A Sharper Focus

We are Saved By His Life, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Dinzey


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000105

00:21 Hello, and welcome to A Sharper Focus.
00:23 My name is John Dinzey.
00:25 It's a pleasure for me to be with you during this hour.
00:27 And in this program, we study God's Word.
00:30 So we want to encourage you to grab the Bible
00:32 and join us in this study.
00:35 We are actually going to do a part two
00:37 of something we did in the past is called,
00:41 "We are Saved By His Life," part 2.
00:44 So we want to encourage you to grab your Bible and join us.
00:48 Meanwhile, we want to encourage you
00:49 to visit A Sharper Focus at 3ABN
00:54 and you will see
00:55 that there are lessons that you can download there
00:58 made by Pastor John Lomacang.
01:00 And I encourage you to go there and visit the page,
01:02 you see on your screen asf.3abn.org,
01:08 asf.3abn.org for asharperfocus.3abn.org.
01:14 So we want to encourage you to do that
01:16 and receive the blessing.
01:17 He usually has a continuing study.
01:19 And you can download these
01:21 and continue studying God's Word.
01:23 Before we continue, of course,
01:24 we want to go to the Lord in prayer.
01:26 So we asked you to join us as well wherever you may be.
01:29 If you can join us in prayer, it will be great.
01:32 So let us ask the Lord to bless us as we study.
01:36 Our loving Heavenly Father,
01:38 We thank You so much for Your holy scriptures
01:43 that are able to make us wise unto salvation.
01:46 Lord, we dare not continue
01:49 before asking You to bless us, so we pray
01:52 that You will bless me with the Holy Spirit.
01:53 I put self aside and I ask You to take control.
01:57 We pray that every word will come
01:58 from Your throne of grace.
02:00 We pray for Your Holy Spirit to enlighten our minds,
02:03 that even as we read the scriptures,
02:06 we will see new understanding in them.
02:08 Truths from heaven storehouse.
02:11 We ask You, Father, for a blessing
02:13 upon everyone here
02:14 and everyone that is within the hearing of my voice
02:17 in this moment.
02:18 We ask You, Father, for these things
02:19 in the holy and blessed name of Jesus.
02:23 Amen.
02:24 Amen.
02:26 The verse we are basing this study on
02:29 is found in Romans 5:10.
02:32 Romans 5:10, is what we are looking for.
02:37 So we want to ask you to find that scripture.
02:41 Romans 5:10, I hear pages turning,
02:44 we praise the Lord for that.
02:45 And if you have found that, would you say amen?
02:47 Amen.
02:49 Okay, we have two witnesses, we can start.
02:51 Verse 10.
02:53 "For if when we were enemies
02:57 we were reconciled to God by the death of His son,
03:01 much more, being reconciled,
03:04 we shall be saved by His life."
03:10 Praise the Lord.
03:11 So we see that in the scripture says,
03:13 "For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God."
03:19 This helps us understand that at one point in time,
03:23 if you're a Christian now, at one point in time
03:25 you were an enemy, actually,
03:27 those that are unconverted are really at war with God.
03:32 The Bible says that all have sinned
03:35 and come short of the glory of God,
03:37 and that the carnal mind is at enmity against God.
03:42 It is not subject to the law of God,
03:43 neither indeed can be.
03:46 You can find that in the Book of Romans
03:49 Chapter 8.
03:50 So the person that is unconverted
03:53 cannot really keep God's law.
03:57 In fact, some people may be shocked,
03:59 even as I said, "Keep God's law"
04:00 because people say, "Oh no, you cannot keep God's law."
04:03 Well, in our own strength, we cannot.
04:06 Jesus plainly tells us in John 15:5,
04:10 that without Him we can do nothing.
04:12 So we understand
04:13 that if without Him, we can do nothing.
04:15 With Him, what can we do?
04:17 All things.
04:19 All things because the Bible tells us
04:20 in Philippians 4:13,
04:23 "That with God, all things are possible."
04:27 And I praise the Lord for that.
04:29 Now let's take a look at this verse,
04:31 we're going to take it one chunk at a time.
04:35 So we see here that,
04:37 "We were reconciled to God," by what?
04:40 The scripture says, "By the death of His son."
04:45 So now in this scripture, you will notice
04:47 that there's a difference being made
04:50 between being reconciled and being saved.
04:54 Being reconciled and being saved,
04:56 two different things are brought out here.
04:59 Now you will also notice that one is past tense,
05:03 and one is future tense.
05:06 Let's look at the past tense.
05:09 Notice that it says,
05:11 "For if when we were enemies we were reconciled,"
05:14 past tense,
05:16 "to God by the death of His son."
05:18 So this is talking about a point in time
05:21 when we made a decision to follow Jesus.
05:27 We repented of our sins, we gave our lives to the Lord,
05:32 and accepted His sacrifice for us on the cross.
05:37 When Jesus Christ died on the cross,
05:40 He made available to every person
05:43 that has ever lived upon this earth,
05:46 or will ever live upon this earth,
05:48 the possibility of having salvation
05:51 through His sacrifice on the cross.
05:55 So when Jesus dies on the cross,
05:57 He makes that possible.
06:00 And everyone knows the scripture that says,
06:03 John 3:16,
06:04 maybe you can quote it with me, help me out.
06:07 "For God so loved the world
06:10 that He gave His only begotten Son,
06:13 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish
06:17 but have everlasting life."
06:20 So we see even in this scripture,
06:22 John 3:16,
06:24 that every person has the opportunity
06:26 to have eternal life.
06:28 It says, "Whosoever believes in Him will not perish."
06:33 By the way, what does it mean to perish?
06:38 You ever see an item in the grocery store,
06:41 it says, perishable items, what does that mean?
06:44 Items that will decay
06:47 and become practically worthless to you,
06:50 they will have no nutritional value.
06:52 So perish means actually to die,
06:56 cease to exist.
06:58 So when we see this scripture, "That God so loved the world
07:01 that He gave His only begotten Son
07:03 that whosoever believes in Him will not perish."
07:07 What does the rest of the verse tell us?
07:12 You will have everlasting life.
07:15 Now, if you believe, you will not perish.
07:18 What happens if you choose not to believe?
07:20 What happens if you choose
07:21 not to follow the Lord Jesus Christ?
07:23 You will not have eternal life and you will what?
07:26 Perish.
