Participants: Pr. John Lomacang
Series Code: ASHF
Program Code: ASHF000126A
00:21 Hello, friends,
00:22 welcome to Wednesday Night Bible studies 00:25 here at the 3ABN Worship Center. 00:27 Welcome to A Sharper Focus. 00:29 We are so glad that you tuned in. 00:30 Can we all say amen to that? Amen. 00:32 And we are continuing our study 00:35 on "The Truth about the First Day." 00:38 You know, there is so much 00:40 that is taught in the world about 00:41 the contrast between the first day, 00:44 the Sabbath, the seventh day, a lot of confusion exists, 00:49 particularly in the Christian world about this. 00:50 And so we want to set the record straight, 00:52 not by opinion but by God's Word. 00:56 And so before we have our theme song, 00:58 before we have our questions 01:01 and let you know 01:02 where you can get a copy of the lesson, 01:03 we are going to begin with prayer. 01:05 So let's bow our heads tonight 01:07 and invite the Lord's presence to continue with us. 01:10 Our gracious Father in heaven, thank You, 01:12 thank You, Lord, so much 01:14 for the blessing of opening Your Word 01:17 as you open our hearts. 01:19 We do pray tonight 01:20 that Your Spirit will be in our midst. 01:23 There are people looking for truth today, Lord, 01:25 and we know that 01:26 these sincere hearts are waiting to absorb 01:30 what the spirit says to each of those waiting hearts. 01:34 So bless and guide tonight, we pray in Jesus' name, amen. 01:39 Now if you'd like to get a copy of the lesson, 01:41 go to this following website 01:46 and download lesson number 32, The Truth about the First Day. 01:51 The truth about what day? First day. 01:53 The first day. 01:55 Now you should download four pages. 01:58 We have up to 35 questions. 02:01 Tonight, we're gonna begin on question number 22, 02:04 and so make sure you get a copy of that. 02:06 And on that website 02:08 if you've missed any of the prior broadcasts, 02:10 the videos are also linked there, 02:12 the way to know which one goes with which video 02:15 or which lesson goes with which video, 02:17 click on the video, 02:18 at the very beginning it tells you 02:20 what lesson to download, all right? 02:22 So are we ready to sing? 02:24 Let's sing our theme song "Victory in Jesus." 02:27 Let's sing our theme song tonight together. 02:36 I heard an old, old story 02:40 How the Savior came from glory 02:44 How He gave His life on Calvary 02:47 To save a wretch like me 02:51 I heard about His groaning 02:55 Of His precious blood's atoning 02:59 Then I repented of my sins 03:03 And won the victory 03:06 O victory in Jesus 03:10 My Savior, forever 03:14 He sought me and bought me 03:18 With His redeeming blood 03:21 He loved me ere I knew Him 03:25 And all my love is due Him 03:29 He plunged me to victory 03:33 Beneath the cleansing flood 03:37 I heard about a mansion 03:40 He has built for me in glory 03:44 And I heard about the streets of gold 03:48 Beyond the crystal sea 03:52 About the angels singing 03:55 And the old redemption story 03:59 And some sweet day I'll sing up there 04:03 The song of victory Key change. 04:07 O victory in Jesus 04:11 My Savior, forever 04:14 He sought me and bought me 04:18 With His redeeming blood 04:22 He loved me ere I knew Him 04:26 And all my love is due Him 04:29 He plunged me to victory 04:33 Beneath the cleansing flood 04:37 He plunged me to victory 04:41 Beneath the cleansing flood 04:47 Amen. Amen. 04:49 I am excited to be continuing this topic on 04:53 "The Truth about the First Day." 04:57 We have had opportunity to see different parts of the world, 05:00 and we know that in various parts of our world, 05:03 particularly in places like Europe, 05:06 we also discovered, 05:08 more recently in the country of Sri Lanka, 05:12 around the world, changes are being made 05:15 to solidify in the minds of many the idea 05:19 that Sunday is the seventh day of the week. 05:25 Many people, 05:26 and when I was working in New York City 05:28 a number of years ago 05:30 as a young high school student 05:34 working one week, going to school the next week, 05:37 I was a messenger. 05:39 And the maritime companies, 05:40 companies that do shipping for foreign companies, 05:44 they would establish, 05:45 what they call the maritime calendar, 05:48 which back in the '70s, 05:50 they set up Monday as the first day of the week 05:53 and Sunday as the seventh day. 05:55 And then there was some companies that 05:57 when laptops and computers became more popular, 06:01 you would have programs by companies like Microsoft, 06:04 and when you open the calendar, 06:06 they had Sunday and Saturday combined. 06:08 They called it the weekend. 06:11 Notice how that, the weekend. 06:12 And then you had to detangle them by going in 06:16 and selecting a feature 06:17 to make it the way it's supposed to be, 06:20 Sunday the first day, and Saturday the seventh day. 06:23 And I thought to myself, when they say the weekend 06:25 and Saturday and Sunday were coupled together 06:27 like on top of each other rather than side by side, 06:30 you could pick Saturday to be the first day, 06:32 Sunday to be the first day, 06:34 but in reality, 06:36 they had Monday set to be the first day. 06:38 So when you look down at this you'll say, 06:39 which one is the sixth, which one is the seventh? 06:41 And in the minds of people that did not understand, 06:44 many people put Sunday as the seventh day. 06:48 Well, then more recently, 06:52 and I'm gonna kind of build a segue 06:54 because this is so vitally important. 06:56 More recently, 06:58 a decision was made in America to join other nations 07:01 that decided to approve same sex marriage, 07:04 and we, the Christian community, 07:05 those that stood on God's Word were all aghast. 07:08 They said, how could anyone redefine what? 07:13 You can't redefine what God has already defined. 07:18 And so, so many people said, 07:20 "Well, this is not a religious issue, 07:22 this is a civil issue." 07:24 Well, to Christians, it is a religious issue. 07:26 It's about our relationship with Jesus. 07:28 So we go back, and some people say, 07:30 "Well, why is it so important to you Christians?" 07:33 And then Christians say, "Way back in Genesis 07:38 when there was only a one man and one woman 07:42 at the creation of the world, 07:44 God blessed the marriage 07:46 by joining Adam to Eve and vice versa." 07:50 And people say, 07:51 "But that was thousands of years ago." 07:53 And then Christians respond, "Well, it doesn't matter, 07:57 whether it was thousands or hundreds of years ago, 08:00 from the very beginning God established 08:02 the institution of marriage. 08:04 So therefore we should not try to change it." 08:06 Can we get an amen to that? 08:08 Now there's something else God did 08:11 in the end of creation week, He sanctified. 08:15 Let's look in our Bibles. 08:16 Go there with me. Genesis 2:1-3. 08:22 Genesis 2:1-3. 08:28 Genesis 2:1-3. 