A Sharper Focus

The Truth About The First Day

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000127A

00:02 ¤ ¤
00:19 Hello friends. Welcome to another Wednesday night Bible
00:22 study here at 3ABN Worship Center. We want to greet
00:25 our audience with a hearty Amen. Can we all say Amen. Amen. We're
00:28 so glad that you've chosen to tune in tonight. We're going to
00:32 continue our study and finish our study on The Truth About
00:36 the First Day. It has been very revealing in the word of God and
00:40 after this one we're going to do a study called The Change of
00:45 the Sabbath. How did the Sabbath get changed? Where can we find
00:50 that in the pages of history and in God's word? In just a moment,
00:56 I'll tell you where to get a copy of the lesson and we'll
00:59 sing our theme song. But first we'll have a word of prayer.
01:02 Let's bow our heads together. Wonderful Father in heaven we
01:06 thank you Lord for your goodness and mercy to us as we submit
01:10 ourselves to the work of your Holy Spirit. We do pray that
01:14 you'll guide and bless. Open our minds as we read your word and
01:20 implant within us your Spirit to actuate in us a willing heart to
01:26 serve you. In Jesus' name I pray Amen. Now I hope you have your
01:30 Bibles and your pens. Gather your family and you friends if
01:33 you're joining us from anywhere in the world. We greet you. We
01:36 know that we have friends all over the world because we travel
01:39 and we thank the Lord that you've taken the time to study
01:42 with us. Now if you want a copy of the lesson, each one of us
01:46 should have lesson number 32 and each one of us should have page
01:50 three and hopefully page four. Now if you don't have page three
01:54 that's okay. I'm just going to cover one question on page
01:58 three. So what you really need is page four. But go to this
02:01 following web site; here it is: ASF.3ABN.org and download lesson
02:08 number 32. What number did I say? Lesson number 32. That's
02:11 the lesson that we're going to be covering tonight and that's
02:15 the one that we're going to be finalizing. It's been a very
02:18 interesting study. You know 35 questions and many questions
02:21 within questions like for example question number 21 had
02:25 a number of verses that we looked up and we have learned
02:29 a lot. But before I go into the review which I was just about
02:33 to do, we need to sing our theme song which is Victory in Jesus.
02:38 Let's sing the song together. ¤ ¤
02:48 I heard an old, old story How the Savior came from glory.
02:55 How he gave his life on Calvary To save a wretch like me.
03:02 I heard about his groaning, of his precious bloods atoning.
03:09 Then I repented of my sin and won the victory.
03:16 Oh victory in Jesus, My Savior forever.
03:24 He sought me and bought me with his redeeming blood.
03:32 He loved me 'ere I knew him and all my love is due him.
03:40 He plunged me to victory Beneath the cleansing flood.
03:47 I heard about a mansion he has built for me in glory.
03:55 And I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea.
04:02 About the angels singing At the old redemption story
04:11 and some sweet day I'll sing up there the song of victory.
04:17 Key change.
04:18 Oh victory in Jesus My Savior forever
04:24 He sought me and bought me with his redeeming blood.
04:32 He loved me 'ere I knew him and all my love is due him.
04:40 He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.
04:55 Amen? I am excited about this topic because it has been
05:04 revealing to us a number of things. And by the way, if you
05:07 have your entire lesson in front of you, I just want to
05:13 point out a few things. One of the things that we discovered is
05:17 that we first, and if you missed any of the prior broadcasts,
05:22 the website that I gave you: ASF.3ABN.org. You can go to that
05:26 web site and you can look at the videos of the prior broadcasts
05:31 You can download the lesson and when you begin the videos,
05:34 at the beginning of the video it'll tell you where we are in
05:38 the sequence of the lesson either from page one, two, three
05:43 four and so on and so forth. But what we did, let me continue
05:47 a kind of quick review. Because we're talking about the first
05:52 day of the week in the Bible we reviewed the 12 verses in the
05:55 Bible that referred to the first day of the week, any activity
05:59 on the first day of the week. How many verses are there?
06:02 There are only 12 and these 12 verses are the first day of the
06:07 week found in the New Testament. Eight of those verses had to do
06:12 with the resurrection. So right away you eliminate eight
06:16 possibilities of a new day of worship being established. Then
06:21 they had three other days that referred to the first day of the
06:26 week: One referred to a collection that was being picked
06:29 up for the saints in Jerusalem that were going through hardship
06:32 and difficulties. But that was not picked up at a church but
06:35 that was an offering that was collected when they went from
06:39 house to house. That's simply what it was. They went from
06:42 house to house to collect this offering just like the Salvation
06:45 Army does in our community in the United States. They would
06:48 sometimes around Thanksgiving they'd hang a bag on your door
06:52 and it says we'll be back next Thursday. Have it ready when we
06:56 come. And Paul the apostle said let everyone of you lay by in
07:00 story that there will be no collecting when I come. Not when
07:04 you come to church. So there was not a church service. The
07:07 other reference was the breaking of bread on the first
07:10 day of the week. But when you read the Bible in the book of
07:12 Acts they broke bread how often? Everyday. They broke bread every
07:18 day. They prayed, they met in the temple, they broke bread
07:22 from house to house every day. The third one was when the
07:27 disciples gathered on the first day of the week. People try to
07:31 make that a church service. But were gathered behind a closed
07:35 door hiding from the Jews thinking they were going to be
07:37 killed next. It was hardly a church service. They were hiding
07:41 the Bible says when the doors were locked. They were hiding
07:45 for fear of the Jews. It happened on the first day of the
07:49 week. But it happened after the crucifixion, it happened
07:52 toward the evening which was bridging on going to the fourth
07:55 day. But that still wasn't a church service. And the last one
07:58 that has to do with the first day of the week in the New
08:02 Testament simple said from the first day I came to
08:04 Thompsonville until now. It simply had to do with my arrival
08:09 at a particular location rather than any particular event on
08:14 that day. We also found out that when the Bible talks about
08:18 John being in the Spirit on the Lord's day, when the Bible
08:22 speaks what day does the Bible say is the Lord's day? Let's say
08:25 it together, what day is that? The Sabbath. Isaiah 58 verses
08:29 12 and 13. The Lord's day is the Sabbath. He calls the Sabbath
08:32 my holy day. Mark 2 verses 27 and 28, the Sabbath is the
08:37 the Lord's day. So we find clearly that the Bible indicates
08:41 not the first day of the week but the Sabbath is the Lord's
08:47 day. Next we searched about this law that was nailed to the
08:52 cross that does not want us to be judged based on new moons and
08:57 Sabbaths and we discovered that there are at least nine
09:01 ceremonial Sabbaths like the day of atonement, the feast of
09:06 trumpets, the feast of the wave sheaf offering, that gathering
09:12 in of the harvest. Also we found a first day Sabbath, an eighth
09:17 day Sabbath, a ninth day Sabbath These words simply meant
09:21 convocations but they were connected to the law of Moses.
