A Sharper Focus

The Truth about Heaven and the New Earth, Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000086

00:21 Hello, friends, and welcome
00:22 to another Wednesday night Bible study here
00:24 at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:26 It's nice and warm here in Southern Illinois.
00:30 Chances are if you're in the northern hemisphere,
00:33 it's kind of warm, maybe wherever you are.
00:35 But because of the warmth here tonight,
00:36 our people wanna welcome you with a hearty amen.
00:38 Can we say amen? Amen!
00:40 And we are ready to open our Bibles and open our hearts,
00:44 and so thank you for tuning in to spend this thoughtful hour
00:48 studying the topic about heaven.
00:50 We've been covering that.
00:52 And I'll tell you in just a moment
00:53 where you get a copy of that lesson.
00:55 But before we do anything,
00:56 just get your friends and families
00:58 if you're joining us from a church
00:59 we thank you for tuning in.
01:01 But wherever you're joining us from,
01:03 this is gonna be a dynamic topic tonight.
01:05 If we're planning to go to heaven,
01:07 we need to know something about it.
01:09 Isn't that right?
01:10 So tonight we're gonna be continuing our study
01:12 and transitioning to some more wonderful facts
01:15 about the glorious city
01:17 that Jesus has gone to prepare for us.
01:19 But before we sing our theme song,
01:21 let's begin with a word of prayer.
01:24 Gracious Father in heaven, we thank You, Lord,
01:26 tonight that we can open our hearts
01:28 as well as open Your Word.
01:30 And we pray that Your Word will be a lamp unto our feet,
01:33 and a light unto our paths that as we study,
01:38 we will be drawn into a closer relationship with You.
01:42 So bless us now, Father,
01:43 through the presence of Your Holy Spirit.
01:45 In Jesus' name we pray.
01:47 Amen.
01:49 Now, if you'd like a copy of the lesson,
01:51 which is entitled
01:52 "The Truth about Heaven and the New Earth,"
01:54 we're gonna be transitioning to the New Earth
01:56 in the upcoming studies,
01:57 but we're gonna be winding up hopefully tonight
01:59 on The Truth about Heaven.
02:01 Go to this following website asf.3abn.org
02:07 and download lesson number 26,
02:10 The Truth about Heaven and the New Earth,
02:12 and there should be 25 questions there.
02:15 That lets you know
02:16 that we've added one on since last week
02:17 so somebody may say I already did last week.
02:20 Get the new copy tonight.
02:21 And we will go ahead
02:23 and you'll be able to participate
02:25 with the full study in hand.
02:27 Are you ready for our theme song tonight?
02:30 Are you ready for our theme song?
02:31 Let's sing our theme song tonight
02:33 "Victory in Jesus."
02:44 I heard an old, old story
02:48 How the Savior came from glory
02:51 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:55 To save a wretch like me
02:59 I heard about His groaning
03:03 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:06 Then I repented of my sin
03:10 And won the victory
03:13 Together.
03:14 O victory in Jesus
03:18 My Savior forever
03:22 He sought me and bought me
03:25 With His redeeming blood
03:29 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:33 And all my love is due Him
03:37 He plunged me to victory
03:41 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:44 I heard about a mansion
03:48 He has built for me in glory
03:52 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:56 Beyond the crystal sea
04:00 About the angels singing
04:03 And the old redemption story
04:07 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:11 The song of victory
04:13 Key change.
04:15 O victory in Jesus
04:18 My Savior forever
04:22 He sought me and bought me
04:26 With His redeeming blood
04:30 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:33 And all my love is due Him
04:37 He plunged me to victory
04:41 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:45 He plunged me to victory
04:49 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:55 Amen?
04:57 That is our theme song.
04:58 And wherever we go, people say, I'm singing with you.
05:03 There's a pastor in California that said,
05:06 "On Wednesday night,
05:07 I can't forget the phrase key change."
05:10 And I thought wow,
05:11 what about all the other lyrics,
05:13 but we're glad that you're tuning in.
05:14 And there are those tuning in from the Virgin Islands
05:17 from Down Under in Australia and all over the United States.
05:21 And when we travel,
05:23 we get a chance to meet those individuals.
05:24 And they say,
05:25 "We enjoy A Sharper Focus."
05:28 Now just a bit of information
05:29 before we begin the lesson tonight.
05:31 On the website,
05:33 and if they could put that address up one more time,
05:34 I wanna give you a little bit of information about that.
05:37 On the website asf.3abn.org,
05:41 all the lessons that we've covered
05:43 thus far are listed there under the studies tab.
05:46 But if you click to the right, there's a videos tab,
05:49 which means all the videos we've done
05:51 ever since we began are included there.
05:54 So if you missed any of the prior broadcast,
05:57 you can go to that broadcast.
05:59 And at the very beginning,
06:01 it tells you what lesson it's associated with,
06:03 download the lesson and have your own study group.
06:06 We appreciate that very much.
06:08 Well, the topic tonight
06:09 is The Truth about Heaven and the New Earth.
06:12 The Truth about Heaven and the, what?
06:14 And the New Earth.
06:16 Now there are lots of things that are being said
06:19 about the new earth and about heaven
06:22 that I've discovered in my studies
06:23 are really not true.
06:25 I don't wanna pop anybody's bubble.
06:27 But I just discovered,
06:29 I didn't say just discovered I've known for a while,
06:32 we have to be able to separate
06:36 what is actually gonna be in heaven,
06:38 from what is not going to be in heaven,
06:41 not just who's gonna be in heaven and who's not,
06:44 but what and what is not going to be in heaven.
06:47 Now, as we prepared for the study of the new earth,
06:50 I just wanna kind of give you this little crumb that is
06:54 there will be animals in the new earth.
06:59 There won't be animals in heaven.
07:02 There'll be animals in the new earth.
07:06 There are not gonna be animals in heaven,
07:09 not in the New Jerusalem.
07:10 The Bible doesn't speak of that anywhere,
07:12 but they are gonna be in the new earth.
07:15 When you read Revelation,
07:17 the only time the word dog is mentioned
07:19 is in it says for outside of the dogs
07:21 and sorcerers and whoremongers.
07:23 And we know there the word dog
07:25 is not indicative to the animal.
07:27 But when Isaiah talks about the earth
07:29 where we're gonna plant, and build, and have house,
07:32 we're gonna build houses and inhabit them.
07:34 That's all in the new earth.
07:36 "The meek shall inherit the earth."
07:39 The meek shall inherit the earth, the earth.
07:42 And so those are things
07:43 that we have to keep in perspective
07:45 because once a little boy asked me, said,
07:47 "Pastor, is my puppy gonna be in heaven?"
07:49 And, you know,
07:50 people ask those questions, children ask those questions.
07:53 I ponder the thought one day when we lost our puppy,
07:56 snuggles years ago,
07:58 and I discovered, as I studied the Bible,
08:00 that there not gonna be pets in heaven.
08:02 There not gonna be horses, and elephants, and tigers,
08:05 and lions, and bears, and snakes in heaven.
