
26:20 it's a system that was established
26:23 for the purpose of offsetting
26:25 what God intended to do to humanity.
26:28 And by the way, when you talk about a power like this,
26:31 when you think of the influence of Rome today,
26:33 you wonder how could a single man,
26:35 how could a single man have so much influence?
26:38 Now let's go back just a little bit
26:40 because in Daniel 7, we talked about this last week.
26:43 Do you remember,
26:46 how the Bible described the horn when it came up?
26:51 How did the Bible described the horn
26:55 when it first started coming into existence?
26:58 Say it again.
27:00 Little. It was little.
27:02 When it got rid of all the powers
27:04 that when Rome got rid of the powers
27:06 that opposed it a little horn came up.
27:11 But the very next chapter said, he had grown to the point
27:14 where he is more stout than his fellows.
27:17 He grew above all the powers of Europe.
27:19 All those nations that existed,
27:21 the very three nations that had resisted his rise,
27:24 when he ripped them out of existence,
27:26 unseated them permanently,
27:28 he began to rise to prominence
27:30 and then we have the historical phrase,
27:32 which I've said before, "All roads lead to Rome."
27:35 So that power grew up,
27:37 but you wonder how can that power be so.
27:39 How can a man...
27:45 have such deep influence throughout the entire world?
27:50 While the Bible says,
27:51 the devil wants to deceive the whole world,
27:53 so he establishes the power
27:55 that comes across as though it has inherent power,
28:00 when in fact his power really comes from Satan himself.
28:04 Now I want you to go with me to Isaiah,
28:06 I want you to see something.
28:08 Because remember now,
28:11 this is not a battle between Rome and Jesus.
28:13 Can you say amen to that?
28:16 Thank you for that amen.
28:18 This is a battle between Satan and Christ.
28:22 Now having said that,
28:24 Jesus has a church, does He not?
28:27 Yes.
28:29 Does Satan have a church?
28:30 Yes.
28:32 No.
28:33 He doesn't.
28:35 He deceives God's church.
28:40 He deceives those who turn there...
28:43 Let me just make this very...
28:44 He doesn't have a church.
28:47 They're in an apostate condition.
28:50 This is very important.
28:51 The Bible never speaks of Satan as having a church.
28:54 Jesus says upon this rock I build my church,
28:57 but the devil came after that church.
29:00 And when the church went into the wilderness
29:02 in Revelation 12, remember, the Lord said in Revelation 12,
29:07 "The woman was given two wings like an eagle
29:10 that she would fly into the wilderness
29:13 where a place is prepared for her
29:16 from the presence of the serpent."
29:18 And she was there for 1260 years.
29:21 During the Dark Ages,
29:23 John has now given another vision in Revelation 17.
29:26 The Bible says, he was caught away in the spirit
29:28 and he was carried into the wilderness
29:32 to see the woman.
29:34 The woman that went into the wilderness pure
29:38 got corrupted during the Dark Ages.
29:41 And he saw a woman sitting on a scarlet colored beast,
29:45 the red dragon.
29:48 And when he described her,
29:50 she had purple and red in her adornment.
29:54 The color blue was missing
29:56 which is the color of the commandments of God.
29:58 This is what happened during the Dark Ages.
30:00 So there's a reason why I'm saying this.
30:03 I want to read two texts. Now remember this text.
30:06 I'm gonna go to John 10 after this.
30:08 Remind me if I forget.
30:09 But the reason why Satan established a power
30:12 to deceive the whole world is here's the key.
30:14 I said this a moment ago,
30:16 if you can't beat them, come on tell me.
30:18 Join them. Join them.
30:19 So Satan joined the church during the Dark Ages.
30:24 He joined the church.
30:26 He brought into the church, his pagan practices,
30:29 sun worship, he brought into the church,
30:31 and many of the teachings
30:33 that exist today in Christianity
30:34 came as Satan planted them
30:37 through the satanic pagan power of Rome
30:41 that just simply got...
30:45 Let me say this, I wanna find a right word here.
30:48 Rome became religious, but it was very much pagan.
30:52 You go to the Vatican City today
30:54 and people will tell you that all the statues
30:56 in the Vatican Square are apostles.
30:59 No, they're not.
31:01 That was a center of pagan worship
31:03 when it was given to Rome.
31:05 Those are the pagan gods. Those are not apostles.
