Participants: John Lomacang
Series Code: ASHF
Program Code: ASHF000128A
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00:22 Good evening friends and welcome to our Wednesday night Bible 00:25 study at the 3ABN worship center We'd like to welcome you with a 00:29 hearty amen. Can we say amen to that? Amen. And we have a 00:32 wonderful house tonight. We had a week of prayer last week which 00:36 was a wonderful blessing each evening as we got together to 00:40 study God's word and we thank the Lord that is continued this 00:44 week as we now go into our topic on the change of the Sabbath. 00:49 What is it? The change of the Sabbath. We covered a lesson 00:53 quite in detail, and I'll tell you in just a moment where to 00:57 get a copy of that and what web site to go to and how to 00:59 to download that. But we covered in our four-page part about 35 01:04 questions, I think, Terry, on what the Bible says about the 01:08 first day in the New Testament. And we discovered in a very real 01:13 way that the Bible gives absolutely no support to 01:16 worshipping on the first day of the week. More specifically, the 01:20 first day of the week, the Bible doesn't support it being a holy 01:24 day. Now the reason I changed my statement is because we need 01:28 to worship the Lord how often? Every day. So sometimes people 01:31 say well you know you say to only worship the Lord on the 01:34 seventh day but I worship God every day. So I just went ahead 01:37 and cleared that up. There's only one holy day, only one day 01:41 blessed of the Lord and that is the seventh day of the week. So 01:45 the question is where did this come from? Where did worship on 01:48 the first day of the week come from? Well surely I'm not going 01:52 to hope to be able to finish the topic tonight but we're going to 01:56 begin to lay the foundation to find out what the Bible teaches 01:59 because nothing happens without God knowing. Am I right? God 02:02 knows everything that's going to occur before it happens. And so 02:06 after we have our prayer and our theme song I'll let you know 02:09 where to get a copy of the lesson and then we'll lay a 02:12 foundation. But before we do anything let's bow our heads for 02:15 a word of prayer. Our loving Father in heaven, we thank you 02:19 for your blessings that come to us. Tonight Lord we open our 02:23 hearts because without an open heart an open mind does us no 02:27 good. We don't want intellectual stimulation but we want heart 02:32 change. And so speak to us Lord from your word and effect in us 02:37 a loving heart to follow your word and live in harmony with 02:42 your will. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen. Now to get a copy of 02:49 the lesson go this following web site, here it is. 02:56 Download lesson number 33. So everybody should have lesson 03:00 number 33. You should have two pages. If you don't have two 03:03 pages then you need to get a copy of the lessons here down 03:07 front. At that very same web site you can, if you have 03:10 questions, you can upload those questions and comments. You can 03:14 also access all the lessons you've missed. So if you've not 03:18 seen from 32 all the way back to one, there are videos for every 03:23 lesson and there a PDF file that you can download and have a 03:27 Bible study. You can use this as a resource. We go ahead and give 03:31 you the authority to do that. The Lord will speak to you from 03:35 the very beginning topic on the victorious life through the 03:39 Christian walk. And then through the very major teachings in the 03:42 Bible that are primarily controversial. We talk about 03:46 baptism, the new life, the new walk, what it means to be a 03:48 Christian, what it means to be born again. Then we talk about 03:51 the Sabbath, the state of the dead. Where did the rapture come 03:54 from? It's all on that web site. It's all there, the videos and 03:56 the lessons alike. So tonight after the theme song, we're 04:01 going to dive into our topic tonight called the Truth About 04:05 the Change of the Sabbath. So let's sing our theme song 04:08 together. Victory in Jesus. 04:10 ¤ ¤ 04:19 ¤I heard an old, old story How the Savior came from glory¤ 04:26 ¤How he gave his life on Calvary To save a wretch like me. ¤ 04:33 ¤I heard about his groaning of his precious blood atoning¤ 04:41 ¤Then I repented of my sin and won the victory. ¤ 04:48 ¤Oh victory in Jesus My Savior forever. ¤ 04:56 ¤He sought me and bought me With his redeeming blood. ¤ 05:03 ¤He loved me e'er I knew him and all my love is due him. ¤ 05:11 ¤He plunged me to victory Beneath the cleansing flood. ¤ 05:18 ¤I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory. ¤ 05:26 ¤And I heard about the streets of gold. ¤ 05:30 ¤Beyond the crystal sea. ¤ 05:33 ¤About the angels singing And the old redemption story. ¤ 05:40 ¤And some sweet day I'll sing up there the song of victory. ¤ 05:48 Key change. 05:49 ¤Oh victory in Jesus My Savior forever. ¤ 05:57 ¤He sought and bought me with his redeeming blood. ¤ 06:04 ¤He loved me e'er I knew him and all my love is due him. ¤ 06:11 ¤He plunged to victory beneath the cleansing flood. ¤ 06:20 ¤He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood. ¤ 06:30 Amen? Tonight's topic is, say it with me - The Truth About the 06:36 Change of the Sabbath. You know as I lay foundation for this 06:42 there are many things that happen in our world today for 06:46 which we really have no explanation. Let me start with a 06:50 story that does not necessarily fit into our vernacular of 06:54 living but I think it illustrates the point. 