A Sharper Focus

The Truth about Spiritual Babylon, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000104A

00:20 Hello, friends.
00:22 Welcome to another Wednesday night Bible study
00:24 here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:26 We are continuing on the topic of the truth
00:28 about Spiritual Babylon.
00:30 It's very important topic,
00:32 so much so that there are warning bells
00:36 all throughout Revelation about Spiritual Babylon.
00:38 But many people are not aware
00:40 and don't know exactly what it really means.
00:43 And so, tonight, if you have your Bibles,
00:45 we like to encourage you to take the time
00:47 and sit down with us for the next hour
00:49 and walk through the Bible together
00:51 on this very important topic about Spiritual Babylon.
00:54 In just a moment,
00:55 I'll tell you where you can get a copy of the lesson
00:57 where you can download that and have a copy
01:00 so that you can follow along with us
01:02 in just a moment.
01:04 But before we do anything else,
01:05 we always like to begin with the word of prayer.
01:07 Let's bow our heads together.
01:10 Our gracious Father in heaven,
01:11 we thank You, Lord, for Your Holy Spirit
01:13 and for the message
01:15 that You've put upon our hearts
01:17 to understand more about.
01:20 We pray that as we study tonight, Lord,
01:22 that You'll send Your holy angels
01:24 to be our shield and our defense.
01:27 And also, we pray that Your Spirit
01:29 will teach us
01:31 and cause our hearts
01:32 to not only hear but absorb,
01:34 and to retain what we learn.
01:36 And so we give this time to You,
01:37 we pray in Jesus' name.
01:40 Amen.
01:44 If you like a copy of the lesson,
01:45 go to this website, asf.3abn.org,
01:50 and download lesson number 29,
01:53 how to know truth
01:55 or the truth about Spiritual Babylon.
01:57 Lesson number 29, download that.
02:00 And you can follow along with us.
02:02 But before we go into our lesson tonight,
02:04 we're gonna have our theme song.
02:06 And our theme song is "Victory in Jesus."
02:09 Let's sing this song together.
02:18 I heard an old, old story
02:22 How the Savior came from glory
02:26 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:29 To save a wretch like me
02:33 I heard about His groaning
02:37 Of His precious blood's atoning
02:41 Then I repented of my sin
02:45 And won the victory
02:48 O victory in Jesus
02:52 My Savior, forever
02:56 He sought me and bought me
03:00 With His redeeming blood
03:04 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:07 And all my love is due Him
03:11 He plunged me to victory
03:15 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:19 I heard about a mansion
03:22 He has built for me in glory
03:26 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:30 Beyond the crystal sea
03:34 About the angels singing
03:38 And the old redemption story
03:41 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
03:45 The song of victory
03:48 Key change.
03:49 O victory in Jesus
03:53 My Savior, forever
03:56 He sought me and bought me
04:00 With His redeeming blood
04:04 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:08 And all my love is due Him
04:12 He plunged me to victory
04:15 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:19 He plunged me to victory
04:23 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:29 Amen? Amen.
04:32 So good to be able to join you tonight
04:33 and have some people
04:37 that we have visited with there
04:39 in Florida, and in Australia, and in Africa,
04:43 and in various parts of the world
04:46 that we just wanna greet you
04:47 a welcome to this meeting tonight.
04:50 If you missed a moment ago,
04:53 go to asf.3abn.org,
04:57 and download lesson number 29.
04:59 Now some of you may say,
05:01 "I already did that."
05:02 But I added another page
05:04 to lesson number 29,
05:06 number 7, 8, and 9.
05:08 And this lesson is so concentrated
05:10 on the topic of Spiritual Babylon
05:12 that you can't rush through it.
05:14 I mean, you can't get three pages
05:16 and go through three pages
05:17 in one night or in three weeks even.
05:20 But what I like to begin with tonight
05:22 is Revelation Chapter 14.
05:27 I want to go to that very quickly.
05:29 And don't bring up the first question yet.
05:31 I just want to lay some foundation
05:33 about the importance of this topic.
05:35 Revelation Chapter 14.
05:37 Now there are three messages
05:39 in Revelation Chapter 14
05:40 referred to as three angels' what?
05:44 Messages.
05:45 Now, whenever the Bible uses the word
05:47 "Angels" in symbolic sense,
05:50 it's talking about importance.
05:53 In other words,
05:54 if an angel delivered a packet to you,
05:56 it'll be more important than FedEx.
05:59 And so the Bible talks about angels
06:01 flying in the midst of heaven, that is,
06:04 above the earth surrounding the earth.
06:06 And they are proclaiming these messages
06:08 with what kind of a voice?
06:10 Say that loudly. Loud.
06:12 What kind of a voice? Loud.
06:13 Okay, I thought so.
06:15 A loud voice.
06:16 Meaning, if somebody delivered a message to you
06:18 or banged on your front door and say,
06:20 "Hey, I got a package for you."
06:22 It must be important. All right.
06:23 Sorry about that audio, guys.
06:25 It must be somewhat important.
06:27 And so this message is a message
06:29 that has to be proclaimed to the whole world.
06:31 Look at Revelation 14.
06:33 We're going to begin with verse 7
06:35 before we go to question number one.
06:37 And the reason why
06:38 is because we spent a lot of time
06:41 on the truth about the judgment.
06:44 Now, when you travel around the world,
06:45 and maybe in various denominations
06:47 and various churches,
06:49 you don't really hear much about the judgment.
06:51 You know, they say, there's a judgment coming,
06:54 but you don't hear much about the judgment
06:55 as described in Revelation and in Daniel.
06:58 In other words, it's a broader picture
07:00 than just the judgment is coming.
07:02 But as we studied,
07:03 we discovered that we are living
07:05 in the time of the investigation phase
07:07 of the judgment,
07:09 which will lead us to the coming of the Lord,
07:11 and we'll find out more about that later on.
07:13 But look at Revelation 14:7...
07:15 Actually verse 6.
07:17 And the Bible says,
07:19 "Then I saw another angel flying
07:22 in the midst of heaven
07:23 having the," what kind of gospel?
07:25 "The everlasting gospel to preach
07:28 to those who dwell on the earth,"
07:31 and how many people should hear about this?
07:33 Let's read this together, "To every," what?
07:35 "Nation, and tribe, and tongue,
07:39 and people."
07:40 That includes in one word, "everybody."
07:43 Everybody needs to hear about this message.
07:46 But let's look at verse 7.
07:48 What is the first message
07:49 that everyone needs to know about
07:51 which we covered?
07:52 "Saying with a loud voice, fear God,
07:56 and," do what?
07:57 "Give glory to Him,
07:59 for the hour of His judgment
08:01 has come or is come,"
08:03 if you have the King James Version, "
08:05 And worship Him who made
08:08 the heaven, and the earth,
08:09 the sea, and the fountains or springs of waters."
08:13 King James says fountains of waters,
08:15 New King James says springs of waters.
08:17 In other words,
08:18 if you notice that the first message
08:20 is focused on not only the judgment hour,
08:22 but worship.
08:24 And because these are last days,
08:26 worship is going to be the issue.
08:28 In other words, the Lord is saying,
08:29 "Not everything that's titled worship
08:32 is acceptable worship."
