Participants: Pr. John Lomacang
Series Code: ASHF
Program Code: ASHF000069
00:19 Hello, friends, and welcome
00:21 to another Wednesday night Bible study here 00:23 at the 3ABN Worship Center. 00:25 And don't adjust the sound on your televisions 00:27 or whatever you're listening through. 00:29 This is my winter voice. 00:31 And I can't hold on to it for very long, 00:34 but I won't be singing tonight 00:35 I have someone that's gonna be singing 00:37 our theme song for us. 00:40 And you could also join in if you'd like. 00:41 But I am having a wonderful time tonight in that, 00:46 this topic is gonna really open your mind 00:49 to hear something about the truth of God's Word 00:53 concerning the Second Coming. 00:55 And the topic tonight is 00:56 "The Truth about the Secret Rapture" 00:57 we'll show you that in just a moment 00:59 on our television screen. 01:01 But if you'd like a copy of the lesson to follow along, 01:04 go to the following website, 01:11 download lesson number 22 01:13 "The Truth about the Secret Rapture." 01:16 And for the next hour or so, 01:18 we'll walk through the Word of God 01:19 and dispel another myth 01:22 that has found its way into the Christian circle. 01:25 But before we have our theme song 01:27 and do anything else, 01:28 let's bow our heads and invite the Lord 01:30 to be with us. 01:31 Let's pray together. 01:33 Our Heavenly Father, we thank You 01:35 that Your truth continues to march forward. 01:38 And that those of us who hold the banner of truth 01:42 to the glory of Your name, 01:43 we pray that, Lord, we can share this faithfully, 01:48 but also with the mindset and the understanding 01:50 that many that are watching this program 01:53 may be people who believe in the secret rapture 01:56 or whatever topic we're covering. 01:58 So we want the love of Christ to be conveyed, 02:01 but we want the truth of the Word of God to be clear. 02:04 So, Lord, send Your Spirit 02:05 to those who are tuning into tonight, 02:08 and may their hearts and minds be open 02:10 to simply receive 02:12 what the Lord has said in His Word. 02:14 And now that we're living 02:16 in preparation for the Second Coming, 02:18 may this myth about the return of our Lord 02:21 be turned back tonight, 02:24 may it be counteracted by the truth. 02:27 In Jesus' name we pray. 02:29 Amen. 02:31 Now we're gonna sing our theme song, 02:32 and as I said a moment ago, 02:34 the song is "Victory in Jesus" 02:35 but Celestine is gonna come and she's gonna lead, 02:37 sing along with the audience. 02:39 Celestine is my secretary, and she's a wonderful singer. 02:42 So you can join us at home 02:44 the words will not appear on your screen. 02:46 It'll be on ours here. 02:47 But since we have given our hearts to the Lord 02:51 because the "Victory in Jesus" let's sing the song tonight, 02:53 our theme song. 03:03 I heard an old, old story 03:07 How the Savior came from glory 03:11 How He gave His life on Calvary 03:15 To save a wretch like me 03:18 I heard about His groaning 03:22 Of His precious blood's atoning 03:26 Then I repented of my sin 03:30 And won the victory 03:34 O victory in Jesus 03:37 My Savior, forever 03:41 He sought me and bought me 03:45 With His redeeming blood 03:49 He loved me ere I knew Him 03:52 And all my love is due Him 03:56 He plunged me to victory 04:00 Beneath the cleansing flood 04:04 I heard about a mansion 04:07 He has built for me in glory 04:11 And I heard about the streets of gold 04:15 Beyond the crystal sea 04:19 About the angels singing 04:23 And the old redemption story 04:26 And some sweet day I'll sing up there 04:30 The song of victory 04:33 Key change. 04:34 O victory in Jesus 04:38 My Savior forever 04:42 He sought me and bought me 04:45 With His redeeming blood 04:49 He loved me ere I knew Him 04:53 And all my love is due Him 04:57 He plunged me to victory 05:00 Beneath the cleansing flood 05:04 He plunged me to victory 05:08 Beneath the cleansing flood 05:15 Amen? Amen. 05:16 Thank you, Celestine, 05:17 appreciate that very, very much. 05:19 And I was singing bass, 05:21 just getting to do that tonight. 05:24 I don't know what this is it's probably everybody has it. 05:27 None of us knows what it is, but it's probably a cold. 05:30 But pray for me. 05:31 Tonight, the topic is 05:34 "The Truth about the Secret Rapture. 05:37 The Truth about the Secret Rapture." 05:41 Now let me just lay the foundation 05:44 by making a few statements here 05:46 that I think are very, very important. 05:48 Now in this new series entitled "The Truth about the Truth," 05:52 we have uncovered two false teachings 05:56 that have found its home in the Christian church. 05:59 Two false teachings 06:01 that are in many Christian circles today. 06:03 The first one we dealt with was 06:05 what the Bible teaches about the nature of man 06:10 that we do not die and go directly to heaven, 06:13 but that we are all waiting for the resurrection. 06:16 What are we waiting for? 06:17 Resurrection. The resurrection. 06:19 Everyone is in the grave 06:20 waiting for the coming of Jesus. 06:22 And then we'll take a journey together. 06:25 The dead in Christ who rises, 06:27 then we who are alive and remain 06:29 will be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. 06:32 That was one of the first teachings 06:35 that we sought to counteract. 06:38 As you know, the mission of 3ABN 06:40 is to counteract the... 06:42 Counterfeit. Counterfeit. 06:43 There are many counterfeits, 06:44 but today one of the challenges is 06:46 that churches nowadays are not teaching doctrine anymore. 06:50 As a matter of fact, my wife reminded me 06:52 that there's a worldwide movement 06:54 called the non-denominational. 06:57 Have you heard about that? 06:58 Non-denominational churches. 06:59 And there are many churches that say, 07:01 "We don't teach doctrines." 07:03 Well, the problem with that 07:04 is if you don't teach doctrines, 07:06 you don't teach what the Bible says 07:08 about specific topics that Jesus taught. 07:12 So the word doctrine is simply another word teaching. 07:15 What's the word there? Teaching. 07:16 So if you choose not to teach 07:18 what the Bible says about the Sabbath, 07:20 about the condition of man in death, 07:22 about the Second Coming of Jesus, 07:23 then people largely remain ignorant. 07:26 No one knows what the Bible teaches. 07:29 And so what happens is, 07:30 we went and covered that first topic 07:31 that people are in the grave waiting for Jesus to come. 07:35 Second thing that we counteracted 07:37 was this idea that Sunday is a sacred day, 07:39 that somehow God changed the Sabbath 07:41 from Saturday to Sunday, 07:43 that somehow now we honor the first day 07:45 in light of His resurrection 07:47 that's not taught anywhere in the Bible. 07:49 And we talked about that. 07:50 And if you missed that one, 07:52 you can go to the same website 07:55 and download lesson number 21 07:57 "The Truth about the Sabbath." 07:59 But tonight, 08:01 we're gonna talk about a topic 08:02 that has millions of Christians around the world 08:05 looking for something that is not going to happen. 08:08 Right? 08:10 Now let me ask you a question. 08:11 And this is how I can illustrate that. 08:13 If I said, 08:15 "I'll look forward to having you visit me 08:16 next year on February 31st," 08:19 How many of you would come visit with me? 08:21 No. Nobody. 08:22 Because there is no February 31. 08:26 And so the secret rapture is like February 31st. 08:29 There is no such thing. 