A Sharper Focus

The Turth about the Secret Rapture, Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000071

00:01 Music...
00:20 So, if you'd like to follow along with us tonight,
00:23 we'd like you to go to this website
00:26 to download a copy of the lesson
00:27 and it's Lesson number 22 and entitled, "The Secret Rapture. "
00:31 Go to ASF.3abn. org and download Lesson number 22
00:39 and also, there's a chart...
00:41 there is a 2,300-Day Chart which is also under 022...
00:45 download both of those
00:47 and you'll be able to follow us along for the lesson tonight.
00:51 But before we do anything else,
00:52 let's go ahead and ask for the Lord to attend with us
00:55 as we invite Him through prayer, let's bow our heads.
00:58 "Our heavenly Father,
01:00 we thank You Lord for Your goodness,
01:02 for Your mercy and for Your grace.
01:04 We pray Lord, tonight,
01:06 that You will speak to our hearts,
01:07 that You will encourage us,
01:08 that You'll strengthen us as we open Your Word
01:11 and study it together.
01:13 Also, send Your Holy Spirit to be our Teacher
01:17 that our minds may grasp the truth of Your Word
01:20 in Jesus' name we pray, amen. "
01:24 We're going to sing our theme song tonight,
01:26 it's... what is it called?
01:28 "Victory in Jesus... "
01:30 it's on our screen here if you'd like to join us at home
01:33 I would like to encourage you to do so,
01:35 but let's sing our theme song, "Victory in Jesus. "
01:38 Pause...
01:43 Music...
01:51 I heard an old, old story,
01:55 How the Savior came from glory,
01:58 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:02 To save a wretch like me;
02:06 I heard about His groaning,
02:10 Of His precious blood's atoning
02:14 Then I repented of my sins,
02:18 And won the victory.
02:21 O victory in Jesus,
02:25 My Savior, forever.
02:29 He sought me and bought me
02:33 With His redeeming blood;
02:37 He loved me ere I knew Him,
02:40 And all my love is due Him,
02:44 He plunged me to victory,
02:48 Beneath the cleansing flood.
02:52 I heard about a mansion
02:56 He has built for me in glory.
02:59 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:03 Beyond the crystal sea;
03:07 About the angels singing,
03:10 And the old redemption story,
03:14 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
03:18 The song of victory.
03:21 Key Change...
03:23 O victory in Jesus,
03:26 My Savior, forever.
03:29 He sought me and bought me
03:33 With His redeeming blood;
03:37 He loved me ere I knew Him,
03:41 And all my love is due Him,
03:44 He plunged me to victory,
03:48 Beneath the cleansing flood,
03:52 He plunged me to victory,
03:56 Beneath the cleaning flood.
04:00 Amen... Audience: Amen.
04:04 Now the reason why I'm excited about the topic tonight
04:08 which is, in fact, the truth about the "Secret Rapture. "
04:11 What is it?
04:12 The truth about the Secret Rapture.
04:16 Now, much has been taught
04:18 concerning the second coming of Christ,
04:21 that is just not true
04:23 and one of the things that we have to keep in mind
04:26 is that the Lord is coming
04:28 but He's not going to come in a secret way.
04:32 He's not going to sneak into town
04:35 and take a select few
04:37 and then come back seven years later
04:40 and so, what we're going to do tonight in this study,
04:43 we've already begun...
04:45 we've gone from question one to six,
04:47 we're going to cover seven all the way tonight till 22
04:52 if we can... and... but you know, if we don't,
04:55 we'll get a chance to cover it in the next broadcast
04:58 but we who are waiting for the coming of the Lord
05:00 need to be aware of what the Bible teaches
05:03 about the second coming of Christ.
05:05 So, tonight, just to get to the point,
05:07 I want to dive into Question number 7.
05:10 Question number 7... and here it is,
05:13 "What will happen to the servants
05:15 not ready for the second coming?"
05:18 What will happen to the servants not ready for the second coming?
05:22 Go to Matthew chapter 24 verses 50 and 51.
05:25 Matthew chapter 24 verses 50 and 51.
05:28 Now, the reason why this is important
05:30 when I say, "Servants" is because the teaching is...
05:34 the teaching or the... or the theory that was developed
05:37 and in the broadcast after we're done this one
05:41 I'm going to dedicate another broadcast
05:43 to tell you specifically
05:45 where the "Secret Rapture" theory came from.
05:48 You'll find out who formulated it,
05:50 how many years ago,
05:51 and how it got to our modern society today,
05:54 is that okay?
05:56 We're going to need to know that
05:57 but look at Matthew chapter 24
05:59 and the reason why we're going to this verse...
06:00 verse 50 and 51 is this,
06:02 the teaching is that
06:04 if the servants of the Lord are not ready,
06:06 they'll just get a second chance
06:08 but that's not what the Bible teaches.
06:10 Look at verse 50 and 51, the Bible says,
06:13 "The master of that servant will come on a day
06:18 when he is... " what?
06:20 "not looking for him
06:22 and at an hour that he is not... " what?
06:24 "not aware,
06:26 and will cut him in two
06:28 and appoint him his portion with the... " what?
06:30 "hypocrites... "
06:32 let's read the last part together...
06:33 "There shall be... " what?
06:34 "weeping and gnashing of teeth. "
06:38 Now, does that sound like a second chance, yes or no?
06:41 What it sounds like is, if they're not ready,
06:43 they only appointment they're going to get
06:45 is not a second chance to make it
06:47 but they'll be... they'll be...
06:49 let me use the word here, "Reprimanded... "
06:52 that's an understatement
06:54 "for not being ready for the coming of the Lord. "
06:56 So, for those who say that...
06:58 well... and I've seen the pictures before
07:01 and the movies before and the license plate stickers,
07:03 you know,
07:04 "In the event of the 'Secret Rapture'
07:06 this car will be ?. '"
07:08 Have you seen a big picture painted of a whole city...
07:10 a plane veering off course...
07:13 cars crashing against buildings,
07:15 people... all that's left is just their empty jeans
07:18 and shirt... just a pile of sand
07:20 and you see these lights shooting off to the skies,
07:23 no matter how dramatic and how...
07:25 the other word I'm looking for here... "sensational" that is
07:29 it's just not true...
07:30 but what's happened in our society today
07:32 is that television... what medium...
07:35 television, movies and pastors that have...
07:40 that have... that have embraced these false theories,
07:43 have proliferated them throughout our society.
07:47 You'll also find out
07:49 why many people read their Bibles
07:51 and think that the Bible talks about the "Secret Rapture"
07:54 I'll just mention this and I'll affirm it in more detail
07:57 in the next the broadcast and the broadcast after that
07:59 is that in our Study Notes in our Bibles
08:02 some Commentators have included Study Notes
08:05 that lead you to connect Scriptures together
08:08 that are not associated,
08:09 therefore, coming up with the teaching
08:12 that there's going to be some kind of "Secret Rapture"
08:14 but according to the answer, what will happen to the servant
08:17 not ready for the second coming?
