A Sharper Focus

The Truth about Heaven and the New Earth, Part 5

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000087

00:20 Hello, friends,
00:22 welcome to another Wednesday night Bible study
00:24 here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:26 It's summer here.
00:28 Maybe if you're down under, it's a little cooler there.
00:31 But we thank you for taking the time to tune in.
00:33 And when I mean down under, that is down in Australia.
00:36 Those of you who are there know exactly what I mean.
00:39 But we have a wonderful group here tonight,
00:41 they'd like to welcome you with a hearty amen.
00:42 Can we all say amen? Amen.
00:44 And get your Bibles, and your pens,
00:46 invite your family, and your friends
00:48 to sit down with us for a little less than an hour,
00:51 we're gonna talk about the topic of heaven.
00:53 We have about 11 more questions to cover.
00:56 So far, we've talked about heaven.
00:58 Now we're gonna add today
01:00 is the new component about the new earth.
01:03 We talked about heaven, what about the new earth?
01:04 And so join us for the next hour
01:07 as we do that.
01:09 And before we go any further though,
01:11 I'm gonna give you some more information.
01:12 But I'll do that on the other side
01:14 of the prayer.
01:15 Let's bow our heads together.
01:17 Gracious Father in heaven,
01:18 thank You for the opportunity of studying Your Word.
01:22 We know that Your Word is a lamp unto our feet
01:24 and a light unto our paths.
01:25 We pray that You'll guide us,
01:28 that You will teach us, that You will draw us
01:30 into a relationship with You, Lord,
01:33 that You'll bless us
01:35 as we not only study about heaven,
01:37 but prepare our lives to live there.
01:40 In Jesus' name we pray.
01:42 Amen.
01:44 Now, if you'd like to get a copy of the lesson tonight,
01:46 I know I've told you lesson number 26.
01:49 But there is one last page,
01:51 this is one of the first four page lessons,
01:55 go to this website asf.3abn.org
02:00 and download lesson number 26,
02:03 The Truth about Heaven and the New Earth.
02:06 And you'll have questions 1 all the way to 33.
02:10 Tonight we're gonna be covering questions number 22
02:13 down to question number 33.
02:16 And so we thank you for tuning in
02:19 to enjoy that time with us.
02:21 If you've missed any of the prior lessons,
02:24 the same place you download that lesson,
02:26 to the right is another tab which has videos,
02:29 you can go and select any video
02:31 and at the very beginning, it'll tell you
02:32 what lesson is associated with that study.
02:35 Then you click that and download that.
02:37 And there you are, you have a wonderful series
02:39 of studies you can follow through.
02:41 But tonight we wanna sing. Are you ready to sing y'all?
02:44 We're gonna sing our theme song.
02:46 It is entitled "Victory in Jesus."
02:48 You can join us if you know the words.
02:59 I heard an old, old story
03:02 How the Savior came from glory
03:06 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:10 To save a wretch like me
03:14 I heard about His groaning
03:17 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:21 Then I repented of my sin
03:25 And won the victory
03:29 O victory in Jesus
03:33 My Savior forever
03:36 He sought me and bought me
03:40 With His redeeming blood
03:44 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:48 And all my love is due Him
03:51 He plunged me to victory
03:55 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:59 I heard about a mansion
04:03 He has built for me in glory
04:07 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:10 Beyond the crystal sea
04:14 About the angels singing
04:18 And the old redemption story
04:22 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:26 The song of victory
04:28 Key change.
04:29 O victory in Jesus
04:33 My Savior forever
04:37 He sought me and bought me
04:41 With His redeeming blood
04:44 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:48 And all my love is due Him
04:52 He plunged me to victory
04:56 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:00 He plunged me to victory
05:03 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:10 Amen.
05:13 The Truth about Heaven and the New Earth
05:17 is our topic for tonight.
05:20 Say that with me, what is it?
05:21 The Truth about Heaven and the New Earth.
05:27 I would have loved to have been there
05:28 when the earth was first created.
05:31 I can imagine what Adam and Eve must have thought
05:34 when they saw this perfect creation,
05:37 all the things that are part of our world today.
05:42 The majority of them are not a part of the earth
05:45 when it was freshly out of the hand of the Creator.
05:47 Can you imagine?
05:49 You know, like when you buy something brand new.
05:51 Nowadays, anything we buy brand new,
05:53 we get excited about it right away.
05:55 You know, we peel off the wrapper,
05:57 we take the cellophane off, we take it out of the box,
06:01 we look at the instruction manual
06:02 before it gets any food stains on it.
06:05 And all those things that just excite us.
06:07 And that's kind of how the earth was,
06:09 just imagine when Adam and Eve were created.
06:12 They had this huge planet.
06:15 And they hadn't seen the majority of it.
06:17 So if they traveled for the rest of their lives,
06:22 they had a lot to see.
06:24 But they didn't even get the chance to see all of it,
06:26 before they had a chance to see it
06:28 the way that God had created it,
06:30 perfect and in an untouched beauty
06:33 without any stain of sin without any reminder of death.
06:37 We know the tragic story.
06:39 But one day,
06:41 we're gonna be able to see the earth
06:43 the way that God had freshly made it,
06:46 this time it's gonna be brand new.
06:47 Can you say amen to that?
06:49 It's not gonna be like the world we have today.
06:50 So what I wanna begin to do tonight,
06:52 I wanna dive into the lesson really soon.
06:55 So that maybe we can cover the 11 questions we have,
06:59 maybe 11 questions, but there are a lot of texts.
07:02 So we have quite a bit of verses.
07:05 So it may be 11 questions,
07:07 but quite a bit more Bible verses
07:08 than the 11 questions.
07:09 So let's go ahead and dive into
07:11 and look at some of the things
07:12 that will not be a part of heaven,
07:15 that will not be a part of the old earth.
07:20 Anything that's in the old earth
07:21 won't be in heaven that is,
07:23 and let's go ahead and see
07:24 how and what reason we have to look forward
07:27 to being in heaven with the Lord.
07:29 So let's begin with question number 22.
07:32 Question number 22.
07:34 What evidence do we have
07:37 that the city is secure from crime?
07:45 Revelation 21:25.
07:49 Revelation 21:25, you think about that.
07:52 It could be a small city or large city.
07:54 Here in Thompsonville,
07:57 we have a sign that says 600 people.
07:59 I think we have little less than that.
08:01 We still have police.
08:03 We don't have a lot.
08:04 I mean, maybe two or three.
08:06 I only see one police car, but there's crime
08:09 in a limited way in Thompsonville.
08:11 There's crime in every city, the larger the city,
08:14 chances are there's more crime there.
08:17 But let's look at
08:18 and you have to understand the context of this question
08:21 because, you know, oftentimes one of the reasons
08:24 why there are gated communities nowadays
08:27 is because people want to keep criminal activity out.
08:31 Right?
