A Sharper Focus

The Truth About Biblical Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000116A

00:22 Hello, friends, welcome to A Sharper Focus,
00:26 a Wednesday night Bible study
00:28 here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:30 Thank you for tuning in,
00:31 no matter where you're tuning in from,
00:33 I got a perspective that not just America,
00:36 but China, India, Australia,
00:39 the Caribbean, Europe,
00:42 all over the world people are tuning in.
00:44 So thank you for taking the time
00:46 to walk with us through a thoughtful hour
00:48 in the Word of God.
00:49 Can we all say amen to that? Amen.
00:51 Whenever you open the Bible, God is waiting there.
00:53 As I read a quotation last week,
00:55 Ellen White said that when we open the Word of God
00:57 we have to remember that we are on Holy Ground.
01:01 And if our eyes can be peeled back,
01:02 we will see the angels.
01:04 And remember, the Word of God was inspired,
01:07 holy men of God
01:08 spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
01:11 So tonight, we are entering into a study on Holy Ground.
01:15 And thank you for taking the time to tune in.
01:17 In just a moment, I'll tell you
01:18 how to get a copy of the lesson.
01:20 We're gonna be winding up on one lesson
01:21 about the truth about biblical health,
01:24 and then go into another lesson,
01:26 the truth about the body temple.
01:29 But before we have our theme song,
01:30 and before I tell you where to find the lesson,
01:32 let's begin with prayer.
01:34 Loving Father in heaven, we thank You
01:36 that as we open Your Word tonight,
01:38 You promise to open our hearts.
01:40 So, Lord, we hear You knocking at the door of our heart.
01:43 We invite You in to sup with us,
01:46 to have dinner with us.
01:48 May Your Spirit speak to us, may we learn,
01:51 but also may You give us the desire and the will
01:53 to follow You and to serve You,
01:55 in Jesus' name we pray.
01:57 Amen.
02:00 If you want a copy of the lesson,
02:01 go to this following website asf.3abn.org
02:07 and download lesson number 31.
02:10 Lesson number 31 entitled,
02:13 "The Truth about the Body Temple."
02:15 This fits right into the topic
02:17 that we've been covering so far.
02:19 We've been talking about biblical health,
02:21 and we're winding up on that lesson
02:23 only two more questions in lesson number 30.
02:26 So if you did not download number 30,
02:27 we're finishing question number 21 and 22.
02:31 And so you can follow along.
02:34 Also, if you have any questions at that very same website,
02:37 there are some links where you can upload questions
02:39 and comments.
02:41 If something has not been clear,
02:42 we'd like to make sure that it is clear.
02:44 Now let's sing our theme song together.
02:46 And our theme song is "Victory in Jesus."
02:50 Let's sing this song together.
02:59 I heard an old, old story
03:03 How the Savior came from glory
03:07 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:10 To save a wretch like me
03:14 I heard about His groaning
03:18 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:22 Then I repented of my sin
03:25 And won the victory
03:29 O victory in Jesus
03:33 My Savior, forever
03:37 He sought me and bought me
03:40 With His redeeming blood
03:44 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:48 And all my love is due Him
03:52 He plunged me to victory
03:56 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:59 I heard about a mansion
04:03 He has built for me in glory
04:07 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:11 Beyond the crystal sea
04:15 About the angels singing
04:18 And the old redemption story
04:22 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:26 The song of victory
04:29 Key change.
04:30 O victory in Jesus
04:33 My Savior, forever
04:37 He sought me and bought me
04:41 With His redeeming blood
04:45 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:49 And all my love is due Him
04:52 He plunged me to victory
04:56 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:59 Together.
05:00 He plunged me to victory
05:04 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:10 Amen.
05:12 And we need to be plunged every day.
05:15 Ain't that right?
05:17 Every morning a new, fresh cleaning.
05:20 We're not gonna sing it again
05:22 although that's not a bad idea.
05:24 But being plunged every day is something we all need.
05:28 Thank you for that cue,
05:29 but we're not gonna sing it again.
05:32 We're gonna be finishing up the title,
05:34 "The Truth about Biblical Health."
05:38 Say that with me,
05:40 The Truth about Biblical Health.
05:42 We covered quite a bit.
05:44 This lesson had 22 questions,
05:47 and we've learned some valuable things
05:49 about how important
05:51 our bodies are in the sight of the Lord.
05:53 The Lord loves us, does He not?
05:56 And He wants us to have the most optimal health.
05:59 And when you follow God's owner's manual,
06:02 just like when you get a toaster,
06:05 I was surprised that on the back of the toothbrush
06:08 package instructions are there,
06:11 as though we don't know what to do with the toothbrush.
06:14 But everything comes with instructions.
06:16 Q-Tips come with instructions that tell you what to do
06:19 and what not to do.
06:21 My wife is still training me about how to use Q-Tip,
06:23 she says never put a Q-Tip in your ear
06:25 only put your elbow.
06:27 Well, I can't put my...
06:29 Since I can't put my elbow I put a Q-Tip.
06:31 But I'm still learning.
06:34 But the Lord has given us instruction in His Word
06:36 that's so clear,
06:38 so concise that if you want optimal health,
06:41 you simply have to follow God's Word.
06:43 We've talked about
06:44 the things that can and cannot be eaten.
06:47 We walked through a various books in the Bible,
06:50 like Deuteronomy Chapter 14 and Leviticus Chapter 11.
06:53 If you missed the earlier lessons,
06:55 that very same website asf.3abn.org,
06:58 you can download the lesson, the earlier part,
07:01 and look at the videos
07:02 because the videos are uploaded
07:04 so you can follow along anything that you have missed.
07:07 We talked about shellfish, hard shellfish,
07:11 lobsters, crabs, oysters, shrimps,
07:14 mussels, scallops, clams, you name it.
07:17 If it has a hard shell, don't eat it.
07:20 All garbage cans have hard shells.
07:24 God's got his own sanitation department.
07:27 Don't eat God's sanitation department.
07:30 If you eat the garbage collectors,
07:32 the garbage remains.
07:35 Fins and scales, say it together,
07:37 fins and scales, it has to have both.
07:41 The fish have to have both which means
07:43 that eliminates catfish,
07:44 all of those of you who live in Southern Illinois,
07:47 gotta leave the catfish alone, right?
07:50 You can get bass, and crappie, and all that other stuff
07:54 that has fins and scales.
07:56 No shark, no dolphin
07:58 and surely don't try to cook a whale,
08:01 just not gonna work.
08:04 When it comes to animals, it has to chew its cud
08:08 and have a split hoof together,
08:11 which means the cow.
08:14 And the list is all there in the Bible.
08:17 But now, the pig,
08:18 the one you have to look out for is the pig.
08:22 It has a split hoof but it doesn't chew its cud.
08:25 It is the most mobile,
08:27 the greasiest garbage can on the ground.
08:32 It eats whatever it digests, whatever.
08:35 And it's the only animal
08:36 that people eat every single thing
08:38 from the nose to the end of the tail.
08:42 So don't eat it.
08:44 The pig is a garbage can.