08:35 So if you're going to worship the Creator,
08:36 worship the One who made
08:38 the heavens, the earth, the sea,
08:40 and the fountains of waters.
08:41 So God is saying,
08:42 "I want to be worshipped as Creator."
08:45 "I want to be worshipped as," what?
08:47 "As Creator."
08:48 And not everyone in this day and age
08:50 where evolution is challenging Christianity,
08:53 you'll find that in even many Christian churches,
08:57 the Lord is not being worshipped
08:58 as Creator.
08:59 There's something about creation
09:01 that has been forgotten
09:03 as to why the angels, are yelling this message
09:06 proclaiming this urgent message.
09:08 And by the way, the angels are not proclaiming it,
09:11 God's messengers are proclaiming the message,
09:13 saying, "Get back to worshipping God
09:15 as the Creator."
09:16 Now what singular thing,
09:18 and I'm going to use the word "thing."
09:21 What singular identity links us
09:24 to worshipping God as the Creator?
09:27 Say it again.
09:29 Sabbath. The Sabbath.
09:30 If you go back to creation,
09:31 someone asked me last night.
09:33 You know, Tuesday night is my basketball night.
09:35 And I feel pretty good considering
09:36 we play like nine games.
09:39 I mean, we really ran hard the last three games.
09:41 And I came home walking slowly.
09:43 But I feel good today.
09:44 But before we played,
09:46 a young man asked me, and he said,
09:47 "Can I ask you a question?"
09:48 He said, "How do you know
09:50 that the Sabbath is Saturday?"
09:53 And so we spent,
09:54 then he asked me a number of other questions
09:56 along those lines
09:58 because he was raised knowing about this message,
10:01 but then, he said,
10:02 what had kind of thrown him off
10:03 kilter was he wasn't sure
10:05 that Saturday was the seventh day,
10:08 and that Saturday was in fact the Sabbath.
10:10 So we talked about that.
10:11 And I believe there are many Christians
10:13 around the world
10:14 that are worshipping God,
10:16 but that question has never come up
10:17 in their congregation or their denomination.
10:19 So God is saying now,
10:20 now that we've come almost
10:22 to the end of time,
10:23 it's important to remind people
10:25 that God wants to be worshipped
10:27 as He was worshipped in the very beginning
10:29 as Creator.
10:31 And the Sabbath is that singular sign
10:34 between us and God.
10:35 Just quickly, go with me to Ezekiel Chapter 20.
10:38 Since I touched on it,
10:39 I was just gonna give you this very quick.
10:41 And it's not question number one,
10:43 but I'm going to just give you quickly,
10:44 Ezekiel Chapter 20.
10:49 'Cause a lot of times people say,
10:50 "Well, you know, as long as I remember the Lord,
10:53 that's really all that matters."
10:55 Well,
10:57 I beg to differ
10:59 because in remembering the Lord,
11:01 He asks to be remembered a particular way.
11:03 Here it is, Ezekiel Chapter 20.
11:06 All right.
11:07 And we're going to look at verse 12 and verse 20.
11:12 Ezekiel 20:12, 20.
11:18 All right.
11:19 Here it is.
11:22 And by the way,
11:23 this is in the context
11:25 of the wilderness journey
11:27 of the children of Israel.
11:28 He may remember when God
11:30 called the children of Israel out of Egypt,
11:33 the very first thing He reminded them
11:35 of was the Sabbath.
11:37 And so the question is,
11:39 "Why would he do that?"
11:40 "Why would God remind them
11:42 and test them first on the Sabbath?"
11:44 Well, first of all, there were slaves
11:45 in Egypt for 400 years,
11:48 430 if you count Joseph.
11:50 So as slaves, they didn't have the freedom
11:53 to honor the Sabbath.
11:54 So as soon as God brought them out in Exodus 16,
11:57 the very first test was the Sabbath.
11:59 Do you remember the Sabbath?
12:01 And so the question anybody would ask was
12:03 why would He do that?
12:04 So Ezekiel answers the question.
12:06 Here it is.
12:08 And I'll go ahead and look at verse 10.
12:10 We'll go from verse 10-12.
12:12 And recounting the journey, he said,
12:15 "Therefore, I made them
12:17 to go out of the land of," what?
12:18 Egypt.
12:20 "Egypt, and brought them into the," what?
12:21 "Wilderness.
12:23 And I gave them," get this.
12:24 "I gave them My statues,
12:27 I showed them My judgments,
12:29 which, if a man does, he shall live by them."
12:34 And then verse 12,
12:35 "Moreover, I also gave them My," what?
12:38 "Sabbaths, to be a sign
12:41 between me and them,
12:43 between them and Me,
12:44 that they might know
12:45 that I am the Lord who does," what?
12:47 "Sanctifies them."
12:48 And the word sanctifies means
12:50 set aside or made holy.
12:51 So how can we be made holy?
12:53 God said, "Well, there's a sign.
12:55 Now the sign between my wife and I
12:57 in our relation should be made holy is what?
13:00 Somebody tell me.
13:01 Marriage or our anniversary.
13:03 That singular day, every year, that's a reminder
13:05 that we are sanctified for one another, right?
13:08 It's called marriage.
13:10 Marriage is the sanctifying connection
13:12 between a husband and a wife.
13:15 Well, the Sabbath
13:16 is the sanctifying connection
13:17 between the Christian and his Lord.
13:20 Look at verse 20.
13:21 He said that I gave it to be a sign,
13:23 it's a sign.
13:25 Then look at verse 20.
13:26 All right.
13:28 Verse 20, he says,
13:29 and then he says...
13:31 Well, look verse 19. Let's go to verse 19.
13:34 He says, "I am the Lord your God,"
13:36 and by the way, the word Lord right there
13:38 is Yahweh,
13:41 the self-existent one.
13:43 "I am the Lord your God,
13:46 walk in My," what?
13:48 "Statutes, keep My," what?
13:50 "Judgments, and do them."
13:51 And then he continues in verse 20,
13:53 "Hallow My Sabbaths,
13:56 that they will be a sign
13:58 between Me and you,
14:00 that you may know that I am the Lord your God."
14:03 So once again He says,
14:05 "You need to know who your Lord is.
14:07 You need to know who your God is."
14:09 So that very first message
14:11 of the three angels is saying to people,
14:13 "Hey, you may say
14:16 that God is your God,
14:17 but what sign do you have to prove it?"
14:20 Amen?
14:21 So God is looking for a sign,
14:23 He's looking for external evidence
14:25 of an inward connection.
14:27 The external evidence...
14:28 Somebody may say, "Well,
14:29 what you're doing on May 22nd?"
14:31 You can't have that day.
14:33 Why?
14:34 It's a sign between my wife and I.
14:36 It's our anniversary.
14:37 So in the very same way on a weekly reminder,
14:39 God is saying to those who serve Him,
14:43 to those who love Him, to those who honor that sign,
14:46 it's continually there that I will remember
14:48 that we are connected together.
14:50 Now, on that note, let's go to the second one.
14:52 Let's go to the first question.
14:54 And this is the truth about Spiritual Babylon.
14:56 Here is the first question for tonight.
