A Sharper Focus

The Truth about the Body Temple, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000117A

00:21 Hello, friends,
00:22 welcome to another Wednesday Night Bible Study
00:25 here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:27 Thank you for taken the time to tune in.
00:29 We want to welcome you,
00:30 wherever you are, with a hearty amen.
00:32 Can we all say amen together?
00:33 Amen.
00:34 And we have our Bibles,
00:36 we have our pens, we have our lessons.
00:39 And in just a moment,
00:40 I'll tell you where you could get a copy
00:41 of the lesson to continue to follow us.
00:43 But we're going to spend less than an hour in God's Word
00:46 and what better way to enhance our thoughts
00:48 about what God would have us to do
00:51 than to study His Word together.
00:54 In just a moment, we'll sing our theme song,
00:55 and I'll tell you where you can
00:57 get a copy of the lesson to follow along with us
01:00 but before we do any of that,
01:01 let's begin with the Word of prayer.
01:04 Wonderful Father in heaven,
01:05 thank You that Your Word will always enlighten our minds
01:10 when we open this sacred book.
01:13 Father, we thank You for Your sustaining grace
01:16 that has kept this book from generation to generation.
01:21 And now as we ingested
01:23 and hide it in our hearts and minds,
01:25 we know that the power that kept this book
01:28 can also keep us.
01:30 Be our teacher
01:31 through the power of Your Holy Spirit,
01:33 we pray in Jesus' name.
01:36 Amen.
01:38 Now for copy of the lesson, go to this website,
01:41 it is lesson number 31,
01:42 entitled "The Truth about the Body Temple."
01:45 Go to asf.3abn.org
01:49 and download lesson number 31.
01:53 Lesson number 31,
01:54 and we're going to continue in our discussion about
01:58 the Truth about the Body Temple.
02:01 But, you know, we always have a theme song
02:04 and our theme song is on the screen here.
02:07 If you know, you can sing along with us,
02:09 it's called "Victory in Jesus."
02:12 Let's sing the song together.
02:21 I heard an old, old story
02:25 How the Savior came from glory
02:29 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:33 To save a wretch like me
02:36 I heard about His groaning
02:40 Of His precious blood's atoning
02:44 Then I repented of my sins
02:48 And won the victory
02:52 O victory in Jesus
02:55 My Savior, forever
02:59 He sought me and bought me
03:03 With His redeeming blood
03:07 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:11 And all my love is due Him
03:14 He plunged me to victory
03:18 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:22 I heard about a mansion
03:26 He has built for me in glory
03:29 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:33 Beyond the crystal sea
03:37 About the angels singing
03:41 And the old redemption story
03:45 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
03:48 The song of victory
03:51 Key change.
03:52 O victory in Jesus
03:56 My Savior, forever
04:00 He sought me and bought me
04:03 With His redeeming blood
04:07 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:11 And all my love is due Him
04:15 He plunged me to victory
04:19 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:23 He plunged me to victory
04:26 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:33 Amen.
04:35 The topic is "The Truth about the Body Temple."
04:39 Let's say that together.
04:41 They want us to sing again. That's okay.
04:43 I don't mind. Let's say the topic together,
04:45 "The Truth about the Body Temple."
04:49 We have been walking through lesson number 31.
04:55 Now we covered quite a bit of scriptures
04:57 on this lesson so far,
04:59 but we're going to begin tonight
05:00 at question number nine.
05:01 But before we do that,
05:03 I want to go to the anchor verse,
05:05 I call this the anchor verse.
05:07 Go with me to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
05:13 This is the anchor verse.
05:16 Now before this lesson, we talked about health,
05:19 we talked about the clean and unclean foods,
05:23 what the Bible says we should and should not eat,
05:25 and we always know that whenever we study God's Word,
05:29 the Lord has the best plan, does He not?
05:32 Whenever it's in God's Word, we can trust God's Word,
05:35 the Lord has the best plan.
05:38 He tells us what to exclude and what to include,
05:42 but what I want to bring out also is this
05:44 that the inside is not the only part of our bodies
05:49 that belong to the Lord.
05:52 What other part of our body belong to the Lord?
05:53 Can you say it with me the...
05:55 The outside.
05:56 Outside.
05:58 So many of us concern ourselves with what we put in our bodies,
06:03 but the Bible also,
06:04 the Lord also wants us to be concerned with
06:07 what we put on the outside of the body.
06:09 Now we're living in a generation
06:12 where people don't really care what they do,
06:14 they don't care what they put on the inside,
06:16 they don't care what they put on the outside.
06:19 And if you follow the patterns of the world,
06:21 the world will give you directions
06:23 completely opposite to God's Word.
06:25 What we want to do is follow the directions
06:27 in God's Word,
06:28 why?
06:30 Because we are planning for an eternal kingdom,
06:33 and you don't wait till the day before
06:36 to plan for the best journey that anyone will ever have,
06:40 and that is to live with the Lord
06:41 throughout eternity.
06:42 But not only that,
06:44 we want to be able to represent the Lord in this world.
06:47 You know, if I go over to Europe
06:49 or go to South America or go to wherever I go in the world,
06:54 when I enter through customs, they know right away
06:58 that my citizenship is, where?
07:00 Talk to me, where?
07:02 In the United States.
07:04 They know I'm a citizen of America.
07:06 And when you go to countries,
07:08 sometimes, it's obvious to the people there
07:11 that we are not from their country.
07:13 By the way, we talk,
07:15 sometimes they mention terminologies
07:17 that we don't have any clue what they mean.
07:19 For example, over in Australia,
07:22 what we call the trunk, the back of the car,
07:25 they call the boot.
07:28 Completely different.
07:29 Over here a boot is something you wear on your foot,
07:32 in Australia it's the trunk of the car,
07:34 the back.
07:35 Terminologies are different.
07:37 How people live is often different,
07:40 how they eat is often different.
07:42 For those of us who are pilgrims in this earth
07:45 and preparing for that eternal kingdom,
07:47 there's a way God wants us to live,
07:49 there's a way He wants us to take care
07:50 of our body temple
07:52 both on the inside and on the outside.
07:53 And here's the reason why?
07:55 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
08:00 All right, let's look at that one together.
08:02 And the Bible says,
08:04 "Or do you not know that your body is the..."
08:07 What's the next word,
08:09 "Temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you,
08:13 whom you have from God, and you are not your own?"
08:17 So why do we not own our bodies?
08:20 Let's read verse 20 together.
08:21 Are you ready? Here we go.
08:23 "For you were bought with a price.
08:26 Therefore, glorify God," where?
08:29 "In your body and in your spirit,
08:31 which are God's."
08:33 Now the world often...
08:35 Let me even narrow that down.
08:37 In many churches,
08:38 people say they glorify God in the Spirit,
08:41 they live in the Spirit, they sing in the Spirit,
08:44 they walk in the Spirit,
08:45 some people say, they pray in the Spirit.