08:32 Notice one of the evidences that we have.
08:34 Revelation 21:25.
08:36 Here's what the Bible says,
08:37 let's read this first text together.
08:39 The Bible says,
08:40 "Its gates shall not be shut at all by day,
08:45 there shall be no," what?
08:47 "Night there."
08:48 You know, if ever there's a time
08:50 that you shut your gates is when?
08:53 At night.
08:54 Matter of fact, you go to gated communities nowadays,
08:56 the gates are shut day and night.
08:59 My brother-in-law lives down in Miramar, Florida.
09:02 When you drive up, if you don't know the name,
09:04 if they don't verify,
09:06 if you're not on the list you're not getting in.
09:08 But one of the beautiful things here
09:10 is the gates are not gonna be shut
09:11 in the daytime, and there'll be no night there,
09:13 which means they'll never be shut.
09:15 You don't have to worry about crime.
09:17 They won't be vagrants or criminals going in and out.
09:19 There'll be no robbery to the homes.
09:22 But look at this one.
09:23 Verse 27 gives you even greater evidence
09:26 as to why they won't be any need
09:28 to shut the gates.
09:29 Look at Revelation 21:27.
09:32 Just go two verses down.
09:34 All right, we'll put the answer to number to the first one,
09:38 Revelation 21:25, what's the evidence?
09:41 Gates will not be shut.
09:42 Gates won't be shut.
09:44 Matter of fact, every night, when I go to bed,
09:46 I check the doors,
09:47 even out here in Thompsonville check the doors.
09:51 Some people still leave their keys in the car.
09:53 You won't find that in any major city.
09:56 But out here people have their guards down.
09:58 They say, "Well, you don't have to worry about that."
10:00 Huh?
10:03 Yeah, one night we went to bed and forgot to lock the door.
10:06 Another night, we went to bed, and the garage door's up.
10:08 And, you know, I mean, wide up
10:11 access right into the house through the garage.
10:13 Woke up in the morning,
10:14 everything was still in the garage, nothing wrong.
10:17 Everything was right there.
10:18 And a lot of people live that way
10:20 because they feel secure in this community.
10:23 But here's the major reason why we don't have to worry
10:25 about crime in a new kingdom.
10:27 Revelation 21:27.
10:29 Bible says,
10:31 "But there shall by no means enter it,"
10:34 that is the new kingdom, "anything that," does what?
10:38 "That defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie,
10:44 but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life."
10:50 I was reading an article just a couple of days ago,
10:52 I was sharing this with my wife
10:53 about how many times people lie to you in a day.
10:57 They said, a person will lie to you
10:58 an average of 200 times day.
11:00 Now all the lies won't necessarily
11:02 what they call be bad lies
11:04 that will put your life in jeopardy.
11:06 But they said, people tend to lie,
11:07 for example, you know,
11:09 somebody that you choose not to answer the phone,
11:11 you may call them back and say,
11:12 I'm just seeing your message,
11:14 when in fact, you saw when they call, right?
11:18 And notice it says here, abomination or a lie.
11:22 You think about that.
11:23 And they said, on the average in a week,
11:27 people tell thousands of lies.
11:30 It's a terrible thing.
11:31 But they do it, and they said,
11:32 for most reasons for convenience.
11:35 And sometimes they don't want to have to explain themselves.
11:39 But the Lord wants us to be honest.
11:41 Can you say amen to that?
11:42 Can you imagine being in a place
11:46 where nobody tells a lie?
11:51 I mean, that's unheard of.
11:54 People even lie at church,
11:56 sometimes you might say to somebody,
11:57 "I like your suit," and they'll say,
11:58 "Hey, I like yours, too," when you don't have a suit on.
12:02 Well, I really like it
12:04 'cause they don't know what to say sometimes.
12:06 Or sometimes people will say, you know,
12:09 they know we're going on vacation,
12:10 let's have a wonderful vacation.
12:12 We say, you too, they're not going anywhere.
12:15 Now, that's not a lie, but that's out of context.
12:17 Point of the matter is,
12:19 nothing will enter the New Jerusalem
12:21 that defiles at all,
12:23 that causes an abomination or a lie,
12:25 but only those written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
12:28 And you think about it,
12:29 lying is something that they say,
12:32 people...
12:33 What was the way that was pointed up?
12:35 People tend to lie more to people that they know
12:39 than to people that they don't know.
12:42 That's terrible.
12:44 But then they said, guys lie more to women
12:47 that they just meet.
12:49 What do you think they do that for?
12:51 Try to impress them.
12:53 You know, people lie on the internet.
12:57 But we got to overcome that
12:58 before we make it into the kingdom.
13:00 Can you say amen to that?
13:01 Nobody's gonna get into there
13:03 that causes an abomination or even practices a lie.
13:08 Question number 23.
13:10 Question number 23.
13:14 Question number 23. Here's the question.
13:16 What phenomenal feature does the New Jerusalem have?
13:25 All right.
13:28 Let's look at this.
13:30 Revelation 22:1-2.
13:36 Okay, here it is. Here it is.
13:39 Now you notice, I have four sections.
13:41 So I want you to fill out each of the things
13:43 that you see that fit into these areas,
13:47 and then we'll explain them as we go along.
13:50 "And he showed me
13:52 a pure river of water of," what?
13:55 "Of life, clear as crystal,
13:59 proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
14:04 In the middle of its streets,
14:05 and on either side of the river,
14:09 was the," what?
14:10 "Tree of life, which bore twelve fruits,"
14:14 or 12 manner of fruits,
14:16 "each tree yielding its fruit every month.
14:21 The leaves of the tree were for the," what?
14:24 "Healing of the nations."
14:26 Let's write them down.
14:27 What's the first thing that we saw?
14:30 Okay, river of life
14:33 or if you could put it this way,
14:36 the water of life.
14:38 Water of life and clear.
14:41 I mean, there are some waterways
14:43 in like Ocala, Florida.
14:46 I know there are some warm water,
14:49 they call them not geysers.
14:53 The word is...
14:54 Springs. Springs.
14:55 Exactly, Wekiwa Springs,
14:57 that's the word I'm coming up with.
14:59 And I remember going down Wekiwa Springs years ago,
15:02 when we were living in Orlando,
15:04 and we were in a boat
15:06 and it was actually frightening
15:08 that you could see all the way to the bottom,
15:11 I mean, not barely see to the bottom.
15:13 It's like being in a big glass of water,
15:15 you can see all the way to the bottom, clear and clean.
15:19 The only other time we had that kind of experience
15:21 was living up in Weaverville,
15:23 where I always say I know some places
15:25 to hide in the time of trouble
15:27 up there in the Trinity Alps up in Weaverville,
15:30 there are some waterways, we dove into one,
15:33 it was pretty deep,
15:35 but you can see all the way to the bottom clear as crystal
15:39 'cause there was no one around.