08:45 You can give him a bowl, you give him a shower,
08:47 spray cologne or perfume, put him inside your house,
08:51 but the moment he gets outside,
08:53 he's gonna go back
08:54 to the dirtiest filthiest thing.
08:55 And you know what?
08:57 God designed them to be that way.
08:58 So don't eat the pig.
09:00 And we talked about trichinosis,
09:01 we talked about even the clean meat,
09:03 you have to be careful.
09:05 If beef is in the clean category,
09:07 but if you eat beef that's not well cooked,
09:09 you put the blood in your body,
09:12 and we are not supposed to eat fat nor blood.
09:15 Amen somebody.
09:17 Because those are the places where the purines,
09:20 the impurities reside.
09:22 Don't eat fat or blood.
09:24 Even if it's a clean meat, don't eat fat or blood,
09:26 that's why it's best to be a vegetarian.
09:28 That's why it's best in some cases for some
09:30 to be a vegan.
09:31 Somebody will say, "Well, how can I survive?"
09:34 Well, you know what?
09:35 Ask the cow.
09:37 He's a vegetarian.
09:39 He's a vegan,
09:40 except when they put stuff in his feed
09:42 that he shouldn't be eating.
09:44 So God has the best diet.
09:45 And tonight we're gonna go on the last two questions
09:48 21 and 22
09:50 and discover what God wants to say to us in His Word,
09:53 and then we're gonna transition to lesson number 31,
09:57 The Truth about the Body Temple.
09:58 So let's dive right in to question number 21.
10:01 And those of you that are at home,
10:03 these questions and answers will appear on the screen.
10:06 Number 21, let's go ahead and dive into it.
10:09 Besides the things that we eat,
10:13 what other instruction are we given?
10:16 Besides the things that we eat,
10:19 what other instruction are we given?
10:21 Question number 21.
10:23 And go to Proverbs 17:22.
10:27 Proverbs 17:22.
10:31 Besides the things that we eat,
10:34 what other instruction are we given?
10:37 You know, because
10:38 I want to just make this very, very clear.
10:41 We are not saved by diet, can we say amen?
10:45 But when you are in a saving relationship,
10:48 then God has given you a responsibility
10:52 on how to handle your body,
10:54 on what to do with His temple.
10:56 Now you recognize Him as the owner of your body.
10:59 He requires us
11:00 to handle the body a certain way.
11:02 But there's something more than just sometimes what we eat
11:07 that makes a difference in our stewardship of our body.
11:10 Let's look at Proverbs 17:22.
11:12 And here's what the Bible says, here's what a wise man says.
11:16 Let's read this first text together.
11:18 Are you ready?"
11:20 A merry heart does good like," what?
11:23 "Medicine, but a broken spirit does," what?
11:27 "Dries the bones."
11:30 So this is amazing.
11:32 Sometimes it's not what you're eating,
11:34 sometimes it's what's eating you.
11:37 Right?
11:38 I've seen some healthy vegetarians
11:40 that are as sour as pickles
11:43 on the first day of their birth.
11:46 I mean, sour, angry,
11:50 hostile, can't smile.
11:55 So you might have the cleanest colon,
11:58 but the most cluttered mind, and the most sad heart.
12:03 The fruit of the Spirit is what?
12:05 Together.
12:06 Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness,
12:10 meekness, patience.
12:12 You can be healthy,
12:14 but you have to have a healthy attitude also,
12:15 ain't that right?
12:17 If your attitude is unhealthy and your colon is healthy,
12:20 nobody wants to be around you
12:22 because they see your attitude
12:23 before they see your intestines.
12:25 All right?
12:26 The Lord wants us to reflect on the outside
12:29 what's going on the inside
12:31 because there are some people that are meat eaters,
12:34 carnivores, eat all kinds of shellfish
12:36 and all kinds of unclean stuff but they're so nice.
12:39 What testimony is it for Christian
12:41 to boast about his or her health
12:43 and have a terrible attitude?
12:46 So God wants us to have good insides and good what?
12:50 Outsides.
12:51 They say, if you feel good, notify your face.
12:55 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine,
12:57 but a broken spirit dries up the bone."
13:00 And then there are some individuals,
13:02 I want to expand on this.
13:03 There are some individuals
13:05 that can never let go of the past.
13:09 They make sure does it have any milk in it?
13:12 Does it have any pork in it?
13:14 Is it cooked in lard?
13:15 But they're stuck in the past, their burdens,
13:18 their childhood hurts, their difficulties.
13:21 And sometimes,
13:22 while they're particular about the things they eat,
13:25 they're not doing anything
13:26 about the things that are eating them.
13:29 So you have to handle the emotional issues also
13:32 because many of the Pharisees, the Jews,
13:35 they practiced good eating habits
13:37 all the time.
13:39 But boy, there was some angry folk.
13:41 They were so angry that they crucified the Lord.
13:44 So you have to deal with the issues
13:46 that are sometimes confronting you
13:47 on a day by day basis.
13:49 I've often said in my counseling sessions,
13:51 that you don't want to carry a trailer truck
13:53 of bad experiences with you
13:55 and boast about a clean diet.
13:57 It just doesn't make sense.
13:59 If your mind is clear, your body is going to respond.
14:02 So when you get the two together,
14:04 then you are happy, clean, healthy person to be around.
14:07 Amen?
14:09 So make sure those bones are not dried up.
14:11 And the spirit is bright,
14:13 it's led by the presence of the Holy Spirit.
14:16 Number 22, the last question.
14:19 Number 22.
14:21 And it says,
14:23 "How important is it for us
14:26 to trust God's health principles?"
14:30 How important is it for us
14:32 to trust God's health principles?
14:35 How important,
14:36 we know the answer is very important.
14:38 But let's go to Proverbs 3:7-8.
14:41 You know, Proverbs 3:5-6,
14:43 we all know if I started saying it,
14:45 you will follow along.
14:46 Are you ready?
14:48 "Trust in the Lord your God with," what?
14:49 "All your heart,
14:50 lean not on your own understanding,
14:53 in all your ways acknowledge Him,
14:55 and He will direct your path.
14:57 That's verse 5 and 6.
14:58 We're gonna look at verse 7 and 8,
15:01 the verses that follow that.
15:02 Proverbs 3:7-8.
15:05 How important is it for us
15:06 to trust God's health principles?
15:09 Here it is.
15:12 Proverbs 23.
15:14 Sorry, 23:2, Okay.
15:17 I actually want to go to,
15:21 let's see, which one do I...
15:22 I have Proverbs 3:7-8, go ahead and turn to that one.
15:26 Go ahead and turn to that one.
15:28 Proverbs 3:7-8.
15:30 I have 23:2,
15:31 but I actually meant Proverbs 3:7-8.
15:34 Let's go to that one.
15:36 Okay,
15:38 and it'll appear on the screen.
15:39 So what's on your syllabus?
15:41 The correction is Proverbs 3:7-8.
15:44 Okay, here it is, together.
15:47 "Do not be wise in your own eyes."
15:52 That means you might think your way is best.
