A Sharper Focus

The Truth about the Secret Rapture, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000070

00:01 Music...
00:20 Hello Friends, welcome to another 3ABN Today
00:23 actually, 3ABN A Sharper Focus
00:28 which is happening today here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:32 Pray for me, I'm still battling with a cold
00:35 so, if I look a little shinier than I'm supposed to,
00:38 I forgot to put on my makeup tonight
00:40 but then again, you didn't even know that.
00:43 So, now you know something about television
00:45 that we don't normally say
00:46 but we're continuing in our study tonight
00:49 on the truth about the "Secret Rapture. "
00:52 The truth about the "Secret Rapture"
00:55 and we're going to be uploading that lesson
00:56 in just about a minute or so.
00:58 We thought we had it up there but as I'm becoming aware
01:03 I'm not as technically savvy as I thought I was
01:06 but in about a minute after our theme song,
01:10 we'll have you check this following website:
01:13 ASF.3abn. org
01:17 ASF.3abn. org and download...
01:21 now, here's what we're going to do tonight,
01:22 you'll download lesson number 22
01:24 but on that website, there's going to be something:
01:27 22 and then there's going to be a chart: the 2,300-day Chart.
01:32 You want to download that for the lesson tonight
01:35 because we are going to be covering
01:38 the prophecy of Daniel chapter 9
01:41 and I talked about this last time we got together
01:44 that the reason why the "Rapture"
01:47 or the "Secret Rapture" exists
01:50 is because of a misunderstanding of the prophecy
01:54 of Daniel chapter 9
01:56 particularly verse 24 to verse 27.
01:59 But before we go any further...
02:03 and I am also battling with this cold...
02:05 and do pray for me tonight
02:07 that I make it through the Program.
02:09 I know that on important topics like this,
02:11 the enemy doesn't want it to go forth
02:14 and it's been quite a battle with my health
02:16 and all the other stuff
02:17 but we're going to put this in the Lord's hand right now.
02:19 So, let's bow our heads
02:21 and ask for the Lord to bless us this evening.
02:22 "Our Father in heaven, we thank You for your goodness,
02:26 for Your mercy and for Your grace
02:28 and we know, Lord, that as we open Your Word,
02:32 You'll guide us and You will lead us
02:34 so we find confidence in that, heavenly Father,
02:38 and so, strengthen us in our study tonight
02:41 and in the proclamation of Your Word,
02:45 I pray in Jesus' name, amen. "
02:48 Now, I'm going to ask Celestine to come,
02:52 she's going to walk us through our theme song tonight,
02:54 it is: Victory in Jesus
02:56 and for those of you who are joining us at home,
02:58 as you know, you've been singing this from week to week
03:01 but you don't really know the song...
03:04 many of you do...
03:06 I think many of them know the song
03:07 but for those of you who don't know the song,
03:09 you'll learn it tonight
03:10 so join us as we sing our theme song: Victory in Jesus.
03:14 All right...
03:15 Pause...
03:19 more pause...
03:23 Music...
03:31 I heard an old, old story,
03:34 How the Savior came from glory,
03:38 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:42 To save a wretch like me;
03:46 I heard about His groaning,
03:49 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:53 Then I repented of my sins;
03:57 And won the victory.
04:01 O victory in Jesus,
04:04 My Savior, forever
04:08 He sought me and bought me
04:12 With His redeeming blood;
04:16 He loved me ere I knew Him,
04:20 And all my love is due Him,
04:23 He plunged me to victory,
04:27 Beneath the cleansing flood.
04:31 I heard about a mansion
04:35 He has built for me in glory.
04:38 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:42 Beyond the crystal sea;
04:46 About the angels singing
04:50 And the old redemption story,
04:54 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:58 The song of victory.
04:59 Key change...
05:01 O victory in Jesus,
05:05 My Savior, forever.
05:09 He sought me and bought me
05:13 With His redeeming blood,
05:16 He loved me ere I knew Him,
05:20 And all my love is due Him,
05:24 He plunged me to victory,
05:28 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:31 He plunged me to victory
05:35 Beneath the cleansing flood.
05:42 Amen, thank you so much Celestine.
05:44 Now, what I'm going to do tonight,
05:46 I just made an administrative decision.
05:48 You know what that means?
05:50 A singular decision.
05:51 Now, just so not to interrupt the flow of the Program,
05:54 all of the questions are going to appear on the screen
05:57 so if you had your lesson from last week,
06:00 which most of you should,
06:02 then you'll have all the way to question number 9
06:05 what I'm going to do tonight after the broadcast,
06:08 is, we're going to upload the full and complete lesson
06:12 which goes down to 22 questions
06:14 but you have what you need tonight
06:16 and then the graphics on the screen
06:18 are going to be very, very helpful
06:21 in you following the Program along
06:24 and let me just lay some foundation again,
06:27 last week we ended at question number...
06:30 I believe it was number 7
06:32 but we're going to begin on question number 7 tonight
06:34 and I'm still making it through the cold
06:36 so if any of you could give me a tissue
06:39 just as this cold is perspiring itself out,
06:42 I need to get rid of it because my wife...
06:44 first I was sick...
06:46 then my wife got sick with bronchitis...
06:49 and then I got sick with bronchitis
06:50 and so, I didn't think it wise to put on makeup
06:54 and perspire that television makeup off
06:57 while I'm on television,
06:58 it will look pretty awful to have a brown flood taking place,
07:02 don't you say?
07:03 And it would look pretty bad
07:06 so I said, "Well, let me just go ahead... "
07:07 thank you guys... get an audience shot
07:09 while I go ahead and dab away this shiny stuff here,
07:12 but I do appreciate it very, very well.
07:14 We're going to enjoy our lesson tonight, can you say, "Amen. "
07:16 Audience: Amen.
07:17 And all the enemy has done to try to prevent us
07:19 from getting this lesson out,
07:20 he has lost again
07:22 because the graphics people are on top of it
07:25 and all the questions are going to appear on the screen
07:27 so, one of the things I want to say
07:31 in preparation for the continuance is...
07:33 the "Secret Rapture" is a counterfeit to the 2nd coming.
07:37 It's a counterfeit to what?
07:38 To the second coming.
07:40 So, here's the... here are the choices you get.
07:42 Either there is going to be a second coming of Jesus
07:47 visible, audible, earth changing that everyone sees...
07:51 Jesus is not going to sneak in the back door
07:54 and tap a few people on the shoulder and say, "Let's go... "
07:56 and then come back in seven years...
07:58 as the "Secret Rapture" teaches.
08:00 And so, in order for us to understand
08:04 that the visible... second... audible... earth-changing,
08:07 earth shattering second coming of Jesus is going to be literal
08:11 then, we have to find a way to dispel this false doctrine
08:15 that has gripped millions of Christians in the world
08:18 called, "The Secret... " what?
08:19 "The Secret Rapture. "
08:21 And... the word "Rapture" by-the-way
08:23 is a word that simply means "snatched away"
08:25 now which... we are going to be taken away,
08:27 we're going to be caught up to meet the Lord
08:29 but it's not going to be a secret...
08:31 when it happens, we're all going to know it.
08:33 So, quick... quick... quick review...
08:37 we talked about when Jesus comes...
08:38 how many eyes are going to see Him when He comes back?
