A Sharper Focus

The Truth about the Millennium, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000078

00:18 We pray that the Spirit of God will speak to your heart
00:22 and guide you through His Word.
00:26 We know that the Lord always has blessings in store for us,
00:29 so thank you for tuning in.
00:31 Tonight we're beginning a new topic.
00:34 The topic entitled,
00:35 "The Truth about the Millennium."
00:37 Say that word together, millennium.
00:40 A number of years ago when I was in New York City
00:42 with Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:46 The entire series was referred
00:48 to as the Millennium of Prophecy.
00:50 And that was one word that was a tongue twister to me
00:53 for various reasons.
00:54 So I had to figure out a way to say it.
00:56 And so tonight
00:58 I will encourage you if you are also,
01:00 if your tongue also gets twisted by that,
01:02 just say millennium, instead of millennium,
01:06 you try to save in one word, it could really,
01:08 you know, all kinds of accidents could occur,
01:10 but just say millennium.
01:12 Together, millennium,
01:14 which simply means 1000 years milli, annum,
01:19 milli, annum, 1000 years.
01:22 But we're going to pray tonight and I want to just thank you
01:25 for getting your Bibles, your pens,
01:27 inviting your family and your friends
01:30 for this thoughtful study through the Word of God.
01:32 But before we do anything, I'll tell you in just a moment
01:34 where to get a copy of the lesson
01:36 and how to download that, but let's begin by
01:38 inviting the Lord's presence through prayer.
01:40 Gracious Father in heaven, we thank You
01:43 that Your Word is true.
01:45 And that always, Father, we can turn to You
01:48 and find in You the hope, the courage, the strength,
01:50 the guidance and the truth.
01:52 And so, Lord, guide us tonight
01:54 through the presence and power of Your Holy Spirit,
01:58 and may we be blessed as You expand our knowledge
02:01 in preparation for Your soon return.
02:04 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
02:08 Now just before our theme song,
02:09 want to tell you where to get a copy of the lesson.
02:11 Go to this website, ASF,
02:14 that's A Sharper Focus abbreviated,
02:16 asf.3abn.org.
02:19 Download lesson number 25, The Truth about the Millennium,
02:24 The Truth about the Millennium.
02:25 And we'll be expanding on that lesson on next week,
02:28 but tonight you'll find just about 10 questions there.
02:32 And on question 10 you'll find six blank lines.
02:35 We're going to go ahead and fill those out together.
02:37 But let's first begin with our theme song.
02:40 What's our theme song? "Victory in Jesus."
02:43 Let's sing our theme song together.
02:44 Here we are.
02:53 I heard an old, old story
02:57 How the Savior came from glory
03:01 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:04 To save a wretch like me
03:08 I heard about His groaning
03:12 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:16 Then I repented of my sin
03:20 And won the victory.
03:22 Together.
03:24 O victory in Jesus
03:27 My Savior forever
03:31 He sought me and bought me
03:35 With His redeeming blood
03:38 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:42 And all my love is due Him
03:46 He plunged me to victory
03:50 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:54 I heard about a mansion
03:57 He has built for me in glory
04:01 And I heard about The streets of gold
04:05 Beyond the crystal sea
04:09 About the angels singing
04:12 And the old redemption story
04:16 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:20 The song of victory
04:22 Key change.
04:24 O victory in Jesus
04:28 My Savior forever
04:31 He sought me and bought me
04:35 With His redeeming blood
04:39 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:43 And all my love is due Him
04:47 He plunged me to victory
04:50 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:54 He plunged me to victory
04:58 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:04 Amen?
05:06 What a wonderful song.
05:08 When we travel around, people have said to us,
05:11 "We love that song, Victory in Jesus.
05:14 It's become a favorite."
05:16 But it really spells why we do what we do
05:19 and how we're able to do what we do,
05:21 we have victory in?
05:23 In Jesus.
05:24 Now for those of you tuning in, if my...
05:27 I got to say this because it feels this way,
05:28 if my lip looks a little out off kilter
05:32 is because I live in Southern Illinois,
05:36 and the guys here do not know how to play basketball.
05:40 I've been trying for years to teach him,
05:41 but I keep getting the brunt of the elbow.
05:43 So tonight, ignore it
05:44 as my lip goes through a wonderful transformation.
05:47 It will look better next week, I promise you.
05:50 But why the topic of the millennium.
05:53 There are many untruths told about the millennium,
05:57 but tonight,
05:59 we're gonna tell the truth about the millennium,
06:00 ain't that right?
06:02 People have been taught
06:04 along with the secret rapture.
06:07 Many people have been taught
06:09 that with this false teaching of the secret rapture,
06:13 there is also an accompanying false teaching
06:15 about the earthly reign of Christ.
06:19 They teach that Christ is going to reign on earth
06:22 for a 1000 years.
06:25 Now one of the evidences
06:26 we covered when we talked about the Second Coming is,
06:29 this time Jesus is not coming to walk the earth.
06:33 This time He's coming to take us home.
06:35 Can you say amen to that?
06:37 He came to abide with us.
06:39 He came to walk among us, but this time
06:42 He's calling He's coming so that we could walk with Him.
06:46 Let's go to John Chapter 14, just to lay some foundation.
06:49 This is not the first question, but John Chapter 14.
06:53 Look at the promise of Jesus.
06:55 The promise of Jesus lays the foundation,
06:58 and Satan during the Dark Ages
07:02 introduced so many false doctrines
07:05 into the church,
07:06 and so many of them have taken root
07:08 on the basis of theories.
07:10 But any theory that's not supported
07:12 by the scriptures is not the truth,
07:14 ain't that right?
07:15 The truth of God's Word is the only foundation,
07:18 the only reliable source that we can turn to.
07:21 Look at John Chapter 14, and I'll begin with verse 1,
07:24 the promise of Jesus.
07:26 He said, "Let not your heart be," what?
07:29 "Troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me.
07:33 In my Father's house are many mansions..."
07:37 Where are the mansions?
07:39 In his Father's house, not on earth?
07:42 He says,
07:43 "If it were not so, I would have told you.
07:46 I go to prepare a place for you."
07:51 He says "I," what's the next word?
07:53 "Go. I go."
07:56 And then it says in verse 3,
07:58 "And if I go and prepare a place for you,
08:00 I will come again," that's the Second Coming,
08:04 "and receive you to Myself,
08:07 that where I am."
08:10 Come on, tell me somebody, where is He?
08:12 It starts with the letter H, where is He?
08:15 Heaven, "that where I am, there you may be also."
08:20 How we're going to get there? He's going to come again.
08:23 He's not saying, I see you when you get there.
08:26 He's saying, "I will come again."
