A Sharper Focus

The Truth about Spiritual Babylon, Part 5

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000108A

00:19 Hello, friends, welcome to another Wednesday night
00:21 Bible study here
00:23 at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:25 We wanna greet you wherever you are
00:26 with a hearty amen.
00:28 Can we say amen tonight? Amen.
00:29 And thank you for taking the time to tune in
00:32 for this continued study
00:33 on "The Truth about Spiritual Babylon."
00:38 What a topic that has been.
00:40 And you know, the more I study this topic,
00:42 the more the Lord has revealed to me,
00:45 and I'm discovering how many chapters really
00:47 apply to this topic about spiritual Babylon.
00:50 So take the time tonight,
00:52 as you've chosen to tune in,
00:53 invite your family and friends.
00:55 And if you're joining us from one of the churches,
00:56 we thank you for tuning in.
00:58 But we're gonna sing our theme song tonight,
01:01 after we have our prayer.
01:02 I'll also tell you,
01:04 where you can get a copy of the lesson
01:05 to follow along with us tonight.
01:07 But first, let's go to the Lord in prayer.
01:09 Let's pray together.
01:11 Wonderful Father in heaven,
01:12 we thank You
01:13 that You alone are the one that reveals truth.
01:18 You are the way the truth and the life.
01:22 You are the light of the world.
01:23 And, Lord, tonight as we open Your Word,
01:26 shine that light we pray upon us.
01:29 Speak to our hearts as we walk through this book
01:32 that is too deep for human understanding,
01:36 yet is a book that shines with the great glory of God
01:39 and teach us,
01:40 but also strengthen us with a desire to know You
01:44 to follow the truth and to be Your disciple.
01:46 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
01:50 Now, if you like a copy of the lesson,
01:52 go to this website,
01:54 you don't have to put www,
01:56 I think unless you have a PC, possibly,
01:59 but go to asf.3abn.org
02:04 and download lesson number 29,
02:06 "The Truth about Spiritual Babylon."
02:09 Now some people may say,
02:10 "I already downloaded that lesson."
02:12 But what you don't know
02:14 is I added more questions to it.
02:16 So each of us here has a new paper for tonight,
02:19 that is in addition to questions 1 through 17,
02:23 there should be a third page
02:24 with questions 18 down to 29.
02:28 We're gonna try to cover those tonight.
02:30 And so get a copy of that from that particular website.
02:34 And then if there are any other programs
02:37 that you've missed,
02:38 and chances are that's possible,
02:39 you can go to that very same website asf.3abn.org.
02:44 Download the lesson and print it out
02:46 and also go through the videos.
02:48 And you can also follow along and have a complete study
02:50 on about 25 topics thus far.
02:53 But tonight,
02:54 let's sing our theme song together
02:56 which is, "Victory," in?
02:57 Jesus. "In Jesus."
02:58 Let's sing the song together.
03:07 I heard an old, old story
03:11 How the Savior came from glory
03:15 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:19 To save a wretch like me
03:22 I heard about His groaning
03:26 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:30 Then I repented of my sin
03:34 And won the victory
03:37 O victory in Jesus
03:41 My Savior forever
03:45 He sought me and bought me
03:49 With His redeeming blood
03:53 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:56 And all my love is due Him
04:00 He plunged me to victory
04:04 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:08 I heard about a mansion
04:12 He has built for me in glory
04:15 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:19 Beyond the crystal sea
04:23 About the angels singing
04:27 And the old redemption story
04:30 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:34 The song of victory
04:37 Key change.
04:38 O victory in Jesus
04:42 My Savior forever
04:45 He sought me and bought me
04:49 With His redeeming blood
04:53 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:57 And all my love is due Him
05:01 He plunged me to victory
05:05 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:08 He plunged me to victory
05:12 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:18 Amen? Amen.
05:20 Well, we had a choir sing along with us.
05:22 That was wonderful.
05:24 You know this topic about
05:26 "The Truth about Spiritual Babylon"
05:29 is a topic that has caused me to go back
05:34 and to study those things
05:36 that I thought I knew very, very well.
05:39 And what I've discovered is
05:42 the things that were understood by me
05:45 have become enlightened.
05:47 And the Lord has allowed me to connect
05:50 other passages in scripture,
05:52 because Babylon
05:53 is one of the oldest dynasties the world has ever known.
05:57 And with it has come so many literal examples,
06:01 that when you look at the spiritual lessons
06:03 in Revelation,
06:05 then all of a sudden the pieces begin to fit.
06:07 For example, we talked about the Tower of...?
06:10 Babel.
06:11 The Tower of Babel,
06:14 or actually the Tower of Babel.
06:16 So when you say Babylon, we don't say Babylon, right?
06:19 The Tower of Babel,
06:21 which was the place where the languages
06:23 were first confused.
06:24 It was a structure built, because men did not trust God.
06:29 And so when you talk about the topic of spiritual Babylon,
06:33 it is a system built
06:34 that is not established on trusting God,
06:38 it was built because it does not trust God.
06:41 But what's so deceptive about it is,
06:44 and this is the place
06:45 where the balance has to come in,
06:47 is the people of God,
06:49 many people that love the Lord are in spiritual Babylon.
06:53 And so the message
06:54 is to come out of her My people.
06:57 Let's go to Revelation 18, very quickly.
06:59 Let's speak of that.
07:00 We've talked about this in a few past weeks.
07:04 But just to lay the foundation.
07:05 And the reason why this topic is so tender,
07:08 is that there are people that love the Lord
07:11 that are in churches all over the world,
07:13 in movements all over the world,
07:15 whether they are Christian based,
07:18 or whether they are New Age based,
07:21 there are people that sometimes have
07:22 a shallow understanding of who God is.
07:25 Some people say, they are followers of Jesus,
07:28 but because of where they are,
07:30 the messages are not that clearly understood.
07:33 And so tonight as we talk about
07:35 the truth about spiritual Babylon,
07:37 I say it again before I read the text,
07:39 there are people that are all over the world
07:40 that love the Lord,
07:43 and so God is not speaking about the people,
07:46 He's talking about the system.
07:48 What is He talking about? System.
07:49 The system.
07:51 So spiritual Babylon is a system,
07:53 a system upon which falsehoods, false teachings,
07:57 or lack of trust in God, deception, darkness,
08:00 and I go so far
08:02 as the Bible has described as demonic possession.
08:06 Because the Bible says in Revelation 18,
08:08 it has become the cage of every foul spirit,
08:11 unclean and hateful bird.
08:13 And demons dwell there,
08:15 not in a sense of Halloween, so to speak,
08:19 but in the sense of great darkness
08:21 and great deception.
08:22 And because God is not going to reform Babylon,
08:25 before He destroys it,
08:27 He's calling His people to do, what?
08:28 Come out. To come out.
08:29 Look at Revelation 18:1.
08:33 We're gonna go down to verse 4.
08:35 The Bible reads as follows,
08:37 "After these things, I saw another angel
08:41 coming down from heaven, having great authority,
08:45 and the earth was illuminated with His glory
08:48 or lightened with the glory.
08:51 And he cried," verse 2,
08:52 "He cried mightily with a loud voice,
08:55 saying, 'Babylon the great is," what?
08:58 Fallen.