08:07 That's all in the new earth.
08:08 Because here's the key,
08:11 after the sin problem is dealt with,
08:16 then there will be a new heaven and the new earth.
08:20 And in the new earth,
08:21 those lions that bite you now won't bite you then.
08:24 Can you say amen to that?
08:26 So we have to separate what's gonna be in heaven
08:28 from what's not gonna be there,
08:29 that may come like a light bulb moment
08:31 in somebody's mind.
08:33 But we wanted to be clear
08:34 that the heavens that we're going to,
08:37 there's not gonna be a cow stall,
08:40 you know, down Golden Lane, or Diamond Boulevard,
08:43 or Amethyst freeway,
08:46 that's not gonna be in heaven
08:48 because we're gonna be there for 1000 years
08:50 for a particular purpose.
08:52 Now, when we studied the lesson last,
08:56 I wanna begin tonight with a promise.
08:57 Let's go to John Chapter 14.
08:59 Let's begin with a promise.
09:01 Let's begin with one of the most wonderful promises
09:03 that Jesus has ever made.
09:05 You know, what gets me,
09:08 it seems that there are so many things in the earth
09:10 that gets people's attention.
09:12 Like for example, amusements, vacation resorts,
09:16 a lot of things on earth
09:18 that causes our eyes and minds to dazzle,
09:20 our pulse to raise,
09:22 our hearts to speed up when we see these things.
09:26 And we get excited about going to different parts of the earth
09:28 to enjoy the sights and sounds that are there
09:31 and the amenities in the resorts
09:33 and all those things.
09:34 And that's not bad.
09:36 But I think we need to get even more excited.
09:38 I'm gonna slow down and say this,
09:40 we need to get more excited about heaven
09:43 than anything on earth.
09:45 What do you say?
09:46 Because what's on earth
09:47 can't compare to what's in heaven.
09:51 I would love one evening,
09:52 I'm not really qualified to do this.
09:54 But I would love just for one program
09:55 to do a slideshow on what I've seen about stars,
10:00 and planets, and constellations,
10:02 and nebulas.
10:03 And just to give you an idea,
10:05 that according to what astronomers say
10:07 that there are billions of galaxies,
10:10 and that's only what their eyes and their telescopes
10:13 have been able to discover.
10:15 So think, if that's God's playground,
10:18 and the earth is ours,
10:22 God has a whole lot more.
10:24 Come on, say amen to that.
10:26 God has a whole lot more that we have never seen.
10:29 And we're gonna have access to that.
10:31 Because if we are inheriting, and He's our heavenly Father,
10:35 everything that belongs to Him
10:36 will one day will be accessible to us.
10:40 But look at the promise that Jesus made.
10:44 John Chapter 14,
10:45 and I'm gonna just read this together,
10:47 I think many of us know this by heart.
10:49 "Let not your heart be troubled.
10:51 You believe in God, believe also in Me.
10:54 In My Father's house are many," what?
10:56 "Mansions,
10:57 if it were not so, I would have told you.
11:01 I go to," do what?
11:03 "Prepare a place for you.
11:06 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
11:09 I will come again and receive you to Myself,
11:13 that where I am, there you may be," what?
11:16 "Also."
11:18 You know, the word you is in there so many times,
11:20 but not your heart.
11:22 You believe in God, I have, I would have told you,
11:26 I go to prepare a place for you.
11:29 If I prepare a place for you, I will come again.
11:31 This promise that the Lord has made is not general,
11:33 it's personal.
11:35 So I'm looking forward to heaven
11:36 not just because of everybody else
11:38 is gonna be saved.
11:39 But I wanna tell you, regardless of all the names
11:42 that are gonna be on the books of life,
11:45 my name, to me is the most important.
11:49 Anybody else feels that way?
11:51 Terry, his name to him is the most important,
11:55 am I right, Terry?
11:56 So all the names they're gonna be there,
11:58 your name is the most important to you.
12:02 So the point of the matter is
12:03 we don't want anybody else to miss out on heaven.
12:06 But more than that,
12:07 we don't wanna miss out on heaven.
12:09 Because the promise that the Lord has made is to us,
12:12 "Let not your heart be troubled."
12:14 Don't be concerned about it.
12:16 And here's one of the keys.
12:17 We talked about the Second Coming of Christ.
12:18 That's been a theme throughout our camp meeting,
12:21 which is just a few weeks old.
12:24 But the key to get to heaven
12:26 is He's going to come again to receive us.
12:29 Nobody dies and jets off to heaven
12:32 ahead of anyone else.
12:34 Ain't that right?
12:35 We gonna all go to heaven together.
12:39 How we're gonna go?
12:40 Together.
12:42 It's gonna be the best trip
12:44 that the saints of all the ages have taken together.
12:47 We're all going how?
12:48 Together.
12:50 Go with me to 1 Thessalonians.
12:51 I wanna give you just a little bit of extra
12:52 before we go to the question number 16.
12:55 Wanna show you 1 Thessalonians.
12:57 We talked about the Lord coming back,
12:59 but let's show you Him coming back.
13:01 Let's show you Him coming back.
13:03 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4.
13:06 Look at this verse.
13:09 Okay, verse 16.
13:13 He said, I'm coming back.
13:14 Well, let's read
13:15 how He's going to come back.
13:17 The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 4:16,
13:22 "For the Lord Himself..."
13:26 He's not sending anybody else He's coming himself,
13:29 "For the Lord Himself will," do what?
13:32 "Descend from heaven with a shout,
13:35 with the voice of an archangel, with the trumpet of God.
13:38 And the dead in Christ will," do what?
13:40 "Rise first."
13:41 That's the resurrection.
13:43 They're not leaving the earth first.
13:44 They rise from their graves first.
13:47 Where did dead people get placed?
13:50 In their graves, right?
13:51 So they rise from their graves first,
13:53 then look what else happens.
13:54 The very next verse.
13:56 Verse 17,
13:57 "Then we who are alive and remain
14:00 shall be caught up," what's the next word?
14:03 "Together with them in the clouds to," do what?
14:09 "Meet the Lord in the air."
14:11 He's not coming back to touch the earth.
14:14 The Lord is not coming back
14:15 to set up an earthly millennial kingdom,
14:17 He's not coming back to touch the earth.
14:20 He's not coming back to walk in Manhattan,
14:22 or in the Middle East
14:23 or in any of these cities on earth.
14:25 He's gone to prepare for us a city,
14:27 He's not coming back to walk on earth.
14:30 So we're not getting the world ready for Him,
14:32 He's getting the kingdom ready for us.
14:34 Amen.
14:36 He says,
14:37 "We shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,
14:39 to meet the Lord in the air.
14:43 And thus we shall always be with the Lord."
14:46 All right, so make that clear.
14:48 He's coming back to get us.
14:49 When He comes back,
14:51 resurrection of the righteous dead,
14:52 the righteous living together, they are caught up together,
14:56 and they meet the Lord.