08:49 That's well and good,
08:50 but the Lord also wants us to worship Him
08:53 and to acknowledge His ownership,
08:54 not just of our spiritual life, but the physical life.
08:58 The Lord created us.
09:00 He wants us to handle what He's given to us
09:03 with great stewardship.
09:05 And so when we walk through that
09:07 we notice patterns in the Bible,
09:10 what happened when Adam and Eve fell,
09:12 what was the first thing that...
09:14 Well, how did God notice
09:17 that there was a change
09:19 in their relationship between Him and them?
09:21 What did God do when He found Adam and Eve?
09:23 Somebody tell me.
09:26 You remember what God did when He found Adam and Eve,
09:27 they were hiding.
09:29 Why were they hiding?
09:30 Can you remember? Naked.
09:31 Say it again 'cause they were what?
09:33 Naked. They were naked.
09:34 The clothing they had before they sin was gone.
09:38 The glory of God,
09:39 the light of God had disappeared,
09:41 and they knew when they saw themselves,
09:43 "Hey, we got to find some clothing."
09:45 Do you remember
09:47 what kind of clothing they made for themselves?
09:50 Ha? Fig leaves.
09:52 They put fig leaves on.
09:53 The Bible said they made aprons of fig leaves.
09:57 If you've ever seen an apron before,
09:58 it's not the proper garment.
10:00 But the way that people just today looks like
10:02 some people still are buying aprons.
10:05 God wants us to be modest, why?
10:07 Because we're citizens of a different kingdom.
10:10 The Lord did not leave Eve and Adam in an apron.
10:14 He killed an animal
10:15 and He covered them with that skin,
10:17 He wanted them to be covered up.
10:19 And from that day until we receive the glory of God,
10:22 again, you know, the robe of righteousness,
10:25 I believe it's going to be the restoration
10:26 of that light that we lost.
10:28 The glory of God
10:29 will once again enshroud us, clothe us.
10:32 Until that day,
10:33 the Lord wants us to be covered up.
10:35 And that's the principle of modesty.
10:37 He wants us to dress so that when people see us,
10:40 they know that we are not following all the designers
10:44 because when I was being raised,
10:46 and some of you may remember this,
10:48 being raised...
10:49 I remember, you know, in the...
10:52 Well, help me out. I'm not that old.
10:55 I'm getting older, we all are getting older.
10:57 Amen? Amen? Amen.
11:00 But I remember there was an age when there was the miniskirt,
11:05 and then it became the middy skirt,
11:08 then the maxi skirt.
11:11 I grew up in New York City where men wore high shoes,
11:14 elevated shoes.
11:16 They didn't wear high heels, they wore elevator shoes.
11:19 Anyone of you remember platform shoes?
11:20 Anybody remember that?
11:22 They call it super fly,
11:24 with the long coats, the big hats.
11:26 And the world is continually putting us through the wringer.
11:30 It makes us look the way, if we follow the world,
11:32 we'll look different from season to season,
11:36 but if we follow God's Word,
11:38 we always maintain a context with godly dress.
11:43 So tonight, we're going to continue our discussion
11:46 because as we looked at
11:47 how the fall affected Adam and Eve,
11:51 one of the first families
11:52 that are highlighted in the Bible
11:55 is a young man by the name of Jacob.
11:57 Does anybody remember what his wife's name was?
12:01 Rachel.
12:03 Wonderful young lady, her father's name was Laban.
12:06 When the Lord pursued Jacob,
12:13 when Jacob had deceived his brother Esau,
12:16 the Lord met with Jacob at a place called the Bethel,
12:20 which means "the house of God."
12:21 God met him there.
12:24 He wrestled with the Lord,
12:26 the Lord allowed him to prevail,
12:28 he changed his name from Jacob to Israel
12:33 because he prevailed with the Lord.
12:35 But there was something else,
12:37 the Lord desired now to sanctify his family.
12:40 And now we're going to go to question number nine,
12:41 and we're going to begin,
12:43 we're going to walk through the story
12:44 in Genesis 35
12:45 and see what kind of instruction
12:47 the Lord gave to Jacob and his family.
12:50 He was going to sanctify them for service.
12:53 And not only sanctify them for service,
12:55 but sanctify them that they may represent Him,
13:00 they may represent Him because what they did not know
13:04 was God was going to bless the world
13:07 through the 12 sons of Jacob.
13:11 The Lord was about to turn the world upside down
13:14 through the children, through the sons of Jacob.
13:17 But to begin the process,
13:19 He said, "There needs to be some changes
13:21 in your family and even in the servants you have."
13:24 So let's look at question number nine.
13:26 Here it is.
13:28 How did God instruct Jacob and his family
13:32 to present themselves to God?
13:35 How did God instruct Jacob and his family
13:38 to present themselves to God?
13:40 Let's go to Genesis Chapter 35,
13:42 and we're going to walk through the story together,
13:45 and see how God instructed Jacob and his family.
13:49 When God gives instructions...
13:51 I tell you, those instructions always bring enlightenment.
13:53 Here it is.
13:54 I'm reading from the New King James Version
13:57 and that's what's going to appear on the screen.
13:59 Here it is.
14:01 And the Bible says, "Then God said to Jacob."
14:03 What's the first word He said to Jacob together?
14:05 "Arise."
14:07 Look at the screen together with me.
14:08 Let's read that, what is it?
14:09 "Arise, go up to Bethel and dwell there,
14:13 and make an altar there to God,
14:16 who appeared to you when you fled
14:19 from the face of Esau your brother."
14:23 His brother was coming after him.
14:25 Look at verse 2.
14:26 "And Jacob said to his household
14:29 and to all who were with him."
14:31 Let's read this together.
14:33 What did he say? Look at the screen.
14:34 "Put away the," what?
14:36 "Foreign gods that are among you,"
14:39 next thing is, "purify yourselves, and,"
14:42 the third thing what?
14:43 "Change your garments."
14:45 Now pause that off the screen for a moment,
14:47 I want to elaborate before we go to verse 3-4.
14:50 The Lord said, "Put away the foreign gods,"
14:53 so which meant,
14:54 they were gods among them
14:56 that should not have been there.
14:58 And I emphasized a moment ago,
15:00 Rachel's father a man by the name of Laban,
15:02 you read that in Exodus 33,
15:06 Laban sold gods,
15:08 he fashioned them out of various types of metal,
15:11 various types of wood, he designed them.
15:13 And when Rachel married Jacob,
15:16 she brought these gods into the house.
15:18 So God said,
15:19 "You got to get rid of those gods.
15:21 Next you have to purify."
15:23 Whenever God calls us, He purifies us,
15:26 remember that text?
15:27 If we confess our sins,
15:28 He is faithful and just
15:30 to forgive us our sins and to cleanse.
15:34 So there's always a cleansing
15:35 when you commit yourself to the Lord.
15:37 "Purify yourselves, get ready."
15:38 And of third thing He said was, what's that on the screen,
15:42 last part, change your what?
