A Sharper Focus

Truth About the Change of the Sabbath Pt 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000130A

00:21 Hello, friends, welcome to another
00:23 Wednesday night Bible study here
00:24 at the 3ABN Worship Center
00:27 in Thompsonville West Frankfort, Illinois.
00:30 It is a wonderful balmy 36 degree January evening,
00:36 and we're all glad to be here.
00:37 Can we say amen to that?
00:39 And we thank you for taken the time to tune in,
00:41 we are going to continue our study on the truth
00:44 about the change of the Sabbath.
00:48 You know, while we're discussing this topic,
00:50 many around the world don't realize
00:53 how important the observance of the Sabbath is.
00:56 We even have in our midst an example
00:58 of how the attitude about the Sabbath is in the world,
01:02 and I'll talk about that in just a moment.
01:04 And I'll let you know
01:06 where you get a copy of the lesson,
01:07 and how you can follow along
01:09 and how you can download the lesson,
01:11 and then we're gonna do our theme song
01:13 before all of that, but before anything,
01:15 let's have a word of prayer together.
01:17 Loving Father in heaven,
01:19 thank You for the opportunity of studying Your Word.
01:23 Lord, You've told us to walk in the light
01:25 while we have it
01:27 unless darkness will come upon us.
01:29 And so tonight, Father,
01:31 may Your Holy Spirit be our guide, our teacher,
01:34 and may that which we learn become
01:36 so endeared to our hearts that we will not fear men,
01:41 but we will honor the Lord.
01:43 And we thank You in Jesus' name we pray.
01:45 Amen.
01:47 Now, to get a copy of the lesson,
01:49 it's lesson number 33,
01:50 you may have had a copy, but here is the website,
01:52 go to ASF.3ABN.org,
01:57 download lesson number 33.
01:59 We've added some questions to it
02:01 since we covered it last.
02:03 When you download that lesson,
02:05 you'll be able to follow along with us tonight
02:07 in this very important topic.
02:09 If you've missed any of the past lessons,
02:11 they're also included at that website
02:14 as well as the videos
02:16 that cover all 105 of our productions
02:20 that have been done
02:22 ever since A Sharper Focus has started.
02:25 The materials are there, the videos are there
02:27 that you can have a wonderful Bible study
02:29 in your church, in your home,
02:30 or in your family if you'd like to do so.
02:33 But tonight, we're going to sing our theme song,
02:34 and what is our theme song?
02:35 Together, it is...
02:38 It is...
02:40 Victory in Jesus. Victory in Jesus.
02:41 Let's sing our theme song together.
02:51 I heard an old, old story
02:55 How the Savior came from glory
02:58 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:02 To save a wretch like me
03:06 I heard about His groaning
03:10 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:13 Then I repented of my sin
03:17 And won the victory
03:21 O victory in Jesus
03:25 My Savior, forever
03:29 He sought me and bought me
03:32 With His redeeming blood
03:36 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:40 And all my love is due Him
03:44 He plunged me to victory
03:47 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:51 I heard about a mansion
03:55 He has built for me in glory
03:59 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:03 Beyond the crystal sea
04:06 About the angels singing
04:10 And the old redemption story
04:14 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:18 The song of victory
04:20 Key change.
04:22 O victory in Jesus
04:25 My Savior, forever
04:29 He sought me and bought me
04:33 With His redeeming blood
04:37 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:40 And all my love is due Him
04:44 He plunged me to victory
04:48 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:52 He plunged me to victory
04:55 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:02 Amen? Amen.
05:04 Tonight's topic,
05:05 I'd like you to repeat the title with me together,
05:07 the Truth about the Change of the Sabbath.
05:13 Now this is a very vitally important topic.
05:15 Let me tell you why,
05:17 go with me to the Book of Daniel.
05:18 Daniel 6,
05:22 Daniel 6.
05:27 Now, the reason why this topic
05:29 is important is a number of reasons.
05:32 One, it is about the controversy
05:35 between the law of God and the laws of men.
05:40 The law of God and the laws of men.
05:43 Now, we are called to be allegiant
05:45 to the laws of God,
05:48 but the laws of men are always going to be
05:52 a contrast to the laws of God,
05:54 and we have had ample stories in the Bible
05:58 about individuals that chose to stand firm
06:01 and live honestly in harmony with the laws of God,
06:04 and what happened as a result?
06:06 Now, many things are changing in our world,
06:08 but the Bible says,
06:10 "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
06:13 So Jesus is not changing,
06:15 since the law is a transcript of His character,
06:18 He doesn't change.
06:20 Recently in America, not too many months ago,
06:22 maybe about a year ago,
06:24 there was a law passed at the highest level
06:28 for the attitudes about marriage in America.
06:32 So they decided to adopt laws
06:34 in America to support same-sex marriage.
06:38 And many Christians were outraged,
06:40 even still today many Christian organizations,
06:42 many pastors refused to follow the laws of the land
06:46 because they are contrary to the laws of God.
06:50 Matter of fact, the Apostle Paul,
06:52 one of the reasons
06:53 why he was brought before the governor,
06:54 and Felix, and Agrippa, and ultimately Caesar,
06:59 it's because they said about the Apostle Paul,
07:02 "This man teaches people to worship contrary
07:07 to the laws of the land."
07:09 You follow that?
07:11 So Paul the Apostle went through imprisonment
07:13 and deprivation,
07:16 and he was whipped, he was maligned,
07:19 he was put in prison,
07:20 he was beaten with 39 lashes minus 1.
07:23 I mean he went through so much
07:24 because he chose to stand firmly
07:27 upon the laws of God.
07:30 Now, things have not changed, things have not changed.
07:35 We are going to pray for someone
07:36 in particular tonight, that's part of our fellowship,
07:39 who is presently going
07:40 through that very same persecution
07:42 because he refuses to compromise
07:44 the laws of God,
07:46 the laws of men against his desire
07:52 to be loyal to God.
07:56 But I want to give you encouragement tonight
07:57 because I want to begin with a story
07:58 that lets you know
08:00 that what's happening in the world today.
08:02 Let me go back to the original story,
08:04 what's happening in the world is no surprise to God.
08:06 Amen?
08:08 He saw it long before it began to transpire.
08:11 The law of God from heaven to the Garden of Eden,
08:14 to the Old Testament, to the New Testament,
08:17 through the Dark Ages, where it was changed,
08:20 to the modern days,
08:21 God knew long before men made the decision
08:25 that the laws of God would be changed by men.
08:27 We're gonna talk about that tonight.
08:29 But let me give you encouragement,
08:31 my brother, and those of you
08:33 that may be in a similar situation.
08:35 God sometimes doesn't save us
08:38 from...
