Sharper Focus, A

The Truth about the Body Temple, Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000119A

00:21 Hello, friends, welcome to another Bible study
00:24 here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:26 It is Wednesday night
00:28 and wherever you may be tuning in from
00:30 whether another country or another time zone,
00:32 thank you for taking the time to get your Bible studies.
00:35 Your Bibles, your friends,
00:37 your family and I will say your pens,
00:40 so we can walk through the word of God together.
00:42 We thank you for tuning in.
00:44 We're gonna be continuing and finalizing hopefully
00:47 our study lesson number 31 and I'll tell you
00:51 how to get a copy of that in just a moment.
00:53 We're talking about the truth about the Body Temple,
00:56 a topic we've discussed over a few weeks.
00:58 And tonight we're hoping to cap that off.
01:01 In just a moment, I'll tell you
01:03 where to get a copy of the lesson
01:04 that you can follow along with,
01:06 how to download that and even how to send
01:08 your questions and comments
01:10 so that we can know how to better serve you.
01:12 But before we do anything else,
01:14 let's begin with a word of prayer.
01:16 Let's bow our heads.
01:18 Our loving Father in heaven,
01:19 we thank You for Your goodness to us,
01:21 for Your mercy and Your grace,
01:23 which is always abundant and always available.
01:28 And so Father, we pray tonight
01:30 that You'll guide us and led us in our study
01:33 that as we open Your word
01:35 that we will also open our hearts
01:37 that Your Spirit may do a work in us
01:40 that will bring us in harmony with Your will,
01:43 we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
01:47 Now if you want to follow along in our lesson,
01:49 go to this following website
01:54 and download lesson number 31.
01:57 Now somebody may say, "I've already done that."
02:00 Well, I added the final page
02:02 and so you should have page one, two and three.
02:06 And tonight, we're gonna begin on question number 19,
02:08 that's the website where you can also have access
02:10 to the video library.
02:12 There's a tab for lessons, there's a tab for videos.
02:16 And if you've missed any of the lessons in the past,
02:19 go to the videos first.
02:21 It will tell you what lesson to go to and to download,
02:24 and invite your friends to walkthrough all the topics.
02:26 We talk about righteousness by faith,
02:29 how to have a growing relationship in Christ,
02:31 what it means to be a Christian.
02:33 Also we talk about some key topics, the Sabbath, diet,
02:38 what happens when you die,
02:40 the second coming of Jesus, a study on the rapture,
02:42 and tonight we're gonna talk about
02:44 the truth about the Body Temple.
02:46 But before we do anything else,
02:47 let's sing our theme song together.
02:49 Our theme song is, Victory in Jesus.
02:53 Let's sing that song together.
03:02 I heard an old, old story
03:06 How the Savior came from glory
03:10 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:14 To save a wretch like me
03:17 I heard about His groaning
03:21 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:25 Then I repented of my sins
03:29 And won the victory O victory in Jesus
03:36 My Savior, forever
03:40 He sought me and bought me
03:44 With His redeeming blood
03:48 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:51 And all my love is due Him
03:55 He plunged me to victory Beneath the cleansing flood
04:03 I heard about a mansion
04:06 He has built for me in glory
04:10 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:14 Beyond the crystal sea
04:18 About the angels singing
04:21 And the old redemption story
04:25 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:29 The song of victory Key change.
04:33 O victory in Jesus My Savior, forever
04:40 He sought me and bought me
04:44 With His redeeming blood
04:48 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:52 And all my love is due Him
04:56 He plunged me to victory Beneath the cleansing flood
05:03 He plunged me to victory
05:07 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:13 Amen.
05:15 What a wonderful song,
05:18 being plunged to victory beneath the cleansing flood,
05:21 and that is baptism but also the cleansing blood,
05:24 and that is redemption through the blood of Jesus.
05:29 We have been talking about in our topic tonight is,
05:31 The Truth about the Body Temple.
05:34 Say that with me, The Truth about the Body Temple.
05:37 Now we have been each week using a particular verse
05:41 in the Bible as our springboard
05:43 and I want to continue doing that
05:45 because this is such a topic
05:47 that if you don't give it the right context,
05:50 it could seem like a car with two wheels.
05:53 You don't understand the road you're traveling on,
05:55 so let's put it back in the context.
05:57 Go with me to 1 Corinthians Chapter 6.
06:00 1 Corinthians Chapter 6
06:04 and we are going to look at a statement
06:07 made by the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians.
06:14 You know, when the Bible talks about worship.
06:18 So often people think that worship is just what you sing
06:23 or how you teach or how you preach.
06:27 But when you follow the Bible,
06:30 the Lord broadens that to let us know
06:32 that what we do with our bodies
06:35 into our bodies is also a symbol of worship
06:38 to the true God,
06:40 and notice how God has the authority
06:44 to make that kind of a claim on us.
06:46 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.
06:50 Let's look at that together and we read,
06:53 "Or do you not know that your,
06:55 what, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
07:00 who is in you, whom you have from God,
07:04 and you are not your own?"
07:06 We don't belong to us.
07:08 And if you think about that the Bible says,
07:10 the Holy Spirit lives in here.
07:13 So if you think about that, that's a very true statement
07:16 because I'm gonna go to verse 20 in just a moment.
07:19 Because when Jesus talks about
07:21 being redeemed and being cleansed,
07:23 one of the things He talks about is the redemption
07:27 that comes and people that are often possess
07:30 in the Bible, in the gospel, Jesus talks about a person
07:32 who had been freed from demons,
07:35 from one demon particularly and the house was swept
07:40 and the house was clean, but the house was empty,
07:44 and the demons came back
07:47 examining the person's life
07:48 to see if there were any openings.
07:52 And they found the house swept no more sin, clean,
07:56 no more past record, but empty.
08:00 Meaning the person did not invite the Holy Spirit
08:02 to come into his or her life,
08:04 and what happened as a result of that?
08:05 He brought with him seven demons worse than before
08:08 and the Bible says, "The latter end was worse
08:11 with that individual than the beginning."
08:13 So when the Bible says, "The Holy Spirit dwells in us,
08:16 when you come into a relationship with Jesus,
08:19 " that old spirit is gone
08:21 and then the new spirit come in.
08:23 That's why the Bible says,
08:25 the fruit, you know, who is living there.
08:27 "The fruit of the spirit is what, love, joy, peace,
08:31 longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, patience."
08:35 The fruit show up,
08:36 so you'll know who is living there by the fruit.
08:39 By their fruits you will know them.
08:42 So when they are fruit on the inside.
08:46 When the Spirit of God is on the inside,
08:49 the fruit are going to show up on the outside.
