A Sharper Focus

The Formulation of the Secret Rapture, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000072

00:01 Music...
00:19 Hello Friends, welcome to another Wednesday night
00:21 Bible Study here at "A Sharper Focus. "
00:23 We thank you for tuning in.
00:25 We thank you for join us for this very important topic,
00:28 we are finalizing the truth about the "Secret Rapture"
00:32 and we're going into the formulation
00:34 of the "Secret Rapture. "
00:36 A lot of people don't know how the "Secret Rapture" started...
00:38 where it came from...
00:40 what idea was at the root of it...
00:43 and so tonight, invite your family...
00:45 as a matter of fact, you may want to hit the "Record" button
00:48 because this one is...
00:49 has a lot of graphics and information
00:51 that you may want to refer to later on
00:53 and sometimes, people will write in and say,
00:55 "Could you upload those graphics?"
00:57 Well, here is your opportunity to get the graphics
01:00 and the explanations so thank you for tuning in.
01:03 Before we have our opening song
01:05 and before we have our opening prayer,
01:07 let's invite the Lord to be with us tonight, let's pray.
01:10 "Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity.
01:13 Your word in this age of darkness
01:16 is still a lamp to our feet and a light unto our path
01:20 and so, Lord, tonight, we pray
01:22 that you'll strengthen our hearts...
01:24 nurture us, speak clearly to us
01:27 and may those who are stumbling in darkness
01:30 find in you this marvelous light,
01:33 we pray in Jesus' name and for His sake, amen. "
01:37 Now, just before we have our opening song,
01:39 let me remind you, if you like a copy of the lesson
01:41 go to this website, ASF.3abn. org
01:47 and download Lesson number 23, Lesson number 23,
01:52 the formulation of the "Secret Rapture... "
01:55 the formulation of the "Secret Rapture"
01:57 if you haven't received the last lesson,
02:00 you can download number 22 also with the chart
02:03 which is also number 22... the 2,300-Day Chart,
02:07 but tonight, we're just going to be closing out the former lesson
02:11 going into the next lesson
02:13 so invite your family and friends to join us
02:15 and if you're joining us from a church,
02:17 we welcome you... and thank you so much for tuning in.
02:20 But tonight, we're going to begin with our theme song,
02:23 which is "Victory in Jesus"
02:24 so, join us if you'd like to sing the song with us.
02:27 Music...
02:36 I heard an old, old story,
02:40 How the Savior came from glory,
02:43 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:47 To save a wretch like me;
02:51 I heard about His groaning,
02:55 Of His precious blood's atoning
02:58 Then I repented of my sins,
03:03 And won the victory.
03:06 O victory in Jesus,
03:10 My Savior, forever.
03:14 He sought me and bought me
03:17 With His redeeming blood;
03:21 He loved me ere I knew Him,
03:25 And all my love is due Him,
03:29 He plunged me to victory,
03:32 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:36 I heard about a mansion
03:40 He has built for me in glory.
03:44 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:48 Beyond the crystal sea;
03:51 About the angels singing,
03:55 And the old redemption story,
03:59 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:03 The song of victory.
04:05 Key Change...
04:07 O victory in Jesus,
04:10 My Savior, forever.
04:14 He sought me and bought me
04:18 With His redeeming blood;
04:22 He loved me ere I knew Him,
04:25 And all my love is due Him,
04:29 He plunged me to victory,
04:33 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:37 He plunged me to victory,
04:42 Beneath the cleansing flood.
04:47 Amen. Audience: Amen.
04:48 Well, it's another cold night here in the Midwest,
04:52 if you're joining us from New York
04:54 I know that you are encased in your house
04:56 and maybe in the Upper Northeast a lot of snow fell there,
04:59 but if you're in Florida, give us a break
05:02 because we're not nearly as warm as you are
05:04 and those of us... wherever you're joining us,
05:06 thank you so much tonight for spending this time with us.
05:10 Now, the reason why this topic is so vitally important is
05:14 we are getting ready for what great and glorious event?
05:17 Can we say it together, what is it?
05:18 The Second... The Second Coming of Jesus
05:22 and we have studied so far in this lesson
05:25 that the Second Coming is going to be visible,
05:27 it's going to be audible,
05:29 there's going to be a resurrection,
05:31 it's going to be earth transforming...
05:33 the Lord is going to come and He's not going to keep silent,
05:37 the entire world will know when Jesus comes.
05:40 Revelation says, Revelation 1 verse 7,
05:43 every eye will see Him...
05:46 behold He comes with clouds and every eye will see Him.
05:49 The Bible also says,
05:51 as it was in Noah's day,
05:52 so also will it be in the day of the coming of the Son of man.
05:55 So, how was it in Noah's day?
05:57 Let me ask you the question,
05:58 "Was there anyone in Noah's day that received a second chance
06:03 if they were not in the ark?"
06:05 Yes or No? Audience: No.
06:06 Absolutely not.
06:08 There are many people that are teaching that somehow
06:10 the Lord, this time, is going to give the world a second chance
06:13 through this theory that has been formulated called,
06:17 "The Secret Rapture"
06:18 it's also called "The Gap Theory"
06:21 it's called "Futurism"
06:22 it's called "Dispensationalism"
06:24 it has a lot of coat skins
06:26 but underneath it all, it's the same deceptive lie.
06:30 We don't have time to meander in the maze of mediocrity,
06:33 it's not true, it's not supported by the Bible.
06:35 A few years ago, National Geographic...
06:38 sorry, History Channel did an exposé...
06:40 about this Second...
06:42 about this "Secret Rapture" theory
06:44 and they noted, as they introduced the story,
06:47 they said, "Millions of Christians believe
06:51 the 'Secret Rapture'
06:52 and it has no Biblical support. "
06:55 And I would think that if anybody saw that Program...
06:59 maybe a lot of them saw that Program
07:00 but what I've learned today is that a lot of people...
07:02 when they connect their passions to something,
07:05 whether it's true or not, they tend to believe it
07:08 and our job here at 3ABN
07:10 is to remove the darkness from their eyes
07:13 and show them the truth of God's Word.
07:16 Tonight our topic is entitled,
07:18 "The Truth about the Secret Rapture... " what is it?
07:22 "The Truth about the Secret Rapture. "
07:24 Now, we covered all the questions in the last lesson
07:28 but I want to spend about a minute or so
07:31 on the chart that's going to be on the screen right now,
07:32 let's look at this chart together.
07:34 This is the chart that shows us a very important prophecy...
07:40 the 70-week or 490-year prophecy
07:44 of Daniel chapter 9 verses 24 to 27.
07:49 Let's walk very quickly, keep the chart on the screen,
07:51 we began with Point A
07:53 that showed us the beginning of the decree
07:56 to restore and build Jerusalem.
07:58 Now, move the chart for a brief moment,
08:01 here is the point, if the date is correct,
08:04 then all the events that are to follow that chart
08:08 at the beginning date will fall in line perfectly.
08:11 So, in 457 B.C.,
08:14 the decree to rebuild and restore Jerusalem
08:17 was given by King Artaxerxes,
08:19 so, now we go the next point,
08:22 Point B in the year 408 B.C. Jerusalem was completed.
