A Sharper Focus

The Truth about the First Day

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000121A

00:21 Hello, friends, welcome to
00:22 another Wednesday night Bible study
00:24 here at the 3ABN Worship Center
00:26 here in Thompsonville, Illinois.
00:28 I know you've heard the phrase, West Frankfort
00:30 or the city West Frankfort, it's just a few feet that way.
00:33 But thank you for tuning in tonight
00:35 as we continue our study
00:36 on the truth about the first day.
00:40 What a dynamic topic this is.
00:42 We're going to let you know in just a moment
00:43 how to get a copy of the lesson and follow along with us.
00:46 But wherever you're tuning in from,
00:48 get your Bible, get your pens.
00:49 Invite your family and your friends
00:51 to sit down for a thoughtful
00:53 and very challenging provoking study
00:56 on what the Bible says about the first day of the week.
01:00 I'll give you some more details in a moment
01:02 and also the website where you can download the lesson
01:05 and get access to all the lessons
01:06 we've done about 32 so far and about 90 videos.
01:11 So we'll give you that information,
01:12 but let's begin as we invite
01:14 the Lord's presence with a word of prayer.
01:16 Let's bow our heads.
01:17 Heavenly Father, we thank You tonight for the fact that
01:20 when we call on Your name, that Lord You are here.
01:24 We call on the name of Jesus.
01:26 Father and we pray that
01:27 Your Holy Spirit will be the active agent and power
01:31 that governs the study,
01:33 reaches out through the airwaves,
01:35 whatever the medium to touch the hearts of those
01:37 that are listening and those that are watching.
01:40 We pray that this topic Father could be clear
01:42 and that not only will information be communicated
01:45 but the challenge to be obedient
01:47 to the Word of the Lord.
01:50 So, Lord, lead us tonight
01:52 as we open our hearts and our ears to You,
01:54 in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
01:58 Now if you want a copy of the lesson,
01:59 go to this website asf.3abn.org
02:04 and download lesson number 32.
02:06 What lesson did I say?
02:09 Number 32, the truth about the first day.
02:13 Lesson number 32.
02:15 This is a very exciting lesson
02:17 and on that very same website you'll see links to Facebook
02:21 as well as I believe to Twitter
02:24 where you can upload questions if you have any
02:26 about the topics that are being covered.
02:28 But we're continuing tonight
02:30 from lesson number 32, question number 10.
02:32 But before we do that we always sing our theme song
02:35 and the title of our theme song,
02:36 can we sing that together is victory in...
02:39 Victory in Jesus.
02:41 Let's sing our theme song together.
02:50 I heard an old, old story
02:54 How the Savior came from glory
02:58 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:02 To save a wretch like me
03:05 I heard about His groaning
03:09 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:13 Then I repented of my sins
03:17 And won the victory
03:20 Oh, victory in Jesus
03:24 My Savior, forever
03:28 He sought me and bought me
03:32 With His redeeming blood
03:36 He loved me 'ere I knew Him
03:39 And all my love is due Him
03:43 He plunged me to victory
03:47 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:51 I heard about a mansion
03:54 He has built for me in glory
03:58 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:02 Beyond the crystal sea
04:06 About the angels singing
04:10 And the old redemption story
04:13 And some sweet day, I'll sing up there
04:17 The song of victory
04:20 Key change.
04:21 Oh, victory in Jesus
04:25 My Savior, forever
04:28 He sought me and bought me
04:32 With His redeeming blood
04:36 He loved me 'ere I knew Him
04:40 And all my love is due Him
04:44 He plunged me to victory
04:47 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:51 He plunged me to victory
04:55 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:01 Amen.
05:03 Wonderful song.
05:04 Plunged us to victory beneath
05:07 the cleansing flood which is the blood of Jesus.
05:12 So good to see those of you are here.
05:13 Some of you are vacationing,
05:15 some of you are coming back to town.
05:18 And we thank you for those who are tuning in,
05:21 whether from the Caribbean,
05:23 from Amman, Jordan, from China, from Australia
05:25 and all the other places around the world
05:28 from my family there in the Virgin Islands,
05:31 appreciate you tuning in tonight.
05:32 This topic is very exciting and very timely.
05:36 Now let me lay the foundation like I did last week.
05:38 And by the way,
05:40 the title of our message tonight,
05:41 let's say this together, the truth about the...
05:44 The truth about the first day. The truth about the first day.
05:49 Now we're going to begin on question 10,
05:51 but I want to lay some foundation tonight
05:52 because the first day of the week
05:56 is solely based on tradition.
05:59 What word did I just use?
06:00 Tradition.
06:02 Many Christians are not upset about the first day of the week
06:05 because this change, Louise,
06:07 took place almost 2000 years ago.
06:10 But what's amazing about that is
06:12 there has been a change recently made in America
06:15 that is based on the tradition,
06:18 tradition of men, not the Word of God.
06:21 Recently the Supreme Court made the decision
06:23 to support same sex marriage.
06:25 Now one of the reasons
06:26 why Christians are so upset about that is,
06:29 they know that almost 6000 years ago,
06:34 so marriage is not too old to
06:36 still referred to it as valid today, can we say amen?
06:38 Amen.
06:39 Although done at the very end of creation week,
06:43 it's still valid today.
06:45 Christians don't say,
06:46 "Well, that was 6000 years ago we should change."
06:50 They say, "God did that at the beginning of creation week,
06:53 He gave Adam to Eve, Eve to Adam
06:56 and it's still valid today."
06:58 They find no reason to change
07:00 what the Lord did during creation,
07:03 but there's something else He did during creation,
07:05 He not only sanctified the marriage,
07:08 He sanctified the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath.
07:12 But that change being made 2000 years ago,
07:16 people today that honor it say,
07:18 "Hey, it's scriptural, it's not scriptural."
07:22 We have covered thus far
07:25 about nine texts out of the 12 verses
07:29 in the New Testament that cover the first day of the week.
07:32 So if we're going to find Bible support
07:34 for the first day of the week,
07:37 we have to find it in the New Testament.
07:39 You cannot find it in the Old Testament.
07:42 Many people say they are New Testament Christians
07:44 because they say,
07:45 in saying that we keep the new day of worship.
07:48 But now let me go ahead and expand this picture.
07:51 In about 300 years from now,
07:53 if the world were to last that long,
07:55 same sex marriage would be a tradition.
07:59 And in that society they'll say,
08:00 "Well, we've been doing this for 300 years,
08:02 it must have some support somewhere in Scripture."
08:05 But people know that anything that's not based on the Bible
08:09 is purely tradition and not scriptural.
08:11 So here's my point.
08:13 If Christians are upset about
08:15 the traditions of men over the Word of God
08:19 in the same sex marriage institution,
08:22 they ought to be just as upset
08:24 about the traditions of men over the Sabbath of the Lord.
08:27 Can I get an amen? Amen.
08:29 You cannot change anything that God has blessed,
08:32 no matter how far back it goes.
08:34 If the Lord never changes Sabbath,
08:36 man has no authority to do it.
08:38 Since the Lord never changed marriage,
08:40 Christians today know that man has no authority to do it.
08:44 Some leaders have said,
08:47 "They may be the Supreme Court
08:49 but they are not the Supreme Being."
08:51 We do it not because men say it,
08:53 but because God's Word says it.
08:55 And so for Christians that had been taught
09:00 that the Bible supports the first day of the week.