07:28 That's what will happen, you will perish,
07:30 you will cease to exist.
07:31 You can look at Revelation Chapter 20.
07:33 And it talks about the second death
07:35 because we all know that every one of us
07:38 is subject to death,
07:40 at least the first death.
07:41 So if you follow the Lord, if you give your heart to Him,
07:44 you may die once and not twice.
07:49 But if you choose not to follow the Lord,
07:52 you may die once and then twice
07:58 because the Bible calls
08:01 the second death, the wages of sin
08:04 because the Bible says in Romans 6:23,
08:06 "For the wages of sin is," what?
08:09 "Death but the gift of God is eternal life
08:13 through His Son Jesus Christ."
08:15 So now let's look at this scripture.
08:16 What does the Bible say?
08:18 Romans 5:10, says,
08:19 "We were reconciled by the death of His son."
08:23 It does not say we were saved by the death of His son.
08:26 It says, "We were reconciled,"
08:28 what does being reconciled mean?
08:31 It means that two individuals
08:34 that were not at peace with one another
08:37 are brought together
08:39 and they are now at peace, you become friends.
08:44 So when we were sinners,
08:47 when we did not walk with the Lord,
08:49 we were His enemy.
08:51 When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior,
08:54 we are brought into harmony with God
08:57 and so we are no longer enemies at odds with God,
09:01 we become reconciled.
09:03 In fact, the Bible goes on to tell us
09:05 that we become sons and daughters of God.
09:09 So praise the Lord for that.
09:11 Amen. Amen.
09:12 So by the death of Jesus Christ,
09:15 those who accept Him can be reconciled,
09:18 can become in harmony with God.
09:21 But let's look at the scripture once again.
09:25 Because we see here
09:27 that there's a distinction being made
09:29 between reconciliation and salvation.
09:31 They are not contradictory.
09:34 And they actually harmonize
09:35 perfectly in God's great plan of salvation.
09:38 So let's look now at the last part.
09:41 Actually, I would like to look at some scriptures
09:44 that help us see the same thing.
09:46 Let's go first to Colossians Chapter 1,
09:48 Colossians 1:20.
09:51 A couple of verses here that we're going to look at
09:53 that help us see the same thing being described here,
09:57 that by the death of Jesus Christ,
09:59 we were reconciled to God by His death.
10:03 So Colossians Chapter 1, we are going to read verse,
10:07 verses 20-22.
10:09 Colossians 1:20-22.
10:12 If you're ready, say amen.
10:14 Amen, let's read.
10:16 "And, having made peace
10:20 through the blood of his cross,
10:23 by him to reconcile all things unto himself
10:27 by him, I say, whether they be things in earth,
10:30 or things in heaven."
10:33 Notice verse 20, says that
10:36 "We have peace through the blood of his cross."
10:39 Now, let's look at verse 21.
10:41 "And you, that were some time,"
10:45 that sometime means in the past,
10:49 "sometime alienated," what does it say we were?
10:53 "Alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works,
10:59 yet now hath he reconciled."
11:03 So we see here as we read verse 21,
11:06 that in the past we were enemies
11:09 and because of wicked works,
11:13 but because of Jesus Christ, His death on the cross,
11:16 we can be reconciled.
11:19 Verse 22,
11:20 "In the body of His flesh through death,
11:25 to present you," how?
11:27 "Holy and unblameable
11:29 and unreproveable in His sight."
11:34 The death of Jesus Christ makes it possible
11:38 for us to be reconciled.
11:40 But verse 22,
11:41 then speaks of a condition that God wants to work in us.
11:47 And that is, as we read, that we become what?
11:52 Unblameable and unreproveable in His sight.
11:58 Now, there is a condition.
12:01 What is that condition?
12:03 Let's look at verse 23.
12:04 Colossians 1:23.
12:08 We see here that the Bible presents
12:09 to us a condition to be able to have this experience
12:15 that Jesus is able to present us holy and unblameable
12:18 and unreproveable in His sight,
12:20 verse 23,
12:21 "If ye continue in the faith
12:26 grounded and settled,
12:29 and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel,
12:34 which ye have heard,
12:35 and which was preached to every creature
12:37 which is under heaven,
12:39 whereof I Paul am made a minister."
12:42 So we see here then,
12:44 that the Bible presents to us
12:46 that those that are going to be saved,
12:50 have to remain with Jesus Christ.
12:53 Amen.
12:55 If you what?
12:56 What does the scripture say?
12:58 If you continue in the faith.
13:00 Now in the past, I have run into people.
13:03 I remember this very well,
13:05 that he said that once I accept Jesus Christ
13:08 as my personal Savior, I am going to be saved.
13:12 And so we began to talk about the possibility
13:15 that he would turn away from God.
13:17 So we began to talk about that.
13:20 And he said, "No," even if,
13:22 and so I had to ask him a direct question.
13:24 You mean to tell me that if you choose right here,
13:28 to give your life to Jesus Christ,
13:30 and then a month later, two months later,
13:33 three months later, even the following week,
13:36 you decide to turn away from God
13:37 and dedicate your life to sin.
13:40 Are you going to be saved?
13:41 He said, "Yes, I will be
13:43 because I gave my life to Jesus Christ."
13:46 And you see the scriptures do not, do not agree with that.
13:51 We saw here if you remain in the faith,
13:56 grounded, and settled.
13:57 So those that begin to walk with Jesus Christ
14:00 must continue to walk with Jesus Christ,
14:02 if they are going to be saved, but we have good news.
14:06 The Lord is good.
14:07 We read that whosoever believes in Him
14:09 shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
14:11 The good news is,
14:13 that anyone that chooses to come to Christ,
14:18 the Bible says in John 6:37, "If any man," what?
14:21 "Cometh after me, I will in no wise cast out."
14:24 Nobody will be rejected,
14:26 that chooses to have salvation and goes to Jesus Christ.
14:29 Would you say amen to that?
14:31 Amen.
14:33 So, I would like to invite you now to follow me
14:36 in Hebrews Chapter 10.
14:38 We are going to look at two scriptures there,
14:41 two verses, Hebrews Chapter 10.
14:44 If you will follow me to Hebrews Chapter 10,
14:47 we will find verses 38 and 39.
14:52 Are we ready? Say amen.
14:54 All right, here we go.
