A Sharper Focus

The Sanctuary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Dinzey


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000083

00:19 Hello and welcome to Wednesday night Bible study.
00:22 We are happy that you're with us,
00:24 wherever you are watching us from.
00:26 We are here at the Thompsonville,
00:28 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:30 And we have here a group ready with their Bibles open.
00:33 Well, most of you do.
00:35 And we encourage you to open your Bible
00:37 and join us for this Bible study.
00:39 This Bible study comes to you every Wednesday night,
00:42 and most of the time, live, so we encourage you to join in.
00:46 It is called A Sharper Focus. Why?
00:48 Because we want to take a closer look
00:51 at God's message in the Bible,
00:54 and to be able to have a sharper focus
00:55 to know what is going to happen upon this earth,
00:58 so we can be prepared.
00:59 And so that we can know that God has a special plan
01:03 for each and every one of us.
01:05 So we have a break in our normal study
01:10 that Pastor Lomacang is leading out in.
01:13 So today we're going to study a message
01:16 that I believe will be a blessing.
01:19 When I was first studying these things,
01:21 it was a tremendous blessing to realize
01:24 that God has a plan for us,
01:27 and that we have a glorious future.
01:32 And so I praise the Lord for that.
01:34 So before we continue, of course,
01:36 we'd like to go to the Lord in prayer.
01:38 We'd like to say that 3ABN
01:39 has one of the largest prayer team in the world,
01:43 because we have several thousand people
01:47 that are in the prayer ministry,
01:49 that when prayer requests are mentioned,
01:52 through our radio network,
01:54 or put on the screen on television,
01:57 people join in and pray for those,
01:59 when they see them.
02:00 And some have actually enlisted
02:02 or are part of our prayer partner teams
02:04 all over the world.
02:05 And I think the last time I talked
02:08 to Pastor Hastings and he told me,
02:10 "We were in over 200 countries
02:12 where people pray for the request."
02:13 So we praise the Lord for that.
02:15 There is power in God, and so we trust in Him,
02:20 that we can come to Him
02:22 and He invites us to ask that we may receive.
02:26 So I want to encourage you to open your Bible with us,
02:28 perhaps you may want to jot down some of these texts
02:31 that we're going to be looking at,
02:33 and continue studying this topic
02:35 because it is an important topic.
02:38 I must say that those of you that have been with me
02:42 in the Saturday afternoon here
02:44 at Thompsonville in our sanctuary study,
02:46 we have looked into some of this,
02:48 but we're gonna go a little further today.
02:50 So we asked you to join us.
02:53 And so before we begin, we go to the Lord in prayer.
02:56 So those of you at home can join us
02:58 wherever you may be,
02:59 let us go to the Lord in prayer.
03:02 Our loving Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus' name.
03:07 And we pray, Lord, that You will bless us
03:10 and lead us and teach us as we study Your Holy Word.
03:15 We thank You, Lord, that at any time of the day,
03:18 we can come before Your throne of grace.
03:21 And You are always there, attentive, waiting for us.
03:25 You're not on a far journey, You're not sleeping,
03:28 You're always attentive
03:30 to our prayer needs and our concerns.
03:33 So we bring You this concern,
03:34 our need to understand better the scriptures.
03:37 So we pray for Your Holy Spirit to guide us,
03:39 teach us and help us to understand the verses
03:43 that we're going to study tonight.
03:46 And we pray that even if one of these verses
03:49 helps someone understand something,
03:51 we praise Your name for that.
03:52 So we ask You for these blessings.
03:54 And we ask Your blessing upon all that are here present,
03:57 and those that are joining us in any part this world.
04:01 We pray that You will be near them and bless them.
04:02 We ask in Jesus' name, amen.
04:06 Amen!
04:07 Well, today we're gonna talk about
04:09 "The Recovery of the Lost Dominion."
04:14 And so this topic really takes us
04:16 to the beginning of God's Word,
04:18 where we read in Genesis 1:1,
04:22 does anybody know what the Bible says about that?
04:24 "In the beginning," what?
04:25 "God created the heavens and the earth."
04:28 We cannot go through the full narrative
04:30 at this time.
04:31 But I invite you to go to Genesis 1:26-28.
04:37 And let us see what God tells us there.
04:42 Notice what the scripture say.
04:45 Genesis 1:26-28.
04:48 If you have it, please say amen.
04:49 Amen.
04:50 Good, we have at least two witnesses,
04:52 so we go forward.
04:53 "And God said, 'Let us make man in our image,
04:58 after our likeness.
05:00 And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
05:04 and over the fowl of the air,
05:06 and over the cattle, and over all the earth,
05:08 and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.'"
05:11 Verse 27, "So God created man in His own image,
05:15 in the image of God created he him,
05:17 male and female created he them.
05:20 And God blessed them.
05:22 And God said unto them, 'Be fruitful, and multiply,
05:26 and replenish the earth, and subdue it.
05:28 And have," what?
05:30 "Dominion over the fish of the sea,
05:32 and over the fowl of the air,
05:33 and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.'"
05:37 So we see here that God, first of all,
05:40 created man and woman in His image.
05:43 What a privilege God has given to this human race.
05:47 We have been created in God's image.
05:51 But God gave them many gifts, freedom of choice.
05:56 And we see some of these things developed
05:59 as you continue reading about the creation, story.
06:03 God gave them freedom of choice.
06:06 And one of the things we want to bring out here
06:09 is that God gave them dominion.
06:12 He gave them dominion,
06:13 according to the things that we mentioned.
06:15 And so Genesis 1:31,
06:18 we see here that God is looking at everything
06:21 that He has made and makes a declaration.
06:25 Notice it. Genesis 1:31,
06:27 "And God saw everything that he had made, and," what?
06:32 "Behold, it was?"
06:34 Very good. "Very good.
06:36 And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."
06:39 God doesn't make mediocre things.
06:41 He doesn't make things that look, "Oh, less.
06:44 Okay."
06:45 He make things that are very good, perfect.
06:48 And it pleased Him to look at His creation and say,
06:52 "Everything is very good."
06:54 Question.
06:56 Does that include Adam and Eve?
06:58 Oh, sure.
06:59 Adam and Eve were included in that declaration
07:01 that everything He had made was very good.
07:05 What did God do next after this?
07:08 Came the seventh day.