09:03 We want to find that if we could support their statement.
09:05 And we're going to look through
09:07 every text in the New Testament,
09:08 so far we've covered nine of them.
09:11 We only have three remaining.
09:12 And so far we've discovered that
09:14 most of the New Testament verses
09:16 support the theme about the resurrection of Jesus,
09:19 being raised on the first day of the week.
09:22 So far we have found no support in the Bible at all
09:26 for a new day of worship.
09:28 We have only found support for those things
09:32 that are already mentioned in Scripture,
09:34 the Bible Sabbath,
09:36 marriage between a man and a woman,
09:38 not traditional, but scriptural, but biblical.
09:42 We ought not do it because it's traditional.
09:44 We do it because it's biblical.
09:47 It's based on the Bible.
09:48 So now what we're going to do tonight,
09:50 we discovered that we went and by the way,
09:52 in that very lesson that you downloaded,
09:55 there should be 27 questions.
09:57 We're going to begin tonight on question number 10
09:59 because this is one of the verses
10:04 Acts 20:7.
10:06 Let's go to Acts 20:7 first
10:08 and then we're going to go to the question.
10:09 Let's go to Acts 20:7
10:11 because I recently read,
10:13 and by the way I'm working on a book,
10:16 but those of you that are watching the program
10:18 or listening, keep your ears open.
10:20 The book is almost done, it's called Sunday Mask,
10:23 it's following the last three pontiffs or popes of Rome
10:27 in their push for the exaltation
10:30 of the first day of the week.
10:32 This recent pope or Pope Francis
10:35 is calling for Sunday to be observed.
10:38 And he's referring to this very text
10:40 as biblical authority why Sunday should be observed.
10:44 Let's go ahead and read the text
10:45 and see if this gives any support,
10:47 any biblical authority for the first day of the week.
10:50 Acts 20:7.
10:52 Here we go.
10:53 And I have, matter of fact,
10:55 I have the article open here on my iPad
10:57 about the very reference that Pope Francis made,
10:59 he said, "Because the disciples did this,
11:02 we now have authority to honor the first day of the week
11:05 as a new day of worship."
11:06 Let's read the text.
11:07 Acts 20:7.
11:09 This is not going to be on the screen,
11:10 but let's go and read it.
11:11 But what I'd like to read is,
11:13 let's go to verse 7 at Acts 20.
11:16 It says, "Now on the..." What day of the week?
11:19 "First day of the week,
11:21 when the disciples came together to..."
11:23 Do what?
11:24 "Break bread,
11:27 Paul, ready to depart the next day,
11:31 spoke to them and continued his message until midnight."
11:36 They say, "Oh, they got together
11:38 and they broke bread on the first day of the week."
11:42 So therefore, what the suggestion is,
11:45 is the breaking of bread,
11:46 having been done on the first day of the week
11:48 must now be scriptural authority
11:50 for a new day of worship.
11:52 What I'd like to point out is you find no reference there
11:54 to a new day of worship at all,
11:56 the day that's actually being referred to
11:58 is in the verse right before that,
12:00 The Feast of Unleavened Bread.
12:02 That's what's being referred to.
12:04 Look at the verse right before that,
12:06 verse 6.
12:07 "But we sailed away from Philippi
12:12 after the Day of Unleavened Bread,
12:14 and in five days joined them at Troas,
12:17 where we stayed seven days."
12:20 Now it goes to the verse 7 on the first day of the week.
12:24 So Paul continuing his journey
12:26 throughout many of the cities in Asia Minor
12:29 was simply gathering together to have a farewell meeting
12:33 that simply all that happened, it was a farewell meeting,
12:36 but somebody may say,
12:37 "Well, it was the first day of the week."
12:39 And he continues speaking until midnight.
12:42 Well, now this is powerful.
12:44 This is huge.
12:46 I want you to put your ears on,
12:47 I got mine on, can you see them?
12:49 This is huge.
12:51 Many people don't understand
12:52 when the first day of the week begins.
12:55 When you read Genesis
12:56 you'll find in Genesis over and over every day,
12:59 the evening and the morning were the what?
13:03 First day.
13:05 So the evening begins the day,
13:08 when you get to 12 o'clock at night.
13:11 What is it called? Somebody tell me.
13:13 Midnight. Midnight.
13:15 It's called midnight.
13:16 When we hit 12 noon, it's called what?
13:18 Midday.
13:19 Why is it called midday?
13:21 Because the day begins at? The sunset...
13:24 The day begins at sunset.
13:27 Thank you very much. The day begins at sunset.
13:31 It does not begin at sunrise,
13:35 the day doesn't begin at midnight
13:37 because at 12 o'clock
13:39 that is 12 o'clock at night is the middle of the night
13:44 which means something happened.
13:45 So let's use this scriptural terms
13:48 sunset is the terms the Bible use.
13:52 Sunset.
13:53 So when the sun sets the day is over,
13:57 from evening to evening.
13:59 Now following that very thought
14:00 when the sun sets tonight wherever you are,
14:03 whatever day it is
14:04 and right now it's Wednesday for us,
14:06 when the sun sets tonight, what starts?
14:09 This is powerful.
14:11 Thursday night starts.
14:13 Then Thursday. Okay.
14:17 But now once you get, if Thursday starts,
14:20 if Thursday starts tonight at when sun sets
14:24 and I preach until midnight.
14:27 What day am I on?
14:29 On Thursday night.
14:32 Thursday midnight.
14:34 In the modern vernacular of timing today
14:37 they'll call tomorrow night at 12 o'clock midnight,
14:41 Thursday night.
14:43 When in fact Friday's already started.
14:45 Follow that carefully.
14:47 So one of the reasons why men are so confused today
14:50 about the order of the days,
14:51 you got to follow the scriptures,
14:52 if you are Bible believing Christians,
14:54 you got to let the Bible be your final authority.
14:56 Ain't that right?
14:57 So Paul simply preached
14:59 until the late part of Saturday night,
15:03 that's what they call it today.
15:05 Today, we call it Saturday night,
15:07 there they call it midnight Sunday,
15:10 the first day of the week
15:12 'cause the first day of the week began
15:14 when the Sabbath ended.
15:17 And the Sabbath ended,
15:19 Saturday evening when the sunset.
15:22 That's what that was.
15:23 But somebody may say,
15:25 "But, Pastor, they broke bread on the first day of the week."
15:28 Well, now let's see if there's any authority in the Bible
15:31 to make the first day of the week
15:33 a new day of worship because they broke bread.
15:35 Now let's go to our first question tonight
15:36 that will appear on the screen, question number 10.
15:39 Here it is.
15:40 Did the breaking of bread happen
15:42 only on the first day of the week?
15:45 Did the breaking of bread happen
15:47 on the first day of the week?
15:48 Let's go to Acts 2:46.
15:51 Acts 2:46.
15:53 I wish I had two hours tonight.
15:54 I honestly do
15:56 because we have an event coming up next week
15:57 that's going to present our, next one's in Idaho
15:59 and we're going to have to begin the week after that.
16:01 I like to serve food while it's hot.
16:04 Okay. Acts 2:46, 47.
16:08 Let's go and look at that.
16:09 And let's look at this breaking of bread to see
16:12 if this only happened on the first day of the week.
16:14 Here we are.
16:17 Acts 2:46, and Bible reads,
16:20 "So continuing..."
16:22 How frequently? Daily.
