A Sharper Focus

Saved by His Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Dinzey


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000089

00:19 Hello, and welcome to A Sharper Focus.
00:22 My name is John Dinzey,
00:24 and it is a pleasure to be with you during this hour.
00:27 A Sharper Focus is a program each Wednesday
00:30 that goes deep into a Bible study
00:33 or some portion of the Scripture.
00:36 Normally there are handouts,
00:39 a website where you can go and download information.
00:42 We do not have that today.
00:43 However, we encourage you to join us
00:45 for this Bible study.
00:47 And you may want to jot some of these down.
00:50 This is a topic that everyone should be acquainted with.
00:54 And most of you will be familiar
00:56 with some of the scriptures we will be sharing today.
00:59 However, we may go into an area
01:01 that may be new for some of you.
01:04 So I would like to encourage you
01:05 to stand by and join us in this study.
01:08 And before we continue,
01:10 we'd like to go to the Lord in prayer.
01:12 And so before we do that, I do want to make an appeal
01:17 for those that are in the close to the Thompsonville area,
01:20 Thompsonville, Illinois area that watch our channel 15
01:24 or listen through 3ABN Radio
01:28 that broadcast locally.
01:31 You may join us,
01:32 you're welcome to join us here on Wednesdays at 7 PM.
01:36 We also have services on Saturday morning,
01:39 and Saturday afternoon.
01:41 So we encourage you to join us for worship,
01:45 join us to praise the Lord,
01:46 join us to have prayer and Bible study together.
01:50 So before we continue, again,
01:52 we would like to go to the Lord in prayer.
01:53 So let's pray together.
01:56 Our loving Heavenly Father,
01:58 we thank You for this privilege to come
02:00 before Your throne of grace.
02:03 And we come in Jesus' name.
02:06 And, Father, we pray for Your guidance,
02:08 Your Holy Spirit to guide us as we study this topic.
02:13 We pray, Father, for blessing for everyone here
02:16 and those that are joining us, whether it be as they drive,
02:20 as they do their everyday chores
02:23 in their home,
02:24 by radio, or internet or TV, wherever they may be,
02:29 we pray that this program will be a blessing.
02:31 So we pray that your Holy Spirit
02:32 will illuminate their minds as well.
02:35 And we pray, Father, for Your name
02:36 to be glorified in all things.
02:38 And we thank You for hearing our prayer,
02:40 for we bring it to you in Jesus' name, amen.
02:44 Amen.
02:45 Well, I'm not very good with titles
02:48 and I also usually like to look into the Bible
02:51 for some words that help me with a title.
02:54 And I would say that if this were to have a title,
02:58 it would be "Saved by His life."
03:02 And you'll understand that when we get to that portion.
03:06 But when we look into the Bible,
03:09 we notice right away in Genesis Chapter 1
03:11 that God created a perfect world,
03:14 a world that was, wherever the eyes will lay,
03:20 would look upon,
03:21 it was beautiful and the Bible says
03:23 that God declared everything very good,
03:27 in so much that it was very good.
03:29 You know, of course, that God created Adam and Eve.
03:32 So you must come to the conclusion
03:33 that if God said everything was very good,
03:35 Adam and Eve were also very good,
03:38 created very good.
03:39 All their thoughts were pure.
03:41 They were in harmony with God's,
03:42 with God and His principles.
03:44 There are two great principles
03:46 presented in the Bible that God is love.
03:50 Amen?
03:52 The God is love, and all who follow Him,
03:55 He expects them to love Him
03:57 with all of their hearts, soul, mind and strength.
04:00 And He tells us that
04:01 we should love our neighbor as ourselves.
04:05 These are the two great principles of God's law,
04:07 the Ten Commandments,
04:09 and this is how His universe runs.
04:13 Everywhere you go, things are move with law,
04:20 there's law, and without law, there's what?
04:24 Disorder, there's chaos.
04:26 So you cannot go anywhere in this world
04:29 where there is no law.
04:31 And so we look into the scriptures,
04:34 and we see that God created everything very good.
04:36 Adam and Eve were very good.
04:38 And so there was only one prohibition
04:41 that God put upon Adam and Eve at that time.
04:44 So let's look into Genesis 2:16-17.
04:53 And before we read this scripture,
04:55 I'd like to say to you
04:56 that it was the joy of Adam and Eve
05:01 to have communion with God face to face.
05:04 This is before they sinned.
05:06 They had communion with God.
05:07 They talked with God,
05:08 they had the privilege to ask Him questions.
05:10 And why did you make this like this?
05:12 And what does this mean?
05:14 And it was magnificent opportunity
05:17 for them to have communion with God.
05:19 How do we know that
05:20 they had this face to face communication?
05:22 We're going to share a scripture in a moment
05:26 that is, we can base that upon
05:28 and that is that after Adam and Eve sinned,
05:30 they heard the voice of God walking in the cool of the day.
05:35 So this was something normal for them to experience.
05:39 However, after they sinned,
05:41 there was a different experience for them,
05:42 and we'll look into that in a moment.
05:43 So let's look into Genesis 2:16-17.
05:47 And the scriptures tell us,
05:48 "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying,
05:51 'Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat,
05:56 but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil
06:00 thou shalt not eat of it:
06:01 for in the day that thou eatest thereof
06:04 thou shalt," what?
06:05 "Surely die.'"
06:07 So this was the only provision
06:09 that God made of every tree in the garden,
06:11 you may freely eat.
06:14 And so there was no problem for Adam and Eve
06:17 obeying this commandment.
06:20 And there was no, they felt no restraint.
06:23 They felt that their freedom was not limited.
06:26 They could go and eat of every tree of the garden,
06:28 and it was the joy for them to obey God,
06:30 oh, it must not be good for us.
06:33 And so they kept away from this tree.
06:34 Of course, you know that in the process of time,
06:38 Satan came in disguised as a serpent
06:41 and used the serpent as a medium to tempt Eve.
06:44 And, of course, we know that the scriptures reveal
06:47 that Eve ate, and Adam ate, and they sinned.
