A Sharper Focus

Prayer & Encouragement

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000123A

00:19 Good evening and welcome
00:21 to our Wednesday night Bible study
00:22 here at Thompsonville Adventist Church.
00:25 This is a program called A Sharper Focus,
00:28 and we just...
00:29 At first, I want to welcome you who were here
00:31 for the live part.
00:33 And for those of you who are watching by television,
00:35 or internet, or listening on the radio,
00:38 we are very glad that you can join us as well.
00:41 Tonight we're going to take a little sidestep
00:45 from the regular study.
00:46 Pastor Lomacang is not here. I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:48 I'll be hosting
00:49 and I just have to tell you up front.
00:52 I'm kind of operating from a...
00:55 Whatever you might say,
00:57 a physical disadvantage with the lack of sleep.
01:00 But we are going to talk about something
01:03 that the Lord impressed upon my heart
01:05 just a couple of hours ago.
01:07 We lost one of our own today.
01:10 And it's not an easy thing to think about,
01:14 but precious Michael Berry has gone to rest.
01:18 And, when I heard,
01:20 he has had such a long struggle.
01:23 And it has been
01:24 such a faith building thing for us to watch this family.
01:30 They are so inspiring
01:32 because their faith is so great.
01:34 The Lord says or the Bible says in Psalm 116:15,
01:38 "Precious in the sight of the Lord
01:40 is the death of His saints."
01:42 So I thought what we would do tonight
01:44 is let's go to Scripture
01:46 for understanding and encouragement
01:48 so that we will know
01:50 how to be a source of encouragement
01:53 to those who are sick and praying for healing.
01:57 And to those who are the loved ones
02:00 who've been left behind and had lost someone.
02:04 Let's start with prayer.
02:06 Heavenly Father,
02:07 we come to You in the name of Jesus.
02:09 And, Lord, we know that right now
02:12 You are with our dear Sister Celestine
02:15 and her two precious young daughters,
02:17 Sphera and Nana.
02:19 Father, we ask in the name of Jesus
02:21 that You will be the lifter of their heads.
02:23 We ask in the name of Jesus that You will comfort them
02:25 as only You can.
02:27 And, Lord, I know that there are people
02:29 who are listening to my voice right now,
02:31 who are going through the same type of grieving,
02:36 and suffering, and wondering.
02:39 And, Lord, tonight, I pray in the name of Jesus
02:41 that You'll get me out of the way
02:43 that You'll speak to us through Your scriptures.
02:45 And that, Father,
02:47 You will show us in the Scripture,
02:51 Your precious plan for all of Your children,
02:55 in Jesus' name, amen.
02:58 Before we actually get
03:00 into the part of praying for the sick.
03:02 What I thought we'll do is let's turn to 1 John Chapter 5
03:06 and we'll begin with verse 14.
03:09 1 John Chapter 5 and let's begin with verse 14.
03:15 I think it is important when we're talking about prayer
03:18 to set the foundation
03:23 to know how the Bible instructs us to pray,
03:27 and the Bible has a lot to say on prayer.
03:30 So let's look at 1 John Chapter 5
03:33 and we'll look at verse 14 and 15.
03:37 John writes,
03:38 "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him,
03:43 that if we ask anything according to His will,
03:47 He hears us.
03:48 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask,
03:52 we know that we have the petitions
03:55 that we have asked of Him."
03:57 So basically what he's saying here
03:59 is this is the confidence,
04:01 the communication confidence
04:04 that when you are praying according to God's will
04:07 you have absolute assurance that God is going to hear you,
04:12 and He is going to respond and grant your request
04:16 if you're praying according to God's will.
04:19 How do we know though?
04:21 JD was telling us a story right before we began tonight.
04:25 How do we know
04:27 if we are praying according to God's will?
04:30 The first point that I want to make
04:32 is that God commissioned the Holy Spirit
04:36 to be our divine instructor in prayer.
04:39 In Romans 8:26, let's look at that.
04:44 Romans 8:26
04:48 because it is important as we come before the Lord
04:52 that we look to the Holy Spirit for guidance."
04:57 Romans 8:26 says this,
05:01 "Likewise the spirit also helps in our weaknesses.
05:06 For we do not know
05:08 what we should pray for as we ought,
05:12 but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us
05:16 with groanings which cannot be uttered."
05:21 You and I, when we are praying
05:24 for ourselves or for someone else,
05:27 we have a tendency to pray what we think is best,
05:31 don't we?
05:33 We're praying for what we want.
05:35 What we need to do is seek the spirit
05:39 as we go before the throne of grace,
05:41 seek his guidance
05:43 and commit your prayer time to his leading
05:46 with entire dependence upon him to guide.
05:50 And I'm going to share a few things
05:53 in just a few moments that will show you
05:55 how important that is.
05:56 But how do we know
05:58 if we're praying according to God's will?
06:01 This is His revealed will.
06:03 I'm holding the Bible.
06:05 This is God's revealed will.
06:08 This tells us about the character of God,
06:10 it tells us about His plan for you, for me,
06:13 for our loved ones.
06:14 So if we know
06:16 that we are praying with the spirit's guidance.
06:20 First of all, we must know we will...
06:21 He will never lead us in such a way
06:25 or have us pray anything that is contrary to Scripture.
06:29 I have to tell quick story here.
06:30 I had a college roommate,
06:33 who was a part in the young Republican Party.
06:37 And she worked for a Senator in New Mexico
06:40 and became absolutely convinced
06:43 that it was God's will that she marry this man.
06:46 There was only one problem.
06:48 He was married.
06:50 Now, here is a woman
06:52 who was a godly woman in many ways,
06:55 but very confused
06:57 because she had emotions for this man.
07:00 And her will was that
07:03 he should divorce his wife and marry her.
07:05 And so she is saying no, it's God's will.
07:08 God will never,
07:10 the Holy Spirit will never lead us in any way
07:13 that does not agree with His written word.
07:16 Now turn to Luke 22:42.
07:20 So first we need to be praying in accordance with God's will
07:25 being led by His Spirit.
07:28 In total dependence upon the spirit and the word,
07:31 but we also need to pray in submission to God's will.
