A Sharper Focus

The Truth about Heaven and the New Earth, Part 6

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000088

00:19 Hello everyone, and welcome to another Wednesday night
00:21 Bible study here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:25 Thank you for tuning into A Sharper Focus
00:27 as we continue our study
00:29 on the topic of "Heaven and the New Earth."
00:33 And wherever you're joining us from,
00:35 we have people here that would like to welcome you
00:37 with a hearty amen.
00:38 Can we do that right now?
00:40 Amen.
00:41 And thank you for tuning in.
00:42 For the next hour or less,
00:44 we're going to walk
00:45 through the Word of God together
00:46 on a very vitally important topic.
00:48 You know, if you're planning on going to heaven
00:50 and living in the new earth,
00:51 we need to know what the Bible teaches
00:53 about heaven and the new earth,
00:55 isn't that right?
00:56 So spend the time with us.
00:59 Get your Bibles, get your pens,
01:01 invite your family, and your friends,
01:02 that we can walk together through the Word of God.
01:05 I'll tell you in just a moment
01:07 how you get a copy of the lesson
01:08 for tonight as well as the new lesson
01:10 that we're going to be covering
01:12 in just a moment
01:13 if we finish this one for tonight,
01:16 but before we do anything, let us pray together.
01:19 Heavenly Father,
01:21 we thank You for the opportunity tonight
01:22 to open your Word.
01:24 We thank You, Lord, that we could focus on a lesson
01:26 that really gives us forward vision
01:30 about Your kingdom that is soon to come.
01:33 Strengthen our hearts, Lord,
01:35 we've talked about heaven, we've studied about heaven,
01:38 we pray that we could begin to live lives
01:41 in preparation for heaven.
01:42 So send Your Spirit tonight,
01:44 Lord, to be our teacher we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
01:50 Now, if you go to this following website
01:52 asf.3abn.org,
01:55 you can download the lesson, lesson number 26.
02:00 There are 33 questions on lesson number 26.
02:03 And then also download lesson number 27.
02:07 On lesson number 27 is the truth
02:10 about God's true church.
02:12 Lesson number 26
02:14 is the truth about heaven and the new earth.
02:18 And we're going to begin with question number 26 tonight
02:21 but before we do that,
02:22 we are going to sing our theme song.
02:23 What is our theme song?
02:25 "Victory in Jesus."
02:27 Let's sing our theme song tonight.
02:38 I heard an old, old story
02:41 How the Savior came from glory
02:45 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:49 To save a wretch like me
02:53 I heard about His groaning
02:56 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:00 Then I repented of my sin
03:04 And won the victory
03:07 Together.
03:08 O victory in Jesus
03:12 My Savior, forever
03:15 He sought me and bought me
03:19 With His redeeming blood
03:23 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:27 And all my love is due Him
03:30 He plunged me to victory
03:35 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:38 I heard about a mansion
03:42 He has built for me in glory
03:46 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:49 Beyond the crystal sea
03:53 About the angels singing
03:57 And the old redemption story
04:01 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:05 The song of victory
04:07 Key change.
04:09 O victory in Jesus
04:12 My Savior, forever
04:16 He sought me and bought me
04:20 With His redeeming blood
04:23 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:27 And all my love is due Him
04:31 He plunged me to victory
04:35 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:39 He plunged me to victory
04:42 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:49 Amen.
04:51 Wonderful song, He plunged us to what?
04:54 To victory beneath the cleansing flood,
04:57 that is His shed blood.
04:59 Bible says,
05:00 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful
05:02 and just to forgive us our sins
05:04 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
05:09 Now to lead into our topic tonight,
05:11 lesson number 26, we are at question number 26.
05:15 Now I wanna just lay some foundation.
05:17 Whenever my wife and I
05:19 are getting ready to go on vacation,
05:20 and I think this is true about many of us.
05:22 We try to learn about the place we're going.
05:24 Just recently,
05:26 the Hutchinsons went to Lithuania.
05:28 And I've never been there but if I look on the internet,
05:32 I'll find out some things about it,
05:33 but it's not the same.
05:35 You can find out information on the internet.
05:37 You can read in brochures,
05:39 but there's nothing that can replace going there
05:42 and having the experience.
05:44 One day we're going to go to heaven, amen, somebody?
05:47 But as we prepare to go to heaven,
05:50 we need to study our Bibles
05:51 to find out what's special about heaven,
05:54 what's going to be there, what's not going to be there.
05:57 What are some of the amenities, how it's going to look,
06:00 and I said this before,
06:02 but I think it fits right here again,
06:04 you know, the Bible talks about the New Jerusalem.
06:08 But the Bible says also,
06:09 we'll find out in just a moment
06:11 that the New Jerusalem descends from God out of heaven,
06:17 so the New Jerusalem is in heaven.
06:20 The New Jerusalem is not the totality of heaven,
06:24 the New Jerusalem is in heaven.
06:26 So when the New Jerusalem descends,
06:28 heaven will still be heaven.
06:30 But the New Jerusalem,
06:32 as we know, will be now on the earth.
06:35 And so we don't really know in great detail
06:38 a lot about what heaven is going to be like.
06:41 But the Bible does reveal to us
06:43 what the New Jerusalem is going to be like,
06:45 which is located in heaven.
06:47 And I'm looking forward to that
06:49 because there's a promise that the Lord has made.
06:50 Go with us now to the Book of John.
06:53 John Chapter 14,
06:54 I'll begin with the promise that Jesus made.
06:58 John Chapter 14, look at the verses there.
07:02 And you know the verse, John 14:1-3.
07:07 John 14:1-3, and the Bible says,
07:10 we could even quote this together.
07:12 Are you ready?
07:14 "Let not your heart be troubled.
07:16 You believe in God, believe also in Me,
07:19 in my Father's house are many mansions,
07:23 if it were not so I would have told you.
07:25 I go to prepare a place for you.
07:28 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
07:31 I will come again and receive you unto Myself
07:35 that where I am, there you may be also."
07:38 Now notice this, I did this intentional.
07:41 Now where I am vertically,
07:42 there you horizontally may be also,
07:45 we're right here right now.
07:47 We want to be there, amen?
07:49 So because we're here,
07:51 as is the case when we study about vacations
07:54 and places that we long to be a part of.
07:56 I think that sometimes
07:58 we get more excited before we go,
08:01 we get this level of excitement
08:03 that just says to us four more days,
08:06 two more days.
08:08 I know in some cases, people say,
08:10 "I cannot wait till July,
08:12 whatever, so I can go on vacation."
08:15 And people say,
08:16 "Well, have you learned much about where you're headed?"
08:18 "Oh, man, they have swimming,
08:20 and snorkeling, and there's warm weather.
08:22 Oh, I tell you,
08:23 they have so many different things
08:25 that I can do when I get there."
08:26 And I think in the very same way,
08:28 what brings us excitement is to know what is going to be
08:31 and what is not going to be in heaven.
08:33 So tonight, let's begin with question number 26.
08:36 And we're going to begin with a question
08:38 that really tells us
08:39 about what's not going to be in heaven.
08:42 Now, we have learned about some things
08:44 that are going to be in heaven
08:45 but now I want to transition
08:47 into what's not going to be in heaven.
