A Sharper Focus

The of the Formation of the Secret Rapture, Part 2 / The Truth about Hell, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000073

00:01 Music...
00:19 Hello Friends, welcome to another
00:22 Wednesday night Bible Study here at A Sharper Focus.
00:24 Thank you for sitting down and taking the time to tune in,
00:27 we do appreciate all that you do for this Network,
00:30 we do appreciate your prayers
00:32 and surely your financial support.
00:35 Tonight's topic is a continuation of the truth
00:38 about the formation of the "Secret Rapture"
00:41 and then, we're going to go ahead and roll into a new topic
00:44 "The Truth About Hell"
00:46 what does the Bible say about hell?
00:48 And invite your friends and family members
00:51 to tune in and watch the program with you
00:53 and right after we have our opening prayer
00:55 and before our theme song, I will let you know
00:58 where you can get a copy of the lesson
01:00 but for the next hour,
01:02 we're going to pray for the Lord to bless us
01:04 as we study His Word
01:06 and we're going to invite the Spirit of God to be with us,
01:08 so, let's bow our heads together as we pray.
01:10 "Our gracious Father in heaven,
01:12 we thank You for Your goodness and for Your mercy
01:15 and for Your grace
01:16 and as we open the Word tonight,
01:18 we pray that You'll open our hearts and our minds
01:20 that we not only hear what is being said
01:23 but we hear what the Spirit of God is saying
01:26 to those who are tuning in.
01:28 If there's someone who is new to this truth,
01:30 we pray that Your Word will be a lamp to their feet
01:34 and a light to their path
01:36 and may You receive the honor and the glory for this message,
01:40 in Jesus' name I pray, amen. "
01:42 Audience: Amen.
01:44 Now, the website that you need to go to
01:45 to download a copy of the lesson...
01:47 we're finishing up Lesson number 23,
01:49 but go to this following website ASF.3abn. org
01:55 and click on: Study Guides,
01:57 then you can download the lessons there,
02:00 they are in a pdf format.
02:02 You can download them and follow along,
02:04 print and write on them,
02:05 or if you're high technical, you can use your computer
02:08 to just fill in the blanks.
02:09 Also, lesson number 24 which was one...
02:12 which is the lesson that we are going to start tonight:
02:15 "The Truth About Hell... "
02:16 what does the Bible teach about the topic of hell?
02:20 But before we do anything else,
02:21 we're going to have our theme song
02:23 and for those of us who...
02:24 those of you who have been tuning in from week to week,
02:27 we like to sing the song because it's true,
02:29 "There's victory in... in Jesus. "
02:31 Let's sing our theme song together.
02:33 Music...
02:41 I heard an old, old story,
02:45 How the Savior came from glory,
02:49 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:52 To save a wretch like me,
02:56 I heard about His groaning,
03:00 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:04 Then I repented of my sins;
03:08 And won the victory.
03:12 O victory in Jesus,
03:15 My, Savior, forever.
03:19 He sought me and bought me
03:23 With His redeeming blood;
03:27 He loved me ere I knew Him,
03:30 And all my love is due Him,
03:34 He plunged me to victory,
03:38 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:42 I heard about a mansion
03:46 He has built for me in glory.
03:49 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:53 Beyond the crystal sea;
03:57 About the angels singing,
04:01 And the old redemption story,
04:04 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:08 The song of victory.
04:11 Key Change...
04:12 O victory in Jesus,
04:16 My Savior, forever,
04:19 He sought me and bought me
04:23 With His redeeming blood;
04:27 He loved me ere I knew Him,
04:31 And all my love is due Him,
04:35 He plunged me to victory,
04:38 Beneath the cleansing flood...
04:42 He plunged me to victory
04:46 Beneath the cleansing flood.
04:51 Amen.
04:53 Audience: Amen.
04:54 Wonderful, wonderful...
04:56 He's plunged all of us to victory
04:58 beneath the cleansing flood.
05:00 Tonight, we are going to continue on the topic,
05:03 "The Formulation of the Secret Rapture. "
05:07 The Formulation of the Secret Rapture.
05:10 We only have a few questions remaining
05:12 in this topic
05:14 or the truth about the "Secret Rapture"
05:16 and a lot of times, people study the topic
05:19 but do not know where the "Secret Rapture" has come from.
05:22 Now, if you've been following us on our last week's study
05:25 we did not use a lot of Bible
05:28 but we did use the pages of history.
05:31 We walked down from the formulation
05:34 of the "Secret Rapture" back in the year...
05:37 oh, I think it was 1500s I talked about Francisco Ribera
05:41 who had begun to study the book of Revelation
05:45 and begin to develop the...
05:47 the theory that was called "Dispensationalism"
05:50 it was later called the "Secret Rapture"
05:52 "The Gap Theory"
05:54 a number of other things
05:55 it was called "Futurism"
05:57 we followed it from Francisco Ribera
06:00 and you may remember when we talked about that
06:02 we said that during this time...
06:04 during the Protestant Reformation
06:06 Francisco Ribero was commissioned by Rome
06:10 to create a theory that will take the eyes of those
06:13 during the Protestant Reformation
06:15 off of the power of Rome
06:18 and so they pointed people way down in the future
06:21 and today, many people are saying that
06:24 there's going to be a "Secret Rapture"
06:26 there's going to be an Antichrist
06:27 way down in the future,
06:29 well, we know that's not true, can you say, "Amen" to that?
06:30 Audience: Amen.
06:31 There is no such thing as a "Secret Rapture"
06:34 we are unfolding and uncovering the...
06:37 the lie about the "Secret Rapture. "
06:39 Now, the word "Lie" is a strong word.
06:42 I could use the word "untruth" I could use the word "fable"
06:46 but I'd rather... the word "Lie"
06:47 because so many people have fallen for this lie.
06:50 There are many sincere Christians
06:52 that are believing that somehow just before Jesus comes,
06:55 they're going to be snatched away
06:56 and then the tribulation is going to begin.
06:59 Well, if you follow the Bible,
07:01 let's just take this picture into consideration.
07:03 If the Bible says, "As it was in the days of Noah
07:06 so also will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man"
07:08 consider this, "How was it in the days of Noah?"
07:12 Was anybody snatched away?
07:14 Was there a second chance after the flood
07:17 for those who didn't get on the boat the first time, yes or no?
07:20 There was no second chance.
07:21 Let's consider the land of Egypt.
07:23 When the people of God were about to be delivered
07:26 out of Egypt and the angel came through...
07:29 the destroying angel... the only...
07:31 only those who had the blood of God on their doorpost
07:34 and remained in the house were safe from the destroying angel
07:38 and the plagues fell.
07:40 Now, were the people of God in Egypt when the plagues fell,
07:43 yes or no?
07:44 Yes they were.
07:46 How were they safe?
07:48 By the blood of the Lamb, what do you say?
07:51 By the blood of the Lamb...
07:52 not by some secret chamber that they were hiding in...
07:56 they were, as the Bible says in Psalm 91,
07:59 "the secret places...
08:01 he that dwelleth in the secret places of the Most High
08:04 shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
08:07 And I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress:
08:11 my God in Him will I trust. "
08:13 The... the secret place that we all have
08:15 is the blood of the Lamb.