08:32 And that very chapter of Genesis 2, 08:34 you know, you find two things. 08:36 One thing that the Lord said is not good 08:41 and something that is good, okay? 08:46 And when Genesis Chapter 1 ended, 08:49 I want you to see this, I want you to see this. 08:52 When Genesis 1:31... 08:54 Look at this, I want you to follow as I read it. 08:56 The Bible says, 08:57 "Then God saw everything that He had made, 09:01 and indeed it was, together, "very good." 09:06 So the evening and the morning were the first day." 09:11 So when creation week ended... 09:12 Sixth day. Okay. 09:14 I want you to see if you're listening. 09:15 Sometimes, I want to just catch it. 09:17 So it was a sixth day, see? 09:19 That's why we use our Bibles, just to check. 09:23 But now you go to Genesis 2:18. 09:25 So everything that God did was kind of good or what was it? 09:29 Very good. 09:30 But now that was very good, 09:31 and then there's something else that the Lord said is not good. 09:34 Let's look at Genesis 2:18. 09:37 Genesis 2:18, 09:39 "And the Lord God said, 'It is..." 09:41 What? 09:42 "Not good that man should be alone.'" 09:45 That when God finished creating the world, 09:48 everything was very good, 09:50 but it was not good that man should be alone. 09:52 So to make even that good, 09:55 He gave man a woman. 09:58 Taken from man, 10:00 that's what woman mean, taken forth from man. 10:03 But then He capped off His creation 10:05 by doing something that is still to this very day 10:08 as enduring as marriage. 10:10 Genesis 2:1-3, look at what the Bible says. 10:14 "Thus the heavens and the earth, 10:16 and all the host of them were finished. 10:19 And on the seventh day God ended His work 10:24 which He had done, 10:25 and He rested on the seventh day 10:28 from all His work which He had done. 10:31 And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, 10:36 because in it He rested from all His work 10:40 which God had created and made." 10:43 Now you find the words that show up there, 10:46 blessed, sanctified, He rested, He blessed, He sanctified. 10:50 The marriage is sanctified, the Sabbath is sanctified, 10:54 the seventh day is sanctified, the husband and wife, 10:58 as man and wife are sanctified. 11:00 Those two institutions are sanctified. 11:02 What do you think Satan would seek to do? 11:05 He would seek to destroy the very thing 11:06 that God sanctified. 11:08 So now to destroy the marriage, 11:10 which we are all up in arms about now 11:12 because it just happened, 11:14 so to destroy the marriage, he decided, 11:15 let's make man and man a unit, and woman and woman a unit, 11:19 and that's unsanctified. 11:21 Let me tell you the reason why? 11:23 Because when man and woman are joined together, 11:25 they complete the image of God in the human race. 11:28 They complete the image of God in the human race. 11:31 The maleness and the femaleness 11:32 brings forth the image of God in the human race. 11:36 In the very same way, you can't sanctify 11:38 anything else other than the way that 11:39 God establish it to be sanctified. 11:42 So also the seventh day 11:43 shows that it is a sanctifying mark. 11:46 Now let's go to Ezekiel. 11:48 I want you to see this very quickly. 11:50 Ezekiel Chapter 20. 11:53 Ezekiel Chapter, right before Daniel. 11:56 You can find Daniel, go one book back, 11:58 and you are in Ezekiel, all right? 12:01 He blessed and sanctified the Sabbath. 12:05 He blessed the seventh day. 12:07 And then I'll show you where he called it the Sabbath. 12:11 Well, look at Ezekiel 20, 12:13 and we're gonna start with verse 12. 12:16 All right? 12:20 All right? 12:24 Verse 12 of Ezekiel 20, 12:26 "Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, 12:29 to be a sign between Me and them, 12:32 that they might know that I am the Lord who..." 12:35 Does what? "Sanctifies them." 12:38 See, now the marriage is sanctified, 12:40 when we honor the Sabbath, 12:41 a relationship between us and God is sanctified. 12:44 Get that, you know, what sanctified means? 12:45 Set aside for a holy use, special and holy. 12:49 So now, the reason why this idea of the first day 12:52 is so troubling to me as a person 12:54 who believes in the Word of God 12:56 and who believes that what God says is sufficient 12:59 is man is saying it doesn't really matter. 13:01 Well, now let me go ahead 13:02 and just really upset the applecart. 13:04 If the Sabbath to Christians don't matter, 13:08 then the marriage should not matter either. 13:11 Am I treading on unfamiliar territory? 13:15 Is that a statement that I shouldn't make? 13:17 Well, for Christians that say, the day doesn't matter, 13:21 they should also say 13:23 the marriage doesn't matter 13:25 because they're both sanctified. 13:27 Amen somebody? 13:29 If God sanctified the marriage, and we say it does matter, 13:32 then God sanctified the day and that should also matter. 13:36 So for those who are Christians 13:37 that are watching this broadcast 13:39 or listening to it, 13:40 it's all about the sign between God and His people. 13:44 Marriage is assigned between husband and wife, 13:47 the Sabbath is assigned between God and His people. 13:50 So to change the sign, 13:52 you break the sign of sanctification 13:54 because there is no other day that's a sign 13:57 of this sanctifying relationship. 13:59 Okay, now we're gonna go down to question number 22. 14:02 Now which means we left question number 21. 14:05 Now the big challenge that comes to so many is, 14:10 and we're gonna get to this in just a moment, 14:12 is they say, "Well, isn't the Sabbath a shadow?" 14:16 All right. 14:17 So I'm gonna do something that... 14:20 I want you to go to question number 22 14:22 because what we did at question number 21 14:25 is we strategically, I'm going to Leviticus now. 14:29 Go to Leviticus with me. 14:31 Okay? 14:33 Leviticus. 14:35 Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. 14:40 Leviticus 23. 14:43 I'm just gonna do a very, very quick review here. 14:45 And the reason I'm gonna show you this is 14:46 because there are Sabbaths that were nailed to the cross. 14:53 There are Sabbaths that were nailed to the cross. 14:58 Now what we have to understand very importantly is 15:02 why would there be any need 15:04 for anything to be nailed to the cross? 15:06 Why would there be a need for any kind of Sabbath 15:08 to be nailed to the cross? 15:09 Well, there were ceremonial Sabbaths 15:11 that all pointed to the activity 15:12 that would take place in the life of Jesus. 15:15 Like for example, do we still kill lambs, 15:18 yes or no? 15:19 No. No. 15:20 So the law of sacrifices of lambs nailed to the cross, 15:24 all right? 15:26 Do we have a high priesthood on earth right now? 15:29 No. 15:30 So the earthly priesthood, 15:32 that whole sanctuary service was ended 15:35 because who's our high priest? 15:37 Jesus is. Okay. 15:38 So everything that pertains to the temple services, 15:40 the altar burnt offerings represented the cross 15:43 where Jesus would be sacrificed for us. 15:46 The shedding of the blood of the lamb 15:47 represents the blood that Jesus shed on the cross. 