08:28 As a matter of fact, throughout His writings,
08:32 throughout His writings,
08:33 He continually said to His disciples,
08:37 "I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life."
08:41 But after He made this statement, He reiterated,
08:43 "Where I am going, you cannot come."
08:46 And one of the reasons why
08:47 we have to wait till Jesus comes back.
08:49 We also learned this
08:50 on the topic of the Second Coming,
08:52 something must take place in order that we can...
08:56 In order for us to safely be able to go to heaven.
08:59 Let's go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 15.
09:02 This is just some foundation.
09:03 Since this topic is paramount
09:05 or the next step to the Second Coming of Christ,
09:08 it's important to lay some foundation
09:10 as some reminders.
09:12 We can look at the Bible together.
09:14 1 Corinthians Chapter 15.
09:16 All right?
09:18 And we're going to look
09:20 at first verse...
09:28 Verse 20 down to verse 26.
09:33 This is foundation.
09:35 All right?
09:38 The discussion was about the resurrection.
09:40 This entire chapter is about the resurrection.
09:42 "But now," verse 20, "Christ is risen from the dead,
09:46 and has become the firstfruits of those
09:48 who have fallen asleep.
09:51 For since by man came death, by Man also came the," what?
09:55 "Resurrection of the dead."
09:56 One of the things left out in Christianity
09:58 is the resurrection.
09:59 It's kind of die and go directly to heaven.
10:01 You never hear people say, they went to hell.
10:04 Isn't that funny, every funeral you go to,
10:06 the preacher never says, he's in hell now.
10:10 Like we have the wherewithal to determine where people go.
10:15 That's only, that's the job of Christ.
10:18 Verse 22, verse 21,
10:21 "For since by man came death, by Man," capital M,
10:25 "also came the resurrection of the dead."
10:29 Verse 22, "For as in Adam," how many die?
10:32 "All die, even so in Christ," how many shall be made alive?
10:35 "All."
10:37 But here's the key,
10:38 "But each one in his own order:
10:42 Christ the firstfruits,
10:45 afterward those who are Christ's at His," what?
10:50 "At His coming.
10:51 Then comes the end," verse 24,
10:53 "when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father,
10:59 when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.
11:03 For He must reign
11:04 till He has put all enemies under His feet.
11:07 The last enemy that will be destroyed is," what?
11:10 "Death." Okay, that's the resurrection.
11:12 Now go to verse 51, verse 51.
11:15 Let's look at this change that must take place.
11:19 "Behold, I tell you or show you a mystery," the Bible says,
11:23 "we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be," together,
11:26 "changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
11:31 at the last trumpet," what trumpet?
11:34 Last one.
11:36 "For the trumpet will sound,
11:38 and the dead will be raised incorruptible,
11:41 and we shall be changed.
11:44 For this corruptible must put on incorruption,
11:47 and this mortal must put on immortality."
11:51 Verse 54,
11:52 "So when this corruptible has put on incorruption,
11:55 and this mortal has put on immortality,
11:58 then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written:
12:01 'Death is swallowed up in victory.
12:03 O death, where is thy sting?
12:05 O grave, where is thy victory?'"
12:08 So what has to happen before we can go to heaven?
12:10 Somebody tell me.
12:12 Say it again.
12:13 We've got to be changed.
12:15 We've got to be changed.
12:16 And when does the change happen?
12:19 At the last trumpet.
12:24 That trumpet is very significant.
12:25 It lays the foundation for our first question.
12:29 You see, the change does not take place at death,
12:33 the change takes place at the coming of the Lord.
12:37 And we cannot go in this physical body
12:40 because mortal man cannot exist
12:44 in the presence of an immortal God.
12:46 By the way, I don't think people know this.
12:49 But you know, one of the reasons
12:50 why astronauts wear suits.
12:54 I'm not talking about a suit and a tie,
12:56 but multimillion dollar suits
12:58 because you cannot exist outside of earth's atmosphere.
13:01 No man can break out of earth's atmosphere.
13:03 Matter of fact, we can't exist naturally above
13:06 20 to 25,000 feet.
13:09 Really the ceiling? for a person,
13:11 if you hit about 13,000 feet,
13:13 that's about the highest you're going to be able to go
13:15 without having some oxygen assistance.
13:19 That's why when you fly planes,
13:21 many of the single engine planes,
13:22 they could go above that ceiling,
13:24 but most pilots stay below that ceiling
13:26 because they could fly
13:27 without any assistance of oxygen.
13:30 So that's why most of the dual engine planes,
13:32 even the dual engine prop planes are designed
13:34 with oxygen masks.
13:36 When you go above 13,000 feet, you better have breathing
13:39 from some other apparatus.
13:41 Matter of fact, when you fly to St. Louis out at Cape Air,
13:43 you don't go above 13,000 feet. You know why?
13:46 There are no mountains.
13:48 You can fly at 2,000 feet on the way to St. Louis,
13:51 there's nothing to hit.
13:53 But when you're in California,
13:54 you got to have something to hold you above that altitude,
13:57 if you decide to go over Mount Lassen or over mount,
14:02 the other one, Mount Shasta.
14:04 So let's go ahead and begin with the most important event.
14:07 Question number one.
14:08 Question number one.
14:10 Here it is.
14:13 What event marks the beginning of the millennium?
14:17 What event marks the beginning of the millennium?
14:22 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4.
14:25 And you theologians know where I'm headed.
14:27 But we need to go there anyway
14:28 because some people don't know where I'm headed.
14:31 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
14:38 All right?
14:44 And the Bible reads,
14:47 "For the Lord Himself
14:49 will descend from heaven with a," what? "Shout,
14:53 with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.
14:59 And the dead in Christ will rise first."
15:01 Don't go to the next slide yet,
15:03 just come away from the slide for a brief moment.
15:05 What's going to happen when Jesus descends?
15:07 What is He going to blow?
15:09 Now that trumpet is not that Jesus needs a trumpet,
15:12 but His voice, the voice of the archangel,
15:15 and with the trump of God, the loud command of the Lord,
15:21 and you'll find out as a result of what happens,
15:23 you'll find out what that command is all about.
15:26 Matter of fact, when Jesus said to Lazarus, come forth,
15:28 that was the trump of God,
15:30 but He specified everybody else relax Lazarus, come forth.
15:34 Amen?
15:36 Because if He just said, "Come forth."
15:38 Man, I tell you,
15:40 there would have been quite an uproar in Jerusalem.
15:43 The Jews would have had
15:45 no reason to doubt His Messiahship.
15:47 But when He brought Lazarus forth
15:49 in John Chapter 11,
15:50 they determined from that day that they must kill Jesus.
15:52 Now why?
15:54 Because Jesus debunked this idea
15:58 that man could be raised
15:59 without the assistance of Christ.