08:52 All that, and by the way let me put this together,
08:54 because some people think that, well, right now,
08:58 I have the fruit of joy
09:00 but I don't have the fruit of peace yet,
09:03 but what I want you to know is it all comes in one bite.
09:07 It's all in that single fruit,
09:09 not the fruits of the Spirit but the fruit of the Spirit,
09:13 the outward working of the Spirit of God
09:16 in our lives is love, joy, peace,
09:18 longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, patience.
09:20 So the spirit is moved and said, "This is my house."
09:24 Now I'm the landlord and what you do with my house,
09:27 I'm concerned about it.
09:29 And notice what he says here's the reason why.
09:31 He moves in, he moves into the body temple.
09:34 And then the Bible says
09:35 in verse 20 of 1 Corinthians Chapter 6,
09:38 "For you were bought with a what, price,
09:41 therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit,
09:48 which are God's."
09:49 Lot of times people want to glorify God in the spirit.
09:52 You've heard a lot of Christians,
09:54 that's the terminology nowadays,
09:55 they say, "I'm in the Spirit."
09:56 To be in the Spirit also means to be concerned
09:58 about what we do with our bodies.
10:01 So if we are in the Spirit,
10:02 we should be just as concerned
10:04 as to what the Spirit want us to do with this temple
10:07 that belongs to God, it doesn't belong to us,
10:10 we are bought at a price
10:12 and that price is His redemption.
10:14 What I want to do tonight in laying that foundation,
10:16 I also want to first show you a couple of things
10:19 and then on the screen,
10:20 we have two slides that I want to begin with.
10:22 Because in laying the foundation,
10:24 one of the things we discovered is that
10:26 when the Lord let the children of Israel out of Egypt.
10:29 He told them to take all the precious metals,
10:32 all the gold, the silver, the precious stones,
10:34 the expensive clothing in Egypt and carry it with them
10:38 because he had a use for those things.
10:40 He was going to build a temple,
10:43 a sanctuary first supportable one
10:46 and then a permanent one
10:47 when they get to the Promised Land.
10:49 The children of Israel in turn decided to wear it.
10:54 But the Lord gave us in His words some glimpses
10:56 of what the purpose of those precious stones were,
11:00 and what the purpose of the gold and the silver
11:02 was, right?
11:05 So look at these two pictures
11:06 because the Lord talked about
11:07 first of all the high priest's garment.
11:09 Here's the first one.
11:10 The high priest, notice what he has on,
11:11 and this will show up on your screen here.
11:13 He has on the ephod...
11:15 If you have that slide, bring that up for me.
11:17 He has on the ephod
11:19 which is the garment
11:21 that's outside of his priestly garments,
11:26 and then on the ephod, he also has the breastplate,
11:30 and in the breast plate notice he has precious stones.
11:33 If you can count very quickly how many stones do you see?
11:37 It's actually 14.
11:39 We just see the 12
11:40 that represent the tribes of the children of Israel.
11:42 But then you have a white stone,
11:44 then you have a white,
11:45 and then you have a black stone.
11:46 That's the Urim where God responded
11:50 if there was an issue that could not be settled
11:52 between the judges in Israel.
11:54 God will be asked to be the final verdict.
12:00 And if it was a yes,
12:01 or if God was approving of it, the white stone would radiate.
12:05 If God was not approving of it, the dark stone will radiate.
12:08 So you he had on the breastplate
12:10 which was what the high priest wore.
12:11 Now let me ask you the question.
12:13 Who is our high priest? What's his name?
12:15 His name is Jesus.
12:16 So the high priest was the only one among those
12:19 who are in Israel that was authorized to wear
12:22 this breastplate with the precious stones.
12:25 He's the one that wore the jewels,
12:28 not the children of Israel.
12:29 God approved him
12:31 because that high priest represented Jesus,
12:32 our high priest.
12:34 One more picture.
12:35 Let's look at something else that came up, the mercy seat,
12:39 the mercy seat was there.
12:42 You have the ephod, he had the breastplate,
12:44 and we're gonna see that in just a moment
12:46 because I included those in question number 19.
12:48 But matter of fact, let's go to question number 19,
12:51 so that I could more appropriately
12:54 help you understand the beauty of what God had done.
12:58 You also had the mercy seat.
13:00 But let's look at this
13:02 question number 19, we'll begin there.
13:04 All right, here it is.
13:05 How did the Lord describe
13:10 what had taken place among the Israelites?
13:14 When they began to...
13:15 When they began to rebel, they rebelled at Mount Sinai,
13:19 or Mount Horeb, the word is interchangeable.
13:22 And when Moses was on his way back,
13:25 Aaron had led the people into making an idol of gold
13:30 and he got all these precious metals
13:33 from the people that had taken the spoils of the Egyptians.
13:38 But notice how the Lord described this
13:41 as to what had taken place
13:43 when Moses was absent
13:46 to receive the commandments from the Lord.
13:48 Exodus 32:7.
13:50 Here's where we find the answer.
13:52 Exodus 32:7, you know,
13:55 I realized when I was calling for the slide
13:58 that, that was in our last week's presentation,
14:00 so if you didn't see it which chances are you didn't,
14:03 go to our website.
14:07 and look for the lesson from last week.
14:09 You'll see the slides, the priestly garment,
14:12 the ephod, the urim,
14:13 and also the Ark of the Covenant,
14:17 that was overlaid with gold.
14:19 That's what the Lord had
14:20 as far as all the articles of furniture in the temple.
14:23 He had ordained that these precious metals
14:25 taken from Egypt would comprise
14:28 all the articles of furniture in the sanctuary.
14:32 Exodus 32:7,
14:35 here's what the Lord said had happened among the Israelites,
14:37 He said, "And the Lord said to Moses,
14:40 "Go, get down!
14:43 Get down from the mountain, for your people
14:45 whom you brought out of the land of Egypt
14:47 have done what, have corrupted themselves."
14:50 Notice how God had divorced Himself
14:52 from identifying Himself with the children of Israel.
14:55 When they were obedient He said, "My children,"
14:58 when they were disobedient He said, "Your children".
15:00 And today, a lot of parents do that.
15:02 When children are behaving, they say,
15:05 "Oh I'm so proud of my child."
15:07 That's what the mother would say
15:08 when they're misbehaving she says to the husband,
15:10 "Go, get your kids."
15:13 That's the same thing happens nowadays,
15:14 God identifies with our faithfulness.
15:18 He still loves us,
15:19 but He does not love our rebellion
15:21 and He said to Moses,
15:22 "These are the people you brought out of Egypt."
15:24 Look at what happened to them, they have corrupted themselves,
15:27 they corrupted themselves
15:28 by making for themselves a calf of gold,
15:34 and they had all the jewels,
15:35 they pulled the earrings out of their ears.
