A Sharper Focus


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000129A

00:01 ¤ ¤
00:21 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn, and we welcome you to A Sharper Focus,
00:24 our Wednesday night Bible study here at the Thompsonville
00:28 Seventh-day Adventist Church. And I want to welcome all of you
00:32 who are sitting here as well as those who are watching by
00:36 television and internet or listening on radio. I have to
00:40 tell you, you know, J.D. and I just have returned from Israel.
00:44 We had a beautiful two week trip to Israel but I'm quite jet
00:49 lagged. I'm still on Israel time. I've been up since
00:52 midnight so it's going to be a bit of a challenge tonight, but
00:57 John Lomacang asked me yesterday if I would do today and you know
01:02 what 3ABN's motto is. You have to be a minuteman to work there,
01:06 right? So why don't we go to the Lord in prayer and ask for his
01:10 blessing over the study of his word. Heaven Father, we come
01:14 once again in the name of Jesus and Lord we come to acknowledge
01:18 our full dependence upon you. We ask in the name of Jesus you
01:21 will send the Holy Spirit tonight to be our teacher and
01:26 Father help make sense of the material that is prepared here
01:32 that _ to hear what the Holy Spirit would have to say. Father
01:37 we want to be all things to the glory of your name. Thank you
01:42 Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. Because we just returned from
01:49 Israel and because I didn't have time to do anything else,
01:54 no, we are going tonight to study the beatitudes. So please
02:00 open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 5, Matthew chapter 5.
02:05 You know, I don't think we spend enough time really focusing on
02:10 these. Tonight we're going to dig deep into the beatitudes and
02:16 what the meaning, what Christ was doing when he actually give
02:22 the sermon on the mount. This is Christ's inaugural address,
02:27 a King of the kingdom of grace. So it's a very important sermon
02:33 and we will only have time to consider the beatitudes. But
02:38 let's look at Matthew chapter 5 and we're going to begin with
02:42 verse 1. And seeing the multitudes, he went up on a
02:48 mountain and when he was seated, his disciples came to him. Then
02:54 he opened his mouth and taught them saying, Blessed, happy, to
03:00 be envied, are those the poor in spirit. Blessed are the poor
03:05 in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. As I said,
03:11 this is Christ's inaugural address, if you will, as King of
03:16 the kingdom of grace. And he proclaims immediately that his
03:22 main objective is to restore the lost happiness of Eden. Blessed
03:28 are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
03:34 J.D. and I have had the privilege of going to Israel
03:37 that last five years and we stood on the mount of beatitudes
03:42 they believe it's the most perfect place where they believe
03:46 Christ gave this address because it forms a natural amphitheater.
03:56 And it's close to Capernaum and actually this mount is sometimes
04:05 referred to as the Sinai of the New Testament. We know that this
04:13 sermon has the same relationship to the Christian church as what
04:20 happened on Mt. Sinai had to the Jewish nation. So what we want
04:27 to do tonight is look at how Matthew often parallels Moses
04:34 and Jesus. And we're going to look from Mt. Sinai God gave his
04:40 divine Law. But here from the Mount of Beatitudes Christ is
04:45 reaffirming this Law and he is explaining its true meaning in
04:51 great detail. So when we look at this we should read it through
04:56 the backdrop of Moses' teachings You know, the only time that
05:01 Moses used the word blessed was in his blessing on Israel in
05:06 Deuteronomy 33:29. You don't need to turn there. But he said
05:12 how happy, how blessed you are Israel. Who is like you a people
05:19 saved by the Lord. Of course, he's referring here to their
05:23 exodus from Egypt and the remainder of that blessing in
05:30 Deuteronomy is assuring the Israelites of their success in
05:35 their conquest of the promised land. So against this backdrop
05:41 if we think about this, what Matthew is doing is he is
05:50 showing that Moses was the type and Christ was the antitype.
05:56 He's kind of setting Christ up as the new Moses and he's going
06:02 to describe the new Israel who are Jesus' disciples who will
06:07 enjoy a new exodus and conquest. Now for us the idea of the new
06:12 Israel is fairly familiar, but for some of you at home it may
06:17 not be and I wanted to just give you a few scriptures and we'll
06:21 look at these together. Turn to Genesis 32. Keep your finger in
06:25 Matthew 5 because we'll be coming back here. But if we look
06:31 at Genesis 32, and we're going to begin with verse 24. Let me
06:38 say this: Israel is a spiritual name. Israel is a spiritual name
06:45 God gave to Jacob after Jacob wrestled with the Lord. Genesis
06:49 32 and verse 24. The Bible says, Then Jacob was left alone and a
06:57 man wrestled with him until breaking of day. Now when he saw
07:01 that he did not prevail against him, he touched the socket of
07:05 his hip and the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint
07:08 as he wrestled with him and he said, let me go (this is the Man
07:13 speaking, capital M) and He said let me go for the day breaks.