08:40 Audience: All.
08:41 Revelation 1:7... every eye will see Jesus when He returns.
08:45 Not only that... He's going to come in the clouds
08:48 and the clouds are going to be the holy angels...
08:50 the same way He left...
08:52 the disciples saw Him leave in the cloud...
08:54 it's the same way He's coming back,
08:56 He's coming back in clouds with power and great glory
08:59 and then Psalms... in Psalm 50 and verse 3,
09:02 David, the Psalmist says, "Our Lord shall come
09:04 and shall not keep silent,
09:06 a fiery stream shall issue and come forth from before Him
09:11 and it shall be very tempestuous round about Him... "
09:14 so, when Jesus comes back,
09:15 the skies are going to recede as a scroll
09:17 when it is rolled together
09:18 the wicked are going to be running from Him
09:20 because they don't want to see the Lamb
09:22 and the righteous are going to be saying,
09:24 "Lo, this is our God, we have waited for Him
09:26 and He will save us. "
09:28 So now, when Jesus comes back,
09:30 there are going to be two categories of people,
09:32 what kinds of categories did I say... how many categories?
09:34 Two... the sheep and the... Audience: Goat...
09:37 The sheep and the... Audience: Goat.
09:38 The sheep and the goat.
09:40 The weed and the... Audience: Tares.
09:42 So, Jesus is going to be gathering
09:44 the wheat into His barn.
09:46 He's going to gather the sheep unto Himself
09:48 because He's the shepherd...
09:50 but the goats... are going to be running for cover
09:53 when they see the Lamb of God.
09:54 We've discovered that in the Bible last week.
09:58 We've also discovered that Jesus teaches that...
10:02 for the servant that is not ready...
10:03 as a matter-of-fact, let's begin with Question number 7 tonight
10:06 and the truth about the "Secret Rapture"
10:09 Question number 7, I want to begin there tonight
10:12 and we're going to catapult that from the screen...
10:14 here it is.
10:15 "What will happen to the servant
10:18 not ready for the second coming?"
10:20 Now, the reason why we're going to lead
10:21 with this question tonight
10:23 is because there is a teaching based on the "Secret Rapture"
10:26 and I told you last week
10:28 if you want to get a full understanding of this,
10:29 "What will happen to the servants
10:31 not ready for the second coming?"
10:34 When we lay that foundation, the "Secret Rapture" says,
10:38 "If the servant is not ready,
10:40 that servant has seven more years to get ready
10:45 in which they call that the "Seven-year Tribulation. "
10:48 What's it called?
10:50 "The Seven-year... " what? "Tribulation"
10:52 but you'll discover tonight
10:53 when we walk through Daniel chapter 9 verses 24 to 27
10:56 that you only get two choices
10:59 because the seven years of Daniel chapter 9
11:03 refer to the baptism... the crucifixion...
11:08 and the gospel going to the Gentiles within seven years.
11:12 Now, here is the challenge, either Jesus was baptized...
11:17 was crucified...
11:19 and the gospel did go to the Gentiles
11:21 or, Jesus was never baptized...
11:23 was never crucified...
11:25 and the gospel never went to the Gentiles...
11:26 because you can't have both...
11:28 you can't have both prophecies in the same seven-year period.
11:31 Now, the "Secret Rapture" says,
11:33 that at the beginning of the seven years,
11:36 the Antichrist is going to make a covenant...
11:38 but the Bible says, "the Messiah is going to make a covenant. "
11:42 In the middle of the week... the Antichrist is going to make
11:46 is going to begin a... a... a... make an agreement with the Jews.
11:49 Pause...
11:52 But that's not what's going to happen in the middle of the week
11:54 in the middle of the week, the Messiah will be cut off...
11:56 crucified...
11:57 and at the end of the seven years,
11:59 the "Rapture" says, or the "Secret Rapture" says,
12:01 He's going to come back visibly
12:02 for those who didn't make the first trip.
12:04 According to Daniel 9 verses 24 to 27,
12:07 at the end of that seven-year period,
12:11 the gospel will then go to the Gentiles,
12:15 can we say "Amen" to that?
12:16 And so, the reason why we are in the Movement,
12:19 the reason why you are in the Movement
12:21 is because the gospel did go to the Gentiles.
12:23 So, the reason why we lead with this question is because
12:26 we want to make it very clear
12:28 that you only get one chance to be ready,
12:31 that's why Jesus says, "Be ready, be ready, be ready...
12:35 at the hour that you...
12:37 at the hour that you do not expect... I'm coming
12:39 and if you're not ready, I'm leaving. "
12:41 Look at the answer,
12:43 Matthew chapter 24, verses 50 and 51.
12:46 The Bible says, "The master of that servant... "
12:50 this is the Question number 7,
12:52 "The master of that servant
12:54 will come on a day when he is not... " what?
12:56 "looking for him
12:57 and at an hour that he is not aware of it,
13:01 and will cut him in two... " and what?
13:04 "appoint him his portion with the... " what?
13:07 "hypocrites.
13:09 There shall be... " what? together...
13:10 "weeping and... " what else?
13:12 "gnashing of teeth. "
13:13 That's... that's the sound of regret.
13:15 That's not a sound of, "Oh, I'll get the next bus... "
13:18 I don't want to be cynical here at all
13:21 but when you realize how many millions of Christians are duped
13:24 and then they read these books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins
13:27 which is nothing but nine volumes of lies,
13:30 I have to be frank,
13:31 there's not enough time in the world
13:33 to meander in the maze of mediocrity.
13:35 You've got to understand...
13:36 the Bible is the only foundation of truth,
13:38 not 12,000 pages of fiction.
13:41 Amen. Audience: Amen.
13:43 And that's all it is... it's fiction
13:44 based on... what I told you,
13:46 let me just reiterate this,
13:47 if you want to get the full historical outline of this,
13:50 call 3ABN 618-627-4651
13:57 during regular business hours
13:59 and ask for this set, "Final Events" DVD
14:03 "The Final Events" DVD
14:05 on that, I did two special presentations out of five
14:09 that completely outline where the "Rapture" came from,
14:13 how it got passed down throughout Christianity,
14:15 how it found its way into many of the Study Notes
14:18 in the Bibles that many of you use,
14:20 like the Scofield Study Bible...
14:22 Scofield... Cyrus I. Scofield was a believer
14:25 and a proponent of the "Secret Rapture. "
14:28 That's why the Scofield translation...
14:31 all the Study Notes lead you to believe
14:33 that there's going to be a seven-year tribulation
14:35 but that's not true, my Friends,
14:36 so the Bible says clearly...
14:38 if you're not ready when Jesus comes, what's going to happen?
14:40 He'll point you... your portion with the what...?
14:42 Hypocrites...
14:43 "and there'll be weeping" and what else?
14:44 "Gnashing of teeth. "
14:46 That means, "Are you going to get a second chance?"
14:48 Weeping and gnashing of teeth... that sounds of regret.
14:50 "I've lost out... I'm not going to make it. "
14:52 Let's go to Question number 8.
14:54 Question number 8...
14:56 and I can move on without having...
14:57 because my charts... I have my chart in front of me
15:00 and I mentioned to you if you go that website,
15:03 ASF.3abn. org
15:05 you've got to download the chart...