08:31 And a couple of times, 08:32 a few years ago, as well as more recently, 08:36 Discovery Channel and the History Channel 08:38 did a one hour documentary 08:41 on what people in different denominations 08:43 commonly teach concerning the Second Coming of Christ. 08:47 And they made this statement which I already knew 08:49 'cause I've been teaching what the Bible says 08:51 about the Second Coming of Christ, 08:54 how it counteracts the idea that there's gonna be 08:56 a secret snatching way of the church. 08:59 But I was amazed to hear 09:00 that the History Channel and National Geographic said 09:05 millions of Christians today have embraced the idea 09:09 that there is a "Secret Rapture" 09:11 and then the following statement, 09:13 I said, "What?" 09:14 They said a teaching that has no scriptural support. 09:18 Can you say amen to that? Amen. 09:20 So they said in their own research, 09:22 it has no scriptural support. 09:25 So now if I want to sneak something into your house, 09:31 what time of day would be the best time to do that? 09:33 Somebody tell me? Night. 09:35 Why at night? 09:37 Come on. This is an easy answer. 09:39 Why at night? 09:40 Because it's dark. 09:41 And in most cases, the people are sleeping. 09:44 What many of us have missed 09:46 is something in history called the Dark Ages. 09:49 Say that with me again, the what? 09:51 The Dark Ages, 09:52 which there was a period of time 09:54 that lasted at least "1,260 years" officially 09:59 where Bibles were taken away from common people, 10:02 no one was allowed to own a Bible. 10:04 So therefore, 10:05 if the Bible is the Word of God, 10:07 the light was what? 10:08 Turned off. 10:09 It was nighttime for 1,260 years. 10:13 People were in scriptural darkness, 10:15 they did not know what the Bible taught. 10:18 During that time, many of the teachings... 10:20 Let me just rephrase that. 10:22 Most, if not, all the teachings 10:23 that are now embraced by modern Christendom 10:26 were formulated during the Dark Ages. 10:29 Satan came into the house of Christianity, 10:32 while the lights were turned off 10:34 and put teachings in there, 10:36 that when the lights came back on, 10:37 people thought those teachings were always there. 10:40 Now if your lights in your house 10:41 was off for 1,260 years, 10:44 how many things could I take out of your house? 10:46 Come on, somebody tell me. 10:47 Almost everything. 10:49 And when the lights eventually come back on generations later, 10:52 the generations that were born when the lights were off, 10:56 when the lights come on, 10:57 they'll think that this furniture was always here. 11:00 And that's what's happened in Christianity. 11:02 So now today, the church in the world 11:04 is pretty much involved in the social gospel. 11:06 People don't teach the truth of God's Word anymore. 11:10 And nothing wrong with social gospel 11:12 that means doing things for the community, 11:14 helping the poor, 11:15 relieving the suffering of the sick, 11:17 building houses, 11:18 making sure people have their needs met. 11:20 That's good. 11:21 But if you leave out the truth of God's Word, 11:23 then the statement that Jesus made 11:25 is of no effect. 11:26 He said, John 17:17, 11:28 "Sanctify them." Go there with me. 11:29 Let me just... Let you see that. 11:31 John 17:17. 11:32 Let's make this our first scripture. 11:35 Look at what Jesus said. 11:36 Very powerful words. 11:39 And it's amazing to me that this word, 11:41 the word that Jesus uses here is kind of almost been deleted 11:45 from the vernacular of Christianity. 11:48 He says in John 17:17. 11:51 Let's read that together. 11:52 The Bible says, "Sanctify them," through what? 11:56 "Your truth. 11:57 Your word is," what? 11:59 "Truth." 12:00 That word truth 12:01 has kind of been left on the back burner 12:03 because people say what's truth? 12:05 And I even got a letter from a pastor once said to me, 12:08 "You have your truth, I have my truth." 12:11 And I said to him respectfully, 12:13 "Sir, I don't have any truth and neither do you." 12:15 And the Bible does not support two views 12:17 that are in opposition to what Jesus said. 12:19 Amen? 12:21 And so what's happened today 12:22 is there are teachings in the Christian church 12:25 that were never found in the Bible. 12:27 So tonight to lay the foundation 12:28 about the truth about the secret rapture, 12:30 we're gonna dive into it. 12:31 And as you know, if we don't finish it tonight, 12:33 we just roll it over to the next broadcast. 12:35 But I want to tell you and give you some history. 12:37 And by the way, 12:38 I'm gonna say this a little slowly. 12:41 A few years ago, I did a series here 12:42 at 3ABN called? the Final Events, 12:45 the Final Events. 12:47 And that is a five-part DVD series. 12:51 In the Final Events DVD, 12:53 I covered the history of the secret rapture. 12:56 Who started it 12:57 and how it made its way down the line 12:59 from the originator of the theory 13:03 all the way to our modern day. 13:05 One of the greatest modern contributors 13:07 is a man by the name of Tim LaHaye, 13:09 and his writer, Jerry Jenkins, 13:12 and the whole rapture Left Behind series. 13:14 Have you heard about that? 13:16 Millions and millions of books have been sold. 13:18 And Christians today have been gobbling that up. 13:21 But if you take... 13:22 If you have a copy of that book, 13:24 anyone to the Left Behind series, 13:25 do yourself a favor, don't look at the front cover, 13:27 turn that book around on the back 13:29 and look into the bottom right 13:31 and you'll see in very tiny letters, 13:32 fiction. 13:35 It's amazing. 13:36 All of the authors in that entire series 13:39 they had to do that because it is fiction. 13:41 But Christians don't read the back of the book. 13:44 They read the front cover where it says Left Behind, 13:47 and they gobbled it up like its truth. 13:49 Well, Francisco Ribera born 1537, died 1591. 13:54 He was a Spanish Jesuit theologian 13:58 commissioned by the Roman Catholic Church 14:01 to get the eyes of the Protestant reformers 14:04 off of the Roman Catholic Church. 14:06 I'm giving you some history. Can you follow carefully? 14:08 Because the Protestant reformers... 14:10 Let me give you one of the more common names 14:12 that you know Martin Luther, 14:13 what was his name? 14:14 Martin Luther. 14:16 He's considered like the grandfather 14:17 of the Protestant Reformation. 14:19 When you follow Bible prophecy, 14:21 there are four kingdom that the Bible talks about 14:23 Babylon, let's say the next one, 14:26 Medo-Persia, what's the next one? 14:28 Greece. And the next one? 14:29 Rome. Okay, here it is. 14:31 Babylon, the first worldwide kingdom, 14:34 Medo-Persia, the second, Greece, the third, 14:37 and the fourth one, Rome. 14:39 Now the entire New Testament was written 14:41 under the existence of the Roman Empire, 14:44 the pagan Roman Empire. 14:49 When the Protestant reformers in the 1500s 14:52 began to decipher Bible prophecy, 14:55 what simply they did was went back to the Bible. 14:58 Martin Luther began a back to Bible movement. 15:00 What do you say to that? 15:02 And in translating the Bible from Latin to German, 15:06 he discovered things that were not heretofor understood, 15:11 thereby identifying the four world empires. 