A Sharper Focus

The Truth about the First Day

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000120A

00:20 Hello, friends, welcome to Wednesday night Bible study
00:23 here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:25 Thank you so much for tuning in this evening.
00:28 We're going to continue
00:29 in our trek through the Word of God,
00:31 and we've been having a wonderful time
00:33 studying God's Word together.
00:35 Can we say amen to that?
00:37 Tonight we're beginning new topic today called
00:38 "The Truth about the First Day,"
00:41 The Truth about the First Day,
00:45 and I'll tell you where to get the copy of that lesson
00:47 in just a moment.
00:48 But we often want to just thank you for taken the time,
00:52 inviting your family and friends
00:54 wherever you're tuning in from.
00:55 It could be on the West Coast,
00:57 could be the East Coast, could be around the world.
00:59 That could be, Amman, Jordan,
01:00 as I found out someone watches from there, in China,
01:04 wherever you're tuning it from
01:06 or down under in Australia, or the Caribbean,
01:07 or the Virgin Islands,
01:09 where my family lives there in St. Thomas,
01:10 wherever you're tuning in from,
01:12 thank you for taken the time to study God's Word together.
01:15 This is an eye opening topic,
01:18 "The Truth about the First Day."
01:21 And let me frame it in just a moment here,
01:23 but before we anything,
01:24 we're going to have our opening prayer,
01:26 and then we'll have our theme song.
01:28 And before we slide into this new lesson,
01:30 there are couple of scriptures that I want to give you
01:33 as we capstone the lesson about
01:35 the truth about the body temple.
01:38 There was a one more I wanted to add,
01:40 didn't have enough room on the page, and I said,
01:42 "It wouldn't make sense to put a whole new page
01:45 for one more scripture.
01:46 But let's pray together right now.
01:48 Father in heaven, we thank You Lord
01:50 for Your Word.
01:51 We thank You for the opportunity
01:53 to study together.
01:54 And we do pray that as we open our hearts
01:58 that Your Holy Spirit will come in
02:00 and speak to our need.
02:02 Also, enlighten us as we study Your Word,
02:05 may the information sink in, but also be stored within.
02:09 And may You infuse us with the desire to serve You
02:12 and to know You.
02:14 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
02:17 Now before we go on further,
02:18 if you want to get a copy of the lesson,
02:21 download lesson number 32 at this website,
02:24 asf.3abn.org.
02:28 That's asf.3abn.org.
02:31 Download lesson number 32 called
02:34 "The Truth about the First Day,"
02:37 The Truth about the First Day.
02:40 And if you have lesson number 31,
02:43 we have already done that lesson,
02:45 but there are just two scriptures
02:47 that I'm going to include
02:48 after we sing our theme song just to cap it off
02:51 because this was particular, very key verse
02:54 that I did not include that I want to make sure
02:56 that I could tie those ends up
02:57 very nicely with those scriptures.
03:00 But let's sing our theme song first.
03:02 And the theme song is Victory in...
03:04 Victory in Jesus. Let's sing this song together.
03:14 I heard an old, old story
03:17 How the Savior came from glory
03:21 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:25 To save a wretch like me
03:29 I heard about His groaning
03:33 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:36 Then I repented of my sin
03:40 And won the victory
03:44 O victory in Jesus
03:48 My Savior, forever
03:51 He sought me and bought me
03:55 With His redeeming blood
03:59 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:03 And all my love is due Him
04:07 He plunged me to victory
04:10 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:14 I heard about a mansion
04:18 He has built for me in glory
04:22 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:25 Beyond the crystal sea
04:29 About the angels singing
04:33 And the old redemption story
04:37 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:41 The song of victory
04:43 Key change.
04:45 O victory in Jesus My Savior, forever
04:52 He sought me and bought me
04:56 With His redeeming blood
05:00 He loved me ere I knew Him
05:03 And all my love is due Him
05:07 He plunged me to victory
05:11 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:15 He plunged me to victory
05:18 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:25 Amen.
05:26 Sounds nice and hearty.
05:30 The Truth about the First Day
05:33 is the title of our lesson tonight.
05:35 But before we go to that lesson,
05:38 we have been studying
05:40 The Truth about the Body Temple,
05:42 which in fact is the topic of adornment.
05:44 Where did this come from?
05:46 How the Lord led the children of Israel out of Egypt,
05:49 gave them all the wealth of the Egyptians,
05:51 and instead of saving it
05:53 for the building of the earthly,
05:55 temporary tabernacle,
05:57 they decided to wear it instead.
05:59 And that's the Old Testament examples
06:00 how God call them from that practice
06:04 to living their lives for the glory of the Lord.
06:08 Now I want to go to Revelation Chapter 12,
06:10 I'm going to show you two examples,
06:13 two particular scriptures.
06:15 Revelation 12:1, and Revelation 17:4.
06:19 When you go down to the very end of the Bible,
06:21 it's amazing how this topic of adornment
06:24 begins to be addressed in Genesis,
06:26 and then is capped off with two symbols in Revelation.
06:30 Revelation 12:1,
06:32 we're going to see two pictures.
06:34 We're going to see the church
06:36 as God has ordained it to be,
06:40 and then we're going to see the church in apostasy.
06:44 We're going to see the church in faithfulness
06:47 and the church in apostasy.
06:48 Now the reason why
06:50 these two pictures are important
06:51 is because you'll find that there's a vast difference
06:53 in the way they look.
06:55 And for the Lord to communicate that message by adorning them,
07:00 the way He does,
07:01 there must be a message about
07:04 who is the Lord of either one or each one,
07:09 who is in charge?
07:10 And what message is being conveyed
07:12 by the outward appearance?
07:14 So let me make a point before we read the verses.
07:17 What's taken place on the inside
07:18 will be reflected on the outside,
07:20 do you believe that?
07:21 How we feel on the inside often plays itself out
07:25 on the outside,
07:26 the things we believe, the things we teach,
07:29 the things we embrace are often communicated
07:32 by the way we present ourselves.
07:34 So Revelation Chapter 12,
07:37 let's look at Revelation Chapter 12.
07:39 And we're going to look at first at the woman
07:42 that is pictured as the faithful picture
07:44 of the church.
07:46 Revelation 12:1, the Bible reads,
07:49 "Now a great sign appeared in heaven,
07:53 a woman closed with the," what?
07:56 "Sun with the moon under her feet,
08:00 and on her head a crown of," how many stars?
08:04 "Twelve stars."
08:06 Notice what she's clothed with.
08:08 Sun, moon, stars,
08:11 and that crown represents those stars.
08:16 What's the natural beauty of the woman?
08:18 What God created?
08:19 The sun, the moon and the stars,
08:21 reflecting the glory of God.