15:08 you've got to download the chart
15:10 because we're going to show you the chart on the screen tonight
15:12 if we can make it there,
15:13 I'm going to try to move as quickly as I can,
15:15 because I want to try to do this in the old year
15:17 because next week is, you know, the holiday season
15:19 and we're not going to get a chance to hit this topic again
15:22 until the new year
15:23 but if we have to, we'll go ahead and do that.
15:25 Question number 8:
15:26 "What two things will the Lord do when He returns?"
15:34 All right, and we're going to go to Matthew chapter 24 verse 31
15:38 to look at the answer.
15:40 What two things will the Lord do when He returns.
15:43 Let's see what He's going to do.
15:45 Matthew 24 and verse 31, and here's what the Bible reads:
15:50 and it says: "He will send His angels"
15:54 with a what Friends?
15:55 "great sound of a trumpet"
15:57 and they will gather together His elect
16:01 "from the" what? "four winds,
16:03 from one end of heaven to the... " what?
16:06 "to the other... "
16:07 so what's He going to be doing?
16:09 He's going to be gathering His elect.
16:11 He's gathering them from one end of heaven to the other,
16:14 that means, the whole earth... His elect...
16:16 now somebody may say,
16:18 "What about those who are not His elect?"
16:19 He's not gathering them, that's that simple.
16:21 If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior
16:24 and made a covenant with Him,
16:26 and you are not following Christ as your Lord,
16:29 then, you're not going to be among those gathered.
16:32 When you read... as a matter of fact, Matthew chapter 26,
16:35 you find there... He talks about two categories.
16:40 The goat and the sheep.
16:42 He talks about those who did the Father's will,
16:44 but He never anywhere in His writings
16:48 in the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John,
16:50 does Jesus spell this "second-chance Theology. "
16:53 Let me go ahead and give you an example.
16:54 The Bible also says, "As it was in the days of Noah"
16:58 now, "in the days of Noah," the Lord says,
17:00 "so will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man. "
17:03 This is a very important reference point
17:04 because the comparison is, "as it was in Noah's day
17:09 that's how it is going to be when the Lord comes again. "
17:11 How was it in Noah's day?
17:13 When the doors of the ark closed, was there a second boat?
17:17 Audience: No.
17:18 That was it.
17:19 When that ark rose on the waters of destruction,
17:22 the flood came and took them all away
17:25 and the flood didn't take them to a picnic...
17:28 it took them to destruction.
17:30 It took them all away.
17:33 It didn't take them anywhere they wanted to go,
17:35 believe me.
17:37 It took them all to destruction.
17:38 We're going to see that in just a moment
17:40 so, "as it was in Noah's day,
17:42 so also will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man"
17:44 now, the suddenness of it and the secrecy of it is,
17:48 in the days of Noah, they were eating... drinking...
17:51 marrying and giving in marriage
17:53 until the day Noah entered into the ark
17:55 and they did not know until the flood came
17:58 and took them away.
17:59 The flood didn't say...
18:01 the Lord didn't say, "Well, you guys didn't get a chance"
18:04 no, they did get a chance...
18:06 the gospel went to everyone,
18:08 they either accepted that gospel or rejected that gospel.
18:11 As a matter of fact, Matthew 24, go with me there,
18:13 Matthew chapter 24,
18:16 one of the reasons why we're preaching this message
18:17 is to give you a chance...
18:19 not to make you complacent and say,
18:20 "Well, I don't need to accept Jesus, I'm going to have fun...
18:23 party... do whatever I want to do
18:25 and if I miss it this time,
18:26 I'll get a chance the second time around. "
18:28 No, that's not the way the Bible communicates it,
18:31 Matthew 24 and verse 14, look at what it says,
18:34 Matthew 24 and verse 14, look at what it says...
18:37 the Bible says, let's read this together,
18:41 "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in... "
18:44 how much of the world?
18:46 "all the world"
18:48 "as a witness to... " how many nations?
18:50 "all nations... and... " what?
18:52 "then the end will come"
18:55 not the "almost end"
18:58 everybody's going to hear it but notice it didn't say,
19:02 "everybody is going to be converted"
19:03 but it's going to be a witness.
19:05 You know the witness says, "Your Honor, they heard it"
19:09 what did they do?
19:11 They accepted...
19:12 they rejected...
19:14 the gospel is a witness.
19:15 Now, there are people today,
19:16 many of you probably know of people that say,
19:18 "I don't want to know about your Jesus,
19:20 I don't want to hear about your Lord,
19:21 I don't care about the Sabbath,
19:22 I don't care about what you say the Bible teaches,
19:24 I'm going to live my life
19:25 and when I die and turn into fertilizer, that's it. "
19:28 That's not it...
19:29 because there's a judgment for everyone,
19:31 we will come forth in the first resurrection
19:34 or the second resurrection to face the judge
19:37 but the Bible doesn't teach that when the gospel is done
19:41 then there's more time...
19:43 it says, "the end will come"
19:45 and nowhere does it teach
19:47 that the Jews are going to one day pick up the gospel
19:51 and carry it to the world.
19:52 That's a misinterpretation of Revelation chapter 7
19:55 and Revelation chapter 14
19:57 and we'll touch that at a later Program
19:58 so I could get rid of all those little roadblocks...
20:01 those roadblocks to understanding the truth
20:04 about this message.
20:05 Go to Question number 9,
20:06 so the answer to Question number 8,
20:09 if you're putting that in... if you're putting that in there,
20:12 what two things will the Lord do?
20:14 "He will gather... He will sound the trumpet,
20:18 and He will gather His angels... "
20:20 now the reason I put it that way,
20:22 "sound the trumpet and gather His elect"
20:24 He will sound the trumpet and gather His elect...
20:27 I said, "Gather His angels"
20:28 I can hear my wife saying, "that's not what you meant"
20:31 "He will sound the trumpet, and gather His elect. "
20:34 Now, the reason I mentioned that is because
20:35 people equate the sounding of the trumpet
20:37 to the "Secret Rapture"
20:38 but we'll discover in just a moment
20:40 the "gathering" is talked about in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4,
20:44 a very familiar passage
20:46 with those who embrace the "Secret Rapture"
20:48 let's go to that one, Question number 9,
20:51 and it leads into it in a very profound way.
20:54 Question number 9, all right,
20:56 here it is:
20:57 What earth-shattering event will take place
21:02 at the sound of the trumpet?
21:05 "What earth-shattering event will take place
21:08 at the sound of the trumpet?"
21:10 And by the way, this is an A, B, C, D and an E...
21:12 five things we're going to get out of this, all right,
21:14 let's go, I'm going to try to move along
21:17 just so we can try to get to some of the other longer parts
21:20 so, if I'm sounding like I'm going fast,
21:22 you can always rewind the program
21:24 or go to the website and check it out a little later on.
21:27 Here it is, 1 Thessalonians chapter 4
21:31 verses 16 and 17 is where we find our answer.
21:34 "For the Lord Himself... " will do what Friends?
21:37 "descend from heaven with a... " what?
21:41 "shout... with the voice of an archangel"
21:44 with the what else?
21:46 "trumpet of God.
21:48 And the dead in Christ will rise... " when?
21:50 "first... "
21:52 "Then we who are alive and remain
21:55 shall be caught up... " how?