08:19 What will happen... what's going to happen?
08:22 Pause...
08:24 "there'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth... "
08:26 very good answer,
08:27 there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
08:29 It doesn't indicate a second coming
08:31 as one of the shows... one of the programs indicated,
08:34 you know, a guy is sitting at the table... eating dinner,
08:37 he looks over and his wife is gone
08:38 and her outfit is there and there's a pile of sand
08:41 and then he says, "The Rapture just occurred,
08:46 now, I have seven years before the Lord comes back
08:50 to visibly take all those who are now getting on board... "
08:54 I tell you what, when I go to the airport, if the plane...
08:57 if I don't get on the plane before it leaves,
08:59 it's not coming back for me.
09:01 Amen.
09:03 They have been truthful about the time
09:05 that they're going to leave,
09:07 they're not going to say, "Well, we'll come back
09:08 because you missed the first flight. "
09:09 No, I have to reschedule flights
09:11 but there will be no rescheduled flight,
09:13 if you miss the second coming of the Lord.
09:15 Look at Question number 8,
09:16 "What two things will the Lord do when He returns?"
09:20 Matthew 24 verse 31,
09:26 you have to understand the second coming of the Lord
09:29 is going to be something that not only indicates...
09:32 indications like it was in Noah's day...
09:34 as a matter of fact,
09:35 we'll find out in just a brief moment here,
09:37 what happened in Noah's day
09:39 is, those who did not accept the Lord...
09:41 those who did not accept the message that Noah preached,
09:44 did it...
09:46 was a second ark sent because they missed the first one?
09:49 Come on tell me, yes or no?
09:51 No...
09:52 When that ark left...
09:53 when the flood came the Bible says,
09:55 "It took them all away. "
09:57 It took them to destruction.
09:59 it didn't leave one for a second ark...
10:02 it took them wherever the eagles were gathered,
10:05 the Bible says, "There you'll find their carcass
10:07 where the eagles are gathered, there they will be. "
10:09 In other words, eagles were the ones
10:11 that had the last mouthful
10:13 for those who were not ready for the first message
10:17 in the destruction of the world.
10:19 Matthew 24 verse 31, the Bible says,
10:21 let's read this together on the screen,
10:23 it says, "And He will send... " what?
10:25 "His angels
10:27 with a great sound of a... " what?
10:29 "trumpet, and they will gather together
10:32 His elect from the four winds,
10:35 from one end of heaven to the other. "
10:37 So, there's going to be a gathering.
10:40 There's going to be a gathering at the second coming of Christ,
10:43 all over the world,
10:44 when it says, "the four winds"
10:48 north, south, east and west,
10:51 north, south, east and west...
10:55 wherever the saints are, the angels are going to come
10:58 and they're going to gather His elect
11:01 from all over the world.
11:03 That's what's so wonderful about the coming of the Lord.
11:05 Let's go to the next question,
11:06 so, what two things will happen when the Lord comes?
11:09 There'll be a sound of the trumpet
11:12 and there will be a gathering.
11:14 There will be a... what?
11:16 gathering...
11:17 All the saints will be gathered together to meet the Lord.
11:22 Now the next passage we're going to read...
11:24 I'm trying to move at a good pace tonight
11:26 because I want to... I want to try my best
11:29 and you pray for me...
11:31 I'm going to try my best to get to the end of the topic
11:34 so I can show you the charts
11:35 and walk through them methodically...
11:38 the 2,300-Day or the 70-Week Chart,
11:41 you'll understand that more in just a moment.
11:43 But let's look at 1st Thessalonians chapter 4
11:46 verse 16 and verse 17.
11:48 This is a favorite passage that's often used
11:51 by those who teach the "Secret Rapture"
11:53 but as we're going to read this, you'll discover
11:56 that it does anything but support a secret.
11:59 There are five major things... how many did I say?
12:03 Five major things that this... these passages record
12:08 that are going to happen,
12:09 that's why the question is as follows, here it is,
12:12 "What earth-shattering event will take place
12:17 at the sound of the trumpet?
12:19 Here it is again, What earth-shattering event
12:24 will take place at the sound of the trumpet?
12:27 And by-the-way, this is going to be powerful.
12:30 So, let's look at this together.
12:31 This is that favorite "Rapture" passage.
12:35 It means anything but secret, here it is,
12:38 and we all know this one, can we say this together?
12:42 Let's do this with some uumph... are you ready... here we go,
12:45 "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a... "
12:48 what? "shout,
12:50 with the voice of an archangel,
12:52 and with the trumpet of God.
12:54 And the dead in Christ will rise... " when?
12:57 "first.
12:58 Then we who are alive and remain
13:02 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds
13:06 to meet the Lord in the air.
13:09 And thus we shall always be with the Lord. "
13:13 Amen.
13:15 So, let's outline the five things that happen.
13:17 The first thing that happens when the Lord descends...
13:20 He descends from heaven with a what, Church?
13:22 "with a shout"
13:24 write that one down, He descends with a shout.
13:26 Now, when my parents shout, I know that.
13:29 If somebody is in a baseball game and they shout,
13:33 everybody knows that
13:34 but if the Lord shouts...
13:36 Isaiah the prophet says,
13:38 "He's not just going to shake the heavens,
13:40 he's going to shake the earth also. "
13:42 That is going to be quite a shout.
13:44 The voice of God is going to shake the heavens
13:49 and shake the earth.
13:51 As a matter of fact, I'm beginning to believe...
13:53 and I've believed this for some time,
13:55 I believe that's why there's going to be
13:56 this tremendous earthquake,
13:58 the voice of God...
13:59 I remember when I was growing up,
14:01 whenever I heard thunder, my mother used to say,
14:03 "God is moving His furniture around"
14:05 but we know that when the Lord comes back,
14:08 it is not going to be quiet,
14:09 the first thing that's going to be together
14:11 is going to be a... what? Shout...
14:13 let's look at the second thing...
14:14 the second thing... He's going to descend from heaven
14:17 with a shout... and with a what of an Archangel?
14:19 Audience: With a Voice...
14:20 Voice...
14:22 second thing, Answer B: Voice...
14:24 Answer A: Shout...
14:26 Answer B: Voice...
14:28 The third one... and with a trumpet of God.
14:33 The third one is... what? Trumpet...
14:37 it's hard to play a quiet trumpet.
14:41 My dad was a trumpeter for many, many years
14:44 60 plus years...
14:45 and the only thing they used to use is a plunger
14:48 or a little thing they put inside the trumpet
14:50 to give it a kind of a weird sound
14:53 or mute it like, wuaan... wuaan...
14:55 but with nothing in front of it,
14:57 you can't practice trumpet late at night
15:00 because there's no such thing as a "quiet" trumpet.