14:56 "Now the just shall live by faith
15:00 but if any man drawback,
15:04 my soul shall have no pleasure in him."
15:07 So we see here in verse 38,
15:10 that the just must live by faith
15:12 and continue there.
15:13 And we'll look at verse 39.
15:15 "But we are not of them who draw back unto," what?
15:20 "Perdition," the Bible says,
15:21 "but of them that believe to the saving of the soul."
15:26 To them that believe to the saving of the soul.
15:29 In other words, Paul is talking about individuals
15:31 that continue to follow God.
15:34 Now you notice how it says interestingly here,
15:37 and it describes that we are then that believe,
15:40 to the saving of the soul.
15:41 Question, does the Bible say that the devils believe?
15:45 It does say that.
15:47 The devils believe but are they going to be saved?
15:49 No, because they don't believe to the saving of the soul.
15:52 As a matter of fact,
15:53 their belief is not really a belief of faith.
15:56 Their belief is a...
15:58 It's a, to them a fact because they have seen God,
16:01 they know that He is the mighty God
16:03 and the Creator,
16:04 but they choose to do works of darkness,
16:08 which unfortunately
16:10 will bring them the wages of sin.
16:14 So this idea of being reconciled
16:19 by the death of Jesus Christ.
16:21 Notice that, the being reconciled part
16:25 precedes the part that we shall be saved.
16:28 We shall be saved in future tense in Romans 5:10.
16:32 So the conclusion is
16:35 by the life of Christ, we shall be saved.
16:37 Question, which life?
16:41 You see, it is the life that Jesus lived on this earth,
16:45 plus His life as our High Priest
16:50 in the heavenly sanctuary.
16:52 And we're gonna unwrap that
16:54 as some people like to say unwrap that as we continue.
16:58 So stay by.
16:59 Now we move to Hebrews Chapter 7,
17:01 you are in Hebrews Chapter 10.
17:03 It is not very far,
17:04 just turn a few pages and or click a few times
17:08 as some people do in their electronic devices.
17:11 And join me.
17:12 We're gonna read several verses here beginning at verse 21.
17:14 Hebrews Chapter 7, beginning in verse 21.
17:18 Notice the scriptures, they speak to us this way.
17:22 "For those priests were made without an oath,
17:26 but this with an oath by him that said unto him,
17:30 the Lord swear and will not repent,
17:32 thou art a priest for ever
17:34 after the order of Melchizedek."
17:37 We're talking about Jesus Christ,
17:39 "By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament.
17:45 And they truly were many priests,
17:49 but because they were not suffered
17:52 to continue by reason of death.
17:55 But this man, because he continues forever,"
17:58 who continues forever?
18:00 Jesus Christ, "because he continues,
18:03 ever hath an unchangeable priesthood."
18:07 Verse 25,
18:08 "Wherefore he is able also to save them
18:11 to the uttermost that come unto God by him,
18:15 seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them.
18:21 For such an High Priest became us,
18:23 who is holy, harmless, undefiled,
18:26 separate from sinners,
18:28 and made higher than the heavens.
18:30 Who needeth not daily, as those High Priests,
18:33 to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins,
18:36 and then for the people's,
18:38 for this he did once, when he offered up himself."
18:42 Amen to that.
18:43 So what does the scripture say?
18:45 We read there in verse 25,
18:48 that Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us.
18:53 So when we see the scripture in Romans 5:10, that says
18:56 that we were reconciled by the death of His son
18:59 much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.
19:03 It is talking about that we needed a High Priest.
19:09 We needed a High Priest
19:11 in order for the plan of redemption,
19:14 the plan of salvation to be completed.
19:18 You can see this brought out in the sanctuary service
19:24 described in most part in the Old Testament.
19:27 Also in the Book of Hebrews,
19:28 you see a description of what the earthly sanctuary,
19:32 what the earthly sacrifices were,
19:35 they all pointed to Jesus Christ.
19:37 Remember, the John the Baptist says,
19:39 "Behold, the Lamb of God that taketh away," what?
19:43 "The sin of the world."
19:45 So in order for Jesus
19:46 to take away the sin of the world,
19:48 in order for Jesus to take away our sin,
19:50 first He had to die for us,
19:51 second He had to be resurrected from the dead
19:53 to become our High Priest
19:55 and minister in the heavenly sanctuary
19:58 to wipe out completely our record of sin.
20:02 And this is being happening
20:06 as we speak in the heavenly sanctuary.
20:08 I would like to read something to you from a book
20:11 called The Great Controversy, page 489.
20:16 This I found explains it
20:18 perhaps in a much better way than I do.
20:21 So I want to share this with you,
20:22 it is Great Controversy
20:24 written by Ellen G. White, page 489.
20:27 If you do not have one, you can call 3ABN
20:29 and you can get one for free.
20:32 That's a good price, isn't it?
20:34 Price's for free.
20:35 Praise the Lord.
20:37 Notice, "The intercession of Christ
20:40 in man's behalf in the sanctuary
20:44 above is as essential to the plan of salvation
20:48 as was His death upon the cross."
20:51 Did you hear that?
20:53 "The intercession of Christ in man's behalf
20:57 in the sanctuary above
20:59 is as essential to the plan of salvation
21:01 as was His death upon the cross.
21:03 By His death He began the work
21:07 which after His resurrection
21:09 He ascended to complete in heaven.
21:12 We must by faith enter within the veil,
21:16 'whither the forerunner is for us entered.'"
21:19 Hebrews 6:20, we continue.
21:23 "There the light from the cross of Calvary is reflected.
21:27 There we may gain a clearer insight
21:29 into the mysteries of redemption.
21:32 The salvation of man is accomplished
21:34 at an infinite expense to heaven.
21:38 The sacrifice made is equal to the broadest demands
21:41 of the broken law of God.
21:43 Jesus has opened the way to the Father's throne,
21:47 and through His mediation
21:50 the sincere desire of all who come to Him in faith
21:54 may be presented before God."
21:57 So I say, praise the Lord.
22:00 So this paragraph and the things we have said,
22:03 help us to understand that it was necessary
22:07 for Christ to be resurrected from the dead,
22:09 to become our High Priest,
22:11 to be able to continue the work of salvation,
22:15 the work of redemption
22:16 in the heavenly courts in heaven,
22:19 in the most Holy Place in heaven.
22:22 But there are phases of the sanctuary service.