08:49 Let's go to question number 26.
08:51 Here it is.
08:53 What are some of the traits
08:54 that will no longer be in the new earth?
08:57 That is in the new earth or in heaven?
09:01 What are some of the traits that will no longer be
09:03 in the new earth?
09:04 Okay.
09:07 Just take it easy.
09:09 Go to the Book of Revelation Chapter 21.
09:13 Revelation Chapter 21.
09:15 Come on in, we have some seats here.
09:17 Really we're glad to have you.
09:18 Revelation Chapter 21.
09:19 Let's look at verse 1.
09:21 Here it is, here it is.
09:23 And the Bible says, "Now, I saw a," what?
09:27 Let's say that together, "I saw a," what?
09:29 "New heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven
09:34 and the first earth had passed away.
09:36 Also there was no more," what?
09:39 "There was no more sea."
09:40 Now there is no sea in heaven.
09:42 So we know it has to be referring to the earth.
09:45 And let me ask you the question.
09:46 Where did all the water in the seas come from?
09:51 Do we not remember?
09:53 From the flood, from the great deluge.
09:56 Now Genesis names four rivers,
09:59 but when the world was first created,
10:02 there was no massive oceans, 30,000 feet deep,
10:07 where it just separated countries
10:10 and continents from one another.
10:12 There were bodies of water.
10:14 But we have now these massive oceans.
10:16 As a matter of fact,
10:17 many of us have become more educated
10:19 since this flight 370 disappeared,
10:22 and they talk about the Indian Ocean,
10:24 and how uncharted it is and how deep it is,
10:27 and how many mountains are below that ocean,
10:30 and how there's some places on earth
10:32 that we know less about
10:34 than we know about the moon.
10:36 And so the Bible is in essence
10:37 saying one of the reasons I believe
10:38 there's not going to be any more sea is,
10:41 there is going to be a need of room
10:44 for all the redeemed of all the ages.
10:45 Amen to that?
10:47 So we're not going to have...
10:48 Man, how do I get to the New Jerusalem?
10:50 How do I get to, and I don't know
10:51 what the continents are going to be called.
10:53 I don't know what it's going to be described
10:55 as in the new earth.
10:57 But I do know this,
10:58 that there is going to be no more sea.
11:01 My brother is the President of the Fisherman's Association
11:05 in the Virgin Islands there in St. Thomas.
11:08 And when fishermen read this text, they said,
11:11 "You mean, there's going to be no more sea?
11:13 How are we going to fish?"
11:16 Well, I didn't tell them that
11:17 but there'll be no more dead fish
11:19 in the new earth, amen.
11:21 So there'll be no more killing of animals.
11:24 So you won't be throwing your tackle out there
11:26 to reel the fish in, because death will be no more.
11:30 So that's why there will be no need
11:32 of all these fishing vessels and these massive nets,
11:35 and scooping up squid and shark
11:38 and all the stuff that's in the sea.
11:40 There'll be no need for that
11:41 because we will not be killing any longer
11:44 in the new earth.
11:45 Amen?
11:46 So put the answer on the first one,
11:48 Revelation 21:1, "There'll be no more," what?
11:50 "No more sea."
11:51 Now let's go to Revelation 21:4.
11:54 Revelation 21:4,
11:56 although there are just about seven questions,
11:59 there are lots of verses that we're looking up.
12:01 Here's the next one,
12:02 Revelation 21:4, and the Bible says,
12:05 "And God will wipe away," what?
12:09 "Every tear from their eyes
12:12 and there will be no more death,
12:14 nor sorrow, nor crying.
12:17 There shall be no more pain,
12:20 for the former things have," what?
12:22 "Passed away."
12:24 So now when something...
12:25 When someone dies,
12:27 there's another phrase we often use,
12:28 we say, well, they passed away.
12:31 Now, this is strange to think about it this way.
12:33 But death according to this verse,
12:36 death is going to pass away.
12:39 So death will die, sorrow will die,
12:42 pain will die, crying, all these will pass away,
12:46 which means when something passes away,
12:48 it's no more.
12:49 So in the new earth,
12:50 as well as in heaven
12:52 there will be no more of the things
12:53 that we experience down here.
12:54 And I want to tell you, I did a study briefly.
12:57 When I say I study, I mean, very shallow,
13:00 just enough to find out
13:01 about the different kinds of tears that there are.
13:04 And when a person is excited,
13:05 I discovered that they shed a different type of tear
13:09 chemically than they do when they're sad.
13:12 And when they're angry,
13:14 they shed a different kind of tear
13:16 than when they're happy.
13:17 You know, some people say,
13:18 "I'm so happy, I could just cry."
13:20 Some people say,
13:21 "I'm so angry, I could just cry."
13:23 And some people
13:24 just show emotions various ways.
13:25 And I'm amazed by the fact
13:27 that I know that whatever tears we have,
13:30 they're not going to be because of death,
13:32 sorrow, and pain.
13:34 Ain't that right?
13:35 So we're not going to be crying because we lost a loved one.
13:38 There'll be no more death.
13:40 But I believe this is my own analogy,
13:44 and I have to find evidence for this
13:45 but because the human body is created
13:48 with the ability to shed a tear,
13:51 I think we're going to be so happy
13:52 we're going to shed a tear.
13:54 Amen?
13:55 We're going to shed happy tears,
13:57 but the tears that are connected
13:58 with death, and pain, and suffering,
13:59 and sorrow, and crime,
14:01 and violence will not be in the new earth
14:03 and will not be in the kingdom.
14:04 So write them down question, the second question.
14:08 There'll be no more no death, no sorrow, no crying, no pain,
14:12 there are four dashes there.
14:14 No death, no sorrow, no crying, no pain.
14:17 So so far, we found out two traits
14:19 about the new earth.
14:21 Let's look at the third one.
14:23 Let's look at the next one.
14:24 Isaiah 65:17.
14:28 Isaiah 65:17.
14:35 Wow.
14:37 Here's what the Bible teaches.
14:38 "For behold, the Lord says,
14:40 I create new heavens and a, "what else?"
14:43 New Earth and the former
14:46 shall not be remembered or come to mind."
14:49 Now when you think about that, just for a brief moment,
14:52 can you think of anything in this earth
14:55 that you would like to forget?
14:57 Can I get a yes?
15:00 Can I get an amen for many things
15:02 you'd like to forget?
15:04 I mean, think about that.
15:06 There are many things in this earth
15:07 and I listen to the news every day.
15:09 If it's not another argument between the Republicans
15:13 and the Democrats,
15:14 I am not going to miss the Republicans
15:16 and the Democrats, amen?
15:17 There will be no more politics in the new earth.
15:20 And then there'll be no more wars in Syria,
15:24 there'll be no more starvation in this country,
15:26 there'll be no more earthquakes in that region,
15:28 there'll be no tsunamis in the Pacific.
15:30 Amen?
15:31 So all these things, these former things,
15:34 you'll be able to sit on your sea front porch,
15:39 because I think there's gonna be some water
15:42 and you won't have to worry about the mountains rumbling,
15:44 you don't have to worry about heavy torrential rains.
15:47 Come on, let me ask you the question.