15:14 And Martin Luther existed under the empire of Rome 15:18 because he was a part of that whole Jesuit order 15:22 or a theologian not a Jesuit 15:23 but a theologian under the reign of Rome. 15:27 When he discovered in the Bible that the Bible identified Rome 15:30 as a part of the system of antichrist, 15:33 the Protestant reformers began to preach that, 15:36 that Rome is the fourth beast of Daniel Chapter 7. 15:39 The fourth kingdom that will reign 15:41 from the Middle Ages to the very end of time. 15:45 But in order to get their eyes off of it, 15:47 they commissioned a Spanish Jesuit 15:50 by the name of Francisco Ribera. 15:51 And by the way, you can do this study yourself. 15:55 Francisco. F-R-A-N-C-I-S-C-O. 15:57 Ribera. R-I-B-E-R-A. 16:00 Do your homework and you will discover... 16:03 And I'll just give you a quote very quickly. 16:05 "In order to remove the papacy of the Catholic Church 16:08 from consideration as the antichrist, 16:11 Francisco Ribera began writing a 500-page commentary 16:15 on the Book of Revelation." 16:16 And in a nutshell, he said 16:18 that after Revelation Chapter 4, 16:21 the church is gonna be gone. 16:24 So there's no need to even know Chapter 5 on. 16:28 So what happens? 16:29 You get a whole bunch of Christians 16:31 that are ignorant of Revelation Chapter 5 16:33 to Revelation Chapter 22, 16:34 it is like Jesus didn't have to write that. 16:37 And he taught 16:38 that the 3.5-year period in the Bible, in prophecy 16:43 was a time where the antichrist would reign. 16:47 And so he said, 16:49 the antichrist could not be a part of the Roman system 16:51 it's gonna be the single guy coming way down in the future. 16:55 So nowadays, people believe that 16:57 when the 3.5-year period starts on earth 16:59 just before the tribulation, 17:02 there's gonna be an antichrist. 17:03 Have you heard that? 17:04 And then the antichrist is gonna reign for 3.5-years 17:06 and the Jews are gonna be converted, 17:09 then they're gonna make a whole lot of false teachings. 17:13 But because it was existing 17:16 at the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, 17:18 by the time the churches began to grow 17:21 out of the Protestant Reformation, 17:23 they didn't reexamine what the Bible taught. 17:25 And today, the greatest mystery 17:29 that is going to be unfolded tonight, 17:31 the greatest secret, 17:32 which I say the greatest untruth ever told 17:35 is about the Second Coming of Christ. 17:37 Christians are looking for an event 17:40 that is not supported by the Bible. 17:42 The secret rapture after this program 17:46 will no longer be a secret. 17:47 What do you say? Amen. 17:48 So let's tonight begin 17:50 by looking at some of the questions that we have. 17:53 And what we're gonna begin with 17:54 is first unfolding what the Bible teaches 18:00 about the Second Coming of Jesus. 18:02 My wife and I were talking about this 18:04 on the way over here tonight, 18:05 and we reminded ourselves or she reminded me 18:08 that is that it was not until the 1830s 18:12 that the preaching about 18:14 the Second Coming of Christ resurfaced. 18:15 Up until that point, 18:17 churches didn't teach about the Second Coming. 18:18 And I wanna also add the point today 18:20 churches today are not talking about the Second Coming. 18:23 They have taken a line from Francisco Ribera, 18:26 and they believe 18:28 that Jesus is going to reign on earth for 1,000 years. 18:31 That's another lie taught by 18:33 the same Spanish Jesuit Francisco Ribera. 18:37 So when we're done, 18:39 the truth is gonna be abundantly clear. 18:41 But if you want more information, 18:42 remember, Last Day Events, 18:45 call 3ABN to get a copy of that Last Day Events DVD. 18:49 Let's go to question number one for tonight. 18:51 Question number one, for tonight. 18:54 All right. 18:56 And here's the question. 18:57 What main truth has Jesus taught 19:00 about His Second Coming? 19:02 What main truth has Jesus taught 19:05 about His Second Coming? 19:07 We gonna go to Revelation 1:7. 19:10 Revelation 1:7. 19:13 I am so glad 19:14 that the Word of God still exists today. 19:17 Can you say amen to that? 19:18 If we didn't have light, 19:20 we be in darkness, just like the Dark Ages. 19:22 But this is not the era of darkness. 19:24 Revelation 1:7, here's what the Bible teaches. 19:27 All right, 19:28 let's read this first one together. 19:30 It's on the screen. 19:31 And if you're at home, 19:32 you can read it with your family there. 19:34 The Bible says, "Behold, He is," what? 19:36 "Coming with clouds, 19:38 and every eye will see Him, even they who," what? 19:44 "Pierced Him. 19:45 And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. 19:51 Even so, Amen." 19:54 So let me ask the question, 19:55 how many eyes are gonna see Jesus 19:57 when He comes back? 19:58 Every. 20:00 And the reason why it's important 20:01 to read this text is it the Bible... 20:02 Lot of people teach, and I understand the thinking 20:04 because people that are rapturists they say, 20:08 "Well, okay, yeah, the Second Coming, 20:10 every eye will see Him, 20:11 but the churches are gonna be snatched away 20:13 before that visible return." 20:14 That's the misconception that's been planted there. 20:18 But there's no such support in the Bible for that. 20:21 And we'll talk about those verses in the Bible 20:22 that are often used to back up that theory 20:25 that once again has no scriptural support. 20:28 The Bible says when Jesus comes, 20:29 how many eyes are gonna see Him? 20:31 Every eye. 20:33 So that means when Jesus comes everyone who has ever lived, 20:38 everyone who's on the earth 20:40 is going to see the Lord return. 20:41 And it didn't just say the righteous, it says, 20:44 all the tribes of the earth will mourn. 20:48 You know what that word mourn, there's a better word mourn. 20:51 They're gonna be an anguish because some that our mourning 20:55 because of Him are gonna be those 20:57 who are not ready for His soon return. 20:59 All the tribes of the earth, every eye will see him. 21:03 Italy, the islands of the sea, the Caribbean, 21:06 the United States, Canada, Asia, 21:09 the entire world is going to see Jesus 21:11 when He comes back, every eye will see Him. 21:13 So if you answer question number one, 21:15 what main truth has Jesus taught 21:17 about his Second Coming? 21:18 It will be visible to the whole world. 21:22 It will be visible to how much of the world? 21:25 The whole world, the whole world, 21:26 every eye, all the tribes of the earth, 21:31 every eye will see Him, even those who pierced him. 21:33 That means those who persecuted Jesus 21:36 in the judgment hall. 21:38 They insisted, they said, 21:40 "We adore you, are you the Christ?" 21:42 And Jesus says "I am. 21:45 And you will see Me coming in the clouds of heaven 21:48 with power and great glory." 21:51 Even they will be resurrected 21:53 to see the one that they have pierced. 21:55 So it's not gonna be invisible. 21:56 It's gonna be visible to how much of the earth? 21:59 All the earth. 22:00 Okay, question number one. 22:03 Now go to question number two. 22:05 How will the return of Jesus in the clouds 22:08 affect the world?" 22:10 How will His return in the clouds 22:13 affect the world? 22:14 Matthew 24:30 is where you are turning. 22:18 Matthew 24:30. 22:21 All right, we're gonna see what the Bible says 22:24 because it's important. 22:25 I tell you, one of the things 22:27 that's missing in Christianity nowadays 22:28 is people don't go to the Bible. 22:30 They pretty much say, they say, 22:31 "Reverend, what should we believe? 