07:36 In Luke 22:42,
07:39 Christ is praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.
07:43 And what he says is this, "Father, if it is Your will..."
07:49 Let me put the emphasis.
07:51 Father, if it is Your will,
07:54 take this cup away from Me."
07:57 What cup is He talking about?
07:59 This cup of death that He's about to drink.
08:02 "Nevertheless not My will
08:06 but Yours be done."
08:08 Christ total focus when He was on the earth
08:11 was to do the Father's will.
08:15 And now He is facing a very real personal struggle
08:20 before He goes to the cross.
08:23 Here is the divine Son of God who is also the Son of man,
08:28 come in His humanity, He's facing this struggle
08:31 before He goes to the cross.
08:33 He's thinking about the shame of hanging there naked.
08:37 You know we always do...
08:40 If you see pictures
08:41 or you see statues or anything with Christ on the cross,
08:46 we always see Him draped.
08:47 But that's not the way they crucify people.
08:50 They did everything they could to denigrate the soul,
08:54 to bring total shame on them.
08:57 So they crucified them naked.
08:59 Here's the Lord of glory about to face crucifixion
09:03 where He will be crucified naked.
09:06 But more than a shame, He's thinking about the agony
09:10 of being separated from His Father.
09:13 And He is about to be completely separated
09:17 even though it was for only a short period of time.
09:20 But He's about to be separated from His Father,
09:22 and the thought of the shame and the agony
09:25 was overwhelming to Him.
09:27 Now, something that I like
09:31 is that it tells me,
09:33 it is never wrong
09:35 to express your personal feelings in prayer.
09:40 When we're praying, you know, there are some times...
09:44 if I'm upset with God.
09:47 Have you ever been upset with God?
09:50 Nobody's ever been upset with God?
09:51 Okay. Now, I'm seeing a few heads.
09:53 If things aren't going
09:55 like you think they're supposed to be going
09:57 and you're upset with God,
09:58 you may as well tell Him because He knows
10:01 that, you know, you can't go
10:02 do your sweet little patty cake prayer.
10:04 Now I lay me down to sleep and hide it from the Lord
10:07 because He knows everything that's going on in your heart,
10:09 doesn't He?
10:10 So it is okay to express your personal feelings,
10:15 but we have to be like Jesus
10:19 and have absolute trust
10:22 and total dependence upon the Father.
10:25 And we also have to be ready
10:29 to have an absolute yielding
10:32 of our will to do the Father's will.
10:34 If this was Jesus' attitude
10:38 that He was completely willing to do the Father's will.
10:42 Should ours be anything less?
10:44 Nah, I don't think so.
10:46 So Christ lived in a state of absolute humility
10:51 from His humble birth
10:53 in the stable.
10:57 He lived to fulfill the Father's pleasure
11:00 and become obedient
11:01 even to the humiliation of death on a cross.
11:06 And I want to say this, God doesn't cause suffering
11:11 even though He sometimes allows it.
11:13 And the reason He allows it is because
11:16 some of the greatest life lessons
11:19 we will ever learn are learned in the crucible of suffering.
11:23 Turn to Hebrews Chapter 2.
11:26 Hebrews Chapter 2.
11:29 And as we go there, think about that thought
11:32 that it isn't God who is causing
11:36 the pain and the suffering.
11:38 But why does He allow it?
11:40 There's a scripture in Peter that we'll look at
11:42 in just a moment.
11:44 But right now we want to look at Hebrews 2:8-10,
11:49 because this is speaking of our Lord.
11:52 And it says in verse 8, "You have put all things
11:56 in subjection under his feet..."
11:58 Speaking of Jesus.
12:00 "For in that He put all in subjection under him,
12:03 He left nothing that is not put under him.
12:07 But now we do not yet see all things put under him.
12:12 But we see Jesus,
12:14 who was made a little lower than the angels,
12:17 for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor,
12:22 that He, by the grace of God,
12:26 might taste death for everyone."
12:29 Now look at verse 10
12:31 because this is where it really is amazing.
12:34 Verse 10, "For it was fitting for Him,
12:41 for whom are all things and by whom are all things,
12:45 in bringing many sons to glory,
12:47 to make the captain of their salvation
12:51 perfect through sufferings."
12:54 Wow!
12:55 This is talking about Jesus.
12:57 It was fitting for Him
13:00 that He might be made perfect
13:04 through suffering.
13:07 Have you ever felt
13:09 that God isn't hearing your prayers?
13:13 Anybody here ever experienced that part?
13:17 You know, our struggle will only be resolved
13:19 when we like Christ
13:22 are willing to come before the Lord,
13:24 and we are willing to humble ourselves
13:28 and to yield to God's will.
13:30 We have to pray with reverent submission to God
13:35 willing to do what He wants.
13:37 And our prayers are often simply
13:39 only the vain babblings
13:40 of our own imagination if you will,
13:42 our poor selfish hearts
13:44 because we're seeking our own pleasures
13:48 rather than the will of God.
13:50 Now, let me give you some examples here.
13:53 If we are praying for the unsafe...
13:57 Let's say we've got an unsaved family member,
14:00 an unsaved friend or an unsaved relative.
14:04 Can we pray with absolute assurance
14:08 asking God to save that person?
14:11 Do we have to say, "Thy will be done."
14:15 You know, did you know that the Bible says in 1 Timothy 2:4
14:20 that it is God's will that all men be saved.
14:25 So when I'm praying for someone's salvation,
14:27 I mean, I've got a scripture to stand on that says,
14:30 this is God's will.
14:32 So I don't feel like I have to say,
14:35 "Thy will be done."
14:37 What I'm praying for is, Lord, whatever it takes.
14:41 And sometimes you have to be careful
14:42 when you're praying whatever it takes.
14:44 But whatever it takes, Lord, you know,
14:46 and I pray that Father, open their eyes,
14:49 turn them from darkness to light
14:51 from the power of Satan to you
14:53 that they might receive salvation.
14:57 And an inheritance among those
14:59 who are sanctified by faith in Christ Jesus.