07:18 But Jacob said to him, I will not let you go unless you bless
07:24 he said to Jacob, What is your name? And he answered Jacob
07:30 and then this Man says to him, your name shall no longer be
07:34 called Jacob, but Israel, for you have struggled with God and
07:40 with men and have prevailed. Then Jacob asked saying, tell
07:45 me your name I pray. And he said why is it that you ask about my
07:50 name and he blessed him there and Jacob called the name of the
07:56 place Peniel. And if we have any question who this Man was that
08:01 he was wrestling with this next verse explains it. It says, For
08:08 I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved. So Israel
08:14 is a spiritual name and, you know, as Paul told the Romans,
08:19 we've been grafted in. We were wild olive shoots, we being
08:25 Gentiles, were wild olive shoots grafted in to the cultured olive
08:30 tree. Some of the natural branches, he says, were broken
08:32 off by God, we were then grafted in. And for Paul, a true Jew is
08:40 the one who believes that Christ is the Messiah. He says this in
08:46 Galatians 3. This is Galatians 3:26-29. Paul says, For you are
08:53 all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you
08:58 as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. For there is
09:03 neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, neither male nor
09:09 female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And in Galatians
09:15 3:29 he says, And if you are Christ's then you are Abraham's
09:21 seed and heirs according to the promise. What promise is he
09:24 speaking of? He's speaking of the promise that God gave
09:30 Abraham that all of his offspring, both Jews and
09:35 Gentiles, will be justified by faith alone. Not by works but by
09:43 faith. So Paul is constantly developing this idea of a new
09:52 Israel. For Paul, a Jew, one who was circumcised in his
09:56 heart. Turn to
09:58 Roman's chapter 2, we'll look at that. Romans chapter 2 and
10:05 verse 28 is where we'll begin. So a true Jew, part of the new
10:12 Israel, is somebody who has been circumcised in their heart by
10:17 the Holy Spirit. And he says in Romans 2:28: For he is not a
10:23 Jew who is one outwardly nor is circumcision that which is
10:29 outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew who is one inwardly and
10:35 circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the
10:40 letter. His praise is not from men, but from God. So if your
10:47 heart has been circumcised by God that is our covenant, the
10:54 seal and sign of our covenant, is when our heart has been
10:59 circumcised by God. When we have allowed him to cut away the
11:04 stony heart and give us a heart of flesh, a new heart in which
11:08 he promises he will write his Laws and his commandments. So
11:13 that makes us members of Israel. We're the new Israel. Paul said
11:21 this; do you want to turn there? Galatians chapter 5, Galatians
11:27 chapter 5 once again showing that a true Jew is not one who
11:33 is circumcised physically but spiritually in the heart.
11:36 Galatians 5 and verse 1, Paul says, Stand fast therefore in
11:44 the liberty by which Christ has made us free and do not
11:48 be entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Indeed, I, Paul, say
11:55 to you-And he was speaking to Gentiles who were being troubled
12:02 by some Jewish brethren... and let me explain something.
12:09 Christianity didn't begin as a new religion. Christianity for
12:15 the Jews who accepted Christ as Messiah, they saw this as a
12:20 a continuation of the Jewish faith. Those who understood and
12:26 recognized. So I've been a little hard on some of these
12:30 people thinking the Judaizers who came and tried to get them
12:34 to be circumcised, in many of their minds they felt that you
12:39 had to become a Jew and follow all of the old to become a
12:44 Christian. But what Paul is saying to them is no. I mean,
12:50 he's already had this conversation, gone down and
12:53 talked with Peter and the brethren and he says no you
12:57 don't have to go through the Jewish rite of circumcision. You
13:01 don't have to become a Jew to become a Christian and here's
13:05 what he says in Galatians 5:1-6: But stand fast therefore in the
13:10 liberty by which Christ has made us free. Do not become entangled
13:15 again with a yoke of bondage. Indeed, I, Paul say to you that
13:20 if you become circumcised Christ will profit you nothing
13:25 and I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he
13:29 is a debtor to keep the whole law. If you're being circumcised
13:34 to be saved, if you're trying to keep the law to be saved, the
13:39 old law, Paul says it's not going to do you any good. And in
13:44 verse 4 he says you have become estranged from Christ, you who
13:50 attempt to be justified by law. You have fallen from grace for
13:55 we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of
14:00 righteousness by faith. For in Christ Jesus neither
14:04 circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but only what?