09:25 What law? And that was the ceremonial law. These were all just
09:28 to point to the work of Christ and they were nailed to the
09:32 cross. Those ceremonial Sabbaths were all nailed to the cross.
09:37 The question when the Sabbath ordained, what time of the week?
09:43 Someone tell me, what time of the week? What event? Hello when
09:49 was it? Creation. Now I'm asking Seventh-day Adventists. We need
09:54 this study just as badly as you do. It was ordained at the end
09:58 of what week, Creation week. I know you already knew. But kind
10:02 of you guys think I'm throwing you a hook. Sometimes I trick
10:05 them that way and I'm starting to make them answer shy. But
10:09 that was not a hook. At the end of Creation week the Lord
10:13 blessed the Sabbath day, sanctified it and rested on it.
10:16 And by the way, when he did that there was no sin. There was how
10:20 much sin? No sin. And the Sabbath was perfect. So now
10:24 we're going to go ahead and begin on question number 27
10:29 tonight and we want to look at this question in light of what
10:33 the Lord did and, by the way, the Sabbath is simply the fourth
10:37 of the Ten Commandments. It's the fourth of the Ten Commandments.
10:42 How many commandments are there? Ten. Deuteronomy 5 verse 22:
10:46 When the Lord wrote the 10 commandments with his finger on
10:49 two tablets of stone, Moses said and he added no more, he added
10:55 no more. So those people that had the ceremonial law and the
11:01 commandments together, God didn't do that. And not only
11:05 that, my mind is so sharp on this topic, thank you Lord, for
11:09 Galatians 3:19 says; let's look at that very quickly. Galatians
11:13 3:19, I want to show you how long these ceremonies were to
11:16 last. Galatians chapter 3, verse 19. These ceremonial laws that
11:25 were added, created, after God's commandments were violated.
11:29 They only had a certain life span to them. And they had to
11:34 deal with bulls, the killing of bulls and goats and doves and
11:38 lambs, the sprinkling of ordinances, drink offerings,
11:42 the ceremony services, the laver the altar of incense, the altar
11:46 of burnt offerings. All that was just a symbol that was pointing
11:50 to the coming of Christ. Look at Galatians 3:19. The Bible says
11:55 What purpose then does the law serve. It was a-what's the next
12:01 word?- added because of transgression. It was added
12:05 because another law was broken. It was added because of
12:10 transgression. How long? Till the seed should come to whom
12:15 the promise was made and was appointed through angels by the
12:21 hand of a-what?- of a mediator. So the mediator is who? Christ.
12:26 Exactly. And the seed there, thank you very much honey, the
12:32 seed that was to come is Jesus. It's a capital S. Jesus said
12:35 that. In the New King James Version, matter of fact, it says
12:40 that and in the book of Genesis chapter 3 the Lord said to the
12:45 serpent, I will put enmity between your seed and her Seed.
12:50 The Seed that's spoken of there is Christ, the Seed of the woman
12:55 So we see that this ceremonial law only had a certain life span
13:00 until Jesus was to come of whom the promise was made. It was
13:05 pointing to Him. So now with that in mind let's look at why
13:09 we know the commandments of God really were not the issue.
13:14 Question number 27, here it is on the screen. Let's go to the
13:17 question: Why didn't Jesus nail the Ten Commandments to the
13:22 Cross? The answer is there. Let's go and look at the answer
13:26 together. I think I didn't give him that slide, but here it is.
13:29 Bring the answer back up. Why didn't he nail it, let's read it
13:31 together. Here it is. The law of the Lord is perfect
13:36 converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is what?
13:40 sure making wise the what? Simple. So here's the question.
13:46 Let me ask you. Why wasn't the Ten Commandments nailed to the
13:51 cross? Because they were what? Why would you want to get rid
13:57 of anything that's perfect? Who do you think would want to get
14:01 rid of something that's perfect? Who do you think? Satan. Matter
14:06 of fact, he said he was upset with it. Go to Revelation 12
14:10 verse 17. Let's look at that very quickly. This is leading
14:13 into the next question. Look at Revelation chapter 12 verse 17:
14:16 He said he was upset with it. No doubt about it. He said I
14:21 don't like it. He said I don't like it, he said I want to get
14:25 rid of it. Look what he said in Revelation chapter 12 and verse
14:29 Okay. I know it by heart but I'm going to read it so that
14:33 those who are watching. The Bible says... you know what I
14:37 often do sometimes? I quote the King James Version because it's
14:39 in my head. That's been there for many, many years. Here it
14:44 is: Revelation 12 verse 17: And the dragon was enraged with the
14:49 woman, and he went to make war with the rest (or remnant) of
14:53 of her seed, of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God
14:58 and have the what? Testimony of Jesus Christ. So he's angry with
15:03 the woman who's keeping the commandments because he doesn't
15:08 like the commandments because they are what? Perfect. When the
15:13 Lord created the world, the world was perfect. Everything he
15:17 made was very good. He created the commandments, they are
15:21 perfect. As a matter of fact, so perfect that the writer said
15:25 that the law of the Lord is perfect. What does it do for
15:28 those of us who honor it? Converting the soul. You know
15:31 it means? It doesn't mean that the law changes you. That means
15:34 if you live in harmony with it you'll find yourself changing
15:37 every day, you become more and more like Christ. In fact,
15:40 living within the lines, living within the parameters. There's
15:44 nothing wrong with it is what Paul is saying. But where's the
15:48 problem? Let's go to Romans. Where's the problem? Romans
15:51 chapter 7, I want you to see. Now remember this is in
15:55 context... Romans chapter 7, I want you to see this now, and
15:58 then we're going to walk through the Ten Commandments and we're
16:01 not going to do like we did last week, we're not going to end
16:05 just before we get to that key commandment. Okay. Even my
16:09 people had a big sigh last week when I didn't finish it.