15:38 They brought them to Aaron
15:39 and Aaron fashioned these
15:41 and made this calf that they began to worship,
15:44 and they call this calf now their God.
15:47 Now, what I'd like us to do is go to Exodus Chapter 32.
15:50 Matter of fact your there,
15:51 we're going to walk through this story in great detail
15:55 to see something vitally important.
15:58 This story is I believe
15:59 one of the most prominent stories in scripture
16:03 that keeps us in context and then after that,
16:05 there's a special place in Ezekiel
16:08 I'm going to take you
16:10 to show you why today that music and adornment
16:16 are two areas of struggle in many Christian churches.
16:20 Music is more like the world,
16:23 and the church is dressing more like the world,
16:25 and I'll show you why that that is an issue
16:27 in many Christian churches today.
16:30 Now we're in Exodus Chapter 32.
16:32 We're going to continue the story.
16:33 First of all the Lord responded in verse 7 by saying,
16:39 matter of fact, let's just look
16:40 before we bring the question up on the screen,
16:42 look at verse 2
16:47 of Exodus Chapter 32, all right.
16:50 This is what Aaron said, "And Aaron said to them,
16:55 "Break off the golden earrings
16:57 which are in the ears of your wives, your sons,
16:59 and your daughters, and bring them to me."
17:02 Just like today, women and men wear earrings.
17:07 In some cultures as soon as the baby is born,
17:09 they can barely say the first word
17:12 it's culturally acceptable to pierce their ears.
17:15 I've seen that happen to so many babies.
17:16 I see the baby, how old...
17:18 Oh, it's four months,
17:20 got holes in their ears already.
17:22 I'm glad that in my home parents didn't do that to us,
17:26 but nowadays as it was in those days,
17:29 it is today men and women were adorned.
17:34 And notice what else in verse 4,
17:37 well verse 3 and it says, so all the people of Exodus 32,
17:41 "All the people broke off the golden earrings
17:45 which were in their ears, and brought them to Aaron."
17:50 And Aaron made this golden calf
17:52 as you will discover in verse 4,
17:55 "He made it from the gold that he received from their hands."
17:59 Now we're gonna go to question number 20
18:01 and see as the story continues to unfold,
18:04 what was God's attitude about
18:06 what had taken place among the children of Israel.
18:09 Here it is, question number 20.
18:13 When Israel compelled Aaron to make a golden calf
18:17 what did God say?
18:19 What did God say?
18:22 Look at verse 8 of Exodus Chapter 32.
18:26 Since you're already there,
18:27 we don't have to wait for you to turn there, Exodus 32:8,
18:33 and the Lord said, "They have turned aside,
18:38 how, quickly out of the way which I commanded them.
18:44 They have made themselves a molded calf,
18:47 and they did what, worshiped it and sacrificed to it,
18:53 and then continuing and said,
18:55 this is where God really saw them
18:57 in their ultimate rebellion they said,
19:00 "This is your God, Aaron said, "This is your God, O Israel,
19:05 that brought you out of the land of Egypt."
19:08 Can you imagine how offensive that was to God?
19:11 He is the one that brought them out
19:12 and the Bible says in Deuteronomy
19:14 with a mighty hand.
19:15 God didn't just bring them out.
19:17 He didn't say, "Hey, let's sneak out of Egypt."
19:19 He left Egypt broke.
19:21 All their wealth
19:22 was in the possession of the Israelites,
19:24 all their gold, silver, their jewels everything
19:26 was in the possession of the Israelites
19:28 for a particular purpose.
19:29 God gave them remuneration,
19:31 all the money they didn't get as slaves,
19:33 because that's how they gauge their wealth
19:36 by the precious things that they had.
19:39 Also God gave them provision to build the sanctuary.
19:42 When they got there but the Lord
19:43 now looks at them and they are seen
19:47 in the full context of their rebellion
19:50 and they are referred to as a people
19:52 that are corrupt and now they are pointing to this precious,
19:56 this precious golden calf made of gold
19:58 and the jewels that they wore.
20:00 And they are now saying this is your God.
20:03 And I got to make a comment before we go there
20:04 because if you look at what's happening
20:06 in the world today.
20:09 This world is pressuring us to look less and less like God
20:14 and more and more like the world.
20:17 The world is setting the standard
20:18 but when you think of the direction
20:21 the Lord gives, He says, well, let's go,
20:23 let's go to Romans Chapter 2.
20:24 Don't lose.
20:25 Don't lose this
20:27 because we're gonna answer the question.
20:28 And by the way since we did read the text,
20:30 what you want to write down
20:31 when Israel compelled Aaron to make the golden calf,
20:34 what did God say?
20:37 God said, "They have turned out of the way,"
20:40 that's the answer,
20:43 It's amazing that that terminology is used
20:46 because Christians in the New Testament
20:47 were called, they were following the way,
20:50 and then Jesus said, "I am the way."
20:54 We had a wonderful worship the other day
20:55 and Pastor CA did a really good job
20:59 in talking about that very terminology.
21:01 He said, "Jesus is the way."
21:03 Early Christians will call the way.
21:06 And when the Adventist church is being developed,
21:08 they were considering the title the way.
21:11 He said, Jesus is the way,
21:13 the Christian is in following Jesus,
21:16 so they are following in the way,
21:18 but he made a very amazing comparison,
21:20 he said, "If you're not in the way following Jesus,
21:23 you're in the way."
21:26 So get out of the way or get in the way,
21:29 that's the whole point he made.
21:30 If you're following Jesus, you're going in the right way,
21:34 but if you're not following Jesus,
21:35 you are just in the way.
21:37 Okay, where did I say to go?
21:40 Romans 12:1 and 2.
21:44 Here we are Romans Chapter 12, let's look at this.
21:49 We have to and let me make this point,
21:53 we have to consciously fight against
21:56 the trends of the world.
21:58 We have to fight against the trend of the world.
22:00 We have to swim upstream
22:02 as the world is pushing us downstream.
22:04 You know what's the ultimate experience of those
22:07 who are going downstream?
22:09 What's the ultimate experience?
22:11 It's probably just in my own head.
22:14 They go over the waterfall.
22:16 When the water starts speeding up,
22:18 then you're getting to the waterfall.
22:20 You got to swim upstream
22:21 because the world is taking us downstream
22:23 and we're heading to some point
22:25 where we're going to start going further and further down.
22:28 That's why it's called downstream.
22:30 Anytime you're moving away from the Lord,
22:33 you're going down, you never go up.
22:36 Look at Romans 12.