16:24 "Daily with one accord in the temple..."
16:26 And what else?
16:27 "Breaking bread from..." What?
16:29 "House to house, they ate their food with..."
16:33 What?
16:34 "Gladness and..." What else?
16:36 "Simplicity of heart..."
16:38 And it continues,
16:39 "Praising God and having favor with..."
16:43 How many people?
16:44 "All the people.
16:46 And the Lord added to the church..."
16:47 How often?
16:49 "Daily those who were being saved."
16:51 Something happened on a daily basis.
16:53 They were in the temple daily.
16:54 They continued house to house breaking bread daily
16:57 and people were being saved daily.
16:59 Amen?
17:00 So this breaking of bread
17:02 was simply what people might call today
17:04 small group ministries.
17:07 Cell group ministries is the term
17:09 that's often used nowadays.
17:10 They go from house to house, people pick Tuesday,
17:13 some people pick Thursday to have it at their home.
17:15 But it's simply what the New Testament church did.
17:18 That's where the concept of small groups came from
17:20 right this very example.
17:22 Go from house to house breaking bread
17:25 and the bread that we're breaking
17:26 was not only the bread of food,
17:27 but the bread of the Word of God.
17:29 So we find clearly based on Acts 2:46.
17:34 And here's the answer. Here's the question.
17:35 Did the breaking of bread
17:37 happen only on the first day of the week?
17:38 You only put one word down. What's that word?
17:41 No.
17:42 Absolutely. It happened every day.
17:45 Now what's amazing about the references here.
17:48 Let's go to the very next reference.
17:49 I want you to see this.
17:51 Acts Chapter... Question number 11.
17:54 Question number 11.
17:56 All right?
17:57 So far we've done that's the ninth reference,
18:00 we only have three more references and let's see
18:03 if this next reference will give us any support
18:05 for Sunday being a new day of worship
18:08 because that's what the Christian church today says,
18:11 Sunday is the new day of worship,
18:12 it's the day we honor because of the resurrection.
18:15 We're going to talk about that also.
18:17 And Rome, and Pope Francis,
18:19 and Pope Benedict, and Pope John Paul II
18:22 to be the most recent three popes continue to push
18:26 this observance of the first day of the week
18:28 not just for Catholics but for all the world.
18:31 That's a big part of his encyclical
18:33 which was repeated just recently
18:35 and he's going to be coming to America really soon
18:38 to talk to congressional leaders,
18:40 he had audience with many of the major mayors,
18:42 he's now having closed circuit
18:44 what they call a digital audiences
18:47 with people around the nation,
18:49 but he's talking about the need
18:50 in this broken world, this broken society
18:53 for everybody to honor the first day of the week
18:56 to save the economy and save our resources.
18:59 But he's saying it's based on the Bible.
19:02 God's Word is saying it's not.
19:05 And we're going to find out not only what the Bible says
19:07 about where it came from,
19:08 but we're going to also show you in a following study,
19:10 maybe in a few weeks
19:12 all the historical references
19:15 where Rome openly admits
19:17 that they changed the first day of the week
19:20 from scripture to tradition.
19:23 But Christians nowadays think it's scriptural.
19:27 And so to try to support that
19:28 they eliminate as much of the Bible as they could
19:31 and say, we're only New Testament.
19:34 I don't want to be cynical I'm being very,
19:36 you know, it's kind of crazy.
19:38 It is kind of cynical.
19:39 Let's get rid of most of the Bible
19:40 so we could find reasons
19:42 to honor the thing that we want.
19:44 The issue is not God's Word. The issue is the human heart.
19:47 Let's go to question number 11.
19:49 Question number 11. Here it is.
19:52 What was the 10th New Testament first day reference describing?
19:56 Let's go to Acts 20:8.
19:58 Acts 20:18.
20:00 What was the 10th New Testament first day reference describing?
20:05 Acts 20:18.
20:08 Very small reference, very minimal.
20:10 I'll bring it up to the screen
20:12 because it doesn't really have any great impact at all.
20:14 All right, here it is.
20:16 "And when they had come to him,
20:19 he said to them..."
20:21 And that is to Paul.
20:22 "You know, from the..."
20:23 What day? First day.
20:25 "From the first day that I came to Asia,
20:28 in what manner I always lived among you."
20:30 That's simply saying the day that I arrived.
20:33 So if I arrived in Thompsonville on Tuesday,
20:36 that's the first day I got here.
20:37 If I arrived on Friday,
20:39 that's the first day I got here.
20:40 That's simply saying, I'm just dating my arrival,
20:43 I'm not saying the first day of the week
20:45 but from the first day that I got here,
20:47 you know what kind of person I was
20:48 and how I lived among you, that's all that saying,
20:50 that's not referring to any specific one, two, three, four,
20:53 five, six or seventh day,
20:55 it's simply saying since I've been here,
20:57 that's all that simply saying.
20:58 All right, so there's no authority there.
21:00 Now here's the question.
21:01 Was...
21:03 What was the 10th New Testament first day reference describing?
21:06 Paul's arrival to Asia.
21:08 Write that down.
21:10 It was describing Paul's arrival to Asia.
21:12 That's all. That's all it's simply saying.
21:14 So if you go to the airport and pick up friends
21:17 and they will stay at your house for two weeks.
21:20 They say, ever since I got here,
21:21 the first day I got here,
21:24 I said hello to you at the airport.
21:26 Not any particular day of the week
21:27 but simply the timing of their arrival.
21:29 All right, so that is the 10th one
21:32 which means now it's kind of getting slim pickings,
21:35 means we only have how many left?
21:37 Come on. How many left?
21:38 Two.
21:40 The only 12 references to the first day.
21:41 Now let me just plug this in because it fits right here.
21:45 While you might think that the Sabbath is not talked about
21:48 because many pastors tell their congregation these things.
21:51 They say the Sabbath is not an issue in the New Testament,
21:53 when we take the Sabbath,
21:55 the Sabbath is mentioned 60 times in the New Testament
22:00 which is five times more than the first day.
22:05 So for people to say that the Sabbath
22:07 is not really reiterated in the New Testament,
22:09 it's a statement of deception.
22:12 You know, let me just, let me just say it,
22:13 I'm not trying to be hard, I want to be clear.
22:15 I want people to know what God's Word said.
22:17 Amen? Amen.
22:18 So if I'm going to, if I'm going to be straight,
22:20 you will appreciate me
22:21 not meandering in the maze of mediocrity.
22:23 If you came to the bank and you ask for $35,
22:26 I'm going to give you $35, not going to be 34.95 or 36,
22:30 you're going to get exactly what you asked for.
22:32 If you want the Word of God,
22:33 this is the station you're going to get it.
22:35 Right?
22:37 So here's the point.
22:38 Let's look at the 11th reference.
22:39 This is another reference often used.
22:41 So here's question number 12.
22:43 Question number 12.
22:45 Was the 11th New Testament first day reference
22:49 describing a church service?
22:52 I want that to come up on the screen.
22:54 Was the 11th New Testament day reference
22:57 describing a church service?
23:00 Now the reason I titled it that way
23:03 is because that's exactly what is said
23:06 in the Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrines,
23:08 the 1995 edition.
23:11 That's one of the references used
23:12 to try to establish the authority of the first day.
23:15 Very clever, but very misleading.
23:18 Let's go ahead and read that.
23:19 Let's go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 16
23:22 and we're going to look at verse 2.