08:27 The last person given the commission
08:29 was a young man by the name of Nehemiah
08:32 he went... saw the walls in disrepair
08:34 and when they went to finish the project,
08:37 it was done in 52 days.
08:38 But then now, beyond that point, the Bible says,
08:42 434 years later, should take us to the Messiah
08:46 and the Messiah means The Anointed One.
08:49 Jesus was baptized in 27 A.D.
08:53 according to the prophecy He was right on time,
08:56 can you all say, "Amen" to that? Audience: Amen.
08:58 He was right on time.
09:00 Jesus was baptized in the 15th year...
09:03 if you have this chart, if you downloaded this chart,
09:05 you should have this chart...
09:07 Jesus was baptized...
09:09 let's look at this picture at the point,
09:11 Jesus was baptized in the 15th year
09:14 of the reign of Tiberius Caesar,
09:17 now, look at Point... Point C on your paper,
09:20 and I'll just read this,
09:21 Daniel 9:25 points out that after seven weeks,
09:26 and 62 weeks... that's a total of 69...
09:30 the Messiah would begin His work.
09:33 Messiah means, "The Anointed One"
09:35 Jesus was anointed by John through baptism
09:38 at the exact time Daniel foretold.
09:40 The Bible points out in Luke 3 verse 1, 21 and 22,
09:44 "Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar,
09:47 when all the people were baptized,
09:49 it came to pass that Jesus was also baptized. "
09:52 Tiberius Caesar began reigning in the year 12...
09:55 let's do some Math...
09:57 what is 12 and 15... who can tell me?
10:00 27... let's go back to the chart again
10:03 so, in the fall of 27 A.D., Jesus was baptized.
10:09 Now, that began the last seven-year period
10:12 of the prophecy of Daniel chapter 9.
10:15 but the Bible also says...
10:17 in the middle of the week, something would happen.
10:19 Jesus would be cut off,
10:21 was Jesus cut off, yes or no? Audience: Yes.
10:23 But He wasn't cut off for Himself...
10:25 He was cut off for us...
10:26 and you look at Isaiah chapter 53,
10:29 you'll find that He was wounded for our transgressions...
10:32 bruised for our iniquities...
10:34 so, Jesus was cut off or crucified
10:37 3-1/2 years after His ministry began,
10:40 but there was now only 3-1/2 years left.
10:43 What happened in those 3-1/2 years?
10:45 Go with me to Acts chapter 13 and verse 46,
10:48 look at Acts chapter 13 and verse 46
10:51 because the gospel was supposed to go to the Gentiles
10:54 at the end of this seven-year period.
10:58 Acts chapter 13... why am I in Obadiah?
11:02 Acts chapter 13...
11:05 okay, here we are... here I am...
11:08 my pages are so well worn...
11:12 okay, Acts chapter 13, verse 46...
11:15 look at what the Bible says,
11:17 and by-the-way,
11:18 Paul and Barnabas are in the city of Antioch
11:21 and they are preaching...
11:22 and at the end of their message, the Jews were so excited
11:25 but the next week, almost the whole town came together
11:28 to hear God's Word and notice what happened.
11:31 Verse 46, "Then Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said,
11:35 let's go back to verse 45 because that gives the context,
11:39 "But when the Jews saw the multitudes,
11:43 they were filled with... " what?
11:44 "envy... and contradicting and blaspheming
11:48 they opposed the things spoken by Paul. "
11:51 In other words, they said,
11:52 "We don't like what you're preaching... "
11:54 forget the sermon
11:55 and notice what the response was in verse 46,
11:57 "Then Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said,
12:00 'It was necessary that the Word of God
12:03 should be spoken to you... '" when?
12:06 "first; but since you reject it... "
12:09 that's it... that's a rejection...
12:11 "and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life,
12:16 behold, we turn to the... " say it together,
12:19 "Gentiles... "
12:20 they went... the gospel went to the Gentiles
12:23 and when you read the following verses,
12:26 the Gentiles were glad, look at verse 48.
12:28 "Now when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad
12:31 and glorified the Word of the Lord.
12:34 And as many as had been appointed to eternal life
12:37 believed. "
12:39 They were excited... they were now grafted in...
12:41 the gospel went to the Gentiles
12:43 but here is something very important,
12:44 according to the chart...
12:46 one more time, bring the chart up for me,
12:48 according to the chart,
12:50 Jesus was supposed to confirm His covenant for one week,
12:53 but how could He do it if He only had a 3-1/2 year ministry?
12:57 That's the question we ask ourselves,
13:00 now, go with us to the book of Hebrews...
13:02 what book did I say?
13:03 Go with me to the book of Hebrews
13:06 and we're going to look at Hebrews chapter one.
13:09 Hebrews chapter one, because Jesus began it
13:12 I don't want to give you the answer before we go there,
13:15 all right...
13:16 Hebrews chapter one...
13:17 okay, here I am...
13:20 okay... here it is...
13:22 my Bible is so thin... okay, here we go...
13:27 turning the pages of the Bible...
13:30 here we are, Hebrews chapter one
13:33 and let's look at verse... verse 1 and then... verse 2.
13:42 Pause...
13:43 Okay... actually Hebrews chapter 2
13:46 verse 1 to verse 3...
13:49 all right...
13:50 the first warning given in the Bible,
13:52 and it says, Hebrews chapter 2 verse 1,
13:55 "Therefore, we must give a more earnest heed
13:59 to the things we have heard, lest we do... " what?
14:02 "drift away.
14:03 For if the Word of God spoken through angels
14:08 proved steadfast,
14:09 and every transgression and disobedience
14:12 received a just reward... " here's the key...
14:16 "how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation.. "
14:22 this is powerful...
14:23 "which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord,
14:27 and was... " what's the next word?
14:30 "confirmed to us by those who heard Him. "
14:34 Now, go to Daniel 9, let's see something...
14:39 the Bible says... the gospel began to be proclaimed by Jesus
14:43 and was confirmed by those who heard Him
14:47 which were His disciples.
14:49 Now, go to Daniel 9, very carefully.
14:51 Seems like my table is a little short tonight,
14:53 let me bring it up a little bit here...
14:55 yeah, there it is...
14:56 I either grew taller or my table shrunk...
14:59 let's go to Daniel 9...
15:01 okay, here it is...
15:03 so we'll clearly see Daniel 9 verse 27,
15:08 Daniel 9 verse 27...
15:11 and the Bible says, "Then he shall... "
15:17 what's the next word?
15:19 "Confirm a covenant with many for one week... "
15:23 how many days in a week?
15:25 Seven days...
15:26 so for the entire seven-year period
15:28 which is the last portion of the 70 weeks,
15:31 only one week left,
15:32 Jesus was baptized at the beginning,
15:35 died 3-1/2 years later in the middle,
15:37 and at the end of the last 3-1/2 years... between that time
15:41 the gospel was confirmed by the disciples.