22:33 Pastor, what we should believe? 22:34 Priest, what should we believe? 22:36 Bishop, what should we believe?" 22:38 Well, you know, if your pastor 22:39 or any spiritual leader that you have 22:42 disagrees of the Bible, you need to hit the road. 22:45 Amen? 22:47 Run for the hills. 22:48 Run to the Adventist church. 22:50 Right. Just to make it clear. Thank you, honey. 22:52 Run to the Seventh-day Adventist Church 22:55 where we believe in the truth, the whole truth, 22:57 and nothing but the truth. 23:00 Humbly, but praise the Lord, 23:02 we don't believe in dealing in darkness. 23:04 Matthew 24:30. 23:05 How will the return of Jesus in the clouds affect the world? 23:08 Here's what the Bible says. 23:11 "Then the sign of the Son of Man 23:14 will appear," where? 23:16 "In heaven," 23:17 That's right above the earth's atmosphere, 23:19 "and then," how much of the tribes? 23:21 "All the tribes of the earth will mourn," 23:24 just like John said, 23:26 "And they will," what's the next word? 23:28 "See the Son of Man coming," how? 23:31 "On the clouds of heaven with," what two things? 23:34 "Power and great glory." 23:38 So once again, all the tribes of the earth, 23:42 Jesus is not gonna sneak back the greatest event of the ages. 23:47 You know, it's like the rescue. 23:49 I remember years ago, and I heard the story, 23:51 I wasn't alive at the time, I'm not that old. 23:55 But I heard the story when many American soldiers 23:58 were held in prison camps in Asia 24:00 during, I think it was the World War II, 24:02 which one was General MacArthur? 24:04 Second World War. 24:07 Yeah, it was in the Philippines. 24:08 And he said, "I will return." 24:12 And I remember hearing the stories 24:14 and reading throughout history books 24:16 that when they heard all these planes, I mean, 24:18 you cannot miss the sound of many, many planes. 24:22 And those who were in the POW camps, 24:24 they said, "General MacArthur has fulfilled his promise." 24:28 It was so loud, 24:29 they knew without a shadow of a doubt 24:32 that it was American planes coming to rescue all of those 24:35 that have been held by the prisoner-of-war camps. 24:39 You see, the event of the ages, 24:41 the greatest event of human history, 24:44 the eradication of sin, the deliverance of the saints. 24:47 Amen to that? 24:49 And our deliverance from this sin cursed earth 24:52 in our journey home, 24:54 it is gonna be anything but secret. 24:57 It's gonna be anything but secret. 24:59 All the tribes of the earth are gonna be affected by it 25:01 because they're gonna see the Son of Man coming 25:03 on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 25:06 I cannot imagine what the glory is gonna be, 25:09 you know, we think the sun is bright. 25:11 But when the Lord returns and as Revelation 19 says 25:14 10,000 times 10,000 25:15 and thousands of thousands of angels. 25:19 And when you read the stories in the Old Testament, 25:21 one Angel was able to destroy an entire army. 25:25 Boy, 10,000 times 10,000 25:27 and even more than the millions of angels, 25:30 the Son of Man, 25:32 shining in power and great glory. 25:35 All right, let's look at the other one. 25:37 Question number three. 25:38 So the answer to question number two, 25:39 how will the return of Jesus in the clouds affect the world? 25:43 They'll all see Him. 25:45 They'll all mourn the entire earth. 25:48 Nowhere in the scriptures, 25:49 do you find Jesus want to sneak back. 25:51 "Let Me get back before anybody knows 25:53 and snatch people out of here 25:54 and then go and nobody knows about it." 25:57 There's gonna be something secret 25:59 about the Second Coming of Jesus, 26:00 and the Bible says, 26:01 "No man knows the day nor the hour," right? 26:03 Matthew 24:36. 26:05 Nobody knows what the day is gonna be. 26:07 But if you keep going, Jesus said, 26:10 "Learn the parable of the fig tree." 26:13 Right now we're in winter here in Southern Illinois, 26:17 and a lot of the trees don't have leaves. 26:19 Matter of fact, some of the leave 26:21 are still in our backyards, 26:23 but the trees look like they're dead. 26:25 But when the spring begins to come, 26:26 what happens? 26:28 What happens? Somebody tell me. 26:30 The leaves, the trees begin to bud. 26:33 And, you know, that what's coming? 26:35 The summer is on its way. 26:37 The summer is coming. 26:39 In the very same way the Lord says, 26:40 "When you see all these signs of the end 26:42 know that My coming is near. 26:44 You don't know what day it is. 26:46 But when you see these signs, you better be ready." 26:48 Right? 26:49 Question number three. 26:51 Here it is. 26:52 "Will the return of Jesus 26:53 be visible only to the righteous?" 26:56 That's another teaching 26:58 that is encapsulated in the secret rapture 27:00 because only the righteous... 27:01 Have you ever seen those signs? 27:03 I've seen them sold in Christian bookstores. 27:05 And it just sickens me 27:08 that all these Christians that love the Lord 27:10 are being lied to. 27:11 I went to a Christian bookstore 27:13 once where they had the entire Left Behind series. 27:16 And I couldn't help it ask, "Why do you guys sell fiction?" 27:21 And they actually had a section called Christian fiction. 27:24 What an oxymoron. 27:26 Christian fiction? 27:28 Is that like ,let me stop right there. 27:32 Is that like Christian marijuana? 27:35 It's like Christian alcohol? 27:37 Which one is this? 27:39 Christian fiction. 27:41 And that's what the devil does. 27:42 He merges the two together 27:45 to make the latter more prominent than the former. 27:48 Did you get what I say? 27:50 Christianity gets diluted by fiction. 27:54 But it puts the word Christian to make it palatable. 27:56 This is our Christian fiction section. 27:58 And I said, "That's a travesty to sell a lie 28:01 in a Christian bookstore." 28:02 But that's what he's done. But that's what he's done. 28:04 Here's the answer. 28:05 Will the return of Jesus 28:07 be visible only to the righteous 28:08 Mark 14:61, 62. 28:13 Mark 14:61, 62. 28:17 Okay, I just made reference to this. 28:19 But now you have the actual text. 28:22 Here it is on the screen. 28:24 And this is when Jesus was being... 28:25 They were demanding that Jesus disclose His identity. 28:30 And He said... 28:32 They said, 28:33 "But He kept silent and answered nothing. 28:35 Again the high priest asked Him, 28:38 saying to Him, 28:39 'Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?'" 28:44 And then Jesus responded, "He said, 'I am. 28:48 And you will see the Son of Man 28:50 sitting at the right hand of Power, 28:53 and coming with the,'" what? 28:55 "Clouds of heaven." 28:58 What do you think those clouds are? 28:59 Somebody tell me. What do you think they are? 29:01 Angels, so many 29:03 that they're gonna look just like clouds. 29:05 Angels. 29:07 Clouds are often, 29:08 the kind of clouds we like a white, bright clouds. 29:10 Can you imagine when the earth, Mike, is wrapped with clouds? 29:13 And these clouds are bright, shining angels, 29:16 and each one has a trumpet, 29:17 and they're shaking the earth with the blast of that trumpet, 29:21 with the sound of that trumpet. 29:22 So yes, Jesus said, 29:24 "I'll be coming back and we have a date." 29:28 He said that to those who persecuted Him, 29:29 "We have an appointment." 29:31 And you may not like it. 29:33 But today, when I return, 29:34 you're not gonna see handcuffed Jesus 29:36 or where the crown of thorns. 