A Sharper Focus

The Truth about the Judgment, Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000098

00:18 Hello, friends.
00:20 Welcome to another Wednesday night Bible study
00:22 here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:24 We thank you for tuning in to A Sharper Focus,
00:27 as we continue our study
00:28 on the truth about the judgment.
00:31 And so for the next hour or less, get your Bibles,
00:34 invite your family and friends,
00:36 and if you're joining us from one of the local churches,
00:39 we thank you for tuning in.
00:40 We hope that this time together in the Word of God
00:43 could be a time of building relationships
00:45 with each other as well as with the Word of God.
00:50 In just a few moments, I'll tell you how to get a copy
00:52 of the lesson that you can follow along with us.
00:54 But before we do that,
00:56 let's begin with a word of prayer.
00:58 Gracious Father in heaven,
01:00 we thank You for the opportunity
01:01 to study Your Word.
01:03 Lord, we know that whenever we open the Bible,
01:05 we open a very holy book.
01:08 And unless the Holy Spirit leads us,
01:10 we may gain intellectual knowledge,
01:12 but there won't be a change in our lives.
01:14 And so, Lord, lead us tonight, not only to be furnished
01:17 with more knowledge, but we pray
01:19 that You'll give us the power
01:21 to live in harmony with what we learn.
01:23 We ask in Jesus' name, amen.
01:27 For a copy of the lesson, go to this following website,
01:31 ASF.3ABN.org
01:35 and download Lesson Number 28,
01:38 "The Truth about the Judgment."
01:40 "The Truth about the Judgment,"
01:42 and that's what we're gonna be studying tonight.
01:44 Now we have already started this lesson,
01:46 and we're gonna begin at Lesson Number 11.
01:48 But before we go to that,
01:49 we're gonna have our theme song.
01:52 And we're gonna begin our night
01:55 with the song "Victory in Jesus."
01:58 So if you know the song and you want to sing along
02:00 with us, you can, but here's our theme song.
02:11 I heard an old, old story
02:15 How the Savior came from glory
02:19 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:22 To save a wretch like me
02:26 I heard about His groaning
02:30 Of His precious blood's atoning
02:34 Then I repented of my sin
02:37 And won the victory
02:41 O victory in Jesus
02:45 My Savior, forever
02:49 He sought me and bought me
02:53 With His redeeming blood
02:56 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:00 And all my love is due Him
03:04 He plunged me to victory
03:08 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:11 I heard about a mansion
03:15 He has built for me in glory
03:19 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:23 Beyond the crystal sea
03:27 About the angels singing
03:30 And the old redemption story
03:34 And some sweet day, I'll sing up there
03:38 The song of victory Key change.
03:42 O victory in Jesus
03:45 My Savior, forever
03:49 He sought me and bought me
03:53 With His redeeming blood
03:57 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:00 And all my love is due Him
04:04 He plunged me to victory
04:08 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:12 He plunged me to victory
04:16 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:22 Can we say amen to that? Amen.
04:24 That is our only hope,
04:26 to be plunged beneath the cleansing blood.
04:30 That's where we find victory in Jesus.
04:35 Now we've had a continual walk through this topic,
04:39 we are on question number 11.
04:41 But what I'd like to do is have you open your Bibles
04:44 to 1 Peter 4:17,
04:47 1 Peter 4:17.
04:50 And as I lay the foundation for this particular verse,
04:54 you know, when you think about the purpose of the judgment,
04:57 you think about, "Well, why would the Lord
04:59 want to have a judgment anyway?"
05:02 Anytime a person is called to a judgment or to court,
05:06 it is for the purpose of examination.
05:07 In other words, the purpose,
05:09 the person may be accused of something
05:11 or may be guilty of something.
05:13 In some cases, they may have gotten something
05:14 as simple as a traffic ticket
05:16 or some kind of parking violation.
05:19 It can go all the way up to,
05:21 unfortunately, murder or homicide.
05:24 Any particular crime
05:25 can cause us to appear before a court.
05:29 In the context of this particular verse,
05:31 though, 1 Peter 4:17,
05:35 the Bible lets us know
05:36 where the judgment is going to begin.
05:39 Now the reason why it's gonna begin here,
05:41 and you'll see this as we go further through the lesson,
05:44 is because
05:46 "If you're not claiming to be connected to me,
05:50 then there's really no reason for me to examine what you do.
05:53 And if there is no relationship,
05:55 then I have no reason to expect anything from you."
05:59 But because there is a relationship
06:02 and there is an expectation in that relationship,
06:05 the Lord begins with those who claim
06:07 to have a relationship with Him.
06:09 For example, I will not expect anything
06:11 from any other woman
06:13 but my wife because we have a relationship.
06:15 If she asks something of me or I ask something of her,
06:17 we have a relationship obligation to fulfill
06:20 because we made a covenant with each other.
06:22 In the very same way, we made a covenant with God,
06:25 we have a relationship obligation.
06:27 So to say I have a relationship
06:28 but I'm not fulfilling the obligations
06:30 of that relationship,
06:31 the Lord brings into examination
06:34 whether or not my declaration is in harmony with my actions.
06:38 So let's look at 1 Peter 4:17, and notice what the Bible says.
06:42 1 Peter 4:17,
06:45 and it says, "For the time has come
06:48 for judgment to begin at the," where, "at the house of God.
06:53 And if it begins with us first,
06:57 what will be the end of those who do not obey
07:01 the gospel of God?"
07:03 And look at verse 18.
07:04 "Now if the righteous one is scarcely saved,
07:10 where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?"
07:13 You know, when I read that verse,
07:16 that says the word "scarcely saved,"
07:18 I think of, my wife and I, a number of years ago,
07:22 on our way to Australia, and we were going
07:24 but we did not know we needed a visa.
07:27 And what that means in America is you have to have a visa,
07:30 not a credit card, but a country visa to get
07:33 into certain places around the world.
07:35 And we lived in California at the time.
07:37 And when we got to the airport,
07:39 the ticket counter, the agent said,
07:41 "Where's your visa?"
07:42 We said, "We don't have a visa."
07:44 They said, "Well, you cannot gonna go
07:46 to Australia without a visa."
07:48 I said, "Well, how could we get a visa?"
07:49 They said, "Well, you could wait till
07:51 Monday morning."
07:52 I said, "It's already a day ahead in Australia,
07:55 and I'm the speaker there and I have to be there
07:57 by a certain time, I need to leave today."
07:59 They said, "We'll, you're not going to Australia.
08:01 You could leave,
08:02 but the furthest you're gonna get is Hawaii."
08:04 I said, "Well, is there a consulate in Hawaii?
08:06 American embassy?"
08:08 They said, "Yes."
08:09 They said, "But the chances are you might not get it."
08:11 I said, "Well, if I'm gonna be stuck,
08:13 I want to be stuck in Hawaii."
08:16 And so I said,
08:17 "Is there an Australian embassy?"
08:19 They said, "Yes, there's one there."
08:20 I said, "Okay, great."
08:22 So we went there, and praise the Lord,
08:23 in a matter of five hours before our next flight left,
08:27 because it was a long layover, we were able to get our visa.
08:31 But here's the point.
08:32 We scarcely got on that plane because we stood at the counter
08:35 and tried to convince the agent,
08:37 "Please let us on the plane."
08:39 She said, "Why?
08:41 You don't have a visa, you can't go."
08:43 I said, "We'll chance it."
08:47 And we chanced it, we got to Hawaii,
08:48 praise the Lord.