07:10 The seventh day came
07:11 and He rested from all His work that He had created
07:14 and made the Bible declares unto us.
07:16 So I would like to encourage you to consider this.
07:21 When God created Adam and Eve, all their thoughts were holy,
07:27 all their thoughts were very good,
07:30 all that was in their mind was to please God,
07:33 who had given them so many wonderful things.
07:36 So all their actions were very good actions.
07:39 They were created...
07:41 Let's look at this.
07:42 This is marvelous to see in the scriptures,
07:47 in Ephesians 2:10.
07:49 We are going to see one of the reasons
07:55 why God created this world, and those that live in it.
08:00 Ephesians 2:10, tells us, "For we are His workmanship,
08:04 created in Christ Jesus unto good works,
08:09 which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."
08:14 So what were Adam and Eve supposed to walk in them?
08:17 In good works, to do good things.
08:21 So Adam and Eve were presented
08:24 with beautiful things to behold.
08:26 I mean, they could go anywhere in God's creation and say,
08:30 "Wow, this is very good.
08:32 That's beautiful.
08:34 That's wonderful."
08:35 And so it was a marvelous experience.
08:39 I invite you now to Isaiah 43:7.
08:43 Isaiah 43:7.
08:46 In Isaiah 43:7,
08:48 I do not have this on the screen
08:50 for you this time.
08:51 But in Isaiah 43:7,
08:55 we are further going to see a declaration
08:59 that helps us understand how everything was done.
09:02 Isaiah 43:7,
09:04 "Even every one that is called by my name,
09:07 for I have created him for my glory,
09:10 I have formed him.
09:12 Yes, I have made him."
09:13 So every individual
09:16 was supposed to declare God's glory.
09:19 They were supposed to reflect God's glory.
09:22 Does that remind you of a place in,
09:25 well, Matthew 5:16.
09:27 What does it say in Matthew 5:16?
09:28 I will begin it and you will help me finish it.
09:31 "Let your light," therefore,
09:32 "so shine before men, that," what?
09:37 Okay, we hear the rumbling.
09:38 So what the text is, "Let your light," therefore,
09:40 "so shine before men,
09:42 that they may see your good works and," what?
09:45 "Glorify your Father which is in heaven."
09:47 So the things that Adam and Eve were supposed to do,
09:51 they were supposed to glorify their Father in heaven.
09:55 So this is how they were to live.
09:58 Now, unfortunately,
10:03 we know that sin came in as an interruption.
10:05 And we're gonna just go over that quickly.
10:07 But first I would like to take to Matthew 22:36:40.
10:12 Matthew 22:36:40.
10:15 When we think of God's Ten Commandments,
10:18 which God has declared unto us in Exodus Chapter 20,
10:24 we see that Jesus summarized The Ten Commandments
10:29 in these two declarations,
10:31 so the two great commandments revealed in Matthew 22:36:40.
10:35 What do the scriptures tell us?
10:37 "Master," someone comes to Jesus, "Master,
10:39 which is the great commandment in the law?"
10:43 Verse 37, "Jesus said unto him," what?
10:46 "'Thou shall love the Lord thy God
10:49 with all thy heart,
10:50 and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.'
10:55 This is the first and great commandment.'"
10:58 So first of all, he was supposed to love God
11:00 with all his heart, his soul, and his mind.
11:03 Now, let's look at the second,
11:05 "And the second is like unto it,"
11:07 say it with me,
11:09 "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as," what?
11:13 "As thyself.'"
11:14 And Jesus declares in verse 40,
11:16 "On these two commandments
11:18 hang all the law and the prophets."
11:21 So what do we see summarized here,
11:23 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart,
11:25 and love your neighbor as yourself.
11:28 These two great commandments,
11:29 and these two hang all the law and the prophets," Jesus says.
11:32 And this is the way Adam and Eve were supposed to live,
11:36 and they would have continued to live this way,
11:40 had not the tempter come,
11:42 had not Satan come in to interrupt their happiness.
11:47 And so, one provision was made,
11:50 and most of us know the story very well.
11:53 Genesis 2:16-17.
11:56 If you join me there,
11:58 Genesis 2:16-17.
12:03 So as we look at Genesis 2:16-17,
12:08 we read the following.
12:10 "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying,
12:13 of every tree of the garden, thou mayest freely eat."
12:18 You see, freedom of choice expressed there.
12:21 "But of the tree of the knowledge
12:23 of good and evil,
12:25 thou shalt not eat of it,
12:26 for in the day that thou eatest thereof
12:28 thou shalt surely die."
12:34 So, that was the one prohibition.
12:36 Question.
12:38 Did Adam and Eve obey God in this regard?
12:43 At first they did.
12:45 At first they did.
12:47 There was not a temptation,
12:49 there was nothing in them that will desire that tree.
12:53 They would pass by the tree and say,
12:55 "Oh, yes, that's the tree
12:56 that God said not to eat it off."
12:57 Because they had, how many?
12:59 They had, who knows how many hundreds,
13:00 if perhaps thousands of trees of which they could eat off.
13:04 Of every tree in the garden you could freely eat.
13:06 And so if you have hundreds and hundreds
13:09 of things you could do,
13:11 and God said, "Don't do this one thing."
13:14 Is that hard or is that easy?
13:17 It's very easy to say, "Oh, God has given me so much.
13:20 And he just said, don't eat of that.
13:22 That's not a big deal.
13:23 We can handle that."
13:24 And so that's what it was.
13:26 Of course, we remember the narrative
13:28 that Satan came in to tempt Eve.
13:30 We're not gonna go through that whole narrative.
13:32 But we all know that Adam and Eve failed this test.
13:37 It was a test of loyalty.
13:40 So what happened after Adam and Eve sin?
13:44 Did they die right away? No.
13:46 Let's take a look at that.
13:48 And consider the ramifications
13:51 of what happened to Adam and Eve.
13:53 They were created, very good.
13:56 All their thoughts were pure and holy.
13:58 Their thoughts were very good.
14:00 But when they sinned, their nature became corrupt.
14:04 They lost the privilege to eat
14:06 of the trees that were in the garden
14:09 because they were cast out of the garden.
14:12 And they were forbidden
14:13 from eating of the tree of life.
14:17 Also, they lost the privilege to live in the Garden of Eden.
14:20 They were what?
14:22 Cast out of the Garden of Eden.