14:11 The only thing that matters is Christ Jesus, is faith working
14:18 through love. So a true Jew will understand that you rely on
14:24 God's grace and not the works of the law for Paul told the
14:30 Ephesians For it is by grace that you've been saved not by
14:35 works, it's not of yourself, it is the gift of God. Not of works
14:41 lest anyone should boast for we are God's workmanship created in
14:48 Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand
14:51 for us to walk in them. So salvation is by grace and grace
14:57 alone and that's something that Jesus really wants people to
15:01 understand. So now let's go back to Matthew chapter 5, Matthew 5
15:07 and we just looked at blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed
15:14 are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
15:20 What we're seeing here is Christ is being presented as the new
15:26 Moses, a spiritual deliverer, rather than a political one and
15:30 his promise has to be understood in that light, all in the
15:35 spiritual realm. So a new Israel a new exodus and in the
15:40 beatitudes Christ is pronouncing spiritual salvation. Exodus from
15:48 slavery to sin and he promises spiritual victory, conquest and
15:52 inheritance of a new promised land. In the Old Testament, and
15:59 Psalm 86 is a good one, we won't take time to turn there, but in
16:07 the Old Testament the poor were those who cried out for God's
16:12 help depending entirely on him for their needs. They had a
16:17 humble and contrite spirit and they experienced his deliverance
16:23 and they enjoyed his undeserved favor. The word poor here is
16:27 referring to a deep poverty, a deep spiritual poverty, a dire
16:36 poverty. It is people who sense their need for God and what his
16:43 kingdom of grace has to offer. Jesus, in the light of this
16:49 background, is describing his disciples as unworthy sinners
16:54 who depend on God's grace for salvation. And it's interesting
17:00 the statement, the kingdom of heaven is theirs, appears here
17:05 in the first the beatitudes and then at the beginning and then
17:09 at the end of the beatitudes, after the eighth one, that the
17:15 kingdom of heaven is theirs. So it's bracketed, the first
17:20 beatitude, the eighth beatitude are bracketed by that thought
17:25 that the kingdom of heaven is theirs. And this suggests that
17:30 the beatitude constitutes promises that only belong to
17:35 those who are in the kingdom. In Isaiah 61, Isaiah promises
17:42 that the Messiah would bring good news to the poor and this
17:48 beatitude serves as a fulfillment of that prophecy.
17:51 Only the poor in spirit will inherit and enter the kingdom
17:58 of heaven. Those who feel no need of heaven's riches will not
18:03 go in because they decline it's blessings. So blessed are the
18:11 poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Now let's
18:17 look at the second one. Blessed are those who mourn, this is
18:22 Matthew 5 verse 4: Blessed are those who
18:26 mourn for they shall be comforted. This beatitude is
18:34 also dependent up Isaiah 61. Let me read to you verses 1-3, if
18:42 you want to turn there you may. Isaiah 61 verses 1-3. He says he
18:50 had sent me to heal the broken hearted, to comfort all who
18:55 mourn, to provide for those who mourn in Zion, to give them a
19:00 crown of beauty instead of ashes festive oil instead of mourning,
19:05 and splendid clothes instead of despair. This is portraying
19:13 mourning as an expression of Israel's sorrow over the
19:18 consequences of their sins and the exile that their sins caused
19:25 So in this light when Jesus said blessed are those who mourn,
19:28 he's talking about those who expressed the grief of the
19:35 consequences of their sins. They had an attitude of repentance.