08:22 Now we know the moon has no light of its own,
08:25 it reflects the glory of the sun.
08:27 And the stars are in and of themselves
08:30 reflecting the glory.
08:32 Now many stars we know
08:33 are not other moons but other galaxies.
08:38 So the glory that is presented by this woman
08:41 is the natural beauty,
08:42 the sun, the moon, and the stars.
08:44 Can we say amen to that?
08:45 That's the natural beauty,
08:47 that's the way that God pictures His church.
08:49 That's the church that Satan is upset with.
08:52 Revelation 12:1.
08:53 Now let's go to Revelation 12:17.
08:56 Revelation 17:4,
09:01 Revelation 17:4.
09:03 In my mind when I say that's the faithful woman,
09:06 I was thinking of Revelation 12:17
09:08 because in Revelation 12:17,
09:11 you find there the text
09:13 where Satan is upset with that woman.
09:16 He's not just upset with the fact that she keeps
09:19 the commandments of God,
09:20 but he's upset with everything about her dedication to God.
09:23 All right, let's look at that.
09:25 Revelation 17:4, here it is.
09:28 And this is the other woman.
09:29 And by the way, who is she?
09:31 She, based on Revelation 17:1,
09:34 she's described as the great harlot,
09:36 she's described in Revelation 17:5
09:38 as mystery Babylon the Great,
09:40 the picture of utter rebellion against God.
09:42 But notice how she's pictured.
09:45 Revelation 17:4,
09:47 "And the woman was arrayed in," what color?
09:49 "Purple and scarlet,"
09:51 meaning the color blue is missing,
09:53 which represents God's commandments,
09:55 "And adorned together with," what?
09:58 "Gold," and what else?
10:00 "Precious stones," and what else?
10:03 "Pearls having in her hand,
10:05 a golden cup full of abomination
10:09 and the filthiness of her fornication."
10:12 So God uses precious stones,
10:15 pearls, gold,
10:18 as an indication of her external appearance,
10:21 the very same symbols that were used in Babylon,
10:26 the same symbols that were used in Egypt,
10:29 and whenever God's people got involved in wearing
10:32 these articles of gold,
10:34 or precious stones, or pearls,
10:36 the Lord pictured His people in a position of rebellion.
10:39 So look at the different pictures.
10:41 The woman naturally clothed,
10:43 and the woman with external adornment,
10:45 not reflecting the inward character,
10:47 as the Bible says,
10:49 the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit
10:52 in the sight of God is what is precious,
10:54 not the ornaments that are external,
10:56 but the ornaments that are internal,
10:58 the meek and quiet spirit.
10:59 Amen to that.
11:00 One more text before we begin our new lesson.
11:02 Now let's go to Ezekiel, Ezekiel Chapter 28.
11:07 Ezekiel Chapter 28.
11:10 Okay, let's look at that text together.
11:14 Ezekiel 28,
11:16 and we're going to look at Lucifer...
11:19 Thank you very much.
11:21 Lucifer, whose name before his fall
11:24 meant the son of the morning, the son of the morning.
11:28 Now, when the morning sun rises,
11:32 the glory of the heavens are what paints the sky.
11:36 When the sun begins to rise,
11:38 we see that it begins to be just faintly light,
11:42 then maybe you have that purple,
11:44 and the colors begin to come in,
11:46 but when the sun finally clears the horizon,
11:48 you see the glory radiating everywhere,
11:51 but the way that the Lord God clothed Lucifer
11:57 before his rebellion
12:00 was quite different than after his rebellion.
12:04 Now what you're going to see, and here's the context of this.
12:08 This fallen angel that was clothed
12:11 in glorious garments that the Lord clothed him in,
12:15 lost his former state.
12:16 So when you read that,
12:18 you're going to see the word in the past tense.
12:22 Let's look at Ezekiel 28:13, Ezekiel 28:13.
12:27 Okay, here it is.
12:30 "You were in Eden,
12:34 the garden of God.
12:37 Every," what kind of stone?
12:40 "Every precious stone was your covering."
12:43 Now get this. This is amazing.
12:45 This fallen angel having been clothed that way,
12:49 now wants humanity to be clothed the way he was.
12:54 And when he said, "I'll be like the most high."
12:56 What he lost is what he wants to give to us.
12:59 He wants us to be externally covered,
13:01 but the covering comes only on the glorious side.
13:04 The covering comes
13:06 only in the presence of God's glory.
13:07 Adam and Eve lost their covering,
13:09 he lost his covering.
13:11 It is amazing, and I'll go further on in the text
13:13 as I began to read it, as I continue reading it.
13:15 The two things that Lucifer possessed
13:17 that are great issues in the Christian church today
13:20 is music and adornment.
13:24 Those are the two things he was vastly gifted with.
13:28 Those are two of the major issues
13:30 in the Christian church today, music and adornment.
13:33 Let's continue.
13:35 It says, "Every precious stone was your covering,
13:38 the sardius, topaz, and diamond,
13:41 the burl, onyx, and jasper,
13:44 sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold."
13:49 Notice all the precious stones,
13:51 the way he was clothed before he rebelled
13:55 is the way he seeks to clothe us
13:57 after his rebellion.
13:59 And when it says every precious stone,
14:02 these were your covering,
14:04 that means he lost that beauty after his fall.
14:07 But now communicating to humanity,
14:10 to clothe themselves,
14:12 to represent the very one
14:14 that was in rebellion against God, and...
14:17 Say it again.
14:19 And that was the clothing before sin.
14:21 Now, here's something we have to very much keep in mind.
14:24 We talked about this last week,
14:26 and I think I should go ahead and maybe turn there with you.
14:30 Let's go to Revelation one more time.
14:32 Revelation Chapter 1 one more time.
14:35 Now, I'm going to go to a different...
14:37 This is just capping off lesson number 31.
14:39 We're going to go to the screen in just a moment.
14:41 Revelation Chapter...
14:43 And I'll show you why the Lord wants His people
14:46 to overcome this struggle with adornment
14:50 is because when we get to heaven,
14:52 the Lord wants heaven to be a place
14:56 that is going to be a city that remains intact.
15:00 All right, Revelation Chapter 21,
15:03 Revelation Chapter 21.
15:07 Okay, 21.
15:09 I say it slowly,
15:11 it sounds like Revelation 20 and 1,
15:13 but Revelation 21,
15:15 and we're going to look together
15:17 at the biblical picture of the New Jerusalem,
15:22 all right?
15:24 Revelation 21 beginning with verse 19, look at this.
15:30 All right,
15:37 I'm going to go further back.
15:38 I'm going to go
15:40 to Revelation 21:11,
15:45 verse 10, verse 10, okay, thank you,
15:48 I appreciate you're keeping up with me.