08:59 "Is falling, is fallen, and has become the habitation,"
09:03 notice this, "of demons or devils,
09:07 a prison for every foul spirit."
09:11 Notice the Holy Spirit's not there,
09:13 foul spirits are there,
09:14 "and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!'"
09:19 And here's what the impact of Babylon is.
09:23 Verse 3, "For all the nations have drunk
09:26 of the wine of the wrath of her fornication."
09:29 Now, when you look at that,
09:30 let me just read the rest of the verse,
09:32 and I'll just share with you
09:33 and it says and goes on, it says,
09:34 "The kings of the earth," that means political leaders,
09:36 and religious leaders alike,
09:38 secular leaders, the category is quite broad,
09:43 "have committed fornication with her,
09:45 and the merchants of the earth have become rich,
09:49 through the abundance of her luxury.'"
09:52 And so verse 4 is the key verse,
09:54 that pivotal verse.
09:56 "And I heard another voice from heaven saying,"
09:58 let's read this together, "come out of her," what?
10:01 "My people, lest you share in her sins,
10:05 and lest you receive of her plagues.'"
10:08 In verse 5, it tells us,
10:09 "For her sins have reached unto heaven,
10:11 and God has remembered her iniquities."
10:14 Now in order to understand the power of verse 5,
10:16 you have to understand the actual Babel on the tower,
10:19 because God destroyed it.
10:21 And when you read Genesis 9,
10:22 the Bible talks about
10:24 that this tower has reached unto heaven.
10:28 They built this, this winding and no one really today,
10:32 we don't really have any artifacts or antiquities,
10:35 or obviously no pictures of how it looked.
10:38 But based on the culture,
10:40 it could have been a winding tower,
10:42 winding its way into the heavens,
10:44 and the Lord in the Word, in the Book of Genesis says,
10:47 the tower has reached into heaven.
10:49 And so when it says that Babylon
10:51 sins have reached into heaven,
10:53 that means it's soon time to destroy Babylon.
10:56 Amen?
10:57 Because when that tower reached to the heaven,
10:59 God came down, destroyed the tower
11:01 and scattered the people throughout all the earth.
11:04 So suffice it to say, from that point to this,
11:09 the people of God have been scattered
11:12 throughout the whole earth,
11:13 scattered throughout different denominations,
11:16 scattered through different movements.
11:18 And we are living in the day and age
11:19 with a message to spiritual Babylon
11:21 is God is calling His people back,
11:24 so that when He destroys the system,
11:27 none of His people are casualties
11:29 of that fault system.
11:31 Let's begin tonight with question number 18.
11:33 And by the way, the topic is
11:35 The Truth about Spiritual Babylon.
11:38 What's the topic?
11:39 The Truth about Spiritual Babylon.
11:43 Let's go to question number 18.
11:45 We're gonna begin there tonight.
11:47 I know last week we ended on question 20.
11:50 But just so we can get the full page
11:51 and because we'll discover
11:53 that there's a condition in the last days that exists,
11:57 that shows that
11:59 what God intended His church to be
12:01 is not really what it has become.
12:03 Look at Revelation Chapter, Isaiah Chapter 4.
12:06 But let's first read the question.
12:08 Here it is, question number 18.
12:10 What condition does the Bible tell us
12:13 will exist in the last days?
12:21 We find our answer in Isaiah Chapter 4.
12:24 And for those of you that are tuning in,
12:26 if you may not have a Bible,
12:28 we'll go ahead and give you the answer in just a moment.
12:29 Isaiah Chapter4.
12:32 It's amazing that the number seven
12:33 is going to be used in this passage,
12:36 because there are seven churches.
12:39 And we're living in the day and age
12:40 of the last church of the seven churches.
12:43 Here's the answer, Isaiah 4:1.
12:47 And the Bible says, "And in that day,
12:50 seven women shall take hold of," how many men?
12:55 Together, how many men? One.
12:56 "One man saying," notice the condition,
12:59 "'We will eat our own food and wear our own apparel.
13:03 Only let us be called by your name
13:06 to take away our reproach.'"
13:08 And so if you look at that together,
13:10 seven women,
13:11 a woman in prophecy represents what?
13:14 The church.
13:15 So the Bible is talking about a condition
13:16 that's very parallel
13:18 to the seven churches of Revelation.
13:21 You notice from the Church of Ephesus,
13:23 to the Church of Laodicea, seven conditions occurred.
13:27 It's amazing, we're living down in the Church of Laodicea,
13:29 and the Lord has no commendations,
13:31 nothing good at all to say about Laodicea.
13:34 Seven conditions, but how many Lords are there?
13:38 Come on. How many Lords are there?
13:39 One.
13:41 One man, all these churches
13:42 claim to be off springs of Christ.
13:45 But a part of the issue is,
13:47 many of them have their own righteousness.
13:49 Many of them
13:50 went through the periods of their own doctrines.
13:52 And when you go to Revelation,
13:54 and you look at the seven churches,
13:55 there was a time during the Dark Ages,
13:57 where so many doctrines came into existence
14:00 that had no scriptural support at all.
14:03 And we're gonna talk about some of those
14:04 when we get further into the topic.
14:06 So here's the answer you wanna put down.
14:08 The answer is...
14:10 What condition does the Bible tell us
14:11 will exist in the last days?
14:14 What's the condition?
14:19 Okay.
14:21 I wanna see, if I could pull it out of you.
14:24 They'll have their own righteousness,
14:27 they'll have their own doctrines,
14:29 all they want is the name Christian.
14:34 You can summarize that as you want.
14:37 And you'll discover today
14:38 that many people are very comfortable
14:41 with the name Christian,
14:42 but not comfortable
14:44 with the requirements of Christianity.
14:45 It's one thing...
14:47 And by the way,
14:48 when you go to The Ten Commandments,
14:52 the Lord says,
14:53 "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."
14:57 So there are many who say,
14:59 "Well, I'm connected to Christ."
15:01 But when you begin to check the bloodline,
15:03 and the references and what they teach,
15:06 you almost say, "Well, who did you say, you know?
15:09 And it's evident
15:10 that much of what exists in Christianity today,
15:13 has not come from the fruit tree of Christ,
15:16 has not come from the Word of God.
15:20 But let's go to the next one, the very next one.
15:24 Okay, question number 19.
15:27 What is bread compared to in the Bible?
15:35 Let's go to Matthew.
15:38 Matthew Chapter 4,
15:40 one of the favorite passages in the Bible,
15:43 actually, most people know by heart.
15:46 But for the benefit of our audience,
15:48 and those who may not know it, verbatim,
15:51 we'll go ahead and look at it together.
15:54 What is bread compared to in the Bible?
15:56 I remember growing up,
16:00 the lady that raised me was from Trinidad
16:02 from the West Indies.
16:03 And she would always talk about the difference between
16:06 West Indian bread and American bread.
16:09 And she'd go to the store and buy a loaf of bread.
16:12 And she'll say, "Look, American bread,"
16:14 and she'll crumpled up in her hand,
16:15 it will become a little ball.
16:17 This is so spongy, and so much air.
16:19 But then she'll make West Indian bread,
16:21 and then she'll cut and said,
16:23 "Now this is bread, solid, wholesome."
16:26 Anybody know what I'm talking about?
16:28 You know, a lot of people they make,
16:29 sometimes the bread you find and there are so...
16:31 And you know what?