06:53 And they now had to face the consequences of their sin.
06:59 And so, now I invite you to go
07:00 to Genesis Chapter 3,
07:06 and this is the scripture that I talked about before.
07:10 Genesis Chapter 3
07:11 and we're going to read verse 8.
07:13 Genesis 3:8.
07:18 Okay, these pages are sticking together,
07:20 but we've got it,
07:21 "And they heard the voice of the Lord God
07:25 walking in the garden in the cool of the day,
07:28 and Adam and his wife hid themselves
07:30 from the presence of the Lord God
07:32 amongst the trees of the garden."
07:36 Now, verse 9 tells us,
07:38 "And the Lord God called unto Adam
07:41 and said unto him, 'Where art thou?'"
07:44 So we can see here that it was a...
07:48 We can see that there was a custom,
07:49 we conclude there was a custom God
07:51 came to talk to them.
07:52 But this time, He does not find them.
07:57 And so the question is, "Where art thou?"
08:03 So where was Adam and Eve?
08:05 The Bible says that they hid themselves
08:07 in the trees.
08:09 Now, what we have here is that after Adam and Eve sinned,
08:13 they began to experience things
08:14 they'd never experienced before.
08:18 Being that the case, one of them was fear,
08:22 they never experienced fear before.
08:24 They remember that God said in the day
08:26 that you eat thereof, you will what?
08:28 Die.
08:30 So they're wondering, when is this going to happen?
08:31 How is it going to take place?
08:33 And so here God talks to them.
08:35 And we have to ask the question,
08:40 why didn't Adam and Eve die that very day?
08:43 We cannot go through all of the conversation
08:44 that God had with them,
08:46 but we like to point your attention to verse 15.
08:49 God told the serpent in the hearing of Adam and Eve,
08:52 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,
08:56 and between thy seed and her seed,
08:58 it shall bruise thy head,
09:00 and thou shalt bruise his, "what?
09:04 "Heel."
09:05 So we have this statement by God
09:08 that really was communicating to them hope
09:12 and that God was extending mercy,
09:15 that the enemy would be crushed,
09:18 the head of the serpent will be crushed,
09:21 and that the seed of the woman
09:23 would be the one to crush the serpent's head.
09:26 And so this brought hope to them,
09:27 and they understood that God was extending mercy to them.
09:31 We cannot go deeply into this right now
09:33 because we have to move very quickly.
09:36 But the reason they didn't die
09:39 is because God extended mercy to them.
09:41 And God already had a plan of salvation
09:45 that at this point was revealed.
09:48 It was already in place,
09:50 instituted as soon as Adam and Eve sinned.
09:55 I'd invite you to turn your attention
09:57 to Revelation 13:8,
10:03 we are most interested in the last part of verse 8
10:08 that helps us understand something
10:09 about what we are talking about right now.
10:12 Revelation 13, the last book of the Bible,
10:14 and we turn to verse 8, thus it is written,
10:18 "And all that dwell upon the earth
10:20 shall worship him,
10:22 whose names are not written in the Book of Life."
10:25 If you read the context, you'll know
10:26 that this is talking about a beast.
10:30 However, the last part tells us,
10:31 "Whose names are not written in the Book of Life
10:33 of the Lamb slain from," when?
10:38 "The foundation of the world.
10:40 "So when we look into this scripture, we read
10:44 that from the foundation of the world,
10:46 the Bible declares that the Lamb was slain.
10:49 Who is this Lamb?
10:50 Remember that John the Baptist said concerning Jesus.
10:54 "Behold the Lamb of God
10:56 who taketh away the sin of the world."
10:58 So really, we can say
10:59 that since the Lamb was slain
11:02 from the foundation of the world,
11:03 and that is because as soon God had already a plan
11:08 of salvation in place,
11:09 and it is,
11:11 as if it was already done.
11:13 God looking ahead saw that Adam and Eve would sin
11:16 and His plan was already in place.
11:19 And it was instituted, the moment Adam and Eve sinned.
11:22 And so Adam and Eve did not experience
11:26 the penalty for their sin immediately,
11:28 because God extended mercy to them.
11:31 However, they disconnected themselves
11:35 from the source of life, and therefore,
11:39 they died a physical death, such as we die now.
11:43 People have been dying
11:44 ever since sin entered into the world,
11:47 it is not because of their particular sins
11:50 that they are dying,
11:51 but they are dying because man disconnected himself,
11:57 Adam and Eve from the source of life,
11:59 which was God and from the tree of life
12:02 which was in the Garden of Eden.
12:04 So we see here that God extended mercy to them.
12:07 And as soon as there was a sinner,
12:09 there was a savior.
12:11 So we ask ourselves,
12:12 what happened then to Adam and Eve?
12:15 When they sinned,
12:17 their relationship with God was broken.
12:22 They no longer enjoyed.
12:24 Because of sin entering into their mind,
12:30 it corrupted them,
12:31 and they had now a desire for things
12:34 that were not good for them.
12:35 No longer were their thoughts always very good.
12:39 No longer were their desires always very good.
12:43 Now, they had evil inside their mind,
12:49 inside their flesh,
12:51 and Satan prompted them with temptations,
12:56 so they could continue in a downward course
12:59 to over sin and evil.
13:02 But God instituted the plan of salvation
13:05 and took immediate action.
13:07 And this is why you have God coming in and saying,
13:10 "You're going to have to leave this garden."
13:12 So man, Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden,
13:15 because there was the tree of life
13:19 and you can read that in the scriptures and,
13:22 but we need to understand
13:24 what happened with Adam and Eve.
13:25 Let's go to Isaiah 59:2,
13:28 if you turn quickly
13:30 because we have a lot of scriptures to go through.
13:32 Isaiah 59:2,
13:35 notice what the Bible tells us
13:37 happens when sin or iniquity is a part of our lives.
13:42 Isaiah 59:2 tells us,
13:44 "But your iniquities have separated
13:47 between you and your God,
13:49 and your sins have hid His face
13:53 from you that He will not hear."