08:50 So we were the last ones to get on board.
08:52 We scarcely made it on that plane.
08:54 When we got on there, perspiring and out of breath...
08:58 We were in coach,
08:59 we were not even in first class.
09:00 But only those in first class are offered something to drink
09:03 before the plane takes off.
09:05 But the flight attendant who's looking at us says,
09:07 "Would you like something to drink?"
09:09 We went, "Yes."
09:10 We were exhausted, we barely made it.
09:13 But now if we, who are on the plane,
09:17 who are on the ticket manifest, scarcely make it on board,
09:21 what about those
09:22 whose names are not on the manifest?
09:24 They're not gonna make it.
09:26 So this is why the judgment begins at the house of God,
09:28 their names are on the manifest,
09:30 and the manifest, in this case, is the Book of Life.
09:35 And if we who are on the Book of Life
09:37 scarcely make it,
09:39 what will those whose names are not on the Book of Life,
09:41 where will they appear?
09:43 They won't appear
09:44 on the right side of the judgment.
09:46 They will be on the outside.
09:48 And in this case, when the plane takes off,
09:51 only those who are on board
09:52 are gonna make their destination.
09:54 The purpose of this lesson is to find confidence
09:56 that we are on the right side of the wall,
10:00 that we are in the proper standing
10:02 so that when the judgment is over,
10:04 our names are on the manifest, or more specifically,
10:07 our names are in the Book of Life.
10:08 Amen to that? Amen.
10:10 So let's begin with question number 11.
10:12 Let's begin with question number 11.
10:14 And this question fits into what my wife
10:16 and I failed to do
10:18 when we were on our way to Australia.
10:19 Now we've had...
10:21 Since then, we've been to Australia many times,
10:23 and now we know you need a visa to go to Australia.
10:27 Look at question number 11, question number 11.
10:32 And here it is.
10:33 In light of the judgment,
10:35 what are the people of God called to do?
10:39 In light of the judgment, what are the people of God
10:42 called to do?
10:44 Go with me to 2 Corinthians 13
10:47 and let's look together at verse 5.
10:49 2 Corinthians 13:5.
10:51 And the text will appear on the screen,
10:54 and also on the screen, here.
10:57 Now this verse is so indicative of what everybody
10:59 that is going to travel
11:01 outside of the country needs to do,
11:03 make sure that your documents are in order.
11:05 But this is even deeper than documents, all right?
11:09 Here is the text, 2 Corinthians 13:5.
11:14 Since this is our first one on the screen,
11:16 let's all read this together.
11:17 Are you ready? Here we go.
11:19 The Bible says what?
11:20 "Examine yourselves
11:23 as to whether you are in the faith."
11:26 Together.
11:28 "Test yourselves.
11:30 Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?
11:34 Unless indeed you are," what, "disqualified."
11:38 If Jesus is not in you,
11:40 then you can't even ask to come in.
11:43 You can't say, "I want to come in."
11:44 They'll say, "Well, Christ is not in you.
11:45 Why?
11:47 Why are you asking that question?"
11:48 And so the Bible is, in essence saying
11:49 examine yourself, test yourself.
11:52 This is the hour of self-examination.
11:55 This is the hour of self-test.
11:57 You know, but the easiest thing about it is,
11:59 because of human nature,
12:01 it's easy to look at somebody else and say,
12:03 "Well, I don't think they're gonna make it."
12:05 Or "If you knew what I know about that person,
12:08 boy, you'll question whether or not they can make it."
12:11 Right now the Lord is saying
12:12 that we need to clean our own mirrors, amen?
12:14 Amen.
12:15 We need to examine our own lives
12:17 to see what's in there,
12:18 to see what's going on in our hearts.
12:20 We need to test ourselves.
12:22 And you think about tests.
12:24 I remember, a number of years ago,
12:26 there was a test being held that I could not go to
12:29 because it was held on Sabbath morning.
12:31 I saw it, it was being held on Sabbath morning,
12:33 and I wasn't gonna go to take the test,
12:36 it was an SAT.
12:37 And so I got a permission to not take the test
12:40 that particular day.
12:42 Another day was chosen for me.
12:44 And when I came to take the test,
12:45 I was the only one there.
12:47 I was the only one there.
12:49 But there was an examiner, and there was just me,
12:51 and I was in this whole big classroom.
12:52 Now when the test was taken with all the other students,
12:55 he sat in the classroom.
12:56 And he said,
12:58 "Why weren't you here for the test?"
12:59 I said, "Well, religious reasons.
13:02 Sabbath, I go to church, could not have been here.
13:04 I was not going to be here.
13:06 That's the Sabbath that I honor."
13:07 He said, "All right."
13:09 And he sat me down,
13:10 gave me the papers, and everything,
13:12 then he closed the door and left.
13:14 When he came back, I said,
13:17 "Why did you leave me in the room by myself?"
13:18 He said, "If I can't trust a Christian, who can I trust?"
13:22 And I thought, "Wow, that's a good...
13:23 That's a good statement.
13:25 If I can't trust a Christian, who can I trust?"
13:26 He said, "You're not gonna cheat,
13:27 there's nobody else in here to cheat with.
13:29 You're not gonna cheat, it's just you."
13:30 And I thought, "Wow."
13:32 Examine yourself.
13:34 If there's an honest heart, you can be trusted to be
13:38 in any circumstance, in any situation,
13:40 and not have to be concerned about it.
13:42 So the Bible says, let's write that down,
13:43 2 Corinthians 13:5.
13:46 Two things you want to write, examine yourself,
13:49 test yourselves.
13:50 Examine yourself, test yourself.
13:53 And, you know, this is important
13:54 because there's so many things
13:56 that are in the Christian life that people...
14:00 It's almost like when people become Christians,
14:02 they become, and I'm gonna use this phrase,
14:04 not a blanket statement,
14:05 but so many Christians become minimalist.
14:08 Now what I mean by that is they want to do the least
14:11 it takes to be saved rather than saying,
14:15 "What can I render to the Lord
14:17 for all His benefits towards me?"
14:20 You know, somebody is as good to us as the Lord is,
14:22 you don't say,
14:23 "What's the least I could do to be saved?"
14:25 You say, "Lord, just tell me, whatever...
14:27 What do you want me to do?"
14:29 If somebody has paid for your sin,
14:31 if somebody is building you a mansion,
14:33 at his cost, if somebody is offering you eternal life,
14:38 if somebody is saying, "You'll never be sick again,
14:41 you'll never worry about death and heartache
14:43 and hunger and suffering,
14:45 and you'll never have to worry about being separated,
14:47 you'll never have another cure in your life for eternity."
14:52 Now if Donald Trump said, "I'll buy you a house,"
14:54 you'll say, "What can I do to show my gratitude?"
14:58 But the Lord is saying, "House?
14:59 I'm giving you a mansion,
15:01 and I'm giving you access to all the other worlds
15:03 that are out there."
15:05 Amen, someone? Amen.
15:06 So let's not be minimalist.
15:07 And the reason I bring this up here
15:09 is because it's important,
15:10 some people kind of like churches kind of
15:12 on the list way down there, you know.
15:14 "I'll show up, but I ain't staying long."
15:19 How long is it going to be before it ends?
15:21 But if you got a football game,
15:22 "Oh, they're going in overtime.
15:24 Oh, good."
15:26 Four hours in the freezing cold snow blowing.
15:31 They're not going anywhere, but in the comfort...
15:33 So let's not be minimalist.