23:25 But I'm going to turn there,
23:26 so we could read the verse before that.
23:28 And when I get to 1 Corinthians 16:2,
23:32 then I want you to bring it up on the screen.
23:34 All right.
23:35 Okay, here I am. Okay, great.
23:38 Let's read verse 1 first
23:39 and then our graphics people will bring
23:42 the second verse up on the screen.
23:44 Here it is. First one.
23:45 Now I'm in the Bible,
23:47 "Now concerning the..." What?
23:49 "Collection for the saints,
23:52 as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia,
23:57 so you must do also."
24:00 So this is about collection for the saints.
24:02 What we want to find out
24:03 if this collection took place at church,
24:05 where did this collection take place?
24:08 Let's look at the next verse. Now on the screen.
24:11 "On the first day of the week
24:14 let each one of you lay something aside,
24:18 storing up as he may prosper, that there be..."
24:23 Together.
24:24 "No collections when I come."
24:28 Now this is huge.
24:30 You may have seen the Salvation Army come by and hang a bag,
24:34 in New York City this used to happen.
24:36 Or in Florida this used to happen,
24:37 having experiences out here.
24:39 But in many of the towns
24:40 where the Salvation Army is very active,
24:42 they collect clothing at different times of the year.
24:45 And so what they'll do is they'll hang a plastic bag
24:47 someplace during Christmas.
24:49 Some people do it during other holidays,
24:52 but they hang a plastic bag
24:53 and on the plastic bag they said,
24:55 "We will be back next Tuesday,
24:57 please have it ready when we come.
25:01 Now what this is?
25:02 This collection was for the saints
25:05 that were in hardship, and famine,
25:07 and difficulty in Jerusalem.
25:10 There was a hardship for the Christians in Jerusalem.
25:13 And so the churches of Galatia and the other churches said,
25:17 "We're going to help them out."
25:18 So Paul said, "Here's what I want you to do."
25:22 While you're working on your bills,
25:24 and the things that
25:25 many of us take care of our bills on Sunday,
25:28 we get together because Monday takes off like a rocket.
25:30 Many of us get together to find out what's in our house.
25:32 We write our bills, pay our bills, whatever.
25:34 Paul is saying, on the first day of the week,
25:38 let every one of you lay something aside
25:41 so that there's no collection when I come.
25:43 This is not people going to a church.
25:45 This is the apostles and the Christians
25:48 of these various churches of Galatia
25:50 particularly going from house to house collecting goods
25:54 that will be gathered together in a relief effort
25:58 for the Christians in Jerusalem.
26:00 This did not take place in a church.
26:02 This was not a church service.
26:04 This was a collection that was picked up from house to house.
26:08 Amen somebody? Amen.
26:10 So this also,
26:11 if this is used to give authority
26:13 to the first day of the week as a new day of worship,
26:15 you find nothing in this text at all
26:19 referring to a new day of worship.
26:21 The assumption or the huge phantom bridge that was built
26:25 is the word collection meaning it has to be a holy day.
26:29 Now here at 3ABN collections come in all week long.
26:32 And our church collections come in various times.
26:36 But the collection does not make the day holy.
26:38 And breaking bread and having lunch together
26:40 doesn't make the day holy.
26:41 You know what makes the day holy?
26:42 God does.
26:44 When the Lord blesses something, it's blessed.
26:47 And by the way as I go on to the next text,
26:49 this is one of the larger ones.
26:51 The three of those that often are referred to is John 20
26:56 where the disciples were hiding for fear of the Jews.
26:59 They would assemble for fear of the Jews.
27:01 That's the one, we knocked that down last study.
27:04 We discovered that
27:05 they were not assembling to have worship.
27:07 They were hiding behind closed doors
27:09 because Jesus had just been crucified
27:11 and they thought they were next.
27:13 Second one
27:15 is the breaking of bread from house to house.
27:16 It was done every day of the week.
27:19 Small group ministries,
27:20 this is where the New Testament concept came from.
27:23 The other one was
27:25 carefully collection being
27:26 taken for the saints in Jerusalem
27:28 that all the churches including the churches in Galatia
27:31 and others were laying things aside
27:33 so when the collecting truck so to speak,
27:36 in this case the collecting wagon came by,
27:38 they could simply say, "I got it from that house,
27:40 I got it from that house, I got it from the house."
27:43 So there'll be no collections when I come.
27:48 Not when we come.
27:51 but when they come.
27:54 Not when we come to church,
27:55 but when they come to our house.
27:57 Is that clear?
27:59 I thought it was very clear.
28:00 Amen?
28:01 Now let's go to the next one.
28:03 The last reference I want to tell you,
28:05 we shot 11 bullets.
28:07 We've hit nothing.
28:09 We got one left.
28:11 Question number 12.
28:13 Question number 12. Here it is.
28:15 Question number 12.
28:17 Question 13.
28:18 I mean, reference number 12, question number 13.
28:22 All right.
28:23 Our last reference, here's the question.
28:25 Does the 12th and last New Testament reference
28:30 establish a new day of worship?
28:33 Let's go now to Philippines 1:5.
28:38 Philippines 1:5.
28:40 One of my favorite books in the Bible is Philippines.
28:43 If you ever discouraged, read Philippines.
28:45 It's the champion's book, it's the winner's book.
28:48 It's the book that... When you say, "I'm tired."
28:50 It says, "Press toward the mark
28:53 for the prize of the upward call of God."
28:55 When you can't make it,
28:56 it says, "I can do all things through Christ
28:58 who strengthens me."
28:59 When your mind is confused, it says,
29:01 "Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus."
29:03 Amen?
29:04 It's the champion's book, it's not the book of failure.
29:07 But now let's see if this last reference
29:09 has anything to do with a new day of worship.
29:13 I'm going to go to Philippines.
29:15 I told you to go there,
29:17 but I have it on screen.
29:18 So I'm kind of being lazy.
29:20 I'm almost there. Here I am.
29:22 Okay, here we are. Philippines 1.
29:24 And the other one I like about is the verse right after that.
29:26 All right.
29:27 I want to just read a few verses
29:29 before that just to get the context,
29:30 I want to read verse 3 and we'll go to verse 5
29:32 and have that come up on the screen.
29:34 Here it is.
29:35 Verse 3, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."
29:38 Paul and Timothy,
29:39 servants of Jesus Christ in verse 1.
29:41 "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,
29:44 always in every prayer of mine
29:47 making request for you all with joy,
29:51 for your fellowship in the gospel from the..."
29:54 What?
29:55 "First day until now."
29:56 Another reference, simply talking about
29:58 ever since we began
30:00 your fellowship from the first day
30:02 we got together in this fellowship until now.
30:05 And here's my next favorite text in Philippines,
30:08 "Being confident of this very thing," verse 6
30:11 "He who has begun a good work in you will..."
30:14 Do what?
30:15 "Complete it, perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."
30:18 So this being the last reference
30:21 in the New Testament, for the first day
30:23 we have swung 12 times,
30:26 we haven't even hit a base hit.
30:29 And the reality of this fellow Christians is this.
30:33 You may be a part of a church
30:34 that observes Sunday as a holy day.
30:36 You may have heard that from week to week,
30:37 you may have even heard the phrase,
30:40 "This is the day the Lord has made,
30:41 let us rejoice and be glad in it,"
30:43 like former Robert Schuller used to say
30:45 every Sunday morning.