08:42 From the attitudes
08:44 and the penalties of men,
08:47 God saves us through the attitudes
08:50 and penalties of men.
08:52 Look at Daniel 6 very quickly.
08:55 This story came to my mind,
08:56 I did not intend to begin with this story,
08:59 but Daniel was a part of the kingdom of the Medes
09:04 and the Persians, the Medo-Persian Empire,
09:07 and Daniel chose as one of the governors,
09:10 that when the time came,
09:11 he was going to stand firmly upon the law of God.
09:14 Daniel decided to pray how many times a day?
09:17 Three.
09:18 Three times a day, morning, afternoon, and evening worship.
09:22 That was his pattern.
09:24 And he chose not to be disloyal to that.
09:27 When you choose not to be disloyal to God,
09:30 men will be upset with you because behind them,
09:33 Revelation 12:17,
09:34 Satan is upset with those
09:36 who keep the commandments of God.
09:38 So anytime you decide to stand with God,
09:40 Satan tries to marshal forces against you.
09:43 And he's always done that,
09:44 so we're not living in a new environment,
09:46 nothing is a surprise to God.
09:48 But look at what happened,
09:50 and this is exactly why
09:51 this subject is vitally important.
09:53 Now, the same anger and discontent
09:59 that Christians today have
10:01 with the idea that the same-sex marriage
10:04 has violated God's principles and laws about marriage
10:08 would also be shared
10:09 if the Sabbath was changed in our day
10:13 from Saturday to Sunday,
10:16 but because it was done centuries ago,
10:18 most Christians today
10:20 just honor the first day of the week
10:21 as though it is the law of God
10:23 when, in fact, it is not a law of God.
10:26 It is not a commandment of God.
10:28 It is not one of the Ten Commandments,
10:32 but it's tradition,
10:33 and so if the world were to last long enough,
10:36 the tradition of same-sex marriage,
10:37 a 100 years from now or 200 hundred years from now
10:40 would be in the minds of people, somewhat an...
10:43 They may think that God has always approved of it.
10:46 Well, God no more approves of same-sex marriage
10:49 than He approves of the Sabbath
10:50 being changed from the seventh day
10:53 to the first day of the week.
10:55 But there are many Christians that don't know that.
10:58 So it's important for us to look at God's Word
11:00 so that those who want to serve God
11:02 according to the truth
11:04 will take their side on the stand of truth.
11:06 Amen?
11:08 Daniel 6,
11:10 I'm going to look at verse 3, all right,
11:13 and the Bible says,
11:15 "Then this Daniel
11:17 distinguished himself above all,
11:20 above the governors and satraps," that's rulers,
11:24 "because an excellent spirit was in him."
11:27 Let me just make a point.
11:29 When you decide to stand for right,
11:30 do it with an excellent spirit, amen?
11:33 Don't say, "I don't care what you say."
11:35 You say, "I'm honoring God,
11:38 I'm standing for Him on His Word.
11:40 I'm not going to violate what God has asked me to do."
11:42 Have an excellent spirit about it
11:44 because it goes a long way.
11:45 The Bible says,
11:47 "There was an excellent spirit was in him,
11:49 and the king gave thought to setting him
11:54 over the whole realm."
11:56 He was elevated
11:58 because he had the right attitude,
12:00 and it goes on in verse 5.
12:02 Men didn't like it, so what did they do?
12:05 "So the governors and satraps sought to find
12:08 some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom."
12:13 But what does it say,
12:15 "They could not find charge or fault."
12:19 They looked at this man and says,
12:20 "He does a good job.
12:22 He's not out of harmony with the things
12:24 that he's been given responsibility over,
12:26 but they continued looking."
12:28 And the Bible says, "The reason why
12:30 they couldn't find charge or fault
12:31 because he was," what's the next word,
12:34 say it again, next word is what?
12:36 "Faithful, nor was there any error
12:39 or fault found in him."
12:42 Now was he a perfect individual?
12:44 No, but God gave him responsibilities,
12:47 and he followed through on those.
12:49 But look at what they did now.
12:51 Verse 5, "Then these men said,
12:56 "We will not find any charge against this Daniel
13:00 unless we find it against him
13:04 concerning the law of his God.'"
13:07 They decided, Johnny,
13:08 to look at the God he served and the law of his God,
13:12 and they decided to pit him against God's law.
13:16 They decided, they said,
13:17 "This is how we're going to get him.
13:21 He is true to his God's law,
13:25 so we got to set up a law
13:28 that will test his allegiance to God's law."
13:31 So what did they do?
13:33 "So these governors," verse 6,
13:35 "and satraps thronged before the king,
13:38 and said thus to the king, "King Darius, live forever!"
13:41 You know, waxing him, watch how when people wax you.
13:43 They're about to set you up.
13:46 Verse 7,
13:47 "All the governors of the kingdom,
13:49 the administrators and satraps,
13:51 the counselors and advisors have consulted together
13:55 to establish a royal statute and to make a firm decree
13:59 that whoever petitions any God or man for..."
14:04 How long?
14:05 "Thirty days, except you,
14:06 O king, shall be cast into the den of lions."
14:10 You're in a den of lions right now,
14:12 but God knew it was coming.
14:14 See, nothing happens that God doesn't know about.
14:18 "Now, O king," verse 8,
14:20 "establish the decree
14:23 and sign the writing, so that it..."
14:25 What?
14:27 "Cannot be changed, according to the..."
14:28 What?
14:30 "Laws of the Medes and Persians,
14:32 which does not alter."
14:33 You're going to get excited about that word
14:35 "which does not alter."
14:37 They said, "We're not changing,
14:39 and Daniel's law and God's law
14:41 that Daniel honors is not changing."
14:43 So we want to see
14:45 which one is going to get his allegiance
14:47 when the chips are down, his position is at stake,
14:51 his leadership in this kingdom is at stake,
14:53 all the authority he has is at stake.
14:57 Let's see if he wants his position
14:59 more than he wants to maintain his loyalty.
15:04 Verse 10, "Now when Daniel knew
15:06 that the writing was signed, he went home.
15:09 And in his upper room, with his windows..."
15:12 What?
15:13 "Open toward Jerusalem,
15:15 he knelt down on his knees three times that day
15:19 and prayed and gave thanks before his God,
15:22 as was his custom since early days."
15:25 In other words, Daniel said,
15:27 "They're trying to prevent me from praying?
15:30 Nobody's going to prevent me from praying."
15:32 What do you say?
15:34 And he says,
15:35 "It's too late to hide my loyalty to God."
15:39 You know, and he could have easily closed
15:40 the windows and prayed.
15:42 A lot of people would have done that,
15:43 a lot of people would say,
15:44 "Man, my position is on the line.
