A Sharper Focus

The Truth about God's True Church, Part 5 and The Truth About the Judgment, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000094

00:20 Hello, friends,
00:21 welcome to another Wednesday night
00:23 Bible study here at the 3ABN Worship Center,
00:25 also known as the Thompsonville
00:27 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:29 Thank you for tuning in.
00:30 As we continue our study tonight
00:32 in the Word of God,
00:33 we are hoping to finish the topic
00:35 on "The Truth about God's True Church"
00:39 and begin a new lesson
00:40 on "The Truth about the Judgment."
00:42 And so take the next hour with us.
00:45 It's actually gonna be less than an hour
00:47 so you should have no excuse for not staying tuned in.
00:50 Get your Bibles, invite your family and friends
00:52 if you're joining us from church.
00:54 We thank you for tuning in tonight.
00:56 And we know that God has
00:57 a wonderful and powerful message
00:59 in store for every one of us.
01:00 Can we say amen to that?
01:02 The Lord always speaks to His people
01:04 when we gather together.
01:05 So tonight, before we do anything
01:07 before we even have our theme song,
01:10 join us as we go before the Lord in prayer.
01:13 Let's pray.
01:15 Gracious Father in heaven, we thank You that tonight,
01:19 we can come to You and ask for Your Holy Spirit
01:22 to be our teacher and our guide.
01:25 We can ask for You to enlighten our minds
01:27 and as we open Your Word,
01:29 may the page come alive to us.
01:33 May the message not only be intellectually understood,
01:36 but maybe spiritually discerned.
01:39 Be with us, Father,
01:40 and may all the blessings we receive
01:42 give You honor and glory.
01:43 We pray in Jesus' name.
01:44 Amen.
01:46 What time is it? It's time for our what?
01:49 Time for our theme song.
01:51 Let's sing this song together,
01:53 "Victory in Jesus."
02:03 Are you ready?
02:04 I heard an old, old story
02:08 How the Savior came from glory
02:12 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:15 To save a wretch like me
02:19 I heard about His groaning
02:23 Of His precious blood's atoning
02:27 Then I repented of my sin
02:31 And won the victory
02:33 Together.
02:35 O victory in Jesus
02:38 My Savior forever
02:42 He sought me and bought me
02:46 With His redeeming blood
02:50 He loved me ere I knew Him
02:53 And all my love is due Him
02:57 He plunged me to victory
03:01 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:05 I heard about a mansion
03:08 He has built for me in glory
03:12 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:16 Beyond the crystal sea
03:20 About the angels singing
03:24 And the old redemption story
03:27 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
03:31 The song of victory
03:34 Key change.
03:35 O victory in Jesus
03:39 My Savior forever
03:42 He sought me and bought me
03:46 With His redeeming blood
03:50 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:54 And all my love is due Him
03:58 He plunged me to victory
04:01 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:05 He plunged me to victory
04:09 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:15 Amen.
04:17 You know, I said beneath the cleansing blood,
04:18 flood, same thing.
04:20 The cleansing flood is the cleansing blood.
04:22 Amen?
04:24 Well, we are gonna continue tonight
04:25 on our topic,
04:27 The Truth about
04:28 God's True Church.
04:32 There is so much being said nowadays
04:33 and this topic has fascinated me
04:36 not that we could cover it in great, great detail.
04:39 But we have covered up to question number 16
04:42 thus far and tonight,
04:44 if you'd like a copy of the lesson,
04:45 go to this following website
04:48 asf.3abn.org
04:52 and download lesson number 27
04:55 and then 28
04:57 because if we get through these questions quickly enough,
05:00 we'll begin a new lesson
05:01 on The Truth about the Judgment.
05:03 The Truth about the Judgment,
05:04 download the lessons from that website asf.3abn.org,
05:09 don't put www,
05:11 and you'll have a copy of the lesson for tonight.
05:13 Now let me begin by talking about the word love.
05:16 Love has been one of the most misused words
05:21 in the English language.
05:23 It means more things in the Greek than it does
05:25 in the English language,
05:26 or one of the texts in the Bible
05:28 when Jesus had a conversation with Peter.
05:31 And He said, "Peter, do you love Me?"
05:33 And Peter said, "I love you."
05:36 And then He said, "Peter, do you love Me?"
05:38 And he said, "I love you."
05:40 And you would wonder,
05:41 why would Jesus keep asking Peter,
05:44 do you love Me when he said I love you?
05:46 Well, the English language has such limitations.
05:49 Jesus asked Peter, "Peter, do you agape me?"
05:52 And Peter said, "Lord, I philia you."
05:55 That means I love you like a brother.
05:56 I don't love you unconditionally next yet.
05:59 He said, "Peter, do you agape Me?"
06:01 Do you love Me unconditionally?
06:02 He said, "No, I philia you."
06:04 I love you like a brother.
06:06 And then He said, "Peter, if you philia Me,
06:09 if you love Me like a brother, feed My sheep."
06:12 See the English language is so limited
06:14 when it comes to love.
06:15 You know people today, they say,
06:17 "Oh, I love your scarf."
06:19 "I love that jacket."
06:20 "I love the way that taste."
06:22 "Woo! I love that fragrance."
06:24 "Aye! I love that car."
06:25 And it's so misused today.
06:27 When you ask people, "Do they love the Lord?"
06:30 It kind of blends into hot chocolate,
06:33 a car, or the taste of a donut.
06:36 We've got to get back to the true meaning of love.
06:39 Come on, say amen to that. Amen!
06:40 Because love has been so misused
06:42 that when you say, "Do you love Lord?"
06:43 People say, "I love the Lord."
06:45 But the test is not in how, what you say,
06:47 the test is in what you mean.
06:49 Right?
06:51 So we should say I like that donut.
06:53 Now when I say I love my wife, that's the appropriate way.
06:57 If I say, "Honey, I like you like a sister."
06:59 She'll say, "Something wrong."
07:01 Is there something wrong because some people nowadays,
07:04 you know, some people say I, you know,
07:06 I know we're married, but I love him like a brother.
07:09 I say you married him for the wrong reason.
07:11 You know, you got to love him like a husband,
07:13 love her like a wife,
07:14 love Jesus, for the love He is worthy.
07:18 But don't put the love for Jesus
07:20 and love for donuts on the same platform.
07:22 Amen?
07:23 Today as we begin with question number 17.
07:26 This is the reason why I lay the foundation
07:28 because there are many Christians today,
07:30 they say, "I love the Lord."
07:32 But He says, "How much?"
07:34 Let's go to the question for tonight.
07:37 Question for tonight.
07:39 How do we know
07:40 that God's Ten Commandments are love centered?
07:46 How do we know that God's Ten Commandments
07:49 are love centered?
07:51 I am just sometimes beyond reason
07:54 when people say
07:56 when you mentioned the commandments,
07:57 it goes right away in the minds of even many Christians,
08:00 are you those guys that are bound?
08:04 Bound, bound, bound,
08:08 let's read the text and see how bounding it is?
08:12 Let's see what bounds it?
08:14 What binds it?
08:15 I'm not messing with the English language.
08:16 But here it is.
08:18 John 14:15. Look what the Bible says.
08:20 And I'd like us to begin by reading this together.
08:21 Are you ready?