19:42 So this profound spiritual poverty that he was talking of,
19:48 the poor in spirit, is matched by a deep mourning, that Godly
19:54 sorrow. A deep sense of spiritual need leads men to
19:59 mourn over the imperfections of their life. We talked about
20:03 that last time I was here. When you recognize your sins what
20:06 should we do? We should rejoice when we recognize our sins
20:09 because it means the Holy Spirit is working on us. You see
20:14 to bring Godly sorrow, but it is Godly sorrow that leads us to
20:19 repentance. So praise the Lord for that. But Christ is saying
20:24 that those who mourn, this is a message of comfort to them
20:29 because He's going to meet our spiritual poverty with the
20:33 riches of his forgiveness, the riches of His grace. He's
20:38 meeting the mourning over our sins with the comfort that our
20:42 sins are forgiven and He sends us the Holy Spirit to abide with
20:47 us as an over present friend and source of power. The
20:53 mourning for sin just naturally follows the sequence of
20:58 recognizing our spiritual poverty. It's just a natural
21:02 progression and it is the second requirement of those who present
21:08 themselves as candidates for the kingdom of heaven. Number three:
21:14 Matthew 5 and verse 5: Blessed are the meek for they shall
21:22 inherit the earth. This word meek, meekness is the gentle quality
21:29 of humility. It's an attitude of our heart and our mind and our
21:36 life that prepares the way for sanctification. We have to have
21:43 that meekness of spirit, that humility, and that prepares the
21:49 way for sanctification. What is sanctification? It simply means
21:55 be separated from sin. Sanctification and holiness
22:00 are synonyms, they mean the same thing. Holiness is to be
22:03 separated from sin. So here what Jesus is saying is when we are
22:10 poor in spirit, recognizing our great need for God, we mourn
22:16 over our sins and then we have this humility. It means that we
22:22 will accept God's will without question. We will see His
22:29 dealing with us as being good and we will submit to Him in all
22:35 things without hesitation. That's what meekness is.
22:39 You know, we kind of have this idea that meekness means, Oh I'm
22:46 shy and retiring and I'm sitting back here. Moses, the Bible says
22:52 was the most meek of all men. Do you see Moses as someone who
22:58 is shy and retiring and standing back. No. It was humility.
23:03 That's what Moses had and in due time those who have this
23:10 grace of humility are going to inherit the earth. Christ said
23:16 those who humble themselves shall be exalted. In the
23:23 Septuagint, the Septuagint is the earliest Greek manuscript of
23:30 the Old Testament. In Isaiah 61 and verse 7, it uses these very
23:36 words, they will inherit the land. That's an exact parallel
23:42 here to Matthew 5:5. So what these first three beatitudes are
23:48 doing is confirming Jesus' identity as the servant of
23:55 Isaiah 61. And this is important I mean, it's important for us to
24:00 understand because the servant of Isaiah 61 was introduced in
24:07 Isaiah 62 talking about he would be the one who would have a
24:13 sacrificial death and that he would suffer the punishment that
24:20 sinners deserve. What I like about blessed are the meek, this
24:26 echoes Psalm 37 in which the gentle are those who stubbornly
24:31 trust God and trust His authority even when they cannot
24:36 make sense of their circumstances. Turn to Psalm 37.
24:42 We'll talk a little bit more about the meek. Psalm 37.
24:48 I am very blessed to be married to one of the most humble
24:55 people that I know. Humility is a beautiful thing and something
25:01 that J.D. has taught me is when we pray and ask God for help
25:08 he always will say increase my humility. It's a good prayer to
25:14 pray, increase my humility. Psalm 37 verses 9-11. Psalm 37
25:20 verse 9 says this: For evil doers shall be cut off but those
25:27 who wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are
25:32 the meek for they shall inherit the earth. Verse 10: For yet a
25:37 little while and the wicked shall be no more. Indeed you
25:42 will look carefully for his place and it shall be no more,
25:47 but, look at verse 11, the meek shall inherit the earth and
25:52 shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Now in
25:56 the Old Testament, when it talks about inheriting the earth
25:59 they're talking about the promised land of Canaan, but in
26:05 the New Testament, the new Israel is going to inherit this
26:10 land that is promised to Abraham referring to living in a
26:16 recreated earth over which Christ rules eternally. So
26:22 Matthew's gospel is constantly anticipating the renewal of the
26:26 earth and he assures Jesus' disciples that they will enjoy
26:31 great rewards in the eternal kingdom. Now number four. This
26:39 is probably my favorite. This is Matthew chapter 5 and verse 6:
26:43 Matthew chapter 5 and verse 6:
26:46 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for
26:54 they shall be filled. Let's look at this a little bit closer.
27:01 What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness. This
27:07 is a fervent desire to be in right standing with God.
27:14 Righteousness simply means to do things in God's right way.