14:24 Does that remind you of another individual
14:27 with a group of people that were cast out?
14:29 Satan was cast out of heaven, for what?
14:32 For disobedience as well.
14:34 And so, they also lost the privilege
14:36 of open communion with God.
14:38 Question.
14:39 Did they have open communion with God?
14:42 Yes.
14:43 There is a hint given to us that God would meet with them,
14:48 because it says that they heard the voice of God, what?
14:52 Walking in the cool of the day.
14:55 And so, we can conclude that God did this.
15:00 And so on this particular day, when they sinned,
15:04 what do you think
15:05 would be the natural reaction of them
15:07 before they sinned when they heard God
15:09 walking in the midst of the garden?
15:11 Oh, God is here.
15:12 Let's go talk to him.
15:14 And tell him about the experience of today,
15:16 the things we've seen, and the things we've heard.
15:19 But after sin, what were they doing,
15:20 they were hiding from God.
15:24 And so God has to search for them.
15:26 So they lost their privilege of open communion with God.
15:30 They also lost the dominion
15:36 that God gave to them.
15:38 God gave them dominion over every,
15:41 all the fish, all the animals, and over every living thing.
15:45 They lost that dominion.
15:47 And where did it go?
15:49 Who then had it?
15:50 That's what we're gonna look at tonight
15:52 and how God delivered us from even that.
15:55 Isaiah 59:2,
15:57 that's the place we'd like to go with you.
15:59 Isaiah 59:2,
16:01 explains to us the natural reaction
16:04 or the consequences of those
16:07 that live in sin and choose to sin.
16:10 Isaiah 59:2.
16:13 If you found it, say amen.
16:14 Amen. Okay.
16:16 Notice what the Bible says,
16:18 "But your iniquities have separated
16:20 between you and your God,
16:23 and your sins have hid his face from you,
16:25 and that he will not hear."
16:27 So Adam and Eve,
16:28 they lost this privilege of open communion with God
16:31 and so God had to withdraw Himself from them.
16:35 Question.
16:36 Now we go to Romans 6:16.
16:39 Romans 6:16,
16:41 further reveals to us what happens
16:44 when an individual sins or when Adam and Eve sinned.
16:48 In Romans 6:16...
16:51 I hear a few pages turning, we'll wait a few seconds.
16:55 Romans 6:16.
17:01 We read.
17:02 "Know ye not,
17:04 that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey,
17:08 his servants you are to whom ye obey.
17:11 Whether of sin unto death,
17:12 or obedience unto righteousness?"
17:15 So when Adam and Eve sinned, what happened to them?
17:17 They became servants of the one that had overcome them.
17:24 They were his lawful captive,
17:28 had not God stepped in to rescue them.
17:32 This is why He came looking for them,
17:34 they would have remained in that condition.
17:39 I wish we had more time to look into some aspects of this,
17:41 but we have to move in a certain direction,
17:43 so we cannot dwell on this.
17:46 Let me just summarize by saying this question.
17:50 Did Adam and Eve respond favorably to God
17:54 when He approached them?
17:55 Yes or no?
17:56 No.
17:59 Did they respond favorably to the Lord?
18:02 Well, the initial response was to hide from the Lord.
18:05 But when the Lord came to them,
18:08 and presented to them His plan of rescue,
18:11 they didn't reject the plan.
18:13 They didn't say, "Oh, no, no, no,
18:15 we don't want the seed of the woman
18:17 to strike the head of the serpent."
18:20 They didn't say no to that.
18:22 And we see that they
18:23 maintain somewhat of a relationship
18:25 with the Lord.
18:27 Let me just give you this example.
18:28 What did Eve say when her first son was born?
18:31 Let me see.
18:33 Did anybody remember?
18:34 "I have gotten a man from," who?
18:38 "From the Lord."
18:40 When Cain was born, she says,
18:42 "I have gotten a man from the Lord."
18:45 So somehow they were still acknowledging God,
18:48 and were maintaining a relationship with Him.
18:50 Because God promised them
18:52 that through the seed of the woman,
18:54 the deliverer would come,
18:56 that would stomp and crush the head of the serpent.
18:59 So she said,
19:00 "I have gotten a man from the Lord."
19:02 So there is this maintaining
19:04 of a relationship with the Lord,
19:06 responded favorably in that respect.
19:07 They didn't say,
19:09 "No, we don't want Your plan of salvation.
19:10 We want nothing to do with you.
19:12 We found a new ruler, a new leader, a new king,
19:14 and that's whom we will follow."
19:16 No, Adam and Eve maintained a relationship with the Lord.
19:20 How else do we know?
19:21 What do we see Cain and Abel doing
19:23 later on in the narrative, in the Bible?
19:26 They were offering, what?
19:28 Sacrifices to God.
19:30 So they responded favorably to the Lord
19:32 and tried to maintain a relationship with Him.
19:35 Of course, Satan was always trying
19:36 to interrupt that relationship
19:39 they were trying to have with the Lord.
19:41 So in 2 Peter 2:19, 2 Peter 2:19.
19:47 Let's move there.
19:49 And it helps us to further understand
19:53 some of the things that took place.
19:55 2 Peter 2:19.
19:59 Anybody find that yet, say amen.
20:00 Amen.
20:02 Okay, praise the Lord.
20:03 Let's read that.
20:06 Notice some of the words here.
20:07 "While they promise them liberty,
20:10 they themselves are the servants of corruption.
20:15 For of whom a man is overcome,
20:17 of the same he is brought in bondage."
20:19 Question.
20:21 Did Satan when he presented his temptations,
20:24 promise them more than they had?
20:27 You're gonna be as God's knowing good and evil,
20:30 promise them liberty from God in some respect.
20:34 You're gonna be as God knowing good and evil.
20:37 So he promised them something
20:39 that was really not in his hand to give to them.
20:43 But it says here,
20:45 that they became servants of corruption.
20:49 And they were brought into bondage.
20:53 So the scriptures reveal to us.
20:57 Let's move back to Genesis 9:2.
20:59 Genesis 9:2.
21:02 This is after the flood.
21:04 But it reveals something that happens after creation,
21:08 because the whole nature was impacted by creation.
21:15 I would say to you
21:16 that God created everything that He had made,
21:18 that animals responded favorably
21:21 to Adam and Eve.