13:55 So we have here an explanation
13:58 as to what happens when people really live according to sin.
14:03 The iniquity separates them from God.
14:07 And notice how it says
14:08 that your sins have hid His face from you
14:13 so that He will not hear.
14:16 But it is very interesting the way the Bible tells us
14:20 that God loves us with an everlasting love.
14:24 You can read that in Jeremiah.
14:26 But I want to point out some scriptures to you
14:29 that even though it says here that His face is hid from them,
14:35 God is very near, because God is what?
14:37 Interested in restoring the relationship
14:41 that was broken and since God had said
14:46 that He will sent His Son to die for us,
14:49 God continue to pursue and through the Holy Spirit
14:55 direct their thoughts toward heaven
14:57 and toward serving God.
14:59 So I would like to point you now
15:02 to a scripture that helps us to understand that.
15:05 Now we go to the Book of Acts.
15:07 In the Book of Acts Chapter 17,
15:09 you will notice
15:10 that God does not completely turn His back on people.
15:15 He tries to draw them with His love,
15:18 with messages of mercy and hope.
15:20 So in Acts Chapter 17,
15:23 I like to ask you to turn
15:25 to verse 26 and 27.
15:31 Thus, it is written, "And hath made of one blood,
15:33 all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth."
15:39 It's interesting that it says that,
15:40 when we see wars, from place to place,
15:43 people disagreeing and having fights and really,
15:46 we're all made of one blood.
15:48 Let's continue starting in,
15:50 "And hath made of one blood
15:52 all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth,
15:55 and hath determined the times before appointed,
15:58 and the bounds of their habitations,
16:01 that they should seek the Lord,
16:04 if happily they might feel after Him
16:07 and find Him, though He," what?
16:10 "Be not far from every one of us."
16:14 So this scripture tells us
16:15 that He's not far from every one of us.
16:17 He is near.
16:19 There are many scriptures that communicate this.
16:23 Psalms 147 says that God is near.
16:26 And it is powerful to read these things.
16:30 In Psalms 119,
16:32 we also have another scripture that tells us concerning this,
16:35 Psalm 119.
16:36 Normally when I'm preaching in a church,
16:38 I ask people to help me read the scriptures as well.
16:41 So I'm not the only one talking
16:43 but here you do not have a microphone
16:44 so I'll have to do the reading.
16:47 So Isaiah, I'm sorry,
16:48 Psalm 119:151,
16:55 the Bible tells us,
16:56 "Thou art near, O Lord,
17:00 and all Thy commandments are truth."
17:03 So we have one scripture telling us
17:05 that He's not far from every one of us
17:07 and it says that God is near
17:10 and so if we make a decision
17:15 to respond to God,
17:17 He's right there.
17:19 Isn't that marvelous?
17:21 The scriptures tell us,
17:22 Jesus tried to tell us through the law,
17:24 the parable of the lost sheep that He's the one
17:27 that goes out looking for the lost sheep.
17:30 That's why we have the mercy of God
17:34 extended to us.
17:36 Isn't that great?
17:38 Magnificent.
17:39 Notice, well since we're in Psalm,
17:40 let's look another one.
17:42 Psalm 34, very quickly, Psalm 34.
17:46 I think some of you may know what scripture we're going to.
17:48 Psalm 34,
17:51 and we are going to read verse 7.
17:54 Ready?
17:55 If you have it, say amen.
17:57 "The angel of the Lord
17:59 encampeth round about them that fear Him,
18:03 and delivereth them."
18:05 Praise the Lord.
18:06 The angel of the Lord, what does he do?
18:09 Encamp round about them
18:10 that fear him and delivereth them.
18:12 So God is seeking to save those that are lost,
18:17 and He does not leave them to their sin.
18:22 There are other scriptures that tell us,
18:23 I will never leave you nor forsake you.
18:26 I will be with you until the end of the world.
18:30 So it is God's desire
18:33 to reconcile us to Himself.
18:37 So when we use this word reconcile, I say,
18:39 well, let me look up the word in one of the dictionaries
18:41 to see what it tells us.
18:43 To be reconcile means
18:45 to restore to friendship, or harmony,
18:49 to restore to friendship or harmony.
18:51 This is the Merriam Webster dictionary,
18:52 they gave us this definition.
18:54 So this is what God wants to do,
18:56 to restore to friendship or harmony.
19:00 And God is the one that takes the first step.
19:04 What do we have in the Garden of Eden
19:06 after Adam and Eve sinned?
19:07 Do we have Adam and Eve looking?
19:09 Oh, we can't wait till God gets here?
19:11 When He gets here, we're going to run to Him
19:13 and say we're sorry to please forgive us.
19:16 Do we have Adam and Eve doing that?
19:18 What are they doing?
19:19 They're hiding from God.
19:22 See, God takes the first step
19:23 and God takes the first step to search for us,
19:26 to seek for us, to rescue us.
19:29 And so that is why God so loved the world
19:32 that He gave His only begotten Son.
19:36 Amen?
19:37 So, God's desire is to reconcile us to Himself.
19:42 When Adam and Eve sinned,
19:44 they separated themselves from God.
19:46 They separated themselves from the source of life,
19:49 and they sinned.
19:50 Let's look into 1 John 3:4,
19:56 and some of you know this scripture by memory
19:59 but some of us that have joined us,
20:02 some of the people that have joined us
20:04 on radio, television, internet,
20:05 whatever it may be, are not familiar.
20:08 So we are going to read it.
20:10 And that is 1 John 3:4,
20:12 "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law,
20:16 for sin is the transgression of the law."
20:19 So when Adam and Eve sinned,
20:21 they transgressed the law of God,
20:23 the express command not to eat of the tree of knowledge
20:26 of good and evil.
20:28 And so sin separated them from God.
20:32 And the Bible declares to us very quickly in Romans 6:23,
20:38 what does the Bible tell us?
20:39 Does anybody know that by memory?
20:41 Anybody raise your hand.
20:44 We have a few.
20:46 Romans 6:23,
20:48 "For the wages of sin is death."