16:33 You can actually take a whole loaf of bread,
16:34 wonder bread, and if you want to,
16:36 you could just press the whole loaf together,
16:38 and it will come down to about just that.
16:41 But you can't do that
16:42 with bread that's made in the West Indies
16:44 or in other countries.
16:45 I want to just give other people the opportunity
16:47 to get on the cart.
16:49 But good solid bread with wholesome nutrition in it,
16:53 like whole wheat and Lithuanian bread,
16:58 you know, whenever we go to our good friend,
16:59 and we have Lithuanian bread.
17:01 Man, you could have maybe four slices
17:04 before the fiber fills you up.
17:06 But American bread, I mean, the ones in the store,
17:10 you can just pack it all together.
17:11 But the Bible does have an association
17:14 to the particular idea about bread.
17:18 Here it is in Matthew 4:4.
17:20 Speaking of Jesus, "But he answered and said,
17:24 'It is written,' together, 'Man shall not live by,' what?
17:28 'Bread alone, but by every word
17:32 that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
17:35 And so bread is a parallel to the Word of God.
17:40 You know, there's a company, I think it's a...
17:43 I think it's a Baptist organization
17:45 that have been producing these little books,
17:47 it's called Our Daily Bread.
17:49 Anybody heard about that?
17:50 I mean, I collected those for years,
17:52 because some wonderful devotions in those.
17:55 When I was in Inherited Singers,
17:57 we, you know, we travel from one church to the other,
17:59 one denomination to the other,
18:01 and some of those books I have gone back to the 80s,
18:04 but wonderful stories.
18:06 So the Word of God is compared to bread.
18:08 So let's go and add another component to that.
18:10 If you think about the Word of God being bread,
18:12 and the condition in Isaiah 4:1 says,
18:14 "We will eat our own bread."
18:18 Do we have more than one translation
18:19 of the Bible today?
18:21 Yes or no?
18:22 And when you begin to compare them,
18:24 sometimes you'll say,
18:26 "Where do they get that from?"
18:28 There are actually some translations
18:29 that will omit an entire passage.
18:33 Let me give you one example.
18:34 And you can look this up yourself.
18:36 I'll go ahead and quote the text.
18:38 Romans 8:1,
18:41 "There is therefore now no condemnation,
18:45 to those who are in Christ Jesus,
18:47 who walk not according to the flesh,
18:49 but according to the Spirit."
18:51 That's the King James,
18:52 and the New King James Version.
18:53 But the NIV is this,
18:55 "There is therefore now no condemnation
18:57 to those who are in Christ Jesus.
19:00 Verse 2 is cut out.
19:02 And the key element of the non-condemnation is,
19:05 who walk not according to the flesh,
19:08 but according to the Spirit.
19:12 So to be not condemned,
19:13 you've got to walk righteously,
19:15 amen someone?
19:16 You got to walk not according to the flesh,
19:18 but according to the Spirit.
19:20 But it's being taught today that
19:22 as long as you're in Jesus, that's all that matters.
19:25 It's not that shallow. It's not that simple.
19:27 The Lord wants us to be
19:29 more than people that profess to know Him.
19:30 He wants us to know Him by our lives, ain't that right?
19:33 Let's look at another one.
19:34 Let's go to question number 20 now.
19:37 Question number 20.
19:38 So you wanna put
19:39 what is bread compared to in the Bible.
19:42 It is compared to the Bible, God's Word,
19:44 your daily nourishment, your spiritual food.
19:46 Matter of fact, when you read
19:48 the story of the children of Israel in Exodus 16,
19:50 the Lord fed them bread every day.
19:52 And when the New Testament,
19:55 Israelites had an encounter with Jesus,
19:58 He said to them,
20:01 "Moses didn't really give you bread
20:04 in the wilderness.
20:06 My father did.
20:07 I am the bread that came down from heaven."
20:10 The comparison,
20:11 every day, the Lord rain bread from heaven.
20:14 And so when the true bread came,
20:17 the same Israelites
20:18 whose generations before ate bread,
20:21 all of a sudden,
20:23 the real bread shows up and they say,
20:25 "And who are you?"
20:27 And that's the problem.
20:28 Many people traditionally can lose sight of who Jesus is.
20:33 What is clothing compared to in the Bible?
20:35 Let's go to Revelation 19:8,
20:37 Revelation 19:8.
20:40 What is clothing compared to in the Bible?
20:42 Revelation 19,
20:44 and we're going to look together at verse 8.
20:47 And these are some of the passages
20:49 that some of you have already filled in.
20:52 But to get the whole picture together,
20:54 we went ahead and covered these again.
20:57 Revelation 19:8, here's the answer,
21:00 and speaking to her, that's to the church.
21:02 "And to her it was granted to be arrayed in,"
21:06 what kind of linen?
21:07 Fine.
21:08 "Fine linen, clean and," what else?
21:11 "Bright, for the fine linen
21:14 is the righteous acts of the saints."
21:18 Okay, so what is clothing compared to?
21:21 According to the Bible in Revelation 19:8,
21:23 clothing is compared to what?
21:26 Righteousness.
21:28 Now how do you know that?
21:30 When Adam and Eve sinned,
21:32 what did they lose?
21:35 They lost Christ's righteousness.
21:37 And when He came to find them,
21:39 why did they hide themselves?
21:41 Because they didn't have on what?
21:42 Clothe. Clothing!
21:43 They lost the clothing, the righteousness of Christ.
21:47 Clothing is compared to righteousness.
21:50 You wanna write that down on the first line,
21:52 Revelation 19:8,
21:53 clothing is compared to righteousness.
21:56 And one more verse, Revelation 16:15,
21:59 it'll appear on the screen for you.
22:01 Revelation 16:15.
22:03 Notice what the Lord says,
22:04 and this is a direct comparison to Genesis.
22:06 Here's what the Bible teaches.
22:09 "Behold, I am coming as a," what?
22:11 "Thief.
22:12 Blessed is he who watches and keeps his," what?
22:16 "Garments, lest he walk naked, and they," do what?
22:20 "See his shame."
22:22 It's amazing.
22:23 Directly correlated to what Adam said,
22:26 when he heard the voice of the Lord
22:28 walking in the garden, in the cool of the day.
22:31 He said, "I was ashamed,
22:36 because I was naked,
22:38 and I hid myself."
22:41 So here you go.
22:42 When Jesus comes back
22:44 or let's go ahead and see the comparison.
22:46 This is huge. Revelation 16.
22:48 I could give it to you,
22:49 but I don't want to spoon feed you.
22:51 I want you, Revelation 16,
22:53 and since you're already there,
22:55 we're gonna go ahead and look at...
22:59 Here we are.
23:01 Actually not Revelation 16, Revelation 6, okay?
23:05 Revelation 6.
23:07 And we're gonna go ahead and look
23:10 at verse 14
23:14 down to verse 17.
23:17 Revelation 6:14-17.
23:19 Now what did Adam do when he knew that he was naked?
23:22 What did he do? Somebody tell me?
23:24 He hid himself, right?
23:26 Notice what's gonna happen when the Lord returns,
23:30 and there are those that are not covered
23:31 by His righteousness.
23:33 Here we are, Revelation 6:14, the Bible says,
23:36 "Then the sky receded as a scroll
23:40 when it is rolled up or rolled together,
23:42 and every mountain and island was," what?