22:28 You may remember
22:29 that as you look at the sanctuary service,
22:31 there was an outer court.
22:33 What used to happen in the outer court?
22:35 Can somebody say what used to happen?
22:38 That's right, people brought their sacrifices.
22:42 Let's say they brought a lamb because of sin they committed.
22:46 There the priest will take the lamb,
22:50 and the person that brought the lamb
22:53 would place his hands on the head of the animal,
22:56 confess his sin,
22:57 and symbolically the sin was transferred to the animal
23:00 because the animal
23:02 was a representation of Jesus Christ.
23:03 Jesus Christ took our sins upon Him
23:06 when He died on the cross.
23:08 I say amen to that.
23:09 Afterwards, the animal was sacrificed.
23:13 And the priest began a process
23:15 of using the blood to make an atonement
23:20 for the individual, for the sinner.
23:23 So this happened in the outer court.
23:25 If you look at in the Book of Hebrews,
23:27 it says that Jesus Christ died outside the gate,
23:30 as the outer court.
23:32 This earth is like the outer court
23:35 of the earthly sanctuary.
23:39 The earthly sanctuary also had a Holy Place.
23:43 What used to happen in the Holy Place?
23:44 If you look at a diagram of the Holy Place,
23:47 you will see there
23:49 that there's a table of showbread
23:50 with loaves of bread
23:52 and across from there is,
23:54 it was on the north side by the way,
23:56 across from there was the what?
23:59 Candlestick.
24:01 What else was in the Holy Place?
24:05 The altar of incense, the altar of incense was there,
24:09 and the priest,
24:11 the common priest would go into the Holy Place.
24:14 And every day there was work in the Holy Place taking place.
24:19 The incense represented the prayers of the saints.
24:23 And there, we're gonna read some scripture
24:26 that help us see some of the things
24:28 that used to happen in the Holy Place.
24:30 So now we go to Leviticus Chapter 4.
24:35 Am I going too fast?
24:37 No, okay. Praise the Lord.
24:38 Leviticus Chapter 4, Leviticus Chapter 4.
24:42 We're going to the Old Testament.
24:44 And this helps us understand what Jesus had to do for us.
24:49 Jesus Christ fulfilled already the part of the outer court.
24:54 He died for us on the cross.
24:57 So in Leviticus Chapter 4,
24:59 we are going to begin reading in verse 1.
25:02 And we will go all the way to verse 6.
25:05 Leviticus 4:1-6.
25:08 Are you ready? Say amen.
25:10 "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
25:13 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying,
25:16 if a soul shall sin through ignorance
25:19 against any of the commandments of the Lord
25:21 concerning things which ought not to be done,
25:24 and shall do against any of them.
25:28 If the priest that is anointed
25:30 do sin according to the sin of the people,
25:32 then let him bring for his sin, which he hath sinned,
25:35 a young bullock without blemish
25:37 unto the Lord for a sin offering."
25:38 It was without blemish.
25:40 It represented Jesus Christ without sin
25:44 because He lived a perfect life.
25:45 Let's go to verse 4,
25:47 "And he should bring the bullock
25:48 unto the door of the tabernacle
25:50 of the congregation before the Lord
25:51 and shall lay his hand upon the bullock's head,
25:55 and kill the bullock before the Lord."
25:57 Verse 5,
25:58 "And the priest that is anointed
26:00 shall take of the bullock's blood,
26:03 and bring it to the tabernacle of the congregation."
26:07 This is speaking of what?
26:11 The Holy Place,
26:12 "And the priest
26:14 shall dip his finger in the blood,
26:16 and sprinkle of the blood seven times
26:19 before the Lord,
26:20 before the veil of the sanctuary."
26:25 Before the veil of the sanctuary.
26:27 And so we see here
26:29 that this is what had to be done
26:31 in order for the sin to be atoned.
26:36 I think I would like to read to you also verse 7,
26:39 "And the priest shall put some of the blood
26:41 upon the horns of the altar of sweet incense
26:44 before the Lord."
26:45 This identifies that it is the Holy Place,
26:48 "which is in the tabernacle of the congregation
26:50 and shall pour out all the blood of the bullock
26:53 at the bottom of the altar of the burnt offering."
26:55 So now he has stepped out of the Holy Place
26:57 and gone back to the outer court
27:00 because the altar of burnt offering
27:03 was the same as the altar of sacrifice
27:05 which was in the outer court,
27:07 "which is at the door of the tabernacle
27:09 of the congregation," verse 7 ends.
27:11 So we see here a description
27:13 of what used to happen for a sinner
27:17 to have his sins forgiven.
27:19 Were his sins forgiven when this took place?
27:22 Yes or no.
27:23 Yes, his sins were forgiven.
27:26 However, there was at the end of the yearly service,
27:31 there was another day called the Day of Atonement,
27:35 which completely cleansed
27:39 the sanctuary and the individuals
27:41 and we will try to look at that,
27:43 if we have time.
27:44 So the administration of the priests
27:47 throughout the year
27:48 in the first apartment of the sanctuary
27:51 is what used to happen during the year.
27:54 Now Jesus Christ when He ascended to heaven,
28:00 He did not go to minister into the Most Holy Place.
28:04 He began His work as the common priest
28:07 in the Holy Place.
28:09 What did He do in the Holy Place?
28:11 Actually, we understand this began
28:13 when Jesus Christ ascended to heaven in the year 34, 31 AD
28:18 after He was resurrected.
28:21 He spent a few days on the earth,
28:23 and then He went to heaven.
28:24 So when He ascended up to heaven,
28:27 He began His ministry in the Holy Place.
28:31 This typified the daily service.
28:34 But there was a point in time,
28:37 just like the yearly service
28:39 and they were the Day of Atonement.
28:41 There was a point in time that Jesus had to go
28:43 from the Holy Place into the Most Holy Place.
28:46 We do not have time
28:48 to describe that whole prophecy.
28:51 This has been done on 3ABN in many programs.
28:54 There's a prophecy in Daniel 8:14,
28:57 that tells us on to 2,300 days which are equal to years,
29:01 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
29:03 He is talking about the heavenly sanctuary.
29:05 So there's a point in time
29:08 upon which the heavenly sanctuary
29:10 has to begin the cleansing process.
29:13 This was accomplished
29:15 by the High Priest Jesus Christ.
29:18 So Jesus Christ upon the end of the 2,300 days,
29:23 which we understand began in 1844.