21:24 You know, there are very few animals
21:25 that respond favorably to man right now.
21:27 Can you name a few?
21:31 Dogs and cats, right?
21:33 And there are a few that might warm up to you
21:36 after you treat them nicely.
21:38 You know, dogs come wagging their tail,
21:40 cats come and rub against you.
21:42 But what about the other animals?
21:44 Has anybody say,
21:45 "There's a lion, let's go pet it?"
21:47 No, you might become lunch that day.
21:50 Or a crocodile.
21:51 Who will go over and fed a croc...
21:53 No.
21:54 You see, there was the nature was impacted as well.
21:58 This is why I want to take you to Genesis 9:2.
22:01 We read there,
22:02 "And the fear of you and the dread of you
22:05 shall be upon every beast of the earth,
22:07 and upon every fowl of the air,
22:09 and upon all that moveth upon the earth,
22:11 and upon all the fishes of the sea,
22:13 into your hand they are delivered."
22:15 Even though man has somewhat of a leadership role,
22:21 his mind was beyond the minds of the animal,
22:25 the brains of the animal,
22:27 but still, they are now afraid of us.
22:30 There are many animals, they look beautiful,
22:32 but when you try to approach them, what?
22:34 They take off running.
22:36 There's fear that came into them
22:39 because of sin.
22:41 So man not only lost dominion,
22:44 but he also lost a relationship he could have with creation
22:48 that was interrupted by Satan.
22:52 I'd like to take you now to Ezekiel Chapter 28.
22:59 Ezekiel Chapter 28.
23:00 We are going to read there a little bit.
23:03 We do not have time to go
23:05 into all of this here that happened.
23:07 This takes us to the time
23:09 when Satan revealed Himself as a sinner.
23:14 I like to say this first before we continue.
23:18 We're gonna read it.
23:19 God created in all His creation,
23:22 He created them perfect in every way.
23:26 Sin revealed itself,
23:28 not that it was hidden in any one,
23:32 but that it surfaced let's say
23:35 in one of God's created being known as Lucifer.
23:43 Well, let's read it here.
23:44 Let's read it in Ezekiel 28:14-16.
23:50 Unfortunately, we cannot take all the time
23:53 we need to develop this.
23:55 However, let's read it.
23:56 "Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth.
23:59 I have set thee so,
24:01 thou wast upon the holy mountain of God,
24:03 thou hast walked up and down
24:05 in the midst of the stones of fire.
24:07 Thou wast," what?
24:09 "Perfect in thy ways from the day
24:12 that thou wast created,
24:13 till iniquity was found in thee.
24:16 By the multitude of thy merchandise
24:19 they have filled the midst of thee with violence,
24:21 and thou hast sinned.
24:22 Therefore I will," what?
24:23 "Cast thee as a profane out of the mountain of God.
24:29 And I will destroy thee, O covering cherub,
24:31 from the midst of the stones of fire."
24:34 So Lucifer was created perfect.
24:36 And if you examine these narrative,
24:39 these scriptures here.
24:41 When it says,
24:43 thou was perfect in all thy ways,
24:46 from the moment you were created,
24:48 till iniquity was founded thee.
24:49 In other words,
24:51 if you were had the capability
24:53 to have whatever sophisticated equipment
24:57 you may need to see it, there's iniquity in Lucifer,
25:02 you could examine him from the day he was created
25:05 for who knows how long,
25:06 because the Bible doesn't tell us
25:08 how long this happened.
25:09 And you would say, "Oh, he's perfect.
25:11 He's perfect in every way.
25:12 All his thoughts are perfect, all his actions are perfect."
25:16 And that's how it would be.
25:18 Eventually, Lucifer began to desire something
25:22 that was not in his privilege to have.
25:26 Of course, you can go to Isaiah 14,
25:29 and Revelation 12 and see a little more,
25:31 but he desired to take God's throne.
25:34 Remember, in Isaiah 14, it says, "I will," what?
25:37 "Exalt my throne above.
25:40 I will be," like?
25:43 "The Most High."
25:44 So he desired something.
25:46 And so I will say to you that it surfaced in him.
25:51 He created, it originated with Lucifer.
25:55 But we really cannot give you an explanation
25:58 as to how that happened.
26:00 We only know the reasons why he desired something
26:03 that he had no prerogative or no privilege to have.
26:08 So now I invite you to go to Revelation Chapter 12.
26:13 And as we go there, I ask you this question.
26:16 What does it say that happened to Lucifer after he sinned,
26:19 he was what?
26:21 Cast out of where?
26:22 The mountain of God or heaven.
26:25 Does it say they were he was cast out to?
26:29 No.
26:30 It just says he was cast out.
26:33 Question.
26:34 Would it be fair for him to be cast out into your house?
26:39 What would you say
26:41 if the President of the United States...
26:46 You received a call from him one day,
26:49 and he would say to you,
26:50 "Jim, this is the President of the United States.
26:54 We have a serious problem.
26:57 We have a prisoner that has committed
27:00 all the worst crimes you could possibly imagine.
27:03 And we have selected your home
27:07 for him to live there with you.
27:10 We thank you for your loyalty.
27:13 And we will be sending him right away."
27:16 What would you say?
27:20 Why my house?
27:21 What about the neighbor?
27:23 He looks more deserving.
27:25 What about this other guy or this other person?
27:28 Why my house?
27:30 You see, you would consider that unfair, perhaps.
27:34 You would say, "Wait a minute,
27:36 send him somewhere else, please."
27:39 So you see God in His love for us
27:43 will not send him here to live here.
27:46 Only when Adam and Eve fulfill the conditions
27:50 that we've talked about,
27:51 of whom a person overcome, he becomes that person's, what?
27:55 Servant.
27:57 You become in bondage to the individual.
27:59 Only when that condition exists,
28:01 and God could say,
28:02 "Okay, you have chosen him as your ruler.
28:04 You have chosen him as your master.
28:07 He now can live where you live."
28:11 So when those conditions are fulfilled,
28:13 is when Satan can live here.
28:16 Now mind you, he can prior to that visit,
28:19 which is what he was doing in the Garden of Eden,
28:22 trying to persuade Adam and Eve to sin.
28:25 But he could not rightfully live here.
28:29 Why not?
28:33 One, it will not be fair, because God is love.
28:35 He doesn't want anyone to suffer in any way.