30:46 And they kind of say,
30:48 "This is the day Lord has made."
30:49 They are right, this is the day He has made,
30:52 but that's not the day He blessed.
30:54 But by saying it almost kind of give some credence to it.
30:58 The Lord has made every day
31:00 but He only blessed one.
31:02 And He blessed the seventh day before sin entered the world.
31:06 He rested on it, He sanctified it,
31:09 He called it the Sabbath and He said,
31:10 "Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy."
31:13 Men came along and changed times and laws,
31:16 Daniel 7:25,
31:18 men changed times and laws.
31:20 We gonna look at that prophecy
31:21 and then going to give you the references,
31:23 so you cannot say,
31:24 you know, those guys on 3ABN said the change was made
31:27 but they gave me no proof.
31:28 You're going to get the proof,
31:30 and you'll be able to follow
31:31 every reference back to the original source.
31:34 The sad reality is this is this.
31:36 Many Christians practice things
31:38 that they have no scriptural support for,
31:40 it's based on tradition.
31:41 And much of what's happening
31:43 in the Christian church today is tradition, it's tradition,
31:46 but as we see with this recent change,
31:50 the Sabbath change almost 2000 years ago,
31:53 the Christians of that day were incensed.
31:56 The Christians of today
31:59 are only incensed about the same sex issue,
32:04 but they have swallowed
32:06 the tradition of the first day of the week.
32:08 Now let's go to question number 14.
32:11 Question number 14.
32:13 Very powerful.
32:16 Because now this is another text that's used
32:19 to try to connect it to the first day.
32:23 This is the text that's often used
32:24 to try to connect it to the first day
32:27 because it has a powerful phrase,
32:29 Lord's day.
32:31 And so, if you could use the phrase Lord's day, Dee,
32:35 then somehow,
32:36 you know, we have two Dees sitting together.
32:39 When you use a phrase, Lord's day,
32:41 somehow people think, oh, that must be the day.
32:44 So some people say, "Sunday is the Lord's day."
32:47 In an article I have on my iPad right now.
32:50 I'll just read you the heading,
32:52 this is from the Catholic News Agency.
32:55 And here's the heading of the article,
32:56 "The Sabbath or the Lord's day" by Pope Francis.
33:00 It's the Sabbath or the Lord's day
33:03 as if they are in opposition to each other.
33:06 That's the way it's being presented today.
33:08 The Sabbath is being connected just to the Jews,
33:10 they're trying to make the Jews seem like
33:11 the worst people on earth.
33:13 And the Sabbath that the Lord gave to them
33:15 to share with the world
33:16 as the worst day on earth
33:18 that makes the Sabbath like this day of stigma,
33:21 the day that you work your way to heaven,
33:23 but that's not the Sabbath.
33:24 So you have to see and understand the Bible
33:26 in its proper context.
33:27 So now let's go to Revelation.
33:29 And here's the question, question number 14.
33:30 What does Revelations reference to the Lord's day mean?
33:34 Once again,
33:35 what does Revelations reference to the Lord's day mean?
33:38 Question number 14.
33:39 Let's go to the question. Let's go to the Scripture.
33:42 Revelation 1:10.
33:43 Revelation 1:10. Here it is.
33:47 And this is in Revelation, the last book of the Bible.
33:50 John the Apostle
33:53 is mushroomed on the Island of Patmos.
33:56 Actually, not mushroomed,
33:57 he is abandoned, he's imprisoned.
34:00 He didn't get stuck there. He got put there.
34:03 All right?
34:04 Revelation 1:10.
34:06 And while he's there,
34:09 the Bible says in verse 10 of John of Revelation 1,
34:13 here it is on the screen.
34:14 "I was in the Spirit on the..." What day?
34:17 "Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice,
34:22 as of a..." What?
34:23 "A trumpet."
34:25 When you read the Bible,
34:26 you'll see that the trumpet is often referred to
34:27 as the preaching of the gospel or an instrument used
34:29 to warn the people of difficulty to come.
34:32 Isaiah 58 says,
34:33 "Lift up your voice like a trumpet,
34:35 the proclamation of the gospel."
34:37 So John on the Lord's day,
34:39 he hears this voice behind him
34:41 and the voice is going to give him instruction.
34:44 And when he turns around
34:45 to find out the source of this voice,
34:47 this voice is none other than
34:49 the voice of the Alpha and the Omega,
34:52 the beginning and the end,
34:54 the first and the last Jesus through the Holy Spirit
34:58 meets John on the island
35:01 or this rock, this prison rock called Patmos.
35:05 But many people say,
35:07 "Well, it was on the Lord's day
35:09 and Sunday is the Lord's day."
35:11 That's what they've been taught.
35:13 They've been taught that,
35:15 but let me, let the Bible speak for itself.
35:18 We'll also show you later on
35:20 how traditionally the transition
35:25 was made by men connecting the word
35:28 or the phrase Lord's day to the first day of the week.
35:31 We'll show you that reference.
35:32 But right now let's let the Bible tell us
35:34 what the Lord's day is.
35:35 Go with me to Isaiah Chapter 58
35:37 and we are going to look together at verse 13.
35:41 The answer is does...
35:44 What does Revelation's reference
35:46 to the Lord's Day mean?
35:48 Revelation 1:10, it simply means the Lord's day.
35:51 But, well, we're going to get the answer right now.
35:54 We're going to be able to answer both of them together.
35:55 It simply means the Lord's day.
35:57 Okay, but we're going to find out
36:00 what is the Lord's day.
36:02 Let the Bible tell us what the Lord's day is?
36:04 Wouldn't be safe if we let the Bible say it,
36:07 but I was having a conversation with the pastor once.
36:10 And he actually got upset with me
36:12 because I would not answer him other than by the Bible.
36:15 He says, "Can't you just tell me,
36:16 give me your opinion?"
36:18 I said, "Pastor, I cannot give you any opinions
36:20 because the Bible is my only source of authority."
36:24 Whenever you practice
36:25 what is not supported by the Bible,
36:27 it's an opinion.
36:28 No matter how sincere you may be,
36:31 you could be sincerely wrong.
36:34 Right?
36:36 Amen. That's right.
36:37 You could get up on the wrong floor
36:39 and say, "Oh, I made a mistake."
36:41 But here's what we're talking about.
36:42 We're not talking about perpetuating a mistake.
36:46 We're not talking about perpetuating those things
36:48 that are comfortable to you.
36:49 We're talking about if you are wrong, correct it
36:52 and live in harmony with God's will.
36:54 Amen? Amen.
36:55 You'll find out why it is in harmony with God's will
36:57 in just a moment.
36:58 But let's go ahead and let Isaiah tell us
37:01 what day the Lord identifies as his day.
37:03 Isaiah 58:13, here it is on the screen.
37:06 If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath..."
37:10 If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath..."
37:12 Let's bring that up.
37:14 "From doing your pleasure on..."
37:17 What?
37:18 "My holy day and call the..." What?
37:23 "Sabbath a delight.
37:26 The holy day of the Lord honorable
37:29 and shall honor Him," see that?
37:32 Notice.
37:33 The Sabbath, my holy day,
37:35 call the Sabbath a day of delight,
37:38 the holy day of the Lord.
37:39 So what day is the Lord's day?
37:41 The Sabbath, keep going in the rest of the text.