15:00 What does the second angel's message of Revelation
15:05 bring into focus?
15:13 Right.
15:15 What does it bring into focus?
15:17 All right. Here it is.
15:18 Go with me to Revelation 14:8.
15:23 Revelation 14:8,
15:28 all right?
15:29 The first angel's already flown over.
15:33 Now, the second angel comes.
15:35 Remember, these messages are vitally important.
15:37 All right.
15:39 And I want you to notice something.
15:40 And we're going to notice
15:42 a difference between the first, and the third,
15:44 and the second angel's message.
15:45 I'll point that out in just a moment.
15:47 But here's the answer to question number one.
15:49 And the Bible says,
15:51 "And another angel followed saying,
15:55 "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city,
16:02 because she made all nations,"
16:05 how many nations?
16:07 "All nations drink of the wine
16:10 of the wrath of her fornication."
16:12 Now pause a moment.
16:14 Pause a moment to get this.
16:15 The first message that was being proclaimed
16:18 was to every nation,
16:20 every kindred, every tongue, and every," what?
16:22 "People."
16:23 In other words, all nations
16:25 were told how important it is to worship God.
16:28 And the second angel comes along
16:30 and gives us the reason why.
16:32 The second angel says the reason
16:33 why a man need to worship God
16:36 because all nations have been drunk.
16:39 They've been drinking the wrong stuff.
16:42 That's why they are now worshipping God.
16:44 All nations have drunk of the wine
16:46 or the wrath of her fornication.
16:47 In other words,
16:49 the reason we're calling you back to true worship
16:50 is because everybody's drunk.
16:55 And they cannot tell.
16:57 The hardest thing for a drunk person to do
16:58 is walk a straight line.
17:00 Have you seen them on television?
17:01 The police pull them over,
17:03 says, "Close your eyes,
17:05 find your nose?"
17:08 You can't find it.
17:10 And to get them to walk on the straight line
17:12 is almost impossible.
17:13 So what's happening now,
17:15 let's see if we can expand on that.
17:16 In the Christian world today,
17:18 one of the great challenges
17:20 that God is communicating here
17:22 is something has happened around the world.
17:27 Somebody has been giving Christians
17:30 the wrong thing to drink.
17:33 And it comes from a particular place.
17:35 It comes from Babylon.
17:38 And they have drunk what Babylon has produced
17:41 and the whole world has been affected by it.
17:45 I mean, it's a very vitally important topic
17:47 because now what condition are they in?
17:50 Somebody tell me.
17:51 Based on this, what condition are they in?
17:54 They're fallen and they're also what?
17:57 Come on, say it together, what?
17:59 They're drunk. They're drunk.
18:00 They can't tell.
18:02 So you will talk to somebody, and let me just expand on this.
18:04 I got time.
18:06 You can talk to somebody
18:07 about certain truths in the Bible,
18:08 and you know what?
18:10 They can't tell
18:11 'cause they're drunk.
18:13 So what has to happen in order for a person
18:16 who is drunk to be able to know the truth?
18:19 Okay.
18:21 Listen, this is some huge stuff.
18:23 That's why the Lord says in 1 Peter 5:8,
18:26 "Be sober."
18:28 See, they're drunk.
18:30 He said, wait a minute,
18:31 "Be sober, be vigilant,"
18:33 because your adversary,
18:35 the devil walks around like a roaring lion
18:37 seeking whom he may devour.
18:38 In other words,
18:41 the wrong message has been going forth.
18:44 And God is saying,
18:45 "I don't want drunk people saying they're worshipping me,
18:48 spiritually drunk.
18:50 They've been swallowing the wrong thing.
18:52 I want them to be sober
18:54 because Satan is behind
18:56 the stupefying influence that has kept them
18:58 from understanding the truth.
19:00 So let's look at this now.
19:02 Now, what I want to show you the difference is,
19:06 just peek with me to verse 9 in your Bibles.
19:09 I want you to notice something.
19:11 Well, I'm going to ask questions
19:13 and I know that many of you gonna answer me.
19:15 I might be able to hear if you say it loud enough.
19:18 Here we go.
19:20 With what kind of voice
19:21 did the first angel proclaim his message?
19:23 Somebody tell me.
19:25 Okay, what kind of voice?
19:27 Loud! Loud, okay.
19:28 Now let's go to verse 9.
19:30 "Then the third angel followed them,
19:32 saying with the," what kind of voice?
19:34 "Loud."
19:35 But have you noticed
19:37 that when it came to the second,
19:38 it didn't say loud.
19:40 You know why it didn't say loud?
19:42 Because the effect of Babylon
19:46 has been going on for so long
19:51 that it's going to get to its pinnacle,
19:53 and then we have to proclaim it loud.
19:57 Now, let's follow this.
19:59 This is huge.
20:00 Babylon has been affecting the spiritual...
20:03 Babylon in its spiritual sense,
20:07 the messages of Babylon,
20:08 the teachings of Babylon,
20:10 Spiritual Babylon
20:11 have been affecting the world for so long
20:15 that it is going to get to the place
20:18 where it's got to be proclaimed loudly.
20:20 Now go to Revelation 18.
20:23 Well, you know, let's not run ahead of ourselves
20:26 because we're going to get there.
20:27 All right?
20:29 Just believe me.
20:30 So when it says, Babylon is fallen, is fallen,
20:32 one of the ways you can apply that spiritually
20:34 is Babylon is fallen once
20:37 in the eyes of God.
20:38 Secondly,
20:40 finally it's going to be fallen
20:41 in the eyes of men.
20:43 And when you read Revelation 18,
20:45 you'll see when men finally see the fall of Babylon,
20:47 they're going to stand back and say,
20:49 "Hey, it finally came down."
20:51 In one hour, this great city
20:52 came to nothing.
20:54 It's going to fall.
20:55 But there is the reason for this lesson is,
20:57 before it falls,
20:59 there is something that God wants
21:00 His people to do.
21:02 What do you think it is? Somebody tell me.
21:05 He wants them to get out of there.
21:06 If a building was going to come down,
21:08 and maybe I should use
21:10 World Trade Center as an example.
21:11 I'm a New Yorker.
21:13 I'm so connected, I was there when it was built,
21:15 I worked in the building.
21:16 My sister was there as a firefighter.
21:18 What they wanted to do more than anything else
21:20 is to get people out of that building
21:22 before it came down.
21:25 And the same thing is,
21:26 the same pulse is in the heart of God.
21:28 He wants to get people out of Spiritual Babylon
21:31 before it comes down.
21:33 So let's go through this very quickly.
21:36 Question number two.
21:37 Here it is.
21:39 How does the Bible describe the specifics
21:40 about Spiritual Babylon?
21:42 We're on Revelation Chapter 17.
21:44 Here we are.
21:45 Revelation 17,
21:46 we're going to look at verse 1, 2.
21:50 See, I know that it's not possible
21:53 to get through this whole thing.
21:54 So that's why I didn't fill the next page
21:57 all the way down to like 16
21:59 'cause we're not going to get through 16
22:00 for two more weeks.
22:02 All right. Here we go.
22:04 Question number two.
22:06 Revelation 17:1, 2, here it is.