15:03 So as we're praying for them, I even pray sometimes,
15:07 Lord, let there be angels on, bring angels unaware,
15:10 you know, bring Christian workers
15:11 across their path
15:12 or angels unaware if that's what it takes.
15:15 And I pray fervently and earnestly
15:17 when I'm praying for someone.
15:19 If they're paying for their salvation,
15:21 but I don't say,
15:22 "Thy will be done" because His will is that all,
15:27 my prayer is that Lord, let them work in You
15:31 that Your will be done.
15:33 But what about healing?
15:38 When we're praying for healing...
15:40 You know, the Bible says in Ephesians 1:11
15:42 that we have been given every spiritual blessing
15:47 in heavenly realms through Christ Jesus.
15:49 Every spiritual blessing is yours through Christ Jesus.
15:54 But it makes no such claim for physical healing.
15:59 Physical blessings aren't promised.
16:03 We are promised in John 10:10 that
16:04 "Christ came to give us an abundant life,
16:08 and even though many were restored to health
16:12 through the prayer of faith."
16:15 The evidence is overwhelming
16:17 that not all are restored to health, are they?
16:20 Even in the Bible.
16:22 I want to point to, turn to 2 Corinthians 12.
16:28 2 Corinthians 12,
16:30 and we're going to look at
16:36 beginning with verse 8.
16:38 2 Corinthians 12 beginning with verse 8.
16:47 2 Corinthians 12:8,
16:49 you guys are gonna beat me there.
16:54 Paul is praying for himself,
16:57 and let's see what God's answer is.
16:59 2 Corinthians 12:8,
17:02 "Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord"
17:05 how many times?
17:07 "Three times that it might depart from me.
17:11 And he said to me" what?
17:14 "My grace is sufficient for you,
17:17 for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
17:22 Paul prayed three times for healing.
17:26 God says, no.
17:29 I'm not healing you,
17:30 but it's for a bigger cause
17:33 because my grace
17:35 is made perfect in weakness.
17:40 My strength is made perfect in weakness.
17:42 My grace is sufficient and he goes on,
17:45 and here's what Paul's response is,
17:48 "Therefore most gladly I will boast in my infirmities,
17:52 that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
17:56 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches,
18:01 in needs, in persecutions, in distresses,
18:05 for Christ's sake.
18:07 For when I am weak, then I am strong."
18:12 Well, I don't know about you, but...
18:14 I don't know that I take pleasure in infirmities,
18:16 and reproaches, and needs,
18:18 and persecutions, and distresses.
18:21 But when we're going through these sufferings,
18:23 if we would think about it,
18:25 we can look to the Lord and say, Father,
18:27 thank You that Your grace is sufficient.
18:31 Thank You that Your power is made perfect in my weakness.
18:35 Paul through whom God performed miracles of healing,
18:40 even using his handkerchief, mind you.
18:43 A handkerchief of Paul's to heal people
18:47 did not heal Paul.
18:49 And he also...
18:51 Turn to 2 Timothy 4: 20,
18:54 I want to show you something.
18:56 2 Timothy 4:20.
19:03 Paul also
19:06 had to leave his companion Trophimus
19:09 behind sick.
19:12 Look at this.
19:14 2 Timothy 4:20.
19:17 Here is the miracle working Paul.
19:20 God used him to perform so many miracles.
19:23 But here's what he says in 2 Timothy 4: 20, "
19:26 Erastus stayed in Corinth,
19:30 but Trophimus
19:32 I have left in Miletus," why?
19:36 "He was sick.
19:38 Paul's traveling companion was sick.
19:41 Paul, the mighty warrior of God,
19:44 the man through whom God had, had healed so many
19:48 couldn't heal his traveling companion.
19:54 So when it comes to healing,
19:58 Christ did not authorize us to demand healing.
20:02 We must be submissive to the will of God,
20:05 asking the Holy Spirit to guide us in prayer,
20:08 and God will reveal His mysteries to us
20:11 by His Spirit.
20:12 You know, I've just got to give you
20:16 something from Christ Object Lessons, page 129.
20:19 You want to listen to this.
20:20 Christ Object Lessons, 129.
20:24 She writes,
20:25 "Our prayers will take the form of a conversation with God
20:29 as we would talk with a friend.
20:30 He will speak His mysteries to us personally."
20:36 When you're praying and asking for the guidance
20:38 of the Holy Spirit,
20:40 you can count on God leading us by His Spirit,
20:45 never conflicting with the Word.
20:46 The Spirit will never say anything
20:48 that conflicts with God's Word
20:50 because this Word was inspired by the Spirit, right?
20:54 Holy men wrote
20:55 as the Holy Spirit inspired them,
20:57 but you can count on God to speak to you.
21:01 But now this brings us...
21:03 Turn please to John Chapter 5.
21:07 Excuse me, James Chapter 5.
21:10 Let's look at James Chapter 5.
21:13 Now, we're going to get into the meat of the matter
21:18 for tonight.
21:20 James Chapter 5.
21:22 If God did not promise us
21:27 physical blessings,
21:30 physical healing I should say,
21:31 he does bless us physically and spiritually.
21:35 How are we going to explain this scripture?
21:39 James 5:14.
21:43 James 5:14,
21:46 "Is anyone among you sick?
21:50 Let him call for the elders of the church,
21:52 and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil
21:56 in the name of the Lord."
21:59 I believe in anointing with all of my heart.
22:03 And I'm going to tell you a few stories about that.
22:07 But what we need to think about
22:10 when severe and sudden illness hits us,
22:14 whether it's an injury, or an illness,
22:17 or if we've had a prolonged period
22:20 like Michael, a prolonged period of illness.
22:25 We become physically distressed.
22:29 And if you're physically distressed,
22:30 very long, you can be emotionally depressed.
22:34 And then if you get into that state,
22:37 you can become spiritually oppressed.
22:41 So we need to always be praying for people who are ill,
22:46 especially if you've got someone you know
22:48 who is a shut in.
22:50 Pray for them that God will keep their spirits up
22:53 that they won't get depressed and they won't
22:55 because it's easy,
22:58 and I've been there myself when I've been sick
23:01 for a long period of time.
23:04 Praising God at first, thanking Him that,
23:06 you know, this was time He's sitting me down
23:08 that maybe I was gonna...