08:23 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
08:27 How could such a beautiful statement of Jesus
08:31 be distilled down to legalism?
08:34 It always amazes me.
08:36 You know, you...
08:38 That was nailed to the cross.
08:40 When Jesus said, "If you love Me,"
08:43 He didn't mean beyond the cross.
08:45 He meant up to the cross.
08:47 No, He didn't.
08:48 He meant love Me before the cross,
08:51 at the cross, and after the cross.
08:53 Amen?
08:54 And so today when people think of the commandments of God,
08:57 that's why this topic is appropriate,
08:59 The Truth about God's True Church.
09:02 If you're in a church that teaches
09:03 that the commandments of God are irrelevant,
09:06 get your Bible and run to the hills
09:10 'cause you're in a wrong place.
09:13 It's not about the music.
09:15 It's not, there are so many people
09:16 who love music nowadays.
09:18 They are more in love with the feeling
09:20 that music brings than in the obedience
09:22 that God's Word requires.
09:25 Some people wanna raise their hands
09:26 but lower their standards.
09:28 You cannot raise your hands and lower your standards.
09:32 You got to raise your standards.
09:33 And if your hands go up at the same time,
09:35 hey, that's an extra,
09:36 but you don't raise your standard.
09:38 Raise your hands and lower your standards.
09:41 The Lord says, "If you love Me,"
09:42 and the word love there doesn't mean,
09:44 Lord, I love the way You look today.
09:47 Lord, I love that miracle You performed.
09:49 This is agape love.
09:52 In other words,
09:53 is there anything that the Lord can do
09:55 that will keep us from loving Him?
09:58 Is there anything that He can require of us?
10:01 Then we'll say, "Ah!
10:02 Well, you know, Lord,
10:03 that love I have for You just went down the drain."
10:06 Absolutely not.
10:07 But so many Christians are taught
10:09 by churches, by pastors, by leaders,
10:11 by doctors of theology,
10:14 how on earth can you have a doctor of theology
10:17 and teach someone
10:18 that God's commandments are irrelevant?
10:21 That shows you that they got a degree,
10:25 but they're gonna face the third degree
10:28 if they don't get that right.
10:31 That's why the lesson the judgment
10:32 is right after this.
10:34 We got to be careful what we teach
10:35 and what we believe.
10:37 So if you love Me...
10:38 Now what's the basis of this?
10:39 If you what?
10:41 Love me.
10:42 Love is the first thing.
10:44 Matter of fact, the things we do for love,
10:46 you heard that song,
10:48 you know, heard that the things we do for love.
10:50 The Lord is not asking you to do anything for love.
10:53 He's asking you simply to be obedient to Him.
10:55 He's not saying walk on your hands.
10:57 He's not saying stand out on the rain.
10:59 He's not saying flog yourself or do 100 pushups.
11:02 He's not asking you to do any strange thing.
11:05 He simply saying, "If you love Me,
11:07 I need some proof."
11:08 Right?
11:10 How many people that you say you love them,
11:11 but you don't ever show any evidence of that?
11:14 You see the evidence of God's love
11:15 is what you are willing to be obedient to.
11:18 If you love Me, together, keep My commandments.
11:22 Let's go to the next text. 1 John 5:2-3.
11:27 1 John 5:2-3.
11:30 I mean, the reason why I sometimes answer questions
11:33 that sometimes people here are not asking
11:35 is because I know the arguments,
11:37 after being a pastor going on 28 years now
11:39 giving Bible studies for longer than that,
11:42 man, there's so many arguments that come up, the people,
11:45 the countenance of some people change
11:47 when you mentioned the commandments.
11:49 Ah!
11:50 It's a reaction that says to me,
11:52 it's not love that's behind that,
11:54 it's fear that's behind that or some other motive.
11:57 I can't judge because I don't know them personally,
12:00 but notice what the Lord says.
12:02 That reminds us
12:03 that His commandments are love centered.
12:05 1 John 5:2-3,
12:09 look at what the Bible says.
12:11 "By this we know that we," what?
12:15 "Love the children of God,
12:18 when we love God and," what?
12:21 "Keep His commandments."
12:24 Continuing, "For this is the love of God,
12:27 that we," do what?
12:29 "Keep his commandments.
12:31 And His commandments are not," what?
12:34 "Burdensome."
12:36 Grievous.
12:37 Another word King James Version, grievous,
12:39 New King James, burdensome.
12:41 So when you say to somebody,
12:42 you're under the burden, you're under the bondage.
12:45 It's not.
12:47 It's not burdensome.
12:49 Imagine. Oh!
12:52 Oh, I got to keep the commandments.
12:54 What am I gonna do?
12:57 God's not putting 100 pound bag of potatoes on your back.
13:00 He's simply saying,
13:01 "If your heart is a heart filled with love for Me,"
13:04 but I want you to notice what He said in verse 2,
13:06 this is powerful.
13:08 If you could bring verse 2 back up on the screen for me,
13:09 I want you to, I want you to see that
13:12 both the first four and the last six commandments
13:15 are summarized in this verse.
13:17 Look at verse 2, again,
13:19 "By this we know that we love the children of God,
13:23 when we," do what?
13:24 "Love God and keep His commandments."
13:27 Okay, thank you for that.
13:28 Now watch this.
13:30 If you love God,
13:32 whom you don't see,
13:34 then you can get to the place
13:35 where you love those that you do see.
13:39 He said, "We know that we love the children of God."
13:43 When?
13:44 If we love God, and keep His commandments,
13:48 when we love Him, we will love them.
13:51 Some people will say,
13:53 "Well, all you got to do is love your neighbor.
13:56 You don't have to keep the commandments."
13:58 But you can't love your neighbor
14:02 unless you keep the commandments
14:04 because the commandments are love.
14:07 This is the love of God.
14:09 Look at second, so write this down.
14:11 John 14:15.
14:13 How do we know that God's Ten Commandments
14:15 are love centered?
14:17 If you love Me, write that down.
14:18 If you love Me, that's the answer.
14:20 Second one,
14:22 1 John 5:2-3.
14:24 How do we know that God's Ten Commandments
14:26 are love centered?
14:27 When we love God and love His children.
14:30 When we love God and love His children,
14:33 and when it's not a burden.
14:36 Did you hear that? When it's not a burden.
14:39 You know, what a burden is?
14:41 When you're asking too much.
14:44 On the contrary, the Bible says
14:46 what shall I render to You, Lord,
14:48 for all Your benefits toward me?
14:52 What can I do? What else can I do, Lord?
14:54 Okay, okay, what else can I do, Lord?
14:56 Is there anything that we would not be
14:58 willing to do for Jesus that He's not done for us?
15:02 When somebody saves your life,
15:03 and, you know, I think sometimes
15:05 that whole concept of saved
15:07 is so best in other words, that's so misused,
15:09 love and saved,
15:11 I'm saved, from what?
15:14 Let's get that right.
15:15 You got to understand how to answer that.
15:17 You're saved. Saved from what?
15:18 If you are Christian, you're saved
15:20 from the penalty of sin.
15:22 You no longer on death row,
15:23 but you're not saved from the power
15:26 unless you accept the indwelling Holy Spirit.
15:29 When you accept the indwelling Holy Spirit,
15:31 then only can you be saved from the power of sin.
15:35 And one day when Jesus comes
15:36 we'll all be saved from the presence of sin.