20:51 I knew that as soon as I started reading,
20:52 some of you will start quoting it,
20:54 "For the wages of sin is death,
20:57 "but the gift of God is eternal life
21:02 through Jesus Christ, our Lord."
21:05 So what does God offer?
21:07 He says, "The wages of sin is death."
21:09 So if you want the wages of sin,
21:12 that is your choice,
21:14 but if you want eternal life
21:15 that comes through Jesus Christ.
21:17 So in this scripture,
21:21 we see that God is offering hope to us,
21:24 He wants to reconcile us to Himself,
21:28 so that we can enjoy peace.
21:31 In Luke Chapter 19,
21:36 Jesus expresses the desire of God and His purpose,
21:42 because God so loved the world
21:48 that He gave His only begotten Son.
21:50 In Luke 19:10, the scriptures tell us,
21:54 "For the Son of Man is come
21:58 to seek and to save that which was lost."
22:02 He didn't come to condemn,
22:04 He came to seek and to save that which was lost.
22:09 And so John 3:16 tells us that God what?
22:15 "So loved the world
22:17 "that He gave His only begotten Son,
22:19 "that whosoever believeth in Him
22:21 should not perish, but have everlasting life."
22:26 And this is what God wants
22:28 to restore to us, eternal life.
22:34 Are there any conditions presented in this verse?
22:37 For God so loved the world
22:39 that He gave His only begotten Son,
22:41 God takes the first step, that whosoever,
22:44 nobody's excluded, believes in Him,
22:48 is there a condition?
22:49 Yes, there is, you must believe should not what?
22:53 Perish.
22:54 What does perish mean?
22:56 To die, to cease to exist.
22:58 So the wages of sin are cancelled
23:01 when we believe and give our lives to the Lord,
23:04 because Jesus paid the price for us,
23:07 and we then have the privilege of eternal life
23:10 through His Son, Jesus Christ.
23:13 So that is a fact that God offers to us.
23:16 And it says, whosoever believeth in Him
23:18 should not perish.
23:20 I'd like to remind us
23:23 that it is written in Romans 3:23,
23:33 the Bible reveals,
23:34 for all have sinned and come short
23:37 of the glory of God.
23:40 So nobody can say in the world
23:42 that has ever lived on this earth,
23:47 I have no sin, except for Jesus Christ,
23:53 for He was tempted in all points like as we are,
23:55 yet without sin,
23:58 but the Bible declares that the rest of the world,
24:02 the rest of every human being
24:04 that has lived upon the world has sinned
24:06 and has come short of the glory of God
24:08 and upon that individual because of sin,
24:11 the wages of sin is a part of that person's destiny
24:17 unless he chooses to believe
24:20 and chooses to walk in God's ways.
24:23 So God wants to reconcile us to Himself.
24:27 Notice here in Romans Chapter 7,
24:29 I like to invite you to Romans Chapter 7,
24:31 sorry, Romans Chapter 8.
24:33 Romans Chapter 8
24:35 describes the condition of those that are in sin.
24:39 Romans Chapter 8,
24:40 we're gonna read verse 7 and 8.
24:42 And we have the following scripture,
24:43 "Because the carnal mind
24:47 is enmity against," what?
24:52 "Against God,
24:53 for it is not subject to the law of God,
24:56 neither indeed can be."
25:02 However, we did not read the verse before,
25:04 Romans 8:7.
25:07 Notice what Romans 8:7,
25:10 we understand that the carnal mind
25:12 is at enmity at war with God
25:17 because it is not subject to the law of God,
25:19 neither indeed can be.
25:21 But Romans 8:6 tells us,
25:25 "For to be carnally minded is death,
25:30 but to be spiritually minded is life and peace."
25:36 Since we are there,
25:38 let's go ahead and read verse 8.
25:39 Romans 8:8,
25:42 "So then, they that are in the flesh
25:45 cannot please God."
25:47 So there must be a change in the individual,
25:50 there must be a change in the person
25:52 to go from death to life.
25:56 And God offers,
25:58 God has made provision
25:59 so that every individual can have eternal life.
26:03 And so, God so loved the world
26:06 that He gave His only begotten Son.
26:09 Why did Jesus come?
26:12 Let's just see what the Bible tells us
26:16 in Matthew Chapter 1.
26:19 Part of His mission is described there
26:21 in Matthew Chapter 1,
26:22 and we are going to read verse 21.
26:25 Matthew 1:21.
26:29 It says, concerning Mary, talking about Jesus,
26:32 and He, I'm sorry,
26:34 "And she shall bring forth a Son,
26:37 and thou shall call His name Jesus,
26:40 for He shall save His people from their sins."
26:45 Praise the Lord.
26:46 So we have here that the mission of Christ
26:49 was to save the people from their sins.
26:53 So I ask, do you want to be saved from your sin?
26:55 Do you want to be saved from the wages of sin?
26:57 Jesus Christ is the answer.
27:03 Notice here how John the Baptist describes it.
27:06 We already quoted it earlier.
27:08 But it's found in John 1: 29.
27:14 We could have continued reading there
27:16 in Romans Chapter 8,
27:17 but we have to advance here.
27:21 In John 1:29, John the Baptist says,
27:28 "The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him,
27:33 and saith, 'Behold, the Lamb of God,
27:38 which taketh away the sin of the world.'"
27:42 Now that is good news.
27:45 If you have sin upon you,
27:48 Jesus Christ can take away the sin
27:51 and when He takes away the sin,
27:53 He takes away what would be the wages of sin from you
27:57 because He already paid the price.
28:01 So what must we do?
28:03 We must accept this gift of salvation
28:06 that God offers through His Son.
28:09 Romans Chapter 4, a lot of scriptures,
28:13 a lot of scriptures, Romans Chapter 4.
28:17 We are going to read in Romans 4:24-25.
28:21 So if you join me there,
28:23 Romans 4:24-25.
28:26 Ready? If you are, say amen.