29:29 Again, we do not have time to detail this.
29:31 If you need more information, contact 3ABN,
29:34 and we will send you information.
29:35 However, we need to establish Jesus Christ
29:37 as our High Priest
29:38 and in 1844 stepped into the Most Holy Place
29:43 to finish the work of cleansing the heavenly sanctuary.
29:47 If you understand that, say amen.
29:49 Amen. Good.
29:50 We have a pretty good amount of people understanding this.
29:53 So we will move on.
29:55 If you have any questions after the program is over,
29:56 we'll be glad to talk to you.
29:59 So for 18 centuries
30:01 this work of ministration continued
30:03 in the first apartment of the sanctuary.
30:05 Jesus Christ did this work,
30:07 the blood of Christ
30:09 pleaded in behalf of penitent sinners,
30:11 secure their pardon and acceptance with the Father,
30:14 yet their sins still remain upon the books of record.
30:18 Just like in the earthly sanctuary,
30:22 there was a cleansing that took place
30:23 on the Day of Atonement,
30:25 the same thing is to happen for us.
30:28 As with the typical service there was a work of atonement
30:30 at the close of the year.
30:31 So before Christ work
30:33 for the redemption of men is completed,
30:35 there is a work of atonement for the removal of sin
30:38 from the heavenly sanctuary.
30:41 This is the service that Jesus began in 1844.
30:46 And so, what are we to do with this?
30:50 In Leviticus Chapter 23, what's our responsibility?
30:54 If Jesus Christ is in the Most Holy Place,
30:57 remember we are talking about we shall be saved by His life.
31:01 His life on earth,
31:02 His perfect life that is attributed to us.
31:05 Praise the Lord for that because He lived a perfect life
31:08 that is attributed to us.
31:10 That is a gift that we get.
31:14 We receive the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
31:16 Would you say amen to that?
31:19 Okay, some people were happy about that,
31:20 but the others were not.
31:22 Would you be happy to receive the righteousness of Christ?
31:24 Yes or no?
31:26 Amen. Praise the Lord. Okay.
31:27 Maybe you didn't hear me right the first time.
31:29 In Leviticus Chapter 23.
31:31 We have a quick description.
31:35 To look at the Day of Atonement.
31:37 You can go to Leviticus Chapter 16
31:39 and Leviticus Chapter 23.
31:41 We are going to Leviticus Chapter 23
31:43 to see what the people were doing
31:47 on the Day of Atonement
31:49 while the High Priest was ministering
31:51 in the most Holy Place.
31:53 So in Leviticus Chapter 23,
31:55 I invite you to turn to Leviticus 23.
32:00 We're gonna read verses 26 through 32.
32:03 Leviticus 23:26-32.
32:08 If you found it, would you say amen?
32:10 Amen, we read.
32:14 "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
32:18 Also on the tenth day of this seventh month
32:21 there shall be a day of atonement.
32:24 It shall be a holy convocation unto you,
32:27 and ye shall afflict your souls,
32:29 and offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord."
32:32 What were the people supposed to do?
32:35 Afflict their souls.
32:36 Verse 28, it was so important.
32:40 That verse 28 tells us,
32:43 "And ye shall do no work in that same day,
32:47 for it is a day of atonement,
32:48 to make an atonement for you before the Lord your God.
32:54 For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted
32:58 in that same day,
32:59 he shall be cut off from among his people."
33:02 Verse 30.
33:04 "And whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work
33:06 in that same day,
33:07 the same soul so I destroy,
33:10 will I destroy from among his people.
33:12 Ye shall do no manner of work it should be a statute for ever
33:15 throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
33:18 It shall be unto you a Sabbath of rest,
33:21 and ye shall afflict your souls
33:23 in the ninth day of the month at even, and from evening,
33:27 or from even to even or evening to evening,
33:29 shall ye celebrate your Sabbath."
33:32 So we see here in these verses that we read,
33:36 while the Day of Atonement was taking place,
33:39 the people were outside while the High Priest
33:43 was inside the Holy Place ministry.
33:46 And while this was taking place,
33:48 the people were outside afflicting their souls.
33:50 Now, what does it mean
33:51 that they were afflicting their souls?
33:53 They were in prayer and in meditation
33:57 and turning their lives over to the Lord.
34:00 Because now the High Priest is doing a work
34:04 of cleansing of the sanctuary.
34:06 And all of the sins,
34:07 we do not have time to describe
34:09 all that took place on that day,
34:10 and all of the sins,
34:12 after he's completed this work inside the Most Holy Place,
34:15 he comes out and all the sins of the people are confessed
34:19 upon an animal called the scapegoat.
34:22 And to complete the process of cleansing the sanctuary.
34:27 Jesus Christ in the same manner
34:30 have to do the work in the Most Holy Place.
34:34 So we are living,
34:36 you and I are living in the real Day of Atonement.
34:41 That was a symbol of what was to take place
34:45 on behalf of those that love the Lord.
34:47 Now who received the blessing of forgiveness of sins
34:51 on the Day of Atonement?
34:54 Those that have confessed their sins.
34:57 What if you did not confess your sins?
34:59 You do not receive the blessing of having your sins cleansed.
35:04 So remember, that we read also that it was a day of rest.
35:08 In other words, anyone that took it lightly,
35:11 and went about their regular business,
35:14 and worked on too busy, I have to put this together,
35:18 the wheels of my chariot fell, and I have to put it together.
35:21 No, it was the Day of Atonement.
35:24 It was the day when cleansing was taking place.
35:26 And that person was supposed to be
35:28 with the rest of the people afflicting his soul.
35:30 Oh, Lord, please have mercy upon us in prayer
35:34 until the work is completed.
35:36 In other words,
35:37 the people that were there afflicting their souls
35:40 were not doing what?
35:41 Sinning. Why?
35:43 Because they were in communion with God.
35:46 And it says here that anyone
35:49 that did not afflict their soul,
35:51 they were just going to be cut off
35:53 because God did not want sin in the camp.
35:56 And so we see here that it is a special time
35:59 that we are living in.
36:01 It was a time
36:02 when the people during the Day of Atonement
36:04 they were putting away sin.
36:05 They were distancing themselves from the works of evil
36:09 that they had done.
36:10 They were asking God to have mercy upon them
36:12 and cleanse them.