15:03 Can you all say, "Amen" to that?
15:04 There's no quiet trumpets... and if God blows the trumpet...
15:08 and by-the-way, I want to have this...
15:10 He's not coming...
15:11 Jesus is not coming back by Himself,
15:13 He's coming back with 10,000 times 10,000
15:17 and 1,000s of 1,000s.
15:19 Can you imagine those many trumpets?
15:22 Pause...
15:24 So, shout, voice, trumpet.
15:26 Now, this is an amazing thing.
15:28 And it says next,
15:29 "And the dead in Christ will rise... " when?
15:32 First...
15:33 so there's going to be a resurrection...
15:35 the fourth thing... there's going to be a resurrection.
15:37 I don't want to be irreverent but I want to tell you
15:40 that people have been dying ever since sin entered the world
15:43 and there have been a lot of apartment buildings put up...
15:46 lot of malls built...
15:48 a lot of shopping centers built...
15:51 lot of houses built...
15:52 what's to say that a lot of these houses and buildings
15:54 and shopping centers and malls
15:56 are not built on the spot that used to be...
15:58 maybe centuries ago... a graveyard...
16:01 or maybe somebody died right there...
16:04 wherever that resurrection is going to take place,
16:08 that object that's blocking the grave will be removed.
16:13 Pause...
16:15 people are going to be coming up through Walmart...
16:18 pause...
16:20 there are resurrections everywhere...
16:23 in the deserts... in the oceans, think about it...
16:26 people have sprinkled their relatives
16:29 over Big Sur in California...
16:32 wherever their final resting place was,
16:34 there is going to be a resurrection.
16:36 Hawaii... wherever there's...
16:39 wherever they have been laid to rest
16:41 or died last...
16:43 there is going to be a resurrection.
16:45 Now, now, let's... let's... can I ask for a question?
16:48 the question is "yes" or "no. "
16:50 Is the resurrection going to be a secret event, yes or no?
16:53 Audience: No.
16:55 Pause...
16:56 "the dead in Christ are going to rise first... "
16:59 and then it says, "and we who are alive and remain
17:02 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds... "
17:04 and the last thing that's going to happen is,
17:07 "to meet the Lord... " write that down...
17:10 Shout... is A... Voice... B...
17:13 Trumpet... C...
17:14 Resurrection... D...
17:16 and E... Meet the Lord.
17:18 Now, why is this important?
17:19 Each one of those points is significant
17:21 but why is Point E very important?
17:24 Because the dead... we covered this in the prior lesson study
17:29 about what the Bible teaches about death
17:31 and the nature of man...
17:32 the dead... the dead who are in their graves
17:35 and are resurrected
17:36 are not going to meet the Lord before us...
17:39 we are going to be caught up, what's the next word?
17:42 "together... "
17:43 the living saints along with the resurrected saints
17:48 are going to be caught up together to meet the Lord
17:52 which means, they haven't met Him yet.
17:55 I haven't met Him... I have a personal relationship
18:00 but I have not seen Him face to face
18:02 neither has my mom who's in the grave,
18:04 neither has my dad who's in the grave,
18:07 neither have all my friends and people that I know
18:09 I've been to many funerals... they are resting in the grave
18:12 waiting for the Lord to come.
18:14 So, what earth-shattering event will take place
18:17 at the sound of the trumpet? "Shout... "
18:19 together... "Voice... "
18:21 third one... "Trumpet... "
18:22 fourth one... "Resurrection... "
18:24 fifth one... "Meet the Lord... "
18:26 anything but secret...
18:27 can you say, "Amen" to that?
18:29 Now, we're going quickly to Number 10...
18:31 to Number 10...
18:33 I'm moving at a pace tonight that I feel...
18:35 we'll maybe get accomplished getting to the charts.
18:38 Question number 10, here it is.
18:41 "To what event does Jesus compare His second coming?"
18:46 I'm so glad we are using the Bible
18:49 because I can give you my opinions
18:50 and it really wouldn't get very far
18:52 and that's the problem with our world today,
18:54 too many opinions...
18:56 people are finding their answers every place but the Bible
18:59 but Jesus compared His second coming
19:01 to a particular event.
19:03 Matthew chapter 24 verses 37 to 39.
19:12 Pause...
19:15 okay, let's go to that, here it is.
19:17 "But as the days of Noah were,
19:22 so also will the coming of the Son of Man...
19:25 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
19:29 For as in the days before the flood,
19:32 they were... " doing what?
19:34 "eating and drinking,
19:36 they were marrying" and what?
19:38 "giving in marriage until the day that Noah... "
19:42 entered what? "entered the ark
19:44 and did not know until the flood came... " and what?
19:47 "took them all away,
19:51 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. "
19:56 Very important...
19:57 Now, what I want you to get here
19:59 is, I highlighted in yellow
20:02 or whatever color you'd like that to be,
20:03 pumpkin...
20:05 "the flood came and took them all away. "
20:10 Now this is really important
20:12 because there's this ideology with the "Rapture"
20:15 that people are going to be "taken away. "
20:18 And others are going to be left behind.
20:22 The Bible doesn't say, "Left behind"
20:26 the Bible says, "left... "
20:27 Isn't it amazing how you can change the teaching
20:31 with one word "behind... "
20:33 "left behind"
20:35 the Bible says, "left" it doesn't say, "left behind. "
20:38 Now, let's find out what this "took them all away... "
20:40 let's answer the question,
20:42 "To what event does the Lord compare His second coming?"
20:44 To the days of Noah... the flood...
20:46 that's what He compares it to.
20:48 Now, all you got to do is... this is amazing...
20:51 the Lord said, "As it was then,
20:53 so it's going to be when I come back the second time. "
20:55 I mentioned this before,
20:57 but was there a second ark, yes or no?
21:00 there was no second ark,
21:01 when that boat rose on the grace of God's waters...
21:05 whoever wasn't on the inside
21:07 were being taken away by the flood.
21:09 Let's go to Question number 11,
21:11 we're moving at a good pace tonight.
21:13 Question number 11,
21:15 "How did the flood affect everyone on earth?"
21:21 And we're going for the answer to Matthew chapter 24...
21:24 we're already there...
21:26 verse 40 to verse 42,
21:29 Verses 40 to verse 42...
21:32 I think we're going to get to Question number 22 tonight,
21:35 I'm hoping we could get there, let's go to the...
21:38 go to the answer.
21:40 How did the flood affect everyone on earth?
21:42 Matthew 24 verse 40 to verse 42.
21:45 Here's the answer.
21:46 This is a very famous one also used in the "Rapture" theory,
21:49 the Bible says, "Two men will be in the field:
21:54 one will be... " what?
21:55 "taken... the other one... " what?
21:58 "Left... " okay...
21:59 "Two women will be grinding at the mill:
22:02 one will be... " what?