15:35 Let us look at the activities in our lives
15:37 that will enhance our growth
15:40 and participate in those activities.
15:42 Look at the very next one.
15:43 Here's what the Bible says.
15:44 We're going now to Philippians 2:12, Philippians 2:12.
15:48 In light of the judgment,
15:49 what are the people of God called to do?
15:51 Look at this one.
15:53 Look at this one.
15:54 Okay, Philippians 2:12.
15:57 Let's bring it up on the screen.
15:58 Here it is.
15:59 And the Bible says, "Therefore, my beloved,
16:03 as you have always obeyed,
16:07 not as much in my presence only,
16:10 but now much more in my absence."
16:13 Let's read the rest together.
16:14 "Work out your own salvation with,"
16:18 what, "fear and trembling."
16:20 Let's think of it.
16:22 Let's go back to my initial story.
16:25 "Do you have your visa?" "Yes."
16:27 "Do you have my visa?" "Yes."
16:28 Check the dates for the ticket departure
16:30 'cause we got, I mean, about a year ago,
16:32 we got stuck in India.
16:34 We got stuck in a city, we went to the airport.
16:37 And thank God for a credit card.
16:40 We got stuck in an airport in India
16:41 because of the illness.
16:43 We were supposed to be in another city to leave.
16:44 And so they bought us new tickets
16:46 to get to our destination.
16:48 But they didn't remember that we got stuck in a city
16:51 because of illness.
16:52 They were thinking that we were leaving
16:54 from another destination.
16:55 They had the...
16:57 They were thinking we were leaving
16:58 from another location.
17:00 They had the destination correct.
17:01 But they had the city of departure incorrect.
17:03 So here we are, we go to the airport.
17:06 And I walk up to the terminal.
17:08 And the guy, an India guy says,
17:10 "Are you Indian?"
17:11 I said, "I'm not Indian." He said, "Look Indian to me."
17:13 And I said, "I am not Indian."
17:15 He said, "Are you sure you're not Indian?"
17:17 "I'm not Indian."
17:18 I was not gonna joke around that day.
17:20 "I'm not Indian, I'm American."
17:22 You know, just, I want to make sure.
17:24 And he said, "Look Indian to me."
17:26 So I said, "All right."
17:27 So he said, "Let me see your ticket."
17:29 See, in India, they don't even let you
17:30 into the terminal unless your ticket has it...
17:32 for that departure, that day.
17:33 You say goodbye to your folks outside the airport,
17:36 nobody goes in, lest everything is in order.
17:38 Checked the passport. "Okay."
17:40 Checked the ticket.
17:42 He said, "You're not going anywhere today."
17:44 I said, "But we have a ticket."
17:45 He says, "Look at the location.
17:48 You're leaving from a different city,
17:49 not here."
17:51 "So what do we do?"
17:52 "Buy a ticket?"
17:53 I'm thinking, "How much is that gonna cost?
17:57 Who do we call?"
17:58 The only phone number we had was to God.
18:01 "Lord, help us."
18:03 We had no one's phone number.
18:04 Not only that, we didn't even have a phone.
18:07 So here we are standing over there.
18:08 Angie said, "How did that happen?"
18:10 I said, "Honey, I don't know.
18:12 I have no idea how that happened."
18:15 And so people are waiting on us the other side
18:17 but we're not even gonna leave where we are.
18:19 So thankfully, we walked up to the window,
18:21 and we took out our credit card.
18:23 "We need two tickets, how much is that going to be?"
18:26 "Well, where are you going?"
18:27 Thankfully, it was not too expensive.
18:29 And I thought, "Oh, thank You, Lord."
18:32 You see, we were working out our own salvation
18:35 with fear and trembling.
18:37 We were saying, "Are we gonna make it?"
18:39 That's what we have to do in these last days.
18:41 We got to look at ourselves and say, "Lord,
18:43 I don't want to be left out.
18:44 I want to make sure that everything about my departure,
18:46 that the blood of Jesus Christ has covered my sin," amen?
18:49 Amen.
18:50 "That I am on the Book of Life, that my departure,
18:52 my point of destination is heaven,
18:56 and that everything that needs to be in order."
18:58 I've confessed my sins.
18:59 I've put away all the evils in my life.
19:01 I've cleaned up, by God's grace,
19:03 cleaned out all the things that may hinder me
19:05 from departing from the right city
19:07 and get into the right destination.
19:09 I've worked out my fear.
19:10 I've worked out my salvation with fear and trembling."
19:13 And I'll tell you, when you think about it,
19:15 it'll make you fear, it'll make you tremble
19:17 because when those who are not saved
19:19 come up in the wrong resurrection,
19:21 there's going to be a whole lot of trembling.
19:23 There's going to be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
19:25 So we want to work out our own salvation.
19:27 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
19:28 So write that down.
19:30 In light of the judgment, what are the people of God
19:32 called to do?
19:34 Work it out.
19:35 Work out your own salvation.
19:38 Don't worry about anybody else.
19:41 Don't look at people and their faults.
19:43 God is working on them in a different timetable,
19:46 in a different method.
19:47 You got to say, "It's me. It's me.
19:48 It's me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer."
19:52 All right, go to question number 12.
19:55 Here it is.
19:57 What admonition is given in light
19:59 of the unavoidable judgment?
20:02 What admonition is given in light
20:04 of the unavoidable judgment?
20:07 That's unavoidable.
20:09 You know, everybody's name is listed
20:11 in one place or the other.
20:13 We will all appear before the judgment.
20:14 See, we learned that in the prior lesson.
20:17 Everybody's called.
20:18 Go to James 4:8.
20:21 James 4:8.
20:23 Look at that together.
20:25 And this is a very important text
20:27 because in this world,
20:29 there's a battle for our minds.
20:31 One day, we could have our mind on God,
20:33 the next day, our mind on something else,
20:35 and then the next day, our mind there,
20:38 this text is powerful.
20:39 This text is powerful.
20:41 Okay, here it is.
20:43 James tells us,
20:45 "Draw near to," together, "God
20:48 and He will draw near to " what, "you.
20:51 Notice, you have to make the first action.
20:53 Next thing,
20:54 "Cleanse your," what,
20:56 "hands, you sinners, and," what,
20:58 "purify your hearts, you," what,
21:01 "double-minded."
21:03 Now James,
21:04 the reason why he uses the phrase double-minded,
21:06 in James 1, he says,
21:08 "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways."
21:13 In other words,
21:15 tell me which one you are today, Terry.
21:16 Are you the Christian Terry or the secular Terry?
21:19 See, that's what the Bible means
21:20 by double-minded.
21:21 You want to party or you want to worship?
21:23 Which one is it?
21:24 You want a drink or you want some water?
21:26 Which one is it?
21:27 See, the double-minded.
21:28 So what happens is many of us
21:30 with all these temptations around us,
21:31 we're not examining the choices we make moment by moment.
21:33 So we'll say, "Oh, three days this week,
21:35 I was in the world.
21:36 Hopefully, for the next four days,
21:38 I'm in the Lord."
21:39 No, that doesn't have to be the case.
21:41 If we, day by day, make these decisions,
21:43 our minds could be single-minded,
21:46 not double-minded.
21:48 Now I want to do a survey,
21:50 everybody should raise their hands
21:51 in one or the other.
21:53 How many of you know what it means
21:54 to have a mind battle?
21:58 Really,
21:59 really, really.
22:01 Especially, when the flesh gets involved,
22:02 the flesh says, "Oh, come on, Yannick.