23:45 "Moved out of its place."
23:47 And notice this,
23:49 the same ones that have allegiance with Babylon,
23:51 "And the kings of the earth, and the great men,
23:54 the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men,
23:59 every slave and every free man,
24:02 say the next two words together.
24:04 Hidden.
24:06 "Hid themselves in the caves
24:08 and in the rocks of the mountains,
24:10 and said," verse 16, "to the mountains and rocks,
24:14 'Fall on us and," do what?
24:16 "Hide us from the face of Him,
24:19 who sits on the throne,
24:21 and from the wrath of the Lamb.'"
24:23 In verse 17,
24:24 "For the great day of His wrath has come,
24:28 and who is able to stand?"
24:29 Why are they hiding?
24:31 I tell you why they're hiding.
24:32 Look at Revelation 16:15, the answer we got,
24:35 bring that one once more up on the screen for me,
24:37 that text we just had, Revelation 16:15.
24:39 Why are they hiding?
24:41 Here it is.
24:42 The Lord says, "Behold, I come as a thief.
24:46 Blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments,
24:48 lest he walked naked, and they," what?
24:50 "See his shame."
24:51 So now,
24:53 in order for their shame not to appear,
24:55 what do they want to do?
24:56 They want to, one word. They want to do what?
24:58 Hide. Hide.
25:01 They're running to the rocks, and the mountains, hide.
25:04 They're saying hide us from the face.
25:06 We don't want Him to see us this way.
25:08 We don't want Him to see us without His righteousness.
25:12 You know, when I used to party,
25:14 most of you may remember,
25:16 if any of you have ever had that in your past,
25:19 but clubs, at least the ones I went to were pretty dark,
25:23 bars.
25:24 If you ever drive down
25:26 to even down the main street here in Thompsonville,
25:27 and it was not Thompsonville, but West Frankfort,
25:29 you're driving down,
25:30 you just see the open sign or the bar sign,
25:32 but it's pretty dark.
25:35 Whenever the parties were ending
25:37 in the clubs that I attended,
25:39 they would turn the lights on,
25:40 and you know what people would do?
25:44 And then all of a sudden
25:45 the person that really looked good in the dark,
25:48 you see them for who they really are.
25:49 And they think,
25:51 "Boy,
25:52 she's not as pretty as I thought she was."
25:54 And so things that appear to look one way in the dark,
25:58 when the light comes on,
26:00 what they really look like is revealed.
26:03 When Jesus comes,
26:04 is it going to be bright, yes or no?
26:05 Yes. It's gonna be quite bright.
26:08 The earth is gonna be lightened with His glory
26:10 and everything that is hidden will be
26:12 revealed the way it is before God.
26:15 All right.
26:17 So let's go to number 21.
26:18 The answer once again,
26:20 clothing is compared
26:21 to the garments of righteousness
26:24 in Revelation 16:15.
26:27 Now let's go to question number 21,
26:30 question number 21, all right?
26:34 Here's the question.
26:36 How does the Bible describe the affect
26:39 of the harlot's wine?
26:46 And we're gonna look to Revelation 17.
26:49 And we're gonna look together at verse 2,
26:52 Revelation 17:2. Wow!
26:56 After you read this, I wanna make a comment
26:58 so that you can understand the great implication here.
27:01 All right. Here's the answer.
27:03 Revelation 17:2,
27:05 and we read, the word of the Lord says,
27:08 "With whom the kings of the earth," did what?
27:11 "Committed fornication,"
27:13 that's an illicit relationship,
27:16 one not authorized by God,
27:18 "and the inhabitants of the earth were made," what?
27:21 "Drunk with the wine of her fornication."
27:24 Now, I want to break that down, because this is huge.
27:26 First of all, the kings of the earth
27:28 have created an allegiance with her
27:30 that God has not approved.
27:33 In other words, God says, "I'm not in that,"
27:35 and they may use God
27:36 to create the allegiance,
27:38 but God is saying, "I am not in that.
27:41 That's fornication.
27:42 This is an unauthorized relationship."
27:46 And here's the point.
27:48 You see today in the world, and I just wanna make this...
27:50 We wanna make this comment right here.
27:53 That there is a political
27:55 and religious push in our world,
27:58 for there to be a type of Christian unity,
28:01 but the basis on
28:02 which the Christian unity is urged
28:03 is not supported by scripture.
28:05 People say, "Let's get together,"
28:07 and they choose the categories
28:08 that they want to get together on,
28:10 but they're not getting together
28:11 on the truth of God's Word.
28:13 A second thing I wanna point out very clearly,
28:15 and I preface this by saying,
28:16 and I'm not speaking about people,
28:18 but particularly about a system.
28:20 You'll discover that the Vatican
28:22 has not only been recognized by world governments,
28:26 but demands recognition by world governments.
28:30 And so world governments, many of them, bow to his...
28:33 What's the word that he used is a,
28:36 well, his Vaticanship.
28:38 I'm gonna use a word that doesn't even exist.
28:40 But many people bow and consider him
28:42 the world authority on spiritual things.
28:45 And it does not exist that way.
28:47 But if you follow the history of Catholicism,
28:49 you'll discover in that particular religion,
28:51 there's a lot of darkness, a lot of false doctrines
28:54 that are not supported by God's Word.
28:56 Yet, on the power of that system,
29:00 governments of nations all around the world
29:03 sent ambassadors
29:05 as representatives to a holy power,
29:09 connecting politics and religion together,
29:12 accordingly, committing fornication.
29:14 God does not connect His church to the world.
29:18 God does not connect His church to the politics.
29:21 Just simply look at the examples
29:22 in the scriptures.
29:23 The church was separate from Rome.
29:25 God kept the Roman government and the church separate.
29:28 Another thing is,
29:30 it says the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk,
29:32 which means when they drink what Babylon is giving them,
29:36 and that's doctrinally they become intoxicated.
29:39 And what happens when you're intoxicated.
29:41 Let me just ask the question in the basic, yes or no.
29:43 Can you walk straight if you're drunk?
29:45 No. You can't walk straight.
29:47 Can you see straight?
29:48 No. Okay.
29:49 Can you think straight? No.
29:51 Now you understand why it's so hard
29:53 to tell people the truth
29:55 that are intoxicated by the messages
29:57 in the doctrines of Babylon
29:58 until they're detoxed,
30:01 which is the work of the Holy Spirit.
30:02 And by the way,
30:03 let me just give you this encouraging word.
30:06 When a person gives the Holy Spirit consent
30:08 to come into her, his life or her life,
30:11 all of a sudden the Lord begins to clear away
30:13 all the intoxication.
30:15 What's that? What's that?
30:16 When you're opposite to intoxicated, what are you?
30:20 Say it? Say it again?
30:22 Sober. Sober!
30:24 And doesn't the Lord say in 1 Peter 5:8,
30:26 "Be sober, be," what?
30:28 "Vigilant."
30:30 When you're sober, you're alert.
30:31 When you're sober,
30:33 you can hear, you can see,
30:34 you can differentiate,
30:37 you can tell what's going on.
30:38 "Be sober, be vigilant
30:39 because your adversary, the devil,
30:41 walks around like a roaring lion,
30:43 roaring lion seeking whom he may," what?
30:45 "Devour." He does that.