15:46 I can't afford to lose my job.
15:47 So I'm going to close my window because God will understand."
15:51 But you know what?
15:52 If your witness and your allegiance to God
15:54 is not known by others,
15:57 when God turns the situation around,
15:59 they will never see how powerful
16:01 and how loyal your God is.
16:04 Let's go on, verse 11,
16:09 "Then these men assembled and found Daniel praying
16:12 and making supplication before his God.
16:15 And verse 12, "And they went before the king
16:17 and spoke concerning the king's decree,
16:19 "Have you not signed a decree that,"
16:21 every man that works in this company,
16:25 every man that's under the roof of this declaration,"
16:28 any man who petitions any god or man within thirty days,
16:32 except you,
16:33 O king, shall be cast into the den of lions?"
16:36 The king answered and said, "This thing is true,
16:39 according to the law of the Medes and the Persians,
16:42 which" what?
16:43 "Does not alter."
16:45 We ain't changing our policies,
16:47 we ain't changing our company's principles for nobody,
16:52 not even Daniel.
16:55 Verse 13, "So they answered, and said before the king,
16:59 "Now, that Daniel,
17:01 who is one of the captives from Judah,
17:04 does not show due regard," to company policy,
17:08 "For you, O king,
17:11 or for the decree that you have signed,
17:13 but makes his petition three times a day."
17:16 He's got somebody else he's loyal to.
17:19 Can we all say amen to that?
17:20 Our loyalty, as the Apostle said,
17:23 "We ought to obey God rather than man."
17:26 There's no contest.
17:28 So men that are in positions of authority,
17:30 some of them haven't caught that yet.
17:33 God is God and they're not.
17:36 I'm not preaching, I'm teaching.
17:40 And verse 14,
17:41 "And the king, when he heard these words,
17:44 was greatly displeased with himself,
17:47 and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him.
17:50 And he labored till the going down
17:52 of the sun to deliver him."
17:54 He realized, at that moment, he was trapped.
17:56 He realized that he had done this to a good friend
17:59 and didn't catch until they said,
18:01 "You signed it."
18:03 And when you sign a law
18:04 that affects your entire kingdom,
18:05 you may have a personal relationship,
18:07 but now your loyalty between your whole kingdom
18:13 and your friend is going to be tested.
18:16 And he decided to side with his kingdom.
18:23 Verse 15,
18:25 "Then these men approached the king,
18:26 and said to the king,
18:28 'Know, O king,
18:29 that it is the law of the Medes and Persians
18:32 that no decree or statute
18:34 which the king establishes may be changed.'"
18:36 They probably saw his attitude and said,
18:38 "I know you feel bad, but you can't change it.
18:41 I know you're in a pickle right now, sorry,
18:44 it's company policy."
18:47 "So the king gave command, verse 16,
18:49 and they brought Daniel
18:51 and cast him into the den of lions.
18:52 But the king spoke, saying to Daniel,"
18:55 come on, say it together,
18:56 "Your God, whom you serve", how often?
18:59 "Continually, He will deliver you."
19:03 That's the message today that my Brother Johnny Swann.
19:07 Put his name on your page tonight,
19:09 "Johnny Swann."
19:10 Those of you that are listening,
19:12 pray for him in our audience.
19:15 So I'm going to go ahead and go through the story.
19:18 So they put Daniel in the lions' den,
19:20 they put a stone over it.
19:22 They decided, "Bye-bye."
19:26 Because nobody survives the lions' den.
19:30 Let me change that,
19:31 except those that are loyal to God.
19:34 Okay?
19:35 God said, "Wait a minute, Daniel is my servant,
19:40 and I made these lions.
19:41 Tonight, they're going to have a wonderful evening together."
19:45 That's what God does. Amen?
19:46 He comforts you in moments of trial,
19:49 what looks like destruction, to servants of God,
19:52 are really just a night off in God's kingdom.
19:56 Pick out some time off
19:58 and tomorrow things will be the same.
19:59 So Daniel was there all night,
20:02 he's the only one that laid all night on the chest,
20:04 or the breast of the other lions and said,
20:07 "How're you doing?"
20:09 Rub, stroke their hair, and they walked around
20:11 and just probably licked his face,
20:13 and they'd said, "We can't eat him.
20:16 He's not authorized by God to eat."
20:18 So they had a wonderful night in the lions' den.
20:21 And when the morning came, verse 19,
20:25 "The king arose very early in the morning."
20:28 I suggest he couldn't sleep, he couldn't sleep, he fasted,
20:33 he couldn't sleep, no matter what happened,
20:35 they couldn't comfort him, he got up early in the morning,
20:38 and went in haste to the den of lions.
20:40 "And when he came to the den of lions,
20:41 he cried out with a lamenting voice,
20:44 sadness, tears in his voice, to Daniel.
20:46 The king spoke, saying to Daniel,
20:48 'Daniel, servant of the living God,
20:51 has your God, whom you serve continually,
20:53 been able to deliver you from the lions?'"
20:57 It is a wonderful story.
20:59 How come I hadn't preached this sermon until tonight?
21:01 "Then Daniel said to the king, "O king," just relax,
21:06 "live forever"
21:07 Enjoy the morning, don't worry about it.
21:10 I'm here.
21:12 And I just want to bring greetings to you
21:13 from the lions.
21:14 They just want to tell you hello.
21:19 "My God," who friends? Who friends?
21:23 "My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths
21:29 so that they have not hurt me
21:32 because I was found," what?
21:35 "Innocent before Him, and also,
21:39 O king, I have done no wrong before you.'"
21:42 "I haven't done anything wrong before God,
21:44 and I didn't do anything wrong before you,
21:47 why am I in this situation?"
21:49 So the king says, "All right, I'll fix it.
21:53 I'm not going to let anybody, who's loyal to me
21:56 and loyal to their God be penalized
21:59 without getting those guys who set him up penalize."
22:05 You know what? Let me tell you, tables turned.
22:08 Say that again with me, tables turned.
22:11 When the tables turn, the story is quite different.
22:14 Be careful, let me just say this
22:16 to those who are listening.
22:17 You may be one of those employers
22:19 that have no care for God's law.
22:21 You may say, "That's right, in my company,
22:23 what I say matters."
22:24 Be careful,
22:26 'cause the table's about to turn.
22:27 Here it is, and verse 24, well, when he came out,
22:32 there was no injury, whatever found on him
22:34 because he was delivered.
22:35 God delivered him. Praise God for that.
22:37 "And the king gave the command,
22:39 and they brought those men who had accused Daniel,
22:43 and they cast them into the den of lions,
22:46 them, their children, and their wives,
22:51 and the lions overpowered them,
22:54 and broke all their bones in pieces
22:57 before they ever came to the bottom of the den."