22:04 Oh, you don't want to miss this one."
22:06 And Yannick says,
22:08 "But it's not a good thing to do."
22:09 "But, Yannick, don't worry about that right now.
22:11 Just do it right now and later..."
22:13 Like one radio announcer in California said,
22:15 "It's better to ask for forgiveness than
22:17 to ask for permission."
22:19 Don't believe that.
22:21 You better ask for permission
22:23 and now just think of God
22:25 as a God who extends cheap grace.
22:28 We have to cleanse our hands.
22:30 We have to make a decision to draw near to God.
22:32 This is very important
22:34 because God doesn't force Himself
22:35 where He's not invited.
22:37 You see?
22:38 He doesn't force... Okay, you want to...
22:39 "Okay, good.
22:41 Now that you made the move towards Me,
22:42 I know that's where you want to be."
22:45 Then cleanse our hands,
22:47 purify our hearts,
22:49 and become single-minded.
22:50 All right, write that down.
22:52 What admonition is given
22:53 in light of the unavoidable judgment?
22:55 Draw near to God. Put that there.
22:57 And you could put the whole text,
22:59 but drawing near to God,
23:00 all the other things will happen.
23:01 If you're in the presence of God,
23:03 you'll know your hands need to be cleaned,
23:04 you'll know your heart needs to be purified,
23:07 and you'll know that
23:08 your mind needs to be single towards God.
23:10 Matter of fact, the Apostle says,
23:13 "He will keep us in perfect peace
23:15 whose mind is," what, "stayed on Him."
23:18 That's single-minded.
23:19 If your mind is stayed on God, you won't be like that.
23:22 How many of you drive down the highway like this?
23:25 I mean, you might check your left and right,
23:27 but for the most part, where are you looking?
23:29 Right in front of you.
23:31 Got to check all your mirrors.
23:32 You got three mirrors,
23:33 you got to check them for safety.
23:35 But for the most part,
23:36 don't spend all the time looking behind you
23:38 if you're going forward.
23:39 Look at the next one.
23:41 1 John 3:3, 1 John 3:3,
23:44 these are all judgment texts.
23:46 1 John 3:3.
23:50 Okay, here it is.
23:53 And it reads as follows.
23:55 "And everyone who has this hope in Him,"
24:00 that is in Christ, does what,
24:02 "purifies himself just as He is," what,
24:06 "just as He is pure."
24:07 Now this almost sounds like an oxymoron.
24:09 It says, "Well, you are pure,
24:11 but you have to purify yourself."
24:12 What that does is very important.
24:14 He says, "God has cleaned you up.
24:16 Stay that way."
24:18 That's what he's in essence saying.
24:19 You know, when a parent goes out
24:21 and the house is clean,
24:22 Mom says, "I've cleaned the house,
24:24 I've vacuumed the floor.
24:25 Please keep it that way."
24:27 The Lord has cleansed us.
24:29 You may remember the interchange
24:31 between Peter and Jesus.
24:33 When Peter found out that this washing of his feet
24:37 would be an example of being cleansed,
24:39 Peter said... What did he say?
24:41 "Wash my whole body."
24:43 The Lord says, "You're already clean."
24:45 That's what He meant. You're already clean.
24:48 If you're already clean, you don't need the whole thing.
24:51 That's what the Bible is in essence saying,
24:52 we are already clean.
24:54 But sometimes, our feet get dirty.
24:58 And He's saying, "Clean it off."
25:00 If you've made the decision today
25:02 to walk in the wrong direction,
25:03 clean off your feet,
25:05 your life is not supposed to go that way.
25:06 Clean your feet off.
25:07 That's what it means by...
25:09 Just as God has purified us,
25:10 make sure that you don't move in a dirty direction.
25:14 Keep your feet clean before the Lord.
25:17 Okay, look at the next one.
25:19 Revelation 16:15.
25:21 Revelation 16:15.
25:23 Wow.
25:26 Revelation 16:15.
25:28 These are all things that we do
25:30 in light of the judgment.
25:32 We know it's coming. You know, it's like a storm.
25:34 They say, "It's coming."
25:36 Winter, "It's coming."
25:38 Spring, "It's on the way."
25:40 Things that are part of our life regiment
25:42 when we know a specific event,
25:44 or a specific season, or a specific holiday,
25:47 or a specific time of the year,
25:49 or we're about to take a particular trip,
25:51 we know that there are preparations
25:52 that must be made.
25:54 Here's another one that we are told must be made.
25:56 Revelation 16:15.
25:58 Now this is really important because this says...
26:00 You don't know when it's gonna happen,
26:02 but look at what we must do.
26:04 "Behold, I am coming as a," what, "thief.
26:07 Blessed is he who watches
26:10 and keeps his garments,
26:13 lest he walk," how,
26:15 "naked and they see his shame."
26:18 That's a very important text
26:19 because the garment
26:20 is the righteousness of Jesus.
26:22 Now that garment gets stained,
26:24 you know, it reminds me of a good friend of mine,
26:27 I won't mention her name on air,
26:28 but she was a...
26:30 She won Miss Teenage Idaho
26:32 a number of years ago.
26:33 And on the day
26:35 when all the contestants were being interviewed
26:37 for the part that they were gonna play
26:40 in this teenage beauty pageant,
26:44 she was eating a chocolate ice cream
26:46 and it spilled on her dress.
26:50 And she was sitting in front of the judge,
26:52 and she said,
26:54 "I just could not look at that stain.
26:56 I knew they saw it,
26:58 but they gave me points
27:01 because he said, I sat in front of them
27:03 and talked to them as if there was no stain
27:05 on my dress."
27:06 And just to finish the story, she won the beauty pageant.
27:10 And then she went on to run for Miss Idaho
27:12 in the Nationals.
27:14 But it is saying,
27:16 the garment that God has given to us,
27:18 it's a very important garment.
27:19 It's not just saying
27:21 that you're gonna lose that garment
27:22 but the whole thing of it.
27:24 If you look at the story of Adam and Eve,
27:25 what happened when they sinned?
27:26 They lost their garment.
27:28 They were so complacent about the...
27:31 They were complacent.
27:33 And let me just make this point.
27:34 Complacency could turn out to intent.
27:39 If you're not careful,
27:40 complacency could result
27:42 in the very same outcome as a person
27:45 who intentionally doesn't want to follow the Lord.
27:48 Follow that very carefully.
27:49 They were complacent about the commands
27:51 that God had given to them.
27:52 They didn't treasure it enough.
27:53 So they didn't say...
27:55 I'm sure that Adam and Eve didn't say, "We want to die."
27:58 I'm sure they didn't say that.
27:59 They figured,
28:01 "Well, not going to be such a big deal.
28:03 We'll just get through this.
28:05 We'll make it..."
28:06 Look at that one decision, complacency,
28:08 not taking God at His Word.
28:09 Complacency ended up in the very same context
28:13 as if they said, "We want to die."
28:15 And I'm sure they never began that day with the intent
28:19 that when this day is done,
28:21 they want a separate relationship,
28:22 and they want to die.
28:24 So this text is saying,
28:26 "Believe me, there's a blessing if you watch,
28:30 if you keep your garments."
28:31 Why should we watch?
28:33 "Because our adversary, the devil,
28:36 walks about like a roaring lion,"
28:38 what's the rest of it?
28:39 "Seeking whom he may devour?"
28:41 Be sober, be vigilant.
28:43 That's what this is really all about.