15:51 Revelation 21:10, and the Bible says,
15:53 "And he carried me away
15:55 in the spirit to a great and high mountain,
15:57 and showed me the great city," the what city?
16:01 "Holy Jerusalem,
16:04 descending out of heaven from God having the," what?
16:09 "The glory of God,
16:12 and her light was like a most precious stone,
16:17 like a jasper stone clear as," what?
16:21 "Clear as crystals."
16:23 All right?
16:24 Now let's go and look at the description of this city.
16:28 All right?
16:30 We're going to go to verse 19, "And the foundation,"
16:33 speaking of the walls,
16:35 "And the foundation of the wall of the city
16:37 were adorned with all kinds of precious stones.
16:42 The first foundation was jasper,
16:44 the second," what?
16:45 "Sapphire, the third chalcedony,
16:47 the fourth, emerald, the fifth, sardonyx,
16:50 the sixth, sardius, the seventh chrysolite,
16:53 the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz,
16:55 the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth,
16:58 and the twelfth amethyst."
17:00 It says, "And the twelve gates were twelve pearls,
17:03 each individual gate was of one pearl."
17:06 Can you imagine the size of that pearl?
17:09 Huge, but here's the point.
17:15 If we are not delivered from self ordinate,
17:18 self adornment,
17:20 and we go to heaven with that in mind,
17:22 we go to heaven to adorn ourselves
17:24 with precious stones, and pearls, and gold,
17:27 what's going to happen to the New Jerusalem
17:29 when we get there?
17:31 Huh?
17:33 We don't want to live in the city,
17:34 we want to wear the city.
17:36 And what many of us don't understand
17:37 is when you even look at the foundations
17:39 of 12 precious stones, the foundations of the city,
17:42 the walls of the city, the gates of the city, pearls,
17:46 and the streets made of transparent gold,
17:48 that means pure,
17:49 pure than any gold that this earth has ever known.
17:52 If we are not delivered from the self ornamentation
17:57 when we get to the kingdom of God
17:58 rather than reflecting the glory of God,
18:02 we're going to want to reflect the glory of the city,
18:04 chiseling up the streets of gold,
18:07 taken down the gates of pearl to put them on,
18:09 you follow my point?
18:11 God wants His natural glory to be reflected.
18:14 Can you say amen to that?
18:15 And so when you begin to see the comparison,
18:17 and we cover the lesson in great detail,
18:19 if you want a copy of that,
18:21 you can go to the website I mentioned,
18:22 asf.3abn.org and download lesson number 31
18:26 to get all the ones
18:28 that we covered up to this point.
18:30 Hopefully, that will give you a clarity.
18:33 The issue of it is whether we therefore eat or drink,
18:36 or whatever we do, do all to the glory of God.
18:40 That is including how we take care
18:42 of the inside of our bodies, and how we adorn the outside.
18:45 Praise the Lord for that.
18:47 Now, the new title of the lesson is on the screen.
18:50 Can we say that together?
18:51 The Truth about the what day?
18:53 The Truth about the First Day.
18:55 Now this is huge.
18:57 When I was working on this lesson,
18:59 I gave my wife a preview of the lesson
19:00 why it's so vitally important.
19:02 Let me put the context together.
19:05 Recently the Supreme Court made a decision
19:08 that I would say Christians
19:10 nationwide are very upset about.
19:13 The Supreme Court by one particular vote
19:17 passed something called the redefinition of marriage.
19:22 Now let me ask you the question.
19:24 Can man redefine what God has already defined?
19:27 Yes or no?
19:28 Cannot, it's impossible.
19:30 So Christians nationwide are infuriated by the fact
19:36 that this idea of same sex marriage
19:39 has been voted in to replace
19:42 marriage between a man and a woman,
19:44 the way that God ordained it
19:45 in the Garden of Eden before sin.
19:48 You might wonder how does this associate
19:50 with the first day.
19:51 You're going to follow me very carefully.
19:52 Now Christians today are saying,
19:55 how could the Supreme Court have done that?
19:58 It offends us as Christians that they substituted.
20:02 What words did I just use?
20:04 They substituted God's definition of marriage
20:09 with their definition of marriage.
20:13 And then they said,
20:15 "We no longer support traditional marriage."
20:18 So I guess this new marriage will be untraditional.
20:22 Now, the reason why Christians are upset as they are today
20:27 is because this change has been made in our presence.
20:31 We're seeing the change.
20:33 But let's play this out a little bit.
20:36 If the world last this long, which I'm hoping it doesn't,
20:38 let's say 300 years from now.
20:41 Would same sex marriage seem to be traditional?
20:43 Yes or no?
20:47 Yeah, of course,
20:48 because it would have been practiced
20:50 as a tradition for 300 years.
20:53 So in 300 years, this will be the new tradition,
20:58 the new normal replacing the old tradition.
21:01 But let me suggest to you that the marriage,
21:04 the way that God established it is not a tradition,
21:07 it's biblical.
21:09 Say that word again.
21:10 It's a hard word to say, biblical.
21:13 So we never...
21:14 I don't believe in traditional anything.
21:16 I believe in scriptural marriage,
21:18 not traditional marriage.
21:20 Amen?
21:21 Because traditions change,
21:22 that's the reason I began with that story.
21:24 So 300 years from now,
21:25 same sex marriage is going to seem traditional
21:27 to that generation.
21:29 They're going to say,
21:30 "We've been doing this for the last 300 years."
21:32 So it'll be a well established tradition
21:34 if God allows the world to go on that long.
21:38 But the reason why Christians are upset today
21:40 is because they're saying,
21:41 how dare them substitute
21:44 what God blessed way back in Eden.
21:48 Now, brothers and sisters,
21:50 there's a point to that beginning statement.
21:52 Now let me transition to the first day.
21:55 What many Christians don't know,
21:57 they may think that the Supreme Court
21:59 just began its attack on God's Word.
22:02 But a different court,
22:05 more than 2,000 years ago began its attack on God's Word
22:10 by substituting the Sabbath
22:13 for the first day of the week.
22:16 And the reason why Christians today are not upset
22:19 is because it's been a tradition
22:21 for almost 2,000 years.
22:24 So what seemed like a practice supported by the Bible
22:28 is nothing but a 2,000 year old tradition.
22:31 And if you go further back than the Roman Empire,
22:34 you can go back to the time the Babylonians
22:36 and the Phoenicians,
22:38 all served and worship the sun God
22:40 from which we get the word Sunday.
22:43 Now Saturday is man's name.
22:46 Sabbath is God's name for the Seventh-day.
22:49 So we call...
22:51 My wife, somebody said to my wife,
22:52 "You have a hard time saying Saturday."
22:54 She said, "Well, yes, because I've been calling
22:55 the seventh day Sabbath almost all my life."
