A Sharper Focus

A Remedy for Renewing a Relationship with God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000111A

00:22 Hello and welcome to A Sharper Focus.
00:24 We're coming to you live tonight
00:26 from the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:29 And we are so excited that you've joined us.
00:31 Pastor John Lomacang won't be with us tonight.
00:34 He is celebrating his 32nd anniversary.
00:37 So he and Angie have gone away for a little romantic getaway.
00:43 I'm Shelley Quinn and tonight
00:45 we're going to be talking about something a little off topic.
00:49 I believe you all have been studying spiritual Babylon.
00:52 But tonight what we'll be talking about
00:54 is a remedy for renewing our relationship with God.
00:59 You know, let's start with prayer.
01:01 I just really feel a need for that.
01:03 Heavenly Father, we come in the name of Jesus.
01:06 And, Lord, we come to thank You.
01:09 We thank You for Your grace,
01:10 we thank You for the gift of salvation.
01:13 We thank You, Father, for the gift of Your Son,
01:17 through whom all of our blessings come.
01:20 We thank You that we've been blessed
01:21 with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms.
01:25 And we thank You, Father,
01:26 for Your Holy Spirit and Your Word.
01:29 Tonight I pray, Father,
01:30 that Lord just help me to be surrendered to You,
01:34 I pray that You will speak through me.
01:37 I pray, Father,
01:38 that You will send Your Holy Spirit
01:40 to be our teacher.
01:41 And You will give us ears to hear
01:43 what the Holy Spirit has to say.
01:45 And, Father,
01:46 that You will work in us to do Your will.
01:50 We love You, and we thank You,
01:51 and we dedicate this time to You, Father,
01:54 in Jesus' name, amen.
01:57 It's interesting.
01:58 We've been doing a lot of traveling, JD and I,
02:00 and it's interesting to me
02:03 how many discouraged Christians there are in the church.
02:08 And it occurred to me that,
02:12 I mean, I suffer from discouragement
02:14 from time to time myself.
02:16 I feel like I am failing God.
02:20 And I don't always recognize it as a spiritual attack.
02:25 When we think about it, what is Satan's objective?
02:29 Satan wants to thwart God's purposes
02:32 in your life.
02:34 He wants to deny God,
02:36 the glory and the honor
02:38 that is due Him by our obedience.
02:41 What Satan wants to do is to draw us away from God.
02:46 He wants to destroy us.
02:49 And he does this by stealing the truth.
02:52 That's just the simple...
02:54 Bottom line is Satan is a truth stealer.
02:58 There are many Bible believing folk
03:00 who are struggling with sin,
03:03 many of them.
03:05 You know, when you're in that kind of struggle,
03:07 it is proof positive
03:10 that Satan is trying to trip you up.
03:13 Don't beat yourself up.
03:15 When you stumble and fall, get back up again.
03:19 And if you stumble and fall again,
03:21 get back up again.
03:23 But some people give up.
03:24 They don't think...
03:26 I've actually heard Christians say,
03:28 "I give up," and I did when I was younger,
03:31 because I didn't understand the gospel.
03:34 I thought it was up to me to save myself.
03:38 I didn't realize it was God's work.
03:42 Salvation is God's work.
03:44 And we may give up on ourselves,
03:49 but God doesn't.
03:50 When we make a mistake,
03:52 people may give up on us but God doesn't.
03:56 Micah knew this and I want to read
03:58 to you a scripture,
04:00 it's one of my favorite from Micah 7:8.
04:02 And the way I remember this,
04:04 seven is the number of perfection.
04:07 Eight is the number of new beginnings.
04:10 So Micah 7:8 is the perfect new beginning,
04:14 if you will.
04:16 Micah 7:8 and this is what he says,
04:19 "Do not rejoice over me, my enemy.
04:23 When I fall, I will arise.
04:25 When I sit in darkness,
04:27 the Lord will be a light to me."
04:32 God is the God of new beginnings.
04:34 And we need to have absolute confidence
04:38 that God is there for us,
04:41 that He is for us,
04:43 He's not against us.
04:45 God's not trying to trip us up.
04:47 He's not trying to catch us in some kind of problem.
04:50 God's there to bring us out of those problems.
04:54 So we need to have confidence
04:56 that God is always working for us.
04:59 And that He can give us the power for holy living.
05:04 One of the things that...
05:06 A favorite scripture of mine is Romans 8:32.
05:10 That if you think about Paul, what Paul is saying is,
05:15 if God who did not...
05:18 He did not spare His own Son for us.
05:23 He sent Him to die while we were yet sinners.
05:26 And Paul says,
05:27 "How much more will He do now that we're His children.
05:32 So this is something that we have to remember.
05:36 And if we remember this,
05:40 the remedy for renewing our relationship with God,
05:43 there's four R's
05:44 that we're gonna look at tonight.
05:46 Remember, repent,
05:49 return, and rejoice.
05:53 If you will turn to your Bibles in Deuteronomy Chapter 4,
05:58 Deuteronomy Chapter 4,
06:00 this is a time
06:03 when Moses is addressing the people of Israel
06:07 and he gives a prophetic utterance.
06:11 Deuteronomy Chapter 4,
06:14 and we're going to begin with verse 26.
06:17 Here's what Moses says,
06:19 "I call heaven and earth
06:21 to witness against you this day,
06:23 that you will soon utterly perish from the land
06:27 which you cross over the Jordan to possess.
06:30 You will not prolong your days in it,
06:32 but will be utterly destroyed."
06:34 Oh, boy, this sounds like a really good news, doesn't it?
06:37 "The Lord will scatter you among the peoples
06:39 and you will be left in number,
06:41 few in number among the nations where the Lord will drive you."