06:56 I heard a story a number of years ago that whether it's true 07:00 or not I don't know, but it fits into the illustration. There was 07:05 a lady, when Thanksgiving came, she was baking a ham. Now you 07:10 know we don't eat a ham but just relax, breathe, but before she'd 07:17 put it in the pan, she would cut off one inch. And her husband 07:23 said Honey, why do you do that? She said my mother did that. 07:29 I think it had something to do with the taste. So bewildered by 07:36 the question, she said to her mom, who was still alive, Mom 07:40 could you tell me why you would cut off an inch before you put 07:44 the ham in the pan to bake it? She says well because my mother 07:50 did that. So praise the Lord, Grandma was still alive. So they 07:54 walked over there and since it was Thanksgiving she says, Ma, 07:59 Grandma, Ma, Grandma, why did you cut an inch off of the ham 08:04 before you put it in the pan to bake it? She said, because it 08:11 was too big. And while that may not be a wow in the punch line 08:18 it had nothing to do with the taste, it had nothing to do 08:23 with making the ham better or worse, but just simply meant 08:27 Grandma had a ham that was too big for the pan. And people were 08:32 following this tradition thinking, as the wife said to 08:34 the husband on the first question, that it made the ham 08:37 taste better. In London, right outside of the Buckingham Palace 08:43 my wife is an English girl, born in Darby, England. That's her 08:48 queen still even though she's an American citizen now. For many, 08:53 many decades one of the soldiers stood outside in front of 08:59 Buckingham Palace at a spot and people wondered what is he 09:05 guarding? So there was nothing around him, nothing anywhere, 09:09 and so they just asked him why do you stand here. He said 09:14 because I was assigned to stand here by the charge guard. All 09:19 right. So he went back and asked the charge guard why do I stand 09:23 here. He said because that's the orders I was given for you to 09:27 stand there. But not comfortable by that answer he said I need to 09:32 know why I'm standing here. I'm not guarding the gate, the wall 09:36 is not in danger, there are no security indications right here. 09:40 What's the purpose. And they researched this thing and looked 09:44 through the log and came to find out that many decades before 09:49 there was a little plant that was growing there, a little bush 09:53 a little rose bush and they didn't want this bush to be 09:56 trampled over by people walking toward Buckingham Palace so a 10:01 guard was assigned to guard a rose bush that had long since 10:06 died and withered away. He was just standing there for 10:10 traditional reasons doing something that had absolutely no 10:15 benefit. In our world today, tradition has taken a very high 10:19 level on the shelf. Can you say amen to that? And some 10:22 traditions are not bad, but I want to point out a couple of 10:25 scriptures in the Bible why it is important whenever you 10:28 exercise anything as a Christian it is important that tradition 10:31 is not the reason. Don't do anything that you do as a 10:36 Christian unless you have the support of God's word. If it's 10:40 tradition, then you can be in danger. But if it's in God's 10:44 word, you will never be in danger. Matter of fact, go with 10:50 me to Matthew chapter 15 and I want to show you. Matthew 10:55 chapter 15 a conversation taking... The Pharisees you know 11:01 they always were trying to find reasons to argue with Jesus. 11:05 And by the way, the same tradition continues today. There 11:09 are many pastors in different denominations that are arguing 11:12 with Jesus. Because he says, If you love me, keep my 11:17 commandments. They say I love you but I'm not keeping your 11:19 commandments. God says, Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 11:25 They say I'm going to keep a day holy, but not the Sabbath 11:29 day. They're still arguing with Jesus to this very day. So look 11:32 at Matthew chapter 15 and we're going to look at verse one and 11:36 follow along with me. Then the scribes and Pharisees who were 11:41 from Jerusalem came to Jesus saying, Why do your disciples 11:46 transgress the tradition of the elders for they do not wash 11:51 their hands when they eat bread. There are a lot of things in the 11:56 world today if you really decided if you wanted to go to 11:58 church on the weekend you'd probably have nine-tenths of 12:01 this community saying what's up with going on Saturday? 12:05 Everybody else is going on Sunday. What's up with going on 12:08 Saturday? So the question could come to us, why are you 12:12 transgressing the tradition of the elders. Look at the next 12:17 verse. But he answered and said to them (Jesus spoke up now) why 12:22 do you also do what? Transgress the commandment of God because 12:28 of what? Your tradition. It's between what God says and man's 12:34 tradition. It has been that way for a long time. Before Rome 12:41 came along and started making changes, before the Protestant 12:46 reformation even was ignited tradition and truth had always 12:51 been in argument from the garden of Eden. A tradition was 12:55 established that people die and they don't really die. That was 12:59 the first tradition established and it went on through the Old 13:02 Testament. Jesus fought that in the New Testament. That's why 13:06 when Jesus came he showed up to raise Lazarus after Lazarus 13:09 had been dead for four days. He came after four days because the 13:15 tradition was the soul tried for three days to get back into 13:21 the body and if it was successful then they came back 13:24 to life. Jesus stayed away for four days to let them know, I'll 13:26 say this the way they said in New York, Ain't no soul going 13:29 back in anybody's body. When you're dead everything dies 13:33 together. Amen somebody. So Jesus came back to let people 13:37 know the only way that anybody's coming back to life is I Am the 13:41 resurrection and the life. It's always been about tradition 13:45 versus what the Bible teaches. Continuing to go on. And then 13:50 Jesus said, going down further. Let's go to verse seven, verses 13:55 seven, eight and nine. Jesus just made it very clear because 13:59 the Pharisees and scribes just kept on arguing with him about 14:03 another tradition. And he said in verse seven; what'd he say? 14:10 Hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy about you 14:16 saying, and look at this. These people draw near to me with 14:23 their what? Mouths - Praise God, love you Jesus, oh Lord I'll do 14:26 anything to follow you, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. 