15:54 "Don't be wise in your own eyes.
15:57 Fear the Lord and depart from evil."
16:00 Now watch this, verse 8,
16:01 "It will be" what?
16:03 "Health to your flesh," and what?
16:06 "Strength to your bones."
16:08 There are some people that say,
16:10 "But I like."
16:12 And they'll mention what they like.
16:14 But I've always
16:15 and they'll mention what they eat.
16:17 Well, this is what my mother ate
16:18 and this is what my grandmother ate,
16:20 and it didn't kill her.
16:21 Somebody once mentioned,
16:23 there was a guy that died many years ago.
16:24 Young folk, give me a break for a moment.
16:27 His name is George Burns.
16:28 If you're a teenager, you don't know who he is.
16:31 Okay, but George Burns lived to 100 years old,
16:35 and he always had a cigar in his mouth.
16:37 And he had his television show girl, wife was Gracie
16:41 and he had a little round glass,
16:43 and he'd go Gracie.
16:44 He lived 100 with smoking a cigar.
16:47 Imagine how much longer he could have lived
16:49 had he not smoked a cigar.
16:52 Now it could have been a prop,
16:53 but his message was smoke a cigar.
16:56 And there are some individuals that don't think
16:57 it matters how you conduct your life.
17:00 Then there are some individuals that simply follow tradition,
17:03 they do it because their mother did it,
17:04 because their grandmother did it,
17:06 and they don't really know why they do it.
17:09 I read a story about a lady
17:11 and, you know, we don't eat ham but this illustration
17:14 came out of the context of somebody
17:17 who every once a year
17:19 they had during the season of Thanksgiving,
17:21 before they cook this ham, which we don't eat,
17:25 which we don't eat.
17:28 They would always cut up an inch of it
17:30 and put it in the pan.
17:32 And the husband would see his wife do this so frequently.
17:35 He said, "Honey, why do you do that?
17:37 Why do you always cut up?"
17:38 She said, "My mother always did it."
17:40 Well, her mother was alive and she called her mom.
17:42 "Mom, what? Why do we do that?"
17:44 She said, "Because grandma did it."
17:47 And grandma was still around, hovering in her late years,
17:51 but cognizant enough to answer the question,
17:53 "Grandma, why do we do that?
17:55 Does it make it taste better?" "No."
17:57 "So why do we do it?"
17:58 "It was too big for the pan?"
18:01 Didn't know why they did it.
18:03 Some people have no clue why we do what we do.
18:06 So don't be wise in your own eyes.
18:12 Listen to God's Word, fear the Lord,
18:14 that means honor Him,
18:15 depart from those things
18:17 that lead you in the wrong direction.
18:18 It will be health to your flesh and strength to your bones.
18:22 Tradition is good
18:23 only as it does not conflict with God's Word.
18:26 Amen?
18:28 So that's kind of a nutshell and we've covered so much,
18:31 I almost feel
18:32 if you're tuning in for the first time tonight
18:33 almost feel that you've been cheated.
18:35 But I want to encourage you,
18:37 go to that website, asf.3abn.org,
18:41 download lesson number 30.
18:43 And then download the video, or look at the video online,
18:46 and you can get the rest of it
18:48 because we sure did
18:50 rightly divide the word of truth
18:51 as it relates to health,
18:53 and what is important for us to do as Christians.
18:57 Now, we're going to transition into another area,
19:01 and let me just preface it by saying this.
19:04 So much of what happens in Christianity is tradition
19:09 and so much of what God says in His word
19:11 is sometimes overlooked.
19:13 Now we talked about health,
19:14 and there are so many sincere Christians
19:16 that really have no health practices at all,
19:19 except maybe no alcohol, no drugs, no cigarettes,
19:23 that's predominantly
19:25 the basic practice among Christianity.
19:27 However, there are some Christian circles,
19:29 or some people that claim to be Christians,
19:31 where they'll smoke a cigarette where the preacher smokes.
19:35 There are some churches that have alcohol
19:37 for their communion services.
19:39 There are some denominations that use alcohol
19:41 for large communion services.
19:44 And we know that
19:45 that's not supported by scripture,
19:46 nothing fermented
19:48 can be an expression of that sinless Savior.
19:51 Ain't that right?
19:52 And so a lot of traditions are there,
19:53 and many Christians when we talked about health,
19:55 there are many churches
19:56 that don't even breach that topic.
19:58 They don't even talk about it.
19:59 So hopefully we've been able
20:01 to encourage our brothers and sisters
20:03 who believe that
20:05 the Lord is the owner of their bodies,
20:07 and they are simply stewards of this body.
20:10 We have to give it back to the Lord.
20:11 Although we're going to get the new model, I tell you what?
20:15 If some of us would treat our bodies
20:16 half as good as we treat our houses and our cars,
20:20 and the things that we spend money on,
20:22 our bodies will be in better shape
20:23 than our houses and cars.
20:25 But now,
20:27 this is an area that we're cutting
20:29 that we're diving into now.
20:31 And it is called the truth about the body temple.
20:33 Say that with me,
20:35 it is the truth about the body temple.
20:37 When we covered the health principles,
20:40 we talked about
20:41 what takes place on the inside of the body.
20:44 On the where?
20:46 Inside.
20:48 And most of us can't see
20:50 what's happening on the inside of somebody else's body.
20:53 But the Lord knows because He made our bodies.
20:56 He knows when something polluting it has entered in
21:00 and it's taking effect,
21:01 and He sees the disease developing.
21:04 But I want to also inform you
21:06 that if you had a church building,
21:09 if you had a synagogue, if you had a temple,
21:13 I would like to inform you tonight,
21:14 just in case you didn't know
21:16 that the inside and the outside
21:20 are the temple.
21:23 A worship building consists of the inside
21:26 and the outside, both.
21:29 And when you follow Scripture,
21:30 you'll discover that the same principles
21:33 that apply to what happens on the inside,
21:36 many of those same principles apply
21:38 to what takes place on the outside,
21:39 as the Bible is specific about what not to do on the inside,
21:43 it's also specific about what not to do on the outside.
21:46 So let's dive into question number one tonight,
21:48 one that you know very well,
21:49 but it bears repeating because it lays the foundation.
21:53 We're simply talking about the same body.
21:55 Now we've transitioned from the inside to the what?
21:59 Outside, all right?
22:01 'Cause some people have really nice cars.
22:04 I sat in the car once.
22:05 I got to tell this story.
22:07 I sat in the car once and I thought to myself,
22:10 "Did this guy ever clean his car
22:11 from the day he bought it?"
22:13 I was afraid to sit on the seat.
22:16 It would do with cans and cigarette butts.
22:19 And I'm thinking,
22:21 "If I sit in this car, will I come out
22:22 with some kind of incurable disease?"
22:26 And the outside you couldn't tell,
22:27 but the inside was horrible.
22:29 Then there's some people they have,
22:30 the outside of the car looks,
22:32 you know, really messed up, but the inside is good.
22:35 The Lord wants us to have a clean inside
22:37 and a presentable what?