15:40 We park our car and with our friends
15:42 you walk like a half an hour into the forest
15:45 get to this wide opening and there it is.
15:47 If you didn't swim, that's not the place to go.
15:49 But we jumped in with lifejackets,
15:50 even if you could swim,
15:52 you don't wanna be jumping into a river that clear
15:54 with nobody for miles around.
15:56 And we just sit there and float.
15:58 But the water of life clear as crystal
16:01 and where's it coming from?
16:03 Why is it clear like that?
16:04 Proceeding from the throne of God.
16:06 Now let's, what else do we see?
16:09 The next thing we see is what else?
16:12 The Tree of Life, put that down.
16:14 Water of Life.
16:15 Tree of Life.
16:17 Water of Life.
16:18 Tree of Life.
16:21 Okay.
16:22 And then what else do we find?
16:25 Fruit.
16:27 We find fruit.
16:29 Water of Life, Tree of Life, Fruit.
16:32 And how frequently are they there?
16:35 Every month.
16:36 Now why is that so different?
16:39 Because if you live here in North America,
16:41 you don't get fruit every month.
16:44 Not from the same tree.
16:46 You know, you have fruit season.
16:48 Even in some foreign countries you have fruit season.
16:50 They say, "Well, this is mango season,
16:51 this is Apple season,
16:52 this is pear season or peach season,"
16:55 but it says, yielding its fruit every month.
17:00 And I was wondering what kind of fruit
17:01 are gonna be there?
17:03 I can almost guarantee you nothing is...
17:06 If you're in the Philippines,
17:08 I don't think any food
17:09 they're gonna smell like durian,
17:11 I'll be honest with you.
17:13 You got to really know what durian is
17:14 to understand that one.
17:16 Durian, it just smells like toes and cheese.
17:21 It's sweet. It tastes very good.
17:23 But it has an awful smell to it.
17:25 Look at the other one.
17:27 Then the next thing we have,
17:28 water of life, tree of life, fruit, and what else?
17:32 Leaves of the tree were for the what?
17:36 Healing of the nations.
17:39 Now, when you look up the word here in the Greek,
17:42 it gives you two suggestions.
17:43 One, because everyone is gonna be meeting
17:47 at the tree of life,
17:49 it has one suggestion that is for the mending.
17:53 That means we are so pushed apart
17:55 in this world.
17:57 You know, we have Europe over there,
17:58 we have Japan over there,
18:00 we have the Caribbean over there,
18:01 we have Germany over there,
18:03 we have Canada up there and Mexico down there.
18:06 We have Cuba over there and South America...
18:09 We are so far apart, but when we all come together
18:11 because at the tree of life, we'll all eat together.
18:14 And one of the Asian customs is
18:18 in the context in which the Bible is written
18:20 is that fruit.
18:21 When you eat together,
18:23 it's a time where people bond and have relationships.
18:26 And so when it says, for the healing of the nations,
18:28 it means the relationships will be pulled back together,
18:31 which were broken apart and separated
18:33 on the face of the earth.
18:35 You'll find out why there won't be any need for healing.
18:37 And I won't tell you that in a moment.
18:39 I mean, I won't tell you that right away.
18:41 But I think that we may have covered that.
18:44 No, I'm not gonna tell you that right away.
18:46 But you'll find out why we won't need
18:48 to be healed there.
18:50 All right?
18:51 So it's not because of disease,
18:53 nobody is gonna be having disease there.
18:56 So there'll be no need for medication.
19:00 But one of the things you find is that the tree of life,
19:06 which Adam and Eve had access to,
19:09 before sin entered the world,
19:12 is the very tree of life that we're gonna have access to
19:14 because sin will no longer be a factor in eternity.
19:20 Wherever sin is a factor,
19:21 we don't have access to the tree of life.
19:23 The moment that Adam and Eve sinned,
19:26 what did the Lord do?
19:28 What did He do?
19:30 He barred the tree of life
19:31 so they couldn't have access to it.
19:33 An angel came and barred the tree of life,
19:36 so they could not have access to it.
19:38 But when sin is no longer a factor,
19:39 we have access to the tree of life.
19:41 Amen to that?
19:42 Let's look at the next one.
19:43 So the four answers are, water of life, tree of life,
19:46 fruit, and leaves, and you wanna put there leaves,
19:50 healing leaves, healing relationships,
19:53 you won't have illnesses.
19:54 Can you imagine?
19:56 Somebody says, "Well, I'm sneezing this month.
19:57 Well, go to the tree of life to deal with your allergies.
20:00 There won't be any of these factors
20:01 down here in the earth.
20:03 We know a lot of these are anomalies
20:04 that exists down here
20:06 are because of sin existing here.
20:09 All right.
20:10 Let's go to number 24.
20:12 Moving right along, number 24.
20:16 Okay.
20:18 "Beside the New Jerusalem or besides the New Jerusalem
20:22 what else will there be in heaven?"
20:26 What else will there be in heaven?
20:27 Go to 1 Corinthians 2:9.
20:30 1 Corinthians 2:9.
20:37 You know, oftentimes when we read the Bible,
20:39 we have very limited scope.
20:41 Isaiah and Revelation are primarily the two books
20:44 that give us all the information we need
20:47 about heaven and the new earth.
20:49 But you have to take into consideration
20:51 what Paul the Apostle says here
20:53 'cause when you get a chance
20:55 to look into the constellations,
20:57 and you realize that there are many,
20:59 many, many, many, many, many, many, many.
21:01 And that's an understatement, galaxies in unfallen worlds,
21:05 there are so much more out there
21:06 than we are even able to understand.
21:09 And I would haste to say that where God lives, it's glorious.
21:15 Can you say amen to that?
21:16 Where God lives,
21:17 it must be tremendously glorious,
21:21 overwhelmingly glorious,
21:23 but we don't know what it looks like.
21:26 And the Lord hasn't revealed it.
21:28 Here's the answer. Here's the answer.
21:30 1 Corinthians 2:9.
21:32 "But as it is written," let's read this together,
21:35 "'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
21:39 nor have entered into the heart of man
21:43 the things which God has prepared
21:45 for those who," what?
21:46 "Who love Him.'"
21:48 So who is God prepared these things for?
21:49 For those who do what?
21:51 Those who love Him.
21:52 For those who do what?
21:53 For those who love Him?
21:55 But have we seen it?
21:57 Have we even thought about it?
21:59 It hasn't even entered into our minds.
22:02 You could envision things but it hasn't even,
22:04 it's beyond our understanding.
22:06 So if we say,
22:07 "Well, I could imagine what it's gonna be like."
22:09 Paul say, "Well, you got to really stretch
22:10 because it hasn't even entered in."
22:15 Right?
22:16 In the things on earth, many of the things on earth
22:18 that we eventually see with our own eyes,
22:20 it's unimaginable, hard to see, hard to even fathom,
22:23 that things like that do exist.