14:33 Honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me. 14:41 Now I want to clarify something. There are many people that don't 14:45 know anything but tradition. Amen? But when they look for 14:49 truth what will they do? They'll find it. And when they find it 14:53 they quickly run in the direction of light and they 14:57 abandon tradition. Amongst us tonight are many who have done 15:01 that. There are many that have come out of darkness into God's 15:05 marvelous light and by following God's word, it leads them to 15:09 where God wants them to be. Amen? And look what he goes on 15:14 further to say. And this is why the topic is so vitally 15:18 important. It has nothing to do with preference. Because people 15:22 might say that works for you, this works for me. If it was 15:26 what worked for you then we would not need a Bible. We could 15:29 all just decide what we want to be, you know, what we want to 15:32 worship. But you saw in the Old Testament, the Lord, every time 15:35 the Israelites established a false altar next to God's true 15:39 altar, he said to the king, break down those altars. Clear 15:43 out the groves. And the commandment is don't worship the 15:47 Lord in vain. But look at what he says in verse nine. And in 15:51 what? Vain, they worship me teaching as doctrines the 15:59 commandments of men. This is the foundation of this topic. Today 16:06 there are many Christians maybe watching this show or this 16:11 program that... or listening to this program, that may be 16:15 doing many things that they don't understand. I know someone 16:19 said to me once when they found out about the Bible Sabbath, 16:22 they said it was strange. This topic never came up in my 16:26 denomination. It just really never came up. We just went to 16:30 church on Sunday, we sang songs, we praised the Lord, we honored 16:34 the Lord by what we knew but this topic just never came up. 16:37 But when we heard it and followed it through we said wait 16:41 a minute. There's more to God's word than I've heard thus far. 16:45 And so the key is when the Lord speaks to us and you hear a 16:49 voice behind you saying this is the way, walk ye in it, that we 16:53 must haste and walk in the way that God wants us to walk. As a 16:56 matter of fact, go with me to I John chapter 1. I'm just 17:00 laying some foundation and then we're going to go to the screen 17:02 here in just a moment, but I want to lay some foundation here 17:06 because a lot of people say well I know the Lord, but we want to 17:09 make sure that when Jesus comes back... Matter of fact, let me 17:13 put this in sequence. You went to I John. Go to Matthew chapter 17:18 7. My mind, the Holy Spirit just comes into my brain and I 17:23 feel like a guy standing under Niagara Falls. It's just pouring 17:27 into my head. Amen? When you open God's word and you pray for 17:32 God to lead you, believe me, he surely will. Now look at Matthew 17:37 chapter seven, verses 21-23. You see Jesus put in the stone of 17:43 his church, in the wall of Christianity, Jesus wrote 17:46 certain cautions for Christians. Right now the church has become 17:52 a full service industry. In other words, you know, we feed 17:55 the hungry, we clothe the naked, we have shelters, we have 17:59 missionaries, we have all these things the churches do for the 18:03 government. You know, we have feeding programs, we have 18:07 halfway houses, we have drug rehabilitation centers, we have 18:10 places where women can go for rescue. All these things the 18:13 church has. The church has become a full service industry. 18:17 And everything it does is well needed. But look what the Lord 18:20 said, Be careful, don't get doing what you do and forget 18:24 what I told you to do. Okay look at Matthew 7:21. Not everyone 18:29 who says to me what? Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of 18:36 heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many 18:42 verse 22, will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not 18:47 prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name and 18:52 done many wonders (as the King James Version says) wonderful 18:58 works in thy name? And then I will declare to them, I never 19:02 knew you. The most important thing, and this is life eternal 19:07 that you know, that you know, John 17:3, and this is 19:12 life eternal that you know. But he says, then I will declare to 19:15 them I never knew you. Depart from me you who practice 19:19 lawlessness, or worketh iniquity. Depending on the 19:22 translation you have. Practice lawlessness, that means you 19:25 decide to live without adherence to my law. You practice iniquity 19:29 That means you purposely out of harmony with my law and you 19:32 refuse to get in harmony with it You practiced it. You didn't get 19:36 there by accident, you knew it but you practiced something 19:38 completely different. This is not about people that are lost 19:40 out of ignorance. This is about people who practice to ignore 19:45 what God says to do. Let's go to I John chapter, I John. 19:56 Foundation is important because when we get into the lesson you 20:00 better have on your deep sea diving gear because this is no 20:05 lesson for this who like to water ski. You at least got to 20:08 have a good umbrella because the Holy Spirit's going to rain 20:12 into our minds what we need to know. I John chapter 2, I John 20:18 chapter 2. All right. And I'm going to look at verses 3 20:22 and 4. And I'm reading God's word. I just want to say that 20:25 before I read this text because I remember reading this text 20:29 to a pastor once who was just like nose to nose with me 20:32 arguing with me and he kept saying why don't you just give 20:36 me your opinion. Stop reading the Bible every minute. And I 20:42 said to him, my opinion? My opinion means nothing. He said 20:46 can you just answer me without every minute the Bible says, 20:50 the Bible says. I said my brother, what can my opinion do? 20:56 It's crazy. Actually it's on video when I was in a program 21:01 in California called Round Table Anyway, we were arguing over 21:03 something different. Here's what the Bible says, but he just 21:07 wanted my opinion. Here's what the Bible says. I John chapter 2 21:11 verses 3 and 4. Remember why did Jesus say depart from me. What 21:16 four words did Jesus use that resulted in their loss. He said 21:23 I never knew you. Now you want to know if you know Jesus? 