27:20 It's a right way of doing and a right way of being. To be in
27:26 righteousness sustained before the Lord. Now Jesus is speaking
27:32 of the hunger and the thirst of the soul. This is like David's
27:37 experience. You know in Psalm 42 where he said as the deer
27:43 pants for the water so my soul pants for you. Let me ask you a
27:51 question tonight. Are you panting, are you desiring God's
28:00 righteousness like that. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst
28:09 for righteousness. No earthly source can satisfy the hunger
28:14 and thirst of the soul. Solomon certainly tried to fill that
28:19 empty spot, did he not? He tried to fill his emptiness with
28:24 material riches, profound philosophies, satisfying the
28:28 appetites of his physical desire with honor and power and he
28:35 finally concluded all is vanity. He realized, you know in
28:42 Ecclesiastes chapter 3 he says that God put eternity in man's
28:49 heart. Every person has a God- shaped hole in the heart. I mean
28:56 they need the Lord. So none of these things that Solomon
29:01 sought after or that anyone else is seeking after to bring us
29:05 satisfaction and happiness that we long for. And Solomon finally
29:09 realized that it was the recognition of our Creator and
29:14 our cooperation with Him that provided enduring satisfaction
29:18 Just listen to this: In Ecclesiastes 12:1 he said:
29:23 Remember now, now this is the ending of his book. Remember now
29:27 your Creator in the days of your youth before the difficult days
29:32 come and the years draw near when you say I have no pleasure
29:37 in them. In verse 13 he said, Let us hear the conclusion of
29:42 the whole matter, fear God and keep his commandments for this
29:48 is man's all. Only those who long for righteousness with the
29:55 same desire of a starving man will find it. The longing in our
30:01 hearts for righteousness is evidence that Christ is already
30:08 working there. And I just want to suggest to you, if you don't
30:15 hunger and thirst for righteousness, pray and ask God
30:18 to give you that hunger and that thirst. Just as we pray for
30:25 increase our humility, it's Lord cause me to hunger and thirst
30:31 for righteousness, because it is easy to become apathetic and to
30:36 just get into the habit of going to church, just get into the
30:42 habit of doing the right things but we want to let God stir up
30:49 that desire in your heart. The words here when he says blessed
30:55 are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall
31:01 be filled. That is the passive voice. Now let me give you a
31:07 little English lesson here. What's difference between an
31:13 active voice when you're writing and a passive voice. The active
31:19 voice means you are the doer, you are the be-er. Like if I say
31:25 I will fill my cup, that's an active voice. I'm the one doing
31:32 the action. But if I say my cup shall be filled, I'm not doing
31:38 the action. So the passive voice is when you're not to do-er,
31:43 you're not the be-er. And the beautiful thing about this is
31:48 it is indicating here when it says blessed are those who
31:53 hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be
31:58 filled, it's indicating that righteousness is not something
32:03 that disciples can achieve by their own efforts. This is what
32:09 Bible scholars call a divine passage. It means that we are
32:16 describing something that only God can do. Blessed are those
32:21 who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be
32:25 filled. We're made righteous through faith in Christ Jesus.
32:33 We are made righteous; his righteousness is imputed to us
32:38 which simply means that it's like if you've got a bank
32:44 account over here that is so far overdrawn no way you can pay
32:50 this. What is our debt? The wages of sin is death. There's
32:55 no way we can pay this. But Christ's perfect record, his
33:06 record, his life, everything that he did, that is imputed.
33:10 It's just like our bank account is filled, that debt is
33:14 cancelled and that's how we're justified. His righteousness
33:18 being imputed to us. But it goes further. Christ's righteousness
33:25 is imparted. To be imparted is when his righteousness is poured
33:31 into us as he lives in us, by faith, by the power of the Holy
33:37 Spirit. He lives in our hearts by faith. So then his
33:43 righteousness is imparted to us and the Holy Spirit helps us to
33:50 will and to do God's pleasure. What a beautiful thing! So then
33:57 we end up we're not walking according to the flesh but
34:02 according to the Spirit. Only God can impart this
34:07 righteousness. Only God can fill this hunger and this thirst. And
34:11 it is crucial to understand this because if we're going to
34:16 understand the theology of the sermon on the mount, let's look
34:22 at this. Look at verse 19. Jesus says in Matthew 5 and verse 19
34:27 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments
34:33 and teaches them to do so shall be called the least in the
34:36 kingdom of heaven. So he's saying that we've got to keep
34:41 all of these commandments. In verse 20 he says, if my eyes
34:45 will work for me, for I say to you unless your righteousness
34:49 exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, you
34:53 will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. What? My
34:57 righteousness has to be more that the scribes and the
35:01 Pharisees. And then in verse 48 if these tired eyes can... He
35:08 says therefore you shall be perfect just as your Father in
35:17 heaven is perfect. Wow! Do you see that such demands can be
35:25 twisted into a false theology where righteousness is achieved