15:44 So, the Bible says,
15:45 "He shall confirm His covenant with many for one week. "
15:49 Notice how the Bible in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 confirms that,
15:52 it was confirmed by those who heard him.
15:55 So, let me ask you the question, "Was the covenant confirmed?"
15:59 Yes or no?
16:00 Yes, it was... so, here's the point,
16:02 last time with the chart... I appreciate this very much,
16:04 last time with the chart,
16:07 the very end... Point E... the gospel to the Gentiles.
16:12 Now, here's the point,
16:14 from 27 A.D. - Point C to 34 A.D. - Point E
16:19 there's a seven-year period.
16:21 Now, here is my point, very grand...
16:24 this is the 100,000 dollar point,
16:27 either the seven years appoint...
16:30 either the seven years apply to the ministry of Jesus...
16:33 his crucifixion...
16:35 and the gospel going to the Gentiles...
16:38 or it applies to the "Secret Rapture. "
16:41 Pause...
16:44 Now that
16:46 is a mind-blowing statement.
16:49 Now, here's my point, was Jesus baptized?
16:52 Can we say a hearty "Amen"? Audience: Amen.
16:54 Was he crucified? Audience: Yes.
16:56 Humbly... yes He was...
16:57 but He did it because he loved us.
16:59 Did the gospel go to the Gentiles?
17:00 Audience: Yes.
17:02 Are we Gentiles? Audience: Yes.
17:03 We used to be... we are grafted now as heirs of salvation
17:06 seeds of Abraham...
17:08 but when we heard the gospel, we were Gentiles...
17:10 and we have accepted Christ
17:11 and we are by faith seeds of Abraham...
17:14 so, here's my point,
17:15 because that seven-year period was completed,
17:20 there is no seven-year period to apply to the tribulation
17:25 or to the "Secret Rapture. "
17:28 So, this idea that there is going to be a snatching away
17:35 of people all over the world,
17:37 and then, a seven-year period is going to begin
17:40 at which Jesus would come again at the end of that time, visibly
17:43 my Brothers and Sisters, it is a lie...
17:47 no sugar coating... it is not supported by the Bible
17:52 and tonight, you're going to see
17:55 solid, historical timetable evidence
17:57 as to how it got started and how it came down to us today
18:01 are you ready?
18:03 Let's go to Question number 1, on the next topic...
18:05 we're now switching over...
18:06 the new topic tonight is:
18:08 The formulation of the Secret Rapture.
18:12 The formulation... we no longer need our charts...
18:14 the formulation of the Secret Rapture.
18:19 What a lot of people don't know
18:20 is a lot of the darkness that exists in Christianity today...
18:24 I was tempted... I'm writing a book...
18:25 it's almost done...
18:27 and I'm convinced to write another one after that,
18:30 I'm going to call it, "The Darkness of Christianity"
18:32 that releases my title right now,
18:35 the deceptions in Christianity...
18:38 because a lot of people... although Christ...
18:40 there's... there's no darkness in Christ at all
18:43 but Christians today have accepted darkness
18:45 in place of light
18:47 and they have settled into this darkness
18:50 and they are expecting things to occur that will never occur.
18:53 One of those is the "Secret Rapture. "
18:55 Now, let's go to Question number 1...
18:57 we'll try to move fast tonight,
18:59 Question number one on the new lesson,
19:01 Question number one on the new lesson.
19:04 "What does the Bible teach about Rome,
19:07 the fourth Kingdom of Daniel chapter 7?
19:10 What does the Bible teach about Rome...
19:12 the fourth kingdom of Daniel chapter seven.
19:15 Go with me to Daniel chapter 7 and verse 23.
19:17 Daniel chapter 7 and verse 23.
19:20 The reason why I included the word "Rome" there
19:23 is because we already studied... there was Babylon...
19:25 then the next kingdom was Medo-Persia...
19:28 then the next one was Greece
19:30 and the last one that's still existing today is Rome.
19:34 there's no more kingdom after this
19:36 except the kingdom of God, amen.
19:37 Audience: Amen.
19:38 And, I'll tell you the rest in a moment.
19:41 Daniel 7 verse 23, what does the Bible say
19:44 or teach about Rome... the 4th kingdom of Daniel chapter 7?
19:47 Here it is, Daniel chapter 7 verse 23
19:49 and the Bible says, "Thus he said:
19:51 'The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on the earth,
19:56 which shall be different from all other kingdoms,
20:00 and shall devour... " how much of the earth?
20:02 "the whole earth,
20:04 trample it and break it in pieces. '"
20:07 Now, I tell you,
20:08 when you see a machine that can trample things,
20:12 and break it in pieces and then also, devour...
20:15 that's a serious machine...
20:17 Rome... according to Bible prophecy...
20:21 the powers that are behind Rome...
20:24 are a serious machine... it's into devouring the earth
20:29 that is consuming the entire earth,
20:31 and there's no place on earth that you can go today... nowhere
20:34 where the voice of Rome is not heard.
20:37 There's no place on earth today
20:38 where the voice of the Popes are not respected and heard
20:42 whether you're Catholic or not.
20:44 Can I be straight?
20:45 There is no place on earth... no political government
20:50 that in one manner or the other
20:52 does not acknowledge the supremacy of the Pope
20:55 including the United States,
20:57 but the Bible says that it's going to trample down the earth,
21:01 it's going to break in pieces.
21:03 Now, let's go to Question number 2
21:04 and find out one of the ways it's going to happen,
21:06 so, put the answer down,
21:08 "What does the Bible teach about the 4th kingdom of Rome?
21:11 It will... it will affect the entire earth,
21:14 just summarize it... it will impact the whole world.
21:17 That's the answer.
21:19 and the language used... "devour" and "break in pieces"
21:22 and "trample" that's serious language.
21:23 Let's look at Question number 2, here it is,
21:27 What was one method used by Rome to devour the whole earth?
21:34 to devour the whole earth...
21:36 now, let's go in our Bibles to Daniel chapter 8.
21:39 Daniel chapter 8...
21:41 we're going to look together at verse 12.
21:45 Daniel chapter 8 and verse 12
21:48 and this is introduced under the Little Horn...
21:51 under the Little Horn...
21:53 if you follow Daniel very carefully, Daniel 7...
21:56 he introduced this beast
21:58 that had seven heads and ten horns
21:59 and then three of those horns were plucked out by the roots
22:03 and a little horn came up
22:04 which... if you follow prophecy,
22:06 that little horn represented the rise of Papal Rome
22:10 and that little horn was powerful,
22:12 anything that stood in the way of Rome,
22:15 was trampled... broken down and devoured...
22:18 as a matter of fact, the term throughout American history,
22:21 throughout European history
22:23 or world history is... all roads led to... where?
22:26 all roads led to Rome...
22:28 I read the story of King Henry the 8th...
22:30 when he defied the authority of Rome,
22:33 he... he began... he was made to...
22:36 to conduct a pilgrimage to Rome
22:38 and he was made to stand out on the snow for 24 hours
22:42 before the Pope came to see him and acknowledge him.
22:46 Powerful...
22:47 all the kings that... that withstood the power of Rome
22:51 were stamped down like an old cigarette butt.