06:46 You know the Assyrians
06:48 did take Israel
06:50 and Judah captive in 733 BC,
06:54 then the Babylonians took them captive in 586 BC,
06:59 then there was Greece and Rome,
07:02 and other nations that have
07:04 in one way or another uprooted Israel.
07:07 But Moses goes on in verse 28 and he says,
07:10 "And there you will serve gods..."
07:13 Little g, these are manmade gods.
07:18 "There you will serve gods, the work of men's hands,
07:22 wood and stone, which neither see,
07:25 nor hear, nor eat, nor smell."
07:29 But here's where the good news begins.
07:32 Verse 29,
07:34 "But from there you will seek the Lord your God,
07:39 and you will find Him if you seek Him
07:43 with all of your heart and with all of your soul.
07:47 When you are in distress,
07:49 and all these things come upon you
07:51 in the latter days,
07:53 when you turn to the Lord your God
07:56 and obey His voice."
07:58 Now, let me stop here and say this.
08:00 The benefit of affliction
08:02 is that it causes us to remember our sins.
08:06 And it causes us to remember God's goodness.
08:10 And then we are motivated to repent,
08:16 to return to God,
08:18 and rejoice in His new beginning.
08:22 So let me read that again.
08:23 "When you are in distress
08:24 and all these things come upon you
08:26 in the latter days,
08:27 when you turn to the Lord your God
08:30 and obey His voice,
08:32 for the Lord your God is a merciful God.
08:35 He will not forsake you,
08:38 nor destroy you,
08:40 nor forget the covenant of your fathers
08:42 which He swore to them."
08:44 Well, that's a reason to rejoice, isn't it?
08:47 So there's a pattern here.
08:49 Remember, repent,
08:53 return, and rejoice.
08:58 What Moses is really showing them here
09:01 is that God would forgive their sins
09:03 which would be the cause of their captivity.
09:06 Because they were destined for deliverance,
09:11 remember that, destined for deliverance.
09:14 Now turn to Isaiah 44,
09:17 Isaiah Chapter 44.
09:20 And as you turn there, I'm going to set up the story.
09:24 In Isaiah Chapter 44
09:26 it's speaking of making a god
09:29 an idol from wood.
09:32 From the same tree,
09:34 some branches were used for the fire,
09:37 and then by chance,
09:38 some were taken in by man's folly.
09:41 They created an idol out of them.
09:45 Man was making a god out of something
09:49 he could have thrown into the fire and destroyed.
09:51 He was worshipping a piece of wood
09:55 and looking to that piece of wood
09:58 to have the power to save him,
10:01 doesn't that just...
10:03 To me, it blows my mind to even think
10:07 that anyone could have ever practiced such a thing.
10:12 So He says in Isaiah 44:22, 23,
10:18 "Remember these, the folly of worshipping idols,
10:21 O Jacob,
10:23 and Israel, for you are my servant.
10:27 I have formed you.
10:29 You are my servant."
10:31 He's saying, "You belong to me.
10:33 And so since you belong to me,
10:37 follow my commands."
10:39 "O Israel, you will not be forgotten by me."
10:44 Why?
10:46 Because you are destined for deliverance.
10:50 He says in verse 22,
10:52 "I have blotted out,
10:55 like a thick cloud,
10:57 your transgressions,
10:58 and like a cloud your sins return to me,
11:03 for I have redeemed you."
11:05 You know,
11:07 just like a good strong wind can wipe away the clouds,
11:10 God wipes away the cloud of our sin
11:14 that separated us from Him,
11:15 that the cloud that obscured our vision of Him.
11:19 And then He says, "Sing, O heavens,
11:22 for the Lord has done it.
11:24 Shout, you lower parts of the earth,
11:27 break forth into singing, you mountains,
11:30 O forest, and every tree in it!
11:33 For the Lord has redeemed Jacob
11:36 and glorified him in Israel."
11:39 Remember,
11:41 He says, He starts off with verse 44.
11:45 "Remember your folly,
11:48 remember your sins, remember God's goodness.
11:52 Repent, return to me, God says,
11:56 for I have redeemed you."
11:59 You know, I don't know where this scripture is,
12:00 I can't think of it right now but there's one that says,
12:03 return to Me and I will return to you.
12:07 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
12:10 And then here we see the rejoicing,
12:13 as He's talking about singing, O heavens,
12:17 because God has forgiven their sins,
12:20 the sins that were the cause of their captivity.
12:23 Why?
12:24 Because they were destined for deliverance.
12:27 Now, the same thing applies to us.
12:32 You are destined for deliverance.
12:35 Isn't that exciting?
12:37 You who are at home watching with us tonight,
12:40 you are destined for deliverance.
12:43 God wants to save all men.
12:47 That is His heart.
12:49 But when we think about returning to Me,
12:52 it's not always
12:54 the prodigal son type story.
12:58 I want to talk about some sins
13:01 that cause captivity for Christians.
13:05 Christians that haven't walked away from the church,
13:09 but they've turned their face on God,
13:11 these sins, let's look at them.
13:14 Manic activity,
13:18 I can identify with this one.
13:20 Manic activity,
13:22 I believe that
13:23 this is one of Satan's
13:26 most subtle strategies today,
13:29 even for people who are working,
13:33 as many of us are in ministry,
13:36 we become so busy
13:40 doing good things
13:42 that we forget the great things and the great thing
13:46 is to stay connected with our Lord.
13:49 So if you think of it this way, busy, B-U-S-Y,
13:54 that's a perfect acronym
13:56 for bondage under Satan's yoke,
14:00 bondage under Satan's yoke.
14:03 And we become like the one,
14:07 when we're busy,
14:08 whatever the activity is that's keeping you
14:11 from spending quality time with the Lord.