28:29 Okay, we have at least two witnesses,
28:31 we read, "But for us also,
28:33 "to whom it shall be imputed,
28:36 "if we believe on Him that raised up Jesus,
28:40 "our Lord from the dead,
28:42 "who was delivered for our offenses,
28:46 and was raised again for our," what?
28:50 "Justification."
28:54 Now something is communicated to us here.
28:58 Notice that verse 25 says,
29:01 He was delivered for our offenses.
29:03 In other words, He died for our sins.
29:07 But why was He raised?
29:11 For our justification,
29:14 He was raised for our justification.
29:15 A difference is made, delivered for our offenses,
29:20 raised again for our justification.
29:22 We're going to look into that as we continue.
29:25 Let's move to Isaiah Chapter 53.
29:27 We need to establish something how this took place
29:31 in the life of Christ as He gave His life for us.
29:34 Isaiah Chapter 53
29:36 opens our eyes to understand
29:38 how Jesus took upon Himself our sins.
29:42 And notice Isaiah 53:6, a lot of scriptures
29:45 but I see you're moving quite quickly to find them.
29:49 Isaiah 53:6 tells us,
29:50 "All we like sheep have gone astray,
29:54 we have turned everyone to his own way,
29:58 and the Lord hath laid on Him, that is Jesus,
30:01 the iniquity of us all."
30:04 What does this tell us?
30:07 That whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, why?
30:10 Because the Lord laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all.
30:15 He became a perfect sacrifice
30:17 so that we can have eternal life through Him.
30:22 What a joy it is to know that
30:24 the door of mercy is still open.
30:27 It would be horrible to come out here and say,
30:29 the door of mercy is closed.
30:30 There's no more salvation.
30:32 If you want to be saved, it's too late.
30:35 But we can say the door mercy still open.
30:38 You can come to Jesus and have your sins forgiven,
30:41 and you can have eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ.
30:44 And I must say that door will close someday,
30:47 the time of opportunity will close someday.
30:51 And for some people, it closes sooner than others.
30:53 Why is that?
30:55 Because they die
30:59 and, but they die and the door of mercy continues open,
31:03 but the Lord...
31:04 The time will come when the Lord will say,
31:07 it is enough.
31:09 The time has come for that to close.
31:11 And really when God does that,
31:13 is because no one else will accept.
31:16 The message has been presented,
31:19 every person has had an opportunity to accept,
31:22 and all the ones that have accepted,
31:25 that will accept, have accepted
31:27 and all the ones that chose not to,
31:30 they have been appealed to, but they said no.
31:33 And God has no other choice
31:35 but to say, no one else will accept,
31:38 the door is closed.
31:41 We have in the Bible a description of a time
31:45 when the Lord chose to destroy this earth
31:49 because sin was continuing at such a pace
31:53 that the Bible says
31:55 that the thoughts of man's heart
31:56 was only what?
31:57 Evil continually.
31:59 So God instructed Noah to build an ark,
32:03 and the time came
32:04 when the door of that ark was closed.
32:06 Noah went around preaching.
32:08 Noah went around preaching, the Bible declares,
32:10 for about 120 years presenting to people
32:16 that there's an opportunity to go into this ark
32:18 and save yourself from the flood that is to come.
32:22 The time came when the door was locked.
32:26 And when that door was locked,
32:28 Noah could not open the door even if he wanted.
32:33 Question, do you think there were people
32:36 that after they saw the water going up,
32:41 they now believe, now they see,
32:42 now they believe
32:44 that they see the water coming up
32:45 that they started knocking on the door,
32:47 Noah let us in, but it was too late.
32:51 The door was locked.
32:53 And so it will be
32:54 that some people are going to be left out.
32:58 But they all had an opportunity.
33:02 And so I like to invite you to,
33:05 the Lord laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all,
33:08 no one needs to be lost.
33:11 Everyone can be saved,
33:13 but not everyone will
33:15 or not everyone will decide to be saved.
33:17 Let's go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 15.
33:24 We can go a little deeper into the crucifixion of Christ,
33:27 but right now we must move in a direction
33:30 that will help us understand
33:32 that God is trying to reconcile us to Himself
33:35 and what happened when Jesus died on the cross.
33:41 Notice 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.
33:49 And he, sorry, I started in verse 4, for...
33:56 Am I in 1 Corinthians 15?
33:57 Yes, "For I delivered unto you,
34:00 first of all that which I also receive
34:02 how that Christ died for our sins,
34:06 according to the scriptures."
34:07 What did Christ do?
34:09 Died for our sins.
34:10 "And that He was buried," verse 4,
34:12 "and that He rose again the third day,
34:14 according to the scriptures."
34:17 So we have in the Scripture,
34:18 the declaration that Christ died for our sins, Isaiah,
34:21 we saw that the Lord laid on him
34:23 the iniquity of us all, and He died for those sins.
34:30 And praise the Lord, He rose again the third day.
34:35 Now that is good news.
34:37 And we're going to see
34:38 how that is good news in a moment
34:41 because if He had not risen from the dead,
34:43 we would be in serious trouble.
34:50 Question, did God wait for people to get better
34:56 to show some sign of improvement
34:59 before He sent His Son to die for us?
35:01 The God said,
35:02 "I'm going to wait till this people
35:03 show some desire for salvation,
35:06 show some improvement in their lives,
35:09 and then I'll send My Son.
35:11 I'm going to wait till they are worthy
35:14 and then I'll send My Son to die for them.
35:16 Did He do that?
35:18 Let's see what the Bible says concerning that.
35:20 The Bible answers that question in Romans Chapter 5,
35:24 Romans Chapter 5,
35:29 very, very powerful chapter of the Bible,
35:32 Romans Chapter 5.
35:34 I hear some pages turning, and some are stopping, good.
35:37 Romans Chapter 5, let's read verses 8 and 9,
35:41 "But God commendeth His love toward us,
35:45 in that while we were yet sinners,
35:48 Christ died for us."
35:51 Did God wait for us to get better?
35:53 No, while we were yet sinners,
35:56 Christ died for us.