16:16 But here it is: Romans chapter 7, verse 14: Romans chapter 7
16:22 verse 14. All right. Let's look at something here. Paul says,
16:28 and look at what he reiterates. He says, for we know that the
16:34 is what? Spiritual, but what is the problem? Together, but
16:40 I am carnal, sold under sin. He says the problem is not the law
16:49 who is it? Say it again, who is it? If you said the word me, you're
16:58 right. Who is it? Me. You know we want to bring everybody else
17:03 into your group, us. Who is it? Us. We are the problem. We are
17:07 the broken vessels that cannot honor the commandments of God.
17:11 Matter of fact, even as we speak about the commandments of God,
17:15 without the Spirit of God in your life you cannot live in
17:18 harmony with the commandments of God. It is God works in us both
17:22 to will and to do of his good pleasure. Amen? So the
17:25 commandments of God, there's no problem there. Matter of fact,
17:28 look at verse 22 of Romans chapter 7. Romans chapter 7,
17:36 verse 22. He says: For I, what's the next word? Delight in the law
17:44 of God according to
17:46 the inward man, because that's where the Holy Spirit's working,
17:47 but I see another law in my members warring against the law
17:53 of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin
17:58 which is in my members. What is really in control? The law of
18:02 sin. Now when you say the law of sin's in control the law of sin
18:07 is not the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments point out sin.
18:11 But the sin that's in control is that old nature, what is it?
18:15 That old nature. It's the one that holds us in slavery, in
18:19 bondage. So now as we look at that there's one more text that
18:23 I'm looking for here. I don't see it right off hand so I'm
18:30 going to go to question number 28. Right? Now this is going to
18:35 be very interesting. If you were in a legal setting this would be
18:41 termed discovery. What word did I just use? Discovery. We're
18:47 going to walk through the vital principles, not just the vital-
18:51 We're going to walk through the Ten Commandments. These were not
18:54 just commandments but they have principles to them also.
18:58 The commandments of God and let's go to Exodus chapter 20.
19:01 This is where we turned last week. We're going to read them
19:05 as we go through them. All right So if you have your Bibles, go
19:08 to Exodus chapter 20. We're going to read through the 10
19:12 commandments and they are going to come up on the screen one
19:17 right after the other. Okay I see mine up there. Okay. Now
19:22 as I start I'm going to bring up a blank slate and if our graphic
19:26 team can be the same thing. Show them that blank slate for a brief
19:29 moment. We're going to bring up a blank slate. We're going to be
19:32 filling this in. We're going to go from Exodus chapter 20 verse
19:35 1-17. And we're going to fill this in together. So as we bring
19:38 them up one at a time I'll tell you to go ahead and bring the
19:42 commandment up as we go to it. Exodus chapter 20, let's look at
19:45 verse 1 now. And the Bible says and God spake all these
19:50 words saying, I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the
19:55 land of Egypt out of the house of bondage... Let's read the
20:00 first commandment together. You shall what? have no other Gods
20:04 before me. Let's add that one, let's bring it up on the slate.
20:09 You shall have no other Gods before me. That's commandment
20:13 number one. Now let me ask you, let me ask you. Does this still
20:18 apply today? Those of us who worship God, does he want
20:23 somebody else between him and us? Absolutely not. So whether
20:29 it is another... whether you're worshipping wood or stone or
20:33 brick or mountains or false Gods or money or fame or fortune he
20:39 said please don't have any other gods before me. And it means the
20:44 word before me, it means in place of me. Before me: it means
20:49 in place of me. There are a lot of people that name the name of
20:54 God but they have always something interrupting them from
20:55 complete surrender to God because they have other Gods
20:59 before them. So when these Gods call for their attention they
21:02 respond to those gods rather than to the true God. Sometimes
21:06 I used to talk about this years ago. I remember years ago when I
21:10 was at another church it was during time when, I forgot, this
21:14 crazy, wicked television show was on. It was on Wednesday
21:17 night at 7 o'clock and we were on the west coast at the time.
21:21 And it was just a show that got into the skin of my church
21:24 members. And I wouldn't see them I'd say where were you. Ah,
21:29 there's only two more episodes before the finale and I think it
21:34 was the year the whatever, J.R. Ewing, Dynasty, was that Dynasty
21:40 whatever? Whatever it was. Dallas, yes. You know they said
21:45 next week is the finale. And then after that gone there was
21:49 another one.