28:45 You don't want to end up in the judgment
28:46 like that man in Matthew 25.
28:48 The Lord came into examine all the guests.
28:50 He says, "Where's your wedding garment?
28:52 How did you get in here without a wedding garment?"
28:55 And you know what, he had no reply
28:57 because when the judgment comes,
28:58 there'll be nothing you can say.
29:00 There'll be absolutely nothing
29:02 that we can say to excuse our condition.
29:04 It's very sober, very...
29:05 You know, when I teach this lesson,
29:08 you know, my belt gets tightened up.
29:11 Do you all feel the same way?
29:13 I mean, I'm not just teaching the lesson.
29:14 I'm talking to myself because in an activity
29:16 and a life filled with activity,
29:18 we got to pause sometimes and say,
29:20 "Well, how about your garment?"
29:22 You know, I'm not just teaching the lesson,
29:25 I'm being taught by the Holy Spirit
29:28 to take that self-examination, that self-test,
29:31 so that I could know that I'm not just teaching you,
29:34 and I myself become a castaway.
29:36 That's not my desire.
29:38 Amen? Amen.
29:40 So here it is. What do you do?
29:43 Watch, watch.
29:47 Keep your garment.
29:50 The Lord cleansed it.
29:51 Keep it that way.
29:52 Number 13. Let's go to the next one.
29:55 What a sobering lesson.
29:57 Wow.
29:58 Sobering lesson.
30:00 Number 13.
30:03 Why is it imperative that we keep our lives
30:07 clean before God?
30:09 Why is it imperative that we keep our lives
30:13 clean before God?
30:16 I've been to so many weddings, I performed many weddings.
30:19 I've only been in one wedding of my own.
30:21 Amen, honey? Amen.
30:23 We have only been in one wedding.
30:24 Not saying that people that have been married
30:25 more than one is...
30:27 You know, God forgives and praise the Lord for that,
30:29 and circumstances come.
30:30 But when you think about the garment aspect
30:34 of the imperative nature of what it means
30:36 to be prepared for that great and glorious event,
30:39 you think it's a significant thing.
30:41 It's not something we could lightly handle.
30:43 And when you think about a wedding,
30:47 very rarely do you see people come into weddings
30:50 dressed like they're gonna go play tennis.
30:54 Matter of fact, a wedding is an event
30:57 where people tend to wake up that day
30:59 and make sure that their shirts are ironed,
31:02 and that they have on a nice dress.
31:05 It could be simple, but they make sure
31:06 that everything is neat and put together,
31:08 guys tend to make sure that day they have on a tie.
31:12 They want to fit into the environment
31:15 because they know that, especially if you're invited
31:17 to an upscale wedding or one of these elite weddings.
31:21 We went to a wedding once and when we found out later,
31:23 we almost...
31:24 Matter of fact, I don't know if we went to this one or not,
31:26 but I found out that the flowers alone
31:28 cost $25,000, the flowers alone.
31:32 If I spend that much on flowers,
31:34 honey, hit me in the head with a sledgehammer.
31:36 I mean, can you imagine at the end of the day,
31:38 we're gonna throw these flowers away
31:39 and you'll be that much broke.
31:42 Anyway, some people have that kind of money, I don't.
31:45 But look at the text, the importance
31:46 in the imperative reason why we have to keep
31:50 our lives clean before God
31:52 because there's something
31:54 that we must do in order to get in, all right?
31:56 We just can't get into every place in any condition.
31:59 Here it is.
32:00 Psalms 24:3-4.
32:04 "Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?
32:09 Or who may stand in His holy place?"
32:13 This goes back to James about the clean hands.
32:16 Let's read the rest.
32:17 "He who has," what, "clean hands and a,"
32:20 what kind of heart, "pure heart,
32:23 who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
32:28 nor sworn deceitfully."
32:31 Wow.
32:32 That's a huge list.
32:34 In other words, if you wanna stand here,
32:38 you got to be clean to stand here.
32:40 You have to have clean hands and what kind of heart?
32:43 Pure.
32:45 So you have to be clean on the outside and where else?
32:47 On the inside.
32:49 Some people are clean on the outside,
32:52 and they could put a good exterior.
32:55 But God is saying, "Ah, wait."
33:01 Scanning the human heart.
33:03 "Oh, sorry, you look good,
33:05 but there's something wrong here."
33:06 We've got to examine not only
33:08 what we look like on the outside,
33:09 but we have to make sure our hearts are clear
33:11 before God.
33:13 And that's why He says, "If your hands are clean
33:14 and your heart is pure,
33:16 you won't lift up your soul to idols
33:18 because they won't have any place in your life."
33:19 And you won't be a person whose words cannot be trusted.
33:22 You will not swear deceitfully.
33:24 In other words, your yes will be yes,
33:26 your no will be no,
33:27 your words will be words of honesty.
33:29 Amen? Amen.
33:31 So what's the answer here?
33:33 Clean hands, pure hearts.
33:36 Clean hands, pure hearts.
33:40 Wow.
33:42 Number 14, number 14.
33:48 In preparation for the judgment,
33:51 where can we find deliverance?
33:55 Where can we find deliverance
33:57 in preparation for the judgment?
33:59 Where can we find deliverance?
34:01 You know, when you think about it,
34:02 I've known people that have had lawyers
34:05 that were just not good at all.
34:07 But they put all their money in their lawyers,
34:09 and they said,
34:11 "Are you gonna fight for me?"
34:12 "I got it, don't worry, I got it."
34:14 "Are you gonna really represent me?"
34:15 "Don't worry about it. You hired me, I'm gonna help."
34:18 And the lawyer did so little.
34:20 And that person ended up being convicted
34:23 because the lawyer just did not do the work
34:25 that they were paid to do.
34:28 You know, there's something called discovery?
34:30 If that lawyer is not working hard
34:32 for his or her money,
34:33 then you could be in serious trouble.
34:35 That's why this text is a very encouraging one.
34:37 In preparation for the judgment,
34:39 where can we find deliverance?
34:41 And we're gonna go to 2 Peter 2:9.
34:44 2 Peter 2:9, here it is, okay.
34:48 The Bible says,
34:50 "Then the Lord knows how to do,"
34:53 what's the next word, "deliver the godly,"
34:56 amen to that?
34:58 He knows how to deliver the godly out of what?
35:01 "Temptation and to reserve the unjust under punishment
35:07 for the day of judgment."
35:08 So when the day of judgment,
35:10 the reservation is made for the unjust,
35:13 there's a reservation for them to be judged.
35:16 But for us, God delivers us out of temptation.
35:21 That's important.
35:22 Because you know what, you don't always have to just
35:23 pray for forgiveness,
35:25 we have to take hold of the power
35:26 that is able to deliver us from temptation.
35:30 You wanted that prayer, when the Lord said,
35:32 "Pray after this manner."
35:34 And it says, "Deliver us from evil."
35:37 See, "Deliver us from evil.
35:39 Lead us not into temptation."
35:40 You wonder, "Why did they include that?"
35:43 When God doesn't tempt anyone nor is He tempted by...
35:47 Why would they say, "Lead us not into temptation?"
35:50 What they were asking the Lord then?
35:52 And when I looked this up, it was so beautiful.
35:53 They were saying,
35:55 "Lord, please don't ever leave us
35:56 because if You leave us, where else can we go?
35:59 Our path would not be guided."
36:02 And the disciples following Jesus,
36:04 He never led them into temptation.
36:07 And they were saying, "Lord, don't leave us.