29:40 "I'm gonna be king of kings and Lord of lords. 29:42 And we'll be talking again 29:44 under different set of circumstances." 29:46 We need to be Jesus and peace. 29:48 Amen? 29:49 Okay, so the answer to number three is 29:50 will the return of Jesus 29:52 be visible only to the righteous? 29:53 A single answer is absolutely, no. 29:55 No, not at all. 29:57 Even those who persecuted Him 30:00 will be affected by His soon return. 30:03 All right, now let's go to a book 30:05 in the Old Testament. 30:06 So far we've used the New Testament. 30:08 Go to Psalms 50:3 and here's the next question. 30:11 Question number four. 30:13 Question number four. 30:14 "How do we know that Jesus will not return secretly?" 30:19 How do we know that? 30:21 Well, we know that because of the Bible 30:22 but if I just gave you that answer, 30:24 I'll be just as authoritative as anybody else 30:26 who just pulls an answer out of the hat. 30:28 I like to give the answer from the Bible. 30:31 Okay, Psalm 50:3, 30:34 when you have more than one verse it's Psalms, 30:36 but I just put Psalms 30:38 because that's the name of the book. 30:40 All right, 30:41 here's what the Bible says about the return of Christ. 30:43 Now what I want you to notice so far, 30:45 the earth people on earth are gonna be mourning, 30:47 they're gonna be upset 30:49 that they're not ready for the coming of the Lord. 30:50 All the tribes of the earth are gonna mourn, right? 30:52 All the tribes. 30:54 And then those who pierced Him are gonna be upset 30:56 because they have an appointment. 30:57 Jesus made an appointment 2,000 years ago 31:00 that's gonna be fulfilled that is Second Coming. 31:01 "You're gonna see Me, but this time it's gonna be 31:03 a different set of circumstances." 31:06 But now when He comes back, 31:08 what does David the Psalmist say 31:10 about the return of our Lord? 31:12 Psalm 50:3, here's what the Bible says. 31:15 Bible says, "Our God shall come," 31:18 and let's say that together, "and..." 31:21 Come let's get it with a not a silent voice. 31:24 "And," what? 31:25 "Shall not keep silent," but not only that, 31:28 "a fire shall devour before Him, 31:32 and it shall be very tempestuous all around Him." 31:38 You know what that fire is? 31:40 Our God is a consuming fire. 31:42 That is the blazing glory of the Lord. 31:45 And by the way, this is something else. 31:47 His glory is a consuming fire to the wicked 31:52 but a sign of deliverance to the righteous. 31:54 Amen. Amen. 31:56 So that glory is what we wanna see, 31:58 "Lo, this is our God, we have waited for Him." 32:01 Isaiah 25:9. 32:03 But to the wicked, that's why they're running, 32:04 it's gonna start heating up. 32:06 It's gonna heat up pretty badly. 32:08 So how do we know that Jesus will not return? 32:12 Will not return secretly? 32:13 The Bible says, "He will not keep silent." 32:16 Amen to that? 32:19 You guys are silent. 32:21 Amen to that? Amen. 32:23 He's not gonna be silent. 32:24 There'll be no silent return for Jesus. 32:27 He's not gonna say, "Yana, Yana, shh! 32:31 Come, let's go." 32:34 That's not how Jesus is coming back. 32:37 He's been planning for this event. 32:39 I'm restricted tonight. 32:40 I can't get too excited. 32:41 I don't wanna blow my voice out. 32:43 But I wanna shout right now, but I can't. 32:44 I got to save it for the teaching. 32:46 But I tell you this is the event 32:47 that we've all been waiting for. 32:49 Amen, church? 32:50 And He's gonna do anything but sneak up on us. 32:52 Matter of fact, 32:53 if the Olympics is always announced by a trumpet. 32:58 If they have such fanfare for the Super Bowl, 33:02 if the World Series is something 33:04 that is seen on every continent of the earth, 33:07 and the NBA Finals, man, every language, 33:10 the world is covered. 33:13 How will the coming of the King of kings 33:15 and Lord of lords 33:18 be a silent event only to those who purchase the ticket? 33:24 He said, "No, no, no, 33:26 I'm letting the devil know I'm coming 33:28 because this is the end of it." 33:29 Amen, church? 33:31 He will not be silent. And you'll see Him. 33:34 That's what that fiery stream and it says 33:36 it shall be very tempestuous. 33:38 That means if you wanna use another word for tempestuous, 33:40 it will be awesome, a grand around Him, 33:43 something that the human eye will only be able to look at, 33:47 but with no description. 33:50 I tell you, our tongues will fail 33:51 at the description that evening or that day. 33:55 Question number five. Question number five. 33:57 And by the way, 33:58 if you're looking at question number six, 34:00 I actually intended to put A, B, and C 34:01 into question number five. 34:03 So kind of, I'm gonna give you three parts 34:05 to the next question, all right? 34:07 Question number five. 34:09 "In what way will Jesus' return affect the entire world?" 34:15 In what way will the return of Jesus 34:16 affect the entire world? 34:20 What we know so far it won't be silent, 34:22 it's gonna be a bright, 34:24 fiery, stream issuing, and coming forth from before, 34:27 all the tribes of the earth are going to mourn. 34:29 But John the Revelator gives us some specifics. 34:33 Revelation 6:14-17. 34:36 Revelation 6:14-17. 34:40 Wow, what an event, what an event. 34:44 Here's what the Bible says. 34:45 The Bible says, 34:47 "Then the sky receded as a scroll 34:51 when it is rolled up," 34:53 or when it is roll together as the King James Version says, 34:55 "and every mountain and island was," what? 34:58 "Moved out of its place. 35:01 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, 35:06 the commanders, the mighty men," 35:09 notice covering everybody, 35:10 "every slave and every free man," 35:12 what did they do? 35:13 "Hid themselves in the caves 35:16 and in the rocks of the mountains," 35:18 and what did they do? 35:19 "And said to the mountains and the rocks, 35:22 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him 35:25 who sits on the throne 35:28 and from the wrath of the Lamb!'" 35:29 Last part together. 35:31 "For the great day of His wrath has come, 35:34 and who is able to stand?" 35:37 What an event. 35:38 The earth is gonna be in pandemonia, 35:41 people are gonna have nowhere to hide. 35:44 I feel badly for people in Florida 35:46 because there are no mountains, there are no rocks to run to. 35:49 And we have very little here in Southern Illinois. 35:51 Hey, But I don't worry about that 35:53 because I'm not gonna be run 35:54 into the rocks and the mountains, 35:56 I'm gonna be run to Jesus, anybody else? 35:57 We're not running away. 35:59 We're gonna be running toward the majesty 36:01 because we will be clothed in immortality. 36:04 We will have put on His robe of righteousness. 36:07 Mortality will have been replaced 36:09 with an incorruptible immortal body. 36:12 We're not gonna be trying to hide, 36:13 but those who have been on the wrong side of the fence. 36:17 Matter of fact, go with me to Revelation 19. 36:19 I want you to see something. 36:21 This is extra credit. 36:22 Revelation Chapter 19. 36:31 And Revelation Chapter 19. 36:34 Some of you need to share with your neighbors. 36:35 Okay. 36:37 Revelation 19:11. 36:40 The Bible says, 36:41 Wow, this is powerful, this is powerful. 36:47 Verse 11, 36:48 "Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a," 36:51 what kind of horse? 36:52 "White horse. 36:53 And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, 36:58 and in righteousness He judges and makes war." 37:01 Now let's go ahead and get this flame of fire 37:03 that David was talking about. 