15:39 So when you say you're saved.
15:40 Some people say, are you saved?
15:42 I was saved on March 4th 1983.
15:46 Have you been saved since then?
15:49 What do you mean?
15:50 If you only been saved on that day?
15:52 What about saved after that day?
15:55 Amen, somebody?
15:57 Let me ask the question.
15:58 How often are you tempted?
16:01 How often? Everyday.
16:03 Which means we all have to be saved
16:04 from the power of sin.
16:06 And let me ask a question,
16:08 maybe I can get a resounding answer to that.
16:11 Is sin powerful?
16:12 Yes.
16:16 It is powerful.
16:17 It is powerful,
16:19 but who's more powerful than sin?
16:21 Jesus.
16:22 Okay, I just want to make it clear.
16:23 Let's not glorify sin.
16:25 Let's glorify the Savior.
16:27 Jesus is more powerful than sin on any day.
16:31 He's able to save to the uttermost,
16:33 those who come unto God through Him,
16:36 seeing that He ever lives to make intercession.
16:38 You know what intercession is?
16:40 He steps between you and the sin.
16:42 He steps between us
16:44 when the sin wants to hit you, Jesus steps.
16:46 No, when the sin wants to bring you down,
16:48 you call on Jesus.
16:49 He steps in. He's the intercessor.
16:53 He's the mediator.
16:55 He keeps our name before the Father.
16:57 So this whole idea that
16:59 His commandments are some difficulty,
17:01 just doesn't even match.
17:02 Let's look at the third text.
17:03 2 John 6.
17:05 2 John 6, since there's only one chapter.
17:09 2 John 6.
17:11 This, the Bible is so clear.
17:14 Oh, it's amazed, the Bible is so clear.
17:17 Here's the verse,
17:18 well, I'll bring it on the screen.
17:20 It says, "This is love,
17:22 that we walk according to," what?
17:25 "His commandments.
17:27 This is the commandment,
17:29 that as you have heard from the beginning,
17:32 you should walk in it."
17:34 So how long has it been around?
17:36 From the beginning.
17:38 That means not only from the beginning of time,
17:41 but the Lord says, ever since I told you this,
17:43 I'm not gonna tell you anything new.
17:45 The same thing I told you when I met you
17:49 is the same thing I'm telling you now.
17:51 I'm not changing my tune.
17:52 Some people want Jesus to change His tune.
17:54 And so they say,
17:56 "Well, He nailed the law to the cross."
17:58 No, the law nailed Him to the cross.
18:01 The wages of the sin is what?
18:03 Death. Death.
18:04 What is sin? The transgression of the law.
18:07 If Jesus nailed the cross, the law to the cross...
18:09 If He nailed the law to the cross,
18:11 He didn't have to be nailed to the cross.
18:13 But because the law
18:14 could not be nailed to the cross,
18:16 Jesus had to be nailed to the cross.
18:17 The law required death.
18:19 The wages of sin is what?
18:21 Death.
18:22 If He could have changed it, Sister Zeta,
18:25 He could have said, you know what?
18:27 Let me get rid of this so I don't have to die.
18:28 Come on, how many of us would have done that?
18:30 If I could just get rid of this,
18:32 I won't have to die.
18:33 Like some of us,
18:34 if we just get rid of this parking ticket
18:37 or if we get rid of this thing that's in our way,
18:39 we would prefer to get rid of something
18:42 than let it take us to hardship.
18:44 But Jesus chose not to do that.
18:45 The law cannot be abrogated.
18:48 A big word for many, He can't get done away with.
18:50 You know why?
18:52 Because the commandments reflect the character of God.
18:56 It's His character.
18:57 It is our Magna Carta.
18:59 It is heaven's constitution.
19:01 If you try to get rid of the constitution,
19:03 you know, matter of fact, the government falls
19:05 when the constitution is null and void.
19:07 When the laws of that land had been...
19:11 Let me use the word here, repudiated.
19:14 When the laws of the land are repudiated,
19:17 you got to bring in martial law
19:19 because everything is chaos.
19:21 God is not gonna have chaos in heaven.
19:23 Amen, somebody?
19:24 But His church, His church on earth
19:27 is reflecting to the world
19:28 what kind of government God will have
19:31 by our love for one another, and by our love for God,
19:34 and it's all encapsulated in the Ten Commandments.
19:38 The first four, love for God.
19:40 The last six are love for our fellowmen.
19:43 I don't know why.
19:45 I mean, I know the answer.
19:46 I'll tell you, you know,
19:48 but it's amazing to me that Christians
19:49 that claim they are saved
19:52 and the commandments are done away with,
19:53 I just cannot help but ask, why do you need to be saved.
19:57 If you believe the commandments are done away with,
20:00 you don't need to be saved 'cause there's no sin.
20:03 Right?
20:04 I mean, you go to the Autobahn in Germany,
20:06 you're not gonna be looking for police to catch you
20:07 with a radar detector or radar
20:11 because they don't have radar on the Autobahn.
20:14 Open that carburetor and push that gas pedal down
20:18 'cause there are no police gonna stop you on Autobahn.
20:21 Matter of fact, on the Autobahn,
20:22 if you going too slow the other drivers get upset.
20:27 But in God's government,
20:28 there are limitations and there are parameters.
20:30 Don't think of the commandments as a burden.
20:33 Think of the commandments as a parameter,
20:35 as the government of God,
20:36 is the character of God,
20:38 as the principles by which we will live
20:40 throughout eternity.
20:41 See, think of it as the fence
20:45 that if you under the fence,
20:48 it'll keep all those unwanted factions
20:51 on the other side.
20:53 Think of it as the yellow line.
20:54 You could drive down the road, if you ignore the yellow line,
20:56 well, that's a tragic thing.
20:58 So the commandments of God,
20:59 God's Church will keep His commandments.
21:02 Amen?
21:04 Now I mentioned a moment ago.
21:05 Let's go to very next question. Question number 18.
21:07 I mentioned a moment ago as we go to this question
21:09 that one of the things that are
21:12 so vitally important is,
21:16 this next question tells you why you have to be sure
21:18 that you're in the right place
21:20 because if you're not in the right place,
21:22 you are part of Babylon.
21:23 We're gonna do a lesson on Babylon one day.
21:26 If you're not in the right place,
21:27 you can be fooled by the wine of Babylon.
21:31 You see the wine of Babylon, you know, wine does?
21:34 I used to be a casual drinker, I would never go to the store.
21:36 And this is before I became a Christian.
21:38 This is before I got baptized years ago,
21:40 when I was a disc jockey in New York City.
21:41 I was a casual drinker,
21:43 meaning I didn't go and buy hard whiskey.
21:45 I never bought beer,
21:47 but I was one of those guys that bought mixed drinks.
21:49 You know, it's sweet,
21:51 but the alcohol is still in there.
21:54 There are some people
21:56 that think the message is sweet.
21:59 But if you are ignoring God's law,
22:00 the alcohol is still in there.
22:05 It may sound sweet,
22:07 but if God's law has been taken out,
22:09 the alcohol is in there.
22:11 And what it does in Babylon, it inebriates.
22:14 The word inebriate means
22:16 you are unable to differentiate between right and wrong.
