A Sharper Focus

The Truth about the Judgment, Part 6

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000102

00:20 Hello and welcome to another Wednesday night Bible study
00:23 here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:25 Here at A Sharper Focus,
00:26 we thank you for taking the time to tune in,
00:28 as we continue our hope to finalize our topic
00:31 on the truth about the judgment.
00:34 As you know, our programs are less than an hour long,
00:38 so we appreciate when you tune in.
00:39 Don't forget to have your Bibles
00:41 and your pens
00:42 and maybe questions might come to your mind.
00:44 I'll tell you how to get a copy of the lesson,
00:45 if you don't have one,
00:47 and also how you can access prior lessons
00:50 in prior broadcast.
00:52 But thank you for taking the time.
00:54 Invite your family, friends and neighbors
00:57 and if you had a church,
00:58 invite all those that are there with you
01:00 to ask for the Lord to bless us
01:02 as we go before Him in this study.
01:04 So let's bow our heads together.
01:07 Our gracious Father, we thank You
01:09 that whenever we open Your Word,
01:11 the blessing comes when we open our hearts.
01:15 Father, guide us we ask,
01:16 in Jesus' name tonight
01:19 that we may study Your Word and find in it
01:22 the strength and the source
01:23 that each one of us is in need of
01:24 we pray in Christ's name.
01:27 Amen.
01:29 Now if you'd like a copy of the lesson,
01:31 go to this website asf.3abn.org
01:37 and download lesson number 28.
01:40 Somebody might say, well, I already have that lesson.
01:42 Well, we updated the very last page.
01:45 So if you only...
01:48 If you look at your last page
01:49 and you don't have up to number 30,
01:51 then you need to download that lesson again.
01:54 Lesson number 28, the Truth about the Judgment.
01:59 As you know, we've been walking through this topic
02:02 from week to week
02:04 and it has been one that really has opened our hearts
02:06 also given us an opportunity
02:08 to focus on what is most important,
02:10 and how we can stand with great confidence,
02:13 getting ready for the coming of the Lord.
02:15 But tonight before we go into our study,
02:17 we know that we're gonna do something.
02:18 We're gonna sing together.
02:20 And our song tonight is Victory in Jesus.
02:24 If you know the song, you can join along with us.
02:32 I heard an old, old story
02:36 How the Savior came from glory
02:40 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:44 To save a wretch like me
02:47 I heard about His groaning
02:51 Of His precious blood's atoning
02:55 Then I repented of my sin
02:59 And won the victory
03:03 O victory in Jesus
03:06 My Savior, forever
03:10 He sought me and bought me
03:14 With His redeeming blood
03:18 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:21 And all my love is due Him
03:25 He plunged me to victory
03:29 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:33 I heard about a mansion
03:37 He has built for me in glory
03:40 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:44 Beyond the crystal sea
03:48 About the angels singing
03:52 And the old redemption story
03:56 And some sweet day
03:57 I'll sing up there The song of victory
04:02 Key change.
04:03 O victory in Jesus
04:07 My Savior, forever
04:11 He sought me and bought me
04:14 With His redeeming blood
04:18 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:22 And all my love is due Him
04:26 He plunged me to victory
04:30 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:33 He plunged me to victory
04:37 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:44 Amen?
04:46 The topic is the Truth about the Judgment,
04:49 the Truth about the Judgment.
04:52 We've been covering this.
04:53 It's one of those extensive topics
04:55 that requires us to focus
05:00 and keep our minds on the plan
05:04 that God has for the purpose of the judgment.
05:06 And last time we studied,
05:08 last week study was
05:10 we covered up to question number 18,
05:12 so each one of you should have in front of you
05:15 a syllabus that has 19 to 30.
05:18 Make sure that you have that and if you're just tuning in,
05:21 go to asf.3abn.org
05:24 and there you can download the lesson about the judgment.
05:29 No one likes to really go to court.
05:31 No one likes to show up in court,
05:33 except they are the plaintiff
05:36 or they have been summoned for a good reason.
05:38 But anytime someone goes to court,
05:41 there's always this in trepidation
05:42 when the court is in session.
05:45 One of the most delightful court sittings
05:47 I was in was when
05:49 I was invited to go
05:50 where children were being adopted.
05:52 That was the most pleasant scene.
05:55 Parents were adopting children
05:56 that did not have permanent homes.
05:58 That's the kind of court room you want to be in
06:00 when good things are happening.
06:02 But if you're there for a traffic ticket,
06:04 that could be quite frightening.
06:05 If you are there for a crime, that is a bit more frightening.
06:09 And if you are there possibly serving a life sentence,
06:13 that's terrifying.
06:15 But we want to talk about the judgment,
06:16 so that we can find confidence.
06:18 And what we ended on last week
06:20 I want to begin on question number...
06:22 Is not gonna show up on the screen,
06:23 but I'd like you to turn to Revelation Chapter 12.
06:26 And we're gonna look at one of the reasons
06:28 why we know that our defender,
06:33 our judge,
06:35 Jesus Christ is not only the advocate,
06:39 our lawyer, but Jesus Christ is also the judge,
06:42 the presiding judge, the one at the bar.
06:44 He will always make decisions in favor of His children.
06:52 tells us that there is a prosecutor.
06:55 All of the people of God had been under prosecution
06:58 ever since the entrance of sin.
07:01 And you'll find that in the Bible from age to age,
07:04 the accuser, the prosecutor has been active at work,
07:08 trying to find reasons
07:09 that God's children may not be saved.
07:11 But notice the good news, Revelation 12:10.
07:15 Before we go to question number 19,
07:17 the Bible says, "Then I heard a loud voice, saying," where?
07:22 "In heaven 'Now salvation, and strength,
07:27 and the kingdom of our God,
07:28 and the power of His Christ have come,
07:32 for the accuser of our brethren,
07:35 who accused them before our God," how often?
07:39 "Day and night has been cast down.'"
07:42 Amen to that.
07:43 Now how often does the devil accuses,
07:45 how often?
07:47 Day and night.
07:48 He doesn't cease.
07:49 In other words, He's looking at our life's record.
07:52 He's looking over all the things we've done wrong
07:54 and believe me,
07:57 I don't want you to raise your hands
07:58 because that's a crazy question to ask
08:00 if you've done something wrong.
08:02 But while God is forgiving,
08:04 while Jesus is blotting out our sin,
08:06 while Jesus is forgiving us of our sin,
08:08 the devil is continually pointing to,
08:11 as one person once said,
08:12 you really haven't forgiven me
08:14 if you keep bringing up the past.
08:16 And the devil is the one that does that,
08:18 he brings up the past.
08:19 I told you about the dream that Martin Luther had,
08:21 the great reformer.
08:23 He was filled with in trepidation in his dream
08:25 as he was filled with terror,
08:26 looking at all of his sins unrolled on a scroll.