22:37 These two verses are so powerful
22:39 as it relates to the way
22:41 that Christian should view him or herself as it comes,
22:45 as it pertains to worshipping God.
22:47 The Bible says, "I beseech you therefore,
22:49 brethren, by the mercies of God,
22:51 that's him pleading,
22:53 that you present your what, bodies, a living sacrifice."
22:58 How should our bodies be?
23:00 "Holy, acceptable to God,
23:02 which is your reasonable service."
23:05 The principles there...
23:07 They cover so many things.
23:08 If your body is whole, you don't smoke,
23:10 you don't drink, you don't get involved
23:12 in promiscuous sexual activity.
23:14 You don't get involved in homosexual activity.
23:16 You don't get involved in anything
23:17 that corrupts the body unclean foods,
23:20 anything that corrupts the body, you protect that,
23:25 because your body should be as a Christian
23:27 a living sacrifice dedicated to the worship of God.
23:32 And how does that happen? You got to think differently.
23:35 Look at verse 2, "And do not be conformed to this world,
23:38 but be transformed by the what, renewing of your mind."
23:42 You can't think like the billboards
23:44 or like the commercials, or like the fashion designers,
23:47 you've got to think differently,
23:49 you got to renew your mind, and let me tell you,
23:51 there's no better way to renew your mind
23:53 than study God's word.
23:54 When you renew your mind,
23:55 then you can be a representative of
23:58 what is that good
23:59 and acceptable and perfect will of God.
24:04 One of the greatest compliments my wife and I received.
24:07 We were in California at the time,
24:10 and we drove from Northern California,
24:12 we went to Southern California to visit with some friends
24:15 for Thanksgiving and we got lost.
24:18 We didn't have a GPS at the time.
24:19 I don't even think they were out yet.
24:21 So we stopped at Marie Callender's
24:24 to ask directions, and there was a gentleman
24:27 coming out of the Marie Callender's
24:28 as we were going in.
24:30 This is before 3ABN, this is after Heritage Singers.
24:33 So there was no massive television coverage.
24:36 But the guy said to us as he was walking up to us.
24:39 He said, "Are you guys Adventists?"
24:41 I said, "How do you..." He said, "You look like it."
24:46 And I thought what a compliment that you can live your life
24:49 that people recognize that you are not citizens of the...
24:52 you're not being molded by the society.
24:55 You're not being pushed into the trends
24:57 that the world around you are really pushing.
25:00 When you go to the malls, you look at the billboards,
25:03 you look at the store windows,
25:04 when you look at the commercials,
25:06 when you listen to the things that the world is pushing,
25:08 it pushes us away further and further.
25:10 That's why you got to go to God's word
25:12 to renew your mind.
25:14 You ever renewed your subscription
25:17 or renewed your license?
25:18 You got to renew your mind.
25:20 Amen. Renew your mind.
25:22 Keep that thing fresh by studying God's word.
25:25 It says, "They have turned aside quickly
25:27 and they have said that this is your God."
25:29 Now let's go back to question number 21.
25:32 Question number 21.
25:36 Lot of times when people rebel and do something opposite
25:39 to what God has instructed them to do,
25:41 they find a way to try to justify it.
25:44 Question number 21.
25:45 How did Aaron attempt
25:48 to justify his decision to make a god of gold?
25:52 How did Aaron attempt
25:54 to justify his decision to make a god of gold?
25:58 Let's continue in Exodus Chapter 32,
26:00 and let's look together at verse 23 and 24.
26:04 Let me go way back there, there I am, Exodus 32:23.
26:09 Yeah, verse 23, 24, that's right, turn the page.
26:12 Okay, because the story is quite a long story.
26:16 All right, here it is.
26:18 And the Bible says, "For they said to me..."
26:22 Notice right away, he puts the blame on the people.
26:24 Nobody can force you to do anything.
26:26 "Aaron said, they said to me,
26:30 "Make us gods that shall go before us, as for this Moses,
26:35 the man whom you brought,
26:37 who brought us out of the land of Egypt,
26:40 we do not know what has become of him."
26:44 In other word they say, "We are not waiting on Moses.
26:46 We want us a God."
26:48 How crazy it is and the verse continues,
26:50 and it says.
26:53 "And I said to them, "Whoever has any gold,
26:57 let them break it off."
26:58 So they gave it to me, and I cast it into the fire,
27:02 and this calf came out."
27:06 What a lie.
27:08 Are you talking about evasive?
27:10 You're talk about shifting the blame.
27:13 How many times have we thrown things in the fire
27:16 in perfect construct,
27:18 this is almost like the theory of evolution.
27:22 Just throw it in there
27:23 and something perfectly designed
27:24 and symmetrical will come out.
27:26 He blamed the people they said, and then he said,
27:31 they said it and the fire did it.
27:33 Lord, if you didn't create fire,
27:35 this calf would never have shown up.
27:37 It's the fire that You created that made this thing.
27:40 Notice how he didn't take any blame at all.
27:43 What a terrible thing.
27:44 So let's, let's...
27:45 We're walking through this together.
27:47 And the reason I'm walking through this is
27:48 because what I want you to see is
27:50 when people are in rebellion they will find anyone to blame
27:53 and anything else to blame
27:54 other than the actions that they take.
27:57 So question number 21.
27:58 How did Aaron attempt to justify his decision
28:00 to make a god of gold?
28:02 He said the people said it and the fire did it.
28:04 That's the answer,
28:06 the people said it, the fire did it.
28:09 I had nothing to do with this. I was an innocent bystander.
28:12 I just said give me... I just said to them,
28:14 "Give it to me, I threw it in the fire
28:17 and my attempt was to burn it up
28:18 and poof out comes a golden calf."
28:22 What a ridiculous excuse for rebellion.
28:25 It's amazing how it happens.
28:27 Let's go to number 22, number 22, all right.
28:32 Here we are.
28:33 What instruction did Moses give the Israelites
28:37 to correct their rebellion?
28:40 What instruction did Moses give to the Israelites
28:42 to correct their rebellion?
28:44 You know God doesn't just see us in rebellion,
28:46 God wants that rebellion to be corrected.
28:48 That's the beauty of serving the Lord.
28:50 He's not satisfied to see His children
28:52 going in the wrong direction.
28:53 He wants to give them the right directions.
28:55 So God speaks to Moses now, and tells them to do something,
28:59 to give them direction so they can understand clearly
29:02 where they need to be going, all right.
29:05 Let's look at verse 26, verse 26.
29:09 Here it is verse 26 is correct
29:14 that you have but I didn't change it on my screen
29:16 but here it is, and it says, verse 26.
29:20 Here we are.
29:22 "Then Moses said stood
29:28 in the entrance of the camp
29:30 and said, " What did he say?