14:14 We become like the one
14:17 in the Parable of the Sower of the Seed,
14:20 that the seed falls among the thorns
14:24 and they hear,
14:26 but the seed gets choked out because of cares,
14:32 there's so many cares.
14:33 We have been so busy at 3ABN recently,
14:39 it is so easy to stay busy doing God's work.
14:44 But when we are like that,
14:46 God's word gets choked out of our hearts.
14:51 So in the Parable of the Sower and the Seed,
14:55 it was choked out by cares,
14:58 by riches and pleasures of life,
15:00 and no fruit was ever brought to maturity.
15:04 So what we have to remember, and it's something that
15:08 this is a scripture that
15:09 I try to make an affirmation of on almost on a daily basis,
15:14 and that is to seek first the kingdom of God.
15:18 And all these things will be added to you.
15:22 You know, I've been really busy on a special project.
15:24 I've been project manager.
15:26 It's a huge multi departmental project.
15:30 It is so easy for me
15:33 because of all the stress
15:35 to get on a roll and JD will tell you,
15:38 I'm a roller.
15:40 I'm as he says his race horse.
15:42 I get going and going
15:44 and sometimes, even though I start off,
15:46 surrendering the project to the Lord,
15:49 halfway through the day, I forget who's in charge.
15:53 We can get so busy that we ignore the Lord.
15:57 Sometimes we're in search of our heavenly Father.
16:00 But we're busy going in a direction
16:03 that is away from His presence.
16:04 Let me tell you a story.
16:06 When I was four years old,
16:09 I woke up one morning, my daddy was gone.
16:12 My mother was still asleep.
16:15 I walked 20 blocks, a four year old.
16:19 I walked 20 blocks
16:22 to the place
16:23 where my father's business was.
16:26 Can you imagine a four year old doing that?
16:29 I had a lot of activity, didn't I?
16:32 for a little four year old's legs
16:33 walking 20 blocks?
16:35 Now, I didn't know it was his day off.
16:37 He wasn't there.
16:39 There was a lot of activity, a lot of good intentions.
16:43 But I was going in the wrong direction,
16:45 away from home.
16:47 And that's how it can be for us
16:48 when we get so busy doing work for the Lord
16:52 or just with the cares of life we can have a lot of activity,
16:57 but we're not really seeking God's face.
17:02 And if there's one thing that God wants...
17:06 He showed me this once,
17:08 when I was praying, it was like,
17:10 I was walking along this path
17:13 and it's the right path
17:16 but I'm looking back over my shoulder
17:19 and the Lord so clearly,
17:22 by the still small voice,
17:24 the Holy Spirit impressed upon my mind
17:27 turned to me, full faced.
17:31 God wants our attention.
17:34 He wants us to recognize our dependence upon Him.
17:38 He wants us to seek Him first.
17:42 And then that will help renew our relationship.
17:47 Another sin that will take us captive as Christians
17:50 is the sin of self satisfaction.
17:55 That's the Laodicean sin, isn't it?
17:57 The ones who think
17:58 they are rich and needed nothing.
18:01 It is a spiritual state of unconsciousness
18:05 and apathy if you will.
18:08 And we forget our great dependence upon God,
18:12 it puts us in a spiritual stupor.
18:15 It's...
18:17 Self satisfaction is like a mind
18:21 numbing narcotic of the devil.
18:24 And, you know, when you think of self satisfaction,
18:27 it's not just the people who become apathetic,
18:31 legalists,
18:32 that's self satisfaction.
18:34 If you really get into legalism,
18:36 if you're trying to earn your own salvation,
18:42 you think it's up to you.
18:43 You've missed the whole point of grace.
18:46 Paul told the Galatians,
18:48 if you're doing that you have fallen from grace,
18:53 you've estranged yourself from Christ.
18:56 So when people get off on this legalistic approach,
19:01 that is one of self satisfaction
19:04 and then there is that
19:07 all foundational sin of pride.
19:12 Boy,
19:13 that's self satisfaction, isn't it?
19:16 Pride, the one who is so judgmental.
19:19 And you know something that's interesting.
19:21 You can watch,
19:23 a prideful person will be quick
19:26 to show offence.
19:28 They are quickly and easily offended.
19:32 One time in the shower again, when I say the Lord said to me,
19:36 I'm talking about the still small voice of the Lord,
19:39 the Holy Spirit impressing a thought upon my mind.
19:42 And I had taken offense at something
19:46 and I was in the shower,
19:47 and I'm praying,
19:49 I mean, I pray wherever I am.
19:50 So I'm praying to the Lord and washing my hair,
19:53 you know, and I usually, it's funny sometimes
19:56 I'm going, Oh, Lord, wash me thoroughly and completely,
19:58 you know, praying the prayer of Psalm 41
20:01 as I'm taking a shower
20:03 but, here I am, and I'm praying,
20:05 and then I'm saying, "Lord,
20:07 You've got to put those people in their place."
20:09 Nah-nah, nah-nah, you know,
20:10 because I was offended at what someone had done to me.
20:13 And you know what the Holy Spirit impressed
20:16 upon my mind.
20:18 This being offended is the sin of pride.
20:23 The spirit of offense is the spirit of pride.
20:28 And you think about that for a minute.
20:30 It is your pride.
20:32 Its pride that rises up
20:34 when we think somebody has overlooked us,
20:37 or somebody said the wrong thing to us,
20:40 and we get offended.
20:41 That's nothing but pride.
20:43 And pride is the spirit of antichrist.
20:46 So we've got to forget about this stuff.
20:49 It reminds me in what Jesus said in Luke 18.
20:53 When He's talking about the two men
20:55 who went to the temple to pray,
20:56 there was the Pharisee and the tax collector
20:59 and the Pharisee practically beating on his chest,
21:02 is saying,
21:03 "Oh Lord, I thank You that I'm not like other men,
21:06 and I'm not like this tax collector.