28:38 Because the Bible says,
28:39 "God is not willing that any should perish."
28:43 So those are some of the reasons,
28:44 we could go into further reasons.
28:45 But let's go to Revelation 12:7-9,
28:49 and read what the Bible tells us here.
28:51 In Revelation 12:7-9, we read...
28:55 If you found it, say amen.
28:56 Amen.
28:57 "And there was war in heaven.
29:00 Michael and his angels fought against the dragon,
29:02 and the dragon fought and his angels, and," what?
29:07 "Prevailed not."
29:09 The next part tells us,
29:10 "Neither was their place found any more in heaven."
29:14 Okay.
29:16 So this brings us to the same thought we saw
29:19 in the Book of Ezekiel 28.
29:21 Their place was not found any more in heaven.
29:23 When that declaration is made,
29:26 their place was not found any more in heaven.
29:31 It means they cannot come back and be restored there.
29:35 Why?
29:37 Because they had the high honor and privilege
29:40 of seeing God in all His glory,
29:43 and seeing His love manifested
29:45 in such a way that Adam and Eve had not seen.
29:50 So for him,
29:52 there was no further revelation
29:54 of God's purity and holiness that for Satan and his angels
29:58 that they could behold and be moved to serve Him.
30:04 And so we see here that it says,
30:07 their place one was not found any more in heaven.
30:09 In other words,
30:11 they lost their place because of sin.
30:14 Now, as we continue reading, we read the following words.
30:18 "And the great dragon was cast out."
30:20 And this is sometimes we get a little confused here.
30:23 And we think he was immediately cast down to earth.
30:26 But as I told you before,
30:29 he could not be delivered here,
30:32 placed here, until Adam and Eve sinned,
30:34 he could only visit.
30:35 "And the great dragon was cast out,
30:36 that old serpent, called the Devil
30:38 and Satan, which," what?
30:42 "Which deceiveth the whole world.
30:44 He was cast out into the earth,
30:46 and his angels were cast out with him."
30:47 We'll come back to that in a moment.
30:49 So it says here,
30:51 it includes the phrase or the part that says
30:54 that deceives the whole world.
30:57 And because he deceived Adam and Eve at that time,
31:00 he then had the opportunity to live here.
31:05 So when he was cast out of heaven,
31:07 originally where was he cast out unto?
31:10 We are not told.
31:11 But he had no right to be anywhere,
31:14 because God created everything,
31:15 everything belong to God, the most,
31:19 the best place we could say...
31:22 If you were to take a vote, all the universe, let's vote.
31:25 Where we're gonna cast
31:26 Satan and his angels that have sinned?
31:29 Well, nobody will want them to live with them.
31:31 So wherever they?
31:32 We'll cast him out into that deserted place over there
31:35 and set some bounds so he cannot cross over here.
31:39 That's where I would vote.
31:40 Where would you vote?
31:42 I hope you will vote the same to say,
31:44 "Just keep him away from us.
31:46 We don't want anything to do with him,
31:47 because he's nothing but trouble."
31:50 Okay, so let's consider the scriptures here.
31:55 I invite you to look at verse 10 for a moment.
31:57 Revelation 12:10.
31:59 Notice what it says here.
32:01 And there are things...
32:02 Revelation Chapter 12 takes you to a broad sweep of history.
32:06 And it says, "And I heard a loud voice in heaven,
32:11 'Now is come salvation, and strength,
32:15 and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ,
32:19 for the accuser of our brethren is cast down,
32:23 which accused them before our God day and night.'"
32:27 So you see here a time frame put in place
32:30 that helps us understand that he was accusing,
32:33 when this declaration is made,
32:36 it is said that he was accusing
32:38 the brethren, what?
32:39 Day and night.
32:42 So this is after he sinned.
32:44 But he was accusing the brethren day and night.
32:46 Question.
32:48 When could it be said that now it's come salvation,
32:53 and strength and the kingdom of our God?
32:57 I would like to suggest to you
33:01 that's not when Satan is cast out of heaven,
33:03 neither is that when Satan is cast out
33:06 into the earth.
33:08 This is when Jesus Christ dies on the cross,
33:13 and He secures salvation for the human race.
33:17 And there is rejoicing in heaven
33:21 and in all the universe
33:22 that understands He has done it.
33:24 He has lived a perfect life.
33:27 He has overcome the devil.
33:28 He was tempted in all points, such as every one of us is,
33:32 and has been what?
33:34 Without sin,
33:35 and dies on the cross for the human race.
33:38 This is when it can be said, salvation is come.
33:42 Amen? Amen.
33:43 Amen.
33:44 And so let me bring you to some things
33:47 that we see here.
33:49 Yeah, you can further study this.
33:51 But there are three things that take place
33:55 in the life of Lucifer,
33:57 such as when you study these things,
34:00 Revelation 12, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28.
34:04 One, he was cast out of heaven.
34:07 Two, after Adam and Eve sinned, he was cast into the earth,
34:11 it says in Revelation 12:7-9.
34:15 He was cast into the earth.
34:18 You'll see that in verse 9, it says,
34:22 "He was cast out into the earth."
34:26 But in Revelation 12:10, a different wording is used.
34:32 And what is that?
34:33 It says,
34:36 "The accuser of our brethren is," what?
34:40 "Cast down,"
34:42 which is a different terminology,
34:45 and different circumstances are now in place.
34:49 One, cast out of heaven.
34:50 Two, after Adam and Eve sinned, cast into the earth.
34:54 And three, he was cast down to the earth,
34:57 and limited here,
34:59 because Christ was victorious upon the cross.
35:04 Let's go to Revelation Chapter 12.
35:06 I'm sorry, John 12:31.
35:09 John 12:31.
35:11 Time is moving quickly, as it always does.
35:15 So John 12:31,
35:18 I'd like to ask people to read as I'm presenting study,
35:21 but we don't have microphones available for you.
35:23 So I'm sorry,
35:26 I have to be doing the talking here.
35:28 Revelation, I'm sorry,
35:29 John 12:31, what does Jesus say?
35:31 Now is the judgment of this world,
35:35 now shall the prince of this world," be what?
35:39 "Cast out."
35:40 Wait a minute, what is Jesus saying?
35:43 Wasn't He cast out before?
35:45 Do you remember what Jesus said prior to this,
35:47 when the disciples came to Him?