22:09 And I'll read it on the screen.
22:13 Okay, the answer to number one is,
22:15 how does the second angel's message
22:17 in Revelation begin?
22:18 Babylon is fallen
22:20 is the answer to number one.
22:21 The number one,
22:22 the answer to number one is Babylon is fallen.
22:25 That's the answer to number one.
22:27 All right.
22:29 Question number two.
22:30 Revelation 17:1, 2,
22:32 let's read this together.
22:33 It's on the screen.
22:34 "Then one of the seven angels
22:36 who had the seven bowls
22:38 came and talked with me,
22:41 saying to me,
22:43 'Come, I will show you
22:45 the judgment of the great harlot
22:47 who," does what?
22:49 "Sits on many waters."
22:52 And then verse 2,
22:54 let's look at the broadening of this,
22:56 "With whom,"
22:58 let's look at all the people that got drunk.
23:00 "With whom the," what?
23:02 "Kings of the earth committed fornication,
23:06 and the inhabitants of the earth were made," what?
23:10 "Drunk with the wine of her fornication."
23:13 Let's pause for a brief moment.
23:16 "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, all nations have drunk,"
23:18 Revelation 14:8.
23:20 But now Revelation 17 tells you,
23:22 who has been drinking and who has been fornicating?
23:26 The word fornication
23:28 is a word of sexual origin.
23:31 And it goes back to the description
23:34 between Ahab, a king chosen of God
23:39 and Jezebel,
23:40 who is the daughter of Ithobaal, a false God.
23:45 An Israelite king married a harlot called Jezebel.
23:51 And it lead the children of Israel,
23:53 it lead many other false prophets,
23:55 450 prophets of Israel apostatized
24:00 and became false prophets.
24:02 That's how much it affected.
24:04 The whole nation was affected
24:06 because of this union.
24:07 Now, what's being said here,
24:09 the kings of the earth could be best described as governors,
24:12 presidents, political leaders
24:16 on all points of the earth,
24:19 north, east, south, and west.
24:20 You pick the country,
24:22 somehow they have been affected.
24:23 I believe the Bible, what do you say?
24:25 They've been affected.
24:27 The Bible saying, they all have been affected,
24:29 but how have the inhabitants of the earth?
24:32 And what I want you to see real quickly here
24:34 is when we get to Revelation 18,
24:35 you gonna see God is calling His people.
24:37 But right now,
24:39 He is not specifying His people.
24:41 He is saying people that live on the earth
24:43 and the leaders of the earth are affected by her, right?
24:47 He said, "They're affected by this harlot."
24:49 She sits on many waters
24:51 and we'll find out what the waters on
24:52 in just a moment.
24:54 But the leaders of the earth are affected,
24:55 and even the inhabitants of the earth are affected.
24:57 So this is a huge condition.
25:00 The whole world is messed up.
25:02 Isn't that true?
25:03 Well,
25:05 the majority of the world based on that.
25:07 Praise the Lord, somebody could preach the message.
25:09 So let's put the answer down.
25:11 How does the Bible describe the specifics
25:13 about Spiritual Babylon?
25:16 The leaders and the people of the earth are drunk.
25:21 The leaders and the people are affected.
25:23 And, you know, not only are drunk,
25:26 but are also in illicit relationship.
25:30 You could break that down
25:31 to fit it in the space you want.
25:33 The leaders are in an illicit relationship.
25:37 And the people are drunk,
25:40 are inebriated by this particular power.
25:44 Wow!
25:46 Huge.
25:48 Now let's go to verse 3.
25:50 Let's go to verse 3 to find out
25:53 how this power is identified.
25:55 All right. Continuing.
25:57 It'll be on the screen for those of you
25:58 that are watching.
26:00 All right. Here it is.
26:01 Revelation 17:3,
26:03 "So he carried me away
26:05 in the Spirit into the wilderness,"
26:08 into the what?
26:10 "Wilderness.
26:11 And I saw a woman
26:12 sitting on a scarlet beast
26:15 which was full of names of blasphemy,
26:20 having," what?
26:22 "Seven heads and," what else?
26:23 "Ten horns."
26:25 So now the Lord brings another view.
26:27 Let's go and put the answer down to Revelation 17:13,
26:31 How does the Bible describes specifics about Babylon?
26:34 Okay, Revelation 17:3, okay.
26:37 It describes a woman on a red beast,
26:42 full of blasphemy, seven heads, ten horns.
26:44 Just put, look at red.
26:46 What you need to do is just put reverse
26:48 'cause there's so much to put in there.
26:50 I want you to break it down
26:51 how you can best understand that.
26:53 But the whole verse is significant.
26:56 The whole verse is vitally important.
26:58 What I also want to point out...
26:59 And remember, where did John find this woman?
27:02 Where did he find her?
27:04 Where did he point to? Where did he go?
27:06 Where did the spirit carry him?
27:09 Okay, now go with me to Revelation Chapter 12.
27:12 You want to see something
27:14 because I made this statement a moment ago
27:17 that Spiritual Babylon has been in development
27:21 for a long time.
27:22 It didn't just get there.
27:25 Not like the message of the judgment hour.
27:27 You know, fear God and give glory to Him,
27:31 for the hour of His judgment is come.
27:33 It wasn't like, boom, we arrived there kind of thing,
27:35 like the first message.
27:36 This has been a gradual buildup.
27:38 Spiritual Babylon has been information for some time.
27:41 And this is very important.
27:43 John is taken by the spirit into the wilderness.
27:46 And he sees the woman there.
27:48 But go to Revelation 12.
27:49 You're already there,
27:50 I want you to see something.
27:53 And I thank God that we don't have to just do this
27:54 all in one night 'cause we'll be messed up.
27:57 All right. Okay.
27:59 So Revelation Chapter 12,
28:02 and we're going to look at verse 13.
28:05 We're going to look at verse 13
28:06 because in prophecy,
28:08 a woman represents, say it together.
28:12 Talk to me, it represents what?
28:13 The church.
28:15 It's a symbol of the church.
28:17 Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church.
28:21 Okay.
28:22 The church and the woman are synonymous in the Bible,
28:25 all right?
28:26 But now let's look,
28:28 because the woman that is talked about here,
28:31 I'm going to jump around Revelation 12
28:33 just to give context.
28:35 Remember, she is sitting on a scarlet beast,
28:38 full of names of blasphemy.
28:41 Now, what you're going to see
28:42 when I share the first verse with you
28:44 is you're going to see the woman
28:45 and the beast not on the same page.
28:49 They're going be in opposition to each other.
28:51 How does a woman
28:54 who is in opposition to the scarlet colored,
28:57 seven heads, ten horns beast,
29:00 how do they get in cahoots together?
29:03 How did that happen?
29:04 Look at Revelation 12:1.
29:06 Look at this.
29:09 All right.
29:11 Revelation 12:1, I'm going to read very quickly.
29:12 I'm going to read like a New Yorker,
29:14 you listen like a New Yorker.
29:15 Here we go, "Now a great sign appeared in heaven,
29:17 a woman clothed with the sun,
29:21 with the moon under her feet,
29:23 and on her head a garland or crown of," what?