21:08 Oh, Lord, I fast twice a week,
21:12 Lord, I give 10% of everything,
21:15 I tithe everything.
21:17 But then on the back, in the back
21:21 there is the tax collector,
21:24 and he won't even raise his eyes to heaven.
21:27 And he's beating his chest, not in pride,
21:31 but he's beating his chest because he is mourning.
21:36 He's upset with himself and he says,
21:39 "Oh, Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner."
21:44 And what did Jesus say?
21:46 He said this.
21:47 "I tell you, this man,
21:50 the tax collector, went down to his house
21:53 justified rather than the other one.
21:56 For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled
22:00 and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
22:03 Pure devotion to God is not legalism.
22:08 Pure devotion to God is love.
22:11 That's what's important.
22:13 God wants our hearts more than anything.
22:17 And a heart that is animated by love for God
22:21 willingly walks in His ways.
22:25 There's also the sin of taking God for granted.
22:31 That's when we've lost our true passion for the Lord.
22:35 My college roommate married a rancher.
22:40 And she told me...
22:42 I think they'd been married about a year
22:44 so her husband rose very early in the morning,
22:48 he was out tending to the cattle,
22:50 and she said,
22:51 often he wouldn't even come in for lunch.
22:54 And she's home all alone,
22:56 this big ranch
22:57 and I mean when I say big ranch,
22:59 they were hundreds of miles from anyone,
23:03 hundreds of miles away from anything.
23:06 She used to drive several hours just to go shopping.
23:09 And so,
23:11 she said that he would come in at night,
23:15 and he would be tired.
23:17 And he didn't feel like talking to her.
23:20 And she said, he turned on the TV
23:22 and they'd sit there side by side,
23:25 he'd grunt occasionally
23:27 and she said,
23:29 "I never was lonelier in my life
23:33 than when he was in the room."
23:37 She said, "It was lonely enough during the day.
23:41 But when my husband came home,
23:44 and didn't even acknowledge my presence,
23:47 just grunted, was busy with other things."
23:50 She says, "I've never been lonelier in my life."
23:54 Let me ask you.
23:56 How do you think God feels
24:00 when we don't acknowledge His presence,
24:04 when we sit back,
24:06 turn on something to entertain our self,
24:09 don't spend time in His Word or in prayer.
24:11 This is a sin of taking God for granted.
24:17 He is always present with us.
24:20 And some of us don't speak to him
24:22 unless we've got an urgent need.
24:25 Jesus said in Revelation 2:1-7,
24:30 He's talking to the angel of the church of Ephesus,
24:34 write this,
24:36 He's talking about the lost passion
24:38 for His presence.
24:39 These things, it says,
24:41 "He who holds the seven stars in his right hand,
24:44 who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands.
24:50 I know your works, your labor, your patience,
24:54 and that you cannot bear those who are evil.
24:57 And you have tested those
24:59 who say they are apostles and are not
25:01 and have found them liars.
25:03 And you have persevered and have patience,
25:07 and have labored for my namesake,
25:10 and have not become weary."
25:12 Wow.
25:14 That describes most of us in this room, doesn't it?
25:18 Then He says, "Nevertheless, I have this against you.
25:22 You have left your first love."
25:27 That is when we get so busy doing good things
25:31 and forget the greater thing.
25:35 Then He says in verse 5,
25:38 "Remember therefore
25:42 from where you have fallen,
25:44 repent and do the first works."
25:47 Do you remember your first works?
25:49 Do you remember
25:50 when you first fell in love with Jesus,
25:52 you couldn't get enough of His word.
25:55 You were excited to spend time in prayer with Him.
25:58 You were out talking about Him all of the time.
26:01 He's saying, "Repent and do the first works,
26:04 or else I will come to you quickly
26:06 and remove your lampstand from its place
26:08 unless you repent.
26:11 But this you have,
26:12 that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans,
26:14 which I also hate.
26:16 He who has an ear, let him hear
26:18 what the Spirit says to the churches.
26:21 To him who overcomes,
26:23 I will give to eat from the tree of life
26:27 which is in the midst of paradise of God."
26:32 So, being taken captive by sin,
26:37 and being in need of returning to God
26:41 is not always like the prodigal son.
26:46 It can be the sin of apathy.
26:48 It can be the sin of legalism.
26:50 It can be the sin of taking God for granted,
26:55 or the sin of pride.
26:57 Any sin,
26:59 however slight it may seem to us
27:01 separates us from God.
27:02 You don't have to turn there but just listen to this.
27:05 Isaiah 59:2,
27:07 "Your iniquities have separated you
27:10 from your God,
27:11 and your sins have hidden his face from you,
27:15 so that He will not hear."
27:17 So what's the answer?
27:19 What are our four R's?
27:22 Remember, repent,
27:26 return, and rejoice.
27:30 Let me read this to you, please don't turn there,
27:32 'cause I want to read it to you
27:33 so that you can hear it with your ears.
27:36 I want to add a few things to this,
27:39 very familiar scripture.
27:43 Jeremiah 29:11-14.
27:46 God says, "For I know the thoughts
27:48 that I think toward you, says the Lord,
27:50 thoughts of peace and not of evil,
27:52 to give you a future and a hope."
27:56 Uh-huh.
27:58 When you remember this,
28:01 verse 12 now,
28:03 "Then you will call upon me
28:06 and go and pray to me."
28:08 He's saying, you will repent.
28:10 And you know, even repentance is a gift.
28:13 Repentance is up to us.
28:15 Repentance, Acts 5:31,
28:18 says that repentance is granted by God.