23:03 If that were not a true story, I wouldn't read it.
23:07 They said, "First of all,
23:10 you put a guy in here that we could not eat,
23:12 and we've been starving all night.
23:16 And we are really hungry now.
23:18 So give us more food than you gave us yesterday."
23:22 It's a sad story, but the reality of that
23:24 is when you stand firmly for God,
23:27 God is a God of deliverance.
23:29 Amen? Amen.
23:31 He doesn't deliver us from the fire
23:32 but through the fire.
23:34 He doesn't deliver you from the den
23:37 but through the den.
23:38 So even the den now,
23:39 but there's another side to the den,
23:41 how you got in it?
23:42 By your loyalty,
23:44 it's why you're going to get out of it.
23:45 God's got greater things in store.
23:47 I was going to say amen church, but I'm not preaching.
23:51 I'm not preaching, it might sound like,
23:52 but I'm not preaching.
23:54 So tonight, we're talking about being loyal to God,
23:59 being loyal to God.
24:00 Say it with me, what is it? Being loyal to God.
24:03 And what I want to tell you is, all through these empires,
24:06 there was Babylon,
24:08 there was Medo-Persia, there was Greece,
24:11 we're going to look at these empires now.
24:12 So tonight, let's go to question number three,
24:14 we're going to do some backtracking
24:16 just to give some solid footing
24:18 so that we can go on in our next program
24:21 for those who have not tuned in to this program before.
24:24 Question number three.
24:26 What are the three empires
24:29 that precede the fourth world empire?
24:33 Go to Daniel 7, just turn over one chapter.
24:36 And we're going to go quickly through these six verses,
24:38 and as we go through them,
24:40 we'll go ahead and put the kingdoms down, all right?
24:42 Daniel 7, and we'll go ahead in the interest of time
24:48 and put them on the screen.
24:50 Here it is, Daniel 7 beginning with verse 1,
24:53 "In the first year of Belshazzar, king of," where?
24:58 "Babylon, Daniel had a dream
25:05 and visions of his head while on his bed.
25:10 Then he wrote down the dream, telling the," what?
25:15 "Main facts."
25:16 Here it is, in verse 2, "Daniel spoke, saying,
25:20 "I saw in my vision by night, and behold,
25:25 the four winds of heaven were stirring up the Great Sea.
25:29 And four great beasts came up from the sea,
25:32 each different from the other.
25:37 The first was like a," what?
25:39 Write it down, "lion," write that down,
25:42 "and had eagle's wings.
25:44 I watched till the wings were plucked off,
25:46 and it was lifted up from the earth
25:48 and made to stand on two feet like a man," all right,"
25:52 and a man's heart was given to it.'"
25:56 I'll elaborate in just a moment.
25:58 "And suddenly another beast,
26:03 a second, like a," what?
26:04 "Bear," write that down, the bear.
26:07 "It was raised up on one side,
26:11 and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth.
26:15 And they said thus to it, 'Arise, devour," what?
26:20 "Much flesh!'"
26:22 After this I looked, and there was another,
26:27 like a" what?
26:28 Write that down "leopard," like a leopard,
26:31 "which had on its back
26:37 four wings of a," what?
26:38 "Of a bird.
26:40 The beast also had," what?
26:42 "Four heads, and dominion was given to it."
26:46 So write that down, so far we have a...
26:48 What's the first one we wrote down was a lion,
26:51 the second one was a bear,
26:52 the third one was a leopard with what?
26:56 Four heads and four wings.
26:57 Lion, with wings of an eagle...
26:59 You do not want to run into a lion with eagle's wings.
27:03 You can't get away.
27:05 Eagles go high, lions go broad.
27:08 And then a bear with three ribs in its mouth.
27:10 Those symbolize the nations that were brought down.
27:14 First one is Babylon, write that down,
27:19 and I'll go ahead and bring this up on the screen
27:21 for the question number four.
27:22 I'll give you question number four just to go ahead
27:24 and put the sequence together.
27:26 Okay, we're going to write them down.
27:27 We're going to write them down now,
27:29 so I just gave you three, the fourth one is Babylon...
27:31 Sorry, the fourth one is Rome.
27:34 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece,
27:37 and I'm going to give you the fourth one here
27:39 in just a moment.
27:40 All right?
27:41 Let's look at the fourth question,
27:43 and then we'll look at the answer to that.
27:44 Okay?
27:45 We didn't write the fourth one down yet, just hold on,
27:48 take a breath, everybody breathe.
27:50 Okay, A is Babylon...
27:56 Yeah, 3A, just 3A is the lion equals Babylon.
28:02 The bear equals what? Medo-Persia.
28:08 The next one is the leopard, equals what?
28:11 And let's look at question number four,
28:12 so I can bring this up on the screen.
28:14 Let's look at question number four.
28:16 Here it is on the screen.
28:18 What is the sequence of the reign
28:22 of each of the Four World Empires?
28:24 Here it is on the screen.
28:26 I just held of to give you this information,
28:28 but let's look at this together.
28:29 Bring up that graphic for me.
28:31 The graphic is, you have Babylon,
28:37 and Babylon reigned from what year?
28:39 605 to 539 BC,
28:42 that's the reign of the Babylonian kingdom
28:44 which is synonymous with the lion, all right?
28:47 Then you have the Medo-Persian Empire,
28:49 the story we just read
28:50 was when Daniel was in the Medo-Persian Empire,
28:52 from 539 to 331 BC.
28:56 You're putting these under question number four.
28:58 Then you have the kingdom of Greece.
29:01 Have you heard of Alexander the Great?
29:03 That was his kingdom.
29:05 That was his kingdom, 331 to 168 BC.
29:09 And then you have, say the fourth one with me,
29:12 together what is it?
29:13 Pagan Rome, you got to get that.
29:16 Pagan Rome,
29:18 because there are only four world empires.
29:22 These were covered in the earlier questions here.
29:24 Only how many empires?
29:25 Four world empires, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece,
29:29 and then Pagan Rome.
29:32 Okay, and that's 168 BC to 476 AD, okay,
29:36 you can bring the graphic down now.
29:38 Thank you very much.
29:39 Now, when you look at this four kingdoms,
29:43 what you have to understand clearly
29:45 is when we read in some of the earlier questions
29:48 that there'll only be four world empires.
29:51 Let's look at that again,
29:52 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and what else?
29:55 Rome.
29:56 Okay, but Rome begins as a pagan empire.
30:00 For those of you that have read the Bible,
30:02 the entire New Testament is written
30:04 under the reign of Rome.