14:58 So if you have a loved one that's died
15:00 and you are Christian, and they are Christian,
15:02 you both are gonna meet the Lord together,
15:04 I wanna make it very clear, ain't that clear?
15:06 There's nobody in heaven now.
15:07 And frankly, I'm getting ill.
15:10 Every time somebody dies, they're instantly in heaven.
15:16 These deceptive phrases, they're in a better place.
15:22 How many times have you heard that,
15:24 they're in a better place, they're looking down on us.
15:29 They are my angel, they are watching over me.
15:33 Or God needed or God took them.
15:37 These are all,
15:38 these are all disqualified statements.
15:41 And none of them are supported by the Bible.
15:43 God is not a taker of human life.
15:48 And people are not being whisked off to heaven
15:50 ahead of anyone else.
15:52 So the beauty of the Second Coming of the Lord,
15:54 the beauty of going to heaven is,
15:56 we gonna all go together.
15:57 What word did I just say?
15:59 Together.
16:00 Man!
16:01 It's amazing.
16:03 Can you imagine you all going to Dubai, let's just say Dubai,
16:08 that word is come to my mind.
16:09 And we're gonna go as a church trip.
16:12 Will we all go on 37 different airplanes?
16:16 Wouldn't be nice if we all go together?
16:18 Because we wanna all experience it together.
16:21 The Lord has made it clear
16:23 that no one's going ahead of anyone else.
16:25 We're all going how?
16:26 Together.
16:28 Let's look at question number 16.
16:29 Because last week, when we ended,
16:31 we talked about
16:32 and this was quite a somber discussion last week,
16:35 the categories recovered with the categories
16:38 of those who would not be in heaven.
16:40 Now we're gonna begin on a more positive note
16:42 about those who will be in heaven,
16:45 those who will be in heaven.
16:48 Question number 16. Here it is.
16:52 What is the condition of those
16:54 that are allowed into the Kingdom?
16:58 What is the condition of those
17:00 that are allowed into the Kingdom?
17:02 Let's go to Psalms Chapter 24.
17:05 And we're gonna look at verse 3-4, first.
17:08 Psalms 24:3-4.
17:14 You know, whenever you decide to move somewhere,
17:17 I know nowadays people are getting
17:19 very, very stringent about
17:21 who fits into a particular community.
17:23 You know, sometimes they look at your income.
17:26 And nowadays you can't do anything
17:28 without a credit history.
17:29 They look at your credit rating,
17:31 and they determine whether or not
17:32 you could afford to be in this kingdom.
17:34 Whether or not you, sorry,
17:35 could afford to be in this community.
17:37 Well, the Lord has some standards.
17:41 The Lord has met...
17:43 Well, if you move into Magic Kingdom
17:44 that's one thing.
17:45 But the Lord has standards also about those He allow in heaven.
17:48 Amen for that.
17:50 Here's the answer.
17:51 What is the condition of those
17:53 that are allowed into the kingdom?
17:54 Psalms 24:3-4.
17:56 The Bible says, "Who may," what?
17:59 "Ascend," notice how we get in there.
18:01 "Ascend into the hill of the Lord?
18:04 Or who may," what else?
18:06 "Stand in His holy place?"
18:10 Let's read this part together.
18:11 "He who has," what?
18:13 "Clean hands and a," what else?
18:16 "Pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
18:21 nor sworn deceitfully."
18:25 That means He said, "Yes."
18:27 And He meant Yes.
18:28 He said, "That's not true."
18:30 And He meant that's not true and it was not true.
18:33 He meant that's true and that was true.
18:35 Now, I wanna spend a little bit of time on this because,
18:38 you know, when you think about this,
18:39 let's just peek back,
18:41 he who has clean hands and a pure heart,
18:44 clean hands and a pure heart.
18:45 You know, when you talk about that?
18:47 There are some people that may they publicly,
18:50 their hands look physically clean,
18:52 but their hearts are corrupt.
18:56 So what we see on the outside is what the man judges.
19:00 What God is saying,
19:03 clean hands, pure heart.
19:06 Man looks on the outward appearance
19:08 but God looks at the heart.
19:09 God does not see.
19:11 You want to say something?
19:12 I really know, a lot of people around the country that say,
19:14 "Well, God just judges you by your heart."
19:17 So they ignore the clean hands.
19:19 There you go.
19:20 So God doesn't just judge by hands,
19:22 He judges by what else?
19:23 Heart,
19:24 outside and inside makes a difference.
19:27 But notice what else He says,
19:29 "Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol."
19:32 Now whatever that idol may be,
19:34 some people worship all kinds of things
19:37 in countries where images are worshiped
19:39 or statues are worshiped, that's one thing,
19:41 but idols are farther, far greater than that."
19:45 American Idol."
19:48 Okay.
19:49 Let's think American idolatry,
19:52 and our motto in America is life, liberty,
19:55 and the pursuit of happiness.
19:58 We just wanna be happy.
20:00 Can we all just get along?
20:03 Oh, it's got to be better than that.
20:04 And then the other thing about it,
20:05 don't put your hand,
20:07 don't put your signature to a document.
20:08 If, you know, that that's not true.
20:11 You know, whenever you fill out forms, you said,
20:13 is all this information declared correct?
20:16 You cannot swear deceitfully.
20:18 That's why when you stand in court, what do they say?
20:21 Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth?
20:24 The whole truth and nothing.
20:27 On that standard,
20:28 there'll be a lot of pastors out of jobs today.
20:32 God is saying to ministers,
20:34 do you solemnly swear to preach the truth?
20:38 The whole truth and nothing but the truth.
20:41 You know, how many churches will disappear just like that,
20:44 will be vaporized from the earth
20:46 because it's about idols.
20:47 Money is an idol
20:49 that many pastors are in the business for.
20:52 Notoriety, cars, hotels, bling,
20:56 many of them are there for the materialism,
20:58 for the materialism,
21:00 not for the preaching of the straight truth.
21:02 That's why when you turn to 3ABN,
21:04 you're gonna get the truth,
21:05 the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
21:07 Can you say amen to that?
21:08 We're not in for the bling I mean, you can tell.
21:11 You may have seen this shirt many times.
21:13 I am not in for the bling.
21:14 I wanna be in it for the city.
21:16 Come on say amen some body?
21:17 I'm heading there, and I'll make sure
21:19 my life needs to be in harmony.
21:20 But what else does it say?
21:21 Look at the very next verse, Revelation 22:14.
21:25 Don't be in it for the wrong reason
21:27 'cause some people don't want the truth
21:29 because it requires an alignment of life
21:31 with what the Bible says.
21:33 It also requires giving up certain things.
21:35 And there are those individuals
21:37 that are so connected to their idols.
21:39 Oh, man, there's a text that just came to my mind.
21:44 The name will come to me in just a moment.
21:45 But one of the reasons
21:46 why the Lord rejected him is because the Lord says
21:48 he is joined to his idols.
21:52 He is joined to his idols.
21:53 There are some people that can't leave their television
21:55 to come to Wednesday night Bible study.