30:47 So he uses the church in his final arsenal.
30:50 He uses those things with a Christian label
30:54 as his final arsenal.
30:55 Go to Matthew Chapter 24.
30:56 Let's see this.
30:58 Matthew Chapter 24, all right?
31:03 Some people think, "Well, as long as I joined the church,
31:05 I'm safe."
31:07 As the kids would say in the past,
31:09 "Nah, you have to stand on the truth."
31:12 You just can't pick a building and say,
31:14 "I'm okay on the inside."
31:16 You have to make sure that what's happening on the inside
31:18 is authorized by God's Word.
31:20 I thought it was very amazing
31:21 that one of the first things
31:22 that Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 24,
31:24 about the signs of the last days.
31:26 Look at Matthew 24:3-4,
31:30 just these two verses, and verse 5,
31:33 okay?
31:35 Matthew 24:3,
31:37 "Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives,
31:39 the disciples came to Him privately, saying,
31:42 'Tell us when shall these things be?
31:44 And what shall be the sign of Your coming,
31:47 and the end of the age or the end of the world?'"
31:49 In other words, tell us what these signs are gonna be.
31:52 Look at the first thing Jesus says in verse 4,
31:55 "Jesus answered and said to them,
31:57 'Take heed that no one," together, "deceives you.'"
32:01 Wow!
32:04 How we gonna know that we're living in the end?
32:06 Jesus is saying,
32:07 "There's gonna be a lot of deception."
32:10 A lot of what? Deception.
32:12 Be careful that no one deceives you.
32:16 And so I say this again,
32:18 to the listening and viewing audience,
32:19 not everything labeled Christian
32:21 is from God's Word.
32:24 That's a fact. Jesus made it clear.
32:25 And look what it says in verse 5.
32:28 "For many will come in My name..."
32:30 Remember we read earlier?
32:32 Only let us be called by your name.
32:34 See?
32:36 "Many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ."
32:40 And will do what?
32:41 "Deceive many.'"
32:44 He says many people are gonna do that.
32:46 Now look at verse 11.
32:49 Verse 11, of the same chapter,
32:51 Matthew 24.
32:53 "Then many false prophets will rise up and," what else?
32:59 "Deceive many."
33:01 Are we living in the last days?
33:02 Amen? Yes.
33:04 Of course, we are.
33:05 So if you're waiting for deception to come,
33:07 stop, look, listen, it's all around us.
33:11 Deception is rampant.
33:13 And unfortunately,
33:14 it's under the guise of Christianity
33:16 in many respects.
33:17 Look at... Go with me to 2 Corinthians.
33:21 I want you to see this.
33:22 The devil, see...
33:25 Can't understand, the devil is not,
33:26 some people think, he's this red horned guy
33:29 that shows up on pepper bottles and all that
33:32 and comes out in during Halloween,
33:33 oh, nothing is further from the truth.
33:36 I mean, that's just not who he is.
33:38 He wants you to think of him
33:39 as some nonsensical character,
33:41 some fictitious person
33:43 that just shows up every now and then.
33:45 But he has quite a large arsenal of deception.
33:49 And let me go further.
33:50 Not only does he have churches that deceive,
33:52 but he has his own group of ministers he is hired.
33:56 Look at 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.
34:00 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.
34:06 Look at it.
34:07 Wow!
34:09 Wow!
34:10 Paul addressed false apostleship here.
34:13 He says in verse 13,
34:14 "For such are false apostles,"
34:17 what kind of workers?
34:19 "Deceitful workers," and get this.
34:22 They're not transformed by God,
34:24 "Transforming themselves
34:26 into apostles of Christ."
34:27 Let me pause.
34:29 I tell you, this is powerful.
34:31 You can buy religious outfits,
34:36 you can look religious.
34:38 You can buy a police uniform,
34:40 you can get by an army uniform.
34:41 You can go to a store and buy collar,
34:43 look like clergy.
34:45 You can look like a doctor.
34:47 It's not what's on the outside,
34:49 but it's what's happening where?
34:50 On the inside.
34:52 They transform themselves.
34:54 They have terms like Reverend,
34:56 in Bishop, in Holy Father,
34:58 and Pastor and Minister,
35:00 you got to be careful with those titles.
35:01 Don't let the title fool you.
35:03 Just check out where their source comes from.
35:06 Because look at the next verse.
35:08 "And no wonder,"
35:10 King James Version says, "and no marvel,"
35:12 don't be shocked, "for Satan himself,
35:16 transforms himself into an angel of light."
35:20 Notice what I want you to get right here,
35:22 the transformation that what you see,
35:25 God has nothing to do with it.
35:26 They're transforming themselves,
35:28 like Satan transforms himself.
35:30 There are ministers today that transformed themselves.
35:34 And look at verse 15.
35:36 "Therefore, it is no great thing,
35:39 if his ministers also transform themselves
35:44 into ministers of righteousness,
35:48 whose end will be according to their works."
35:52 And so today,
35:54 the word transform appears in all three of those verses,
35:57 transforming, Satan transforms,
36:00 and ministers transform themselves.
36:02 But if you think about what they do,
36:04 if you think about what they do,
36:05 what they teach, what they represent.
36:09 The Lord is saying,
36:11 that has no connection to Me whatsoever.
36:14 Satan is behind it.
36:15 He looks like an angel of light.
36:17 And he's got some ministers
36:18 that look like ministers of righteousness.
36:21 But in the end,
36:23 it will all be clear
36:24 where the source of their teachings
36:25 have come from.
36:27 So let's go to the very next question.
36:28 Did we answer number?
36:30 How does the Bible describe
36:31 the effect of the harlot's wine?
36:33 Drunk.
36:34 Drunk. Intoxication.
36:36 When you drink it, you're gonna get drunk.
36:40 I just think about the thought of somebody,
36:42 we're gonna go to question 22 in a moment here.
36:43 I think about
36:45 what somebody said to me not too long ago,
36:47 that had been resisting the Bible's message
36:50 about the Sabbath for 30 years.
36:52 It's amazing.
36:54 They just, they finally gave up,
36:55 that the Spirit of God broke through
36:58 and they gave their hearts to the Lord,
36:59 and they said this.
37:00 This is so enlightening.
37:04 They said,
37:05 "When I accepted the Bible Sabbath,
37:08 all of a sudden,
37:10 other things started becoming clear."
37:13 Amen?
37:14 Amen.
37:16 When you accept truth,
37:17 it's like turning the light on.
37:19 You cannot turn the light off
37:22 and expect to see when you're in darkness.
37:24 You really can't.
37:26 Whether that darkness
37:27 is because you are following someone who's blind,
37:30 that's a travesty.
37:31 Because the Bible says, if the blind leads the blind,
37:34 are any of them safe?
37:36 What happens to both of them?
37:37 They both fall into the pit.
37:39 You can't say to the guy that's blind,
37:41 "Hey, I'm following you.
37:44 I'm okay because I'm following..."
37:45 If you're both blind,
37:48 what's gonna happen?
37:49 You both are gonna fall into the pit.
37:51 And you know what? Blindness today is voluntary.
37:55 Spiritual blindness.
37:56 Some people will hear
37:58 the truth about the commandments and they say,
37:59 "I don't care about the commandments."
38:01 Some people hear about the Sabbath,
38:02 "That's for the Jews,
38:04 that was nailed to the cross,
38:05 that's done away with,
38:07 that's Old Testament."