29:25 How many stars? "Twelve stars."
29:27 Now, notice she's dressed differently, right?
29:31 Sun, moon, stars, this woman is dressed differently.
29:35 But what's going to happen?
29:37 Then verse 2,
29:38 "Then being with child, she cried out in labor,
29:41 and in pain to give birth."
29:46 That is through the woman,
29:47 the Christ child was to come in to the earth, to the world.
29:50 That is the deliverance of Jesus.
29:52 Both spiritually,
29:54 the church introduced Christ to the world
29:57 and physically, through Mary, Jesus came into the world.
30:01 All right.
30:02 But now let's go to verse 3,
30:04 "And another sign appeared in heaven,
30:06 behold a great, fiery," what color?
30:10 "Red dragon having," what?
30:13 "Seven heads and," what else?
30:15 "Ten horns,
30:17 and seven diadems or crowns on his heads."
30:20 All right.
30:22 So you see here the woman,
30:24 and then you see this beast seven heads,
30:26 ten horns, red.
30:28 And they're in opposition to each other
30:30 because you're going to see something happening here.
30:32 And what is he going to try to do?
30:35 Let's go ahead and look at verse 4,
30:38 "And his tail," that is the dragon's tail,
30:41 "Drew a third of the stars of heaven,"
30:45 that's the angels in rebellion.
30:48 And what did he do?
30:49 "And threw them to the earth.
30:51 And the dragon stood before the woman
30:54 who was ready to give birth to do," what?
30:57 "Devour her child as soon as it was born."
31:01 Now, let's go and see how this happened.
31:03 Through pagan Rome,
31:04 when Mary was about to give birth,
31:06 Caesar sent out a decree to kill all children,
31:11 two years old and under
31:13 through pagan Rome.
31:16 But praise the Lord, he did not succeed
31:18 because Jesus even as a baby
31:21 had better national security
31:23 than the United States will ever have.
31:25 Come on, say amen.
31:28 He had universal security.
31:30 The angels were there to guide and protect
31:34 'cause He was on a mission from God.
31:36 All right.
31:37 So not to take too long,
31:40 the Lord said to Joseph Mary,
31:42 "Go to Egypt and hang out there until Pilate is dead.
31:46 When he's dead, you can come back.
31:48 And he stayed there till he died and he came back,
31:51 and then the prophecy was fulfilled.
31:52 Out of Egypt, I call my son.
31:54 That was fulfilled then.
31:56 But now up until this point,
31:59 they're not on the same page.
32:00 This fiery red dragon wants her dead.
32:04 And he keeps pursuing her.
32:06 But now let's go on and see how this pursue goes on.
32:09 Well, we know, he couldn't kill Jesus.
32:11 Can we say amen to that?
32:12 Amen.
32:14 He couldn't kill Jesus so he had to figure, okay,
32:15 if I can't get to the father, I'll go after the children.
32:20 So let's go. Look at verse 13 now.
32:22 I've given you a shortcut.
32:24 All right. Verse 13...
32:27 Well, matter of fact, verse 12.
32:29 He couldn't kill the father
32:31 so he turned on the children, all right?
32:34 Look at verse 12,
32:36 12:12,
32:38 "Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them,"
32:41 and what's the next word?
32:43 "Woe to the," what?
32:45 "Inhabitants of the earth,
32:47 and the sea,
32:48 for the devil has come down to you having," what?
32:52 "Great wrath because he knows he has a," what?
32:56 "Short time."
32:57 In other words, he's amping it up.
33:00 So now this is the time for him.
33:02 So if he knows he has a short time,
33:04 this is applying to what?
33:06 The end time.
33:09 We're not 6,000, not 5,000 years ago,
33:12 not in the time of Egypt,
33:13 not in the time of the Roman Empire,
33:16 He knew he had a short time.
33:17 He says, "I got to amp this up."
33:18 So what did he do?
33:20 This woman who up to this point
33:23 was just fine.
33:25 He said, "I got to do something."
33:27 Look at verse 13.
33:29 Now, this is amazing,
33:32 see it's almost like a scene unfold, now.
33:34 "When the dragon saw
33:36 that he had been cast to the earth,"
33:39 he did what?
33:40 "He persecuted the woman
33:42 who gave birth to the male child."
33:46 But there's always God stepping in.
33:49 "But the woman was given two wings of a," what?
33:53 "Great eagle that she might fly into the," what?
33:57 "Wilderness to her place
34:00 where she's nourished for a time and times
34:03 and half a time,
34:05 from the presence of the serpent."
34:08 So God hid the woman for a time,
34:12 times and half a time
34:13 just to cut to the chase time,
34:16 360 times, 720 half a time,
34:20 180, add that up,
34:22 and that's the 1,260 years of Roman persecution
34:27 during the Dark Ages.
34:28 God hid His church.
34:30 Amen to that.
34:31 So the church didn't get wiped out,
34:33 God hid them.
34:34 But I asked you a moment ago,
34:36 and I left it on the screen for a reason
34:38 because where did the woman go
34:40 to be hidden from the serpent?
34:44 In the where?
34:45 In the wilderness, right?
34:47 Where did the spirit carry John to find the woman?
34:51 Graphic guys bring up
34:53 or graphic lady, whichever one,
34:54 bring up that verse, Revelation 17:3,
34:57 the last one we just...
34:58 I want the people that are listening and watching
35:00 to see this.
35:01 John said, the Lord lead her into the wilderness
35:04 to be protected.
35:05 And notice what it says,
35:07 "So he carried me away in the Spirit
35:08 into the wilderness."
35:10 Thank you.
35:11 That's all I needed the graphic.
35:12 So now the very woman that was in the wilderness
35:15 for 1,260 years known as the Dark Ages.
35:20 What happened to the Dark Ages?
35:22 Bibles did not exist.
35:24 So get this.
35:25 The truth that woman had at the beginning
35:27 of her journey into the wilderness,
35:30 something happened.
35:33 And except for God's sustaining grace,
35:35 the truth would have been almost well nigh obliterated.
35:39 But a lot happened to the church.
35:40 If you study about the church of the Dark Ages,
35:42 so much error crept
35:44 into the church of the Dark Ages
35:45 that this woman who went into the wilderness
35:47 clothed with the sun, moon, and stars.
35:50 Now, John goes back,
35:52 he disparages,
35:54 "Come here, let me show you something.
35:55 You remember that lady that went to the wilderness?
35:57 I got to show you what happened to her.
35:59 Now get this.
36:01 I'm going to blow your brains off.
36:03 Are you ready? This is powerful.
36:05 There are not two women.
36:08 It's one woman in two conditions.
36:11 Get this.
36:13 And the condition represents the two classes of worshippers.
36:18 In the day,
36:19 how many children did Cain...
36:21 I just gave you the answer.
36:23 There was Cain and there was what?
36:24 Abel.
36:25 Okay, right, representing the two worshippers.
36:28 You find from the very beginning
36:29 they were two types of worshippers.
36:31 In the very end,
36:33 they're going to be two types of worshippers.
36:35 So the question is this.
36:37 This is huge.
36:40 Your condition is the first consideration
36:44 than your location.
36:47 Now follow me carefully.