15:43 "Change your garments."
15:45 In other words, "How you dress,
15:48 that's not appropriate for Me to choose you as My servant.
15:51 You got to get that in order too."
15:53 Now let's look at the next verse,
15:54 which will appear on the screen.
15:56 Here it is.
15:57 And verse 3 of Genesis 35, "Then let us arise,"
16:02 always go up when you go follow the Lord get up,
16:05 "Go up to Bethel,
16:06 and I will make an altar there to God,
16:10 who answered Me in the day of My," what?
16:13 "Distress and also and has been with Me
16:17 in the way which I have gone."
16:20 That's powerful.
16:21 Now what did they do in response
16:23 to the instruction about change your garments,
16:26 purify yourselves, get rid of the foreign gods.
16:29 Notice what they did.
16:31 Verse 4, "So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods
16:37 which were in their," what?
16:39 "Hands, and the earrings which were in their," what?
16:43 "Ears, and Jacob hid them under the terebinth tree
16:47 which was by Shechem."
16:49 Notice what they did.
16:51 Whatever foreign gods were in their houses
16:53 and, you know, in homes
16:58 when you follow the patterns of the world,
17:00 all kinds of gods could end up in your house.
17:04 The Lord says,
17:05 "Get rid of those and then also change your garments."
17:08 And notice what they understood that to mean,
17:10 they got rid of the foreign gods.
17:12 And in this particular case,
17:13 Rachel brought these in because her father Laban made them,
17:18 they had to get rid of them.
17:19 Now let me ask what did they do?
17:22 What did they do with these foreign gods?
17:24 What did they do with the earrings
17:26 when they took them off?
17:27 What did they do?
17:29 They hid them.
17:30 Specifically, they bury them.
17:31 You don't hide things under trees,
17:34 you bury them.
17:35 Here the word terebinth, simply means,
17:37 in the King James Version, oak tree.
17:40 They dug a pit, they dug a hole burry these gods,
17:45 took the earrings out of their ears,
17:48 and made sure that when they come home...
17:50 The Lord didn't say, "Put them on the counter,
17:52 when you come home, you can put it back on."
17:54 He said,
17:55 "Get them out of your house and get them out of your ears."
17:57 Amen?
17:58 Now when you follow the world, the world say,
18:01 "No, no, no, put them in your ears
18:03 and keep them in your houses."
18:05 Now,
18:08 I'm going to ask you a question and I want a response.
18:11 Whose instruction is wiser, the world's or God's?
18:15 God's. Okay.
18:16 So now let's follow this.
18:18 It may seem really uncommon for this message
18:21 to be going forward in 2015,
18:24 you may see it a different date.
18:25 That's fine.
18:26 But in this day and age, if you follow the world,
18:29 the world will say,
18:30 "No, no, no, no, put the earrings in
18:33 and bring the gods into your house."
18:35 And today, we live in a generation
18:37 where one earring, two earrings, five earrings,
18:43 or as many as you want,
18:45 and as many holes and piercings as you want,
18:47 the world is modifying...
18:50 Let me just use it.
18:51 The world is ignoring God's instruction.
18:54 But why did God instruct them that way?
18:57 It's very important.
18:58 If Jacob was the only ones that were going to be sanctified,
19:01 then the Lord will say, "This is only for them."
19:04 But as you walk through the lesson,
19:05 you'll see this was not instruction just for Jacob,
19:08 but this is instruction for the people of God.
19:11 We'll see that in just a moment.
19:12 All right?
19:13 So write that down, the answer was,
19:15 how did God instruct Jacob and his family
19:17 to present themselves?
19:18 Get rid of the foreign gods, purify yourselves,
19:22 and remove or change your garments.
19:25 In other words,
19:26 remove the earrings that are in your ears,
19:28 and he took them out.
19:30 They took them out.
19:31 When you read the story,
19:33 you'll find that not only did Rachel,
19:35 but the servants that were in their homes.
19:38 God was sanctifying the entire household
19:41 because the entire household was call of God
19:45 to be a place where sanctification exists.
19:48 Now that's important.
19:49 You know, sometimes,
19:51 we honor the Sabbath, and we say,
19:52 "Well, we have visitors,
19:54 we don't want to impose upon them
19:55 what we do on the Sabbath."
19:57 But when the Sabbath was established by God,
19:59 didn't He also say,
20:01 "Even the stranger that is within your gates,"
20:03 didn't He say that?
20:05 So God was saying if there are strangers...
20:08 And these servants weren't strangers.
20:11 The imposition here was, "They are your property,
20:14 they work for you, they live with you,
20:17 if your entire household is going to be sanctified,
20:19 I want everyone to comply
20:22 with the instructions given to Jacob."
20:24 And they did. And praise the Lord they did.
20:26 Now, let's go to question number 10,
20:28 all right?
20:30 Here it is.
20:31 Which of the Ten Commandments does this practice reflect?
20:35 Let's go to Exodus 20:3.
20:38 Exodus 20:3.
20:43 This is one of the most misunderstood commandments.
20:49 Now a lot of times, we say the Sabbath is,
20:51 but this one has a broader application
20:54 and if we get to some of the other questions,
20:57 which we will eventually,
20:58 you'll see that this commandment,
21:00 Exodus 20:3,
21:01 has a broader application than just idols of wood and stone,
21:07 and gold and silver.
21:08 Let's look at this question.
21:10 Here is the answer together.
21:11 Exodus 20:3.
21:12 Let's read this together. Are we ready?
21:14 "You shall," what?
21:15 "Have no other gods before Me."
21:19 And in the generation...
21:21 Now I want to give you a little bit of history here
21:22 because the children of Israel
21:24 eventually ended up in the land of Egypt.
21:27 And much of what happens in our world today,
21:29 many of us don't acknowledge this,
21:32 but many of the practices in our world today,
21:34 didn't start in America, they didn't start in Rome,
21:38 they didn't necessarily start in Europe,
21:40 but they go way back to antiquity
21:43 and many of the things that we do today
21:45 have their foundation in places like Egypt,
21:47 places like Babylon.
21:49 That's why you find in the New Testament
21:51 those phrases are used in Revelation.
21:54 You find the word Egypt, you find the word Sodom,
21:56 you find the word Babylon
21:58 because the things that are happening
21:59 in our world today go way back.
22:02 Today, sodomites and sodomy
22:04 is practiced in our world today,
22:06 but how many thousands of years ago
22:09 was this practiced?
22:10 Way back in the days of Nova, way back in the days of Lot.
22:15 It's old.
22:16 So if somebody to say,
22:17 "Well, it doesn't really mattered,
22:19 times have change."
22:20 Does it matter,
22:22 do changing times mater to God?
22:24 Yes or no?
22:26 Do changing times matter to God?
22:27 Yes or no? It's not a trick question.
22:29 No. No.
22:30 "I am the Lord, I change not, I am the same,
22:33 together, yesterday, today, and forever."