16:02 And the reason He came in and rose
16:04 Lazarus after four days is because
16:06 they believe something now known as Neoplatonism
16:09 that taught that the soul tried to get back into the body
16:13 for three days.
16:14 And if it was successful, they came back to life.
16:16 Look it up, Neoplatonism.
16:18 Jesus came after four days, not because He can't count.
16:23 But after four days, like Martha said,
16:26 "By now, Lord, he starting to rot.
16:30 Don't even, please don't ask him to come out now."
16:34 But, if the Lord calls you forth,
16:36 He never calls you forth
16:38 and leave you in a rotting condition.
16:41 So let's go to the very next verse.
16:42 What's going to happen as a result
16:44 of this trumpet of God,
16:45 as a result of the voice of the archangel?
16:47 Here it says,
16:48 "Then we who are alive and remain shall be," what?
16:54 "Caught up together with them in the clouds to do," what?
17:00 "To meet the Lord in the air.
17:03 And thus shall we always be with the Lord."
17:06 When do we meet Jesus?
17:08 Come on, somebody tell me.
17:10 When?
17:12 After the last trump, at a Second Coming.
17:14 A point that I must reiterate,
17:16 we did this in the topic of the Second Coming.
17:18 We did this in the topic about death.
17:20 But you know what they said, repetition is a good teacher.
17:24 We don't meet Jesus face to face until He descends,
17:29 then the resurrection happens, then we are caught up to meet.
17:34 What two words did I say? To meet.
17:36 You don't meet Him at death.
17:38 Matter of fact the saints who died,
17:40 they didn't die hoping to meet Jesus right away.
17:44 They died, they gave their lives
17:47 so that they could obtain a better resurrection.
17:51 They didn't die for a better journey.
17:54 They said, we want the better resurrection.
17:56 We'll find out what resurrection that is.
17:58 So on question number one.
18:00 What event marks the beginning of the millennium?
18:03 The Second Coming/Resurrection.
18:06 Second Coming/Resurrection.
18:08 That's what marks the beginning of the millennium.
18:12 Second Coming, Resurrection.
18:13 And you can also add
18:14 something else that marks
18:16 the beginning of the millennium,
18:17 we finally meet Jesus.
18:19 Amen, somebody?
18:20 We finally meet Jesus.
18:21 We've been talking about
18:23 we've been living for His glory,
18:24 but we finally meet Him face to face.
18:26 What a wonderful day that's going to be.
18:29 Now let's go to Revelation Chapter 20.
18:32 Revelation Chapter 20.
18:33 Revelation Chapter 20 is the millennium chapter.
18:37 Right, the word millennium doesn't appear in the Bible,
18:39 just like the word rapture does not appear.
18:42 But the word rapture
18:43 simply comes from a word that means,
18:45 it comes from the Greek word, Parousia,
18:48 which simply means to be snatched away.
18:50 But it doesn't mean to disappear.
18:53 It never teaches that it means to be snatched away.
18:55 The Lord in His own power
18:57 is going to pull us like by divine magnets,
19:02 where He's going to suspend gravity for the saints.
19:05 What do you all say? Amen. Amen.
19:07 And we're going to rise to meet the Lord,
19:09 and then He's going to give us oxygen masks
19:12 better than the astronauts ever had.
19:14 You know why we're not going to need oxygen mask?
19:17 Somebody tell me, come on, talk to me.
19:18 Somebody tell me, why won't we need it?
19:21 Thank you. We will be immortal.
19:25 We will no longer be mortal, we will put on immortality.
19:30 That's why it says, when this corruptible,
19:32 this thing that's dying and decaying,
19:33 when it becomes incorruptible,
19:35 longer susceptible to decay and breaking down,
19:39 we also put on immortality.
19:42 Mortal will be replaced with immortality.
19:46 So if you can die,
19:48 there is no environment in which you are going to die.
19:51 So we could soar through space for our seven day journey
19:55 to be with the Lord in the air.
19:56 Amen?
19:58 To be with the Lord in His Kingdom.
19:59 Now, Revelation Chapter 20.
20:01 I know you're all there.
20:02 I'm on my way, relax.
20:06 Okay, Revelation 20:4, here it is.
20:09 "And I saw thrones,"
20:11 the Bible says,
20:13 "and they sat on them,
20:16 and judgment was committed to them."
20:20 Something people didn't know the saints would do
20:22 when they're in heaven, judgment was committed to them.
20:24 I'll tell you about that in a moment.
20:26 "Then I saw the souls of those who had been," what?
20:29 "Beheaded for their witness
20:32 to Jesus and for the Word of God,
20:35 who had not worshiped the beast or his image,
20:39 and had not received his mark
20:42 on their foreheads or on their hands.
20:46 And they lived and reigned with Christ for," how long?
20:50 "A thousand years."
20:51 Now I want to discuss another point of reiteration here.
20:54 Christ doesn't live and reign with us.
20:57 We live and reign where?
20:59 With Him.
21:00 We live and reign with Christ a 1000 years.
21:05 Something else that is important to emphasize here.
21:08 When the Bible says,
21:10 judgment is given to the saints.
21:12 During the 1000 years,
21:14 the records of all those who have not made the kingdom
21:17 will be reviewed by the saints.
21:21 Paul the Apostle says
21:23 that we are worthy to judge in small matters,
21:26 because Paul the Apostle says,
21:28 "Don't you know that one day you will judge angels?
21:31 And if you're going to judge angels one day,
21:33 why not in small earthly matters?"
21:36 So when somebody says, "Don't judge me,"
21:39 tap him on the shoulder.
21:41 I'm not condemning you,
21:43 but surely by your fruits I'll know you.
21:46 That's the only judgment God has given to us.
21:48 Not to tell them what's going to happen,
21:50 not to point them to heaven or hell,
21:52 not to decide
21:53 what their destination is going to be.
21:56 But by their fruits, you'll be able to know.
21:58 When you go to the fruit supermarket,
22:01 somebody says, this is an apple,
22:03 and it feels like an orange.
22:04 You got to judge whether or not that is an apple
22:06 or whether not that is an orange.
22:07 That's judgment.
22:09 That's the ability to judge between one and the other.
22:12 So during the 1000 years, what's going to happen here?
22:15 Let's write this, write this down.
22:17 Revelation 20:4.
22:19 What did they do?
22:21 What did they do?
22:24 What happens?
22:26 And where are the saints?
22:27 They live and reign with Christ.
22:30 They live and reign with Christ.
22:34 That's another event that marks the beginning
22:36 of the millennium.
22:37 The saints live and reign with Christ.
22:40 He doesn't reign with us, we reign with Him.
22:44 And until the 1000 years are done,
22:50 Jesus will not again touch this earth.