22:55 Pause...
22:58 but look at what else Rome did...
23:00 Daniel 8 and verse 12,
23:01 here's what the Bible says,
23:04 "Because of transgression,
23:06 an army was given over to the horn... "
23:10 boy! that army was great...
23:12 Rome's army... the Inquisition...
23:13 it goes on and on...
23:15 "an army was given over to the horn
23:17 to oppose the daily sacrifices;
23:20 and he cast truth down to the... " what?
23:24 "to the ground.
23:26 He did all this and... " what?
23:28 "and prospered... "
23:29 do you know why?
23:30 because during the Dark Ages,
23:32 there was no power stronger than the power of Rome.
23:34 Follow this very carefully, I'm moving sequential tonight.
23:37 Babylon was the golden kingdom according to Daniel 2.
23:41 Now, gold is not that valuable...
23:44 gold is really not that valuable...
23:46 gold is actually a pretty soft and poor metal...
23:49 it's not that valuable...
23:51 I mean, gold is valuable... sorry...
23:54 but it is a soft metal...
23:56 but after that came a... a more inferior metal... silver
24:02 silver, however, is harder than gold.
24:04 Now I want you to see what's happening...
24:06 the values of the nations are going down
24:09 but the strength of the nations are increasing
24:12 from gold which is the softest
24:14 to silver which was Medo-Persia,
24:16 then the next one was Greece which was bronze...
24:20 now, which is more valuable? Gold or bronze?
24:23 Gold... obviously... Gold, Silver, Bronze...
24:27 but which is harder?
24:28 Gold or Bronze?
24:29 Bronze...
24:31 Then after the Grecian army or the Grecian Empire
24:34 came the Roman Empire... it was iron...
24:38 nobody is... nobody wants to buy your iron,
24:42 everybody wants to buy gold
24:44 because iron is valueless
24:47 however, iron... out of those four kingdoms
24:49 is the most... most ruthless
24:52 and Daniel chapter 2 speaks about this iron kingdom
24:56 Daniel chapter 7 talks about a beast with iron teeth
25:01 both linking in the historical timetable... the kingdom of Rome
25:06 and today, that iron kingdom
25:08 is increasing its extent and its reach around the world
25:12 almost unchallenged, praise God.
25:15 Presently we have in America
25:17 something called, "Religious Freedom"
25:18 amen for that...
25:20 so Rome... Rome cannot come
25:21 because Rome is a... is a kingly government...
25:23 we have a Republic... we are not under a Monarch...
25:27 so we have a voice... the people have a voice
25:30 but I tell you, around the world
25:32 very few countries have a voice...
25:34 the Leader of that country says it and you do it.
25:36 That's how Rome was during the Dark Ages.
25:40 "And they cast truth down to the ground... "
25:44 and the reason why they're prosperous
25:46 is because there was nobody to stop them
25:48 and that was for 1,260 years
25:51 however, God was not done, can we say "Amen" to that?
25:55 Now, let's go to the next one which is not a question...
25:58 that answer's going to be given on the screen
25:59 so that we can move in rapid pace.
26:02 The next one...
26:03 so the answer to Number 2,
26:04 "What was one method used by Rome
26:06 to devour the whole earth?"
26:08 Cast down the truth...
26:10 cast down the truth
26:11 during the Dark Ages, Rome introduced "Purgatory"
26:15 introduced "Limbo"
26:17 introduced "Indulgences"
26:19 which means, you can purchase a... a... a... a...
26:22 you can purchase forgiveness for sins
26:24 even before you commit the sins.
26:27 They also created something called, "The ever burning hell"
26:31 which scared people into "being right"
26:34 because they may burn in hell forever
26:36 and so many other doctrines came in.
26:38 One of those that was also commissioned by Rome...
26:41 let's look at the next question...
26:43 Question number 3, "Who did Rome commission
26:47 to attack the '70 Weeks' of Daniel chapter 9?"
26:51 Who did Rome commission
26:54 to attack the "70 Weeks" of Daniel chapter 9?
26:57 Now, before I give you the answer,
26:58 I want you to listen very carefully,
27:00 then I'm going to be teaching, are you ready?
27:01 And I want you to hit that "Record" button
27:03 because if you haven't already,
27:04 I know you're going to say, "Man! I wish I did. "
27:08 There were two Jesuits that were commissioned,
27:11 Francisco Ribera and Luis de Alcazar.
27:16 I'm not Spanish, I should have had John Dinzey say that,
27:19 One taught "Preterism"
27:23 which meant, Revelation happened all...
27:27 and was fulfilled in the past,
27:29 the prophecies pertaining to future events
27:33 were all fulfilled in the past, that's what Preterism is.
27:37 That did not gain a great foothold
27:39 and the reason why these powers were commissioned
27:42 is because during the Dark Ages,
27:44 Protestant Reformers like Calvin, Zwingli, Huss,
27:48 Martin Luther, Jerome, Wycliffe...
27:50 they understood Bible prophecy...
27:51 they understood Daniel and they understood Revelation
27:54 and they knew... based on all the 12 points of prophecy,
27:57 we'll talk about the Mark of the Beast later...
27:59 all these confirming points,
28:01 they knew that it meant Rome...
28:03 they knew that Satan was going to work through this power
28:07 to do exactly what the Bible said it would accomplish
28:11 and they knew that that power was so great
28:13 and nobody could oppose it.
28:14 Pause...
28:17 In order to get the eyes of all of those...
28:20 during the Dark Ages off of Rome...
28:22 during the preaching of the Protestant Reformation,
28:25 Rome commissioned two Jesuits.
28:28 Now, when Luis de Alcazar introduced it,
28:31 "Let's tell them that Revelation has already been fulfilled... "
28:33 that wouldn't work...
28:35 but... but the next person here
28:37 is the answer on the screen,
28:39 they commissioned Francisco Ribera
28:42 and in the year 1585, he began a specific study
28:48 on the "Commentary of Revelation"
28:51 it was called, "Futurist Eschatology. "
28:53 He was a Roman Jesuit from Salamanca.
28:56 He began his study in 1585
29:00 and put together a commentary on Revelation
29:04 which was published in the year 1590
29:07 but in that particular teaching,
29:10 notice what he did with that particular teaching...
29:13 and the next question,
29:14 so put down for Number 3,
29:15 "Who did Rome commission to attack
29:17 the '70 Weeks' of Daniel 9?"
29:19 Write that down, Francisco Ribera...
29:21 and you can get that information...
29:22 by the way, what I'm telling you...
29:24 this sounds strange...
29:25 it's not something that's totally exclusive
29:28 to our Denomination, it's common knowledge.
29:31 You put his name... for those of you who have
29:33 internet-savvy abilities...
29:35 put his name there and follow all those links
29:38 and you will learn things that
29:40 you never thought was even available.
29:43 Even go to your local libraries,
29:45 study world history
29:46 and you'll see what I'm talking about tonight.
29:48 It's not something hidden
29:49 but it's only hidden from those who don't want to find it
29:52 and there are many sincere Christians
29:55 that have never heard about this
29:56 and who are hearing about it for the first time tonight,
29:59 so your eyes are going to be opened gradually.