22:58 That's the name God gave the seventh day of the week,
23:00 the Sabbath.
23:01 Can we say amen to that?
23:02 So when you notice this,
23:04 the reason why this topic is so vitally important.
23:07 I now believe, I'm fully convinced,
23:09 and I think that if you're a Christian you will agree.
23:12 If the change was made today from God's commandments,
23:16 the fourth commandment to a new day of worship,
23:19 Christians today would have said, I am upset,
23:21 they just change God's commandments.
23:24 But because it's been going on,
23:26 but because the change was made almost 2,000 years ago,
23:30 the first law was passed by Roman Emperor Constantine,
23:33 not yet by the Roman pontiff,
23:35 but by Roman Emperor Constantine
23:37 in the year 168 AD.
23:39 That's when the first change.
23:41 It was started as a family day.
23:43 The same language being used today
23:46 by Pope Francis.
23:47 We need to establish a day for family.
23:50 That's the same language that's being used
23:53 by this present pope.
23:55 We need to establish a day for family.
23:58 Satan knows he has been successful for 2,000 years,
24:00 why not bring it back.
24:02 And so here's my point.
24:04 If you believe that tradition is above the Bible,
24:09 then same sex marriage
24:10 should be okay to all Christians.
24:13 But we don't believe that tradition is above the Bible,
24:16 therefore Christians do not accept
24:18 same sex marriage.
24:19 Can I get an amen?
24:21 So since you don't believe that tradition is above the Bible,
24:24 on the very same premise,
24:26 you should not allow the first day of the week
24:29 to substitute what God blessed from the very beginning.
24:33 And by the way, God blessed the Sabbath
24:35 before sin entered the world.
24:37 God blessed the marriage before sin into the world,
24:40 which means if sin never entered the world,
24:44 there would be no need for anything new.
24:47 And by the way, even though sin entered the world,
24:48 there is no need for anything new.
24:51 Did you get that?
24:52 The only reason why things are changing
24:54 is because sin is making the change,
24:57 not God, all right?
25:00 So now let me premise that again.
25:04 If you believe that tradition is more powerful
25:06 than the Bible,
25:08 which in 1565, Pope Reggio said,
25:11 "Tradition is above the Bible."
25:14 They had to do that to be successful
25:17 against the early Protestant reformers
25:19 because the Protestant reformers
25:21 stood on the Bible and the Bible only.
25:24 And the only way to successfully argue
25:27 above the reformers
25:29 is to exalt tradition above the Bible.
25:32 I would submit you today
25:34 that that's exactly what has happened in America.
25:37 This new redefinition of marriage
25:42 has been exalted above God's Word.
25:44 And anybody who says otherwise, any Christian that says,
25:48 I go by the Bible is being ostracized in the society.
25:52 But as a Christian, I am not going to keep silent.
25:55 Can we get an amen?
25:57 I still stand on God's Word, but I don't stand on God's Word
26:00 just for the fact that I believe in marriage
26:04 the way God intended it to be.
26:06 But I stand on God's Word because I believe that
26:08 the seventh day of the week is the only day He blessed,
26:12 and I'm not standing on this tradition of worship,
26:15 I'm standing on the biblical foundation
26:17 of the day God blessed.
26:19 Amen?
26:20 So let's peek at that very quickly.
26:21 Let's peek at that before we go to
26:23 question number one.
26:24 We have time, and as you know here,
26:25 we don't rush, we don't rush.
26:28 Go with me to Genesis Chapter 2.
26:30 We don't rush because whatever we don't cover on this program
26:33 surely will be covered in the next upcoming program.
26:37 Genesis Chapter 2.
26:38 Now the reason I'm taking you to Genesis
26:40 is because right before Genesis 2:1,
26:46 you find that in Genesis 1:31, the Bible says,
26:51 "Then God saw everything that He had made,
26:54 and indeed it was very good."
26:57 Say very good.
26:59 That means His divine stamp of approval.
27:04 And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
27:07 Now look at Genesis 2:1,
27:10 "Thus the heavens and the earth were..."
27:12 "Thus the heavens and the earth,
27:14 and all the host of them were finished.
27:18 And on the seventh day,
27:21 God ended His work which He had done,
27:25 and He rested on the seventh day
27:28 from," how much?
27:29 "All His work which He had done,
27:33 then God blessed the," together,
27:36 "seventh day, and did," what?
27:38 "Sanctified it because in it He rested from all His work
27:42 which God created and made."
27:44 What day did God sanctify?
27:46 The seventh.
27:48 Did God sanctify marriage?
27:50 Yes, it's sanctified
27:51 when a man and a woman are together.
27:54 And why, why man and woman?
27:55 A lot of people may say,
27:57 "Well, as long as we love each other,
27:58 that's all that matters."
27:59 Well, what happens here
28:01 is when man and man are joined together,
28:02 they don't complete the image of God.
28:03 Now, just as follow that through.
28:06 If God decided that Adam needed another man,
28:11 there'll be no more human race.
28:13 It would have died out when Adam died out,
28:15 and when his partner died out.
28:17 If God said...
28:18 With Eve, with Eve,
28:20 humanity would have had no procreative abilities.
28:24 Satan is seeking to remove the image of God
28:28 from the human race
28:29 because God gave woman the femaleness,
28:33 God gave man, the maleness,
28:35 and when men and women are joined together,
28:37 they complete the image of God and the human race.
28:41 That's why you find all through the Bible,
28:43 the church is referred to as the woman,
28:45 and Jesus is referred to as the husband man.
28:49 That's the image of God on the human race.
28:51 Satan has always been against the image of God
28:54 and the human race.
28:55 And that's the way he is seeking to obliterate it,
28:58 the closer we get to the coming of the Lord.
28:59 Now let's dive into that because once again,
29:01 I preface this by saying,
29:03 if you believe tradition is above the Bible,
29:06 then Christians should accept same sex marriage.
29:10 But if you don't believe that tradition is above the Bible,
29:12 you must embrace marriage the way that God intended.
29:16 And on the very same note,
29:17 if you believe that tradition is above the Bible,
29:20 then you can pick any day to worship.
29:22 But if you believe that God's Word is supreme
29:23 above tradition,
29:25 then God only blessed the Sabbath,
29:27 and only blessed the seventh day.
29:28 Amen to that?
29:29 And the Sabbath and the first day
29:31 are not the same day,
29:32 we'll show you that in just a moment.
29:34 All right, let's go to question number one.
29:35 Lot of foundation but very important.
29:38 Question number one, what event...
29:41 And by the way, we're going to see,
29:43 we're going to see 12 verses in the New Testament.
29:47 Where we're going to see them?
29:49 In the New Testament,
29:50 now here's the reason for this exercise,
29:52 very important exercise.