21:56 "together with them in the clouds
21:59 to meet the Lord in the air.
22:02 And thus we shall always be with the Lord. "
22:05 Now, we're going to write the five things down
22:09 to show you that this text has nothing to do with the secret.
22:13 Five earth-shattering things just happened here.
22:17 First thing, he descended from heaven with a shout...
22:21 write that down... "shout"
22:22 if I shout, believe me, you will wake up
22:25 and if the Lord shouts...
22:27 He says, He's not going to just shake the heavens this time,
22:32 but He's going to shake the earth
22:33 and the Bible says,
22:35 "He will roar mightily from on high"
22:37 You don't want to hear the Lord roar.
22:39 My mother used to tell me, "if that was thunder...
22:41 that's what thunder was. "
22:42 As a matter of fact, when I was growing in my house,
22:43 it was, "God is upset, He's talking. "
22:45 That's what thunder was
22:46 and I used to think that... but I tell you what?
22:48 When He roars... the earth will shake...
22:52 it will move back and forth like a reed in the wind.
22:56 First of all, He's going to descend from heaven with a shout
22:58 second thing... with the voice or an archangel.
23:01 The voice of an archangel... that means...
23:03 archangel means the highest angel.
23:06 That... that voice will do something,
23:09 we're going to talk about that voice next.
23:10 The voice is not only described as the voice of the archangel
23:13 and a shout but this is what you...
23:16 this is what's referred to as a triple iteration
23:19 or an iteration... reiteration, reiteration...
23:22 meaning, loud... loud... loud...
23:25 shout... voice... trumpet...
23:28 if you said somebody came...
23:30 if you said somebody woke up
23:32 and heard the voice of an archangel,
23:34 they'll say, "Well, how... how loud was it?"
23:37 "Like a shout... like a trumpet... "
23:39 the Greek is reiterating how audible this is going to be.
23:43 It's not going to be a whisper tone.
23:45 Shout... voice of an archangel...
23:47 that's the mightiest of angels
23:49 and He is going to sound like a trumpet...
23:53 What is that trumpet going to do?
23:55 Let's look at the four things that's going to happen.
23:58 It's going to cause a resurrection.
24:00 Write that down... it's going to cause a... what?
24:02 Resurrection...
24:04 the trumpet voice is the voice that called Lazarus forth
24:08 from the grave
24:09 but that... but in that story,
24:11 He specified Lazarus
24:12 and as one writer said, "Had He not specified Lazarus,
24:15 it would have been a general resurrection. "
24:17 In John 5 verses 28 and 29 is a verse you want to add
24:21 as a side reference because everybody's in the grave
24:24 the voice of the Life-giver is going to call them forth
24:26 and let's look at the fifth thing He's going to do.
24:29 When the dead in Christ rise first,
24:31 then the verse says,
24:33 "then we which are alive and remain
24:36 shall be caught up together with them.
24:39 Now, get this, the word there
24:40 "perousia" is the word... "caught up" in the Greek.
24:44 Parousia... that means taken away without your own strength,
24:47 caught up divinely.
24:49 We're going to be caught up
24:50 but we're not going to be caught up in little beams of light
24:53 shooting all over the place secretly,
24:54 we're going to be...
24:56 the dead and the living are going to be caught up together.
24:59 The dead will no longer be dead because of resurrection...
25:02 when the Lord calls them forth,
25:04 the dead in Christ will rise first
25:07 say when? First...
25:08 then we which are alive and remain
25:12 poof... dead in Christ raised...
25:15 those who didn't die but are alive at the second coming
25:19 together... they're caught up and they're going up
25:22 and what do they do? They meet the Lord.
25:25 That's the... that's the fifth thing...
25:27 shout... voice... trumpet... resurrection...
25:31 and together we meet the Lord,
25:33 can you say "amen" to that?
25:36 Now, together we meet the Lord
25:38 which means... we're going to go to our former topic
25:41 the dead will not meet the Lord until the living meet the Lord.
25:46 The living saints with the resurrected saints
25:51 will meet the Lord together.
25:53 That's in the text...
25:55 if you can flash that on the screen one more time,
25:57 the second part of that verse,
25:59 "Then we who are alive and remain
26:01 shall be caught up together...
26:04 shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air
26:10 and thus we shall always be with the Lord. "
26:12 That's 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 and 17,
26:15 and you have that on your syllabus.
26:17 So, that's what's happening... that's earth shattering...
26:19 anything secret in that? Tell me, yes or no...
26:21 respond to me... yes or no...
26:23 talk to me tonight, yes or no?
26:24 Audience: No.
26:26 No... nothing secret about that.
26:27 If somebody's going to be in my back
26:29 and I tell you, there's a lot of graves in the world...
26:31 you know, lot of cemetery plots where the saints are.
26:33 I don't want to be...
26:35 I don't want to be irreverent
26:36 but I'm sure that many of these buildings
26:38 that have been built throughout the centuries
26:40 are probably built on spots
26:42 where people that had known the Lord have died
26:45 and maybe just fallen asleep
26:46 or maybe cemeteries have been kind of leveled out
26:50 and they built apartment buildings there
26:52 or maybe Walmart's...
26:54 I'm... I'm just trying to give you a graphic realistic picture
26:57 because we're talking about Millennia here
26:59 and so, all these graves...
27:02 people are going to be coming through cement floors...
27:04 I mean, you're talking about the earth-shattering aspects...
27:07 the Lord is going to be ripping up the terrain of the earth
27:10 to bring His saints forth.
27:12 They're not coming forth in spirit form
27:15 because Paul the apostle in Philippians says,
27:17 "We look for the coming of the Lord
27:19 where He's going to change our... our vile bodies
27:22 that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body. "
27:26 So we're coming forth in bodies...
27:28 no spirits are going to heaven, no pfshhhh...
27:31 dust left at the table...
27:33 that's... that's facade... that's fake...
27:35 that's not Scriptural
27:36 and by-the-way, I mentioned this in the last program,
27:38 I reiterate this again, do your own homework,
27:40 National Geographic and the History Channel
27:43 did a Program on this, and they said...
27:46 I've known this for... for... for decades...
27:49 they said,
27:51 "Millions of Christians believe the 'Secret Rapture'
27:53 a teaching that has no Scriptural foundation. "
27:57 Pause...
27:58 but you know what?
28:00 More people rather believe what somebody writes
28:02 than what the Bible teaches, that's the problem.
28:04 Pray for them... pray for them.
28:06 Let's go to Question number 10, we're going to move right along,
28:09 Question number 10, okay, here it is.
28:11 "What event does Jesus compare...
28:14 To what event does Jesus compare His second coming?"
28:19 To what event does Jesus compare His second coming?
28:25 I kind of bridged this already
28:28 but it's good reiteration wouldn't hurt...
28:29 Matthew 24 verse 37 to verse 39...
28:34 Matthew chapter 24 verse 37 to verse 39.
28:37 All right, let's look at this together
28:40 and it will be on the screen,
28:42 here it is,
28:44 "But as the days of Noah were,
28:48 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. "
28:51 Now, verse 38...
28:53 "For as in the days before the flood... "
28:57 together... "they were... " what?
28:59 "eating" and what else?
29:01 "drinking" and what else?
29:03 "marrying" and what else?