22:38 Outside.
22:40 So let's begin with this first question.
22:42 Let's begin with this first question.
22:43 And many of you know this text already,
22:45 but here it is.
22:46 What principle governs our responsibility
22:51 concerning our bodies?
22:53 What principle governs our responsibility
22:56 concerning our bodies?
22:57 Let's go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 6,
23:00 1 Corinthians Chapter 6.
23:02 Many of you know this text,
23:03 but we begin on the principle text,
23:05 very important.
23:06 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
23:10 All right, we start there.
23:12 All right?
23:14 And depending on the translation,
23:18 it could be really inspiring.
23:19 I think in the King James Version,
23:22 Paul the Apostle begins with the word "What?"
23:25 Am I right, Brother Hutchinson?
23:26 He begins with the word, "What?"
23:28 Like to say you didn't know.
23:30 If you have the King James Version,
23:32 you can see that, right?
23:33 What?
23:35 And when you look at the way that's in the Greek,
23:36 it's almost like an surprise.
23:37 What?
23:39 And let's go on and see how it reads
23:40 in the New King James.
23:42 Here it is on the screen.
23:43 "Or do you not know that your body is the"
23:47 together
23:48 "temple of the Holy Spirit, who is," where?
23:52 "In you, whom you have from God, and you are," what?
23:56 "Not your own?"
23:58 Continuing, "For you were bought," what?
24:02 "At a price, therefore glorify God," in what two places?
24:06 "In your body and in your spirit,
24:09 which are God's."
24:11 So often we are, you know, some people say,
24:13 "Oh, the Holy Spirit fell down, and I was in the spirit."
24:17 But you know what?
24:18 In our body and in our spirit,
24:21 the Lord is not just concerned
24:22 about our spiritual act of worship,
24:24 He said, "Hey, what are you doing to your body?
24:27 How are you handling your body?"
24:29 And you know,
24:30 that one thing that this world doesn't emphasize?
24:32 Well, let me rephrase that.
24:36 The world emphasizes
24:39 the destruction of the human body.
24:42 I mean, think about the things they buy,
24:44 think about the things
24:45 that are done to the human body.
24:47 We live in a day and age.
24:48 I don't know.
24:50 I don't know how.
24:51 I don't know how tattooing became so popular.
24:56 We're gonna talk about that too.
24:57 But today,
25:01 you could read people as they walk by you.
25:04 They got messages on their neck,
25:06 they got messages on their forehead,
25:08 they got messages on their arms.
25:10 Some young ladies, they were short shirts
25:12 and they got a message on their back, on their tummy.
25:15 Some people wear shorts,
25:16 they got a message going down their leg.
25:18 They got faces everywhere, they got symbols and signs.
25:22 And it's like, it's almost like,
25:24 "Lord, if you had made me with these things,
25:27 I wouldn't have to have made alterations to the body."
25:31 And so the world pushes us
25:32 in a direction completely different,
25:34 not recognizing that our bodies are the temple of God,
25:39 where the spirit dwells.
25:40 Now, how would you like to wake up in the morning
25:43 and find your house spray painted?
25:46 Who would like that?
25:48 Graffiti, your car wrapped in toilet paper?
25:51 That's happened to people.
25:52 They do that around Halloween?
25:54 We don't, we don't celebrate Halloween.
25:56 But how would you like to wake up in the morning
25:58 and see your car spray painted, your house spray painted?
26:00 People paint things on your lawn.
26:03 You'll say, "Wait a minute, who did that?"
26:05 And I could almost imagine,
26:06 sometimes the Lord is looking down,
26:08 looking at the people of the world.
26:10 And I'm going to sadly say, sometimes looking at Christians
26:13 who follow the impressions of the world,
26:15 who sometimes forget that the body,
26:18 both inside and out, belongs to the Lord.
26:20 So write the answer down.
26:22 What principle governs our responsibility
26:24 concerning our bodies?
26:25 What?
26:26 Glorify God, glorify God
26:29 in your body and in your spirit,
26:31 glorify Him.
26:33 The principle is...
26:34 Our body is what?
26:35 His temple.
26:37 All right.
26:39 Okay.
26:40 Let's go to question number two.
26:43 Question number two.
26:46 How important is our stewardship
26:49 towards our bodies?
26:51 I know we'll answer by saying, what?
26:53 Very important, right?
26:55 How important is our stewardship?
26:57 Very important.
26:59 Parents sometimes get upset, and I don't have any children,
27:02 but I have heard the stories where parents have said,
27:05 the first time they give their son or daughter
27:07 the keys to the car, they said,
27:08 "Okay, I want you to bring this car back
27:11 the same way I'm giving it to you.
27:13 I don't want any scratches, I don't want any dents,
27:17 I don't want nothing broken.
27:19 I want you to bring this car back home tonight at 9:01 sharp
27:23 with nothing messed up."
27:25 And I can almost hear the Lord saying sometimes,
27:28 "When I gave you a body,
27:30 I want you to bring it back the same way I gave you."
27:34 But to our dismay, and surely not to His surprise,
27:38 the world has gone
27:40 in a completely different direction
27:41 than what the Lord has told us to follow.
27:45 Okay, I want you to see this one now.
27:48 All right, and actually on question number 31.
27:51 Go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 3.
27:53 I didn't change the text.
27:55 My intention was to do that but I didn't change the text,
27:58 but the guys will have it on the screen
27:59 or the young lady, whoever's running the graphics.
28:02 It's 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.
28:05 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, right?
28:10 I got a phone call when I was doing question number two,
28:13 and surely I pick up the phone.
28:15 Question number two didn't get altered,
28:17 but you will have the correct answer.
28:19 How important is our stewardship
28:21 toward our bodies?
28:22 Let's look at the scripture together.
28:23 It'll appear on the screen for all of you
28:25 and even for those of you here.
28:26 Together, it says, "Do you not know that you're...
28:29 That you are the temple of God
28:33 and that the Spirit of God dwells," where?
28:36 "In you?" And this is powerful.
28:38 "If anyone," does what?
28:40 "Defiles the temple of God, God will," what?
28:44 "Destroy him.
28:45 For the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
28:49 I remember growing up in New York City,
28:51 so you want to write the answer down,
28:52 how important is our stewardship?
28:54 It's a holy stewardship.
28:57 It's a holy stewardship.
29:01 It's what?
29:02 Holy.
29:03 Handle things that are holy.
29:05 I remember growing up in Brooklyn, New York.
29:08 And I know times have changed drastically.
29:10 I don't know if this happens any longer.
29:12 But I remember,
29:14 you know, sometimes, even the guys that are,
29:17 even the guys that drink alcohol,
29:20 they'd walk past the church
29:21 and they'd hide the bottle behind their backs.
29:25 Like, "I don't want the pastor..."
29:26 While they will walk past the church,
29:28 and they'll tip their hat, take their hat off,
29:30 and when they pass the church, they'll put their hat back on.
29:32 It's like there was a time when holy things were honored.
29:36 But those days seem to have long been gone
29:39 because we're not living in a holy generation.