21:58 There are some people
21:59 that can't leave their favorite program,
22:01 or their most comfortable recliner,
22:04 to come to Bible studies.
22:05 This is amazing to me.
22:06 So this idolatry is far greater than just people
22:08 that are outside the church.
22:10 Idolatry is a huge category.
22:13 Look at Revelation 22:14, what else is the qualification?
22:16 "Blessed are those that do His," what?"
22:18 Commandments,
22:20 that they may have right to the tree of life,
22:21 and may enter through the gates into the," what?
22:24 "Into the city."
22:25 You cannot today consciously know about God's commandments
22:29 and say, I don't want to keep them.
22:31 But I'm going to heaven any way.
22:33 Based on this text, you're not going.
22:36 If the Lord reveals His commandments to you,
22:38 preacher, parishioner,
22:41 whatever category you may be,
22:42 and you may say, you know, I love the Lord,
22:44 the commandments are not that important.
22:46 Well, based on what I just read here,
22:48 if you live in harmony with His commandments,
22:50 you have a right.
22:52 You have access to the tree of life.
22:54 God is not giving commandment violators
22:58 access to a tree of life
23:00 any more than He gave Adam and Eve
23:02 access to the tree after they sinned.
23:04 Did you notice that?
23:05 When they sinned,
23:06 what was the first thing He did?
23:09 Cut off access to the tree of life.
23:13 This is the comparison.
23:14 They lost access because of disobedience.
23:17 You're not gonna gain access
23:19 because of willing disobedience.
23:21 So it says, if you willing to keep the commandments...
23:24 Go with me to Isaiah 1, Isaiah Chapter 1,
23:27 write the answer down.
23:29 You must be a commandment keeper.
23:31 If you know about it, you can't ignore it and say,
23:34 "Well, you know, I've been a member for 35 years."
23:36 It doesn't matter.
23:37 "I've been in church for 62 years."
23:40 It doesn't matter.
23:42 If the Lord reveals truth to your heart, and, you say,
23:44 I know what the Bible says, but I'm not gonna do it anyway.
23:48 Well, that doesn't please the Lord.
23:50 And He says, "Hey, I've revealed it to you."
23:53 One person said to me,
23:54 "You know, I've been a member for my church
23:56 for many, many years.
23:57 I really love the Lord."
23:59 We're going to Isaiah Chapter 1.
24:00 He says, "I love the Lord."
24:04 And I don't think that particular teaching
24:07 is gonna bar me from the kingdom.
24:11 And that was in essence to Sabbath, truth had come.
24:14 And I said, you know, you ought to be saying,
24:16 Lord, You love me so much,
24:18 that You have revealed this truth to me
24:20 because of Your love for me,
24:23 am I proclaimed love for You.
24:26 See, if a person really love somebody,
24:28 and you reveal something to them,
24:29 it doesn't become a burden.
24:30 It becomes a delight, ain't that right, Yannick?
24:33 Here's what the Bible says, look,
24:35 Isaiah Chapter 1. Isaiah Chapter 1.
24:38 Look at this promise.
24:40 Look at this promise, verse 19.
24:44 "If you are," what's the word?
24:47 "Willing and," what else?
24:49 "Obedient,
24:51 you shall eat the good of the land."
24:55 But look at verse 20.
24:57 "But if you refuse and rebel,
25:00 you shall be devoured by the sword,"
25:03 on whose word is that?
25:05 "For the mouth of the Lord has spoken."
25:08 Is that clear?
25:09 So people may say,
25:11 "Are you telling me
25:12 that I can't make it to heaven?"
25:13 No.
25:15 Matter of fact, I don't mind if you be there,
25:16 but you got to get past God.
25:18 He's the one that sets the standards,
25:19 ain't that right?
25:21 Right, Terry?
25:22 He says, "Here's why you're not going
25:24 because you're unwilling and you're disobedient."
25:27 And I'm not having anybody like that
25:29 mess up my city again.
25:30 Not again.
25:32 So the answers are clean hands, pure heart,
25:35 and secondly, obedience to God's commandments.
25:40 Okay.
25:41 Number 17.
25:45 Number 17.
25:47 Okay.
25:49 What is the invitation that Jesus makes
25:53 for those that desire Heaven?
25:56 He extends an invitation.
25:58 What is the invitation?
25:59 Revelation 22:17,
26:01 He extends an invitation.
26:02 And by the way, you know what?
26:04 Anybody that's alive today could be saved.
26:08 Amen to that.
26:09 God does not say, Ah, ah, ah, no, no, no,
26:14 I only want certain classes, certain races,
26:17 certain financial brackets, certain ethnicities there.
26:20 He doesn't say that at all.
26:22 Look at what He says.
26:23 Revelation 22:17.
26:26 "And the Spirit and the bride says," what?
26:31 "'Come!'
26:32 And let him who hears say," together, "Come!'
26:36 And let him who thirsts," together, "come.
26:40 And whoever desires,
26:43 let him take up the water of life," how?
26:46 "Freely.'"
26:48 So is this invitation exclusive?
26:50 What's the answer?
26:51 Absolutely not.
26:52 Matter of fact, go...
26:54 So here's the answer.
26:55 What is the invitation that Jesus makes
26:56 for those who desire?
26:58 What's the invitation?
27:01 What's the invitation, come on say together?
27:02 Come, if you want to come,
27:04 He doesn't want anybody to be left out.
27:08 Matter of fact, our favorite text,
27:10 "For God so loved the world
27:12 that He gave His only begotten Son,
27:14 that whosoever believeth in Him
27:18 should not perish."
27:20 He's made room for whosoever.
27:23 But look at this next beautiful passage.
27:26 John 6:37.
27:30 John 6:37.
27:35 Wow!
27:36 Some people think that I'm too bad to make it.
27:38 You know what?
27:40 Let me tell you something, God's goodness
27:41 is better than all of our badness.
27:43 Come on, somebody say amen.
27:44 You could be bad, somebody say what?
27:46 I mean, is there anything?
27:48 What crime can I commit, that I cannot be forgiven for?
27:53 If you confess your sin, 1 John 1:9,
27:55 He's faithful and just to forgive you of your sin
27:57 and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
28:01 There's nothing you can do that God can't forgive you of.
28:04 The one thing that you won't be forgiven of,
28:07 is the refusal of the invitation.
28:09 'Cause I'm not gonna drag you in.
28:12 Can you imagine that?
28:13 Can you imagine being in heaven,
28:15 if that's not where you wanna be?
28:18 It's like some people.
28:19 You mentioned church to them, it's okay,
28:21 I'll catch you when you come back.
28:25 It's like, we wanna take them to a place
28:27 where they get beheaded.
28:29 This is the place that you enter
28:31 into a corporate relationship with brothers and sisters
28:33 that are preparing for this eternal city.
28:36 And this is the place where you get to know God,
28:38 with all of those that are there worshiping Him.
28:41 Look at John 6:37.
28:43 Beautiful passage, here it is.