15:49 We live in the Midwest.
15:50 Are you going to miss the threat of tornadoes?
15:53 No. Right.
15:55 And those of you who live in California
15:56 or maybe in Japan,
15:58 you're not going to miss
16:00 the threat of another earthquake.
16:01 Matter of fact,
16:02 there's no threat of an earthquake,
16:04 it just happens.
16:05 So we're not going to miss that either.
16:07 All these things,
16:08 if you really think about the former things,
16:11 these things will not be remembered,
16:13 won't even come to mind.
16:14 Bill won't say in the new earth,
16:16 "Man, I wonder how long it's been
16:17 since an earthquake."
16:19 There won't be any earthquakes.
16:20 So all the bad things about this life,
16:23 all the things that draw out of us fear,
16:26 there'll be no more angry animals.
16:30 Think about that.
16:31 There'll be no more crime and no more violence.
16:33 So, Isaiah, if you answer the question,
16:37 what are some of the traits
16:39 that will no longer be in the new earth?
16:40 Put bad things of the old earth.
16:44 You can modify that and put your own answer,
16:47 but there'll be no more bad things
16:49 from the old earth.
16:52 It's an amazing comparison
16:54 between what we have now and I tell you,
16:56 this world is really in trouble.
16:59 There's some individuals
17:01 that whenever people move around,
17:03 we were just not too long ago up in northern New England,
17:06 it's beautiful up there,
17:08 it's gorgeous up there in the summer.
17:13 But when the winter comes,
17:14 it gets so cold that they said
17:17 they can drive their cars on the lake.
17:19 They do something called ice fishing.
17:22 They snow, they snow...
17:24 What's that, snowmobile?
17:25 They could walk
17:27 from one end of the lake to the other.
17:28 And these are huge lakes,
17:31 which in the summertime you're drown.
17:33 And they said people live on the ice in the winter.
17:36 Now, when I met people,
17:37 oh, it's beautiful, wonderful rolling hills.
17:40 And somebody said,
17:41 "It's a beautiful place to be in the summer."
17:44 But Florida is the ideal place for the wintertime,
17:48 where it's nice and warm.
17:49 And so there are people that live up there,
17:50 they call them snowbirds,
17:52 they all aim south when the winter comes.
17:56 Even the birds know that northern New England
17:59 is not the place to be.
18:00 Have you ever seen the migration?
18:02 It's like when the cold weather begins to come in,
18:04 the birds begin to fly, which way they go?
18:07 Fly south.
18:09 They're getting out of there.
18:10 And so in the new earth,
18:11 we won't have to worry about freezing cold weather.
18:14 Not to worry about ice.
18:15 We had the worst ice season this year.
18:17 Most of the years,
18:18 I can remember here in Southern Illinois,
18:20 I mean treacherous, life threatening sheets of ice,
18:23 in the new earth there'll be no more ice.
18:27 Amen, Vanita?
18:28 No more ice.
18:30 So there's so many things in the new earth
18:33 that are not going to be
18:35 brought over from the old earth,
18:37 and praise God for that.
18:38 Let's look at the next one.
18:39 Isaiah 60:18.
18:41 Isaiah 60:18.
18:44 Look at another one, so wonderful.
18:47 It says,
18:49 "Violence shall no longer be heard in your land,
18:53 neither," what?
18:54 "Wasting nor destruction within your borders,
18:57 but you shall call your walls," what?
19:01 "Salvation."
19:02 When you think of violence, go to Genesis 6:11,
19:05 so what you want to put there,
19:07 Isaiah 60:18,
19:08 no more violence, no more destruction.
19:11 I looked up the word, the word there, wasting.
19:15 And the word wasting is also translated robbery
19:20 and oppression, robbery and oppression.
19:23 So wasting a person's resources,
19:25 wasting a person's life, robbery and oppression.
19:28 But look at Genesis 6:11.
19:30 And you'll discover one of the very reasons...
19:33 Hold on, I'm getting there.
19:36 Genesis is a hard book to find.
19:40 Not really.
19:41 Genesis 6:11.
19:42 Notice one of the reasons
19:44 why we're excited about the new earth.
19:45 The Bible says in Genesis 6:11, "The earth also was,"
19:50 what's the next word?
19:52 "Corrupt before God
19:53 and the earth was filled with violence."
19:58 I mean, think about it.
20:01 Cold cases, court cases,
20:04 kidnapping babies dying in hot vehicles.
20:08 Just think about the awful heart wrenching reports
20:12 that we hear on the news day to day.
20:15 But that's not in this category.
20:17 Violence, in this earth violence sells.
20:21 People pay to see other people
20:24 beaten to death in a boxing ring.
20:28 Wrestlers, now although to some degree,
20:31 a lot of that is,
20:32 you know, acting,
20:34 but you have these cage fighters
20:35 that are not acting
20:36 and they're beating each other to a pulp,
20:38 attacking the very temple that belongs to God.
20:40 Bloody eyes and broken nose
20:42 and they do all that to the accolade
20:44 and the praise of humanity.
20:46 Violence, violence sports,
20:48 there's a lot of things that are happening.
20:49 I was listening to the news the other day,
20:51 for the love of game
20:53 many football players had to play,
20:55 and they're now beginning to see
20:57 all the effects of playing in the NFL
20:59 because they said just to win a game,
21:01 the team doctors would give them
21:04 these heavy, heavy painkillers.
21:07 And one guy played for a season
21:09 and a half with a broken foot and didn't know it.
21:13 And now he's suing the NFL.
21:14 Because the painkillers were so strong,
21:17 that he was made to run on a broken foot
21:19 just to win the game.
21:21 The love of money is the root of all evil.
21:24 Those kinds of things won't happen in the new earth.
21:28 All these things that oppress, and rob us of our joy,
21:32 and of our health won't be in the new earth.
21:35 Okay, let's go to number...
21:36 The last one, Revelation 22:3.
21:40 Revelation 22:3, of question number 26.
21:43 Here it is.
21:45 Revelation 22:3.
21:47 And for those of you that have your Bibles,
21:49 great, if not, it's going to appear on the screen.
21:52 Revelation 22:3, and here's what the Bible says,
21:55 "And there shall be no more," what?
21:58 "Curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it,
22:03 and His servants shall," do what?
22:05 "Serve Him."
22:07 Now think of what was
22:08 one of the first effects of the curse?
22:11 Adam and Eve.
22:12 Think about it.
22:14 Adam and Eve being expelled from the garden.
22:16 And think about it,
22:17 all those things that seemed normal to us now,
22:20 you know, trees, plants, fear in animals.
22:24 Trees begin to die, the climate becomes much colder,
22:28 and even though God had given,
22:30 you know, the stars, and the moon,
22:31 and the sun for signs, and seasons, and times,
22:34 God never intended for there to be sub zero weather
22:37 or blazing hot dried up deserts.
22:40 All these things are the result of sin,
22:42 the result of the curse,
22:44 as the Bible says the curse has devoured the whole earth,
22:47 Isaiah the prophet says.
22:49 So in the new earth, there'll be no more curse.
22:52 Can I get a hallelujah to that?
22:53 No more curse.
22:55 And let me add another thing, no more cursing.