30:01 Let's look at the next question.
30:02 Number 4, "What does Futurism...
30:05 What does Futurism Theology teach about Revelation?"
30:09 Let me go ahead and give you the slide... here is the answer
30:11 so tonight, I'm just bringing it up directly
30:13 so that you don't have to spend a lot of time
30:15 this is history... which you don't have available
30:17 right here in the Word of God.
30:19 "Futurism... Christianity...
30:22 is the proposal that the Book of Revelation
30:25 does not bear the application to the Middle Ages
30:30 or the papacy, rather the... " what?
30:33 "future... more particularly to a period immediately prior
30:40 to the Second Coming...
30:41 It is also called Premillennial Theology.
30:44 Now, let me go ahead and explain that...
30:47 Premillennial... the word "millennium" comes...
30:50 it's a Latin word simply meaning a mill... i... anum...
30:54 or a thousand years...
30:55 and according to this theory that was formulated,
30:59 not only adding this idea
31:01 that there's going to be a "Secret Rapture"
31:03 but also included in this pre-millennial theology
31:06 or "futurism" theology was that when the church disappears,
31:10 then they have seven years before Jesus comes back visibly
31:13 and when He comes back visibly,
31:15 He's going to establish a kingdom on earth for a 1,000 years
31:19 and the reason why it was called "pre-millennial"
31:22 is because they believe that the "Rapture" is going to happen
31:25 before the millennium...
31:27 and Christ is going to establish His kingdom
31:29 before the millennium... pre...
31:32 now, there are lot of terms that I can really make your head spin
31:37 they are Post-Tribulation, Pre-Millennialists...
31:41 I don't want to spend a lot of time on that...
31:44 post-tribulation... pre-millennialists...
31:48 and post-tribulation... pre-millennialism
31:51 I'm glad you're recording this
31:52 because you're probably going, "What?"
31:54 Post-tribulation... after the tribulation...
31:58 pre-millennialists means
32:00 that Jesus is coming after the tribulation
32:03 and before the millennium.
32:05 That is what an Adventist says.
32:08 Jesus is coming after the time of trouble
32:10 and before the 1,000 years begin,
32:12 can you say, "Amen. "
32:14 But there are pre-tribulation... pre-millennialists...
32:17 that's the "Secret Rapture. "
32:19 They believe that Jesus is going to take the church away
32:22 before the tribulation and then show up again
32:24 at the beginning of the millennium.
32:26 That's not in the Bible...
32:28 so you have all these schools...
32:30 they give big "Pylisolopic names"
32:33 "Apolisolopic names... "
32:34 highly theological terminologies
32:36 to make people just go... "Huh?"
32:38 But they don't know what it means
32:39 but they're not going to make it very, very clear,
32:41 amen to that... Audience: Amen.
32:43 so now, let's go to the next question.
32:44 So, for Question number 4,
32:46 "What does futurism theology teach about Revelation?"
32:50 Futurism teaches that Revelation
32:52 does not apply to the Papacy at all...
32:55 just to future events...
32:57 that's why when you hear the stuff today about the "Rapture,"
32:59 you hear a lot of people say, "Well... "
33:02 and you hear it on television...
33:04 you hear it in movies that were put together about the "Rapture"
33:07 they say, "Well, the...
33:09 the Antichrist is going to be a single man
33:11 that's going to come out of Europe... "
33:13 one man...
33:14 and Satan is back there giggling his head off
33:17 and Rome is sitting like a... a Queen on a Hill...
33:21 saying, "We've accomplished our design. "
33:24 Not as long as we're around, can you all say, "Amen" to that?
33:26 there is still light and darkness.
33:28 Let's go on to Number 5, Question Number 5...
33:31 let me go back to that... here it is...
33:34 "What was the aim of Francisco Ribera
33:37 as it relates to Rome?"
33:39 I'll give you the answer again,
33:41 What was the aim of Francisco Ribera
33:44 as it relates to Rome?
33:45 Here is the answer...
33:46 and I give you the other name that was used...
33:48 Dispensationalism...
33:49 "Jesuit Francisco Ribera
33:52 proposed to remove the focus from Rome
33:56 as the system of... " what? "Of Anti-Christ
34:00 and place it on the rise of a single person,
34:04 in the future, prior to the return of Christ. "
34:08 It's all in my head... I just said it...
34:10 so I just showed you the slide...
34:11 so, in other words, a lot of people now-a-days
34:13 that have read all these books that are not Scripturally based
34:15 are looking for some guy in the Middle East somewhere
34:18 or somebody in Europe... some...
34:20 you know, somebody from Russia,
34:22 I mean, they're poking all over Europe
34:23 trying to figure who this guy is going to be
34:25 and they say... he's going to be a charismatic leader
34:28 and all the world's going to like him
34:30 and then he's going to flip on them in a brief moment...
34:31 that's not in the Bible...
34:33 pause...
34:34 you know, and I remember years ago, thank you Honey,
34:36 I remember, even on the Mark of the Beast
34:38 when Mikhail Gorbachev was the President of Russia,
34:41 I bought that book
34:42 not because I didn't understand it,
34:45 I knew it clearly, but I wanted stuff in my library
34:48 to show how many people were shooting in the dark...
34:50 they had no clue about the Mark of the Beast
34:52 but Mikhail Gorbachev had a birthmark on his head
34:55 and they said, "Ha, Mikhail Gorbachev...
34:58 from Russia... in Europe... he could be the beast... "
35:02 pause...
35:04 well, you know the rest of the story...
35:07 and then when Ronald Reagan became President,
35:09 Ronald Reagan... what was his middle name?
35:12 anyway...
35:14 he had three... R I... anyway,
35:17 Ronald Reagan... he had three names
35:20 first, middle and last and they all had six letters
35:23 and everybody said, "Ronald Reagan... three names...
35:26 six letters each... 666."
35:29 Audience: Laughter.
35:31 Pause...
35:32 Showing you how far and then...
35:34 and many religious pastors and leaders in denominations
35:39 hoodwinked their denomination... teaching that false theology
35:43 and then when Procter and Gamble
35:46 came up with a soap bar once with three stars...
35:49 if you looked at on the side of Ivory soap,
35:51 looked like 3 sixes...
35:53 they said, "Don't use Ivory soap
35:55 because the Mark of the Beast is on there, 666... "
35:58 pause...
36:00 but Ivory soap is not the Mark of the Beast.
36:02 As a matter of fact, I strongly suggest you use Ivory soap.
36:05 Audience: Laughter.
36:06 Any soap for that matter...
36:08 but then the bar code came out.
36:10 When the bar code came out, that was it!
36:13 People lost their lives...
36:15 people were digging holes to hide from the bar code scanner
36:19 but now-a-days, we all know
36:21 that the bar code scanner is not the Mark of the Beast, amen.
36:24 It's so good to know the truth.
36:26 When you know the truth,
36:27 you do not meander in the maze of mediocrity...