29:43 This world is anything but holy.
29:45 The things that people do are anything but holy.
29:47 When we consider that our body belongs to God,
29:50 He wants us to not defile it because the end result will be,
29:55 God doesn't want anyone in this kingdom
29:57 that dishonors the very body He gives them.
30:00 If we dishonor it here,
30:01 and we don't acknowledge Him as our Lord and Savior here,
30:04 what makes you think
30:05 we're going to honor Him in heaven?
30:07 And here's the key.
30:09 If we can't follow God's instruction here
30:11 and refuse to follow His principles here,
30:14 then He would not admit us in His Kingdom
30:17 because that cannot continue in eternity.
30:20 Only those things that...
30:21 Matter of fact, go with me to Revelation Chapter 22.
30:24 Revelation Chapter 22.
30:28 Okay.
30:33 Okay.
30:36 And
30:42 look together
30:44 at
30:49 Revelation Chapter 22,
30:51 look at verse 15,
30:54 verse 15, all right?
30:57 Okay.
30:58 It talks about all the other practices
31:00 that will not be allowed in the kingdom.
31:02 It says, "But outside are dogs, and sorcerers,
31:06 and sexually immoral, and murderers,
31:08 and idolaters, and whoever loves,
31:11 and does," what?
31:13 "Practices a lie."
31:15 Some says maketh a lie.
31:17 So all those things that are
31:19 not going to be allowed in the Lord's Kingdom.
31:21 Look at verse 11.
31:23 It says, "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still,
31:26 he who is filthy, let him be," what?
31:29 "Filthy still."
31:30 So you'll see that
31:32 only the righteous and the holy are going to be allowed in,
31:36 not the unjust and the filthy.
31:40 And the Bible also goes to point out that
31:41 nothing will enter in that defiles,
31:45 nothing that defiles is going to be entered in.
31:48 Now, I don't know if you thought about this,
31:50 but let's think about this for a brief moment.
31:51 Let's put our caps on.
31:55 Are we going to eat meat at all in heaven?
31:57 Yes or no?
31:59 No. No.
32:00 How long we're going to be up there?
32:01 Somebody tell me.
32:03 A thousand years before we return to the earth
32:06 and then the final sin problem is dealt with
32:08 as Revelation Chapter 20 and 21 describes.
32:13 There's nobody going to be taken a rifle
32:15 to heaven hunting down a hog.
32:19 There he is,
32:21 there he is running up New Jerusalem Street.
32:24 It's not going to happen.
32:26 And so a lot of people don't think that in heaven,
32:29 there will be no killing of animals,
32:32 no death, and by the way,
32:34 I want to also bring this out clearly,
32:37 animals are going to be in the new earth.
32:40 Animals, horses, elephants,
32:43 all those things that God populated the earth with
32:46 will be in the new earth.
32:47 There's going to be no hunting.
32:49 We're going to be fruitarians and vegetarians
32:52 in the kingdom of the Lord.
32:54 We're going to have the best diet, amen?
32:56 We're going to have the clean diet.
32:58 And so when we begin to establish,
33:00 there is a pattern
33:01 that the Lord doesn't want us to follow.
33:03 As you answered question number two,
33:04 how important is our stewardship
33:06 towards our bodies?
33:07 God does not want us to defile His temple.
33:10 Let's go to the third one.
33:12 Question number three, question number three.
33:15 And we're laying down principles right now.
33:18 What are we laying down?
33:19 Principles.
33:20 Principles apply on a broad scale.
33:22 Matter of fact, if you apply principles,
33:24 you can apply these principles to any culture, any culture.
33:28 All right, here it is.
33:29 Number three.
33:31 What instruction are we given
33:32 concerning the care of our bodies?
33:36 What instruction are we given
33:38 concerning the care of our bodies?
33:43 Romans 12:1-2.
33:46 Another indelible, everlasting principle.
33:49 Here it is, all right?
33:53 Once again, the writer is the Apostle Paul,
33:56 and he begins with an urgency.
33:58 Notice how he says it,
33:59 he says, "I beseech you, therefore," what?
34:03 "I beseech you, therefore, brethren," Romans 12:1, 2,
34:06 "by the mercies of God, that you present your," what?
34:11 "Bodies," look at the screen, "that you present your bodies,"
34:14 a what kind of sacrifice?
34:16 "Living sacrifice."
34:18 Together, what else?
34:20 "Holy, acceptable to," who? "God."
34:23 Now I don't want to go,
34:25 "which is your reasonable," what? "Service."
34:27 And let's look at the next text.
34:29 "And do not be conformed to," what?
34:32 "This world, but be," what?
34:35 "Transformed by the renewing of your mind,
34:39 that you may prove what is that good,
34:41 and acceptable, and," what else?
34:43 "Perfect will of God."
34:45 Now we went past those texts,
34:47 I want to go back and emphasize a couple of things
34:48 that were there.
34:50 First of all, it says,
34:54 holy, acceptable to God.
34:57 If we live our lives with thought
34:59 that we want to be acceptable to God
35:01 in the way we present our bodies,
35:03 then we'll have a, what kind of standard?
35:04 A high standard or low standard?
35:06 Which one?
35:07 A high standard because who can set a standard higher than God.
35:12 So if we decide to live our lives
35:14 where we present our bodies to God
35:15 is our standard, excellent or poor?
35:18 Excellent.
35:20 And we'll always be striving
35:21 for that which is higher than our thoughts.
35:25 We want to do things that are acceptable to God.
35:27 But then, we got to think differently
35:29 because the world says,
35:30 "Live this way, dress this way, eat this way."
35:34 And God says, "Live this way, dress this way, eat this way."
35:38 And literally there are only two roads.
35:40 How many roads?
35:42 Two.
35:43 One of health, and life,
35:44 and strength, and righteousness.
35:46 One of sicknesses, disease, and suffering, and immorality.
35:50 And my wife said, "One that is smoking,
35:54 one that's nonsmoking."
35:56 And at the end of the road,
35:58 that's the only two seats we have.
35:59 The smoking seat, and the nonsmoking seat.
36:01 What seat do you want to sit in?
36:02 Come on, help me out?
36:04 The nonsmoking seat.
36:05 Christians will be fireproof by the righteousness of God.
36:09 But you have to live the life now.
36:12 And somebody may say, "Well, why is it so important
36:14 how we live our lives?"
36:15 You know, you're making a decision
36:17 about how you want to live eternally, right?
36:20 If every time I gave you a car, you messed it up,
36:22 would I give you another car?
36:26 That should have been a resounding no.
36:28 Would I give you another car?
36:29 No! No.
36:30 If every time you bought your children something,
36:32 they smash it, they throw it against the wall,
36:34 would you go out and buy another one?
36:36 Absolutely not.
36:38 Parents are not foolish.
36:40 We are not foolish.
36:41 God is not going to say,
36:42 "Well, you know,
36:44 since you've expressed such dissatisfaction for My plan,
36:46 why don't you come and live with Me?
36:48 The last place people want to be
36:50 is the place where the principles
36:52 and the guidelines are completely opposite
36:54 of the way they live.