22:58 The curse is gone,
23:00 the language connected to it is also gone.
23:02 Praise the Lord to that.
23:04 Okay, let's go to number 27.
23:06 Let's go to question number 27.
23:08 All right.
23:10 What does the Bible
23:12 reveal about the barren places of the earth?
23:15 What does the Bible reveal about the barren
23:17 places of the earth?
23:18 I hope my geography is correct.
23:20 But I think I studied a number of years ago,
23:23 that the Sahara Desert,
23:25 which is probably
23:26 one of the largest deserts in our world
23:29 used to be
23:31 more of a place of greenery.
23:34 It used to be a lush place of greenery,
23:37 but clear cutting and destroying the greenery
23:40 in such a region,
23:42 the desert began to grow and grow and grow.
23:45 And what we see now as the Sahara Desert,
23:48 is the result of thousands of years of just...
23:53 This is hard to imagine because the desert is huge,
23:56 the Sahara Desert is huge,
23:57 but it's hard to think that that used to be a place
23:59 where there were trees and plants,
24:02 but now it's a barren dry place.
24:04 And I am just speculating,
24:06 but I've also heard that there are places
24:11 like in Ethiopia
24:12 and some of the Central African countries
24:15 where it doesn't rain as much as it used to,
24:18 somehow maybe climate shift
24:19 or whatever the scientists may say.
24:21 And there's a big controversy over that.
24:24 But desert land is increasing day by day by day.
24:27 But look at the news that the Lord has given to us
24:29 about the new earth.
24:30 Here's what He says, Isaiah 35:1.
24:33 And look at this wonderful text,
24:36 "The wilderness and the wasteland
24:38 shall be," what?
24:40 "Glad for them," and let's read this all together,
24:42 "and the desert shall rejoice
24:45 and blossom as a rose."
24:49 I don't know, I'm going to imagine
24:51 just a little bit but think about
24:52 how beautiful a rose smells.
24:56 Now, these are these roses that are thousands of years
24:58 removed from perfection.
25:01 But just imagine roses restored to perfection.
25:04 Carnations and what are the other...
25:07 Come on, ladies that like plants,
25:08 what are some of the other ones?
25:10 Give me some names,
25:11 got daisies and gardenias and lilacs,
25:15 am I getting close?
25:16 Huh.
25:17 Gladiolus and orchids?
25:19 Can you imagine?
25:20 When you walk in a flower shop...
25:22 There was a time that my nose used to go into conniption,
25:25 because of so much smells.
25:27 But it's beautiful,
25:28 just, you go there and you close your eyes like,
25:31 "Oh, just smells so good."
25:33 And you come out of there and it lingers with you.
25:35 But just imagine in the new earth.
25:38 No more dying orchids, and lilacs, and daisies,
25:41 and carnations, and no more of that,
25:43 but the deserts now will blossom as a rose.
25:47 Amen, somebody?
25:49 And for ladies that like plants,
25:51 you'll be able to pick a plant.
25:53 You'll have some fresh flowers on your table
25:55 and they won't die.
25:57 Wow, that's hard to think.
25:58 But that's God's plan.
26:00 So God is going to not...
26:01 God is not going to patch up this earth,
26:03 but He's going to completely redo it
26:06 and deliver to us a new earth,
26:08 not like the one we have now.
26:10 Let's look at some other facts about the new earth.
26:13 All right.
26:14 This is a very interesting category.
26:16 Look at this.
26:18 How different will the dangerous animals
26:21 of today be?
26:23 Number 28.
26:24 How different will the dangerous animals
26:26 of today be?
26:29 I'm amazed, I looked at a video on YouTube about a guy,
26:32 he's called the lion whisperer.
26:35 And this guy has had the privilege
26:39 of walking into the wastelands of Africa.
26:42 He just walks out there with no protection.
26:44 I don't know how he does it.
26:46 And the lions both male and female,
26:48 run to him and just jump on him
26:50 and their massive paws on his shoulder,
26:52 and they roll around in the dust
26:55 and he leans back and rest on their back
26:57 and then another lion comes and licks his face.
27:03 And I think, either he's insane,
27:07 or the lions are insane, because it's amazing.
27:10 They said that some of these he's raised
27:12 from young but in other cases,
27:15 he didn't raise many of the other ones
27:16 that are there.
27:18 And they also showed that his photography crew
27:19 or his video crew,
27:20 they're there to videotape this but they have to be in a cage.
27:24 The lions that were friendly to him
27:27 even ran after the vehicle that his video crews
27:30 and they had to take off
27:32 because the lions attacked the doors of the video crew.
27:34 And as soon as the video crew left,
27:36 lions came right back at him and said, good to see you.
27:40 And they just lay down and walk around together.
27:42 And then the hyenas, when the lions were gone...
27:45 See hyenas and lions are enemies.
27:47 When the lions were gone, the hyenas came to him,
27:50 and I'm thinking what does this guy have?
27:52 But you know what?
27:54 One day we gonna all get the privilege
27:56 to know what it's like
27:57 to spend the night in a lion's den
28:00 and get up in the morning and pet them
28:02 and say good morning.
28:04 Look what the Bible says,
28:06 Isaiah 11:6.
28:11 Is that what I put there?
28:13 Okay, Isaiah 11:6.
28:15 Now, I think I put the wrong text.
28:18 Here it is, Isaiah 11.
28:21 Let me turn my Bible there.
28:23 So I think I substituted one of those same text.
28:26 Okay, I'm almost in Isaiah Chapter 11.
28:29 Here we are, I'm there with you.
28:33 Isaiah 11:6.
28:37 It says, "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb.
28:41 The wolf shall dwell with the," what?
28:44 "The lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the," what?
28:48 "Young goat or the kid,
28:49 the calf and the young lion and the fatling together,"
28:53 and this blows me away,
28:55 "and a little child shall lead them."
28:59 Amen, Abby?
29:00 One day Abby will say,
29:02 "Come on lion, come on, wolf..."
29:05 A little child shall lead them.
29:09 I think I got the next one.
29:10 So put this one down.
29:11 How different will the dangerous animals be?
29:13 Just simply summarize, a little child shall lead them.
29:18 Okay, I got the next one correct.
29:20 I know it's going to be right on the screen.
29:21 Here it is.
29:23 Here's the next one.
29:24 And verse 7,
29:27 "The cow and the bear shall," do what?
29:32 Shall do what?
29:33 "Graze, their young ones shall lie down together,
29:38 and the lion shall eat straw like the ox."
29:42 Now that is unusual, because lions are carnivorous.
29:48 The lions today because of sin, they're not going to eat straw,
29:51 they'll eat the animals that eat straw.
29:54 But look how amazing this is,
29:56 and what's amazing Isaiah
29:58 the prophet is putting in the category,
29:59 side by side animals that are now
30:04 in opposition to each other,
30:05 is that a right way of saying it?
30:06 Animals that will naturally kill each other.
30:09 Cows don't pet,
30:10 I mean, bears don't pet cows and lions don't eat straw.
30:16 So let's put that one down.
30:19 Isaiah 11:7.
30:21 You could summarize it however you'd like.
30:23 I'll give you the freedom to do that.