22:37 God doesn't change, His commandments don't change,
22:40 His requirements don't change.
22:43 So from generation to generation this applies,
22:46 "You shall have no other gods before Me."
22:48 Now let me give you a little short brief,
22:50 as I possibly can,
22:52 study on why this is so vitally important.
22:55 When I studied the inception of gods
23:01 and studied them in the context of Egypt,
23:05 an amazing discovery came to the forefront
23:09 about why this commandment was given particularly
23:13 when they came out of the land of Egypt,
23:15 why the Lord said that.
23:17 Now I'm going to leave that there as a cliffhanger
23:18 and when we get to Exodus,
23:20 I'll unfold the rest of it for you.
23:22 But now let's go to question number 11.
23:25 Question Number 11.
23:28 All right?
23:29 And here it is.
23:31 How is this adornment instruction
23:34 expressed in the New Testament?
23:38 Go to 1 Peter 3:3-4, all right?
23:43 1 Peter 3:3-4.
23:47 That's where we're going.
23:49 Some of you have already gone there before me.
23:51 1 Peter 3:3-4.
23:56 And let me...
23:57 As you read this, sometimes,
23:59 the English language
24:00 falls short of expressing what's in the Greek.
24:03 And in this particular case, the word that is best used,
24:06 and you'll get to that when you see the context of the text
24:10 is often not clear in the English language
24:12 to use the word that they can best describe
24:15 the translation from the Greek.
24:16 But let's read the text together.
24:18 All right, here we go. It's on the screen.
24:20 Speaking of those who are New Testament Christians.
24:24 "Do not let your adornment be," what?
24:29 "Merely outward arranging the hair,
24:33 wearing gold, or putting on," what?
24:37 "Fine apparel."
24:39 Let's go to the next verse.
24:40 "Rather let it be the," what kind of person?
24:44 "Hidden person of the heart,
24:46 with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
24:52 which is very precious in the sight of God.
24:55 You know, one of the things
24:56 that the Bible brings out
24:58 is the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.
25:00 If you have the King James Version,
25:02 you'll find an ornament,
25:03 is that what you have in your Bible, Mike?
25:05 Ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.
25:08 Brother Hutchinson, that's what you have,
25:09 ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.
25:12 And the reason why it uses the phrase...
25:16 And I'm going to look here.
25:17 The reason why it uses the phrase, the word,
25:21 "But rather let it be hidden, the hidden person,"
25:25 is because people expressed their wealth in society
25:29 by the things that were visible.
25:32 Now let me ask you a question.
25:34 Can you tell what a person is thinking?
25:35 Yes or no? Come on, talk to me.
25:37 Yes or no? No.
25:38 Because it's, what, hidden.
25:40 Right?
25:42 The Lord in essence saying what's more valuable to Him
25:45 is the things that are hidden,
25:48 the incorruptible heart, the gentle and quiet spirit.
25:52 So Peter is encouraging us today
25:55 to not follow the same pattern.
25:56 Now the words that I mentioned to you
25:58 that were very important.
26:00 In the King James Version, sometimes, it says
26:02 the platting of hair or the plating of hair.
26:06 In the New King James it says, the arranging of hair.
26:09 One of the practices that were very prevalent
26:11 in not only the New Testament time,
26:13 but the Old Testament time is when specific hairstyles
26:17 were formed,
26:18 they platted gold and silver strands
26:21 or whatever jewels were had in the hair,
26:25 and it differentiated the very wealthy from those
26:29 that were humble.
26:30 And I don't want to use the word poor.
26:32 The very wealthy from those that were humble.
26:35 And it formed within the hearts of those
26:37 who are adorned this way an attitude of pride.
26:42 And so when you look at that...
26:45 Look at the contrast of that.
26:47 The Lord talked about the incorruptible beauty,
26:50 a gentle and quiet spirit,
26:51 which is a contrast to a haughty and proud spirit.
26:56 So the Lord, in essence, is saying to us today
26:59 in the very same way,
27:00 the reason why the Lord calls us
27:02 to not follow the patterns of the world,
27:04 He wants us to have, what kind of a spirit,
27:06 together, gentle and quiet spirit,
27:11 which means, and this is powerful,
27:13 think of it.
27:16 What you don't say can speak louder,
27:19 sometimes, than what you say.
27:23 Have you noticed that?
27:26 I remember growing up. I've heard this phrase before.
27:29 I didn't hear this in my household,
27:30 so I want to put that in the right context.
27:32 But I remember hearing people say,
27:34 "Don't do what I do, do what I say."
27:39 Now what's deceptive about that?
27:41 What's deceptive about that?
27:43 It's because you might say what to do,
27:45 but you do something completely opposite,
27:48 and the children come along,
27:49 and you ask them when they get adults,
27:51 "Why you do that?" "My mom did that."
27:53 "But didn't she tell you to do something else?"
27:55 But, you know what, together,
27:57 "Actions speak louder than words."
28:02 So the actions of the world are much louder
28:07 than if the world says,
28:08 "Don't do this or don't do that,"
28:10 if it does that,
28:11 then we often follow what we see
28:14 rather than what we have heard.
28:15 The Lord brought that out, He said,
28:18 "Let your outward appearance be seen as gentle
28:22 and your spirit be seen as quiet."
28:25 Now another word for...
28:26 The opposite word for quiet is loud.
28:29 And I tell you the way the world dresses
28:31 sometimes is loud. Amen?
28:32 Amen.
28:34 It speaks loud.
28:35 "Whoa! What was that"?
28:38 I saw an article once in a magazine.
28:41 It was a different magazine where the article was,
28:45 "How the present age in which we live
28:47 affects the way that people dress
28:49 when they go to churches?"
28:51 But this is not new.
28:52 Go to the very next text. Go to question number 12.
28:55 This is not new.
28:56 Notice what happened in the past,
28:59 happens in the present.
29:00 Question number 12. Look at this.
29:02 How did God describe Israel
29:06 when they adopted foreign practices?
29:10 What we see today is not new.
29:13 Solomon said there is nothing new
29:14 under the sun.
29:15 What we see today
29:17 happened in a different society,
29:18 in a different age, in a different generation.
29:21 There's really nothing new, it just gets updated.
29:23 All right? Here's Hosea 2:13.
29:26 This is how the Lord described Israel
29:29 when they adopted foreign practices.
29:31 Now notice this. Here it is.
29:34 He says, "I will punish her for the days of the Baals
29:39 to which she burned incense."
29:41 Baal was a foreign god but notice how He knew this,
29:46 notice what was seen
29:48 that indicated her form of worship.
29:50 "She decked herself with,' what?
29:54 "Her earrings and," what?
29:56 "Jewelry, and went after her lovers,
30:00 but Me she forgot,' says the Lord.'"
30:04 Now this is really powerful because the children of Israel,
30:07 at this particular point,
30:09 had already been delivered from Egypt.