22:18 The one thing that a person can do
22:20 when they get rid of God's law,
22:22 as a person that has been inebriated or drunk
22:25 is they can't walk a straight line.
22:28 So that's why the Lord says,
22:30 "Straight is the way and narrow is the path
22:32 that leads to eternal life."
22:33 Not restrictive at any means.
22:36 But you have to be careful.
22:37 You got to walk a straight line.
22:39 Amen, somebody?
22:40 Lord say don't live no crooked life
22:41 and trying to make it into the kingdom.
22:43 You got to walk a straight line
22:44 and the commandments of God are the parameters
22:45 by which we walk.
22:48 The Lord says, "I have no greater joy
22:49 than to hear that My children walk in truth."
22:51 Matter of fact, before we bring the question up,
22:52 go to 2 John Chapter, was only one chapter.
22:56 But 2 John,
22:58 uh...
23:01 Yeah, let's look at verse 4.
23:02 2 John 4.
23:04 This is wonderful.
23:07 See, 2 John 4,
23:10 "I rejoiced greatly
23:11 that I have found some of your children,"
23:14 doing what?
23:15 "Walking in truth,
23:17 as we received commandment from the Father."
23:19 So the Lord wants His children to do what?
23:23 Walk in truth.
23:24 In 1 John, He says, "I have no greater joy
23:27 than to hear that My children walk in truth."
23:30 You cannot separate, that is vitally important
23:31 that you know that where you are is a place
23:34 where the commandments of God are kept.
23:36 And you know what? Let me just make this point.
23:38 When you apply that litmus test to Christianity,
23:44 and you think it's hard to find out
23:45 what God's true church is,
23:47 you'll eliminate 90% of them.
23:51 Am I telling you the truth?
23:53 Not that they're not great, wonderful Christians.
23:55 That's why this next text is so vitally important.
23:58 You'll eliminate 90%
24:00 of the so-called "True churches,"
24:03 if you just apply that litmus test.
24:06 Look for the commandments of God,
24:07 and if they're missing, ask the pastor,
24:10 "Pastor, does your church keep the Ten Commandments?"
24:13 That's been nailed up, later.
24:16 If he starts that's been nailed then for the Jews only,
24:19 I'm out of here.
24:20 That's why this next question is vitally important.
24:22 Here it is.
24:23 What additional message would God's last day church proclaim?
24:28 What additional message would God's last day
24:31 church proclaim?
24:32 Go to Revelation Chapter 18.
24:35 Revelation Chapter 18.
24:36 You know,
24:38 we are living in the time where the lines of demarcation,
24:41 that means you could hardly tell.
24:44 Sometimes, the truth lies so close,
24:47 sometimes error reflects tries
24:50 to take on the character of truth so closely
24:54 that the Bible says if possible,
24:56 speaking of the deception,
24:57 if possible,
24:58 he will deceive the very elect.
25:01 Thank God for if
25:03 because the very elect are shielded from deception
25:07 because they are the Word of God as Psalms 91,
25:11 "Your truth shall be my shield and my defense,
25:14 or my shield and my buckler."
25:16 When error comes, I've got a shield, the truth,
25:19 the truth of God's Word and His commandments are truth,
25:21 but look at Revelation 18.
25:23 And let's go ahead and begin with verse 1
25:25 just to give the full context.
25:27 Sometimes, when you don't do the context,
25:30 it becomes pretext.
25:31 Let's look at this.
25:33 Revelation 18:1,
25:34 "After these things I saw another angel
25:36 coming down from heaven, having the great authority,
25:38 and the earth was illuminated with his glory.
25:41 And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying,
25:43 'Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen,
25:45 and has become the habitation of demons,
25:47 and a prison for every foul spirit,
25:49 and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!
25:54 Here's the reason for all nations have drunk
25:56 of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
25:58 the kings of the earth, that's political leaders,
26:01 have committed fornication with her.
26:03 And the merchants of the earth have become rich
26:06 through the abundance of her luxury.'"
26:09 Now verse 4, here is on the screen.
26:11 "And I heard another voice from heaven saying together,
26:15 'Come out of her," what?
26:19 "My people, lest you share in her sins,
26:22 and lest you receive of her," what?
26:25 "Plagues.'"
26:26 Now let's just pause and think about that.
26:28 A moment ago, we define what sin is.
26:30 What is sin?
26:31 The transgression of law.
26:33 Lest you share in her transgression her sins.
26:37 She is a system that continues to transgress
26:41 because there could not be sin in Babylon
26:45 if God's commandments were being honored.
26:49 Lest you share in her sins, what is the share in her sins?
26:53 What's the wages of sin?
26:54 Death, that's the only share you get, you don't get...
26:57 I said this not too long ago
26:59 and I was saying this to David Butler,
27:01 I was preaching a few weeks ago.
27:04 Some people think that hell is gonna be an endless party.
27:11 Some people think the hell is gonna be an endless drink
27:14 or endless clubs.
27:17 No, everything comes to an end in hell.
27:21 And I'm amazed
27:22 how when the Lord is saying to His people
27:24 come out of darkness into this marvelous light.
27:28 Come out of Babylon, My people.
27:30 See today as I'm proclaiming this message,
27:33 there are many of you that are agitated by it
27:35 and you're saying, I think I'm in the wrong place
27:37 'cause I remember somewhere pastor said
27:39 that the commandments were nailed to the cross.
27:41 I better check this thing out.
27:44 If you check it out,
27:45 let God's Word be your final guide.
27:47 Don't put any clergy between you and your salvation.
27:52 If they speak not according to this word,
27:54 to the law and to the testimony,
27:55 if they speak not according to this word,
27:58 it is because there is how much light?
27:59 No light.
28:01 Don't get fooled by the garb
28:05 because people nowadays anybody could be a preacher.
28:10 You know, got the holy garb,
28:12 you go to the nearest Christian bookstore
28:14 and buy all the Christian garb,
28:15 you get yourself a robe, collar,
28:18 you know, you could look religious and holy,
28:20 but the Bible says
28:22 God does not look at the outer appearance,
28:23 He looks at the heart.
28:25 Amen?
28:26 It's what's going on on the inside.
28:28 Come out of her.
28:29 God is saying that His people are in many places
28:31 that He doesn't want to be.
28:32 He's calling them out.
28:34 Is your church proclaiming Revelation 18,
28:36 the message to come out of Babylon,
28:38 the second angel's message, Babylon is fallen.
28:41 Now let me just make a point here,
28:43 which fits right here.
28:44 So answer the question,
28:46 what additional message
28:47 would God's last day church proclaim?
28:49 Come out of Babylon. Come out of Babylon.
28:52 The word Babylon means confusion.
28:54 Matter of fact,
28:56 we were just taping some Bible stories.
28:59 Miss Brenda was doing Bible stories
29:01 for the last three weeks and they,
29:03 did they do the Tower of Babel?
29:04 Yeah.
29:06 Now Babel, another word for Babel, actually is babel.
29:08 It's what babies do.
29:10 You don't know what they're saying.
29:13 And they don't know what they're saying.
29:14 They know what they mean intellect,
29:16 they know what they're trying to communicate,
29:17 but it's as...
29:21 They don't know what they're saying,
29:22 and neither do you.
29:23 What the Lord in essence is saying to us,
29:25 as you'll be in a church
29:28 where even preachers are so inebriated by darkness,
29:31 they don't even know what they're saying.