29:56 Many Christians have been taught
29:58 that the Sabbath was done away with
30:01 and Sunday is now the new day of worship.
30:05 Now once again if that's the case,
30:08 if God got rid of the Sabbath,
30:11 then something was wrong with it.
30:14 And He found a better day.
30:16 But God did not get rid of the Sabbath.
30:20 But if you have been taught that God
30:22 established a new day of worship,
30:24 the only place you can find that establishment
30:26 is in the New Testament, right?
30:29 Because after Jesus died and ascended back to heaven
30:32 after His resurrection,
30:34 what happens after that point
30:36 should give us all the evidence we need
30:39 if it's in the Bible to establish
30:41 that Sunday is now the new day of worship.
30:43 That's why many Christians say in defense of the first day
30:47 to avoid the Sabbath,
30:48 they say we're New Testament Christians.
30:51 Well, you ought to be all testament Christians.
30:53 Amen?
30:54 Because if you're only New Testament Christians,
30:56 then you can't really follow the creation record
31:00 because most of the Bible,
31:02 about 80% of the Bible is Old Testament.
31:05 And it's like the Christians today
31:07 have been taught to pick the old against a new
31:10 or the new against the old.
31:11 They say, "Is it in the New Testament?"
31:14 Do you see how large the Old Testament is?
31:16 You cannot possibly duplicate
31:18 the whole Old Testament in the New Testament.
31:20 The simple way to understand that is the Old Testament
31:23 is the New Testament concealed,
31:26 and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed,
31:29 all right?
31:30 Clearly covenant, covenant hasn't changed.
31:34 Praise God for that. Now look at the first question.
31:36 Here it is on the screen.
31:38 What event was referred to in the first New Testament text
31:43 about the first day?
31:45 What event was referred to?
31:46 We're going to see the 12 texts.
31:48 There are only 12 verses in the entire New Testament
31:50 about the first day of the week, only 12.
31:53 How many did I say? Twelve.
31:55 We're gonna look at every one of them
31:57 and see which one gives us a new day of worship.
32:01 What event was referred to in the first New Testament text
32:05 about the first day?
32:06 Let's go to Matthew 26:17,
32:09 and we're going to take them all in chronological order.
32:12 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts,
32:15 1 Corinthians and Philippians, we're going to see all of them.
32:18 Here it is.
32:20 Here it is.
32:21 Matthew 26:17.
32:23 Here's the first one.
32:25 Okay, it's on the screen.
32:27 "Now on the first day of the Feast of," what?
32:31 "Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Jesus,
32:34 saying to Him, 'Where do You want us
32:37 to prepare for You to eat the Passover?'"
32:40 So now, is this talking about a new day of worship?
32:43 No, it's simply talking about
32:44 the Feast of the Unleavened Bread.
32:46 And by the way, that wasn't,
32:48 that wasn't a particular day in the week,
32:51 but it's just simply meant
32:52 the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
32:55 Where do You want us to prepare for You to eat this Passover?
32:59 Do you want us to do it in this section of town,
33:01 that section of town,
33:03 this portion of the temple, in the upper room,
33:05 where would you like us to prepare for that?
33:07 That does not talk about a particular day,
33:08 it simply means the beginning
33:10 of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
33:11 And by the way,
33:13 this was before the crucifixion.
33:15 So right away we looked at very first one,
33:17 and so write that down.
33:18 What event was referred to in the first New Testament text
33:21 about the first day?
33:22 Put there, Feast of the Unleavened Bread.
33:28 And by the way, the Feast of the Unleavened Bread
33:30 is a symbol of the sinless life of Jesus.
33:34 He is the bread that has come down from heaven,
33:38 the living bread.
33:40 The Israelites thought that the bread they had
33:41 in the wilderness was more important
33:43 or more potent,
33:44 but Jesus is the living bread, all right?
33:47 So right away, we have one text down,
33:49 we have 11 more to go
33:50 to see if we could find any one of these texts
33:53 establishing a new day of worship.
33:55 Let's go to the second question.
33:57 In our second reference,
33:59 how does the Bible label
34:03 the day before the first day?
34:05 In our second reference,
34:08 how does the Bible label the day before the first day?
34:13 Let's go now to Matthew 28.
34:16 And we're going to look together at verse 1.
34:19 And some of you are so fast, you're already there.
34:23 Give me a minute.
34:26 Okay?
34:27 Although I have it on the screen,
34:29 I want to go ahead and look at it very quickly.
34:31 Are you ready? Here we go.
34:32 Matthew 28:1.
34:34 Here's the question.
34:36 "Now after the," what?
34:38 "Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn,
34:43 Mary Magdalene and the other Mary
34:45 came to see the tomb."
34:47 So the question is, in our second reference,
34:50 how does the Bible label the day before the first day?
34:54 What's the answer? Sabbath.
34:56 Write that down.
34:58 Okay, so we have to establish, it's vitally important.
35:00 The first day therefore cannot be the Sabbath.
35:03 That's the importance of that text.
35:05 The first day comes after the Sabbath.
35:08 Now after the Sabbath,
35:11 as the first day of the week began to dawn,
35:14 so we can never say the Sabbath
35:16 and the first day of the week are the same day, all right?
35:19 That's in scripture, all right?
35:21 So right away, we see the first day mentioned,
35:25 but as we read this text, it's simply speaking about
35:28 when Mary came to the tomb.
35:30 Now as we continue to question number three,
35:33 we're going to see why she came to the tomb, all right?
35:36 Let's go to question number three.
35:38 What is the event described in the second New Testament
35:43 reference of the first day?
35:46 What is the event described in the second New Testament
35:49 reference of the first day?
35:51 Let's go to Matthew 28:6, if you read from verse 1-6,
35:55 you get the whole story.
35:57 But we're going to just take the components out,
35:59 and put the answers in there.
36:01 We know about the verse we just read
36:03 that Mary and the other Mary,
36:06 they came down to the tomb, right?
36:09 And they're coming to the tomb
36:11 because who's supposed to be at the tomb?
36:13 Jesus, all right?
36:14 But when they get there, look at the verse.
36:16 This is the event that's been described,
36:18 verse 6, here it is.
36:21 "The angel said," let's read this together.
36:23 "He is not," what?
36:24 "Here, for He is," what?
36:26 "Risen, as He said.
36:27 Come see the place where the Lord lay."
36:31 So what event is being talked about here?
36:34 The resurrection, Jesus' resurrection.
36:37 So right away, we've seen two references,
36:40 both of them,
36:42 one talking about the Feast of Unleavened Bread,
36:44 the other one talking about the resurrection.
36:46 So, so far out of the 12, we only covered two,
36:49 so far we haven't found any scriptural support
36:51 for new day of worship.
36:53 Now, friends, you may be watching this and say,
36:55 "Well, I go to church on the first day of the week,
36:57 what should I do?"