38:08 They got all these demonic excuses for it.
38:09 I'm gonna be very clear,
38:11 I'm not gonna tiptoe through the tulips.
38:12 All these excuses for disobedience
38:15 are not from Christ.
38:16 You cannot claim to be Christian,
38:19 yet be recalcitrant,
38:21 and disobedient to God's Word and say,
38:23 "Hey, I'm saved anyway."
38:25 That's deception. That's intoxication.
38:27 That is exactly what happens
38:28 when you accept the doctrines of the harlot
38:31 over the Word of God, amen?
38:32 Amen. Let's go to number 22.
38:35 This is not a tiptoe through the tulips type of program.
38:38 You want to watch that, go to Sesame Street,
38:39 but not this channel.
38:41 Here we go.
38:43 What is the purpose of the wine
38:45 that the harlot uses?
38:47 Whoo!
38:48 This will really open you up.
38:49 What is the purpose of the wine
38:51 that the harlot uses?
38:53 Proverbs 20:1.
38:55 We're gonna go and look at that together.
38:57 Go to Proverbs 20:1.
39:00 What is the purpose of the wine
39:02 that the harlot uses?
39:04 You know, the devil's really clever
39:05 on what he chooses.
39:08 We lived in Napa Valley.
39:10 I'm gonna just tell you the story very quickly.
39:12 We lived in California.
39:14 We lived in Vallejo, California.
39:16 We lived in Fairfield, California,
39:17 both of them very close to Napa Valley.
39:19 My wife worked in Napa Valley,
39:21 beautiful vine, it's called the vine country.
39:23 And I thought about that just a moment ago
39:25 as I'm thinking this story.
39:27 The Devil's got a vine country.
39:29 He picks the vine that will serve best
39:32 the results in your life.
39:34 I just thought about that. That's just amazing.
39:36 The devil's got his own vineyard,
39:39 producing grapes
39:40 to intoxicate the inhabitants of the earth.
39:43 I remember we went to,
39:45 it's a funny story, we went to Napa Valley.
39:47 We took some friends there and they want to see
39:49 all the vineyards and the grapes
39:50 and was just a beautiful place.
39:52 We rode our bikes out there.
39:53 We had our fiat, I mean our trailer once
39:55 and parked out there on the weekend
39:57 and just had a wonderful weekend.
39:58 You know what I like about California?
40:00 No bugs, amen?
40:01 Amen.
40:02 No bugs.
40:04 They all live in the East
40:05 or on the Midwest.
40:08 But we took some friends to this vineyard
40:09 and we thought,
40:10 "There's nothing here that we could taste.
40:12 There's nothing here that we wanna taste."
40:15 So we asked, "Okay, you know, we have Martinellie's?"
40:18 You know, we have this non-alcoholic stuff.
40:19 So we thought,
40:21 "Surely they have to think about people
40:22 that don't drink alcohol."
40:23 So we said, "You have anything non alcoholic?"
40:25 They said, "Sure. We have two.
40:26 We have a peach non-alcoholic,
40:28 we have a strawberry non-alcoholic."
40:30 Non-alcoholic, right?"
40:32 "Non-alcoholic." "Okay. Can we taste it?
40:35 Non-alcoholic, right?" Non-alcoholic."
40:37 So, peach they opened up and had a taste it.
40:40 "Whoo!
40:42 You know, we'll buy one.
40:43 We'll take one.
40:45 We'll take it home, special occasion."
40:47 You know, we have Martinellie's
40:48 you know, Sparkling Cider.
40:50 "So since you have something a little different,
40:52 we'll go and take this home."
40:53 We are driving home
40:56 and I started being a lot happier than I usually am
41:00 while I drive.
41:01 And I'm thinking, "Whoo!
41:02 It's a very wonderful day. It's warm, isn't it?"
41:05 And we get home
41:07 and we read on the bottle,
41:08 0.3, no, 3% alcohol.
41:12 3% alcohol.
41:14 I said, "He said it was non-alcoholic."
41:16 Well to an alcoholic 3% may mean nothing.
41:19 It may not give them a buzz.
41:20 But I tell you this is huge. Lesson is powerful.
41:25 When you don't bring,
41:26 when you don't ingest the wine of Babylon,
41:30 you can tell, if you just sip it,
41:33 that it's going to intoxicate you.
41:35 Is that powerful?
41:37 We knew right away
41:38 there was something wrong with it.
41:40 Here's my point.
41:41 When you live by the truth,
41:43 the moment
41:45 that a false doctrine is brought to your ear,
41:49 you can see the effect right away.
41:50 "You can say wait a minute, there's something wrong.
41:53 There's something in this I know."
41:55 And when you read the label,
41:57 you can tell that it is not pure.
41:59 So here's my point.
42:01 There may be 3% alcohol,
42:03 5% alcohol,
42:04 or as in the case of vodka,
42:06 120% proof,
42:09 but it's gonna still do the same thing.
42:11 It's gonna intoxicate you.
42:13 The more you take in false teachings,
42:15 it is going to intoxicate you.
42:18 Look at the answer here.
42:20 Question number 22.
42:22 The answer here is very careful.
42:25 Proverbs 20:1,
42:28 look at it. What it says?
42:29 "Wine is a," what?
42:31 "Mocker.
42:32 Strong drink is," what?
42:34 "Raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is," what?
42:39 "Not wise."
42:41 So the answer is...
42:42 What is the purpose of the wine
42:44 that the harlot uses?
42:45 The purpose of the wine is to deceive.
42:48 Don't forget that.
42:50 Deceive the deceiver.
42:54 You know, what's amazing to me
42:56 is Jesus when He said He was gonna rise again,
43:00 the Roman government called Him a deceiver.
43:04 But He was non intoxicated.
43:07 Amen? Amen.
43:08 The devil tries to label those who stand for truth
43:10 as the ones who don't have truth.
43:13 That's another tactic of the devil.
43:15 Jesus who is the truth,
43:16 they said, "Don't listen to Him.
43:19 He's a deceiver."
43:20 Now let me make some application.
43:22 Sometimes we try to tell people
43:23 about the truth in God's Word,
43:25 the truth about the Commandments of God,
43:26 the Sabbath of God, the truth that you are not.
43:28 You don't go to heaven when you die.
43:30 There is no eternally burning hell,
43:31 there is no secret rapture.
43:33 And people that are intoxicated
43:36 are told by their pastors,
43:38 "Don't listen to them.
43:39 They're trying to deceive you."
43:41 That's what the devil has been doing for centuries.
43:44 So when we teach you the truth,
43:45 if it comes from God's Word,
43:47 amen?
43:48 If it comes from God's Word, can you trust it?
43:51 Yes. Will it intoxicate you?
43:52 No.
43:54 It'll clear up your vision
43:55 and anything in your veins that does toxify you,
43:58 you surely will be detoxed.
44:00 God's Word has the power to do that.
44:02 So what is the purpose
44:06 of the wine that the harlot uses?
44:07 The purpose of it,
44:08 write that down on the number 22,
44:10 the purpose of it is to do, what?
44:12 Deceive.
44:13 That's where we are. We're living in the last days.
44:15 When Jesus says, "Take heed that no one deceive you."