21:50 What's going on? Ah, pastor they all wonder who shot
21:55 J.R. Well nobody. He's still in our congregation. We had a
21:59 member named J.R. in our congregation. But you know the
22:02 thing, they put things before God. And that's what happens in
22:05 the world today. No matter how long ago the Lord wrote this
22:09 down it's still applies today. Amen? Let's look at the next one
22:15 Verse 4 and it continues by the way. It says you shall not make
22:21 for yourselves any what? Okay that's the second one. Let's
22:24 look at that. That is the what? Second one. Thou shall not make
22:27 unto thee any graven images. I'm using the King James Version
22:31 because it sounds more authoritative, Thou. Let
22:34 me continue. I'll read it in verse 4. You shall not make for
22:39 yourselves any carved images or any likeness of anything that is
22:43 in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in
22:49 the water under the earth. You shall not bow down yourself to
22:55 them nor serve them for I the Lord your God am a what? Jealous
23:00 God visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the
23:05 third and fourth generation of those who hate me but showing
23:09 mercy to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments
23:13 All right. Still today does the Lord want us bowing down to
23:17 images? Matter of fact, one of the biggest deceptions in the
23:21 Christian world today is people would rather wear a cross than
23:25 bear a cross. You know. They say well... And then sometimes
23:30 we even misuse it. They say will I'm bearing my cross. But
23:35 what that actually meant was not that they're bearing a physical
23:38 structure but the Lord is talking about what it means to
23:40 crucify self. That's what that really means. So here don't make
23:44 any graven images unto the Lord. Let's look at the next one. Look
23:47 at the next one. Verse 7. You shall not take the name of the
23:52 Lord your God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless
23:56 who takes his name in what? Vain. So let's go to the third
24:00 one now on the screen. The Bible says, thou shall not take the
24:04 name of the Lord thy God in what? In vain. That also means
24:08 If you name the name of the Lord if you say you are a Christian,
24:13 you ought to represent the name, right? If you say you're
24:18 president, you ought to act like a president, make decisions like
24:21 a president. Whatever title you have you should live in harmony
24:24 with that title. That means you won't have the title and live
24:28 outside of that. It's like a New York Nicks team wearing the Los
24:32 Angeles Lakers jerseys and people... Wait a minute you're
24:38 not from Los Angeles. I like the uniform. It's betrayal. When you
24:43 name the name but you betray what you represent that means
24:48 you are, what's the word here? A camouflage, not really genuine
24:53 Let's go to the next one. What's the next one? Number five
24:59 is next. We're purposefully skipping over number four.
25:04 Don't worry. We'll get to it. Verse 12. Here it is. Honor your
25:15 father and your mother that your days may be long upon the land
25:20 which the Lord your God has given you. The Lord is saying,
25:24 this is a
25:25 promise. If you honor your parents, if you honor your
25:28 parents, your father and your mother. And I also discovered as
25:31 I studied this further, it says not only to honor teachers and
25:35 honor people in positions of authority like pastors, clergy.
25:39 We are told that when you honor those in positions of authority
25:43 that represent the Lord, the blessing is extended to you also
25:47 All right, so now, does the Lord... This is written a long
25:53 time ago, should we still honor our parents. Come on. Anything
25:58 wrong with that? So far it looks perfect to me. Let's go to the
26:02 next one. Let's see if there's an issue here. This is a short
26:07 one but it applies today. Are you ready for the, which one?
26:12 The sixth one. Let's see if we could alter this one. You shall
26:17 not murder, or thou shall not what?
26:19 Thou shall not kill. Is there anything wrong with that one?
26:23 You might have millions of people that might say you know
26:27 people are killing people every day. But the key here, the
26:31 intent here as the New King James Version says, You shall
26:34 do no murder. What is being talked about here is
26:36 premeditation. Because in wars you find through the Bible there
26:41 were many people whose lives were taken in war and many
26:45 animals were killed, many people were killed, but the intent of
26:49 this text is don't murder people just premeditated intentional.
26:53 But today and then also in the case of self-defense... You know
26:57 many of the laws of our land parley the laws of God, parley
27:01 the principles of the Bible. If a person defended themselves,
27:04 and you find this in the book of Deuteronomy, actually it's
27:08 amplified. You find this in the book of Deuteronomy. If somebody
27:12 attacks your home and in the struggle
27:15 to defend your home they die you
27:17 are guiltless. If it's proven that that you have taken their
27:21 lives so they died in self defense, you are guiltless. But
27:25 if it's proven that you killed them needlessly and the family
27:30 now can set what they call a price for you to pay for the
27:33 death of their loved one. But thou shall not kill still
27:37 applies today. Amen to that? Let's go to the next one, the
27:41 seventh one. Are you ready? Let's read it together.
27:44 You shall not commit what? adultery.
27:49 Now let's ask the question. Let's say it's the
27:51 King James Version Thou shall not commit adultery.
27:54 Does that apply today? Of course it does. Do you think that
28:00 husbands and wives would agree on that one? I just want to see
28:05 if you guys can hear. Yes. Everybody would agree on that
28:09 one. Thou shall not commit adultery. Now when you begin to
28:12 look at that principle it's not only in the actual application
28:15 but when I mentioned this before I said we're going to go through
28:19 the Ten Commandments as well as the principles. Because the
28:22 Bible says if you hate your brother you've already murdered
28:25 him. If you lust, you've already committed adultery. So you see
28:31 the principles are broader you see and there are so many ways..
28:34 We were talking about this today about some of the struggles that
28:38 are taking place in the lives of so many that we are aware of
28:42 sometimes it takes place in putting video pornography before
28:46 a person. Somebody may say I never touched that woman, but
28:50 you're doing the same thing, the act happens in your mind. And so
28:53 pornography is another way of violating this commandment. Many
28:56 homes have been destroyed because people have focused on
29:00 what they call, what I call, a fictitious relationship. And
29:04 they've robbed where the actual affections need to be. So does
29:08 this still apply today, yes or no? It sure does. Let's go to
29:12 the next one. Let's go to the next one and this is number
29:17 what? Number 8. Okay, it's a very short one. You shall not
29:21 what? Steal. Let's bring the other one up. Thou shall not
29:26 steal. That includes let me say Christians that also includes
29:32 not keeping back God's tithe and offerings. Amen? Will a man rob
29:37 God? Yeah they do. In tithes and offerings. You know a lot of
29:42 Christians that are going to be guilty of thievery. They can go
29:46 to church every week. They never give God an honest tithe.