36:09 Don't leave us because if you leave us,
36:12 where will it lead us?"
36:13 It may lead us into temptation.
36:14 And what happened?
36:16 That's exactly what happened to Peter.
36:17 When he departed from the Lord, where did his feet go?
36:20 Right at the temptation.
36:22 And what happened? Did he fall?
36:23 Yes, he did because he followed the Lord,
36:25 as the Bible says,
36:26 "He followed the Lord at a distance."
36:30 So here's the answer.
36:32 In preparation for the judgment,
36:33 where can we find deliverance?
36:35 In who? Say it again, in the Lord.
36:39 In the Lord, no one else.
36:41 In the Lord.
36:43 Wow.
36:45 And when we find deliverance, you don't have to stand
36:47 in the judgment fearful 'cause people think about,
36:50 "When is the judgment?"
36:51 Now.
36:53 It's going on right now.
36:56 Lot of people don't think of the judgment
36:57 in the world until, like, April 15 or October 15.
37:02 Tax time.
37:03 "What's going on?" "Tomorrow."
37:05 And some people wait till midnight,
37:07 like 5:00 to midnight, they mail their taxes.
37:10 I just can't understand that.
37:11 Why would you want to be in a long line
37:13 fighting to get your taxes mailed at almost midnight?
37:17 Mail it at noon.
37:18 Don't do that.
37:20 How much interest are you gonna get
37:21 between 6pm in the evening and midnight,
37:23 lest you're paying a whole lot of money?
37:25 You're not gonna get but 3 cents interest,
37:27 just distress yourself, somebody say amen.
37:30 Amen.
37:31 But the Lord knows how to deliver the godly.
37:34 The godly don't have to fall into temptation.
37:37 But for those who are not following the Lord,
37:39 they have a reservation, and none of us want to partake
37:42 of that reservation.
37:44 Look at 1 John 4:17.
37:47 1 John 4:17, in preparation, where can we find deliverance?
37:50 Look at this.
37:52 "Love has been perfected among us in this,"
37:56 oh, this is so beautiful, "that we may have,"
37:59 what, church,
38:01 "boldness in the day of judgment
38:03 because as He is,
38:07 so are we in this world."
38:10 You got to grab the end of that text.
38:11 First of all, what's beautiful about this text, it's saying,
38:14 "We're gonna have boldness in the day of judgment."
38:16 You know, the word there "boldness,"
38:18 it doesn't mean arrogance.
38:19 It means confidence.
38:22 It means confidence.
38:23 It's like when you call your puppy,
38:25 if that puppy knows you feed them
38:26 and you give them a nice, comfortable bed,
38:29 and you wash him up,
38:30 and take them and get their haircut
38:32 every now and then, if that puppy knows that
38:33 you let him sleep at the foot of your bed,
38:35 and he could jump on any couch in the house,
38:37 and you say, "Hey, puppy,"
38:39 he's gonna run right into your arms,
38:41 no fear, he's gonna have boldness,
38:43 he'll run through a crowd.
38:44 If you whistle, he'll hear your voice and come to you.
38:46 When we know that God is the one that loves us,
38:50 we can run to Him, we can come to Him
38:54 in great confidence.
38:55 And that's what this is being,
38:56 that's what this is emphasizing.
38:58 Love has been perfected among us in this.
39:00 When you have a perfect love,
39:02 what does the Bible say about perfect love?
39:03 What does it do?
39:05 It casts out all fear.
39:06 You can run to Him.
39:08 So if this love has been perfected among us,
39:10 that's why we have the boldness because we're not afraid.
39:12 We can run to Him, as the apostle says,
39:15 we can run to Him and say, "Abba, Father,"
39:18 that's a term of affection.
39:20 Not say, Lord, God,
39:24 those are terms that are legal and beautiful in there, right?
39:27 But when you say Abba, Father, terms of affection,
39:30 you can run to Him in the day of judgment.
39:33 We can all have boldness, we can have confidence
39:35 because as He is so are we in this world.
39:38 In other words, we are just like each other.
39:41 He lives in us so much that even though
39:43 we haven't been delivered out of this world yet
39:45 we are like our Father in this world.
39:47 Who better to be around
39:49 than somebody that's just like you?
39:51 Isn't that right?
39:53 He wants to be with us.
39:54 We want to be with Him
39:55 because that love has bonded us together.
39:58 So write that down.
40:00 In preparation of the judgment, where can we find deliverance?
40:04 Where can we find deliverance?
40:06 In His perfect love, in His perfect love.
40:11 Not in boldness, but we can find deliverance
40:13 in His perfect love.
40:17 Wow.
40:18 Now we're gonna transition into another phase
40:21 of the lesson.
40:26 Years ago, I remember people...
40:27 Matter of fact, when I was a young man,
40:29 I thought that God is the judge,
40:31 and that Jesus will be fighting
40:32 against the Father to get me in.
40:35 "Father, please let him in."
40:37 "No."
40:38 "Please let him in." "No."
40:40 And after I studied the Bible, I was so enlightened
40:43 that the Father and the Son
40:45 are not on opposite sides of the judgment.
40:48 Come on, say amen. Amen.
40:49 They're in this thing together.
40:52 And that gave me such confidence
40:53 because people have the concept.
40:56 And some parents
40:57 do an injustice to their children.
40:59 "God's gonna get you.
41:01 God's watching you."
41:03 And they use God as a whipping stick
41:05 to almost place fear in their hearts,
41:07 rather than say, "You know what,
41:08 the Lord loves you.
41:09 He wouldn't want you to do that."
41:11 That's so much more positive.
41:12 Rather than say, "I know God saw you.
41:14 You could lie to me, but God's got you.
41:16 He's got His eyes on you."
41:17 And I grew up with that kind of mentality,
41:20 not in my home,
41:21 but I heard that and it echoes in our heads.
41:25 Sometimes, like, "He caught you
41:27 and you're gonna see it in the judgment."
41:29 And some people even say to people that they don't like,
41:31 "You're gonna have to answer for that."
41:34 Well, they're, in essence, saying is they're hoping that
41:35 God beats you up for them.
41:37 That's not how God is.
41:39 Isn't that wonderful?
41:40 That's not who God is.
41:41 But look at what happens here,
41:43 who is, according to the question number 15,
41:45 who will the presiding judge be in the judgment?
41:49 Or in the judgment,
41:50 who will the presiding judge be?
41:52 Right? John 5:22.
41:55 John 5:22.
42:01 Here it is, here it is.
42:05 Okay.
42:06 "For the Father judges," how many,
42:09 "no one,
42:11 but has committed all judgment to the Son."
42:15 Now do you wonder why?
42:17 Do you wonder why?
42:19 I got to tell you why.
42:20 Can I tell you why? Yes.
42:22 Has the Father been tempted? No.
42:25 Has the Son been tempted?
42:27 Yes. Yes.
42:28 He was tempted in all points just as we are.
42:33 And we have a high priest who is touched
42:37 by the feelings of our weaknesses.
42:40 He knows what we're going through.
42:43 That's who you want to represent you?
42:45 Can you imagine a lawyer representing you
42:46 that's never done anything wrong?
42:49 Where are you from?
42:52 Jesus was in the same pathway.
42:54 He did not fall to the temptation,
42:56 but He understands, He understands our weaknesses,
42:59 He understands our infirmities,
43:01 He understands the frailty of humanity.
43:03 So therefore,
43:06 the Father doesn't take upon Himself
43:09 because He hasn't had the experience
43:12 that the Son has.