37:44 And it says, "Not doing your own ways,
37:47 nor finding your own pleasures,
37:49 nor speaking your own..." What?
37:50 "Words."
37:52 Let's break that down again.
37:53 Isaiah 58:13 says,
37:55 "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath,
37:59 my holy day,
38:01 the Sabbath, a day of delight,
38:03 the Holy day of the Lord."
38:05 So now let's put the answer down here.
38:07 Revelation 1:10 is referring to what day?
38:10 To Sabbath.
38:12 Based on the authority of God's Word,
38:14 Revelation 1:10 cannot refer to any other day
38:17 but the Sabbath,
38:19 you find no scriptural reference
38:21 connecting the first day to the Lord's day.
38:24 Did God make every day? Yes.
38:26 Should we worship God every day?
38:28 Yes.
38:29 Should we live holy lives every day?
38:31 Yes.
38:32 It's amazing how deceptive preachers are today.
38:36 I'm being straight tonight.
38:37 I don't have time to waste.
38:39 It costs money to put this program on.
38:41 And your salvation
38:42 is depending on your obedience to God's word.
38:45 All right?
38:46 Preachers today,
38:47 I don't want to mention their names.
38:49 It almost came out. I want to be kind.
38:50 Some preachers say,
38:51 "I worship God on the first day
38:53 and I worship God on the second day
38:55 and I worship God."
38:57 One preacher said, "I worship God on the Sabbath,
38:59 and I worship God on Sunday, and I worship God on Monday,
39:01 and I worship God on Tuesday."
39:03 Let me put that in the proper context.
39:04 I'm married on Saturday, I'm married on Sunday.
39:07 I'm married on Tuesday.
39:09 I'm married on Monday,
39:10 come on help me out somebody.
39:12 I'm married every day.
39:13 But every day is not my anniversary.
39:18 I only have a birthday once a year.
39:19 I got an anniversary once a year.
39:21 We have an anniversary once a year.
39:23 There's only one day that identifies
39:24 the sanctity of our relationship.
39:27 So when a pastor says,
39:28 "I worship God on the first day,
39:30 I worship God on Saturday, Sunday, Friday, Wednesday."
39:34 He's muddying God's Word.
39:37 He's deceiving you by clever words, trickery.
39:41 And the Bible says, "The cunning craftiness
39:43 whereby they lie and wait to deceive."
39:47 That's deception.
39:49 If that's what you hear,
39:50 leave and look for the truth.
39:53 Don't sit there and let men
39:54 who may make you feel comfortable
39:56 and give you good music
39:58 and you feel you have great community programs.
40:01 Community programs are not salvation.
40:03 The Lord says, "If you love Me, keep My..."
40:04 What? "Commandments."
40:06 We ought to obey God rather than men.
40:08 Acts 5:29-32,
40:10 "Obey God rather than men."
40:13 The Sabbath is the Lord's day.
40:16 This first day reference to John,
40:18 this reference to Revelation 1:10
40:20 is not referring at all to the first day of the week.
40:23 Now, let's go to question number 15.
40:27 I wish I had another hour,
40:30 that's okay.
40:31 They said, "Sometimes it's better
40:33 to give dessert next week."
40:35 All right.
40:36 I'm going to go as quickly as I could.
40:38 Efficiency is important.
40:40 Question number 15 is a very vitally important question.
40:42 Here it is.
40:44 How do we know that Jesus never intended
40:48 to replace the Sabbath?
40:50 How do we know that?
40:51 Let's go to Matthew 24,
40:53 the book where Jesus outlines
40:57 to this now converted tax collector,
41:00 the signs of the end,
41:02 the destruction of Jerusalem
41:04 and the signs of the end of the world.
41:07 He intermingles them both together.
41:10 How do we know that
41:12 Jesus never intended to replace the Sabbath?
41:15 Now what I want you to find out,
41:16 we're going to look at some of these signs.
41:18 We're going to begin with,
41:19 you know, he talks about there will be false christs
41:21 and false prophets.
41:23 They'll be showing signs and wonders.
41:26 And then he talks about,
41:27 he intermingles in this description something
41:31 that if persecution ever happens,
41:35 let's pray that doesn't happen on this day.
41:38 Now what I want to preface before I read the text,
41:40 this was spoken by Jesus in the year 31 AD.
41:44 What year did I say? 31 AD.
41:47 Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD,
41:50 39 years later.
41:52 Now here's the context.
41:54 If the Sabbath was done away with,
41:57 if Jesus intended to get rid of it,
42:01 Sister Zeta.
42:02 He would never say
42:04 when Jerusalem was destroyed,
42:06 pray that it doesn't happen on the Sabbath.
42:09 Because he would have said, "You know, guys,
42:10 I'm getting rid of the Sabbath.
42:12 Just pray that it doesn't happen on the Lord's day."
42:15 If that's the reference you want to add to the first day,
42:17 but it's not connected.
42:18 He would have said, "Pray that it doesn't happen on Sunday."
42:21 But he didn't say that.
42:22 He said when destruction comes. Look at the text now.
42:24 Matthew 24:20,
42:26 Jesus said this, he ascended to heaven
42:30 and Jerusalem was destroyed 39 years later,
42:33 after the statement was made.
42:34 Here's the Bible.
42:36 Matthew 24:20, here's what it says,
42:37 "And pray
42:39 that your flight may not be in winter."
42:42 Bring it up for me,
42:43 "And Pray that your flight may not be in..."
42:45 What?
42:46 "Winter or on the..." What?
42:48 "Sabbath."
42:49 Clear admittance by the Lord Himself
42:51 by Jesus Himself,
42:54 that if He planned on getting rid of it,
42:56 He would not have said,
42:58 "I pray that when destruction comes,
43:00 it doesn't come on the Sabbath."
43:03 In the very same way
43:04 if I was intending to get rid of my house
43:07 where my old address in New York 15 Madison Street,
43:10 I'll give you that because I don't live there any longer.
43:13 If I made reference to 15 Madison Street,
43:16 pray that
43:17 15 Madison Street doesn't get knocked down when I go home.
43:20 That means I'm planning on going home.
43:22 But it's no longer my home.
43:23 So I no longer make reference to that as my home.
43:25 I have a different address,
43:27 I'm not going to give you that one.
43:29 But the point of the matter is,
43:31 if the Lord planned on getting rid of it,
43:32 He would not have made reference to it.
43:34 Ain't that right?
43:36 He said it because he knew that even after His ascension,
43:39 it will still be there.
43:42 And the reason why it will still be there
43:43 is because I say this calmly,
43:47 He blessed the Sabbath,
43:50 He created the Sabbath
43:51 before sin ever entered the world.
43:56 Therefore it was perfect.
44:00 I would like you to ask your preacher,
44:01 "What was the reason
44:03 why the Sabbath was done away with?"
44:04 And these are some of the excuses you'll hear.
44:06 It was for the Jews only.
44:09 There were no Jews in the Garden of Eden.
44:12 There was just a man and a woman.
44:16 Abraham, Genesis 26:5, kept the commandments.
44:19 Abraham was from Babylon, Babylon.
44:22 He was from Kaldia, a province of Babylon,
44:24 Abraham became, through his seed
44:27 the Jewish nation was born.
44:29 Abraham kept the Sabbath
44:30 before the Jews ever came into existence.
44:33 Abraham kept my commandments, my statutes and my laws.
44:36 Genesis 26:5.