29:33 "Who is on the Lord's side
29:37 whoever is on the Lord's side come to me."
29:41 Come to... Whoever is on the Lord side,
29:43 come to me.
29:48 "And all the sons of Levi
29:51 gathered themselves together to him."
29:56 The actual reference
29:57 that I need to correct on the next,
29:59 on the next presentation is, it's Exodus 32:26,
30:03 so he said to them, come to me.
30:06 Now notice this. This is an amazing concept.
30:09 When the children of Israel were in rebellion,
30:12 they were not on the Lord's side.
30:14 When they dressed like the Egyptians,
30:16 they were not on the Lord's side.
30:18 There was a song that came out years ago.
30:20 Oh, I've forgotten the years it came out,
30:22 may be the '90s or maybe the middle '80s,
30:26 it was called, Walk like an Egyptian.
30:27 Remember that song, Walk like an Egyptian.
30:32 It was a sad thing.
30:33 So the world is saying, walk like an Egyptian.
30:36 The Lord is saying, "No, I want you to be on my side."
30:41 So they were called to take a stand
30:43 on the side of the Lord, and who responded?
30:47 The Levites, the children of Levi,
30:49 the sons of Levi and why did they respond?
30:52 Because they were the priests,
30:55 they were the ministers among the children of Israel.
30:59 You know what that says today,
31:02 is that ministers can direct properly
31:06 if the ministers are on the Lord's side.
31:08 Amen to that.
31:09 The ministers have to be on the Lord's side.
31:11 If the ministers are on the Lord's side,
31:13 they can direct the children of God.
31:16 But if the minister and by the way
31:17 Aaron was not among that ministry.
31:21 He was the brother of Moses.
31:23 He led them in rebellion,
31:24 but the priest took their stand on the Lord's side.
31:27 So let's put the answer down to number 20,
31:31 was that number 22 was that?
31:33 What instruction did they give to correct that?
31:36 We got to stand on the Lord's side.
31:38 In the world today you've got to live a life
31:40 that lets the world know
31:42 then that you are on the Lord's side,
31:44 isn't that right?
31:46 Your life has to be a testimony
31:48 that you are on the Lord's side.
31:50 How you live, how you,
31:53 everything you do 1 Corinthians 10:31.
31:56 "Whether you there for eat or drink or whatever you do,
31:59 do all to the glory of God."
32:02 The world is in need of seeing people
32:04 that are on the Lord's side.
32:06 And more and more,
32:07 if you mention the Lord today in society...
32:12 People that are living in open rebellion
32:13 will stand up against you,
32:15 will force the government to fire you,
32:18 because you don't agree with their low standards.
32:20 That's what's happening in our world today.
32:22 But the Christian ought not be moved
32:27 by that kind of rebellion.
32:29 If the world wants to go all against us,
32:31 it's not a surprise the Lord said,
32:34 "They didn't like me
32:36 and they're not going to like you."
32:37 If they crucified the green tree which is Jesus,
32:41 what are they going to do to the tree
32:43 that does not bear fruit?
32:44 That's us. He is the vine.
32:46 We are simply the branches.
32:48 Let's go to number 23, number 23.
32:52 Here we are.
32:55 How did Moses classify... This is huge question.
32:59 How did Moses classify
33:03 the nature of Israel's rebellion
33:06 at Mount Horeb?
33:07 How did he classify that?
33:10 Let's look now at verse 31.
33:14 How did He classify that?
33:18 It's amazing how he had this conversation
33:21 between him and Lord,
33:23 not that he needed to tell God anything because God knew,
33:25 but how did Moses classify that?
33:28 And the reason why this is important is
33:30 because if the person that is called to lead
33:33 cannot see that the people are in rebellion,
33:36 then he is not a qualified leader.
33:38 There are many leaders that are called that they can,
33:41 they see the rebellion, they say nothing about it.
33:44 They foster it, but Moses was not that kind of man.
33:48 Notice what he said in verse 31, here it is,
33:53 "Then Moses returned to the Lord and said,
33:57 "Oh, these people have committed
34:00 what, a great sin,
34:03 and have made for themselves a god of gold!"
34:10 They have committed a great sin
34:12 and have made for themselves a god of gold.
34:16 Now I go back a little bit in the story
34:18 because today, in many I remember
34:22 when I was in California.
34:24 I was preaching a sermon about the dedication
34:26 of Solomon's Temple.
34:28 It's a beautiful story,
34:29 and they needed extra money to finish the temple
34:34 and the call was made to the children of Israel.
34:38 God has made you, God has blessed you,
34:42 God has furnished everything you need,
34:45 and what the people did?
34:47 Everything that they possessed and this is an amazing thing.
34:50 Everything that they possessed of all their wealth,
34:53 they came and brought it and dedicated it,
34:55 and that's how the temple was completed.
34:58 They brought their gold, their silver,
35:00 their precious stones, they brought everything.
35:02 I was preaching that sermon once
35:04 at one of my churches in California,
35:06 and the next Sabbath.
35:08 I didn't even ask the congregation to do this.
35:09 The next Sabbath I was blown away,
35:12 I saw at the altar
35:14 because we were finishing our building fund.
35:17 I saw at the altar,
35:19 one of the elders had placed a box there
35:20 and I said, "What's that?"
35:22 He said, "Pastor
35:23 people are bringing all kinds of stuff.
35:24 They have brought jewelry to church today,
35:26 not to wear but to dedicate it to the Lord's work."
35:29 Amen.
35:31 And a lot of it was costume jewelry,
35:34 didn't get much out of it
35:35 but they decided, you know what,
35:36 we cannot do that these things
35:38 are needed for the work of the Lord
35:41 to pay off the mortgage that the church still had
35:46 and God got a hold of that church's heart.
35:48 And they finished the mortgage about a year
35:50 or so earlier than it was actually due,
35:54 and they raise that money
35:55 within like a matter of four months
35:57 to pay off the church's mortgage.
35:59 Their hearts were in the right place.
36:01 That's why it was important for Moses to see
36:03 what had happen among the children of Israel.
36:05 So the answer there is you wrote it down
36:08 in number 23, "He classified it.
36:11 It was a great sin when gold is now looked at as your God."
36:16 When gold is now looked at as your God
36:18 and you put that before the God you worship,
36:20 then you have committed a great sin.
36:22 And I would say today, if we do,
36:24 if we pass the jewelry bucket in many of our churches today,
36:28 will find that there is probably just as much
36:30 in the churches today
36:31 as it was among the children of Israel at Mount Horeb.
36:34 Look at number 24, number 24.
36:38 What was God's reaction to the Israelites
36:40 for making a god of gold?