43:14 So if anybody ever says to you,
43:15 "Well, I think the Father and the Son
43:17 are the same person."
43:19 Give them this text.
43:21 The Father does not judge, but the Son does,
43:24 showing that there is the Father,
43:26 and there is the Son.
43:29 So who's the judge?
43:31 Wow, you're gonna get excited in just a moment.
43:35 Write that down.
43:36 Who will the presiding judge be in the judgment?
43:41 Who will the presiding judge be in the judgment?
43:44 Oh, you're gonna get excited in just a moment,
43:48 when you look at the next question.
43:50 Write the answer down, Jesus.
43:51 Now we go to question number 16.
43:53 Question number 16.
43:55 All right.
43:58 I'm tickled by this very next question.
44:00 I'm already excited because of the question itself.
44:04 What other role does Jesus fulfill
44:08 in the process of the judgment?
44:12 Oh, I tell you.
44:13 Didn't that make you smile?
44:15 I see some of you are smiling,
44:16 you theologians are already smiling.
44:17 You know where we're going with this.
44:19 What confidence?
44:21 This text already said to you yes!
44:25 I got the whole judicial team on my side.
44:29 Wow.
44:31 Okay, 1 John 2:1.
44:32 Here it is.
44:34 1 John 2:1.
44:36 Man, my contacts are cloudy tonight.
44:39 But that's okay.
44:40 We'll make it.
44:41 1 John 2:1.
44:43 Look at this one.
44:44 I love this.
44:45 And this is done in the context
44:47 of the Abba-Father relationship.
44:48 Let's read this together.
44:50 Ready?
44:51 "My little children, these things I write to you
44:55 so that you may not," what, "sin.
44:58 And if anyone sins,
45:01 we have an Advocate with the Father,
45:04 who is Jesus Christ the righteous."
45:08 Amen? Amen.
45:10 You know what advocate is?
45:11 Lawyer.
45:13 He is the judge and the lawyer.
45:17 How do you pull that off, Yannick?
45:19 Wait a minute.
45:20 I thought the judge is supposed to be over there
45:21 and the lawyer is supposed to be over here.
45:23 Are you in his case to the judge?
45:25 Oh, well, we got a judge,
45:27 and a lawyer, and His name is Jesus.
45:29 Come on, somebody.
45:30 The same one who is going to decide our fate
45:34 is the one who defends us in the judgment.
45:37 And you'll find out why He defends us.
45:39 When we stand with Him,
45:41 we are standing not only
45:42 in the beauty of His righteousness
45:44 and in the confidence
45:46 that we find in knowing Him as our Savior.
45:48 But He says, "I know you stumble,
45:51 but don't worry about it.
45:52 I'll defend you.
45:53 I'm gonna bring your case in the judgment.
45:56 I will examine."
45:58 And there's something that if you do this,
46:01 and you know the text,
46:02 "If we confess our sin, He is," what,
46:05 "faithful and just to forgive us of our sin
46:08 and to," do what,
46:09 "cleanse us from," how much,
46:10 "all unrighteousness."
46:14 And a number of years ago, I got this picture in my mind
46:16 when I was studying the Book of Revelation.
46:18 I have, like, four little booklets,
46:20 I got to find them again.
46:21 I have so many books still in boxes.
46:25 Anyway, you don't need to know about that.
46:26 But I was studying about Revelation
46:30 and the process of deciding a person's faith
46:35 in the judgment in the Romans' courts.
46:38 And it was a scary process
46:41 because if the jury couldn't come up with the verdict,
46:44 it was up to the person that was accused
46:46 to decide his or her own fate.
46:50 Isn't that scary?
46:51 Now if they just said,
46:52 "Now what would you like to be?"
46:54 "I want to be innocent."
46:55 You see, the phrases,
46:56 if you are innocent,
46:59 you don't cry for mercy, you cry for justice.
47:02 But if you're guilty, you ask for what?
47:04 Mercy.
47:05 So anyhow, the way they did this
47:07 was they brought out a bag of some sort.
47:10 I never saw one, I just read the description
47:12 in Roman history.
47:14 And in the bag,
47:15 there was a white stone
47:17 and there was a black stone.
47:20 And if you put your hand, Donald, in the bag,
47:23 here you are the accused, waiting before the court,
47:26 hung jury, they did this,
47:27 you've got to pick one of those stones.
47:29 If you pick a white one, you're free.
47:32 If you pick a black stone,
47:33 you are going to be crucified.
47:36 Can you imagine the interpretation?
47:39 Can you fathom the intensity of the pressure
47:41 that you're under?
47:44 Until I read the text.
47:46 Jesus said,
47:48 as our advocate,
47:50 "I will give you a white stone,
47:55 and then with a new name on it."
47:56 Come on, somebody. Amen.
47:59 That's a Hallelujah sermon right there all by itself.
48:02 He says, "Here, here, here,
48:06 here's a white stone, don't you worry about that bag,
48:08 just put your hand and you hold that stone.
48:10 And when time comes, just pull out the stone
48:14 and open your hand."
48:16 Praise God for that? Amen.
48:17 You see, He not only defends us in the judgment,
48:21 He declares us by His righteousness,
48:23 pure and clean.
48:25 And when the time comes, where we are being so accused,
48:29 and the accuser is standing right there,
48:31 licking his lips over the possibility that
48:34 I may be hanging from a tree later on this afternoon,
48:38 God, Jesus looks at the accuser just so confidently.
48:45 And He puts His hand on our shoulder and says,
48:48 "My son, don't even fear."
48:51 Here's the white stone.
48:54 Don't have to worry.
48:55 And you put your hand in the bag,
48:57 and your heartbeat is so calm.
48:58 And the judge wonders or the court wonders,
49:01 "Why is he not sweating?
49:02 Why is he not crying at this point?"
49:04 And you pull out
49:05 and that white stone represents the purity of Christ?
49:08 What do you say? Amen.
49:09 When I read that,
49:11 these texts, you see,
49:14 you can teach the judgment and scare people to death.
49:18 Right?
49:19 You can put out all those texts.
49:20 There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,
49:23 you know, the unquenchable fire,
49:24 they're all there.
49:26 But I wanna instill within you,
49:28 I wanna bring to you the beauty of the Christ,
49:30 who wants to be our advocate in our judge in the judgment.
49:33 Amen? Amen.
49:34 I don't want you to walk away
49:36 fearful to death
49:38 because if the love of God has been perfected in us
49:40 as the scripture just said,
49:42 we should not be a people filled with fear,
49:43 we should have boldness in the day of judgment.
49:45 We should say, "Bring it on!
49:47 I can't wait to get out of this world
49:50 because Christ is the one working in us, and on us,
49:52 and through us every day,
49:54 getting us ready for such a glorious event."
49:56 And that's why I like this, my little children.
50:00 He doesn't say,
50:03 "Donald
50:05 or sinner."
50:06 He doesn't say, "Mr. Dinzey."
50:09 He says, "My son,
50:11 My daughter,
50:14 let Daddy handle this."
50:17 Wow. I got to move on.
50:18 I don't want to get too locked into that.
50:20 It could be emotional when you think
50:21 how beautiful God is to us.
50:24 Number 17.
50:26 Number 17.
50:29 What assurance can we claim
50:32 in light of the judgment?
50:36 What assurance can we claim
50:38 in light of the judgment?
50:41 This is blessed assurance.
50:43 This is divine insurance.
50:45 Go with me to Revelation 3:5.