30:14 And what they learned as slaves in Egypt for 400 years,
30:19 it was hard to remove.
30:21 You know, sometimes it takes longer
30:23 to break a practice than it does
30:24 to adopt a practice.
30:26 The more you do something,
30:27 the easy it becomes to practice,
30:29 but it takes sometimes longer to get rid of a practice
30:33 than it does to adopt the practice.
30:36 Sometimes a person sees something
30:37 for short span of time, it becomes an influence
30:40 that their practice becomes a habit,
30:42 becomes a character trait,
30:44 and then it carries on from them
30:46 to the next generation to the next generation.
30:49 Whenever the children of Israel were in rebellion...
30:52 I want you to notice something, this is very important.
30:54 "She decked herself." "She did," what?
30:58 "Decked herself with her earrings and jewelry
31:01 and went after her lovers."
31:03 Never did the Lord speak of the children of Israel
31:07 in a righteous walk
31:09 when they were decked with jewels,
31:10 and ornaments, and earrings.
31:12 He never spoke of them as in a relationship,
31:16 as in a faithful relationship,
31:18 whenever they were decked with earrings,
31:20 and jewels, and ornaments.
31:22 He always referred to them as in rebellion.
31:26 And so the question is, should we follow the example
31:29 of a faithful relationship or a rebellious relationship?
31:33 Which one? Faithful.
31:35 A faithful relationship.
31:36 So if the children of Israel did that then,
31:38 and the Lord said,
31:40 "Hey, she's following a different god."
31:42 Today, in our very world, you'll discover
31:45 that people are following different gods
31:47 when they are adorned the very same way.
31:50 About...
31:52 Now it's been 28, 29 years of ministry,
31:55 when I was...
31:57 I'm talking about maybe the 1990s,
32:00 I got invited to speak at a camp meeting once.
32:04 And I never forgot this, after I spoke that evening...
32:08 There was a young lady, was as Adventist young lady,
32:10 she came to me, and she says, "My friend wants to meet you."
32:14 And I said...
32:15 And then she said, "Well, maybe she doesn't.
32:16 Well, maybe she doesn't.
32:18 Well, let me check with her to see if she's okay."
32:21 And I'm thinking what's all this vacillating,
32:23 why keep changing
32:24 either she does want to meet me or she doesn't.
32:27 And then she made the statement that really opened up my mind
32:30 to start studying God's Word even deeper.
32:32 She said, "Well, I'm not sure
32:35 if she's going to have on her protection."
32:38 I said, "Protection? What am I going to do to her?
32:42 It's just me."
32:44 And I met the young lady.
32:45 She was a young practicing witch.
32:50 She was a Wiccan.
32:52 And when I met her, she said,
32:55 "My friend invited me to camp meeting,
32:57 I want to meet you, I enjoyed your speech today."
32:59 Well, I don't give speeches, I give sermons.
33:01 Amen? You guys are quite tonight.
33:03 Amen?
33:04 Amen.
33:06 But she says, "I wanted to meet you
33:07 because I enjoyed your speech today."
33:08 And her friend was there and her friend was,
33:11 kind of, looking back and forth between us like,
33:12 "Oh, is this going to go okay?
33:14 Is this going to go okay?"
33:15 And she said to me.
33:17 And I said, "Your friend mentioned
33:19 that you wanted to meet me, but she want to make sure
33:23 that you might have on your protection."
33:25 I said, "Could you explain that to me?
33:27 What do you mean by protection?"
33:29 She says, "Well, I'm a young witch
33:33 and as a result of the,
33:35 the kind of witchery that I practice,
33:37 we don't believe in any evil existing
33:42 except outside of our protection."
33:45 And I said,
33:46 "What do you mean by protection?"
33:48 She says, "Well, my jewelry is my protection."
33:50 I said, "Protection from what?"
33:53 And when she began to explain this to me,
33:55 it opened my mind, I'd tell you,
33:57 then certain portions of the Bible became alive
33:59 that I never understood before.
34:02 And I went back and I studied.
34:04 And believe me, when I studied,
34:05 I like to go very deep into the study,
34:07 and I came to discover
34:09 that those who followed foreign gods
34:12 believed in the immortality of the soul.
34:18 Follow carefully.
34:19 So that means, if a person died,
34:22 they believed that
34:24 that person's soul or spirit roamed the earth,
34:28 looking for someone else to possess.
34:31 But the way to protect themselves
34:34 from any spirit that could come...
34:35 And she considered me...
34:37 And I praise the Lord for this.
34:38 She considered that since I'm a pastor,
34:40 I might have a spirit that she doesn't want to have,
34:43 so she has to have on her protection.
34:45 I want to say to the glory of God,
34:46 the only spirit that I have is the Holy Spirit.
34:48 Come on, help me out.
34:49 Amen.
34:51 But she didn't want my spirit to affect her spirit
34:54 or to affect her, so she had on her protection.
34:58 And I thought, "Unbelievable."
35:00 So they believed that if a person has a spirit,
35:03 it could somehow possess their bodies
35:06 if it can get in.
35:07 And I said, "Get in how?"
35:09 She says, "Well,
35:11 spirits can enter your body various ways,
35:12 it could enter through the ear,
35:14 through the nose, through the mouth."
35:19 And I kept inquiring.
35:22 And I said, "So let me ask a question.
35:26 What protection do you have on?"
35:28 "My earrings, it blocks...
35:31 See, that earring represented the god she served.
35:34 And so if the earring was positioned by the opening
35:37 of the ear, she believed that if the spirit was trying
35:41 to find a way in, it would see the earring,
35:45 that represented her god,
35:47 and it'd stop the spirit from going in.
35:50 Or if she wore a nose ring that somehow the spirit
35:53 would try to get in through the nose,
35:55 and it'll see that ornament
35:56 that represented the god she served,
35:59 and it would stop, and couldn't get in.
36:01 And you can keep going, the lip ring,
36:03 the tongue ring, all these things
36:05 that are now fads and fashions in America
36:08 were not so when they became, when they were born.
36:11 And I kept thinking. I can't wait to get home.
36:14 I can't wait to get home to study.
36:16 And I discovered that in Egypt
36:18 where these practices were heavily prevalent,
36:22 they had the same belief,
36:23 they believed in the immortality of the soul.
36:26 For example, and I'm teaching right now,
36:28 when the kings died...
36:29 One of the reasons why they built
36:31 these large pyramids
36:32 and put all their gold and silver inside of it
36:38 is because they believed
36:39 that when they got to the other side,
36:41 they will need these articles.
36:43 Sometimes, they even buried them
36:44 with their servants.
36:46 And then also they buried them with a boat,
36:49 and they believed
36:50 that their spirit will row this boat
36:52 to the other side
36:54 where they have continually, where they'll live continually.
37:00 And by the way, my wife reminded me of this.
37:03 And so whenever I heard...
37:04 And this is amazing.
37:05 They believe that in death you crossed the river
37:10 and on the other side
37:12 you had a life that continued.