30:06 Rome was the power that ruled from the birth of Christ,
30:09 all the way through the death of John the Baptist,
30:12 I mean John the Revelator.
30:14 Rome was the kingdom that was ruling,
30:16 and even beyond that,
30:17 the New Testament Church was persecuted
30:18 by the powers of Rome
30:20 during the Dark Ages, the powers of Rome.
30:23 Rome has always had its hand...
30:25 And because Rome is indicated by prophecy
30:28 to be the final kingdom, the what?
30:32 Final kingdom,
30:33 only four kingdoms, not a fifth.
30:35 The fifth one is going to be the kingdom of God,
30:39 and it's going to get rid of all the others.
30:42 But now, look at this, let's go to Daniel 7,
30:46 and we're going to go to verse 23.
30:48 Matter of fact, question five first, all right?
30:50 Question five first.
30:53 Okay, got a question five.
30:57 How does the Bible describe
31:01 the tenacity of the fourth kingdom?
31:04 How does the Bible describe
31:06 the tenacity of the fourth kingdom?
31:09 This was a tenacious kingdom in many, many ways,
31:12 but how does the Bible describe it,
31:14 what kind of kingdom would it be.
31:17 Now, to give you some examples, let's just show you,
31:20 I want to establish this very carefully
31:23 because under the Babylonian Kingdom,
31:25 the three Hebrews were cast into the fiery furnace.
31:28 What happened to the three Hebrews?
31:29 Somebody tell me.
31:30 Did they get delivered, yes or no?
31:32 Yes. They got delivered.
31:33 Under the Medo-Persian Empire,
31:36 Daniel got cast into the lions' den.
31:39 Did he get delivered, yes or no?
31:41 Okay, so what I want you to see here
31:44 is God is in the business of deliverance
31:47 to those who are faithful.
31:48 You get delivered,
31:49 you don't get delivered from the trial,
31:51 you get delivered through the trial
31:54 because the people that set you up have to see
31:56 that no matter what you've done is just not going to stick
32:01 because God really has the final say.
32:03 All right, look at the answer now
32:05 to Daniel 7:23,
32:06 and the question is how does the Bible describe
32:08 the tenacity of the fourth kingdom?
32:10 Here it is,
32:12 "Thus he said,
32:14 'The fourth beast shall be," what?
32:17 "A fourth kingdom on the earth, which shall be,"
32:20 what's the next word?
32:22 "Different from all other kingdoms,
32:25 and shall," do what?
32:26 "Devour the whole earth, trample it and," what else?
32:32 "Break it in pieces.'"
32:33 So this fourth kingdom, which represents Rome,
32:37 what is it going to do to the earth?
32:39 What's it going to do to the earth?
32:41 It's going to devour. What happens when you...
32:43 What's another phrase for devour?
32:46 Do you have any children that like to eat?
32:48 Come on, help me out.
32:50 Okay, I know Cynthia too...
32:52 I know Timothy is a grown boy, and I don't know
32:54 what Hannah's dietary habits are,
32:56 but I'm going to imagine Timothy knows how to eat.
32:59 When I was a kid,
33:00 I remember the neighbor saying to my mother,
33:03 my mother's saying to the neighbor,
33:04 "I rather clothe him than feed him."
33:07 'Cause I could eat, and that children do that.
33:10 But this beast will devour the whole earth.
33:14 So this kingdom of Rome, what it means by devour,
33:17 there'll be no place on the earth
33:21 that will be out of the tenacious reach
33:23 of the Roman Empire.
33:25 There'll be no place,
33:26 you can go to the farthest end of the earth.
33:27 And when you study European history,
33:29 when you study the history of the Middle Ages,
33:31 you discover that there's a phrase
33:33 that is known by all historian, "All roads lead to Rome."
33:40 And if you go to Rome or to Europe,
33:41 and you do a helicopter tour,
33:44 you can still see some of those roads,
33:46 it was like a sun disk from the old Roman Empire,
33:50 roads leading from different kingdoms
33:51 right to where the old Roman Empire is.
33:54 Because where Vatican City is,
33:56 that was not the old headquarters
33:58 of the Roman Empire.
33:59 That was given in 1929 by General Mussolini
34:02 to the Vaticans
34:04 or to the Roman Catholic Church.
34:06 But all these roads led to Rome,
34:08 and the Bible says,
34:10 "He's going to be the fourth kingdom.
34:11 He's going to be different from all the other kingdoms.
34:13 Every one of the kingdoms
34:14 before him was solely political."
34:16 We're going to go into this in just a few moments.
34:19 What made this kingdom different?
34:21 Let's go to question number six.
34:25 Let's go to question number six.
34:27 Okay...
34:34 Here it is.
34:36 How do we know that these four beasts
34:40 represent nations and kings?
34:44 How do we know? Go to Daniel 7:17.
34:46 How do we know? Okay.
34:51 Daniel 7:17 reads as follows,
34:55 here it is, the Word of God.
34:57 "Those great beasts, which are four," together,"
35:02 are four kings which arise out of the earth."
35:08 You can't have a king...
35:10 If you have a king, you have what?
35:11 Kingdom.
35:13 If you have a kingdom, you have a what?
35:14 King.
35:15 So these kingdoms, these four empires,
35:18 those words are interchangeable,
35:20 you have empires, you have kingdoms,
35:22 you have kings, and you have its entire government.
35:25 So these four empires...
35:26 One thing I want to also point out tonight,
35:29 I think I mentioned this before,
35:31 but which one is more powerful,
35:35 a lion or bear?
35:39 Which one is considered as the king of the beasts?
35:42 A lion, okay, well, that's the answer.
35:44 What you'll discover is,
35:48 and this is something that now...
35:50 What you discover is
35:52 as the kingdoms depreciate in value,
35:57 they increase in tenacity.
35:59 Now I want you to follow this
36:00 because normally we would think,
36:04 we would think
36:07 that if the Babylonian Kingdom, let me rephrase that,
36:10 if the Babylonian Kingdom
36:12 maintained its tenacity of a lion
36:15 with eagle's wings all the way through its reign,
36:18 it could never have been brought down.
36:20 So in order to bring it down, God weakened that kingdom.
36:24 God weakened its leadership.
36:25 And as you know the story
36:27 when they poured wine into the vessels of the Lord,
36:30 then the writing was thou art weighed
36:33 in the balances in what?
36:35 Found wanting,
36:36 and that kingdom was brought down
36:37 and Babylon came to its end
36:39 by the Medo-Persian Empire bringing it down
36:42 as they came under the walls
36:44 during the night of feasting and revelry
36:48 the Bible talks about.
36:49 But in Daniel 2,
36:52 you find these kingdoms are talked about once again,
36:55 but the kingdoms are talked about in the sense of metals.