35:50 And they said,
35:51 "Lord, even the demons are subject unto us."
35:55 What did Jesus say?
35:57 "I saw Satan
36:00 cast down from heaven as lightning."
36:04 This is a different time frame.
36:07 This is after a different setting,
36:10 where Jesus is saying,
36:12 "Now is the accuser of our brethren..."
36:14 I'm sorry, it brings you to Revelation 12,
36:16 the same idea.
36:18 Now is the prince of this world, cast out.
36:21 So let's go into Genesis 3:15,
36:26 we take you now again to the place
36:28 where we have good news for Adam and Eve,
36:30 and good news for us.
36:32 Well, when Adam and Eve sinned,
36:33 we'll hold that thought for a moment
36:34 there about Satan being cast out and cast down.
36:38 Now in Genesis 3:15, we made reference to it,
36:42 but we did not read it.
36:44 So Genesis 3:15 tells us,
36:46 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,"
36:50 God is talking to the serpent,
36:52 "and between thy seed and her seed,
36:56 it shall bruise thy head,"
36:57 that is the seed of the woman,
36:59 "and thou shall bruise his heel."
37:02 Satan was only able to bruise the heel of Christ,
37:06 but Christ was able to crush the head of the serpent.
37:09 Praise the Lord for that.
37:11 So when Adam and Eve sinned,
37:13 and we asked the question before, did they die?
37:16 No, they didn't. Why wasn't that they die?
37:18 What were the reasons?
37:19 We understand the reasons to be that
37:22 as soon as there was a sinner, there was already a savior.
37:27 And I praise the Lord for that.
37:29 One of the places that helps us to understand that
37:32 is in Revelation 13:8, a lot of scriptures,
37:34 but they help us to understand what we're talking about.
37:36 Revelation 13:8, it gives us a glimpse,
37:40 it is talking about something that doesn't seem related
37:45 to what the last part of the verse is mentioning.
37:49 But let us go to Revelation 13:8
37:51 to help us understand what this is.
37:54 Revelation 13:8,
37:55 "And all that dwell upon the earth
37:57 shall worship him," that is the beast,
37:59 "whose names are not written in the Book of Life,"
38:03 I'm sorry, "in the Book of Life of the Lamb,
38:06 slain from the foundation of the world."
38:10 When does it say the Lamb was slain?
38:14 From the foundation of the world.
38:17 Remember, John the Baptist says,
38:19 "Behold, the Lamb of God
38:20 that taketh away the sin of the world."
38:22 So this verse is telling us
38:24 that the promise was already there
38:28 from the foundation of the world,
38:29 that if sin were to enter into the world,
38:32 the Lamb of God would come
38:34 to take away the sin of the world.
38:36 Praise the Lord for that.
38:38 And so if we ask the question, why did Adam and Eve sin?
38:44 As soon as there was a sinner, there was a savior.
38:47 Now, remember, Adam and Eve lost dominion
38:52 over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
38:55 and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
39:00 So who got the dominion?
39:02 Remember, we talked about that when somebody is overcome,
39:05 they become servants of the one that overcame them.
39:09 So this is why John 14:30
39:11 is important in understanding this.
39:14 John 14:30,
39:16 Jesus here helps us understand something about the devil,
39:22 He calls him something in particular,
39:24 in this verse.
39:26 What does the Bible tell us in John 14:30?
39:29 Jesus says, "Here after I will not talk much with you,
39:34 for the prince of this world cometh
39:36 and have nothing in Me."
39:39 Who is He referring to here?
39:41 He's referring to Satan, He's referring to the devil.
39:44 And He calls him the prince of this world.
39:48 Okay, we have him called the prince of this world
39:51 in John 14:30.
39:52 Now I ask you to move to 2 Corinthians Chapter 4.
39:56 2 Corinthians 4:4.
40:01 2 Corinthians 4:4,
40:03 if you have found it, please say amen.
40:07 Okay, good.
40:09 Here we read,
40:11 "In whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them
40:17 which believe not,
40:18 lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ,
40:21 who is the image of God should shine unto them."
40:26 So here in this verse,
40:28 it calls Satan, the God of this world.
40:31 So we have him called the God of this world,
40:34 the prince of this world, other places,
40:36 he's called the prince of the power of the air.
40:40 And so we see that these titles are given to him.
40:45 And this is because he overcame Adam and Eve.
40:51 Let's move to Job Chapter 1.
40:56 Job Chapter 1.
40:59 I see that we have to move quickly here.
41:02 So hopefully, we can keep together on this.
41:06 In Job Chapter 1
41:08 an interesting scene takes place.
41:11 It takes us back in history.
41:13 And we see some meeting taking place.
41:16 And so we read there, Job 1:6-9.
41:20 "Now there was a day when the sons of God,"
41:23 who came?
41:25 "The sons of God came
41:26 to present themselves before the Lord,
41:29 and Satan came also among them.
41:33 And the Lord said unto Satan, 'Whence cometh thou?'
41:37 Then Satan answered the Lord and said,
41:40 'From going to and fro in the earth,
41:43 and from walking up and down in it.'"
41:45 Now, this may not seem like much to you,
41:47 but I'd like to think, like for me,
41:49 I understand that he's showing,
41:51 I own that place, I can walk up and down in it,
41:54 and go to and fro in it, it's mine.
41:57 He's showing that he has liberty to go
41:59 where he pleases there.
42:01 And so, then answered the Lord and said, from...
42:04 "Then answered Satan,
42:05 "The Lord from going to and fro in the earth,
42:07 and from walking up and down it.
42:09 And the Lord said unto Satan,
42:10 'Hast thou considered My servant Job,
42:12 that there is none like him in the earth,
42:15 a perfect and upright man, one that feareth God,
42:17 and escheweth evil.'
42:19 Then Satan answered the Lord and said,
42:20 'Doth job fear God for nought?'"
42:23 So we hear a challenge begins to take place.
42:27 But this meeting was for the sons of God.
42:33 And it doesn't identify Satan as one of the sons of God,
42:37 because it mentions him as a separate individual,
42:40 not necessarily invited,
42:42 but it says Satan came in among them.
42:45 Why? Why is he doing that?
42:47 How dare he do that?
42:49 But you see, there's something interesting
42:51 that we've been talking about is that Adam had dominion,
42:55 he was given dominion by God.