29:05 "giving in marriage,
29:07 until the day that Noah entered the ark
29:11 and did not know until the flood came"
29:14 and did what?
29:15 "took them all away,
29:18 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. "
29:20 Now, hold that on the screen really,
29:22 don't get rid of it yet, I want to emphasize...
29:23 you see those four yellow words, "took them all away"
29:26 I did that for a particular reason,
29:28 now you can take it off the screen,
29:29 I want to emphasize something.
29:31 "Took them all away. "
29:32 Here is... here is...
29:34 here is the misconception and the misunderstanding
29:37 of that passage.
29:38 The "Secret Rapture" teaches that... that... that the secret
29:43 takes the saints away...
29:46 and then it also teaches that those who are left behind
29:51 get a second chance
29:53 but when you read the Bible, you're going to discover
29:56 that when the flood "took them away"
30:00 it didn't take them to safety...
30:04 it took them to destruction.
30:07 Let's go on further, I want you to see this,
30:09 this is powerful...
30:11 Let's go to the next one,
30:12 let's see what that "take them all away"
30:13 really means.
30:15 Who got taken and who got left
30:17 and the question is,
30:19 "Which category do you want to be in?"
30:20 because according to the "Secret Rapture,"
30:22 those who are taken are great... they're gone already
30:25 and those who are left, get a second chance
30:27 but let's see how the Bible teaches it.
30:28 Let's go to Question number 11.
30:31 Question number 11,
30:33 the fact of the matter is,
30:34 they didn't know until the flood came and took them all away.
30:36 "How did the flood affect everyone on earth?"
30:38 It took them away.
30:40 If you were not in the ark, you got taken away...
30:43 you got taken away.
30:45 Look at Question number 11,
30:47 "How did the flood affect everyone on earth?"
30:51 I just said it, didn't I?
30:52 Okay, let's just go to Matthew chapter 24 verse 40 to verse 42.
30:58 Matthew 24 verses 40 to 42.
31:01 This is one of the favorite texts that are also used...
31:04 that are also used in trying to support the "Secret Rapture"
31:08 you know that?
31:09 And I've visited...
31:11 I've visited with the many people that used to believe this
31:12 and they said, "Pastor John,
31:14 praise God that you guys study the Word of God. "
31:18 "Amen" somebody.
31:19 You guys need to sound better than that,
31:21 you're looking at me like this... now... truth is... Amen
31:24 Audience: Amen.
31:25 Amen... Amen means it's true...
31:26 It doesn't mean I'm trying to trick you,
31:28 "Amen" means it's true,
31:30 that's what the Bible uses the word "Amen" for
31:31 but there are some people that would rather believe
31:35 what is not in the Bible...
31:36 we're trying to help you get ready for the coming of Jesus
31:39 because you're not going to get a second plane ride.
31:41 All right, let's look at these verses now.
31:44 "How did the flood affect everyone on earth?"
31:49 Here it is, "Then two men will be in the field:
31:55 one will be... " say it together...
31:58 "taken and the other... left.
32:00 Two women will be grinding at the mill:
32:04 one will be taken and the other left. "
32:07 And then the Lord says in verse 42,
32:10 "Watch therefore,
32:12 for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. "
32:18 Okay, now let's pause here,
32:22 one taken... the other left...
32:27 now, the question is...
32:28 uh... I know you're ahead of me,
32:32 you can't have... that's good... that's good...
32:35 they're on fire now...
32:36 I kind of flowed over into them
32:38 but all this discombobulating... getting ready...
32:40 we're on the same track right now.
32:42 You got to understand what happened...
32:45 where did the flood take who?
32:47 Let's go to the next question.
32:49 Question number 12...
32:51 okay, so, I'm going to...
32:54 "How did the flood affect everyone on earth?"
32:55 The flood came and took them all away...
32:57 you can write that down, "the flood took them all away"
33:00 the flood took Noah in the ark and his family to safety...
33:04 the flood took those who were not ready...
33:06 where did the flood take them?
33:08 Let's look at Luke... Question number 12, here it is,
33:11 "Does the Bible teach that the 'taken ones'
33:15 were taken to safety?"
33:18 Does the Bible teach that the "taken ones"
33:22 were taken to safety?
33:25 Okay, let's go, Luke chapter 17 verse 27.
33:31 Luke chapter 17... verse 27,
33:34 and I'm moving at a good clip tonight, praise the Lord,
33:36 we're making some headway and I appreciate that very much.
33:39 here it is,
33:42 "They ate, they drank, they married wives,
33:49 they were given in marriage,
33:51 until the day that Noah entered the ark,
33:54 and the flood came... " and did what?
33:57 Audience: destroyed them all.
33:59 In Matthew it said, "took them all away"
34:01 in Luke it says, "destroyed them all"
34:04 so, if you got... I'm using strange word...
34:09 "tooken" there's no such...
34:11 if you got taken, you got taken in destruction, right?
34:14 but let's... let's make that even clearer.
34:17 Let's make that even clearer, because somebody says,
34:19 that's not what the text says because Luke...
34:22 the question is asked... go to Luke,
34:25 the question is asked and the question is answered.
34:28 All right, so, to answer the Question number 12,
34:32 "Does the Bible teach that the 'taken ones'
34:35 were delivered to safety?"
34:36 What's the answer? Audience: No.
34:38 Just put No... that's the answer.
34:39 Now we go to number 13 just to break this down.
34:41 okay, "How does Luke further... "
34:44 Question number 13,
34:46 didn't emphasize that to my people in the graphics,
34:49 "How does Luke further emphasize
34:52 that being 'taken' means destruction?"
34:55 How does Luke further emphasize
34:57 that being "taken" means destruction?
35:01 Okay, now, we're going to go back to that same scenario
35:05 that Matthew used.
35:07 All right, here it is, Luke chapter 17
35:09 verses 36 and 37...
35:12 I know on my paper I left out the 17 but it's on the screen.
35:14 so if you're watching... you got it.
35:16 Here it is... here it is,
35:19 "Two men will be in the field:
35:23 the one will be taken and he other left.
35:27 Now verse 37,
35:29 "And they answered and said to Him,
35:31 'Where Lord?'"
35:32 In other words, "Where are they taken?"
35:34 So he said to them,
35:37 "Wherever the body is,
35:39 there the eagles will be gathered together. "
35:42 So, where is the body...
35:45 where are they going to be taken?
35:47 Wherever the body is... the eagle will let you know...
35:49 because eagles are going to be having lunch.
35:51 They're not taken in the "Rapture"
35:55 that's what the "taken" in the "Rapture" and left
36:00 so in the context here,
36:01 you don't want to be taken by the flood,
36:05 you want to be left alive,
36:09 that is exactly what Paul means when we segue now
36:14 to the very next question.
36:16 Here's the key, going to just spin your head...
36:18 get you all straight out here...
36:20 "taken... " when the flood came, it took them away.
36:24 It washed those bodies North, East, South and West.
36:27 and Luke asks the Lord, "Where Lord?"
36:31 He says, "Wherever the eagles are gathered... "
36:34 the eagles knew where to find the corpses,
36:37 that's what was left,
36:38 that's what happens, that's what a flood does,
36:40 so, when the waters receded,
36:41 they found out where the bodies were taken.
36:45 It's a sad reality, because what do the eagles do?