36:56 So this idea that everybody dies
36:57 and goes to heaven is so untrue.
37:00 Because to put a sinner in heaven is like,
37:01 it's worst than putting.
37:05 I can't even think of a comparison.
37:09 To put a sinner in heaven will be like hell for them
37:12 because they don't want to live that kind of life.
37:15 So the Lord wants us to get ready for heaven,
37:18 not the day before He comes
37:20 because we don't know when that is.
37:22 But He wants us to be an example
37:24 of what the kingdom life is going to be
37:26 by how we live now, is that okay?
37:28 Let's go to the next one.
37:29 And so don't be conformed is the answer,
37:32 be transformed by renewing your mind.
37:38 Very good example, honey.
37:39 The three Hebrews, we didn't talk about them,
37:41 but the three Hebrews were in Babylon,
37:44 and Daniel particularly refused to defile himself
37:50 with the king's meat
37:52 and the wine which the king drank.
37:55 And when he was given 10 days to be tested,
37:58 read the story there in Daniel 1.
38:00 When he was given 10 days to be tested,
38:03 just in 10 days,
38:04 the intellect of the Hebrews were far superior to that
38:08 of the Babylonians.
38:10 Their intellect and their health
38:11 was far greater because they applied the principles
38:14 that are found in God's Word.
38:16 And they practiced that.
38:17 So when they got to Babylon, here's the key.
38:19 If you practice living righteously,
38:21 eating righteously, dressing according to scripture,
38:24 when you're at home,
38:25 you're not going to change your habits
38:26 when you leave home, right?
38:29 Train up a child in the way they should go.
38:30 And when they are old, they will not, what?
38:32 They won't depart from it.
38:34 Thank you for that example.
38:36 My wife gives me Bible studies when I'm giving Bible studies.
38:40 Number four, number four.
38:43 Now we're going to start diving in.
38:45 How does the Bible describe
38:48 the process that influences our actions?
38:51 There's a process that influences our actions.
38:54 This is a huge question and a very profound scripture.
38:59 2 Corinthians 3:18.
39:02 2 Corinthians 3:18.
39:05 It's amazing.
39:06 You may wonder
39:09 how people get the way they are.
39:14 I remember fads.
39:15 Does anybody remember what a fad is?
39:18 Some of the young people,
39:20 they call it something different,
39:21 trends, fashions, whatever the word may be.
39:24 But somebody, all somebody has to do is,
39:26 I don't know who started the spike,
39:27 the spike here, it's fad.
39:29 We never know who started, but all of a sudden,
39:31 you know, we get to the generation
39:33 where everybody's wearing spikes.
39:35 In our day, growing up with one pant leg rolled up,
39:39 men with high heels.
39:42 And then in this generation are the faddest guys
39:44 with their pants down to their knees.
39:46 All these crazy fads
39:48 that don't come from God's Word, amen?
39:54 But the world can make you look so foolish.
39:57 And in the eyes of the world,
40:00 that's why I like where it says
40:01 being transformed by the renewing of your mind.
40:02 In the eyes of the world,
40:04 they look at some famous person,
40:05 some guy that's making a lot of money
40:07 or some woman that's making a lot of money
40:08 that's hardly dressed or that's dressed ridiculously.
40:12 Like my wife said a few days ago.
40:13 She says, "This is the generation,
40:15 well, the more messed up your hair is,
40:17 the more in style you are."
40:19 Just wake up in the morning and run out the door.
40:21 Look like you just landed from a tornado,
40:24 and you are in style.
40:26 You don't even have to dress up.
40:28 That's the kind of generation we're in.
40:30 A generation that is out of order,
40:32 not in harmony with God's Word, but how does it happen?
40:35 Look at this scripture.
40:37 2 Corinthians 3:18, the Bible says,
40:40 "But we, with unveiled faces,"
40:44 meaning there's no more blockage
40:46 in front of us,
40:48 "beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord,
40:53 are being," what?
40:55 "Transformed into the same image
40:59 from glory to glory,
41:01 just as by the Spirit of the Lord."
41:05 Now as that scripture disappears,
41:07 I want to point out a couple of patterns here,
41:09 a couple of very important things.
41:11 Now notice some of the words,
41:12 beholding in a mirror and being transformed.
41:16 Beholding.
41:17 Have you heard the phrase behold,
41:19 by beholding we become changed.
41:23 If you look at something long enough
41:26 and admire something long enough,
41:29 just a matter of time,
41:32 you're going to start emulating that thing
41:33 that you focus your attention on,
41:36 your mind on.
41:37 That's why all you've got to do to change a society
41:41 is decide what kind of programs you want them to watch, right?
41:47 In our society,
41:48 the way they seek to push the LGBTIAQ agenda
41:53 is by putting that kind of program
41:54 on television,
41:55 and they title it the new normal.
41:58 So if I keep saying that a corrupt lifestyle is normal,
42:02 after a while everybody starts thinking it's normal.
42:05 If I teach it in schools, as though it's new,
42:09 modern family, in other phrase, modern family,
42:12 husband, two husbands, two wives.
42:15 If I teach that as the new normal,
42:17 and the modern family, all of a sudden,
42:20 there's a whole generation coming up
42:22 that think that that's the way
42:23 that God always intended it to be.
42:25 I remember talking to a young lady one day,
42:28 and I'll be very vague about this.
42:32 But I remember my wife telling this young lady that,
42:35 "Do you know that it's not in the...
42:38 God does not support people living together?"
42:41 She said, "I never knew that.
42:43 I never knew that that was against God's Word,
42:45 that a man and a woman should not live together
42:47 until they're married.
42:49 I never knew that. Really?
42:50 Where does it say that in the scriptures?"
42:51 And my wife pointed it out to her.
42:55 So there are people that don't look at the Bible,
42:56 don't read the Bible.
42:58 They get their point of reference
42:59 by beholding the world, they are transformed.
43:02 By looking at what the world does,
43:04 they are transformed.
43:05 And so the world sets the pattern,
43:07 and so many people
43:08 that don't have a reference guide,
43:10 which is God's Word,
43:12 they are being transformed.
43:13 And to them, it's normal.
43:16 So when you give them the book,
43:17 when their hearts are turned to God
43:19 and they begin to embrace
43:20 what God's Word says,
43:22 another transformation takes place.
43:24 They are transformed from glory to glory.
43:28 Amen to that.
43:30 Only as God's Word comes into our lives
43:33 can we be transformed from glory to glory.
43:35 But if we look at the world,
43:37 we're transformed from darkness to even more darkness
43:40 because we're just simply following
43:41 somebody else's pattern.
43:43 I once said,
43:44 "How can you be an original
43:47 if you're following what everybody else does?"
43:52 Did you know that every one of us is an original?
43:54 Did you know that?
43:55 Don't live a life that's a copy.
43:58 If you aren't original, be original for Jesus.
44:01 Amen to that.
44:02 Don't be a copy.
44:04 Okay, now we're diving in.
44:06 Here we are, we laid some foundation.
44:08 Now we're going to dive in.