36:48 You can't say amen here because that's new to you.
36:51 The first thing God is concerned about
36:53 is your condition.
36:54 The second thing He is concerned about
36:56 is your location.
36:57 Now, let me expand that.
36:58 John 10:16, go there with me.
37:00 I got to qualify what I said.
37:03 John 10:16, all right.
37:05 I'm already there.
37:07 Yes, I am. Here it is.
37:09 John 10:16, look what the Lord says,
37:12 "He's first concerned about your condition,
37:15 then about your location."
37:16 Lot of people think, it's just location.
37:18 And this is huge.
37:20 To those who keep the Sabbath, don't fool yourself.
37:22 You may have the right location,
37:23 but the wrong condition.
37:25 Did you hear what I said?
37:26 There are some people boasting about keeping the Sabbath,
37:28 but they're in the wrong condition,
37:29 but they're in the right location.
37:31 There are some people in the wrong location,
37:33 but in the right condition.
37:35 God want the right people in the right condition.
37:37 Amen, somebody. Amen.
37:38 This is what the issue is.
37:40 So don't be calling on folk
37:41 that don't go to church on the right day,
37:43 the wrong people 'cause God doesn't even say that.
37:46 Let's look what He says in John 10:16.
37:49 He says, "And other sheep I have,
37:52 which are not of this fold."
37:56 Huge. I have other sheep.
37:57 They're not where I want them to be,
37:59 but notice what He says,
38:01 "Them also I must," what?
38:03 "Bring, and they will hear My," what?
38:05 "Voice."
38:07 What kind of voice will they hear?
38:08 "A loud voice."
38:10 They'll hear My voice,
38:11 and they will be, come one, together,
38:12 one flock or one fold, and," what?
38:14 "One shepherd."
38:16 Get this.
38:17 God is more concerned first about our condition,
38:20 secondly about our location.
38:22 This is a sobering message because there's some people
38:25 that are comfortable in the location,
38:26 but uncomfortable in the condition.
38:29 There's some people that are good Christians,
38:31 but they're in the wrong location.
38:32 Amen?
38:34 That's why this message about Babylon is, God said,
38:36 "I got people all over the place,
38:38 every nation, every tribe, every tongue, every people.
38:42 I got to get them all in the right location."
38:43 Isn't that true?
38:45 Was that the case in Noah's day?
38:47 He wanted to get the right people in the what?
38:50 Right location which was where?
38:52 In the ark.
38:53 It may sound like I'm preaching.
38:54 I'm just intensely teaching.
38:56 He want to get the right people in the right location.
38:59 Now,
39:01 did he love the people outside the ark?
39:03 Yes.
39:04 But did they want to get into the right location?
39:06 No.
39:08 So the Lord had no choice,
39:10 but to close the door before the judgment came.
39:14 So now let's go to the next verse.
39:17 So here it is.
39:19 Let me cap off my thought.
39:21 Go back to Revelation 17.
39:22 Here it is,
39:24 "During the Dark Ages,
39:25 the woman went through religious persecution,
39:29 more than a 50 million Christians
39:32 lost their lives
39:33 because the Roman church of the Dark Ages,
39:36 we now know as Roman Catholicism.
39:38 The church of the Dark Ages
39:40 under the leadership of pagan Rome
39:42 than papal Rome,
39:44 persecuted anybody who did not agree
39:46 with its dogmas.
39:47 And let me just share with you some of the wine they drank.
39:51 Purgatory, not in the Bible,
39:53 that was wine from Babylon,
39:56 Spiritual Babylon.
39:57 Limbo, wine from Spiritual Babylon.
40:00 Eternally burning hell,
40:02 they used that doctrine not supported by the Bible
40:04 to raise the money to build their cathedrals,
40:06 the wine of Babylon.
40:08 Eternally burning hell, all right.
40:12 The immortality of the soul, you die and go right to heaven.
40:16 This secret rapture,
40:19 Francis Ribeiro and Luis Luis de Alcazar,
40:21 preterist and futurist.
40:22 They develop that one.
40:24 When you go to the church of the Dark Ages,
40:26 something happened to the woman.
40:27 So by the time, the 1,260 years passed,
40:32 John could not identify the woman.
40:35 What happened to the woman?
40:38 He found her in the same place
40:40 where she went 1,260 years earlier.
40:44 And he found her now in harmony with the very beast
40:48 that was once against her.
40:51 He found her sitting on the beast
40:54 that was pursuing her.
40:57 Wow!
40:58 But God is not done. Amen, somebody.
41:01 Because you may wonder...
41:04 Wow! This is huge.
41:05 I got to slow down
41:07 because God was to yet establish
41:09 another movement called the Advent movement
41:12 to get the woman back to the right location.
41:15 Amen, somebody.
41:16 He want to get the woman
41:17 who had now been in the wrong condition,
41:20 in the wrong location to be the right woman,
41:23 in the right location.
41:25 That's what Christianity is today.
41:27 So...
41:28 But there are many who haven't heard the message yet,
41:30 so they have the right condition,
41:31 but they're on the wrong location.
41:33 And, you know what? That's divine inspiration.
41:34 My wife knows I'd never said that before.
41:37 Thank you Holy Spirit
41:39 for revealing that to me tonight.
41:40 Let's go to the very next question.
41:42 Verse 4.
41:45 Thank you, honey.
41:46 "So the woman now,
41:48 instead of being clothed with the sun,
41:50 moon, and stars,
41:51 she trades her garments
41:53 for purple and scarlet,
41:56 purple and gold, scarlet and purple.
41:59 Gold, red, and purple.
42:01 Now what you want to notice,
42:03 this is huge,
42:04 there's a color missing.
42:07 Dan, did I hear you say it?
42:09 What's the color, Dan?
42:10 Blue. Blue.
42:12 Blue represents the law of God.
42:16 Blue is not there anymore.
42:19 That had been deleted.
42:21 And when you follow the story further down
42:23 in Revelation 12,
42:24 this is why we got to end...
42:27 I'm sorry, we got to go back to Revelation 12 very quickly.
42:30 I know you all are there. You're already there.
42:32 If you're already there,
42:34 praise the Lord for that.
42:37 Revelation 12
42:39 and we looked at verse 13.
42:41 We looked at verse 14.
42:42 Now let's look at verse 15.
42:44 Okay, so now
42:46 John sees this woman
42:48 that was in her clean condition,
42:49 she went there,
42:50 hidden there for 1,260 years.
42:53 So the devil wasn't satisfied, in verse 15,
42:55 notice what it says,
42:56 "So the serpent spewed what out of his mouth?"
42:59 "Water out of his mouth
43:02 like a flood after the woman
43:03 that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood."
43:07 I want you to also notice something.
43:09 This is huge
43:10 because the woman in Revelation 17
43:13 is sitting on many waters.
43:16 The water that he used to go after her,
43:19 now she's sitting on it,
43:21 now she is floating above it,
43:24 now she is reigning over it.
43:25 The water he used to drown her
43:27 is now the water that she's floating on,
43:30 she's sitting upon, reigning above many waters.
43:32 We'll find out what the water is in just a moment.
43:34 And then verse 16,
43:36 and this word, God preserved the truth.