22:03 "taken and the other one... " what? "left. "
22:06 And verse 42 says, "Watch therefore,
22:10 for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. "
22:16 You don't know...
22:17 so, if you don't know, what should you be doing?
22:21 Okay... I just wanted to see if you listened...
22:24 you should be... what? Watching...
22:26 has anybody ever received a phone call that says,
22:29 "I'll be there in 30 minutes"
22:31 so, what do you... what do you do?
22:34 When you get close to that 30-minute period?
22:36 Like now-a-days...
22:38 my wife and I were in St. Louis and, I tell you,
22:41 we were trying to get something to eat,
22:42 we went to celebrate her birthday
22:45 and I don't know...
22:46 it seemed like everybody wanted to go to a restaurant
22:48 in the evening,
22:49 so, we went to a restaurant, what's the waiting time?
22:51 An hour and a half...
22:54 by then, I would have starved to death.
22:57 So, I went to another restaurant,
22:59 "What's the waiting time here?"
23:00 We just passed a three-hour waiting period
23:03 so, now we're down to two-and-a-half hours
23:05 Pause...
23:07 and I'm thinking, "Honey, we've got to get something,
23:10 we've got to get a cookie or something to hold us over. "
23:13 Thankfully, there was a bakery open.
23:15 Then I went to a third restaurant, they said,
23:17 "Well, just about an hour... "
23:19 I said, "Okay, great... " we liked this restaurant...
23:22 "How will you let me know?"
23:24 So, what do they give you now-a-days?
23:26 They give you this little device with lights on it...
23:28 a lot of people use it now, it's called a... what?
23:30 A Pager...
23:31 for those of you who are... have gone to the city...
23:34 it's a square device in most cases... or triangular
23:38 and it's a Pager and they said,
23:39 "Now, if you stay within the boulevard... it will go off...
23:43 you'll... you'll feel it vibrate
23:45 and you'll see the lights start to blink
23:46 but, we won't have a table for you until about an hour. "
23:51 So, we decided, "Let's go over to the Mall
23:54 and look at our watches carefully,
23:57 because if we come back over... because we're now out of range
24:00 it wouldn't work at the Mall,
24:02 it just works for Hill and 9th Street, back and forth...
24:05 so I said, "Honey, just look at our watches carefully
24:07 because they said, "An hour... "
24:09 so, I said, "Okay, what's the plan?
24:10 When we get to about 20... 25 minutes before the hour,
24:13 we just start making our way back
24:15 because we want to get within the place where the... the...
24:18 the... the Pager works...
24:19 we want to get back on the boulevard...
24:22 thankfully we got back on the boulevard and I thought...
24:24 I thought well, maybe if they move it up a little faster,
24:27 when we got there, walked in... 15 minutes remaining
24:31 I thought, "Ah good, maybe...
24:32 maybe they went faster than they thought they should have... "
24:35 now they said, "We have 15 minutes left. "
24:37 That means, they meant an hour...
24:39 they meant an hour... an hour... not 45 minutes...
24:43 and here's the point,
24:44 when I got closer to the time
24:47 that our table was going to be ready,
24:48 what do you think happens?
24:50 "Get ready Honey, they're going to call us any moment now,
24:52 get ready... it's going to be our time soon"
24:54 you see, all the events around the world
24:56 are like Pagers...
24:58 they're showing us by the signs around us
25:02 that... "be careful, don't be complacent,
25:05 each of these signs are an indication
25:07 that the Lord is soon to come...
25:10 don't stray too far away or you'll miss the Paging... "
25:14 and the Paging is the sound of the trumpet,
25:17 the voice of God, the resurrection...
25:19 that means all these events are like the Pager
25:22 letting us know that We're coming and the time is near.
25:25 But now let's look at the answer here
25:26 because we just did question number what?
25:28 11... let's write the answer in and go ahead...
25:31 "How did the flood affect everyone on earth?"
25:34 Did I just read that one?
25:37 I didn't give the end...
25:39 "How did the flood affect everyone on earth?"
25:43 The flood came and did what? Took them all away.
25:46 Okay, but now, Matthew... the other one is
25:49 let me go ahead and read it,
25:51 "How did the flood affect everyone?"
25:53 One was taken... one was left
25:55 one was taken... one was left.
25:57 That is the answer we get.
25:59 Now, let's go to Number 12, let's go to Number 12.
26:02 Very thought provoking, here it is,
26:05 "Does the Bible teach
26:08 that the 'taken ones' were taken to safety?"
26:12 Let's look at the Bible,
26:15 let's let the Bible speak.
26:17 We're not going to go to Luke chapter 17 and verse 27,
26:21 Luke chapter 17
26:23 and we're going to look together at verse 27
26:25 because Matthew, Mark, Luke, John... each of those books
26:30 contains passages that are sometimes
26:34 synonymous with each other
26:35 or one gives more detail than the other.
26:37 Luke registers this also,
26:39 I'm going to go to Luke now,
26:40 wait for me, I'm turning my Bible there,
26:43 Luke chapter what?
26:44 Luke chapter 17...
26:46 okay, here it is...
26:48 I'm there... I'm there...
26:51 okay, Luke chapter 17 verse 27.
26:55 Okay, here it is,
26:57 and now it's on the screen,
27:00 the Bible says, "They ate, they drank,
27:05 they married wives, they were given in marriage,
27:09 until the day that Noah entered the ark,
27:12 and the flood came... " and did what?
27:14 "Destroyed them all. "
27:17 So, when the Bible says, "the flood came
27:18 and took them all away"
27:20 another way of saying that according to Luke is,
27:22 the flood came and did, what?
27:24 Destroyed all of them.
27:25 Unfortunately, we've had a lot of Tsunamis
27:28 and floods in our country
27:30 and... you know the numbers rack up
27:32 when people are completely unaware...
27:34 they're not prepared for those Tsunamis that are raging
27:37 and... and traveling at 500 miles an hour
27:39 they are completely unaware and the flood came...
27:42 and... and destroyed so many lives
27:44 and we've had so many examples
27:46 but in the days of Noah,
27:48 the flood that took them all away
27:50 simply meaning... the flood destroyed them all.
27:53 Okay, write that down for Number 12.
27:55 Now, let's continue
27:56 emphasizing this now, Question number 13.
27:59 We have never moved this fast in a long time, have we?
28:01 we're making some headway tonight
28:03 and if you miss it, just...
28:05 I think later on this evening or maybe tomorrow,
28:08 it will show again...
28:09 but we'll tell you how to get a copy of this.
28:11 Number 13, here it is, "How does Luke further emphasize
28:16 that being 'taken' means destruction?"
28:19 Notice what Luke says,
28:21 now we're going to Luke chapter 17
28:23 same chapter... verse 36 and verse 37...
28:29 Luke chapter 17, verse 36 and verse 37
28:35 in the Lesson, I didn't put the chapter but the verses are there
28:38 Luke chapter 17 verse 36 and verse 37.