08:29 The devil unrolled his sins on a scroll.
08:32 But there in his dream,
08:33 he said that the Lord showed up
08:36 and over every sin that he was accused of
08:38 the Lord stamped, "pardon, forgiven" Amen?
08:43 So the accuser is doing his job.
08:46 But even better than that, the Lord is doing His job.
08:50 And I want you to go with me to Daniel Chapter 7.
08:52 I want you to see something,
08:54 I'm gonna make sure I'm not jumping ahead of myself.
08:56 Good, I'm not.
08:57 But let's go to Daniel
08:59 and I want to give you a glimpse of the verdict.
09:03 All right, Daniel Chapter 7.
09:09 Now I'll tell you what verse.
09:12 Okay, Daniel Chapter 7
09:15 and let's look down.
09:19 Well, verse 10 is good.
09:28 Okay.
09:29 Yeah, I'll start with verse 10.
09:31 Okay.
09:35 Daniel 7:10
09:38 and notice what the Bible talks about.
09:40 It talks about the court setting.
09:42 It says a fiery...
09:44 Well, let's start with verse 9
09:45 because that puts the whole picture together
09:48 of the court scene.
09:49 "I watched till thrones were put in place,
09:53 and the Ancient of Days was seated.
09:57 His garment was white as snow,
10:00 and the hair of His head was like pure," what?
10:03 "Pure wool.
10:04 His throne was a fiery flame,
10:08 its wheels a burning fire."
10:10 If the judge walked in the room and look like that,
10:14 how would you feel, Lord have mercy.
10:17 I need help.
10:19 See it is scary set,
10:20 it's a setting of humility.
10:25 But look at the next verse.
10:27 "A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him.
10:33 A thousand thousands ministered to Him.
10:36 Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him.
10:40 The court was," what?
10:42 "The court was seated and the books were open."
10:48 You know when the book is open,
10:53 the devil points to all the accusations,
10:56 all the things written in the books.
10:59 The books were open
11:00 and those are the things
11:01 that are going to be discussed in the judgment.
11:04 The acts of the saints,
11:06 the things that we have done in our lives,
11:08 that's why as we go on tonight,
11:10 we're gonna see that
11:11 we need not fear facing our sins.
11:15 If we make the preparation
11:17 that God has outlined in His Word,
11:19 we won't have to stand in that judgment scene,
11:22 and even Revelation Chapter 20
11:23 talks about the great white throne judgment
11:26 when all is standing before the Lord.
11:28 And as you think about a court setting,
11:30 there are various phases.
11:32 There is the investigative phase,
11:35 there is the verdict, and there is the judgment.
11:41 There is the investigative phase,
11:43 there is the verdict,
11:44 and there is then the judgment or the sentencing.
11:48 If you follow the Scripture and understand prophecy,
11:51 we are living in the investigative stage.
11:53 This is the time of the investigative judgment
11:59 and as 1 Peter 4:17 says,
12:00 "The time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God."
12:04 So that's the phase in which we're living.
12:05 Why the house of God?
12:07 Because it always begins with those
12:09 that have a connection.
12:10 And the Lord is examining whether what we say
12:13 is in harmony with how we live.
12:16 Let's go to question number 19.
12:18 Let's go to question number 19 and begin to lay
12:20 some foundation here tonight.
12:23 All right.
12:25 What makes it possible to stand confident
12:29 in light of the judgment?
12:31 What makes it possible to stand confident
12:35 in light of the judgment?
12:39 All right.
12:40 Romans 8:1 and 2.
12:46 Romans 8:1 and 2.
12:51 Okay, let's look at what the Bible says
12:53 and the answer will be on the screen
12:54 for those of you that are tuning in.
12:56 Here's the words of the Apostle Paul
12:59 because here now under the sentencing phase,
13:01 that's the context.
13:02 Here it is.
13:04 "There is therefore now," how much?
13:07 "No condemnation to those who are in," where?
13:11 "In Christ Jesus," and look at the decision,
13:13 "who do not walk according to the flesh,
13:15 but according to the," what?
13:17 "According to the Spirit."
13:19 Why?
13:20 Here's the verse.
13:21 "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
13:26 has made me free from the law of," what?
13:29 "Sin and death."
13:30 Now what is used in every trial?
13:33 What is used in every trial?
13:34 The law.
13:36 Thank You, the law.
13:37 There are books of law.
13:40 I am amazed and you know what?
13:41 I've discovered, I'm not by any means
13:44 educated in the area of law,
13:45 but I've discovered that every year case law is filed.
13:49 Whatever cases had occurred in 2014,
13:52 they filed that case law.
13:54 You may have heard
13:55 one of the most popular case law histories
13:57 in maybe in our nation talked about the most
13:59 Roe versus Wade
14:01 that has been continually referred
14:03 to in the area of the right to live, abortion.
14:07 Roe versus Wade, that's case law,
14:10 that's filed away.
14:11 And what happens is whenever a verdict is handed down,
14:14 they file that away.
14:16 That verdict becomes instrumental
14:18 in future verdicts.
14:20 And so when we stand in the court...
14:22 Matter of fact, go to James, very quickly with me.
14:26 Go to James.
14:28 There's a text I'm gonna show you
14:29 in Daniel 7 again, but go to James.
14:32 And let's see how James the Apostle
14:34 brings this picture into view.
14:37 James Chapter 2, okay.
14:41 Hey, we got that little thin book right there.
14:43 Okay, got it.
14:45 James 2:12.
14:56 Wow, wow.
15:00 I don't think I included this in the syllabus.
15:02 But Lord just brought this to my mind.
15:04 Praise the Lord. Here it is.
15:07 Notice the actions and the words.
15:10 He says, "So speak and so do as those who will be,"
15:14 what's the next word?
15:15 "Judged by the law of liberty."
15:19 That law can sit, that law can keep you free
15:23 that is, if you're in harmony with it.
15:25 I remember, I'm gonna read
15:27 the next verse in just a moment,
15:28 but I need to add the story here.
15:29 I remember going to court for a speeding ticket
15:33 and I was only two miles over the speed limit.
15:35 I was doing 67 in the 65,
15:38 and I was really upset that the police stopped me
15:40 for only two miles over the speed limit.
15:42 And so I got in the court.
15:46 I'm thinking about the whole thing,
15:47 I wore a nice suit, want to look credible.
15:51 And everybody's kind of coming up to the bench
15:55 to determine whether or not they want to challenge it
15:57 or they want to plead guilty.
15:59 And I'm thinking two miles over the speed limit,
16:01 that's nothing to plead guilty to.
16:03 So I go up and how do you plead?
16:08 Explanation, no.
16:09 How do you plead?
16:11 Can I explain, how do you plead?
16:15 Not guilty with an explanation.
16:17 No. How do you plead?
16:18 And they said, "Sir, what's the problem?"
16:20 I said, "I was only going two miles
16:21 over the speed limit."