30:25 Let's look now the very next one,
30:26 Isaiah 11:8.
30:28 Now this is a mother's nightmare removed.
30:32 Here it is.
30:34 Isaiah 11:8.
30:35 The Bible says,
30:37 "The nursing child shall play by the cobra's hole,
30:41 and the weaned child
30:43 shall put his hand in the viper's den."
30:46 Now come on, think about that today.
30:48 How many parents...
30:50 Where's your child, Riesa?
30:52 "Oh, he's down by the viper's hole,
30:55 just playing with the cobras."
30:58 They had a anaconda snake last week
31:03 in one of the studios here at 3ABN,
31:05 to do some production.
31:07 An anaconda,
31:09 that is a huge snake.
31:11 They said it was about 11 to 12 feet long.
31:14 And some of the people had no fear,
31:17 they put them over their shoulder.
31:19 I am not putting a 12 foot snake
31:22 that is known for squeezing the life
31:24 out of people around my shoulder.
31:26 Can somebody say amen to that?
31:28 I am not giving him the location
31:30 that he prefers above any other location.
31:33 I mean snakes wanna be,
31:34 they squeeze the life out of you,
31:36 they want to be around your neck.
31:38 That's not where I'm going to put a snake
31:39 and there were some of them that were smiling.
31:41 One of the young ladies
31:42 that work over in Latino I think, Maryssa,
31:44 she said, "Oh, I loved holding the snake,"
31:46 and I'm thinking,
31:47 "Do you realize that chances were 50/50
31:51 that you wouldn't be here the next week."
31:54 They put that anaconda right around
31:56 and they smiled at it.
31:57 Then the guy also had a little alligator
31:59 and he puts his nose up to the alligator
32:02 and I'm thinking, "Not me."
32:04 But he, you know, you saw what happened to this guy
32:07 in Australia many years ago, remember that?
32:09 I forgot his name now.
32:11 Steve, what a tragedy
32:14 and an odd situation.
32:17 A stingray, just fear,
32:20 and just shoots a barb right in his heart, a barb,
32:23 they call barb, right in his heart, kills him.
32:26 And that animal just was out of fear.
32:28 But normally, if you approached him
32:29 from the front, it would not have occurred.
32:31 But the whole point of the matter is
32:33 in this earth
32:34 animals will do what their natural instincts
32:37 will tell them to do anytime they feel
32:38 that they are in danger.
32:40 And I tell you, cobras and vipers,
32:44 I'm going to take a little time to warm up
32:45 to them even in the new earth.
32:46 Anybody else?
32:48 "Oh, in the new earth?"
32:50 Yeah, that's a cobra, go and pet him.
32:51 You sure this is the new earth?
32:53 It's going to take a little for us psyche,
32:55 that's why I like the way that Isaiah says it.
32:57 He says the former things will not be remembered
33:01 nor come to mind,
33:02 which means the fears that we had of them now,
33:05 the fear that we have of them now,
33:07 we won't have that fear then.
33:09 That's wonderful.
33:10 We'll see a bear and run up to him and say,
33:12 "Oh, give me a hug."
33:14 A bear hug.
33:15 Fine, a bear hug.
33:17 Finally we get our bear hug.
33:19 I don't know, it's wonderful, it's coming.
33:22 And lastly, verse 9.
33:26 This is beautiful, this is beautiful.
33:28 Verse 9, it says, "They shall not hurt
33:31 nor destroy in all My holy mountain,"
33:35 and this is beautiful,
33:37 "for the earth shall be full of the knowledge
33:39 of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
33:42 Ain't that wonderful?
33:43 North, south, east, west.
33:46 Nowadays, it's hard, when you travel
33:48 there's some places on earth
33:49 that people still don't know about God.
33:51 But the Bible says the earth
33:52 will be full of the knowledge of the Lord.
33:55 Wouldn't that finally be a nice thing to walk up
33:57 to somebody and say,
33:58 "Hey, can I talk to you about Jesus?"
34:00 "Sure, let's talk."
34:02 And they won't have to rush.
34:03 They won't say, well, you know, I gotta go back to work,
34:05 I have lunch.
34:06 We could talk about Jesus forever,
34:08 ain't that right?
34:09 The earth will be full of the knowledge
34:11 of the Lord and all the hardship
34:12 that we have now
34:15 won't even be a factor in the new earth.
34:17 All these things that we just read about,
34:19 how wonderful it is that the new earth is a place
34:21 that we are going to enjoy forever,
34:24 and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever.
34:28 Number 29, number 29.
34:32 Here it is.
34:37 In what way will the new earth
34:39 differ from the cities of today?
34:41 In what way will the new earth
34:43 differ from the cities of today?
34:45 I'm going to give a little spin to this
34:46 because you may read the text and say,
34:48 "Well, that happens today."
34:49 In what way will the new earth
34:51 differ from the cities of today?
34:53 Zachariah 8:5, Zachariah 8:5.
34:57 I was raised in Brooklyn, New York,
35:02 and we had a lot of fun growing up then,
35:05 that was before the Nintendo's
35:07 and the Xbox's and the PS3's.
35:11 Children actually went outside, does anybody remember that?
35:15 When we actually rode bikes.
35:17 We actually did things outdoors.
35:21 Hopscotch and I didn't do this but jumping rope,
35:24 and stickball, and baseball, and football,
35:27 children were practically in much better shape.
35:29 What else? Playing in the pool.
35:31 Playing in the pool in the summertime.
35:33 All the kids that go to the community pool
35:36 and swim together.
35:37 Nowadays, we have the highest obesity
35:41 among the young people of today.
35:43 And when they go to Walmart, instead of him saying,
35:45 "Mom, get me a baseball bat.
35:46 Mom, get me this video game."
35:48 I heard a mom said,
35:50 "Now your limit today is only five games."
35:53 "Only five games."
35:55 Mom, remember,
35:56 well, your limit is only five games
35:59 and I'm thinking say to him,
36:01 get something that you could do outside,
36:03 buy him a bicycle, get him outside,
36:05 get him active.
36:06 And that five games would buy a bike.
36:08 Isn't that amazing, five games, you get a good bike,
36:10 nowadays game's are $60 each, that's 300 bucks.
36:14 But anyway, here's the question.
36:16 And here's the answer.
36:17 In what way will the new earth
36:19 differ from the cities of today?
36:20 The Bible says "The streets of the city shall be," what?
36:24 "Full of boys and girls playing in his streets,
36:28 which means there'll be no Xbox, no PS3,
36:33 no Nintendo 64, 68 or whatever,
36:36 there'll be no televisions keeping us in the house.
36:39 That's why I wanted to give you an approach here.
36:42 "The streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls
36:47 playing in the streets."
36:49 Nowadays, children can't go outside,
36:53 they disappear.
36:54 You know how many kids get kidnapped during the week?
36:58 One of the most ridiculous stories
36:59 I heard was a little girl in the front of her house,
37:02 mother just turned around to get something,
37:05 just stepped within her screen door
37:07 and stepped back out
37:08 and the girl was gone just like that.
37:12 Today, one of the reasons why parents are so careful,
37:15 you won't go to many cities
37:17 and find the streets full of boys and girls playing.