28:43 Okay, here it is, all right,
28:46 once again, just what Matthew said,
28:48 "Two men will be in the field... "
28:50 read that with me,
28:51 "one will be... " what?
28:53 "Taken and the other left.
28:55 And they answered and said to Him... "
28:57 that is... the disciples answered...
29:00 the question is, "Where Lord?
29:02 So He said to them, 'Wherever the body is,
29:07 there the eagles will be gathered together. '"
29:11 Now, if you live in the country
29:13 or if you live out here in Southern Illinois,
29:16 I don't want to ask for a show of hands,
29:18 we've all seen the buzzards...
29:21 the birds of prey...
29:23 the hawks...
29:24 for that matter... as they just said on the News
29:27 down in Crab Orchard,
29:28 they've been seeing more eagles now.
29:30 The population has been rising.
29:32 Wherever there's a dead carcass, birds of prey will be gathered.
29:36 So, when the answer was given,
29:39 "Two men will be in the field, one will be taken
29:41 and the other left... "
29:42 and in the answer it says,
29:44 "Where Lord, where is he going to be taken?"
29:45 And He says, "Wherever the body is,
29:47 there the eagles will be gathered together. "
29:50 And when you go to Revelation chapter 19,
29:53 the Lord actually calls...
29:55 let's go there very quickly...
29:56 the Lord actually calls the birds of the air together.
30:00 Look at Revelation chapter 19, He actually calls them
30:04 for this great supper...
30:06 wow! what a supper!
30:09 pause...
30:13 Revelation chapter 19, okay, here we are...
30:17 and... oh, I turned too fast,
30:21 pause...
30:23 okay, Revelation chapter 19 and... yeah...
30:28 Revelation chapter 19 and verse 17.
30:30 Pause...
30:32 okay, and the Bible says in verse 17,
30:36 "Then I saw an angel standing in the sun;
30:39 and he cried... " with what kind of a voice?
30:42 "a loud voice,
30:43 saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven,
30:49 'come and gather together for the supper of the great God'"
30:54 verse 18... "that you may eat the flesh of kings,
30:58 the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men,
31:01 the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them,
31:04 and the flesh of all... " how many people?
31:07 "all people, free and slave, both small and great. "
31:11 In other words, nobody is going to get away from this,
31:15 if they're not ready, they're going to be destroyed
31:17 by the brightness of the Lord's coming
31:19 and then wherever they fall on the ground...
31:21 pause...
31:24 it's a... it's a... it's a terrible sight
31:26 to even contemplate.
31:27 That's why it's important that we get ready
31:29 for the coming of the Lord, amen.
31:31 Amen...
31:33 Audience: Amen.
31:34 We should be ready for the coming of the Lord.
31:37 Nothing is greater than being ready
31:39 for the coming of the Lord.
31:40 You see, these passages... you could clearly see...
31:43 these passages will not negatively affect those
31:46 who are not looking for the "Secret Rapture. "
31:49 But people that believe in the "Secret Rapture"
31:52 they say, "Well, you know, if we miss the first time around
31:55 then we have another chance. "
31:57 That's a Satanic teaching
31:59 because he wants you not to be ready.
32:02 He wants you to live as the Bible says,
32:04 "The Lord is going to appoint the servants that are not ready
32:07 their portion with the hypocrites...
32:09 because they did something,
32:11 they said, "The Lord delays His coming. "
32:13 then He came when they were not ready...
32:15 He said, "Okay, you're not ready, that's it... "
32:18 but now let's go to Question number 14,
32:20 so the answer to Number 13,
32:22 "How does Luke further emphasize
32:24 that being taken means destruction?"
32:26 Because He said, "Wherever you find the eagles,
32:28 they're going to be gathered there.
32:30 Wherever the eagles are gathered,
32:32 that's where you're going to find their bodies.
32:34 All right, you can put that in any form
32:36 that you would appreciate remembering.
32:38 All right, now, Question number 14,
32:41 Question number 14...
32:42 we've got 24 minutes
32:44 and we are moving faster than a speeding bullet
32:48 but we're making it clear.
32:50 All right, Number 14, "How did the apostle Paul
32:55 show that being 'left' means remaining alive?"
33:00 Let's go now to 1st Thessalonians
33:03 chapter 4 and verse 15.
33:06 First Thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 15.
33:11 "Left... " okay here it is.
33:13 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 15.
33:18 And the Bible says, "For this we say to you
33:23 by the... " what?
33:25 "word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain
33:31 until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede
33:37 those who are asleep. "
33:38 "That we who are alive and... " what's the next word?
33:42 "remain" when you look up that...
33:43 when you look up that word "remain"
33:45 one of the... one of the other words
33:47 that are associated with that word "remain"
33:49 is the word, "left"
33:50 "we who are alive and remain" what?
33:54 remain alive...
33:56 "we who are alive and are... " what?
33:57 "left alive"
33:59 because not many are going to survive the coming of the Lord.
34:02 We pointed out that the coming of the Lord...
34:04 He's going to come and He shall not keep silent...
34:07 He's going to be as bright as the noon-day sun,
34:10 and much brighter... and many are going to be destroyed
34:12 by the brightness of the coming of the Lord.
34:14 We also mentioned that
34:15 they're going to be running to the rocks and the mountains,
34:17 Revelation chapter 6 verse 15 to 17,
34:19 they're going to be running saying,
34:22 "Hide us from the face of Him that sits on the throne
34:25 and from the wrath of the Lamb
34:27 for the great day of His wrath has come
34:29 and who shall be able to stand?"
34:31 But, as it was in Noah's day,
34:33 there were those who didn't want to hear the message
34:35 and today, the sad news is,
34:38 many people would rather hear a message
34:40 that causes them to be at ease than to be urgently ready.
34:46 Get ready, the Lord is coming
34:48 what does that mean?
34:49 Well, you've got to get your life together.
34:51 You've got to give your heart to the Lord
34:53 and... and... and now-a-days, if you look at television,
34:57 "How to have a portfolio"
34:59 "How to overcome your attitude"
35:01 nothing wrong with that
35:02 but you don't hear on television
35:05 it's like the TV preachers have all become Psychogists.
35:08 Pause...
35:10 They don't want to preach
35:12 sermons that have words like, "repent"
35:15 I don't want to give names but I tell you
35:17 I've thumbed through the channels
35:19 and I hear stuff like,
35:20 "If you don't like him, kick him out of your house. "
35:21 "If you wake up in the morning...
35:23 don't find your vision... create it. "
35:26 "It's your time, this is your hour,
35:27 you're going to thrive and succeed"
35:29 and I'm thinking, "Whatever happened
35:31 to the preaching of the coming of the Lord?"
35:33 Pause...
35:35 It's like we want to get everybody wealthy and rich
35:38 and you see all these massive coliseums and arenas
35:41 and the mega-giga churches and hey, it's exciting...