08:17 That's how we are covered during the time of tribulation
08:20 so, there's no such thing
08:22 and we went through the questions very methodically,
08:25 from Francisco Ribera
08:27 we went to Emanuel Lacunza or Manuel Lacunza,
08:31 Archbishop of Canterbury
08:33 who himself was the keeper of the manuscripts
08:36 that were written by Francisco Ribera
08:38 and we have come all the way down to the modern times,
08:41 and for those of you who have remembered or...
08:43 or have followed the topic, you may remember
08:46 that I talked about a particular person
08:48 that was one of the largest contributors
08:51 to the Study Notes in many of the Bibles
08:54 that are being sold today, does anybody remember his name?
08:56 Scofield... C. I. Scofield...
08:59 Cyrus I. Scofield
09:01 "The Scofield Study Bible"
09:04 The Scofield Study Bible is replete with notes
09:07 that lead you to believe in the "Dispensation... "
09:11 in the "Secret Rapture"
09:12 in "Futurism"
09:14 in the "Gap Theory"
09:15 that's how many Christians today have been duped by that
09:19 but then even after Cyrus I. Scofield,
09:21 another great contributor to the...
09:24 to the proliferation of the "Secret Rapture"
09:27 was a man by the name of...
09:29 think about it... Hal Lindsey...
09:33 "The Late Great Planet Earth. "
09:37 Repetitively he predicted dates that he believed
09:41 foretold the day that the church was going to be "snatched away"
09:46 that the "Secret Rapture" was going to occur
09:49 but did it occur? Yes or no?
09:50 It did not occur
09:52 and then he went on... '98... '99...
09:54 I mean, '88... '89... 90... 91... 92...
09:56 and the numbers just faded off into oblivion
09:59 because there is no "Secret Rapture"
10:01 and secondly, if it's the Second Coming,
10:03 no man knows the day nor the hour
10:06 so you can't predict that
10:08 and then we're going to go to the next two tonight...
10:10 we're going to go to the next two tonight
10:13 and so, just to go ahead and close this section out,
10:16 let's go to question number 14.
10:18 Question Number 14, it will appear on your screen
10:21 and then, it will also appear on our screen
10:25 and these are historical notes
10:28 and by the way, I mentioned... I gave you the website...
10:29 if you want the complete copy,
10:32 you can also go to that website and click on videos
10:35 and see the entire broadcast that's a week earlier.
10:38 Any broadcast you miss...
10:39 the very next week, you can sit down...
10:41 you can look at all the broadcasts from Number 1
10:44 all the way to Episode number 72
10:46 and in the beginning of each episode
10:48 they'll tell you what lesson coincides
10:51 with that particular episode
10:52 but let's look at Question number 14 tonight, here it is,
10:55 "Who made the greatest modern impact
10:58 teaching the Secret Rapture?"
11:00 Who made the greatest modern impact
11:04 teaching the "Secret Rapture?"
11:06 Now, let me lay the foundation, when I...
11:09 when I was living in California,
11:11 my wife and I were living in California in the North Bay.
11:14 Brother Hutchinson was there too,
11:16 I was the Pastor of his church, he was my Head Elder
11:20 and he's now here at... I was going to say, Fairfield...
11:24 he's now here in Thompsonville with us...
11:27 when this... when this series of books came out,
11:31 it was as though a brush firestorm had gripped the nation
11:37 and people... Christians that I felt were fairly intellectual
11:42 and... and clearly understanding the Bible,
11:45 stood on the sides of the freeways
11:47 and the sides of the main roadways with large signs
11:50 inviting people to come to their church
11:52 to watch this movie
11:54 and the movie was called, "Left Behind. "
11:57 So the greatest modern contributor...
12:01 here's the answer to the impact of the "Secret Rapture"
12:05 is a man and his Writer...
12:07 Tim LaHaye is the Theologian
12:09 and Jerry Jenkins is the Writer.
12:12 They dramatized the "Secret Rapture"
12:15 through books and movies
12:16 and still today a lot of people can go to video stores
12:20 or they go to YouTube
12:21 and what's amazing about this Series
12:25 it has sold over 50 million copies.
12:27 Tim LaHaye... the "Left Behind Series"
12:30 actually sold over 75 million copies...
12:34 that as of research a number of years ago.
12:37 it's continuing to be sold, I remember going to Walmart
12:40 at the time we were living in California,
12:42 I forgot which store it was but as we got to the store
12:44 not only did they have the large volumes
12:47 that were the kind of thick like the Harry Potter books,
12:50 but I went to a Christian bookstore
12:53 and they had a section there... this is amazing
12:55 it was entitled... where they sold books
12:57 it was called, "Christian Fiction"
13:00 is that an oxymoron?
13:02 Audience: Laughter.
13:04 When do Christians get into fiction?
13:06 I thought that we were called to tell the truth, amen...
13:08 Audience: Amen.
13:09 You shall know the truth
13:10 and the truth shall make you free.
13:12 We are not proponents of fiction,
13:14 but this entire... I was so perturbed by that...
13:16 my wife could remember that,
13:18 I was so perturbed by that, I went to the person
13:19 at the counter and I said,
13:21 "What does that sign say?"
13:22 I know what it said... but I was just trying to make a point,
13:25 "What does that sign say?"
13:26 He said, "Christian Fiction"
13:28 and I said, "When did Christians begin to sell fiction?"
13:34 And there you had all the...
13:38 I think it was 8 or 9 volumes of the "Left Behind" Series,
13:41 you remember the "Left Behind" one... Jerry...
13:44 Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins and then, "Tribulation Force"
13:46 and the movies
13:48 and not only did they have them in the large books
13:50 but they had them in small volumes... soft cover books...
13:52 the children edition...
13:53 they sold not only the movies and the books but the DVDs...
13:57 and they sold a series of lessons
13:59 but if anyone would take the time
14:01 to turn one of those books around
14:02 if you own one, do this right now...
14:04 I don't have any...
14:05 I keep fiction like this out of my house
14:07 but if you would turn the book around,
14:09 on the back in small letters, maybe about 4... 5... points...
14:12 you see this single word, "Fiction. "
14:15 What word did I just say? Fiction...
14:18 now... but people read the inside...
14:21 they never took the time to turn it around
14:23 so they absorbed... they swallowed this fiction
14:27 and the Ministers proliferated this,
14:29 taught this and people thought,
14:32 "Well, if it's coming from the pulpits of America...
14:34 if it's coming from the churches...
14:36 rostrum or from a church period... it must be true. "
14:38 Well, it's not true,
14:40 go with me to the book of 2nd Corinthians,
14:41 I want to show you something, the devil is artful...
14:43 he is clever...
14:45 and if I were trying to deceive somebody,
14:48 this is the... this is what I would do.
14:50 Go with me to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11,
14:53 2nd Corinthians chapter 11,
14:56 we're going to look together at verse 13 down to verse 15.
15:02 Now, I'm not the devil,
15:04 can you all say "Amen" to that, please,
15:06 but if I were dealing in deception,
15:08 I would choose a costume that would best fit the role
15:13 that I wanted to portray.
15:14 If I want to pretend to be a police officer,
15:17 I wouldn't... I wouldn't wear a football outfit.
15:19 If I want to pretend to be a cook,
15:22 I wouldn't wear a ballerina's outfit...
15:23 and the devil has found a way to hire men...
15:27 that looked the part of men of righteousness
15:31 but they are not...
15:32 and they are...
15:34 they are those that are peddling error.
15:35 Look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 13.