28:45 "All that the Father gives Me will," do what?
28:49 "Come to Me," notice the invitation come,
28:50 but "All that the Father gives to Me
28:52 will come to Me,
28:53 and the one who comes to Me,"
28:56 let's read this together,
28:57 "I will by no means cast out."
29:02 Isn't that a glorious passage?
29:04 He said, first of all, the Father is drawing them.
29:08 And the Father says to the Son,
29:11 here's another one.
29:13 In the sense that who is it?
29:17 It's Mark.
29:19 Okay.
29:20 Mark, if you come, I will, by no means
29:22 cast you out.
29:24 And, you know the context of this story is
29:26 that in Matthew Chapter 25,
29:28 there was a wedding feast held, and there was a man
29:32 who came in that did not have on a wedding garment,
29:35 and he was cast out.
29:36 You know why?
29:38 Because he didn't come in
29:39 with the righteousness of Christ.
29:41 He came in and he thought his merits
29:42 were good enough to be there.
29:44 And the Lord says,
29:45 "How did you come in here without a wedding garment?"
29:47 We've got to have on His righteousness
29:50 to make the kingdom, ain't then right?
29:53 But if that's the case, and you come to the Father,
29:55 through Christ,
29:57 and the Father gifts you to Jesus,
29:59 He says, I'm not gonna cast you,
30:01 I'm not gonna put you away.
30:02 Come on in as you are.
30:04 But you won't be the same way.
30:06 When we come to Christ, He accepts us as we are.
30:09 But He gets us ready for the kingdom
30:10 that we are going to inhabit.
30:12 Not gonna be any snuff sniffers in heaven.
30:16 Nobody gonna be chewing tobacco,
30:18 spitting on the streets of heaven.
30:20 Amen for that.
30:21 People say, "Well, Lord loves me."
30:22 He loves you.
30:24 That big old stack of chewing tobacco,
30:26 He loves you.
30:27 But He's gonna say get that out.
30:29 Because nothing is gonna enter that defiles the city.
30:31 Ain't that right?
30:32 Can you imagine cigarette butts on the golden streets,
30:35 graffiti on the clear walls,
30:38 rap, hip, rock, country,
30:40 any, all that corrupt music in heaven?
30:43 Angel will be closing ears, what is that?
30:46 See, the beautiful theme of salvation is this,
30:49 that Jesus' blood
30:51 is sufficient to save all of us.
30:54 And the reason why
30:57 this great controversy has to play itself out
31:00 it's because I can imagine the angels that did not rebel
31:03 must have some apprehension mark
31:06 about the outcome of this thing called
31:08 the great controversy
31:09 because they know that Lucifer got kicked out.
31:12 Now Satan polluted the entire world
31:15 with all of his fallen angels,
31:16 all these corrupt sinners down here
31:19 that are gonna get more and more corrupt
31:20 as we get closer to the end.
31:22 And they're saying to Jesus, you're letting them in?
31:30 You gonna let them in.
31:32 Are you sure?
31:34 Well, He's not gonna let us in until we all are like Him.
31:37 Amen.
31:39 So this whole thing about obedience.
31:41 I'm amazed
31:42 I listen to so many of these preachers
31:44 on television, sometimes, I'll take a little Roku box
31:47 where we listened to 3ABN and Adventist channel
31:50 and Hope all those channels we have on there,
31:52 praise God for that.
31:53 And I would listen to some of the other preachers.
31:55 And I'm amazed
31:56 how righteousness is not talked about very much.
32:00 It's like, I heard one guy, I heard one guy,
32:03 I ran into one preacher talking about
32:05 the need to give away sin.
32:08 And I said to my wife, praise the Lord,
32:10 there's still somebody out there preaching
32:12 that we need to abandon sin,
32:15 in order to be ready for the kingdom of God.
32:18 But notice what He says,
32:19 "If you come to me, I won't cast you out."
32:21 I won't cast you out.
32:22 So what's the answer there?
32:24 Did you write them down?
32:25 Wonderful.
32:27 Let's go to question number 18.
32:28 Let's go to question number 18.
32:33 Question number 18.
32:35 Wow!
32:37 How do we know that we have a home
32:40 other than this earth?
32:44 How do we know that we have a home
32:46 other than this earth?
32:48 Go to Hebrews Chapter 11.
32:50 And I'm glad you know,
32:52 all of our participants know this,
32:54 the text is gonna be on the screen.
32:56 The wonderful thing about having your Bibles
32:57 is you could highlight and write on your own Bible.
32:59 Thank you for bringing your Bibles with you.
33:01 Hebrews Chapter 11.
33:04 And that's the Book of the Faithful.
33:06 That's the Chapter of the Faithful.
33:08 And, but if you wanna find the Book of Faith,
33:13 it's amazing that Hebrews is followed by James.
33:16 James is the Book of Faith.
33:18 Hebrews Chapter 11 is the Chapter of Faith,
33:21 but notice Hebrews Chapter 11.
33:23 Here's the answer.
33:24 And we're looking at verse 16.
33:26 How do we know that we have a home
33:27 other than this earth?
33:28 Here's the answer.
33:30 Here's the answer.
33:31 "But now," that is the faithful,
33:34 "desire a better, that is, a, "what kind of country?"
33:38 Heavenly country.
33:40 Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God,
33:45 for He has," done what?
33:47 "Prepared a city for them."
33:51 Now this city is in what kind of a country?
33:55 Say it again.
33:56 A heavenly country.
33:58 Now, that means, it's not on earth
34:00 'cause you can travel from north to south,
34:02 to east to west, tirelessly, Bill,
34:05 and you won't find a heavenly country
34:07 on this planet.
34:09 There's not a country on this planet
34:10 without sickness, or death, or illness, or suffering,
34:13 or some kind of breakdown in society
34:16 or some kind of corruption.
34:18 There's not a heavenly country on this earth.
34:20 So if there's no heavenly country,
34:22 there is no heavenly, what?
34:24 City,
34:25 you got to have the country
34:26 and then the city within it.
34:28 So how do we know that?
34:29 Look at verse 10 in Hebrews Chapter 11.
34:32 Look at verse 10.
34:34 Okay, they look for a better that is a heavenly country.
34:37 In other words,
34:40 Abraham and his wife Sarah knew that it wasn't down here.
34:43 So they kept on moving looking for this heavenly country.
34:47 But look at verse 10.
34:49 Speaking about Abraham and his wife,
34:51 "For he waited for the city which has foundations,
34:56 whose builder and maker is," together, "God."
35:01 So if it's on earth, chances are
35:03 God didn't build it.
35:07 Now, I'm a native New Yorker.
35:09 I go to New York when I go, when I leave.
35:12 Sometimes I get a little town blues
35:14 I wanna be very candid about that.
35:16 Sometimes I wanna hear a car door slam.
35:22 And, but all I'm hearing is raccoons
35:24 crawling up the porch.
35:26 Or sometimes a possum and a raccoon
35:28 having it out over some black oilseeds,
35:31 or I'm afraid to open the backyard door
35:33 because any number of the 2000 species of bugs will come in
35:38 and probably eat me alive.