44:38 The Sabbath was made long before
44:40 the Jews were ever in existence.
44:43 But what did the Jews do
44:44 that people find such adversity to the Sabbath?
44:48 Yes, the Jews made it
44:51 their means of salvation and not Jesus.
44:54 Jesus is still our means of salvation.
44:56 Can we all say amen? Amen.
44:58 But because we are in a saving relationship,
45:00 He said the Sabbath is a sign.
45:02 Go with me to Ezekiel Chapter 20.
45:04 Let's look at this very quickly.
45:06 And we're going to go to that too.
45:08 Okay.
45:10 Ezekiel Chapter 20.
45:12 All right.
45:14 Why?
45:15 Why is the Sabbath so important?
45:17 Why is it so important?
45:19 Ezekiel 20.
45:21 Let's look together at verse 12.
45:26 What is it a sign of?
45:28 First of all, if you look at Exodus 20:8-11,
45:31 it's a sign that
45:33 the seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord our God.
45:35 If He is your God, the God of creation,
45:37 if He's your God,
45:39 He already picked the day that's holy.
45:40 You cannot make anything else holy
45:41 that He's already made holy.
45:43 You can't remove the holiness
45:44 or substitute it for anything else that's not holy.
45:47 But what is the Sabbath a sign of?
45:49 Look at Exodus, Ezekiel 20:12.
45:52 Here's what the Lord says.
45:54 "Moreover, I also gave them my" What?
45:57 "Sabbath to be a sign between them and Me
46:02 that they might know that I am the Lord who does," what?
46:06 "Sanctifies them."
46:07 The Sabbath is a sign of a sanctified relationship.
46:11 So if you've been justified,
46:12 covered by the blood of the Lamb
46:14 and you're walking in Jesus,
46:16 you are walking in His sanctified relationship.
46:18 How can you walk in a sanctified relationship
46:21 and ignore the very sign of your sanctification?
46:25 How could you say, Lord,
46:26 I understand what the Sabbath is all about
46:27 but I'm picking this one instead?
46:30 I cannot figure that out.
46:32 I cannot figure out why so many preachers,
46:35 and I've shared this with preachers of
46:36 different denominations.
46:38 And I can see the ire and the anger
46:39 that comes up on something that the Lord blessed,
46:42 I wonder what spirit is behind that.
46:46 All right.
46:47 So now let's go to some other quick texts.
46:50 So you see, let's also look at verse 20
46:52 since we're in Exodus, since we're in Ezekiel 20,
46:55 let's look at verse 20 also.
46:57 All right.
46:58 Look at verse 20 also.
47:01 He says,
47:02 He says, "Hallow My Sabbaths,
47:04 and they will be a sign between Me and you,
47:08 that you may know that I am the Lord," together.
47:11 "Your God."
47:12 It all comes down to who is your God?
47:15 You see Sunday was kept in honor of the Sun gods
47:18 and we know it's called Saturday
47:20 because of Saturn's day
47:22 but the Bible calls itself Sabbath.
47:24 Amen somebody? Amen.
47:26 And we'll find out the three names that the by,
47:28 the only three names the Bible gives to the days of the week
47:30 you'll find out what those are.
47:32 You might say well pastor there seven days
47:34 how could they only be three names?
47:37 Because you have, let me I'll give you a preview now
47:38 and we'll cover in detail later,
47:40 first day, second day, third day,
47:42 fourth day, fifth day, preparation day.
47:46 Sabbath, that's what the Bible gives.
47:49 First day, second day, third day,
47:51 fourth day, fifth day,
47:52 sixth day which is preparation day and Sabbath.
47:56 You only have whatever the name of the day is,
47:58 what number it is, then you get the preparation,
48:00 then you get the Sabbath.
48:01 That's how you know.
48:03 But some Christians
48:04 and I can, you know,
48:06 I've been around this for so long
48:07 I could hear the battles going on.
48:09 So let me just show me addresses.
48:10 Some people might say,
48:11 well, you know that Saturday is the seventh day?
48:15 It was amazing how many,
48:17 how many ground hogs pick up their heads?
48:22 How many moles pick up their heads
48:25 during this, this topic?
48:27 Well, how do you know that Saturday is a seventh day?
48:29 You know, how I know. You know.
48:31 Because when Easter comes,
48:33 you go to church on Easter Sunday.
48:35 You know, Easter is the day that Jesus rose.
48:38 You know, He rose on Sunday.
48:40 That's why the almost the entire Christian world
48:42 honors Easter Sunday.
48:45 So, you know, the day before Easter Sunday is the Sabbath.
48:48 We'll clarify that in the moment.
48:49 Question number 16. Question number 16.
48:54 What was the day
48:56 the apostles observed after the crucifixion?
49:00 This is huge
49:02 because if the apostles are followers of Jesus,
49:06 surely you got to find them doing whatever.
49:08 If there's a new day of worship,
49:09 the apostles will be keeping it.
49:12 Ain't that right?
49:14 If there's, if Jesus got rid of it,
49:17 if anybody knows,
49:19 the apostles will know, right, Dan?
49:21 The apostles will know they won't be, as we say,
49:25 they won't be trifling
49:26 trying to do something that Jesus didn't authorize.
49:29 But what they do?
49:31 Let's go to Acts 13.
49:32 We're going to look at one, two, three, four, five, six,
49:34 seven references to see what they did.
49:37 Since we couldn't find
49:38 and surely
49:40 if anybody's going to be following what Jesus did,
49:42 it's His ambassadors,
49:44 it says disciples, now apostles
49:47 carrying the example to the New Testament,
49:50 say that with me, the New Testament church.
49:53 They established such an example
49:56 by the day they honored that's a holy day.
49:58 Acts 13, let's turn there in our Bibles.
50:01 You guys are already there.
50:03 You guys are faster than I am.
50:05 I'm talking and I'm slowing down.
50:07 That's okay, I'm there,
50:08 I'm there, just give me a break.
50:10 Acts 13
50:12 and we're going to start with...
50:16 Okay, verse 14.
50:18 And by the way Paul is preaching on the first Sabbath.
50:21 Here it is, this the first reference Acts 13:14,
50:24 "But when they departed from Perga, they came to..."
50:28 What city?
50:29 "Antioch in Pisidia,
50:31 and went into the synagogue on the..."
50:33 What day?
50:34 "Sabbath day and sat down."
50:36 One day, if you want to find out who they are,
50:39 you go back and you see that they're apostles,
50:41 Paul and Barnabas.
50:43 When they were traveling together,
50:44 Paul and Barnabas were traveling together
50:46 through Asia Minor
50:47 and when they got to Perga,
50:50 when they departed from Perga came to Antioch and Pisidia,
50:52 they went into the synagogue
50:54 on the Sabbath day and sat down.
50:56 Now, somebody may say I'm meandering,
50:59 I'm not meandering,
51:00 I'm just kind of cutting off all the ropes.
51:02 Somebody may say,
51:03 "Well, they went into the synagogue on the Sabbath
51:05 because they were talking to the Jews."
51:07 Bulletin, bulletin, there was no issue
51:10 in the entire New Testament Church about the Sabbath.
51:13 Follow the historians, read it yourself.
51:15 The historians never gave any inkling
51:17 that the New Testament Christians
51:19 started honoring a new day of worship,
51:21 none whatsoever.
51:23 So they, they went where they knew they would be.
51:25 They went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day
51:29 and what do they do?