29:33 All you got to do is peruse YouTube
29:35 and see some of the craziest sermons
29:36 on earth.
29:38 Some of them that I'm amazed that some of those preachers
29:40 that say what they do is still alive.
29:43 God is a God of mercy, isn't He not?
29:45 So He's saying to preachers and leaders alike, come out.
29:48 Matter of fact, let me show you something.
29:51 Thank you, Lord, for tapping me on the shoulder.
29:53 Go with me to Corinthians.
30:00 2 Corinthians Chapter 11.
30:06 2 Corinthians Chapter 11.
30:09 What we don't know is
30:10 sometimes we underestimate the power of Satan.
30:14 Now...
30:18 You can go to an army surplus store
30:21 and buy an entire military uniform.
30:25 What do you wanna be?
30:26 Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines.
30:28 What do you wanna be?
30:29 Army surplus means they have a surplus.
30:32 You can buy the cap,
30:33 you can buy all the outfits of police.
30:35 Matter of fact, there was a story of a guy
30:37 that had done that in the state of Georgia.
30:39 He was pulling people over,
30:40 he had on the entire outfit of a police.
30:43 So all he did was put in his unmarked car
30:46 a rotating red light.
30:47 And so what had happened was the people of that town
30:50 hearing about this were afraid to stop
30:53 and there was one lady
30:54 that a real police was following her
30:56 and she chose not to stop,
30:57 she was gonna keep on driving
30:58 until she stopped at the police station.
31:00 But he pulled her over before that.
31:02 And she had, they had this argument.
31:04 She said, "I thought you were that guy
31:05 that was pulling people over."
31:07 He was robbing them and crimes have been committed,
31:10 he would pull them over late at night.
31:12 Who would not stop
31:14 if they saw police light behind them
31:15 and a guy walking up to them in a uniform
31:17 that looked just like a police?
31:18 Roll your window down, sir, roll your window down, ma'am.
31:21 And then the crime will be committed.
31:23 Well, that's what the devil has done nowadays.
31:26 He has gotten the whole outfit down pat.
31:30 But be careful.
31:31 He's got a red light and he's coming after you.
31:33 Make sure that you stand on truth
31:35 so they won't be able to get you.
31:36 Notice 2 Corinthians 11:13.
31:39 Look what the Bible says,
31:41 "For such are false apostles,"
31:45 you could read the context to find out,
31:47 "deceitful workers," what are they doing?
31:50 "Transforming themselves into apostles of Christ."
31:55 You've heard the phrase Transformers,
31:56 the kids have that game, he used to look like a cop
31:58 and all of a sudden you bended it up
32:00 and all of a sudden becomes a big old transformer.
32:03 Look at what they do, who's behind it?
32:05 "And no wonder or no marvel,
32:08 "For Satan himself," verse 14,
32:11 "transforms himself into," what?
32:15 "An angel of light."
32:16 Be careful when you say
32:18 you had an encounter with an angel.
32:23 Because if he preaches any other gospel,
32:25 by the way,
32:26 angel encounters are not common.
32:28 If you have an encounter with an angel
32:30 and you feel weird,
32:31 you better start praying.
32:33 But look at verse 15.
32:34 "Therefore it is no great thing if his," what's the next word?
32:39 "If his ministers also transform themselves
32:43 into ministers of righteousness,
32:46 whose end will be according to their," what?
32:48 "Works."
32:50 We gonna talk about that in the judgment,
32:51 the next lesson.
32:52 So be careful, don't get caught up
32:54 in the outward appearance
32:55 because I tell you what?
32:58 I've looked at some of the major religions
33:00 of the world.
33:01 And believe me, some of the garb
33:03 and some of the outfits that they wear,
33:04 they look ecclesiastical.
33:06 They look very holy.
33:08 And they...
33:14 I don't want to belittle, but it could sound holy.
33:17 It could be even reverend.
33:18 You know, if reverence is what's gonna get you,
33:20 the devil can make an unholy place
33:22 seem really reverend.
33:24 Don't get pulled
33:26 and let the Word of God be your measurement.
33:27 What do you say?
33:29 Here's the reason why?
33:30 So question 18 is,
33:33 what's the message?
33:34 Babylon, come out of her?
33:36 Let's go to question number 19.
33:38 We just have a few more.
33:39 I think we will get to the judgment tonight.
33:41 It's pretty close. I think we're gonna get there.
33:44 And lot of people talk about angels.
33:47 We're gonna do a specific lesson on that.
33:50 Encounters of a Third Kind,
33:54 just to let you know, there's so many things
33:55 that people nowadays
33:57 think their mother visited them
33:58 or, you know, they got a message
34:00 from a psychic that confirmed that he was or she was talking
34:03 to their dead loved ones is foolishness.
34:07 But people are being fooled by it.
34:09 Question number 19. Here it is.
34:11 How do we know that Jesus has followers
34:14 in other churches?
34:15 How do we know that?
34:16 Let's go to John 10:16.
34:18 This is a beautiful chapter.
34:20 This is the chapter
34:22 that depicts Jesus as the Shepherd
34:24 and as the Door.
34:26 He's the Shepherd and He is the Door.
34:29 What kind of Shepherd is Jesus?
34:31 Somebody tell me? Good Shepherd.
34:32 He's the Good Shepherd. He's the Good Shepherd.
34:36 He doesn't beat His sheep.
34:40 Okay, John 10:16.
34:42 Here we are.
34:46 The Bible says,
34:47 "And other sheep I have which are not of this," what?
34:53 "Fold, them also I should bring,"
34:56 what's the next word?
34:58 Say with me, must,
35:00 "them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice,
35:05 and there will be one flock and," what?
35:08 "One shepherd."
35:10 I want you to know the emphatic nature
35:12 of that text.
35:14 Other sheep I have which are not of this fold,
35:19 the emphasis and, you know what?
35:20 Those who are searching the Word of God,
35:22 they will follow the voice of the shepherd.
35:23 Amen? Isn't that wonderful?
35:25 We have many right in this, right in,
35:27 we have in our church right in this room tonight.
35:29 We have people that are walking in every week.
35:32 I heard something on 3ABN that kind of troubled me,
35:34 I wanna follow it up.
35:36 I wanna also tell you,
35:37 don't ever get discouraged
35:39 whenever you begin to investigate truth
35:40 because there is no greater
35:43 second attack by Satan,
35:47 like the attack that happens
35:48 when you decide to investigate truth.
35:51 Be very careful not to get discouraged
35:53 when your aim is to investigate the truth of God's Word.
35:56 But notice what he says.
35:58 Other sheep I have which are not of this fold,
36:00 them also I must bring.
36:03 He didn't say, might bring.
36:05 In other words, God is not content
36:06 for His people to remain in the wrong place.
36:10 Amen for that?
36:11 He wants them to be where He is.
36:13 Matter of fact, He said that in John 14,
36:15 that where I am there you may be also.
36:18 I'm coming back to get you,
36:19 but I got to get you out of there,
36:21 so I can get you into there.
36:23 Don't get enamored by the beautiful programs
36:25 and the stained glass window
36:27 and the massive community outreach
36:28 and all the good things that are happening
36:30 because you could be so busy doing things
36:33 and leave out the essentials.
36:35 You could be very busy doing things.