15:50 The water which is the labor 15:52 represents Jesus the water of life. 15:54 The candelabras represents Jesus 15:57 the light of the world. 15:59 The showbread represents Jesus 16:00 the bread of life. 16:02 See, everything about that represents Jesus. 16:04 So when Jesus came, 16:06 all that came to an end of the cross. 16:08 And so people are taught, 16:09 well, the Sabbath was nailed to the cross, 16:11 so we're gonna see as we go to question number 22. 16:14 But I'm gonna lay the ground by just hitting some quick text 16:17 in Leviticus 23. 16:18 I want to show you some Sabbaths 16:22 that did get nailed to the cross. 16:24 Look at Leviticus 23. 16:26 And let's look at verse... 16:29 Look at verse 39. 16:32 Look at verse 39, all right? 16:39 It says, "Also on the fifteenth day 16:41 of the seventh month, 16:43 when you have gathered in the..." 16:45 What? 16:46 "Fruit of the land, 16:48 you shall keep the feast of the Lord..." 16:50 How many days? "Seven days." 16:53 And get this, "On the first day 16:56 there shall be a Sabbath-rest, 17:00 and on the eighth day a Sabbath-rest." 17:04 So notice what's happening here. 17:05 These are feasts 17:06 that were pointing to the work of Christ. 17:09 So these feasts, and by the way, 17:11 let me just make something very clear, 17:12 the word Sabbath means convocation, 17:14 holy observance. 17:16 So the Lord says, 17:17 when you participate in the feast of firstfruits, 17:19 that's gonna be a special observance. 17:22 On the eighth day, on the first day, 17:25 but go to the verse right before that 17:27 and watch this. 17:28 Watch this. 17:29 Look at verse 38 says, "Besides the..." 17:32 What? 17:33 "Sabbaths of the Lord, besides your gifts, 17:36 besides your vows, 17:38 beside all your freewill offerings 17:40 which you give to the Lord." 17:41 In other words, this is not to say, 17:43 this is not connected to that. 17:44 So you have the seventh day Sabbath 17:46 given before sin entered the world. 17:50 So let me ask you a question, I want you to respond. 17:53 If sin never entered the world, 17:57 would there be a need... 18:01 Let me rephrase that. 18:03 If sin never entered the world, 18:07 would the Sabbath have ever been attacked? 18:12 Don't feel tentative, just say it. 18:14 No. Okay. 18:15 Because nobody would have an issue with it 18:17 'cause sin wasn't in the world, 18:19 but the devil has an issue with it, 18:21 that's why he is attacking it. 18:23 So there's nothing wrong with the Sabbath 18:25 because it was made when there was no sin. 18:27 So why would you want to get rid of something 18:29 that was made when there was no sin. 18:30 It wouldn't lose, 18:32 it would not expire as time goes on. 18:34 So this leads us... 18:35 So when you go through Leviticus, 18:37 you'll see there about 9 to 11 different Sabbaths 18:41 that had nothing to do with the seventh day Sabbath 18:45 that God ordained at the end of creation week. 18:48 Now go to Galatians with me. 18:50 What book did I say? 18:51 Galatians. Galatians. 18:52 So God when sin entered the world, 18:56 the Lord added a law 18:59 because our law was violated. 19:03 He did what? 19:04 Added a law... 19:06 Let me tell you what I mean by that. 19:07 When cars were first made... 19:11 When cars were first... 19:14 You know, I remember, 19:15 I read the story about the making of cars. 19:16 And somebody once said, 19:18 cars, if you go beyond 30 miles an hour, 19:21 you could lose your breath. 19:24 Can you imagine that? 19:25 Because back then they had no windows, see. 19:28 It wasn't closed in. 19:29 So when they did the 30, 19:31 and then somebody got it to 50 miles an hour, 19:33 and they thought, "Oh, we could die." 19:35 Well, when they came up with the steam engine, 19:38 and the train started going faster, 19:40 it terrified humanity. 19:42 Today, should we be afraid of cars, yes or no? 19:44 No. 19:46 'Cause they could go really fast. 19:47 Now should we be afraid of cars, yes or no? 19:50 No. 19:51 We should be afraid of what people do with cars. 19:53 Okay, I'm glad you're thinking. 19:55 You guys are really quick, I tell you, I like that. 19:58 It's not the cars we are afraid of. 20:00 But now watch this, 20:02 so when cars now could go really, really fast, 20:04 and people started just driving wildly, 20:06 they made laws for safety, right? 20:11 Now what kind of laws do we have for the car? 20:14 Do we have a law again speeding? 20:16 Okay, now when the law of speeding was broken 20:20 and somebody died because they were hit, 20:23 then we added another law 20:24 now to govern vehicular manslaughter. 20:27 And then because of that, 20:29 then other laws were added that will govern the penalties 20:32 for vehicular manslaughter. 20:33 Notice, how you keep adding laws and laws 20:35 because the first one was violated, 20:37 more laws were put in place to make that effective, 20:39 more laws to put in place to make that effective. 20:41 When Cain killed Abel, you read in the Bible, 20:47 when sin entered the world, 20:49 there was a lamb being sacrificed, 20:50 Cain didn't like the lamb, 20:52 Abel performed the perfect sacrifice, 20:55 Cain didn't, so he killed his brother. 20:57 Thou shall not kill. 20:59 Thou shall not... Kill. 21:01 Okay, was there law then in the very beginning? 21:03 Yes. 21:04 If there was no law, there will be no sin, okay? 21:08 I'm going somewhere with this. 21:09 Now, as long as there's sin, 21:12 there will be a law. 21:15 If there is no law, there is no sin. 21:18 All right, so if somebody says 21:20 the law of God was nailed to the cross, 21:22 the commandments were nailed to the cross, 21:23 if the preacher says that, 21:25 go sell apples, you have no job. 21:29 Am I telling the truth? Yes. 21:30 Who are you trying to save people from what? 21:33 But now let's finish it up. 21:35 So when the law of God was broken, 21:38 another one was added 21:39 until Jesus would come to redeem humanity. 21:43 Look at Galatians 3:19. 21:46 And Galatians deal with this whole law of ceremonies, 21:49 and sacrifices, and washings, and ordinances, 21:52 Galatians deals with it. 21:53 And so the question was asked in verse 19, 21:56 watch this. 21:58 What purpose then does the law serve? 22:04 It was added because of what? 22:07 Transgression. 22:08 Meaning, it was added 22:09 because of a violation of one other law. 22:11 It was added because of transgression, 22:13 till the seed should come to whom the promise was made. 22:19 And it was appointed 22:20 through angels by the hand of a mediator. 22:23 So the ceremonial law, get this, moral law violated, 22:28 commandments of God violated, 22:30 a law now with sacrifices and offerings, and the lamb, 22:33 and the dove, and the bull, and the goat, 22:35 all this was there to remind people, 22:38 one day Jesus is going to come, this lamb is gonna come. 22:40 So behold the Lamb of God, He comes, He gets crucified, 22:44 the system comes to an end. 22:46 The curtain is torn, we don't need that anymore. 