22:25 Nowadays, they're a lot of new inventions,
22:27 that people say I cannot imagine
22:30 that we can actually create that.
22:32 Cell phones are how old?
22:34 How old are cell phones?
22:37 Twenty years, probably more than that.
22:40 Well, from the huge cell phones to the small ones now.
22:44 But there was a time people could not even imagine that.
22:47 Now you may not know this,
22:50 but you can actually get a watch now
22:52 when your phone rings, you can talk to the watch.
22:56 So when I was growing up Dick Tracy,
22:57 now it was actually happening.
22:59 You could talk to,
23:00 don't have to pick your phone up any longer.
23:02 So we see these things,
23:04 if man could do all these things,
23:06 with the limited mind that we have,
23:08 with one tenth they said, a very brilliant person.
23:12 Brilliant may use 10% of his brain.
23:17 Brilliant.
23:20 You've got to be beyond brilliant
23:21 to have 10% of the functioning in this earth.
23:24 Can you imagine what we will be able to think of
23:26 when we have 100% functioning?
23:32 Now you go back and understand
23:34 why for more than 12 to 1500 years,
23:38 there was no need for any written record
23:39 in the Bible.
23:41 They were able to communicate from generation to generation,
23:43 their mental capacity.
23:45 So when the Bible says there were giants in the earth.
23:47 It means, Giants, not only physically
23:49 but intellectually.
23:52 Okay, my wife is...
23:54 We will have A Sharper Focus is what she said.
23:57 Our minds will be clear.
23:58 So here's the answer to number 24.
24:01 Besides the New Jerusalem,
24:02 what else will there be in heaven?
24:04 What answer would you put?
24:06 We don't know. We really don't know.
24:08 Put that we don't know.
24:12 We don't know.
24:14 But let me also add this.
24:17 We don't know.
24:19 I mean, we could imagine we've seen.
24:21 Yeah.
24:25 Well, no, no.
24:26 That wouldn't be up there.
24:28 Meat you said?
24:29 Me. Oh, me.
24:31 Oh, yeah. Okay, well, that's me.
24:33 Oh, yeah, besides the New Jerusalem
24:34 what else there will be in heaven?
24:35 Let's all say it together.
24:37 Me.
24:38 That's right. I like that.
24:39 That's right, you got to see yourself.
24:41 That's why Revelation is my favorite book.
24:42 It says, "I John saw."
24:46 That's right. I John saw.
24:49 I love that whenever I get discouraged.
24:51 Well, I did see that.
24:52 I didn't personally but I like that word
24:55 because it always puts me into the story.
24:57 But what was I gonna say there?
25:01 It'll come to me in a moment.
25:03 See, that's the whole point. I'm using about 7% of my brain.
25:06 And things slip in and out real quickly.
25:07 But can you imagine not forgetting anything,
25:09 details totally unimpaired from generation to generation?
25:14 There were intellectual giants in those days.
25:16 And we think that we're just getting and people.
25:19 Matter of fact, archaeologists today
25:22 and scientists today still cannot figure out
25:26 what machinery they used to build like the pyramids?
25:29 How do you get stones of such massive size?
25:32 What do they use to chisel them to such symmetrical shape?
25:36 How did you lift them to that height?
25:39 Well, some people suggest
25:40 that there's some strange theories out there.
25:43 What do you think, David?
25:50 Right, didn't have to exactly.
25:52 It was intellectually communicated
25:54 from generation to generation.
25:56 And the fact of the matter is
25:57 God's commandments didn't have to be written down
25:59 on tables of stone
26:00 because it was right here.
26:02 Matter of fact, is still here.
26:05 He said, for those of you who forgot,
26:08 we're supposed to be, you don't see the stones,
26:10 but I'm gonna write them on your heart
26:12 and in your minds.
26:13 So it's here right now.
26:15 That's why even though,
26:16 that's why when a person gets to the point
26:18 where their conscience is so hardened,
26:21 that they do evil things.
26:22 I was listening to the news.
26:25 And the news is always bad.
26:26 I mean, they always leave the good news
26:28 for the last 20, 25 seconds just before they go off air.
26:31 They tell good news,
26:32 but for the most part news is bad.
26:35 You know, about a guy who threw
26:36 some kind of chemicals on his girlfriend
26:38 and burn her up.
26:40 I'm thinking, how do you get to that point in your life?
26:43 Or person ran over an old lady
26:46 and just knocked her down and kept going.
26:47 How do you do that?
26:49 I mean,
26:50 I can't even shoot anything, you know.
26:54 Oh, and the sad things that happened,
26:56 this young lady got married one day,
26:59 next day, do you hear about that?
27:00 Got married one day and the next day,
27:03 driving somewhere in her pickup truck,
27:04 she drove off the road, fell into a creek
27:06 and died 18 years old, married one day.
27:11 Husband was so inconsolable
27:12 they had to fly him to St. Louis Hospital.
27:15 Surely, terrible thing.
27:18 Young lady said she was her whole life was ahead of her.
27:21 But that shows the terrible tragedy
27:23 of the world in which we live.
27:25 Thankfully, this is not gonna be
27:26 in the new kingdom.
27:27 None of this pain is going to be there,
27:29 none of this loss of life and tragic tragedies
27:32 that bring such pain to our hearts.
27:36 Let's go to question number 25.
27:38 Let's go to question number 25.
27:40 And this is an insert
27:44 because we're talking about all this good stuff,
27:45 but somebody may say,
27:47 okay, it's like a person selling a product to you.
27:51 And after the point that you're convince you want,
27:53 you say, okay, what do I need to do to get it?
27:55 Okay, I know it works.
27:57 What do I need to do to get it?
27:58 This is the kind of question that I've inserted right here.
28:01 Here it is.
28:03 What are the qualifications
28:04 necessary for entrance into heaven?
28:07 In other words, what do I need to do to get in?
28:09 Here it is.
28:11 Let's first start with John 10:9.
28:13 John 10:9.
28:17 Okay.
28:18 You know, John Chapter 10 is a beautiful passage.
28:21 It's not a parable.
28:23 Jesus is the good shepherd,
28:24 the sheep, the door, the sheepfold,
28:28 this is beautiful because in the kingdom,
28:32 there's only one way to get in.
28:34 It's only one way to get in.
28:36 All right, let's look at this one,
28:37 John 10:9.
28:39 Here's what the Bible says.
28:42 Jesus said, "I am the," what? "Door.
28:44 If anyone enters by Me, he will be," what?
28:49 "Saved, and will go in and out and find pasture."
28:54 So what's the qualification?
28:56 How do we have to get in by? Through Christ.
28:59 You can only get in through Jesus.
29:00 Now this is very pertinent nowadays,
29:02 with all these religions in the world,
29:06 that acknowledge that Jesus lived,
29:10 but they don't acknowledge Him as the means
29:12 by which we are saved.