15:38 The Bible says, "For such are... "
15:41 what kinds of apostles?
15:43 "False apostles... "
15:44 what kind of workers? "Deceitful workers
15:48 transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. "
15:53 Now, pause for a second, so they looked the part...
15:56 that's part of the deception, they looked the part,
15:59 remember Little Red Riding Hood?
16:00 Okay, that's the pun...
16:02 that's the pun I'm trying to make,
16:03 and it says in verse 14,
16:04 "And no wonder" or, "no marvel... "
16:06 if you're reading the King James Version,
16:09 "for Satan himself transforms himself
16:12 into an angel of light. "
16:14 Verse 15, powerful...
16:16 therefore, it is no great thing if his... " what?
16:22 "ministers also transformed themselves
16:25 into ministers of righteousness
16:28 whose end will be according to their works. "
16:32 Pause...
16:34 Peddling darkness...
16:35 but look like light bearers.
16:37 When Satan came to Christ in the Garden of Eden...
16:40 I mean, in the Garden of Gethsemane,
16:42 he didn't come in Halloween outfit.
16:44 Pause...
16:46 he used to be an angel...
16:47 he still maintained some of his angelic properties
16:51 now deceptive... this angel of light came...
16:54 that's why the name Lucifer means the son of the morning,
16:58 the morning light... the morning star...
17:00 and there are ministers now-a-days...
17:02 and I would say this... and I don't have time
17:05 to cut corners here,
17:06 Tim LaHaye is a false prophet.
17:08 When you proliferate 1,000s of pages
17:13 that have nothing to do with the revealed Word of God,
17:16 it's a false prophet.
17:18 Can somebody say "Amen" to that?
17:19 Audience: Amen... amen.
17:21 If it's not in God's Word, don't swallow it,
17:24 read the back of the book, "Fiction. "
17:26 But let's go on and see the next person
17:29 and this is even more modern
17:30 than Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.
17:32 Question number 15, question number 15,
17:35 "Who made the last public push for the Secret Rapture?"
17:41 I think everybody knows that one,
17:42 don't go to the... don't go to the answer yet,
17:44 I want to say some foundation,
17:46 my wife and I were out in California
17:48 around the time of this prognosticated date...
17:50 around the time of this false prophecy,
17:53 people had literally lost their sense of reason.
17:57 There were those who had plunged millions of dollars
18:01 into this campaign to warn the world
18:03 that... that the church was going to be snatched away.
18:06 As we were driving toward the Bay Bridge
18:08 on our way to San Francisco leaving out of Oakland,
18:11 we saw this big bright-lighted billboards
18:14 flashing... "The end of the world...
18:15 the end of the world is near... "
18:17 "The end of the world is near... "
18:18 we saw it on vehicles, we saw it in the newspaper,
18:21 big article in "The Times" there,
18:23 in the "Oakland Tribune"
18:24 "San Francisco Chronicle"
18:26 we kept a copy of that at home
18:27 in one of our piles of chronicled events
18:31 and we were... we thought to ourselves,
18:34 "Okay, he said... "
18:35 but let me just go ahead and show it to you
18:38 because I don't want to... I don't want to...
18:41 I don't want to cut the cake before I show you the cake.
18:43 Here's the person who made the last public push
18:46 for the "Secret Rapture. "
18:47 A man by the name of... what's his name?
18:49 Harold Camping...
18:51 Harold Camping, Preacher and Radio Host.
18:54 He's been out for many, many years
18:56 predicted the date of the "Secret Rapture. "
18:58 Go to the next slide, here's what he did.
19:01 This was actually in San Francisco:
19:03 Judgment Day May 21, 2011
19:08 Do not be wise in thine own eyes
19:10 FamilyRadio. com.
19:12 We were out there...
19:14 We went to Family Radio...
19:16 we went to Family Radio the day after the prediction failed...
19:21 we knew the prediction was going to fail.
19:24 As a matter of fact, in a very light-hearted kind of way
19:26 I said, "If Harold Camping had simply asked for advice,
19:29 I would have said to Harold Camping,
19:31 'the world is not ending on May 21st
19:33 because my wife and I... our anniversary is May 22.'"
19:36 Audience: Laughter.
19:38 We were out there to celebrate with Fairfield church
19:40 at their homecoming and but somehow... some way
19:44 this prediction of the "Secret Rapture" failed
19:47 and he went into... literally...
19:49 he... he went... he became...
19:51 not recluse... that's a light word...
19:54 he went into hiding.
19:55 If he could have been a... a... a...
19:57 a bug and fly away, I think he would have done that.
19:59 Now, unfortunately, as of this broadcast,
20:02 he's deceased and lived the rest of his life in some shame
20:07 because millions of dollars were poured into that campaign.
20:11 We went to the website... we went to the place there
20:13 and I should have included the picture there
20:15 of... and I took a picture of the...
20:17 one of the trucks in the back of the building
20:19 that was driving around with this big old marquee...
20:21 "World's Ending" but the world did not end
20:24 and the business was closed on May 22...
20:26 the business was closed
20:28 and the radio station was just simply playing music
20:30 and I thought, "How shameful
20:32 that men that claim to be students of God's Word,
20:35 will go so far as to predict something
20:37 that's not in God's Word.
20:38 You see, here at 3ABN and it's always been my...
20:41 my M O... Modus Operandi that if it's not in God's Word,
20:45 I'm not going to talk about it
20:46 and if I'm going to talk about it... I've done my homework.
20:50 You got to be... you got to understand the devil
20:53 has been around for 1,000s of years...
20:55 he's at the apex of his last hurrah
20:58 and he's just looking for ways to deceive people
21:01 and no way is even more... no way is most effective...
21:06 let me just re-phrase that...
21:09 no way is as effective as using religion
21:12 which should have as its foundation... the Word of God.
21:17 Look at the next question, Number 16,
21:20 Number 16...
21:21 here it is, "What warning did Jesus make
21:26 concerning His Second Coming?"
21:28 We're going to go to Matthew chapter 24 verse 4...
21:31 Matthew chapter 24 verse 4,
21:35 we're going to look at that one first.
21:36 What warning did Jesus make concerning His Second Coming?
21:40 You know, Matthew chapter 24 is a chapter
21:43 that outlines events leading up to the Second Coming of Christ,
21:46 how amazing sometimes we miss the very first thing He said
21:49 to His disciples... here's what he said.
21:51 Let's read this one together, are you ready? Here we go,
21:53 "Take heed that... " what?
21:56 "no one deceives you. "
21:58 Pertaining to the Second Coming,
22:01 make sure that you're not deceived.
22:03 He goes on to say,
22:04 "False Christs and false prophets will arise. "
22:06 As a matter of fact, go to the very next verse,
22:09 so the answer... "What warning did Jesus make
22:11 concerning His Second Coming?"
22:12 "Take heed that no one deceives you. "
22:14 Be careful of deception...
22:16 deception will be rampant.
22:18 Now look at verse 27 of Matthew chapter 24,
22:22 here it is, "For as the lightning comes from the east
22:28 and flashes to the west,
22:30 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. "
22:34 Visible... now we went through just before this
22:37 what the Bible says about the "Secret Rapture"
22:41 and we talked about the formulation
22:42 of the "Secret Rapture"
22:43 so all the texts about the fact that He's coming audibly...
22:46 the resurrection is going to take place...
22:48 "Our God shall come and shall not keep silent...