23:10 He's gonna speak to me more or something.
23:12 But after a while you start feeling like,
23:14 "I'm no use, I'm this and that."
23:17 You start feeling down,
23:18 and it can even get to the point
23:20 if it goes on long enough
23:21 where somebody doesn't even feel like
23:23 picking up their Bible.
23:24 So we all need the encouragement
23:29 that the power of prayer will bring,
23:31 but we need to pray to understand God's plan
23:34 and seek to cooperate with His will.
23:37 Now, I want to point out here as well.
23:39 When it says anointing him with oil,
23:42 is there any
23:44 sacramental efficacy in the oil?
23:49 Is the oil something that's magic
23:51 that you put on someone's head?
23:53 No. What is the oil a symbol of?
23:56 The oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.
23:59 You know, this whole idea of holy oil began...
24:05 Well, it began and it was kind of
24:07 to overcome the idea of a magic potion,
24:11 you know, that the pagans had these magic potions
24:13 so suddenly it was a holy well,
24:15 like there's some magic in the oil,
24:16 but that's not what it is.
24:18 Now let's look at verse 15.
24:21 James 5:15,
24:24 "And the prayer of faith will save the sick,
24:26 and the Lord will raise him up."
24:28 What?
24:30 I just got through saying,
24:31 we can't demand, physical healing,
24:34 but the prayer of faith will save the sick,
24:36 and the Lord will raise him up.
24:38 And if he has committed sin, he will be forgiven.
24:40 Confess your trespasses to one another,
24:42 pray for one another that you may be healed.
24:45 The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man
24:49 avails much.
24:51 I have been the recipient
24:56 of an instantaneous and miraculous healing.
24:59 My husband has been the recipient
25:03 of an instantaneous and miraculous healing.
25:08 There is no doubt that God intervened.
25:12 And we see this around the world
25:14 that the prayer line gets,
25:16 3ABN prayer line gets many calls.
25:19 I believe that God is still in the healing business.
25:22 But as I said,
25:25 "When we think of the miracle of restored faith,
25:28 it's like the miracle of forgiveness of sins."
25:32 It's in the name of...
25:33 The power of the name of Jesus Christ, right?
25:36 But we cannot demand it.
25:39 Anointing must be done according to God's will.
25:42 I believe that what it is saying here,
25:45 the prayer of faith will save the sick,
25:47 the Lord will raise him up
25:49 if He sees that it is best for him.
25:53 Let me give you an example of what I'm saying.
25:56 The first time that JD was healed miraculously.
26:00 This goes way back.
26:02 We'd only been married a couple of years
26:05 when suddenly
26:06 my precious husband has some kind of condition.
26:09 He has strep B that is resident in his body,
26:12 it hides, and it has popped up a number of times, five times,
26:16 and he's nearly died each time because he gets septicemia,
26:20 and they can't figure out where the source is.
26:23 He's had surgeries, he's had all kinds of things.
26:25 But two years after we married, he is in the hospital.
26:29 He's at the point of death.
26:31 And finally, I mean it is getting so bad,
26:34 his hematocrit was so low that they tell me,
26:39 we don't know what to do,
26:41 you know, we're not, it could be leukemia,
26:44 acute leukemia.
26:46 But it's not got
26:47 all the markers of acute leukemia.
26:48 They were scratching their heads.
26:51 He was getting to that point of talking.
26:54 This is a young man.
26:55 And he's talking about, I need to get my will,
26:58 I need to do this, I need to do that.
27:00 And I'm thinking,
27:01 uh, I can see that his emotions,
27:04 you know, his attitude was depressed and coming down.
27:08 So I talked with the doctor, and I said,
27:11 you know, he'd already been in the hospital
27:13 couple of weeks.
27:14 I said, "Can you send him out? Can we do home health care?
27:16 You know, let's do the IV antibiotics at home."
27:19 So they send him home.
27:21 And the nurse would come out twice a week to take his blood.
27:25 He'd been home just two weeks.
27:28 There's no change in his hematocrit.
27:30 I mean, he is...
27:32 You know, they're telling me he could go at any time.
27:35 Well, she came out on a Wednesday.
27:37 She took his blood and left.
27:40 And that evening,
27:42 I've missed Wednesday night prayer meeting.
27:45 But as Wednesday night,
27:46 right before Wednesday night prayer meeting happened,
27:49 I was praying so earnestly to the Lord.
27:52 And I said, "Father, Lord, heal him."
27:54 And all of a sudden it was like call the elders
27:58 have them come tonight,
28:00 and anoint him and pray for him.
28:03 Okay.
28:04 I called the church and get a hold of the elders.
28:06 And they said, "Yeah, we'll come do an anointing."
28:08 Now, we weren't Adventist at the time.
28:09 But, anyway, they said, "We'll come do an anointing."
28:12 And then they said, "How about tomorrow afternoon."
28:14 I said, "No, the Lord said it had to be tonight."
28:17 And you know something, they came that night.
28:19 It was like when they got there after church,
28:22 and we anointed him.
28:24 And I knew that I knew, that I knew,
28:28 God had healed him.
28:29 I mean, it was just that clear to me,
28:33 God had healed him.
28:34 When they finished with the prayer,
28:37 they're all standing around talking about the weather,
28:39 and I'm thinking, "What's wrong with you people?
28:41 Don't you know what God just did?
28:44 We need to be praising the Lord."
28:46 I didn't say it, but that's my thought was.
28:48 So I called the doctor the next day.
28:52 And I say, "Can you send out the nurse today
28:55 to take a sample, a blood sample."
28:58 And they said, "No."
29:00 He said no
29:02 because your insurance won't cover it
29:03 because she was just there yesterday.
29:04 I said, "That's okay, send them out.
29:06 We'll pay for it."
29:08 So finally the doctor calls me,
29:10 and he was hard to get hold off,
29:11 but he calls me.
29:13 He says, "I'm not sending the nurse out."
29:14 I said, "Yeah, you've got to
29:16 or else someone have to go and do x-ray."
29:17 I said, "I'm going to get his blood taken today."