36:44 Up a God of God but a God of gold,
36:46 my typo there.
36:48 Let's look at number 24 and the answer is here
36:50 in Exodus 33:3,
36:53 Exodus 33:3.
36:57 It's amazing how God responded.
37:02 How God responded, notice what he says,
37:04 he gives them instruction
37:05 how to continue in their journey
37:07 but his response is amazing.
37:09 The Lord said, "Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey,
37:15 for I will not go up in your midst..."
37:19 Listen to what God said,
37:20 "Lest I consume you on the way..."
37:23 And what did he say about the Israelites?
37:25 "For you are a what, stiff-necked people.
37:30 My mother would say hard headed
37:33 or there was a, you don't listen.
37:36 He said you don't listen, and I want to tell you today.
37:40 That is a condition among the people of God
37:43 even to this day, stiff, hard, you can't move them.
37:48 Stubborn, he said, "You're stubborn,
37:50 I've given you instruction what not to do."
37:53 And when we study the lesson at our last sitting,
37:55 we discovered God said, "Do not make a god of gold."
38:00 He told them what not to do. He also told them what to do.
38:03 He said, "Do not make for yourselves a god of gold,
38:06 " and they did exactly what God told them not to do.
38:09 And he said, "If I go with you, if I travel with you,
38:13 I might consume you along the way."
38:15 Well, did He consumed them along the way?
38:18 If you read 1 Corinthians Chapter 10,
38:19 there was an instance
38:20 where along the journey 23, 000 died in one day,
38:25 in one day because of their rebellion,
38:28 because of their immorality, that 23,000 died in one day.
38:33 When God saw them in rebellion,
38:35 He removed the protection, and what happened?
38:37 The serpents and scorpions had their way.
38:41 What a wilderness it was, the Lord protected them,
38:43 but when they entered rebellion,
38:45 He said, you know, I can't travel with you,
38:47 I might just get rid of you in the wilderness.
38:50 And the one reason why God did not rid them,
38:53 rid the wilderness of Israelites
38:55 is because Moses intervened.
38:58 Moses pleaded with God to be merciful to his children,
39:02 not that Moses was more merciful than God.
39:04 But Moses became in that context
39:08 a representation of Christ,
39:10 Jesus pleads in our behalf
39:12 that our salvation may remain intact,
39:14 that our relationship with the Lord
39:16 may remain intact.
39:18 So number 24.
39:19 What was the answer?
39:21 How did Moses... Well, we did number 24.
39:23 What was God's reaction?
39:24 He said, "I won't travel with you."
39:26 What a travesty to travel on a journey
39:29 and not have God's presence with you.
39:31 Now let's go to question number 25.
39:34 We're moving right along.
39:37 What was Israel's response to God's displeasure?
39:42 What was Israel's response
39:44 to God's displeasure?
39:46 Wow, this is an amazing one.
39:49 This is an amazing one, verse 4, verse 4.
39:55 Here it is. Wow.
39:57 And the Bible says,
39:58 "And when the people heard this bad news.
40:02 When the people heard this bad news,
40:07 they mourned, " and look at the rest of the text.
40:11 "And no one put on his own ornaments."
40:15 And no one put on his ornaments.
40:18 Did you get that? No one put on his ornaments.
40:21 Another word for ornaments there in Hebrew is jewelry.
40:25 No one, when they heard how upset it made God,
40:29 no one put on his ornaments.
40:32 They said, you put on, I'm not putting, you put on,
40:35 I'm not putting that on, you put, I'm not putting that.
40:37 No one put it on.
40:40 So if you didn't put it on, what did you do?
40:43 Let's go to the next question.
40:44 No one put on his ornaments.
40:47 Now question number 26.
40:50 Question number 26. Here it is.
40:54 How specific was God
40:57 about what He requires of His children?
40:59 How specific was God about what He requires
41:03 of His children?
41:04 And by the way that sounds like a past tense
41:06 with the present tense but God is still a specific today,
41:09 because God doesn't change, amen to that,
41:11 He doesn't change.
41:12 Let's go to Exodus 33:5 and 6, all right.
41:17 How specific is God
41:19 about what He requires of His children?
41:22 And we're gonna look at verse 5 and 6 and here is what it says,
41:26 "For the Lord had said to Moses,
41:30 "Say to the children of Israel,
41:32 'You are a what, stiff-necked people.
41:36 I could come up into your midst in one moment and consume you."
41:42 Wow, God's mercy and then look at what He said,
41:46 and this is what the Lord need to say
41:48 to a lot of our churches today.
41:49 Look at the very next verse,
41:51 "Now therefore, take off your ornaments,
41:56 that I may know what to do to you.
41:59 So the children of Israel, what's the next word,
42:02 stripped themselves of their ornaments
42:05 by Mount Horeb."
42:07 This is powerful.
42:08 They didn't take one thing off, when you strip,
42:11 that means there's nothing left,
42:13 like an elephant can strip a tree of all of its fruits.
42:17 A giraffe can strip a tree of all of its leaves.
42:20 They stripped themselves of their ornaments
42:23 because they knew that God had not even
42:27 the prerogative to know what to do.
42:30 What am I going to do with them?
42:31 Now, you'll find that in just a moment
42:33 why God said that,
42:34 so that I can know what to do with you.
42:36 Let me give you an example.
42:38 It's like a...
42:40 It's like a person that plays for the New York Knicks
42:43 showing up at a basketball game
42:44 with the Los Angeles Lakers shirt on
42:47 and the code says, "Wait a minute."
42:50 I don't even know what to do with you,
42:52 you're a New York Knicks basketball player
42:55 but you have on the Lakers' uniform.
42:57 Would you please take that off
43:00 so that I can know what to do with you?
43:01 When your garment conflicts with your identity,
43:08 the Lord says, "You got to take it off."
43:10 Now where do we get that in the Bible as an example?
43:12 In the Book of Genesis when Eve put on an apron
43:17 that God let her keep her apron on, yes or no, no.
43:20 The Lord covered them with skin of...
43:24 He killed an animal
43:25 and covered them with the skin of the animal.
43:28 When they sinned, she wore an apron.
43:30 And nowadays sometimes you go to church,
43:32 look like some people have on aprons.
43:36 There needs to be a reformation amongst the way we dress
43:39 when we come to worship the Lord,
43:41 among the way we dress period,
43:43 not just when we come to worship the Lord.
43:45 So the Lord, once again Adam and Eve said,
43:49 they hid themselves because they were naked.
43:51 Satan had stripped them of their righteousness.
43:54 Now the Lord stripped the children
43:55 of Israel of their rebellion,
43:57 take it off that I may know what to do with you
44:00 and when they heard that,
44:01 they took all their ornaments off.