22:50 a fiery stream shall issue and come forth before Him... "
22:54 we went through all the Scriptures in the Bible
22:56 pertaining to the Second Coming of Christ
22:58 and we know that when Jesus comes,
23:00 it's going to be audible... it's going to be visible...
23:03 it's going to be earth shaking...
23:05 it's going to be cemetery shattering...
23:06 it's going to be a resurrection...
23:08 the dead in Christ are going to rise first, amen,
23:10 the islands and the mountains are going to disappear...
23:13 men are going to be running from the lamb
23:15 looking to the rocks and the mountains to hide,
23:17 it's going to be anything but secret.
23:19 Our God shall come and shall not keep silent
23:23 and why should He?
23:25 I mean, when the Super Bowl happens, it won't be silent,
23:27 am I right?
23:29 When the NBA Finals come, it's not going to be silent...
23:31 any major event is not silent.
23:34 Can you imagine going to a parade...
23:35 the Macy's Day Parade...
23:37 and there's not a single sound to be heard.
23:39 That's not an event but the coming of the Lord...
23:42 the greatest event of the ages...
23:43 why would the Lord sneak back and say, "Hey Yannick, let go...
23:47 yeah, shhhh... let's go. "
23:49 The only thing that's going to be secret about His soon return
23:53 is the date...
23:55 no man knows the day nor the hour...
23:57 can you say, "Amen" to that?
23:59 Audience: Amen.
24:00 So, be educated... if you miss the entire broadcast
24:03 you can go to that website, ASF.3abn. org
24:07 download the Lesson and then click on the videos tab
24:10 and look at the videos, Episodes 72, 71 and 70
24:15 and it will cover all the details
24:17 that are before these questions on this page
24:21 on Lesson number 23.
24:22 Now, we're going to transition to a new study...
24:26 a new study...
24:28 I'm excited about this,
24:29 you know, after we did the series on
24:32 "The Righteousness of Christ"
24:33 what I've started... and I think we started with...
24:36 I cannot remember the very first one...
24:39 I know what's in the Sabbath,
24:41 I think we started on "The Truth about Death"
24:43 that was the first one we did, "The Truth About Death"
24:45 then "The Truth About the Sabbath"
24:47 and then "The Second Coming"
24:49 then "The Secret Rapture"
24:50 now we're on "The Truth About Hell. "
24:53 What does the Bible teach about hell?
24:55 Now, this is a topic... can I spend a minute on this?
24:58 Here is what I'm saying,
25:00 so much has crept into the Christian Church
25:05 and I want to go back to the original scenario that I used.
25:07 Now, why do you think the Dark Ages
25:10 was called the Dark Ages?
25:11 What was turned off? Someone tell me.
25:13 The light...
25:15 if you turn the light off, it's dark...
25:18 but now get this,
25:20 don't do it... but if the lights went off here for five seconds,
25:25 that would be tragic...
25:26 you cannot have darkness for a television program
25:31 but if the light was turned off for 1,260 years,
25:35 you can come into this room and put anything in here
25:40 and take anything out
25:42 and after 1,260 years, I'd come back here
25:44 and when the lights are finally turned on
25:47 and think, "Now what's in here was originally here
25:49 1,260 years ago.
25:52 During the Dark Ages, Satan inserted into the Church
25:56 things that were not there originally
26:00 but after so long of darkness existing,
26:03 after the light began to dawn,
26:05 after 1798 and the American Bible Society
26:08 and the Second Coming was being preached around the world,
26:11 people began to hear about things
26:12 that they thought it was always there
26:14 such as, "The Secret Rapture"
26:17 the distorted view about hell...
26:20 all these things existed
26:22 and they came into the church during the Dark Ages.
26:25 We're going to also talk about some of the reasons why
26:28 this doctrine was taught.
26:30 why people thought...
26:31 why people were taught that there's an ever-burning hell
26:35 and how the church used that to their advantage
26:40 to build all the cathedrals during the Dark Ages
26:44 let me just give you some foundation
26:46 because you know, if we don't finish this,
26:47 we go to the next week, right?
26:49 These massive cathedrals in Europe
26:51 were built primarily out of money raised
26:55 on the heels of fear.
26:57 False evidence as appearing real.
26:59 Now, if somebody died...
27:01 let me just tell you for example, if somebody died
27:03 and they were not baptized,
27:05 the parents or the people were taught
27:07 that your mom is now in purgatory,
27:09 or your dad is in purgatory,
27:11 he's going to be there for 30 days...
27:14 if after 30 days, you don't pay me
27:17 to pray him out of purgatory, then he's going straight to hell
27:23 where he's going to wither and burn in the fires of hell
27:28 like a Rotisserie forever and ever and ever and ever...
27:33 and if it was a baby that was not baptized after birth,
27:38 it will go to "limbo"
27:40 and you got 30 days once again to pay me
27:46 because I'm the only one that can pray him out.
27:48 Well that money was raised
27:50 on the shoulders of people that were filled with fear
27:52 for what will happen to their loved ones
27:54 because of love for their loved ones
27:56 and in the Dark Ages...
27:58 there were a lot of other things that were connected to this,
28:00 you may want to do some study,
28:02 here's a phrase that can really show you
28:06 where some of this came from,
28:07 the phrase called, "Neo-Platonism"
28:10 say that with me, "Neo-Platonism"
28:14 let me just kind of give you an idea,
28:15 and by the way, after we talk about the truth about hell,
28:17 we're going to go ahead and tackle some of the...
28:20 some of the familiar misconceptions
28:22 like the rich man and Lazarus...
28:23 right,
28:25 about Lazarus being dead for four days...
28:28 we're going to talk about the thief on the cross...
28:31 we're going to talk about those people that say
28:33 that Christ went to hell
28:35 and preached to those who were in "spirit prison"
28:37 we're going to talk about all that... clear that all up
28:39 because there's so much darkness that is out there
28:42 being proliferated and already imbibed and believed,
28:44 but tonight, let's go ahead and lay the foundation
28:47 for the topic of hell.
28:48 I think the most important thing that we need to know
28:50 about the topic of hell,
28:52 is in this very first question,
28:53 here it is, here is the first question.
28:56 "What does the Bible teach about the character of God?"
29:03 Wonderful... wonderful passage in the Bible we find...
29:09 this should be at the beginning of every study
29:12 particularly this one because the teaching about hell
29:15 ignores this very...
29:18 this very property about God's character.
29:20 Here it is on the screen,
29:22 and since it's the first one in our new study,
29:24 we can all read this together with some enthusiasm,
29:26 are you ready? Here it is, together,
29:29 "He who does not love does not know God,
29:33 for God is love. "
29:36 Now, I want you to catch that...
29:38 it didn't say, "God is lovely"
29:40 or "God can be lovable at certain times"
29:42 or "God has a lovable attitude"
29:45 it says "God... " what? "is love... "
29:47 so you put the two together,
29:49 you cannot separate love from God,
29:50 you cannot separate God from love... God is love...
29:53 in other words, there is no love without God
29:55 and the doctrine of hell, write the answer down,
29:58 "What does the Bible teach about the character of God?"
29:59 God is love...
30:01 and the teaching about hell
30:03 takes out of the picture God's love.
30:07 I've heard people say, "How could a loving God
30:11 burn sinners forever?"
30:14 Well, tonight Friends...