36:38 I know how that is.
36:39 Sometimes they get so busy
36:41 doing everything else, they go, oh,
36:43 got to get my sermon information
36:44 to Celestine.
36:46 You know, you can get so busy that the essential things.
36:49 Essential, sometimes eating could be essential.
36:54 My wife calls me, "Did you eat yet?"
36:56 "Oh, forgot."
36:57 "Do you know what time it is?"
37:00 "Okay, I'm gonna go eat."
37:01 Essential, the Word of God study it, essential.
37:06 What word did I just use?
37:07 Essential imperative,
37:09 a more emergency minded word.
37:13 I must bring and they will hear My voice,
37:16 the emphasis.
37:18 I must bring them, they will hear,
37:20 and there will be one flock and one Shepherd, emphatic.
37:24 So write that down.
37:26 How do we know that Jesus has followers
37:27 in other churches?
37:29 He has other sheep.
37:31 When you read the story in Mark Chapter 4
37:32 about Jesus getting in the boat with His disciples,
37:35 the Bible says,
37:37 Jesus had followers on other ships.
37:41 But when the storm hit, it drove them into proximity.
37:45 They were all in the same storm together.
37:47 That's what's happening in the world today.
37:49 All this stuff about ISIS and Ebola.
37:51 Everybody's affected by this push
37:53 for all the states to accept same sex marriage.
37:57 Isn't it ridiculous?
37:59 It's ridiculous.
38:00 And these cut loose politicians that are demanding
38:03 that pastors handing their sermons.
38:05 You can come and listen to my sermon.
38:08 You come here, you're gonna hear the truth.
38:09 Amen, somebody?
38:10 I'm not fearful of any politicians.
38:12 I have, as I said to a Prime Minister once
38:14 as I was sitting in his residence
38:16 in one of these countries, I won't name it.
38:17 As I was sitting in his residence, he said,
38:19 "How come you're not afraid right now?"
38:21 And I paused and I said,
38:23 "With all due respect, Prime Minister so and so,
38:26 I have to answer to an even higher authority."
38:29 And he looked at me with very stoic face
38:31 and then he smiled, he said, "I like that."
38:35 We do not fear man.
38:38 As the apostle says in Acts Chapter 5,
38:40 we are to obey God rather than man.
38:45 All right, let's go to question number 20.
38:47 Here it is.
38:49 In what way does the Bible say that Jesus has only one church?
38:54 Let's go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 to begin.
38:57 In what way does the Bible say
38:59 that Jesus has only one church?
39:03 I know English teachers
39:05 when I was taking English there in Orlando, Florida,
39:08 in Seminole Community College.
39:12 That's the incorrect context
39:16 'cause the Bible doesn't say.
39:19 But the reason why I put say
39:21 because Jesus speaks through the words.
39:24 So let me correct the English teachers tonight.
39:26 When the Bible, and I read the Bible,
39:27 it speaks to me.
39:28 Amen? It's the voice of God.
39:30 So if it speaks, it will say, this is the way.
39:34 He said, "You will hear a voice behind you saying," what?
39:36 "This is the way, walk ye in it."
39:38 And I would say today that ever present voice
39:40 is the Word of God.
39:42 The Holy Spirit for those who believe
39:43 in spiritual impressions,
39:45 don't ever let spiritual impression push you
39:47 away from the revealed Word of God.
39:51 There are those who say, oh, but a God impressed me.
39:54 He does not.
39:55 He never impresses you against His Word.
39:58 1 Corinthians 12:13.
40:00 In what way does the Bible say that Jesus has only one church?
40:02 Here it is.
40:05 "For by one Spirit
40:06 we were all baptized into," what?
40:10 "One body, whether Jews or Greeks,
40:13 whether slaves or free,
40:17 and have all been made to drink into," what?
40:20 "One spirit."
40:22 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God,
40:25 one Father of all, one spirit.
40:27 The Bible warned and even Paul the Apostle, one gospel.
40:30 He said, even if an angel comes and preaches any other gospel,
40:33 let him be anathema, let him be a cursed.
40:36 You cannot come up with another gospel,
40:39 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God,
40:40 one Father of all, one spirit, one body.
40:44 So here it is.
40:45 In what way does the Bible say that Jesus has only one church?
40:48 The answer is very clear.
40:51 We were all baptized into what?
40:54 One body.
40:55 Now this is powerful.
40:56 There are some people that get baptized
40:58 and they asked the question,
40:59 do I need to join the church?
41:01 No.
41:02 Well, am I gonna give you a football uniform
41:04 for you to play by yourself?
41:07 I don't wanna be little this idea.
41:08 But there are some people that think
41:10 that they could be Christians all independently.
41:12 They want to turn into Christian monks
41:14 hide off somewhere waiting for Jesus to come
41:16 like they're isolating themselves
41:18 from everybody else.
41:19 What they don't know is they struggle
41:22 just as much as everybody else.
41:23 The Lord adage of the church daily
41:25 and this is a very important concept.
41:27 Because the Bible says iron sharpens what?
41:30 You need some tough fork in the church to sharpen you.
41:34 And they need you to sharpen them.
41:36 You'll never know how much of a Christian you are Terry,
41:38 until somebody challenges your Christianity.
41:42 And they'll never know how much of a Christian they are
41:44 until you challenge their Christianity.
41:46 We must all grow together.
41:48 Let them grow together.
41:49 Jesus said to Peter,
41:51 let them grow together until the what?
41:53 Harvest.
41:54 So that there's one body, one spirit,
41:56 so don't think that, well, you know,
41:58 those brethren there they have issues,
41:59 they've problems, just like your problems.
42:03 The Lord is working on all of us.
42:04 Every one of us is under construction.
42:06 We are not done yet and praise the Lord.
42:08 He hasn't finished His work yet on us.
42:11 Let's look at Colossians 3:15.
42:13 So the answer is one body
42:15 for verse 12 and 13 of 1 Corinthians,
42:17 but now Colossians 3:15.
42:19 Here it is, Colossians 3:15.
42:23 The Bible says, "And let the peace of God
42:26 rule in," what?
42:28 "Your hearts,
42:29 to which also you were called in," what?
42:34 "One body,
42:37 and be thankful."
42:40 Now some people think
42:43 that there are functions in the body of Christ
42:46 that are more important than other functions.
42:49 If you ever think that your pinky is not important,
42:52 hit it with a hammer.
42:54 Can you identify?
42:56 I've done construction work that is in the minimum,
42:58 I'm not a construction worker.
43:00 But I've used the hammer before,
43:01 and in a brief moment,
43:05 missed the nail and found the fingernail.
43:09 And although it's so small, the whole body goes,
43:11 oh, there's nothing in the church.
43:14 There's nobody in the church more important than the other.
43:17 The only one that is above all of us is Jesus.
43:20 So we're all called into the body.
43:22 That's where the work gets done.
43:24 Have you ever heard of the body shop,
43:26 we are to start calling the church, the body shop,
43:28 working on us.
43:30 Working on us, getting all our dents out,
43:32 giving us a new coat of paint, the righteousness of Christ.
43:35 Got to be there.
43:37 You can't have a car miles away from the body shop
43:40 and expect it to get fixed.
43:42 No, this is the mechanic.
43:43 Jesus is working on everything in our lives
43:45 that need to be ready for His Second Coming.