35:44 it is energized,
35:46 if you go there you get swept away by the tide of,
35:49 "Hey, let's just... "
35:52 but it is hard to hear sermons about sin anymore...
35:56 about righteousness anymore...
35:57 about getting ready...
35:59 about putting away the way you used to live
36:01 and get ready for the coming of the Lord
36:03 and to facilitate this complacency,
36:07 is the "Secret Rapture. "
36:08 "If you miss the first boat...
36:10 you got seven years... don't worry about it. "
36:12 That's a Satanic lie.
36:14 Wow!
36:16 so the answer to this, Number 15... Number 14 is,
36:19 "How does Paul the apostle show that being left means
36:21 remaining alive?"
36:22 The word there...
36:24 I actually gave you the answer in the question,
36:26 "remain"
36:27 "We who are alive and remain... "
36:30 if you remain, you are still alive.
36:33 If you remain, you are still alive.
36:36 You're not left behind.
36:39 If you remain you are still alive.
36:42 "We who are alive and remain. "
36:44 And I like... it says,
36:46 "will by no means precede those who are asleep. "
36:49 In other words, "until they come forth from the grave,
36:51 we're not going anywhere, we're all going together. "
36:53 Amen.
36:55 Okay, let's go to Number 15.
36:57 I'm trying to get there, keep praying for me.
36:59 Number 15, okay,
37:00 okay, now we're going to go on to the nitty gritty
37:04 to find out where this idea came from
37:06 and by-the-way, in preparation for that
37:08 if you've just tuned in,
37:10 let me just give you a quick website
37:12 because if you don't have this chart in your hand,
37:14 you might miss what we're going to talk about.
37:16 Go to this website, ASF.3abn. org
37:20 and download Lesson number 022
37:25 that's, "The Truth about the Secret Rapture"
37:28 and also, there's going to be a chart called: The 2,300 Days.
37:34 Download that chart so you could follow along with us.
37:37 Does everybody have their chart?
37:39 It should look kind of like this.
37:41 It's... it's legal size...
37:44 that was... that always made me go,
37:46 You know, "Does that mean this illegal size?"
37:48 No, not really, it's just these terms and terminologies
37:52 that the opposite is not necessarily the case,
37:54 but now we're going to see something that's very important.
37:57 You see, in order for this theory to exist,
38:01 a certain prophecy in the Bible was used
38:06 to build this theory from.
38:09 Now we're going to be exposed to that.
38:12 Here's the question, Number 15,
38:13 "What fulfilled Bible prophecy proves the inaccuracy
38:20 of the "Secret Rapture?"
38:22 Let's go to Daniel chapter 9,
38:24 Daniel chapter 9, okay,
38:28 many of you are already there
38:30 because I don't hear pages turning,
38:32 you guys are already there.
38:34 All right, Daniel chapter 9,
38:36 we're going to look at this prophecy
38:37 and by-the-way, Daniel chapter 9
38:38 this faithful prophet Daniel was in the courts of Babylon
38:42 as the Lord gave him this prophecy
38:46 and we'll see what timeframe it is referring to.
38:49 All right, here is the answer on the screen,
38:52 the Bible says,
38:53 "Seventy weeks are determined for your people
38:58 and for your... " what?
39:00 "holy city, to finish the transgression,
39:04 to make an end of sins,
39:06 to make reconciliation for iniquity,
39:09 to bring in everlasting righteousness,
39:13 to seal up vision and prophecy,
39:16 and to anoint the... " together,
39:19 "Most Holy. "
39:21 These were given to the people of Daniel
39:25 and Daniel's people are... what people?
39:29 The Jews...
39:32 they were in captivity in Babylon.
39:35 But Daniel's praying, and... and the Lord...
39:38 and by-the-way in Daniel chapter 8,
39:40 there was a larger timeframe given...
39:42 a 2,300-Day Prophecy
39:46 which in fact, in prophecy, a day equals... what?
39:49 A year...
39:50 so this 2,300 span...
39:52 and I'll come up with the chart in just a moment,
39:54 if you've downloaded that,
39:56 you should have the copy of this in your possession,
39:58 to see the larger arc and then below that,
40:01 the smaller arch of the 70 weeks.
40:04 Let me ask you a question very quickly,
40:07 just for those of you who are mathematicians,
40:09 How many days are in a week?
40:11 Everybody tell me.
40:13 Audience: Seven days.
40:14 Okay, so seven times seven is what?
40:16 Audience: 49. Pastor: Forty nine...
40:19 just add a zero...
40:22 7 times 70... is 49...
40:24 7 times 70 is 490... all right,
40:28 so, if 70 weeks are determined...
40:31 when the Bible says, "determined"
40:34 what that word there in the Hebrew is...
40:36 the word "determined" means, "cut off"
40:38 so, here is the point,
40:40 I have 2,300 dollars...
40:43 and I said, "Okay, 490 of this is determined for this project "
40:49 so, therefore, you have 1,810 more for another project.
40:55 So, with that 490... is for Daniel and his people...
41:01 this is what God wants them to do
41:03 within that particular timeframe of 490 years.
41:08 Let's go to Question number 16,
41:10 so the answer to Number 15,
41:11 "What fulfilled Bible Prophecy
41:13 proves the inaccuracy of the Secret Rapture?"
41:15 Write this down, "The 70 weeks... "
41:18 or 490 years...
41:20 write that down... 70 weeks or 490 years.
41:23 now, we're going to move right along.
41:26 We're going to move right along at a good pace
41:29 and I thank you all for being attentive students tonight,
41:33 we are all locked in...
41:34 if you were here, this would be like a laser show,
41:36 their minds are locked in...
41:38 I can feel every eye
41:40 and almost see every ear tilted forward
41:42 and I hope you're listening with such intensity also.
41:45 So, Question number... what?
41:48 16... Question number 16...
41:51 here it is...
41:52 "With what event was the 70-Week prophecy to begin?"
41:58 With what event was the 70-Week prophecy to begin?
42:03 Let's look at Daniel 9 and verse 25.
42:07 Daniel 9 and verse 25.
42:09 Now, before we go there, what I want to point out is,
42:12 whenever God gives a timeframe particularly in this prophecy,
42:16 when you have time prophecies,
42:18 time prophecies are spoken of as time prophecies
42:20 because they have a beginning... and they have an ending,
42:23 they are all about "time. "
42:25 As a matter of fact, if you look at the life of Christ,
42:27 frequently, He talked about time,
42:30 "Mine hour has not yet come. "
42:32 When He came, the Bible says in Galatians 4:4,
42:36 "When the fullness of 'time' had come... "
42:39 God is a God of time.
42:40 Everything about the Bible, when it comes to time prophecies
42:45 God gives you a definitive timeline.