35:31 by works. That's why it's so important to understand what he
35:37 is saying when he says Blessed are those who hunger and thirst
35:43 for righteousness for they shall be filled. God will fill them,
35:48 God will give you his righteousness. Then if we
35:52 understand it, it's Christ's righteousness that is meeting
35:58 the demands of verses 19, 20 and 48. So hallelujah! Blessed
36:04 are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall
36:09 be filled. Then the sixth beatitude: Matthew 5 and verse 7
36:18 Matthew 5 and verse 7: Jesus says, blessed are the merciful
36:26 for they shall obtain mercy. How merciful are they? To be
36:33 merciful means that we are compassionate and that we are
36:39 relating to others with a forgiving and compassionate
36:45 spirit. And the promise here is that God will show mercy to the
36:52 merciful. The mercy that Christ speaks of here is an active
36:58 virtue. It means that we are demonstrating merciful deeds
37:04 towards mankind. You know, in Matthew 25, let's go ahead and
37:15 turn there. Matthew 25, let's look at verses 31-46. Matthew
37:25 25 verses 31-46. Remind me never to wear a wool sweater here when
37:35 we're teaching, because under all of these lights it is
37:40 extremely hot. When you're tired and hot, I may just lie down and
37:46 take a nap. Okay, Matthew 25 and let's look at verse 31 and he
37:52 says here: When the Son of Man comes in his glory and the holy
37:58 angels with him then he will sit on the throne of his glory. All
38:03 the nations will be gathered before him. He will separate
38:06 one from another as the shepherd divides the sheep from the goats
38:09 and he will set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on
38:15 his left. Then the King will say to those on his right hand, come
38:20 ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you
38:24 from the foundation of the world, for I was hungry and you
38:29 gave me food (you were merciful) I was thirsty and you gave me
38:35 drink, (you were merciful), I was a stranger and you took me
38:42 in (you were merciful), I was naked and you clothed (you did
38:48 acts of mercy), I was sick and you visited me (praise God you
38:52 were merciful), I was in prison and you came to me. Then the
39:03 righteous will answer him saying Lord when did we see you hungry
39:08 and feed you or thirsty and give you drink, when did we see you a
39:12 stranger and take you in and naked and clothe you or when
39:15 did we see you sick or in prison and come to you. And the King
39:18 will answer and say to them, assuredly I say to you,
39:22 inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my
39:25 brethren you did it to me. But he will also say to those on the
39:30 left hand, depart from me you cursed into the everlasting
39:34 fire prepared for the devil and his angels, for I was hungry and
39:38 you gave me no food (you were not merciful). If you're not
39:42 merciful, you're not going to get mercy). I was thirsty
39:46 and you gave me no drink. I was a stranger and you did not take
39:49 me in, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison
39:54 and you did not visit me. Then they also will answer him saying
39:58 Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or
40:05 naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you. And he
40:09 will answer saying assuredly I say to you inasmuch as you did
40:13 not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to
40:17 me. And these will go away into everlasting punishment but the
40:23 righteous into eternal life. So the test of admission to the
40:29 kingdom of God is deeds of mercy Turn to James chapter 1. You
40:35 know we really can't over emphasize this idea of being
40:40 merciful. James chapter 1 and we'll look at verse 27. James 1
40:52 and verse 27. James says: Pure and undefiled religion before
41:01 God and the Father is this: To visit orphans and widows in
41:08 their troubles and to keep oneself unspotted from the world
41:14 You see the recurrent theme of being merciful. If you want to
41:20 obtain mercy, you need to be merciful. In Micah 6:8 our
41:24 obligation to God and to our fellowman is summed up as this:
41:29 To do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.
41:34 In other words, we're supposed to have a humble heart toward
41:37 God and toward all men. For the merciful obtain mercy, both now
41:44 and in the day of judgment. You know, when we follow the golden
41:50 rule, we are considerate and kind toward others. Quite often
41:57 our fellowman takes note and they respond accordingly. If they
42:02 don't, God takes note and you can count on the fact that he is
42:07 going to reward us now and throughout eternity. So blessed
42:13 are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Now let's return
42:22 to Matthew Chapter 5 and verse 8 Matthew 5 and verse 8:
42:27 Blessed are the pure in heart
42:31 for they shall see God. This being pure in heart is referring
42:40 to someone who is authentically righteous in their inner person.
42:48 Righteousness can be faked. Consider the Pharisees. They
42:53 faked righteousness didn't they? They had a bunch of rules and
42:59 regulations by which they walked and talked and dressed. But
43:05 Jesus said they were like white washed tombs. They weren't pure
43:10 in heart. So what Jesus is saying here is true purity is
43:19 attained when God grants it to those who hunger and thirst for
43:22 righteousness. Right? The complete fulfillment of this
43:27 divine promise is going to happen when Jesus returns, but
43:33 he is identifying his disciples even now as those who show
43:38 they've been through a dramatic transformation in this lifetime.