44:17 Today, brothers and sisters,
44:19 Satan has a winery
44:21 and he's intoxicated the whole world.
44:23 Anybody who rejects the truth will be intoxicated.
44:26 Look at number 23.
44:27 Let's move right along.
44:29 What does the wine of Babylon do to those that drink it?
44:33 Okay.
44:34 What does the wine of Babylon do to those that drink it?
44:37 You may think it's the same thing,
44:38 but there's some other answers to it.
44:40 It doesn't just intoxicate you.
44:42 It does something else.
44:43 Okay, Proverbs 23:33.
44:46 Go there with me.
44:47 What is the wine of Babylon do to those that drink it?
44:51 Wow! Whoo!
44:52 This is amazing!
44:54 I tell you right now the Spirit of God
44:55 is flowing in this place.
44:57 I feel such a connection with God.
44:59 Thank you, Lord,
45:00 that my mind is clear and He's sharing with me things
45:03 that even though I put this together,
45:05 I tell you right now,
45:06 it's so clear with me
45:08 that I'm just praising God for what we're gonna read.
45:09 Let me go to the verse, Proverbs 23:33.
45:13 Here's what the Bible teaches.
45:15 Here it is, together.
45:16 Let's read this one together.
45:18 What does the wine do?
45:19 Together, "Your eyes will," what?
45:22 "See strange things,
45:24 and your heart will utter," what?
45:26 "Perverse things."
45:28 Now, this is huge.
45:29 This is powerful.
45:32 You wonder where some of those crazy sermons come from?
45:36 Your heart will utter perverse things.
45:39 When somebody is intoxicated by the wine of Babylon,
45:42 you will hear
45:44 some of the strangest sermons preached.
45:46 And you'll say,
45:47 as a person that's not intoxicated,
45:51 you say, "This is not in God's Word."
45:54 But some preachers will preach messages
45:55 as though they found it in God's Word.
45:57 You know why?
45:59 Because their hearts are uttering perverse things.
46:01 And then they'll look at the plain teachings
46:04 of God's Word,
46:06 and they'll miss it.
46:07 Why?
46:09 Because when you're intoxicated,
46:11 your eyes will see strange things.
46:14 You can't see the truth when you're drunk.
46:17 You cannot see the truth when you're intoxicated,
46:19 isn't that clear?
46:20 That's what's happening today.
46:21 That's why it's so hard.
46:23 You know, sometimes you try to say to somebody...
46:25 And my wife and I, we travel,
46:26 we take tracks with us everywhere we go,
46:28 get an opportunity.
46:29 We give magazine, give my card,
46:31 sometimes a CD, but we put tracks in there.
46:34 And we say to people now read it,
46:36 there's my email, get in touch with me,
46:38 and you'll be amazed.
46:40 What the Lord wants to do
46:41 is He wants to clear up the eyes
46:43 and clear up the heart,
46:45 so that people won't see strange things.
46:47 They'll see the truth of God's Word.
46:48 Amen?
46:51 David prayed the prayer.
46:53 Open thou mine eyes
46:55 that I may behold wonderful things
46:57 out of Your law.
46:59 When a person's eyes are clouded by intoxication,
47:03 they can't see God's law is wonderful.
47:05 You know, they say God's law is,
47:07 "Oh, that law, if you follow that law,
47:10 you're bound to the Old Covenant.
47:13 That law is for those
47:15 who're trying to work their way to heaven."
47:17 That's what an intoxicated person
47:19 sees the law as...
47:22 It's been nailed to the cross.
47:25 But I'll tell you what, as a good friend of mine
47:26 is involved in prison ministry, he said,
47:28 "When you go to the prisons, the prisoners know
47:31 that God's law is still in effect."
47:33 Amen? Amen.
47:35 They, prison ministry,
47:37 you can get more converts in prison ministry
47:39 than you can get on people walking in the streets.
47:42 You know why?
47:43 Because those who broke the law
47:44 know that it still exists.
47:47 So when you go and preach in prisons,
47:48 they come out, they sing loud, they don't get tired,
47:52 when the call is to give their lives to Lord,
47:54 you get baptisms galore in prisons.
47:56 But people that are walking the streets,
47:58 their eyes are seeing strange things
48:00 and when they speak that's not from God's Word,
48:02 their lips utter perverse things.
48:04 So let's put the answer down.
48:06 What does the wine of Babylon do to those that drink?
48:10 It messes with your eyes, and it messes with your heart.
48:14 It messes with your eyes, and it messes with your heart.
48:20 And you could put other things.
48:21 You will say strange things
48:23 that are not connected to God's Word.
48:24 All that comes out of that particular passage.
48:27 These are passages that I've read for years,
48:28 but all of a sudden in the context
48:29 of the topic of Babylon, and wine,
48:32 man, it just comes out, it explodes.
48:34 Number 24.
48:36 Let's try to move right on to that.
48:37 Number 24.
48:39 All right, here we go.
48:40 What are the actions of leaders affected by false teachings?
48:45 Wow!
48:46 What are the actions of leaders affected by false teachings?
48:50 We're gonna go to the Book of Ezekiel.
48:53 Ezekiel saw the wheel.
48:55 Ezekiel is right before Daniel.
48:57 Go to Daniel. Most of you can find Daniel.
49:00 Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, just go backward
49:03 and you'll find that good old big book called Ezekiel.
49:07 Okay, remember that song, "Ezekiel saw the wheel?"
49:11 That's the book we're going to. Okay.
49:13 What are the actions of leaders affected by false teachings?
49:17 Whoo! This is powerful.
49:18 This is huge.
49:21 Thank God for the clear word.
49:23 Here it is. Here it is.
49:25 "Her priests have," done what?
49:29 "Violated My law and," done what else?
49:31 "Profane My holy things,
49:34 they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy,
49:41 nor have they made known
49:43 the difference between the," what?
49:46 "Unclean and the clean."
49:48 What else have they done?
49:50 "And they have hidden their eyes from my," what?
49:53 "Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them."
49:57 Did Ezekiel hit a home run or what?
50:00 Now you know why this passage applies in every age
50:03 because the false teachers have done the same thing
50:04 from age to age to age to age.
50:06 It hasn't changed.
50:08 Solomon says,
50:09 "There's nothing new under the sun."
50:10 So wherever there's a false teacher,
50:12 you're gonna see these things happen.
50:13 Notice what's going to happen.
50:15 They'll violate God's law.
50:16 They'll violate it.
50:17 They'll call that which is holy, unholy,
50:19 and that which is unholy, holy.
50:22 They say Sunday is a holy day, it's not.
50:24 Sabbath is holy, and they say it's not.
50:27 Hope I didn't confuse you.
50:29 The seventh day is sanctified.
50:32 But the world says, Sunday is the holy day.
50:35 Jesus sanctified the Sabbath at creation.
50:40 Jesus honored the Sabbath,
50:44 long after creation, and we're followers of Jesus.
50:47 How can you be a follower of Jesus
50:49 and think that Sunday is sanctified?
50:54 Don't change your channel, you're at the right place.
50:57 You want truth? This is the place to find it.
51:00 How can you be a follower of Jesus?
51:03 And He honored the Sabbath, and you say you don't have to.
51:06 And He says, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
51:08 And you say, "Sure I will, Lord, but not the Sabbath."
51:13 Exodus 20:8-10,
51:15 the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, thy God.