31:09 But here is my point I want to make.
31:10 So in order to be able to accomplish
31:13 what Satan originally said he would.
31:16 Let's look at Isaiah 14, notice what he said.
31:19 He made this declaration
31:21 and in order for him to be able to do that,
31:23 he would have to accomplish
31:26 the highest level of recognition
31:29 that God has given.
31:31 Look at it in verse 14.
31:34 Isaiah 14:14, Lucifer said, "I will ascend above the..."
31:39 What?
31:40 "Heights of the clouds, together,
31:42 I will be like the..."
31:43 What? "Most High."
31:46 Now did you get that?
31:48 He would be like the what?
31:50 Most High.
31:51 What? What? He would be like the what?
31:53 Remember that now. Go to Daniel 7.
31:55 You've got to see something. Repetition is a good teacher.
31:59 May not be the best but it sure does help,
32:01 whatever comes second.
32:04 He said, I'll be like the what?
32:05 Most High. Okay.
32:07 So in the attempt to be like the Most High,
32:11 look at what he did.
32:12 Daniel 7:25. Look at what he did.
32:17 He was so upset with the Most High,
32:19 he went after the Most High's people.
32:24 Look at what he did.
32:25 Daniel 7:25.
32:27 "He shall speak pompous words against the..."
32:30 Who? "Most High."
32:31 "He Shall persecute the saints of the..." Who?
32:34 "Most High."
32:35 So he's going after anything connected to the Most High.
32:38 He's speaking against the Most High.
32:40 He's persecuting the people connected to the Most High.
32:45 And the last thing he did
32:47 during this very same time period
32:50 to be like the Most High,
32:52 he took the day of the Most High
32:55 and got rid of it, and replaced it with his day,
32:59 so that he could be worshiped like the Most High.
33:03 So when the Bible says the world marveled
33:05 and wandered after him, how did they marvel?
33:08 What can you marvel? How can you marvel and wonder?
33:11 How can you marvel and follow?
33:12 Now let's go and put the right words.
33:14 They marveled, they were amazed and they followed the beast.
33:19 Let's look at the word "follow".
33:20 Thank you, Lord, for the inspiration
33:21 that's coming to me now.
33:23 The Bible said of those who worship God in truth,
33:26 they follow the Lamb wherever he goes, right.
33:31 Those who are deceived follow the beast,
33:33 wherever he goes.
33:35 They followed him from light into darkness.
33:38 And they did not do this intentionally,
33:40 but here's a point I made a long time ago
33:43 but it fits right now.
33:45 I don't want to do this,
33:47 but if I turn the lights off in this studio for 1260 years,
33:53 and I decide to rearrange the furniture during that time.
33:57 And turn the lights on 1260 years later
34:01 and people that had been here 1260 years earlier have died
34:06 and their relatives have died and their relatives have died
34:08 and all the generations have died.
34:10 Somebody will come 1260 years later
34:12 and think that this is the way the furniture always has been,
34:17 because they were in what?
34:18 Darkness. They were in what?
34:21 Darkness.
34:24 And that's exactly what Rome did during a time of darkness
34:27 where the Word of God was now locked down, shut down.
34:34 But it didn't go out, praise the Lord for that.
34:36 You can hide a candle in a...
34:38 You can put a flashlight in a safe deposit box
34:40 but as long as it stays on the light is still there.
34:43 You can hide a candle under a bushel, it's still lit.
34:46 And during the Dark Ages,
34:47 the Word of God did not get destroyed
34:50 but it was, but it was taken from the hands of the people.
34:53 People did not have access to it,
34:55 so they had to follow only what they knew.
34:57 So let's go to the very next question.
34:58 This is very important.
35:00 So you see the dragon said, I will be like the Most High.
35:03 He decided to speak against the Most High,
35:06 he decided to persecute the saints of the Most High,
35:08 and he decided to take the day of the Most High
35:11 and put his own day there,
35:12 so that he can be worshiped like the Most High.
35:16 Am I making it clear?
35:18 I told you this subject is not for the faint of heart,
35:20 if it's getting too warm,
35:22 please don't change your channel,
35:23 but turn your fan on, it's gonna get warmer.
35:26 Number 19.
35:28 Number 19: How does the Bible describe the Dragon's attitude
35:35 about God's Church?
35:37 I could also, I put the word "towards" God's church.