43:44 You know, there's something that I don't teach on. I don't teach
43:50 on anger. You know why? I've got a fuse that's this long. I've
43:55 lost my temper maybe four times in my entire life. I don't have
44:00 an anger issue. So it's not right for me to get up and
44:05 really preach about anger. You know, because to me if you're
44:09 going to teach something you've got to kind of let God walk you
44:11 through it. There's a lot of things I can talk about. Anger's
44:16 not one of them except to say this, if you have a short fuse
44:24 you cannot continually excuse yourself. As a Christian, I hear
44:31 sometimes Christians say it's my personality, you know, I was
44:39 born with it. So were the sons of thunder. They were ready to
44:47 call down fire from heaven, James and John, because this
44:50 village didn't want to accept their message and they're like
44:56 Lord shall we call down fire from heaven? They had a temper.
45:04 But John became the apostle of love. So if you are having an
45:10 anger issue, you need to pray to the Lord to help you relieve
45:16 that because I've met many a person who has walked down that
45:22 road and God just cured them. So when he says blessed are the
45:28 pure in heart, this is designating the intellect,
45:32 the conscience, the inner man. The pure in heart are clothed in
45:39 the robe of Christ's righteousness. The pure in heart
45:42 have forsaken sin as the ruling principle of their life. The
45:48 pure in heart have consecrated their lives to God without
45:54 reserve. That doesn't mean that they're absolutely sinless.
45:58 Anybody in here sinless? If you raise your hand I'm going to
46:03 talk with you after the program. It doesn't mean that the pure in
46:09 heart are absolutely sinless. It just means that their motives
46:15 are right. If your motives are pure, your life will be pure. We
46:21 have to turn our backs on our past mistakes and press forward
46:26 to the mark of perfection in Christ Jesus. Right? So he says
46:29 Blessed are the pure in heart, (what is their promise?) They
46:35 shall see God. Divine grace opens their eyes to see God,
46:43 the spiritual eyes, spiritual sight, through the eyes of faith
46:48 right now, and physical sight in the glorious kingdom when they
46:55 see him face to face. The poor in spirit sense their spiritual
47:02 need and when they do they enter the kingdom of God by faith right
47:09 now. Those who mourn over their sins are comforted. The humble
47:15 hearted receive the title deed to the new earth now. Those who
47:22 hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled
47:26 now. The merciful will obtain mercy now and in the day of
47:30 judgment and the pure in heart will develop a heavenly vision
47:34 of God in this present world and they'll see him face to face in
47:39 the world to come. Number seven, the peacemakers. This is Matthew
47:44 5 and verse 9. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be
47:51 called the sons of God. Here Christ is referring specifically
47:58 to people who bring men into harmony with God. Christ was
48:04 the Prince of Peace, the messenger of peace, God sent.
48:10 And Paul said in Romans 5:1 we are justified by faith and as we are
48:16 we have peace with God through Christ. Paul also told the
48:21 Thessalonians in 1 Thessalonians 5:13 that they were to be at
48:26 peace among themselves and in Hebrews 12:14 he says follow
48:32 peace with all men. We are to pray for peace. We are to work
48:38 for peace. The ministry of peace making involves conflict
48:43 resolution. It means that you're prompt to make an apology,
48:49 prompt to make acts of restitution. You refuse to seek
48:56 revenge and you humbly serve and love your enemies. Wow!
49:02 Peace makers are devoted to the cause of leading their fellowmen
49:06 to find peace with God. So the promise that the peace makers
49:12 will be called the sons of God probably means that Jesus'
49:16 authentic disciples are emulating God by undertaking
49:22 the ministry of reconciliation and thus, they begin to resemble
49:28 Christ in character. So, at the final judgment they will be
49:33 accepted as the sons and daughters of God. Now, the final
49:39 one. This is the one nobody likes to talk about. Matthew 5
49:45 and verse 10: Blessed are those who are persecuted for
49:50 righteousness' sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
49:56 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all
50:00 kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and
50:08 be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven. For so
50:15 they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Blessed are
50:20 those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake for theirs
50:25 is the kingdom of heaven. That's the way we started off isn't it?
50:29 Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of
50:32 heaven. Blessed are those who are persecuted for
50:36 righteousness' sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Since
50:41 the entrance of sin there has been enmity between Christ and
50:46 the devil. There's been enmity between the kingdom of heaven
50:51 and the kingdom of this world; between those who serve God and
50:56 those who serve Satan. You know most people don't realize
51:02 if they're not serving God, they're serving Satan. Romans
51:09 6:16 Paul said, do you not realize you are slaves to whom
51:15 you obey. Let's look at that. That's such an incredible
51:22 scripture. Romans I believe it's 6:16. Romans 6 and verse 16.