37:14 So when I heard the phrase, "And then one day,
37:17 I'll cross that river."
37:21 I thought where did that come from?
37:22 Did I hear that before?
37:24 And I've traced that back,
37:25 not that it's sinful in that sense,
37:28 but it connects right to the Egyptian belief
37:31 that when you died you cross the river.
37:35 And then all the artifacts that they wore,
37:37 the gold the jewels,
37:38 they all represented various Egyptian gods.
37:43 So now this is powerful.
37:45 So the question is, if your body is God's temple,
37:51 which it is,
37:54 what fellowship
37:55 does the temple of God have with idols?
38:01 Paul when he expressed that in the...
38:03 We're going to cover that in the next lesson.
38:04 We're going to go to that scripture actually,
38:06 what fellowship does the temple of God have with idols?
38:10 So that's why when the Lord expressed this,
38:12 Hosea 2:13, when He expressed this,
38:16 He was in essence saying, clearly,
38:18 the way that she looks,
38:20 she's dressed like she's following the god Baal.
38:24 And how can I tell?
38:26 By her jewelry, by her earrings,
38:29 she's not following Me, she's following the god Baal.
38:33 That's why the scripture is designed this way.
38:35 That's why God recorded that.
38:37 So today, when you go to these stores,
38:40 they call them ornamentation, they call them accessories,
38:44 and then you go to legitimate jewelry stores,
38:47 whenever these articles are hung on the body
38:49 that belongs to the Lord,
38:51 they identified as belonging to a different god
38:55 other than the Almighty God.
38:57 Amen?
38:59 Now why do we not need these things on our bodies?
39:01 Let's go back to that story,
39:02 I just told you about the Wiccan
39:05 because we do not believe in the immortality of the soul.
39:09 We do not believe that when a person dies,
39:12 there's a spirit roaming the earth
39:13 looking to possess somebody else.
39:14 Do we believe that?
39:16 We don't believe that.
39:18 What we do believe is that the Lord
39:20 is our protection.
39:23 So whenever the children of Israel
39:25 practiced what the nations
39:27 that did not honor God practiced,
39:29 the Lord always said, "There she goes again,
39:31 she decked herself with her earrings and jewelry
39:36 and went after her lovers and Me, she forgot."
39:41 Any time the Israelites moved in that direction,
39:44 God always identify them in a position of rebellion.
39:48 So now let me just put this point on before
39:50 we go to the very next question.
39:53 Did God say big earrings or little earrings?
39:56 Did He describe that in the verse?
39:58 She wore her big earrings...
40:00 What kind? Did He describe that?
40:01 Yes or no? No.
40:03 Somehow, there's this belief today
40:05 that if you wear a tiny little earrings,
40:08 then God is okay with that.
40:13 And that's pervading even the Adventist church.
40:18 It's coming in.
40:19 The Lord never said a tiny piece of pork.
40:22 Come on, somebody.
40:24 He never said just a puff
40:25 every now and then on a cigarette.
40:28 He said abstain completely.
40:31 He didn't say a little necklace with a cross.
40:33 He didn't say wear the cross, He said bear the cross.
40:37 And the world has molded the church so much
40:41 that we look more like the children of Israel
40:46 at the base of Mount Sinai.
40:47 We're going to get there in a moment.
40:49 Then the children as
40:51 they are being made righteous by the garments of God.
40:55 So, brothers and sisters, we've got to differ
40:58 from the way the world is molding.
41:00 I tell you why?
41:02 Because in heaven...
41:03 There's the powerful reason for this.
41:04 In heaven, the streets are made of transparent gold.
41:08 Follow me carefully.
41:09 The gates are made of pearls.
41:13 The 12 precious foundations
41:15 are made of different kinds of precious stones, emeralds,
41:19 rubies, sapphire, turquoise.
41:22 Can you imagine? This is huge.
41:25 Are you ready?
41:26 Say yes. Yes.
41:29 Can you imagine going to heaven
41:30 with this practice.
41:32 You see some folk on the streets of gold
41:34 with their little pick axes
41:36 trying to get some jewels for their earrings.
41:42 It may sound farfetched,
41:44 but that's exactly
41:45 what happened among the children of Israel.
41:48 They wore articles of jewels and gold
41:51 that had no connection with God in that sense.
41:54 If that practice is allowed in heaven,
41:57 give or take a week,
41:58 heaven will be chiseled up, broken up
42:01 because in heaven all these are just simply...
42:04 Heaven's asphalt is gold.
42:07 Amen somebody? Amen.
42:09 That's just precious ornaments.
42:10 God simply use those for the purposes
42:14 for which He ordains them at that particular time.
42:17 What we're going to also do
42:18 is we're going to get into the sanctuary
42:20 to find out why God allowed these articles
42:23 to be among the children of Israel.
42:25 But now let's go to the very next question.
42:27 Question number 13.
42:29 This is one of those lessons you can't rush through.
42:32 Question number 13. Here it is.
42:34 How does God's adornment differ from that of the world?
42:39 How does God's adornment differ from that of the world?
42:45 Isaiah 61:10.
42:47 Go there with me.
42:49 Isaiah 61:10.
42:54 Okay, I'm turning there.
43:01 I am there. Okay, look at this.
43:04 Now what you're going to read in this text when we go to it,
43:06 you're going to see
43:08 the comparison between those things
43:11 that exists in an Asian wedding,
43:17 as compared to the garments that God clothes His people in.
43:23 Watch this very carefully.
43:25 Isaiah does a wonderful job in comparing the two.
43:28 Here it is.
43:30 Isaiah 61:10.
43:31 It's going to be on the screen for you.
43:33 The Lord says, "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord."
43:36 Isaiah says this.
43:38 "My soul shall be joyful in my God,
43:42 for He has clothed me with the," say together,
43:46 "garments of salvation,
43:47 He has covered me with the," what?
43:50 "Robe of righteousness."
43:52 Praise the Lord for that.
43:54 Garment of salvation, robe of righteousness.
43:56 Now look at the comparison.
43:58 He says,
43:59 "As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments,
44:05 and as a bride
44:07 adorns herself with her jewels."
44:11 He does the comparison.
44:13 We just came back of not about...
44:15 Maybe couple of years ago my wife and I were in Asia.
44:18 Particularly, in India,
44:21 and this is still practiced to this very day.
44:24 The adornment...
44:26 If you've ever seen an Indian wedding,
44:28 you don't know adornment until you seen an Indian wedding.
44:31 Anybody know what I'm talking about?
44:32 If you have seen an Indian wedding,
44:35 then you understand adornment
44:37 because the bridegroom is decked,
44:39 and the bride is decked.
44:41 But that's the practice of their society.
44:45 We were just over in southern India,
44:48 northern India,
44:49 and you'd look at the different gods
44:51 that are there, thousands of gods,
44:52 Hindu gods, Buddhist gods.