36:49 Audience: Eat the dead bodies.
36:51 Lot of people... eagles clean it up...
36:56 As a matter of fact, that's what the scavenger birds
36:57 are supposed to do.
36:59 Whenever a deer dies out here in our country,
37:01 or a squirrel or a raccoon gets run over... or a possum...
37:03 we can always tell, driving on the road...
37:06 not eagles... but a whole bunch of crows...
37:08 scavenger birds... they're gathered...
37:09 we can always tell
37:11 that something's either dying or has died,
37:14 that's what the Lord is saying,
37:15 "If you were not... if you were not in the ark,
37:18 floating in the safety of God's protection,
37:22 you were taken away by the destruction of the waters
37:25 that came as a result of the flood.
37:27 Now, let's go and see the context of this "taken"
37:30 because the word there...
37:31 the word there that's used in... in Luke,
37:33 is... is... is a derivative of what's used in the book of
37:37 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 15
37:38 so here's the answer to Number 13?
37:40 "How does Luke further emphasize that 'being taken'
37:42 means destruction?"
37:44 Because "wherever the eagles were... "
37:45 wherever the body was...
37:47 that's where the eagles were found.
37:48 All right, that's the... that's the sad truth.
37:52 And if you read Revelation,
37:53 the Lord is going to once again in Revelation chapter 19,
37:56 call the eagles together to eat the flesh of captains
37:59 and the mighty men and the horsemen
38:01 and every chief... the chief captains
38:04 and every bondman and every freeman
38:06 all those who were going to fight against the Lord
38:08 at the second coming,
38:09 the Lord is going to once again call the birds of the air,
38:12 the fowls of the air... the eagles of the air...
38:14 to gather for the second meal.
38:16 So, if you're not going to be risen
38:19 to meet the Lord in the air,
38:22 through third category...
38:25 the "Secret Rapture" teaches there's a third category...
38:29 the "Secret Rapture" teaches there's a fourth coming.
38:32 Now, I'll further develop that
38:34 but I'm going to try to cover as much as I can right now.
38:38 Question number 14, let's go to that one.
38:41 Question number 14.
38:43 All right,
38:44 "How does the apostle Paul show that being 'left'
38:48 means remaining alive?"
38:51 How does the apostle Paul show that being "left"
38:57 means remaining alive?
39:00 Okay, here we are,
39:03 1st Thessalonians chapter 4
39:06 and we're going to look at that verse together.
39:08 All right, verse 15,
39:11 "For this we say to you by the word of the Lord,
39:15 that we who are alive and... "
39:20 what's the next word? Audience: remain
39:22 "remain until the coming of the Lord
39:25 will by no means precede those who are asleep. "
39:30 When you look up...
39:31 when you look up the transliteration of that word,
39:33 "remain" it's left...
39:36 we who are alive and left...
39:37 we're left alive,
39:38 now we were alive and left,
39:40 now, why are we left alive?
39:41 because many will be destroyed
39:43 by the brightness of the coming of the Lord.
39:45 The brightness of the coming of the Lord
39:47 is going to kill many wicked
39:49 but if you survive that, you remain...
39:52 and then, you are caught up to meet the Lord in the air, amen.
39:59 So, so far, the second coming is audible,
40:02 it's earth-shattering, it causes the resurrection,
40:04 it's the sound of a trumpet,
40:05 it's a shout... a divine shout from the highest angel
40:09 Christ Himself... the author... the one above the angels
40:12 the mightiest of all,
40:14 a fiery stream shall issue and come forth from before Him,
40:19 the heavens are going to depart as a scroll,
40:21 we read that in Revelation chapter 6,
40:24 and verse 14 to 17, we read that,
40:27 the heavens open... the mountains and the islands move,
40:29 and the sinners run for cover.
40:31 It's going to be a visible, audible, earth-shattering event.
40:34 By no means is it going to be secret
40:37 but now, this is where my...
40:39 this is where my local audience and those of you watching
40:42 have to follow along until
40:43 we get the updated lesson into their hands
40:45 but on the screen, we'll have the questions
40:47 for 15 all the way down to 22, all right,
40:50 so now you're going to pay a lot of attention, did you get it?
40:52 Praise the Lord, did you get it?
40:55 Hallelujah... thank you Jesus.
40:58 Thank you Celestine, appreciate that very much.
41:01 I tell you, must be that Filipino blood
41:04 ah ha...
41:06 if you go to the Philippines, they don't ask, "How to do it?"
41:08 they just find a way to do it.
41:10 You got to know what I'm talking about...
41:11 in India and the Philippines, they don't ask "how"
41:13 they just find a way.
41:15 In America we say, "How do we eat?"
41:16 If you don't give them a fork, they just eat...
41:19 that's Philippines and India, isn't that right?
41:22 So intuitive and so innovative.
41:24 Let's go to Question number 15,
41:25 could you get me one of those?
41:27 I need one of those also, a nice completed copy,
41:29 that's all the way down to 22?
41:31 Praise the Lord, thank you guys,
41:33 that's sharing now, they're actually sharing,
41:35 thank you.
41:36 Okay, did you get this from the website?
41:39 Okay, praise the Lord, it's up there...
41:42 okay, I'm happy
41:44 are you happy? Amen.
41:46 Okay, Number 15,
41:48 now this is where we dive into some deep waters,
41:51 are you ready? Ready to dive?
41:53 Now, I can tell by the clock we're not going to get
41:54 through this all,
41:55 but you're going to see something tonight
41:57 that you haven't seen in the past.
41:58 Question number 15,
41:59 "What fulfilled Bible prophecy proves
42:03 the inaccuracy of the Secret Rapture?"
42:07 What fulfilled Bible prophecy proves
42:11 the inaccuracy of the Secret Rapture?
42:14 I was going to... I was going to use a different word
42:16 because it's not only inaccurate... it's invalid.
42:18 Smiling...
42:21 But I was trying to be kind.
42:22 It's not only inaccurate, Terry, it's invalid.
42:26 But let's see which one that is,
42:28 Daniel 9 verse 24,
42:32 Daniel 9 verse 24 is where we find this one.
42:36 what prophecy?
42:37 And here it is on the screen.
42:38 What prophecy...
42:40 what fulfilled Bible prophecy proves
42:42 the inaccuracy of the Secret Rapture?
42:43 Let's look at Daniel chapter 9 verse 24
42:45 and see what prophecy it is.
42:47 "Seventy weeks are determined for your people
42:51 and for your holy city... "
42:53 let's look at the things that must happen,
42:55 "To finish the transgression... "
42:57 next together, "To make an end of sins... "
43:00 the next thing,
43:01 "To make reconciliation for iniquity"
43:04 the next thing...
43:05 "To bring in everlasting righteousness... "
43:08 together...
43:10 "To seal up the vision and prophecy... "
43:12 finally, "to anoint the Most Holy. "
43:15 Now, before you run,
43:17 did you see anything in there about an Antichrist?
43:19 When you anoint the Most Holy...
43:21 who is the Most Holy?
43:23 Somebody tell me, Jesus...
43:25 and by the way, Daniel is in the province of Babylon
43:29 praying
43:31 because his people are in captivity,
43:34 "How long are we going to be here?"
43:36 "How long is this going to happen?"