16:22 What was the speed limit? I said 65.
16:24 So what were you going? Sixty seven.
16:25 You're guilty.
16:28 So I sat down with all the hashtag criminals.
16:32 They look like, some of them look so criminal.
16:35 And here I am with a nice suit, realizing I'm guilty too.
16:38 So is my point,
16:40 how you look is not the way
16:42 that the court is going to decide.
16:44 Amen?
16:45 It's gonna be based on the law.
16:47 Ecclesiastes says that.
16:49 You know, that God will bring every work into judgment
16:52 with every secret thing.
16:53 He says, "Keep the commandments of God,
16:55 this is gonna be the standard of judgment."
16:57 But look at the next verse and this is important.
17:01 He says, "For judgment is without mercy to the one
17:06 who has," what?
17:08 "Show no mercy,
17:09 mercy triumphs over judgment."
17:14 Now let's just think about that.
17:17 Do we serve a merciful Savior?
17:18 Yes.
17:20 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
17:21 Now why is that important in light of this text?
17:24 Because what we deserve when we plead.
17:27 You see, here's the point,
17:29 and I want to go back to the whole analogy.
17:31 We did this a long time ago on a different topic,
17:32 but it fits right here.
17:34 If you're guilty, you don't ask for judgment,
17:36 you don't ask for justice.
17:37 What do you ask for? Mercy.
17:39 You ask for mercy.
17:40 So when you go to court and you're guilty,
17:44 somebody said, throw yourself on the mercy of the court.
17:48 You know, brothers and sisters, that's our only hope,
17:52 our only hope of salvation
17:55 is to throw ourselves on the what?
17:58 Mercy of the court, and this is very important.
18:02 Now this is the reciprocal blessing of mercy.
18:06 If you are unmerciful, will you get mercy?
18:09 No. Not according to this text.
18:12 Mercy is shown to those who have mercy.
18:16 But for those who don't show mercy,
18:18 will the court have mercy on them?
18:20 Absolutely not, according to this verse.
18:23 So a note, this is not in the lesson,
18:26 but just fits right here.
18:28 If you're ever in a position where you can condemn somebody
18:31 or extend to them mercy,
18:34 pray that God will give you the wisdom
18:36 to make the right decision.
18:38 I can tell you, "Carte-Blanche extend mercy."
18:42 It all depends on the circumstance.
18:44 But I want to say even when judgment is meted out,
18:47 it should be done with mercy.
18:49 Because the Bible says sometimes we fall into sin
18:51 and He said, we should deal with our brother,
18:54 as though we would have them deal with us.
18:58 Just a thought, very important.
19:01 But for question number 19.
19:02 You want to write this answer down.
19:03 What makes it possible to stand in light of the judgment?
19:07 What makes it possible to stand?
19:11 Right, the law of the Spirit of life,
19:15 that's what makes it possible,
19:16 the spirit of life,
19:18 the freedom that we find from the law of sin and death.
19:20 And so when you think of that there the walk,
19:23 it's important now because
19:25 I don't want to just gloss over Romans 8:1 and 2,
19:28 how you walk is most important.
19:31 Let me just go back to that slide.
19:33 "There is therefore now no condemnation
19:35 to those who are," where?
19:37 To those who are where?
19:39 So what makes it possible to stand confident
19:42 in the judgment?
19:47 Come on. Somebody, give me the answer.
19:49 If you are in Christ.
19:52 You got us.
19:53 "If you are in Christ,
19:56 you don't walk into the court fearful because you're," where?
20:00 "In Christ."
20:01 That's the key to the answer.
20:03 That's what makes it possible to stand with confidence
20:06 in light of the judgment.
20:07 Right, then I stand in Christ.
20:12 That's how we find confidence.
20:14 Let's go to the next question.
20:16 Let's go to the next question.
20:18 And I'm seeing that being in Christ is
20:22 the answer to everything.
20:25 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation,
20:28 old things have passed away, all things had become, what?
20:31 Become new.
20:33 Question number 20.
20:36 For what reason can we have assurance
20:39 and not fear the judgment?
20:46 1 John 5:12.
20:49 Turn there with me.
20:50 1 John 5:12.
20:59 One of the things that I keep in mind,
21:01 as I'm studying this lesson is if you were in a process,
21:06 if you were in a court case,
21:08 how often would you keep in touch with your attorney?
21:12 Huh?
21:15 Constantly, right?
21:17 Until the case is decided,
21:19 you keep in touch with your lawyer,
21:21 your defense attorney, the person representing you.
21:24 You keep in touch, you let them know everything.
21:26 I heard a lawyer once said to someone,
21:29 "How can I defend you
21:30 if you don't tell me everything I need to know.
21:32 Don't allow me to go into court
21:34 and something shows up as a surprise."
21:35 But to Christ,
21:37 is there anything that's gonna be a surprise,
21:38 yes or no?
21:40 Nothing is gonna be surprise as the writer of Hebrews says,
21:43 "All things are naked and open to the eyes of Him
21:46 with whom we have to give an account."
21:48 So He knows all things and the beauty of His mercy is,
21:51 He stands in defense of those who stand in Him.
21:55 Look at 1 John 5:12.
21:57 For what reason can we have assurance
21:59 and not fear the judgment?
22:00 Here's what the Bible says,
22:03 "He who has the Son," what is the verdict?
22:06 "Has life,
22:07 he who does not have the Son of God
22:10 does not have," what?
22:11 "Does not have life."
22:13 Once again, I pointed back to Christ.
22:14 One of the reasons why you are not to fear the judgment
22:18 is if you have the Son, you have what?
22:22 That's the best kind of sentence to get,
22:23 that's a life sentence that we all are not worthy of,
22:27 but because of Christ, we receive that life sentence.
22:30 If you have the Son, you have what?
22:32 You have life.
22:33 Write that down.
22:34 For what reason can we have assurance
22:36 and not fear the judgment?
22:37 If you have the Son?
22:39 Last lesson study we talked about,
22:41 if anyone sins,
22:43 he has an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ,
22:46 the righteous.
22:47 The advocacy there is the lawyer,
22:49 the one who stands in our behalf,
22:50 the one who represents,
22:53 who speaks to the accuser in our behalf,
22:56 the one who atones for us.
22:59 But tonight, we're gonna add two more components
23:01 to the function of Christ in the judgment.
23:04 I can't wait to get to it.
23:06 So let me go ahead and move on.
23:08 All right, question number 21.
23:12 Here it is.
23:15 How has the fear of judgment been removed?
23:19 You notice the questions vary.
23:21 They sound similar to some degree,
23:23 but they're little different.
23:25 Because there are various scriptures
23:26 that add other components
23:28 to the answer of the fear question.
23:32 How has the fear of the judgment been removed?
23:35 Hebrews 2:14-15.
23:41 All right, the pages of silence,
23:43 so I'm assuming you all are there.