29:49 They don't give God anything.
29:50 But the tithes and offerings belong to
29:52 the Lord. And so when Malachi asked, will a man rob God? He
29:56 said yes. He says how? In tithes and in offerings. The Bible
30:00 says you are cursed with a curse So if you don't want that curse
30:05 give God what belongs to him. Amen? Let's go to the next one.
30:11 Number nine, number nine. Verse 16-You shall not bear false
30:16 witness against your neighbor. Okay, let's bring that one up.
30:21 Thou shall not bear false witness. What does that mean?
30:27 Lie. In other words, be honest. Let your yes to yes and your
30:31 no be no be what? No. Don't say... And you know what
30:36 happens? Sometimes this is what is called a conspiracy.
30:39 Sometimes people get together and they formulate a lie. But
30:43 you know what they say about a lie. You can never remember it.
30:46 Isn't it amazing how God built us. You can remember the truth
30:50 but you cannot remember a lie. So what happens is when people
30:54 get together and bear false witness, they say let's let him
30:57 get in trouble. So they put their lie... Okay what's our
31:01 story? And they formulate the story and then they get
31:04 interviewed separately from each other and they said, you're
31:10 lying because he said... He did? You're lying. When you tell the
31:15 truth you never have to worry about violating this. Amen?
31:19 Don't lie about your neighbors. If you didn't see it don't say
31:24 you did. And if you did see it say you did. All right. Because
31:28 there's a saying that was going on in my mind specifically today
31:32 can't tell you why, but there's a saying that goes this way...
31:37 All that is needed for evil to prevail is those that know to do
31:41 good do nothing. That's the same way. You can bear false witness
31:46 by not even saying a word. You can sit around and become
31:52 silently partnered in the crime. It's called the sin of omission.
31:56 That means, not saying anything, not saying anything. I know, I'm
32:00 not saying anything. And some people have seen individuals go
32:04 to jail. They know there are some people who have
32:06 purposely lied on people because they were angry at the moment,
32:09 and when that person's convicted and they're doing life. You know
32:13 I was angry when I gave my testimony. He really didn't do
32:16 it and the judge says it's too late. He's serving time. But I
32:20 lied. It's too late. And I know of instances that way. And many
32:24 people that served time and they came to discover he was lied on
32:28 his DNA. You know there were people that were serving time
32:31 before DNA was really used in the criminal system. Years later
32:34 find DNA and they match it and said he was telling the truth.
32:38 It wasn't him. And then they find it was the other guy. So if
32:42 you are a person that wants God to be honored, always tell the
32:48 truth. Let's go to the last one. All right. Verse 17: You shall
32:55 not covet your neighbor's house, you shall not covet your
33:00 neighbor's wife, nor his man servant, nor his maid servant,
33:05 nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's
33:09 And let's look at that one together. In short it says, Thou
33:13 shall not what? Covet. Do you know that this commandment is
33:17 the root of all the others being broken. Look at that. When you
33:21 covet you lie, when you covet you steal, when you covet your
33:24 neighbor's wife you commit adultery, when you covet you
33:27 kill somebody to get what you covet and all the other ones.
33:31 Our relationship with our brother man, our brothers and
33:34 sisters, when covetousness is at the root of that the other
33:38 ones are easy to violate. I did a sermon a few years ago when
33:41 they did a Ten Commandments weekend. The first time we did
33:44 it they gave me the commandment number 7. Then they gave me
33:47 commandment number 10 and I discovered man this commandment
33:50 is the root of all the other ones being violated. If you
33:53 violate this one, the others are easy because it's the doorway
33:57 the key that turns the lock to get you in. Now what commandment
34:01 did I leave out? Okay. Well let's go to that one. Where is
34:08 that one? It is by the way, and whether you know it or not, one
34:11 person had done this word count thing. Somebody counted the
34:15 words, I don't know who ever has the time to do that, but somebody
34:18 counted the words and they said if you count the words leading
34:21 up to verse 8 and count the words after verse 8, the 4th
34:25 commandment almost ends up in the center, word count, of the
34:29 Ten Commandments. I don't know who did that but I really don't have
34:35 the time to count the words. But let's look at verse 8. Let's
34:39 read this together. Remember the Sabbath day to do what? Keep it
34:44 holy. Six days you shall labor and do how much? All your work,
34:49 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord whose God?
34:53 Your God. In it you shall do no work, you nor your son nor your
35:00 daughter nor your man servant nor your maid servant nor your
35:06 cattle nor your stranger who is within your gates. Even when
35:11 people visit you don't let them violate your home. For in six
35:16 days, look at what the Sabbath is connected to. This is
35:19 significant now. This shows you that it's not connected to the
35:23 Jews. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
35:28 the sea and all that is in them and rested the seventh day.
35:33 Therefore, the Lord did what? Blessed the Sabbath day and what
35:38 else? Hallowed it. Put that one up there now, the last one,
35:41 number 10. Let's look at that one and in my own_
35:45 back and forth, see. Ah it didn't do right. See that's the
35:49 fourth commandment. Now what word does the fourth commandment
35:54 begin with? Together, remember. Why would God say REMEMBER?
36:00 Because he knew that we would be led to forget. He knew that
36:05 we would be led to forget it. Now he's not saying well I
36:09 wonder if they're going to remember it. That's not what the
36:14 intent is. He's saying somebody is going to tell them to forget
36:20 it. And somebody did tell us to forget it. Matter of fact, you
36:26 know you're watching this broadcast and you may be a
36:28 member of a church where you've been told to forget it; where
36:31 you've been told the following: It's for the Jews, it was nailed
36:35 to the cross, it no longer applies, it doesn't matter what
36:41 day, it was a part of the old law, it's a sign of bondage,
36:47 it's an indication that you're working you way into salvation.