37:05 Here's the description. 37:07 Here's the description. 37:09 "His eyes were like a flame of fire." 37:12 So when the Bible says, 37:14 "The fire was very tempestuous around Him, 37:17 His eyes are like a flame of fire." 37:19 And it says, 37:21 "And on His head were many crowns. 37:24 And He had a name written 37:26 that no one knew except Himself. 37:28 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, 37:33 and His name is called," what, church? 37:36 "The Word of God. 37:37 And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen." 37:42 That's the angels, white and clean, 37:45 followed Him on white horses, 37:47 the symbol of military strength. 37:51 And it says in verse 13, 37:52 "Now out of His mouth go with a sharp sword, 37:54 that with it He should strike the nations. 37:57 And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. 38:01 He Himself treads the winepress 38:05 of the fierceness of the wrath of God. 38:08 And He has on His robe and on His thigh 38:10 a name written," what is that? 38:12 Together. 38:13 "King of kings and," what? 38:14 "Lord of lords." 38:16 Now look at this. 38:17 "Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, 38:19 and he cried with a loud voice, 38:21 saying to all the birds 38:23 that fly in the midst of heaven, 38:25 'Come and gather together 38:28 for the supper of the great God, 38:31 that you may eat the flesh of kings, 38:33 the flesh of captains.'" 38:35 That's Revelation Chapter 6, 38:36 "The flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, 38:39 the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them, 38:42 and the flesh of all people, 38:44 free and slave, both small and great." 38:47 "And I saw the beast, 38:50 the kings of the earth, and their armies, 38:53 gathered together to make war against Him 38:56 who sat on the horse and against His army." 38:59 And I want to end this, "And the beast was captured," 39:01 praise God, 39:03 "and with him the false prophet who worshiped, 39:06 who worked signs in his presence, 39:08 by which he deceived those 39:10 who received the mark of the beast." 39:12 That's why we're teaching this message 39:13 'cause people are deceived. 39:15 And it says, 39:17 "And those who worshiped His image. 39:18 These two were cast alive into the lake of fire 39:22 burning with brimstone. 39:24 And the rest were killed with the sword," 39:26 that is the Word of God, 39:27 "which proceed from the mouth of Him 39:29 who sat on the horse. 39:31 And all the birds were filled with their flesh." 39:34 What a scene! 39:39 I've never seen a movie like that. 39:41 Never seen a program like that. 39:43 But what I wanna point out here 39:45 is the reason why Revelation 6:14-17 says, 39:48 "They're gonna be running." 39:49 You get the exploded vision of it right here. 39:52 They're gonna be running. Why are they running? 39:53 Because, man, if you see the Lord 39:55 coming back on a white horse, 39:56 and it's like thundering, heavenly thunder coming back, 39:59 and all those angels coming back 40:00 with all that power and glory, 40:02 and you're on the wrong side you would run too. 40:05 Ain't that right? 40:06 We'll all be taken off. 40:07 But praise the Lord, our job and our opportunity tonight 40:11 is to be on the right side. 40:13 Praise God for that. 40:14 Question number six. 40:16 Question number six. 40:17 All right, all right. 40:20 Number five was... Yeah. 40:21 Okay, let's answer number five. 40:23 That's right. Sorry. 40:24 I just said there were three parts to that. 40:26 And what way will Jesus' return affect the entire world? 40:29 First of all, the heavens will open. 40:33 Heavens open, 40:35 that's the first one that I pulled out. 40:37 The second one, mountains and islands move. 40:42 Mountains and islands move. 40:45 That's a great worldwide earthquake. 40:49 And thirdly, thirdly, sinners run for cover. 40:56 That's a solemn thing, can't even smile about that 40:59 'cause Satan has deceived so many. 41:02 They won't understand until then, 41:05 that the one that they have rejected 41:07 is the one that they don't wanna see. 41:10 And it's amazing the Bible calls 41:11 the wrath of the Lamb. 41:13 How many lambs have wrath? 41:15 When they only have one set of teeth? 41:18 Wrath of the lamb, they don't have fangs, 41:20 but the lamb that lowly Jesus, 41:23 who to us, is the God of deliverance, 41:26 to them, they see the lamb 41:28 as the one who brings their lives 41:31 to a terrible end, the wrath of the Lamb. 41:34 All right, question number six. 41:36 Question number six. 41:37 "Did Jesus teach that His unready servants 41:42 would have a second chance?" 41:45 Did Jesus teach that? 41:47 Matthew 24:44. 41:50 And by the way, it has three sections, 41:51 but there's only one single answer. 41:53 The A, B, and C actually applied 41:55 to question number five, all right? 41:57 Did Jesus teach? 41:58 Let's go to Matthew 24:44, 42:02 Matthew 24:44. 42:05 Okay. 42:08 It's amazing how Jesus 42:09 continually repeated this phrase, 42:10 be ready, be ready, be ready, be ready. 42:12 Now why would you say to somebody 42:13 be ready if you're gonna come back? 42:16 If you miss them, I'll be back. 42:18 I've been to airports. 42:20 And when the plane leaves... 42:24 I missed that flight. 42:26 Somebody once said, and I always appreciated this. 42:29 It almost sounded when I first started... 42:32 It almost sounded like he had a private agreement 42:34 between Himself and the airlines. 42:35 He said, "I made an agreement with the airlines, 42:38 that if I show up on time, we leave together. 42:41 But if I show up late, you go ahead and leave." 42:44 Yeah, right. 42:46 They're gonna leave if we're not ready, 42:48 ain't that right? 42:51 When they say flight leaves at, 42:53 you know, 2:19 by then it's too late, 42:56 they already left the gate. 42:59 Oh, man, I remember that in Australia? 43:02 Oh, no, Hawaii. Oh, man, I remember that. 43:04 I cannot forget that 43:05 my wife and I were on our way once. 43:07 The first time we went to Australia 43:09 that is by ourselves, 43:10 we didn't know we needed a visa. 43:13 So we were living in California at the time 43:14 and we were in the San Francisco Airport, 43:15 and they asked us when we were getting our tickets, 43:18 "Can I see your visa?" 43:21 I thought that it was my credit card. 43:23 I said, "I don't have a visa." 43:26 They said, "Well, you're not going to Australia." 43:30 But we have to go to Australia. 43:31 I'm gonna be preaching in two days. 43:34 Well, you're not going to Australia without a visa. 43:36 So what do I need to do? 43:38 Well, they said, 43:39 "Well, you can wait till Monday morning." 43:41 I can't wait to Monday morning 43:42 because, you know, you already lose a day. 43:46 I can't wait because they already day ahead of us. 43:50 I'm gonna be speaking in two days. 43:51 And I said so, "How far can I go 43:53 and still get a chance to get a visa?" 43:56 They said, "You can go as far as Hawaii 43:58 there is a counselor in Hawaii." 44:00 I said, "Is there a chance that we can catch the plane?" 44:04 "Really slim chance." Honey, remember that? 44:06 We didn't have any priority access, 44:08 we were just regular in the crowd. 44:10 We ran with all the strength we could, 44:13 got through all the check. 