42:47 Now, here's where I'm headed with this,
42:49 this prophecy, properly understood,
42:52 shows you that there is no room
42:54 for a one-week period at the very end.
42:57 There's no room for a "seven-year tribulation. "
43:00 When you follow the prophecy clearly,
43:03 you'll see that all aspects of the 490 years were fulfilled,
43:08 but, now we have to go to the beginning.
43:11 When they say, "Begin" where do you begin?
43:13 At the beginning.
43:15 Daniel 9 verse 25, here's what the Bible says,
43:18 and it says, "Know therefore and understand,
43:21 that from the going forth of the command to do... " what Church?
43:26 say it together, "restore and... " what?
43:29 "build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince,
43:33 there shall be... " what?
43:34 "seven weeks and... " what else?
43:37 "sixty-two weeks;
43:39 the streets shall be built again,
43:41 and the wall, even in troublesome times. "
43:45 So will the walls be built? Yes or no?
43:48 Yes...
43:49 What kind of time would it be built in?
43:51 Troublesome times.
43:53 Now, let's go ahead and bring out a couple of points,
43:56 I want to walk you through the chart here,
43:58 and let me give you the answer to Number 25,
44:01 "With what event will the 70-week Prophecy begin?"
44:05 "The command to restore and to build Jerusalem... "
44:10 The command to restore and build Jerusalem.
44:15 Now we're going to go to he chart here
44:16 and you'll see it on the screen and by-the-way,
44:19 on your Number 17, there is no...
44:22 there is no question there, it's just a chart.
44:24 Let's focus on this chart together
44:26 and it will appear on the screen
44:28 I'm going to talk about it for just a bit,
44:29 bring that chart up for me.
44:31 Let's look at this chart very carefully here.
44:32 From the very beginning of the chart, you find... what date?
44:36 457... what else... B.C.
44:39 then, if you're following all the way through,
44:42 you have Points A, B, C, D and E.
44:46 If you have this paper that you've downloaded,
44:48 you have Points A, B, C, D and E.
44:52 Now, hold it there still,
44:54 if you see very carefully, the very first point,
44:56 points us to the decree of Artaxerxes.
45:00 The Decree of Artaxerxes,
45:03 now take the chart away very quickly
45:04 so that I can focus on the screen,
45:05 let me... let me break down very carefully,
45:08 this is why I want to get to this,
45:09 we may spend another week on this
45:10 just so that it could sink in
45:12 because people that have been taught the "Secret Rapture"
45:14 have not been exposed to this at all
45:16 because exposure to this will destroy that, okay.
45:22 There were a number of decrees given,
45:25 one was given by Cyrus,
45:27 one was given by Darius,
45:30 but the deciding one was given by Artaxerxes
45:34 and we will see that prophecy as we go to the book of Ezra.
45:39 Let's go to Ezra... Question number 18
45:41 and let me just ask as we go to Ezra
45:43 the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem
45:45 and by-the-way, there are no more questions here
45:47 but just points
45:48 so, let's go to Point Number 18.
45:50 Points allow me to get to the point very quickly.
45:54 The Decree to Restore and Rebuild Jerusalem...
45:57 or Restore and build Jerusalem.
45:59 By-the-way, the Jews were in Babylon
46:02 and Jerusalem had been destroyed
46:05 so Daniel said, "How do I know when the time is going to come
46:09 for the rebuilding process to begin.
46:12 Ezra chapter 7 and verse 13
46:16 here it is and this decree...
46:19 and by-the-way, in your lesson you have an extended passage...
46:23 I've given you a number of verses,
46:25 if you take the time to read for yourself
46:26 but here's what the Bible says
46:27 and this is the Decree from Artaxerxes.
46:29 He says, let's read this together...
46:31 "I make a decree, that all they of the people of... " what?
46:39 "Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my realm,
46:45 which are minded of their own freewill
46:47 to go up to Jerusalem, to go with thee. "
46:50 Now, what does that actually mean?
46:52 When the decree was given
46:55 for the building of the wall of Jerusalem,
46:57 there were two other decrees
46:59 and you have to follow this very carefully.
47:00 Darius and Cyrus...
47:02 one gave the decree to build the temple,
47:04 one gave the decree to rebuild the walls
47:07 but that did not cause the decree to be given
47:11 to restore and build Jerusalem
47:13 and let me give you a couple of examples here,
47:14 in our small town, Thompsonville, West Frankfort,
47:18 we're in Thompsonville right now
47:20 but when we go to 3ABN's main building,
47:22 we are in West Frankfort.
47:23 If something happens, Lord forbid,
47:26 and the town gets wiped out,
47:28 you don't restore the town by just putting up street lights
47:32 and you don't restore the town by just putting up stores,
47:36 you restore the town by putting up everything that it needs
47:40 including a system of government.
47:43 One, Darius and Cyrus...
47:47 they gave the decree to build the wall and the temple
47:50 but only Artaxerxes gave the complete decree
47:53 to restore everything that Jerusalem needed...
47:57 its government...
47:59 its... its... its worship services...
48:01 everything that Jerusalem needed
48:03 to be a complete functioning, autonomous city...
48:06 was given by Artaxerxes.
48:08 Now, let's go back to the chart very carefully here,
48:10 I want to bring that up, if you go back one slide,
48:13 I want the people to see this,
48:14 let's go back a slide here to that chart...
48:16 and put it back on the screen
48:18 and I want you to notice the date on that chart,
48:21 the date given... they're trying to find...
48:23 there it is, the date for the beginning of
48:25 that rebuilding process is what year?
48:29 Let's all say this together,
48:30 457 B.C.
48:34 look at that very carefully,
48:35 now, I want to walk through this...
48:37 leave the chart there
48:38 now, when the timeframe was given in the Bible, it says,
48:40 7 weeks and 62 weeks...
48:42 why seven?
48:44 Because from 457 B.C., if you go forward...
48:47 in B.C. as you go forward, you're losing years,
48:52 A.D. you go forward, you're gaining years,
48:54 from 457... the next year that you see is what year?
48:58 Say it together, 408 B.C.
49:01 that's simply a... a... a subtraction of 49 years.
49:06 49 years after the decree was given by Artaxerxes,
49:11 now you can come back to me,
49:13 49 years after the decree was given by Artaxerxes,
49:17 the building process was completed in the year 408 B.C.
49:24 now, if you're looking at your chart,
49:26 from 408... let's look at that chart one more time,
49:29 and I'm giving them some exercise in the Production Truck
49:32 I appreciate it very much.
49:34 Let's bring that chart up one more time
49:35 and notice this,
49:37 all right, from 408...
49:40 now 62 weeks later takes us from Point B to Point C.
49:46 and 62 times 7 is 434...
49:51 Mathematicians, am I telling the truth, yes or no?
49:55 Okay, so now, from 408 B.C. if I go 434 years later,
50:00 it takes me to the fall of A.D. 27.