21:29 There's a check and balance, you could know whether or not you 21:32 know Jesus. If I say I know Terry then say okay tell me 21:37 something about him. Well, I just know him but I can't tell 21:42 you anything about him. See you got to know that you know. Look 21:48 at verse 3: Now by this, what are the next two words? We know 21:53 that we know him. We got to know we can't leave salvation to 21:58 chance. How do we know, together if we keep his commandments. 22:03 If we keep his commandments then the Lord says, Yeah he knows me. 22:08 He knows me, she knows me, they know me. Now look at the next 22:13 verse. Boy! He who says I know him and does not keep his 22:21 commandments, together, is a liar and the truth is not in... 22:29 Run as far as you can from a man who says, from a woman who says, 22:33 from a church that says, we know the Lord. You guys honor the 22:37 commandments. They were nailed to the cross. Get in your car 22:42 and burn rubber, thanks a lot, burn rubber. That's a good one, 22:47 burn rubber. Don't walk away slowly and say maybe, maybe 22:49 it doesn't matter. No read your Bible and then follow what the 22:54 word says. If you read your Bible, you know what? You can 22:57 pick out where God want's you to go. Let me show you that this 23:01 is not just not just a New Testament concept. Go now to 23:05 Isaiah 8, we're going to look at verse 16 and verse 20. I'm 23:08 showing you that this is always been the issue, it hasn't 23:11 changed. A lie has always been a lie and truth has always been 23:16 truth. Can I get an amen to that God doesn't change. He says I am 23:20 the Lord, I change not. I am the same yesterday, today and 23:24 forever. What we're reading in the New Testament is showing 23:29 that that's always been the issue. That's always been the 23:35 issue. Here it is. Isaiah 8 and look at verse 16. Isaiah 8 23:43 and verse 16: The Lord's word says, Bind up the testimony, 23:49 seal my law among my what? So if you find disciples of 23:55 Jesus what will you find among them, his what? His law. His law 24:00 and his testimony, his law and his testimony. The commandments 24:05 of God and the testimony of Jesus. You're going to find 24:08 those two things wherever you find the disciples of Jesus. Now 24:14 look at verse 20. To the law and to the testimony, if they do not 24:21 speak according to this word it is because there is, together, 24:28 no light in them. Why would you intentionally go where there is 24:35 no light. How many of you, please don't try this. Somebody 24:39 told me the other night, we were talking about full moon. 24:43 Somebody said when the moon is full out here they turn their 24:48 headlights off. I'm keeping my headlights on even though the 24:52 moon is full. Right? Because a deer might say oh good no cars 24:58 are coming. Don't turn your light off especially when it's 25:04 dark. Amen. In this world where it is dark the Lord said in the 25:08 last days darkness will cover the inhabitants and gross 25:13 darkness the people. Isaiah chapter 50 says arise, shine, 25:18 for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon 25:22 you and shall be seen upon you wherever, wherever the people of 25:27 God are, there should always be light. Amen? Thy word is a lamp 25:31 unto my feet and a light unto my path. But what's happening today 25:35 is before truth can even get it's clothes on the lie is 25:40 running all over the world parading in truth's clothes. 25:45 You heard that story before? You know Truth was on a long 25:49 journey going through another town. He had just gone from 25:52 town to town spreading the truth but he had been so exhausted 25:57 from the day before that on the way to this new town he saw a 26:02 big, nice pond, as it were, a little lake. And Truth said, I'm 26:07 so exhausted and it's so hot I'm just going to disrobe and just 26:11 take a nice swim in this lake and then come back out and 26:14 continue to the next town so I can share the truth there. When 26:20 he got out, when he got out, he realized his clothing was gone. 26:25 What had happened was while Truth was on his way to the next 26:31 town the Lie was following him. A Lie was following him and when 26:37 he saw Truth take off his clothing and he didn't have any 26:42 clothing of his own, he said perfect opportunity. The Lie, 26:47 that was completely naked took the clothing of Truth and put it 26:53 on. So the Truth didn't have anything to wear. He came out 26:58 of the lake, what do I do. I can't go to the next town this 27:02 way. But somebody knowing that Truth was coming watching out, 27:07 they said I see somebody in the distance. I see somebody... Hey 27:12 it looks like, yeah, the Truth is on the way. And when he got 27:15 closer somebody said uh-uh, that's not the Truth. He said I 27:20 know the guy. That's a Lie in Truth's clothing. So what 27:24 happened to Truth? Well, you know running from bush to bush 27:28 and tree to tree trying to make his was to town. And somebody on 27:31 the top of the hill said I see him coming. Here comes the naked 27:39 Truth. Brethren, let me make the point. There's a point behind 27:47 that. It just softens you up and makes you think again. A lie has 27:55 been clothed with the clothing of truth. Preachers that look 28:01 like they'll tell you the truth, they wear clothing that looks 28:06 like they should tell the truth but they're telling lies. 28:10 Churches have become places where Satan tells the biggest 28:14 lies. Funerals have become places where lies are told every 28:18 service. He's in heaven. His soul is in a better place. He's 28:22 my angel now, he's watching over me. So this topic, I'm laying 28:25 this foundation. Very important because this is a topic that's 28:29 going to make you take a second breath. Because what we're going 28:32 to do in the next two or three, maybe four broadcasts, we're 28:37 going to uncover where this massive lie that is so huge that 28:41 every continent you go to there are people all over the world 28:46 where they sincerely, or ignorantly, or without knowledge 28:51 or some boldly by just rejecting truth, they're honoring a day 28:56 that God never set up. But we have to know a couple of things. 