29:14 I don't want to offend anybody in their beliefs.
29:17 But the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is the door.
29:22 Matter of fact, if you go even further,
29:24 John Chapter 10.
29:26 The very next verse, if you look in your Bible.
29:33 Oh, boy, there's so many.
29:34 Okay, John 10:10.
29:38 Okay, look at verse 13.
29:44 Verse 13.
29:46 Well, that's the hireling of the sheep I have another.
29:51 Verse 10. John 10:10.
29:53 Here it is.
29:55 Jesus is the door but who else is there?
29:58 The thief.
30:00 The thief does not come
30:01 except to steal and to kill and to destroy.
30:04 I have come that you might have life,
30:07 that they might have life and have it how?
30:10 More abundantly.
30:13 Are we gonna have abundant life in heaven?
30:17 Are we gonna miss our gadgets down here?
30:20 No.
30:22 We wouldn't need them.
30:24 Wouldn't need them.
30:25 Most of the stuff we have down here
30:27 is to figure out stuff,
30:28 work purposes, communication, how we need to communicate.
30:32 I'll be going up,
30:34 see you in a couple of centuries be back?
30:38 Wanna come with me? Sure.
30:41 I'm just sometimes the mind goes off track.
30:44 But I like to think that
30:46 it's gonna be far greater than anything
30:48 that anybody could imagine.
30:50 What are the qualification is there the Bible talks about
30:52 so the first one is,
30:54 we must enter through Jesus.
30:56 Can you enter any other way?
30:57 Look at Acts 4:12.
31:01 Acts 4:12.
31:04 I remember years ago,
31:05 we used to sing this song
31:08 about Buddha and Muhammad and all the song
31:12 and but forgot the name of the song.
31:17 Yeah, no, this different song.
31:19 Yeah, here it is.
31:21 "Nor is there salvation in any other,
31:24 for there is no other name under," where?
31:28 "Heaven given among men by which we must be saved."
31:34 So can you be saved in any other name?
31:36 Yes or no?
31:38 Nobody else? You can't say?
31:40 Well, I'm just friend.
31:46 I know Yana keys on the inside.
31:50 No, and who are you?
31:53 The reality of it is when the door is shut.
31:55 You won't even make it to the kingdom's door
31:58 to even notice whether or not somebody's on the inside.
32:01 As you know, you won't even leave the earth
32:03 if your name is not on a list.
32:06 And it's unfortunate
32:07 that the conscious mind is gonna be reawakened
32:10 after 1000 years of sleep.
32:11 And for a brief moment, some are gonna think,
32:13 "Hey, this must be the first resurrection."
32:16 Boy, but there's no other name given among men
32:19 whereby we must be saved.
32:21 But look at the third one.
32:23 So you wanna add
32:24 so far we're talking about Jesus.
32:26 All right.
32:27 So far, we're talking about Jesus.
32:30 What are the qualification? What are the qualification?
32:33 Matthew 25:34.
32:37 Look at this one.
32:38 Matthew 25:34, the Bible says,
32:41 "Then the King will say to those on His right hand,
32:47 'Come, you blessed of My Father,
32:50 inherit the kingdom prepared for you
32:53 from the," what?
32:55 "Foundation of the world.'"
32:58 Now here's the beautiful thing about it.
33:02 What category does this fit into?
33:04 What category does this fit into?
33:07 What are the qualification?
33:09 You got to be invited. You got to be invited.
33:12 You're not getting to heaven without being invited.
33:15 Right? How'd you get in here?
33:17 You weren't invited.
33:18 One of the reasons why the man that found himself
33:21 in the wedding feast.
33:23 One of the reasons why he got put out
33:25 is because he didn't have the qualifications
33:26 to be in there.
33:28 So he was put out
33:29 and he was cast into outer darkness
33:31 where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.
33:33 You got to be invited. You got to be invited.
33:37 And just a moment ago,
33:38 we read how you're gonna get in there.
33:40 What book do you have to be in to be invited?
33:43 The Book of Life.
33:45 If you're not in there, he's not gonna say,
33:47 Oh, your name must be in the other book.
33:50 But don't worry about it. Come on in.
33:52 In the Book of Life,
33:53 that's the only book that you will be in
33:55 if you're gonna be in the kingdom.
33:57 And then here's the other one.
33:58 Here's the other one.
34:00 Matthew 7:21-23.
34:04 This is really important.
34:07 Is there any scripture that's not important?
34:10 Matthew Chapter 7.
34:13 Matthew Chapter 7.
34:15 This is the terrible one.
34:18 But it's in there.
34:19 It's not terrible.
34:21 But it has a definite message.
34:24 Matthew 7:21.
34:25 Okay, here it is.
34:28 "'Not everyone who says to Me," what?
34:31 "'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
34:36 but he who," what?
34:37 "Does the will of My Father in heaven.'"
34:41 Lot of people say, "What's God's will?"
34:43 Well, number of things.
34:45 One is that you live by His Word,
34:47 you'll never be lost
34:48 if you live in harmony with God's Word.
34:51 Right?
34:52 David said in Psalms 89:34, is I'd like to do that I will,
34:57 oh, my God, thy law is within my heart.
35:00 See, if the will of God
35:02 lead you to honor the law of God,
35:05 let me make a different statement.
35:06 The law of the will of God
35:08 will never lead you to ignore the law of God.
35:12 So if somebody says I'm doing the will of God,
35:14 but now living in harmony with the law of God
35:18 is not correct.
35:20 Only those who do the will of the Father.
35:22 So here it is.
35:23 Jesus is the door.
35:25 He's the only means of salvation.
35:27 Thirdly, you have to be invited.
35:30 And fourthly, what?
35:32 Do the will of the Father.
35:35 That's how you get in there.
35:37 Okay, now let's catapult ourselves
35:38 right to question number 26
35:40 because we have five scriptures there
35:43 four under number 28.
35:44 So we got a lot of scriptures to go.
35:47 For those of you think this is over.
35:49 It ain't over.
35:52 Here it is. Question number 26.
35:54 Question number 26.
35:57 Okay.
35:59 What are some of the traits
36:02 that will no longer be in the new earth?
36:04 Now we've transition now to the new earth.
36:07 Since we have told you all we could about heaven.
36:10 We now are in the new earth.
36:12 All right, here we are.
36:13 Different places. Exactly.
36:15 This is after the New Jerusalem descends to the earth,
36:19 the beginning of Revelation Chapter 21.
36:22 What's gonna be in the new earth?
36:23 What are some of the traits that will no longer be
36:26 in the new earth?
36:28 Okay, let's start with question.
36:30 Let's go to Revelation 21:1.
36:33 Revelation 21:1.
36:40 Won't need high definition makeup.
36:42 Can you imagine, no pimples?
36:44 Come on, this just came to my mind.
36:46 I don't know why that thought came to my mind.