36:58 As I'm walking through this, let me put this out there,
37:01 so that you don't feel that this is a kind of cutting up
37:05 or beating up what you believe.
37:07 Let me put this in the proper context.
37:11 Following the example of Jesus
37:15 and following His word is what a Christian is.
37:19 Amen?
37:21 If we begin to now say,
37:23 well, this church says that,
37:27 that church says that, that church says that,
37:31 that church says that,
37:33 I'm going to pick the church that best fits
37:35 the way I want to live,
37:38 then we'll have what we have today,
37:40 just exactly what the world is.
37:42 People picking what best fits their schedule,
37:45 their way of life, their style of music,
37:48 the programs that church has,
37:50 that's not the way it was in the beginning.
37:53 In the beginning, you find the Old Testament,
37:56 you'll hear a voice behind you saying,
37:58 "This is the way, walk ye in it."
38:00 And then Matthew 4:4,
38:01 "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by," what?
38:05 "Every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
38:08 So Jesus, His Word is so important.
38:11 He said, He honors His word above His name.
38:15 So if His Word is important,
38:17 the words of men should never be more important
38:19 than the Word of God, right?
38:23 And you'll find out that if, at the end...
38:26 Now you may get a little upset,
38:27 but I want you to just contain yourself
38:30 'cause I want you to walk through the study.
38:32 All we're giving to you is the Bible.
38:33 We're not telling you what to do,
38:35 but here's what I'm suggesting.
38:37 If after this discussion is over
38:39 or after this study is over,
38:40 you discover that what you have been doing
38:43 is tradition and not scripture,
38:45 I would suggest you follow scripture and not tradition.
38:48 Amen somebody?
38:49 Because to follow a traditional day of worship
38:52 is like accepting the new way of marriage,
38:57 right?
38:59 Men have just redefined marriage,
39:01 but 2,000 years ago, men redefined the Sabbath.
39:05 So if redefining marriage is fine with you,
39:07 then you're tradition,
39:09 men's tradition, not God's Word.
39:11 We don't accept tradition above God's Word.
39:13 Praise God for that.
39:15 Let's go to question number three.
39:16 Question number four, question number four.
39:20 All right, we're going to go through each of these texts.
39:22 In what context...
39:24 Now we're going to Mark now.
39:25 In what context does Mark record the third reference
39:31 to the first day?
39:32 In what context does Mark
39:34 record the third reference to the first day?
39:37 Let's go to Mark Chapter 14,
39:39 and we are going to look together at verse 12.
39:42 Mark Chapter 14,
39:44 and we are going to look together
39:45 at verse 12, all right?
39:51 Thank you for that water.
39:53 I'd tell you, it's refreshing.
39:54 I appreciate it very much.
39:57 The gospel sometimes share the same event.
40:01 But each disciple
40:02 will communicate it differently, all right?
40:05 Let's see now, Mark 14:12.
40:07 Here it is on the screen.
40:09 "Now on the first day of," what?
40:11 "Unleavened Bread,
40:13 when they killed the Passover lamb,
40:17 His disciples said to Him,
40:19 'Where do You want us to go and prepare
40:22 that You may eat the Passover?'"
40:24 So what is this about again?
40:26 The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Passover.
40:30 So now based on this text in our third reference,
40:35 this simply talks about the beginning
40:37 of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
40:38 That's simply talk about what Matthew talked about
40:40 in Matthew 26:17.
40:42 Matthew talked about it, Mark talked about it.
40:45 Three references down, nine to go.
40:50 So far in New Testament,
40:52 we haven't found anything replacing the Sabbath
40:54 that was ordained from the very beginning,
40:56 all right?
40:58 Now let's go to question number five.
41:02 And in question number five,
41:03 we're going to look at the fourth reference,
41:05 and the fifth New Testament reference.
41:07 Now you might think as,
41:09 "Why is he saying New Testament?"
41:10 It's because the New Testament is the Testament
41:13 that many people cite as the reason
41:15 why they keep a new day of worship.
41:17 And by the way, we're not going to cover that tonight,
41:19 but I'm going to show you
41:21 how this was able to successfully
41:24 be inserted into Christianity.
41:28 But let's go to question number five
41:29 before we go ahead of ourselves.
41:31 Okay, here it is.
41:33 What is the event described in the fourth
41:36 and fifth New Testament reference of the first day?
41:39 What is the event described in the fourth
41:41 and fifth New Testament reference of the first day?
41:45 All right, let's go to Mark 16:2 to begin.
41:49 Mark 16:2 is where we're going to begin.
41:53 All right, and many of you are there already,
41:55 I appreciate that.
41:56 You guys are so quick, you know where I'm going.
41:59 All right, I'm in this...
42:01 I'm in the chapter.
42:03 And if your Bible does it the way mine does,
42:05 it actually titles what going to be talked about
42:07 in that chapter.
42:08 Here it is, Mark 16:2, here's what the Bible says.
42:13 "Very early in the morning on the," what day of the week?
42:16 "First day of the week,
42:19 they came to the tomb when the sun had risen."
42:23 So now they're on their way to the tomb
42:26 on what day of the week?
42:27 The first day of the week
42:29 as we established earlier in Matthew 28:1
42:33 is the first day of the week followed the Sabbath.
42:39 All right, very important.
42:41 So this is one of the references
42:43 about the first day where we can simply,
42:46 they are coming to the tomb.
42:48 You'll find out who they are in the very next reference.
42:51 So write that down,
42:52 what is the event described
42:54 in the fourth reference of the first day?
42:56 Mark 16:2, that is going to the tomb.
42:59 That's what it is,
43:01 they talk about going to the tomb.
43:02 And when did they go? On the first day of the week.
43:04 Now let's go to Mark 16:9, okay?
43:10 Okay, here it is, speaking about what happened,
43:13 speaking about who rose.
43:16 And now the Bible reads, "Now when He rose early,"
43:20 on the what day of the week?
43:22 "First day of the week,
43:24 He appeared first to Mary Magdalene,
43:28 out of whom He had cast," how many?
43:30 "Seven demons."
43:32 Who is the He talked about here by the way?
43:34 Who's the He? Say it again?
43:36 Jesus.
43:37 Jesus, when He rose, He appeared to Mary.
43:39 You may remember the dialogue as recorded in Matthew.
43:43 Mary didn't know, she thought He was a gardener.
43:46 She said, "Where have you taken my Lord?"
43:49 Tell me where you...
43:50 That the tomb is empty, where's the...
43:52 Where did you take Him?
43:53 She thought He had been stolen.
43:55 And all He said was, "Mary."
43:58 And she recognized that voice, she said, "Rabini,",
44:02 which is to say teacher.