37:22 Because there's so much corruption
37:24 in the hearts of humanity,
37:25 that this is not something that we experienced
37:27 but in the new earth.
37:29 They'll be...
37:30 Where you going?
37:32 You won't have to ask your children
37:33 where they're going?
37:34 Where? I'll be back.
37:36 All right, whenever you get back,
37:37 doors will be unlocked.
37:39 There won't be any locks.
37:40 I went to L.L. Bean,
37:41 there in northern New England, in the state of Maine,
37:45 and I was shocked that a store opens 24 hours a day,
37:49 seven days a week.
37:50 In all their lifespan they only closed three times.
37:53 That's when Kennedy was shot,
37:56 when the store owner died,
38:00 and when there was a fire locally
38:02 that they asked them to close for the safety of humans.
38:04 They don't even have locks on the doors of their stores.
38:09 And that store exemplifies
38:11 what the new earth is going to be like.
38:12 You go 4:30 in the morning to buy a jacket.
38:14 Want to buy a bicycle?
38:15 Go at 6 o'clock in the morning.
38:17 Go 1:15, go 4 o'clock.
38:19 I can't sleep, let me go buy something at L.L. Bean,
38:22 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
38:24 This is not a commercial by the way.
38:27 But the fact of the matter is, they don't lock their doors.
38:30 And I'm thinking,
38:31 either this is the safest town on earth,
38:34 or they just have a whole lot of security
38:37 that we don't see.
38:38 And maybe a little bit of the both.
38:40 But I tell you what?
38:43 Don't get upset with me, New Yorkers,
38:44 but they won't be an L.L. Bean in Brooklyn,
38:48 maybe the new Brooklyn.
38:50 But I tell you the Brooklyn that I was raised in
38:52 there will be no L.L. Bean open 24 hours a day.
38:55 They'll be closed at five,
38:57 because the streets were much more violent
38:59 than they are now.
39:01 So the city streets will be full of boys and girls,
39:03 quite a change from how the world is today.
39:06 Let's go to number 30. Let's go to number 30.
39:09 What will the condition
39:11 of the New Jerusalem inhabitants be?
39:14 What will the condition of their...
39:16 What would the condition
39:17 of the New Jerusalem inhabitants be?
39:20 Now it's amazing, think of New Jerusalem,
39:22 New Jerusalem doesn't mean Jerusalem
39:25 in the Middle East,
39:27 that one's going to be removed,
39:28 there's going to be a New Jerusalem.
39:31 Those are the Bible lands,
39:32 but this Jerusalem is the Holy Land.
39:36 There's difference all together.
39:38 Those are the Bible lands today.
39:39 But this Jerusalem is going to be the Holy Land.
39:42 Here it is Isaiah 33:24.
39:45 Look at the answer.
39:46 What's going to be different?
39:47 What's the condition
39:49 of the New Jerusalem inhabitants?
39:50 The Bible says,
39:52 "And the inhabitants will not say," what?
39:54 "I am sick,
39:55 the people who dwell in it
39:56 will be forgiven their iniquities."
39:59 Now, this is an amazing text.
40:01 First of all, there'll be no need
40:02 for a new health plan.
40:05 Because nobody is going to get sick,
40:06 ain't that right?
40:08 So there'll be no sickness
40:10 but an amazing connection is made here.
40:13 Because when Jesus met a man who had been bound to his bed,
40:18 you know, the paralytic that had to be let down
40:20 through the roof.
40:21 One of the first things He said to him
40:23 was your sins are forgiven you.
40:25 This text is suggesting
40:27 that sin is connected to sickness.
40:31 And some people are sick because of their sin.
40:35 And iniquity and sickness are not far removed.
40:39 The Lord first said to him, "Your sins have forgiven you."
40:41 And then He said, "You know, take up your bed and walk."
40:45 He forgave him of his illness
40:47 after He forgave him of his sin.
40:49 So here it is.
40:50 There'll be no more illness in the New Jerusalem, amen?
40:53 No more illness, no more pills.
40:58 That should have been like a 1000 hallelujahs, right?
41:01 No more pills.
41:03 Now what pill do I need to take when?
41:04 Well, this one you take to wake up,
41:06 and this one you take to go to sleep,
41:07 don't reverse them
41:09 because you'll never get any rest.
41:10 You know this when you take the go fast
41:12 and this when you take the slow down,
41:14 you need this one for your right eye
41:15 and this one for your left eye.
41:16 I mean, think of all the pills we take.
41:18 They said that Elvis when he died,
41:19 he was taking 27 pills a day.
41:22 And how I thought myself, how do they know where to go?
41:25 I mean, that's just my mind.
41:27 You don't have to worry about that.
41:29 But sometimes I think when they swallow the pill,
41:31 doesn't say, "Okay, I need to make a right right here.
41:33 I'm looking for the shoulder.
41:35 Need to make a left.
41:36 Do you think about that?
41:38 How do they know where to go, let alone 27 pills,
41:42 in different colors, I mean...
41:46 And the doctors today,
41:48 instead of leading you to be healthy,
41:51 instead of saying,
41:52 "What you have is because of the way you eat
41:54 and your lifestyle."
41:55 They say, "Here's a pill.
41:57 Take two and call me in the morning."
41:58 And that's what's happening nowadays.
42:00 Really, think about it.
42:01 And anytime somebody comes up with a natural remedy,
42:05 the FDA says, "Be careful, because it's natural,
42:08 it may hurt you."
42:10 And then they resolve and just take in medication.
42:13 Now I want to be balanced here.
42:15 We need medication for some things.
42:16 Amen to that?
42:18 But I tell you in the new earth,
42:19 we won't need medication at all.
42:21 Because the reason for sickness is sin and sin will be removed,
42:26 there will be no more sickness, praise God for that.
42:29 But let's look at the next text.
42:31 Look at the next text.
42:33 All right.
42:34 Isaiah 35:6.
42:36 Isaiah 35:6, also about the inhabitance,
42:40 and, you know, my mother in law is 87 now.
42:43 She's not as fast as she used to be
42:45 when she was young.
42:46 She'd get up in the morning and cook all day
42:48 and go to work at night and come back
42:50 and keep the house together, eight children.
42:54 But today she walks a little slower
42:56 and some of you with the aid of a walking stick
42:58 or a cane or some people need a wheelchair,
43:01 some people need a stroller,
43:02 I mean, all types of apparatus to keep us mobile.
43:07 That's what our world is like nowadays.
43:09 But notice what the Bible says about the new earth.
43:12 Here's what it says, Isaiah 35:6,
43:16 "Then the lame shall leap like a," what?
43:19 "A deer, and the tongue of the dumb shall," do what?
43:23 "Sing.
43:24 For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness,
43:29 and streams in the desert."
43:32 So now, will there be any people
43:35 walking really slow in the new earth?
43:38 Only if they want to.
43:40 Only if they...
43:41 They could stroll
43:42 because they're not in a hurry to go anywhere.
43:44 But I tell you, the people that are bound
43:47 by some inability to move today,
43:51 there's good news in the new earth,
43:53 you'll be as mobile as a deer.
43:55 And if you in the city, come to Southern Illinois,
43:57 you'll understand what we mean by mobile as a deer.