36:29 you do not stumble in the dark theology
36:32 of somebody who doesn't understand the Bible themselves
36:36 but those who were in the Protestant Reformation knew
36:40 that Rome was a part of the Antichrist System
36:43 and the theory that was brought together by...
36:47 thank you Honey, Ronald Wilson Reagan...
36:50 Wilson was his middle name, thank you Honey,
36:53 three names... six letters in each one
36:55 but however, Rome accepted this futuristic ideology
36:59 because when the people of the Dark Ages swallowed it,
37:04 they lost their focus of Rome
37:07 and then for that time period of more than a 1,000 years,
37:11 people said, "Okay, it cannot be Rome
37:14 because you know the... the Gap Theory...
37:16 the Dispensational Theory... Futurism...
37:18 the Secret Rapture... that's going to happen way down,
37:21 we'll be long gone and dead before the Antichrist ever comes
37:24 and Rome prospered in its dark pursuits.
37:27 Let's go to the next question, number six,
37:29 so what was the aim of Francisco Ribera
37:32 as it relates to Rome?
37:33 Take the focus off of Rome...
37:38 but the Protestant Reformers continued...
37:42 Martin Luther... praise God for Protestant Reformers...
37:45 and by the way, that word "Protestant"
37:48 is kind of a killed... a dead word today
37:50 because nobody is protesting anything any longer...
37:52 at least the majority are not.
37:54 We still protest darkness and we still espouse life, amen.
37:58 Audience: Amen.
38:00 Let's go to Number six.
38:02 "Who followed Ribera
38:03 in advancing the teaching of Futurism?"
38:09 He was a contemporary
38:11 and let me go ahead and give you the information right away,
38:13 I did all this homework a number of years ago
38:16 but I put it together again so that those of us...
38:19 those of you who missed the Series
38:21 about three or four years ago, on Last-Day Events could get it.
38:24 Here it is, Saint Robert Bellarmine, S.J.
38:29 he was an Italian Jesuit and from Montepulciano
38:36 if I said it well, great, I'm not Italian,
38:39 but he was one of the most important
38:43 Counter-Reformation Contributors.
38:46 He was one of the most important...
38:49 he had a significant impact
38:51 on what happened during the Counter-Reformation.
38:55 Now, let's get this, what is Reformation?
38:58 Movement back to the Bible...
39:00 what is Counter-Reformation?
39:02 It's the other football team
39:03 stop you from moving back to the Bible.
39:06 He contributed to the Counter-Reformation.
39:09 In other words, "How can we stop people
39:11 from getting back to the Bible successfully?"
39:14 And so, you find as you study history,
39:17 that Robert Bellarmine...
39:19 Saint Robert Bellarmine
39:21 who was connected to the Roman Catholic Church
39:24 not only as a doctor but a priest,
39:26 significant in contributing.
39:29 One thing he also did was he was a contemporary...
39:32 he embraced Futurism
39:34 and under his rule and his domain,
39:37 he continued advancing the ideology
39:40 that was established by Francisco Ribera.
39:43 So write that name down.
39:44 You're getting all these answers by giving you new names tonight.
39:47 Here's the next question...
39:50 This is a lot of homework,
39:52 I should get an "A" for this project
39:54 let's... let's go ahead and go, Number 7,
39:56 "Who embraced Futurism
39:59 and propagated it in the coming centuries?
40:02 Now follow me very carefully,
40:04 what happened thousands of years ago to some people
40:08 is just showing up today.
40:09 See darkness wasn't born last week
40:13 or at the turn of the century,
40:15 or at the election of the last President,
40:16 no, darkness was in process for many, many, many, many centuries
40:21 as a matter of fact, let's make a very quick point here,
40:23 the thought that you die and you don't really die
40:26 goes all the way back to Eden
40:29 so that's 6,000 years ago.
40:32 Satan planted that seed and today, people believe that
40:35 as you saw in one of our Series,
40:37 in television now-a-days there's a new Series now coming on
40:39 called, "The Resurrection... "
40:41 coming on in March
40:43 and... and it has an opening line
40:45 they popping this up on commercial,
40:47 "What if someone you love died and returned?"
40:52 And then they put hash tag Resurrection...
40:57 Satan is blinding so many millions...
41:01 billions by television because they don't study
41:05 and they don't read their Bibles.
41:08 Pause...
41:09 No longer, "Angels in the Outfield"
41:11 or "Sub-Purgatory"
41:13 where dead people are coming back to live in the...
41:15 in the suburbs
41:16 or six feet under where people are...
41:18 I don't watch that nonsense by the way, amen,
41:20 but I got to stay aware of what's happening...
41:22 all these avenues of darkness.
41:24 Now he's going to attack the resurrection
41:26 and by-the-way, let me tell you something very carefully,
41:28 the resurrection is not going to happen till Jesus comes, amen.
41:31 Let's go to the next question, "Who embraced Futurism
41:35 and propagated it in the coming centuries?"
41:38 Very important... very important...
41:40 here's the answer.
41:42 Dr. S.R. Maitland
41:44 write that down under Question number 7,
41:48 Dr. S.R. Maitland, he was the Archbishop...
41:52 he was the Archbishop of Canterbury.
41:55 He was referred to as "The Keeper of the 1593 Manuscript"
42:01 He kept it at Lambeth Palace, London, England.
42:04 Now, what was so... what manuscript did he keep?
42:08 He was the one that was the keeper of the manuscript
42:11 that was developed by Francisco Ribera.
42:14 Pause...
42:18 and this manuscript in his possession...
42:21 he continued to study...
42:23 this manuscript in his possession... and then...
42:27 let's look at the next slide...
42:28 you wrote the answer down... you gave the name...
42:30 look at what he did...
42:31 the next slide...
42:33 Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. S.R. Maitland
42:36 republished the manuscript of Francisco Ribera
42:39 on the Secret Rapture in three different occasions,
42:42 1826... 1829... and 1830.
42:46 So, now let's look at what happened.
42:47 You're going from the 1500s... then now 300 years...
42:52 almost 300 years later, from 1590 now to 1830,
42:58 this... this message is still alive
43:00 because people are proliferating and simply taking theories
43:04 and re-publishing it,
43:05 let me tell you how that works in our contemporary society,
43:07 The Beatles... let's talk about this...
43:10 how that works.
43:12 Most young people today know the name... The Beatles...
43:15 but the Beatles were not around
43:18 when most of these young people were born
43:22 but many... many Producers and Movie...
43:25 like Apple Computer or the Apple website...
43:28 remember a number of years ago,
43:30 I saw a sign on the Apple website,
43:33 "It's coming... it's coming... it's coming... it's coming"
43:34 and then in November, I think, of that year,
43:36 I went the next week and saw... boom...
43:38 picture of the Beatles and I'm thinking,
43:40 "That's what they were talking about?
43:42 I thought it was a new computer or a new laptop
43:44 or a new iPad or something... " and they introduced...
43:47 re-introduced all the music of the Beatles...
43:49 and I came to find out a few years ago
43:51 when I did the "Unclean Spirit" Series,
43:53 what that was all about.