35:39 Sometimes I wanna kind of get a glimpse of New York
35:42 and I go back there maybe a week
35:44 or 10 days and say, okay, okay, enough.
35:46 I want my quietness again, right honey?
35:48 I want my quietness so I can sit on our right there
35:52 in our kitchen and open the backyard door
35:54 and listen to the breeze and hear the water go by
35:58 and watch the birds being fed
36:01 because after about,
36:03 right after about two or three days
36:04 in that hustling City of New York,
36:06 you kind of, or any city for that matter.
36:07 I don't wanna make it sound like
36:09 New York is the worst out of all,
36:10 but any of those major cities
36:12 because I've honestly forgotten what a traffic jam is.
36:16 You go to Manhattan, you learn right away
36:18 what a traffic jam is.
36:20 You go to Los Angeles, you go to Chicago,
36:22 any major city, go to St. Louis,
36:25 any major city, you know, go to Miami, any major city,
36:29 you know, right away
36:30 that this is not what God intended.
36:32 Ain't that right?
36:34 Because we're looking for what kind of a country, a what?
36:37 Better, a heavenly country,
36:40 a better city.
36:41 Praise Lord for that.
36:43 So the answer to that, how do we know that
36:44 we have a home other than this earth?
36:47 We're looking for heavenly country.
36:49 A heavenly country.
36:51 All right.
36:53 Okay.
36:54 Let's go now to number 19.
36:56 I think we might be able,
36:59 if we move at a good pace,
37:01 we might be able to do it, Bill.
37:02 We could do it.
37:04 I think we could.
37:06 Okay.
37:08 What is the location of this city
37:13 that God has prepared for us?
37:16 What is the location of this city
37:19 that God has prepared for us?
37:22 Go to Revelation Chapter 21.
37:25 Revelation Chapter 21.
37:28 All right.
37:31 And we're gonna look at verse 2,
37:33 we'll backtrack to verse 1 in just a moment.
37:35 But we need to know where the city is.
37:37 And the reason why this is important.
37:40 After having traveled to more than 52 countries,
37:43 and by God's grace me,
37:45 we may add more of those before the Lord comes.
37:50 We have discovered that
37:52 the difference between being able to get somewhere
37:55 or not get somewhere simply money.
37:57 Right?
37:58 If you can't make it to Dubai, chances are
38:00 it's because you don't have enough money for the ticket.
38:03 But if you have money on earth, if you are wealthy,
38:05 you can pretty much go anywhere.
38:07 The wealthier you are, the more exclusive the circles,
38:10 you can go on.
38:11 Mark, haven't come from Las Vegas, you know,
38:13 you could get to places in Las Vegas
38:16 that poor people may walk the streets of Las Vegas,
38:19 but they're not getting into certain places
38:21 because what's the difference?
38:23 Money is the difference and influence
38:25 and people that you know.
38:26 And so when you think about
38:28 what is gonna be the criteria for us,
38:30 to getting into the kingdom of God.
38:32 Some people say, it's not what you know,
38:35 but it is who you know.
38:37 You see, that's why the Bible says
38:39 and this is life eternal, that you know,
38:43 Christ Jesus,
38:45 that you know that you do what?
38:47 Know Him.
38:49 It's on the basis of knowing Him.
38:50 But look at this wonderful passage.
38:52 Look at this wonderful passage.
38:53 What is the location of the city?
38:55 We're gonna make it in
38:56 because we have a relationship with Jesus,
38:58 not just because we have head knowledge,
38:59 but because we have a relationship with Him.
39:01 John says, "Then I, John, saw
39:05 the holy city,"
39:07 what is it called?
39:08 "New Jerusalem,
39:11 coming down out of heaven from God,
39:14 prepared as a bride," what?
39:16 "Adorned for her husband."
39:18 So today, where is that city?
39:21 Say it again.
39:23 It's in heaven
39:24 because one day it's gonna come down
39:26 out of heaven.
39:27 Now, can I shock you a little bit?
39:31 If the city comes down out of heaven,
39:34 is heaven still there?
39:36 Yes, it is.
39:37 Which means that the city is in heaven,
39:41 but the city is not heaven in total.
39:44 The city is a part of heaven,
39:46 but the city itself is not the complete picture of heaven.
39:49 Because when the city comes down
39:51 to the new earth, heaven is still there.
39:56 And you'll find that
39:58 I'm not gonna jump ahead of myself.
39:59 But there's a reason I just planted that seed
40:00 because as we go further,
40:02 you'll see why I brought that point up.
40:04 You see exactly why I brought that point up.
40:06 So the answer very quickly is,
40:08 what is the location of the city
40:10 that God has prepared for us?
40:11 What's the location? Together once again.
40:13 Heaven.
40:15 That's where this city right now is.
40:17 In other words, heaven is the construction site
40:22 for the holy city, the New Jerusalem.
40:26 And you know, the holy city,
40:28 the New Jerusalem
40:31 is described in other ways.
40:33 Let me go ahead and show you Revelation 21:9.
40:37 I want to go ahead and show you Revelation 21:9.
40:42 All right.
40:44 It's not only called
40:47 the New Jerusalem,
40:50 but it's also called something else.
40:52 Revelation 21:9,
40:56 "Then one of the seven angels
40:57 who had the seven bowls,
40:59 filled with the seven last plagues came
41:02 to me and talked with me saying,
41:05 'Come, I will show you the," what's the next word?
41:09 "The bride, the lamb's wife.'"
41:12 This is powerful.
41:14 "And he carried me away in the spirit
41:17 to a great and high mountain
41:20 and showed me the great city,
41:23 the" what?
41:24 "Holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God."
41:30 So it's not just called the New Jerusalem.
41:33 It's called, what else?
41:35 Holy Jerusalem.
41:38 Now the reason I mentioned
41:39 that is because we've never been to Jerusalem.
41:42 We're planning by God's grace,
41:44 in the near future to go to Jerusalem.
41:48 But even though it's called the holy city,
41:50 it's not really the holy city.
41:52 The holy city is where?
41:55 The New Jerusalem.
41:58 This is the historical, this is the Bible lands
42:00 and lot of people call it the Holy Land.
42:02 I don't want to sound offensive at all
42:05 but I call the Middle East the Bible lands.
42:09 But this is the Holy Land.
42:14 Holy, what makes something holy?
42:16 Somebody tell me, what makes something holy.
42:20 Say it again.
42:21 God's presence.
42:23 God's presence and when the Lord said,
42:27 years ago, to those that rejected Him,
42:29 He said, "Your house is left unto you desolate,
42:33 it ceased to be holy, and became historical."
42:37 Now I do want to see where you know,
42:39 the crucifixion take place,
42:40 and the churches there in Turkey
42:42 and all the historical sites.
42:45 But that's not the end of our journey.
42:46 Our journey, our plans for our journey,
42:49 is that we make it to the holy Jerusalem.