43:49 So the answer is, Colossians 3:15.
43:52 We were called into how many bodies?
43:54 One body, there's only one body.
43:56 Today we have a multiplicity of it,
43:57 different locations, different teachers,
43:59 different teachings, different creeds,
44:01 different philosophies.
44:03 And there's a push nowadays,
44:04 you know, that Rome has been pushing very hard.
44:06 The Vatican's pushing hard.
44:07 Pope Francis is pushing very hard
44:09 for everybody to come together.
44:10 They're begging for unity.
44:12 But here's my point.
44:13 There is no unity
44:15 when the truth of God's Word is not involved.
44:17 You cannot be unified,
44:19 you might get together and have the same mind.
44:22 But if I have to throw out the truth of God's Word
44:24 to be unified with you,
44:25 then I don't need to have that kind of unity.
44:27 If it's just me and God, I'll have unity with Him,
44:29 but not with anyone
44:31 who wants to throw the truth of God's Word out.
44:33 Question number 21. Here it is.
44:35 Then we'll transition.
44:38 What assurance has Jesus given
44:40 to His commandment keeping church?
44:43 What assurance has Jesus given
44:46 to His commandment keeping church?
44:50 And by the way, let me just add this,
44:52 this assurance is to anyone
44:54 who accepts the Lord
44:55 as their Savior,
44:59 as his or her Savior anyone?
45:01 Revelation 12:11.
45:03 The only assurance that we all have
45:05 sometimes I call this the blessed assurance
45:07 because it really is when you think about the text,
45:09 Revelation 12:11.
45:12 And the Bible reads,
45:13 "And they overcame him by the," what?
45:17 "Blood of the Lamb
45:18 and by the word of their," what?
45:20 "Testimony, and they did not love
45:21 their lives to the death."
45:23 Now for those of you that have read this text
45:24 over and over and over again,
45:26 I ended with this one
45:29 because the word love is involved in this.
45:31 I began by saying love has been misused.
45:34 This is really love.
45:37 If you rather die
45:39 than disobey God, that's love.
45:42 He said they did not love their lives,
45:43 even if it meant death.
45:46 And when you think about the Dark Ages
45:47 and the millions of Christians that lost their lives
45:49 in the persecuted church in the New Testament,
45:51 that's the reason why they died.
45:54 They were more determined to be obedient
45:57 than to get rid of any one of the commandments
45:59 and compromise.
46:02 But there are churches today, they say, let's compromise
46:06 and still keep Christianity an oxymoron compromised.
46:10 Christianity, there is no such thing.
46:13 And, you know, thank you, honey.
46:15 And the reason why they became faithful
46:17 is because they were not looking
46:19 for a better funeral.
46:21 They were looking for a better resurrection.
46:23 Read Hebrews Chapter 11.
46:25 And you see,
46:26 that's what drove those during times of persecution,
46:30 to rather give their lives
46:32 than to give up the truth of God's Word.
46:34 And that's the big issue today.
46:36 Truth is the word that's pushed out,
46:38 today it's more like programs,
46:40 and is your hour, this is your time.
46:42 This is where your portfolio is gonna come to fruition.
46:45 This is where you're gonna spread your wings.
46:47 Well, you know what?
46:48 You'll spread your wings.
46:50 But if you're not keeping the commandments of God,
46:52 you won't be able to fly into the New Jerusalem.
46:55 You have to be obedient to the Word of God.
46:57 What do you say?
46:59 Perfect time to transition
47:01 because this leads us right and I don't know
47:02 how many questions we'll get in.
47:04 But let's now begin the new lesson,
47:06 The Truth about the Judgment. The Truth about the Judgment.
47:11 The Truth about the Judgment.
47:14 Wow! What a lesson?
47:19 This is another subject
47:20 you don't hear preached on television,
47:23 at least not on while you hear it on 3ABN.
47:27 But you don't hear this in common Christianity nowadays
47:31 or nominal Christianity because it's a topic
47:36 that pulls you forward and said,
47:37 "Did you know that this is coming?"
47:40 It's like, I'm not gonna minimize it
47:42 but those of us who have to pay taxes,
47:45 nobody likes April 15 and nobody likes October 15.
47:49 Amen, somebody?
47:51 Those are two dates in the year that we don't like
47:53 because we're usually more broke after that.
47:55 Am I telling the truth, Mike?
47:56 And we say, "Oh, no two more days
48:02 before I have to send money to the IRS."
48:05 Now some people sent it earlier,
48:06 but the deadline is the deadline.
48:09 You know what?
48:10 In the economy of God,
48:11 there was a yearly deadline, let me lay the foundation.
48:15 It was called a Day of Atonement.
48:18 Up until that point, your sins were forgiven.
48:22 But on that day, they were blotted out.
48:26 That's what Paul talked about
48:27 the time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.
48:30 You are refreshed.
48:31 Why was it a time of refreshing?
48:33 Oh, they say because you are what?
48:37 We were clean.
48:38 It's refreshing to be clean.
48:40 If you've ever been really dirty before,
48:42 for those of us who live out here in the Midwest,
48:44 and sometimes we're outside in the rain and the mud.
48:47 You know, I remember helping someone build a house
48:49 and we had to do it that particular day.
48:51 We had to put the trusses up
48:53 and it just happened to rain that day.
48:55 That was the only day that the trailer truck
48:57 had deliver the trusses
48:59 and he said the rain is not gonna hurt the wood
49:01 but I cannot stay beyond today.
49:03 And there we were, the mud was getting more muddy.
49:07 And the rain I had on two rain coats,
49:09 had on pants with a pair of kind of pants
49:13 over the pants.
49:14 But the kind of pants that don't get wet too much
49:16 because if you just wore jeans in a rain, man,
49:18 after a while you'll be gaining weight
49:19 just from all the water it retains,
49:21 and had booze and I was stuck in the mud,
49:23 and we were out there in the rain.
49:25 And I was thinking, oh man, why do they have to be today?
49:28 A very unpleasant day,
49:30 couldn't wait until the rain past.
49:33 You see, there were those who knew
49:34 that there was this day coming,
49:36 to some that were not prepared for it,
49:38 it was a very unpleasant day.
49:40 But for those that were preparing for it,
49:42 it was a glorious day.
49:45 You had the Feast of Trumpets reminding you
49:48 that the Day of Judgment is coming.
49:49 You had the Day of Atonement,
49:51 then you had the Feast of Tabernacles,
49:53 the celebration.
49:54 There is going to be a celebration one day,
49:56 they feasted for seven days.
50:00 The Feast of Tabernacles, they tabernacle with God.
50:03 You see, the text that reminds us
50:04 of the tabernacle of God is when Jesus says,
50:08 "In My Father's house are many mansions,"
50:10 that's the word,
50:12 but if you think of the Feast of Tabernacles,
50:14 they had many dwelling places, these little tents
50:17 where people gathered and celebrated for seven days.
50:20 That was they were tabernacling together,
50:22 a lot of us want to go to heaven for the mansions.
50:24 I just wanna go to heaven.
50:29 Sleeping bag would do me just fine.
50:31 It's being in the presence of Jesus
50:32 that makes all the difference.