22:55 All right?
22:57 It's important to note that because there's so many
22:59 untruths out there about what happens.
23:01 There are people actually, there are many false religions
23:04 and there are many true...
23:06 Sorry, let me use a different phrase.
23:09 There are many non religions, and there are many religions
23:14 that are preparing for the reign of Christ on earth.
23:18 That's why the Middle East is such a focus.
23:20 They want, the one wants the temple,
23:22 the Jews want the Temple Mount back
23:24 the Arabs don't want to give it back.
23:26 Because they're both preparing for the coming of either
23:30 Mohammad or the Messiah.
23:34 And they are waiting for Him to reign in Jerusalem.
23:36 Let me give you a bulletin.
23:38 He's not going to reign in Jerusalem.
23:39 He's going to reign in the New Jerusalem.
23:43 Amen for that.
23:44 Look at Revelation Chapter 21.
23:46 Very quickly, Revelation Chapter 21.
23:48 The Bible makes it so clear.
23:51 It makes it so clear, Revelation Chapter 21.
23:54 This is at the end of the 1000 years.
23:55 We're kind of running ahead of ourselves,
23:57 but you'll see this again next week.
23:59 Revelation 21:1,
24:01 "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
24:04 the first heaven and the earth first earth had passed away,
24:07 and there was no more sea."
24:09 The inference of that is, man is no longer separated.
24:12 "Then I, John, saw the holy city,"
24:14 what Jerusalem?
24:16 "New Jerusalem,
24:19 coming down out of heaven," Where's it coming from?
24:24 "Out of heaven from God,
24:28 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."
24:34 Clearly, and just the bulletin,
24:37 sometimes we say the church is the Lamb's wife.
24:43 The church is the bride of a..."
24:45 Knows that's not true.
24:48 The church is not the bride.
24:49 The church is pictured in that relationship.
24:52 Husband loves your wife,
24:53 love your wives as Christ loved the church.
24:55 That's the relationship setting.
24:57 But let's look at Revelation 21:9-10.
25:01 Just this is kind of extra, no charge,
25:05 extra, something very important to understand.
25:08 "Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls
25:11 filled with the seven last plagues
25:13 came to me and talked with me saying,
25:15 'Come,
25:17 I will show you the bride,
25:20 the lamb's wife,'
25:24 and he carried me away in the spirit
25:26 to a great and high mountain
25:29 and showed me the great city," the what?
25:33 "Holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God."
25:38 Let me go and put this together.
25:40 We're the guests at the wedding.
25:43 Come on, say amen.
25:45 We're the guests at the wedding
25:47 and what are the two categories of the guests right now?
25:51 Five are wise, five are foolish.
25:56 Okay, they all slumbered, slumber is that,
25:58 they all slept.
25:59 But five are wise and five are foolish.
26:02 At midnight the call was made, "Behold, the bridegroom cometh,
26:06 go ye out to meet him."
26:07 Now to be very, very clear.
26:09 A kingdom without the saints is an empty kingdom.
26:13 We will be in the New Jerusalem
26:16 with the lamb as he delivers the kingdom to His Father.
26:19 He's really delivering the redeemed to His Father.
26:22 We are in the kingdom
26:23 and the New Jerusalem fill with the saints
26:25 represent that full picture of the bride, the Lamb's wife.
26:30 That was just extra.
26:31 All right, question number two, is that all we up to now?
26:34 Just number two?
26:35 Got to move faster than that.
26:37 Question number two, here it is.
26:40 In what category does the Bible place
26:43 the resurrection of the saints?
26:45 In what category does the Bible place
26:48 the resurrection of the saints?
26:52 Revelation 20:5.
26:54 We just read verse 4,
26:55 where they live and reign with Christ a 1000 years.
26:57 What does the Bible say about this
26:59 and which one of these resurrections is it?
27:02 Since we're in Revelation,
27:04 I'll just go to the screen right away.
27:05 Revelation 20:5 says,
27:08 "But the rest of the dead
27:10 did not live again until the," what?
27:13 "Thousand years were finished.
27:15 This is the first resurrection."
27:19 So now if there's a first,
27:20 what you naturally have at least?
27:22 You have at least the second.
27:26 Not gonna be a third,
27:27 but you'll have at least the second.
27:29 Now I could add some different components in there,
27:32 but really
27:35 don't want to add that in
27:37 because those who crucified Jesus,
27:40 He made an appointment.
27:42 Okay?
27:44 It's not a happy appointment.
27:47 When they adjured Him to tell about his Messiahship.
27:51 I adjure you, "Are you the Son of God."
27:55 "I am.
27:56 And you will see Me coming in the clouds of heaven
28:00 with power and great glory."
28:02 In Revelation 1:7 makes it very clear,
28:04 "Behold, he cometh with clouds and every eye will see Him,
28:08 even those that pierced Him.
28:10 And then all the tribes of the earth will mourn."
28:13 So when He comes,
28:16 there's going to be a special resurrection
28:18 for those who crucified Him.
28:20 Now get this,
28:22 to come forth from the grave
28:23 to see Him no longer with a crown of thorns,
28:26 but a crown of glory.
28:28 Then they are destroyed
28:29 by the brightness of His coming.
28:31 After it's very clear to them that that is the guy
28:35 who made an appointment with us.
28:37 Truly, He is the Son of God.
28:41 Destroyed by the brightness of His coming,
28:43 then they come forth in the...
28:45 They have a special resurrection,
28:48 not a first resurrection, a special resurrection,
28:51 because the first resurrection is for the righteous.
28:55 This is a special appointment,
28:56 because the Bible will tell you in just a moment,
28:58 why it's not a first resurrection,
29:01 but it's an appointment that Jesus set 2000 years ago.
29:04 Then they are destroyed by the brightness of His coming
29:07 only to come forth again in the second resurrection
29:10 to receive their judgment for the rejection
29:12 of the Messiah.
29:13 Sad reality. Sad reality.
29:15 So here,
29:17 what is this resurrection called?
29:18 What category does the Bible place
29:19 the resurrection of the saints?
29:21 In what?
29:22 First resurrection, write that down.
29:24 The first resurrection.
29:28 Now, let's go to question number three.
29:31 Question number three.
29:33 You know, one of the best methods
29:34 of teaching the Bible is question and answer,
29:36 question and answer.
29:38 That's one of the best methods because the question resonates,
29:42 the answer comes from God's Word.
29:44 All right?
29:46 Question number three.
29:47 Here's the question.
29:49 What is the advantage
29:51 in being in the first resurrection?
29:53 What is the advantage
29:55 in being in the first resurrection?
29:57 I have the saying
29:58 and I want to see if I get it right.
30:01 Born once died twice,
30:05 born twice, you might die once.