36:58 Go to Daniel 2 very quickly.
37:01 They rose, we know there's lion,
37:03 the bear, and the leopard,
37:06 but we're going to see
37:07 the fourth one in a moment here.
37:09 The lion, the bear, the leopard, look at Daniel 2,
37:12 you're going to see these kingdoms
37:14 in a different light.
37:15 All right, Daniel 2,
37:18 let's go ahead and go all the way down
37:21 to Daniel 2
37:24 and verse...
37:29 I don't want to go all the way down to that verse,
37:31 verse...
37:35 Yeah, 32 is good, it's good.
37:37 That kind of gives the definition.
37:39 Let's go ahead and do that very quickly.
37:41 Verse 32,
37:43 that kind of pulls it all together,
37:44 the image that Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about.
37:49 Thirty one, let's start with 31,
37:50 "You, O king, were watching, and behold, a great image!"
37:54 Nebuchadnezzar had the dream.
37:56 "This great image, whose splendor was excellent,
37:58 stood before you, and its form was awesome."
38:02 Kids say awesome. They mean awesome.
38:07 This image's head was of what? Fine gold.
38:12 On your paper,
38:13 under question number three, next to A,
38:16 you have lion, and you have Babylon,
38:18 put also fine gold.
38:20 Let's go ahead and add that, under question three,
38:21 I want you to do that.
38:23 Put fine gold, next to lion and Babylon, all right?
38:28 That was the head. Its chest and arms of what?
38:33 Silver, put that next to 3B, which is the bear,
38:39 put Medo-Persia and put silver.
38:45 And its belly and thighs of bronze or brass,
38:50 put that next to C,
38:53 which is leopard with four heads and four wings
38:56 which is Greece, which is bronze or brass.
39:03 But now look what you're going to see,
39:06 and this is the reason I point you to this.
39:08 It's as the kingdoms lose their value,
39:12 the metals become stronger.
39:15 Starts with gold
39:16 which is the softest of the metals
39:18 if you look at these four categories.
39:20 Gold is softer than silver,
39:22 silver is softer than bronze or brass,
39:25 and brass is softer than the fourth one.
39:28 Let's look at verse 33.
39:30 "Its legs of," what?
39:33 "Iron, its feet partly of," what?
39:36 "Iron and partly of," what?
39:38 "Clay."
39:39 Okay, so now we have the fourth beast,
39:42 the fourth beast is of what?
39:47 Say it again, it's of what?
39:48 Iron. Iron.
39:50 Legs of iron.
39:52 So the legs in this image represents
39:54 that fourth kingdom.
39:56 Legs of iron,
39:57 which one is stronger, iron or gold?
39:58 I want to get this repetitiously,
40:00 which one is stronger, iron or gold?
40:01 You could take iron
40:02 and break brass, silver, and gold.
40:05 You can pulverize it.
40:08 And that's exactly
40:09 what the Bible said in the last question,
40:11 Rome was going to do,
40:12 it was going to pulverize the earth.
40:15 It was going to trample it down and break it in pieces.
40:18 Go to question number seven,
40:20 let's look at this, all right?
40:25 And by the way,
40:27 when we go and describe the fourth beast
40:29 in Daniel 7 in a moment here,
40:31 we're going to see
40:32 that this fourth beast is totally synonymous
40:36 with the fourth metal
40:39 that Nebuchadnezzar dreamed about,
40:41 the fourth metal in that great image
40:44 that Nebuchadnezzar had the vision about.
40:45 All right?
40:47 Here it is, question number seven.
40:49 Until what time
40:51 will the fourth kingdom be allowed to reign?
40:54 Until what time
40:56 will the fourth kingdom be allowed to reign?
40:59 All right, let's go to Daniel 7:21
41:02 and 22 to look for the answer.
41:04 Are you all ready?
41:06 Here we are, Daniel 7:21 and 22, the Bible says,
41:09 "I was watching, and the same horn,"
41:14 the same what?
41:15 Horn, you want to remember
41:16 that because that comes up later on in our study.
41:19 "The same horn was making war
41:23 against the saints, and," what?
41:26 "Prevailing against them."
41:28 But I praise God
41:29 that the verse doesn't end there,
41:30 because the next word is what?
41:32 "Until the Ancient of Days came,
41:35 and a judgment was made in favor of the saints
41:39 of the Most High,
41:41 and the time came
41:42 for the saints to possess the kingdom."
41:44 Now as you look at that, write the answer down,
41:48 until what time
41:50 will the fourth kingdom be allowed to reign?
41:55 Until when? Ancient of Days.
41:57 And what is that?
41:59 Thank you, and what is it called
42:02 when the saints posses the kingdom?
42:03 When is that going to happen?
42:05 At the second coming of Christ.
42:07 From the time
42:08 it was established in the days of antiquity,
42:11 until the saints possessed the kingdom,
42:13 this fourth beast will be allowed to reign,
42:17 until judgment was made in favor of the saints.
42:21 Are we living in the time of the judgment, yes or no?
42:23 Yes.
42:24 So before the verdict or judgment goes forth,
42:27 this kingdom will be on the God's judgment
42:30 and whatever this kingdom did
42:32 to the saints of God will come to an end
42:36 when judgment is made in the favor of the saints.
42:39 Now let me go and put this back in the proper package.
42:42 You see, in the courts of heaven,
42:45 there's a different verdict than the courts of earth.
42:48 Men say these are the laws of land,
42:50 these are the company laws, these are the policies,
42:53 you can't violate that and get anywhere.
42:55 God says,
42:57 this is the company's policy, this is God's law,
43:00 these are the laws of heaven.
43:02 You can't violate those and get anywhere.
43:05 So when you weigh it,
43:07 who comes out ahead, man or God?
43:09 God.
43:10 God always comes out ahead, and those who stand with God.
43:12 So the saints, they were...
43:14 During the Dark Ages, let me go ahead and...
43:16 We'll put this out in just a moment.
43:19 From 538 to 1798,
43:25 this fourth power was prevailing
43:27 against the saints.
43:28 Millions of Christians lost their lives
43:31 under the persecution of the Roman Empire.
43:33 I'm going to go to that in just a moment here.
43:35 I don't want go too quickly ahead of myself.
43:37 But millions of Christians lost their lives
43:39 under the persecuting power of Rome,
43:42 but there's always a line
43:45 beyond which God does not allow any power to go.
43:49 God set a line, He said,
43:51 "You can't go beyond this particular point."
43:53 But let's look at the very next question,
43:55 why did this kingdom have this kind of attitude?
44:00 Who is behind it?
44:01 Let's look at question number eight.
44:03 Why does this kingdom have this kind of attitude?