23:45 Okay. Here we are.
23:46 Hebrews 2:14 and 15.
23:49 And here's what the Bible reads,
23:50 "Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of the," what?
23:56 "Of flesh and blood."
23:58 Notice this, this is substitutionary."
24:00 He Himself likewise shared in the," what?
24:04 "Same that through death
24:07 He might destroy him who had the power of death,
24:11 that is," who?
24:13 "The devil and release those who through fear of death
24:18 were all their lifetime subject to," what?
24:21 "Bondage."
24:23 Now, let's break that down carefully here,
24:25 because I'm gonna put some other components
24:27 to the criminal scenario in.
24:30 When a person is a criminal,
24:32 when they bring them into the court,
24:33 what do they bring them in with?
24:35 How they bring them in?
24:38 Okay, another word we can use bondage here.
24:40 They come in and you're just hearing, clink, clink, clink,
24:44 chains, that their hands are bound.
24:47 It is awful.
24:49 I mean, sometimes the crime doesn't fit
24:51 the way that they handle the criminal,
24:53 but they bring them that way anyway,
24:55 then they have police all around the court
24:58 with large handguns and the person,
25:01 you could look at the person and you think.
25:04 What could they have possibly done
25:06 that would warrant them being shackled that way?
25:09 Well, the Lord is saying,
25:10 there are those who have been shackled all their lives
25:13 with fear, the fear of death.
25:16 All their lifetime
25:18 they were those who were fearful of death.
25:19 And let me put this in context.
25:21 I know someone that said,
25:24 "I'm not religious but
25:26 I can see the condition of the world and I'm fearful.
25:29 I don't know if I'm gonna be saved
25:30 or if I'm gonna be lost."
25:32 But that fear was lost
25:33 when that person gave her life to Christ.
25:36 Amen to that.
25:37 They are those
25:40 who are under the power of death
25:42 because they don't have themselves in Christ.
25:44 Going back to that scripture,
25:45 let me just bring it back on the screen.
25:47 Notice this, "Inasmuch then as the children
25:49 have partaken of flesh and blood,
25:52 He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death
25:56 He might destroy him who had," what?
25:58 "The power of death, that is the devil."
26:01 So who did Christ come to destroy?
26:04 Okay, did He come to destroy us?
26:06 No.
26:08 That's exactly, you got to keep that in mind.
26:10 That's why Matthew 25, the Bible makes it clear
26:12 that hell is prepared for the devil and his angels.
26:17 So the whole purpose of the judgment
26:18 is not to condemn His children.
26:21 John 3:17
26:22 "For God sent not His Son into the world to do," what?
26:25 "Condemn the world,
26:26 but that the world through Him might be saved."
26:28 That's simply saying, we were born condemned,
26:30 He wants to reverse our ending sentence.
26:34 And so when you think of yourself as condemned,
26:37 He wants to do something.
26:38 And let's look at verse 15
26:40 because I know sometimes you read this long text
26:41 and it go by you without explanation.
26:43 He wants to release to those who through fear of death
26:47 were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
26:50 They were bound.
26:52 I'm afraid of the end, don't know what's gonna happen,
26:54 am I gonna be lost?
26:55 Oh!
26:56 Jesus is coming, the world is coming to an end.
26:58 One young man confessed that every December 31st
27:00 he was filled with fear
27:01 thinking the world will come to end
27:03 to the end then.
27:04 But when you are in Christ, what does He do?
27:08 Right, perfect love does what?
27:09 Casts out fear.
27:12 Casts out all fear.
27:13 So here's the answer, you gonna put down.
27:17 How has fear of the judgment been removed?
27:20 How has it been removed?
27:21 I want some answers tonight.
27:24 I put my pot spoon away. Talk to me.
27:26 How has it been removed?
27:28 Through Christ's death.
27:30 Through Christ's death,
27:33 through Christ's death.
27:35 That's right but not only that,
27:39 He has already defeated the devil
27:42 who had that power of death.
27:45 Remember, He says in Revelation,
27:47 I have the keys of death and of the grave.
27:50 But up until that point,
27:51 Satan seemed to have been the steward of that.
27:54 But through His death,
27:56 he took back that power from the devil
27:59 and the devil knows that his day is coming.
28:02 That's why he has a short time.
28:03 So you want to put the answer down?
28:05 How has fear...?
28:06 How has the fear of the judgment been removed?
28:10 By the death of Christ.
28:12 In reality,
28:14 who should have been the one that died?
28:17 Say it again. Us.
28:19 The wages of sin is what?
28:20 Death.
28:21 This whole picture of the judgment,
28:23 there's a lot of good news that's contained
28:26 in the judgment.
28:28 Now let's go to number 22.
28:33 Okay, here we are.
28:42 What is the only possible outcome in the judgment?
28:47 And I should have pluralized the word.
28:49 Yeah, well, what are the only possible outcomes
28:53 in the judgment?
28:54 There you are.
28:55 What are the only possible outcomes
28:57 in the judgment?
28:59 Well, let's start with Romans 6:23.
29:01 We just repeated that.
29:03 I think you all know it, are you ready?
29:05 The wages of sin is what?
29:06 Death, but the gift of God, let's go and put it.
29:09 For the wages of sin is what?
29:11 Death, but the gift of God is what?
29:14 Eternal life in or through Christ Jesus our Lord.
29:17 So what are the only two possible outcomes there?
29:25 Death or life.
29:27 Those the only possible outcomes.
29:29 Death sentence or life sentence.
29:33 Which one do you want?
29:34 Life.
29:36 Life sentence, eternal life sentence,
29:38 that's the key.
29:39 There're only two...
29:41 Huh?
29:42 Death is eternal in its impact.
29:44 There's no coming back.
29:45 There is no resurrection for that.
29:47 That's it, that second death is final.
29:50 There is no coming back from that.
29:51 So the only two possible outcomes is death
29:54 and what else?
29:55 Life. Eternal life.
29:58 So you want to write that down.
29:59 Romans 6:23.
30:01 You gave me the answers.
30:02 The only possible outcome is death or eternal life.
30:06 Now let's go to the next one,
30:08 Revelation 22:11.
30:18 I like a Bible study that uses the Bible,
30:20 don't you?
30:22 That's why it's called a Bible study.
30:24 See, Bible study, something so many people
30:27 are missing is Bible studies.
30:29 Boy!
30:31 Okay, here we go. Revelation 22:11.
30:34 It shows the outcomes again,
30:36 let's read this one together.
30:37 "He who is unjust,
30:40 let him be unjust still,
30:42 he who is filthy, let him be," what?
30:45 "Filthy still,
30:46 he who is righteous,
30:48 let him be righteous still,
30:50 he who is holy, let him be," what?
30:52 "Holy still."
30:54 Although you had four things mentioned,
30:55 you only have two categories.
30:58 Only have two categories.