30:09 See because if you stay alive till Jesus comes,
30:12 you'll never die.
30:13 You won't receive any,
30:15 you won't need to be resurrected.
30:16 So if you're born twice, you might die once.
30:20 But if you're born once, you will die twice.
30:24 Born once, that means the physical birth,
30:26 you don't accept Jesus,
30:28 you'll be destroyed when He comes,
30:29 and you come forth in the second resurrection
30:31 for the second death.
30:33 But if you are born again, born twice,
30:36 the natural birth and the spiritual birth,
30:38 you may die once,
30:39 but you will have that resurrection,
30:41 the first resurrection.
30:43 Amen?
30:44 So you got to make sure that you're born again.
30:47 Here's the answer.
30:48 What's the advantage in being in the first resurrection?
30:50 Revelation 20:6.
30:53 The Bible reads as follows,
30:55 "Blessed and holy
30:58 is he who has part in first resurrection."
31:01 Let's read the rest together,
31:02 "Over such the second death has no power,
31:08 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
31:12 and shall reign with Him," how long?
31:14 "A thousand years."
31:17 So if you're in the first resurrection,
31:19 you're not only blessed and you're holy but death.
31:23 What's the death?
31:24 Has no power over the saints. Why?
31:28 Because if you put on immortality,
31:30 death is like,
31:31 it's like a mosquito hitting a window.
31:34 Just not going to penetrate all day long.
31:38 Never going to make a dent.
31:41 Death has no power over the saints.
31:44 So if you put the answer,
31:45 what is the advantage in being in the first resurrection?
31:48 Death has no power.
31:50 Death has no power.
31:53 And you want to put death has no power over me.
31:56 Personalize it.
31:58 Death has no power over me.
31:59 Let's make that personal.
32:02 A number of other reasons there,
32:04 but we put this in the earlier section,
32:05 you'll reign with Christ, you will reign with Him.
32:09 And the added benefits will be priests
32:12 and praise the Lord, a holy nation,
32:14 a royal priesthood,
32:15 as Peter the Apostle made so clear.
32:18 You'll see what that royal priesthood
32:19 is really all about, because you'll be reigning.
32:21 You know, there are many kings in our world,
32:23 there are lot of nations that still have kings,
32:25 lot of countries that still have kings,
32:27 and there are lords many,
32:29 but Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords.
32:35 And you got to understand that in the context
32:38 of like Great Britain,
32:40 you know, the king, king.
32:43 Elvis was the king of rock and roll.
32:45 James Brown was the king of soul.
32:48 Jesus is the king of all that. Amen?
32:50 Not a rock and roll and not of soul,
32:52 but He's the King of kings.
32:54 So you may even say, I'm a king, He said,
32:57 that means nothing.
32:58 I'm the King of kings.
33:01 That means there is no name higher than My name.
33:05 Praise God for that kind of connection.
33:07 Now ask yourself the question,
33:09 to whom would you rather be connected?
33:12 If you know you have that kind of benefit,
33:13 that kind of eternal benefit, that kind of advantage,
33:16 never dying again.
33:18 I don't know, I don't understand
33:19 when a person is...
33:21 When the appeal goes forward to accept Jesus
33:24 so that you can have eternal life.
33:26 It always puzzles me that people sit there like,
33:30 why would I want to live forever.
33:33 I really want to burn in the fires of hell.
33:35 And they don't think that way.
33:37 But because they are so connected to the world,
33:40 they can't fathom the disconnect,
33:43 and the joys that will come in hereafter.
33:46 And I'll be honest with you, I am a gadgetarian.
33:49 I like gadgets,
33:51 we have a lot of guys that love the iPad, the new,
33:53 we're waiting for whatever Mac has to come out with a new,
33:56 that's just who we are.
33:58 But Mac or Apple cannot create anything
34:01 better than what the Lord is going to reveal
34:03 to us in eternity.
34:04 Can you say amen to that?
34:07 I mean, we won't need internet.
34:12 We won't need airplanes.
34:15 We won't need any of that.
34:17 I mean, if mankind could create these things
34:20 in such an advanced setting, what can God create?
34:23 And that's only, men are creating these things
34:25 with maybe one seventh of their brain in operation.
34:28 Wow.
34:29 And if you combine
34:31 all the brains of all men alive,
34:32 is still can't equal half of God's brain.
34:37 You guys get that on Tuesday.
34:39 Okay, praise God for that.
34:41 All right, here we go to number four.
34:43 So what answer did you put down?
34:45 What is the advantage?
34:47 Death has no power.
34:48 Death has no power.
34:50 We long for that day
34:51 when there will be no more funerals,
34:54 even so come Lord Jesus.
34:56 Question number four.
34:58 How does the Bible describe the two resurrections?
35:02 How does the Bible describe the two resurrections?
35:04 John 5:28-29.
35:08 John 5:28-29.
35:10 There are two resurrections.
35:13 Somehow people don't know this, you know,
35:16 and it really makes it very clear
35:18 that these two resurrections
35:20 mark two definitive times in history.
35:22 You saw that in Revelation Chapter 20,
35:24 "Blessed and holy
35:26 is he who was part in the first resurrection."
35:28 And then it says,
35:30 "The rest of the dead live not again
35:32 till the thousand years are finished."
35:35 Now let's look at John 5:28-29. Are you ready?
35:38 Here it is.
35:40 "Do not marvel at this,"
35:42 or as the King James Version says,
35:43 "Marvel not at this,
35:45 for the hour is coming in which,"
35:48 what's the next word together?
35:50 "All who are in the graves, not in heaven,
35:57 will hear His voice and come forth."
36:01 Next,
36:02 "Those who have done good, to the resurrection of life,
36:07 those who have done? evil,
36:09 to the resurrection of condemnation,"
36:12 or as the King James Version,
36:13 "the resurrection of damnation,"
36:15 they will be assigned to the flame.
36:19 But the righteous coming forth in the first resurrection,
36:21 the first resurrection, then,
36:23 if we were to give a title to the first resurrection,
36:26 it would be the resurrection of life.
36:31 So would that be the better resurrection?
36:33 Yes or no? That's the better resurrection.
36:35 You come forth to life eternal.
36:37 As Paul says,
36:38 mortality will be swallowed up by life,
36:41 this mortal body.
36:43 So when you read that passage about absent from the body,
36:45 present with the Lord,
36:47 you got to put that in the right context.
36:48 That was not what Paul was talking about.
36:50 He says, "In this tent, we groan being burdened."
36:53 Let me ask you a question.
36:54 How many of you have burdens?
36:57 Huh? Do we all have burdens?
36:59 Every one of us has burdens.
37:00 And Paul says,
37:02 "As long as you're in this tent,
37:04 you're going to have problems."