28:22 So what we need to do when we remember our sins
28:26 and remember how good God is,
28:28 we need to go to Him confess our sins and say,
28:31 "Oh, Lord, give me the power to repent.
28:35 Turn me around, Lord,
28:37 I want to return to you."
28:40 So He says, "Then you will call upon me
28:42 and go and pray to Me,
28:44 you'll repent and I will listen to you."
28:49 And the devil
28:53 is trying to get our thoughts off of this,
28:56 "Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me.
28:59 You will repent and I will listen to you
29:02 and you will seek Me and find Me."
29:05 In other words, you're gonna return to Me.
29:07 When you search for Me with all of your heart."
29:12 When you have a passion for His presence,
29:15 He says, "I will be found by you says the Lord,
29:18 and I will bring you back from captivity."
29:24 That's a reason to rejoice, isn't it?
29:26 You are destined for deliverance.
29:30 There is a pattern.
29:31 Remember, repent,
29:34 return, and rejoice.
29:38 God will forgive your sins
29:40 that caused you to go into captivity.
29:43 Hallelujah.
29:45 God will level a path for our feet
29:48 because of His mercy,
29:49 and because He has destined you for deliverance.
29:53 So how do we put this pattern,
29:57 this four R pattern,
30:00 remember, repent,
30:03 return, and rejoice.
30:04 How do we put that into practice in our lives?
30:08 Hosea 10:12 says this,
30:10 "Sow for yourselves righteousness,
30:13 reap in mercy,
30:14 break up your fallow ground
30:16 for it is time to seek the Lord
30:21 until He comes
30:22 and reigns righteousness on you."
30:27 When we start seeking God,
30:30 as the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 63.
30:35 He says, "Oh God, you are my God,
30:37 earnestly while I seek you,
30:39 my inner self thirsts for you,
30:42 my flesh longs for you in a dry
30:46 and weary land where no water is.
30:49 So I've looked upon you in the sanctuary,
30:53 to see your power and your glory
30:56 because your love is better than life.
31:01 My lips shall praise you."
31:03 Do you realize that God's love is better than life?
31:08 God's love is better than life.
31:11 Boy, if we really remember that,
31:14 that's part of the remembering, isn't it?
31:16 If we would remember
31:18 that God's love is better than life,
31:21 we would want to spend that time with Him.
31:24 "Because your love is better than life,
31:26 my lips shall praise You.
31:28 So will I bless You while I live:
31:31 I will lift up my hands in your name."
31:35 God's cause,
31:38 His purpose for your life
31:40 is crippled in your life
31:45 because of lack
31:47 of personal passionate prayer.
31:52 Personal passionate prayer,
31:54 our lack of passionate prayer
31:57 is because of our lack of knowledge of His Word.
32:02 You know, how does faith come?
32:04 Faith comes by hearing
32:06 and hearing by the Word of God.
32:10 So, faith comes
32:13 as we have knowledge of what His Word says.
32:18 The more promises
32:20 that you are ingesting
32:24 the more promises of God,
32:26 the more knowledge you have of His Word.
32:29 The more faith, little word little faith,
32:32 lot of word, big faith.
32:35 And when we have big faith,
32:38 we will become passionate in our prayer time.
32:44 Prayer is the divine flame of faith.
32:48 But God's promises
32:50 are the fuel for that flame.
32:54 It takes a lot of discipline and energy
32:56 to pray as we should.
32:57 It's like exercising.
33:00 And we need to take this a little more serious.
33:04 A lot of us are good at sending up little prayers.
33:09 And I'll tell you that...
33:11 This thought once occurred to me,
33:13 little prayers are not much more than sap
33:16 for our conscience most of the time.
33:19 It makes us feel good about ourselves.
33:22 But passionate personal prayer will open once again to us
33:28 the treasure of divine grace.
33:30 Think about Jesus.
33:32 He prayed all night,
33:35 He prayed with strong crying tears.
33:38 And the men who reflected the character of Christ
33:41 were great prayer warriors.
33:43 There was Jacob,
33:45 he wrestled and he prevailed with God.
33:48 And let me tell you something,
33:49 Jacob's victory of faith could not have been gained
33:54 without that all night prevailing.
33:58 The reason he gained the victory
34:01 is because he spent the night wrestling with God.
34:05 Think about Elijah,
34:07 the effective fervent prayers of Elijah
34:11 caused the drought, relieved the drought.
34:14 Think about David and Daniel,
34:16 who prayed three times a day.
34:19 And it wasn't just thank you for breakfast.
34:23 Bless this food for lunch and bless this food for dinner.
34:27 These were passionate prayers.
34:30 Think about Paul
34:32 who prayed continuously without ceasing.
34:35 And it was just the earnest effort of his soul.
34:39 And Martin Luther, who said,
34:42 "If I should neglect prayer,
34:44 but a single day,
34:46 I should lose a great deal of the fire of faith."
34:52 I love that quote.
34:54 Public prayers generally should be short and condensed.
34:59 There's nothing worse than public prayer
35:02 that is going on and on and on because people began to,
35:05 you know, we had the attention span of hummingbirds
35:09 when we're all together, I think.
35:11 And if somebody is going in a lengthy public prayer,
35:15 it's easy for us to start thinking about something else,
35:18 because we're not really engaged.
35:20 And a lot of our private prayers
35:23 are often short,
35:24 just because we're constrained by circumstances, right?
35:28 I mean, Paul didn't go into a great long prayer
35:32 when he found himself sinking.
35:34 He basically said, "Save me Lord."
35:38 So, those are understandable.
35:43 But if we really want to renew our relationship with the Lord,
35:47 what we need to do is spend quality time
35:51 and the amount of time is essential
35:55 to what we're going to achieve and receive.
36:00 And the main thing we achieve is in knowing God.