30:59 Let's put it together.
31:01 Unjust and filthy is one category, right?
31:05 Unjust and filthy
31:07 and the other one is righteous and holy
31:09 because when you're righteous, you're what?
31:11 Holy.
31:12 When you're holy, you're what? Righteous.
31:14 So write that down, the answers are unjust and filthy.
31:18 Because when you are filthy, you're unjust,
31:19 and when you're unjust, you're filthy.
31:23 But when you're righteous, you're holy,
31:24 and when you're holy,
31:25 you're righteous.
31:27 Those are the two categories.
31:29 Now, we're gonna catapult ourselves
31:34 into another facet of the judgment.
31:36 We've been talking about the conditions,
31:38 but now we're gonna be starting to focus on
31:41 how do we permanently
31:44 get rid of
31:46 all of our life record of sin?
31:49 How do we permanently get rid of that?
31:54 I want to say it but let me just not run ahead of myself.
31:57 It's all in my head
31:58 and I want you to get a chance
32:00 to be able to benefit from that.
32:01 So write those two things down,
32:03 if you're still answering question number 22.
32:05 Revelation 22:11.
32:08 Unjust and filthy or righteous and holy.
32:11 Okay. Number 23.
32:14 Here's the question.
32:16 What benefit is the judgment to the Christian?
32:20 What benefit is the judgment to the Christian?
32:25 All right, Acts 3:19.
32:30 Okay.
32:31 All right.
32:35 I'm leaving my flagship text
32:39 to the very end of this study.
32:41 I have my pen there.
32:43 So when the clock is coming down to the end,
32:44 I'm gonna hit you with my flagship text.
32:46 Okay.
32:47 That's why I haven't moved my page,
32:49 because my flagship text is in there.
32:51 All right.
32:52 We were building ourselves into the flagship,
32:54 this is the material.
32:55 Acts 3:19, here's what the Bible says.
32:58 What benefit is the judgment to the Christian?
33:00 "Repent therefore and be," what?
33:04 "Converted, that your sins may be blotted out,
33:09 so that times of refreshing may come from the presence
33:14 of the Lord."
33:16 Now, I don't know how many
33:17 of you have ever smelled downy before.
33:20 It's a fabric softener.
33:22 Right?
33:23 Downy is refreshing.
33:26 Some of the filthiest clothing has been restored to a fresh,
33:32 refreshing scent by Downy
33:35 or whatever fabric softener you use.
33:37 Water was not enough, water can never give that.
33:40 Now what I'm speaking about here
33:42 is I'm not talking
33:43 about the covering of a sin.
33:46 I'm talking about the, what?
33:49 The two words in yellow
33:50 "blotted out."
33:52 Have you ever spilled something on a carpet before?
33:56 We have so much technical cleaning supplies today
34:01 that for some people all the cleaning chemicals
34:03 we have almost become unhealthy to some individuals.
34:07 You got...
34:09 I don't want to even start mentioning the brands
34:11 but you have stuff
34:12 that you can spray on the carpet and you leave it
34:14 and you come back
34:16 and it's gone.
34:18 And some of the stuff that we use for clothes,
34:21 Shout years ago, remember Shout?
34:24 You know, it's not something you do in church,
34:27 it's something you use in the laundry.
34:29 Shout, you get the shout, shout out.
34:32 But then now they've been shouting out
34:34 different ways now and then
34:36 whatever the other stuff and there's Goo B Gone
34:39 is another one.
34:40 If something sticky falls,
34:41 you put Goo B Gone and before you know
34:43 the goo is gone.
34:45 It works, it really does.
34:46 And then you have the stuff that you spray in the carpet.
34:50 Yeah, I don't know what the name of it is,
34:51 but it works.
34:53 It really, it even works for grape juice.
34:55 But I want to tell you,
34:57 this blotting out is huge
35:01 because it's not covering up.
35:02 See, if I spill something on the carpet
35:04 and I cover it up, is it gone?
35:08 It's still there.
35:11 But if I blot it out,
35:13 is it gone?
35:15 Yes, it is.
35:16 Now what I want you to know the blotting out factor,
35:18 there has to be a cleansing agent
35:21 to be able to remove that.
35:22 I want you to put the answer first,
35:24 and then I'm gonna show you the cleansing agent.
35:25 What benefit is the judgment to the Christian?
35:28 Your sins may be blotted out.
35:31 Your sins may be blotted out.
35:34 You see, throughout the year
35:36 the Jewish year,
35:38 as they yearly look to the Day of Atonement,
35:40 that At-one-meant their sins, the blood of the lambs,
35:44 the blood of the goats, and the bulls,
35:46 and the pigeons, and the heifers
35:47 was sprinkled all year long.
35:49 And what a filthy mess it was.
35:52 And the cleansing of the sanctuary
35:54 was necessary
35:56 to restore to its rightful place.
35:58 If I could use a phrase using the text,
36:00 to the refreshing time.
36:04 But until the refreshing time,
36:05 those sins were simply transferred
36:08 and they were there.
36:10 And when the Day of Atonement came,
36:11 when the provision was made,
36:13 and those who made provision for that final cleansing,
36:15 their sins were blotted out.
36:18 But if there was no provision made,
36:21 they...
36:22 Now, this is powerful.
36:24 Either the sin was removed
36:26 or they were removed
36:28 because if the sin was not blotted out
36:32 for the Day of Atonement services,
36:34 they could never be a part of the Feast of Tabernacles.
36:37 They couldn't get it, they could not participate.
36:39 That's the celebration.
36:40 Let me put that in context.
36:41 We will...
36:43 I mean, it's good to celebrate the Sabbath.
36:44 But the real celebration is going to come
36:46 when our sins are eternally blotted out.
36:48 What do you say to that?
36:49 When our sins are finally gone never to come up again,
36:52 that's the real celebration.
36:54 You know, years ago,
36:56 I remember the celebration movement.
36:57 You don't want to be sad,
36:59 depress.
37:01 You know, sour Christians,
37:04 but celebrate the reality
37:05 of the righteousness of Christ in our lives.
37:08 Don't celebrate arbitrarily.
37:10 But now let me show you Revelation Chapter 12.
37:12 Go there with me.
37:14 I'm gonna show you the blotting out agent.
37:16 Revelation Chapter 12.
37:19 Okay.
37:25 Okay.
37:33 We're all there.
37:34 Revelation Chapter 12.
37:36 And then I'm gonna show you another one
37:39 because you got to see the ending
37:40 that the cleaning agent.
37:42 All right, here it is Revelation 12:11.
37:47 Because we talked about the accuser in verse 10
37:48 but now verse 11
37:50 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
37:53 and by the word of their testimony,
37:56 and they did not love their lives to the death."
37:59 In other words, they were willing to die
38:01 to be saved.
38:03 They were willing to die
38:04 to maintain an unbroken relationship
38:06 with Christ.