43:54 Because the Beatles were one of the first music groups
43:58 that became disciples of Aleister Crowly...
44:00 this Occult Leader
44:02 and most of their lyrics included occult theories...
44:06 occult teachings... occult philosophies...
44:09 so what was the purpose of reintroducing the Beatles?
44:12 To lace another generation with occult theology
44:17 by the music they listened to.
44:18 So, that's what Satan does.
44:20 He finds a way to keep darkness coming back
44:22 over and over and over again
44:24 and so, Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. S.R. Maitland
44:31 re-published something that was published
44:33 almost 300 years earlier
44:35 and it found its way into London, England.
44:38 But let's go to the next question.
44:39 Question number 8,
44:43 here it is...
44:45 pause...
44:46 more pause...
44:48 "How did Ribera's Dispensationalist Theory
44:52 enter other countries?
44:54 How did Ribera's Dispensationalist Theory
44:59 enter other countries?
45:02 Let's go to the answer.
45:04 Pause...
45:06 Another Jesuit priest by the name of Manuel Lacunza
45:10 now this one is amazing to me,
45:11 Manuel Lacunza a Jesuit Priest from Chile
45:14 espoused to not only Futurism
45:17 but Dispensationalism...
45:19 Futurism simply means
45:22 Revelation is going to be fulfilled way down
45:23 and Dispensationalism saying the 3-1/2 year period
45:26 the last part of the 70-Week Prophecy
45:29 is going to be applied to the Antichrist.
45:32 But go back... bring that slide back up,
45:34 I want to show somebody something,
45:35 bring that slide back up again,
45:37 because the bottom of it is important,
45:38 when he published his findings, to make it palatable,
45:43 he published it under a fictitious name
45:45 Rabbi Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra.
45:49 He didn't give his name and here's the reason why,
45:52 because people began to believe, during that time,
45:56 that if the Jews espoused...
45:58 if the Jews rubber-stamped this theology,
46:01 then it must be true.
46:03 He caught on to that
46:04 and published it under a fictitious name
46:07 Rabbi Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra
46:10 and it was not only proliferated but it was accepted
46:14 and he made his impact in Chile
46:16 and there was a lot of uprising against that
46:18 however, the theory caught on in Chile.
46:21 Now, notice, starting in Europe
46:24 then down in Chile
46:27 then also finding its way into London, England
46:29 which is also part of Europe
46:31 from Italy to Chile to London, England...
46:33 it's proliferating itself all around the country of Europe
46:37 and down in South America,
46:39 but you have to ask the question,
46:40 "Well, how did it get to the United States?"
46:42 We're getting there... hold on, we're getting there...
46:44 so, Question number 9,
46:46 Question number 9,
46:48 "Who was next to embrace and convey Dispensationalism?"
46:54 Question number 9...
46:56 let's go to the answer on the screen,
46:58 and the answer is, "Reverend Edward Irving"
47:03 let me just... let me just briefly...
47:06 Reverend Edward Irving was removed
47:08 from the Church of Scotland in 1832.
47:11 Now, you must ask yourself the question, why?
47:13 He embraced this teaching and was told not to proliferate it
47:17 because it was not Scriptural,
47:18 however, he embraced the Pre-Tribulation Rapture
47:22 and this is what he did.
47:24 After being ex-communicated
47:26 or pushed or removed from his church,
47:28 he founded the Catholic Apostolic Church.
47:31 It's powerful...
47:33 if you do your history, you'll find out
47:35 that the Catholic Apostolic Church
47:38 is what we now call the Pentecostal Church.
47:42 Audience: Oooooh!
47:46 Pause...
47:47 he was the founder of that Movement.
47:49 He was the founder of that Movement...
47:51 this embracing of the Pre-tribulation Rapture
47:54 and that was in the year 1832...
47:57 removed from the Church of Scotland
48:00 now embracing this theory...
48:02 told not to proliferate it but he did anyway...
48:05 lost his connection
48:06 and instead of leaving it alone,
48:08 he said, "I'm going to begin my own Movement"
48:10 now, it is called the "Pentecostal Church" today
48:13 and you'll find in many Pentecostal-Church circles,
48:15 the "Rapture... " the "Secret Rapture"
48:17 is embraced and believed
48:18 and you wonder how it got there...
48:20 contribute that to Reverend Edward Irving.
48:23 Let's go to the next question, Question number 10,
48:26 we're moving right along, I think we'll get it tonight,
48:28 I think we might get it tonight.
48:30 Question number 10, "What woman is known
48:34 for her contribution to the Secret Rapture?"
48:38 It's not just men...
48:39 but there was a woman that was very instrumental
48:41 in the proliferation and the conveying of this theory
48:45 let me give you the answer, it's on the screen.
48:47 Here it is, Margaret MacDonald
48:51 born in 1815.
48:54 She was known as a "Visionary"
48:57 what that means is, she had lots of visions.
49:01 It's amazing how she also alleged...
49:04 in 1830 Margaret alleged to have received a vision
49:08 confirming the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
49:11 This is powerful...
49:12 now I want you to know what is happening here?
49:13 Around the time that God was raising up a true prophet,
49:18 Satan sought to counteract it by raising up false prophets
49:24 giving false visions...
49:26 what was amazing about that whole thing
49:27 with Margaret MacDonald...
49:29 I want to give you some more about that,
49:31 Margaret Macdonald had contemporaries
49:33 and they were those... I put it in my notes here...
49:36 they were those that had heard about her visions
49:40 and went and... and spoke with her
49:43 this is strange...
49:44 some said that this was truly the manifestation
49:47 of the Holy Spirit
49:49 but a man by the name of John N. Darby...
49:51 although he said that this was not the manifestation
49:54 of the Holy Spirit but the work of Satan,
49:57 he still embraced the theory.
50:00 He rejected the vision she had
50:02 but he still embraced the theory
50:05 because this kind of goes to my next question,
50:08 because he had been studying about the "Secret Rapture"
50:12 long before he heard about Margaret Macdonald.
50:15 So, put the answer down for Number 10
50:17 as... a woman was known... what's her answer?
50:20 Margaret MacDonald born in 1815.
50:23 Now let's go right along,
50:25 "Who was the next key Contributor
50:28 to the Secret Rapture?"
50:30 Now, I use the word "key" here because
50:32 there was a transition that took place
50:33 under this next person that's amazing
50:35 and by the way, let me go ahead and give you the names
50:36 of those who had rejected this,
50:38 Edward Irving and Henry Drummond said
50:42 that this was truly the work of the Holy Spirit
50:44 but John Darby and Benjamin Willis Newton
50:47 said that this was a demonic manifestation.
50:51 Now, Benjamin Willis went along to continue to reject the theory
50:55 but because John N. Darby studied it
50:57 before Margaret MacDonald,
50:58 he embraced it long before her.
51:00 Now, let's go to the answer,
51:01 "Who was the next key contributor
51:03 to the "Secret Rapture?"
51:04 Here's the answer, John Nelson Darby.
51:07 He's labeled as the Modern Father of Dispensationalism.
51:12 John N. Darby's views called Darbyism
51:15 was embraced by the Plymouth Brethren.