36:04 You know, Jesus said, "This is eternal life
36:07 that you would know Him
36:10 and the one whom He has sent."
36:12 And we get to know God in our prayer time.
36:16 And I always make this word part of my prayer time.
36:19 I let God speak to me as well.
36:23 So He says...
36:25 Excuse me.
36:31 Much time spent with God
36:34 is the secret of all successful praying.
36:38 It's a secret of getting to know Him intimately,
36:41 and actually having some influence on Him.
36:46 When we think
36:48 or when we spend a lot of time with God,
36:51 our prayer becomes a mighty force,
36:55 a mighty force.
36:58 And as I said,
36:59 Jacob would not have gained the victory
37:02 if he hadn't prevailed all night with God.
37:04 But the efficacy of our shorter prayers,
37:08 how efficient are short
37:10 and effective our short prayers are depends on
37:14 if we've had a life,
37:17 a prayer life of those longer prayers.
37:19 Does that make sense?
37:21 If we are ones who have prevailed,
37:24 and the reason Paul could prevail with the Lord,
37:27 by saying "Save me, Lord"
37:29 is because he'd spent so much time with God.
37:31 We want to spend that time
37:34 and realize that casual, hasty prayers
37:38 don't release the manifold gifts of God.
37:41 He yields to the one who is persistent in faith,
37:46 and that's the one He declares
37:48 and bestows His blessings on.
37:52 Christ was our example in this as well as all things.
37:57 He spent many nights in prayer.
38:00 It was His custom to pray much.
38:02 He had long sessions of prayer.
38:05 Paul prayed day and night.
38:07 And it took Daniel
38:10 a lot of time for Daniel's prayers,
38:12 three times a day.
38:13 So while we know that
38:16 we don't have specific accounts of how long they prayed,
38:20 we do know that the indication in the scripture
38:23 is that they consumed much time in prayer.
38:26 And we need to do that ourselves.
38:29 God wants us to return to Him with our whole heart.
38:34 In Jeremiah 24:7, He says,
38:36 "I will give them a heart to know Me
38:39 that I am the Lord and they shall be My people,
38:42 and I will be their God,
38:44 for they shall return to Me
38:47 with their whole heart."
38:51 Turn to Joel Chapter 2.
38:52 I'll show you one more of these remembering,
38:54 repenting, returning, and rejoicing.
38:58 I was doing a word study the other day on 1 Peter 2:9,
39:02 where it talks about we are a chosen people,
39:05 a holy nation, a royal priesthood,
39:08 a peculiar people.
39:11 Did you know when we read that,
39:15 peculiar people, we think of...
39:18 What do you think of when you think of peculiar?
39:21 Weird, odd,
39:23 strange,
39:25 well, there are a lot of peculiar Christians out there
39:29 that might fit that definition.
39:31 But in the Greek,
39:33 the word that is translated
39:36 as peculiar means to make around.
39:41 In other words,
39:42 it indicates that God as our Creator
39:46 put a circle around us,
39:48 indicating His ownership of us.
39:51 It's a precious term.
39:53 It's precious, when you think about that.
39:57 And He wants us to remember that.
39:59 Look at Joel 2:12,
40:03 I mean, Joel 2:12.
40:06 He says, "Now therefore,"
40:09 this is the Lord speaking.
40:11 "Now therefore," remembering your sin
40:14 is what He's been talking about,
40:16 "says the Lord,
40:17 'Turn to me with all your heart
40:19 with fasting, with weeping
40:21 and with mourning.
40:23 So rend your heart and not your garments.'
40:27 " Well, that was a Jewish tradition
40:32 was when they were mourning,
40:34 they would rip their garments
40:36 and God's saying, forget the show.
40:39 I'm not interested in your external things.
40:41 "Rend your heart and not your garments."
40:45 In other words, repent sincerely.
40:49 Then He says, "Return to the Lord your God,
40:53 return to Me,
40:55 for He is gracious and merciful,
40:57 slow to anger and of great kindness,
41:01 and He relents
41:03 from doing harm."
41:05 That's the reason to rejoice.
41:07 Isn't it amazing
41:09 how Satan can make us have so much condemnation?
41:14 As I said earlier,
41:16 we think when we have stumbled and fallen
41:18 or we're not living up to par,
41:21 whatever the standard is that we're trying to live up to,
41:24 we feel as if, "Oh, Lord, how can you bear me?"
41:29 And sometimes people get so overridden
41:32 with condemnation,
41:35 that it's just like Satan,
41:37 you know, and I've used this before,
41:39 and I can't help it.
41:41 This is just to me a good visual.
41:43 It's like Satan would hand you, Laura, a baton.
41:48 And he'd say, "Here,
41:49 here's my baton of condemnation."
41:52 And we take it and we go,
41:55 boing, boing, boing,
41:57 we're hitting ourselves over the head.
42:00 See, God,
42:02 the Holy Spirit brings us to godly sorrow.
42:06 He brings us to that point
42:08 of recognizing there's that emptiness,
42:11 that missing of God,
42:13 and we're sorry that we've hurt God.
42:16 But that condemnation
42:18 that would try to keep us away from God,
42:22 the only reason people get discouraged and give up
42:26 and we have people who leave the church even.
42:29 The reason they get discouraged and give up
42:31 is 'cause they aren't remembering
42:35 the goodness of God, the gospel.
42:38 The good news is
42:41 that salvation belongs to the Lord.
42:44 The good news is,
42:46 His plan is for you to be 100%
42:50 dependent upon Him.
42:53 He doesn't ask you to do this in your own strength.
42:56 He says, "My grace is sufficient for you.
42:59 My power is made perfect in your weakness.
43:03 I'm the one who's going to work in you to will
43:05 and to do my good pleasure.