44:15 When we got on the plane, we were sitting there 44:17 our throats were just when I say sand dry. 44:20 The flight attendant looked at us and said, 44:22 "Do you need some water?" 44:25 And normally you only get that in first class 44:27 or business class at those long distant flights. 44:30 "Do you need some water?" 44:34 And she brought us some water. 44:35 Man, we just got in there. 44:37 And it's since we got in there... 44:38 When the minute after we got near the doors were closed. 44:41 And Angie and I said to ourselves, 44:42 "Well, you know, if we don't get a visa, 44:44 it's great to be stuck in Hawaii." 44:48 Ain't that right? 44:49 But we got to Hawaii, 44:51 got our visa, the Lord turned upside... 44:54 Turned the world upside down. 44:55 And we went to the consulate saw a very mean looking lady 44:59 behind a double bulletproof glass 45:01 she wouldn't smile at all. 45:02 And we thought, 45:04 "Man, who's this guy sitting in the waiting room?" 45:06 And we found out he was a doctor. 45:09 And when we got back, he was still sitting there. 45:10 And I said he, "Angie, he's a doctor, 45:12 and he still hasn't gotten his visa, 45:14 what's the chances of us getting ours?" 45:16 Walked up to window and that lady would not smile 45:18 and she just said, "Here's your visa." 45:23 I couldn't care less whether she smiled or not 45:25 as long as I made that plane, amen? 45:27 I don't care people smile or not 45:29 as long as I make the flight when Jesus leaves, amen. 45:32 What do you say? 45:34 Long as the door shuts behind us. 45:36 That's all that really matters. 45:38 That's why this text is so important. 45:39 Matthew 24:44. 45:41 Let's read this together. Together. 45:43 "Therefore you also," what are the next words? 45:46 "Be ready, for the Son of Man is coming 45:51 at an hour you do not expect." 45:54 That's the only secret about the coming of the Lord. 45:57 He's not telling you. 45:59 I'm coming back at 2:35pm central. 46:01 No, when probation closes. 46:04 That's it. 46:05 When the doors of the ark closed, 46:07 probation for humanity closed. 46:10 When Revelation 22:12, verse 11 is repeated, 46:14 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, 46:16 he that is righteous, let him be right." 46:18 When that is repeated, probation closes. 46:22 And then if you've ever seen turbulence and tribulation, 46:28 it'll be displayed at that time. 46:31 So this idea that there's gonna be 46:33 the second chance, 46:34 and that's what I'm talking about tonight, 46:36 this idea that if you're not ready, 46:37 don't worry about it you got seven more years. 46:40 That's not true. 46:41 That's not in the Bible anywhere. 46:42 And I'll tell you on our next program, 46:44 we'll actually show you the prophecy 46:46 where that came from 46:48 because when Francisco Ribera formulated this thing 46:51 known as the dispensational view, 46:53 also known as the "gap theory" 46:55 between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel Chapter 9. 46:59 When he formulated that 47:01 he had to take it from somewhere. 47:03 So he said, he said, 47:05 and I'm just gonna give you a hint 47:07 because in the Bible, 47:08 there's a 70-week prophecy 47:10 in Daniel 9:24-27. 47:16 Now here's the choices you get, 47:21 either that last seven-year period one week, 47:24 applies to the ministry of Jesus, 47:27 or it applies to the antichrist. 47:29 That's the only choice you get, you don't get a third choice. 47:32 Francisco Ribera, 47:33 instead of it applying to the Christ, 47:36 he said it applies to the antichrist. 47:39 We're not gonna go there tonight. 47:41 You can read it and prep yourself 47:42 for the next program coming up. 47:44 So we'll show you that here's the key. 47:46 If that seven-year period was fulfilled, 47:49 then there is no such thing as a seven-year tribulation. 47:52 But if it wasn't, then there's a choice for you. 47:54 There's a chance for you 47:55 but then you know the answer already. 47:56 I'm telling you that there is no choice. 47:59 There is no opportunity. 48:00 There is no possibility of a seven-year tribulation 48:03 coming in the future 48:05 whereas people get a second chance 48:06 if they miss the first flight. 48:10 And that's the lie behind the Left Behind movie. 48:12 They show that people disappearing out of airplanes, 48:15 and buses, and cars crashing in traffic, 48:17 and people at the dinner table, at the breakfast table, 48:20 and they turn around and Yannick is gone, 48:21 and his wife is still there, even though you're not married. 48:25 But, I mean, it's sad. It's really sad. 48:28 And then they sell stickers at Christian bookstores. 48:30 This car will be unmanned in the event of the rapture. 48:33 And I think to myself, 48:35 somebody get some ice and put on the foreheads 48:38 of the people producing that stuff. 48:39 Somebody is out of their minds, 48:40 but they're selling lies and people are buying it. 48:43 And what's making it sad is these are people, 48:46 that as far as I'm concerned, non-judgmentally, 48:48 I believe they all love the Lord. 48:51 But they have been taught a bill of lies. 48:53 And you hear statements 48:54 like this nowadays, even preach. 48:56 When you hear statements like this, you know, 48:58 that they believe in the rapture. 48:59 When people say, 49:00 "Jesus could come at any moment now," 49:02 that's rapture talk. 49:04 But according to Bible prophecy, 49:06 He's not gonna show up tomorrow or next week 49:08 because there are certain prophecies 49:10 that will not be deleted from the Bible 49:14 that are Harbingers or time markers 49:16 to the close of human probation. 49:18 That's what prophecy is all about. 49:19 But Francisco Ribera said, 49:21 "Hey, let's delete Revelation Chapter 5 49:23 all the way to 22, you don't need it 49:25 because with that you'll be gone." 49:27 Now I got to give you a glimpse at the text. 49:29 Do you want to see it? 49:31 Let me show you the text that Francisco Ribera uses 49:33 to give you the idea 49:35 that you're gonna be out of here. 49:36 Go to Revelation Chapter 4. 49:38 Revelation Chapter 4. 49:40 I'll give you a glimpse at the text 49:42 and then we'll look at it more closely next week. 49:45 And I know I'm not gonna get to question number 14 tonight. 49:49 But that's how it is here at Sharper Focus. 49:52 Revelation Chapter 4. 49:53 I want you to see something and look at the language here. 49:56 And you'll see 49:57 how if you take it from its context, 50:00 then you'll be able to give it any kind of application. 50:05 Revelation 4:1-2. 50:10 Now he only reads verse 1, and leaves the rest of it out. 50:14 Now we're gonna read just verse 1 50:15 and I'll show you how he applies this 50:18 to be the secret snatching way of the church. 50:21 "After these things I looked, and behold, 50:24 a door standing open," where? 50:27 "In heaven. 50:28 And the first voice which I heard 50:30 was like a," what? 50:32 "Trumpet speaking with me, saying," what? 50:36 "Come up here, and I will show you things 50:39 which must take place after this." 50:42 So Francisco Ribera took this verse and said, 50:45 "See, the church is called out of the world, 50:47 the churches told to come up here. 50:49 And after this, 50:50 I'll show you everything else is gonna happen." 50:53 But that was not about the church. 50:54 That was an invitation to John the Apostle. 50:56 Look at the next verse. 50:59 "Immediately," John says, "I was," what? 51:02 "In the Spirit, and behold, a throne set in heaven, 51:07 and One sat on the throne." 