35:41 We know this very well
35:42 but let's go to Revelation 12:17.
35:45 And then we're gonna begin to see a series of quotations
35:48 and I tell you, it's kind of one of those
35:50 hold on to your hat moments.
35:53 Let me tell you why, friends,
35:54 somebody might be watching the program
35:56 that's not a Christian at all,
35:57 or might belong to a different denomination,
35:59 or might even be Catholic like 99% of my family.
36:03 I want you to remember this again,
36:05 I'm only communicating this, that's right John 10.
36:08 I'm only communicating this
36:09 because of the verse we're about to read right now.
36:11 Thank you very much.
36:12 My, Brother Louis, go to John 10:16.
36:16 I said there's a reason why.
36:18 Thank you for reminding me.
36:20 One of my members took me seriously
36:22 and this is very important
36:24 because to transition you have to understand this text.
36:28 Look at John 10 and I'm gonna read verse 16.
36:35 First of all Jesus says, I am the good, what?
36:38 Shepherd.
36:40 Is He a good shepherd still today?
36:41 Yes or no? Oh, Of course.
36:43 Now, but look at verse 16.
36:45 This is a text for every denomination,
36:49 every person who says he or she wants to follow Jesus.
36:54 This is the text.
36:55 You may not have all the light
36:58 that the Lord wants you to have,
36:59 but He's gonna do something about it.
37:01 Amen to that. Here it is, verse 16.
37:04 He says, "And other sheep I have..."
37:09 Let's read that again together.
37:11 "Other sheep I have..."
37:14 Now does the Lord have sheep
37:19 in the Sunday churches?
37:22 Of course, He said, other sheep I have, right?
37:24 Okay.
37:25 Does the Lord have sheep among those
37:27 that don't understand the truth?
37:29 Yes or no? Yes.
37:30 He says, other sheep I have.
37:32 Well, let's look at the rest of the text.
37:35 "Which are not of this fold..."
37:37 I didn't forget Revelation 12:17,
37:39 "which are not of this fold..."
37:42 And then he says, "Them also I must forget..."
37:47 What did he say?
37:48 "Them also I must..." What?
37:50 "Bring, and they will hear my voice."
37:54 What do you say to that? Amen.
37:56 So the voice of God is going forth today,
37:58 because He says my sheep are all over the place.
38:02 When they hear my voice, I'll bring them.
38:06 And then he says, this is what the devil knows very well.
38:10 So he's trying to kill and mislead the sheep of Jesus.
38:16 He said, "And there will be..." How many flocks?
38:19 "One flock and..." What?
38:21 "One shepherd."
38:23 During the Dark Ages, the church got dissected,
38:27 and as the reformers rose up
38:29 which they never intended to start their own church,
38:32 the Lutheran Church got started.
38:34 Calvinism got started.
38:37 Various denominations rose up during the Dark Ages
38:39 and each one made an attempt to restore the Bible
38:43 in one form or the other.
38:45 The Baptists restored baptism by immersion.
38:50 The Lutherans, righteousness by faith.
38:54 The Baptist,
38:55 the Seventh-day Baptists were the earlier ones
38:59 that restored going back to the Sabbath.
39:02 Early Adventists found out about that by a Baptist lady
39:04 by the name of Rachel Oakes.
39:06 And so when you go through the Dark Ages,
39:08 you begin to see that as these reformers
39:10 that rose up against Rome
39:11 and start beating on their doors
39:13 and demanding truth and went back to God's Word,
39:16 one truth after the other got restored.
39:19 The Millerites restored this teaching
39:22 about the second coming of Jesus.
39:24 All these truths began to be resurrected at a time
39:30 when the Bible had almost lost its impact on the hearts
39:33 and minds of people.
39:35 But the Lord says, my sheep will hear My voice,
39:37 and what is God's voice?
39:41 The Word of God.
39:43 He speaks through His Word.
39:46 But now let's look at Satan's attitude
39:50 towards God's church.
39:51 Revelation, we read question number 19.
39:54 How does the Bible describe the Dragons attitude?
39:57 Look at Revelation 12:17. Let's read this together.
40:00 How does the Bible describe the devil's attitude?
40:03 Here it is.
40:04 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman,
40:06 and went to make..."
40:07 What?
40:09 "War with the rest of her offspring, who keep the..."
40:12 What?
40:13 "Commandments of God and have the..." What?