22:49 Follow me. 22:52 But he didn't get rid of the Sabbath 22:53 because the Sabbath was added before sin. 22:56 There was no need. 22:58 Now let's go to question number 22. 22:59 Lot of foundation. 23:00 Question number 22, here it is. 23:03 And by the way, the title of the lesson is 23:04 "The truth about the First Day." 23:07 Question number 22, here it is. 23:09 Did the Ten Commandments 23:11 include these Feasts as a part of the Decalogue? 23:16 Decalogue means ten laws, Deuteronomy 5:22. 23:21 Did the commandments include these feasts 23:23 as part of the Decalogue? 23:25 And the reason I asked these questions 23:26 because many people are told, 23:28 many Christians are even told that 23:30 it was all nailed to the cross. 23:32 Well, let's see if the Lord when He made these commandments 23:36 included anything about feasts there, okay? 23:38 Deuteronomy 5, 23:40 look at the screen, here we are. 23:41 The answer, let's read this first one together. 23:43 "These words the Lord spoke to all your assembly, 23:48 in the mountain from the midst of the fire, the cloud, 23:53 and the thick darkness, with a loud voice," 23:56 and together, "and he," together, "added no more. 24:01 He wrote them on 24:03 two tablets of stone and gave them to me." 24:07 So these two tablets of stone, 24:09 we're gonna walk through these and begin to see 24:12 how pertinent these two tablets of stone are. 24:18 And how these two tablets of stone 24:20 have nothing but 10 laws, 24:23 that's why the word there, Decalogue means 10 laws. 24:27 Deck, see? 24:29 You know, 10 laws. 24:31 All right, let's go to the next one. 24:33 So write the answer down. 24:34 Did the Ten Commandments include these feasts 24:36 as a part of the Decalogue? 24:37 Write the answer down, it's a two letter word. 24:39 And what is the answer, Lorraine? 24:40 No. Okay, the answer is no. 24:44 Now let's look at the other laws. 24:46 One was written on tablets of stone, 24:48 but now let's look at Deuteronomy 31. 24:52 Deuteronomy 31. 24:54 So if one was written on tables of stone, 24:56 where was the other one? 24:59 You guys are theologians, and you know the answer, 25:01 but I'm so thankful 25:02 that you're waiting for the Bible to answer. 25:04 Question number 23. 25:09 Where were the Feasts, 25:12 Drinks and Ceremonial Sabbaths written? 25:16 We're gonna go to Deuteronomy 31:24-25, 25:21 where were they written? 25:23 Where were they written? It's funny. 25:26 I'm in Genesis 31, 25:28 and it looked really strange to me 25:30 when I was trying to read the verse, 25:31 it was about Rachel. 25:34 He said Rachel, 25:35 what does she had to do with the Ten Commandments. 25:37 Okay. 25:39 That's why, everybody has their own Bible. 25:41 Oh, here it is. 25:42 Deuteronomy 31:24-25, 25:44 the Bible says, "So it was, when..." 25:48 What's his name? 25:50 "Moses had completed 25:53 writing the words of this law in a..." 25:57 What? 25:58 "Book," one on tables of stone written by God's finger, 26:01 one written by Moses were in a book, 26:04 "When they were finished..." 26:07 So where did they put them, written in a book, 26:10 he completed the writing, he wrote them in a book, 26:12 when they were, what? 26:14 Finished. 26:15 All right, so where are they written? 26:17 Somebody tell me. Okay. 26:18 And let's go on to the next verse, 26:19 and I need to include that. 26:21 Bring that back up on the screen, and verse 25. 26:25 Bring it back up on the screen. 26:27 Okay, and it says, 26:29 "That Moses commanded the Levites, 26:32 who bore the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord." 26:36 And then lastly verse 26, verse 26, here it is. 26:41 "That Moses commanded the Levites 26:43 who bore the Ark of the Covenant," 26:45 thank you of the Lord, 26:47 "Saying," here's what he said, 26:50 "Take this book of the law, and put it..." 26:53 Where? 26:54 "Beside the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God, 26:59 that it may be there as a..." 27:00 What? 27:02 "Witness against you.'" 27:03 So that's where he put it. 27:05 He put it where? 27:06 Beside. 27:07 Now little bit of education now is necessary. 27:10 The Ten Commandments were put inside the Ark of the Covenant. 27:15 Some people say, 27:16 what is the Ark of the Covenant? 27:18 Inside that golden box with the two angels over it, 27:20 the mercy seat, it was put on the inside, 27:24 but the laws written in the book 27:26 was put on the side, okay, makes all the difference. 27:30 I wish I had a box to illustrate this. 27:32 But one was on the outside and tucked on the side, 27:35 one was on the inside. 27:37 The covenant was clearly there, all right? 27:40 So write this down. 27:42 Where were the feasts, drinks, 27:44 and ceremonial Sabbaths written? 27:45 Where were they written? 27:48 In the Book of Moses, the Book of Moses. 27:51 Where were the commandments written? 27:53 On tables of stone. 27:54 One is called the law of God, 27:56 the other is called the law of Moses. 27:59 Now let's look at the next one. 28:03 Question number 24. Question number 24. 28:09 And we're going to in this lesson, 28:13 look at the Ten Commandments in particular, 28:16 'cause a lot of times we talk about 28:18 the Ten Commandments, 28:19 but we don't look at the Ten Commandments. 28:21 We're gonna do that in just a moment here, 28:23 all right? 28:24 Look at this. 28:26 Number 24. 28:28 How do we know that Jesus nailed 28:33 these "Ceremonial Laws" to the Cross? 28:36 How do we know that Jesus nailed 28:40 these "Ceremonial Laws" to the Cross? 28:43 How do we know that? 28:44 Let's go to the Book of Colossians. 28:47 Let's go to the Book of Colossians, all right? 28:52 Colossians Chapter 2, 28:54 and we're gonna look at verse 14. 28:56 Okay. 28:58 Are you all ready? 29:01 And earlier, earlier we included... 29:04 I'm gonna turn to Colossians particularly, 29:07 some of you are already there. 29:09 I like the fact that my people, they don't wait for me, 29:11 they just go. 29:13 Okay, here we are. 29:15 And those of you who are watching, 29:16 you know the texts are listed there, 29:18 so you don't have to wait either. 29:19 Here it is. 29:21 Colossians 2:14, look at what the Bible says. 29:24 "Having..." What? 29:26 "Wiped out the handwriting..." The what? 29:31 I want you to say, the what... 29:33 One more time the what? Handwriting. 29:35 Who did the handwriting? Moses. 29:39 "Having wiped out the handwriting of ordinances, 29:46 handwriting of requirements that was..." 29:48 What? 29:49 "Against us, which was..." What? 29:51 "Contrary to us, 29:52 and he has taken it out of the way, having..." 29:55 Done what? 29:56 "Nailed it to the cross." 29:58 So now let's put the answer there, 30:02 put the answer there under number 24. 30:04 How do we know that Jesus nailed 30:06 these "Ceremonial Laws" to the cross? 