51:30 They sat down.
51:32 And what did they sat down for?
51:33 They sat down to read.
51:34 Let's look at verse 27 at the very same chapter.
51:37 The next reference, Acts 13:27,
51:40 and it says,
51:41 "For those who dwell in Jerusalem, and their rulers,
51:46 because they did not know Him,
51:49 nor even the voices of the Prophets
51:51 which are read..."
51:53 Together.
51:54 "Every Sabbath,
51:56 have fulfilled them in condemning Him."
52:00 This is simply referring back to the persecution that the,
52:04 that the Jews put the apostles and disciples through.
52:07 They're referring to that.
52:08 In other words, here's what they're saying,
52:10 every Sabbath, we are talking to you about the prophets,
52:13 every Sabbath,
52:14 we're talking to you about the prophets.
52:15 How could you miss the Word of God?
52:18 How often do they speak about that every Sabbath?
52:23 Okay, that's the next one.
52:24 So Acts 13:14,
52:26 I hope you're writing that down.
52:28 What day did they keep in Acts 13:14, together?
52:30 The Sabbath.
52:31 What about verse 27? The what?
52:33 Every Sabbath.
52:35 Let's go now to Acts 13:42.
52:39 Paul and Barnabas were preaching
52:41 and they really...
52:42 They must had a really dynamic sermon.
52:44 They preached extremely well.
52:46 Here it is.
52:47 Verse 42, here it is.
52:49 It says, "So when the Jews went out of the synagogue,
52:53 the Gentiles."
52:54 Oh, what are they doing in there?
52:56 "The Gentiles begged
52:58 that these words might be preached to them..."
53:01 The what? "Next Sabbath."
53:03 The word Gentile simply means
53:04 the ones that were not yet converted.
53:06 Jews and Gentiles.
53:08 You didn't have Baptist and Pentecostal
53:09 or the Methodists and Presbyterian,
53:11 Church of God, you had Jews and Gentiles.
53:13 Those who are following God's Word,
53:15 those who not, were not yet converted.
53:17 Today the devil has confused it.
53:19 That's why we're trying to get you back
53:20 to the original.
53:22 Praise God for that.
53:23 So now Jews and Gentiles, what day were they honoring?
53:26 Sabbath.
53:28 Let's go to the very next reference, verse 44.
53:30 Verse 44 and see what happened.
53:32 See how many people came on this one.
53:34 Next reference, Acts 13:44. Here it is.
53:36 "On the next..." What?
53:38 "Sabbath almost..." How much?
53:41 "Whole city came together to hear the word of God."
53:46 Man, the apostles are setting a tremendous example,
53:49 not just Jews but Gentiles but the whole city,
53:54 the whole city.
53:56 All right, let's go to the next reference,
53:58 Acts 16:13.
54:01 Acts 16:13.
54:03 Here it is on the screen.
54:04 I'm going a little fast because I'm trying to
54:06 keep up with the time.
54:07 I want to end this page before the next broadcast.
54:10 Now here it is. Acts 16:13.
54:12 "And on the..." What?
54:14 "Sabbath day we went out of the city to the riverside,
54:18 where prayer was customarily made,
54:21 and we sat down and spoke to the women
54:23 who..." Did what?
54:25 "Who met there."
54:26 Now why did they meet by the river with the women?
54:28 Because according to the New Testament example,
54:31 the way that they have structured
54:32 these churches to be established,
54:34 they said they had to be at least nine men
54:36 before the church's building was, was constructed.
54:39 So since they were not enough men,
54:41 the women met down by the riverside
54:42 on the Sabbath.
54:43 That's why it says customarily, but what day did they meet on?
54:47 The Sabbath day.
54:48 They went down by the,
54:50 out of the city by the riverside.
54:52 So far, we've seen that the apostles
54:54 had been consistent in keeping and honoring the Sabbath day.
54:58 Let's go to Acts 17:2 now.
55:01 Acts 17:2.
55:04 All right.
55:06 All right, Acts 17:2.
55:09 And here it is.
55:10 Okay, and it says,
55:12 "Then Paul, as his..." What?
55:14 "Custom was, went in to them, and for..."
55:18 How many Sabbaths?
55:19 "Three Sabbaths reasoned
55:22 with them from the..." What?
55:23 "Scriptures."
55:25 Paul was a man that believed in honoring the scriptures.
55:27 He was reading from the scriptures
55:29 so he knew what day to be honored.
55:31 Amen?
55:32 He reasoned three Sabbaths and they were instances
55:34 where Paul when the text read earlier
55:36 where it says,
55:38 he read with them every Sabbath,
55:40 Paul was in that city for a year and a half
55:42 if you add that up 52 plus 26 gives you what?
55:47 78 Sabbaths in a row.
55:49 Seventy eight weeks in a row Paul was in,
55:52 was honoring the Sabbath.
55:54 Seventy eight weeks in row,
55:55 Paul and Barnabas
55:56 spoke to the people on the Sabbath day.
55:58 Here it was, he reasoned three Sabbaths
56:00 and they reasoned from the scriptures.
56:02 So if he's reading the Bible,
56:04 he knows what scriptures and by the way,
56:06 just for the bulletin,
56:08 he didn't have the New Testament.
56:10 All right.
56:11 Last reference, Acts 18:4.
56:13 Acts 18:4.
56:15 Here it is.
56:17 "And he reasoned in the synagogue..." Together.
56:20 "Every Sabbath, and persuaded both..." What?
56:24 "Jews and Greeks."
56:26 Let's get together now.
56:27 Jews, Gentiles, Greeks and the whole city.
56:32 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, perfect number.
56:37 The Sabbath is mentioned seven times
56:39 in the Book of Acts.
56:41 Coincidentally, no, I believe providential seven times.
56:44 The Lord wanted to be very, very clear
56:46 what day He honored as the day of worship.
56:48 Now let's see if we can squeeze this in.
56:50 We may or may not be able to, but if we cannot,
56:52 I'll repeat it next broadcast, question number 17.
56:56 Here it is.
56:57 Well, matter of fact, you know what?
56:59 We only have a minute,
57:00 I'm not going to jump down there
57:01 because there are three texts to read one
57:03 and not read the others
57:04 is really not going to be very just.
57:05 Let me just make a point here.
57:07 So far we've covered every first testament,
57:10 every first day text in the New Testament.
57:13 We've also discovered that the Lord's day reference
57:15 is not to the first day but to the Sabbath
57:17 that God blessed at the creation week
57:19 and you'll discover later on
57:20 that that's the day that Jesus Himself honored.
57:23 Now here's my point.
57:24 There's something many years ago WWJD,
57:27 you remember what that meant?
57:28 What would Jesus do?
57:31 What would Jesus do?
57:33 When you read Luke 4:16 the Bible says,
57:35 "Jesus honored the Sabbath."
57:37 Luke 4:16, "Jesus honored the Sabbath."
57:40 If you want to follow Jesus and be His disciple,
57:44 simply do what He did.
57:45 You will never be lost
57:47 by following Jesus as your example.
57:50 Can we get an amen? Amen.
57:51 If you love the Lord,
57:52 this is why we have this broadcast.
57:54 You already love the Lord
57:55 but the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments.
57:58 If you love Me, Jesus says, keep My commandments.
58:00 Keep studying, friends,
58:01 one day it will come into A Sharper Focus.
58:04 God bless you.


Revised 2019-01-14