29:01 One: God knew what was going to happen. Secondly: He still has 29:06 made a way that even if you've made that decision out of 29:09 ignorance you can correct it. Amen? Let's go now to the first 29:14 question. God knew that somebody see the devil did it in the very 29:18 beginning. Why would he change his tactics? He started that out 29:23 in the garden. Once he made his first inroads as he did in the 29:27 garden of Eden, he made the first impression as he did in 29:30 the garden of Eden. He was too happy to change, so he kept 29:33 going from one teaching to the next to the next and today let's 29:36 look at the society in which we live. The Sabbath has been 29:39 distorted, one of the first institutions God blessed. 29:42 And what else has been distorted that God blessed in the garden 29:45 of Eden? Marriage. The devil has been working on this one for a 29:49 long time. But people are not upset about the Sabbath change 29:53 because it happened a long time ago. But I tell you, if marriage 29:57 was changed around the same time the Sabbath was changed, people 30:00 would have been marrying the same sex for centuries already. 30:04 And today it would have been nothing but a tradition. 30:07 We don't want to worship tradition, we want to worship 30:11 Jesus. Let's look at the first question. Here it is: What 30:17 warning is given about a power that would arise against God's 30:23 law? What warning is given about a power that would arise against 30:28 God's law. Let's go to the book of Daniel. We're going to spend 30:33 most of our time in Daniel tonight. Daniel is the sister of 30:38 Revelation, Revelation is the sister of Daniel. These two 30:42 books work in partnership, one giving us a glimpse of how it 30:45 was going to be, another one giving a glimpse of how it was 30:49 and how it shall be. Okay, so Daniel is going forward. 30:53 Revelation is looking back and then going the rest of the way. 30:56 Daniel going forward from Babylon to the very end of time 31:01 John is looking back as it happened and then going to the 31:05 rest of the sentence. So these two books work hand in hand. 31:09 So there are things that Daniel put down, like foundationally, 31:12 the Revelation expands and explodes and brings into full 31:16 vivid clarity. Daniel 7 verse 25 and here it is on the screen for 31:19 the first one. All right. Whatever translation you have 31:23 is fine. Speaking of this power that would arise, we're going 31:26 to go from verse to verse here. The Bible says in Daniel 7 verse 31:29 25, let's read this verse when we get it on the screen. 31:32 He shall speak what? Pompous words against the Most High, and 31:39 shall persecute the saints of the Most High and shall intend 31:45 or think, as the King James Version says, to change what? 31:51 Times and laws. Not only that: Then the saints shall be given 31:57 into his hand for a what? Time and times and what else? a half 32:02 a time. So now, what warning is given about a power that would 32:07 arise against God's law? The warning is he would change two 32:12 things: Times and what else? Laws. We'll find out who this 32:17 power is in just a moment, but just start with that. 32:19 The warning would be this power is going to arise to change 32:22 times and laws. There's something else he's going to do. 32:25 And I'll just go ahead and give you since the verse included 32:28 that. When it refers to time, times and a half a time, or time 32:32 times and the dividing of time, as in the King James Version 32:36 communicates it. In the Bible, when they calculated time 32:41 specifically Daniel was in Babylon. At the time that he 32:45 wrote this they calculated time in this manner. Let me ask you 32:49 all intellectual people, how many degrees is in a circle? 32:53 Three sixty. Okay, if I went around that circle one time, how 32:57 many degrees did I cover? Three hundred and sixty. So one 33:01 full cycle is what? Three sixty. If I went around that circle 33:06 twice and doubled that, how much is that? Seven... If I only went 33:10 around half way what is that? Somebody once said I made a 33:15 complete 360 degree turn and went in the opposite direction. 33:20 If you make a 360 and go in the opposite direction either you 33:22 don't know fractions or you're going in the wrong direction. 33:27 Because to go in the opposite direction you have to make a 180 33:32 Three sixty time, 720 times, 180 half a time or dividing of time. 33:38 When you add that up this power would have an extent of life for 33:44 1260 years. And then something else this power would do. 33:49 The Bible says the saints shall be given into his hand for time, 33:54 times, and half a time. Not only that, we're going to find 33:57 that all these things... You see this one singular verse is going 34:01 to explode, kind of like, you know when you buy cake batter 34:05 and you mix it all together and you leave it in the oven. It 34:09 starts rising, starts rising. You think how could something 34:12 that seems so small produce so much? But the other thing that 34:16 this verse tells us is he will speak great words, or pompous 34:19 words against the Most High. He'll also persecute the saints 34:23 of the Most High. So this is a very ruthless power. So what 34:26 we're going to do next. Did you put that in. You can put as many 34:29 answers as you'd like in that first question, but now let's go 34:34 to Daniel chapter 7 verses 7-8 for the next question. Daniel 34:39 chapter 7 and verse 7 to verse 8. And by the way there are nine 34:43 answers we're going to give as we read these two scriptures 34:48 together. All right. Question number two: How does the Bible 34:53 identify the power that would attack God's Law? How does the 34:58 Bible identify the power that would attack God's Law? Daniel 35:03 seven, we'll begin in verse 7 and then we'll go to Daniel 35:08 chapter 7 and verse 8. All right It'll be on the screen. We're 35:12 going to walk through this together. Now we didn't go to 35:16 the verses before that yet. We're going to go to those next. 35:20 I just want to concentrate on this fourth beast first and 35:24 outline the nine ways that we could identify this fourth beast 35:29 All right? Daniel said: After this I saw in the what? Night 35:32 vision, that means in a dream. Matter of fact, God gave him a 35:37 vision at night. And behold, a what? beast? Fourth beast. Let's 35:42 look at this. Dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. 