40:16 "Testimony of Jesus."
40:19 Now, we're gonna see a series of slides here
40:21 that shows that Rome,
40:25 that the powers of Rome that receive their power,
40:30 their seat
40:31 and their great authority from Satan,
40:34 they're going to verify that their connection
40:36 in a legalist logistical setting
40:40 is not influenced by the Spirit of God.
40:43 The quotations that you're going to see
40:45 that are very prayerfully revealed is gonna show you
40:50 that the allegiance of pagan Rome is still alive today.
40:55 Here's question number 20.
40:57 So if you want to answer question number 19,
40:59 how does the Bible described the dragon's attitude?
41:03 He's warring against those
41:04 who keep the commandments of God.
41:06 He's angry, The King James Version,
41:08 I like the word he uses there.
41:10 What's the word he uses there? Wroth.
41:12 That sounds angry, doesn't it? Wroth.
41:14 When somebody is wroth,
41:16 you know, enraged is kind of tame,
41:19 but wroth, it just sounds like
41:22 it's the devil is wroth with those
41:25 who keep the commandments of God.
41:26 Why?
41:27 Now you've got to get the connection here,
41:29 I don't want to run through this
41:30 because I know we'll get a chance
41:32 to cover by God's grace.
41:33 If we're all still here next week,
41:34 we'll get a chance to continue the lesson.
41:36 But here's the key.
41:37 You see that replacement of the Sabbath
41:41 with Sunday can only happen
41:44 if the commandments of God were tampered with.
41:47 It can only happen
41:49 if the commandments of God were tampered with.
41:51 And during the Dark Ages,
41:53 Rome tampered with the commandments of God.
41:55 And if you look at the Convert's Catechism
41:58 of Catholic Doctrines,
41:59 look at their version of the Ten Commandments,
42:01 you'll discover
42:02 that the one that forbids image worship is not there.
42:06 And the tenth commandment is broken in two
42:10 and the fourth commandment about the Sabbath,
42:12 I'll put a copy of that on the screen one day.
42:14 And the fourth commandment that speaks about
42:17 the seventh day Sabbath has been moved up to the third,
42:20 and it really doesn't say anything
42:22 but remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
42:26 And the tenth commandment that says,
42:27 "Thou shalt not covet" has been split in two
42:29 to take up the commandment that was deleted.
42:32 Change times and laws, covet of image worship,
42:36 covet of the seventh day Sabbath.
42:40 And I tell you, it happened during the Dark Ages.
42:43 Question number 20. Here it is.
42:45 How does papal Rome reveal its allegiance to the dragon?
42:51 Let's look at how they attacked the commandments of God.
42:54 Let's look at these quotations
42:56 and here they are on the screen.
42:58 The first quotation,
43:00 "Has the Catholic Church a power
43:04 to make any alterations in the commandments of God?"
43:08 That is the question. And here is their answer.
43:12 Here is their answer.
43:14 Answer is: "Instead of the seventh day,
43:17 and other festivals appointed by the old law..."
43:21 That's what they call it, they cast shadow on it.
43:24 "The church has prescribed the..." What?
43:28 "The Sundays and holy days
43:32 to be set apart for God's worship."
43:35 They decided to prescribe that.
43:37 "And these we are now obliged to keep
43:42 in consequence of God's commandments,
43:45 instead of the ancient Sabbath."
43:48 They said we changed it,
43:50 and now we are obliged to keep these
43:53 in consequence of God's commandment,
43:56 instead of the ancient Sabbath.
43:59 You know, what else is ancient?
44:01 You know, what's even more ancient than the Sabbath
44:02 that the devil has attacked recently?
44:04 Marriage.
44:07 And he would say the same thing which matter of fact,
44:09 I don't want to speak in his behalf.
44:11 But I would say the same thing
44:12 he is saying in secular society...
44:16 The devil is saying, I have found it necessary
44:18 to change the marriage institution,
44:22 instead of the ancient marriage.
44:25 From the Garden of Eden,
44:26 two things God ordained and sanctified, the marriage,
44:29 husband and wife.
44:31 Now it's husband and husband, and wife and wife,
44:33 and the Sabbath which was the seventh day of the week,
44:36 but Rome instrumentally threw Satan's influence
44:38 and moved it to the first day of the week.
44:42 Let's look at another quotation,
44:44 question number 21.