44:03 Today, many of us need to humble ourselves
44:05 before the Lord and also remove the ornaments that we have,
44:09 and we'll find it in just a moment
44:11 I'm holding that out as my key text.
44:14 Question number 27, number 27.
44:17 We're making a good... We're making a good track.
44:19 Number 27. Here is the question.
44:22 What condition, this is a beautiful verse.
44:25 What condition lead the Israelites
44:29 to remove the Egyptian ornaments?
44:32 What condition lead
44:34 the Israelites to remove the Egyptian ornaments?
44:36 Now, we're going to go to Exodus 35:22.
44:41 Now when you get there, this is powerful.
44:44 What you're going to see when people get upset,
44:48 the Lord does not want us to respond because He's upset.
44:54 There needs to be a certain spirit about those
44:56 who want to comply with God's, God's requirement.
44:59 When this spirit is there, then the blessing follows.
45:03 That's why the Lord and let's make another example,
45:06 another application here.
45:07 That's why when the Lord talks about giving an offering,
45:09 Paul says don't give grudgingly
45:12 and don't give out of necessity,
45:13 for God loves what kind of a giver?
45:15 A cheerful giver.
45:17 The condition of the heart has everything to do
45:21 with complying to God's requirements.
45:23 If the heart is not changed, don't do it, okay,
45:26 you want my tithe and offering, here it is.
45:30 God said keep it.
45:32 Imagine that, your parents say, "Go get me some,
45:35 go get me a loaf of bread,
45:37 " and the kid comes home and throws the bread on table,
45:38 you want a bread, here it is.
45:41 My mother would say, you better take that bread back
45:43 to the store, I'm not touching that bread.
45:44 And you are locked down for the next two weeks.
45:47 The condition of the heart.
45:49 God was looking for more than just compliance.
45:52 He was looking for a change of heart.
45:54 Amen.
45:55 I believe that those who want to be in harmony
45:57 with God's will,
45:58 who want to be in harmony with God's divine plan
46:01 have to have a changed heart.
46:03 Look at this verse Exodus 35:22.
46:06 This is a beautiful verse
46:07 and this is what's going to take today,
46:10 for those of us who are following
46:11 the pattern of the world
46:12 to now follow the instructions of the Lord.
46:15 Here is the verse.
46:16 "They came, both men and women, as many as had,
46:23 say those next two words together, a willing heart,
46:27 and what did they do,
46:29 and they brought earrings and nose rings,
46:33 sound like today, rings and necklaces,
46:37 all jewelry of gold."
46:40 That is every man
46:43 who made an offering of gold to the Lord.
46:47 That's what happens, when the heart is willing,
46:50 when the heart is willing, whatever you have,
46:53 they brought to earrings, the nose rings, the rings,
46:57 the necklaces, all jewels of gold
47:00 and they gave it to the Lord.
47:02 They gave it to the Lord because they said, Lord,
47:06 this belongs to you.
47:08 I know you gave it to us when we left Egypt.
47:11 Now I understand why you gave it to us.
47:13 If you could, if you can compare that today,
47:16 all of our wealth belongs to the Lord.
47:19 And when we spend that unwisely in ornamentation,
47:22 in jewelry, we should follow the same example
47:26 and have a willing heart.
47:27 Now why is a willing heart so vitally important?
47:30 Let me see.
47:31 I'll leave it there, because I want to get some,
47:33 the willing heart if you just write this text down,
47:35 Isaiah 1:18-22, Isaiah 1:18-22,
47:40 where the Lord expresses,
47:42 He says, "If you are willing and obedient,
47:45 you will eat the good of the land,
47:46 but if you refuse and rebel,
47:49 you'll be devoured by the sword."
47:51 When the heart is willing, the Lord accepts what you have.
47:55 When the heart is willing,
47:56 the Lord accepts what you have.
47:57 A great change could to be made in the life
47:59 when the heart is willing first and foremost.
48:02 Number 28. Number 28.
48:06 I think we're going to make it.
48:08 Here we are.
48:09 "Among what nation or people were earrings known to be worn?
48:14 If the Israelites were not the ones to wear it,
48:17 who were the nations?
48:18 We not only know there was not only the Egyptians,
48:21 we not only the Babylonians but in specifics
48:24 the Lord brings this out in Judges Chapter 8.
48:27 Now this is Gideon when they went to battle
48:30 against a nation that they definitely
48:32 did win the battle against.
48:34 The Lord gave particular instruction,
48:36 particular instruction about all those men
48:39 that Gideon and his army had defeated in the battle,
48:42 all right.
48:43 Here it is.
48:44 Judges 8:24, "And the Bible says,
48:46 "Then Gideon said to them, that is to his men,
48:51 "I would like to make a request of you
48:55 that each of you would give me,
48:57 the what, the earrings from his plunder."
49:02 Now look at the next verse, the rest of the verse,
49:05 "For they had golden earrings,
49:08 because they were Ishmaelites."
49:12 Noticed the difference.
49:14 Isaac and Ishmael, Isaac and Ishmael,
49:18 Jacob and Esau, you had Cain and Abel,
49:22 the faithful, the rebellious.
49:23 Esau and Jacob, Isaac and Ishmael,
49:27 the rebellion one was...
49:29 the rebellious one was always living a life
49:32 out of harmony with God.
49:35 Cain kills Abel, Jacob and Isaac two brothers
49:39 that were in conflict even still today.
49:42 Isaac and Ishmael, two brothers in conflict.
49:45 And today, you see the Ishmaelites were the ones
49:48 that had gone a different path
49:50 than that of the path that God had established for them,
49:53 and they were the ones
49:55 that were wearing the golden earrings,
49:57 not the Israelites.
49:58 When the Israelites wore,
49:59 we looked that up a couple of weeks ago in Hosea 2:13,
50:03 the Lord clearly defined that in Hosea 2:13,
50:06 that "They went after their lovers
50:08 and they had forgotten the Lord."
50:10 That's what's happening in the world today.
50:12 When the church begins to follow a different God,
50:15 they go after the gods that they love,
50:18 the appearance externally does indicate that,
50:22 that's what happened with the children of Israel.
50:23 Let's go to number 29.
50:26 It's happening today. You can see who is in charge.
50:29 Who is molding, who is leading, who is influencing.
50:32 By the way that the Christian represents himself or herself.
50:38 Question number 29.
50:40 Number 29.
50:42 And here it is.
50:43 What New Testament principle
50:46 governs our stewardship of God's temple?
50:50 When you get a principle, the principle never dies.
50:53 The principle to not smoking, not drinking,
50:57 to taking care of our body is "thou shalt not kill."
51:01 That means even yourself.