42:57 And when I say he was given dominion,
42:59 he was still subject to the Lord,
43:02 He always...
43:03 He was supposed to refer to the Lord
43:06 and the Lord is authority overall.
43:09 Why?
43:10 Because the Lord created the earth.
43:11 Adam was just given a representation of dominion.
43:16 And this is what it really is.
43:19 So I ask you this question.
43:23 And I will submit to you
43:24 that Adam was supposed to be in that meeting.
43:27 Adam was supposed to be in that meeting,
43:29 but he lost that privilege.
43:32 Why? Because he was overcome.
43:34 He was now a servant of Satan and bowed,
43:37 would bow down to his authority,
43:40 had not God stepped in.
43:42 In Luke 3:37-38,
43:45 this title, sons of God is given to Adam.
43:50 Let's look at it in Luke Chapter 3,
43:53 eventually you start reading a genealogy,
43:56 a little different from the Book of Matthew,
43:59 which starts in the past and move to the present.
44:02 And the one in Luke Chapter 3,
44:04 starts in the then present and moves backward in time.
44:09 So let's pick it up in Luke 3:37.
44:12 And it says,
44:14 "Which was the son of Methuselah,
44:15 which was the son of Enoch,
44:17 which was the son of Jared,
44:20 which was the son of Maleleel,
44:21 which was the son of Cainan,
44:23 Which was the son of Enos,
44:25 which was the son of Seth,
44:26 which was the son of Adam,
44:28 which was the son of God."
44:31 So here this passage calls Adam the Son of God,
44:36 and who went to the meetings?
44:37 The sons of God.
44:39 So I would suggest to you
44:41 that Adam was supposed to be there,
44:43 but he lost the privilege.
44:46 And so Satan claims to have dominion,
44:50 he usurped the dominion that Adam had,
44:53 and stole that dominion,
44:56 and this is why in Luke Chapter 4...
44:59 In Luke Chapter 4,
45:00 when he was tempting Christ, he makes an offer.
45:06 That is very, very interesting.
45:08 Let's look to Luke 4:5-7.
45:11 Luke 4:5-7, here is the offer.
45:15 Did you find this, say amen?
45:17 Okay.
45:18 "And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain,
45:22 showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world
45:26 in a moment of time.
45:28 And the devil said unto him,
45:30 'All this power will I give thee,
45:34 and the glory of them, for that is," what?
45:38 "Delivered unto me,
45:40 and to whomsoever I will I give it.
45:44 If thou therefore wilt worship me,
45:48 all shall be thine.'"
45:51 What is he offering to Christ?
45:53 He says, "All the kingdoms of the world,"
45:54 and they what?
45:56 They're mine, they're delivered unto me.
45:58 Did they really belong to him?
46:01 He usurped that, he claims them as his
46:04 because he overcame,
46:06 he was victorious over Adam and Eve,
46:09 the representative of the human race.
46:11 But in reality, when you go to Psalm 24:1,
46:17 our time is quickly moving.
46:18 Psalm 24:1, we read the following.
46:22 "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof.
46:27 The world, and they that dwell therein."
46:32 Amen? Amen.
46:34 So who does the earth and everything
46:35 that is in it belong to?
46:37 It belongs to the Lord, but Satan claims them as his.
46:40 That's why Jesus, in a way calls him,
46:42 the prince of this world.
46:43 That's why the Bible calls him the god of this world,
46:45 because for the most part, people are doing his bidding,
46:49 doing what he offers to them as temptations.
46:53 And so now I invite you to or introduce you to a person
46:59 which the Bible calls the second Adam,
47:01 The first Adam failed,
47:03 I introduce you to the second Adam,
47:05 which did not fail.
47:06 So if we move quickly, we can see this in Corinthians,
47:12 I believe it's 1 Corinthians.
47:14 Let me see,
47:15 maybe I have my reference wrong here.
47:16 1 Corinthians Chapter 15.
47:24 Let us go through verse 45 through 47.
47:29 1 Corinthians 15:45-47.
47:35 Yes, 1 Corinthians 15:45-47.
47:39 And so it is written,
47:40 the first Adam was made a living soul.
47:44 The last Adam was made a quickening spirit,
47:48 how bait that was not first which was spiritual,
47:52 but that which is natural,
47:55 and afterward that which is spiritual.
47:57 The first Adam is of the earth, earthly.
48:01 The second man is the Lord from heaven.
48:06 So in this passage,
48:07 it calls Jesus Christ, the second Adam.
48:12 Question. Was the second Adam victorious?
48:15 Amen.
48:16 We quoted a scripture that says
48:17 he was tempted in all points such as we are,
48:20 yet without sin that is found in Hebrews Chapter 4.
48:23 And so, I now invite you to go to Romans Chapter 5,
48:30 Romans Chapter 5,
48:32 and see the development of this thought here.
48:35 What happened with Adam,
48:37 what happens with the second Adam,
48:38 what happened with the first Adam,
48:40 what happened with Jesus Christ?
48:41 The same thing.
48:43 Romans 5:17-19,
48:45 "For if by one man's offence death reigned by one,
48:50 much more they which receive abundance of grace
48:53 and of the gift of righteousness
48:55 shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.
48:59 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment
49:01 came upon all men to condemnation,
49:05 even so by the righteousness of one the free gift
49:09 came upon all men unto justification of life.
49:13 For as by one man's disobedience
49:15 many were made sinners,
49:17 so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous."
49:22 The first Adam that failed, the second Adam,
49:25 that was victorious,
49:27 also called the last Adam in the Bible.
49:30 So you're in Romans Chapter 5.
49:32 Let's look at verse 6-10 of Romans Chapter 5.
49:34 What does the Bible tell us?
49:36 "For when we were yet without strength,
49:39 in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
49:44 For scarcely for a righteous man
49:46 will one die,
49:47 yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.
49:51 But God commendeth His love toward us,
49:54 in that, while we were yet sinners,
49:57 Christ died for us."
49:58 Did I say amen to that?
50:00 Verse 9, "Much more then,
50:02 being now justified by His blood,
50:05 we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
50:09 For if, when we were enemies,
50:11 we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son,
50:14 much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life."
50:20 Praise the Lord for that.
50:22 So the first Adam failed, but the second Adam,
50:25 Jesus Christ lived a perfect life,
50:29 so that He can win back the dominion
50:33 and be able to offer salvation
50:35 to every individual in this world.