38:07 But now go to 1 John 1:7.
38:14 We see the blood there.
38:17 Years ago, when Pastor Doug Batchelor
38:19 and I did a series,
38:20 you know, we asked the question,
38:23 how can something red really blot out?
38:26 How can red,
38:28 red blood out?
38:30 My front row here, this is the red battalion
38:32 right down here.
38:35 Red, it's a symbol of blood
38:37 and it's also in our modern society,
38:39 a symbol of love.
38:40 The love of Christ is in the blood of Christ.
38:44 Here it is,
38:45 1 John 1:7.
38:48 Notice,
38:50 "But if we walk in the light
38:52 as He is in the light,
38:54 we have fellowship with one another,
38:56 and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son does," what?
39:00 "Cleanses us from all sin."
39:05 Cleanses us from, how much?
39:07 All sin.
39:10 And the verse before that says,
39:11 don't say you don't have any sin
39:12 because you're lying to yourself.
39:14 We all need the blood of Jesus Christ, do we not?
39:17 The cleansing agent.
39:19 The blotting out factor cannot be done
39:21 without the blood of Jesus.
39:23 Some people think,
39:24 some people try to work themselves
39:25 into the favor of God.
39:27 You know, religion that's based on works
39:29 is a religion that's gonna exhaust you
39:31 with no lasting results.
39:33 And there are many Eastern religions
39:35 and world religions where they work,
39:36 work, work, work, work,
39:38 and they call that pilgrimages
39:40 and penance and all the indulgences,
39:43 all these things that have no eternal value
39:45 in the blotting out of sin.
39:46 But the blood of Jesus Christ is what each one of us
39:49 is in need of for our sins to be blotted out,
39:51 ain't that right?
39:52 Go to the next one now.
39:54 Isaiah, let's go to question number 24.
39:58 I'm moving at a good pace,
39:59 I'm aiming to end this lesson tonight
40:01 but if not,
40:03 I have my flagship text waiting for me.
40:05 All right, question number 24.
40:06 Here it is.
40:08 What is the end result
40:10 of the blotting out of sin?
40:13 What is the end result
40:15 of the blotting out of sin?
40:18 Isaiah 44:22,
40:22 the end result.
40:25 Okay, Isaiah 44:20.
40:28 You guys are fab...
40:29 We have a group that knows their Bibles very well.
40:32 Isaiah 44:22 they are ahead of me,
40:35 here we go to catch up with those who are tuning in.
40:38 The Lord says that in Isaiah 44:22,
40:40 "I have, " say the next two words,
40:43 "blotted out like a thick cloud,
40:47 your transgressions,
40:49 and like a cloud," what?
40:51 "Your sins.
40:52 Return to Me, for I have done," what?
40:55 "Redeemed you."
40:56 The end result of our sins being blotted out
40:59 is we are redeemed.
41:01 Amen to that?
41:02 But notice, I want you to catch something.
41:04 I don't want you to run past it too quickly.
41:05 He calls our transgressions a thick cloud
41:07 and our sins a cloud.
41:10 Wow! Why would he do that?
41:13 Sins are often some...
41:15 Sins can be incidental,
41:17 transgression in the context of this phrase
41:19 here in the Hebrew is more so iniquity.
41:22 Think that a person holds on to
41:24 and just refuses to let go.
41:27 So when you think of transgression,
41:30 it's a deep stain.
41:32 Sins in this context, well, I just spilled something
41:35 but transgression is I poured it on the carpet.
41:38 That's the difference altogether.
41:39 But the Lord is saying,
41:41 hey, I could get rid of both of them.
41:42 Amen to that?
41:44 Whether you have intentionally done something,
41:46 or whether you have incidentally done something,
41:49 He is able to blot out both.
41:52 That's why I like this text so much
41:54 because the Lord doesn't say,
41:55 well, I can handle some but I can't handle the others.
41:58 Whoever comes to me, I will in nowise cast out.
42:00 That's the beauty of the judgment.
42:02 For those of you who are tuning in
42:03 and watching the program and may be listening to it.
42:05 I want to encourage you that there's nothing you can do
42:07 that the Lord cannot remove.
42:09 There's no sin you could ever commit.
42:11 Some people spend too much time
42:13 trying to figure out the unpardonable sin,
42:15 people go about, what is the unpardonable sin?
42:17 If you have to ask the question,
42:19 you haven't committed it yet.
42:20 Okay.
42:21 So don't try to find it,
42:23 and see how close you can get to it
42:25 without being lost.
42:27 Jesus can forgive.
42:29 As we said in years ago,
42:31 He can save from the gutter-most
42:32 to the uttermost.
42:34 That's exactly what He does.
42:36 So the answer here is what is the end result
42:39 of the blotting out of sin?
42:41 What is it?
42:42 You are redeemed.
42:43 Redeemed, it's a powerful word.
42:45 Sometimes people take things to the by army basis,
42:49 you know, guys don't have enough money,
42:50 they take stuff to the pawn shop there.
42:52 And they say, Well, I have a guitar.
42:53 How much could you give for it?
42:55 They get like 40 bucks and they get this ticket?
42:58 They said, well, you bring that ticket back
43:01 and you pay me for what I've lent you
43:02 for that guitar.
43:03 That ticket has redeeming value,
43:05 that's a redemption ticket.
43:07 You see, when you win a prize, they give you a ticket, ticket
43:09 that's a redemption ticket.
43:12 Well, the redemption ticket
43:14 is the life of Jesus.
43:15 The price for our redemption is His shed blood.
43:19 Amen?
43:20 Each one of us has redemption value
43:22 in the eyes of the Lord,
43:24 it's a powerful concept
43:25 because some people don't know their worth
43:27 and they think the Lord is gonna leave them
43:28 where the devil has pawned them.
43:30 No, He came looking for us.
43:32 He did that to Adam, where are you?
43:34 And He's gonna come back again and find us.
43:36 Salvation is not that we find Jesus,
43:38 salvation is that He finds us.
43:41 Okay, number 25.
43:45 Why is it so important to have our sins blotted out?
43:49 Woo!
43:50 Why is it so important to have our sins blotted out?
43:53 You theologians know the answer already,
43:54 but give those who are tuning in a chance
43:56 to turn to the text.
43:58 Proverbs 28:13.
44:04 It's kind of like when you're leaving the house
44:05 on a long trip, you stand by the front door
44:07 and you think what have I forgotten?
44:09 What have I... Have you done it before?
44:11 What have I forgotten, what have I?
44:12 You go through the checklist.
44:14 For those of you can't remember,
44:15 you write down checklist
44:16 because you don't want to get next to the airport and say,
44:18 I forgot my passport.
44:20 That's the end of that journey.
44:22 What have I forgotten?
44:23 This is a powerful text.
44:24 Someone once pointed out, someone once pointed out.