37:06 And he said, "I would rather be absent from this body
37:10 and I'll be present with the Lord," right?
37:12 Who would not rather that?
37:14 But he said, "It's going to happen
37:16 when mortality is swallowed up by life."
37:22 Don't just stop at that verse, read the whole thing,
37:24 and you'll get the full picture.
37:26 Praise God.
37:27 God's Word is never a misguided word.
37:30 It always makes it clear.
37:31 So how does the Bible describe the two resurrections?
37:34 The first one is the resurrection of life.
37:37 Second one, resurrection of condemnation.
37:40 You don't want to be in that second one.
37:41 And God has made every provision
37:44 that we all can escape
37:47 the second resurrection.
37:49 Think about it for a moment,
37:50 the second resurrection is going to be horrible.
37:53 They're going to be people that will come forth
37:55 in the second resurrection and I surmise,
37:57 and you'll find out why I came to this conclusion.
38:01 Satan is going to make some of them think
38:03 that this is the first resurrection.
38:05 For a brief moment,
38:07 they're going to come forth from their graves.
38:08 For a brief moment, I believe this is totally,
38:11 I have no scriptural support for that.
38:14 But they will think, "Oh,
38:16 finally, we're back to life,"
38:20 only to look around and start saying,
38:21 "Wait a minute,
38:23 wait a minute."
38:26 I'm still coughing, I die with a cold.
38:29 Wait a minute, and everything around them.
38:34 And then all of a sudden,
38:35 they go and look in front of them.
38:38 And they're going to see the New Jerusalem
38:41 and these transparent walls,
38:43 and they're going to see some folk on the inside
38:46 and then realize it's not them, then the sad reality.
38:51 I believe that's where it's going to be
38:53 weeping and gnashing of teeth.
38:55 I believe that's where they're going to realize
38:58 what they have lost.
39:00 You know, it's like, I told you the story.
39:02 Mine was small compared to the future.
39:05 But I was so bad once, I had to.
39:08 My mom had a birthday party for me.
39:12 But I had to stay in my room
39:14 and look down the hall to the kitchen
39:16 where everybody was having a piece of my birthday cake,
39:20 singing happy birthday to John, and I'm down the hallway.
39:25 And she told me, "You think you're bad?
39:29 All right.
39:31 I got a spanking and punishment."
39:34 Did you think I did it again? Come on, help me out.
39:35 Do you think I did?
39:37 Because I knew she's meant what she said.
39:39 I was not about to have another birthday party.
39:42 Now she gave me a piece of cake later on,
39:44 but after all the guests had left.
39:46 Part of the joy of the birthday party
39:47 is to be out there with all my friends
39:49 who are out there singing birthday,
39:50 happy birthday down the hall.
39:53 No, stay in your room,
39:56 but you could, just go and see him.
39:57 There he is right over there, sing to him.
40:01 And it hurt worse than the whipping.
40:04 I want to say, just beat me somewhat,
40:06 I'll do anything you want, but please let me come out.
40:11 It's gonna be worse.
40:13 It's going to be so bad that I am not.
40:18 I am not by God's grace going to be in that number.
40:20 Can somebody else join me on that?
40:23 Wow, this is powerful.
40:26 Number five.
40:27 Number five.
40:29 What happens to the wicked alive at the second coming?
40:34 What happens to the wicked alive at the second coming?
40:37 Just for the space,
40:38 I didn't have a whole lot of space up.
40:39 What happens to the wicked
40:41 that are alive at the Second Coming
40:43 is really the question.
40:44 What happens to the wicked alive at the second coming?
40:49 All right.
40:50 I'll give you a text that you probably haven't really seen
40:53 before in its entirety.
40:55 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8.
40:58 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8.
41:03 Here it is.
41:04 Here it is.
41:07 Okay?
41:09 The Word of God says,
41:11 "Since it is a righteous thing with God
41:15 to repay with tribulation those who trouble you..."
41:18 Come on, somebody say amen.
41:20 God's gonna, God is going to pay.
41:23 "Since it is a righteous thing with God
41:24 to repay with tribulation those who trouble you,
41:28 and to give you who are troubled," what?
41:31 "Rest with us
41:33 when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven
41:37 with His mighty angels,
41:39 in flaming fire taking vengeance on those
41:42 who do not know God,
41:45 and on those who do not obey the gospel
41:48 of our Lord Jesus Christ."
41:51 So how else does the Bible describe God's judgment
41:54 on the wicked?
41:56 What's God gonna do?
41:57 What's God gonna do?
42:01 What's he gonna to do?
42:03 He's gonna give to them everlasting destruction,
42:07 taking vengeance with flaming fire,
42:10 with flaming fire,
42:12 taking vengeance on those who do not know God.
42:16 Now, you may think that's unjust,
42:18 they don't know me.
42:20 Well, you know what?
42:21 It's not that they don't know Him.
42:23 They didn't want to know Him.
42:24 Let me add another component here
42:26 because when you read Matthew 7:21-23,
42:29 the Lord says, there are those that involved.
42:30 Let's go there.
42:32 Because this do not know Him is powerful.
42:34 Whoa, it is powerful.
42:35 Slow down,
42:37 Lord is pouring stuff in my head,
42:39 and it's connecting very fast.
42:41 Got to give you what the Lord
42:43 has just reminding me in His Word.
42:44 You know what?
42:46 I believe whenever we open the Bible,
42:47 the Holy Spirit is excited.
42:49 What do you say?
42:51 Because he's now actively participating
42:53 in furnishing through us
42:55 the knowledge of those that will listen,
42:57 to those that are listening.
42:59 Here's why you have to keep in mind
43:00 that your works are not enough.
43:02 Because he says,
43:04 "Taking vengeance on those who," do not what?
43:07 Who do not what?
43:08 "Who do not know God."
43:10 Look at Matthew 7:21.
43:12 "Not everyone who says to me,
43:13 'Lord, Lord' shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
43:15 but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.
43:18 Many will say to Me in that day,
43:21 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name?
43:25 Cast out demons or devils in your name,
43:28 and done many wonders or wonderful works
43:31 in your name?'
43:32 And then I will declare to them," together?
43:35 "I never knew you.
43:38 Depart from Me,
43:39 you who practice lawlessness or worketh iniquity.'"
43:44 You see, iniquity, you know what iniquity is?
43:46 Cherished sin, that sin that people refuse to give up.
43:49 They would rather and here's what's happening.
43:51 He's saying, they're doing good works.
43:54 They're prophesying,
43:56 they're doing many wonderful works,
43:58 even casting out demons.
44:00 So let me ask a question because some people say,
44:03 why is it that we can't cast out demons?
44:05 You can cast out demons and not even know God.