43:59 They're everywhere, you gotta be careful,
44:01 the deers are darting out, and they're all over the place,
44:05 which means simply, they will be quite agile.
44:08 And those who cannot sing, those who for whatever reason,
44:12 either born that way,
44:13 or by some incapacitated experience
44:16 are not able to sing.
44:18 There will be no one
44:19 in the new earth that can't sing.
44:20 Amen to that?
44:22 Some people I have met,
44:23 like my good friend Doug Batchelor,
44:25 Pastor Batchelor,
44:26 you know, he plays guitar, he writes songs.
44:31 He wouldn't...
44:32 Maybe he'll get exciting to do this.
44:34 But he would not necessarily
44:36 put out a CD of him singing songs.
44:40 But in heaven, I remember him telling me one day,
44:42 he said, John, when I get to heaven,
44:43 you'll know where to find me.
44:45 I'll be the only one in heaven singing every day.
44:49 He's a great preacher.
44:50 But I think I'll leave it there.
44:52 And we're good friends,
44:54 but he'll be singing in the kingdom
44:55 and I'll be preaching in the kingdom.
44:56 Amen?
44:58 How wonderful it is.
44:59 We're going to change places.
45:01 But God is going to alter the conditions
45:02 of this new earth.
45:04 And all the things that are debilitating down here
45:06 will not be a part of our heavenly experience.
45:08 Let's go to the next one.
45:10 Number 31. Number 31.
45:13 Wow. Hmm.
45:16 How do we know that everyone
45:20 in the new earth will own a new home?
45:23 How do we know that everyone
45:25 in the new earth will own a new home?
45:29 Go with me to Isaiah Chapter 65.
45:33 And we're going to look together
45:34 at verse 21 and verse 22.
45:36 How do we know that everyone
45:37 in the new earth is going to own a new home?
45:40 Look at this beautiful text.
45:43 All right, here it is.
45:45 The Bible says, "They shall build," what?
45:48 "Houses and," what else?
45:51 "Inhabit them,
45:53 they shall plant vineyards and," what else?
45:56 "Eat their fruit.
45:57 They shall not build and another in habit,
46:00 they shall not plant and another eat,
46:04 for as the days of a tree,
46:06 so shall the days of My people,
46:10 and My elect shall long enjoy the," what?
46:14 "Work of their hands."
46:16 Now, this is an amazing text.
46:18 We lived in Northern California
46:19 where there were some beautiful vineyards.
46:21 And in Central California there are places
46:25 where you get orange, and cabbage, and lettuce,
46:28 and all kinds of agriculture.
46:30 But the people that work there
46:34 can't freely eat all that stuff up,
46:38 right?
46:39 They are there to work,
46:41 they are there to make it available to us.
46:43 But they're not going to go out in the vineyard.
46:44 Imagine, if you imagine,
46:46 you know, 300 migrant workers out in the field
46:47 and they're eating up all the profits,
46:49 the owner will get upset,
46:50 but in new earth we will plant and eat our own crops.
46:55 Amen to that?
46:56 God is going to give us the freedom to do that.
46:59 We will plant and I tell you what?
47:01 I have seen some big tomatoes,
47:02 but hold on, I think in the new earth,
47:05 the tomatoes are going to be
47:06 bigger than the ones down here, what do you say?
47:07 Every year they had this watermelon contest.
47:09 Some of you may have seen that.
47:11 The biggest watermelon.
47:12 And you know what?
47:14 Some of these farmers go to extreme lengths
47:16 and chemicals and inject these 200,
47:19 300 pound watermelons.
47:20 Now, I'm not looking forward to a 300 pound watermelon.
47:23 I don't think anybody is, but I can tell you
47:25 it's going to be sweeter than any watermelon
47:27 we have down here right now.
47:29 And I must say this, it fits, it just came into my head.
47:33 It'll all be non GMO, right?
47:37 No genetically modified organism,
47:39 this is going to be fresh from the hand of God.
47:42 We'll have beautiful houses.
47:43 I don't need a mansion,
47:44 you know, I'm not going to build a big house,
47:46 you know, I'm not going to build a big house anywhere
47:48 because I'm not going to be home.
47:49 I got places to go.
47:51 Come on everybody, can you say amen?
47:52 I got worlds to visit.
47:54 I'm not gonna build a big old house.
47:56 I don't need a big house.
47:58 Matter of fact, if I have a backpack throughout eternity,
48:00 that'll be just fine
48:01 because I'm not going to waste all my time on this planet.
48:04 I'm going to be wing myself to worlds afar.
48:07 Think about it.
48:08 All those galaxies that
48:11 astronomers are saying are there,
48:13 we'll have access to that
48:16 throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
48:18 And when we come back home,
48:20 everything in our house will be intact.
48:22 Ain't that right?
48:24 No need for locks, no need for security,
48:26 when nobody will have to come and sleep
48:28 over to keep all your stuff in place.
48:30 It's going to be beautiful.
48:32 Let's go to the next one.
48:33 So how do we know that everyone in the new earth
48:35 will own their homes?
48:37 They'll build and they will inhabit.
48:39 There are a lot of builders nowadays,
48:42 not a lot, but I'm sure
48:43 that some people that work at certain construction sites,
48:46 they work on building a house, but they can't afford a house.
48:50 But that's not going to be the case in the new earth.
48:53 Number 32, number 32.
48:56 All right, here it is.
49:00 What preparation must we make to enjoy
49:03 these eternal pleasures?
49:05 What preparation must we make to enjoy
49:08 these eternal pleasures?
49:11 Beautiful text?
49:12 John 1:12, John 1:12.
49:17 This is beautiful.
49:19 I want us to read this together,
49:20 it's going to be on the screen.
49:22 Are you ready? Here we go.
49:23 "But as many as received Him,
49:27 to them He gave the right to become children of God,
49:32 to those who believe in His name."
49:35 You know why that text is so vitally important?
49:37 If we are His children,
49:38 He's our Father and then He's going to say,
49:42 "Come you blessed of My Father, inherit."
49:45 What word?
49:46 Inherit.
49:48 We are inheritors of the kingdom of God.
49:51 We are inheritors of the new earth.
49:54 He's getting all that ready for His children,
49:56 beautiful text.
49:57 He's getting all that ready for us.
49:59 So we're children.
50:00 And I like the text,
50:02 you know, the King James Version says,
50:04 "As many as received Him, to them He gave power."
50:08 But I like the word right.
50:09 Because down here
50:10 we don't have the right to a lot of things,
50:12 but in heaven we'll have the right,
50:14 in the new earth we'll have the right.
50:16 And the Lord says, "Don't prevent him.
50:18 He's my child, he has the right."
50:20 There'll be no prevention,
50:21 there'll be no thought of prevention,
50:23 because we as children of God will have the right.
50:28 Wow, that's a thought.
50:30 Just hold on to that one.
50:31 That's a thought.
50:33 Let's go to the last one.
50:35 Let's go to the last one, number 33.
50:37 And we'll be able to transition into the new lesson.
50:41 Here's the last question for this lesson.
50:43 How do we know that the invitation
50:46 for eternity is available to all?
50:49 How do we know that the invitation
50:50 for eternity is available to all?