43:07 I'm the one who will preserve you
43:09 and keep you blameless at My coming."
43:13 Hallelujah.
43:15 God's plan has...
43:18 The devil has stolen the truth
43:22 from the plan of salvation.
43:26 You know, for some people, it's like,
43:28 you say a sinner's prayer and once saved always saved.
43:31 That's a lie.
43:32 He's stolen the truth.
43:36 If any Christian can say that obedience is not important,
43:41 you're misinformed.
43:42 Satan has beguiled you.
43:46 Satan has deceived you.
43:49 Obedience is important.
43:51 Obedience is the pathway to God's blessings.
43:54 Hebrews 5:9, says that
43:56 Jesus Christ became the author of eternal salvation
44:00 for all those who obey.
44:03 But obedience isn't something we do to be saved,
44:07 obedience is something we do because we are saved.
44:11 And it is when our heart is filled with love,
44:17 then we can't help
44:19 but want to please our heavenly Father.
44:22 And we will walk in that obedience.
44:33 Let me read James 4,
44:35 and I'm going to James 4:5-8,
44:38 James 4:5-8,
44:42 James writes, "Do you think that the scripture says in vain
44:45 'The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously?'
44:50 But He gives more grace.
44:53 Therefore, He says 'God resists the proud
44:55 but gives grace to the humble.'
44:57 Therefore submit to God,
45:00 resist the devil.'
45:02 " What does the devil want to do?
45:03 He wants to thwart God's purpose in your life.
45:07 He wants to rob God of the glory
45:09 and the honor that is due Him through our obedience.
45:12 He wants to separate you from God.
45:17 He wants to destroy you.
45:19 Don't let him do that.
45:21 "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
45:25 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.
45:29 Cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts,
45:34 you double-minded."
45:37 You know, when he talks about,
45:41 "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you."
45:45 Let me tell you another wandering story.
45:48 My mother must have had plenty of occasions
45:51 to nearly have a heart attack
45:52 over some of my escapades as a tiny child.
45:56 I was two years old
45:58 and I was playing across the street.
46:00 She thought the people across the street were watching me.
46:03 She went over to get me around lunchtime.
46:06 And she said, "Well, where's Shelley?"
46:10 "Well, I don't know,
46:12 I think she was here just a few minutes ago."
46:15 I was gone.
46:16 Well, my mother was frantic.
46:18 We live in California.
46:19 We lived near a very busy four lane divided highway.
46:23 So my mother is running for this highway.
46:28 I'm two years old.
46:30 I have made it across two lanes
46:35 of this divided highway.
46:37 I am standing in the median,
46:40 and my mother haulers
46:42 "Shelley" and I turn around to her
46:46 and I step out into the street.
46:49 I take one step to her
46:51 and I'll tell you my mother said
46:53 she flew across that highway.
46:58 That's the way God is.
47:01 When we're in danger,
47:04 if we will turn to Him
47:06 and take one step,
47:09 draw near to God, He will...
47:12 You take one step,
47:14 He will run to meet you
47:17 with open arms,
47:21 just like the prodigal son.
47:26 One of my favorite scriptures
47:29 is this.
47:32 Isaiah 30:15 says,
47:37 "For thus says the Lord God,
47:39 the Holy One of Israel,
47:42 in returning to God.
47:46 'In returning and rest,
47:48 you shall be saved,
47:51 in quietness and confidence
47:54 shall be your strength.'"
47:57 In returning and rest,
47:59 you shall be saved.
48:01 When we turn to God,
48:02 when we change our hearts and our lives,
48:05 and we rest in total dependence upon Him.
48:10 "You shall be saved
48:12 in quietness and confidence
48:15 shall be your strength."
48:18 So let's review what we've learned tonight.
48:22 What is Satan's objective?
48:25 To thwart God's plan for your life.
48:30 He wants to interrupt that.
48:32 He wants to deny God,
48:35 the glory
48:37 and the accolades the honor that's due to Him
48:41 by us showing obedience.
48:43 Satan doesn't like it when we obey.
48:45 He wants to draw us away from God.
48:48 And just like we learned when we were in Africa,
48:52 spoke over in Africa
48:53 a couple years ago for a camp meeting
48:57 and we learned that the lion,
49:00 you know, what is Satan,
49:02 like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
49:05 You know, how they get their prey,
49:09 they separate one from the herd.
49:13 When they can get one separated from the herd,
49:16 that's when the lions can take them down.
49:20 So, you know, this is what Satan does.
49:24 He tries to separate you from church,
49:27 he tries to separate you from Christian fellowship.
49:30 He tries to get you out in the North 40
49:33 so he can take you down.
49:36 And the way he does this,
49:38 is that he steals the truth.
49:41 So it is so important for us
49:44 to understand that God's plan
49:47 is that we would remember
49:51 that He is the God of new beginnings,
49:53 that we would remember that He is the one who says,
49:57 "I have loved you with an everlasting love.
50:00 And with cords of love, I have drawn you."
50:05 We've got to remember who God is
50:08 and remember who we are.
50:10 What a privilege it is
50:12 to be a child of God.
50:15 And we have to remember if you turn to 1 Thessalonians,
50:19 1 Thessalonians chapter 5,
50:25 we have to remember that
50:29 all we need to do
50:31 in our Christian life
50:34 is when we remember is to say,
50:37 "Lord, please give me the power to repent,"
50:41 confess your sins,
50:43 ask him for the power to repent,
50:46 and then take that step toward Him,
50:49 He'll come running to you as you return to Him,
50:53 He will return to you
50:55 and you can rejoice
50:58 in this wonderful precious promise.
51:01 Listen to this,
51:05 1 Thessalonians 5:23.
51:11 "Now may the God of peace himself
51:15 sanctify you..."