29:19 So finally, he humored me, he sent the nurse out.
29:23 She took his blood.
29:25 The results,
29:27 the day before his hematocrit was so low,
29:29 he was at death's door.
29:32 Now, she takes his blood,
29:34 and that evening the doctor calls me back,
29:36 and he says, "Mrs. Quinn,
29:39 I may have to send the nurse out again tomorrow
29:41 to retake this blood work."
29:44 And I said, "Yes, and you've got the results."
29:47 He said, "Well, I'm going to have to send her out
29:49 to take the blood again tomorrow."
29:50 I said, "You've got the results.
29:52 What are they?"
29:53 He said, "Ma'am, you're not listening to me,
29:54 I'm sending her out tomorrow."
29:56 So we're going back and forth like this.
29:58 And finally, he says to me,
30:00 "Yes, we got the results, but they got to be wrong.
30:03 This is absolutely medically impossible.
30:06 It is scientifically impossible
30:08 because his hematocrit is totally perfect."
30:11 I mean, they were doing bone marrow tests,
30:13 bone, and you know, this is a kind of miracle
30:15 that a bone marrow transplant
30:18 you would only hope could perform.
30:20 And so he sends the nurse out again the next day.
30:24 His hematocrit was perfect.
30:26 They took him off the IV antibodies,
30:29 and he was healed.
30:31 Now, just 20 years later I guess,
30:35 I was in Birmingham.
30:36 We were at Birmingham.
30:39 And I was doing a series on faith, on faith, mind you.
30:43 A whole series at a church.
30:46 And doing five different sermons on faith.
30:50 JD get sick Friday night.
30:53 He comes Sabbath morning to church with me.
30:55 But he says,
30:57 "If I have to leave in the middle of the service,
31:00 don't be surprised because I'm not feeling well."
31:03 And I said, "Okay."
31:05 He said, "Can you get a ride home?"
31:07 I said, "I'm sure somebody will take me
31:08 back to the hotel."
31:09 I saw him leave in the middle of the service.
31:12 At lunch, the potluck, there was a lady there,
31:15 actually it was Jennifer LaMountain sister.
31:17 And she said, "I'm a home health nurse.
31:20 I'm actually on duty today.
31:21 But I came to hear you speak this morning.
31:23 I got off for this morning."
31:25 And I told her about JD.
31:27 She said, "Why don't I run by the hotel?
31:29 I'll check on him."
31:31 And she said,
31:32 "If there's anything up, I'll call you."
31:34 We go through lunch, finished launch.
31:36 I'm doing my next series,
31:38 the next part lesson.
31:43 They wait till after that to hand me this note
31:47 from her saying,
31:48 "He needs to go to the hospital immediately."
31:51 We go to the hospital.
31:53 He is at death's door.
31:56 Now, everyone is calling me,
31:58 and I'm trying to compress the story.
32:02 For eight days the doctor, infectious disease,
32:05 doctor is coming in, saying,
32:08 "He could die any day, any moment.
32:09 Do you realize how serious this is?"
32:11 And it's like, "Yes, I do.
32:12 We do realize."
32:14 I heard JD on the phone with his brother say,
32:17 "If it's my time, I'm ready to go.
32:19 I've never been closer to the Lord."
32:22 And I'm thinking, "I'm not ready.
32:25 I'm not ready."
32:28 And I'm like this little robot
32:30 trying to be really quiet in the room but do everything.
32:33 And I'm holding everything together for his sake,
32:37 because I thought if I ever let go...
32:39 Once the dam breaks, that's going to be it.
32:41 So I'm not praying long pressing
32:44 in kind of prayers to God.
32:46 What I'm praying are these little gas be prayers,
32:50 "Help, help, Lord."
32:52 All day long, just little gas be prayers.
32:55 The eighth night,
32:57 I went back to the hotel about midnight.
33:00 And finally,
33:02 I pressed into the presence of the Lord.
33:06 And sure enough just as I knew would happen,
33:08 when I did, the dam broke.
33:10 I mean, the tears were flowing, and I'm begging God,
33:15 begging God to save my husband.
33:18 Now people have been calling me,
33:20 and texting me, and emailing me, saying,
33:22 "Oh, God's not through with JD yet.
33:26 You know, he's doing too great of a work."
33:28 I've been praying with a young pastor's wife,
33:32 whose husband was doing an incredible work,
33:35 writing books,
33:36 taken a church from 50 to 250 in like three years.
33:40 He was doing an incredible work for God.
33:44 And we're praying for his healing and he died.
33:46 So when people are telling me,
33:48 oh, you know, I didn't know what God's will was
33:53 at this time.
33:55 And as I am praying, and crying,
33:57 and weeping before the Lord, pleading with God,
34:01 I suddenly hear myself say this,
34:05 "Father, You are God.
34:08 You know the end from the beginning, I don't.
34:11 If you know that You could raise him up,
34:15 and he might turn away from You,
34:18 then Lord, I know you've got his eternal benefit in mind.
34:24 And suddenly
34:26 when I decided to let God be God,
34:28 to trust God's will, suddenly
34:32 I had perfect peace.
34:35 My eyes were focused on the Lord.
34:37 And as Isaiah 26:3 says, God says, "I'm righteous.
34:42 If you will keep your eyes focused on Me, trusting in me,
34:47 I promise you perfect peace."
34:50 That's Isaiah 26:3.
34:53 So we have to remember that God says,
34:57 "I'm God, there's no other one like me.
34:59 I'm the one
35:00 who declares the end from the beginning."
35:02 And God is the one who will lead us
35:07 to help us understand
35:09 when someone might be healed and when they might not.
35:12 Now I want to share one more quick story
35:14 before we get back into scripture.
35:16 I was in New Zealand doing a...
35:20 We were doing some women's,
35:23 it's was women's ministries where this happened at.
35:26 And in Christchurch a woman came up to me
35:30 at the beginning of the weekend.
35:31 And you know what she said to me?
35:33 She came up and she said,
35:34 "I know you're always touting the power of the Word.
35:40 You're always talking about how powerful God's Word was.
35:43 She said, "My son,
35:46 my 11 year old son just died of leukemia."