44:29 I don't know if I confessed everything
44:32 and the preacher responded just ask the Holy Spirit
44:35 to bring it back to your mind and He will,
44:37 ain't that right?
44:39 You don't have to remember the inventory
44:40 and if you just get to the wall and you can't remember,
44:42 say, Lord, whatever I have done.
44:46 David prayed the prayer,
44:49 search me
44:50 and see if there is any...
44:52 That was his overreaching inventory.
44:55 Lord, search me, and try me,
44:57 and see if there's any wicked way in me.
45:02 And then lead me into the way everlasting.
45:04 Wow!
45:06 Okay, here we are, the answer,
45:07 Proverbs 28:13
45:09 and we asked the question,
45:11 why is it so important
45:12 to have our sins blotted out?
45:14 The Bible says, "He who covers his sins will not," what?
45:19 "Will not prosper,
45:20 but whoever confesses and forsakes them
45:25 will have," what?
45:27 If you confess and forsake them,
45:28 you will have what?
45:29 "Mercy"
45:31 We talked about the judge, merciful.
45:33 That song now, wonderful, merciful savior
45:34 takes on new meaning, doesn't it?
45:36 Wonderful, merciful say...
45:38 Who would have thought
45:39 that lamb could rescue the souls of men?
45:41 What a song writer?
45:43 How beautiful that is?
45:44 So why is it so important to have our sins blotted out?
45:49 Huh?
45:51 You obtain mercy. You obtain mercy
45:54 I said earlier, if you're guilty,
45:56 you better not ask for justice
45:59 'cause you'll get it.
46:02 I forgot the lady name now all of a sudden,
46:05 Casey Anthony or number of others.
46:08 I'm always amazed
46:09 when people that are really,
46:11 allegedly guilty of a crime
46:13 decide to defend themselves.
46:16 And they have no skills in the area of law.
46:21 That's why I'm not gonna defend myself.
46:23 If anyone sins,
46:24 we have an advocate with the Father,
46:26 Jesus Christ, the righteous.
46:27 Amen?
46:29 Get somebody who knows how to defend you.
46:30 Get somebody who's never lost the case to defend you.
46:32 That's who Jesus is.
46:34 Never lost the case.
46:35 So why is it important?
46:37 Say it again.
46:39 So we will have mercy.
46:41 And also we will be able to prosper,
46:44 we will be able to prosper.
46:46 You'll discover one of the hindrances
46:47 to prosperity,
46:48 spiritual prosperity
46:50 is that people try to cover their sins.
46:52 You can't live a prosperous Christian life
46:54 if you have the sin just dragging behind you
46:57 all the time.
46:58 You can hear the can of your sins with you.
47:01 You can see the stain of your sins all over.
47:03 If you get rid of that, you don't have to worry
47:04 about hiding it.
47:06 Don't try to cover it,
47:08 get rid of it.
47:09 Praise the Lord for that.
47:10 Okay, number 26.
47:12 Moving right along. Moving right along.
47:16 Okay. Wow.
47:18 Based on the sanctuary services
47:22 what two roles does Christ fulfill?
47:26 What two roles, we'll begin with Hebrews 4:14.
47:29 I pointed out last lesson study
47:31 we talked about Jesus being the judge,
47:33 Jesus being the advocate.
47:35 We're gonna find out two more things.
47:37 Find out two more things.
47:38 Hebrews 4:14.
47:40 All right.
47:41 I'll turn there with you.
47:43 Because there's another verse I wanna add to that.
47:45 Hebrews 4:14.
47:48 Okay, here it is on the screen.
47:51 "Seeing then that we have a great," what?
47:55 "High Priest
47:57 who has passed through the heavens,
48:00 Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our," what?
48:04 "Confession."
48:06 So what did we add now?
48:08 We had Judge, Jesus is, advocate,
48:11 Jesus is, what else is He?
48:13 High Priest.
48:16 Thank you. Thank you, honey.
48:18 Great High Priest.
48:20 See, men on earth were high priests,
48:21 but Jesus is the Great High Priest.
48:25 That's the difference all together.
48:26 A lot of times when people make an appeal to the court,
48:29 and they can't get justice on the local level,
48:32 they go to the circuit court.
48:35 Then they go to the...
48:36 I don't know the whole process,
48:38 but they ended up if they can't get satisfied,
48:39 they always, they always go to the what?
48:41 Supreme Court.
48:43 In the Supreme Court are the great judges.
48:48 Tonight we got a Supreme Court somewhere.
48:51 Amen?
48:52 And I'm holding my... I'm holding my flagship text
48:54 to the end when you're going to say hallelujah.
48:57 So keep that in mind. Keep that in mind.
48:58 We got a great,
49:00 we got a Supreme Court somewhere.
49:02 And in that court is a Judge who never lost a case,
49:05 a Lawyer who never disappointed His clients,
49:08 a High Priest who never saw someone
49:10 that He could not atone for.
49:12 All right, let's get the other component.
49:15 1 Corinthians 1:7, the other thing.
49:17 So Hebrews 4:14, we wanna add High Priest.
49:21 Great. Thank you, honey.
49:22 Great High Priest,
49:24 not just High Priest, great High Priest.
49:28 Let's look at another function.
49:30 This is huge.
49:32 1 Corinthians 1:7.
49:35 "Therefore purge out the old leaven,"
49:41 1 Corinthians 1:7.
49:45 Did I say 5:7 in the lesson?
49:47 Ignore that.
49:49 Wait, no, no, no, don't ignore that.
49:51 That's where the text is.
49:53 Sorry, my typos on the screen.
49:55 But you go to the right text, we'll find it.
49:57 Let me just turn it with you.
49:59 Okay, 1 Corinthians 5:7,
50:02 you wanna make that correction on the syllabus,
50:05 on the slide, ignore it.
50:07 But here it is.
50:08 It says, "Therefore purge out the," what?
50:12 "Old leaven, that you may be a," what?
50:16 "New lump."
50:18 I haven't been called a lump in a long time.
50:21 "Since you truly are," what?
50:24 "Unleavened," that's huge.
50:26 That's communion service language.
50:28 That's sanctuary language.
50:30 And here's the reason why.
50:31 Just put the text up,
50:33 we'll go ahead and negotiate through that.
50:35 "For indeed Christ, our," what?
50:38 "Passover, was sacrificed for us."
50:42 Another role that Christ plays not just our Judge,
50:45 and our Advocate, and our High Priest,
50:47 but He is also what?
50:48 Our Passover,
50:51 you want to know what that's like,
50:52 you ask the Egyptians,
50:54 whether or not they had a Passover.
50:55 They didn't.
50:57 They had to pass through.
50:59 They didn't get passed over.
51:00 They got passed through.
51:02 The destroying angel went through the land of Egypt
51:06 and did and create havoc.
51:08 But for those whose homes were covered
51:10 by the blood of the Lamb,
51:12 for those whose on the doorpost of their houses
51:15 with the blood was applied to the lintels of the house.