42:52 Amen to that.
42:53 So here's the answer.
42:55 What is the location of that?
42:56 And we just read that, and by verse 9 and 10,
42:58 we're in addition to that.
43:00 Now, let's go to question number 20.
43:03 Question number 20.
43:05 I think we're moving at a good pace,
43:06 we might be able to finish this tonight.
43:09 Okay, let's look at this one.
43:11 What are the architectural measurements
43:13 of the New Jerusalem?
43:16 What are the architectural measurements
43:18 of the New Jerusalem?
43:25 We will stay in Revelation Chapter 21.
43:27 Let's start with the size of the city.
43:31 Let's start with the what?
43:32 Size of the city.
43:36 Okay.
43:40 Revelation Chapter 21.
43:41 Let's start with verse 16.
43:44 Okay.
43:46 The Bible says, speaking of the size,
43:49 "The city is laid out as a," what?
43:53 "Square, its length
43:56 is as great as its breadth,
43:59 and the measurement of the city
44:03 and he measured the city with the reed 12,000," what?
44:08 "Furlongs."
44:10 Now, if you want to put the size,
44:13 the size of the city.
44:15 First of all, what fact do we get about the city?
44:17 What fact do we get?
44:19 It's square.
44:21 Whoa, ain't that wonderful?
44:22 Let's go to the next verse,
44:23 "Its length, breadth and height are," what?
44:27 "Are equal."
44:28 Its length, breadth and height are equal.
44:32 That means it is all in proportion.
44:36 It's a cube.
44:37 Its length, breadth and height are equal.
44:41 But now let's look at some interesting facts about this.
44:43 When the Bible talks about 12,000 furlongs,
44:48 that's roughly, we don't speak in furlongs nowadays.
44:52 We surely don't.
44:53 That's an old measurement.
44:55 That's roughly about...
44:59 Yeah, or, if you were to square that off,
45:02 about 375 miles on either side,
45:07 about 375 miles on either side,
45:10 you add that up.
45:11 375 and 375, 750, 750 and 750 is what?
45:15 1500.
45:17 So now, if you think of a city wall,
45:20 that's 375 miles long,
45:24 that's a long wall.
45:25 We'll find out more,
45:27 we don't want to run ahead of ourselves.
45:28 This city is 1500 miles in,
45:33 what's the word circumference?
45:34 Circumference.
45:36 Those of you who build houses,
45:37 Mike, help me out, circumference.
45:39 Exactly.
45:40 Thank you so much.
45:42 Add it all up.
45:43 Now, how many cities you know are that large?
45:48 What city do you know?
45:51 Say it again? One, that's it.
45:52 There is no city on earth that has a wall 375 miles long.
45:58 Matter of fact, I didn't know how small Manhattan was.
46:01 Manhattan is...
46:02 It looks big because of the size of the buildings,
46:04 but it's fairly a small city.
46:06 It's really a pretty small city
46:09 but 375 miles 375, 375,
46:13 north, south, east, west, 1500 miles.
46:17 But let's keep going.
46:19 So put the size here, 1500 miles around,
46:22 or 375 times four.
46:26 375 times four.
46:30 Okay.
46:31 Now, that's the height of the city.
46:34 But this city has walls.
46:36 It has walls.
46:37 When you think of that, when you think of a city
46:39 that's somebody once said to me,
46:41 how can a city be that big?
46:43 Who's making it?
46:45 Who's making it? God's making it.
46:47 He can make it whatever size He wants to.
46:49 He is making it to fit
46:51 all the redeemed of all the ages in that city.
46:55 But it has walls.
46:56 Now, the city structures on the inside,
46:59 but it has walls around it.
47:00 Let's find out about the walls.
47:02 Look at the very next verse, Revelation 21:17.
47:05 Okay, here it is, the walls of the city.
47:08 "Then he measured its walls,
47:12 144 cubits,
47:15 according to the measure of a man,
47:17 that is, of an angel."
47:20 So now,
47:21 if you look that in today's language,
47:23 that's about 217 feet high.
47:28 That's how tall the wall is, not the city, the wall.
47:31 You got to get past the wall to get into the city.
47:35 So 375 mile long wall
47:40 surrounding that city,
47:42 and that wall was 217 feet high.
47:46 That's an approximation.
47:48 Is that huge?
47:50 Would that take your breath away?
47:53 As that's why you guys are speechless.
47:55 It's hard to imagine that
47:56 because we've not seen anything like that.
47:58 One of the most fascinating things we saw was
48:00 when we went to India and saw the Taj Mahal.
48:03 We saw the Taj Mahal.
48:04 We walked through this, it was as if it was framed.
48:08 There was an archway that you walk through
48:11 to begin to walk towards the Taj Mahal
48:14 and if you stood in the archway,
48:15 it looked like the Taj Mahal was right there
48:17 within arm's length.
48:18 But the moment we walk through the arch,
48:20 it's like the Taj Mahal just fell all the way,
48:23 way back in the distance.
48:25 But if you're looking at it from a perspective,
48:28 whatever that, yeah, perspective,
48:30 it looked like it was right there
48:31 right beyond the wall, and I thought to myself,
48:33 wow, and they say it was
48:35 that's probably one of the most architecturally
48:39 perfect buildings built on earth.
48:42 But it's small.
48:44 It didn't have walls
48:45 that are 375 miles on either side.
48:49 And it sure doesn't have a 217 foot high wall.
48:53 So write that down.
48:55 Walls, 217 feet high,
48:58 wow.
48:59 But let's go to the next part.
49:00 The construction of the walls,
49:03 the construction of the walls,
49:05 verse 18,
49:06 "The construction of its walls
49:09 was of," what?
49:12 It's on the screen, was what?
49:14 "Jasper, and the city," now this is crazy,
49:19 "the city was pure," what?
49:21 "Gold, like clear glass."
49:25 Can you imagine that?
49:27 I've seen 14 karat gold,
49:28 18 karat gold, 24 karat gold
49:31 but, Dan, have you ever seen clear gold?
49:34 Gold so pure that it's transparent like glass?
49:40 I liked that. He said not yet.
49:42 That's a future statement.
49:43 That's right. I like that.
49:44 He didn't say no, he said not yet.
49:47 In other words, I plan on seeing it, huh?
49:50 Yeah, you know, you get in the Sears Tower,
49:52 they have this walkway
49:55 that people step out on
49:57 and I heard, I don't know, it was about a month ago,
50:00 that they said that the casing
50:01 of this thing shattered
50:04 while people were standing on it,
50:05 the glass shattered.
50:07 Thankfully, it wasn't the platform they stood on
50:09 because that's a long way down.
50:11 That's a really, you know, that's a long goodbye.
50:15 But if you think of the city,
50:17 if you think of the city in heaven,
50:19 I mean, the construction of its walls,
50:21 write that down,
50:22 write the most amazing part down,
50:24 the wall was of Jasper
50:28 and the city was pure gold,
50:31 like clear glass.