50:03 Let's find out what was supposed to happen
50:05 in that particular year.
50:06 Let's look at Point number... let's look at Point number 19.
50:10 all right, Point number 19... I want to bring this up again,
50:15 just so we can make it very clear,
50:16 Point number 19, let's look at this very quickly,
50:19 we went to 18 a moment ago,
50:21 we have to see the...
50:22 we have to see the continued rebuilding of Jerusalem
50:26 and the decree given... Ezra chapter 6 and verse 14.
50:30 Ezra chapter 6 and verse 14.
50:33 All right, let's look at this...
50:35 and the Bible says,
50:38 "And the elders of the Jews... " did what?
50:42 "builded, and they prospered through the prophesying of... "
50:47 who?
50:49 "Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo.
50:52 And they built... " and they did what?
50:54 "finished it, according to the commandment of God...
51:00 of the God of Israel,
51:01 and according to the commandment of... "
51:04 together... "Cyrus, Darius" and who else?
51:07 "Artaxerxes king of Persia. "
51:10 Now, come back to me,
51:11 the "Rapture"
51:14 those who developed the "Rapture" theory
51:15 and you'll see this in more great detail
51:17 when I go and walk through the development of it, not tonight,
51:20 but those who try to find a foundation on which to build
51:25 a seven-year gap...
51:27 shows Darius or Cyrus... and here is the point,
51:32 bring that chart up back for me one more time,
51:35 I really appreciate them, we've got to give them a raise.
51:37 Audience: Amen.
51:38 Don't say "Amen" too fast...
51:40 but let's look at this chart very quickly,
51:42 I'm going to go back to my screen too... where I am,
51:46 if you look at... if you look at Point C, D and E,
51:51 let me ask you and you can just...
51:53 simply say, "Yes" or "No"
51:55 27 plus 7 equals what? Tell me.
51:57 34...
52:00 so between Point C and Point E, is 7 years.
52:04 Let's... let's find out what's going to happen there.
52:08 Point C, D and E...
52:10 the city is rebuilt... Jerusalem is rebuilt...
52:14 for A... B... C...
52:15 then it has to catapult forward to 27 A.D.
52:19 then from 27 A.D. to 34 A.D. is a seven-year period
52:23 broken down into two 3-1/2-year timeframes.
52:28 Okay, now do you see the chart?
52:30 Let's go to Point number 20
52:32 and find out what was supposed to happen...
52:36 remember, when you read Daniel it says,
52:39 "After the 62 weeks, Messiah was supposed to come. "
52:43 Now, many people don't understand
52:45 what the word "Messiah" means
52:47 but if I ask those of you who study your Bible,
52:50 what does the word "Messiah" mean?
52:53 Somebody tell me, "The Anointed One"
52:55 say that together with me, "The...
52:58 The Anointed One"
53:01 so the Messiah... if this timeframe is correct,
53:06 Jesus was going to be anointed after...
53:11 432 years after the finishing of the rebuilding of Jerusalem
53:16 it will take us right to the Messiah... the Prince.
53:19 Now, let's go to Acts chapter 10
53:22 and verse 38 with this question,
53:25 Point Number 20, here it is,
53:27 "The Messiah anointed by baptism... "
53:30 let's go to Acts chapter 10 and verse 38.
53:34 It is amazing, we might get it, we might get it...
53:36 but if not... I'll come back and break it down
53:39 all right,
53:40 here it is,
53:42 Acts chapter 10 verse 38, notice what the Bible says,
53:45 "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth
53:51 with the Holy Ghost and with... " what else Church?
53:54 "power; who went about doing good,
53:57 and healing all that were oppressed of the devil;
54:01 for God was with Him. "
54:04 The word "anointed" or the word "Messiah"
54:07 means the anointed One.
54:09 Was Jesus baptized, tell me... yes or no?
54:12 Yes, He was... and He was baptized right on time
54:15 and by-the-way...
54:16 and the reason why we've given you this chart,
54:18 what you'll see carefully...
54:20 which I'm not going to take a ton of time to mention tonight,
54:22 I may not... I may not finish tonight but that's all right,
54:24 Jesus was Messiah...
54:28 Jesus was anointed in the 15th year... this is Math...
54:33 this is what? Math.
54:34 Jesus was anointed 15 years after the reign...
54:40 in the 15th year of the reign of a king called Tiberius Caesar
54:47 Tiberius Caesar...
54:50 now, here's some more Math...
54:51 he began reigning in the year A.D. 12,
54:55 now, are you ready for some Math?
54:57 Who can add up 12 plus 15? Raise your hand.
55:01 Somebody... let's all...
55:03 tell me, what does that add up to?
55:05 What does it add up to? 27...
55:06 12 and 15 is 27...
55:10 Jesus was baptized in the 15th year
55:14 of the reign of Tiberius Caesar
55:16 which means, He was baptized in the year 27 A.D.
55:20 Let me just ask you the question,
55:21 are you thankful for the accuracy of prophecy, yes or no?
55:25 Audience: Yes.
55:26 Can you say, "Amen" then? Audience: Amen.
55:28 This is a thinking man's one tonight,
55:30 let's go to the next point,
55:31 I want to get this very carefully,
55:33 okay, and I may not get it all but let's go to Point number 21
55:36 and even if I have to spend a little bit more time
55:39 on Number 22 next week, I think it might be worth it.
55:41 Point number 21...
55:43 "The Messiah cut off in the midst of the week. "
55:47 According to Daniel 9 verse 26,
55:49 I'm moving very carefully here,
55:51 are you ready, here it is, Daniel 9:26,
55:54 "After threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off
55:59 but not for Himself. "
56:01 And that's the King James Version.
56:03 There's a reason why I use that...
56:05 "After threescore and two weeks... "
56:07 and we're going to come back to this
56:08 and break this down even more
56:10 because what you're going to discover...
56:11 and this is something very important...
56:13 let me ask you the question...
56:14 I want your response with a hearty "Amen. "
56:16 Was Jesus crucified?
56:18 Audience: Yes.
56:19 Did He die for us or for Himself?
56:22 Audience: For us.
56:24 So, when the Bible says,
56:25 "He shall be cut off but not for Himself... "
56:28 you'll discover as we continue this topic next week...
56:31 you'll discover the reason why Jesus was cut off
56:34 in the midst of the week...
56:37 in the midst of a seven-year period,
56:40 in the middle is 3-1/2 years right down the center,
56:44 He was cut off in the middle of it,
56:46 which means... it leaves only 3-1/2...
56:48 we'll find out next week what happened.
56:51 We know for a fact that Jesus was crucified...
56:54 we know that He died...
56:56 we'll find out for whom He died,
56:58 and when He died
56:59 and how He died...
57:00 and Friends, keep studying
57:02 because if it doesn't make sense,
57:03 sooner or later, it will come into a sharper focus.
57:06 God bless you.


Revised 2019-07-01