51:03 Don't kill the very thing that God has given you
51:05 which is the greatest gift, your body, your mind.
51:09 Some people say, it doesn't really matter.
51:11 I'm going to get another one.
51:12 That philosophy only goes as far as the hospital,
51:14 because when you're on the hospital bed,
51:16 you will do anything you can to sustain
51:19 the way that their body could have worked
51:20 had it been honored.
51:22 What New Testament principle
51:25 governs our stewardship of God's temple?
51:27 And just in case you don't understand,
51:29 stewardship means he owns it.
51:30 So what do we do because we recognize
51:32 that God is the owner of our body.
51:34 Here is the text, 2 Corinthian 6:16,
51:38 2 Corinthians 6:16.
51:41 Here it is.
51:42 Paul once again,
51:44 "And what agreement
51:45 has the temple of God with what, idols?
51:50 For you are the temple of the living God.
51:55 As God has said..."
51:57 What did he say to us? Here it is.
51:59 "I will dwell, where,
52:01 in them and walk, where, among them.
52:05 I will be their God, And they shall be, what,
52:08 My people." This is huge.
52:11 In this one text, two powerful scriptures
52:16 we read earlier are comprised here.
52:18 First of all he said, "I will dwell in them."
52:20 Where does the Holy Spirit dwell, tell me?
52:23 In us.
52:24 He dwells in us because we are God's temple.
52:27 What did the Lord refused to do
52:30 when the children of Israel were in rebellion?
52:32 He refused to walk among them.
52:35 Ain't that amazing?
52:37 If the Spirit of God is dwelling in us,
52:39 then God is with us.
52:41 If God is walking amongst us, then God is with us.
52:45 When you live a life in harmony,
52:47 when you recognize that your body
52:48 is the temple of the Lord,
52:50 and that this temple should be free from idols of all kinds,
52:54 God said, "Hey, I'll live there and I'll walk there.
52:58 My Sprit will abide in there
53:00 and I will surely walk with you."
53:03 That's why the Lord chose
53:04 not to walk with the Israelites,
53:06 because they chose not to walk in the path
53:09 that He outlined before them.
53:10 And earlier in the journey, He said to them,
53:12 I place before you two rows, life and blessings,
53:14 death and cursings, and then he said,
53:16 " Choose life, " but they chose the things
53:20 that they have been influenced by
53:23 for the 400 years of generation.
53:25 And, you know, I tell you 400 years is a long time.
53:27 How many family generations is that?
53:29 That's a long time.
53:30 If everybody lived for 100 years,
53:32 that's four generations.
53:34 We know that they didn't live that long.
53:35 By that, by that time
53:37 they started living shorter lives.
53:38 That's a lot of generations.
53:40 So here you are, you got the early, early generations
53:43 that came in to Egypt
53:45 and so your parents grew up in Egypt
53:47 and learn the ways of Egypt,
53:49 and so they had children that took on the ways of Egypt.
53:52 And then they had children that took on the ways of Egypt.
53:55 And they had children and children that took,
53:57 and so you have generations of generations.
53:59 And when you begin to go back, I've done this as a pastor.
54:03 I've often looked at people's lives
54:05 and I say, somewhere along the way,
54:08 their parents made a decision that has resulted in the way
54:11 that their children are.
54:14 Somewhere along the way...
54:16 the decision was made by somebody prior to that.
54:19 In many cases you can see the influence of the past
54:22 has produced the product of the present.
54:25 But now let's finish, go to number 30 now, number 30.
54:28 Okay, number 30.
54:30 How does God contrast His people's faithfulness
54:34 against the rebellion of the world?
54:37 How does God contrast His people's faithfulness
54:42 against the rebellion of the world?
54:45 We're going to go to two texts in the Bible,
54:46 Revelation Chapter 12.
54:48 Now these are pictures of prophetic importance
54:51 but it's amazing that God uses the picture
54:54 that He does want to describe
54:56 the faithful condition of His church,
54:58 the other to describe the church in rebellion.
55:02 Revelation 12:1,
55:04 Revelation 12:1 and here it is, wow.
55:09 Bible says, "Now a great sign appeared,
55:11 where, in heaven: a woman..."
55:14 By the way in prophecy a woman represents the church.
55:16 "A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet,
55:22 and on her head a garland of, what, twelve stars."
55:26 What is she clothed in natural beauty,
55:29 sun, moon, stars, natural beauty.
55:34 When a woman has a natural beauty,
55:38 God is saying and this may seem strange to our world today,
55:41 but I believe that when a woman,
55:43 when a child is born
55:45 that God has given the young man
55:47 and the young lady everything they need
55:49 to carry on for the rest of their lives.
55:51 The more beautiful and more natural,
55:54 the more we are representative of God's presence.
55:57 But look at the contrast
55:58 that will you put it Revelation 12:1,
56:01 God's faithful people.
56:04 Look at the next one, the contrast.
56:07 All right, the contrast.
56:10 I don't think I changed... Okay,
56:13 I don't think I changed the text
56:14 but let's just read it in the Bible.
56:16 Look at Revelation Chapter 17.
56:19 I remember when I was finishing this,
56:21 the doorbell rang and it threw me
56:25 but it's in the Bible,
56:27 Revelation 17:4, let's read that.
56:29 You don't need the screen on this one.
56:32 The woman, now Revelation 17, this is the woman of Babylon
56:36 was arrayed in purple and scarlet,
56:39 and what color was missing, blue,
56:41 representing the commandments of God.
56:43 And adorned with gold and precious stones
56:47 and pearls having in her hand
56:50 a golden cup full of abominations
56:53 and the filthiness of her fornication.
56:56 So look at the... Look at the two pictures there.
56:58 You find one gold, pearls, precious stones...
57:04 in rebellion, sun, moon, stars, in faithfulness.
57:10 God uses those two pictures to describe
57:14 the church as He pictures it to be
57:16 and the church how it has become.
57:19 The second picture is that of Babylon,
57:22 the fallen condition.
57:23 The first one is the glory of God
57:26 radiated through His church.
57:28 What we're going to do in the next broadcast
57:30 and we'll begin with this one.
57:31 So if you, if you haven't caught it yet,
57:34 we're gonna show you where this all came from.
57:36 We're gonna begin with Ezekiel Chapter 28
57:41 on our next broadcast
57:42 because if it's prevalent in the world today,
57:45 you must wonder where it came from.
57:48 Why is this an issue today?
57:50 Why is the church struggling with adornment and music,
57:56 the Bible gives the answer.
57:57 Friends, if it doesn't make sense,
57:58 go back over and over through it
58:00 because I believe you,
58:01 by studying it will come into a sharper focus.


Revised 2016-09-19