30:17 I remember at a Revelation Seminar
30:19 when I was living in Vallejo
30:21 there was a gentleman sitting on the front row...
30:22 I'll never forget this...
30:24 and he came from night to night...
30:25 he was from a different Denomination,
30:27 he eventually gave his life to the Lord...
30:28 accepted the Advent message and was baptized...
30:30 but what he said still resonates in my mind to this very day,
30:35 here was the reason why he accepted the message,
30:37 he said, "When he was out in the world taking drugs,
30:39 his friend got killed in a drug deal
30:42 and based on what he always thought
30:44 or what he always believed...
30:46 he believed that his friend was in hell right now
30:48 being tormented
30:50 and he said the very thought of it,
30:52 drove him away from even thinking about God
30:56 but as he'd gotten older, he came to our Revelation Seminar
31:00 and the evening when we presented the topic on...
31:02 "What the Bible teaches about hell... "
31:03 he came up and he said,
31:05 "For the first time in x amount of years... "
31:08 I don't remember how many years...
31:09 "for the first time in x amount of years,
31:11 a burden has been lifted from my heart about my friend"
31:14 and he told us the story...
31:15 he said, "Thank you so much, up until tonight,
31:19 I had thought my friend was in the fires of hell
31:22 being tormented relentlessly by God. "
31:26 Pause...
31:28 But God is love... God is love...
31:32 Let's go to the second question
31:34 and see what this God of love is all about.
31:36 "What does God's love reveal about destruction?"
31:41 Pause...
31:43 more pause...
31:46 What does God's love reveal about destruction?
31:48 Question number 2
31:50 and let's go to 2nd Peter chapter 3 and verse 9
31:53 if you don't have your Bibles,
31:55 the answer will be on the screen.
31:56 2nd Peter chapter 3 and verse 9,
31:58 "What does a loving God have to say about destruction?"
32:02 And here it is... here it is,
32:05 so wonderful...
32:07 the Apostle Peter writes,
32:09 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise
32:13 as some count slackness,
32:16 but is... " what?
32:18 "longsuffering toward us... " and there's the point,
32:22 "not willing that... " what?
32:24 "any should perish
32:26 but that all should come to repentance. "
32:30 So, let me ask the question, does God want people to perish?
32:35 Yes or no? What does God want?
32:37 He wants men to repent.
32:39 Repentance... one of the first steps of salvation...
32:42 Peter preached on the day of Pentecost
32:44 and they said, "What must we do to be saved?"
32:47 And he says, "Repent and be baptized"
32:49 repentance...
32:51 God is not the kind of God that wants people to perish
32:55 and by-the-way,
32:56 if you want to understand "perish"
32:58 go to the supermarket, go to the fruit section...
33:01 and sometimes, you see the sign "perishable goods"
33:04 which means, if you buy an apple
33:06 and you put it in your cupboard
33:09 and don't eat it until next year this time,
33:12 you won't enjoy it. Why?
33:16 Because it has perishable properties.
33:19 Here's the point I want to make.
33:21 When sin entered the world,
33:25 everything had perishable properties.
33:29 The only thing that exists on this planet
33:33 that is imperishable or that is immortal is nothing
33:40 only God has immortality.
33:44 Trees die...
33:46 plants die...
33:48 am I telling the truth?
33:49 The most beautiful, expensive bunch of roses... die...
33:53 perishable...
33:54 when sin entered the world... 1st Corinthians 15 verse 22,
33:58 "As in Adam all die,
34:00 even so in Christ all shall be made alive. "
34:03 The Lord is not willing that any should perish
34:06 but that all should come to repentance.
34:08 So, write the answer down,
34:09 what does God's love reveal about destruction?
34:11 He doesn't want anyone to perish.
34:13 That is not God's plan
34:15 by-the-way, a point that needs to be made
34:17 and I'll share the Scripture with you in just a moment,
34:19 hell... by-the-way was not prepared for sinners.
34:22 Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels.
34:25 When I read that text years ago, I thought to myself,
34:30 then why do people want to break in on the devil's party?
34:34 Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels.
34:38 Hell was never prepared
34:40 for those that God created out of love.
34:42 Hell was not prepared for us but because of sin...
34:45 unfortunately, those who will be destroyed...
34:49 those who'll be lost is as of the sands of the sea,
34:51 the Bible says.
34:53 Sad, sad reality but that's what the Word God says.
34:56 God is not willing that any should perish
34:59 but that all should come to repentance.
35:02 Write that down for number two.
35:04 Now let's go to Number 3,
35:06 we're going to dive into some solid questions here,
35:08 but these are very important to lay the foundation...
35:10 to understand God's character about this whole ideology
35:13 about the God of love, He doesn't want us to perish.
35:16 Somehow God gets the bad rap,
35:18 sometimes God is... is touted as this guy
35:20 with a telescope and a check mark...
35:23 with a telescope and a big black marker.
35:25 "Ha, got them... " check... "ha, caught him... " check...
35:29 God sometimes is... is... is portrayed as this God
35:32 who just wants to... just wants to get you
35:35 and so many people have been turned off...
35:37 I'm... I'm trying to think of the young man's name
35:39 Robert Ingersoll...
35:40 Robert Ingersoll became an Atheist
35:43 because of his dad's teaching him
35:46 that God torments babies in hell
35:49 and Robert Ingersoll became a foremost Atheist.
35:51 Agnostic... but then Atheist...
35:53 because how could a God of love
35:55 ever do that to an innocent child.
35:57 Let's see what the Bible says.
35:59 Number 3,
36:01 What is the only alternative that God offers
36:05 in place of perishing?"
36:07 There's only one... there's only one other alternative.
36:10 What does God offer?
36:12 Let's go to a text that you may have seen before...
36:14 don't know if you have...
36:18 John 3:16... do you need to look it up?
36:20 Can't we just quote it?
36:22 And by-the-way, I use the King James Version
36:24 because I think that when each of us were born,
36:26 in the delivery room,
36:29 the doctor gave us a little piece of paper and said,
36:32 "Read this... "
36:33 because somehow this text is the most quoted text of all time.
36:37 Are you ready? "For God so loved the world,
36:41 that He gave His only begotten Son,
36:43 that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
36:48 but have... " what?
36:49 "everlasting life. "
36:51 Now, let's pause on that.
36:52 Yes, we've heard that text before
36:53 but have you caught what it said?
36:55 If you believe in God, you don't perish...
36:59 you have what? Everlasting life...
37:03 so, look at the two now
37:04 as we go and build the foundation...
37:05 either you perish... or you have everlasting life.
37:08 Now, get this, "everlasting life" and "perish"
37:11 can't be the same thing,
37:12 my point is, those who received everlasting life,
37:16 are able to live... how long? Someone tell me.
37:19 Forever...
37:21 Those who perish cannot live long in the fires of hell.
37:27 You'll find out tonight why...
37:29 I know people... their wheels are turning...
37:32 let me tell you something about truth,
37:33 truth is so clear that sometimes it confuses you
37:36 if you've been in darkness for so long.
37:38 Somebody will be hearing that
37:40 and I know I've been in situations for years...
37:42 I've sat down and talked with people
37:44 of different denominations
37:45 and when I'm saying that,
37:47 they can't wait till I finish my point
37:49 to say the very next statement and some people say,
37:52 "But... but people will burn forever in hell...
37:55 they have to... "
37:56 and I'm thinking...