44:10 But doesn't mean, you know Him,
44:11 but he just said that, am I right?
44:13 So casting out demons
44:15 is not evidence that you know God,
44:17 sometimes, and this is how Satan works.
44:19 Let me just give you the example of that,
44:21 because I want you to understand the context.
44:23 Those who are truly imbued by the Spirit of God
44:26 can do that.
44:27 But sometimes to make you think that God is in this,
44:31 Satan will possess somebody and cause his servant
44:34 to make it appear as though he cast out a demon,
44:37 but he's working in conjunction with them to make you think
44:41 they've got the power to cast out demons.
44:43 Evidently, that's the case,
44:44 because these people that did not know God
44:47 cast out demons in his name.
44:51 And the Lord said, "You did that,
44:53 but I don't know you."
44:55 That's one way.
44:57 So here's the point.
44:58 Don't just get involved in works,
45:00 have a personal relationship with Jesus, right?
45:04 Let's look at another one.
45:05 1 John 2:3-4.
45:09 Yes, Lord, I'm going to show it to him.
45:12 1 John 2:3-4,
45:14 because lot of people say they know the Lord
45:17 and some people,
45:18 how could you tell me I don't know the Lord.
45:20 Well on the authority of God's Word, look at this.
45:24 1 John 2:3-4.
45:27 Here's the key before we read the verse,
45:29 it is important that you know that you know the Lord, right?
45:34 If I say, I know, Cynthia.
45:39 I could be just making that statement.
45:42 But Cynthia might say, "I don't know him."
45:46 So how I know that I know Cynthia as people would,
45:48 "How do you know Cynthia?"
45:50 Well, her husband is and our children's names are
45:53 and she's a member of my church,
45:55 and she's always at prayer meeting, we talk.
45:57 I give enough evidences, but then she said,
45:59 "Well, I know him."
46:02 There is a connection on both sides.
46:05 Look at what the Lord says.
46:07 You must know that you know Christ.
46:09 Don't leave that up to your works.
46:11 Here's how you know you know Him.
46:13 Verse 3.
46:14 Now,
46:16 by this, we know that we know Him.
46:21 If we do what? Keep...
46:24 If we do what, come on speak, if we do what?
46:26 Keep His commandments.
46:28 Check verse 4 even more concentrated.
46:32 He who says, "I know Him
46:34 and does not keep His commandments is a," what?
46:37 "Liar, and the truth is not in him.
46:40 Bulletin.
46:44 That's a powerful text.
46:45 And don't get upset at me.
46:47 I'm just repeating what the Word of God says.
46:49 So there are a lot of preachers that say, I know God,
46:52 I ain't keeping those commandments
46:53 because they've been nailed to the cross.
46:55 Lord didn't say that.
46:57 He didn't say, "They got nailed to the cross."
46:58 He said, "This is Your responsibility."
47:01 1 Corinthians 7:19.
47:04 Go there with me, 1 Corinthians 7:19.
47:07 1 Corinthians 7:19.
47:10 Okay.
47:11 It's amazing.
47:13 It's amazing what the Bible can communicate.
47:18 Because the Jews had the same problem.
47:20 They said, "You've got to be circumcised
47:22 to be saved."
47:23 And there's some people that will say
47:25 because you keep the commandments,
47:26 you believe in, you know, keeping all the laws.
47:28 That's not true.
47:29 The circumcision law done away with,
47:31 the Lord wants a heart that has been circumcised,
47:35 remove the fleshy and allow the spiritual rain.
47:38 Look at what the Lord said to the Jews
47:39 through the Apostle Paul.
47:41 He said, "Circumcision is nothing
47:43 and uncircumcision is nothing,
47:45 but keeping the Commandments of God
47:47 is what matters.
47:49 Amen?
47:50 So are you about all those side things,
47:53 but what matters is keeping the commandments of God.
47:56 So when you say you know God,
47:58 "If you love me," finish it with me now,
48:00 "keep My Commandments."
48:01 John 14:15.
48:03 Let's go to question number six.
48:05 Question number six.
48:07 Question number six.
48:10 All right, and I did,
48:12 we did answer number five, didn't we?
48:13 Okay, number six, here we go.
48:15 How else does the Bible describe
48:19 God's judgments on the wicked?
48:21 How else does the Bible describe that?
48:24 How else does the Bible describe that?
48:26 2 Thessalonians 2:8
48:29 is where we are headed right now.
48:32 2 Thessalonians 2:8.
48:36 Okay.
48:39 And the Bible reads as follows.
48:40 So the Bible reveals,
48:43 "And then the lawless one will be revealed,
48:49 whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth,
48:54 and destroy with the," what?
48:57 "Brightness of His coming."
49:00 So, the answer.
49:02 How else is the Bible describe God's judgment on the wicked?"
49:05 They will be destroyed with the," what?
49:07 "Brightness of His coming."
49:08 And let me give you a bulletin, they know that.
49:11 You know, I know they know that.
49:13 Go to Revelation Chapter 6.
49:15 You know how they know?
49:16 You know how I know
49:17 they know that something good is not about to happen,
49:20 or something bad is about to happen.
49:22 Go to Revelation chapter 6.
49:26 Their reaction tells me they know they're in trouble.
49:30 Revelation Chapter 6, Revelation Chapter 6.
49:34 Here it is.
49:36 Revelation 6:14.
49:43 "Then the sky receded as a scroll
49:47 when it is," what?
49:49 "Rolled up or rolled together,
49:51 and every mountain and island was moved out of its place,
49:58 and the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men,
50:02 the commanders, the mighty men,
50:05 every slave and every free man."
50:07 What did they do?
50:09 You don't hide
50:10 when something good is about to happen.
50:13 They hid themselves in the caves
50:16 and in the rocks of the mountains.
50:18 You know why they hide
50:20 because they have Adam's nature before he repented.
50:24 Come on.
50:25 He hid, he heard God's voice and he hid
50:28 because he knew he was naked.
50:30 They hide because they are naked,
50:32 they don't have the garment of righteousness.
50:35 And what did they say? Verse 16.
50:37 And they said, to the mountains and the rocks,
50:40 you know, when you know you're in trouble,
50:41 you start talking to things that can't talk back.
50:46 Fall on us, they say,
50:49 "Hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne
50:52 and from the wrath of the Lamb,'
50:53 for great day of his wrath has come and," what?
50:56 "Who is able to stand.'
50:59 "When you know you're in trouble,
51:00 you start talking to things that can't talk back.
51:03 And that's what happens here.
51:04 They are so out of their mind, so beside themselves
51:06 that they know that they are about to be visited
51:08 with the judgments of God.
51:10 And they're talking to the mountains and the rocks,
51:11 hide us.