35:58 Now, let's look at verse 9,
36:01 "Much more than being now justified by His blood,"
36:06 how are we justified?
36:08 By His blood, notice how the scripture reveals,
36:11 "We shall be saved from wrath through Him."
36:17 One is past tense, one is future tense.
36:22 We were justified by His blood,
36:25 we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
36:29 This is why the resurrection of Jesus Christ
36:32 is of vital importance
36:35 because if He did not rise from the dead,
36:40 we could not be saved from wrath.
36:44 We'll see that in a moment a little clearer.
36:47 I'd like to invite you to go to Hebrews Chapter 2 with me.
36:52 Hebrews Chapter 2,
36:56 in Hebrews Chapter 2,
37:00 we are going to read verses 16 through 18.
37:03 Hebrews 2:16-18.
37:08 Already, it appears,
37:09 "So verily, he took not on him the nature of angels,
37:13 but he took on him the seed of Abraham.
37:17 Wherefore in all things,
37:18 it behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren,
37:23 that he might be a merciful
37:26 and faithful high priest in things
37:28 pertaining to God to make reconciliation
37:33 for the sins of the people," to make what?
37:36 Reconciliation for the sins of the people,
37:39 "For in that he himself has suffered being tempted,"
37:43 he is able to what?
37:46 "Sucker them or aid them
37:47 some version say that are tempted.
37:50 The experience he had on this earth, being tempted
37:57 makes it possible for him to help us as well.
38:01 So we have a scripture that tells us
38:03 that He made reconciliation for the sins of the people.
38:10 This means the price was paid
38:12 so that we could be reconciled to God.
38:16 Without this sacrifice of Christ,
38:19 we could not be reconciled to God,
38:22 because the price for our sin,
38:24 the wages for our sin had to be paid.
38:28 Either Christ pays or you pay.
38:31 The good news is that Christ has already paid the price.
38:35 And it's almost shocking,
38:38 amazing to see
38:43 that people choose the wages of sin
38:47 rather than eternal life.
38:49 How long does this life last?
38:52 How long does it last?
38:54 And is it good?
38:56 For some people,
38:57 they perhaps make a lot of money
38:59 and they enjoy some things, but some of them live in fear.
39:02 They have to have guard dogs, they have to have alarms.
39:05 They have to have guards guarding them
39:07 because they're afraid
39:08 somebody else is going to take their things
39:10 or somebody's going to kill them
39:12 or kidnap their family.
39:14 And so, there's, they really have no joy,
39:17 no lasting joy and peace,
39:19 and they live a limited amount of time.
39:22 The majority of the people are not rich,
39:25 and they struggle through life.
39:27 But God says,
39:28 I'm offering you eternal life
39:30 that has no end and there's no suffering.
39:35 That's what God offers and you say to yourself,
39:38 and you ask yourself, why would God choose?
39:39 Why would anyone choose something else
39:42 rather than what God offers?
39:44 It's a mystery, the mystery of iniquity,
39:47 the mystery of evil
39:48 that enters into the life of the individual,
39:51 and it is as if the person is blinded.
39:53 And this is why you see Jesus saying,
39:57 on the cross, Lord, forgive them,
40:01 for they know not what they do.
40:06 Now, I like to point out
40:08 that it is not just that God wants
40:11 to forgive you for your sins.
40:13 The death on the cross makes it possible
40:16 for you to be reconciled to God.
40:20 There's a scripture that we need to read
40:22 that helps us understand what happens
40:23 after this reconciliation takes place.
40:27 God not just wants,
40:28 He does not just want to forgive me for your sins.
40:30 He wants to save you from them.
40:34 He wants to transform us.
40:37 You see when a person gives his life to the Lord.
40:41 It's like he enters into a new life,
40:45 a new experience.
40:47 And that individual is a candidate for heaven.
40:51 His name is written in the book of life,
40:53 but that name can be taken out again.
40:56 Why?
40:57 Because if you start serving the Lord,
40:59 You serve the Lord one year, two years,
41:02 three and then you say,
41:04 I think I want to do something else
41:06 and you walk away from the Lord.
41:08 And you start living a life of sin
41:09 and you never come back to the Lord,
41:11 should that person be saved?
41:14 No, he has walked away from the source of life.
41:18 He has separated himself from the Lord,
41:21 who is the source of life.
41:24 And the wages of sin now are activated again
41:27 for that individual
41:30 and that's a sad condition, a sad situation.
41:35 So God wants to transform us.
41:36 Let's look at some scriptures
41:38 that help us to understand that.
41:40 In Romans Chapter 6,
41:43 the Bible begins to that we see some evidence
41:45 that the Bible tells us that there must be a difference
41:48 between those that are children of the Lord
41:52 and those that are evil.
41:53 Romans Chapter 6
41:55 talks about the experience of salvation, baptism.
41:58 Romans 6:3-4.
42:01 Let's read Romans 6:3-4,
42:03 "Know ye not that so many of us
42:06 as were baptized into Jesus Christ
42:10 were baptized into His death?
42:12 Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death
42:16 that like as Christ was raised up
42:18 from the dead by the glory of the Father,
42:21 even so we also should walk in newness of life."
42:27 So what is the individual supposed to do
42:30 after he is baptized?
42:33 After he comes up out of the water,
42:35 he is supposed to walk in newness of life,
42:38 the old life of sin is over.
42:42 He turns his back on that way of life
42:44 and walks in newness of life, serving the Lord.
42:48 This is why Jesus said,
42:49 "If any man will come after Me,
42:52 let him take up his cross," how often?
42:55 "Daily and follow Me."
42:57 So it is a daily experience with the Lord that we need.
43:00 It is a daily experience
43:03 that keeps us walking in newness of life.
43:08 There is a scripture that I didn't put in my notes
43:12 that says that we are not of them
43:14 that draw back unto perdition.
43:16 So people can draw back unto perdition,
43:19 because you see,
43:20 God has given us freedom of choice.
43:27 Question, once you are baptized,
43:30 is your freedom of choice taken away?
43:34 No, you can still choose to what?