43:39 And in the chapter prior to this,
43:41 there's a prophecy about the 2,300 days...
43:44 which in fact, in prophecy,
43:46 I'm going to go ahead and bring this up very quickly for you
43:49 as a matter of fact, in prophecy...
43:51 do I have it on my screen here?
43:52 could I have not put it on my own here?
43:54 I think I gave it to my graphics people,
43:56 let's see if... do we have that chart on there?
43:59 Did I leave it all the way to the very end?
44:01 I may or may not have put it in there,
44:04 therefore if...
44:05 there it is! beautiful,
44:07 well, they have it on the screen.
44:08 Okay, on the screen, you guys here... in a moment,
44:10 it's a secret to those of you here
44:11 but this is the prophecy that you're going to see
44:13 it's the... it's in your chart...
44:16 you all have your charts in your hand?
44:18 We're going to walk you through that
44:20 right on the screen there
44:22 and you're going to see that in great blazing detail
44:25 every particular about that prophecy
44:27 you're going to see come to pass tonight.
44:29 Every particular about that prophecy...
44:31 you're going to see come to pass tonight,
44:33 so hopefully, you have in your hand this prophecy,
44:36 we're going to walk you through it,
44:38 I've shown you on the screen
44:39 but you should have downloaded this
44:41 from the website
44:42 and this gives you the specifics that you can take the time
44:44 and ingest and study
44:46 because we're not going to get the time to cover
44:48 all the verses included therein
44:51 but, you'll notice,
44:54 if you're looking at the chart in your hand,
44:55 I want to spend a little time on that,
44:56 you see on the very top of page... a longer period of time
45:01 2,300 days or 2,300... what? Years.
45:05 In prophecy, a day equals a year.
45:09 Now, but below that...
45:13 when the Bible says in Daniel 9 verse 24,
45:16 that 70 weeks are determined for your people,
45:19 the word "determined" there... you can clear the screen now,
45:21 appreciate that very much
45:23 the word "determined" there means "cut off"
45:26 it means "cut off"
45:28 so, if I give you 2,300 yards of cloth
45:31 I'll says, "Well, 70 of that is determined for Thompsonville"
45:36 it's cut off... it's allocated...
45:40 so, 2,300 years... out of that 490
45:45 because if you look at the chart very carefully,
45:46 70 weeks...
45:48 how many days in a week, somebody tell me,
45:49 this is not a trivia question, how many days in a week?
45:51 Seven...
45:52 70 times 7 is what? 490.
45:56 In prophecy, a day equals a year right?
46:01 so when you... when you go ahead
46:03 and you begin to compare this,
46:04 and by-the-way, this is not even an issue,
46:07 because in the... in the theory of the "Rapture"
46:10 they understand that,
46:11 that's why they take the last seven years of this
46:13 and stick it way down in the future.
46:15 Now, if you're looking at the chart here in front of you,
46:17 you're going to see that from Point C to Point E
46:22 bring that chart up on the screen one more time for me,
46:24 I appreciate you guys so much, I love my team there,
46:27 from Point C on the screen to Point E...
46:30 that's the piece that was taken out by Francisco Ribera
46:35 and applied to the Antichrist.
46:39 That was the piece stolen and applied to the Antichrist.
46:44 That's the piece he said never finished.
46:47 But I'll show you tonight, maybe on the subsequent program,
46:51 that this entire prophecy finishes.
46:52 Now, if you have the chart in your hand,
46:54 let me show you why we are walking on dangerous ground
46:57 when we say that the 70th week has not been done.
46:59 Because if you look at the large chart here,
47:02 the 70 weeks at the very bottom
47:06 are taken from the 2,300 days at the top.
47:09 Or let me get into the prophetic language
47:12 and make it sound the way it should,
47:14 the 2,300 years... 490 years are borrowed from that
47:20 so, here is the challenge, if the 490 years are not done,
47:25 then the 1810 can't start yet.
47:30 Is anybody mathematically following me?
47:33 because when you finish with 490...
47:36 when you add the 1810,
47:38 you get the whole completed prophecy.
47:43 Pause...
47:45 But if you haven't finished 70th week,
47:47 how are you going to get to the next timeframe,
47:50 the 1810 years that are left after that?
47:52 so this whole "Secret Rapture" is discombobulated beyond repair
47:59 can't repair it... you only got to get rid of it.
48:01 Okay, now, let's go to the next question.
48:03 Question number 16,
48:05 Question number 16...
48:07 okay...
48:09 "With what event was the 70-Week prophecy to begin?"
48:14 With what event was the 70-Week prophecy to begin?
48:20 Let's look at Daniel 9 and verse 25.
48:23 Daniel 9 and verse 25.
48:25 Okay.
48:28 And it says thus far,
48:30 "Know therefore and understand,
48:33 that from the going forth of the command... "
48:36 to do two things... say it with me... to what?
48:39 "restore and build Jerusalem until the Messiah... "
48:46 I want you to find as best you can
48:48 a word here that identifies the Antichrist.
48:50 "until the Messiah the Prince, there shall be... " what?
48:54 Break it down... "seven weeks and... " what?
48:57 "sixty-two weeks; the street shall be built again,
49:02 and the walls, even in troublesome times. "
49:05 Now, if you study the Bible... Ezra... Nehemiah...
49:09 you'll find that, yes, when the commission was given,
49:13 and there were three commissions given
49:15 and this is where... this is where the clever,
49:17 manipulative nature of the Dark Ages
49:22 have brought everybody under this cloak of darkness
49:25 because there were three degrees...
49:28 how many degrees did I say? Three.
49:30 Look at your chart on the paper right now
49:32 and I'm going to walk you through this.
49:33 Point A, it's not on the screen
49:35 but it's on the paper that you downloaded,
49:37 if you didn't download that,
49:38 we'll remind you where to get a copy of that.
49:40 This is Point A, the very first point,
49:44 this is the decree given by Artaxerxes
49:47 for the complete restoration of Jerusalem as a city
49:51 with its own Government,
49:53 not just the rebuilding of the temple and the walls,
49:56 like the decree of Cyrus and Darius...
49:58 or Dar... ius... however you want to say it,
50:00 now, pause...
50:01 Cyrus gave a decree to build the wall...
50:06 Darius gave a decree to build the temple...
50:12 but, Artaxerxes gave the decree to restore the whole city.
50:18 let me use a comparison, you may have a city...
50:20 you may have a city hall.
50:22 One gives a decree to build city hall... the building...
50:25 one gives a decree to put a fence around the city,
50:28 but the other one says, "Wait a minute,
50:30 what good is a city hall and a fence without people
50:33 and the government?"
50:34 What do you need?
50:36 And when you go to Ezra, let's look at this very quickly
50:38 when you go to the next question, Question number 17,
50:41 let's walk through the 70 weeks,
50:43 okay great, we're going to look at this chart very quickly.
50:46 Let us walk through the chart of the 70 weeks, okay great,
50:48 it's going to appear on our screen here guys,
50:50 let's look at this together, here it is,
50:52 bring it up on the screen, okay,
50:53 great, here we are, in our...
50:54 now... Ezra chapter 7 verse 13 is what I want to show you first
50:58 Ezra chapter 7 verse 13,
51:00 look at what it says on the screen.