35:50 And she said, "Did we not have enough faith?
35:55 We prayed the Word of God over here.
35:58 We prayed so hard for him.
36:00 And we thought that we believe that God would heal him
36:06 if we would just have enough faith."
36:09 And I was just getting ready to speak,
36:10 so my answer to her was this.
36:13 It was the beginning of the week.
36:14 And I said, "I'm going to give the eight presentations
36:18 during this weekend.
36:19 And I said,
36:21 "If you don't have the answer to your question,
36:23 come, sit and talk with me at the end of this time."
36:27 Because I knew God
36:29 was going to give her the answer in everything.
36:31 But it's hard
36:32 when someone's emotionally overwrought,
36:35 it's hard to just give them a couple of scriptures
36:37 and say, this is what happened.
36:39 And she did come up at the end.
36:41 And she said, "I understand now."
36:44 You see what she and her husband had
36:47 was faith in faith.
36:50 Do you know what I'm saying?
36:51 Sometimes, and there are,
36:53 I mean, I was once caught up in this myself
36:56 when I first heard, "the faith message."
37:00 What I was taught
37:02 was if you only had enough faith,
37:05 God had do whatever it was you were asking of Him.
37:09 That's what some people are being taught out there
37:11 really.
37:12 So my faith was in faith, not in God.
37:16 But if we will remember that when we pray,
37:21 we've got to come to God
37:22 with absolute trust in His divine love,
37:27 His perfect power, His wisdom and His will
37:31 because "precious in the sight of the Lord
37:36 is the death of His saints."
37:37 He is not going to let someone die
37:41 unless He knows it is for their greater benefit.
37:44 Does that make sense?
37:46 So what do we do?
37:48 Now, we're looking at
37:51 what's going on here in our own family.
37:55 You know, a lot of people are not here tonight
37:57 because they're with Celestine in St. Louis.
38:00 And this is a tragic case,
38:02 when a father dies leaving a young wife,
38:06 two young daughters, it touches all of our hearts,
38:10 and Michael was such a breath of sunshine,
38:13 wasn't he?
38:15 Any no matter how sick he was, he was always smiling.
38:17 He always was saying...
38:19 He was always up.
38:21 His attitude was one of total faith in God.
38:25 What do you do
38:27 when someone has lost a loved one?
38:30 Let's look at some simple steps that we could do.
38:34 First pray, pray for that person.
38:38 They need your prayers more than at any other time
38:43 when you're going through the grieving process.
38:46 You can share scriptures of encouragement.
38:50 One of my favorite to share is Psalm 3:3
38:55 that says,
38:56 "You, oh, Lord are shield for me,
39:00 my glory and the one who lifts up my head."
39:06 I was praying with a lady who lost her sister.
39:09 And as we were praying,
39:11 I prayed that scripture over her.
39:13 And I said, "Father,
39:15 You are the lifter of our heads.
39:18 And I pray right now
39:19 that You would cup Your hand under her chin
39:22 and just lift her eyesight,
39:26 lift her vision, lift her face,
39:28 so that she's looking directly unto You."
39:33 And as I'm praying for,
39:34 all of the sudden she's giggling.
39:37 And I said, "What's going on?"
39:39 And she said, "Just before you said that"
39:42 she said, "I felt this stranger's pressure
39:45 under my chin, "
39:47 and she said, "I was already beginning to tip my head up
39:49 and then you're praying this."
39:52 So she really believed God was the lifter of her head.
39:56 Another good one to share, Psalm 34:18.
40:01 Psalm 34:18,
40:04 "The Lord is near
40:06 to those who have a broken heart.
40:08 He saves such as have a contrite spirit."
40:12 Sometimes people feel so very much alone
40:18 when they're grieving.
40:20 I lost my sister last July.
40:23 And, well, a year ago, July.
40:25 And it's an interesting thing.
40:29 Even though I mean, I was at peace with her death.
40:32 When we got the autopsy report,
40:35 she simply went to bed for a nap and never got up.
40:40 And I could actually say,
40:42 "I praise God for letting her go
40:45 in such a gentle way."
40:47 Because the autopsy report showed that
40:49 she could have had a major stroke at anytime.
40:51 She had liver problems.
40:53 There were a lot of a number of things going on
40:55 that were conflicting.
40:57 She couldn't have had treatment for one
40:58 without ruining her, the other.
41:01 So, but when I was going through this grieving,
41:05 she was my last living relative,
41:07 and she was like my baby.
41:08 I was always more her mother than her sister.
41:12 And it was such an interesting thing
41:14 because sometimes we get so busy.
41:16 I don't know if y'all do this,
41:18 but for me, I compartmentalize things.
41:21 I'll put things over here in a little box.
41:23 And it's kind of like Scarlett O'Hara when she said,
41:26 "I'll worry about that tomorrow.
41:28 I'll get busy."
41:29 And I just, you know,
41:30 and then it takes that moment of silence
41:33 where, whoops, the lid on that box comes open,
41:36 and it's kind of like the Jack in the box
41:38 where it rears its head.
41:40 And then this grieving is coming back.
41:42 But, you've got to remember,
41:45 even if you don't feel like God is close to you.
41:47 The Lord is close to those who have a broken heart.
41:51 Psalm 147:3, we'll just make a list here
41:55 because we need to go on.
41:56 Psalm 147:3,
41:59 "He heals the brokenhearted,
42:01 He binds up their wounds."
42:04 He's curing their pains and their sorrows.
42:08 And then here's one of my favorites.
42:10 Deuteronomy 33:27.
42:15 Deuteronomy 33:27,
42:18 "The eternal God is your refuge,
42:22 and underneath are the everlasting arms."
42:26 We've all seen.
42:27 I won't say we've all seen,
42:29 but most of us have seen footprints in the sand,
42:32 the poem.
42:33 And it goes on talking about,
42:35 I thought you'd never leave me or forsake me,
42:37 but I can see these footprints in the sand.
42:40 And here we are,
42:41 there's two pairs of footprints.
42:43 And all of a sudden,
42:44 there's just one pair of footprints.
42:47 What's up, Lord?
42:50 And the Lord answers, He responds.