36:48 No blotches.
36:50 No, you know, no artifacts.
36:52 We'll just look perfect.
36:54 Can you imagine that?
36:58 Perfect skin.
36:59 Perfect skin.
37:04 Taller, you know, exactly.
37:07 Grow up like stall-fed calves.
37:10 You know, we can all be taller, there'll be no midgets.
37:14 Don't wanna say that.
37:16 There'll be no...
37:18 Can't fix it.
37:20 Everybody's gonna grow
37:21 to be where God wants him to be.
37:23 Amen to that.
37:24 And the reason I said this because when God created man,
37:27 they were all taller than I am now.
37:30 Matter of fact, Shaq, Shaquille O'Neal,
37:33 he's probably more realistically
37:34 close to the height.
37:35 And some of these seven foot four.
37:38 When a person is seven foot four,
37:39 that he's an anomaly.
37:42 He's unusual.
37:44 But he's small compared
37:46 to how they were before sin entered the world.
37:49 All the shrinking of age,
37:51 the shrinking of size, the intellect of man,
37:54 everything is less in capacity, and size, and ability,
37:59 than it was when God first made us.
38:01 But let's look at this.
38:03 Revelation 21:1, Bible says,
38:06 "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
38:10 for the first heaven and the first earth
38:12 had passed away.
38:13 Also there was no more sea.
38:19 No large bodies of water.
38:23 There are four rivers named in Genesis.
38:26 But where do you think all this water came from?
38:28 Somebody helped me out.
38:30 From the flood.
38:33 And as a result, the earth was deluged.
38:37 That's the word they want to use the deluge.
38:39 The Earth was deluge with a flood.
38:42 All these 30,000...
38:43 I can't imagine 30,000 feet of water.
38:46 Matter of fact, by the Marianas Trench.
38:48 If you were to put the Marianas Trench,
38:50 if you were low Mount Everest into the Marianas Trench
38:54 it'll still be they said
38:56 about a mile below the surface to top of Mount Everest.
39:00 Will still about a mile below the surface,
39:02 I can't imagine that.
39:04 So now let's just get rid of all the water.
39:07 God's gonna make this whole thing new
39:08 so you're not gonna have any 60,000 foot mountain peaks.
39:11 That's not what I'm saying.
39:12 It's not gonna be an empty...
39:15 How we gonna climb to the 60,000 foot mountain?
39:18 God's gonna make all this new.
39:19 Can I get an amen somewhere?
39:21 So we're not gonna have these jagged rocks
39:24 these treacherous cavernous places
39:27 in the Grand Canyon
39:28 where people can fall over and die.
39:31 Not gonna have any that anymore.
39:33 It's gonna be beautiful
39:35 and I imagine I've often had dreams like this
39:38 where I could just go like this
39:40 and I can float and not have to worry about dying,
39:42 I imagine that's how it's gonna be.
39:44 We'll be able to fly,
39:46 we're not gonna be able to know boys
39:47 and fall and hurt themselves no bruise knees,
39:50 no bloody noses from tripping
39:52 and I mean, just think about that.
39:55 But what basic benefit are we gonna get
39:58 from no more seas?
40:00 What basic benefit do we get from there?
40:03 Right, we're not gonna be separated
40:05 and by the way in the new earth
40:08 if you think of the redeemed of all the ages,
40:10 and the new earth is gonna be their home,
40:14 is there gonna be room enough.
40:17 There's gonna be plenty of room...
40:19 My wife is over here singing and poetic tonight.
40:23 There's gonna be plenty good room
40:24 in the kingdom.
40:26 Plenty good room.
40:27 There's gonna be plenty good room
40:29 in My Father's Kingdom.
40:31 See my wife is waxing eloquent over here tonight.
40:34 Right?
40:35 Plenty good room in the family, room for the young and the old.
40:38 So there'll be enough room
40:40 we will not be separated by land masses.
40:43 No major flights are gonna be needed to get places.
40:46 Oh, how beautiful it's gonna be but there'll be no more sea.
40:50 And some people may say, I like deep sea fishing.
40:54 Oh, you won't be fishing and killing,
40:56 fishing in new earth.
41:01 Just a thought.
41:02 I don't know if you thought about that.
41:04 Then there'll be no Burger King slaughterhouses
41:08 on each corner cities, you know.
41:11 KFC KFC.
41:14 No, it won't be that way,
41:15 you won't have it your way, it would be God's way.
41:17 Amen. Can we get an amen?
41:19 Revelation. So put number...
41:21 There be no more sea.
41:22 Now let's look at this next one.
41:24 I gave you the answer
41:25 because some of you wouldn't get it.
41:27 And God will wipe away, Revelation 21:4,
41:29 "And God will wipe away," how many tears?
41:32 "Every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more,"
41:35 write the first one down, "death, nor," second one,
41:39 "sorrow, nor," third one, "crying.
41:43 There shall be no more," fourth one,
41:45 "pain, for the former things have," done what?
41:49 "Passed away."
41:52 Another single word for passed away is what?
41:54 Die.
41:56 When somebody passes away.
41:57 So death is gonna die, sorrow is gonna die,
42:00 crying is gonna die, and pain is gonna die.
42:02 It's gonna pass away.
42:05 We're not gonna be crying because there's death,
42:07 sorrow, and pain.
42:08 We may be crying because we just saw so beautiful.
42:12 You know, I tell you in the crying here
42:15 not that crying is an odd function.
42:18 But the crying will not be associated to death,
42:21 sorrow, crying, death, sorrow, or pain
42:24 is not gonna be associated to sorrow of any kind.
42:28 As I mentioned to you, I think the last broadcast
42:29 there are different kinds of tears we have.
42:33 And the tears are gonna be wiped away
42:35 and not tears of joy but tears of sadness.
42:38 All right, so those are the four things
42:40 death, sorrow, crying, pain, those four things.
42:44 Let's look at the next one.
42:45 All right. What else?
42:47 What are the some of the traits
42:48 that will no longer be in the new earth?
42:50 Isaiah 65:17.
42:54 Isaiah 65:17. Here it is.
42:57 Bible says, "For behold,
42:58 I create new heavens and a," what?
43:01 "New earth, for the former shall not be," what?
43:05 "Remembered or come to mind.
43:10 Amen.
43:12 There'll be no bad minded people in heaven.
43:15 They'll be say,
43:16 aren't you the guy that owe me $2?
43:18 You know, there'll be none of them in heaven.
43:20 Really?
43:22 You made up here and you didn't pay me
43:23 that 20 bucks you owe me for 30 years.
43:25 You won't be remembering that, right?
43:27 All cases will have been decided.
43:33 It's got to be some humor somewhere along the way.
43:35 But you think about it.
43:36 Some people can be, a wait a minute,
43:37 how did you make it up here?
43:39 How did you make it up here?
43:42 We won't even think of the badness
43:43 in the person's life.