44:55 When you go to the temples, the jewels are everywhere,
44:57 they are everywhere, it's a part of their culture.
45:00 The Lord says... And this is powerful.
45:02 Let me just bring it to today's language.
45:03 Lord is saying,
45:05 "You see how the Asian bride
45:08 adorns herself with all her jewels,
45:09 and you see how the bridegroom
45:11 adorns himself with all of his jewels.
45:13 My robe of righteousness
45:16 and My garment of salvation
45:19 is going to be more glorious than that.
45:21 Can I get an amen? Amen.
45:23 He says, "See, how they're glittering,
45:24 how they stand out, and they're ostentatious,
45:28 you think that's something,
45:29 wait till I give you My garment of salvation
45:31 and My robe of righteousness."
45:33 It's going to far outshine any substitution
45:37 that the world can give to us.
45:39 Praise the Lord.
45:40 But the world says
45:41 here are the substitutes for the robe of righteousness,
45:45 and the garment of salvation.
45:47 And I tell you what?
45:49 I want the robe of righteousness,
45:50 and I want the garment of salvation.
45:52 Anybody else? Amen.
45:53 But that's the comparison.
45:55 So when the Bible does comparison,
45:56 the Bible does not authorize it,
45:58 but God used the practice of that day and age
46:01 to make the comparison between His garments,
46:04 His righteousness and their garments,
46:07 and their righteousness.
46:08 Well, let's go to the next one.
46:10 Okay, moving right along to question number 14.
46:14 We want to always follow the pattern
46:16 that God has established.
46:19 Question number 14.
46:20 What did the Lord give to the Israelites
46:24 when He freed them from Egypt?
46:26 Now this is one...
46:27 We're not going to finish this tonight,
46:28 I don't know because we go to question number 19,
46:30 but at least we're going to lay the foundation.
46:32 And there are certain things in the Bible
46:34 you cannot rush through.
46:35 This is powerful.
46:37 When you think about the Exodus,
46:39 that chapter is appropriately titled
46:41 "The Exodus" that means coming out.
46:45 The Lord brought them out with a mighty hand.
46:48 Okay, we're going to go to Exodus Chapter 3
46:50 and find out.
46:51 Now let me do some quizzing here.
46:52 Does anybody remember
46:54 how long the Israelites were slaves in Egypt?
46:57 How long the Bible say?
46:59 Four hundred years.
47:00 And 430 if you count Joseph,
47:03 he was there 30 years before they came.
47:05 So total of 430 years, but 400 generally,
47:09 that's the number of consensus.
47:13 They were there,
47:15 Joseph was there for 30 years
47:17 before another pharaoh ascended to throne.
47:22 And when you look at Exodus 1.
47:24 Look at it very quickly.
47:26 And it says in Exodus 1:8.
47:29 It's amazing.
47:30 Things changed, somebody else sat on the seat.
47:34 The Bible says in Exodus 1:8.
47:36 "Now there arose a new king over Egypt,
47:39 who did not know Joseph."
47:42 He said, "Okay, heard about you,
47:46 not very sure much about you,
47:48 but I don't really know who you are."
47:50 And what happened, as Joseph was in Egypt
47:55 because of the famine he brought his family there,
47:58 and those who were in famine,
48:00 the Lord allowed them to come into Egypt
48:02 to get bread and food
48:04 and sustenance during the time of famine.
48:06 And what happened is this new pharaoh noticed
48:11 that the Israelites were just growing
48:13 in leaps and bounds.
48:15 He saw them everywhere, and then he said,
48:19 "You know what?
48:21 If we let them keep this up, they're going to outnumber us,
48:25 they're going to become the majority,
48:28 and we're going to become the minority,
48:30 and we might end up their slaves.
48:33 So in order to not let that happen,
48:35 let's put them into slavery."
48:37 So for 400 years they were in bondage in Egypt.
48:42 Now when you're a slave, do you get the proper wages?
48:45 Yes or no? No.
48:46 No. Do you get fair treatment? No.
48:49 When you read the story of the bondage in Egypt,
48:51 it was hard bondage.
48:53 And when they cried to the Lord,
48:54 the Lord raised up a man by the name of Moses,
48:59 one who is drawn from the water.
49:01 Raised up Moses to lead the children of Israel
49:04 out of Egypt.
49:06 So now when they left, the Lord said,
49:08 "Okay, I'm going to calculate
49:10 how much the Egyptians owe you."
49:11 This is powerful. God is such a just God.
49:13 Can you say amen to that?
49:14 He said, "They have not paid you
49:16 for 400 years.
49:19 I'm going to calculate what they owe you,
49:21 and I will make sure that when you leave,
49:23 you leave with a big check."
49:25 This is powerful.
49:26 Go to Exodus 3:21-22.
49:29 Look what He did.
49:30 He took all the wealth of Egypt
49:33 and made it accessible to the children of Israel.
49:36 Here it is. Exodus 3:21-22.
49:39 Notice how He did this.
49:40 He says, "And I will give this people,"
49:43 what's the next word?
49:44 "Favor in the sight of the Egyptians,
49:47 and it shall be,
49:49 when you go out,
49:51 that you shall not go out empty-handed."
49:53 God is a good God.
49:54 Sometimes, it takes 400 years to get payback,
49:57 but God always make sure that He has the last say.
50:00 And then He says,
50:02 "But every woman shall ask of her neighbor,
50:05 namely, of her who dwells near her house,"
50:10 listen to what they should ask for,
50:11 "articles of," say it together,
50:13 "silver, articles of," what?
50:15 "Gold, and," what else?
50:17 "Clothing.
50:18 And you shall put them on your sons
50:21 and on your daughters.
50:23 So you shall," do what to the Egyptians?
50:26 "Plunder."
50:28 Another word for plunder is leave them broke.
50:31 You don't want to be plundered.
50:32 If your bank account gets plundered,
50:35 you're broke.
50:36 "You shall leave the Egyptians broke."
50:39 So let's write that down.
50:41 Exodus 3:21-22.
50:44 Write down, what does the Lord give to the Israelites?
50:47 He gave them articles of silver and gold and clothing.
50:50 And He said, "Put them on your sons
50:51 and your daughters,
50:52 make sure when you leave, the Israelites are broke."
50:56 I mean, the Egyptians are broke.
50:58 All right?
50:59 So what did you put? So watch this.
51:01 Now when He says put them on your sons
51:03 and your daughters,
51:05 you got to understand the context.
51:06 He didn't say wear them, He said put them on.
51:10 Now, I want to make an illustration.
51:11 Can I do that? All right.
51:13 Okay. Now. Okay.
51:16 There are many ways to put the jacket on me.
51:18 One is this way, so I can carry it,
51:21 the other is, this way,
51:25 so I can wear it.
51:28 "Put it on them."
51:29 The context here was
51:31 we're going to carry this stuff out of Egypt.
51:33 "Put it on them."
51:34 So they could carry it with them
51:36 when they leave.