50:39 That's why John 3:16 makes it clear.
50:43 "For God so loved the world
50:45 that He gave His only begotten Son,
50:47 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
50:51 but have everlasting life."
50:54 Condition, believe in Him with all of your heart.
50:59 Matthew 28,
51:02 an interesting declaration is made by Christ.
51:04 Matthew 28:18,
51:08 and Matthew 28:18.
51:11 If you found it, please say amen.
51:15 Amen. Here we go.
51:18 "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
51:23 'All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.'"
51:29 Wait a minute, what did he say?
51:33 All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
51:37 What was Satan offering to Him before?
51:39 The kingdoms of the world and everything in them.
51:42 But now he claims,
51:43 I have all power in heaven and in earth?
51:46 Why is he saying that?
51:47 Because when Jesus is making this statement,
51:50 He has already been to the cross,
51:52 He has already suffered for us.
51:54 He was already victorious,
51:56 and Satan could not come near Him,
51:58 because He had already passed
52:01 the greatest test,
52:03 and lived a perfect life for us.
52:05 When He says,
52:06 "All authority or power is given unto me
52:09 in heaven and in earth."
52:11 He's making a statement of victory for us.
52:14 He is saying,
52:16 "I have gained back the dominion."
52:20 Praise the Lord for that.
52:22 So as time draws to a close with us,
52:25 let's see if we can get to Zachariah Chapter 9,
52:28 and a couple of other verses that remain.
52:30 Zachariah Chapter 9.
52:33 Zachariah Chapter 9
52:36 helps us understand this message a little more.
52:39 Zachariah Chapter 9.
52:41 I have to begin reading already.
52:42 So I hope you found it.
52:44 It says, Zachariah 9:9-10,
52:47 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion,
52:49 shout, O daughter of Jerusalem.
52:52 Behold, thy King cometh unto thee,
52:55 He is just, and having salvation."
52:59 Who is that? That's Jesus Christ.
53:01 "Lowly, and riding upon an ass,"
53:03 or a donkey as it says in the New Testament,
53:06 "upon a colt the foal of an ass.
53:08 And I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim,
53:12 and the horse from Jerusalem,
53:14 and the battle bow shall be cut off.
53:16 And he shall speak peace unto the heathen," and what?
53:21 "His dominion shall be from the sea,
53:25 even to the sea,
53:27 and from the river even to the ends of the earth."
53:31 Praise be to God.
53:33 He's talking about Jesus Christ.
53:35 And talking about Him having dominion over
53:38 from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth.
53:41 And I prefer His dominion over Satan's dominion anytime.
53:44 Would you say amen to that?
53:45 Amen.
53:47 All right, Daniel Chapter 7, we can surely finish this one.
53:51 Daniel Chapter 7, is very close to where we were.
53:56 Are you...
53:57 Daniel Chapter 7, if you see there,
53:58 verses 13 and 14,
54:00 those are the ones we are going to read.
54:02 If you found it, say amen.
54:04 Let's read.
54:05 "I saw in the night visions, and behold,
54:07 one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven,
54:11 and came to the Ancient of Days,
54:13 and they brought him near before him.
54:16 And there was given him," what?
54:19 "Dominion, and glory, and a kingdom,
54:22 that all people, nations, and languages should serve Him.
54:27 His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
54:31 which shall not pass away,
54:33 and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."
54:38 Amen, who wants to be part of that kingdom?
54:41 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
54:43 So now, we have time for the last passage
54:46 found in Revelation Chapter 21.
54:49 Revelation 21:4, a very familiar passage,
54:52 but it tells of a time when our suffering has ended,
54:56 or pain is gone, death is gone,
54:59 no more sins, no more temptations,
55:02 peace and happiness forever.
55:04 Revelation 21:1-4,"
55:06 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth
55:11 for the first heaven
55:12 and the first earth were passed away,
55:14 and there was no more sea.
55:17 And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem,
55:21 coming down from God out of heaven,
55:24 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
55:27 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying,
55:31 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
55:35 and He will dwell with them,
55:37 and they shall be His people,
55:39 and God Himself shall be with them,
55:42 and be their God."
55:45 Would you say amen to that?
55:46 Amen. Notice, what else.
55:48 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes,
55:53 and there shall be no more death,
55:55 neither sorrow, nor crying,
55:57 neither shall there be any more pain,
56:01 for the former things are passed away."
56:06 Praise the Lord.
56:07 Jesus Christ is gonna have an everlasting dominion
56:10 that shall never be put away, that shall never be destroyed,
56:14 and He won the victory for us.
56:17 And He was given the first dominion.
56:21 We then read that passage for that
56:22 is on in Micah Chapter 4,
56:24 it says, "That He is given the first dominion."
56:28 I praise the Lord for the victory
56:29 that we can find in Christ.
56:31 I praise the Lord that we can read in the scriptures,
56:34 and understand that,
56:36 even though sin has come into the world,
56:38 God has a plan to save us from this world of sin,
56:43 this world of suffering,
56:45 and give us eternal life full and free
56:49 with the guarantee that only God can give.
56:53 You know, you have companies
56:54 offering you money back guarantee,
56:58 lifetime of this, or a lifetime of that,
57:00 but this is limited to what God is offering.
57:04 And I liked the description.
57:06 You know, it says that He's offering eternal life.
57:09 But as you continue reading,
57:11 you begin to understand that this is talking
57:14 about a quality of life
57:16 that is beyond anything we can imagine.
57:19 The Bible says,
57:20 "That I have not seen, neither ear heard,
57:22 neither have entered into the thoughts of men,
57:24 the things that God has prepared for His children."
57:27 He tells us there's not gonna be any more pain, nor sorrow,
57:30 nor sickness, nor death,
57:31 nor any such thing that causes suffering upon His children.
57:34 And I long to see that world.
57:37 In this world, there's too much suffering,
57:39 too much pain,
57:40 and too much of things we would rather live without.
57:45 How many of you are looking forward to that day
57:47 when everything will be restored?
57:49 I praise the Lord for that.
57:50 And I want to encourage everyone watching, listening,
57:53 that you also will take your side
57:55 with the Lord,
57:56 that you also will choose His dominion,
57:58 that you would choose His peace and His salvation
58:01 which is full and free.
58:02 Do it now.


Revised 2019-07-12