35:49 It had what? Huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in 35:55 pieces and trampling the residue with its feet. Don't want to 36:01 run into this beast. It was, together, different or diverse, 36:07 from all the beasts that were before it and it had 10 horns. 36:12 Continuing in verse 8: I was considering the horns and there 36:17 was another horn, a what? A little one coming up among them, 36:23 before whom three of the first horns were what? Plucked out by 36:29 the roots and there, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of 36:34 a man, and a mouth speaking what? Pompous words or great 36:39 things, or blasphemies. So we find here, we got to go and 36:44 break these down together. The first thing that we discovered, 36:47 and I'm going to give you them one at a time. It's not on the 36:50 screen but I'm going to give it to you so you got to listen. The 36:53 first thing that the Bible describes about this beast, 36:56 write this down, it was dreadful and terrible and 36:59 exceedingly strong. It was dreadful, it was terrible, it 37:04 was exceedingly strong. In just a moment we're going to see the 37:07 other beasts so don't fear that that was left out. This beast 37:11 was dreadful, terrible, and exceedingly strong. That's the 37:15 first thing that is pointed out about this beast. The second 37:19 thing that is pointed out, so if you saw something that was 37:22 dreadful and terrible and exceedingly strong would you 37:27 want to tackle that? You got to get help, and in this case, 37:31 divine help. The other thing it points out is this beast will 37:35 never get a cavity because what kind of teeth did it have? Iron 37:41 teeth, iron. That is the second one, iron, huge iron teeth, huge 37:47 iron teeth. Sounds like those earth movers, you know, those 37:52 things that whenever they start a construction project you see 37:56 this thing that just goes and just cracks the concrete through 38:01 anything and it's huge iron and it just rips out stuff that you 38:05 could not normally move at all. That's the second identifying 38:09 point. What did it do with the huge iron teeth and the big old 38:14 feet. It was devouring, breaking and trampling. That's the third 38:18 one. Write this down. It was devouring, it was breaking, it 38:23 was trampling. What a power. That meant wherever this power 38:27 went nothing could withstand it. It's attitude was dreadful. It's 38:33 mindset was terrible. It's power and it's authority was strong 38:38 exceedingly. It would chew up anything that came in its way. 38:43 And the third point, it was devouring, breaking and 38:46 trampling. But this is very interesting, the fourth one. 38:49 The Bible says it was different, from, it was different. It was 38:54 different from the first three. We'll find out in just a moment 38:59 what that meant. It was what? Different. Now we'll see as we 39:03 go on to identify the next three how different it was. All right? 39:09 How different it was. Okay. I actually, you didn't see it but 39:14 I actually kind of helped you guys out a little bit. Let me 39:19 see. Ha, no I didn't. That was nice, teacher's copy. Okay. I 39:24 thought I helped you out but man I spoon fed that. But that's 39:30 my teacher's copy, okay, my copy The next thing, number five, it 39:35 had how many horns? Ten horns. Now just put that beast together 39:39 in your mind. We're going to get a picture of it in a moment. 39:42 Just put that beast together in your mind. You see this thing 39:48 coming down the street. You're not going to say here kitty, 39:52 kitty. You're not going to say (repeated kissing sound) come 39:55 here boy. You're going to look for the nearest door and do 39:59 what? Go behind it and what? Shut it. You going to close your 40:03 car. You're going to run for help. Am I telling the truth? 40:08 What you have to get about this power is it terrified every 40:12 nation that it pursued. That was what they saw coming 40:17 politically, religiously, militarily. Nothing could 40:21 withstand the approaching ruthlessness of this power. 40:26 It had 10 horns. But not point number six: It rooted out, it 40:32 plucked our three horns by the root. When you pluck something 40:36 out by the root is it coming back. It isn't coming back. It's 40:41 what? It's gone. When you pluck it out by the roots it's not 40:46 coming back. This horn, whatever stood in its path, it just 40:51 ripped it out by the roots. It left nothing that did not 40:56 harmonize with it. It left nothing untouched that did not 41:00 accept it's theory, it's ideologies, it's politics, 41:04 it's religion. The next thing after those three horns were 41:09 rooted out what came up in the place of it? It replaced them 41:17 with a little horn. That's the seventh point. A little horn 41:24 came up and I put it replaced them with a little horn. It 41:29 replaced the three that were rooted out with a little horn. 41:33 I'm going to give you a little history lesson here in just a 41:38 moment. All right. And the other one; it had what kind of eye? 41:44 Eyes like a man. You might think what other kind of eyes are 41:49 there? There's a spiritual significance here. The Bible 41:53 says God does not see as man sees. Man looks at the what? 41:57 Outward appearance. God looks at the what? Heart. But this 42:01 power didn't see like God saw. God saw what this power couldn't 42:07 see. This power only say what man could see. It had earthly 42:12 vision. It didn't have any heavenly connection. It had eyes 42:17 like a man's eyes. That means it only had limited 42:22 understanding. It only could see what God revealed. You see the 42:27 Lord says, Amos 3:7- Surely the Lord God will do nothing except 42:31 he reveal his secrets to his servants the prophets. So since 42:36 this power was not connected to God, did this power know God's 42:40 speakers, yes or no. Absolutely not. Because the Bible said that 42:44 would not reveal anything to any power that is not his 42:48 servant. Now when the servants received it, it was now made 42:51 known then this power would know about it. But here's a very 42:55 important point. I want to build on that very statement. The last 42:58 point under number nine, let me give you that before I just 43:01 leave you with a cliff hanger. It spoke blasphemous words. 