50:55 Let's go to Revelation 3:21,
50:59 Revelation 3:21.
51:03 Wow!
51:05 I remember growing up,
51:07 before I discovered that Santa Claus wasn't real.
51:11 I always admired, I remember going to downtown Brooklyn,
51:15 there was a store called A&S, downtown Brooklyn.
51:19 And Abraham and Strauss,
51:21 they abbreviated to A&S
51:22 and never forgot that whenever December came around,
51:25 you know, getting close to Christmas,
51:27 maybe a long line of children,
51:30 they all wanted to sit in Santa's lap.
51:34 They want to sit with Santa.
51:36 While you think about that,
51:37 this text is going to come alive to you.
51:40 Here it is.
51:42 Revelation 3:21.
51:45 The Bible says,
51:46 "To him who overcomes I will grant to," do what?
51:51 "Sit with Me on My throne,
51:54 as I also overcame
51:56 and sat down with My Father," where?
51:59 "On His throne."
52:01 Not sitting in Santa's seat,
52:03 we're sitting on the throne of the Lord.
52:05 Amen to that?
52:06 Now, you know, what that means,
52:08 that doesn't mean he's going to get out of the seat
52:09 and say it's yours.
52:10 That means we are going to be a part of the royal family.
52:13 We are going to be in royalty for eternity.
52:15 God's not relinquishing His position.
52:18 We're not becoming Him, and He becoming us.
52:20 But I tell you, when we see the throne of God,
52:23 and I think of this sometimes,
52:26 because we've never seen God face to face,
52:28 but when you read Revelation Chapter 21,
52:30 He says, "And they shall see His face."
52:34 They will see His face.
52:35 No more Moses' experiences, no more.
52:40 Turn your back and you get a glimpse of me
52:42 when you pass by, we will see God's face,
52:45 ain't that a privilege?
52:47 Because the one who created all things,
52:49 the one who is the creator of heaven and earth,
52:51 we'll see His face
52:53 and then we will know as my favorite text has become.
52:56 Look at this with me.
52:57 Come on, here we go.
52:59 What are we going to see when we see His face?
53:01 My favorite verse in the Bible now,
53:03 just over the last few months has become my favorite.
53:06 1 John 3, you all know where I'm headed.
53:09 1 John 3.
53:11 This is a beautiful text,
53:12 summarizing all of the amenities
53:15 of the redeemed.
53:17 1 John 3.
53:20 Here it is.
53:21 Look at this.
53:23 1 John 3, "Behold,
53:25 what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us,
53:29 that we should be called together,
53:31 children of God.
53:34 Therefore, the world does not know us
53:35 because it did not know Him."
53:37 And here is the text.
53:39 "Beloved," what's the next word?
53:41 "Now, we are children of God,
53:43 and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be.
53:46 But we know," I like this,
53:48 "but we know that when He is revealed,
53:53 we shall be like Him.
53:55 For we shall," what?
53:57 "See Him as He is."
54:00 Praise the Lord for that.
54:02 Not only are we going to see His face,
54:04 but we will be like Him.
54:05 We'll say, "Wait a minute, wait a minute,
54:08 I look like You."
54:10 He'll say "You look like Me."
54:12 And then we'll understand
54:13 what Genesis meant when it says,
54:15 "In the image of God He created male and female.
54:20 In the image of God He created them."
54:23 When we were created,
54:25 sin marred that image that God created a sin,
54:28 but in the new earth, in the new kingdom,
54:31 we're going to see the Lord and it always amazes my mind
54:34 that one day, I'm gonna think about it,
54:35 we're all different,
54:37 but we gonna all look like our Heavenly Father,
54:38 ain't that wonderful?
54:40 We're going to all finally be restored to the image
54:42 that has been taken away by the entrance of sin.
54:46 That's why this next passage is,
54:47 that's why this next lesson is so vitally important.
54:50 I'm just going to give a brief introduction to it.
54:52 Let's go to lesson number 27.
54:55 Lesson number 27.
54:56 Just a brief introduction to it.
54:58 The Truth about God's True Church.
55:01 The Truth about God's True Church,
55:03 we may just get one done.
55:05 But I want to go ahead
55:06 and just tap on it very quickly,
55:08 because God has a church,
55:10 and God has a message for His church to proclaim.
55:13 I'm just going to go ahead and give you the introduction.
55:15 And I may not start it tonight, but let me lay some foundation,
55:18 because this is a vitally important topic.
55:20 You know, we're living in a day and age
55:22 where there are many churches.
55:24 Somebody just recently said,
55:26 and I heard this statistic that said,
55:28 there are probably 30 to 33,000 different churches,
55:33 things, organizations claiming to be official churches,
55:37 including the Church of Satan.
55:40 So the word church does not necessarily mean
55:44 that God is behind it.
55:46 That's very important.
55:47 When you say church, what church do you go to?
55:49 Like Mark Finley saw a man praying on the airplane,
55:52 thought he was a preacher,
55:54 came to find out he was not a preacher,
55:55 but he was a Satanist praying against preachers.
55:59 So not everything that's titled church is from God.
56:03 Then you go on the Bible, and you see the Old Testament,
56:06 people of God, the children of Israel.
56:10 There were not nine nations that were the children of God,
56:13 there was just one, He chose one nation.
56:15 So they were the Jews and they were the Gentiles.
56:19 They were those that were called of God.
56:21 And they were those that God's people
56:23 were called to minister to.
56:25 Matter of fact, Isaiah Chapter, not Isaiah,
56:27 but Acts Chapter 13 makes it clear that God said,
56:30 "The children of Israel
56:31 were to be a light to the Gentiles,
56:34 to the uttermost parts of the earth."
56:37 So God had a church established in the New Testament,
56:40 God had a people in the Old Testament,
56:43 and the purpose of them were to be a light,
56:46 say that word together, light.
56:48 Let your light so shine
56:50 was not a New Testament injunction,
56:52 but was an Old Testament injunction.
56:54 God had called the children of Israel to be a light
56:59 and He even says in Isaiah Chapter 60,
57:01 "Arise and shine, for your light has come
57:05 and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you."
57:08 At a time when gross darkness covers the earth,
57:11 when darkness covers the earth, in gross darkness, the people,
57:14 God has a people.
57:16 And no matter what the conditions
57:17 around them, God's light will never go out.
57:20 Amen to that?
57:22 So when we studied the topic about the Church of God,
57:24 what's going to be most instrumental about it
57:26 is not the doctrine so much,
57:27 we'll get to those
57:28 and we've been covering some of those already.
57:31 But what we're going to establish very clearly,
57:33 is what does the Bible define as God's true church?
57:37 Now many people watching the program will say,
57:39 "You're going to talk about your church."
57:41 Well, you know, I'm going to say unashamedly,
57:43 "Yes, I am."
57:45 But I'll also say this,
57:47 and this is a challenge that I put out to the world.
57:49 If you can find a place on earth
57:51 where the truth of God is clearer than here,
57:53 I'll join it."
57:55 But until then,
57:56 let's keep studying the Word of God
57:57 and, friends, whatever doesn't make sense,
57:59 one day it will come into A Sharper Focus.
58:02 God bless you.


Revised 2019-07-12