44:07 What is the power behind it?
44:10 Look at question number eight.
44:13 And the question is,
44:15 through whom was this kingdom warring
44:17 against God's people?
44:18 Through whom was this kingdom warring
44:21 against God's people?
44:23 Question number eight. Let's bring that on the screen.
44:27 Through whom was this kingdom warring against God's people?
44:31 Let's go to Revelation 12:17,
44:35 and look at what the Bible tells us
44:36 because remember this, anybody that has...
44:41 Let me say it in one of the ways
44:43 that one of our dear saints said it.
44:45 They said, "If you can see the person,
44:46 they are not your enemy,
44:48 but there is an enemy behind the person
44:50 that appears to be your enemy."
44:52 So in all these kingdoms
44:53 whenever God's people were persecuted,
44:56 there was a power behind that.
44:58 You see, the devil
44:59 doesn't like anybody who does right.
45:02 When you do what's right,
45:05 you are naturally and instantly his enemy.
45:09 Look at Revelation 12:17,
45:14 here it is,
45:15 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman..."
45:18 He was what? Enraged.
45:20 Either way,
45:21 the King James Version says wrath.
45:23 "He was enraged with the woman,
45:25 and went to make war
45:27 with the rest of her offspring..."
45:29 That's today, that's in these last days.
45:32 And who are those that he will be upset with,
45:34 let's read this together.
45:35 Are you ready here?
45:37 "Who keep the commandments of God and," what else?
45:41 "Have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
45:44 Let me go ahead and add a component here,
45:46 not only is the testimony of Jesus Christ
45:47 the Spirit of Prophecy,
45:49 but he figures
45:50 if he can war against you and shut you down,
45:52 you don't have a testimony.
45:54 The reality of it is,
45:55 if he can get you to compromise God's law,
45:58 your testimony is shot,
46:00 but because they choose not to compromise God's law,
46:02 they got a testimony.
46:03 The devil doesn't want you to have a testimony.
46:08 Go to Revelation 12, look at this.
46:11 Look at why he doesn't want you to have a testimony
46:14 because, see, people can argue with you on a lot of things
46:18 but they can't argue with you on your testimony.
46:21 Look at Revelation 12, the devil knows this,
46:25 there's nothing new, there's nothing new.
46:28 Revelation 12:11, okay, the Bible says,
46:34 speaking of the triumph of the saints,
46:36 "They overcame him by the," what?
46:40 "Blood of the Lamb and by the," what else?
46:43 "Word of their testimony,
46:46 and they did not love their lives to the death."
46:48 Now that's important, let me tell you why.
46:50 If Daniel thought,
46:53 "Am I going to be cast into the lions' den?
46:55 I'm not going out like that."
46:57 He would've easily said,
46:59 "Okay, I promise not to pray anymore."
47:02 But he didn't care about his life.
47:03 He said, "My life...
47:05 My life is secured in God."
47:08 I think it's Matthew 10:28,
47:10 "Fear not those who are able to kill the body,
47:12 but they cannot kill the soul.
47:14 But fear those who are able to destroy both body
47:16 and soul in hell."
47:17 The Lord says,
47:19 "They may burn you at the stake,
47:20 nail you to the cross, persecute you, kill you,
47:24 but you'll come forth in the resurrection."
47:25 Amen, somebody?
47:27 So don't fear what men can do.
47:29 God honors loyalty, but look at this,
47:33 so Daniel's testimony when...
47:35 Daniel's testimony survived the men that maligned him
47:40 because the king that knew
47:43 he had been tricked to bring about this penalty on Daniel,
47:47 that king says,
47:49 "Daniel, I understand what you're saying
47:51 about your God now, your testimony is true."
47:54 And the Hebrews, the very same thing,
47:56 when the Lord delivered them from the fiery furnace
47:58 that Nebuchadnezzar had heated seven times hotter,
48:01 Nebuchadnezzar passed a decree,
48:03 and the men that maligned the three Hebrews
48:05 were thrown into fiery furnace,
48:07 and the testimony of these Hebrews
48:09 and the testimony of Daniel resonated
48:12 through the Kingdom of Babylon
48:14 and the Kingdom of Medes and the Persians, amen?
48:16 So here's my point.
48:18 If you don't want your testimony to be killed,
48:20 remain loyal to God
48:24 'cause the devil can't kill your testimony.
48:25 So what happened?
48:27 I heard about the difficulty you went through,
48:29 what happened?
48:30 Let me tell you what happened, God is faithful.
48:34 So you know what that does?
48:35 It says to the other people, that are coming ages down,
48:38 they say,
48:39 "Hey, I heard what happened to so and so,
48:41 but I also heard what happened to those
48:42 who did such and such to so and so,
48:45 and I heard how God blessed him
48:46 or God blessed her or God blessed them."
48:49 You got to be loyal, don't worry about the results.
48:51 Your own responsibility is simply be loyal
48:54 and leave the results to God.
48:56 What do you say? Be faithful.
48:59 God isn't calling us to compromise.
49:02 As my good friend, Pastor Wintley Phipps said,
49:04 and we always resonate,
49:06 "You cannot compromise to be recognized."
49:09 Don't compromise, it doesn't work.
49:10 Question number nine,
49:11 let's see if we can get these in,
49:13 question number nine,
49:16 okay.
49:20 After the Pagan Roman Empire fell,
49:23 what power came up in its place?
49:27 Let's go to Daniel 7:8,
49:30 after the Pagan Roman Empire fell,
49:33 what power came up in its place?
49:38 Daniel 7:8,
49:42 and Daniel continues
49:44 as God gave him understanding of what would unfold,
49:47 he says, "I was considering the horns..."
49:51 These 10 horns of this beast.
49:54 "I was considering the horns,
49:57 and there was another horn,"
50:01 what kind of horn?
50:02 "A little one, coming up among them,
50:06 before whom three of the first horns
50:08 were plucked out by the roots."
50:11 And then he continues,
50:13 "And there, in this horn, were eyes like," what?
50:18 "The eyes of man, and a mouth speaking," what?
50:22 "Pompous words."
50:24 Now, this is instrumental
50:25 because there were 10 kingdoms under the reign,
50:31 under the rule of the Roman Empire.
50:33 Today, they have different names.
50:36 There was the Franks, the Lombards, the Suevi,
50:39 these all have different names today,
50:41 like the English, the French, the German,
50:44 the Portuguese, the Swiss,
50:46 they have all these different modern names today.
50:48 But there were three nations
50:50 that refused to bow to the powers of Rome,
50:52 and these were the ones
50:53 that were ripped up by the roots.
50:55 When they were ripped up by the roots,
50:57 it made room for the next power to come up.