43:45 It was good to see you, Bill.
43:47 Good to see you, John.
43:48 Where do I know you from?
43:50 Prayer meeting. Remember, we met in Walmart.
43:54 That's the only time it's gonna come to memory.
43:56 Remember, we met at Walmart.
43:58 God, I don't think God's gonna take
43:59 those little details out.
44:00 What's Walmart?
44:02 I don't remember. But we met there.
44:04 See, it's gonna be beautiful.
44:05 I think the good things are gonna be in our head.
44:08 But I think the evil things.
44:10 And let me just add this.
44:12 Let me just, let me put some of my own.
44:15 I got to borrow this from Pastor CA,
44:16 my own ecclesiastical obiter dictum.
44:18 I don't know what that means.
44:20 But it just sounds like it means
44:21 what I don't know what I mean.
44:23 But let me just try this for a brief moment.
44:28 In order for us to tell now you got,
44:29 this is gonna be deep,
44:31 in order for us to tell the story of redemption.
44:36 In order for us to share how God has redeemed us
44:39 from the curse of sin,
44:45 we got to remember what God brought us through
44:48 'cause nobody is gonna be able to tell our story.
44:52 We can't say to the angels, I don't remember.
44:55 What did God redeem you from?
44:57 I don't remember.
44:58 Well, how could you tell me through the...
45:00 I thought you're gonna tell me how you got redeemed.
45:03 I don't remember.
45:04 These things will not be a factor of lament.
45:08 But I will say,
45:10 let me tell you what God saved me from
45:14 'cause we will be telling our story of redemption,
45:16 nobody will be able to tell that story like us.
45:19 Nobody will be able to say, this is how God saved me.
45:22 This is what He saved me from.
45:23 Now these unfallen worlds of which we are a spectacular,
45:28 of which we are a spectacle.
45:33 The big case right now is,
45:36 are they safe to be allowed in here?
45:39 That's the big question.
45:41 Do you really wanna bring those guys up there?
45:43 You know, platform of gamblers, and pool hustlers,
45:47 and thieves, and liars.
45:48 And I mean,
45:50 do you really wanna bring them in here?
45:52 When I'm done
45:54 none of those former traits will even be remembered.
45:57 They're gonna be perfect just like I am.
45:58 Can we all say amen to that?
46:00 We're gonna be like Jesus,
46:02 but for us to tell our story about redemption.
46:07 If we didn't remember any of those things,
46:08 that the nail prints in Jesus hands
46:10 wouldn't mean anything.
46:11 Where did you get that scar from?
46:13 You remember, He redeemed you.
46:17 So that's the only point of remembrance
46:19 but these formers say,
46:20 and let me just also add another component here.
46:22 When you begin to compare
46:24 what you used to go through to what you now have,
46:28 you can say
46:29 why am I even talking about that?
46:32 Why am I?
46:33 And I remember one day when somebody said something
46:35 to me in church
46:37 I don't even know why I'm talking about that.
46:39 I mean, you can't compare
46:42 is like somebody walks up to you Yannick,
46:45 you don't have a car, right?
46:49 It's like somebody says to you Yannick.
46:52 It's like somebody says to Yannick,
46:54 "Yannick, I wanna give you
46:58 a $65,000 Jaguar."
47:04 But you have to give me your bike for it.
47:08 Now Yannick gonna be tripping over his bike.
47:11 He can hear anything else you need...
47:15 So you get eternity
47:19 and eternity is just the beginning of it,
47:21 you get eternity
47:23 that's just the beginning of an eternity is not,
47:25 eternity is the context
47:26 in which all the blessings come to us.
47:29 But through eternity it's hard to think.
47:33 It's hard to think that life will never end.
47:38 It's hard to think
47:39 that you'll never ever be in want.
47:41 And I also wanna say this,
47:43 one of the texts that could have been included here
47:45 is affliction, Nahum 1:9,
47:47 "Affliction will not rise up a second time."
47:51 Amen to that.
47:52 No more sin, not coming back up again.
47:55 No more great controversy,
47:56 no more need of a second Savior,
47:58 no more need of another Calvary,
47:59 no more needed of another great controversy.
48:01 It will all have been settled.
48:03 He that is righteous let him be righteous still.
48:06 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still.
48:08 The unjust and the unholy will be locked out
48:10 and they will be destroyed in the lake of fire.
48:13 There'll be no, there'll be nothing
48:15 even to cause
48:17 there to be a second possibility of sin.
48:20 Because we will all be locked
48:21 into the righteousness of Jesus.
48:24 Oh, how I hate that teaching
48:26 that sin could possibly rise up a second time.
48:29 It just embarrasses the beauty of the righteousness of Jesus.
48:34 You know, huh?
48:36 Yeah, I tell you, you know,
48:38 the heaven is forever is a long, long time.
48:42 I tell you, I tell you,
48:43 my wife is now singing Heritage Singers songs.
48:48 They tell me, "Heaven is forever
48:49 and forever is a long, long time."
48:52 And, you know, another thing time,
48:54 would we need watches in heaven?
48:56 For what?
48:57 See you at...
48:59 I'll see you when I get back.
49:02 We won't even need a watch, huh?
49:05 Oh, we all know when the Sabbath believe me.
49:07 Because all flesh will come together.
49:10 There'll be nobody staying home because they tired.
49:14 Right?
49:16 Amen.
49:17 Who's preaching today?
49:18 Elijah, he is...
49:22 The Elijah. The Elijah.
49:24 He's gonna tell us about Mount Carmel today.
49:27 What? I mean, can you imagine this?
49:30 We are little spiritual dwarves
49:35 compare to some of these giants that are before us.
49:38 And our minds are so, so strict,
49:43 so restricted compared to the intellect
49:45 that some of these individuals have.
49:47 But when Jesus steps out,
49:51 and begins to reveal to us
49:52 how He actually created the world, you know,
49:53 we're gonna see Him recreate the new earth,
49:57 we're gonna see creation before our own eyes.
50:00 That alone will be worth the price of the ticket.
50:04 And He will pay for our admission
50:06 to God be the glory.
50:07 Let's look at the next two texts.
50:11 Wow, what other traits will no longer be
50:13 in the new earth?
50:14 Isaiah 60:18. Let's look at that one.
50:17 Isaiah 60:18.
50:19 I kind of had to think about some other things.
50:22 But Isaiah 60:18, the Bible says,
50:24 "Violence," what word did I say?
50:27 Violence.
50:28 "Violence shall no longer be heard in your land,
50:35 neither wasting nor destruction within your borders,
50:40 but you shall call your walls," what?
50:43 "Salvation."
50:45 Now when you read the word wasting,
50:48 people wonder what is wasting, never heard of wasting.
50:52 Well, it's not Isaiah 60:18.
50:56 Violence shall no longer be heard.
50:59 It's number 25.
51:01 It's question number 26.