50:34 So when you think about the judgment
50:36 when the Day of Atonement came,
50:39 and the services were completed,
50:42 only those whose sins were blotted out,
50:46 could go beyond that particular point,
50:49 and participate in the Feast of Tabernacles,
50:53 but if your sin was not blotted out,
50:56 you are omitted from the celebration.
51:00 But if your sins were blotted out,
51:02 come on in the celebration,
51:05 and that's what the language of Revelation is.
51:07 Blessed are those who are called
51:08 to the marriage supper of the Lamb,
51:10 the Feast of Tabernacles.
51:11 That's the kind of language that's there.
51:13 The day of celebration, the day of feasting.
51:17 What made that day so special
51:19 was they knew that they were completely covered
51:21 in the righteousness of Christ,
51:23 because their sins were blotted out.
51:27 So many churches nowadays,
51:28 transitioning from one topic to the next.
51:30 So many churches nowadays, so many ministries nowadays,
51:33 so many religious movements nowadays
51:35 don't talk about the judgment.
51:38 It's like it's coming.
51:40 Matter of fact,
51:43 I am not gonna belittle the judgment,
51:45 but if the judgment were Christmas,
51:48 they will start three months earlier.
51:50 Christmas is coming.
51:52 I wish people were as concerned
51:54 about warning the world of the judgment as these stores
51:57 are letting the people know Christmas is coming.
52:00 We got to let people know that judgment is coming.
52:02 The judgment is not something that's gonna be omitted.
52:05 But we'll see in this lesson,
52:07 why it is so important to be prepared
52:09 for the judgment.
52:11 It's a day of celebration for those that are prepared,
52:14 but it's a day of mourning for those that are unprepared.
52:16 Let's begin with the first question.
52:18 And this question kind of leads us
52:20 back to one of the questions
52:21 we asked in the prior lesson.
52:23 But it is vitally important to bring out the point that
52:26 question number one asks.
52:28 Here it is. Revelation.
52:29 I mean, question number one.
52:32 What does the first angel's message
52:34 of Revelation bring into view?
52:37 What does the first angel's message
52:39 of Revelation bring into view?
52:42 I forgot my apostasy but you get the point.
52:45 What comes into view
52:47 under the first angel's message,
52:48 Revelation 14:7.
52:51 Revelation 14:7. Here it is.
52:55 "Saying with a," what kind of voice?
52:57 "Loud voice,"
53:00 together, "Fear God, and give," what?
53:03 "Glory to Him,
53:05 for the hour of His judgment has come
53:09 and worship Him who made," what?
53:11 "Heaven and earth, the sea and," what?
53:14 "Springs of waters."
53:15 Or fountains of waters
53:17 depending on the translation that you have.
53:18 There's a judgment hour coming.
53:21 And it's not gonna be as minimal
53:23 as October or April 15th.
53:26 It's not gonna be as minimal as December 31st.
53:30 It's a day that catches the entire world
53:33 at the stage of accountability.
53:38 What you'll discover after this lesson is over
53:40 that the judgment is not a fearful topic.
53:45 But it's a very imperative topic.
53:46 It's a very necessary topic.
53:48 It's a sobering topic.
53:49 It's one that will wake you up
53:51 and say, Okay, all right, all right.
53:54 If I can't avoid it, I need to get ready for it.
53:56 Right? Doesn't it make sense?
53:59 If somebody says the storm is coming.
54:01 You can bury your head under the pillow,
54:02 the storm will just come and catch you unprepared.
54:05 You cannot bury your head, you can't turn the sound off.
54:08 You can't change the channel, the judgment is coming.
54:15 Fear God doesn't mean to tremble and be nervous.
54:18 It means to honor Him, revere Him, worship Him.
54:21 And I wanna add also,
54:23 if there's anybody you need to fear,
54:24 it needs to be God.
54:26 Godly fear.
54:28 People sometimes don't fear God and they use His name
54:31 in all kinds of unusual and ungodly ways.
54:34 So the answer,
54:36 what does the first angel's message
54:37 of Revelation bring it to view?
54:39 The hour of His judgment, write that down.
54:42 The hour of His judgment,
54:45 brings it into clear focus.
54:48 The hour of His judgment.
54:51 I'm gonna go quickly in the interest of time
54:53 to question number two.
54:54 Here it is.
54:55 How many people does the Bible reveal
54:57 will be judged?
54:59 How many people will the Bible reveal?
55:01 Does the Bible reveal will be judged?
55:03 2 Corinthians 5:10. 2 Corinthians 5:10.
55:08 It's kind of like being in high school.
55:11 But the only difference with this
55:13 is you could drop out of high school
55:15 and not be judged,
55:17 but you can't drop out of the judgments.
55:19 Right? It's coming to everybody.
55:22 Here it is.
55:23 2 Corinthians 5:10.
55:26 Notice what the Word of God says.
55:27 Here it is.
55:29 "For we must," together,
55:32 "all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,
55:37 that each one may receive the things done in the," what?
55:42 "Body, according to what he has done,
55:45 whether good or bad."
55:48 It's amazing how the body is used in the context.
55:51 People today abuse their bodies.
55:53 If you look at some of the major sins of the world,
55:55 it's the blatant abuse of the body.
55:57 That's not just meaning
55:59 how we physically handle our body,
56:01 but you can't do any sin outside the body.
56:04 Everything that you've done,
56:06 what that simply is saying,
56:07 everything you've done while you are alive
56:09 will be judged.
56:14 You must all appear.
56:15 There's not a name
56:16 that's gonna be stricken from the record,
56:18 we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
56:21 And whatever is good, or whatever is bad
56:24 is gonna go before us in the judgment.
56:26 I think we can get one more in here.
56:27 I think we can get one more.
56:29 Question number three, let's move very quickly.
56:32 So how many people will appear?
56:34 All, everyone.
56:36 Everyone.
56:37 You can't turn up the rap music loud enough
56:40 to get rid of this one, we must all appear.
56:42 Here it is.
56:44 What does the Bible reveal
56:46 will be the standard of Judgment.
56:48 What does the Bible reveal
56:49 will be the standard of Judgment.
56:51 A short but to the point text,
56:53 James 2:12.
56:55 What does the Bible reveal
56:56 will be the standard of Judgment?
56:58 Here's the Apostle James and this is what he says.
57:01 Let's read this closing text together.
57:03 Are you ready, everyone?
57:04 Here it is on the screen.
57:06 "So speak and so do
57:08 as those who will be judged by the," what?
57:12 "Law of liberty."
57:14 Catch that,
57:15 not law of bondage,
57:19 but the law of liberty.
57:21 Jesus sets us free.
57:22 Paul the Apostle says, stand fast in the liberty.
57:28 We got the Statue of Liberty.
57:31 Calvary is our Statue of Liberty.
57:33 Jesus is our propitiation,
57:37 He is our substitute.
57:38 He is our assurance,
57:40 but just assure as Jesus lives,
57:43 everyone will have to come
57:47 before the judgment bar of Christ.
57:50 So, friends, here it is.
57:51 There's a judgment day coming.
57:53 And the question is, as we think about
57:54 that judgment day,
57:56 what are we doing to prepare for that?
57:58 Let me encourage you as you study God's Word,
58:00 maybe it doesn't make sense and I believe
58:01 one day it will come into A Sharper Focus.
58:04 God bless you. Let us pray.


Revised 2019-07-05