30:09 What were they called? 30:11 Whoo! 30:12 Say again, Lorraine. 30:13 Handwriting of requirements. 30:15 Handwriting of requirements, written by the hand of Moses. 30:19 There it is. 30:21 The handwriting of requirements. 30:22 And so when you look at 30:24 the handwriting of requirements... 30:25 Now let me just illustrate something. 30:28 What the Bible says 30:29 when it means it was contrary to us. 30:31 You know, let's go to Hebrews 9. 30:35 Let the Bible answer. 30:37 I have a habit that I can't break 30:39 and it's a good habit. 30:41 You know what that habit is. 30:42 Let God's word answer the questions, 30:44 all right? 30:46 Okay. 30:47 Now remember, I want you to... 30:49 Okay. You already... 30:50 Are you still in Colossians? Okay. 30:54 Go back to Colossians and hold your finger there, 30:56 I appreciate. 30:58 Go to Colossians, hold your finger there. 31:00 In this very chapter, I want you to see something. 31:02 Okay. 31:04 I'm in Colossians now, 31:06 and we're gonna dive from Colossians 2:14, 31:10 we read verse 14, 31:11 but I now want to read a couple of other verses 31:14 because we read verse 14, 31:15 but now I want to read verse 16 and 17. 31:18 These are the verses 31:19 that are often used to perpetrate 31:21 the misrepresentation 31:25 of what Jesus got rid of, all right? 31:28 Here it is. Let's look at verse 16 and 17 31:33 of Colossians 2. 31:35 Watch this. 31:37 Since he got rid 31:38 of the handwriting of ordinances, verse 14. 31:40 "Therefore let no one judge you in..." 31:44 What friends? 31:45 "Food or in drink, or regarding a..." 31:48 What? 31:50 "Festival or a new moon or..." 31:52 What? 31:53 "Sabbaths," plural, 31:55 "which are a shadow of things to come, 31:57 but the substance is of..." 31:59 What? "Christ." 32:01 Now go with me to the Book of Hebrews, all right? 32:08 This is what you call teaching. 32:11 Praise the Lord. 32:12 Now let's go to Hebrews 10. 32:15 Because remember, the reason why, 32:17 and I'm leaving it on the screen, 32:19 the reason why the Lord 32:20 got rid of this handwriting of ordinances 32:23 is they were against us. 32:25 They were contrary... 32:26 They couldn't do anything for us. 32:28 They were messy, they were bloody, 32:31 they couldn't really do anything for us. 32:33 It was just, but it was a faith covenant. 32:35 If you believe in the blood of that lamb, 32:36 you are prefiguring the idea 32:38 that the Lamb of God will come one day, 32:40 but they couldn't do anything for us. 32:42 Now let's look at the very wording of Hebrews 10, 32:47 look at this. 32:50 Wow! 32:52 Verse 1. 32:54 "For the law, having a..." 32:57 What together? 32:58 "Shadow of good things to come." 33:02 Now I want you to get this. 33:04 The law was a shadow of good things to come, 33:08 not things that were contrary or against us, 33:11 one is against us, 33:14 but the good things are coming, all right, you get it? 33:18 The good thing has come. 33:19 Let's keep going. 33:22 "Having a shadow of the good things to come, 33:25 and not the very image of these things, 33:27 can never with these same sacrifices, 33:33 which they offer continually, how often? 33:35 "Year after year, 33:38 make those who approach perfect. 33:40 For then 33:42 would they not have ceased to be offered? 33:45 For the worshipers, once purged, 33:49 would have had no more consciousness of sins." 33:53 But... 33:54 Look at verse 3. 33:55 "But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sin..." 34:01 How often? "Every year." 34:03 Now why did the Lord get rid of these washings, 34:05 and these sacrifices, and these blood... 34:07 Look at the verse 4. 34:09 "For it is not possible..." 34:11 Say that together, "It is not..." 34:12 What? 34:14 "It is not possible 34:15 that the blood of bulls and goats 34:17 could take away sin." 34:18 Amen? 34:20 So whose blood was needed to take away sin? 34:22 The blood of Jesus. 34:24 So when these ceremonial Sabbaths, 34:27 first day of the month, ninth day of the month, 34:29 fifteenth day of the month, day of atonement, 34:32 Feast of Tabernacles, Feast of Trumpets, 34:34 Feast of Firstfruits, grain offerings, 34:36 sin offerings, feast offerings, carnal washings, 34:40 when all these things 34:42 were wrapping the Israelites up, 34:43 and oh, here we go again. 34:45 Cut the total lamb, shed the blood, sprinkle, 34:47 the high priest tinkling on, 34:49 all this stuff that was one endless round 34:51 of one ritual after the other. 34:53 The Lord said 34:55 this is what sin does, it binds you. 34:58 But I'm going to come to set you free. 35:00 So this ain't gonna happen all the time, you know why? 35:02 Because all that blood of the bulls and goats 35:04 that you shed cannot take away sin. 35:09 And look at what it says in verse 5. 35:12 "Therefore, when He came into the world, 35:14 He said, 'Sacrifice and offering 35:18 You did not desire, 35:20 but a body You have prepared for Me.'" 35:23 Why? 35:25 "In burnt offerings and..." What? 35:27 "Sacrifices for sin You..." What? 35:30 "Had no pleasure.'" 35:32 Now get this. 35:34 "Then I said, 35:35 'Behold, I have come in the volume of the book 35:39 it is written of Me to do Your will, O God.'" 35:45 And then I want to just dive down to verse 9. 35:47 "Then He said..." 35:49 This is powerful. 35:50 "Then He said, 35:51 'Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.'" 35:54 And what did he do? And what did he do? 35:57 "He takes away the..." What? 36:00 "First that He may establish the..." 36:02 What? "Second." 36:05 How did he get rid of the first one? 36:07 When Jesus died, 36:09 you know, what the story in Matthew 27, 36:10 Mark, Luke, John, when Jesus died, 36:12 they were about to kill a lamb and the priests, 36:16 the lamb got away 36:17 because the lamb Christ Jesus took its place. 36:24 The Lord said, enough of the lamb killing, 36:27 that little lamb got away, 36:29 no more blood was shed 36:30 because we are redeemed by the blood of "the lamb." 36:38 Now why is all this... 36:39 What does all this have to do with the first day? 36:44 What does that have to do with the first day? 36:47 This is what it has to do with the first day. 36:49 Let's go to question number 25. 36:53 You see... 36:56 If the Sabbath was connected to these sacrifices, 37:02 then that too was done away with. 37:04 If the Sabbath that was blessed at creation 37:07 was a part of a sacrificial system, 37:10 then it too was done away with, right? 37:14 But it was not connected to a sacrificial system, right? 37:18 It wasn't connected. 37:19 So therefore it wasn't done away with. 37:21 It was perfect. 37:22 It was what? Perfect. 37:24 So perfect, and I'll show you some reasons in the Bible 37:28 to emphasize its beauty and its perfection 37:30 or some scriptures to emphasize its beauty and perfection. 37:33 There was nothing wrong with it, 37:34 it was not contrary, it was not against us, 37:36 it was blessed, sanctified holy. 37:41 And now let's look at question number 25. 