44:04 And she was about to embrace Him,
44:05 and He said, "Do not touch Me,
44:06 I've not yet ascended to My Father."
44:09 So that He that's talked about here,
44:11 once again these two events
44:14 reference number four and five
44:15 are both referring to what event?
44:17 The resurrection, the resurrection.
44:21 Okay, so we've done four and five,
44:24 and we're on question number five,
44:25 we haven't found the day, the new day of worship yet.
44:29 Okay, let's go to the sixth reference,
44:32 the sixth reference.
44:34 All right, and question number six.
44:39 All right, it's the sixth reference,
44:41 here's the question.
44:43 What event is Luke referring to
44:46 in the sixth New Testament first day text?
44:50 What is he referring to
44:51 in the sixth New Testament first day text?
44:55 Now we've gone to Matthew, who comes after Matthew?
44:58 Mark.
45:00 Who comes after Mark? Luke.
45:01 Okay, so we're in the progression.
45:03 We're beginning with Matthew, the converted tax collector,
45:06 Mark, who's the disciple for the underdog, Luke,
45:09 who's the converted physician, and we're going to go to John,
45:13 next, who is the one whom Jesus loved,
45:15 the youngest of the disciples.
45:17 Let's see if Dr. Luke has given us the ammunition
45:19 we need to establish a new day of worship.
45:22 Luke Chapter 24.
45:23 And by the way, there's only one reference
45:26 in all the book of Luke for the first day.
45:29 We're going to see it right now.
45:31 Luke 24:1, here it is.
45:34 Let me turn there, although it's on the screen.
45:38 Okay, here it is. Here it is.
45:40 Luke 24:1,
45:43 "Now on the first day of the week,
45:46 very early in the morning,
45:48 they, and certain other women with them,
45:52 came to the tomb bringing the spices
45:55 which they had prepared."
45:58 What event is this talking about it?
45:59 If you go to verse 2 in Luke Chapter 24,
46:03 you'll see exactly, but it says in verse 2,
46:05 "But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb,
46:08 and they went in and did not find
46:10 the body of the Lord.
46:12 Okay, what event is being referred to here,
46:14 somebody tell me?
46:15 The resurrection again.
46:18 The sixth reference.
46:20 What event is Luke referring to?
46:22 In question number six,
46:23 write down that, the resurrection.
46:25 Referring to the resurrection,
46:27 we are going to revisit Luke Chapter 24,
46:31 maybe not today because we're going to see
46:33 the three days in the Bible outlined in sequence.
46:37 We're going to see the Bible names
46:39 not Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
46:41 Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
46:43 We're not going to see it that way.
46:45 We're not going to see, we start on...
46:47 We start with Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
46:49 Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
46:51 Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
46:53 we're not going to see those names in the Bible,
46:54 we're going to see other names
46:56 which are the names that God gives them, all right?
46:59 Okay, so let's go to reference number seven.
47:02 Now after Luke, we have Matthew,
47:04 Mark, Luke, and then John.
47:07 We're going to go to John and see what John has to say.
47:10 John...
47:16 Let's see what John has to say.
47:19 And let's look at the question,
47:20 question number seven, here is it.
47:24 What event...
47:25 And the question's pretty forthright.
47:27 What event is John referring to
47:30 in the seventh New Testament first day text?
47:34 I'm going to go to John Chapter 20,
47:36 and most of you are already there.
47:39 You guys, while I'm asking the questions,
47:40 you're turning, and I appreciate that,
47:43 but wait for me.
47:44 Okay, here we are.
47:46 All right, here's the text.
47:48 "Now the first day of the week,
47:51 Mary Magdalene went to the tomb," what time of day?
47:56 "Early, while was still dark,
47:59 and saw that the stone had been taken away
48:02 from the tomb."
48:05 When she saw the stone had been taken away,
48:07 the Bible says in the very next verse,
48:10 "Then she ran and came to Simon, and Peter,
48:12 and the other disciple whom Jesus loved
48:14 and said to them,
48:15 'They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb,
48:17 and we do not know where they have laid Him.'"
48:21 He's gone.
48:23 Let me tell you, let me ask you,
48:25 why is He gone?
48:26 Because He rose, He had risen.
48:29 And so now let me ask the question,
48:31 what event is John referring to
48:33 in the seventh New Testament first day text?
48:37 The resurrection.
48:38 It's amazing how many texts
48:40 continue to refer to the resurrection.
48:43 So write that down again.
48:44 We have resurrection.
48:46 So far, we've only seen two events,
48:47 resurrection and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
48:49 Resurrection,
48:50 Feast of Unleavened Bread, that's it.
48:52 One prior to the death of Jesus,
48:54 one after the death of Jesus,
48:58 particularly the resurrection.
49:00 All right, now we've got a question number eight,
49:03 question number eight, all right?
49:06 We're moving at a good pace.
49:08 We're moving at a good pace.
49:11 Okay, now this one,
49:15 I really like this one.
49:18 I really, really like this one
49:21 because let me put the context together.
49:24 Now Jesus had been crucified,
49:30 He was in the tomb.
49:32 This by the way
49:35 is one of the verses in the Bible
49:38 used to support Sunday worship.
49:41 But as you read this text,
49:42 you're going to see that is not about Sunday worship,
49:46 the entire context will be included
49:49 as we look at the verses before that,
49:51 and the verses after that.
49:54 Okay, let's go ahead.
49:55 When I get to verse 19, bring it up on the screen.
49:58 I'm going to start with the verses before that,
50:00 all right?
50:01 Let's start with...
50:03 Actually verse 19 really is the beginning of the context
50:07 because Mary,
50:09 she came and tells the disciples
50:10 everything that's happening.
50:12 So now what kind of assembly does the Bible describe
50:14 in the eighth New Testament reference?
50:16 Go ahead and bring that up on the screen.
50:17 Here it is, John 20:19, "Then the same day at evening,"
50:22 here's what the Bible says.
50:24 You'll see it in the text.
50:25 "Then the same day at evening,
50:29 being the," what day of the week?
50:31 "First day of the week,
50:33 when the doors were shut
50:36 where the disciples were assembled,"
50:40 for worship service.
50:41 What does it say?
50:43 "For fear of the Jews."
50:46 Let me finish the text, and it says,
50:48 "Jesus came and stood in the midst,
50:51 and said to them," what?
50:53 "Peace be with you.'"
50:55 At that moment, they had anything but peace.
50:57 Why were they there?
50:58 Because they were assembled for what?
51:01 For fear of the Jews.
51:02 This was not a church service, this was a hideout.
51:07 In other words, our Lord has just been killed,
51:10 what are they thinking?
51:11 What are they thinking?
51:12 We're next.
51:14 They are not worshiping, they are praying.
51:20 There's a difference between worshipping and praying.