43:06 The words says pompous is the Hebrew and it is blasphemous. 43:10 The King James Version says great words. Correct? Great 43:14 words against the Most High. Any time you're speaking against God 43:19 that's blasphemy. So this power was disrespectful to the _, 43:24 disrespectful to Divinity, could care less about humanity, could 43:29 care less about nations and kingdoms. All it was concerned 43:35 about was its own agenda. Anything that it wanted to do it 43:38 did. Nothing could stop it. I want to give you a little 43:44 now because when the Bible speaks of powers Daniel received 43:49 this vision about four world empires. About how many empires? 43:54 Four. But before Daniel received this vision, when Daniel was a 43:59 young man taken into captivity in Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar 44:06 who took him in changed his name from Daniel to Belteshazzar and 44:11 changed Hananiah, Mischael and Azariah to Shadrach, Meshach and 44:16 Abednego. There was another king there and he had a vision. What 44:21 the Bible does, and this is something that prophecy does, 44:25 you'll find the same thing in Revelation, it reveals again 44:29 and it amplifies. So that redundancy... You know that we 44:34 use the same phrase today, repetition is the best teacher. 44:40 Right? Repetition is the best teacher. Okay so you'll hear 44:46 that when you're going home in your car, repetition is the best 44:51 can you repeat that. So you'll find God gives a little piece, 44:55 he repeats it again, he adds more, he repeats it again, he 44:59 adds more until the whole picture... Now there's a reason 45:02 why God does that. If he showed Daniel everything that was going 45:06 to happen from there on then the devil would have said, we've got 45:10 all the information we need. God said, I'm only going to reveal 45:14 what they need to know in their time. When I get down to John 45:17 the apostle, I'll give them the rest and I'll put that in such 45:20 codes and symbols that they won't be able to figure it out, 45:24 just my servants. Amen somebody? That's how God works. Let me go 45:28 to Daniel 2 very quickly, let's go to Daniel 2 very quickly, and 45:33 I want you to see the same thing because these... And the reason 45:38 I'm going to do this comparison is, Daniel 2. Why am I in 45:45 Ezekiel 14. It's not that far back. Okay. Daniel 2. See 45:52 Nebuchadnezzar and his Belshazzar Nebuchadnezzar. Belshazzar is the 46:00 grandson of Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar took the Jews 46:07 into captivity when Daniel was a young boy. And the Lord said to 46:13 Nebuchadnezzar, being the first ruling, reigning, the most 46:16 monolithic great power on earth, God said I know you're big and 46:20 bad and frightful, you got all this gold, you got a dynamic 46:23 kingdom but let me tell you something; this is temporary. 46:28 Amen. I recorded the words, I saw this a Steve Jobs final 46:32 testimony, if I was thinking I'd have brought it with me to let 46:35 you read it and he said, more than anything else, I'm just 46:38 going to say this, he said as he got toward the closing days 46:42 of his life... Steve Jobs is the CEO/founder of Apple. He's one 46:45 of the founders of Apple computers. But he said, I have 46:51 come to discover that possessions, fame, fortune, 46:54 material wealth, monetary wealth means nothing as life begins to 47:01 close. He said value those things that mean something like 47:07 family and love and relationships and friends. For 47:10 all this money, all these possessions that I have amassed 47:14 all this fame that I have been noted for is nothing as with 47:18 none of those things can I reverse my destiny. In other 47:21 words, I'm going to die and I can't buy my way out of this. 47:25 And I was mindful of that when I was in Dubai. My wife and I 47:28 were there and they told me about the sheikhs that were 47:31 there; these very, very, very wealthy men. But he said when 47:34 they die these great kings that have put up towers, 162 47:36 stories tall and they build everything because they can 47:39 afford it. When then die that said they just wrap them in 47:42 grave clothing, they call them a shroud, and they take them to 47:46 the desert and bury them in an unmarked grave. No great fanfare 47:52 no hail king blah blah blah, no see ya. Wouldn't want to be ya. 47:56 And the sand just covers the grave over in just a matter of 48:00 minutes and when they go back to find out where he was except 48:03 they bury him with a GPS you won't find him until 48:07 resurrection day. So Nebuchadnezzar gets this 48:10 dream. I'm going to go right to the dream, I'm going to go right 48:13 to the dream. All right. Okay. Daniel chapter 2. Okay. 48:20 And let's look at this wonderful dream here. His spirit was 48:26 troubled. I'm going to go to the interpretation. Daniel chapter 2 48:33 verse 31, verse 31, all right. This is Daniel speaking because 48:39 none of the soothsayers and astrologers and magicians and 48:43 none of the men that were ungodly motivated could even 48:47 find out what this was. But God spoke through Daniel and 48:50 revealed it to Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel said, You, O King were 48:54 watching and behold, verse 31, a great image. This great image 48:58 whose splendor was excellent stood before you and it's form 49:03 was what? Awesome! This image's head was of what? Fine gold. 49:08 Its chest and arms of what? Silver. It's belly and thighs of 49:14 what? Bronze. And verse 33, it's legs of what? Iron. Its 49:19 feet partly iron and partly clay You watched while a stone was 49:26 cut out without hands which struck the image on its feet of 49:33 iron and clay and broke it in pieces. Then the iron, the clay, 49:39 the bronze, the silver and the gold were crushed together and 49:44 became like chaff from the summer threshing floor and the 49:50 wind carried them away, I like this part and I praise God every 49:53 time I read this, so that together, no trace of them was 49:58 found. No trace and the stone that struck the image became a 50:04 what? A great mountain and what? Filled the whole earth. 