42:53 And He says,
42:54 "The time that you only saw the one pair of footprints
42:58 is the times when I was carrying you."
43:01 So we've got to remember that God is with us.
43:04 Another thing that you can do
43:06 is share your personal testimony
43:10 with someone who is just lost,
43:12 if you've experienced the same loss.
43:15 I believe with all of my heart that I'm not the person
43:20 who can give a grieving widow
43:23 the best comfort.
43:26 You know why?
43:27 I've never lost my husband.
43:30 You cannot, someone cannot give a mother
43:34 who's just lost her child the greatest comfort
43:37 if they've never lost a child.
43:40 2 Corinthians 1:3 and 4 says this.
43:43 Just write this one down too.
43:46 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord,
43:49 Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion
43:51 and the Lord of all comfort
43:53 who comforts us in all our troubles,
43:57 so that we can comfort those
44:01 in any trouble with the comfort
44:04 we ourselves have received from God."
44:09 So God comforts us,
44:11 but He expects us to be that channel of blessing
44:15 and to let that comfort pour from us to them.
44:19 So if anyone is, if someone has been widowed,
44:22 we all want to try to comfort,
44:24 but the one who will get through
44:28 to that widow will be the one
44:31 who has walked that journey with the Lord
44:35 where the everlasting arms have been beneath them.
44:39 So that's what's important.
44:41 Another thing that we can do is just be there to listen.
44:47 Don't do all the talking.
44:49 Be there to listen
44:52 and mourn with them.
44:55 You know, sometimes we think that...
45:02 We try to cheer people up from their mourning.
45:05 We need to encourage them to mourn.
45:08 Grief is a very natural thing and people can feel guilty
45:13 when they're going through the grieving process.
45:16 They feel like they have to put on,
45:19 you know, the verbal camouflage
45:21 and act like, yes, I'm doing fine.
45:24 There's different, everybody do,
45:26 everybody grieves differently.
45:28 And there's different stages to grief.
45:31 So we've got to be there to support,
45:33 to mourn with them and let them go through it.
45:37 Another thing,
45:38 be careful what you say to someone who is grieving.
45:43 If you don't know what to say,
45:46 put a guard at the doorpost of your lips, hush.
45:49 Just don't talk.
45:51 The worst thing that you can do is
45:53 go up to someone and say,
45:55 "I know what you're going through."
45:57 No, you don't, even if you've lost a mother,
46:01 and they've just lost a mother or you've lost a child,
46:04 and they've just lost a child or you've lost a wife,
46:07 and they've just lost a wife.
46:08 You don't know what they're going through.
46:11 And it is, you talk to so many people,
46:14 I talk to so many people
46:17 who will say that people
46:18 who said that to them that in the midst of their grief
46:21 they felt to thank her.
46:23 In the midst of their grief, it was like, no, you don't.
46:27 And another thing.
46:28 We were in England,
46:29 I was doing a series at a church.
46:34 Well, it was a major church retreat.
46:36 There were probably 700-800 people there.
46:40 And I said,
46:42 "What would you do?"
46:46 And this is, you know,
46:47 let's say that a mother has just lost her husband
46:51 and her two children in a car wreck.
46:53 And someone comes up to them,
46:55 some well-meaning soul and says,
46:58 "Oh, sister, don't worry because Romans 8:28 says,
47:04 'All things work together for the good of those
47:06 who love the Lord
47:07 and are called according to His purpose.' "
47:09 What would you do
47:12 if someone came up and said that to you
47:15 if you were grieving,
47:16 all things work together for good?
47:18 I mean, how is we even understand
47:21 that scripture in the light of great loss.
47:25 I'll tell you how.
47:26 You can't disconnect Romans 8:28
47:30 from Romans 8:29,
47:32 the way it should read is the two of them together,
47:35 so that it sounds like this.
47:37 "All things work together for good for those
47:39 who love the Lord
47:40 and are called according to his purpose,
47:42 for those He foreknew,
47:44 he also predestined to become conformed
47:49 to the image of His Son."
47:52 The way in which God works something for our good
47:55 when we're going through
47:57 a horrible, grieving process
48:00 is He makes us a little more like the man of sorrows,
48:03 Jesus Christ.
48:05 He makes us,
48:06 He makes our hearts a little more malleable.
48:09 We become a little more humble.
48:11 We become more sensitive to the needs of others.
48:16 So now another thing that we can do to help people
48:21 is do acts of kindness.
48:24 If someone has lost a loved one,
48:27 you can mow their lawn,
48:29 take them some food, do something for them,
48:32 find out what they need.
48:34 And if you can't help them financially
48:36 and they're in financial need,
48:38 find a way to get people together
48:40 to help them financially
48:42 because sometimes people don't have enough money
48:44 to even bury a loved one.
48:46 And we need to be able to help them.
48:50 Here's the good news.
48:54 Let me go back.
48:56 I don't want to skip this.
48:58 I thought, I looked at the clock wrong.
49:01 Sometimes, this is not the good news.
49:04 Sometimes people who have lost a loved one
49:08 are very fearful of the future.
49:11 When you have a young mother and two young daughters
49:16 who've lost their source of income,
49:18 you can become very fearful of the future.
49:21 How will God provide for me?
49:23 How are we going to make it in other words?
49:27 When people are in that, as I said,
49:29 we need to be there to help to be...
49:31 We don't need to just pray that God will help
49:33 because sometimes the way He helps,
49:35 He uses our hands to dip into our pockets
49:38 to help, right?
49:40 But let me give you a couple of promises there
49:44 that you can share with someone.
49:46 Psalm 32:17.
49:49 I love this one.
49:52 When you're fearful of the future,
49:54 Psalm 32:17 says this,
49:58 "You are my hiding place.
49:59 You shall preserve me from trouble.
50:02 You shall surround me with songs of deliverance."
50:07 God is my hiding place.
50:10 He's a strong tower to which I run,
50:14 but if we get to that point,
50:16 I love this song
50:18 that was written using this scripture.
50:22 This is something to remember to share with people.
50:25 And then Isaiah 43:1-3.
50:32 Isaiah 43:1-3.
50:36 The Lord says,
50:37 "Fear not, for I have redeemed you."