43:37 Sin, you can still choose to kill,
43:41 steal, commit adultery,
43:44 you can choose to disobey God,
43:47 dishonor your parents and down the line,
43:49 you can read all of this, all of the Ten Commandments.
43:52 You can still choose to do those bad things.
43:54 Your choice, your freedom of choice is still intact.
43:58 God does not take freedom of choice from anyone
44:01 and even after you accept Jesus Christ
44:04 as your personal Savior, you can walk away.
44:09 But God wants you to continue experiencing
44:12 the joy of serving Him.
44:15 When we give ourselves to the Lord,
44:17 the sacrifice on the cross becomes affected in our lives.
44:22 Reconciliation takes place.
44:24 You see, when Jesus Christ died on the cross,
44:27 He worked out reconciliation for every person.
44:31 He reconciled the world unto Himself,
44:33 but that does not become effective in the individual
44:37 until that person chooses salvation.
44:41 Thee is then reconciled to God.
44:44 Let's look at some scriptures
44:45 that help us to understand these things.
44:47 2 Corinthians Chapter 5
44:53 speaks of the new birth.
44:55 2 Corinthians 5:17-18.
45:03 Are we ready?
45:04 Let's read.
45:06 "Therefore if any man be in Christ,
45:07 "he is a new creature:
45:10 "old things are passed away,
45:11 "behold, all things are become new.
45:14 "And all things are of God,
45:15 "who has reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ
45:21 "and hath given to us
45:23 the ministry of reconciliation."
45:26 Praise the Lord.
45:28 So we have when we joined with the Lord,
45:31 we then have the opportunity, the privilege
45:34 to participate in the ministry
45:36 of reconciling others, to God,
45:40 a fantastic privilege.
45:42 So when you give your heart to the Lord,
45:44 your life to the Lord,
45:45 a work begins in you to transform you
45:49 into the likeness of Jesus Christ,
45:52 to change your way of thinking,
45:54 to change the way of living.
45:58 And this process
45:59 is really called sanctification.
46:06 It's a process that begins
46:08 when you give your life to the Lord
46:09 and continues throughout your life.
46:12 As you give yourself to the Lord,
46:14 the Lord continues to mould you into the likeness of Christ.
46:17 2 Corinthians 3:18 reveals
46:20 that it is as you behold the glory of the Lord
46:23 as you behold His character, as you behold His goodness,
46:26 a change continues to happen,
46:29 work continues to happen in your life,
46:31 you began to take more and more steps
46:33 closer and closer to the Lord,
46:35 closer and closer you walk to the Lord,
46:37 until you are so happy with the Lord
46:40 that you rather do,
46:42 you will not rather do anything else
46:43 but serve the Lord and follow Him
46:46 with all of your heart.
46:48 Praise the Lord for that.
46:50 So, how long does this last?
46:56 Philippians Chapter 1 talks about an ongoing process.
47:02 Philippians 1:6 tells us.
47:08 Ready?
47:09 Here we go,
47:11 "Being confident of this very thing,
47:13 that He who hath begun a good work in you,"
47:18 what will happen?
47:22 "Will perform it, will complete it
47:24 until the Day of Jesus Christ."
47:27 It's an ongoing process to change us, to mould us.
47:32 See, it's like you, we are on probation,
47:36 to see if we're really want to follow the Lord.
47:40 It's like you are on a probation
47:43 to see if you're going to live according to God's principles.
47:47 Love the Lord your God with all your heart
47:50 and your neighbor as yourself.
47:51 Because the time will come when God says,
47:54 Okay, I'm ready to bring my children home
47:57 and if you have in there,
48:00 thoughts of stealing, killing, adultery,
48:04 whatever it is
48:05 that you want to continue doing,
48:07 you cannot take that to heaven,
48:09 you cannot have that in the new earth.
48:10 You must be willing to give that up
48:13 and God will transform you
48:15 so that your desire is to always serve the Lord.
48:19 So it doesn't end with,
48:21 I accepted the Lord as my Lord and Savior.
48:25 And now I am ready for heaven.
48:30 There is a fitting up that takes place,
48:32 a process of transformation.
48:34 And let's go to some scriptures that help us understand that,
48:37 one of them is Romans Chapter 12.
48:42 Now somebody may say,
48:43 what about the thief on the cross,
48:44 he didn't have any chance to do that.
48:48 He had made a commitment to follow the Lord.
48:52 And His desire was to follow the Lord.
48:54 He began a process.
48:56 He began, he was in newness of life.
48:59 He was a new creature in Jesus Christ,
49:01 his desire was to serve the Lord.
49:04 He already, he right away began to do
49:06 a ministry of reconciliation with the other thief, remember?
49:09 Do you not understand?
49:11 We are suffering justly because of our sins,
49:14 but he has done nothing of this,
49:15 He's already being a missionary.
49:17 Romans Chapter 12 verse,
49:19 we're going to read verse 1 and 2,
49:21 "I beseech you therefore, brethren by the mercies of God,
49:23 that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,"
49:28 what kind?
49:29 "A living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God,
49:32 which is your reasonable service."
49:35 That means the very least you can do and it says,
49:37 "And be not conformed to this world,
49:40 but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
49:45 that you may prove what is that good
49:47 and acceptable and perfect will of God."
49:50 So what's supposed to happen in us?
49:54 We are not to conform ourselves to this world,
49:56 but we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind,
50:01 our minds being transformed.
50:04 So what have we to do?
50:06 Daily walk with Jesus.
50:09 Let's go to 2 Corinthians Chapter...
50:16 There are many scriptures
50:18 that we must read, 2 Corinthians.
50:20 Did I say second or first?
50:22 Second, it's 2 Corinthians Chapter 7
50:25 and we're going to read verse 1.
50:28 Yes, here we go,
50:30 "Having therefore these promises,
50:32 dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves
50:37 from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit,
50:41 perfecting holiness in the fear of God."
50:45 So in this process of sanctification,
50:50 we are to be cooperating with God.
50:53 Because remember, Jesus said without Me you can do nothing.