37:58 I'm thinking,
38:01 "Why do Christians want sinners to burn in hell forever?"
38:06 I can't understand that.
38:08 There's some people who say, "They will burn in hell... "
38:11 and other people said,
38:13 "I get it, you guys don't believe in hell... "
38:15 well, let me make a point tonight before I go any further,
38:17 "We believe in hell... hotter than the hell you believe in
38:19 pause...
38:25 because in our hell, ain't nothing's going to survive. "
38:29 In the Bible's hell, ain't nothing's going to be leftover.
38:32 In the hell that you've been taught about,
38:35 it ain't hot enough to kill anybody.
38:37 They're going to be having parties...
38:39 sipping water back and forth...
38:40 when you think the rich man and Lazarus is an actual account
38:44 of something in hell, can you imagine...
38:45 now, get it, it's a little warm in here
38:47 but it's not by any means a summer day...
38:49 and there's no fire around me, praise God for that.
38:52 I'm a little thirsty right now, but do you think...
38:56 and we're going to get into this later on in the next study
38:58 just to kind of prep it,
38:59 do you think if I was thirsty
39:01 that you could dip your finger in water
39:04 while I'm in hell's fire and quench my thirst?
39:08 Audience: Laughter...
39:10 And do you think that there's going to be some kind...
39:13 "Hey, you're okay over there?"
39:17 "Naw, I'm not doing too well. "
39:19 "How can I help you?"
39:20 "Well, since you're righteous, do you have access to water?"
39:24 "Hold on... ah... I got it but I can't reach over there,
39:28 there's a great gulf fixed between the both of us
39:31 but if I could, I'll dip my finger in the water
39:33 and help you out... "
39:34 "I appreciate it,
39:35 kind of did some bad things to get myself in this fire
39:37 and I don't know how I'm going to get out of it. "
39:39 Audience: Laughter...
39:41 And then they teach...
39:42 I wish I had a big old "error mallet... "
39:45 I just hit "error" on the head
39:46 every time I got a chance to do it.
39:48 And then they teach... this is ridiculous...
39:50 but this is how... what happens is...
39:52 my dad used to teach me,
39:53 "When you lie, you got to keep on lying. "
39:55 Have you known that?
39:57 The first lie makes room for the second lie
40:00 and the second lie makes room for the third lie.
40:03 If you tell the first lie as a preacher,
40:05 you got to tell a lie to back that lie up
40:07 so here's the lie to back up that lie.
40:09 Not only are you going to burn in hell forever,
40:11 "So... what about the resurrection?"
40:14 "Oh, well, this is what's going to happen. "
40:15 This is what they say
40:17 and I actually read this in a book,
40:18 I don't want to tell you the Denomination
40:19 but they say, "When Jesus comes,
40:21 there's going to be a resurrection
40:23 and a brief pause... for those who are in the fires of hell.
40:27 They're going to get a break... they're going to be judged
40:31 and put right back in. "
40:32 Audience: Laughter.
40:34 I wish I weren't making that up,
40:37 I have that book at home...
40:39 I have a little orange book that I got from a Denomination...
40:42 from a pastor... who tried to take me to task on that.
40:46 So, let's put this theory into... into... into effect...
40:49 let's put it into action...
40:51 let's just say, "That's a possibility... "
40:55 which I know it's not but let's just think about it
40:57 in the context of what I just said,
40:58 so, that means that Cain who killed Abel
41:01 has been in the fires of hell... burning for... how long?
41:04 and he still ain't done yet...
41:07 and he's going to have a break.. that is if he's lost
41:11 at the Second Coming of Christ, he's going to be judged
41:14 and put back in there.
41:15 Doesn't make any sense.
41:17 Pause...
41:19 According to the... according to the text
41:21 that everyone has been given from birth
41:23 you either perish or you have everlasting life.
41:27 You don't have everlasting death
41:29 in the fires of hell.
41:31 You don't have everlasting punishment...
41:33 you're not going to be withering and rolling around on Rotisserie
41:36 and all those medieval drawings that were drawn
41:40 commissioned to scare people into submission,
41:43 to the powers of the church of Rome...
41:45 look at some of those medieval pictures...
41:48 looks like little imps and demons with forks
41:51 turning people over in the fires of hell
41:53 and people having no other reference...
41:55 no access to the Bible...
41:57 believed and swallowed that... abject fear...
41:59 and one preacher once said,
42:00 "How am I going to get people to accept Christ
42:03 if I don't teach hell fire?"
42:04 "Well, talk about the love of God" amen somebody.
42:07 Audience: Amen.
42:08 Can you imagine...
42:09 fire standing behind a groom on a wedding day,
42:12 "Will you love her or not?"
42:13 "Yes... anything... "
42:15 that's not how God is...
42:18 God is love...
42:19 "For God so loved the world... "
42:23 that's how they say it in California,
42:25 everything is "so"
42:26 "Oh... so nice... "
42:28 "Oh, God so loved the world... "
42:29 either you perish or you have everlasting life.
42:32 Now, let's go to Question number 4...
42:34 Question number 4,
42:36 "How does David the psalmist reveal the end of the wicked?"
42:42 How does he reveal that?
42:44 How does he reveal the end of the wicked?
42:47 How does he talk about it?
42:49 We're going to Psalm 1 and verse 6,
42:51 Psalm 1 and verse 6,
42:53 just the other night I was sharing this with my wife
42:56 not so much about this text in particular
42:58 but... that David the Psalmist
43:01 was talking about this first chapter of Psalms as comparison
43:06 between the righteous and the wicked.
43:08 What a wonderful comparison because if you're righteous,
43:11 you meditate on God's law day and night,
43:14 on God's law day and night
43:15 and everything you do will prosper
43:18 but he says... but he says in verse 6,
43:20 look at this...
43:22 "For the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
43:27 but the way of the ungodly shall... " what?
43:31 "perish... "
43:32 there is the word again... "perish... "
43:34 I don't know how many times
43:38 I've had to replace my car battery
43:39 because I had my car outside of the house
43:42 in the cold weather and hot... in the cold weather and hot...
43:44 but I know, they need a lot of fixing.. and I left it out there
43:47 and even though the battery was new when I first bought it,
43:49 I took it back to the place I bought it...
43:51 they said, "Have you been driving this car?"
43:52 I said, "No... "
43:54 kind of... so much needs to be done with this
43:57 like an old car from way down in 1995...
43:59 and they said, "I know your battery...
44:01 you haven't used it very much, but it's... it's dead. "
44:04 Now, here's my point,
44:06 "Do I now put that battery in another car and it works?"
44:09 Yes or no...
44:11 If it's dead it's dead...
44:12 we have a big box of batteries behind the stage here at 3ABN.
44:16 Bad and good...
44:19 it is sad to think but it's true...
44:22 we have more bad batteries than good
44:24 but we don't put the bad batteries back
44:27 in the microphones
44:28 that's why we took them out because they're bad.
44:31 They're at the point where they are about to perish.
44:33 David the Psalmist made it very, very clear,
44:37 "The way of the ungodly shall do... " what?
44:40 Perish...
44:42 but what does he mean by that?
44:43 what does he mean by that?
44:44 Let's go to the next question.
44:46 Question number 5,
44:47 "In what manner does the Bible reveal
44:50 that the wicked will perish?"
44:52 In what manner?
44:53 "I'm going to... I'm going to perish... "
44:54 but how? How am I going to perish?