44:09 Let's look at some of these scriptures
44:11 in its actual application.
44:13 Question number five.
44:15 What was the result of the fall of humanity
44:19 in the Garden of Eden?
44:22 What was the result?
44:23 Go with me to Genesis 3:7, Genesis 3:7,
44:28 what was the result of the fall of humanity
44:31 in the Garden of Eden?
44:33 Okay, I could simply say of the man and the woman
44:35 because they were humanity in a nutshell,
44:38 just two people.
44:40 Okay.
44:42 What was the result of the fall of humanity
44:47 in the Garden of Eden?
44:48 Genesis Chapter 3, this is huge.
44:51 You know, the devil said when they sinned,
44:52 their eyes will be opened.
44:54 Now let me make a point.
44:56 When your eyes are open, do you see or do you not see?
44:59 Which one, somebody tell me?
45:01 See.
45:02 Okay, if your eyes are open, you see.
45:03 Now...
45:06 And we'll get to this later on.
45:10 God does not want us to see evil
45:14 before we decide whether evil is good or not.
45:17 There are certain things that you don't have to see,
45:19 you got to simply trust
45:21 that God said it's not good, right?
45:23 Ain't that right?
45:24 Sometimes you say, don't look, and what do people do?
45:27 Look.
45:29 Sometimes you say, look, and what do they do?
45:31 Not look.
45:32 Look out, and they're staring right at you.
45:34 You say, "Look." And they're not looking.
45:36 You say, "Don't look." And they look.
45:38 That's just exactly how we are.
45:40 God says...
45:41 Exactly, Lot's wife.
45:43 Don't look back, and exactly what she do?
45:44 Looks back,
45:46 becomes the first human salt shaker.
45:49 We are opposite to instruction.
45:50 God says, "Don't do what happens."
45:52 We do.
45:53 But look at what happened.
45:55 God said to Adam and Eve,
45:56 "Don't eat of that forbidden tree,"
45:59 and they did and look at the result.
46:02 Genesis 3:7, the Bible says,
46:05 "Then the eyes of both of them were," what?
46:08 "Opened, and they knew that they were," what?
46:12 "Naked, and they sewed fig leaves together and made,"
46:16 what?
46:17 "Made themselves coverings."
46:20 That's the huge part.
46:22 They made themselves covering.
46:26 That is the first garment designed by humanity.
46:29 Adam and Eve made the first garment
46:32 designed by humanity.
46:35 What did they make?
46:37 What did they make?
46:38 Go to verse 10.
46:39 What do they make?
46:41 Well, actually, what do they say?
46:43 Okay.
46:45 Matter of fact, we just read the text.
46:46 What kind of garment did they make?
46:48 Look at this. It's in the text.
46:49 What kind of garment did they make?
46:51 Fig leaves, fig leaves.
46:53 They made fig leaves.
46:55 Now I want to just go and make some application.
46:57 They knew that they were naked and they made fig leaves.
47:01 Now when they made fig leaves,
47:02 I don't know if you've seen a fig before,
47:05 but their leaves are not very big.
47:08 Are you tracking with me like David?
47:10 Are you tracking, David, as you go?
47:11 Are you tracking?
47:12 Here, are you following?
47:15 This is the society that dresses with fig leaves?
47:20 Can I get an amen?
47:21 Amen. Amen.
47:22 Lord have mercy.
47:24 I pray for the men every day.
47:27 I've done seminars for men,
47:28 and I know how tough it is even being a Christian man.
47:32 This is a society that makes their own clothing.
47:36 They made themselves coverings.
47:41 And this world is in the habit of making things
47:44 that God never gave them the pattern for.
47:48 He didn't.
47:49 He didn't make them a pattern at all.
47:51 Now the question is when they did that,
47:53 what happened?
47:55 Let's go to the next one.
47:56 Next question.
47:57 Here it is.
48:00 The next question.
48:01 When we are redeemed, when we are redeemed,
48:06 what provision does the Lord make for us?
48:09 When we are redeemed,
48:11 what provision does the Lord make for us?
48:14 And we're going to go back to Genesis
48:16 in just a moment.
48:18 When we are redeemed,
48:19 what provision does the Lord make for us?
48:23 Here it is.
48:24 All right, here it is in verse 18
48:27 of Revelation Chapter 3.
48:29 Here's what He says.
48:31 It's powerful text.
48:32 He says, "I counsel you to buy from Me," what?
48:37 "Gold refined in the fire," that is a righteous character.
48:41 And look at the symbolism used, "that you may be rich,
48:44 and white garments, that you may be," what?
48:48 "Clothed," and what reason?
48:50 "That the shame of your nakedness
48:55 may not be," what?
48:57 "Revealed."
48:58 The Lord doesn't want
49:00 His people to be...?
49:05 Say it, say it, say it.
49:06 Naked. Naked.
49:08 Now, do I need to do a survey?
49:10 Are we living in a naked generation?
49:13 Absolutely.
49:16 This is the generation
49:18 where the imagination has been shut off.
49:20 You don't have to imagine any longer
49:22 because there's nakedness.
49:25 And the sad reality,
49:27 the world has affected the church.
49:32 There's some magazine articles that have been written about
49:34 how important it is to dress when you go to church.
49:37 I've dealt with men in seminars and they say,
49:39 sometimes you go to churches,
49:40 and the men have issues too
49:42 when it comes to going to church.
49:44 Some of them dressed like they're on their way
49:45 to the beach.
49:47 Some of the young ladies talked about that,
49:48 and down in Australia, they said.
49:49 Some of these guys come to church
49:51 like they're going to go surfing right after that
49:52 with shorts and their T-shirt.
49:53 Their shirts opened all the way down,
49:55 and they're showing their unrighteous chest
49:57 rather than remembering that
49:58 they come into the presence of a Holy God.
50:01 But I tell you,
50:02 the Lord does not want the shame of our nakedness
50:05 to be revealed.
50:06 God wants us to be what?
50:08 Clothed.
50:09 So let's put that down.
50:11 Revelation Chapter 3, when we are redeemed,
50:13 what provision does the Lord make for us?
50:16 Garments of righteousness.
50:19 Write that down.
50:20 Garments of righteousness.
50:23 He doesn't want our nakedness to be revealed.
50:28 He doesn't want our nakedness to be revealed.
50:31 You'll find some serious examples in scripture
50:34 of how the Lord feels about that.
50:38 Now we're going to go back to Genesis to see
50:40 in another translation how the Lord feels about that.
50:43 All right?
50:46 Question number, what?
50:48 Question number seven.
50:52 What action did the Lord take to cover
50:55 Adam and Eve's nakedness?
50:58 Now remember, what did they put together?
51:01 Who remembers what they put together to wear?
51:03 Fig leaves.
51:05 They sewed fig leaves together.
51:06 Don't know how they did it.
51:08 I don't think they had a needle and thread,
51:10 but they found a way to do it.
51:11 They were very intelligent, perfectly intelligent.
51:15 They sewed fig leaves together.
51:16 Now the Lord didn't come along and say,
51:18 "Hey Eve, I like your fig leaves.