37:44 Question 25. 37:49 How does Paul describe ceremonial laws 37:53 that were abolished? 37:55 Let's go to Ephesians 2. 37:57 And now that we read Hebrews, 37:59 you'll see this jump out at you amazingly. 38:02 Ephesians 2, all right. 38:07 Ephesians Chapter 2, 38:09 and we're gonna look at verse 14 and 15. 38:11 How does Paul describe ceremonial laws 38:12 that were abolished? 38:15 Here it is. 38:17 Speaking of Jesus, "For He Himself is our..." 38:19 What? 38:21 He is our what? Our peace. 38:22 Ephesians 2:14-15, 38:24 "He is our peace, who has made both..." 38:27 What? 38:29 "One..." 38:30 And get this, 38:31 "And has broken down the middle wall of..." 38:34 What? 38:36 "Separation, having abolished in His flesh..." 38:40 Get this, "The enmity, 38:43 that is, the law of commandments 38:47 contained in..." 38:48 What? 38:50 "Ordinances, so as to create in Himself 38:54 one new man from the two, thus making peace." 38:58 Now let's go ahead and just emphasize. 39:00 How can you create one man from the two? 39:03 Let's show... 39:04 This is beautiful. 39:05 Thank you, Lord, when I think about it, 39:07 it kind of makes my hair raised. 39:09 How can God take something that was contrary 39:12 and something that is in harmony, 39:13 take the two of them, combine them together, 39:15 you know how He does it, you know He does it? 39:19 Jesus was the very... 39:22 Jesus is the very image of all those shadows. 39:27 Now... 39:28 Okay, I'm gonna try this, I'm gonna try this. 39:30 Try to do this, okay? 39:32 See my shadow there just. 39:34 I move out of the camera. 39:36 See my shadow there. 39:37 My shadow can do anything that I can do. 39:41 As fast as I move my hand, 39:42 my shadow is gonna stay with it. 39:44 I got a shadow on the backdrop here, 39:45 my shadow was there, just try to zoom in on that. 39:48 My shadow is with me. 39:49 It's right there. 39:50 Everything my shadow does, but if you follow my shadow, 39:53 it'll lead right to me. 39:55 The ceremonial laws were designed to lead us 39:58 right to Jesus. 40:00 But when the shadow, 40:02 when you finally get to the substance, 40:04 why do you need the shadow anymore? 40:07 Nobody runs around 40:08 and calls a shadow mommy and daddy. 40:11 No, really, you don't. 40:13 You don't hug a shadow, you can't touch a shadow. 40:17 Matter of fact, it has no dimensions at all. 40:19 It's just there. It's a shadow. 40:21 These things were just to serve the purpose of leading us. 40:25 So when Jesus came, we would have the substance, 40:29 He is the substance. 40:31 But these were just simply the shadows, 40:33 and they had to deal with ordinances, 40:36 carnal ordinances. 40:39 But the Sabbath of the creation week 40:43 had nothing to do 40:45 with any of these carnal ordinances. 40:48 They were not even included because, why? 40:51 I want you to remember, 40:52 why was there no ceremonial system needed 40:57 in Genesis at the end of creation week, why? 41:02 Say it again. 41:03 There was no sin. 41:04 No sin. There was no sin. 41:07 So let's put the answer down. 41:09 How does the Apostle Paul 41:11 described the ceremonial laws 41:12 that were abolished commandments contained in..." 41:16 What? 41:18 "Ordinances, commandments contained in ordinances." 41:22 And I read a book a number of years ago, 41:25 I won't say what denomination 41:27 but I think it was Jehovah's Witnesses. 41:32 And they wrote a book saying the commandments of God 41:36 were done away with, 41:37 the law of commandments were done away with, 41:39 and I read the book, 41:40 and you know what they left out, 41:42 the phrase contained in ordinances. 41:43 They just took a portion of the text, 41:45 the law of commandments. 41:48 And I said, "Where is the rest of the text?" 41:50 It was omitted to accomplish a satanic purpose 41:54 because the Lord did not get rid of the commandments. 41:56 He got rid of the laws contained in ordinances. 41:59 Amen? 42:00 So you cannot twist things and accomplish a holy purpose. 42:05 Now let's go and look at these laws 42:07 contained in ordinances. 42:08 Number 26. 42:09 Question number 26. Here it is. 42:11 How do we know that God never intended 42:15 the ceremonial laws to last? 42:18 Let's go to Hebrews 9:1, 42:21 Hebrews Chapter 9. 42:23 Let's go back to that book. 42:24 By the way, Hebrews is like a summary 42:28 of the Old Testament services. 42:29 It's a beautiful book. 42:31 Hebrews Chapter 9, let's look at these ordinances, 42:33 let's look at them very carefully. 42:35 We're gonna start with Hebrews 9:1, 42:37 then we're gonna read Hebrews 9:9-10, all right? 42:41 I'm gonna start, it's gonna be on the screen. 42:43 Here it is. 42:45 "Then indeed, even the first covenant had..." 42:48 What? 42:49 "Ordinances of divine service and..." 42:52 What else? 42:53 "And earthly sanctuary." 42:55 Go down to verse 9 now. 42:58 Look what it says in verse 9. 43:00 "It was..." 43:01 Together, "Symbolic for the present time 43:05 in which both 43:07 gifts and sacrifices are offered 43:10 which cannot make him 43:12 who performed the service perfect 43:14 in regard to the conscience." 43:17 Verse 10, and this is powerful, 43:19 it connects right back to Ephesians Chapter 2 43:21 and Colossians Chapter 2. 43:23 "Concerned only with..." 43:25 What, together, everybody? 43:27 "Foods, drinks various washings, 43:30 and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of..." 43:35 What? "Reformation." 43:37 Who was the reformer? Somebody tell me. 43:40 Jesus. Jesus. 43:42 He came to reform. 43:44 These were only there until a set up was coming to... 43:49 Let me just use another word, 43:50 until Jesus was coming to establish, 43:54 to set up, a new way of identifying 43:57 our relationship between him and us, 43:59 he got rid of that whole wall. 44:01 Matter of fact, he got rid of it 44:02 so completely that the template of the curtain 44:04 was torn from where? 44:06 Top to bottom. 44:07 It was ripped. 44:09 And this was not some thin curtain 44:10 that the wind could have torn. 44:11 It was written, divinely ripped from top to bottom 44:14 as though God had shredded it. 44:16 And the whole system was finally exposed 44:18 to human sight 44:19 which was never, which meant, get this, 44:22 which meant the glory of God had departed from it. 44:26 That's why there were curtains. 44:28 It was not supposed to be seen by any human. 44:30 But when God was done with it, He got rid of it. 44:34 But now He got rid of that covenant, 44:36 but now let's go to, let me see where it is. 44:40 Let's go to Hebrews very quickly, 44:43 in the very same Hebrews Chapter 10. 44:45 I want you to see this because a lot of people say, 44:47 well, when He got rid of the covenant, 44:48 He got rid of the commandments. 44:50 He did not. 44:51 Hebrews 10:16, 44:53 "He got rid of the first one 44:55 that had to deal with fleshly washings, 44:57 and carnal ordinances, and sacrifices, 44:59 and blood sacrifices, He got rid of that one, 45:02 but He did not get rid of His commandments. 