51:19 The question is not so much just what day,
51:21 the real question is, who is your God?
51:24 If you're following the Creator,
51:26 then He's got a day,
51:28 He's already blessed. Amen?
51:29 But look at what has happened.
51:31 They not only violated the law,
51:34 they have made no difference
51:35 between the holy and the unholy.
51:38 And they have profaned God's Sabbath.
51:40 Now the things that are unclean,
51:42 there's unclean foods,
51:44 you know what they say, "It's clean."
51:46 They say, "You can eat pork, lobster, shrimps, crab,"
51:50 and God says, "It's unclean, don't eat it."
51:53 But the churches nowadays they read Acts Chapter 10,
51:56 and they read the vision of Peter
51:57 where the sheet comes down
51:58 and they'll stop at the place that's convenient.
52:02 They won't go further to see what the Bible really means.
52:05 God never made unclean animals clean.
52:09 God created His own sanitation department.
52:12 And nowadays we eat stuff that even animals won't eat.
52:14 And we say, but God made it clean.
52:17 I tell you, you can't make any thing,
52:19 you cannot make poison unpoison by praying over.
52:23 But that's what's happening today.
52:24 There are some churches, the pastor drinks alcohol.
52:27 There are some churches that serve communion, alcohol.
52:31 And the members go to get intoxicated
52:33 when communion is given.
52:35 And they call it holy.
52:39 Yet, alcohol cannot represent a sinless Jesus.
52:42 Amen somebody? Amen.
52:43 That's what's happening today.
52:45 God is saying, "So much is being done in My name
52:47 that is not connected to Me."
52:50 Wow!
52:51 And then finally,
52:53 they've hidden their eyes from my Sabbath.
52:54 They said, "Oh, man, that's done away with."
52:56 Well, it's strange.
52:58 It was blessed at creation,
53:00 kept through the whole Old Testament,
53:02 kept in the New Testament by Jesus,
53:04 kept by His disciples,
53:06 kept by the New Testament Church,
53:08 and is being kept today and it will be kept in heaven.
53:11 But they are those who said,
53:12 "Not me, not me.
53:15 I got my own day."
53:16 No, we don't have our own day.
53:18 If we are followers of the Lord,
53:20 He has His day.
53:21 Praise God, somebody.
53:22 That was a whole lot of breakdown.
53:24 Let's go to number 25.
53:25 Number 25.
53:27 Here it is.
53:28 How does the Bible teach us to recognize a false prophet?
53:32 How does the Bible... You know this is beautiful.
53:34 How does the Bible teach us to recognize a false prophet?
53:37 I praise God for these two next verses.
53:40 1 John 2:3-4.
53:43 You know, a lot of people say, "Well, then okay, Pastor,
53:45 you talked about false prophets.
53:46 Well, how could we know?
53:48 How will we know who's false and who's not false?"
53:51 It's not that hard.
53:52 It's like how could you know
53:54 between a diamond and its iconium,
53:55 a diamond and a rhinestone,
53:57 a diamond and good plastic.
53:59 It's called the acid test.
54:01 God's Word is the acid test.
54:02 Amen? Amen.
54:03 If it's from God's Word, it will stand the acid test.
54:06 And the Lord gives a simple, simple clarification
54:09 on how you could know.
54:10 How can I recognize a false prophet?
54:13 Let's go to 1 John 2:3-4.
54:14 Here's the answer.
54:16 The Bible says, "Now by this," now by what?
54:21 "Now by this,
54:23 we know that we know Him, if we,"
54:28 say it together, "keep His commandments."
54:31 Look at verse 4.
54:32 And this is not my word, this is God's Word.
54:35 "He who says, 'I know him,'
54:38 and does not keep His commandments,
54:41 is a," what?
54:42 "Liar and the truth is not in Him.'"
54:47 Can it be clearer than that?
54:49 The Lord is saying,
54:50 here's the first question you ask a man
54:52 that says he's a spiritual man.
54:55 Do you honor The Ten Commandments?
54:58 And be specific,
55:00 including the seventh day Sabbath.
55:04 "Well, not that one."
55:06 See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya
55:08 and run for your life, run to the hills.
55:11 And keep asking that question till you find somebody
55:14 who honors The Ten Commandments of God.
55:16 Amen? Amen.
55:18 There are those today that say
55:19 the commandments of God can't be kept.
55:21 Why would Jesus say,
55:22 "If you love Me, keep My commandments,"
55:23 but you can't do it?
55:25 Paul says, how we can do it.
55:27 I can do all things, come on together,
55:28 through Christ who does, what?
55:29 Strengthens me.
55:31 The door does not mock us.
55:34 Righteousness by faith means
55:36 that humanity by the power of divinity
55:40 can do what humanity has never been able to do.
55:43 I can do how many things?
55:45 All things through Christ who strengthens me.
55:48 And then if you find a religious leader that says,
55:52 "Well, you don't have to keep the commandments."
55:54 Read Revelation 12:17,
55:57 and you'll know that he's on the devil side,
55:59 because Revelation 12:17 says,
56:01 "And the dragon is angry with the woman,
56:05 dragon is wroth with the woman
56:07 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
56:10 which keep the commandments of God."
56:13 Did I say that right?
56:14 Yeah, keep the commandments of God
56:16 and have the testimony of Jesus.
56:18 The devil is upset with those who through Christ strength
56:21 is living in harmony with the commandments.
56:23 But preachers today say, "You can't keep it."
56:25 People that walk away from the truth say,
56:27 "You can't keep it."
56:28 Well, of course you can in your own strength.
56:30 But I can do all things, together,
56:32 through Christ who gives me the strength.
56:35 That's what righteousness by faith is really all about.
56:38 And then you getting a second chance
56:40 to do what you couldn't do the first time
56:41 is now being connected to divinity.
56:43 And what did Jesus say when He came out of the tomb,
56:46 "All power is given to Me."
56:48 Now, my brethren,
56:49 we have become partakers of a divine nature.
56:52 If we partake of that divine nature,
56:54 that divine nature has all power.
56:57 He connects that power to us,
56:58 so we can live a righteous life in a sinful world.
57:01 Amen? Amen.
57:02 So don't let people tell you,
57:04 they want to keep the commandments.
57:05 That's a lie. That's a lie.
57:07 That's why the message and I'm gonna pause on this one
57:09 because I got the next one, we do 26, 27, 28, 29.
57:12 And we'll go to the third phase
57:14 of the truth about spiritual Babylon.
57:16 But here's my point tonight, I guess you can think,
57:18 I guess you can see that somehow I'm very emphatic.
57:22 And what that means simply is this.
57:24 The Lord has given us the mission,
57:27 to call the truth the truth,
57:29 and to say that darkness is darkness.
57:32 For those of us
57:33 that are living according to the truth of God's Word,
57:36 we will never be deceived.
57:37 But for those of us that are not living
57:39 according to the truth of God's Word,
57:40 deception will come into our hearts
57:42 and to our minds.
57:43 So, friends, continue studying God's Word,
57:46 because the light that is lit by heaven
57:49 has never been put out and never will be put out.
57:52 Walk in the light as He is in the light
57:55 and you will have fellowship with one another
57:57 and the blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse your sins.
57:59 Friends, one day,
58:00 it'll all come into A Sharper Focus.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2019-06-20