51:13 But what they don't know is that the coming of the Lord,
51:16 every valley shall be exalted.
51:18 You can't say you're not able to see it.
51:20 And every mountain shall be laid low.
51:22 God is going to make the plane visible
51:25 for every iris see His soon return.
51:28 There's some beautiful mountains
51:30 in upper Northwest.
51:31 My wife and I were driving up there in Columbia,
51:34 on the west coast of Canada, British Columbia.
51:38 Oh, you got to go up there, the mountains are gorgeous,
51:41 beautiful, so beautiful.
51:43 We were driving down the...
51:44 I don't know what highway it was, but it was just,
51:46 the mountains were so large and so beautiful.
51:48 We had to pull off the road, of course, to take a picture.
51:51 You can't take a picture. You got to feel it.
51:54 We stood out there and just
51:56 looked at these mountains just folding over themselves,
51:59 it seemed like three or four layers,
52:01 just folding over.
52:03 And then in the center in the far distance,
52:05 we saw snow capped peak with clouds,
52:07 just lapping the surface of those mountains.
52:10 And we looked at that and thought,
52:13 "Man, the Lord just said,
52:16 when He comes back, every island and mountain
52:20 shall be moved out of its place."
52:23 What a day it's going to be?
52:24 There'll be no place to hide,
52:25 and they're going to be looking at those big mountains
52:27 in fall on us.
52:28 Lord says, not today.
52:31 Every eye will see Him.
52:34 It's amazing how much you can get out of a lesson.
52:37 It's amazing. Question number seven.
52:39 Is that where we're going?
52:40 Number seven.
52:42 How else does the Bible describe
52:43 God's judgment on the wicked?
52:45 We answered that, didn't we?
52:47 Number seven, here it is.
52:51 What happens to the living wicked
52:53 that are destroyed at the Second Coming?
52:56 What happens to them?
52:57 What happens to them?
53:00 Jeremiah 25:33.
53:04 Jeremiah 25:33.
53:10 Okay.
53:13 Here's what we read in God's Word.
53:17 "And at that day,
53:18 the slain of the Lord shall be,"
53:22 just got to picture this, "from one end of the earth
53:26 even to the other end of the earth."
53:29 Can you imagine that?
53:31 We're talking about Holocaust.
53:34 And it says, the next verse, continuing in verse 33,
53:38 "They shall not be lamented,"
53:41 that means nobody's going to be mourning,
53:43 or gathered, or buried, buried, "they shall become," what?
53:48 "Refuse on the ground."
53:50 You know why?
53:51 Because the funeral parlor, the funeral director himself
53:54 will either be in one of the other categories.
53:57 There're not gonna be funeral parlors around,
53:59 saying, oh, we got business.
54:02 Look at all these corpses.
54:04 No, that funeral director would either be righteous
54:06 or he'll be one of the corpses himself.
54:09 There'll be no funeral homes, everything will be broken down.
54:12 The Bible makes it clear in Jeremiah 4,
54:14 we will see that next week.
54:16 The city is going to be broken down
54:19 at the presence of the Lord and by His fierce anger.
54:22 This earth is going to be one mess.
54:26 God is coming to gather His saints out of this.
54:29 And the reason why He's doing that,
54:31 He's going to reconstruct the earth.
54:34 He's gonna, that's a demolition job.
54:37 He's is in trouble.
54:39 People are gonna say, man, he's really upset.
54:40 No, God's getting the earth ready for His saints.
54:43 He's got to get rid of all the stuff men build.
54:46 So on the clay and the ashes of the former.
54:51 Well, God built a new heaven and the new earth
54:54 where only righteousness can be found.
54:56 So the answer to number seven is
54:58 what happens to the living wicked
55:00 that are destroyed at the Second Coming."
55:02 They are, just they lay on the ground
55:05 wherever they fall.
55:06 Just like in the flood, did you know that?
55:09 When people died in the flood,
55:11 there were no funerals during the flood.
55:15 That's why, that's why Luke asked the question.
55:17 When the Lord talks about,
55:19 one shall be taken, one shall be left,
55:21 one shall be in the field, one shall be taken,
55:23 one shall be left,
55:24 the one taken is taken away in destruction
55:26 because the Bible says, in Noah's day the flood came
55:28 and took them all away.
55:31 So also and then Luke ask
55:33 in Luke Chapter 17, I think it's verse 23.
55:35 He says, he said, "Where Lord?"
55:39 And the Lord said,
55:40 "Wherever the eagles are together,
55:42 that's where you're going to find them."
55:48 Let's just determined by God's grace
55:49 to not have eagles eat on us.
55:52 We're going to go to the marriage supper
55:53 of the Lamb.
55:55 We are not going to be
55:56 the marriage supper of the Lamb.
55:58 Wow, wow.
55:59 What a humbling subject.
56:01 Let's see if we get one more.
56:02 Number eight, number eight.
56:04 And next week we'll start on a new page.
56:06 So we'll probably wind up, we just have enough I think.
56:10 Can the unsafe still be saved at the Second Coming?
56:15 Can the unsaved still be saved at the Second Coming?
56:18 So much for this idea about the second chance theology,
56:21 there is no secret rapture, there is no next plane.
56:24 After that one takes off, that's it.
56:28 Revelation 22:11, let's go there
56:30 because we don't have a ton of time.
56:32 Here it is.
56:34 This is the declaration.
56:35 "He who is unjust," what?
56:37 "Let him be unjust still, he is," what?
56:39 "Filthy, let him be filthy still,
56:41 he who is righteous, let him be," what?
56:43 "Righteous still, he who is holy,
56:45 let him be," what?
56:46 "Holy still."
56:48 And the next verse, "And behold, I am coming," how?
56:51 "Quickly,
56:53 and My reward is with Me, to give to," how many?
56:58 "Every one," where as the King James,
57:00 "every man, according to his works."
57:04 So, my brothers and sisters, tonight,
57:06 we're laying the foundation.
57:07 We're going to outline
57:09 question number nine and number ten.
57:10 Starting on next Wednesday, God willing,
57:13 but keep this in mind,
57:14 the opportunities to accept the Lord
57:16 and to be in the first resurrection
57:18 should you die or to meet the Lord in peace,
57:21 should you have the blessing of living until Jesus comes.
57:24 It is in giving your heart and your life to Jesus Christ.
57:27 Can the church say amen?
57:29 There's no better, there's no better invitation
57:31 than to come to the marriage supper of the Lamb.
57:34 There is no better joy than to meet the Lord in peace.
57:38 And so until we see you again, continue studying God's Word.
57:42 If it doesn't make sense, one day,
57:44 it will come into A Sharper Focus.
57:46 God bless you. Let us pray.


Revised 2019-07-29