44:45 You can write that down there however you'd like.
44:47 But I would strongly recommend for those of you
44:49 that are watching, if you want these quotations,
44:52 after the program is done, look on that website,
44:54 a little before the next program
44:55 and you'll see the entire program in its entirety,
44:59 so that you can share this with your friends and family.
45:02 Question number 21.
45:04 Question number 21:
45:06 "What does Rome refer to as evidence of her authority?"
45:13 What did they refer to as evidence of their authority?
45:16 Here's what their answer is.
45:17 And once again there it is from their own catechism.
45:22 "Have you any other way of proving
45:23 that the Church has power
45:25 to institute festivals and precepts?
45:29 Here's their answer.
45:31 "Had she not such power,
45:34 she could not have done that in which, together,
45:39 all modern religionists agree with her."
45:44 In other words, churches today, they all agree with her.
45:48 You know, what's amazing about this whole quotation,
45:50 and I'll show you another one right after this one.
45:52 The reason why she says,
45:53 all modern religionists agree with her is
45:56 because Rome sits back and I won't,
45:58 I may not get to it tonight, I don't think I will
46:00 but I'll show you the quote in the next program.
46:02 Rome stands back
46:03 and he is saying to the Christian church
46:05 on what authority
46:06 are you honoring the first day of the week?
46:09 And they're saying, the Bible.
46:11 And Rome is saying, it's not in the Bible.
46:16 This is a sign of our authority.
46:19 And throughout the ages,
46:20 Christians and Christian churches
46:22 and Christian leaders have tried to twist Bible verses
46:25 to give Sunday some scriptural legitimacy,
46:28 but it's not in the Bible.
46:29 And the Roman leaders say, it's not in the Bible.
46:32 That's why they say,
46:34 all modern religionists agree with Rome.
46:39 But I wanna tell you, there are some that don't.
46:40 Praise the Lord.
46:42 We agree with God's Word.
46:43 Let's look at that very,
46:44 let's continue in the quotation here.
46:47 The very next one, let me go back here.
46:49 This is the next quotation.
46:51 "She could not have substituted the observance of Sunday
46:57 the first day of the week,
46:59 for the observance of Saturday the seventh day,
47:04 a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."
47:11 Rome says that.
47:12 You know, friends, I'm not making this up,
47:14 I wouldn't even wish to make this up,
47:16 because if I made this up,
47:17 this would be paramount to the highest deception.
47:20 But the reason I'm sharing this with you is
47:22 because there are many sincere Christians of
47:24 all these different faiths
47:26 that are honoring God based on what they know,
47:29 but now they know different.
47:31 Now they know that God does have a sign,
47:34 and we're gonna establish some powerful scriptures
47:36 in a moment here to show that.
47:38 It doesn't make sense to follow what man establishes,
47:40 when there is no better way, and there's no better answer,
47:44 and there's no better prescription
47:46 than following the very things that connect us
47:49 to a true relationship with Jesus.
47:52 Amen, somebody?
47:54 Follow what connects you to the right man,
47:57 not the wrong man.
48:00 No matter what kind of power earthly dynasties
48:03 or kingdoms tend to have,
48:05 there is no power greater than God's power.
48:08 Question number 22.
48:10 Question number 22: "Does papal Rome teach
48:15 that the change of the Sabbath is in the Bible?"
48:19 Let's see that. Look at the answer.
48:22 It's on the screen. Here it is.
48:24 They say, "You may read the Bible
48:28 from Genesis to Revelation..."
48:30 There's James Cardinal Gibbon.
48:32 "You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation
48:35 and you will not find, together,
48:38 a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday.
48:45 The scriptures enforce
48:48 the religious observance of Saturday,
48:50 a day which we never sanctified."
48:55 That's what Rome says.
48:57 This is not even anything that I would wanna make up.
49:01 But Rome says, let's go in and translate this.
49:04 If you want to follow the Bible,
49:05 then you shouldn't be honoring Sunday.
49:07 Amen?
49:08 Because we didn't sanctify that.
49:10 Now get this, Genesis, come on.
49:13 Hurry up.
49:17 Let me see how fast you can turn to Genesis.
49:21 And I'm not going to any Jewish reference either.
49:24 I'm going to what the Lord said.
49:26 Okay.
49:28 They said, they sanctified Sunday,
49:29 let's see what God says.
49:31 Genesis 2:1-3.