51:36 Look at this. Do you not know that to whom you present
51:41 yourself to slaves to obey, you are that one's slave whom you
51:47 obey, whether of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to
51:54 righteousness. We're all slaves to one or the other. We're all
52:00 either in the kingdom serving God or in this world serving
52:07 Satan. So what Christ is referring to here primarily
52:12 is to that persecution that is suffered in the process of
52:17 forsaking the world for the kingdom of heaven. In John 16
52:22 and verse 33 Jesus warned the citizens of the heavenly kingdom
52:24 that we can expect tribulation in this world. Our characters
52:32 and our conduct will bear silent witness against the evils of
52:36 this present world. And you know I have to say something here.
52:38 II Timothy 3:12 Paul said that all who live Godly will suffer
52:45 persecution. What a disservice we do to people when we
52:51 introduce them to Christ and we make them think that's it's all
52:56 going to be pie in the sky, sweet bye and bye. If we don't
53:02 let them know there will be persecution. But you're blessed
53:07 because of it, for yours is the kingdom of heaven. Those who
53:12 always endeavor, who are trying to evade persecution are
53:18 actually not even true disciples of the Lord, because a true
53:22 disciple will follow him at any cost. In II Timothy 2:12 Paul
53:28 said, If we suffer we shall also reign with him. So those who
53:33 suffer most for Christ right here are best able to appreciate
53:40 what he suffered for them. In the Greek when it says theirs
53:47 is the kingdom of heaven it's shifting from its normal
53:51 position at the end of the clause to the beginning and what
53:55 this does is give the pronoun the special emphasis to indicate
54:01 that the kingdom belongs to righteous sufferers and to them
54:07 alone. Theirs is the kingdom. It's appropriate that the first
54:13 and the last beatitudes contain the assurance of membership in
54:18 the kingdom. So those who experience these eight
54:24 qualifications to citizenship listed in these beatitudes are
54:29 worthy of a place in the kingdom so, let's look at them one more
54:34 time. We'll go through and review them. Because actually
54:37 that would be the title. If I were going to give this a title
54:41 it would be how to become a citizen of God's kingdom.
54:48 So, here we are on the mount of beatitudes, Jesus' inaugural
54:52 address and he sees the multitudes, chapter 5 and verse
54:59 He went up on a mountain and when he was seated his disciples
55:04 came to him. Then he opened his mouth and taught them saying,
55:09 Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are those who
55:16 understand they are totally spiritually bankrupt without God
55:20 They're in dire poverty and they understand their need for his
55:25 grace. Theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who
55:29 mourn, who are mourning over their sin. They recognize their
55:34 spiritual poverty and they've got this Godly sorrow going on,
55:38 for they shall be comforted. Their sins shall be forgiven.
55:42 Blessed are the meek, blessed are the ones who have that
55:46 gentle humility, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are
55:52 those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. And if there's
55:57 anything you take away from this tonight, pray if you're not
56:03 hungering and thirsting for righteousness, pray and ask God,
56:06 Oh Lord cause me to hunger and thirst for righteousness for they
56:12 shall be filled, God will fill you.
56:15 Blessed are the merciful, those
56:18 who are doing merciful acts for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed
56:24 are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Blessed are the
56:31 peace makers, those who are helping others make peace with
56:35 God. That means basically you're evangelizing, you're sharing
56:39 your faith. I mean, it's not only that you're being a peace
56:44 maker with your brother but that you go out and that you reach
56:48 out to others to reconcile them to God. Blessed are those peace
56:55 makers for they shall be called the sons of God. And in verse 10
57:02 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness'
57:06 sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Let's pray. Heavenly
57:10 Father, we come in the name of Jesus and I pray in the name of
57:15 Jesus and I pray Oh Lord that you will cause us to hunger and
57:18 thirst for righteousness. I pray in the name of Jesus Father.
57:22 We thank you for these blessings and we pray that you will help
57:27 us to recognize and to walk as you have called us to walk as
57:31 you work in us to will and to do your good pleasure. In Jesus'
57:36 name, Amen. Thank you all so much for being here tonight.
57:41 We want to thank you at home and hope that this has some how
57:45 scratched the surface to make you even more interested in
57:50 studying God's word and knowing that God loves you. He is wooing
57:56 you with his love and he has a plan for your life, a plan to
58:01 prosper you, not to harm you. Thank you.
58:05 ¤ ¤


Revised 2019-01-09