50:57 So it is a cooperation with God
51:02 that brings us to this experience,
51:05 perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
51:08 And it says, cleansing ourselves,
51:10 that means putting away evil from our lives,
51:13 so that we can walk with Christ
51:16 and He can continue that process of transforming us
51:18 into His likeness.
51:21 Notice what Paul said, actually,
51:23 I'm just going to mention these.
51:25 We're not going to look them up,
51:27 because we'll save some time that way.
51:29 So Ephesians 3:12 and 15.
51:33 Paul says, "I pressed over the mark
51:35 for the prize of the high calling of God
51:36 in Christ Jesus."
51:38 In 1 Timothy 6:12,
51:41 "We are told to fight the good fight of faith
51:46 and lay hold on eternal life."
51:49 In 2 Peter 3:18,
51:53 we are told to grow in grace
51:55 and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
52:00 So over and over again the scriptures tell us
52:03 that we should be cooperating with God,
52:05 that we can be transformed into His likeness,
52:07 and perfecting holiness.
52:09 Remember, without Jesus, you can do nothing,
52:12 we are to partner with Him
52:14 so that He can accomplish this great work in us.
52:18 Now, you ask yourself this question,
52:23 do those good works do anything for us
52:26 as far as our salvation is concerned?
52:29 No, they do not see
52:31 because it is by grace
52:33 that we are saved through faith,
52:35 not of works, lest any man should boast.
52:38 It tells us in Ephesians 2:8.
52:40 So what about these works?
52:42 The works are a product
52:44 of your relationship with Jesus Christ,
52:47 and they speak of the change that has taken place in you.
52:51 It is a revealing to people and the world, the universe
52:58 that you want to live in God's kingdom.
53:01 Love the Lord your God with all your heart
53:03 and your neighbor as yourself.
53:04 That's what these works do,
53:06 they have no merit as far as salvation is concerned.
53:10 Notice what Jesus tell some individuals.
53:13 We read that in Matthew Chapter 7,
53:15 and we are quickly running out of time.
53:17 Matthew Chapter 7:21-23.
53:20 Matthew Chapter 7:21-23,
53:25 "Not everyone that saith unto Me,
53:27 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven,
53:31 but he that doeth the will
53:32 of My Father which is in heaven."
53:34 Who enters into heaven?
53:35 He that does the will of the Father,
53:39 "Many will say to Me in that day,
53:41 'Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name,
53:44 and in Thy name have cast out devils,
53:47 and in Thy name done many wonderful works?'"
53:51 What does Jesus say to them?
53:53 Verse 23,
53:54 "And then will I profess unto them,
53:56 'I never knew you:
53:59 depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.'"
54:04 So in other words,
54:05 it describes a class of people
54:07 that were depending on some good works, thinking,
54:10 oh, I'm going to heaven because of this.
54:13 But Jesus says
54:15 these individuals were practicing evil as well.
54:19 So their minds was divided.
54:22 They were not fully committed.
54:24 They were not following the Lord.
54:27 They were practicing sin along the way,
54:30 but the good works they did,
54:32 did nothing for their salvation,
54:35 because they had a divided heart.
54:38 So now we must turn
54:40 to Colossians Chapter 1.
54:45 We may have to continue this study another day.
54:48 Because there's more to cover
54:50 and the time does not permit us.
54:52 Colossians, Colossians Chapter 1
54:57 and we're going to read verses 19 to 23.
55:00 If you have found it, can you say amen?
55:04 Amen. Here we go ready?
55:05 19, and not holding the Head,
55:08 from which all the body by joints...
55:11 Am I in the right place?
55:13 No, I'm not. I'm in chapter 2.
55:15 Sorry about that.
55:16 Here we go.
55:18 Verse 19,
55:20 "For it pleased the Father
55:22 that in him should all fullness dwell,
55:24 and having made peace through the blood of His cross,
55:27 by Him to reconcile all things to Himself.
55:31 By Him, I say, whether they be things
55:33 on earth or things in heaven
55:35 and you that were sometimes alienated
55:37 and enemies in your mind by wicked works,
55:40 yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh,
55:44 through death, to present you," how?
55:47 "Holy and unblamable
55:49 and unreprovable in His sight."
55:54 How can you do that?
55:55 Notice a condition presented in verse 23.
55:59 "If you continue in the faith grounded and settled,
56:05 and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel,
56:08 which you have heard and which was preached
56:11 to every creature which is under heaven,
56:13 where of I, Paul, am made a minister."
56:17 So you see,
56:19 Jesus Christ reconciled us through His death.
56:25 But the process of sanctification
56:27 continues in us,
56:28 and it is through his life living in us
56:32 and more than that,
56:33 his ministry in the sanctuary in heaven,
56:37 that continues the process of salvation,
56:39 perhaps we can read one scripture
56:41 that will help us with that, Romans 5:10.
56:46 And so, because we're not going to be able to complete this,
56:49 we're going to read this scripture
56:51 and tell you to be continued.
56:54 Romans 5:10.
56:56 There's much more to talk about,
56:59 but we must read verse 10,
57:00 notice the scripture here,
57:02 "For if, when we were enemies,
57:05 we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son,
57:09 much more, being reconciled,
57:12 we shall be saved by His," what?
57:15 "Life."
57:16 Notice, it says,
57:18 reconciled to God by the death of his son,
57:21 past tense,
57:22 much more being reconciled, past tense,
57:24 we shall be saved by his life, future tense.
57:28 There's something that was of great importance
57:32 with the resurrection of Christ
57:33 and the ministry that He continued thereafter.
57:36 And that is,
57:38 His life of ministry in the sanctuary in heaven
57:40 as our high priest,
57:42 so we shall be saved by His life.
57:45 And so I will say to you this study
57:47 is to be continued perhaps at another time,
57:49 but remember that Jesus Christ died for your sin.
57:52 He has reconciled you to Himself,
57:55 accept this gift of salvation, be reconciled to God,
57:59 cooperate with Him and walk with Him
58:01 and He will take you to heaven.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2019-07-12