49:36 They said, they sanctified Sunday,
49:39 let's see what God did.
49:40 Genesis 2:1-3.
49:42 Here's what the Bible teaches.
49:44 "Thus the heavens and the earth,
49:46 and all the host of them, were..."
49:48 What?
49:49 "Finished.
49:50 And on the seventh day, that Saturday,
49:55 God ended his work which He had done,
49:57 and He rested on the seventh day
50:00 from all his work which he had done."
50:03 And look at what He did.
50:05 They said, they sanctified Sunday,
50:07 I'm gonna say in preference to preface this verse.
50:11 Verse 3.
50:12 "And God blessed the seventh day
50:15 and together what?
50:17 Sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work
50:23 which God had created and made."
50:25 Can I get an amen?
50:27 Now get this, Rome said, we sanctified Sunday,
50:30 God said, I sanctified the Sabbath.
50:34 I sanctified the last day of the week.
50:37 Rome said, we sanctified the first.
50:42 When you asked Joshua the question,
50:44 he'll say to us in Joshua 24:15,
50:47 choose you this day whom you will serve.
50:51 Whether the gods that your father served over here
50:54 on the other side of the Jordan,
50:56 or the gods in whose land you dwell,
50:58 almost all the world honor Sunday.
51:01 He will say, but as for me and my house, together,
51:03 we will serve the Lord.
51:05 So this is not about a day, this is about the God
51:10 that you see as the supreme authority in your life.
51:14 If the God of heaven is the supreme authority
51:16 in your life,
51:17 you don't have to pick a day, He's already picked it
51:19 and blessed it and sanctified it.
51:20 Amen. Amen.
51:22 But Rome which I said, Jesus prophesied in Daniel,
51:25 He said, there's a power that's gonna come up,
51:28 motivated by Satan to try to unseat the sign of worship
51:32 between them and Me.
51:34 He's gonna do it by changing times and laws,
51:38 he's gonna persecute My people,
51:40 and then in the end he's gonna go after those
51:41 who keep the commandments.
51:43 Now let me ask you a question, are we living in the end?
51:45 Yes or no? Yes.
51:47 The very next thing that Rome is going to do is
51:49 go after those in the last days
51:52 that are keeping the commandments of God.
51:54 The Bible predicted that.
51:55 So when these things come upon us, church,
51:57 we will not be taken by surprise.
51:59 Because in fact the Lord said, as they persecuted the saints
52:02 of the Most High during the Dark Ages,
52:05 as they spoke blasphemous words against the Most High
52:07 during the Dark Ages, they'll come again,
52:10 again in the last days against those
52:11 who keep the commandments of God,
52:13 because the devil is just angry, wroth.
52:20 And because he knows his time is short,
52:23 the Bible says, he's come down having,
52:24 what kind of wrath?
52:26 Great wrath. Let's go to question number 23.
52:30 I don't think in five minutes
52:33 that I'm gonna get to question number 39.
52:35 Okay.
52:37 So we have plenty for next week,
52:38 if the Lord gives us strength.
52:40 Question number 23: If you love the Lord,
52:43 my brothers and sisters, this may...
52:45 You know what?
52:46 My wife quoted something to me
52:47 that I thought it was really wonderful.
52:49 If I miss it up, honey, remind me.
52:51 But somebody said, in the judgment,
52:56 I would rather people say,
52:59 you made me angry but I was saved,
53:03 than you made me happy but I was lost.
53:07 Did you hear that?
53:09 In the judgment, I would rather people say,
53:11 I made them angry,
53:13 because I said what did not jive with
53:15 what they believed,
53:17 and then they went to God's Word and verified it.
53:20 Or I made them happy and they were lost.
53:24 What's happening to the church today,
53:25 it's become an industry of comfort and ease.
53:29 It's not an industry that,
53:30 that communicates God's Word as it should.
53:34 So you've got all these massive stadium churches,
53:37 that you'll never hear that statement,
53:38 is that it, honey?
53:39 Thank you. Let me read it real quickly.
53:41 Oh, it just got away, just bring it back
53:42 and I'll show you.
53:43 You don't hear, you don't hear this
53:45 on any of those counseling television shows,
53:49 you really won't hear this.
53:51 Question number 23. You got it?
53:54 Question number 23. A preacher's point.
53:56 Here it is, what it says.