36:14 So for them in those days
36:19 when they saw the High Priest come out,
36:22 and when they saw the High Priest,
36:24 put his hands on the scapegoat
36:27 and confess the sins of the people.
36:28 Now remember, the scapegoat was not a sacrifice for sins.
36:33 The scapegoat was not a sacrifice for sin.
36:36 I'll say one more time,
36:37 the scapegoat was not a sacrifice for sin
36:39 because that had already been done.
36:44 There's a whole,
36:45 there's, there are services that take place,
36:46 there was another goat that will sacrifice
36:49 and there were other animals
36:51 that were sacrificed for the forgiveness of sins
36:54 to make atonement for the people.
36:56 Even the priest,
36:57 even the priest had to offer a sacrifice
36:59 before he went in there because he was gonna go in
37:01 the very presence of God.
37:03 If you understand me, say amen.
37:05 Amen.
37:07 So when the people saw the High Priest come out,
37:10 put his hands on the scapegoat,
37:12 confess the sins on the scapegoat.
37:15 And then a righteous man will leave that scapegoat
37:17 out of the camp, there was great rejoicing,
37:20 there was great relief,
37:22 because it meant their sin was now being separated
37:25 from them.
37:27 It was a symbolic meaning that the time will come
37:31 when God would clean the records of heaven,
37:34 of all sins that have been confessed.
37:37 And people that had asked God for forgiveness
37:41 had their cleansing secured, their purification secured,
37:46 and I praise the Lord for that.
37:48 This is what Jesus is going to do.
37:50 And He's working in the heavenly sanctuary.
37:53 We are living in a time
37:55 that corresponds to the real Day of Atonement.
37:58 And it's a time when God's people
38:00 are to be putting away sin.
38:03 Stop doing the works of darkness
38:05 and start doing the works of righteousness and light.
38:09 Please join me in Romans Chapter 12.
38:11 Romans Chapter 12.
38:15 In Romans Chapter 12,
38:17 it outlines the work
38:18 that we are to be doing at this time.
38:23 Satan is working hard to destroy God's people.
38:25 The Bible says that, "He, as a roaring lion,
38:28 seeking whom he may," what?
38:30 "Devour."
38:32 And so I encourage you to stay close to Jesus
38:34 so that you are not devoured.
38:35 Romans Chapter 12.
38:37 We're gonna read verse 1 and 2,
38:38 "Thus it is written,
38:40 'I beseech you therefore, brethren,
38:42 by the mercies of God,
38:44 that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,
38:49 holy, acceptable unto God,
38:51 which is your reasonable service.'
38:54 " In other words, the very least you could do.
38:56 "And be not conformed to this world,
38:58 but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
39:02 that ye may prove what is that good,
39:04 and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
39:08 Would you say amen to that?
39:10 See here that the Apostle Paul is asking us
39:13 to present our bodies as a living sacrifice.
39:15 What does he mean by that?
39:17 That means we are to put away things
39:20 that will harm our bodies.
39:21 The Bible tells us
39:22 that our body is the temple of what?
39:24 The Holy Spirit.
39:26 So anything that would hurt the temple of God,
39:28 we should be putting those things away.
39:31 And this involves anything that you might drink or eat,
39:35 they may do harm to your body.
39:38 And so we do not really have to say too much about that
39:41 because most people know that if I eat this,
39:44 I'm gonna get sick.
39:45 If I eat a lot of that, I will get sick.
39:47 If I drink a lot of this, I will get sick.
39:50 And if I take in drugs, or cigarette smoking,
39:54 or any type of other smoking is gonna do harm to your body.
39:58 It's time to put those things away,
40:00 and follow the Lord with all of our hearts.
40:02 And so this is what Paul is telling us
40:04 that we should present our bodies
40:06 as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God.
40:11 Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
40:14 In addition to that,
40:15 I want to point out Chapter 12 verse 2,
40:20 that we are not to be conformed to this world,
40:22 but we are to be what?
40:23 Transformed.
40:25 What does God want us to do?
40:28 Become transformed.
40:30 And it is not something
40:31 that He's asking us to do on our own.
40:33 What God asks us to do,
40:35 He's willing to give us all the help that we need.
40:37 And I praise the Lord for that
40:39 because I know
40:40 I am one of those that when Jesus says,
40:42 without me, you can do nothing.
40:44 I know that without Jesus, I can do nothing.
40:47 But I know that with Him all things are possible.
40:49 So it says that we are to be transformed
40:52 by the renewing of your mind.
40:53 It is very interesting.
40:55 One of the things I like to do
40:56 is research how the mind works
40:58 and, yes, I have heard that the mind is,
41:04 they say that the mind is, has plasticity.
41:07 In other words, the mind can be molded.
41:11 Can you imagine that, that the mind could be molded?
41:15 By the things you say, the things you do,
41:18 by the habits you take, your mind can be molded,
41:20 you can create habits,
41:23 by, of course, doing them over and over again.
41:25 And as a matter of fact, if you have a bad habit,
41:27 the Bible says that your mind can be transformed
41:33 by the renewing of our minds.
41:35 And so this is a work that God does in us.
41:39 And we are to cooperate with Him.
41:42 When God says, "Put away sin," he doesn't do it for you.
41:46 You must choose to cooperate with God
41:48 to put those things away.
41:50 Because there are things that God will not do for us
41:54 that we must cooperate with Him in doing.
41:57 If the Bible says, that do not kill.
42:02 Is the Lord not gonna kill for you.
42:04 You must choose to cooperate the Lord so you do not kill.
42:07 You must choose to cooperate the Lord so you do not steal.
42:10 And so God gives us the power, would you say amen to that?
42:14 I want to encourage you
42:16 to join me now in 1 John 3:1.
42:23 1 John 3:1.
42:29 There are so many wonderful scriptures.
42:32 And this is one of my favorites.
42:34 1 John 3:1.
42:38 If you found it, would you say amen?
42:41 I think let's read verse 1.
42:44 "Behold, what manner of love
42:48 the Father has bestowed upon us,
42:50 that we should be called the sons of God,
42:53 therefore the world knows us not,
42:55 because it knew him not."
42:57 I want to stop there for a moment
42:59 because we're gonna read unto verse 3.
43:01 But this verse 1
43:05 is something that we need to consider.
43:07 Verse 1, it says, "Behold, what manner of love,"
43:11 I like it to look at the word behold as in looking,
43:16 and studying, and contemplating upon.