43:39 Although, and you see in the seven churches,
43:41 he said, I know that you have a little faith left,
43:43 hold what you have.
43:45 He said, you have a little faith, hold on to it,
43:47 don't let it go.
43:49 Verse 16, "But the earth help the woman,
43:52 and open its mouth
43:54 and swallowed up the flood
43:56 which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth."
44:00 Oh, this is huge.
44:02 Brother John Dinzey, he knows where we're going with this.
44:05 The earth. How did God...
44:07 This is history.
44:08 How did God rescue the church
44:12 from total obliteration in Europe?
44:16 He led them to... Come on, say it.
44:18 He led them to this good old land.
44:20 This land is your land,
44:22 this land is mine
44:23 from California to the New York Island,
44:25 from the Redwood forest to the Gulf,
44:28 this land was made.
44:29 God raised up a nation today,
44:31 and it's only support of freedom is religion.
44:35 The only thing we can boast in America
44:36 that we have above any other country
44:39 is religious liberty.
44:42 And that is being challenged already.
44:44 That's being chiseled away.
44:45 But God open the earth, the earth opened his mouth.
44:48 In the pilgrims,
44:50 you know, the word pilgrim is not a historical term,
44:53 as much as it is a religious term.
44:55 Gotten from the Book of Hebrews Chapter 11,
44:57 we are strangers in pilgrims.
45:00 The pilgrims as Abraham was,
45:03 he was looking for a city
45:04 which had foundations whose builder and maker is God.
45:07 So the pilgrims left,
45:09 the persecuting powers of Roman Europe
45:11 came to America,
45:12 and through Roger Williams established religious liberty,
45:16 religious free freedom,
45:18 which was Rhode Island,
45:19 the first religiously free colony
45:22 in the early development of America.
45:27 Today, now, Roger Williams,
45:28 let me just give you some history now.
45:29 This is on tape, so you can share
45:31 with your friends later on.
45:32 Roger Williams,
45:34 he saw among the early pilgrim settlers,
45:38 something that resembled the church of Europe.
45:40 And you know what that was?
45:42 They were so fearful that Rome would come over
45:44 and take over their new settlement,
45:48 that they made their own religious laws.
45:51 And so you have to believe a certain way,
45:53 think a certain way, worship a certain way
45:56 to be among the Puritans, the pilgrims,
45:58 the early, like we say, the forefathers,
46:00 you don't wanna go back
46:02 to the religion of your forefathers, okay?
46:04 When people say they do,
46:05 they don't understand the whole picture.
46:07 So Roger Williams said,
46:08 "No, no, no, no, no,
46:09 let us not do what Rome did.
46:11 Let us establish religious freedom."
46:14 And they ostracized Roger Williams.
46:17 And he went and lived among the Indians,
46:20 and taught them,
46:22 began to share with them the Word of God.
46:25 And then Roger Williams established Rhode Island,
46:28 that place that is Rhode Island today,
46:30 that's where religious liberty was born right in Rhode Island.
46:34 And we have it today in America,
46:36 became one of the foundations of our freedoms.
46:39 So that's why to be able to worship
46:41 according to your own dictates
46:42 is still a part of our Constitution
46:45 and a part of our Bill of Rights.
46:47 But you'll find that the devil is not happy with that,
46:52 because now the woman's no longer in Europe,
46:55 she's in America.
46:56 He got to find a way to get to her.
46:59 Revelation 12:17,
47:01 this is foundation but it's vitally important.
47:03 Foundation.
47:06 All right?
47:08 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman
47:11 or angry with the woman,"
47:14 as the King James Version, "the dragon was angry, wroth,"
47:17 as the King James Version, that's an angry word wroth.
47:21 "He was in rage with a woman and went,"
47:24 get this now, he went,
47:27 where did he go?
47:28 He had to go where she is.
47:31 These words, and I put there incidentally,
47:34 "He went to make war with the remnant of her seed,"
47:38 and who are they?
47:40 They keep the commandments of God,
47:41 worshipping God the way He wants,
47:43 and they have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
47:47 He went.
47:49 He sought after the woman to find her.
47:50 And that's why in America right now,
47:52 one of the hot button issues is religious freedom,
47:55 all these issues building itself around.
47:58 And you know what's chiseling away right that now?
48:00 Religious extremism in America is gonna do its job
48:03 to hinder our liberties here in America.
48:06 All this extremism that's taking place in America.
48:08 But I want to just say this
48:10 before we go on to the next question,
48:11 God is still sovereign, He's still in charge.
48:14 Amen to that? Amen.
48:15 That's some foundation.
48:17 Now, Revelation 17, let's go there.
48:18 So the woman is a new condition now.
48:21 The beast that once was in opposition to her,
48:24 he has diluted her so much
48:26 that God had to raise up another movement.
48:27 That's why at the end of the 1,260 year period,
48:31 just shortly after 1798,
48:33 another movement came into existence,
48:36 started by a man by the name of William Miller, a Baptist.
48:40 He began something called the Advent movement
48:43 that today now
48:45 is known as the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
48:48 more specifically, it's still a movement.
48:51 And God began to resurrect all these teachings
48:54 that were put to rest during the Dark Ages,
48:58 almost died, but he preserved it.
49:00 Praise God for His Word.
49:02 And now, the message now being resurrected
49:05 has to be proclaimed.
49:07 Get this, to the rest of His people
49:10 that may be in the right condition,
49:12 but in the what?
49:13 Wrong location.
49:15 You see, it is not about us being better than them
49:18 and then being worse than us,
49:20 it's about all of us are God's people.
49:21 What do you say? Amen.
49:23 That was kind of weak.
49:25 Can we say amen? Amen.
49:27 God loved, for God so loved the world.
49:30 And He loves people that no matter what denomination
49:33 they are part of, but He's saying,
49:35 "Although I have sheep
49:36 that are a part of another fold,
49:38 I can't leave them there, them
49:39 also I must bring."
49:41 That's what's so beautiful about it.
49:42 So let's see what else.
49:45 You know, we got, Bill,
49:46 we got to get past question number two.
49:48 All right? Let's go to that.
49:49 All right? Verse...
49:51 Now what verse are we up to now?
49:52 Revelation 17, what verse now? Verse 4.
49:55 Okay, let's look at verse 4 now.
49:57 Here we are on the screen.
49:59 And it said here,
50:03 continuing in the description of Spiritual Babylon,
50:05 it says, "The woman was arrayed in," what?
50:08 "Purple and," what else?
50:10 "Scarlet, adorned with," what?
50:12 "Gold and," what?
50:14 "Precious stones and pearls,
50:15 having in her hand
50:18 a golden cup."
50:21 Now, what's in that cup?
50:23 "Full of," what?
50:24 Abominations
50:27 and filthiness of her," what?
50:30 "Fornication."
50:31 Boy, and then he goes on, look at the next.
50:34 "And on her head, and on her head,
50:38 on her forehead, a name was written:"
50:41 let's read this together,
50:53 He said, she's not by herself.
50:57 She's not by herself.
51:00 Let's read verse 6.
51:01 Let's bring verse 6 up there, and then we'll go back
51:03 and cap it all off together.
51:04 All right?