51:37 It was not to wear like the Egyptians wore,
51:39 put it on them, so they can carry it out.
51:41 So they had the clothing, they had the silver,
51:44 they had the gold,
51:45 and they were carrying it out of Egypt.
51:48 They were not wearing it out of Egypt.
51:50 They were carrying it out of Egypt.
51:53 You got to get this all together.
51:54 And when you see the rest of the story,
51:56 you'll see exactly how this is verified.
52:00 So now let's go to the very next verse
52:02 in Exodus 12.
52:03 Let's see what the Lord did.
52:06 He gave the instruction in Exodus Chapter 3,
52:08 and then the deliverance came,
52:11 and we're going to see about the deliverance
52:12 in Exodus Chapter 12.
52:14 All right?
52:15 Here is what the Bible says.
52:17 "Now the children of Israel
52:20 had done according to the word of Moses,
52:25 and they had asked the Egyptians articles of,"
52:28 what?"
52:29 Silver, articles of," what?
52:31 "Gold, and," what else?
52:33 "Clothing."
52:35 And it goes on, and it says,
52:36 "And the Lord had given the people favor
52:40 in the sight of the Egyptians,
52:42 so that they granted them what they requested."
52:46 And let's read the last part together.
52:48 "Thus they," what?
52:50 "Plundered the Egyptians."
52:52 This powerfully, wealthy, dynasty,
52:56 when God brought His children out,
52:59 He said,
53:01 "Because of what you did to My people,
53:04 I'm going to leave your dynasty broke."
53:07 And they left it completely broke,
53:09 completely plundered.
53:11 All the articles...
53:12 And I want you to get this.
53:14 Now let's get the big picture here
53:15 because when they left with the articles
53:16 of silver and of gold,
53:18 they didn't melt them down to gold bullion
53:21 or silver squares,
53:23 they brought them in whatever condition
53:24 that they were in.
53:26 They brought the golden gods, they brought the silver gods,
53:30 they brought the ostentatious garments
53:31 that the Egyptians wore,
53:33 they brought their ceremonial garments
53:36 that they wore,
53:37 everything that the Egyptians
53:39 had that expressed their wealth.
53:40 The Israelites now had it in their possession.
53:43 And we're not going to finish this tonight,
53:45 but you will discover something,
53:47 God had a plan for all that wealth,
53:49 God had a plan for all that gold,
53:51 God had a plan for all those precious stones.
53:54 And some of you are wise enough to understand
53:56 where I'm going with this.
53:58 God was going to use all that gold,
54:01 all that silver,
54:03 all those precious stones to do something
54:06 that was far more glorious
54:08 than the Egyptians would ever desire to do with that.
54:11 Now let's hit one more question.
54:12 Let's hit one more question.
54:14 I think we have enough time to do that.
54:15 But now keep this in mind,
54:17 they're carrying all the form of the Egyptian wealth,
54:20 they're not carrying little things
54:22 in their knapsack,
54:23 they're jingling,
54:26 and they are shining
54:28 as they leave the land of Egypt,
54:29 they got all the gold, all the silver, all the jewels,
54:33 all the Egyptian clothing, and they're carrying it out,
54:36 and there's nothing that the Egyptian
54:37 can do to stop them.
54:39 Amen? Amen.
54:40 When God is ready to bless you,
54:42 the enemy cannot stop God from blessing you.
54:45 Okay, now look at question 15 very quickly.
54:49 It says, "What specifically
54:51 did the Lord tell the Israelites not to do?"
54:55 Now get this.
54:56 He said, "Get that silver, get that gold,
54:59 bring it out of there."
55:00 But there's something He told them not to do.
55:03 Okay, now let's go to Exodus 20:23.
55:08 Exodus 20:23.
55:10 Okay, this is huge.
55:12 Now look at the context is, they're out of Egypt,
55:16 they're in the wilderness,
55:18 they just got the Ten Commandments.
55:21 And He says, "You got all that stuff from Egypt,
55:23 you haven't done anything with it yet,"
55:26 because this is before
55:27 they started building anything for the glory of God,
55:29 I'm trying to be vague.
55:33 But He said, "Now that you have it,
55:34 this is what I don't want you to do."
55:36 Here is the answer. Exodus 20:23.
55:39 All right.
55:41 He said,
55:42 "You shall not make anything to be with Me,"
55:47 together, "gods of," what?
55:49 "Silver or gods," of what?
55:51 "Gold,
55:52 you shall not make for yourselves."
55:55 This is huge.
55:57 We're walking through the story.
55:58 You're going to see how God is so specific
56:00 and clear in His Word.
56:01 He said, "What I don't want you to do
56:03 is make any gods of silver or any gods of gold,
56:05 I don't want you to do that."
56:07 But we got to end on this text.
56:08 Go to the next question very quickly,
56:10 question number 16.
56:11 We have to end here.
56:14 For what purpose were the precious stones
56:16 and jewels to be used?
56:18 For what purpose were the precious stones
56:20 and jewels to be used?
56:22 God said, "Now that you have it,
56:24 here's what I don't want you to do,
56:27 but here's what I want you to do."
56:29 It's so nice that God gives specific instructions.
56:32 Go to Exodus 25:8.
56:36 Exodus 25:8.
56:38 God said, "I don't want you to get like the Egyptians
56:40 because the temptation might arise."
56:42 Now let me make this point.
56:44 If you've got all this stuff among you
56:46 that represents the way that the Egyptians lived,
56:50 wouldn't somewhere along the way you think,
56:51 "Hey, that's a really nice necklace."
56:54 "Whoa!
56:56 Did you see that outfit?"
56:57 "Look at those earrings."
57:00 You can carry with you but so long
57:02 before it starts affecting the way you think.
57:04 "Look at all those rings."
57:06 The Lord said, "Don't do it."
57:07 Now here's the text very quickly.
57:09 Last one. Exodus 25:8.
57:10 Please put on the screen.
57:11 He says. Here it is.
57:13 "And let them make Me a," what?
57:15 "Sanctuary, that I may dwell among them."
57:19 He says, "Don't make gods because I got plans.
57:22 I want you to make Me a sanctuary
57:24 that I may dwell among you."
57:26 It is on that note
57:27 that we're going to wind up this week's lesson.
57:29 You see, God took slaves from Egypt,
57:33 His children. He said,
57:35 "Don't follow the practices of the Egyptians,
57:38 but I want you to take all their gold,
57:40 all their clothing, all their gold,
57:43 all their silver
57:44 and please don't make any gods with them
57:46 because I want to make a sanctuary,
57:49 and so please hold it
57:50 so that I can tell you what to do with it."
57:52 Friends, it's going to be a powerful topic.
57:54 Stick with us.
57:55 If it doesn't make sense right now,
57:57 I can guarantee you,
57:58 keep studying God's Word because sooner or later,
58:00 it will come into A Sharper Focus.
58:02 God bless you. Let's pray.


Revised 2019-01-21