51:22 Where'd you get it from?"
51:23 Today, when people go shopping,
51:26 they buy fig leaves and wear fig leaves
51:28 sometimes to church.
51:31 What does the Lord do?
51:32 He wasn't satisfied with the garments they made
51:36 because they belong to Him.
51:37 So He stepped in, and redesigned,
51:40 and gave them the appropriate garments.
51:42 Genesis 3:21.
51:44 And I put this in the NIV,
51:45 so it can be really, really clear.
51:47 Really, really clear.
51:49 And the Bible says, look at the screen.
51:51 "The Lord made," what?
51:52 "Garments of," what?
51:54 "Skin for Adam and his wife and," did what?
51:57 "Clothed them."
51:59 And I want to tell you today, the Lord didn't kill a mouse.
52:03 I don't know if you got the illustration.
52:06 He didn't make a tiny garment.
52:09 I can guarantee you when He did take the life of that animal,
52:13 he made garments large enough to cover their nakedness.
52:16 So that from that point on,
52:20 the righteous garment that they lost,
52:22 the covering, the glory of God was removed,
52:25 now the Lord replaced it with.
52:27 And from that day on,
52:29 from that day on,
52:31 until we are clothed
52:33 in the righteousness of God again,
52:35 from that day on,
52:36 the Lord wants us to be clothed.
52:39 He wants us to cover our, what?
52:41 Skin.
52:43 Man alive, this generation...
52:45 And you know what?
52:48 Sometimes I forget how terrible it is
52:49 until I go back to a major city.
52:51 We live in Thompsonville, and for the most part,
52:55 it's farming community.
52:57 You know, if you live in Thompsonville,
52:59 most of us by our clothing at the Shell gas station.
53:03 Not really.
53:06 They don't sell anything there but camouflage, and dungarees,
53:08 and stuff like that.
53:11 Well, we go to Dollar General.
53:12 No, we don't really.
53:14 But no, you don't buy clothes in Thompsonville.
53:16 But when you go to St. Louis, you are immediately reminded
53:19 how you shouldn't dress.
53:20 Can I get an amen?
53:22 But some of us go to St. Louis and we say,
53:24 "Oh, wow, that looks really good."
53:26 And we buy and try to wear in Thompsonville,
53:27 and it looks out of place.
53:31 God wants His people to dress presentably.
53:33 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
53:35 Wonderfully, and how does that really translate?
53:38 Let's go to the very next one.
53:39 The Lord covered them with the skin of an animal,
53:42 and it wasn't a mouse, it wasn't a rabbit.
53:45 I'm sure He used a big animal
53:46 to cover these two super humans.
53:49 And by the way, they were not six feet tall either,
53:51 they were superhuman,
53:53 antediluvians as the Bible described them to be
53:55 super in structure.
53:57 Look at question number eight.
54:00 What instruction does the Bible give about godly adornment?
54:04 What instruction does the Bible give about godly adornment?
54:08 So important to live godly,
54:10 and so important to dress godly.
54:12 It makes a difference.
54:13 And by the way,
54:15 I think that the way you eat
54:16 is preparation for where you're going.
54:18 The way you live is preparation for where you're going.
54:20 The way you dress
54:22 is preparation for where you're going.
54:23 Ain't that right?
54:24 You are showing by the way you live, dress,
54:26 eat, and live your life
54:27 that you are strangers and pilgrims here,
54:29 and you're living for the kingdom.
54:32 Okay, here it is.
54:34 Go to 1 Timothy 2:9-10, 1 Timothy 2:9-10.
54:39 You guys are so quick, you're already there.
54:40 All right, here it is.
54:42 And this is also in the NIV because the way it said
54:44 it was so really, really, really clear.
54:46 All right? Here it is.
54:48 Timothy,
54:50 this young man being instructed by the Apostle Paul,
54:53 he says, "I also want women to dress," how?
54:55 What's the word there?
54:57 "Modestly, with," what else?
54:59 "Decency, and," what? "Propriety."
55:03 That means with a dress
55:05 that does not befit in decency.
55:10 You know the word decency and propriety
55:13 is an interchangeable word.
55:14 He says, "Not with braided hair or gold or pearls or," what?
55:19 "Expensive clothes.
55:22 But look at the next text.
55:23 "But with good deeds appropriate for women
55:26 who profess to worship God.
55:31 But with good deeds appropriate for women
55:34 who profess to worship God."
55:36 Now, when Paul begins by saying,
55:39 and I'm going to go back to the screen,
55:40 I also want women to dress modestly.
55:43 In the verses preceding that, Paul the Apostle pointed out
55:46 two challenges that Christians had.
55:49 The men had a hard time praying.
55:53 He said, "I want men to pray more."
55:55 And then the women said,
55:57 he said, "I want you ladies to dress modestly."
56:00 And by the way,
56:01 let me put the context together.
56:03 That was in a society
56:04 quite different from our society in America.
56:07 They didn't have Macy's, and Nordstrom,
56:09 and all the stores and the modern dress
56:11 we have today.
56:13 This was a society for the...
56:14 That for the most part,
56:15 most everything was already covered up.
56:18 So if you are in a society where most,
56:20 almost everything is covered up in the Middle Eastern society,
56:23 in the culture of the biblical Asia,
56:25 then you really couldn't be that immodest.
56:28 People today that travel to the Bible lands,
56:30 women that travel to the Bible lands today,
56:33 and go to cultures were dress is very important.
56:35 They cover their heads.
56:37 They dress modestly
56:38 because in some places it's against the law
56:40 for women to expose too much.
56:42 And so when Paul says,
56:44 "To dress modestly with decency,
56:48 and propriety," that means don't look indecent in society.
56:53 He also mentioned something else
56:54 I want to clear up before we go on
56:55 because next week, if you don't get it tonight,
56:58 you've missed it next week.
57:00 When he said, "Not, but braided hair
57:01 or gold or pearls or expensive clothing,"
57:03 the people of their day they had a practice
57:06 that they interweaved gold in their hair,
57:11 and they adorned their hair.
57:13 He wasn't talking about regular braiding,
57:15 so the translation there falls short of the actual practice.
57:19 He wasn't talking about, "Well, if you braid your hair,
57:21 now let it out."
57:22 That was not what he was talking about.
57:23 They interweaved articles of gold and silver
57:27 strands into their hair,
57:29 and brought all the glory to themselves.
57:32 What the Lord wants us to be
57:33 is modest in every appropriate way,
57:36 and befitting a person
57:38 who is reflecting the glory of God.
57:40 Can we say amen to that?
57:42 And so as we begin to lay the foundation,
57:44 we're going to see as we continue next week,
57:46 some very important scriptures.
57:48 We've laid a lot of foundation.
57:50 And right now, I hope that you're beginning to think about
57:52 godly diet, and godly dress
57:55 because one day we're going to be clothed
57:57 with the glorious immortality of Jesus.
58:00 So continue until one day
58:02 it all comes into A Sharper Focus.
58:05 God bless you.


Revised 2019-05-06