36:51 All those are wrong because the fourth commandment says thou
36:54 shall do no works. So write these down. Did you write them
36:57 all down on here on your 10 lines. Did you write them all
37:02 down? Okay. Did you write them all down? Some of you did. You
37:06 guys know it so well you didn't really have to. All right. Now
37:09 let's go to question number 29. So when you look at the 10
37:12 commandments you clearly see that there's nothing wrong with
37:15 them and the reason why the Lord said to remember the Sabbath day
37:19 to keep it holy, let's look at a couple of things. Remember
37:23 meaning don't forget. To keep it holy, not to make it holy and
37:27 he didn't say remember a day, he said remember the 7th day
37:31 Many people say what does it matter. We get these questions
37:34 whenever I do house calls with Pastor John Stanton, we get
37:38 these questions. Does it really matter what day. I mean why
37:41 can't we just pick a day. You know what that is? That's the
37:44 carnal heart, because the Bible says the law is spiritual but I
37:48 am carnal sold under sin. And people that don't want... I got
37:52 find a text. Go with me to Romans. I got to find it. Okay,
37:56 I'm going to find it right now. Romans chapter 7, let's go there
38:08 Okay. I got it. Romans chapter 7 verse 7. Romans chapter 7 verse
38:20 7. Look at this. Don't read it. Wait for me. Okay. Romans
38:36 chapter 8 verse 7. Here it is. This is really the issue.
38:51 Starting with verse 6. For to be carnally minded is what? Death.
38:57 But to be spiritually minded is life and peace. And look at the
39:03 reason. Here's where the problem is, not God's law. Verse 7:
39:10 Because the what kind of mind? The carnal mind is enmity
39:16 against God,
39:17 meaning is not comfortable with God at all. For it is not
39:23 subject to the what? Law of God nor indeed can be. It is not
39:28 subject to the law of God because the mind is what? Carnal
39:32 Let me even expand what that is saying. It's not only saying
39:36 that the carnal mind does not want to honor the law of God.
39:41 It's saying the carnal mind can't honor the law of God. You
39:45 know why? Because it's enmity. You know what that mean? God's
39:50 law is here. The carnal mind is here. What kind of mind do you
39:53 need to be able to honor God's law? What kind of mind? Let me
39:58 ask you. What kind of mind? Say it again. Spiritual. Spiritual.
40:04 If you're not spiritual you might as well be watching baseball or
40:09 or particularly if this topic is not even sinking in is
40:13 because you're not spiritual. When you become spiritual then
40:16 the law of God is a delight. I delight according to the law of
40:21 God. I delight in the law of God according to the inward man, the
40:24 spiritual man. For when the carnal man rises up it's like we
40:27 have a problem with the law of God. So there's no problem with
40:29 God's law, it's just that the carnal man does not want to
40:32 honor it. Let's go to the next question, number 29. The law is
40:39 perfect, the law is spiritual, The problem is who? Who's the
40:44 problem? Me. Okay, okay. Question number 29, let's go to
40:49 it. What is God's position on the Ten Commandments? What is
40:55 God's position on the 10 commandments. It's really
40:57 important to know that. We pretty much know the answer to
41:01 that but let's go to 1 John chapter 5, verses 2 and 3.
41:06 What is God's position on the Ten Commandments? Here it is.
41:11 All right, are you all ready. Let's look at this. By this we
41:16 know that we love the children of God when we love God and do
41:23 what? Keep his commandments. And look at the next verse. For
41:29 this is the love of God that we keep his commandments and I like
41:34 this part. Together - And His commandments are not burdensome.
41:39 People make the commandments seem like oh why do we have to
41:46 keep that? It's like wah, wah. Why do we have to drag that
41:51 big old two tablets of stone around. You don't have to. It's
41:55 in your heart. Hebrews 10 verse 16. The Lord not saying drag
41:59 these stones around. He says I wrote it in your heart Luis.
42:03 I wrote it in your heart Janeck. I wrote it in there so wherever
42:07 you go the spirit of God will convict you and convince you and
42:10 direct you when you're about to do wrong. If the law of God
42:13 wasn't in us, we wouldn't even feel the sense of wanting to do
42:16 right. The law of God is never a burden. Amen? It's not a burden.
42:20 And if you love the law of God, then you'll keep his
42:25 commandments because it's not a burden. Sin is a burden. Now
42:30 let's go to the next one. Question number 30. We read this
42:34 a moment ago and I think I'll just go ahead and give you this
42:38 one like a no charge. What is Satan's position on the 10
42:47 commandments? What is Satan's position on the Ten Commandments.
42:51 We know God's position but what is Satan's position on the 10.
42:55 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17. We read that earlier but now
42:59 here's the scripture on the screen. And the dragon. Who's
43:03 the dragon? Satan. Revelation 12:9 says that serpent of old
43:06 called the devil and Satan. Look at what he says. The Dragon was
43:11 what's the next word? Enraged or wroth. This is not just upset.
43:15 This is... Let me just explain the word enraged to you. You can
43:20 bring the text down for a moment. The word enraged here
43:25 means, and the reason why the Bible uses the word lion seeking
43:29 whom he may devour. Enraged means, if I can get out of this
43:34 cage I would rip you to shreds. Not, well I'm not really hungry
43:39 right now. But the devil's position is, if I can get to you
43:44 I would tear you apart. So that's his attitude. Bring the
43:48 text up again. And the dragon was enraged with the woman and
43:53 went to make war. Think about all the wars. There can be no
43:58 war worse than a demonic war. With the rest of her offspring
44:02 the remnant of her seed and who are the ones he wants to war
44:06 with? Who keep the commandments of God and have the what else?