44:56 How will I perish?
44:58 Wow! Psalm 37 and verse 20.
45:03 Psalm 37 and verse 20.
45:07 Let's look at this,
45:09 okay, here's what the Bible says.
45:12 David the Psalmist...
45:13 "But the wicked shall... " what's the next word?
45:16 "Perish... "
45:17 "and the enemies of the LORD shall...
45:19 enemies of the Lord... like the splendor of the meadows,
45:24 shall vanish... " how?
45:26 "into smoke...
45:28 they shall... " what?
45:30 "vanish away. "
45:31 Pause...
45:33 When I was in New York City...
45:34 and we... we were not too long out in California,
45:37 and we moved up in the mountains to an old church...
45:40 all the church members...
45:42 one of them asked me one day, "Do you have enough kindling?"
45:46 And me being a city boy,
45:48 I didn't want to act... look ignorant,
45:49 I thought kindling was a country word for kinfolk...
45:52 didn't know what kindling was... never heard the word...
45:56 you don't talk about "kindling" in the city,
45:58 has no applications like that...
46:00 "I... I think I do... "
46:02 I went to the store one day in town in Weaverville,
46:06 if you're watching from Weaverville, hello.
46:08 And I saw on the bottom of the shelf,
46:11 all these little pieces of thin wood
46:13 banded around with string
46:15 and the word on the package, "Kindling"
46:18 and I thought, "That's kindling?
46:21 So, it's not a country word for kinfolk... "
46:24 and they said,
46:26 "Well, do you know how to start a fire?"
46:27 Well, the only way I knew how to start a fire was...
46:29 sure I know how to start a fire...
46:32 put some... put some newspaper in there,
46:33 ball it up... put a whole lot of paper in there... ball it up
46:37 and get my butane fluid and squirt it in there
46:40 and throw a match in there...
46:41 that's how I started a fire,
46:43 don't do that...
46:44 it was a horrible explosion.
46:46 Thankfully it was not too big a fire
46:50 because it went... wfoooooo
46:52 like gasoline would and it burned out really quick
46:55 so one church member came over
46:57 and taught me how to build a fire.
46:59 "Put your kindling here... and then the other piece
47:03 and don't... look out for Pitch Pine
47:04 and look out for Douglas Fir... "
47:06 and I came to find... and today, I can smell a piece of wood
47:10 and kind of remember what tree it's connected to
47:12 but back then, I had no idea
47:13 and I tell you what though
47:15 when I put a fire together at night,
47:17 my wife can tell you...
47:18 that fire burned all night long
47:22 but I tell you this,
47:23 whatever log I put in there at 11 o'clock at night,
47:26 it wasn't in there in the morning.
47:29 Into smoke... it vanished away.
47:31 Into smoke... it did what?
47:33 Vanished away.
47:35 Lot of people think that somehow...
47:37 there's something about us
47:40 that can be exposed to the devastating fires of God
47:44 and still survive.
47:46 I don't know of anybody on earth that survived a fire
47:49 unless they got out of it.
47:51 As a matter of fact, if you want to test this theory
47:53 I don't suggest you do,
47:55 as a matter of fact, let me make a point here
47:56 like they do at the disclaimers,
47:57 "Don't try this at home... "
47:59 but if you decide... if you want to test how...
48:02 how... how eternal you are
48:04 and how indestructible you are,
48:05 light the stove and put your finger there,
48:08 I guarantee you, give yourself a few seconds,
48:10 you'll realize that you are very mortal.
48:12 Amen, somebody...
48:13 Audience: Amen.
48:15 Nothing mortal about... nothing immortal about us
48:17 until we put on immortality at the Second Coming,
48:20 we studied that already,
48:21 we will put on immortality
48:23 but there's nothing about us immortal
48:25 so how will we endure the fires of hell?
48:27 We would not... that's why David the Psalmist says,
48:29 "Into smoke they... " not "it... "
48:32 but "they shall vanish away. "
48:35 "What happened to all the firewood we had?"
48:38 "It's gone... "
48:39 "Well, how did it go?"
48:40 "Didn't you see the smoke going through the chimney?"
48:42 Into smoke it vanished away.
48:43 That's what the Bible says
48:45 so put that down on Question number 5,
48:48 "In what manner does the Bible reveal the wicked will perish?"
48:50 They'll vanish away into smoke.
48:52 Smoke... they'll go up in smoke...
48:54 people have said that,
48:55 "Man! all my money went up in smoke. "
48:57 "My house went up in smoke. "
48:58 In this case, anybody put into the Lake of Fire
49:03 will go up in smoke, amen.
49:06 Now, what I like about studying this topic is,
49:09 it doesn't apply to me, come on somebody say, "Amen. "
49:11 Audience: Amen.
49:12 I'm not in that category
49:14 and I'm determined by God's grace to stay out of it.
49:16 Here is the next question...
49:18 here is the next question, Question number 7...
49:21 Question number 7...
49:23 sorry, Question number 6, sorry...
49:25 "Will the wicked continue to exist after their destruction?"
49:33 will they continue to exist after their destruction?
49:36 Now, those of you who are theologically sound,
49:38 you know the answer is "No"
49:40 but it's not that simple.
49:41 I don't want your answer,
49:42 I want the Bible's answer, is that all right?
49:44 Psalm 37 and verse 10 is where you'll find the answer.
49:47 "Will the wicked continue to exist after their destruction?"
49:50 Now, that seems really weird to ask that question
49:53 but here is the reason I ask that question
49:55 because somehow in the minds of some people
49:57 they think that they will.
49:58 I mean, get this, where is he?
50:01 I've never gone to a funeral, by the way,
50:02 where the preacher said, "He's in hell now. "
50:04 Have you noticed that?
50:05 If they don't believe in the resurrection,
50:08 they always say, "He's in heaven he's looking down"
50:10 but nobody has ever said, "He's in hell, looking up. "
50:12 Audience: Laughter.
50:14 No one ever said that
50:15 but
50:19 the point I was going to make has just vanished away.
50:22 Audience: Laughter.
50:24 Let's read the text and it will come back.
50:26 Here it is...
50:27 Psalm 37 verse 10, "For yet a little while
50:33 and the wicked shall be... " come on, say it together,
50:36 "no more... "
50:38 "indeed, you will look carefully for his place... "
50:43 what's going to happen?
50:44 "but it shall be... " what?
50:46 "no more. "
50:48 "Where did Hitler live before?"
50:50 "I don't know. "
50:52 "Is Hitler still there?"
50:53 "Ah ah... he gone... " Amen.
50:57 Any sinner that has not accepted Christ
50:59 will fall under the category of "perish. "
51:02 John 3:16...
51:03 they will not fall into the category of "everlasting life. "
51:06 You don't have everlasting... there are no immortal sinners.
51:09 You got to catch that,
51:10 that's one of the reasons why as soon as Adam and Eve sinned...
51:13 my wife and I are on the same page...
51:15 we read the Study together, as soon as Adam and Eve sinned,
51:19 the Lord sent an Angel to bar the way to the Tree of Life
51:22 lest they partake of it and eat and live forever.
51:25 He made sure that there will be no such thing
51:28 as an immortal sinner, amen.
51:30 Audience: Amen.
51:31 Can you imagine the devil being around forever?
51:33 Can you imagine Hitler being around forever?
51:35 And the antediluvian giants...