51:03 "I will... I will make a decree... "
51:05 I'm going to bring it up on our screen,
51:08 "I will make... I make a decree,
51:10 that all they of the people of Israel,
51:13 and of his priests and Levites, in my realm,
51:19 which are minded of their own freewill
51:22 to go up to Jerusalem with thee. "
51:25 Now, who made that decree?
51:27 Somebody just tell me,
51:28 I gave you his name a moment ago,
51:30 Artaxerxes...
51:32 A R T A X E X R E S something like that...
51:39 Okay, A R T A R Z E R X E S
51:42 it's a hard name to remember,
51:46 I don't know of anybody named Artaxerxes today
51:48 but I had a little typo there on mine... which,
51:51 when you write a name like that, it's admirable
51:54 or admirable or allowable...
51:56 but the decree given by Artaxerxes was the only decree
51:59 to completely restore the full city...
52:03 a full-functioning city...
52:05 and you read about that story in the book of Ezra
52:07 and also Nehemiah.
52:09 As a matter of fact, Nehemiah was very disheartened
52:11 when he heard about how far...
52:13 how much work had not been done...
52:15 the walls are broken down...
52:17 the people were left in disrepair
52:18 and Nehemiah heard about it,
52:20 he was under the decree of Artaxerxes...
52:21 working for Artaxerxes
52:23 and Artaxerxes said, "What do you need?"
52:26 And Nehemiah said, "Whatever the Lord wills"
52:28 and he gave Nehemiah letters to go and help Jerusalem
52:32 that was in disrepair.
52:33 Now, when you read about that, let's look at the chart now,
52:35 let's look at the chart...
52:37 Artaxerxes gives the decree at Point A.
52:40 Let's go back to that, at Point A, he gives the decree.
52:43 I'm still straightening mine out keep going
52:45 he gives the decree at Point A,
52:47 and then, that decree is to restore and rebuild Jerusalem
52:51 at the bottom of the chart, you see the R and R...
52:53 restore and rebuild Jerusalem
52:55 Now, the reason why he says seven weeks
52:58 because it only took 49 years
53:01 from the time that rebuilding and restoration was given
53:05 and then, 49 years later, Jerusalem is rebuilt.
53:09 That's why it's broken down seven weeks
53:12 and three score or 7 and 62.
53:15 That's why it's broken down that way.
53:17 He could have simply said, 69 or 70 in one big block
53:21 but the reason why it says 7 and 62
53:23 is because when you break it down,
53:25 each of those numbers is significant
53:27 in the numerical system
53:29 because it took 49 years... 7 weeks...
53:32 7 days in a week... 7 times 7... together... 49...
53:38 it took 49 years from the time that commission was sent
53:41 from the time that commission was given
53:44 in the midst of the disrepair, Nehemiah went and finished it up
53:47 and he only needed 52...
53:48 and he only needed 52 days to finish it off, remember that?
53:51 But from the time it was given to the time it was finished,
53:54 49 years... that's what you get there in the chart.
53:56 That's between Point A and Point B.
53:58 Now, let's go ahead and look at that.
54:00 Let's go and look at that on the screen.
54:02 Question number 18...
54:06 "The Decree to Restore and Rebuild Jerusalem"
54:10 and these are points by the way, let alone questions
54:13 these are points, I'm going to make them very quickly
54:15 these are the points...
54:16 Decree to restore and build Jerusalem.
54:18 Here it is... all right,
54:21 and I think I have that there,
54:25 it is Ezra chapter 6 verse 14,
54:29 open your Bibles there with me, Ezra chapter 6 and verse 14,
54:31 notice that... I may have not included that
54:34 but we're going to see that on the screen very quickly.
54:37 Ezra chapter 6 and verse 14, let's look at that.
54:40 Okay, when you...
54:43 when you look at the beauty of this prophecy,
54:45 it just makes it so clear that God knows what God is doing.
54:50 Amen, church...
54:52 here it is...
54:53 okay, Ezra 6 verse 14, here it is, got it.
54:57 okay, and it says,
55:01 "So the elders of...
55:04 so the elders of the Jews builded,
55:07 and they prospered
55:09 through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet
55:12 and Zechariah the son of Iddo.
55:15 And they builded, and they... " what?
55:18 "finished it
55:19 according to the commandment of the God of Israel,
55:23 and according to the commandment of Cyrus, and... " what else?
55:28 "Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia. "
55:32 But the "Secret Rapture" does this,
55:34 it only uses Cyrus or Darius... it leaves Artaxerxes out
55:38 and here's the challenge,
55:39 if you try to get the prophecy fulfilled
55:41 without Artaxerxes in it, it never happens.
55:43 You always come up with a gap...
55:45 that's why it's called, "The Gap Theory"
55:47 that last week never gets completed.
55:50 I may not get it tonight my Friends
55:52 but let's go ahead and go to the next one
55:53 and see if I can get that in there,
55:55 and I put that in there now, Number...
55:57 Number 20... is that where I am?
56:00 Number 20,
56:01 let's look at Number 20 very quickly here,
56:03 if I can get to that...
56:04 "The Messiah Anointed by Baptism"
56:09 okay, Acts 10 and verse 38,
56:11 bring that up on the screen for me, dear,
56:12 that's the next part
56:14 and by-the-way, that's at the beginning of Point C.
56:17 A Messiah anointed by baptism, here it is.
56:19 "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth
56:22 with the Holy Ghost and with power:
56:25 who went about doing good,
56:27 and healing all that were oppressed of the devil;
56:29 for God was with him. "
56:31 Can you say, "Amen. "
56:32 God anointed... the Messiah means the anointed One,
56:35 look it up, the Messiah...
56:37 He was anointed by baptism to begin His ministry
56:40 and it happened in the year of...
56:43 in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberias Caesar.
56:46 Tiberias Caesar began reigning in the year 12 A.D.
56:50 Add 12 plus 15 gives you what? 27,
56:53 it's on your chart there,
56:55 that's why I gave you this chart
56:56 so you can follow it very carefully.
56:58 I'm going to get to one point, number 21 very quickly,
57:01 I'm going to give you this one, Daniel 9:26,
57:04 "The Messiah is cut off in the midst of the week. "
57:06 The Messiah is cut off in the midst of the week.
57:09 As a matter of fact, you know what?
57:10 I'm probably not going to force this in here
57:12 because, you know, it's going to try to put a big shoe...
57:15 bit foot in a really tight shoe...
57:18 I'm going to give you time to absorb that
57:19 and in our next Program, what we're going to do
57:22 is, we're going to backtrack just a little bit
57:24 and spend, maybe the entire program
57:25 on this chart...
57:27 wouldn't that be great?
57:28 So that, when we're done, you can see that unequivocally
57:31 God did not have any intention
57:35 of sneaking up on His saints in the very end of time
57:37 but He was going to make it sure...
57:39 make it very clear
57:41 that the prophecy of His soon return...
57:43 the prophecy of His visible, literal, audible,
57:46 earth-shattering second coming
57:47 would be known and heard and seen by all
57:51 but here's the blessing,
57:54 if you're ready, you'll be ready to go with Him,
57:56 if not, you'll be left behind,
57:57 but friends, keep studying... it doesn't make sense
58:00 but it will come into a sharper focus,
58:02 God bless you.


Revised 2019-06-26