50:41 I've ransomed you by paying a price
50:43 instead of leaving you captives.
50:46 "I have called you by your name,
50:50 you are Mine.
50:52 Renese, God has called you by your name.
50:56 Isn't that...?
50:58 I love it when you know that God knows your name.
51:02 I love that scripture.
51:05 He says," When you pass through the waters,
51:07 I will be with you..."
51:09 When you at home or in your car who are listening to this.
51:13 If you're going through a great grieving process,
51:16 if you're going through fiery trials,
51:18 just know that God is there with you.
51:22 He says," When you pass through the waters,
51:24 I will be with you through the rivers.
51:25 They will not overwhelm you.
51:28 When you walk through the fire,
51:29 you will not be burned or scorched,
51:31 nor will the flames kindle upon you,
51:34 for I am the Lord, your God,
51:36 the holy One of Israel, your Savior."
51:39 God is always there.
51:42 He will give you His peace
51:44 if you will keep your eyes focused on Him,
51:48 trusting in Him.
51:49 Let me give you those two scripture references
51:51 for those who are taking notes.
51:53 Isaiah 26:3 says,
51:56 "You will keep him in perfect peace
51:57 whose mind is stayed on You," because he trusts in You.
52:02 And Philippians 4:6 and 7,
52:05 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer
52:09 and supplication with thanksgiving
52:11 let your request be made known to God.
52:14 And the peace of God
52:15 which surpasses all understanding
52:18 will guard your hearts and minds through Christ.
52:21 Jesus.
52:23 Now, the good news.
52:25 Here's the good news.
52:28 Even though we know
52:29 our precious friend is suffering greatly,
52:32 she and her daughters right now.
52:35 We absolutely are convinced
52:38 from the fruitage of Michael's life
52:41 that he will be in that first resurrection.
52:45 When Jesus said,
52:46 "All who are in their grave will hear My voice."
52:50 We believe he will be
52:51 in the resurrection of the righteous,
52:54 lest he's going to...
52:56 We look for the blessed hope
52:58 in the glorious appearing of our God
53:00 and Savior Jesus Christ.
53:02 Look at Isaiah 25,
53:04 we're going to look at
53:05 just a couple of scriptures quickly.
53:07 Isaiah 25.
53:11 And let's look, we'll begin with verse 8.
53:16 Isaiah 25:8.
53:21 There's so many wonderful promises
53:25 in the Bible about the coming of the Lord.
53:28 Isaiah 25:8,
53:32 "He will swallow up death forever."
53:35 Hallelujah.
53:36 "And the Lord God
53:38 will wipe away all tears from all faces.
53:43 The rebuke of His people He will take away
53:45 from all the earth, for the Lord has spoken,
53:48 and it will be said in that day,
53:50 'Behold, this is our God, we have waited for Him,
53:54 and He will save us.' "
53:56 This is the Lord.
53:58 We have waited for Him.
54:00 We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.
54:05 The joy of knowing that your loved one
54:10 is sleeping in Christ
54:12 when someone passes is the joy of knowing,
54:16 you're gonna get to spend eternity with them,
54:20 even in the midst of the sorrow,
54:23 that is the joy.
54:24 Now, I also must say this.
54:26 There are sometimes people who aren't sure.
54:30 They're thinking,
54:31 "I don't know if my loved one is safe"
54:32 and it torments them.
54:34 First of all we can't judge...
54:37 We can tell by the fruit,
54:38 but we can't always know
54:40 what happened in that person's heart
54:42 right before the end.
54:45 You only hope if they weren't walking right
54:47 that they had time to respond to the Lord.
54:50 Now, let's look at 1 Peter Chapter 3.
54:55 1 Peter Chapter 3.
55:00 And we're going to look...
55:01 Excuse me, let's look at 1 Peter 1:3.
55:05 1 Peter 1:3.
55:14 We're actually going to read down through verse 9.
55:17 "Blessed be the God
55:18 and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
55:22 who according to His abundant mercy
55:24 has begotten us again to a living hope
55:27 through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
55:31 to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled
55:35 that does not fade away,
55:37 reserved in heaven for you,
55:39 who are kept by the power of God
55:42 through faith for salvation ready to be revealed
55:46 in the last time."
55:48 Hallelujah.
55:49 I just love the fact that we are kept
55:51 by the power of God through faith for salvation.
55:54 But He's going to raise us up to this inheritance
55:56 that is incorruptible and unreserved.
55:59 Verse 6 says this, "In this you greatly rejoice,
56:04 though now for a little while, if need be,
56:08 you have been grieved by various trials,
56:11 if need be,
56:13 you have been grieved by various trials,
56:15 that the genuineness of your faith,
56:17 being much more precious than gold that perishes,
56:20 though it is tested by fire,
56:22 may be found to praise, honor, and glory
56:25 at the revelation of Jesus Christ,
56:27 whom having not seen you love.
56:30 Though now you do not see Him, yet believing,
56:33 you rejoice with joy inexpressible
56:37 and full of glory,
56:38 receiving the end of your faith,
56:41 the salvation of your souls."
56:43 So when does this happen?
56:47 When do we get
56:50 this eternal life, this gift?
56:53 Turn to 1 Corinthians Chapter 15.
56:56 1 Corinthians Chapter 15, and we're going to begin
57:01 with verse 51.
57:04 1 Corinthians 15:51.
57:13 1 Corinthians 15:51 says this,
57:19 "Behold, I tell you a mystery:
57:23 We shall not all sleep..."
57:26 What is a sleep referring here?
57:28 The death.
57:29 "We shall not all sleep,
57:31 but we shall all be changed in a moment,
57:34 in the twinkling of an eye,
57:37 at the last trumpet."
57:38 When is this going to happen?
57:40 At the last trumpet,
57:42 for the trumpet will sound
57:44 and the dead will be raised incorruptible.
57:47 Finally we're going to reach that perfection.
57:50 And we shall be changed, for this corruptible
57:54 must put on incorruption
57:56 and this mortal must put on immortality.
58:01 So then death will be swallowed up.
58:04 Hallelujah.


Revised 2018-12-06