44:11 Testimony of Jesus Christ. So the attitude, let's put this
44:15 down. Number 29- What is God's position - That you love him and
44:18 keep the commandments. What is Satan's position on the Ten
44:24 Commandments? He hates them. Thank you. Terry said it the way
44:28 it is - he hates 'em. Let's not even try to dress that up. The
44:33 devil hates the commandments of God. Can you tell me why he
44:36 hates the commandments of God? Let's get some feedback. Why
44:40 does he hate the commandments of God? He wants to be like God
44:46 What else? He wants to replace God. What else? Commandment of love
44:53 What else? It's God's character. Whatever represents me. It's
44:59 terrible but we live in an age of terrorism and I don't want
45:04 to be too ahead of myself but sometimes when countries are
45:10 angry with each other one country would do whatever it can
45:14 to hurt anything that represents the other country. Recently a
45:19 flight was, this flight, I want to be vague about it, was some
45:24 suspicion about this flight that fell down in the Sinai desert.
45:28 and you know Isis immediately claimed responsibility and now
45:33 they're saying that it's possible that they did that.
45:35 Now why would they do that? Because the flight represented Russia.
45:39 why would they do that. Because Russia was trying to get Isis
45:43 out of warring and attacking Isis. So you have war with each
45:46 other and then now you say, whatever... This is the point.
45:49 Whatever is connected to you I hate it. And if I could do
45:54 what I can do, I'll kill it just to show you my tenacity.
45:57 That's how the devil feels. He doesn't want to just have an
46:01 argument with the woman. He want's to war with her and if he
46:03 wants to war with her what does he want to do. War ends up in
46:06 what? Death. He wants the woman to die. I'm going to leave it
46:09 right there because I have some other things I don't want to go
46:13 ahead of myself on. He wants to really bring the woman down. So
46:17 write that down. Now let's go to number 31, number 31. Okay look
46:21 at this. Why does Satan lead
46:28 people to break one of the Ten Commandments. This is a very
46:33 interesting text. This text in the book of James often gives
46:37 many of the modern theologians a heart ache. You know why.
46:40 Because they have been successful to say that Paul the
46:44 apostle has an issue. You know Paul the apostle speaks against
46:48 homosexuality, that he has an issue with women. They have
46:51 really attacked Paul the apostle I heard some theologians and some
46:55 theology professors say well you know the reason why we don't
46:59 take Paul's writings seriously when he speaks about
47:02 homosexuality because he had an issue with women; so this is a
47:05 way of lashing out. But they can't do anything with James.
47:08 Paul talks about the holiness of God's law but they can't do
47:13 anything with James. James is like why does he have to say
47:17 that. Now they can't just blame Paul because Paul supports James
47:22 James supports Paul and both of them support John the apostle
47:26 and they all support Jesus. Amen to that? They're not on
47:30 different pages. It's like me make Paul fight against Jesus
47:33 and the Old Testament fights the New Testament and vice versa.
47:37 but look at the verse. Why would Satan lead people to
47:40 break one of the Ten Commandments Here it is: For whosoever shall
47:44 keep the whole law and yet stumble or offend in one point
47:50 he is guilty of all. The devil knows... Now let's think about
47:56 it. If we had a chain hanging above our heads that had 10 links
48:01 How many links? Which link would I break and the lamp will still
48:05 stay up there. Think about it. You ever seen a chandelier?
48:10 Which link could I safely break and the lamp still stays up
48:14 there? Which one. Ah let's see. Let me sneak up on the lamp and
48:18 break only the second one because I didn't have an issue.
48:21 Any link in that chain that's broken, what happens to the
48:25 lamp? It comes crashing down. See the devil knows. He's smart.
48:29 So what he does. Let's look at that again. I want you to see
48:34 this. In the Bible what's so wonderful about James who writes
48:38 this he makes it clear he's a friend of the Ten Commandments.
48:43 He goes on in verse 11 and says for he who said what? Do not
48:49 commit adultery also said what? Do not murder. Now if you do not
48:54 commit adultery but you do murder you have become a
48:58 transgressor of the law. So speak, verse 12, and so do that
49:04 those who will be judged by the law of liberty. He said it
49:08 doesn't matter which one you break, you break one you're
49:12 guilty of breaking the other one It doesn't really matter.
49:17 Can you imagine violating the laws and the police stops and
49:20 says what were you doing? I was just speeding. I was not going
49:24 through the stop sign. You need to let me go. What's your
49:28 reasoning? At least I didn't go through the stop sign. What's
49:33 the difference. Well that could cause an accident but this one
49:38 is okay. You know when you get pulled over you can't itemize
49:43 which law you broke. You are in violation of the code, period.
49:48 So when God put his 10 commandments out there when we
49:50 live in harmony by the indwelling Spirit, we don't
49:52 desire to violate any of those. Amen somebody? Let's go to the
49:55 next one. We're going to try to end this. We've got 8 minutes
49:58 I think we can do it. Because I want to start fresh on our next
50:04 topic. How do we know that the Ten Commandments are not just for
50:09 the Jews? One of my favorite speakers... I mean I listen to
50:14 so many speakers on... We have so many on 3ABN, but Pastor
50:18 Stephen Bohr, he brought this point out when he was talking
50:22 about clean and unclean foods because some people say well
50:26 the laws against eating pork were for the Jews. He said do
50:29 you have Jewish friends that have a different digestive
50:34 system than yours? He said didn't they come from the same
50:37 creative hand of God? How is something that's unclean for the
50:41 Jews okay for your body. You mean you can do marijuana and be
50:44 okay and he do marijuana and not be okay? Can you eat pork
50:48 and be okay and he eat pork and not be okay? See we try to get
50:51 these standards because we try to... You know what it is? It's
50:54 like a liar who wants to come up with any excuse to omit himself
50:58 from the obligation to be obedient. And the most amazing
51:03 way, years ago, I don't want to spend a lot of time with this
51:06 but the point of the matter is any time you don't want to do
51:10 something that God says to do you come up with an excuse. Paul
51:14 the apostle comes up with the answer again. Let's look at
51:17 1 Corinthians 7 verse 19. This is a classic one because many
51:20 people have been told, well you don't have to keep the law of
51:24 God unless and look at the answer here. I Corinthians 7:19:
51:27 Paul was addressing this same issues in the church of the
51:31 Corinthians? He says, circumcision is what? Nothing,
51:35 and uncircumcision is nothing, but, together, keeping the
51:41 Commandments of God is what matters. Is that clear? He said
51:47 whether you are Jew or whether you are a convert, it doesn't
51:52 matter because in the New Testament church the Jews still
51:57 were insisting that the New Testament Christians get
52:01 circumcised. There were so many arguments. You have to
52:03 understand this to some degree because it was not long before
52:07 Jesus ascended to heaven, the New Testament church started
52:10 and many had had a hard time accepting who Jesus is anyway.