45:05 Look at what the Bible says. 45:06 Hebrews 10:16. 45:08 The Lord says, 45:10 "This is the covenant that I will make with them 45:12 after those days,' says the Lord. 45:14 I will put..." 45:16 Together, "My laws into their hearts, 45:21 and in their minds I will write them." 45:24 Ain't that wonderful? 45:26 Originally written on tables of stone, 45:28 now where is it? 45:30 Mind and heart. 45:31 That's why when you try to do something wrong, 45:34 the Lord says, matter of fact, there is it within us. 45:38 When the Bible said in Genesis that, 45:40 when the Lord said to Eve, 45:41 I will put enmity between you and the woman, 45:43 I mean, to the devil, 45:45 I will put enmity between you and the woman. 45:47 You know what enmity is? 45:49 Huh? Hatred. 45:51 Hatred, but discomfort, discomfort. 45:54 That's why 45:55 whenever you're about to do something wrong, 45:57 it brings a level of discomfort. 45:58 That's why the lie detector test works so well. 46:00 When you are physically uncomfortable, 46:02 it registers. 46:04 That enmity that God put into the heart of humanity, 46:07 you cannot sin 46:08 without sensing that is against, 46:11 that's why Paul says, "O wretched man that I am! 46:13 Who will deliver me from the body of this death?" 46:15 That's why Paul says, 46:17 I know that in me 46:18 that is in my flesh dwells no good thing. 46:19 There's a prop, 46:21 there is a fight that goes on in the inside, 46:22 and you have to literally fight against that fight to do wrong. 46:27 You got to literally shut that down. 46:29 That's why the unpardonable sin means 46:31 you've gone beyond feeling. 46:33 And when somebody is called a notorious liar, 46:35 that means they no longer have a conscience, see? 46:39 That means they are beyond being able to be reached. 46:43 But now let's go to the beautiful question. 46:45 So question number 26. 46:46 How do we know that God never intended 46:48 the ceremonial laws to last? 46:50 Because they were only there until the time of reformation, 46:54 until, the word until 46:57 always indicates, it's about to expire. 47:00 I'll be at your house until 4 o'clock. 47:04 I'll be working until 5:00. 47:06 That means, something's coming to an end. 47:09 They were there until. 47:11 Jesus came. 47:14 Now let's go to question number 27. 47:17 Number 27. 47:19 Why didn't Jesus nail 47:21 the Ten Commandments to the cross? 47:24 Why did not Jesus nail 47:26 the Ten Commandments to the cross? 47:27 We all know this text by heart, 47:29 but I'm gonna put it on the screen very quickly. 47:31 Psalm 97, Psalm 19:7. 47:36 Can we read this one together? 47:37 Let's all look at the screen and read this one together. 47:40 "The law of the Lord is..." What? 47:43 "Perfect, converting the soul. 47:46 The testimony of the Lord is..." 47:47 What? 47:49 "Sure making wise the simple." 47:52 Why get rid of something that is perfect? 47:58 Why was it perfect? 48:00 It is the transcript 48:01 and the reflection of God's character. 48:04 It's the transcript 48:05 and the reflection of God's character. 48:09 Now... 48:10 So why didn't Jesus 48:11 nailed the Ten Commandments to the cross? 48:13 What did you put down? 48:15 It's perfect. It's perfect. 48:17 You ever said... 48:18 You ever saw somebody straightening out a picture. 48:20 You ever saw that before? 48:22 I have that habit. 48:23 I go to people's houses, 48:24 and I look at that picture said, 48:26 "Oh, it's just driving me nuts." 48:27 It's crooked. 48:28 Well, it's off-kilter, and I want to straighten it. 48:31 I've seen people, 48:33 they talk about people with addictions, 48:34 they come to your house, 48:36 if you have a carpet with tassels, 48:37 they just want to straighten those tassels so badly 48:39 or straighten your pillows up, they want it perfect. 48:43 Well, you know, 48:44 we can't do anything to fix God's law 48:46 because it is already what? 48:47 It's already perfect. 48:49 So now let's look at this. 48:50 Question number 28, which is in fact not a question 48:53 but it is in fact an outline of Exodus 20. 48:56 So go to Exodus Chapter 20. 48:58 Go to Exodus Chapter 20. 49:01 We have a little under 10 minutes, 49:03 but we're gonna see this, 49:04 we're gonna take a square on look 49:07 at something that people want to get rid of. 49:09 We're gonna take a square on look 49:11 at the very thing that people 49:13 have been taught by clergy 49:15 and religious men all over the world 49:17 that this has been done away with. 49:19 And we're gonna ask the question, 49:20 what is wrong with it that we got to get rid of it? 49:24 All right? 49:25 So now we're about to go through the Ten Commandments. 49:28 Okay, and to go through the Ten Commandments, 49:32 I'm gonna ask my guys every now and then 49:33 whoever is at the graphics to bring up the graphic. 49:36 So bring up the graphic that says the Ten Commandments. 49:37 Number 28. Look at the Ten Commandments. 49:40 We're gonna walk 49:41 through the Ten Commandments together, 49:42 and I do want our audience to see it. 49:44 So after this graphic, 49:45 we're gonna go to Exodus Chapter 20 now. 49:47 Bring up the next graphic, we have a clear slate, 49:49 notice the slate. 49:51 It's very clear, there's nothing on it. 49:53 Right now, we're gonna watch God 49:55 write His commandments. 49:57 Okay, we're gonna see this together, 49:58 and we're gonna be reading Exodus 20:1-17. 50:02 So now I'll start with verse 1, okay? 50:06 And then I'll tell them bring up the graphic. 50:08 Exodus 20:1. 50:10 "And God spoke all these words, saying, 50:15 'I am the Lord your God, 50:18 who brought you out of the land of Egypt, 50:21 out of the house of bondage.'" 50:23 Commandment number one, here it is. 50:25 Here it is on the screen. 50:26 Let's bring it up. 50:28 "Thou shalt have no," together, "other gods before Me." 50:33 Pause, pause. 50:35 Okay. 50:36 And the detail, the further detail, 50:37 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." 50:39 Now, should I be upset with that 50:41 if I love the Lord? 50:44 The Lord is saying, "Hey, I am the only God, 50:47 don't put anybody before Me." 50:50 Is there any reason we should get rid of that one? 50:53 'Cause that means God is God 50:55 and there is nobody else like Him. 50:57 That means, He alone is worthy of an happening the universe. 51:01 That means He is exclusive, He is at the top, numero uno, 51:04 whatever you want to say, God is God 51:06 and there's nobody else like Him. 51:08 So don't put anybody before Me 51:10 because anybody that you put in my place is substandard, 51:13 is defective, cannot do what I can do. 51:16 Let's go to the next one. 51:18 Verse 4. 51:21 It says, "You shalt not make for yourself any..." 51:24 What? 51:26 "Graven images or carved images." 51:27 So let's bring that up on the screen. 51:29 Now let's look at the second one. 51:30 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images." 