51:09 John was envision, 51:11 you know what bothers me is lies are so... 51:16 When I was growing up my mom used to say, 51:18 "I can't stand a liar and a thief 51:20 'cause they're both the same." 51:21 A liar will steal from you and thief would lie about it. 51:25 A lie, you take the verse 51:27 and pull it out of the rest of the context. 51:29 And so they say... 51:31 And then they add the word trumpet. 51:32 They said, "See trumpet there, 51:33 there is another trumpet in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4." 51:35 So when you add the word trumpet, 51:37 they take the word trumpet 51:38 and make another event out of it. 51:40 When in fact, the voice soundslike a trumpet, 51:41 but this is not the Lord blowing the trumpet 51:43 of the second return. 51:46 But because you put the word trumpet there, they said, 51:49 "Ah, that's the same trumpet 51:50 blown in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4." 51:53 As the kids used to say when we were growing up, 51:55 "No, it's not true, it's not scripturally sound." 51:59 That is simply John being caught away envision 52:03 to be shown what God wanted him to write. 52:06 And then what did he write? 52:07 Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 52:14 18, 19, 20, 21, and... 52:19 But Francisco Ribera says, "Don't read past Chapter 4 52:22 'cause you will be gone." 52:23 That's satanic, that's satanic, 52:26 deleting the Bible 52:27 for the purpose of bringing darkness 52:29 where God wants there to be light. 52:31 Okay, question number... Did we answer this? 52:34 Did we answer it? No. 52:36 We just read the text, but we didn't answer did we? 52:38 Okay, so did Jesus teach that His unready servants 52:41 would have a second chance? 52:43 What did He say? What He say? 52:46 Be ready. Come on, say that together. 52:48 "Be ready for the Son of Man is coming 52:50 at an hour you do not expect." 52:53 Why would you say be ready? 52:57 Because no matter what hour I come, 52:59 you better be ready. 53:01 Parents say that to children. 53:03 "You better be ready. I'm on my way home." 53:05 "What time are you getting here? 53:07 Parents say, "That's not what I said. 53:08 I said, be ready." Right? 53:10 And then I can tell you, 53:12 I'll be there in 3 hours and 32 minutes and 44 seconds. 53:15 He said, "You better be ready 53:16 'cause if I come and you're not ready, 53:19 forget about waiting." 53:21 Here we hear that. 53:22 Yeah, my wife we raised some nieces. 53:25 And they kind of predicted when Angie used to come home. 53:28 And they knew that if she got home 53:30 and their room was messy, they were in trouble. 53:32 So they figured, "Okay, it's 3:15 we have time." 53:37 But if she came home early, what was that? 53:39 They hear the garage door opening, 53:41 they know it's her. 53:42 You know, what they do? 53:44 They take that clothes and throw it all in the closet. 53:47 And she comes into room and say, 53:48 "Is your room clean?" "Yes." 53:51 And she opens the closet and the avalanche. 53:55 The coming of the Lord is not gonna be any... 53:57 You can't get ready at the last moment 53:59 'cause here's something that people miss. 54:01 Here's something that people miss. 54:03 When you see... 54:06 When the sign of the Son of Man appears in the heavens, 54:09 it's too late. 54:11 It's like in the days of the ark 54:13 when the door closed, and the first raindrop fell, 54:16 no umbrellas were being sold. 54:20 Am I telling the truth? 54:24 "Noah, we believe you now 54:26 just open the door, guys, everything's fine. 54:28 We're just kind of little late. 54:29 Could you open the door?" 54:31 "I didn't shut it. 54:33 God Shut it." 54:36 So this ideology that 54:37 well, if you miss the first flight, 54:39 there'll be another one in seven years. 54:40 That's the lie that tribulation theory teaches. 54:44 That's the lie sown in these Left Behind books. 54:48 Do I sound emphatic? 54:50 I want people to wake up. 54:51 If you say it once, it kind of bounces off 54:53 like salt on hard ice. 54:56 But if you're reading the Left Behind series, 54:59 throw the whole thing away and read your Bible. 55:02 Amen. 55:04 Because there's nothing but lies. 55:06 And the people made millions of selling lies. 55:10 But that's what the devil promises. 55:11 You'd be famous. 55:13 You sell lies. I'll make you famous. 55:15 Okay, so is Jesus teaching second chance? 55:17 Yes or no? 55:18 Absolutely not. 55:21 Okay, question number seven. 55:24 Wow, we had 14, and we got to number 7. 55:26 Okay. 55:28 Wow. 55:29 So we got to answer the question. 55:31 "What will happen to those servants 55:35 not ready for the second coming?" 55:38 We got to go back to Matthew Chapter 24. 55:40 But this time, we're gonna look together 55:42 at verse 50 and verse 51, 55:44 verse 50 and verse 51. 55:46 You got to give the answer. 55:47 If there's no second chance 55:48 and what's gonna happen to them? 55:50 This is important. 55:51 And the reason why I read this text 55:53 is because it's gonna show you there's no second chance. 55:55 Verse 50, says, 55:58 "The master of that servant will come on a day 56:02 when he is not looking for him 56:05 and at an hour that he is not aware of, 56:09 and will cut him in two 56:11 and appoint him his portion with the," what? 56:15 "Hypocrites. 56:16 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 56:20 Does that sound like you're getting a second chance? 56:25 Absolutely, not. 56:26 It's like a kid kicking a tantrum 56:28 because mom left him home, 56:30 on the way to Toys "R" Us to buy his Christmas gifts. 56:34 Mom says, "If you ready, I'll take you 56:36 and you could pick whatever you want." 56:38 Do you think they'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth 56:39 if he's not ready? 56:41 But do you think that's weeping and gnashing teeth over a toy 56:43 when you miss out on the greatest event of all ages? 56:46 Because you bought into some lie 56:48 that you'll get a second chance. 56:49 And, you know, what that also does? 56:51 That also makes you think that it doesn't matter how you live 56:54 'cause I've seen one of those movies. 56:56 Where, you know, 56:57 I think it was the pastor's wife. 56:59 I think his wife left and he wasn't, 57:00 he didn't go anywhere. 57:01 So that show the pastor was unrighteous. 57:04 So the pastor now had seven years 57:05 before he could be ready for connecting with his wife. 57:09 And he gave his life to the Lord 57:12 and became converted now 57:13 and began to preach and live straight. 57:15 That's not what the Bible teaches. 57:17 Be ready at such an hour 57:19 as you do not think the Son of Man will come, 57:22 and He will appoint him his portion 57:24 with the hypocrites. 57:25 So the Lord wants us to be ready tonight. 57:27 Can we all say amen to that? 57:29 See, on our next broadcast, 57:30 we're gonna dive in even further 57:32 and help you understand 57:33 that there's som significant things that happen 57:35 as we related to the Second Coming of Christ, 57:37 there's gonna be no secret. 57:39 Get rid of those secret rapture books, 57:41 if it's written by Tim LaHaye 57:42 and Jerry Jenkins and Hal Lindsey, 57:46 all that stuff is not in the Bible. 57:48 Read the Word of God and then prepare 57:51 for the greatest event of the ages 57:53 'cause when Jesus comes 57:55 if you're not ready, it'll be too late. 57:57 If it doesn't make sense, keep studying and one day, 57:59 it will come into a Sharper Focus. 58:02 God bless you. |
Revised 2019-05-16