51:17 Who's doing the work here?
51:19 God is doing the work.
51:22 God is the one who sent...
51:23 What does it mean to sanctify us?
51:26 To sanctify us...
51:28 Did you know it's a synonym with holy,
51:30 sanctify and holiness are the same...
51:33 Sanctification and holiness are the same thing.
51:36 And that gets us all in a Twitter, doesn't it?
51:39 When we talk about, you know,
51:41 I just am so amazed at how some pastors can say,
51:45 quote the scripture,
51:47 "That God said, 'Be holy, for I am holy.'"
51:50 And they make it sound so scary.
51:53 See, God, holiness is the lack of sin.
51:58 God is separated from sin.
52:01 Holiness is wrapped up in love,
52:03 for God is love.
52:05 So what God is saying is,
52:07 I'm going to make you holy, for I am holy.
52:10 And when you are one with Me,
52:13 this is what's going to happen.
52:15 So He says, "I am the God
52:17 who will sanctify you completely.
52:22 And may your whole spirit, soul and body
52:26 be preserved blameless
52:29 at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
52:32 How many of you want to be blameless
52:34 at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ?
52:38 Well, that can make somebody scared
52:40 if you stop right there.
52:42 Oh, you mean I've got to be blameless
52:44 at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ,
52:46 Lord, "I'm not blameless.
52:49 I'm remembering my sins, Lord, I'm not blameless."
52:53 Look at the next scripture.
52:55 "He who calls you is faithful,
52:59 who will also do it."
53:02 Hallelujah.
53:04 He will do it.
53:06 It's God who's going to keep us.
53:09 And let's look at Hebrews,
53:12 Hebrews Chapter 13.
53:16 Oops, going the wrong direction.
53:18 I'm always amazed.
53:21 I can tell you where something is,
53:23 till you get up and you're talking
53:24 and turning at the same time
53:25 and then you can surely end up going in the wrong direction.
53:32 Look at Hebrews 13:20,
53:41 Hebrews 13:20,
53:43 "Now may the God of peace,"
53:46 Jehovah Shalom,
53:48 "May the God of peace who brought up
53:50 our Lord Jesus from the dead,
53:53 that great shepherd of the sheep,
53:55 through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
53:58 may this God make you complete
54:03 in every good work
54:05 to do His will,
54:06 working in you,
54:08 what is well pleasing in His sight,
54:10 through Jesus Christ,
54:12 to whom be the glory forever and ever."
54:16 So who's gonna make you complete?
54:18 God.
54:19 Well, this is a scripture to hold on to.
54:22 This is a scripture when you are feeling
54:25 that you are down and out,
54:28 down in the mouth, poor pitiful Christian.
54:33 Remember this scripture and pray it back to God, say,
54:37 "Lord, I thank You
54:39 that You are the one who's going to make me complete
54:42 in every good work to do Your will,
54:45 that You're the one who's working in me
54:48 what is well pleasing in Your sight."
54:50 All you have to do as a Christian,
54:54 what God calls you to do as His child
54:57 is to be totally dependent upon Him,
55:00 to surrender.
55:02 And don't get discouraged
55:05 when you fall,
55:06 remember Micah 7:8,
55:10 "Do not rejoice over Me, My enemy.
55:12 When I fall, I shall arise,
55:15 when I sit in darkness,
55:16 the Lord will be a light to me."
55:19 He wants to be a light to you at home as well.
55:23 And I hope that these words tonight,
55:25 the simple presentation have helped you
55:30 to recognize maybe a need
55:33 to renew your relationship,
55:35 or I hope that it has calmed you
55:37 if you already recognize that need,
55:40 but you didn't know what to do.
55:43 There's four R's.
55:45 This is the remedy four R's.
55:47 Remember, remember your sins,
55:50 but remember the goodness of God.
55:52 Remember His true plan
55:54 that He's the one that's gonna do the work in you.
55:57 Repent, the way to repent is simply to confess your sins
56:01 before the Lord
56:02 and ask Him to grant you the power.
56:05 Grant me repentance, Lord,
56:06 help me to turn around, return to Him,
56:09 you take that one step
56:12 and just like I did as a little two year old,
56:15 my mother said she felt like she had wings
56:17 flying across there to get me.
56:19 That's the way God is, He will run to you.
56:23 And then when you have returned to Him,
56:26 there's every reason in the world to rejoice.
56:31 I love
56:33 how the Lord treats each and every one of us
56:38 as if we were the only person on earth
56:44 as if we were His only child.
56:46 Let's pray.
56:47 Heavenly Father, we come in the name of Jesus,
56:50 thanking You for this short time
56:52 that we've had together.
56:54 Lord, I pray for someone at home who is,
56:58 has been hitting themselves over the head
57:00 with that baton of condemnation,
57:02 I pray in the name of Jesus
57:04 that You will help them to recognize
57:06 there's a way back to You
57:08 that You are anxious to receive them.
57:10 And, Father, I thank You
57:12 that You have said that You would blot out our sins,
57:15 and like a thick cloud, Lord,
57:18 You would blot them away
57:20 and make us whiter than snow.
57:22 We thank You, Father, for Your grace,
57:24 for Your Son, Jesus Christ,
57:26 for the gift of the Holy Spirit and for Your word,
57:30 in Jesus' name, amen.
57:32 Thank you so much for joining us
57:34 and next week,
57:35 Pastor John Lomacang will be returning
57:38 to continue the study on A Sharper Focus,
57:42 coming to you live from Thompsonville, Illinois.
57:46 We're so glad that you joined us tonight
57:48 and our prayer is that
57:50 our God will bless you abundantly
57:53 beyond what you could ever think or ask.
57:56 He is faithful and He will do it.
58:00 Goodbye.


Revised 2019-05-10