51:35 And the details are there in Exodus 20:4, 51:40 or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above 51:43 that is in the earth beneath, 51:45 or that is in the water under the earth. 51:48 "You shalt not bow down to them 51:51 nor serve them. 51:54 For I, the Lord your God, am a..." 51:58 What? 51:59 "Jealous God, 52:01 visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children 52:04 to the third and fourth generation 52:06 of those who hate me, 52:08 but showing mercy to thousands of those who love Me and do..." 52:13 What? 52:15 "Keep my commandments." 52:16 Okay, now the third commandment. 52:18 Verse 7. 52:19 "You shalt not take the name of the Lord your God..." 52:22 What? 52:23 "In vain." 52:25 Bring that one up. Let's add that now. 52:26 "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord 52:30 thy God in vain." 52:33 Why not? 52:34 Look at the details in the text. 52:35 For the Lord will not hold him guiltless 52:39 who takes his name in vain. 52:40 Let me go ahead and just expand that 52:42 because sometimes we miss that, 52:43 we think that means just profanity, 52:45 we think that when people cursing, 52:47 they use God's name and that. 52:48 We think that that's what that means. 52:50 You know what that actually means. 52:52 That means don't say you belong to God, 52:55 and you live like you don't. 52:57 You're taking My name in vain. 52:58 You know, parents say sometimes to children 53:00 like one of our favorite preacher said, 53:02 he said Pastor CD Brook said, his father, 53:05 when he was sending him to Oakwood, he said, 53:07 "Son, I don't have a lot of money, 53:08 but I do have a name, honor my name." 53:13 The Brook's name, honor my name. 53:16 And the God that we serve says the same thing, 53:18 "Don't take My name in vain." 53:23 The biggest impact on a negative basis 53:27 to the kingdom of God is Christians 53:29 who have the name but don't serve the Lord. 53:32 Sad thing. Now let's go to the next one. 53:35 Let's go to the next one. 53:37 The fifth commandment. 53:40 One, two, three, five. 53:43 There's a reason why we're going... 53:46 Why should we use the four, nobody likes that one? 53:49 Let's leave that one last. 53:51 Let's go to the fifth one, okay. 53:53 We're gonna come back to that, it's special. 53:55 So you guys already upset 53:56 that I passed the fourth commandment. 53:58 That's good. Praise the Lord. 53:59 Let's go to the fifth one. 54:01 We're gonna come back to that. 54:02 But we're gonna go to number five, all right? 54:03 Let's go to number five, here it is, 54:05 number five is what? 54:06 Together, honor your father and your mother. 54:10 Bring that one up on the screen. 54:12 "Honor your father and your mother." 54:15 Parents, can you all say amen? 54:18 Honor them. 54:19 That's the first commandment with the promise, 54:20 the Book of Hebrews said. 54:22 It's a commandment with promise. 54:23 Here's the promise. 54:24 "Honor your father and your mother, 54:26 that your days may be long upon the land 54:27 which the Lord your God is..." 54:29 What? "Giving you." 54:31 Do parents want to be honored, 54:33 I read about this and I looked into further into this, 54:36 not only does this come with the promise, 54:38 but this is powerful. 54:40 When you read about the details of this, 54:42 it says, not only are we to honor 54:44 our father and mother, but pastors, 54:49 people in godly authority. 54:51 The same blessing comes when you honor them. 54:54 Pastors, teachers, and parents, 54:58 when you honor your teacher, 55:00 you are gonna receive the same blessing 55:02 when you honor godly people in positions of authority, 55:05 the same blessing applies. 55:07 How beautiful that is. Ain't that wonderful? 55:09 Let's look at the next one. This is a very long one. 55:12 Are you ready? 55:14 "Thou shalt not..." 55:15 What? 55:17 "Kill." 55:18 Wow! That was a long one. 55:20 Do we need to modify that one? 55:22 "Thou shalt not kill." 55:24 Well, there are whole lot of people 55:25 that wish that one was gone 55:27 because some people kill people for sport 55:29 or for whatever reason, 55:30 they decided that life is cheap. 55:32 And we live in a world right now 55:33 where whole movement called ISIS 55:35 think that humanity is cheap. 55:37 We have survived 55:39 some of the most horrendous atrocities, 55:42 we've survived the inquisitions, 55:44 we have survived, many have survived, 55:46 thank the Lord, the Holocaust, many have survived 55:50 the multiple millions of Christians 55:52 killed by the Roman Church during the Dark Ages. 55:54 So this is very important, "Thou shalt not kill." 55:57 And specifically the word there in the Hebrews 55:59 "Thou shalt do no murder." 56:02 This is talking about premeditation. 56:04 But in the sense of defense, 56:06 you read in the books of Exodus later on. 56:08 If you were to defend your life, 56:11 if it was a matter of life and death, 56:13 then you have the right to defend your life. 56:15 But thou shalt do no murder, this premeditated... 56:18 God said, no, that's not acceptable at all, 56:20 not acceptable at all. 56:22 Is this one still necessary today, yes or no? 56:25 Okay. Now let's go to the next one. 56:27 Number seven. 56:29 Let's see if this is important. 56:31 I wonder if the women will agree 56:32 or the guys will agree. 56:34 Okay. Number four, verse 14. 56:36 "Thou shalt not commit..." What? 56:39 "Adultery." Okay. 56:41 Let's say, bring it up, thou shalt not commit... 56:43 Is this one important, yes or no? 56:45 You better believe it. You better believe it. 56:50 "Thou shalt not commit adultery." 56:52 Now James broadens this. 56:55 When you read the Book of James, he says, 56:57 do you not know that friendship with the world is adultery. 57:01 He says 'cause you claim to be in love of the Lord, 57:04 but you in love with the world. 57:07 You violated the relationship. 57:08 So when the Lord says, love not the world, 57:10 He says the very same thing. 57:11 You said that I'm your man, 57:13 but the movie stars are your men, 57:16 the pleasure of the world is your man. 57:18 Don't even violate that relationship. 57:20 "Thou shalt not commit adultery." 57:22 Okay, so that's, so far we're okay, 57:24 this is a good set of commandments. 57:25 Don't you all agree? 57:27 Let's go on. Let's go on. 57:29 Wow! Go on. 57:30 We got a whole lot of going on to do. 57:32 Number eight. 57:34 Number nine. 57:36 Okay, number eight. "Thou shalt not steal." 57:38 Now I'm gonna have to wind up here 57:40 because we have 23 seconds left. 57:43 Okay. 57:44 We're gonna spend some time on the next one 'cause this... 57:48 Those who are watching know that 57:49 they cannot miss the next episode. 57:51 This is what they do with us on the commercials. 57:54 Well, we'll cover the next episode 57:57 when the Lord gives you the opportunity. 57:59 So keep studying because sooner or later, 58:01 it will come into A Sharper Focus. 58:04 God bless you. |
Revised 2019-01-14