51:00 And the power that rose
51:02 in the middle of the Roman Empire,
51:04 and I want you to get this.
51:05 When the pagan empire was losing its power,
51:10 the papal empire was about to gain its power.
51:13 And there was a transition because what was the reason?
51:17 Why would the pagan empire lose its power?
51:19 Often people don't ask that question.
51:21 You see what was happening in the Roman Empire,
51:24 religion was growing so rapidly.
51:27 Christianity was proliferating so rapidly
51:30 that they try to find a way
51:32 to counteract the growth of the church.
51:35 So they couldn't do with pagan philosophies
51:37 because Christians said, "That's pagan.
51:40 I have nothing to do with it."
51:42 So they reached out to a power that was just little.
51:44 It was little at the time. It was called Catholicism.
51:49 It was tiny, it was little.
51:52 That's why it was called a little horn.
51:54 And they brought them on board with Rome, Roman Catholicism,
51:59 gave him a seat out of which he grew,
52:03 but he began little.
52:06 If you read history,
52:07 it was under the Byzantine pope that this merger took place.
52:12 Up until that point,
52:13 they had no power, but when Rome says,
52:15 "We need a religion. We don't got one.
52:18 We don't have one. We need a religion.
52:19 We got to find a way to counteract
52:21 these Christians lest
52:22 they'll take over the Roman Empire."
52:24 So they brought Rome,
52:25 so they brought Catholicism on board,
52:27 gave it its authority.
52:29 They brought Catholicism on board
52:31 and merged Rome with Catholicism,
52:33 which became Roman Catholicism.
52:36 The Roman Catholic Churches,
52:38 what we have in the world today,
52:40 and since Rome ruled the world,
52:42 the word catholic means universal.
52:46 So a universal power established
52:51 what it was hoping to be a universal church.
52:55 And today, there's not a continent
52:57 that's not touched by Catholicism.
52:59 It is universal as it was during the Dark Ages.
53:03 There was not a place untouched by Rome.
53:05 It was universal.
53:07 But now let's go to the last one
53:08 before we leave.
53:10 And I got some claims,
53:11 I don't want you to miss the next broadcast,
53:13 we have about four minutes.
53:14 But let's go to this very quick questions,
53:16 just one more question, question number ten,
53:18 we can get that in there.
53:20 All right, question ten.
53:21 How does the Bible describe the new power of Rome?
53:25 Very quickly, let's go to Daniel 7:20.
53:28 Daniel 7:20.
53:31 Okay, let's look at that very quickly.
53:34 Daniel 7:20, the Bible says,
53:37 "The ten horns that were on its head...
53:41 And the ten horns that were on its head,
53:44 and the other horn which came up,
53:47 before which three fell, namely,
53:51 that horn which had eyes and a mouth
53:55 which spoke pompous words, whose appearance was," what?
54:00 "Greater than his fellows."
54:02 Daniel is going to continue unfolding what that meant,
54:05 so get this, the horn came up little,
54:08 but now, it looks what?
54:10 Greater.
54:11 Another word for greater, as the King James Version says,
54:14 it looks more pompous.
54:16 You ever heard somebody's pompous?
54:17 Loud and loud, you know, big-mouthed person is pompous.
54:20 Lot of attitude is pompous.
54:22 It started out little, but when Daniel goes back
54:26 and looks at it, it says,
54:27 "That little one,
54:29 it's now greater than its fellows."
54:32 So it came up
54:33 while all the other nations were established
54:35 under the Roman Empire, it came up like, "Wow!
54:38 Big horns, all around me."
54:40 And as time went on,
54:43 "Wow, little horns, all around me.
54:45 I've got power over them."
54:47 And in 1565,
54:49 what gave Rome that kind of power is Rome was given...
54:54 Rome established tradition above the Bible,
54:59 so the Christian reformers could not fight,
55:02 could not successfully fight
55:04 against the rising powers of Rome
55:06 because in 1565, Pope Regio declared
55:09 that tradition is above God's word.
55:12 Therefore, whatever we say is the final say.
55:15 And in the next broadcast,
55:16 you're going to see some of the declarations,
55:18 you cannot miss it, but here is one more,
55:21 verse 24, let's hit this one.
55:22 We got about less than three minutes.
55:25 Daniel 7:24, the Bible says,
55:28 "Then ten horns...
55:29 The ten horns are ten kings
55:31 who shall arise from this kingdom.
55:34 And another shall rise after them,
55:37 he shall be," what?
55:39 "Different from the first ones, and shall," do what?
55:42 "Subdue three kings."
55:44 Now go to the next slide, we're going to wind up on this.
55:46 I'm going to show this very quickly.
55:48 The Roman Transition is the title of the next slide.
55:52 In the Roman Transition, when Papal Rome went down,
55:57 Pagan Rome replaced it.
56:00 When Pagan Rome...
56:02 When Papal Rome went down, Pagan Rome replaced it.
56:06 Papal Rome, the leadership of the popes,
56:10 replaced the leadership of the governors.
56:15 And these men were known, in their own right,
56:17 as little gods themselves.
56:19 These Roman leaders considered themselves gods.
56:23 The proof of that is today,
56:26 we have a calendar where we have July,
56:29 just what Roman Empire that represents...
56:32 What Roman Emperor that represented?
56:34 Julius.
56:36 We have also the month August that came after that,
56:39 who do you think that represents?
56:41 Augustus.
56:43 These two men were in such battlement
56:46 against each other...
56:48 So we have this thing, Thirty days hath September,
56:53 what else, how does it go? April, June, and November.
56:57 The other ones have 31,
56:59 but there's one little fledgling,
57:01 one of them that has been robbed,
57:03 what's his name?
57:05 February, how many days does February have?
57:07 Twenty eight.
57:09 Twenty eight, except for a leap year.
57:10 Now the reason why these two emperors arguing...
57:12 First Emperor Julius added an additional day to his month,
57:16 giving it 31, then Augustus said,
57:19 "No upper hand on me.
57:20 Where can we get another day? Take it from February."
57:23 It didn't change the length of the year,
57:25 still 365 days.
57:27 But these two kings in competition,
57:29 they rose as gods.
57:30 And in the Roman Empire, they were gods.
57:33 So now, this is where my transition comes,
57:36 they now established a religion,
57:40 and the same desire
57:41 they had for themselves to be Roman gods,
57:44 they now conferred upon this religious man
57:47 and set him up as another god.
57:50 You'll see in the very next broadcast
57:52 that the leader of this world wide church,
57:55 in the eyes of this world,
57:56 both politically and religiously,
57:58 assumes the role of God.
58:00 Keep studying,
58:01 one day it'll come into a sharper focus.


Revised 2018-03-29