43:21 And so here we are being invited to contemplate
43:24 the love of God.
43:25 And John is saying,
43:27 "Behold, what manner of God
43:28 of love the Father has bestowed upon us,
43:32 that we should be called the sons of God."
43:34 Remember that we were enemies,
43:38 reconciled by the death of Jesus Christ,
43:41 and we become sons and daughters of God.
43:46 It's interesting, sometimes people say,
43:48 "Oh, I hope the Lord accepts me."
43:51 And this is done in sincerity.
43:53 I hope the Lord accepts me but I am so sinful.
43:56 Well, I have good news.
43:58 The Bible says in John Chapter 1,
44:00 we read that as many as received Him,
44:05 to them gave He power to become children of God,
44:08 sons of God.
44:10 And so it is Him saying,
44:15 accept me as your Savior.
44:17 Would you accept Me as your Savior?
44:19 I want to save you, and our part is to say,
44:22 "Oh, yes, Lord, please save me."
44:24 I accept this gift
44:26 that You want to give me of salvation.
44:28 I dare say this.
44:31 If you sincerely want to be saved,
44:36 you will be saved.
44:38 If you sincerely want to be saved,
44:40 you will be saved.
44:42 And I like to underline, underscore the word sincerely.
44:45 Because those that sincerely want to be saved,
44:48 are going to cooperate with God in the process of salvation.
44:52 If you sincerely want to be saved,
44:54 you cannot be lost
44:56 because God will do what it takes to save you.
45:00 And I thank the Lord for that.
45:03 Let's go to verse 2, 1 John 3:2.
45:07 "Beloved, now are we the sons of God,"
45:10 when are we the sons of God?
45:12 Now.
45:13 "And it doth not yet appear what we shall be,
45:17 but we know that, when he shall appear,
45:20 we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is."
45:25 Oh, I like that.
45:27 Verse 3, "And every man and woman,
45:30 and that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself,
45:35 even as He is pure."
45:37 So once again, in this scripture,
45:39 we see that there's something for the individual to do.
45:41 Every person that has this hope in Him,
45:45 purifies himself,
45:46 that means we put away things that will lead us to sin,
45:51 and we follow Jesus.
45:52 But the first thing
45:53 that God does as we read this verse,
45:55 it says, "Behold, what manner of love
45:58 the Father has bestowed upon us."
46:00 So that's the first part in this process,
46:02 behold this manner of love.
46:03 And as you behold the love of God for you,
46:07 you are gonna be moved.
46:10 You're gonna be in love with God, thankful, grateful.
46:14 And you're gonna say, "Wow, God is so good."
46:18 And then the other part will become a reality.
46:22 By His grace, you will purify yourself
46:26 because God does this work in you.
46:28 Amen.
46:30 Amen.
46:31 Now let us go quickly to 2 Corinthians Chapter 7.
46:35 2 Corinthians Chapter 7.
46:39 In 2 Corinthians Chapter 7,
46:43 I want to encourage you to read and follow along.
46:47 We're gonna read verse 1, 2 Corinthians Chapter 7:1.
46:50 If you're ready say amen.
46:53 Amen.
46:54 "Having therefore these promises,
46:56 dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves
47:02 from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit,
47:05 perfecting holiness in the fear of God."
47:11 Amen.
47:13 Amen.
47:14 So I just praise the Lord, that for the scriptures.
47:20 The scriptures tell us
47:21 that we are to cleanse ourselves
47:24 from all filthiness of the flesh.
47:29 I would like to point out a verse
47:33 that I do not have in my notes,
47:34 but it came to mind right now.
47:36 And so I want to bring it out to you
47:38 because sometimes people see this
47:40 as something a little bit odd.
47:42 I don't know if I can find it this quick here.
47:48 All right, I think we can.
47:50 We have here a quick method of searching,
47:53 Philippians 2:12.
47:55 In Philippians 2:12 notice how it is written here.
48:00 This won't go on the screen,
48:04 the reference but I'm mentioning Philippians 2:12.
48:07 Notice what it says here.
48:09 "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed,
48:14 not as in my presence only,
48:16 but now much more in my absence."
48:18 In other words,
48:19 they were not just doing it because he was there.
48:21 It says, "Work out your own salvation
48:25 with fear and trembling."
48:27 We are to work out our own salvation how?
48:31 With fear and trembling.
48:33 Why with fear and trembling?
48:36 Because we are vacillating individuals, aren't we?
48:40 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
48:44 It's not that you doubt on the Lord,
48:46 it's that you doubt this trust self.
48:49 Trust in the Lord the Bible says
48:50 with all of your heart
48:52 and lean not upon your own understanding,
48:53 in all your ways acknowledge Him,
48:55 and He shall bring it to pass.
48:58 Amen. Amen.
48:59 We are very close to Hebrews Chapter 4.
49:01 I want to ask you to join me there,
49:04 Hebrews Chapter 4,
49:06 a marvelous passage of scripture.
49:09 Hebrews Chapter 4.
49:11 And we are going to start in verse 14.
49:14 Hebrews 4:14-16.
49:19 Ready?
49:20 Let us read,
49:21 "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest,
49:26 that is passed into the heavens,
49:29 Jesus the Son of God,
49:31 let us hold fast our profession."
49:33 What is he saying?
49:35 Hold on, don't let it go.
49:37 "For we have not in High Priest which cannot be touched
49:40 with the feeling of our infirmities,
49:42 but was in all points tempted like as we are,
49:47 yet without sin.
49:50 Let us therefore come boldly," in other words with confidence,
49:53 "unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy,
49:57 and find grace to help in time of need."
50:02 Amen.
50:03 Amen.
50:05 So we see here this,
50:06 telling us that Jesus Christ was in all points tempted
50:09 like as we are, and I praise the Lord,
50:11 it says that He is without sin.
50:15 And because He is without sin,
50:16 remember we are saved by His life,
50:19 His perfect life that He lived on earth
50:21 and He's perfect in His life,
50:23 that He lives in heaven as our High Priest.
50:26 We're talking about Romans 5:10,
50:28 if you just joined us a few moments ago,
50:30 and you're trying to figure out what's going on,
50:32 we're talking about Romans 5:10.
50:35 Notice now we are in Hebrews.