51:18 This is an amazing thing because John N. Darby...
51:20 when he began studying this,
51:22 he too was called in by his church leaders
51:26 and church fathers and said,
51:28 that this is not supported by the Bible.
51:31 We commission you to stop this teaching.
51:34 John N. Darby continued to embrace it
51:37 and he too was removed from his...
51:41 from his... from his position...
51:43 I was trying to use the word there that they often refer...
51:46 he was removed from his position as a Pastor...
51:49 he was moved from his position as a Church Leader
51:52 but he went on
51:55 and this teaching under John N. Darby
51:57 was embraced by the Plymouth Brethren.
52:00 So the theory didn't die, it just continued going on
52:03 and on and on and on.
52:06 So, notice this now,
52:08 John N. Darby making his contribution
52:12 but now we're going to go on
52:13 and this is going to be amazing we're going to see next.
52:15 Are you ready?
52:17 Let's go on...
52:18 Question number 12,
52:22 "Who made the largest modern contribution
52:27 to the Secret Rapture?"
52:29 Who made the largest modern contribution
52:32 to the Secret Rapture?"
52:33 Since you don't have to turn your Bibles,
52:35 let's look at the answer right away.
52:36 A man by the name of Cyrus Ingerson Scofield
52:40 born in 1843.
52:44 This is powerful...
52:45 this is amazing.
52:47 From 1843 he lived to 1921.
52:50 He embraced... let me go ahead and give you the slide
52:52 he popularized Futurism... Dispensationalism...
52:57 and something called, "Fundamentalist Christianity. "
52:59 Now-a-days, when you talk about being Evangelical,
53:02 there's a particular set of doctrines
53:04 that often identify you as a Fundamentalist.
53:07 and... and... and... John N. Darby...
53:11 I mean, Cyrus Ingerson Scofield contributed to that.
53:14 He was an American theologian
53:16 but let's go ahead and see what else he did.
53:17 I want you to get this,
53:19 Cyrus Ingerson Scofield embraced Darby's and Ribera's teaching
53:24 on the Secret Rapture
53:26 and created the annotated Scofield Reference Bible.
53:30 At that time, it was called "The Books of Books. "
53:34 Now, somebody may say, "Wait a minute, wait a minute,
53:37 doesn't that sound... that sounds familiar. "
53:40 Scofield Reference Bible, well, look at the next slide.
53:44 Here's the picture of three of Scofield's Study Bibles.
53:49 The far... the left one is the NIV,
53:51 the center one is the New King James Version,
53:53 and the far right one is the old Scofield's Study Bible
53:57 in the King James Version.
53:59 Laced in those books are the teachings
54:03 that the "Rapture" exists,
54:07 as a matter of fact, look at this next slide.
54:08 Here's what those... if you follow the Study Notes,
54:11 not the Bible... but if you follow the Study Notes,
54:13 here's what the next slide says:
54:15 The Scofield Bible and Study Notes:
54:17 will teach you the Non-Biblical Teachings: "The Gap Theory"
54:20 that means, the last week of Daniel was never finished,
54:23 "Restoration of the Nation of Israel"
54:26 meaning, later on the Jews are going to be converted
54:27 and convert the world...
54:29 the other one... that Pre-Tribulation Rapture
54:32 and the Millennial earthly reign of Jesus.
54:34 So, if you're using any of those Bibles,
54:36 if you are following the Scofield Study Notes...
54:39 that's why so many people now-a-days,
54:41 they read their Bibles
54:42 and instead of reading Genesis to Revelation
54:44 they read the Study Notes and it twists the Scriptures.
54:48 As many people know that 1st Thessalonians chapter 4
54:51 where the Bible says,
54:52 "The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout... "
54:54 they believe that's the "Secret Rapture"
54:56 but that's not the "Secret Rapture"
54:57 it's going to be audible, can you say "Amen"?
54:59 A shout... trumpet... voice of God
55:01 but in the Scofield's Study Notes
55:03 he leads you to think that that is the "Secret Rapture. "
55:08 Also, he teaches that Revelation 4 verse 1
55:10 is the snatching away of the church
55:12 but not the Bible... the Bible doesn't teach that
55:14 it simply teaches... John was in vision...
55:17 that's all that simply does.
55:18 And now let's go faster
55:19 because we have to finish this tonight,
55:21 here's the next question,
55:22 "What popular author impacted the 1980's
55:25 with his Secret Rapture Predictions?
55:28 I think everybody knows,
55:30 let's go to the next slide very quickly here,
55:32 here is his name, Harold Lee also known as Hal Lindsey.
55:38 Evangelist and Writer...
55:41 he popularized Christian Zionism and Dispensationalism.
55:47 In other words, Hal Lindsey taught
55:49 that there was going to be a... a six-day war
55:53 that was going to occur on the earth,
55:54 a six-day war...
55:56 he keeps referring to the valley of Megiddo
55:57 over there in the Middle East
55:59 when Russia is going to attack Israel
56:00 and there's going to be a blood bath there,
56:02 and then the "Rapture" is going to take place.
56:03 He always talked about that,
56:04 he popularized that.
56:06 Hal Lindsey... and notice... look at the next slide
56:08 Hal Lindsay in those books: The "Late Great Planet Earth"
56:11 sold 15 million copies
56:14 so at least 15 million people read his views
56:18 on the false theory started some 500 years ago
56:23 by Francisco Ribera.
56:25 No wonder the world's in darkness.
56:27 No wonder there's so much darkness in our world.
56:29 Let's go quickly to the next slide,
56:31 here it is, let me... look at this...
56:33 "If you follow Hal Lindsey,
56:35 you've probably changed the 'end of the world' date
56:38 in your calendar several times.
56:40 His 'Late Great Planet Earth,'
56:42 which was the best-selling nonfiction book of the 1970s,
56:46 predicted that the world would end
56:48 sometime before December 31, 1988.
56:50 His later books, though less specific,
56:53 suggested that believers not plan on being on Earth
56:56 past the 1980s... then the 1990s
56:59 and, of course, the 2000s.
57:00 But Lindsey did more than just wrongly predict the end of days;
57:03 he popularized a genre of prophecy books
57:07 and I'm going to leave it as a cliffhanger right there
57:10 because next week you're going to see
57:12 what that genre is,
57:13 he popularized a genre of prophecy books
57:19 that took off after Hal Lindsey
57:22 and so, Friends, tonight,
57:23 I praise the Lord that we are not living in an age of darkness
57:27 can you say, "Amen. "
57:28 Times of ignorance God winked at...
57:31 next Wednesday, we're going to show you
57:34 what that popular genre of books is
57:37 or are... and what it has done
57:40 how many have been sold
57:41 and also show you the remaining authors
57:43 that have contributed to this... to his theory
57:46 that's about 500 years old.
57:49 Nothing but a theory...
57:51 according to history and the study of God's Word...
57:54 no Scriptural support
57:57 so continue studying God's Word
57:58 and if it doesn't make sense, Friends,
58:00 I guarantee you, one day it will come into a sharper focus.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2019-07-11