50:07 So you're going to see that these images, let me just go 50:11 ahead and give this very quickly go the question number three. 50:16 So you see gold, what's next? Silver, what's next? Bronze or 50:20 brass, and what's after that? Iron. And what's after that? 50:24 Iron and clay. So once again, first metal is what? Gold. 50:28 What's next? Silver. What's next? Bronze. What's last? 50:32 Iron and then, together, iron and clay. So what's starts out? 50:36 The most valuable one is first. What's more valuable, iron and 50:40 clay or gold? Gold. Okay. So you're going to see something 50:44 now. Okay. Now let's go to Daniel chapter 7 and we're going 50:48 look at question number three. Remember that: Gold, silver, 50:53 bronze or brass, iron and then iron and clay. Here's the next 50:57 question. What are the three empires that precede the fourth 51:03 world empire of Daniel 7? All right. What are they? Now we're 51:08 going to come up to Belshazzar. And let's go to Daniel chapter 7 51:14 we're going to start with verse 1. Okay. So why am I in Malachi? 51:21 I'm there. It's on the screen. Here we go, here it is. In the 51:28 first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and 51:34 visions of his head while on his bed. Then he wrote down the 51:39 dream telling the what? Main facts. Daniel spoke saying 51:45 I saw in my vision by what? By night and behold, the four winds 51:54 of heaven were stirring up the great sea, or as the Bible says, 52:01 in the King James, strove, a great commotion there. And then 52:07 he says, and how many beasts? And four great beasts came up 52:13 from the sea, each different from the other. Now notice what 52:19 he says. The first was like a, together, lion and had eagle's 52:23 wings. I watched till the wings were plucked off and it was 52:30 lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet like a 52:38 man, and, what else? And a man's heart was given to it. Notice 52:45 that, eyes like a man, heart like a man and verse 5, and 52:50 suddenly another beast, a second like a bear. It was raised up on 52:56 one side and had what in its mouth? Three ribs in its mouth 53:02 between its teeth. And they said thus to it: Arise, devour much 53:08 flesh! After this I looked, and there was another, like a 53:14 leopard, which had on its back how many wings? Four wings of a 53:18 bird. The beast also had what else? Four heads and what? 53:24 Dominion was given to it. So now let me walk you through. 53:29 This is the educational part. Are you all ready. Do you have 53:33 your heads on? I hope you can say yes. If you didn't have your 53:38 heads on we're in trouble. Daniel sees a forecast of what 53:44 Nebuchadnezzar was shown earlier Daniel is given this in the 53:50 definition of beasts. Nebuchadnezzar was 53:54 given this in the definition of, of what? Of statues. Now what I 54:01 to do just for the benefit of you grabbing this, I want to 54:04 read question number four. Let's read question number four. We're 54:07 going to answer three and four together. Is that okay with you? 54:11 Okay. Let's bring question number four up. Because with the 54:15 time I'm going to bring question four up. Here it is. What is the 54:18 sequence, question four, of the reign of each of the four world 54:22 empires of Daniel? What is the sequence? Let's go ahead now 54:26 and bring up our slide. That'll give our answer to number three 54:29 and answer to number four. Here it is: Okay. Can you all see 54:34 that? What you're going to see now is the vision that Daniel 54:38 was given, the four world empires of Daniel chapter 7. 54:42 four empires, if you look at question number three. I want 54:45 you to leave this on the screen for a little while. They can 54:48 hear my voice. If you look at question number three, what's 54:51 the first empire that you see there? A. What is it? Babylon. 54:56 Okay and on to question number four under A, put the date 605 55:00 to 539 BC. So we're answering question three and question four 55:05 together. We both are answering A. Under question three put 55:11 Babylon. Under question four A. put 605-539 B.C. Get that. Okay. 55:16 The second one we have is what nation? Medo-Persia. Put that 55:21 on line B. under question three. And on line B. under question 55:27 four put 539-331 B.C. Hope you're getting it. For now with 55:33 the cadence, moving right along. Under question three C. what 55:38 nation do you put? Greece. And under four C. what date do you 55:51 put 331-168 B.C. Okay. Now you go from... Matter of fact, you 56:01 go now up to point D. Okay, and by the way, I have a little typo 56:12 there so are you ready to correct it. When it says 168 56:16 B.C. put 168 A.D. I type really fast and every now and then my 56:22 humanity comes out. I'll correct this on the next program. But 56:29 331 B.C. - 168 A.D. Okay, Okay. No 168 B.C. No I was actually 56:36 correct. I was actually correct. B.C., 168 B.C. So leave my 56:42 humanity where it is; I'm perfect. I was wondering. I 56:47 began to become human. I looked at that and my eyes were 56:52 twisting back and forth. I was correct. Can we get an Amen to 56:55 that? I was correct. I though so but I was thinking, am I 57:00 correct. I had the eyes of man for a moment. I need to pray for 57:02 the eyes of the Lord. Now let's go to the last one. Are we all 57:06 ready for the last one. The last kingdom is D. which is what 57:11 now? Let's see Rome, from what year? 168 B.C. - 476 what? A.D. 57:18 And just add this on your paper. Put pagan Rome. Put pagan Rome. 57:24 Put what? Pagan Rome. Wow, they need to give us another hour but 57:29 we only have 33 seconds left. That is not good. But you know 57:34 what friends. One of the nice things about this program is 57:38 that we don't have to rush because on the next broadcast 57:43 we'll continue unfolding. We're just laying foundation. You see 57:46 the importance of this topic is this. The Lord wants every one 57:49 of us to see the progression of the kingdoms as they rise and 57:53 as they what? As they fall. The next program you'll see. 57:57 Continue tuning in because if it doesn't make sense now, sooner 58:01 or later friends it will come into sharper focus. God bless 58:04 you. Let's have a word of prayer |
Revised 2019-01-08