52:14 So they continued in the ceremonial rituals and they were
52:17 saying how could you be a Christian and not keep the
52:19 feasts. Well let me tell you something there are people
52:22 arguing like that today. Trying force those who keep the Sabbath
52:26 to keep the feasts also. But that's not in the Bible. Because
52:30 the feasts require circumcision those were specifically for the
52:33 Jews. Let's go to number 33. Did God say that the 10
52:41 commandments are just for the Jews? No he didn't. I'm just
52:45 going to bring them into that scenario one more time. No he
52:49 didn't. Let's go to Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and let's look at
52:52 verse 13. I'm going to turn there because I want to give you
52:58 also the verse... Here I am. I'm always amazed when I hear
53:03 people say I'm a New Testament Christian. So what kind of Bible
53:09 do you have? Mine's very thin because I don't live by the Old
53:14 Testament. No wonder there's evolution now days. People
53:17 are throwing away the Bible that makes it clear that creation is
53:19 the way. Ecclesiastes 12 and verse 13. Did God say the 10
53:22 commandments were just for the Jews? Well we know the answer is
53:25 no but listen to this. It's on the screen. The Bible says,
53:29 let's read it from the screen together. Let us here what?
53:33 The conclusion of the whole matter. Together: Fear God, and
53:39 keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man. This
53:44 is the whole duty of man. And when the Bible says that it says
53:50 in verse 14 for God shall bring every work into judgment
53:54 including every secret thing whether it is good or whether
53:59 it is evil. So the Lord is saying, if you don't think my
54:03 commandments are important let's discuss this in the judgment
54:07 when every secret thing will be brought to light. You know
54:10 what's hid in the dark will be shouted from the mountain top.
54:14 So the commandments of God is a standard of not of I gotcha
54:18 but if I want you. The Lord wants us to be holy like he's
54:23 holy. Amen Janeck. So when he set the standard up and here's
54:26 the reason why we're winding up with these texts is because
54:30 there are so many reasons that were given to honor the first
54:33 day and many of them surrounded the commandments of God,
54:37 ceremonial laws, the first day in the New Testament the laws
54:41 that were contained in ordinances but we're seeing
54:44 methodically by God's word that he supports his commandments
54:47 are in force out of love for him. There's no day that
54:50 takes the place of the day that he honored that creation. Let's
54:55 look at the last two very quickly. Number 34: What is
54:59 honoring the Ten Commandments of God a declaration of? What is it?
55:03 Let's read John 14:15 together. Here it is. Let's read it:
55:08 If you love me, keep My commandments. It's all based on
55:14 what? A love relationship. You know nothing's more burdensome
55:18 than you not having a love relationship and you're told to
55:21 do something. Right? If you don't have a love relationship
55:24 with the Lord and somebody comes up to you and says okay here are
55:28 the Ten Commandments; keep 'em. Well who are these from? Doesn't
55:33 matter, just keep 'em. Unless you have a love relationship the
55:37 says if you what? Love me. He didn't say keep my commandments
55:41 and then you'll love me. He says once you have a love
55:43 relationship with me here are the parameters of our
55:46 relationship. Last one, very important. Number 35: Number
55:50 35. What must we do if we plan on being in heaven? Let's go to
55:56 Isaiah 66. Isaiah 66. We're going to look at the last verse
56:03 in our study together. Isaiah 66 verse 22 and verse 23. Now you'd
56:10 get this point. Let's read the text first. For as the new
56:13 heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain before
56:18 me says the Lord, so shall your descendants and your name remain.
56:23 And look what's going to happen. And it shall come to pass that
56:27 from what? One new moon to another, and from what? From
56:33 one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come to worship
56:38 before me, says the Lord. Now you know what? This is in the
56:42 context of the new earth. This is in the context of the new
56:45 heaven and the new earth. Now let's get this, because I'm
56:49 winding up the topic. Sabbath blessed at creation. Anything
56:53 wrong with it? Yes or No? Anything wrong with it? No.
56:56 Sabbath kept in the Old Testament. Anything wrong with
56:59 it? No. Sabbath kept in the New Testament. Anything wrong
57:04 with it? No. Sabbath kept by Jesus. Anything wrong with that?
57:07 Kept by the disciples and then the apostles. Anything wrong
57:10 with that. Then you get to the persecution against the
57:14 Christian church and then during the dark ages we're going to
57:18 talk about this power on the next study. Someone comes along
57:22 and says let's get rid of it. And who do you think did that?
57:26 The devil did. Now you know why it's called the dark ages? If
57:29 you want to steal something in my house, you got to turn the
57:34 lights off. Did you hear that? If the lights off for 1260 years
57:39 and you turn them back on, you can't tell what's missing.
57:42 That's what's happening to the Christian world today. For 1260
57:45 years the light was off during the dark ages. So much truth was
57:48 stolen that when the lights came back on they couldn't even
57:51 tell what was missing. That's why God has called us to be
57:55 stewards of the truth of his word so that this can be
57:58 restored as the people of God love Him. Friends keep studying this
58:01 because one day it will come into a sharper focus.
58:04 God bless you.


Revised 2018-12-12