51:17 And they were inside the house.
51:19 When the destroying angel came by
51:21 He did what?
51:22 He passed over.
51:25 Christ, the Lamb is our Passover.
51:29 All that you see
51:30 when you think about the judgment
51:31 is all about who Jesus is.
51:34 He's the Judge.
51:35 He's the Advocate.
51:36 He is the High Priest, the great High Priest.
51:38 He's also our Passover, our Passover lamb.
51:42 Those who celebrate the Passover,
51:44 never forget that.
51:45 But some of them are stuck on that,
51:46 they haven't gotten yet to the reality of it.
51:49 Christ, the Passover is the image
51:51 but Christ is the verity.
51:53 Christ is the representation of the lamb.
51:55 The lamb represent Christ,
51:57 but He is the actual sacrifice Himself.
52:00 Write that one down.
52:01 What is He?
52:03 The syllabus is correct.
52:04 1 Corinthians 5:7,
52:06 "He is our," what?
52:07 "Our Passover."
52:09 That means destruction is coming again.
52:12 For those who are covered by the blood of the Lamb,
52:14 what's gonna happen this time?
52:16 It's gonna do what?
52:18 Pass over us.
52:19 Destruction will do what?
52:21 Pass over us.
52:24 One preacher preached a sermon about the mark of the beast,
52:26 he called it marked for death or sealed for life.
52:32 I wanna be sealed for life.
52:34 We don't wanna be marked for death.
52:37 Okay, let's go to the next one.
52:38 Number 27.
52:41 We have made some great headway tonight.
52:44 What tremendous benefit is provided through Christ,
52:49 our High Priest?
52:51 This is the long text.
52:53 So we're gonna take some time on this one.
52:55 What tremendous benefit,
52:56 go to Hebrews 9:11-14.
53:00 What tremendous benefit is provided through Christ,
53:03 our High Priest?
53:06 You know, when you get benefits,
53:08 they are great.
53:09 But when the benefits are from Christ,
53:10 they're tremendous. They are tremendous.
53:12 That's why I put the word tremendous.
53:15 All right.
53:16 I'm gonna bring it up on the screen
53:18 because it's quite a long text
53:19 to cover the number of slides,
53:20 and we'll walk through it together.
53:22 Here it is.
53:23 "But Christ came as," what?
53:26 "High Priest of the good things to come,
53:30 with the greater and more perfect tabernacle
53:34 not made with hands,
53:36 that is, not of this creation."
53:39 Continuing, "Not with the blood of goats and calves,
53:44 but with, " what kind of blood?
53:46 "His own blood
53:47 He entered the Most Holy Place once for all,
53:51 having obtained," what?
53:53 "Eternal redemption."
53:55 And I like this verse 13.
53:57 "For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes
54:02 of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies
54:07 for the purifying of the flesh,"
54:09 here it is,
54:10 "how much more shall the blood of Christ,
54:15 who through the eternal Spirit
54:17 offered Himself without," what?
54:20 "Spot to God,
54:21 cleanse your conscience
54:23 from dead works to serve the," what?
54:26 "Living God."
54:28 Simply saying,
54:29 if animals were accepted
54:31 for the purification of men's sins,
54:34 how much more the spotless blood of Christ,
54:39 how much more the perfect blood of Christ
54:41 can cleanse us.
54:43 And I like the way it says.
54:46 "Cleanse your conscience from dead works
54:48 to serve the," what? "Living God."
54:51 "Cleanse your conscience from dead works
54:53 to serve the living God."
54:55 A lot of times people are more concerned,
54:57 what can I do? What can I do? What can I do? What can I do?
55:00 And Christ is saying, wait a minute, no,
55:01 what do you want me to do?
55:03 Because the old system is based on works, continual works,
55:07 but what's pointed out here is,
55:09 and as the Lord says,
55:10 to obey is better than to sacrifice into harken.
55:15 That means listen to me
55:16 is preferred above the fat of rams.
55:19 But there are those who in the times of Christ,
55:22 when Jesus showed up,
55:24 he said to the Pharisees,
55:25 and to the Scribes
55:27 reading the Word, he said,
55:30 I'm gonna hold my Bible, he said,
55:32 you search the Scriptures, right?
55:34 For in them, you think you have eternal life,
55:36 but they are they that testify of me.
55:38 Now, a lot of people used that text
55:40 for the purpose of saying that you must study the Bible.
55:43 What Jesus is saying is,
55:45 hey, you spending a lot of time in the book.
55:48 It doesn't, what does it point to?
55:50 I'm right here,
55:52 he is in essence, saying,
55:53 "You are so locked into the works."
55:57 But I'm right here.
55:59 And they couldn't get it,
56:00 they rejected the verity.
56:02 They got stuck on the symbols.
56:04 What was being pointed out here
56:05 is Christ was saying,
56:07 "Let's get away from the dead works
56:09 and connect ourselves to the living Christ."
56:11 That's what's pointed out here.
56:13 So the answer is what tremendous benefit
56:15 is provided through Christ, our High Priest, what is it?
56:24 Let's put that, eternal redemption.
56:27 How much more shall the blood of Christ
56:29 who through the eternal spirit,
56:31 eternal redemption,
56:33 this is a very long text,
56:34 eternal redemption.
56:36 What he does,
56:37 as the text verse 13,
56:39 gives you the answer at the very end,
56:40 having obtained eternal redemption.
56:44 That is what is imputed and imparted to us
56:48 because of the blood of Christ.
56:50 I might try to get one more in there.
56:52 But let me hold that one off for next week
56:54 because I wanna give you my big text.
56:56 Go with me quickly to Daniel 7.
56:59 I want to give you my flagship text
57:01 because if I go to another question,
57:03 I won't have time to finish my flagship text.
57:07 I like my flagship text
57:09 because we all need to know okay,
57:11 when is all done?
57:13 How was it gonna pan out?
57:15 Daniel 7.
57:17 Daniel 7:21-22.
57:19 Okay.
57:21 Here it is.
57:22 "I was watching
57:24 and the same horn was making war
57:26 against the saints,
57:27 and prevailing against them,
57:28 meaning, he was having his way
57:30 until the Ancient of Days came,
57:32 and judgment was made in," what?
57:34 "Favor of the saints of the Most High,
57:39 and the time came for the saints
57:41 to possess the kingdom."
57:42 That's coming.
57:44 The beauty of the end verdict
57:45 is judgment will be made in favor of the saints.
57:50 Those of you that are watching this program
57:52 or maybe listening,
57:53 the Lord wants to bring the verdict to ahead
57:56 in your favor.
57:58 He wants you to stand with Him.
57:59 And so if it doesn't make sense, friends,
58:01 keep trusting Him
58:03 because one day it'll come into A Sharper Focus.
58:05 God bless you.


Revised 2019-05-23