53:58 It says, "I would rather have thousands say to me
54:01 at the judgment.
54:02 We heard you preach and you hurt our feelings,
54:06 than to have just one lost soul say,
54:09 'I heard you preach,
54:10 but you did not tell me the truth."'
54:14 Is that powerful?
54:15 I heard you preach and you hurt my feelings.
54:17 I'd rather people say that than somebody say,
54:20 I heard you preach
54:22 when you did not tell me the truth.
54:24 We're gonna tell the truth here at 3ABN, what do you say?
54:26 Amen.
54:27 And that's why the devil likes to attack this network
54:30 'cause we tell the truth undiluted.
54:32 Question number 23, let's go there.
54:34 We have little more time. Here it is, the words of Jesus.
54:38 What does Jesus...
54:41 What does Jesus say about man changing His law?
54:46 Let's look at that.
54:47 What does Jesus say about man changing His law?
54:50 Question number 23. Look at what He says.
54:54 Go to Matthew 15:9, Matthew 15:9.
54:59 Let's bring that slide up on the screen.
55:01 I appreciate that.
55:02 Matthew 15:9, let's look at the text together.
55:05 And here we read together.
55:08 "And in vain they..." What?
55:10 "Worship Me teaching as doctrines
55:15 the commandments of men."
55:17 That's exactly what happened during the Dark Ages.
55:19 The doctrine of purgatory, not in the Bible, limbo,
55:23 baby is dying and going to this place called limbo,
55:25 it's not in the Bible.
55:27 Eternally burning hell, it's not in the Bible.
55:29 The secret rapture, it's not in the Bible.
55:31 Sunday as a sacred day and a holy day blessed by God,
55:33 it's not in the Bible,
55:35 all courtesy of the Roman Catholic Church
55:37 during the Dark Ages.
55:40 Purgatory, not in the Bible, another one.
55:42 It's not in the Bible.
55:44 Indulgences, it's not in the Bible.
55:46 You cannot buy a license to sin.
55:48 And that's why the reformers,
55:49 the Protestant reformers rather lose their life
55:53 than to stand in support of that
55:55 which was error.
55:56 So they died, but the Bible says,
55:58 you will die but you will come up in the resurrection
56:00 and the first resurrection at that.
56:03 So there needs to be today in the Christian church people
56:05 that are willing to tell the truth
56:07 to defend the truth,
56:08 and to be sincere about what God's Word says.
56:10 So the answer, what does Jesus say about
56:12 man changing His law?
56:14 To worship is in vain.
56:16 You cannot teach for doctrines the commandments of men
56:19 except God to just accept it because this is how it is.
56:23 You know what always amazes me.
56:24 Let's go to the very last question.
56:25 What amazes me is people say, well, you don't know my heart.
56:31 That to me is the weakest excuse
56:33 I've ever heard, you don't know my heart.
56:35 Well, if the Lord reveals something to you in His word
56:37 and you choose not to follow it,
56:39 you've just revealed your heart.
56:42 You can't judge me, you don't know my heart.
56:44 It's not about judging anybody,
56:45 friends, it's about telling the truth.
56:47 And if you love the Lord, you will honor His word.
56:50 Amen. Last question, let's squeeze this one in.
56:53 What appeal does Jesus make to the sincere Christian?
56:56 Here it is.
56:57 Let's end tonight with this question.
56:59 Here it is. Let's read this together.
57:00 Everybody, together.
57:02 "If you love me, keep My commandments."
57:05 You're going to see next broadcast,
57:08 how important the commandments of God not only were and are
57:14 but will be as we get closer and closer
57:18 to the controversies of the end.
57:20 Christians of every denomination,
57:22 so many of them love the Lord.
57:24 But so many of them have been deceived by their leaders,
57:27 and Satan has always intended to replace the seat
57:31 that belongs only to God.
57:32 He said, "I will be like the Most High."
57:37 And through subversive teachings
57:39 and distorting of God's commandments,
57:41 and deleting of God's truth,
57:42 he has succeeded to a great degree,
57:44 but the good news is the truth is still available today.
57:49 What do you say?
57:50 And so, friends, here at 3ABN,
57:51 we say, continue studying God's word.
57:54 If it doesn't make sense, keep on studying
57:57 because one day by God's grace
57:58 it will come into a sharper focus.
58:01 God bless you.


Revised 2017-07-24