51:21 They are in fear, they are in trouble.
51:25 If they kill the Lord,
51:26 what's going to happen to us next?
51:28 There was anything but peace in that assembly.
51:31 And by the way, when it says they were assembled together,
51:37 there in Luke, I mean, in John 20:19,
51:41 they were assembled for fear,
51:42 that means they were huddled together,
51:46 that's what that means.
51:47 They were not having song service,
51:49 and let's read this scroll next,
51:51 and let's have this prayer next,
51:52 they were huddled together,
51:54 doors were shut so that nobody could find them.
51:58 Now does Jesus need doors to come in?
52:00 Yes or no? No.
52:02 He came into their presence and said, "Luis, relax,"
52:07 He said, "Yannick, it's going to be okay.
52:11 Terry, don't worry about it, I'm risen.
52:15 Peace be with you."
52:17 Amen, church?
52:19 Peace be with you.
52:20 This was not the establishment of a new day of worship,
52:24 He was simply saying,
52:25 "Remember, I told you I was going to rise?
52:27 I'm back."
52:30 Let me wipe my forehead for them.
52:32 Man, man, so what do we do next, Lord?
52:35 And He gave them instructions after that.
52:37 He gave them instructions after that.
52:39 You could continue to go through that,
52:41 and Doubting Thomas needed some confirmation,
52:43 Thomas said, "I'm not sure.
52:46 I'm not sure.
52:48 Is this an apparition?"
52:49 He said, "Go ahead, stick your hand on My side.
52:53 I have flesh and blood. This is not spirit, it's me."
52:56 Doubting Thomas,
52:57 that's where that story came from.
52:59 Jesus made them clear.
53:00 Jesus made it clear to them He had risen.
53:03 Now we find
53:07 what kind of assembly does the Bible describe
53:09 in the eighth New Testament reference?
53:11 They were hiding from the Jews.
53:15 They were hiding from the Jews.
53:17 Why do they have to hide from the Jews?
53:19 'Cause the Jews joined with the Romans to kill Jesus,
53:24 the high priest, the judgment hall,
53:28 Pilate's judgment hall,
53:29 Caiaphas, the list goes on and on.
53:31 They just killed Jesus, and the disciples said, not us.
53:36 And the Lord showed up in the midst and said, "Relax."
53:40 Praise God for that.
53:42 Let's get one more. I think we could do one more.
53:45 This is another text, this is another text
53:49 that's often refer to for a new day of worship.
53:53 But let's look at question number nine.
53:55 Okay, here it is.
53:57 Or the ninth reference I should say, here it is.
54:01 Does the ninth New Testament
54:03 first day establish?
54:07 Does the ninth New Testament first day establish
54:09 a new day of worship?
54:11 Does it?
54:14 Let's go and read it.
54:15 Let's go to Acts 20:7 quickly.
54:18 We got about three and a half minutes.
54:21 Where did the time go?
54:22 I wish that clock would slow down.
54:24 It just keeps moving.
54:26 Let's keep moving since the clock is moving here.
54:28 Acts 20:7, Acts 20:7.
54:31 I was idealistic thinking I could cover all this tonight.
54:34 It's not possible.
54:35 Acts 20:7, here it is.
54:38 "Now on the first day of the week,
54:41 when the disciples came together
54:42 to," do what, church?
54:44 "To break bread, Paul, ready to depart the next day,
54:50 spoke to them and continued his message
54:53 until midnight."
54:54 You guys should never be upset with me,
54:56 I've never preached till midnight, right, Dee?
54:58 I've never preached till midnight.
55:00 He preached so long that Eutychus fell out the window,
55:03 busted his head, brought him back to life,
55:05 and kept on preaching.
55:08 They got together to break bread,
55:10 many Christians say, "Ha, that's our text."
55:14 They broke bread on the...
55:15 So write it down.
55:17 Does the New Testament establish of...
55:19 The New Testament text establish a new day of worship?
55:22 No, what did it say they did? They broke bread.
55:24 And what day was it?
55:26 The first day of the week.
55:27 This was a meeting that was held by Paul.
55:29 If you read the rest of the text,
55:31 he was saying, "I'm about to take
55:32 a long journey through Asia Minor,
55:35 from one city to the other to the other to the other.
55:38 I need to tell you a lot before I leave."
55:40 This is what that was.
55:42 It was not the establishment of a new day of worship,
55:45 but some Christians were taught.
55:46 But they broke bread on the first day,
55:48 and the pastors have said,
55:49 if they broke bread that means they were worshiping.
55:53 But let's see, let's go to the very next question.
55:55 Before we conclude that,
55:57 anytime they got together and broke bread,
55:59 of course, they prayed,
56:00 of course, they sing songs together,
56:02 of course, they worship the Lord.
56:03 But let's look at the next question.
56:06 This is not a new day of worship.
56:08 They didn't sanctify and change any days,
56:10 and you found nothing to that effect thus far.
56:12 Question number 10, here it is.
56:14 I think we can get this one in.
56:16 Did the breaking of bread happen
56:18 only on the first day of the week?
56:21 You know the answer, but let's go to Acts 2:46,47,
56:24 we're going to get this one in before the program ends.
56:27 I know it, Praise the Lord.
56:28 And since you're already there,
56:30 I'm going to turn there right away,
56:31 and here it is on the screen.
56:32 Okay, about breaking a bread, here's what the Bible says.
56:36 Acts 2:46, "So continuing," how often?
56:40 "Daily."
56:41 "Continuing," how often?
56:42 "Daily with one accord in the temple," and what else?
56:47 "Breaking bread from" what?
56:49 "House to house, they ate their food
56:52 with gladness and simplicity of heart."
56:55 What else did they do?
56:57 "Praising God and having favor with all the people.
57:00 And the Lord added to the church," how often?
57:04 "Daily those who were being saved."
57:06 I want you to notice what they did.
57:08 They broke bread every day.
57:10 How often did they do that? Every day.
57:12 The Lord added to the church, how often?
57:14 Every day.
57:16 Every time they got together to break bread and praise God,
57:20 another soul was added to those who were saved.
57:24 But thus far we have found not a single command
57:28 establishing a new day of worship.
57:31 We have a couple more left,
57:33 we have actually gone through 9 references, 10 references.
57:36 We got two more attempts before we can conclude
57:41 that the Bible is replete with only Sabbath references
57:45 or that the Bible is absent of any first day references.
57:49 You know, friends, what we simply want to do here
57:52 is do what God's Word says.
57:54 What do we say to that?
57:56 We simply want to be honest to God's Word,
57:58 and it doesn't make sense right now to you,
57:59 but keep on studying
58:00 because one day as you continue,
58:02 it will come into A Sharper Focus.
58:05 God bless you. Let us pray.


Revised 2019-01-21