51:37 Lord have mercy if sin were ever allowed to reign forever,
51:41 there'll be no hope for any of us
51:42 but to God be the glory,
51:44 Jesus prevailed over the grave, what do you say?
51:46 Audience: Amen.
51:48 But you look around for their place... not what...
51:50 you won't glance, you'll carefully look,
51:52 "Weren't they around here somewhere?
51:54 I thought it was... what block he's...?"
51:56 He ain't there anymore because in the new earth,
51:59 only the meek will inherit the earth,
52:01 what do you say?
52:02 There'll be no sinners in the New Earth,
52:04 there ain't going to be any barbed-wire fences
52:05 in my neighborhood,
52:06 I don't have to lock my door to my golden mansion,
52:09 come on say "Amen" somebody.
52:10 Audience: Amen.
52:12 I don't want to... "Man, this is a really nice neighborhood
52:14 that Jesus built for me,
52:15 any drug dealers around here?" Ah ah...
52:18 Nothing will enter in that to defile it, Revelation chapter 22
52:22 nothing's going in there
52:23 because it is not going to survive the fires of hell.
52:26 So, let's put the answer down,
52:27 "Will the wicked continue to exist after their destruction?"
52:31 What's the answer? No more...
52:32 you won't find them... you won't find their place.
52:35 You won't find them
52:37 and you won't find where they lived.
52:39 As a matter of fact, I remember that thought...
52:41 it was a sad story about a few months ago,
52:43 maybe even a year ago,
52:44 remember they found the three young girls
52:46 that had been missing for about ten years... remember that?
52:49 Now, get this... this is... this is powerful...
52:53 are you ready?
52:55 The guy that killed them... where is he?
52:57 You will look for his place and it will be no more...
53:01 not only is he no more but even his place is no more.
53:05 That's what the Bible is saying.
53:06 God doesn't even want the trace of sin to exist.
53:11 He's getting rid of the place and the perpetrator, amen.
53:14 Root and branch...
53:16 That's how God is
53:18 because we want to live in peace, what do you say?
53:21 I don't want to get to heaven worrying about,
53:23 "Oh no, did you hear who made it up here?"
53:25 "Who?"
53:28 "Isn't that that guy with that bad temper?"
53:30 "He's up here... three blocks over... "
53:33 Audience: Laughter.
53:35 That's not going to happen.
53:37 It sounds kind of hilarious but the Lord...
53:40 we make... see...
53:42 we are making decisions now for eternal life
53:44 and secondly, God is not going to have
53:47 some hole in the new earth where people are going,
53:50 ah... ah... ah... ah...
53:53 and you go and look over and say,
53:54 "Yeah, there he is, still in the fires of hell,
53:57 he shouldn't have done that... here's some water. "
54:00 Because I asked somebody once,
54:02 this sounds cynical but I want to make a point here,
54:04 I asked somebody once,
54:06 "Okay, if you believe that hell is going to burn forever,
54:08 where is it going to burn?"
54:09 And they say, "Down there... "
54:11 "You mean, down there?
54:13 Down there is up there for the people
54:14 on the other side of the planet. "
54:16 Where is it going to burn?
54:17 Oh, I look for a new heaven and a new earth
54:23 in which righteousness dwells.
54:26 The former things shall not be remembered nor come into mind,
54:31 affliction shall not rise up a second time
54:35 man! what a night... amen somebody...
54:37 Audience: Amen.
54:38 We're not going to worry about this in the new earth
54:40 destruction is sure...
54:42 but you don't have to be destroyed
54:43 if you don't know the Lord...
54:44 you don't have to be in this bad scene,
54:46 you can accept the Lord and have eternal life,
54:48 everlasting life...
54:50 that's who Jesus is...
54:51 let's go to the next one,
54:52 I think we'll make a few more before the night is done.
54:54 Number 7... number 7...
54:57 "What does the Bible... what does the...
55:00 what does the Bible describe
55:02 as the means of destroying the wicked?"
55:04 What does the Bible describe as the means
55:07 of destroying the wicked?
55:08 Let's see what it says, all right,
55:11 well, I'll tell you...
55:14 you know what I like about this topic?
55:15 Some people say...
55:16 I remember I was in the Virgin Islands
55:18 and I talked to... in St. Thomas visiting there,
55:20 and I talked to a guy there and he said,
55:22 "You know, whenever you guys talk about hell,
55:24 you always... you always avoid these verses... "
55:26 I said, "We don't avoid any verses in the Bible. "
55:29 "Yeah, I don't hear it very much... "
55:31 I said, "Because you may be not be listening clearly
55:33 but we don't avoid any verses in the Bible"
55:34 and these are the verses he said that we avoid,
55:37 I don't avoid anything, so what's the answer,
55:39 "What does the Bible describe
55:40 as the means of destroying the wicked?"
55:41 Here it is, Revelation chapter 14 verse 10.
55:43 I'm going to leave you with a cliffhanger this week
55:45 so you can come back next week.
55:46 The Bible says, "He himself shall also drink of the wine
55:51 of the wrath of God,
55:53 which is poured out... " how strong?
55:55 "full strength into the cup of His indignation.
55:59 He shall be tormented... " with what?
56:03 "fire" and what else?
56:05 "brimstone in the presence of the holy angels
56:09 and in the presence of the Lamb. "
56:10 Amen...
56:12 Fire and brimstone...
56:15 you don't know what that is?
56:16 Go to Hawaii and get a helicopter ride
56:18 over the top of a volcano,
56:19 make sure it's a good altitude.
56:20 Fire and brimstone...
56:22 as the waters came up from the earth
56:24 and destroyed those who were here... in the flood
56:26 and the waters came down...
56:27 fire will come up and fire will come down.
56:31 Read 1st Peter... we'll talk about that next week.
56:33 The same earth that was destroyed by water
56:36 fire is now... is now held in reserve for fire
56:40 and by-the-way, just to encourage you,
56:43 it's not burning tonight, hallelujah.
56:45 Audience: Amen.
56:46 Nobody downstairs burning.
56:47 It says... Question number 8... very quickly...
56:51 "How does the Bible describe the intensity of their torment?"
56:56 This is the cliffhanger... you have to come back...
56:57 very quickly now...
56:59 "and the smoke of their torment ascended forever and ever
57:02 and they have no rest day or night
57:04 who worship the beast and his image
57:06 and whoever receives the mark of his name. "
57:09 Now, next week you're going to see that text,
57:12 but get this, "the smoke of their torment
57:15 will ascend up forever and ever
57:17 and they'll have no rest day or night. "
57:19 What does the Bible mean about forever and ever?
57:24 What does the Bible mean about their torment?
57:25 What does it mean that they have no rest day or night
57:28 when they are plunged into the fires of God's destruction,
57:32 you'll find out
57:34 but keep this in mind as you wait for next week
57:36 there is no such thing as an eternal sinner
57:39 hallelujah, somebody...
57:40 Audience: Amen.
57:42 The wages of sin is death
57:44 but the gift of God is eternal life
57:47 through Jesus Christ our Lord.
57:48 Only the righteous will receive eternal life...
57:51 not the wicked...
57:52 and here's the point, you cannot burn forever
57:54 unless you live forever.
57:55 If it doesn't make sense, Friends,
57:57 keep studying God's Word
57:59 for one day, it will come into a sharper focus.
58:02 God bless you.


Revised 2019-07-23