50:48 Revelation 3:5.
50:52 Wow.
50:54 And, you know,
50:55 as we're thinking about this lesson,
50:57 I think somewhere in our minds,
50:58 we have to just insert the question,
51:00 "What am I willing to give up for salvation?
51:03 What am I willing to hold on to,
51:05 to lose out on all these wonderful blessings?
51:08 And you know what, I tell you,
51:09 if you go through the inventory of the world,
51:10 you come up with nothing.
51:12 There's nothing that is worthy
51:14 to take the place of the glory
51:16 that will be revealed after this.
51:18 Look at Revelation 3:5, here's the answer.
51:21 Revelation 3:5.
51:23 And the Bible reads as follows,
51:25 "He who," does what,
51:26 "overcomes shall be clothed in,"
51:30 what kind of garments,
51:31 "white garments," and I like this,
51:33 "and I will not blot out his name
51:37 from the," what book,
51:39 "from the Book of Life,
51:42 but I will confess his name before My Father
51:46 and before His," what,
51:48 "and before His angels."
51:50 So you see, we've got angels, right?
51:53 Now why is it important for the Lord
51:55 to speak to our angels?
51:57 'Cause the angels have seen everything we've done.
52:01 And I want you to get this. This is a very important point.
52:03 You see, the angels were there
52:05 when the Great Controversy began.
52:07 They saw Lucifer
52:10 be downgraded to Satan.
52:12 They saw the other angels that took his side
52:15 and got kicked out.
52:17 And they're saying to Jesus... I'm just...
52:19 This is my supposition,
52:21 but it's the thought that came to my mind.
52:22 They're saying,
52:24 "You sure you wanna let him in here
52:27 after all I've seen him do?
52:30 Think about that.
52:31 You sure?
52:32 I mean, Lord,
52:34 I've been following him all his life.
52:36 You sure you wanna let him in here
52:40 after all I have seen?"
52:43 That's why the Lord confesses our name
52:46 before the Father and before the angels.
52:48 Now what does that mean, confess our name?
52:52 You know what that means?
52:53 That means represent our name.
52:57 The name comes up,
52:59 Richard Hutchinson.
53:02 "Who will make... Who will declare Richard Hut?
53:04 Who will stand in his behalf?" "I will."
53:07 "And what is your name?"
53:08 "I'm Jesus Christ, the righteous.
53:10 I'm a representative of Richard Hutchinson."
53:12 Amen? Amen.
53:14 That's what that is, confessing.
53:16 "Who is here to represent John Dinzey?"
53:18 "I am." "And what's your name?"
53:19 "Jesus Christ, the righteous."
53:22 "And what are you doing?"
53:24 I'm declaring my righteousness in his behalf.
53:28 His debt is covered by My righteousness."
53:32 That's what it means by confessing.
53:34 He is the one standing.
53:36 So when the angel said, "But I'm not sure,"
53:38 the Father says,
53:40 "It's already taken care of."
53:41 And He shows him, you remember, the Zachariah and the angel?
53:45 Remember that?
53:46 See, when your minds are...
53:48 When the Holy Spirit get involve,
53:49 he starts locking us together.
53:51 Zachariah, there he was in his filthy garments.
53:54 There he was in his filthy garments,
53:56 and the devil goes like, "Yes!"
53:57 And when he cleaned up Zachariah,
54:00 he turned to the devil and said,
54:01 "You're just upset
54:03 because he's a brand plucked from the fire."
54:06 Amen? Amen.
54:07 We are all brands plucked...
54:09 Joshua, we are all brands plucked from the fire.
54:14 Praise God for that.
54:16 And He says to the devil, "So what?
54:17 Go ahead and pal.
54:19 I don't really care
54:20 because your time is short anyhow."
54:22 Wow. This is beautiful.
54:24 He confesses our name.
54:25 You wanna write that down.
54:26 What assurance can we claim in the light of the judgment?
54:29 He confesses our name.
54:32 He is our surety.
54:34 Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
54:38 Wow.
54:42 And this is all in His book.
54:45 I couldn't make up a lesson this good.
54:48 This is something that was divinely
54:49 put together by God.
54:50 Wow.
54:52 All right, here it is.
54:53 How do we know
54:55 that we can have victory in the Judgment?
54:57 How can we know?
54:59 Revelation 12:10.
55:00 How can we know
55:02 that we can have victory in the Judgment?
55:07 How do we know that we can have victory
55:09 in the Judgment?
55:10 Number 18.
55:12 Revelation 12:10.
55:14 I'm gonna move right along
55:15 because of the interest of time.
55:16 Here it is.
55:18 "Then I heard a loud voice
55:23 saying in heaven,
55:25 'Now salvation, and strength,
55:28 and the kingdom of our God,
55:31 and the power of His Christ have come,
55:35 for the accuser of our brethren,
55:39 who accused them before our God day and night,"
55:43 what's the verdict, "has been cast down."
55:46 Amen.
55:47 Now I don't know if you've noticed that,
55:49 but just get the picture of the gavel coming down.
55:52 "You are to blame, not them.
55:55 You are going down, not them."
55:57 The verdict, the accuser.
55:59 "But wait... No, I've heard enough.
56:02 In the judgment, I've heard enough."
56:04 The accuser has been cast down, not the accused.
56:08 Praise God for that.
56:10 And we've been accused of a lot of things,
56:12 but the accuser is cast down, not the accused.
56:15 Don't ever get those mixed up.
56:17 The Lord stands on behalf of the accused,
56:20 but He stands against the accuser.
56:22 Praise God for that.
56:23 Can we get one more? I think we can get one more.
56:26 I'm gonna try my best.
56:28 Here it is.
56:29 What makes it possible to stand confident
56:32 in light of the judgment?
56:34 Romans 8:1-2.
56:36 What makes it possible to stand confident
56:39 in light of the judgment?
56:41 Romans 8:1-2.
56:44 And here it is.
56:45 Let's look at this beautiful text together.
56:47 Paul the Apostle knows
56:48 anybody who's walked in the footsteps of humanity,
56:51 anybody who's been on this earth long enough knows
56:55 how beautiful this text is
56:57 because the end result, if you're not for Jesus,
56:59 there's the condemnation, but let's read this.
57:01 "There is therefore," what,
57:02 "now no condemnation to those who are," what,
57:06 "in Christ Jesus,
57:07 who do not walk according to the flesh,
57:09 but according to the," what,
57:11 "Spirit." Why?
57:13 "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
57:17 has made me free from the," what, friends,
57:20 "law of sin and death."
57:22 I'm gonna wind up with this explanation.
57:24 The devil cites the law of sin and death.
57:27 He said, "But, Father, his corrupt nature,
57:29 he is human, he is mortal, he is corruptible."
57:33 That's the law of sin and death.
57:34 But the Father says, "Oh,
57:36 I'm gonna cover him with immortality.
57:37 I'm gonna cover him with incorruption.
57:39 I'm gonna cover him with My purity
57:41 because he's walking in the Spirit.
57:43 He's not walking according to the flesh."
57:45 See, how you walk has everything to do with
57:47 where you end up in the judgment.
57:48 So for those of you who are wondering
57:50 whether or not
57:51 you are prepared for the judgment,
57:53 just make this decision
57:54 to make your life a daily walk with Christ,
57:57 a daily one-to-one relationship.
57:59 And if it doesn't make sense, keep on studying
58:01 because one day it will come into a sharper focus.
58:04 God bless you.


Revised 2019-06-20