51:06 And then in verse 6, it says,
51:07 "I saw the woman," what?
51:09 "Drunk with the blood of the saints
51:11 and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
51:14 And when I saw her, I'm marveled with," what?
51:17 "Great amazement."
51:19 So now I must break this all down.
51:21 This woman, first of all, verse 4,
51:24 write this down, verse 4.
51:26 And here's what you put in verse 4.
51:29 "She no longer is clothed in Christ's righteousness."
51:33 This is huge.
51:34 Write that down, verse 4,
51:36 she no longer has on the robe of Christ's righteousness.
51:40 All right?
51:42 Write that down for Revelation 17:4.
51:44 The next one, verse 5,
51:48 "She is the mother of a worldwide system.
51:54 She's the mother of the head of a worldwide system."
52:01 Did you get that?
52:02 And in verse 6,
52:05 "She is guilty of the blood of the saints.
52:10 She historically has killed those
52:13 who have been allegiant to Jesus."
52:16 You know, we get all bent out of shape today over ISIS,
52:19 and surely we should,
52:20 because it's an extreme condition of a system
52:24 that has nothing to do with it.
52:25 And I want to reiterate,
52:27 and I feel badly for those who are Muslim in this sense.
52:31 Their religion has been hijacked
52:33 by religious extremists,
52:34 and they're getting the full blame for that,
52:37 and that's not something that they're responsible for.
52:40 But what has happened long before ISIS came to view,
52:44 the Dark Ages was a time
52:45 that was painted by the blood of the saints,
52:49 millions of Christians were martyred.
52:51 All because they wanted to be allegiant to Jesus.
52:55 If you have a strong stomach,
52:56 rent that book or download "The Foxe's Book of Martyrs."
53:00 It'll drive you nuts.
53:01 You better have a strong spiritual connection
53:02 with Jesus.
53:04 That's a serious book.
53:05 You know, that's the whole point of it.
53:07 You got to have a connection with the Lord that is strong.
53:09 So what's happening today
53:10 is God now through Jesus
53:12 and the messages of the three angel,
53:14 He's now saying, I need to recover my people
53:17 before we close this entire great controversy down.
53:21 Amen to that?
53:22 Amen.
53:24 He wants to recover His people.
53:25 So let's answer the next question.
53:27 We can do this.
53:28 We can bravely get to question number three,
53:30 He wants to recover His people
53:31 before it is ever too late.
53:34 What description does the Bible give to the beast
53:36 that empowers Babylon?
53:39 Revelation 12:3, you read that earlier.
53:42 We could just go ahead and put the answer in there.
53:45 And the answer is, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns.
53:49 Write that down for question number three.
53:51 We could read that, and we will read it on the screen
53:54 because it's in proper graphic order,
53:56 and our guys are ready for that.
53:58 It says, Revelation 12:3,
54:00 "And another sign appeared in heaven,
54:02 behold, a great, fiery red dragon
54:04 having seven heads and ten horns,
54:07 and seven diadems or crowns on his heads.
54:10 So the great dragon,"
54:12 this is now given identity to that,
54:14 "So the great dragon was cast out
54:16 that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan,
54:19 who deceives," how much of the world?
54:21 "The whole world, he was cast to the earth,
54:23 and his angels were cast out with him."
54:25 Let me add a couple of components here.
54:27 So the answer, what description
54:29 does the Bible give to the beast
54:31 that empowers Babylon?
54:32 What specific description does it give?
54:39 The devil, the serpent of old, Satan.
54:44 This dragon with seven heads and ten horns,
54:47 so the great dragon was cast out.
54:49 Let's look at that on the screen.
54:51 That who?
54:52 Together read it. That who?
54:54 Serpent of old called the, who?
54:56 Devil and who? Satan.
54:58 The Bible clearly identifies this beast
55:01 before the woman with seven heads
55:02 and ten horns as Satan,
55:05 the serpent of old the dragon,
55:08 he was cast to the earth,
55:10 and his angels were cast out with him.
55:14 So in a broad nutshell,
55:16 what description does the Bible give to the beast
55:18 that empowers a woman?
55:20 Somebody tell me? Give me the answer?
55:21 Who is it? I just told it to you.
55:23 And it's on the screen over and over?
55:25 Say it again, Mike, Satan!
55:27 He gives this woman power.
55:30 And by the way,
55:33 he was also the power behind pagan Rome
55:35 in Revelation Chapter 13.
55:37 He was also the power behind
55:39 that fourth beast of Daniel Chapter 7,
55:42 pagan Rome.
55:43 So therefore, if he's behind Babylon,
55:46 if he's behind Medo-Persia, if he's behind Greece,
55:50 surely he carries on his onslaught
55:52 against God's people.
55:54 He's behind Rome,
55:55 and the biggest final force
55:57 against the people of God
55:58 and his message is the universal power of Rome.
56:04 Wow!
56:05 Here's a picture that I want to bring up on the screen.
56:07 Our guys can bring this up for us,
56:09 or whoever's running graphics on the truck, I appreciate it.
56:11 If you're lady, I apologize to keep calling you a guy.
56:13 But look at this picture that of the woman
56:15 on the scarlet beast.
56:17 Here's a graphic representation of it.
56:19 This scarlet color beast,
56:20 just go and bring the graphic up,
56:22 it's very next one.
56:23 She's sitting on a beast.
56:26 Here it is. That's an artist depiction.
56:29 That's the woman as she appears now.
56:31 Notice the waters, the beasts,
56:34 now, keep it up there, I'm describing.
56:36 The waters, the beasts
56:39 and the woman sitting on that.
56:40 Let's go and bring it back up.
56:42 Don't be dumped, to be nervous.
56:43 The woman on the scarlet beast sitting above the many waters.
56:49 All right? Okay. Let's look at this.
56:51 So clearly, you see that she is identified
56:56 as the one sitting upon the many waters.
57:00 And that's an artist depiction.
57:03 But now we're gonna hit the last...
57:04 Well, I don't think I have time for the very last question,
57:08 or number four.
57:09 But what I want you to stay tuned for next week
57:12 is something that's vitally important.
57:14 And that is,
57:15 we're going to see classically why in more detail,
57:20 why God wants His people out.
57:23 He wants them out
57:25 because first of all, they're His people.
57:28 He's the shepherd,
57:29 they are the sheep of His pasture.
57:30 Amen to that? Amen.
57:32 And we got to pray for our brothers and sisters.
57:34 No matter what the denomination
57:37 from Roman Catholic all the way Jehovah's Witness,
57:39 and Baptists, and Pentecost, and Methodist, and Presbyterian
57:41 and some Adventists who are in the right location
57:43 with the wrong condition, ain't that right?
57:44 Yeah. It's all very important.
57:47 And, friends, you know, this is a tight topic,
57:48 a difficult topic,
57:49 but what I would encourage you to do
57:51 is keep studying God's Word.
57:52 If you miss anything, go to the website,
57:55 download the lesson and invite your friends.
57:57 And I know, if it doesn't make sense,
57:59 keep on studying God's Word
58:00 because one day
58:02 it will come into A Sharper Focus.
58:04 God bless you.


Revised 2019-06-14