50:38 Let us move to Chapter 9 of Hebrews
50:40 and read another passage there.
50:42 Romans Chapter 9, I'm sorry, Hebrews Chapter 9.
50:46 Hebrews Chapter 9,
50:47 we're going to read verses 22 through 24,
50:51 22 through 24.
50:54 Thus it is written,
50:55 "And almost all things
50:56 are by the law purged with blood,
50:59 and without shedding of blood is no remission.
51:03 It was therefore necessary
51:05 that the patterns of things in the heavens
51:08 should be purified with these,
51:10 but the heavenly things themselves
51:13 with better sacrifices than these.
51:16 For Christ is not entered into the holy places
51:20 made with hands,
51:21 which are the figures of the true,
51:23 but into heaven itself,
51:25 now to appear in the presence of God for us."
51:31 Amen?
51:32 Amen.
51:34 So we see that Christ is in the heavenly sanctuary.
51:38 They're ministering for us.
51:41 There He's in the presence of God,
51:43 doing a work that we cannot do.
51:45 And I want to tell you, that Jesus Christ...
51:50 God loves us with a love that we cannot even imagine,
51:54 to think that He would come to this earth and face life,
51:59 such as we face it.
52:01 I don't know,
52:03 if you can look back in your life and say,
52:05 I know some people are saying, "I'm tired of this life."
52:08 And Jesus faced life such as we had to face it,
52:11 face temptation such as we have to face it.
52:14 And by the grace of God,
52:17 by the power that comes from God,
52:19 He was victorious and became a perfect sacrifice
52:23 to work out our salvation.
52:26 But now,
52:28 I encourage you to join me in this scripture
52:31 to consider it,
52:32 because it is a powerful scripture.
52:34 We're talking about Colossians Chapter 1,
52:37 Colossians Chapter 1.
52:38 God does not ask us to do things
52:41 for which He does not provide power to do.
52:44 So I...
52:47 Now I'm in Colossians Chapter 1.
52:49 I'm going to read verse 27.
52:51 Notice, "To whom God would make known
52:56 what is the riches of the glory
52:58 of this mystery among the Gentiles,
53:01 which is Christ in you, the hope of...?"
53:04 Glory. "Glory."
53:06 Christ where?
53:07 In you, in me, in us.
53:10 That is the hope of glory.
53:12 And how does that happen?
53:16 How does that happen?
53:17 Jesus said, "If any man will come after Me,
53:19 let him take up his cross daily and come after Me."
53:22 Let's look at another scripture that helps us consider this.
53:27 Now moving to Galatians.
53:29 It is a couple of books before.
53:32 Galatians 2:20, Galatians 2:20, we're running out of time.
53:38 Galatians 2:20.
53:40 The Bible tells us, "I," this is Paul speaking,
53:43 "I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I,
53:48 but Christ lives in me."
53:50 Where does Paul say that Christ lives?
53:53 In him, and in me, in you.
53:56 "And the life which I now live in the flesh,
53:59 I live by the faith of the Son of God,"
54:02 by whose faith?
54:05 He's not living by his own faith,
54:06 he's living by the faith of the Son of God,
54:09 "who loved me and gave Himself for me."
54:12 By whose faith did the Apostle Paul lived?
54:16 Not by his own faith,
54:18 but by the faith of the Son of God,
54:20 that is another study.
54:23 But for now, accept this as it is written.
54:27 "Let us live our lives not by our own faith
54:30 but by the faith of the Son of God."
54:32 And it says, "He loved me and gave Himself for us."
54:36 Brothers and sisters,
54:38 Jesus is calling upon us
54:42 to give ourselves entirely to Him.
54:44 And it's time we are living now,
54:47 it is the real Day of Atonement,
54:50 the time when Atonement is being made
54:53 for our salvation.
54:54 The blood of Jesus Christ
54:56 is gonna cleanse every individual
55:00 that appeals to God for cleansing from sin.
55:04 The Bible tells us that if we confess our sins,
55:08 He, God is faithful, to forgive us for our sins,
55:12 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
55:15 In order for your sins to be forgiven,
55:17 you must confess it to God.
55:20 Join me please.
55:22 We're gonna look at another scripture
55:24 in a moment.
55:27 Revelation 3:20,
55:30 we're talking
55:31 about Jesus Christ living in us.
55:34 Revelation 3:20,
55:39 let us read it.
55:41 Thus it is written,
55:44 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock,
55:48 if any man hear my voice, and open the door,
55:51 I will come into him and will sup with him,
55:55 and he with me."
55:57 Where does Christ want to be?
55:59 In us.
56:01 And where's Christ said to be standing?
56:04 At the door of my heart, and He is knocking.
56:09 Who opens the door?
56:10 We open the door.
56:12 And if we open the door, He will come in and be with us.
56:17 And it says, sup with him.
56:21 This word about having supper with him,
56:25 it's an idea in the ancient times
56:27 of having a time of communion together.
56:30 This is what you did with people
56:32 that you were interesting in having a relationship with.
56:35 And so Jesus is saying,
56:36 "I will come into him
56:38 and sup with him and he with Me."
56:41 You know, in the book,
56:43 Steps to Christ is a sad statement.
56:47 I would like to read it to you,
56:49 Steps to Christ, 47, page 47,
56:53 it's a book written by Ellen G. white.
56:55 But it's sad
56:56 because people have the opportunity for salvation,
56:59 but notice what it says here.
57:01 "Many will be lost while hoping and desiring to be Christians."
57:07 Can you imagine that?
57:08 They hope and desire to be Christians.
57:12 Why don't they be?
57:14 Why aren't they saved?
57:16 "They do not come to the point of yielding the will to God.
57:21 They do not choose to be Christians."
57:24 So there's a difference between desiring, hoping
57:28 and making the choice to become a Christian.
57:30 Jesus is knocking at the door, and He's saying,
57:34 open the door, and I will come in.
57:37 And Jesus Christ is in the heavenly sanctuary,
57:40 and by His life, we are going to be saved,
57:45 reconciled by the death of Jesus Christ,
57:47 but we shall be saved by His life,
57:49 His perfect life He lived on this earth
57:52 and His life of ministry in heaven.
57:55 So I want to encourage you to continue reading the Bible.
57:57 And as Pastor Lomacang says,
58:00 you will see that as you study the Bible,
58:01 you will have A Sharper Focus.


Revised 2019-06-14