50:34 Now, I want to put some perspective to this
50:35 because when I was down in California
50:37 a number of years ago,
50:39 I was kind of upset about the idea that
50:42 they had all these limousines down there
50:43 I think was the Kodak Theater
50:45 and it was obviously some awards thing going on.
50:47 My wife and I had gone down to visit not to the award show.
50:50 We just so happen to make a turn
50:52 and there were,
50:53 Kodak Theater, red carpet,
50:55 limousines in abundance,
50:57 but all of the glass on the limousines were what?
51:01 Black, couldn't see in.
51:04 And on our way home back to Northern California
51:06 when we lived out west,
51:07 I was kind of upset about that, man, we don't even know
51:10 who's in those, we can't even in.
51:12 But what?
51:14 On the way, the Lord said to me,
51:16 don't worry about who's in there.
51:19 One day, when you're in the New Jerusalem,
51:22 I'm going to make sure they see you
51:24 through those clear walls.
51:25 Come on, say amen somebody.
51:27 So while you're upset about what they have,
51:30 if the tables are turned,
51:32 one day, they're going to be looking at what you have.
51:34 We're going to get something far better than a limousine.
51:37 We're going to get a mansion, amen?
51:39 In that gorgeous, wonderful city
51:42 that the Lord is building for us.
51:44 Let's now go to the...
51:45 Let's go to the foundations of the city.
51:48 The foundations of the city.
51:51 Okay, "The foundations of the wall of the city
51:56 were adorned with all kinds of precious stones."
52:00 Pause, that's why God doesn't want us
52:04 to wear jewels down here.
52:05 One day we're going to walk on jewels.
52:07 Can you imagine folk that haven't overcome that,
52:10 cop to heaven with their pickaxe?
52:13 And they want a Jasper necklace while they're in heaven.
52:15 God said, "No, no,
52:17 you're not gonna be breaking up my city."
52:19 And that's, what people don't understand
52:21 is that the asphalt in heaven
52:23 is made of all precious stones.
52:27 So the choices, wear it or walk on it.
52:31 Come on, which one would you choose?
52:33 Let's keep going. Walk on it.
52:35 "The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned
52:37 with all kinds of precious stones.
52:40 The first foundation was," what?
52:42 "Jasper, the second sapphire,
52:45 the third chalcedony,
52:47 the fourth emerald, the fifth sardonyx,
52:51 the six starius,
52:54 the seventh chrysolite,
52:56 the eighth, beryl, the ninth topaz,
53:00 the tenth chrysoprase,
53:02 the eleventh jacinth
53:04 and the twelfth," what?
53:06 "Amethyst."
53:07 Now some of these,
53:08 I have no clue what they look like.
53:11 I think I stopped at gold and silver.
53:14 Some of these I think jasper,
53:16 topaz, I think I've seen that.
53:18 But most of these I don't know,
53:19 but all of them are considered precious stones in God's sight.
53:25 Right, colors of the rainbow.
53:27 That's wonderful in the streaming,
53:28 that's a beautiful way of thinking about it,
53:30 all the colors of the rainbow
53:33 from one hue perfectly blending into the other.
53:36 That's just like God, God can do that.
53:38 Because the rainbow is an indication
53:40 of the promise of God.
53:42 It's unfortunate that it means something different
53:44 in our world today.
53:46 Okay, the foundations.
53:47 So for the foundations put what?
53:50 Twelve precious stones.
53:54 Twelve precious stones for the foundations.
53:59 Wow.
54:00 Now this one's gonna blow your mind.
54:02 We got the size, the walls,
54:04 the construction of the walls,
54:06 the foundations
54:08 but now let's check this one out,
54:09 the gates and streets,
54:12 the gates and streets.
54:17 This will blow you away.
54:19 Because the first question I ask myself
54:21 is what oyster did he get it from?
54:24 "The twelve gates were," What?
54:27 "Twelve pearls,
54:29 each individual gate was of," what?
54:35 "One pearl."
54:37 Loraine, don't lose sleep over that one.
54:39 But it's hard.
54:41 It's hard to think of one gate made of one pearl.
54:45 Lord, have mercy.
54:48 And how tall is that gate gonna be?
54:51 At least about two, it could be 217.
54:53 Have you ever seen a 217 foot high pearl?
54:58 I would imagine the size of that oyster.
55:00 But God doesn't need an oyster.
55:02 God doesn't need an oyster, right?
55:05 To create a pearl because He's just God.
55:06 That's the bottom line.
55:08 But each individual gate was of one pearl
55:12 and some people tripping over going to Paris.
55:16 Man, you can keep Paris while they want...
55:22 They rather wear the pearls and anyway.
55:25 "And the streets of the city was," what?
55:29 "Pure gold like," what?
55:31 "Transparent glass."
55:33 This has blown me away.
55:36 This is just amazing.
55:37 So we got the size, the walls, the construction of the walls,
55:41 the foundations, the gates in the streets.
55:43 Wow,
55:45 what an amazing description of this glorious city,
55:50 that one day is going to be on earth.
55:53 Because you read in Revelation 21
55:55 that it's gonna one day descend from God out of heaven,
55:59 it's going to come down to this earth.
56:00 One day this earth is going to be the place
56:03 where this New Jerusalem is going to be housed.
56:06 But let's get one more one if we can.
56:08 Question number 21.
56:10 Question number 21.
56:12 How does the Bible describe the source of the city's light?
56:17 How does the Bible describe the source of the city's light?
56:23 Let's go to Revelation 21:22-23.
56:27 Revelation 21:22-23.
56:29 Let's look at it very quickly.
56:31 Here it is.
56:33 "But I saw no temple in it,
56:35 for the Lord God Almighty,
56:38 and the Lamb are its temple.
56:42 The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it,"
56:47 let's read this together with some strength,
56:49 "for the glory of God illuminated it.
56:54 The Lamb is its light."
56:57 Amen to that?
56:58 So here we're gonna be in the city,
57:00 now you gotta get this.
57:02 I'm gonna suggest you, it's not gonna be a dim light.
57:05 It's not gonna be 120 lumens.
57:08 You got to know about lumens.
57:11 The glory of God is bright.
57:13 The glory of the Lamb is bright, unspeakable.
57:17 All this pure gold, all these precious stones,
57:22 do you think that a mortal
57:25 can handle that kind of brightness?
57:29 There's nobody up there right now in heaven
57:31 walking around on these golden streets.
57:33 When that time comes, we're going to be able
57:35 to abide in the glory
57:37 of the light of the God Almighty,
57:40 and the Lamb Christ Jesus.
57:42 Amen somebody?
57:43 What a glorious place is going to be, walls, construction,
57:47 foundations, gates,
57:49 all these precious and beautiful stones
57:52 are nothing in comparison
57:54 to the beauty of God and of the Lamb.
57:56 So keep on trusting,
57:57 keep on giving your heart to Christ
58:00 'cause one day if it doesn't make sense,
58:02 it will come into A Sharper Focus.
58:04 God bless you.


Revised 2019-07-12