51:03 The fourth, the fourth one, fourth one down.
51:07 Okay, so right after that
51:09 wasting, what is wasting?
51:10 Now when you think of wasting,
51:12 what are some of the things that we waste today?
51:15 Everything, time, money, resources,
51:19 our own mind but in the actual word here,
51:23 the word wasting means
51:25 there'll be no robbery, no oppression, violence,
51:30 there'll be no robbery and there'll be no oppression.
51:34 Praise the Lord.
51:36 There will be none of that, no robbery,
51:38 violence shall no longer be heard in your land,
51:40 neither robbery or oppression nor destruction
51:43 within your borders.
51:45 You shall call your wall salvation.
51:47 That's the actual application
51:49 to the word wasting, wasting there.
51:52 And one more.
51:54 Because when you think of the world
51:55 that was in the days of the antediluvians,
51:58 Genesis 6:11, the Bible says,
52:00 "The earth was filled with violence."
52:02 Is it filled with violence today?
52:04 Violence self, everything corrupt self.
52:10 But there'll be no violence there.
52:12 Revelation 22:3.
52:14 Revelation 22:3,
52:16 I was quite idealistic thinking we could get this,
52:18 we got to move faster than a New Yorker
52:20 to finish the rest of these,
52:21 but no sense rushing through good food.
52:24 Revelation 22:3, notice this last one.
52:28 And it says, "There shall be no more," what?
52:31 "Curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it,
52:36 and His servants shall," do what?
52:38 "Serve Him."
52:39 No more curse.
52:42 Let's expand that. No more cursing.
52:46 Think about that
52:47 'cause you don't think about that.
52:49 But some of these prophets that were redeemed,
52:51 what does Isaiah said, I'm a man of unclean, what?
52:54 Lips.
52:55 What did Peter do when he denied Christ?
53:02 The human element.
53:05 And unfortunately, the name of our Holy Lord
53:08 is often connected towards that are just
53:10 that are satanic today.
53:12 But there'll be no curse, there'll be no cursing,
53:14 there will be no misuse of the glorious name of God.
53:18 Nothing like that, the Lamb will be glorious,
53:22 the throne of God.
53:23 And it's hard to imagine.
53:25 I mean, I've seen some beautiful thrones,
53:27 but the throne of God.
53:30 Wow, what a pleasure.
53:32 Let's go to number 27.
53:34 Let's see how far we can get.
53:36 Number 27.
53:38 All right.
53:39 So did you put the answer there for the next one?
53:42 Okay, good. Number 27, here it is.
53:43 What does the Bible reveal
53:45 about the barren places of the earth?
53:51 Isaiah 35:1.
53:53 Isaiah 35:1,
53:55 about the barren places of the earth.
53:56 When we fly from East Coast to West Coast,
53:59 I get a chance to look out the plane.
54:00 I was like, flying during the day
54:02 because I have tons of pictures on my phone of just the desert.
54:05 I just have this fascination with the desert.
54:07 I just have beautiful pictures of the desert.
54:09 But I don't have any pictures of this stuff.
54:11 Look at Isaiah 35:1.
54:12 Look at what it says here.
54:14 Let's read this together.
54:15 "The wilderness and the wasteland
54:18 shall be glad for them, and the desert shall," what?
54:21 "Rejoice and blossom as the rose."
54:27 Can you imagine get rid of the deserts
54:29 and replace them with roses?
54:32 Of every description flowers of every bloom
54:34 and every hue of every color of every,
54:39 would that be something to behold from the skies?
54:43 The desert will blossom as the rose.
54:44 And I tell you because there'll be no death,
54:47 you can probably pick the rose and are just continuous,
54:51 endless fragrance won't die
54:54 because everything will be inhabited
54:56 in the perfection that God intends for it to enjoy.
55:00 Let's move right along and see what else we can get here.
55:03 Isaiah, I mean, question number 28.
55:07 Question number 28.
55:08 How different
55:09 will the dangerous animals of today be?
55:12 How different will the dangerous animals
55:14 of today be?
55:16 Let's just go right on to Isaiah.
55:18 Go to Isaiah 11:6-9, is where we're gonna be.
55:21 It's four sections,
55:23 but it's only one actual reference.
55:25 Let's look at the first one. Okay, here it is.
55:28 Here it is.
55:30 Okay.
55:32 Okay.
55:37 Isaiah 11:6.
55:40 Here we are. You guys are there.
55:41 Let me turn to my Bible
55:42 because I think I may put the same reference there.
55:46 But that's okay.
55:47 I know where the Bible is found.
55:48 Here it is.
55:50 Isaiah 11:6,
55:53 "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb,
55:57 the leopard shall lie down with the young goat,
56:00 the calf and the young lion
56:02 and the fatling together and a child shall lead them."
56:06 Okay.
56:08 So if you put verse 6, I put the reference
56:10 but I didn't change the actual text itself.
56:12 Okay, "The wolf shall dwell in the lamb."
56:15 What you want to put there in verse 6
56:17 is a child shall lead them, a child shall lead them.
56:22 We're gonna look at this one of verse 7
56:23 coming up right here.
56:25 Let's go to the very next verse, verse 7.
56:27 Here it is.
56:29 It says,
56:30 "The cow and the bear shall graze."
56:34 Now not on earth, cows and bears not grazing.
56:39 Right?
56:40 It says, "Their young ones shall lie down together,
56:43 and the lion shall eat straw like the ox."
56:48 That's not happening down here.
56:50 Okay, you can put the animals that are listed there,
56:52 look at the very next one.
56:54 The very next one, verse 8,
56:56 "The nursing child shall play by the cobra's hole,"
57:00 today, no way,
57:03 "and the weaned child shall put his hand
57:05 in the viper's den."
57:07 And the last one just hit me with verse 9 very quickly.
57:09 "They shall not hurt nor destroyed
57:11 in all My holy mountain,
57:13 for the earth shall be," what?
57:15 "Full of the knowledge of the Lord
57:18 as the waters cover the," what?
57:20 "Sea."
57:21 Let me ask you a question. Do you wanna go?
57:24 Do you wanna go?
57:25 Can you imagine putting your hand
57:27 in the cobra's hole
57:28 and he comes down just crawls up the arm
57:29 and goes without biting you.
57:34 There'll be no death there.
57:36 We won't ever be afraid of snakes in the new earth.
57:39 Matter of fact, we have probably all kinds of snakes.
57:42 Walk around with us on our shoulder,
57:43 friends, you know, it may sound strange,
57:45 but a lot of what we have down here
57:46 that brings abject fear to our hearts
57:49 will not be the case in the new kingdom.
57:51 It would be joy and pleasure forevermore.
57:54 So keep studying God's Word.
57:56 And these things that don't make
57:57 a whole lot of sense now,
57:58 if you keep studying them with
58:00 one day they will come into A Sharper Focus.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2019-07-12